Homemade face masks: moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing the skin. Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing sensitive skin Care maximum cleansing moisturizing and

Facial skin is a special conversation. Due to the constant negative external influences, she needs constant attention and care. Only regular care can keep the skin youthful and blooming. Care includes several complex and demanding stages - cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Depending on the type of skin (there are four of them), each of these steps will be applied. I must say that each age period has its own characteristics of facial care.

Skin types.
Due to the constant negative external influence, the skin of the face is dehydrated, so the lack of moisture should be constantly replenished. For this, there is a special group of moisturizing cosmetics. These are moisturizing creams, emulsions, gels, lotions, etc. It is necessary to select such products, taking into account the characteristics and type of your skin.

The very structure of the skin is the same for everyone, the difference is only in the intensity of the functioning of the sebaceous glands in certain areas and in the level of moisture contained. I must say that the type of skin can change with age, despite this, proper care will help keep it in excellent condition. To accurately determine your type, you must first clean it of makeup and dirt. After that, the skin does not need to be moisturized for a couple of hours. After this period of time, you need to carefully examine your skin.

Dry skin is a sign of slow functioning of the sebaceous glands. Outwardly, it looks smooth and dry, without oily sheen, but at the same time there is an unpleasant tightness. This type occurs at a young and mature age. Determining that you have dry skin is quite simple: when you press it, a red spot remains for a long time. Since dry skin does not have a protective film, it is highly susceptible to negative external influences, which lead to its drying and severe loss of moisture. With this type, constant additional moisture is important. Signs of aging in this version appear very early.

The owners of normal skin are most often young people. Facial skin is characterized by good elasticity, excellent level of moisture, excellent blood supply, sebum is also produced normally. There is practically no peeling, due to which it easily remains fresh and clean for a long time. In normal skin, pores are practically invisible, there are no black dots and red spots. Over the years, this type becomes dry. Regular and proper care helps to keep the skin young for a long time, so signs of aging appear on it only after thirty years.

Combination or mixed skin is expressed in the dryness of some areas and increased oiliness of others. Usually, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands is observed in the T-zone, and the cheeks and skin around the eyes remain very dry. That is why in the care of this type of skin, you should use two types of products designed for dry and oily skin.

Oily and problematic skin is characterized by excessive sebum secretion, which makes it constantly shiny, especially in the so-called T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Most often, the pores in these areas are enlarged, dotted with black dots. If the skin of the face is also problematic, acne often appears on it, acne, plus everything, this whole thing often becomes inflamed, which does not decorate the face at all. A huge number of factors can provoke excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, including unbalanced nutrition, excess weight, increased sweating, malfunctioning of the endocrine glands, etc. If you attach a paper napkin to your face, then with oily skin type, oily spots will remain on it. It is simply necessary to take care of this type of face, and carefully and regularly. But, despite all the shortcomings, oily skin ages later than other types, at about the age of forty-five, the first signs of aging appear.

Daily skin care, stages.

So, after you have determined your skin type, we determine for ourselves the sequence in caring for it. The main thing in care is regular skin cleansing. The cleansing procedure is important to carry out twice a day, morning and evening, using cleansers that match your skin type. Soap is not recommended, as it washes away the protective film and dries the skin severely. In addition, today the cosmetics industry has developed a whole arsenal of facial cleansers for us. It can be various gels, foams, milk, creams, etc. The only thing, in the case of problem skin and the presence of acne and blackheads, you can use soap, since it is important to gently remove excess sebum.

Before cleansing your face, it is recommended to take a steam bath once a week, it will soften the skin and help open the pores, as a result of which the cleansing process will be more effective, and the skin will be prepared for further care. However, it should be recalled that this procedure is strictly contraindicated in hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, rosacea, rosacea, bronchial asthma.

Lotions are also effective for cleansing the face. In addition to its main purpose (cleansing), the lotion disinfects, tones the skin, drying inflammation and improving blood circulation. In addition, this product contains extracts from medicinal plants, which have a restorative effect on the natural acid reaction of the skin. Use this tool preferably with a cotton pad, apply with exceptionally soft circular movements along the massage lines from the middle of the forehead and from the nose to the temples, from the chin to the earlobes.

For cleaning procedures, you should use water at room temperature, preferably boiled and settled. Too cold dilates blood vessels, and too hot washes away the protective layer. Never go outside immediately after the cleansing procedure, at least two hours must pass.

For deeper cleansing, mechanical and chemical peels are needed, they effectively exfoliate the keratinized layers of the skin, stimulating cell renewal, thereby maintaining the youthfulness of the skin of the face. For mechanical peeling, there are scrubs and gommages. The composition of scrubs includes small and large abrasives (apricot or almond seeds in crushed form). Scrubs with larger particles are suitable for cleansing oily skin, with small particles for normal skin. For deep cleansing of dry and sensitive skin, it is recommended to use gommages, since they do not contain small particles. After applying such a tool, you should wait a little until a crust forms. Then, with wet hands, it is necessary, as it were, to roll it off the skin, as a result of which the dead layer of cells will be removed along with the product. Scrub can be used by owners of oily skin twice a week, dry - once every two weeks. In the case of a problem type of face, scrub is generally contraindicated, since infection can spread throughout the face.

Ultrasonic peeling is also an effective cleansing procedure. The procedure is absolutely painless, and during cleansing ultrasonic waves remove the keratinized layer of cells without damaging young cells.

Laser peeling is a very effective procedure that is carried out in special cosmetic clinics. By means of a laser, facial skin is resurfaced, while traces of wrinkles are erased, including around the eyes, scars, folds, scars. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. However, this method of skin cleansing and rejuvenation is accompanied by a long recovery period (about a month). Surface peeling with fruit acids will be no less effective, while the rehabilitation period will be significantly reduced. However, this procedure will not get rid of existing scars and scars.

After cleansing activities, facial skin needs toning. Tonics perfectly remove residual impurities, narrow pores, and also restore acid-base balance. As a tonic procedure, you can massage with ice cubes for half a minute.

Now the skin is cleansed and toned and needs to be moisturized. Any cream with a moisturizing effect, suitable for your skin type and age, apply along the massage lines. During application, you can do a light self-massage, which will improve blood circulation and accelerate the penetration of nutrients into the cells.

Compresses have a very good effect on the skin. In warm and hot form, they should be done after cleansing procedures, immediately before applying a nourishing cream or masks, in cold form, compresses are applied to the skin as a completion of cleansing procedures, to narrow pores and give skin elasticity. For compresses, it is good to use decoctions of medicinal plants. I must say that the procedure has contraindications, in particular high blood pressure, rosacea.

Cosmetic masks.
Cosmetic masks are considered the perfect complement to skin care. The purpose of the mask can be absolutely anything (nutrition, hydration, treatment, etc.). It is necessary to apply the mask only on a cleansed and steamed face, on the entire surface, leaving the area around the eyes and mouth untouched. The duration of the procedure is fifteen to twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. Masks should be done regularly twice a week. It should be noted that masks, like any cosmetic product, are designed for a certain type of face. Thick in composition and hardening on the skin are intended mainly for the care of the oily type, for dry, creamy masks with a large number of emollients are used, and for the mixed type, wax-based masks are recommended. It is effective to make homemade moisturizing, toning, cleansing masks. If there is inflammation, irritation, acne and pimples on the skin, masks are not recommended, as this can provoke the spread of infection.

To nourish the skin of the face, it is enough to use a special night cream, again corresponding to your skin type and age. It should also be used after the cleansing procedure. The composition of such a cream should contain antioxidant vitamins E, A, C, F, which perfectly soften the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness and irritation.

In order to choose the right cosmetics, it is recommended to consult a beautician, since the same cosmetic product is not always suitable for people with the same skin type. Everything is purely individual and requires a special approach.

It is very good to make homemade nourishing masks using natural ingredients.

Caring for the skin around the eyes.
Since there are no sebaceous glands and fat cells in the skin of the eyelids, it is ultra-thin and extremely sensitive, therefore it needs special attention and care. In addition, facial expressions in this area have a negative effect on the external state of this area. After all, it is in this area that the first wrinkles appear. Constant hydration and nutrition of this zone should be the main rule of every woman. Special eyelid products are applied with soft patting movements from the inner corner to the outer. The product is allowed to absorb, after which the residues are removed with a cosmetic tissue. It is important to select such products in accordance with the problem you want to solve (with a lifting effect, against swelling and dark circles under the eyes, etc.). When choosing a remedy, preference should be given to those on which there is a mark like "the remedy has passed ophthalmological control."

The use of protective agents is a necessary condition for proper skin care. Protective factors must be present in the compositions of your daily care products, especially in summer periods (SPF at least 20, in summer - at least - 35). When buying a protective agent, you should choose those that contribute to the production of collagen. Such products even out the relief of the skin, enhance its barrier functions, improve complexion.

In conclusion, I note that in facial skin care, an integrated approach, constancy and thoroughness are important.

To prevent the appearance of morning swelling, you should refuse to drink liquids the day before (preferably after eight hours). In addition, eye and skin products should be applied no later than one hour before bedtime.

After thirty years, it is important to go to a beautician once a month, because during this period one cleansing and moisturizing is not enough, professional care is important.

Be sure to visit a specialist in lymphatic drainage massage. The procedure is carried out in a course consisting of several procedures, the number of which is determined taking into account the condition of the skin. This procedure is aimed at improving blood microcirculation, as a result, skin tone increases, wrinkles and nasolabial folds are smoothed. The effect persists for several months.

Do not refuse the use of special serums. You need to use them under day and night creams. In them, biologically active substances are concentrated in a higher concentration, which facilitates their penetration into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Serums should be used twice a year, in autumn and spring.

Don't be lazy and your skin will thank you!

To look good, you need to pay attention to the condition of the skin of the face. Basic skin care consists of several mandatory procedures. Daily procedures begin with cleansing and toning the face, then comes the turn of nourishing or moisturizing creams. Let's take a closer look at each step in caring for the epidermis.

Determining the type of skin

Regardless of the type of facial skin, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures every day. The type of skin should be considered when choosing cosmetics.

The structure of the epidermis is almost the same for all people. The difference depends on the intensity of the sebaceous glands, the degree of openness of the pores. One thing to consider is age. In youth, there may be one type of epidermis, and in an older period, another. Let's look at each type.

Dry skin

At first glance, the skin looks healthy, without inflammation, oily sheen. But, dryness is manifested by peeling, tightness. The first sign of dry epidermis - after pressing on the skin, redness remains. The face needs hydration with nutrition, otherwise the face will look older.

Normal epidermis

The sebaceous glands work normally, so that the skin is sufficiently hydrated and has a healthy tone. No inflammation, peeling, redness. But, normal skin type often goes to dry.

mixed option

The combined epidermis is easy to determine. Most often, the skin on the forehead, chin, and nose is oily, while on the cheeks and under the eyes, the skin is dry or normal. In this case, you will have to use cosmetics that are suitable for two types of skin.

Problematic epidermis

The face is characterized by enlarged pores, the presence of inflammation of a different nature. Blot your face with a napkin, it will leave a greasy spot - this is a sign of a problematic epidermis. But, oily skin has a significant advantage - the signs of skin aging appear later than with other skin types.

Step by step skin care

When you know your skin type, you can start cleansing and caring for your face. Regardless of the type of epidermis, caring procedures are performed twice a day and include the following steps:

  • morning and evening cleansing using cosmetics appropriate to the skin type;
  • treatment with a tonic composition;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • the use of cosmetic masks;
  • caring procedures for the skin in the eye area;
  • protective measures.

The main stages of facial care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. All steps are required and must be performed regularly. Now about the main steps for facial care in more detail.


After waking up, as well as before going to bed, cleansing is performed and facial care is reduced to washing with treatment with special lotions or tonics. When washing, use warm or cool water. Hot water is contraindicated. Instead of water, you can wash your face with herbal infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, or use mineral water (pre-open and let the gases go out).

Depending on the type of skin, mousses with lotions are selected. Means are produced on the basis of alcohol or herbal decoctions, can be acidic or alkaline. Tonics with cleansing lotions have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Cleansing measures include the use of scrubs with peels. You can use face peeling and peeling no more than once a week. Peelings are used even with dry epidermis, but with more gentle components.

With the help of cleansing scrubs and peels, you can easily get rid of dead skin particles, due to which the pores are cleansed, the skin breathes.

Cleansing massage

You can perform a massage when cleansing and caring for the skin of the face. Sessions are conducted with the help of special devices or manually.

Manual massage is performed with a small brush. With gentle movements with a brush, you can improve blood circulation, cleanse pores, give access to cosmetics to the deep layers of the epidermis.

You can massage with a facial cleanser, which come in the following varieties:

  • intended for the eye area, used for sensitive skin. The device can cope with pigmentation;
  • roller. Made from wood, plastic or stone. The device performs gentle movements along the massage lines;
  • the vacuum version effectively eliminates wrinkles, black spots, various inflammations;
  • oxygen version normalizes metabolic processes;
  • an ultrasonic device is able to smooth the surface layers of the epidermis;
  • laser acts as a lift;
  • electrical device, stimulator gives a lifting effect,
  • comparable to injections for rejuvenation.

Which cleansing facial massager to choose depends on the problem with the epidermis and skin type. Before buying a device, it is advisable to consult a beautician. Also pay attention to additional devices in the form of nozzles to the device.

Steaming baths for cleansing

For cleansing baths, use herbal decoctions from pharmaceutical plants (chamomile, mint, sage, linden, lemon balm). It is not difficult to prepare infusions, it is enough to observe the proportions (for 2 tablespoons of a plant, you will need a liter of water). The prepared broth is poured into a container. Tilt your face over the pot of herbal bath, cover your head with a towel. Steaming lasts about 10 minutes.

You can not steam the face with purulent inflammation, and closely spaced vessels on the face.


We start toning the skin of the face after cleansing. Despite gentle cosmetics, cleansing procedures put the epidermis in a state of stress. Treatment with tonic compositions is needed to soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

Toning is performed using tonics or lotions designed for a specific skin type. For example, tonic compositions for problem skin narrow pores after cleansing procedures, return dullness to the epidermis. Tonics for dry skin help tissues retain moisture throughout the day.

Try to prepare a tonic composition yourself, using rose petals as a basis:

  1. you will need petals from three or five flowers;
  2. chop the petals, leave in a container so that the juice stands out;
  3. pour the petals with boiling water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

Strain the resulting composition, and treat your face after cleansing procedures.

If the skin is particularly sensitive, then in the process of preparing a pink tonic, replace the water with milk. If the skin is a little irritated and redness is visible, then add chamomile to the tonic composition.

If there is no time to prepare a tonic lotion, then you can purchase ready-made formulations in pharmacy chains or specialized stores.

Hydration and nutrition

Since the main stages of care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin of the face, the steps are performed in the stated sequence.
Application of moisturizing creams on the face is performed after complete cleansing and treatment with tonic formulations. It is especially important to moisturize the skin on hot days. In addition to applying special cosmetic creams, it is recommended to carry a bottle of mineral water or special, ready-made formulations. Your skin will tell you when it needs extra hydration.

Do not forget about moisturizing creams around the eyes, where the skin is very thin and delicate.

Moisturizing creams are mainly used after morning cleansing procedures. But before going to bed, it is recommended to apply nutritional formulations to a previously cleansed face. The skin at night not only rests, but receives the necessary nutrition.

If the skin on the face is oily, it still needs moisturizing with nutrition. Do not forget that it is important to choose cosmetics designed for a particular skin type.

Important: in order for the skin of the face to look young, healthy and beautiful for longer, it is necessary to carry out all cleansing activities daily. Cosmetic procedures for cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing are performed twice a day, regardless of the type of skin. Do not be lazy, because the condition of the skin on the face speaks of general health and indicates age.

The desire to be attractive is inherent in every woman at almost any age. But if in their youth the majority of female representatives believe that they can afford to get by with minimal means that provide facial skin care, then with age comes an understanding - much more is needed to preserve beauty, youth and an attractive appearance.

First of all, you should choose the right preparations for quality care, and the most important thing in this process is to determine your skin type. This is very important, since different types require different creams that can smooth out their flaws and repeatedly emphasize their virtues. So, when embarking on such a complex matter as facial skin care, you need to remember:

Normal has a healthy shade, slightly pink, without visible defects in the form of enlarged pores, black dots or wrinkles. To the touch is normal and elastic, which, without a doubt, is the dream of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity;

Dry skin looks and feels a little tight, is extremely susceptible to various kinds of irritants, easily inflames and quickly becomes wrinkled, so women with this type are considered prone to early aging;

It looks shiny due to the large number of sebaceous glands that are actively working and sometimes leading to the formation of ugly pimples and blackheads. Unlike the previous type, this skin remains wrinkle-free for a long time;

The latter type requires special care, since such skin has both very oily areas (mainly on the forehead, nose and chin) and extremely dry areas, which makes proper care difficult. In this case, the selection of a cosmetic product should be approached very carefully so as not to be mistaken. In general, instead of choosing one face cream, it is better to use two different preparations, which will have to be applied separately to different areas.

In addition to the fact that you will have to select special products to preserve youth and beauty, there are several other procedures that are equally necessary for all skin types. One of the most important is the cleansing carried out daily. To do this, you can use a variety of means - cosmetic milk, foams, lotions or tonics, selected, however, in strict accordance with a specific skin type. For the same purposes, you can use the products recommended by traditional medicine - cleansing facial skin care using frozen herbal tinctures and decoctions, sour-milk masks or homemade scrubs will be as effective as visiting an expensive beauty salon. The only restriction on cleansing is the use of soap: since it dries the skin very much, you should not use it.

Moisturizing is the next stage and the fight against ruthless time to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin of the face. Maintaining water balance is the main task of any cosmetic product, since without this essential element, the skin quickly ages. In this regard, Vichy anti-wrinkle cream has proven to be excellent, which is able to fight all manifestations of insufficient moisture in the skin structure, including flabbiness, painful dryness and folds. But external hydration is of little use if the entire body is depleted from a lack of water - which is why cosmetologists recommend consuming a sufficient amount (up to one and a half to two liters) of liquid per day.

After all the procedures for cleaning and moisturizing, the final stage comes, without which facial skin care will not be effective. This is the application of nourishing and protective creams that help the skin to resist the negative manifestations of the environment, smooth out the remaining imperfections and carry out a slow but constant work to restore cells, gradually restoring youth and attractiveness to the skin.

Everyone is pleased when they say compliments to him, they are surprised how he always manages to look great and keep his youth. Beauty does not require sacrifice, but requires ordinary everyday care, protection, and care. in fact, it is not a complicated and accessible procedure for everyone.

IMPORTANT: When you learn all the steps and start the facial treatment, it is important to avoid mistakes, otherwise it may nullify all your efforts. To do this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our

So, face care includes several stages.

1. Washing and cleansing.

This stage is very often given insufficient attention, subsequently getting a number of problems that are more difficult to solve later than to prevent their occurrence.

During the night, and even more so during the day, a huge amount of dust, dirt, gas, sweat, etc. accumulates on the skin. Just water does not help to cleanse the skin well of all impurities, therefore, special cleansers are used for this - milk, creams. They open pores, break down sebaceous secretions, dissolve makeup, dust, dirt and remove dead skin particles.

When it comes to facials, many people make the mistake of skipping or rushing the procedure. washing And cleansing and applying after washing with water tonic or cream. In this case, you will simply rub all the harmful elements deeper into the skin when using the cream.

For owners of oily, as well as combination skin, soft products that do not contain alkali are suitable for washing (for example, the Optimalsby Oriflame series)

Lather a little in the palms of your hands and apply to the face and neck, except for the area around the eyes. Then rinse with water. Water should be at a comfortable temperature for you - not cold and not hot.

For owners of normal skin, as well as skin prone to dryness, cleansing creams are suitable.

Apply the cleansing cream to the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Do this with gentle movements along the massage lines. Then, after 3-4 minutes, remove it with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water or tonic.

Carry out the procedure cleansing twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In fact, toning is the final step in a facial cleansing routine. The toning procedure is performed with a tonic that removes the remnants of the cleanser, perfectly refreshes and soothes the skin, very gently tightens it and restores the acid-base balance. At the same time, the active substances that are included in the tonic formula significantly enhance the effect of other cosmetic products - creams, etc.

Also thanks to toning blood circulation improves, which in turn leads to better oxygen access to skin cells. It will make your skin smooth, fresh and firmer.

Creams, tonics fit better on toned skin, make-up is better and more natural. The general feeling improves.

As with the rest of the skincare steps, you need to be very careful about toning. If you want to always get a good result, then not a single stage should “fall out” of the complex procedure.

Just like other tonics, they are divided by skin types - for normal skin, oily, combination, dry, as well as for sensitive skin and universal.

Learning how to use the tonic is not at all difficult. Moisten a cotton pad with a small amount of tonic and wipe the skin of the face along the massage lines, excluding the area around the eyes.

The next step in facial care after toning is moisturizing.

The opinion that if there is nutrition for the skin, then this is enough and moisturizing is not required, is fundamentally erroneous. Why? To answer this question, it is enough to answer the question why do you need a drink? That's right, if you do not consume water, the body will begin to die. It's the same with skin. And the older you age, the more moisture your skin needs, because with age, its ability to retain moisture becomes weaker.

It is recommended to start using a daily moisturizer in facial care from the age of 14-15. This is one of the most important steps in your skin care routine. The skin retains its softness and elasticity longer thanks to hydration using a day cream, which also has protective functions. It also contains ultraviolet filters that protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The day cream is also a good protection against other environmental stressors. To all this, for example, Oriflame day cream is an excellent makeup base.

Creams are selected according to your skin type, according to the season and your age. Young skin is more suitable for light, moisturizing creams, while older skin requires more moisture, more nutrients, it needs more protection and care.

Procedure moisturizing very simple and does not take much time, because almost everyone knows how to use the cream.

In the morning, after cleansing and toning, apply a little cream to the skin and spread evenly over the face, except for the area around the eyes. Do not rub the skin, do not stretch it, but apply with soft tapping movements.

Nutrition is necessary in order to give the skin all the necessary elements, vitamins, strengthen it, resist the process of premature aging of the skin, maintain its firmness, elasticity, fight wrinkles and keep it in excellent condition.

At face care, nutritional products are also selected according to your skin type, your age and season. Failure to comply with these rules leads to the fact that the cream may not only fail to give a result, but also cause irritation, itching and redness.

If you have any skin problems, don't rely on cosmetic skin care products to get rid of them. Like all cosmetic skin care creams, nourishing cream is designed to provide quality care and protection for your skin, improve its appearance and physical condition, and not cure skin diseases.

Nourishing face cream is recommended for use after 20-25 years, because it is at this age that the natural resources of the skin begin to deplete and the skin, especially dry skin, requires additional care and support. For food, night nourishing cream is used. It restores skin functions and activates metabolic processes, while saturating the skin with nutrients.

In the evening, on cleansed and toned skin, apply a little cream and spread evenly over the face, except for the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, carefully wipe your face with a tissue. The nutrition procedure should be carried out 1 - 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Let us remind you once again that nutrition necessarily goes in combination with the previous stages of facial skin care and should be carried out systematically, that is, daily.

So, we looked at the four stages of facial skin care: washing And cleansing, toning, hydration And nutrition. To achieve maximum effect, a comprehensive 4-stage face care must be supplemented with special means

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Today I want to tell you about my feelings after using several facial products from Mirra.

A little about myself: I am 30 years old, combination skin, prone to oiliness. Sometimes inflammation occurs. At the same time, slight dehydration and the first age-related changes are observed. The skin around the eyes is thin and dry.

Let's start with cleansing.

Purifying anti-acne mousse.

The product is packaged in an opaque plastic bottle with a foaming pump. Volume 150 ml. The dispenser works properly, you can vary the portion of the product.


Water, yarrow and chamomile extracts, glycerin, triethyl sulfocarboxylic acid sodium salt, glyceryl cocoate, cocamidopropyl betaine, cocamylglutamate and sodium cocoamphoacetate, salts of ethoxylated carboxylic acids, lactic acid, zinc lactate, cremophor, sea salt, phenonip, perfume composition.

The texture of the mousse is very gentle, soft. Medium resiliency foam. For one wash, I need 2 full pump pumps.
There is a slight fragrance.

Subjectively, I like washing with foams much more than with gels. Cleansing with this product is very delicate, the skin does not creak after use. Mousse does not dry out the skin, there is no feeling of tightness. I did not notice its effect on inflammation. When they appear, I use special heavy artillery. However, if there are small wounds on the face, the mousse does not sting or irritate the skin.

Mousse use it 1-2 times a day - every day in the morning and sometimes in the evening, as the final stage of make-up removal. For 2 weeks of use, I did not find any negative points. A good non-aggressive tool for every day.
Grade 5.
Price 491 rubles.

Toning lotion with stevia extract and antioxidants for normal skin.

The product is sold in an opaque plastic bottle with a volume of 125 ml. Under the cap, typical of all products from this line, hides a more secure cap that prevents the lotion from leaking.

Liquid lotion, cheerful orange color. There is an unobtrusive fragrance.


Water, green tea extract, stevia and hibiscus rose, aloe juice, emulgin, glucose, glutamic, succinic, malic and lactic acids, ascorbyl glycoside, β-carotene, vitamin E, RonaCare AP, polyquaternium 10, sodium benzoate, perfume composition.

The lotion is quite economical. The beautician taught me to do without cotton pads, so for the whole face I need portions, as in the photo. The product is quickly absorbed, does not stick and does not leave a film. Perfectly tones and moisturizes the skin. If you skip this stage in the care, then the lack of moisture is definitely felt. I think owners of skin prone to dryness will also like this lotion.

The lotion is very gentle, does not irritate the skin, the products applied afterward are distributed and absorbed much better.
Grade 5.
Price 491 rubles.

Moisturizing balm with hyaluronic acid for any skin.

The product is sold in a plastic bottle with a piston that rises as you use it. Volume 50 ml. The dispenser works properly, you can vary the portion.

The texture of the balm is dense, but it is distributed and absorbed easily and quickly, like a fluid. Does not leave a film on the face, the skin does not shine with it. There is a slight floral scent.


Emulsion complex*, water, grapeseed oil, glycerin, sodium hyaluronate, urea, vitamin E, clover and alfalfa extracts, diquertin, epophen, perfume composition, phenonip XB, emulgin.
* emulsion complex on a natural basis: soybean and coconut oils, glycerin, monoglycerides, stearic acid salt, stearate, fatty alcohols, emulsion wax, beeswax, sodium erythorbate.

The balm is very moisturizing, I would even say nourishing. This is exactly what I was looking for in the winter, when the skin is under a lot of stress and dries up. In general, I got hooked on products with hyaluronic acid. They work great for me.

Now we are already warm, and for the day the balm is not very suitable for me, at this time I switch to gels and matting fluids. But, as an evening care, the product works perfectly. I use it after my toner and serum. In the morning, the skin is smoother, softer and hydrated. I did not notice any negative points - the pores are not clogged, there are no subcutaneous and inflammation.

Consumption is very economical - a portion, the size of a small pea, is needed for the face and neck.
Grade 5.
Price 825 rubles.

Nourishing eye cream with a lifting effect.

The cream is sold in a package similar to a balm - a bottle with a piston and a dispenser. Volume 30 ml.


Emulsion complex on a natural basis (grape and coconut oils, glycerin, monoglycerides, fatty alcohols, stearic acid, stearate, emulsion wax, beeswax, ascorbyl palmitate, tocopherol), water, apricot and jojoba oils, essential oils of lavender, myrrh, rosemary, ylang-ylang and mint, vitamins F and E, extracts of licorice, lemon balm leaves, raspberries and linden flowers, shikonin, epofen, emulgin, phenonip XB, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, perfume composition.

The texture of the cream is dense, but spreads and absorbs very easily. Does not leave a sticky or greasy feeling after application. There is a slight floral scent.

Of the entire selection of products in this post, the eye cream turned out to be the best for me. The thing is, for a long time I could not find the right care for me. Creams for my age are very light, give minimal hydration. And products for more mature skin, on the contrary, overload. Therefore, in the Mirra cream, I really liked the balance that I had been looking for for a long time. The tool perfectly nourishes the skin under the eyes, but there is no feeling of heaviness. And I feel this effect for a long period of time. For example, with a lighter cream, I often felt tightness of the skin under my eyes at the end of the day. The concealer began to emphasize wrinkles, to fall into them. Now there are no problems. I also like the slight highlighting and diffusing effect that this cream gives. It was not particularly possible to catch it on camera, but in life, after application, it is clear that the look becomes fresher.
I use this cream in the evening, in a denser layer. The skin does not irritate, does not cause swelling. The consumption is very economical, I think 30 ml will last me a very, very long time.

Thanks for attention!