Electrical protective equipment and safety devices. How to choose sun protection? As a protective agent

No one is 100% insured against the risk of exposure to critical conditions, when unprotected breathing can be harmful or deadly. Especially in industrial conditions, where a number of work takes place in an atmosphere affected by chemical agents or other pollutants, it is necessary to use respiratory protective equipment. How to choose them correctly?

Respiratory personal protective equipment and their types

The classification of respiratory protection equipment will help to navigate in their variety:

  • gas masks;
  • respirators;
  • self-rescuers;
  • simple means (cotton-gauze dressings, anti-dust masks, etc.).

According to the type of purpose, gas masks are divided into civil and industrial. Any type of gas mask protects the face, eyes, respiratory organs.

Filtering gas masks cover the face, have glass eye glasses and work on the basis of an absorbing box. They also come with a bag.

Industrial gas masks cover the entire head with a helmet mask, to which various types of absorbing boxes are attached. The box is selected depending on the conditions of chemical contamination.

Isolating options for a gas mask completely block access to the surrounding air for a person, providing oxygen for breathing from a regenerative cartridge, where it is obtained as a result of a chemical reaction of sodium peroxide with exhaled carbon dioxide.

Respirators are a filtering half mask that does not protect the eyes. They have two valves for inhalation and one for exhalation, as well as a nose clip, and are attached to the head with tight elastic bands. Below we will consider the cases of their application. Household counterparts are gauze and cotton bandages, half masks for respiratory protection.

Self-rescuers can have a different appearance and mechanism of action (isolating or filtering). Their principle of operation is based on covering and protecting the head with an airtight layer and ensuring breathing through a special filter box or oxygen mask.

Where and what protective equipment to use

In a situation where the atmospheric area is critically affected by hazardous chemicals, insulating gas masks are used. They are marked with the letters "IP". Protects from half an hour to four hours, which is influenced by the temperature of the environment and physical activity. In similar cases, oxygen cylinders can also be used, protecting the head with a special mask. The insulating type of protection is used not only with high concentrations of carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals in the air, but also under water.

In the industrial field, gas masks of the same name are widely used. To choose the right option for an industrial gas mask, you need to know what kind of chemicals your work environment is contaminated with. Absorbent boxes have different purposes, which you can easily identify by their markings and colors. Included with any model is always a characteristic of respiratory protection. It is important to study it in detail.

In civil defense, appropriate civilian gas masks are used, marked "GP". The most common are GP-5, GP-7 and children's versions of DP-6. These protection options are suitable when the air is contaminated with radioactive dust, droplets, aerosols, microbes, toxic substances, as well as harmful gas, steam, chemical mist, etc. If there is carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, then a hopcalite cartridge is provided for the box.

For HE purposes, respirators can also be used. A suitable model is the P-2 respirator if the atmosphere is contaminated with dust, germs, bacteria. Respirators, however, will not protect you from toxic chemicals! If at work you are faced with work in dusty conditions, with a concentration of small physical particles, then respirators can become a suitable means of protecting the respiratory organs.

Self-rescuers are used in various conditions, both for civil defense and in industry. Their task is to ensure a safe exit from emergency conditions, therefore, their duration may not exceed 15 minutes.

Temporary protection from light radiation is provided by the simplest options, up to homemade ones. This refers to masks, gauze bandages, etc. The main thing in the bandage is a snug fit to the face and no gaps.

What is the most effective respiratory protection in case of fire? Based on the smoke conditions and the substances in the room, different options are suitable from a respirator to an isolation device.

How to choose the right sizes

Any respiratory protection that meets all GOSTs ceases to be reliable if they are selected incorrectly and not in size. Below we will figure out how to make measurements correctly.

To select a Type 5 GPU, measure your head around the circumference of the crown and chin. Correlate the result obtained with one of the heights.

To choose a respirator or half mask, measure the height of the face from the chin to the bridge of the nose. When selecting industrial gas masks, take two measurements: 1) along a vertical circle (as in the case of GP-5), 2) along a horizontal circle (through the back of the head and forehead). Summarize the result.

After making sure that the performance of the respiratory protective equipment meets your requirements, check the condition and tightness of all parts. The filter-absorbing box must be free of damage and rust. Never use untested gas masks and masks!

Dharma as a protective agent

I was asked to talk about the practice of Buddhist Dharma in everyday life. You need to know what the term "Dharma" means. Dharma is a Sanskrit word that literally means "remedy." This is something we need to do to avoid problems.

Thus, in order to have any interest in Dharma practice, it is necessary to recognize that there are problems in our life. It really takes a lot of courage. Many people don't take their life seriously. They work hard full day, and then in the evenings, tired, try to distract themselves with various forms of leisure, entertainment and the like. They prefer not to notice the problems in their lives. Even if they look at them, they really do not want to admit that their life is unsatisfactory, since that would be too dark a conclusion. Therefore, it takes courage to really examine the quality of our life and honestly admit its unsatisfactoriness when we find it.

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Inga Vasilieva

Expert in the selection of protective equipment


The times when workers were given soda, soap and even washing powder to clean their hands from industrial pollution have not yet been erased from the memory. The main and only protection for the hands were mittens and there was no question of any special means. Only at the beginning of the new millennium, the Ministry of Labor issued Decree No. 45 of 04.07.2003, obliging employers to provide workers not only with soap, but special cleansing pastes, creams to protect and regenerate the skin of the hands. At the moment, Resolution No. 45 has ceased to be in force and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 1122N of 12/17/2010 is currently in force.

This document identifies the types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents, the name of the work and production factors and the rate of issue per employee per month.

The main document regulating the requirements for dermatological hand protection is the technical regulation of the Customs Union. All means of protection are divided according to their purpose into the following groups:

- protection

- cleansing

- regeneration

Only the use of a full range of products can provide full protection and regeneration of the skin after contact with harmful materials and substances.

Protective cream - an alternative to gloves?

Handling aggressive substances requires special hand protection. Most often, special gloves become such protection. It is far from always convenient to manipulate hands and fingers while wearing gloves: hands sweat due to impaired air exchange, the sensitivity of the fingers becomes worse. In some situations, it is quite possible to replace them with a protective cream (of course, if this is not working with especially dangerous substances).

The task of the protective agent is to prevent the penetration of harmful substances to the skin surface. Depending on the type of contamination, the type of protective cream is selected.

Protective equipment is of the following types:



Combined (universal) action

From exposure to low temperatures and wind

From exposure to ultraviolet radiation of the A ranges; IN; WITH

From the effects of biological factors (insects and microorganisms)

Hydrophobic creams used in factories where workers are often in contact with water-soluble substances. Such substances include solutions of acids, salts and alkalis, fertilizers, detergents and disinfectants, lime and cement solutions. When such a cream is applied to the skin of the hands, a water-repellent layer is formed, which prevents the contact of harmful substances with the skin. Rinse off the hydrophobic cream from your hands with a cleansing gel or paste.

Example. Protective hydrophobic cream ARMAKON Servolin Protect can be used as an independent protective agent, and together with rubber gloves. When applied, it forms a thin, transparent film on the skin that prevents the penetration of chemical irritants.

Hydrophilic creams protect against contamination by substances not soluble in water. These include varnishes, paints, resins, petroleum and petroleum products, soot and graphite. When applied to hands, a breathable film is formed that prevents corrosive impurities from absorbing into the skin. The hydrophilic cream can be easily washed off with warm water and soap.

Example. Protective hydrophilic cream ARMACON Servolin, contains substances that block the harmful effects of chemical irritants. The cream is quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling, and greatly facilitates the cleaning of the skin of the hands after work.

Agents that have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties are called universal or combined action... They are ideally suited to work in a variety of contaminants.

Example. De-12 Cream effectively protects the skin from the effects of aqueous solutions of acids, alkalis, lime, cement, disinfectants, fertilizers, solvents, technical oils, paints, petroleum products. It is quickly absorbed and forms a breathable protective microfilm on the skin, as a result of which the penetration of pollutants does not occur.

Protect skin from insects, namely mosquitoes, horseflies, fleas, midges and other bloodsucking will help high-quality repellents... Substances of natural and synthetic origin are designed to scare away animals, which makes it possible to provide more comfortable working conditions in the summer, in the open air.

Contact repellents can be in the form of ointments, sprays, lotions, creams, or emulsions. Their action can be deterrent or disguising. Active active substances against insects can be such chemical compounds as diethyl toluamide, oxamate, carboxylic acid, dimethyl phthalate.

Example. The repellent agent ARMACON Camara Anti-mite in the form of a spray can be used to protect against any blood-sucking insects. The spray contains a whole range of highly effective components. Forms a thin film when applied to the skin. The repelling effect lasts more than 4 hours, after which it is necessary to use the spray again.

UV protection, the source of which can be both the scorching summer sun and welding equipment. Large doses of ultraviolet light can lead to pigmentation, aging and skin burns. Moreover, doctors believe that prolonged exposure to UV rays can trigger the development of skin cancer. To avoid these troubles, special UV-protected creams should be used.

These creams contain one or more light filters of physical and chemical origin, which reflect, absorb or scatter UV rays of various ranges. In addition, the creams contain substances that moisturize and soften the skin, as well as antioxidants.

An alternative option for protecting the skin during summer work in the open will be a universal product with protection against insects and ultraviolet radiation at the same time.

Example. Cream ARMACON SVETOVIT (on request) of combined action reliably protects the skin from corrosive impurities of any type, and is also effective for protection against UV radiation of A, B and C ranges of any origin. Protection factor - SPF 30.

Anti-cold and wind cream designed to protect the skin when working in low temperatures, wind, snow, and other adverse weather conditions.

Aggressive impact of external factors negatively affects the condition of the skin of the hands of workers, whose activities are associated with a long stay in the open air, with constant contact with harmful substances. This can cause pathological skin disorders, with prolonged exposure to frost and wind, the skin of the hands and face loses moisture. As a result of this effect, peeling and cracks appear. To restore damaged skin and restore its elasticity, it is necessary to use a regenerating cream.

Clean hands in the workplace

Any production activity is a source of pollution of varying degrees of sustainability. To remove mild contamination from your hands, just wash them in warm water and soap. You cannot get rid of grease, soot, silicone, paint or oil with simple soap. For such purposes, you will need a special tool.

What is the ideal industrial hand cleaner? One of the most important components of a cleaning agent is an abrasive. With the help of an abrasive, keratinized skin cells are easily exfoliated, and with them, ingrained dirt. Natural materials can be used as an abrasive: crushed apricot and nut shells, salt and volcanic sand. Artificial polymers in the form of microgranules are also used.

The cleanser completely removes work dirt without damaging the skin.

The base of the cleanser is most often a gel or paste, the composition includes various components that allow you to cleanse the skin without injuring it, such as glycerin, vegetable oils, oleic acid, etc.

High-quality cleansing pastes are free of solvents, harmful dyes and preservatives. Modern cleaning agents do not require a lot of water, which is important for work sites with no water supply.

Example.Paste ARMACON LYMEX is intended for cleaning hands from all types of stubborn dirt. Abrasive particles from crushed walnut shells do not have sharp edges, therefore they easily and painlessly remove dead cells, stimulating skin renewal. The paste contains vegetable oils that soften, nourish and moisturize your hands. Suitable for daily use.

Regenerating creams

Regenerating agents restore the integrity of the skin after working with aggressive materials and substances and negative environmental influences. Its task is to supply the skin with the necessary moisturizing and nourishing substances and to stimulate the process of tissue regeneration.

The regenerating cream contains substances with a healing effect (keratin, allantoin, liquid paraffin), components that slow down the loss of moisture (glycerin), as well as vitamins and vegetable oils to nourish the skin. Thanks to its deep effect, the cream helps to quickly restore the lost integrity and elasticity of the skin, to protect it from negative environmental influences.

Example. The regenerating regenerating cream ARMACON Velum is intended for the skin of the hands and face. It is formulated with the unique Armakon® Nutrio Pro-V Nutrient Complex, which allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin after working in bad weather and with chemicals.

Who is entitled to dermatological remedies?

It must be remembered that the purchase of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents is mandatory and is carried out at the expense of the employer.

Dermatological skin protection products - cleansing pastes, protective and regenerating creams are required by workers whose activities are associated with aggressive and hard-to-remove contaminants, lubricants, oil, petroleum products, oils, chemicals, adhesives and bitumen, etc. The choice of funds should be taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the type of pollution, working conditions. All funds must be of high quality and meet the requirements of national or international standards.

According to Appendix N1 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of December 17, 2010 N1122n (as amended on February 20, 2014), the table below shows the norms for the free issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to workers

Types of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents

Name of works and production factors

Issuance rate for 1 employee per month

I. Protective equipment

Hydrophilic agents (absorbing moisture, moisturizing the skin)

Work with organic solvents, industrial oils, greases, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, oil and oil products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal, glass, paper and others), fuel oil, glass fiber, cooling lubricants oil-based liquids (hereinafter referred to as coolant) and other water-insoluble materials and substances

Hydrophobic agents (repelling moisture, drying the skin)

Work with aqueous solutions, water (provided by the technology), water-based coolants, disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other water-soluble materials and substances; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymeric materials (without natural lining), closed safety shoes

Combined action means

Work under alternating exposure to water-soluble and water-insoluble materials and substances specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of these Model Norms

Means for protecting the skin from negative environmental influences (from irritation and damage to the skin)

Outdoor, welding and other work associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation of ranges A, B, C or exposure to low temperatures, wind

Means for protection against bacteriological harmful factors (disinfectants)

Work with bacterially hazardous media; when finding a workplace remotely from stationary sanitary facilities; work performed in closed special shoes; with increased requirements for the sterility of hands in production

Means for protection against biological hazards (from arthropod bites)

Outdoor work (seasonal, at temperatures above 0 ° Celsius) during the period of activity of blood-sucking and stinging insects and arachnids

II. Cleansers

Soaps or liquid detergents including: hand wash body wash

Works related to easily washed off contamination

200 g (toilet soap) or 250 ml (liquid detergents in dosing devices) 300 g (toilet soap) or 500 ml (liquid detergents in dosing devices)

Solid toilet soap or liquid detergents

300 g (toilet soap) or 500 ml (liquid detergents in dispensing devices)

Cleansing creams, gels and pastes

Works associated with difficult to remove, persistent contamination: oils, greases, oil products, varnishes, paints, resins, adhesives, bitumen, fuel oil, silicone, soot, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, metal)

III. Regenerating, restoring agents

Regenerating creams, emulsions

Work with organic solvents, industrial oils, greases, soot, varnishes and paints, resins, oil and oil products, graphite, various types of industrial dust (including coal, glass and others), fuel oil, water and oil-based coolants, with water and aqueous solutions (provided by the technology), disinfectants, solutions of cement, lime, acids, alkalis, salts, alkali-oil emulsions and other working materials; work performed in rubber gloves or gloves made of polymeric materials (without natural lining); negative impact of the environment

Summer, warmth, water, green grass ... Hurray! You can bask in the sun for a long, long time. Stop! Have you forgotten anything? How about sunscreen? Who does not know that the skin must be protected from ultraviolet radiation in order for it to remain young and beautiful? Of course, everyone knows about it! But for some reason, some stubbornly do not follow the simplest rules of leaving. Sometimes a person literally burns, turning into a black firebrand, but stubbornly refuses to take care of the skin. Why treat yourself like that ?! We won't do that to you, will we?

I'm lying in the sun…

So nice to soak up the sun! This is a real pleasure. The main thing is not to get burned, so you will need a special sunscreen.

Are very popular cream... They have a dense and rich structure, ideal for those who have prone to flaking or dry skin.

Lighter remedies - foam, mousse, milk, gel... They are perfectly distributed throughout the body and are absorbed faster without leaving stickiness.
There are also liquid forms - lotions, emulsions... They are most often produced in the form of sprays, so they are very easy and quick to apply.

Let's filter out the unnecessary!

Ultraviolet rays can be divided into 3 kinds - UVA, UVB, UFS... Ultraviolet WITH absorbed by the ozone layer, and BUT and IN affects our skin. Due to small doses of UVB, tanning appears, but if the dose is large, burns appear. Is a more insidious enemy. Leaving no obvious traces, these rays penetrate the skin and after a while can provoke the appearance of freckles, age spots, cause premature aging of the skin, making it dry and rough.

I think you are well aware of the abbreviation SPF (Sun Protection Factor)... You see it all the time on sunscreen labels. It indicates the effectiveness of the remedy, says how much time you can spend in the sun without fear of negative consequences. The higher this indicator, the higher the protection. The skin usually turns red after 10 minutes in the sun. If you use a cream with SPF 15, the time for safe sun enjoyment will increase. 15 times!

The degree of protection can be:

Low (SPF 2-5),
medium (SPF 6-11),
high (SPF 12-19),
very high (SPF 20 and above).

In addition to the SPF value, the sunscreen packaging may also indicate the protection "UVA + UVB", "UVA / UVB". This means that this product has a wide range of protection, simultaneously neutralizing rays A and B.

How Do I Pick a Good Sunscreen?

1. Choose protection against rays A and B... Examine the composition of the product. Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and avobenzone, which is also referred to as Parsol 1789, work effectively. Titanium and zinc in the cream also provide protection against rays A and B.

2. Give preference to products containing healthy additives, antioxidants... They relieve stress after sunburn, prevent skin photoaging.

3. When choosing a product, consider your skin type.

Type I- very light and sensitive skin, light or red hair. In the first days of tanning, use the product SPF 40+, then - SPF 30.

II type- fair skin, blonde or red hair. The first days - SPF 30, then - SPF 15.

III type- the most common (fair skin, brown or light brown hair). First days - SPF 15, Then - SPF 8-10.

IV type- dark skin, black hair. Although this skin does not burn or cause problems, it still needs to be protected from photoaging. For this, products that have the mark "for dark skin" are suitable. Use SPF 6-8.

4. If you are going to not only sunbathe, but also swim - buy a waterproof product.

Nuances to keep in mind

Are you looking for maximum UV protection? Then don't just find a good protective product, but also use it correctly.

So, a few rules.

1. Apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before sun exposure... He must have time to absorb.

2. Spread sunscreen all over your body... If you yourself cannot reach some places, for example, the back, ask your friends to smear you. Do not deprive your attention of your ears, forehead, neck, feet, hands. They also really need protection! It is believed that sunscreen should not be applied to the eye area. This is a terrible mistake! These areas are especially tender and sensitive. There are funds specifically designed for them.

3. Don't rub sunscreen into your skin! They must remain on its surface, absorbing or reflecting the sun's rays.

4. Do not assume that once you spread the cream, you will provide yourself with round-the-clock protection. No and no again! If you are worried about your skin while sunbathing, apply it every hour.

5. Pay attention - if you reapply the product, the reliability of its protection will increase, but the total time of safe stay in the sun will not last! Do not think that you can spend all day in the sun without consequences if you smear yourself with cream every hour.

6. For some reason, some people believe that if they are already sufficiently tanned, they can stay in the sun for a long time without additional protection. The protective power of tanning is low, especially if you have very light skin. It does not produce enough melanin for protection.

The skin needs protection at any time of the year, especially in summer. Sunscreens are selected individually for each skin type. When applied correctly, sunscreen will give you an even, beautiful tan - just the kind you dream of! And at the same time, keep your skin healthy. It's as simple as two and two!
Affectionate sun and even tan!

Photo: jenskiimir.ru, al-tan.ru, grekomania.ru.

The effect of electric current on a person is life-threatening. To create the safety of personnel working with electrical installations, use different personal protective equipment. They are devices, apparatus, parts of devices that protect the employee from electric shock, exposure to high-intensity electromagnetic radiation fields, from an electric arc.

Insulating personal protective equipment is divided into types:

  • The main... They can withstand long-term exposure to voltage, so it is advisable to use them in the production of electrical work without disconnecting the devices from the network.
  • Additional... Such protection is not able to fully ensure the protection of a person from the effects of electric current, and therefore such means are used in conjunction with the main ones.

Consider what is included in these types of protective equipment, the requirements for them and the features of their application.

The main

Personal protective equipment related to basic include:

  • Voltage indicators.
  • Insulating rods.
  • Isolated tool.
  • Electric measuring pincers.
  • Dielectric gloves.
  • Portable grounding.
  • Isolating devices.
  • Shielding kits.


These means of protection include:

  • Dielectric boots or galoshes.
  • Insulating pads and supports.
  • Dielectric rugs.
  • Dielectric caps.
  • Voltage alarms.

Let us consider in more detail the main personal protective equipment most often used in the practice of electrical work.

Dielectric Gloves

These personal protective equipment protect the worker from electric shock during work up to 1 kV, and is the main one. For work over 1 kV, dielectric gloves are an additional tool.

Only dry gloves are allowed for use. When storing them in a humid environment, dry the gloves before use. Before work, the gloves should be inspected, the test date, tightness should be checked. To check the tightness of the gloves, you need to take the glove and start twisting it, as shown in the figure. The glove inflates, and if damaged, it can be easily detected by the release of air.

Insulating pliers

Such personal protective equipment is used when performing work on replacing fuses. When working with voltages above 1 kV, together with insulated pliers, additional protective equipment must be used: rubber dielectric gloves and a protective mask.

With voltages up to 1 kV, replacement of fuses does not require the use of additional protection means. At this voltage (up to 1000 V), fuses can be replaced without pliers, only with gloves and goggles. In the presence of circuit breakers or other switching devices, the load circuit must be de-energized before replacing the fuse links.

Electrical Clamp

Such a tool makes it possible to measure current, resistance and voltage in a circuit. They are designed to work indoors and outdoors in dry weather.

When measuring parameters, the operation of the circuit does not change, and the circuit does not break. There are different types of clamp meters depending on the parameters being measured:

  • Phase meters.
  • Voltmeters.
  • Ampervolmeters.
  • Wattmeters.

Such a tool can be used in electrical installations up to 10 kV. With measuring clamps, you can measure the load of the network, the power of various devices, check the operation of energy meters, determine the parameters of the network.

Voltage indicators

In electrical devices, voltage indicators are used to monitor the voltage on equipment elements. If the pointer is equipped with a voltage value switch, then before using it, you must set the correct mode.

Before using a pointer, the first step is to make sure it is functional. To do this, its action is pre-checked on live parts that are known to be under operating voltage. Another way to check the operation of the pointer is to use special control devices that serve to check such pointers.

Monitoring the voltage or the operability of the device must be carried out with special care, avoiding a short circuit between phases, or a short circuit to the case connected to the ground loop.

When using the pointer, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the device of some types of pointers. So, for example, a pointer of an impulse type will be triggered with a certain delay. In order to use the control devices correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its passport and instructions for use, which should indicate the specific features that relate to different types of voltage indicators.

In electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1 kV, it is recommended to apply auxiliary safety measures in the form of voltage alarms, which are fixed on the wrist or a protective helmet of the employee, and are triggered when approaching live elements connected to voltage.

Voltage signaling devices must not be used instead of the main means for monitoring the presence of voltage. The voltage signaling device is also checked for serviceability in the prescribed manner before operation.

Insulating rods

Isolation rods can be used for:

  • Carrying out measurements.
  • Replacement of safety inserts.
  • Installation of insulating linings.
  • Operations with switching devices.
  • Installation of protective portable grounding.

Before using the bar, you should make sure that it is in good working order, there are no mechanical damages, and the possibility of performing the forthcoming operation. Do not use the boom for work not intended for it.

1 - Head with sliding jaws for gripping fuses
2 - Pin for operations with single-pole disconnectors
3 - Working part
4 - Insulating part
5 - the Handle

Some types of rods must be grounded before use. The use of such rods is prohibited without the use of grounding.

When working with voltages above 1 kV, voltage indicators and insulating rods can include several components that are connected to each other by threaded elements. Therefore, before using such protective equipment, it is necessary to check the tightening of the threaded connections of the indicator parts.

Dielectric galoshes and boots

Dielectric boots or galoshes are used to prevent electric shock to the worker in the area of ​​the earth fault. Safety shoes are also designed to isolate a worker from the ground or floor surface in a building, instead of a dielectric rubber mat or stand.

Before using dielectric shoes, it must be well checked for punctures, mechanical damage. In safety shoes, you should move with care so as not to puncture the sole. If rubber shoes are damaged, there is a risk of electric shock (step voltage) to the worker.

Outside on galoshes or bots, there must be a stamp with the date of the test and the permissible voltage at which the bots will be able to protect the worker.

Dielectric rugs

Such personal protective equipment serves to isolate the worker from the ground or floor in enclosed spaces.

For the manufacture of dielectric rugs, a special type of rubber is used. It contains styrene and isoprene synthetic rubbers. The rubber composition should not contain components that conduct electric current. Such a component can be graphite, carbon.

The standard version of the dielectric mat has a corrugated surface with longitudinal stripes. This makes it possible to increase the coefficient of friction and reduce the slipping of the shoe.

Rubber mats have increased wear resistance, as well as resistance to alkali and acids, and synthetic substances. Their main quality is the ability to prevent electric shock to the worker.

Rubber carpets are mainly used in electrical installations above 1 kV as an additional means of protection. The quality of the rug is determined visually. The front part should be free of cracks, foreign bodies, cavities, holes. These products must be tested for a voltage of 20 kV. The largest amount of leakage current is allowed no more than 160 mA per m2.

It is recommended that rubber mats be inspected twice a year, regardless of how long they are used. It is recommended to store rugs at a temperature of 0-30 degrees. A distance of at least 1 meter is required from heating devices. If the rugs are stored at low temperatures, then the temperature should not be less than -25 degrees.

Insulating stands

Stands made of dielectric material do not allow the worker to come into contact with the floor or ground in enclosed spaces. Such supports are used when grounding or grounding cannot be performed, or high safety requirements are imposed.

The insulating support is made in the form of a wooden flooring, fixed on porcelain insulators with a height of at least 5 cm when working with any voltage.

Insulated Handle Tool

Hand tools with insulated pads are used as the main protective equipment when working in devices up to 1 kV without disconnecting the power supply. These include wrenches, side cutters, various screwdrivers, pliers and other tools.

Hand tools for work at voltages exceeding 1 kV with insulated handles do not provide the necessary protection and safety for the worker. Therefore, in order to carry out repairs on high-voltage devices, it is necessary to completely de-energize the circuit section from all sides, ground it, put up fences and other measures to prevent a person from entering the area that creates a danger of electric shock for him.

When working up to 1 kV without power disconnection, except for hand-held insulated tools, the worker should be isolated from the floor or ground using dielectric mats, special shoes or insulating stands. Goggles or protective masks are used as required by the working conditions.

Before work, the hand tool should be inspected. It should not have mechanical damage to the insulation, burrs, cracks. Such a tool should be periodically tested, like other protective equipment, in a laboratory environment. Therefore, it is imperative to check the following test mark before use.

Dielectric ladders and ladders

This protection helps prevent electric shock to the worker, as ladders and stepladders are made of fiberglass to create insulation from the surface on which the protective device is located.

Insulating covers, caps and linings

Such personal protective equipment protects a person from electric shock and does not allow short circuits. The figure shows an example of the application of such protections.

Protective portable earthing

Portable grounding is a class of protection devices used to create safe work for an employee in electrical installations. A grounding device is installed on the sections of the installation that are disconnected from the voltage, where repair work is planned.

It is necessary to protect against accidental switching on of voltage to the repair area and to prevent the occurrence of induced voltage. When power is accidentally applied to this area, a short circuit occurs and the protective devices disconnect the circuit from the power supply.

Portable grounding is made of flexible copper cable, without insulation layer. At the ends of the cable, clamps with dielectric handles are fixed for closing the phases and connecting to the grounding bus. There are portable earthing connections for 3-phase devices that combine four earthing switches in one structure, as well as separate earthing connections for each phase and earth.

Clamps of clamps make it possible to mount them using a dielectric rod. In a three-phase earthing switch, the connection of the cores is carried out by welding or crimping, as well as by bolting. In this case, the conductors must be tinned with refractory solder in the crimp area. Normal fixing by soldering is prohibited, since during a short circuit the current is very high and can heat the soldering point to a melting state, as a result of which the connection is broken.

The fixings and cable must be sized to withstand the short-circuit current. The clamps must make a secure contact.

Installation of grounding is carried out on the section of the busbars disconnected from the voltage from the power supply side. Before installing them, using the pointer, check the absence of voltage on the tires. First, the clamps are fixed to the zero bus, and then, in turn, to each phase.

The clamps are installed with an insulated bar using protective equipment, rubber boots, gloves.

A portable ground is installed starting with the ground bar. If the voltage presence has not been checked, then the installation of grounding is prohibited. The grounding should be removed, starting from the phase busbars, using insulated rods and personal protective equipment.

  • Before use, it is necessary to check the product for operability (appearance, damage, contamination, violation of the coating).
  • Personal protective equipment must undergo periodic tests - verification for performance. Therefore, the date of the future test must be checked before use.
  • A damaged or inoperative protective device must be handed over and tested.
  • Before applying protection, you must make sure that there is no moisture or snow on it.
  • Insulating agents must be kept clean. This applies to dielectric gloves and shoes in a special way.
  • Personal protective equipment for voltages over 1 kV with gripping handles in the device have restriction rings. Therefore, when working, you should grasp the handles no further than these rings, since there is a certain safe distance to live parts.
  • Keep in mind that every personal protective equipment is designed to perform its task at a specific allowable voltage indicated on it. But this value may differ from the actual voltage from which the protection can protect the worker. As a result, the voltage permissible for use is indicated on the protective equipment.