Isolated bacteria in urine during pregnancy. Bacteria in urine during pregnancy: what does it mean? What does bacteria mean in small quantities?

As soon as you become pregnant, you can be sure that this will make numerous adjustments to the usual rhythm of life. Waiting for you: registration, regular visits to the doctor, additional research, changes in habits, diet, physical activity and much more. All this is necessary to monitor the course of pregnancy, fetal development and, most importantly, to timely identify possible problems and deviations. And regular testing is the simplest and most comprehensive indicator of the state of the female body.

The most "popular" study during pregnancy is a urine test, which a woman takes many times during this period. About him and about the bacterial infections contained in it will be discussed further.

The growing fetus creates a tangible additional load on all organs of the abdominal cavity, which makes it difficult for their normal functioning. The kidneys and the entire genitourinary system are under the greatest stress. Therefore, it is so important to monitor their condition and take action at the slightest suspicion, because they remove the waste products of two organisms: mother and baby.

And the growing fetus creates additional pressure, making it difficult for the kidneys to function and creating a favorable environment for stagnation and, as a result, the development of various kinds of infections. And urinalysis is the best indicator of the "success" of urinary functions. It is handed over quite often: once every 4 weeks with normal indications, and once every 2 weeks and more often with any deviations from the norm.

The main thing that people pay attention to is the presence of pathogenic bacteria. They also examine the level of sugar, leukocytes, and acetone, the presence of other impurities, and so on. The obtained laboratory data help to identify and eliminate diseases in the early stages, thereby preventing the development of such serious pathologies as the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Causes of bacteria in urine during pregnancy

  • Growing uterus. The growth of the embryo and the enlarging uterus create conditions for fluid stagnation and the development of bacterial infections.
  • Decreased immunity. With serious changes in the body, a natural decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman occurs, which contributes to the activation of bacteria already present in the body.
  • Hormonal adjustment. Under the influence of progesterone, the kidneys also increase in size, which further increases the internal pressure from the uterus and contributes to the formation of congestion in the urinary tract. Especially in late pregnancy.
  • Sugar. A slight increase in sugar levels for the expectant mother is normal, but creates a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. Therefore, the risk of bacteria in the urine of pregnant women with diabetes is much higher.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules... Bacteria can often enter the urethra and urinary tract from the rectum and external genitalia. Synthetic, uncomfortable, chafing laundry can also cause infections.
  • Promiscuous sex life... Women who have multiple sex partners are also at risk of developing infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity... Even ordinary tooth decay can cause bacteria to grow.
  • Incorrect collection of material for analysis... There are times when, when collecting an analysis, bacteria living on the body, on the genitals, enter the container. Especially if a woman complains of symptoms -. To exclude this option, you should strictly follow the rules for collecting urine, and if necessary, do it again.

How does bacteria in urine affect pregnancy?

The presence of bacteria in the urine of a pregnant woman is also called bacteriuria. This is a disease, the main danger of which is that it begins and proceeds without symptoms, and the consequences are the most severe. Therefore, it is so important to get tested regularly throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Normally, the urinary system of a healthy person should be as clean as possible, without any microorganisms and bacteria. This suggests that all waste products are excreted in full. The presence of bacteria indicates stagnation in the urinary ducts, which create a favorable sphere for the growth and development of infectious infections, which lead to inflammatory processes (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.). And for a pregnant woman, these diseases pose a serious threat of miscarriages and.

Did you know? The most common bacterial "inhabitants" in urine are E. coli (up to 80%), enterococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella, etc. are also found.

The proximity of the uterus and genitals contributes to the spread of infection to the birth canal. Their infection can cause the most serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. In addition, the complicated excretion of urine with cystitis or pyelonephritis can cause the development of intrauterine pathologies in a child. There are high risks of having a baby with a low weight (less than 2500 g) and the risks of damage (and even rupture) of the membranes. The likelihood of early withdrawal of amniotic fluid, pathology in the development of the placenta, etc. also increases.


As mentioned above, most often this disease is asymptomatic, and only according to the results of a routine examination, a problem is discovered. But in especially advanced cases or with the development of inflammatory kidney diseases, the following can be observed:

  • discomfort when urinating (burning sensation, sharp pain);
  • difficulty urinating (false urge, incontinence);
  • pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back and sides;
  • change in the color and transparency of urine;
  • general weakness, loss of strength.


Bacteriuria is most often detected by the results of a routine analysis, or by those complaints with which a woman comes to the doctor. The suspicion, first of all, is caused by the presence of leukocytes and microbes in the results of the study.

Further, they give a direction for urine culture for sterility. And even according to a positive result (the number of bacteria is more than 105 per 1 ml of material), the final diagnosis is not yet made, but a re-examination is prescribed (with special observance of the rules of sampling and hygiene). Bacterial culture of urine is done at intervals of 3-7 days, and only when the same pathogen is re-identified, the diagnosis of bacteriuria is made.

A complete examination includes additional research:

  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • general blood analysis.

In addition, an ultrasound of the kidneys, an analysis of the state of the vessels of the kidneys and other additional studies are prescribed. To identify the complete picture of the disease and the appointment of effective treatment for a pregnant woman, they are offered to consult a nephrologist, urologist and therapist.


Treatment of bacteriuria during pregnancy requires a careful approach, and it is necessary to start as early as possible. In this case, the chances of a favorable outcome are very high.

In each individual case, the doctor selects a treatment regimen for each woman separately, taking into account all the results of analyzes, diagnostics and other indicators. Most often, the treatment regimen consists of:

  • Antibiotic therapy. During pregnancy, antibiotics are prescribed with extreme caution and only from the second trimester, when the placenta is fully formed and protects the embryo. In the case of this disease, before the appointment, an analysis is carried out for the sensitivity of microorganisms to a certain type of drug, and only if the result is positive, it is prescribed. Otherwise, treatment may be ineffective. After a week of admission, a second bacterial culture is made and, if the treatment has not yielded results, either the regimen or the type of antibiotic is changed.

  • Complementary therapy... If there is no need to take antibiotics, the doctor prescribes safe natural remedies (usually homeopathy) that can be taken throughout pregnancy (herbal teas, herbal preparations).
  • Special diet and fluid intake... A pregnant woman is recommended a special drinking regimen - the amount of water drunk should be at least two liters per day, not counting other liquids (soups, compotes, teas), berry fruit drinks and rosehip decoction are also useful. In the diet, it is necessary to exclude all fatty, fried spicy, salty, as well as calcium preparations, as they can provoke the formation of stones. Increase your intake of vegetables, light foods high in vitamins and fiber, steamed, boiled, or stewed.

  • Discharge of the kidneys. To improve the outflow of urine, you must adhere to special recommendations. It is advised to take the knee-elbow position for 10 minutes as often as possible throughout the day. And also sleep on your side and regularly empty your bladder, preventing it from overflowing.

To avoid the risks of developing abnormalities in the development of the fetus, treatment should be taken very seriously - to be regularly observed by the attending physician and undergo a series of necessary studies.


This disease can be avoided by taking the necessary preventive measures during pregnancy:

  • Take all tests recommended by your doctor... After all, the earlier the disease is detected, the easier and faster the recovery is.
  • Observe all the rules for taking tests... The container must be sterile, a few days before delivery, it is worth excluding all spicy and spicy foods, it is best to take tests in the morning after a hygienic procedure and use an average sampling of material.
  • Regularly monitor the hygiene of the body and linen... In the morning and in the evening, cleanse the genitals, use only natural, comfortable underwear that needs to be changed often, and it is also recommended to abandon daily panty liners.
  • Observe the optimal drinking regime... Avoid stagnation, regularly drink diuretic infusions, drink enough fluids, without creating additional stress on the kidneys, which can provoke.

Did you know? According to medical statistics, bacteria are found in urine in 20% of pregnant women.

Kidney and pregnancy videos

In the proposed video, the therapist N.A. Chukhareva talks in detail about the effect of pregnancy on the kidneys, gives comprehensive information about urine tests and recommendations on the prevention of problems with the genitourinary system during pregnancy.

As you can see, bacteriuria is a fairly common problem during pregnancy, which does not mean that it is harmless. And a woman expecting a baby should treat her well-being with particular seriousness and responsibility. Only timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can ensure the health of the mother and her child. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo all examinations prescribed by a doctor. And may you and your baby be healthy!

Have you encountered bacteriuria during pregnancy? What symptoms did you see? How was it treated? Share your experience in the comments.

Any manifestations of urinary tract infections in women are usually associated with certain age-related or physiological changes in the body (puberty, pregnancy or childbirth). Thanks to the improvement of diagnostic methods, the percentage of detected inflammatory diseases has recently increased significantly.

Bacteria in urine during pregnancy can be detected not only in severe manifestations of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, but also in the absence of symptoms characteristic of any disease.

What is bacteriuria

The concept of "bacteriuria" can be defined as the identification of active bacteria in a separate analysis of urine, which was taken under sterile conditions, excluding the risk of introducing pathogenic microorganisms from the outside. According to statistics, bacteriuria is diagnosed in more than 7% of pregnant women, mainly at periods from 9 to 23 weeks.

Detection of bacteria in early pregnancy doubles the risk of developing pyelonephritis, and also threatens the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy, due to intoxication of the body;
  • underweight in the fetus (less than 2.5 kg);
  • infection of the fetus;
  • gestosis (due to the development of pyelonephritis);
  • intrauterine fetal death.

It is possible to diagnose bacteriuria with repeated detection of the same type of bacteria, in an amount exceeding 105,000 CFU / ml in several subsequent urine samples for analysis. Among the detected bacterial colonies, representatives usually predominate:

  • streptococcus;
  • colibacillus;
  • enterobacteriaceae (proteus, klebsiella);
  • enterococcus.

Often, with a clearly diagnosed bacteriuria, in a short time, an independent cure occurs, without the use of any therapeutic measures.

Detection of more than 105,000 colony-forming units of the same bacterial strain in urine twice, indicates the presence of bacteriuria

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the appearance of bacteria in the urine during pregnancy can be many factors, one way or another associated with physiological changes in the female body. The influence of each factor should be considered separately.

An increase in the concentration of progesterone, a hormone that prevents the uterus from contracting during pregnancy. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, renal pelvis and ureters, causing them to expand, change shape (lengthening, formation of loops or kinks), and prevents the full contraction of the walls of the bladder during urination.

The lack of tone of the ureteral tubules leads to the development of vesicoureteral reflux, accompanied by the reflux of urine from the bladder into the kidneys. The combination of all these changes can lead to the development of physiological hydronephrosis.

Due to a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney, an increase in the renal pelvis occurs and the development of hydronephrosis

Deformation of the urinary tract by an enlarged uterus. In the process of fetal growth, the kidneys are compressed, which causes circulatory disorders and deformation of the urinary tract. Together with the effect of progesterone, the full outflow of urine is disrupted, which contributes to the development of stagnant processes, which means that a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria.

Changes in the physical structure and chemical properties of urine. The reasons for the development of bacteriuria can also be hidden in changes in the physicochemical properties of urine associated with pregnancy:

  • its alkalinization occurs;
  • the concentration of estrogen increases;
  • the sugar content rises (glucosuria).

Thanks to the above changes, urine becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

One of the priority factors why an infection of the urinary system occurs in women is non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene, as well as promiscuous sex life.

Compliance with the rules of hygiene, in 70% of cases, prevents the development of bacteriuria

Types of bacteriuria

Bacteria in the urine during pregnancy may indicate the presence of acute or chronic diseases of the urinary tract:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

All these diseases have pronounced symptoms, which, in comparison with the results obtained in the analysis of urine, give a clear diagnostic picture. Depending on the presence or absence of symptoms, bacteriuria can be:

  • true (normal);
  • asymptomatic (asymptomatic).

True bacteriuria is a consequence of the existing inflammatory process and can be classified as follows.

At the site of localization of the inflammatory process:

  • infection of the upper urinary tract (kidneys);
  • infection of the lower urinary tract (bladder, urethra).

By the nature of the flow:

  • complicated;
  • uncomplicated.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria is characterized by the complete absence of a clinical picture of the disease and, in turn, is divided into:

  • incurred in connection with pregnancy;
  • that took place before pregnancy.

Bactriuria that occurred before pregnancy is usually a relapse of a previously existing chronic disease that is aggravated during pregnancy.

Elevated leukocytes in the test results clearly indicate an immune response of the urinary tract to the inflammatory process.

With the simultaneous presence of bacteria and leukocytes in the urine, true bacteriuria is diagnosed

Urine collection methods

In order to timely detect bacteria in the urine of a pregnant woman, the analysis should be taken weekly, during a period of increased risk (from 18 to 23 weeks) - daily. During the analysis, it is necessary to use freshly collected urine, the so-called "medium stream".

To do this, fill the container for collecting analyzes with urine by a third, passing the first and last portions into the toilet. Before the fence, a number of hygienic procedures should be carried out to exclude the ingress of pathogens from the surface of the genitals into the container with urine.

The promptness of the study is also of great importance, since there is a risk of spontaneous development of microorganisms in a warm environment when oxygen is available.

Optimal purity in urine collection can be achieved by catheterizing the bladder or performing a suprapubic puncture (aspiration) to collect material for analysis directly from the ureters. The negative side of such methods of collecting material is the high risk of introducing infectious agents into the body.

For this reason, they are used in exceptional cases, when it is necessary to clarify in which kidney the inflammatory process is localized or, if necessary, the stay of the pregnant woman in a horizontal position.

Analysis methods

Special tests for bacteriuria are carried out after the detection of an increased number of bacteria in the general analysis of urine. Since the maximum allowable amount is within 100,000 CFU (colony forming units) / ml, any excess requires additional examination.

Urine analysis for the determination of bacteriuria can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. TTX test. The essence of this method is to use the property of some microorganisms to change the chemical composition of tetrazolium salts. In the process of exposure to bacteria, the structure of the element is restored, as a result of which, colorless before exposure to bacteria, tetrazolium becomes blue.
  2. Griss test. Based on the ability of bacteria to convert nitrates present in urine into nitrites. The latter are revealed when interacting with Griss reagents.
  3. Glucose test. This test reveals the difference between the normal amount of glucose in the urine of a healthy person and a reduced amount due to its utilization by microorganisms. As a rule, test strips are used as a reagent, which change shades depending on the presence or absence of glucose.
  4. Sowing urine for urinoculture. A more laborious, but also more informative test, capable of fully reflecting all the necessary information regarding the strain and degree of colonization of microorganisms. This method cannot be classified as urgent, since its implementation requires a lot of time (at least 2 days).
  5. Urine culture according to Gold-Rodoman. The method is practically similar in technique, differing only in shorter execution times, since the degree of colonization in this case is determined by sowing bacteria on a nutrient medium in compliance with the parameters optimal for the reproduction of microorganisms. The rate of bacteria colonized by the medium is determined from the table.

Since the amount of sugar in urine can vary due to various physiological reasons, this test cannot be considered very informative. Most often it is used as an express method for urgent diagnostics.

Inoculation of urine according to Gold-Rodoman is performed in sectors on a yolk-salt nutrient medium

Treatment principles

To treat bacteriuria, like any infection of the urinary tract, it is necessary as follows:

  • restoration of kidney function;
  • normalization of the outflow of urine;
  • decrease in the acid-base balance of urine;
  • the use of antibacterial drugs.

Since any antibiotic therapy involves taking antibiotics and antibacterial drugs, which are not always safe for the fetus, drugs are selected taking into account:

  • maximum bioavailability;
  • timing of pregnancy;
  • sensitivity of pathogens.

In asymptomatic bacteriuria, the course of treatment is usually 3-5 days with constant monitoring of the concentration of pathogens in the urine. If, after carrying out antibiotic therapy, a new type of pathogenic microorganisms was found during urine culture for urinoculture, then it is necessary to make a choice in favor of another antibacterial drug and undergo a second course of treatment.

True bacteriuria requires a longer treatment, and is usually 7-10 days, followed by a single dose of drugs 1 time per week to prevent the development of relapse.

List of drugs that are usually prescribed for pregnant women:

  1. The drugs of the first group (the least dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy) are aminopenicillins (Amoxicillin), Fosfomycin.
  2. The drugs of the second group are nitrofurans (Furadonin), cephalosporins (Cephalexin).

Amoxicillin is a first-line drug in the treatment of bacteriuria in pregnant women.

Without restoring the normal outflow of urine, drug treatment is not able to provide a lasting result.

To improve urine output and outflow of urine, the following methods are used:

  • intravenous infusion with antispasmodics (No-shpa, Platyphyllin);
  • physiotherapy exercises - a set of physical exercises performed in the knee-elbow position is a fairly effective measure aimed at restoring kidney function and improving urine output;
  • kidney massage with mild diuretics - Intermittent use of mild diuretics also stimulates urine output and improves blood flow to the kidneys.

Cranberry juice is extremely effective for shifting the pH of urine.

Kanefron is a combined preparation based on herbal ingredients, recommended for the prevention of urinary tract infections in pregnant women

In the treatment of bacteriuria, it is necessary to clearly assess the possible risks to the fetus when using drugs, as well as the degree of activity of the inflammatory process. In some cases, the use of combined herbal remedies is more appropriate, since the recommended doses do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Urine analysis is one of the most important and informative indicators of the health status of an expectant mother. It allows you to timely identify pathological processes in the body, even in the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease. In particular, the appearance of bacteria in urine is considered an alarming signal, which we will talk about in more detail today.

Bacteria in urine during pregnancy: causes

Ideally, the urine of a healthy person, which is excreted by the kidneys and accumulates in the bladder, should be sterile. However, an insignificant amount of bacteria in the results of laboratory analysis of urine is considered the norm - microorganisms enter it while passing through the urethra (urethra).

An increase in the number of bacteria in the urine during pregnancy is called bacteriuria. This condition indicates the possibility of the development of an inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system, for example, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

Most often, the appearance of bacteria in the urine of pregnant women is explained by the following reasons:

  • Stagnant urine. Untimely emptying of the bladder may be due to physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. The growing uterus blocks the ureters, puts pressure on the kidneys, as a result of which urine stagnates, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens;
  • Hormone imbalance. A pregnant woman usually encounters stagnation of urine in the later stages: in the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus does not yet reach those sizes to interfere with the work of other organs. However, it is possible to detect bacteria in urine during pregnancy in the first weeks of gestation. The reason for this is hormonal changes, as a result of which the excretory system does not work at full strength;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Bacteria can enter the urinary tract from the external genital organs - in this case, we are talking about an ascending infection. To reduce the likelihood of developing bacteriuria, you should maintain intimate hygiene: wash yourself regularly (front to back) and give preference to breathable underwear made from natural materials;
  • Casual sex. Along with more dangerous sexually transmitted diseases, a pregnant woman during intimacy can become infected with E. coli, which threatens to turn into bacteriuria;
  • The presence of a source of bacteria in the body. A "sleeping" genital infection, furunculosis and even untreated caries can provoke the appearance of microorganisms in the urine. The defenses of the female body during the period of gestation are weakened, therefore, the occurrence of bacteriuria for these reasons is quite likely.

Types of bacteria in urine tests during pregnancy

As a rule, in a laboratory study of urine, bacteria of the same type are detected. If a mixed culture of microorganisms is detected, the doctor prescribes a re-analysis in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria getting into the liquid under study due to improper collection of the sample.

There are many types of bacteria that can be found in urine tests, but the following microorganisms are most often dealt with:

  • Escherichia coli (E. Coli, or Escherichia coli). The "home" of this type of bacteria is the lower parts of the digestive system. These are gram-negative microorganisms that leave the intestines during the act of defecation. When in contact with the genitals, they can enter the urethra, where they begin to multiply, and subsequently reach the bladder. The appearance of Escherichia coli in the kidneys leads to pyelonephritis, in the bladder - to cystitis, in the ureter - to urethritis;
  • Enterococcus faecalis. These gram-positive microorganisms normally live in the human intestine and take part in digestion processes. As with E. coli, these bacteria enter the urinary tract during bowel movements. In addition, infection with Enterococcus faecalis is possible in the presence of pelvic wounds. Since this type of microorganism is resistant to most of the known antibiotics, the treatment of such an infection is rather problematic;
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae. Usually, the development of pneumonia is explained by the activity of bacteria of this type. Their favorite breeding environment is the lungs, larynx, digestive tract, skin, and surgical wounds. The detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae in the clinical analysis of urine is typical for children, older people and people with weakened immunity;
  • Proteus. Bacteria of this species also belong to the normal microflora of the digestive tract. The inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system begins to develop as a result of the entry of these microorganisms from the intestine into the ureter after the act of defecation. The clinical manifestation of the presence of bacteria in the urine of this particular species is a dark color and a sharp unpleasant odor of the secreted liquid;
  • Lactobacillus. Normally, this strain of gram-positive bacteria is present in the intestines, genitourinary system and vagina. However, the pathological reproduction of microorganisms of this type requires arresting.

With a small amount of bacteria in the urine during pregnancy, treatment is not always prescribed - as a rule, the bacterial microflora in this case is restored without medical intervention. At the same time, the identification of bacteriuria against the background of reduced immunity in children, the elderly and pregnant women always becomes the basis for appropriate therapy. 4.8 out of 5 (25 votes)

During gestation, the expectant mother is especially sensitive to her well-being. However, this cannot save the fairer sex from various pathologies and diseases. Often, expectant mothers are faced with infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. This article will discuss what bacteriuria is during pregnancy. You will find out the main causes of this pathology, you can also learn about what asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy is and understand whether it is worth treating. It is definitely worth mentioning how to correct this condition.

What is bacteriuria during pregnancy and how is it dangerous?

Normally, human urine is absolutely sterile. Even beneficial bacteria are not present in it. During the carrying of a child, a woman's body undergoes very strong changes. The growing uterus presses on adjacent organs and interferes with their normal functioning.

So, while carrying a baby, the expectant mother may experience constipation due to intestinal displacement, pain in the stomach, liver and gallbladder due to being pushed aside. Also, bacteriuria is a frequent companion of fetal development. This condition can be very dangerous during pregnancy. It develops due to compression of the kidneys and urinary ducts. The pathology of this system aggravates the situation.

Why is bacteriuria dangerous during pregnancy? It is this question that women who have been diagnosed with are primarily asked. Since the uterus is very close, pathological microorganisms can move from one membrane to another. When the genital organ is infected, an inflammatory process can develop, which will inevitably have a negative effect on the fetus.

Diagnosis of pathology

Bacteriuria during pregnancy is detected quite simply. The doctor may suspect the presence of a disease for certain signs that the expectant mother pays attention to. However, in most cases, bacteriuria during pregnancy does not show any symptoms. That is why all women expecting a baby are often assigned a urine test.

Bacteria in waste products can be detected by routine testing. Most often, doctors prescribe bacteriological culture.

Signs and symptoms of pathology

As discussed above, asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy is not uncommon. Very often, the expectant mother does not suspect that pathological microorganisms live in her bladder and excretory system. Signs begin to appear only in especially neglected situations.

  • Most often, the symptoms of bacteriuria are pain, and in this case we can talk about cystitis, which is a consequence of the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Also, a woman may notice pain in the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, it spreads to the lateral zones. In this case, we can talk about blockage of the urinary tract.
  • The formation of stones and sand in the urine can be a consequence of the multiplication of pathogenic microflora. In this case, bacteriuria during pregnancy can cause inflammation of the kidneys and their adnexa. In this case, doctors talk about the development of pyelonephritis.
  • may cause or false urge. However, most expectant mothers attribute this symptom to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder.
  • Often, pathology is manifested by an increase in body temperature, weakness and a general broken state. At the same time, the woman does not even suspect that the reason lies in the multiplication of bacteria.

Bacteriuria during pregnancy: treatment

If a pathology is detected, it is worth starting treatment as early as possible. Only in this case is there a chance of a successful outcome. Otherwise, bacteriuria during pregnancy will only have a negative effect on the fetus.

The method of treatment is always chosen by the doctor. Before starting the correction, a woman needs to be tested to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to one or another.Without this study, treatment may be useless.

Correction is always based on symptoms. In some cases, doctors use natural and safe remedies that can be taken throughout pregnancy. Most often, this method is chosen for asymptomatic bacteriuria. Also, antimicrobial drugs can be prescribed for treatment, which can be used only in the second and consider some treatment methods.

Antimicrobial therapy

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to women only after 14-16 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the fetus is reliably protected by the placental barrier. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs: "Amoxicillin", "Cefuroxime", "Ceftibuten", "Cephalexin", "Nitrofurantoin", etc.

For expectant mothers, these drugs are usually prescribed for 3-5 days. This treatment is often enough. In this case, after the correction, it is worth taking a second analysis, which will show the effectiveness of the treatment or the lack of benefit.

Safe treatment

Bacteriuria during pregnancy can be treated with some safe remedies. However, this method will only work in mild cases or in the absence of symptoms.

Most often, doctors prescribe medicinal and diuretic teas. These means include "Kidney tea", "Brusniver" and so on. Also used are capsules made from herbal ingredients, for example, "Kanefron". These drugs can be used throughout the entire period of gestation. They do not have a negative effect on the health of the baby, but only facilitate the condition of the mother.

Healthy drink

For the treatment of bacteriuria during pregnancy, it is prescribed. The expectant mother should consume at least two liters of clean liquid per day. This does not include tea, soup, milk and other foods.

In addition, it is very useful to drink cranberry and lingonberry juice. It is better to prepare such a drink yourself from frozen or fresh berries. In the absence of the necessary ingredients, you can buy a ready-made product in the supermarket.


During the treatment of bacteriuria, you need to follow a certain diet. Expectant mothers should give up salty and peppery foods. It is also worth excluding the use of fatty and fried foods. It is strictly forbidden to drink vitamins containing calcium. This can lead to the formation of sand and kidney stones, which will worsen the course of the disease.

Try to give preference to light vegetable dishes that are high in fiber and coarse fiber. Eat boiled, baked, and steamed foods.

Additional measures

For the treatment of bacteriuria, it is necessary to unload the kidneys and urinary tract as much as possible. This can be done using simple gymnastics. Take a knee-elbow position and stand in this position for about five minutes. Repeat gymnastics several times a day.

Avoid sleeping and resting on your back. In this position, the uterus compresses the kidneys very strongly and contributes to the stagnation of urine in them. As a result of this process, active reproduction of bacteria occurs.

Take and monitor your bladder regularly. This will allow you to start timely treatment if necessary and avoid complications.


Now you know what bacteriuria is during pregnancy. Remember that the treatment of pathology should always be prescribed by a specialist. Self-choice of drugs may turn out to be wrong and only cause a negative effect on the fetus. Be healthy!

During pregnancy, a woman regularly takes urine for analysis, which is a necessary procedure in order to diagnose various abnormalities. The norm is the absence of bacteria, protein and leukocytes in the urine. The presence of bacteria even without certain symptoms in the urine of pregnant women may indicate the presence of an infection in the urinary tract. If not treated in time, this can affect not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the fetus. What are the reasons for the appearance of bacteria?

Causes of bacteria in urine

Ideally, there should be no bacteria in the urine of pregnant women; their presence in the urine is called bacteriuria. There may be several reasons for the appearance:

  • Failure to comply with the rules of body care. Bacteria can enter the urethra if not properly flushed from the genitals or from the anus. Wearing underwear made from low-quality synthetic materials can also contribute to infection.
  • Stagnant urine. During pregnancy, physiological changes occur in the body: as the uterus grows, it begins to press on the bladder and kidneys. As a result, urine stagnation occurs. This creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.
  • Hormonal Disorders. Hormonal changes in pregnant women often cause disruption of the excretory system, which also leads to stagnation, especially in late pregnancy.
  • The presence of bacteria in the body. During pregnancy, the body's immunity becomes weaker, bacteria, which did not manifest themselves in any way, can make themselves felt.

Bacteria routes

Bacteria can enter the urinary system in several ways:

  • Ascending. When the pathogen enters through the urethra. This is due to the peculiarity of female physiology.
  • Descending. When the kidneys become infected, the microorganisms enter the bladder.
  • Lymphogenous. The infection gets from other foci of infection through the lymphatic tract.
  • Hematogenous. Together with the bloodstream, bacteria enter from other foci of infection.

Types of bacteriuria and its diagnosis

There are two types of bacteriuria: true and false.

True - this is when bacteria, getting into the urinary tract, begin to multiply there, causing such infectious diseases as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.

False ─ this is when microorganisms, being in the bladder, do not make themselves felt in any way (there are no symptoms).

True is accompanied by the presence of symptoms such as:

  • spontaneous urination;
  • cramps and pains in the lower abdomen, burning sensation when urinating;
  • temperature;
  • cloudy urine, possibly with blood;
  • general weakness.

If there are these symptoms, then the doctor prescribes the delivery of urine tests, a bacteriological culture is carried out in order to identify the pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment. The degree of deviation from the norm is also established. So, with severe symptoms, the presence of Escherichia coli in the urine in an amount of 102-104 CFU is the basis for prescribing treatment. In case of false (asymptomatic) bacteriuria, an indicator of 105 CFU / ml is considered a deviation, after which a repeated urine collection is prescribed. This is done in order to avoid an erroneous diagnosis, since such indicators can be if the fence was made incorrectly.

If, during the analysis, bacteria and leukocytes were found in the urine of pregnant women, then this indicates the presence of an infection. When leukocytes are found, they look at the number of bacteria. If a low bacterial count is found, then there is a possibility that leukocytes have entered the urinary tract from the genitals with improper sampling. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a second urine test.

Is the presence of bacteria dangerous for a child?

Even if the infection passes without symptoms, then without timely treatment it is dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the child. The presence of bacteria in the urine can cause pathologies such as:

  • premature birth;
  • the departure of amniotic fluid ahead of time;
  • deviations in the development of the placenta;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • the birth of children with pathologies;
  • a child's mental retardation;
  • the risk of cerebral palsy in a child increases.


Treatment of bacteriuria in pregnant women is gentle, taking into account the timing of pregnancy. It is based on the following principles:

  • prescribe drugs that will not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother;
  • when choosing drugs, take into account at what stage of pregnancy the infection was detected;
  • the treatment takes place under the constant supervision of a doctor and with regular tests.

The type of antibiotic is chosen by the doctor when determining the type of infectious agent. Additionally, treatment is prescribed, including alternative methods: rosehip infusion, cranberry juice. They help to activate the excretion of urine. The course of taking antibiotics does not exceed 5 days. It is this period that is gentle for pregnant women. Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria is carried out in a more light mode with the appointment of homeopathic medicines and herbal medicine.

In order to prevent abnormalities in the development of the fetus, treatment should be effective with regular testing and all the time under the supervision of a doctor.


In order to prevent bacteriuria in pregnant women, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Use only sterile containers for testing. It is necessary to hand over only the average fence and no later than two hours from the moment of collection. Before handing over, you need to wash yourself, and then just make a fence.
  • During pregnancy, regularly monitor the cleanliness of the body and linen. Refuse synthetic materials that contribute to ascending bacteriuria.
  • To avoid stagnation, regularly drink diuretic infusions, but in such quantities that there is no additional load on the kidneys.

Any woman needs to take her pregnancy seriously and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Any changes in the body require a specialist consultation.