Emotions of a woman when communicating with a man. How easy it is to learn the right communication with men

There are no simple relationships between completely different people. No one disputes the claim that the woman is a mystery. And everyone knows how female intuition is able to smash male logic to smithereens. Jokes tell about the understanding of the sexes.
But every woman wonders how to communicate with a man and avoid mistakes, what to do so that he hears her, how to remain interesting to him.

Curiosity is a keen interest not in what is good and beautiful, but in what is rare.
Jean de La Bruyère

About the psychology of the stronger sex

One obvious truth: men are males

This is their strongest natural instinct. It is vital for them to be aware of themselves as a leader in any area: from work to family relationships and personal hobbies.

Not a single representative of the stronger sex needs a woman nearby who always argues and is sure that she is always right. How to communicate with a guy? First of all, he expects support and a worthy assessment of his ideas. So give it to him. Your words that he is right, that his plans are grandiose, that only victory awaits him, will bring another plus sign to your piggy bank. And if before that he thought that you were nothing of yourself, now the direction of his thoughts will be different, there is definitely something in you.

Another Truth: They Are Big Kids

Children have grown, their toys too. Talk to him about his new car, praise his choice, and if you know a little about them, you can have deeper conversations. Toys can be different: fishing, hunting, subordinates ... But you never know what else interests him. He will see you as a worthy understanding interlocutor.

If you have already developed a really trusting relationship, the man himself can tell you how to behave correctly with him. Ask him about it. And in general, try to speak with him openly and directly, so as not to do something that does not please him or cause irritation. Explain to him that you expect the same frankness in return.

8 rules for keeping a man interested

Psychologists advise you to follow a few simple rules for communicating with a man, so that he always has an interest in you, so that you remain in his eyes a woman with whom it is easy, pleasant and interesting.

Be polite

Nobody canceled politeness. “Thank you”, “please” and other words of courtesy are very useful to say. And if you make a comment, then only in the correct form. Even quarrels should not rip out a stream of anger and filth from your mouth. First, a word can kill. Secondly, you run the risk of saying something that you will regret and will not be able to correct the impression of yourself as a hysterical person. Respect him and yourself too.

Not demands, but requests

Nobody likes the arrogant and narcissistic. Whatever you ask, do it politely. On the one hand, it is unreasonable to wipe your feet on the person to whom you want to be interesting. Your strength lies in weakness. Have you heard of this? And you don't know how to communicate with a guy? A request made in an uncertain soft tone with a naive helplessness in his gaze - and he is ready to move mountains for you, and not something to do some trifle.

Talking about everything

It is so simple. You have to be really interesting, educated, well-read. You are not at all required to shine with your knowledge in different areas. It is enough to keep the conversation going, appropriate and competently, but only when there is actually knowledge in this area. Otherwise, you run the risk of being branded as silly. But all this works if the man is really smart. And if the object of your sympathy does not shine with erudition, you will have to once again not demonstrate your education, so as not to scare off the gentleman.

Quarrels and scandals

This absolutely should not be. Your screams and tantrums will cause a reaction that is not at all what you would like. He will not obey, will not feel sorry for you, but will leave, slamming the door, or chase you away. Moreover, if the reason, from his point of view, is insignificant. Well, I didn't call. Well, I talked to a strange girl in some network or on the street. But you never know what else. To rinse your brains out for such nonsense! You will achieve much more with a sad look and a rolling tear. And if a quarrel still cannot be avoided, you will have to calmly and without hysterics express all your claims, without omissions, hints, moralizing and shouting.

Often a man does not even know how important certain things are to you that he considers stupid. Tell him about it. Try to understand him, and then in response he will do the same.

A breath of freedom

Text messages every few minutes will drive anyone crazy. And you don't need to call every minute. A man has a life and interests other than you. For him, going to football with friends or fishing on the weekend is just as meaningful as a date with you. This is his personal space. You can easily use the time of forced loneliness to your advantage - make a face mask, visit a beauty salon, arrange a bachelorette party, just watch your favorite melodrama under the covers with a cup of chamomile tea. Let him go. He will get bored and gladly rush to a meeting with you, call himself. And you don't have to pretend that you don't care. He will be very pleased to understand that you too were bored and were waiting for a meeting.


Do you like it yourself when your every sneeze is taken into account? Don't make that mistake. Even in this he has some freedom from you. Let your attention not be annoying. Your man is very uncomfortable under a hood.
Of course, there is a category of men who dream of a mommy woman. But for the most part, they dream of a caring, attentive, kind soul mate.


It is unlikely that a man will be content to constantly bother Nesmeyanu. Your displeased expression is quite capable of ruining even a complacent man's mood. The most correct answer to the question of how to communicate with a man is one: with a smile. She will make your boyfriend smile in return. Your excellent mood will cheer him up too.

Ability to listen and hear

When a person shares his feelings, problems, joys, it is important for him that the person who is nearby not only listens, but also hears him. It is important for him that the interlocutor is really interested in the conversation. And if the monologue turns into a lively dialogue, the man will be subdued.

virtual communication

It is important to be able to communicate correctly with a man on the Internet. In this case, it is very important to clearly express your thoughts, give detailed concrete examples, try to do without general words. Uncertainties give rise to unfounded fantasies in your interlocutor. So write and speak honestly and accurately if you communicate on a website or social media page. It is better if your communication goes into some kind of video chat. This will give you the opportunity to find out exactly who you are dealing with.

But you should always remember that if your relationship continues in life, then all your words will have to be confirmed. The simplest details will allow a man to imagine you as a real woman, whom he is ready to accept with her shortcomings, which he is aware of in advance. You will be much more offended if he imagines a certain ideal and is frankly disappointed.


Few people think about whether he knows how to communicate with the opposite sex. We all know how to speak. It is by talking that we begin to understand the other, express feelings and emotions, and explain desires. When we communicate with a person who is attractive to us, it is quite understandable to strive to arouse reciprocal interest. And if you just interest a person, then it is much more difficult to maintain interest for a long time. We hope you find these tips useful.

Do you think that you are not worthy to be next to a status, strong man, and even more so to become the wife of such a person? All in your hands!The likelihood of such a relationship and further happy marriage is based onthree whales... Successful communication with men - rules and advice from an expert.

First whale : knowledge of the algorithm for finding and choosing your beloved man.

Second whale : Knowledge of the psychology of a successful man and building communication

Third whale : Own external and internal transformation

When dealing with successful men, you must strictly follow certain rules.... If you make mistakes, sooner or later they will lead to a break in relations, and on the contrary - competent behavior will give you the opportunity to win his heart and give your love, creating personal happiness for yourself and your dear husband.

Successful communication with men - rule 1. Observe a man

Do you come on a date to show yourself? This is mistake. You need to show the man that you appreciate him and start watching him. ... Analyze his non-verbal, try to determine the psychotype of your interlocutor.

Watch the man's behavior where does he look - into your eyes or does he look away? Is his posture open or is he completely closed? What is he interested in, what circle of his hobbies? If you see a bright person who gushes and draws attention to himself in every possible way - be careful, perhaps this is an explosion of fireworks for one party, then it goes out, this is not the personality stability you need.

Look for the strong... They will not stick out themselves, shout: "Here I am!" - these are people with inner dignity, self-confident, who do not need to prove anything to the environment.

Learn to distinguish by gestures who is the leader. These are skills that you are able to develop in yourself.

Rule 2. Analyze observations

Many women, having figured out the alpha male of the event, get to know each other and then just passively wait for his call. But initially you need something else: analyze what this person is doing here Here and now? What is his mood and how do you work with all this in order to create the maximum number of your points of intersection with him?

Your own activity will be key here, otherwise you will simply be waiting for acquaintances without initiative and wasting your, so precious, time. Try to understand the purpose of his coming to this event, does he want to make new promising business contacts or meet his beloved woman, which is not uncommon in this environment of single businessmen?

Look where his gaze is directed - at the ladies around him or at the search for partnerships for his business?

Rule 3. Derive the formula for its actions

Watch and analyze! The man is in a passive state or takes the initiative into his own hands ? Look at his reaction towards the women he likes: does he lower the situation or control it? How will it be most beneficial for you to behave with him - to walk next to him, attracting and challenging him to communicate, or to ask something first, herself? Or just wait for his first steps if he is objectively active? Answering these questions correctly will be key in a possible future relationship.

You can draw attention to yourself with your non-verbal, you can give signals of interest with a glance, averting your eyes and realizing that a man interested in you will understand and begin to act towards acquaintance. Provocations can be very different, but initially observe and try to understand which type of behavior is closer to him.

One can lure, the other can hunt.

Rule 4. Derive the formula for your actions

You must have practiced reaction and ready-made phrases for the first contact with a man who likes you. You must control the process, do not sit with your head on your phone, do not drown in conversations in a crowd of your noisy girlfriends ... You shouldn't be taken by surprise or bump into a closed state.

A woman who is not “on the alert”, relaxed, has withdrawn into herself, is often frightened by a man who opens his interest towards her. And instead of show him your strong energy, slams like a mollusk into its shell, blocks the flow and "freezes" both himself and the interested man.

A confident, dignified woman does not pinch and swallow her tongue.

Rule 5. Listen to what the man says or broadcasts

Successful communication requires imbued with the interests of the interlocutor... Listen and observe if this is a more business-like conversation and you are not the leading expert in this area, you should not try to divert his attention to yourself. If a man talks about a hobby, smokes a cigar, drinks whiskey, is relaxed, on this pleasant wave, you can be beautifully intertwined with the conversation.

And all the more it is necessary to show competent activity if a man is oriented towards female attention, makes fun of him, makes compliments. He is in a certain mood and it can be used successfully.

You need to clearly understand at what point in a winning state, and when you are completely irrelevant.

Communicating with Men Successfully - Rule 6. Catch His Wave

Learn empathy feel the mood of a man, his inner state... Is he serious? Mirror its seriousness. Is he playful? Play back. Be his doppelganger, imbued with his emotions, feel with every fiber of your soul what he is feeling now.

Do not think that you will be a chameleon subject to your surroundings - quite the opposite, you are, rather, a Trojan horse that can get into the very depths of his consciousness.

You are adjusting for understanding the person and for harmonious communication, and not in order to erase your personality.

Rule 7. Understand his point of view

A conversation has begun, contact has been established, your interlocutor is talking about something, has started talking to you on a particular topic - be careful! Successful men don't just tell you anything., with no purpose to just chat. They always know what they mean and why they are taking certain steps.

Why does he tell you these words? What kind of reaction does he want or expect from you? Perhaps he provokes you, tests you? Pulling strings to test the strength of emotional intelligence?

Calculate your correct reaction, do not disappoint or alienate the interlocutor.

... undoubtedly, to be worthy - you have to learn!

Can't simulate by temporarily showing up “The same» — smart status man will quickly identify a fake... You need to work on yourself, learn to be worthy, grow as a person.

Happiness is near - open your palms and take it!

But it is impossible to find your prince, sitting on the stove and doing nothing for this. He who wants happiness clearly goes to his goal, and in order to know the right direction, one must use the experience and knowledge of specialists. Do you know the famous expression?

If the blind lead the blind, both will sooner or later end up in a hole. .

As an expert in finding the perfect relationship partner, I have helped many high school graduates happily marry successful men. I know techniques that work. I have been a guest of honor at many weddings. And you can be one of them by believing in yourself!

This is my mission in life. I feel real happiness when you find your love! I sincerely want each of you to meet your man and create with him a successful family based on trust and mutual understanding.

How to communicate with men? Understanding how to communicate with a strong half is acquired with experience, as well as life wisdom, this is a skill that requires separate development. It is impossible to understand a man completely from the beginning on the basis of the difference in psychological specifics, methods of realization, existing values, and so on. Indeed, gender differences are great and this is manifested even in communication and relationships.

Knowledge of this kind can be useful in completely different situations, when the feeling of novelty disappears and the relationship becomes cool, when there is interest in a particular man, when it is necessary to convey information or understand what he wants from you. All aspects of communication, from intimate to business, as well as personal to virtual, include the ability to interact and take into account the psychology of men. Naturally, each person needs an individual unique approach, but there are general rules that help to initially build communication in a constructive way of understanding and respect. These are the basic principles that you should try to achieve, because if a man does not have respect for a woman as an interlocutor and he does not take into account her opinions, then other attempts to form a dialogue will be useless.

How to communicate with men? Start with the courage to be yourself. When communicating, this is not enough for everyone, but it is especially manifested in women, the desire to please and adjust themselves to the needs of others, who have increased. State the facts directly, without long introductions and embellishments, speak your personal opinion, and do not confirm the words of a man - and they will begin to listen to you at least from the fact that you are different from the mass society, watering everyone with marshmallow syrup in a desire to please. Men appreciate simplicity and do not accept manipulation, respectively, if you have an image of simple and honest, then the lion's share of successful communication will be done.

How to communicate with men correctly

The psychology of communication with a man should develop in you not the ability to pretend and, but the ability to cooperate and convey your thoughts. Learn to be judicious in order to highlight the main thing and focus on this, and not go aside and get bogged down in details. The ability to listen and hear the interlocutor will also be very useful to you. That is, in order to learn how to communicate with men, you do not have to overdo it and radically change your way of interacting. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with only some of the features, as well as work out the skills of successful communication, which will be useful in communicating with women, and with children and the elderly, with all people, no matter what criteria you divide them by.

The psychology of communication with a man is based on simplicity, therefore the main rule in order to be heard and understood correctly is the directness of your words. Naturally, it must be correct and relate exclusively to your and your opinion when asked about it. Offensive wording is not a necessary extreme, therefore, one should not point out to a man his shortcomings in a direct and cruel form, often put pressure on weak points. This behavior can scare anyone away. Straightforwardness in a conversation with a man comes down to your ability to indicate the main thing in your message, and this is where you should start a conversation. If another woman listens to you for ten minutes, waiting for the denouement and the main thought, then the man actively perceives the information in the first half minute of your monologue and considers this information to be the main one. If you did not start directly and immediately with the topic or problem that interests you, then bringing this up after a while, you have already lost male attention and you will have to make extra efforts to attract him or put up with it.

Leave the desire to play any role and fit into the image of a woman who will like this man. The plan is a failure, because you cannot know until the end what image he likes, and any game will eventually unfold, since no one person can pretend forever. Of course, the mechanisms of your and acceptance are involved, therefore, before training on others, restore an adequate sense of self and, despite the presence of shortcomings (available to everyone), be yourself, perhaps precisely for those traits that you do not recognize and eradicate, the man will love you.

Build communication in such a way that the man does not experience - this is the feeling that forces other people to avoid communication with the person who caused him. It is better to find moments when a man deserves praise and compliments, and you should not wait for heroic deeds for this. The stereotype of masculine strength and severity and the unacceptability of any sentimentality and tenderness is too stable, but it is precisely in the end that it plunges them into a world where there is no gratitude and manifestation of feelings for them. Support and approval is necessary even for the strongest, they are able to support a person and give inspiration and strength, and gratitude for such a sense of self will not keep you waiting long.

Avoid quarrels and disputes, because for men these are not ways to clarify relationships and get to know another better, but a real confrontation that requires the mobilization of all forces and actualizes the fear of defeat. If you see that he is wrong, then it is better to remain silent than to continue to prove that you are right - this way you will save not only a lot of nerves, but also will not move from the role of a woman to the role of a rival. So that he does not perceive your arguments as aggression - follow not the text, but the intonation. In principle, in a conversation with a man, for the most part, pay attention to the volume and tone at which you pronounce the words, because an increased tone (even if you want to express your concern, confusion, the need for his participation in this way) causes a reaction of either defense or confrontation. In any of these manifestations, you lose constructive dialogue. In addition to controlling intonations, allow pauses in the dialogue - when a man is silent, this is not a signal that he has finished a thought, stopped communicating with you or ignores, most often this is the process of his internal reasoning. Women tend to think out loud, this is how they find a way out - just by calling and telling a friend the situation, in the process of pronouncing a solution comes a solution. Men think without words, so if your question is more difficult than choosing between tea and coffee, leave moments for making decisions.

Questions deserve a separate moment of clarification. A large number of them on the female side make a man strain and avoid communication in all sorts of ways. Usually women think that this is a sign of secrecy and deception and climb with even more persistence. If you see that a man leaves communication, it is better to stop asking any questions for a while, give him freedom and be less active, pulling him into a frank conversation. When he is ready and the time comes, he will tell everything himself. Usually, men rarely use the female trick of innuendo, but mean only what they wanted to say. If a man says that the cookies are not tasty, then he means exclusively the taste of the cookies, and not that you do not like him, if he asks to feed him, then this is not a rebuke to you, but hunger.

How to communicate with any man correctly

To build a conversation with absolutely any man, you need to choose the right time for this communication. When choosing the evening time after work, remember that you are communicating with a tired and exhausted person who, with a high probability, has a share of the stress from the day's events, and possibly troubles. If in this state, talking about something important or discussing unpleasant moments, then you risk getting an aggressive reaction or avoiding the conversation. Acceptable topics in the evening might be discussion of the day and support; leave the heavier ones for a more resourceful state.

If you see that a man is tense and upset about something, then you do not need to jump around him, asking for trouble. Such participation will be appreciated by your friend, and for a man the best thing you can do is to provide a comfortable and calm atmosphere, so that at least next to you nothing will irritate his nervous system. It is not typical for men to share problems, they rather try to find a way out, and this requires silence and the opportunity to think. If he needs your support or advice, he himself will tell and ask about everything. The questions plunging into concern any topic of feelings, since it is less free for men than for women. Therefore, just in order to turn it off for a few minutes from reality, you can ask "what do you feel now?" then the answer.

In dialogues, remember about brevity, both from your side and from him. If you ask a question that can be answered in one word, then that’s the answer you’ll get. Men expect the same from you. A lot of details and backstories are confusing, and they lose the meaning of your narrative, and they themselves are more inclined to manifest themselves in actions than words, therefore, they are laconic. A man's words usually refer only to this moment, so you should not rely on their meaning, even men themselves say that actions are more truthful. That is, if you heard that he loves you, then yes, it was at that moment that he loved you, but if at the same time you have not seen each other for a month, and all the steps are only from you, then draw conclusions on your actions, without throwing interrogative sms of a young man.

If you need something, then ask, directly and frankly. Men do not like commanding tone and manipulation of guilt - some get angry. Some are offended, but no one runs to fulfill your needs. A request, with the recognition of his skills in this area, inspires the man himself and makes him do for you as much and quickly as possible what you want. Also, remember that men evaluate themselves and those around them through achievements and actions, so giving him the opportunity to do something, you allow him to realize his own feelings.

Avoid pressure, because the strength of a woman is in her softness and ability to adapt, and when you press on a man, argue with him to victory, you become in his perception the same man and he begins to compete with you. Better to give him the impression that he makes all decisions, and you support him, and this can be achieved not only by direct confrontation, but by gradually explaining his vision of the situation, periodically pointing out examples without pressure. It may take longer, but you will definitely not be enemies.

How to communicate with a man on the Internet

Communication on the network greatly simplifies many psychological difficulties in communication - you can adjust your social profile as you like, if there are complexes, there is no need for eye contact, which confuses many, and the text can always be edited before sending, which minimizes the amount of regret about an accidentally thrown phrase. Naturally, there are also disadvantages, because not only you, but also the person on the other end of the chat can provide not their data, turn out to be a fraudster or be a pleasant interlocutor only on the network, actively using Wikipedia and Google. This applies to virtual dating, while many real meetings continue on the Internet, because it is convenient.

In any case, to communicate on the Internet, it is necessary to maintain a rich conversation, and not only intellectually, but also emotionally. Topics that involve a man's interests are great, but be careful if the topic does not pique your interest, as this can be felt even through printed text and can offend the other person. It's best to show your interest by asking questions, but don't be intrusive in your urge to force things. No matter how courageous a man may be in correspondence, the steps towards developing a relationship (whether it be sharing photos or translating communication into reality) should come from him.

Answer the man's questions with a few sentences; there is no need to post a full biography. If he is delicate and does not ask questions, then tell yourself about your life or hobbies, you can share events in the city and funny links. Adjust the frequency of communication and end the conversation before you get bored with the interlocutor. The first signs can be seen in monosyllabic responses and frequent pauses between messages. At the end of the dialogue, do not forget about goodbye, and do not just go offline - wishes for a good evening and good night are quite appropriate, you can even add music or a picture. Leave the person with a feeling of pleasant completion, then the next communication will be with joy.

In general, it is better to communicate a little less, but with a high level of interest, than every day, but painfully looking for topics to maintain dialogue. And if you feel that the interest is becoming more than just periodic correspondence, then do not delay the development of virtualization, so as not to fantasize about a superfluous person.

Here is a woman meeting an interesting man, they start dating, chatting, spending time, and then, quite unexpectedly, the relationship starts to deteriorate and the man disappears. And this is repeated several times. If this story is familiar to you, let's look together for an answer to the question of why this is happening. The fact is that a man and a woman are different from each other, like summer and winter, like day and night. This means that you need to communicate with them in different ways. The psychology of communication with men is quite peculiar, and requires a scrupulous approach. That is why the psychology of successful communication with men lies in the concept of "speaking their language."

If we, the fair sex, manage to unravel at least some of the secrets of communication with men, we can achieve great success in building excellent relationships between a man and a woman. To do this, it is worth studying the male "language of conversation" and the principles of behavior. In addition, men and women perceive information in different ways, too. Therefore, in most cases, a woman speaks in order to speak out, and a man enters into a dialogue only "on business."

Rules for communicating with men

Let's take a look at some of the basic rules for dealing with men:

  • men perceive everything in terms of problem solving. If a woman just wants to speak out, a friend is more suitable for her. The man will immediately begin to give advice;
  • when talking, men are able to discuss one topic at one time. Women in parallel lead several topics at once (children, work, mother-in-law, shops). Therefore, discuss one topic with your male interlocutor;
  • men, when talking, look into the eyes of the interlocutor. This rule should also be followed;
  • men are simple, therefore they do not notice the "subtext" in the conversation. If a woman wants something from a man, she should say it directly.

The art of communicating with men also lies in the correspondence of the selected image and the intended topic, because a man's picture must match one hundred percent. For example, if a woman is going to a business meeting, then a strict business suit, hairstyle and serious business manners will be a good plus for a successful transaction. Then the man clearly understands what they came to him with and tunes in for a serious conversation. Correct communication with a man leads to positive results in the goal of communication, whether it be a business deal or a personal acquaintance with the hope of a long-term relationship.

Errors in communicating with men

There are well-known things that men hate about women. To avoid mistakes, consider the most common "female lapses":

  • men are annoyed when the conversation starts with accusations. If this situation is repeated often, men prefer to distance themselves;
  • men hate women's tears. It is better to talk about everything in a business way - the result will be better;
  • men hate to be ashamed. A woman is doomed to loneliness if she cannot learn this rule by heart;
  • do not go to a man with questions when he is busy. Here it is worth noting that interrogating him with the phrase: "what happened, why are you silent?" also impossible.

These rules are very simple, so if you want to achieve the desired goals in dealing with men, they should be learned by heart. The first communication with a man should be interesting, exciting and dynamic. So that there was a desire to meet again. Talk about more masculine topics, that is, those that interest him, but you should not talk about pink frills and blonde girlfriends at the first meeting. If the conversation is business, show your business skills as much as possible. Make clear and specific sentences. Feel free to shake hands when you meet and say goodbye.

Now there is a lot of literature, which gives a lot of tips and advice, as well as reveals the secrets and peculiarities of communication with men. I would especially like to mention authors such as Allan and Barbara Pease, who have published many excellent books on this topic. Almost all the answers about how different a man and a woman can be can be obtained from the book "Man and Woman, the Language of Relationships" by Allan and Barbara Pease.

Speak directly, and do not hint. Your directness should not be devoid of correctness! Formulate what you want to say in such a way that you do not "hurt" the man with words or phrases. You should at least predict its "weak points". If you don't know them, be careful with every word you say.

  • Second:

In the first twenty seconds of communication, have time to tell the man what is most important to you. That is how long a representative of the opposite sex is able to show patience for "listening" to the interlocutor.

  • Third:

Don't try to be a “different” woman. When communicating, you need to remain yourself. By the way, very few people know how to do this. Everyone tries to appear the way they want to see them. But no one even thinks about the fact that sooner or later a person will show himself to be real…. Do not be ashamed of yourself and your shortcomings (whatever they may be). You, like all people on earth, have your own "unique uniqueness." Do not ruin her under the "masks of wrong ideality"!

  • Fourth:

Before making plans that "include" a man, make (in your head) a list of questions that will help you find out if he has any personal affairs at the "intersection" with the plans that you have for him. Men do not like such "surprises".

  • Fifth:

Praise the man if he shares an achievement with you. And in that case, praise if this achievement seemed to you a trifle, stupidity, meaninglessness or insignificance. This is the psychology of communication with men, which will certainly benefit you.

  • Sixth:

Do not drive a man into the "paint of shame"! Otherwise, you run the risk of developing an inferiority complex in a man, and for yourself "ensure" a complete loss of confidence and the man himself. Shame is something that humiliates men very much.

  • Seventh:

Try not to use such phrases as “I feel”, “I suppose” or “I think” in dialogues with men. Use, for example, "I think." So you "imbued" with the understanding of you more as a man.

  • Eighth:

Be silent if a man is wrong, but is trying to prove his righteousness. Speak, but do not lead to an argument. Men do not like to argue, because they are afraid to be losers as a result. It's hard to be silent - agree with the man (for him, not for yourself) and smoothly transfer the topic of conversation to another. On the one that will really be able to interest a man.

  • Ninth:

When you are talking to a man, do not react painfully to his pauses. If he fell silent somewhere in the middle of the conversation - he thought. Men reason out loud, but very rarely. When you finish saying something - lower your tone of voice, and do not keep it "raised". Otherwise, the man may decide that you are unhappy with something or think that he said something wrong.

  • Tenth:

Don't base your conversation around solid questions. The man will begin to be annoyed by this, and he will look for any excuse to run away on business (which, perhaps, is not on his agenda).

  • Eleventh:

Never start serious conversations in the evening. The man came home from work, tired, dreaming of rest. And with your conversation, which is so important to you, you can scare a person. Knowing the female talkativeness, he will think (with horror) that you will talk about something until dawn.

  • Twelfth:

Men “close” in themselves if they feel female intellectual superiority. Mask the "peaks" of your mind so that the man does not feel uncomfortable.

  • Thirteenth:

If you need to interrupt a man urgently, interrupt him with skill: say what you went to such "impoliteness" for and immediately say some compliment to the man's address.

  • Fourteenth:

Do you want to beg for a gift of some kind? Go shopping with a man, tell him what you are going to buy. A gentleman will understand. No - don't insist on gifts. Never humiliate yourself with the famous whimsical "well, buy". Men get very angry when they watch it.

  • The fifteenth:

Never look for something unsaid in a man's words. If he asked to feed him - he just wants to eat. He has no desire to reproach you for not feeding him.

  • Sixteenth:

Do not ask the man what problems he has at work, why he is not in the mood, and so on. Men prefer to share their "grief" on their own, without questions or interrogations. When a man considers it necessary, he will come and tell you everything!

  • Seventeenth:

Do not put frantic emotionality into words, as the man will not like it at all. So is your constant "giggle" after every word. Irritation, in this case, acts on a man as if a mate would act on you through every word (if you are against obscene curses).

  • Eighteenth:

Don't be offended by the brevity of the answers. Laconism in them is adored by many men. Especially those who consider themselves to be uncommunicative. Generally speaking, men believe that a simple “no” or just “yes” will be more than enough. No man thinks about how much women love detailed information.

  • Nineteenth:

If you are late for a meeting with a man, do not waste a lot of energy and zeal on various excuses. A man knows perfectly well how any girl is going anywhere. It is not surprising to be late. If you want to surprise you - come on time (second per second) or come earlier!

  • Twentieth:

Don't command a man. The psychology of communication with men is such that if you want to manipulate him, do it in a cunning form, hidden, unobtrusively. Men do not like commanding tone. Not that they don't like…. Do not perceive! But they also manage to be offended. And you should not offend a man: they will remember if something gives a reason for this.

  • Twenty first:

Call a man by name more often (you can use the diminutive form of the name). A man will respect you, understand that he is not an empty place for you. "Nameless" communication repels, alienates and alarms all men.

Let's hope that you managed to learn something interesting and new, which you will learn for a reason.

Happy assimilation process!