Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. Consultation on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle of a preschool child. The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler


Shadrinsky branch of the GOUVNO "Moscow State

Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov "

Final qualifying work

on the topic: "Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children in the process of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents"

Completed a 6th year student

Getz Yu.V. ________________

Scientific adviser: Art.

To admit to the defense of candidate of pedagogical sciences, Yakovleva Natalya Ivanovna

Head Department of Psychology - _________________________

pedagogical Diploma work defended

education and defectology "___" ______________ 20__.

Yakovleva N.I. _________ Assessment ___________________

"___" _____________ 20__ Chairman of the SJSC ___________

Shadrinsk, 2010

Introduction 3
Chapter I. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the problem of formation a healthy lifestyle in the family and preschool.

1.2. Study of the current state of family interaction and

preschool educational institution in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children

1.3. The essence of the pedagogical interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for older preschool children
Chapter II. Experimental research in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children
2.1. Goals and objectives of the experimental research 37
Results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment 39

2.2. The program for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

The results of the formative stage of pedagogical


2.3. Model of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children
2.4. Experimental results 58
Conclusion 66
Literature 69
Application 77


The modern development of Russia is associated with modernization in the field of education, which primarily affects the problems of the formation of the younger generation, integrated into modern society. A person who is focused on a healthy lifestyle can be successful in various areas of life.

Many negative factors affect the health of children: the widespread deteriorating environmental situation, a decrease in the standard of living in the country as a whole, a decrease in the level of social guarantees for children in the spheres of spiritual and physical development, a lack of time and funds for parents to fully meet the needs of children, an increase in the number of incomplete families, the technology of the upbringing and educational process, the personality of teachers, as well as the state and orientation of family upbringing.

In these conditions, the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers becomes especially urgent. Today's children are the future of the state. Within the framework of the state concept of preserving the health of children, much attention is paid to strengthening the health of children, and, above all, to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the child.

The health-preserving nature of education and upbringing is especially important in preschool educational institutions, where the child receives basic knowledge from many sciences, including about his body, at this stage the child understands and accepts the value of a healthy lifestyle.

At present, scientists from various fields of knowledge are engaged in the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle: medicine and physiology V.N. Dubrovsky, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, B.N. Chumakov, psychology O.S. Osadchuk, ecology Z.I. Tyumaseva, A.F. Amend and pedagogy V.G. Alyamovskaya, G.K. Zaitsev, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, M. L. Lazarev, O.S. Schneider, O. V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, L.G. Tatarnikova, O. Yu. Tolstov.

Simultaneously with the use of innovative technologies, the most important factor influencing the personality of a child is the atmosphere of family emotional ties. Parental love provides children with emotional protection and psychological comfort, gives life support, and the child's love and boundless trust make him especially susceptible to their influence. Special psychological, pedagogical and sociological studies (A.I. Zakharov, Yu.P. Litvinene, A.N.Demidova, V.Ya. Titarenko, O.L. Zvereva, E.P. Arnautova) showed that the family is in dire need of in the help of specialists at all stages of preschool childhood. It is obvious that the family and the kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other and must interact in the name of the full development of the preschooler.

The relevance of our research is determined by the following contradictions: on the one hand, there is an objective need to organize effective interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in introducing older preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle, and on the other hand, there is an insufficient methodological elaboration of this problem within the educational process of a preschool institution.

The search for effective ways to resolve this contradiction was indicated by research problem, how is the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, which ensures the successful formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children

Based on the identified contradictions and problems, the research topic was formulated: "Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children in the process of interaction between preschool educational institutions and their parents."

Purpose of the study: consists in the theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the program for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers.

The solution to this problem is the goal of this study.

The object of research: is the process of forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in a preschool educational institution and a family.

Subject of study: the interaction of the family and preschool educational institutions in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for older preschool children.

In accordance with the set goal, the subject and object of the study, the following was formulated. hypothesis:

The interaction of the preschool educational institution and the family in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle will be effective if

A system of active inclusion in the interaction of all subjects of pedagogical communication is being implemented .;

The interaction of the preschool educational institution with parents is carried out on the basis of an activity approach ;

A preschool educational institution implements a program and model for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children.

In accordance with the problem, purpose, object and subject of research, the following tasks:

1. To carry out a theoretical analysis of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" in psychological, pedagogical and valeological research and to clarify its content.

2. To study the current state of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children and to concretize the concept of “formation of a healthy lifestyle” in the process of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution.

3. To determine the essence of the interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for older preschool children.

4. Develop a program and propose a model for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children.

The research methodology is based on: theory of formation of a healthy lifestyle and health preservation Yu.P. Lisitsyna, B.N. Chumakov, V.G. Alyamovskaya, G.K. Zaitsev, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, M.L. Lazareva, L.G. Tatarnikova

The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic scientists in the field of preschool education V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina, M.V. Krulekht, L.M. Manevtsova, N. N. Kondratieva, T.D. Richterman et al. Research in the field of interaction between family and preschool educational institutions belongs to T.A. Kulikova, O. L. Zvereva, A. N. Ganicheva.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Municipal preschool educational institution of the kindergarten "Teremok" in the city of Surgut, Tyumen region. The study involved educators, 20 preschoolers of the older group and their parents.

To solve the set tasks and check the initial assumptions, the following were used research methods: theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, medical, educational and methodological literature and mass pedagogical experience on the research problem; questioning of parents, conversation, study of the products of creative activity of preschoolers, experimental work, statistical processing of the material.

The theoretical significance of the study thing is

The existing theoretical ideas about the content, organization of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in introducing older preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle have been expanded;

The main components of a healthy lifestyle for older preschoolers, its indicators and levels have been identified;

The practical significance of the study: consists in the fact that, in accordance with grounded theoretical principles, the program and model of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, ensuring the introduction of older preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle, are determined, experimentally tested and confirmed in practice.

Thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, an appendix, a bibliography of 82 sources.

Chapter I ... Scientific and theoretical foundations of the problem of formation a healthy lifestyle in the family and preschool educational institutions

1.1. Theoretical analysis of the concept of "healthy lifestyle"

The idea of ​​raising a healthy person has deep historical roots. The problem of educating a healthy younger generation worried teachers and doctors throughout the entire path of formation and development of pedagogical and medical sciences, starting from ancient times.

Philosophers of Ancient Greece, possessing encyclopedic knowledge, contributed to the emergence of medicine and pedagogy, actively studying the relationship between health and human behavior, as well as the causes of longevity. Pythagoras, Plato, Demosthenes, Socrates and other philosophers themselves were living and rare examples of longevity for those times. The works of that time contained recommendations for improving health, as well as prescriptions of a preventive nature, which have not lost their significance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle: the daily regimen, work and rest, proper nutrition, home hygiene, preventive measures ("Healing instructions of the asklepidias ").

The follower of Hippocrates and Galen, Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century AD), proclaimed a healthy lifestyle as the basis for the prevention of diseases, and its violation as the main reason for their development. He left a lot of work on the use of water procedures for preventive and therapeutic purposes, significantly expanding the range of their application.

In the writings of the Roman Marcus Fabius Quintillian (1st century AD), the pedagogical views of that time were reflected, based on the need to educate children, taking into account age and individual characteristics, adherence to three degrees (methods) of teaching: imitation, instruction and exercise, as well as a reasonable combination of activities, games and rest in order to avoid fatigue of children and preserve their health.

Later, in the Middle Ages, the tasks of upbringing merged with the tasks of healing, but above all, the soul, not the body. The main task of upbringing was considered in three aspects: the acquisition of righteous customs or habits, the upbringing of a Christian style of behavior, overcoming passions (Clement of Alexandria, Basil of Caesarea), most often they had nothing to do with health.

In the Christian literature of the 11th century, recommendations appear where, in order to protect the health of children, it was proposed to engage not only in physical exercise, but also to lead a reasonable lifestyle, opposed to a bad lifestyle, for example, to work hard and not get fat.

In the Renaissance, a new attitude towards a person, anthropocentric thinking, humanism is formed. Man in the Renaissance is not only a spirit, it is a bodily being, while bodily life is valuable in itself, it is again sung by artists, poets and arouses the interest of scientists.

The tendencies of the empirical knowledge of nature were especially clearly reflected in the development of medicine, anatomy and physiology. New medical knowledge about a person as a developing, creative person made it possible to synthesize previously disparate humanistic ideas and traditions. A number of philosophers (J. Locke, A. Smith, K. Helvetius, M. V. Lomonosov, K. Marx others), psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, V. M. Bekhterev and others), medical scientists (N. M. Amosov, V. P. Kaznacheev, Yu. P. Lisitsyn, M. M. Buyanov, I. I. Brekhman, B. N. Chumakov and others), teachers (L. G. Tatarnikova, V. V. Kolbanov , V.K. Zaitsev, S.V. Popov and others) tried to solve the problem of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. They developed and

left numerous works on maintaining health, prolonging life potential and longevity.

An interesting statement by the outstanding English philosopher John Locke, contained in the treatise “Thoughts on education”: “A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. Whoever possesses both, that remains to desire a little, and who is deprived of at least one, to a small extent can compensate for anything else. A person's happiness or unhappiness is mostly the work of his own hands. One who has an unhealthy and weak body will never be able to move forward along this path. " We agree with his opinion.

According to Adam Smith, a Scottish thinker, “... Life and health are the main subject of care that nature instills in everyone. Concerns about our own health, about our own well-being, about everything that concerns our safety and our happiness, and are the subject of virtue, called prudence. " "It does not allow us to risk our health, our well-being, our good name." "In a word, prudence aimed at maintaining health is considered a venerable quality."

French philosopher Claude Helvetius wrote in his writings about the positive impact of physical education on human health: "The task of this kind of education is to make a person stronger, more robust, healthier, therefore, happier, more often beneficial to their homeland." ... “Excellence in physical education depends on government excellence. Under a wise state system, they strive to educate strong and strong citizens. Such people will be happy and more capable of performing the various functions to which the state's interest encourages them. "

Thus, the great philosophers - thinkers argued that a person himself should mainly think, take care of his health, well-being and strive to support it. Human happiness depends on this.

The great Russian scientist MV Lomonosov, in the 18th century, wrote an appeal "On the preservation and reproduction of the Russian people", in which he proposed measures to preserve and increase the population for the economic and political life of the country, presented a socio-economic program. He writes: "I believe the beginning of this is the most important thing: the preservation and multiplication of the people, which is the majesty, power and wealth of the entire state." In his address, he set the goal of improving the life of the people, their well-being through the dissemination of culture, scientific and medical knowledge "In addition, a great many people fall into various diseases, for the cure of which there are still very few decent institutions ...". MV Lomonosov proposes: "It is required in all cities a sufficient number of doctors, doctors and pharmacies, to study the doctorate to send Russian students to foreign universities and within the state to let them produce worthy doctors."

MV Lomonosov attached great importance to the analysis of the factors of development and formation of the personality of a young person. He showed the role of heredity in the emergence of a large healthy generation of Russian people. He also revealed the influence of the environment, the environment on the personality and turned to the problem of moral, sexual education of the young and adult population, to the creation of a strong, happy family based on love and respect: "Where there is no love, fertility is not reliable", the inclusion of young people in labor activity ...

MV Lomonosov turned to the study of human problems from the standpoint of psychology, physiology, pedagogy in their totality. It was this approach, in his opinion, that made it possible to obtain objective data on

people that teachers need to know. The work "On the Preservation and Reproduction of the Russian People", the work on the problems of educating young people make it possible to consider M. Lomonosov the first Russian valeologist who studied the problem of man in the medical and pedagogical complex.

Scientists S.P. Botkin, P.F. Lesgaft laid the foundations for our modern valeology.

S.S.Botkin saw human health, primarily as a function of adaptation and evolution, a function of reproduction, procreation and a guarantee of the health of offspring. Violation, insufficiency of this function, he considers as the most important basis of pathology.

V.M. Bekhterev put a lot of effort into the struggle for the improvement of society. He linked the prospects for the development of the individual and society with the protection of the health of the population, the improvement of their living conditions, an increase in well-being, and the growth of culture. He pays special attention to the preservation and strengthening of children's health. The article "Child health protection" reflects a comprehensive program for solving this problem, including a system of hygienic, medico-biological, social and psychological measures. The problems of physical and mental health of a person were considered by Bekhterev in the context of his anti-alcohol campaign. He is one of those who actively fought against the "alcoholic snake".

The problem of health was also of interest to many teachers.

VA Sukhomlinsky argued that “Caring for a child's health is a complex of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules ... not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and rest. and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity. "

Consider what health is.

In the Charter of the World Health Organization, the definition of health is: “... a state of complete, physical, mental

social well-being, not just the absence of disease and physical defects. "

According to S.V. Popov, if you think about this definition, then we can conclude that absolute health is an abstraction, and besides the fact that this definition initially excludes people who have any (congenital or acquired) physical defects, even in stage of compensation.

In 1968, WHO adopted the following wording: "Health is the property of a person to perform his biosocial functions in a changing environment, with overload and without losses, provided that there are no diseases and defects. Health is physical, mental and moral."

G.L. Bilich, L.V. Nazarova, taking the definition of the World Health Organization as a basis, consider it necessary and justified to add two factors. So, "health is a state of complete, physical, mental and social well-being and the ability to adapt to constantly changing external and environmental conditions and the natural process of conservation, as well as the absence of diseases and physical defects."

In the Great Medical Encyclopedia, health is interpreted as the state of the human body when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes. At the same time, throughout its development, it changes the forms of interaction with environmental conditions, while changing not so much the environment as the organism itself.

Academician N.M. Amosov believes that "the health of an organism is determined by its quantity, which can be estimated by the maximum duration of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions." V.P. Kaznacheev interprets health as “a process (dynamic state) of preservation and development of biological, physiological and

mental functions of optimal working capacity, social activity with maximum life expectancy. "

Academician Yu.P. Lisitsyn is right that “human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of diseases, malaise, discomfort, it is a state that allows a person to lead an unnatural life in his freedom, to fully fulfill his inherent functions, primarily labor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, to experience mental, physical and social well-being. "

II Brekhman, the founder of the science of health - valeology, defines health as “the ability of a person to maintain stability corresponding to age in the face of sharp changes in the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the triune flow of sensory, verbal and structural information.

Thus, from the above definitions it is clear that the concept of health reflects the quality of the organism's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health:

1. Somatic health - the current state of organs and systems of the human body, which is based on the biological program of individual development, mediated by basic needs that dominate at various stages of ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the trigger mechanism for human development, and secondly, they provide the individualization of this process.

2. Physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, which is based on morphophysiological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions.

3. Mental health - the state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the state of general mental comfort, which provides an adequate behavioral response. This state is due to both biological and social needs, as well as the possibilities of their satisfaction.

4. Moral health- a complex of characteristics of motivational and need-informative spheres of life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual's behavior in society. Moral health is mediated by the spirituality of a person, since it is associated with the universal truths of good, love and beauty.

Health indicators are:

Specific (immune) and nonspecific resistance to the action of damaging factors;

Growth and development indicators;

Functional state and reserve capabilities of the body;

The presence and level of any disease or developmental defect;

The level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

Lifestyle - type of life of people due to the characteristics of the socio-economic formation. The main parameters of the way of life are work (study for the younger generation), everyday life, social, political and cultural activities of people, as well as various behavioral habits and manifestations. If their organization and content contribute to health promotion, then there is a reason to talk about the implementation of a healthy lifestyle that can be

considered as a combination of activities that ensure optimal interaction of the individual with the environment.

According to Karl Marx's definition, “Disease is a life constrained in its freedom, while a healthy lifestyle aimed at preventing the occurrence of any disease ensures the full development and realization of the individual's capabilities, contributes to the formation of an active life position and is a necessary condition for the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality ". S.V. Popov believes that the way of life is largely determined by socio-economic conditions, at the same time it largely depends on the motives of the activity of a particular person, on the characteristics of his psyche, state of health and functional capabilities of the organism. This, in particular, explains the real diversity of lifestyle options for different people. Human lifestyle includes three categories: standard of living, quality of life and lifestyle.

The standard of living is primarily an economic category that represents the degree of satisfaction of a person's material, spiritual and cultural needs. The quality of life is understood as the degree of comfort in meeting human needs (mainly a social category). The lifestyle characterizes the behavioral characteristics of a person's life, that is, a certain standard to which the psychology and psychophysiology of a person is adjusted (a socio-psychological category).

Human health will primarily depend on the lifestyle, which is largely personalized and determined by historical and national traditions (mentality) and personal inclinations (image).

Human behavior is aimed at satisfying needs. With a more or less the same level of needs characteristic of a given society, each personality is characterized by its own individual

the way to satisfy them, therefore, people's behavior is different and depends primarily on upbringing.

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle, this concept is the basis of valeology. A healthy lifestyle unites everything that contributes to the performance of a person's professional, social and domestic functions in optimal conditions for health and expresses the orientation of the individual's activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

BN Chumakov characterizes a healthy lifestyle as “the active activity of people, aimed, first of all, at maintaining and improving health. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the way of life of a person and a family does not develop by itself, depending on the circumstances, but is formed purposefully and constantly throughout life. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the main link in primary prevention in strengthening the health of the population through changes in the style and way of life, its improvement with the use of hygienic knowledge in the fight against bad habits, overcoming the unfavorable sides associated with life situations ”(Ch., P. 23).

Hence, it is clear how important it is, starting from a very early age, to educate children in an active attitude to their own health,

understanding that health is the greatest value given to man by nature. According to modern concepts, the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes the following components:

Optimal motor regime;

Balanced diet;


Personal hygiene;

Positive emotions.

According to S.V. Popov, the existing system of modern preschool education, does not form the proper motivation for a healthy lifestyle. The foregoing allows us to conclude that the "knowledge" of adults about a healthy lifestyle did not become convictions that there is no motivation to take care of their own health and its preservation.

The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is movement.

The life of a modern person, especially in cities, is characterized by a high proportion of hyponesia and hypodynamia, and this, despite the fact that practically no one disputes the position that the main cause of many diseases of civilization is insufficient physical activity.

Preschoolers especially suffer from hypodynamia. They have to spend more time sitting watching TV, computer games have aggravated the immobility of children.

Speaking about the optimal motor mode, one should take into account not only the initial state of health, but also the frequency and systematicity of the applied loads. Classes should be based on the principles of gradualness and consistency, repetition and systematicity, individualization and regularity. It has been proven that the best health-improving effect (in terms of training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems) is provided by cyclic aerobic exercises: walking, light jogging, swimming, skiing and cycling. Flexibility exercises should also be included in the daily exercise routine.

At present, there is an extensive literature devoted to theoretical and methodological issues of optimization of motor activity of children and adolescents, a number of health-improving systems of physical exercises have been developed and practically tested, which have accessibility, ease of implementation, and explainable effectiveness.

Unfortunately, most of the health-improving systems: (aerobics, shaping, rhythmic gymnastics, etc.) are methodically developed for adults, but, of course, the use of these systems for the health improvement of children and adolescents is possible with the introduction of game elements and adherence to the principle of individualization.

Let's move on to the next factor of a healthy lifestyle that affects human health, to the problem of nutrition.

In the last decade, interest in the problem of nutrition of preschoolers has increased, since proper nutrition ensures the normal course of growth and development of the body, as well as maintaining health.

The correct organization of nutrition is of great importance for the development of the child's body. The normal growth and development of a child depends primarily on how well his body is provided with the necessary nutrients. Proper nutrition is a major factor in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

When organizing food, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the development and functioning of the digestive system and the whole organism for a specific age period, as well as the body's need for nutrients, since it is especially sensitive to any disturbances, both in the quantitative and qualitative composition of food.

The basis for the correct organization of nutrition for children at different age periods should be based on the following basic principles:

1. Regular food intake at regular intervals is the main condition from which it is necessary to start organizing food for the child.

2. Nutrition of children should correspond to the level of development and functional capabilities of the organism in a particular age period.

3. Nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) entering | the body, together with food, must be in a certain ratio with each other.

4. Nutrition should be individual, taking into account the characteristics of the child, health status, reaction to food and more.

The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is hardening.

Almost everyone knows the saying: "The sun, air and water are our best friends." Indeed, the use of these natural forces of nature, the use of reasonable, rational, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened, successfully resists unfavorable environmental factors - primarily hypothermia and overheating.

Hardening is an effective means of strengthening human health. Its role is especially great in the prevention of colds: hardened people, as a rule, do not catch colds. Hardening also increases the nonspecific resistance of the human body to infectious diseases, enhancing immune responses.

Hardening provides training and successful functioning of thermoregulatory mechanisms, leads to an increase in the general and specific resistance of the body to adverse external influences.

The success and effectiveness of hardening are possible only if a number of principles are observed, which are:

Graduality (to increase the strength of the hardening effect and the duration of the procedure should be gradually);

Systematicity (hardening will be effective when it is carried out not from time to time, but daily and without interruptions);

Complexity - hardening will be most effective if all the natural forces of nature are used in the complex: the sun, air and water;

Taking into account individual characteristics during hardening, it is necessary to take into account both height and gender, and the state of health, as well as local climatic conditions and habitual temperature regimes.

When hardening children, you must first of all remember that every hardening procedure for them should take place against a positive emotional background, should bring joy and pleasure. Positive emotions completely eliminate the negative effects of cooling. The best way to achieve positive emotions while tempering children is to introduce elements of fun play into the tempering procedure. Involving children in hardening serves as an example for parents, hence the importance of the effectiveness of promoting hardening among the population is understandable.

There is air hardening (air baths); hardening by the sun (air-sun baths); hardening with water (rubdown, dousing, shower, bathing, swimming in an ice-hole); Walking barefoot is one of the oldest methods of hardening, it is widely promoted and practiced in many countries.

The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is personal hygiene. Maintaining and strengthening health is impossible without observing the rules of personal hygiene - a set of measures for caring for body skin, hair, oral cavity, clothes and shoes.

Caring for the body skin (washing hands before eating, after walking, with morning and evening dressing, daily warm shower before bedtime or warm bath) should become a natural and integral procedure, visiting a bath, should become as a means of hardening (steam room) and as a means of active recreation ...

Where there is no centralized hot water supply, it is advisable to use local douches with warm water and daily washing of feet before going to bed. It is necessary to change socks and tights daily.

The Children's Hygiene Guide recommends washing your hair 1-2 times every 1-10 days. The solution to this issue must be approached individually and hair detergents should be selected individually, depending on the nature of the hair and personal tastes.

Dental care is an integral part of maintaining good health. Hygienic requirements for clothing are primarily aimed at ensuring normal heat and gas exchange between the body and the environment, optimal body and skin temperature, skin moisture, skin respiration. Achievement of these requirements can be ensured by the use of materials for clothing with certain physical properties, such as air permeability, thermal conductivity, moisture conductivity, electrical insulation.

Children should be taught hygienic skills in caring for their clothes from an early age. It is best to choose shoes exactly in size: not too tight, but not too big. Tight shoes cause pain, make it difficult to walk, and impair the growth and shape of the feet. It is necessary to educate children to respect clothes and shoes. Positive emotions are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. To maintain physical health, mental tempering is necessary, the essence of which is the joy of life.

It is known that the basis of work on improving one's psyche is self-hypnosis. It increases emotional tone, confidence and willpower. Mental hardening also stimulates physiological defense mechanisms: immunity, the function of the endocrine glands. So thoughts strengthen the body and vice versa: lack of will, a decrease in emotional mood contribute to a deterioration in well-being, and a weakening of mental and physical health. Speaking about positive emotions, it should also be remembered that in pedagogy, encouragement is considered a more effective lever of influence on a child than punishment. Considering the above, the conclusion suggests itself that by encouraging the child, we preserve and strengthen his health, and vice versa.

Having considered the conditions necessary for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, we came to the conclusion that the younger generation is most susceptible to various educational and formative purposeful pedagogical influences. Consequently, a healthy lifestyle must be formed starting from childhood, then taking care of one's own health as the main value will become a natural form of behavior. Thus, healthy lifestyle in our study, it is considered as an active form of behavior of children, ensuring the preservation of mental and physical health, an increase in the adaptive capabilities of the body, its maximum capacity. This is a favorable emotional climate in the family, a friendly and benevolent attitude of parents towards each other and the child; this is the correct organized nutrition, the use of physical exercises in the air and sufficient activity of the individual, and of course the correct exemplary behavior of adults, their negative attitudes towards bad habits.

1.2. Study of the current state of family interaction

and a preschool educational institution in

formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children.

As a result of the changes that have taken place in society, there is a need to reevaluate the previously existing ideas about the functions of education and upbringing, the interaction of preschool educational institutions and the family. The family is a social institution where the child's socialization takes place, where universal human norms and values ​​are assimilated in the process of relationships with other people, and the first stable impressions of the world around are formed. With a family, a person is inseparable throughout his life, only his role changes. Many scientists argue that at all times and for all peoples, the socialization of children was the only specific function of the family, and other functions (economic, welfare support, etc.) are secondary. The family not only lays the foundations for the formation of a personality, but also provides the most important conditions for its development ..

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is largely due to the process of socialization of the individual. The development and socialization of a child occurs in a specific social environment, which is an important factor in the regulation of his behavior.

In the research of N.V. Bordovskaya, M.D. Makhaneva, V.P. Ozerova, S.Yu. Tolstova, O. L. Trescheva, S.O. Filippova emphasized the role of society as an environment for the formation of a certain way of life in children.

The social direction in solving the problem of a healthy lifestyle is also traced in the works of V.P. Petlenko and N.G. Veselova.

Modern research on valeological education of preschoolers is associated with the consideration of the issue of teaching children the basic skills of a healthy lifestyle in the process of physical education (M.L. Lazarev, M.D. Makhaneva, O.V. Morozova, O.S. Schneider). The ecological and valeological orientation of the physical education of senior preschoolers is actualized in the dissertation research by T.V. Poshtarova. The theoretical foundations of valeological support of the educational process at preschool educational institutions were covered by O.Yu. Tolstova, where the achievement of the result is based on hygienic education and training of children.

Without diminishing the importance of social institutions of upbringing, it must be admitted that humanity has not created another link in the upbringing system, which, in terms of the strength of the emotional and moral impact on a growing person, would correspond to family upbringing. Family education has several benefits. It is based on parental authority; it is individual, affects directly a given personality; love for parents ensures the fullness of the child's feelings, children in dysfunctional, incomplete families and orphans suffer from a lack of warmth and attention; the family as a social microgroup passes on a versatile social experience to the younger generation, is the most important stage in the socialization of a person.

Various scientific studies confirm the existence of a close relationship between the type of the emerging personality and the educational potential of the family. The family is characterized by the continuity and duration of educational relationships between people of different ages, life experiences, different personal qualities, with different social status in society.

A preschool educational institution - as a public institution cannot replace the family, solve many of its socio-economic and material problems, it is designed to raise the educational potential, the authority of the family through the organization of productive relationships with the parents of its pupils. The basis of interaction "family - preschool institution" is determined by the following directions: increasing the pedagogical level of knowledge of parents during the entire period of upbringing and teaching children in a childcare institution, counseling parents on education by psychologists, coordinating educational pedagogical actions of teachers and parents, organizing social and pedagogical assistance to the family, joint development of the most appropriate directions for improving the upbringing of the younger generation. An increase in the educational potential of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is possible under the condition of positively directed interaction between the family and the preschool institution. Such interaction presupposes equal positions of teachers and parents in the upbringing and development of the child's personality.

However, it must be admitted that in the issue of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution there is such an opinion: parents are "helpers", the "auxiliary force" at the preschool educational institution. Thus, the family is assigned the role of the object of pedagogical influence, and the preschool educational institution is assigned the role of the dominant. In reality, the interaction assumes that the preschool educational institution and the family are equal subjects of the social education of children. With a decrease in the importance of one of them, the role of the other inevitably increases, and the equality of the parties is violated.

It is necessary to raise the question of creating a system of pedagogical interaction at the level of "family - preschool institution", of course, taking into account the traditions, experience, opportunities and characteristics of preschool educational institutions in the districts. Although, due to a number of objective reasons, it is not easy to implement today. On the one hand, the crisis phenomena occurring in society, the restructuring of its socio - economic structures exacerbate the crisis of the family. A low level of interaction within the family, numerous breakdown of families, a decrease in the authority of parents, a weakening of the spiritual foundations of the family, and an increase in the gap between generations have a negative effect on the nature of pedagogical relations. On the other hand, the orientation towards the upbringing of a new type of personality, the growing importance of the processes of self-education and socialization, individualization and other phenomena can be regarded as a positive change.

However, the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers in preschool conditions remains insufficiently developed. In modern conditions of life, the Russian family, which objectively remains the leading public institution of socialization and education of a healthy younger generation, is experiencing objective difficulties in ensuring the upbringing and development of children.

An analysis of the sociological, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that by now a fairly large amount of material has been accumulated about the role of the family in raising a child, the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, about the interaction of a preschool educational institution and a family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle ..

Effective interaction with the family presupposes the voluntariness of the parents' inclusion in one or another activity proposed by the educator, the priority of subject-subject interaction and the parent's own internal activity in his desire for self-education, self-education and the formation of parental competence.

The study of the literature on the problem of research and the analysis of practical experience made it possible to reveal some shortcomings in the interaction of the preschool educational institution and the family:

Lack of unity in interaction and continuity of the educational impact on the child;

The resolution of these contradictions requires the maximum rapprochement between the family and the preschool institution, since they are united by common goals, the development of the child's personality through ensuring the harmony of the individual and collective, since each child is simultaneously an object and subject of various social relations. Developing an individual in each child, the family and the preschool educational institution prepare him for life in society and cooperation with members of society.

Such a harmonious interaction between the individual and the collective can be ensured by updating the system of family and social education. The main conditions for its implementation can be: parents are not just assistants to teachers, but equal participants in the process of children's development: intellectual, moral, physical, mental; the transition of preschool educational institutions from the dominant forms of mass work with the family today to group and individual forms of interaction, built on a dialogue basis; practical implementation of a differentiated and individualized approach to families.

Thus, in our study, by the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the process of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution, we mean a specially organized pedagogical process carried out by all subjects of upbringing, contributing to the harmonization of the individuality of the preschooler's personality from the standpoint of health preservation.

1.3. The essence of the pedagogical interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution

in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for older children

preschool age

The interaction of parents and teachers in the formation of a healthy lifestyle can only be successful if they become allies, which will allow them to get to know the child better, see him in different situations and, thus, help him in the development of the individual characteristics of children, their development. abilities, the formation of value orientations in life, overcoming negative actions and manifestations in behavior.

It is important for educators to establish partnerships with each child's family to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests.

An analysis of the experience of practical activity shows that not all parents respond to the desire of the teacher-educator for cooperation, show an interest in uniting efforts to raise their child. It takes patience and a focused search for solutions to this problem.

In modern conditions of modernization of public education, requirements of an increased nature are imposed on the activities of general education institutions, again associated with the organization of interaction between teachers, children and parents on the basis of subject - subject relations, a health-preserving environment.

The activity of a general educational institution, the pedagogical process of transferring values ​​from generation to generation, takes place in time and space.

To clarify the concept "interaction" let us turn to the analysis of the main modern psychological and pedagogical approaches.

In psychology, activity is understood as the activity of a subject aimed at changing the world, at producing or generating a certain product of material or spiritual culture.

Activity is the most important form of manifestation of human activity in the surrounding reality. We are motivated by mental, physical, material and spiritual needs. The stimuli for activity can be interest, inclinations, responsibility, consciousness of duty.

In the history of pedagogical thought interaction between family and education was considered in the works of the classics of domestic and foreign pedagogy: Ya.A. Komensky, I. G. Pestalozzi, P. F. Lesgaft, K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and etc.

In the pedagogical dictionary under pedagogical interaction means the personal contact between the educator and the pupils, accidental or deliberate, private or public, long-term or short-term, verbal or non-verbal, resulting in mutual changes in their behavior, activities, relationships, attitudes. Pedagogical interaction can manifest itself in the form of cooperation, in the form of rivalry between participants in the process of oriented activity.

The pedagogical interaction of a family and an educational institution can be defined as the mutual influence of teachers and parents, which results in various social connections, emotional relationships (likes, dislikes), cognitive interests (mutual assessment of each other), behavioral relationships (specific actions in relation to each other ).

The pedagogical interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution is diverse, it is carried out in the course of the educational process. We allow to note that the interaction of an educational institution and a family on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in domestic science and practice is

an unfinished theoretical structure, although experience has already been accumulated and various forms of work with parents have been developed),.

In the process of pedagogical interaction of a preschool institution, we emphasize the importance of valeological approach.

Valeological approach is based on educating children of the need for health, forming their scientific understanding of the essence of a healthy lifestyle and developing an individual way of valeologically grounded behavior.

Their fundamentally significant components can be summarized as follows:

Man is an integral phenomenon, and in the process of his upbringing, it is important to understand and take into account the ways of pairing his organic essence, personality and individuality in him;

The development of the personality occurs throughout life, and above all in the process of its socialization;

Humanistic education is not a direct impact on a person, but a real interaction with her of various subjects: specific people, micro-groups and collectives. As the leading ideas of humanistic education, the following are put forward: socialization, humanization and humanization of education, the creation of a developing environment, educational systems, free self-determination of a person and protection of his rights.

Person-centered approach is fundamental and involves the formation of personal and professional qualities in the teacher-educator. The personal approach is implemented in the presence of a humanistic education system. The personality of the child and the educator is the main criteria for the presence of the development of a humane educational system.

Environment approach lies in the fact that the management of parent-child relations takes place in a certain socio-cultural environment, under the influence of factors and agents of socialization: (parents and teachers).

Axiological approach assumes a value orientation in pedagogical activity, orients the teacher towards universal, national and professional values.

Thus, pedagogical activity is a complex and diverse phenomenon, in the implementation of which all participants in the pedagogical process are involved.

In accordance with the above, pedagogical activity on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the leading activities of society. The social conditioning of the interaction of a preschool educational institution with parents in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children is closely related to the life of an older preschooler.

The essence of interaction families and preschool educational institutions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which consists in providing the child with an individual style of healthy behavior through the creation and implementation of pedagogical conditions, as a set of prerequisites for organizing pedagogical activities in a preschool institution.

One of the features of the teacher's activities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is emotional well-being achieved through various types of joint activities. The emotional well-being of each participant in the educational process depends on the emotiogenicity of the environment, the individual comfort of each child and adult.

The features of the teacher's activity highlighted by us emphasize its uniqueness, and allow us to formulate the main tasks for working with parents, which depend on the educational goals and objectives, as well as the directions in which the preschool educational institution operates.

Singling out goals - directions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to proceed from three foundations of education: society, health and personality.

The ways to achieve this goal are seen in the solution of the following tasks:

Pedagogical interaction with the family;

Increasing children's knowledge of health preservation.

An important task of the activity of a teacher-educator in our study is interaction with the families of pupils, aimed at optimizing a healthy lifestyle. Pedagogical interaction with the family of an older preschooler is represented in the cyclical interaction of various services of a general educational institution, in in this case(fitness and health, medical and valeological) in solving problems related to familiarizing the families of older preschoolers with a healthy lifestyle.

The question of the interaction of teachers with parents requires a more detailed consideration of the concept of "interpersonal interaction". Interpersonal interaction between teachers and parents of children involves communication, mutual exchange of thoughts, feelings with the formation of a common fund of these thoughts and feelings.

Interpersonal interaction includes mutual understanding between the teacher and parents, mutual influence, exchange of information, mutual actions. Psychologists identify the integrative characteristics of interpersonal interaction: compatibility and responsiveness. Workability is characterized by the success of joint activities, and compatibility is characterized by the satisfaction of partners with each other.

The upbringing potential of the family is fully realized in the process of its interaction with other institutions of socialization.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education with the support of the state was reflected in a number of regulatory documents, in the Law "On Education", where parents are the first teachers of their children.

On the basis of regulatory legal documents, the pedagogical staff of preschool education strives to establish itself as an open socio-pedagogical system, ready to strengthen and expand interaction with the family to form a healthy lifestyle.

We list the main directions of organizing the work of a preschool institution with a family to form a healthy lifestyle:

Compilation of characteristics of families of pupils (composition of parents, sphere of their employment, educational and social level, etc.);

Organization of diagnostic work to study the needs of families in a healthy lifestyle;

The use of optimal forms and methods in differentiated group and individual work with the family to form a system of knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle in children;

Organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

Creation of a system of mass leisure and recreational activities with parents, work on the organization of joint socially significant activities and healthy leisure for parents and children;

Revealing and using in practice the positive experience of family education;

Introduction of healthy lifestyle traditions into family education;

Providing assistance to parents in the formation of the moral lifestyle of the family, diagnosis and prevention of negative manifestations in children;

Using various forms of cooperation with parent-fathers, involving them in joint leisure activities with children, aimed at increasing their authority.

We consider the interaction: preschool educational institutions and families in connection with the general social and pedagogical conditions of raising children, which include a set of basic requirements of society for the personality of parents, the content of the ideological and moral norms of the family.

Thus, as a result of the analysis of the main theoretical approaches and the analysis of the practical activities of modern preschool education, we came to the conclusion that the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution is striving for its formation as an open socio-pedagogical system, ready to strengthen and expand interaction with all social institutions before just with my family. Leisure and recreational activities and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the family remain the actual forms of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Active involvement in work with the family - educators, a social teacher, a psychologist, a physical education instructor, and other specialists is an important condition for the effectiveness of interaction between a preschool institution and a family in shaping a healthy lifestyle.

In the first chapter, we covered scientific and theoretical foundations of the problem of forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the family and preschool educational institutions. Carried out a theoretical analysis of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" in psychological, pedagogical and valeological research.

We studied the current state of the problem of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children. Determined the essence of the pedagogical interaction of the family and preschool educational institutions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for older children

preschool age

Based on the theoretical analysis of modern approaches to the problem of forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, we determined the degree of development of the problem in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice and clarified the content of the concept of "healthy lifestyle", by which we mean: an active form of behavior of children ensuring the preservation of mental and physical health , increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body, its maximum capacity. This is a favorable emotional climate in the family, a friendly and benevolent attitude of parents towards each other and the child; this is the correct organized nutrition, the use of physical exercises in the air and sufficient activity of the individual, and of course the correct exemplary behavior of adults, their negative attitudes towards bad habits.

And which includes the following components:

1) health promotion

2) Rational life regime.

3) Rational nutrition.

4) Harmonious relationship between people.

5) Compliance with personal hygiene.

Having studied the current state of the problem of family interaction

and a preschool educational institution in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children, we came to the conclusion that by the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the process of interaction between a family and a preschool educational institution, we mean a specially organized pedagogical process carried out by all subjects of upbringing, contributing to the harmonization of the individual's individuality from the standpoint of health preservation.

Analyzing modern approaches to the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle, we also tried to consider the essence of the interaction between the family and the preschool institution in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which consists in providing the child with an individual style of healthy behavior through the creation and implementation of pedagogical conditions, as a set of prerequisites for organizing pedagogical activities in preschool educational institution.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies of the problem and the experience of practical activity allowed us to conclude that the pedagogical interaction of a preschool institution with a family, in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, is represented in the cyclical interaction of various services of a preschool educational institution, (in this case, physical culture and health, medical and valeological) in solving problems related to introducing the families of older preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle.

Chapter 2. Experimental research on the organization of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children

2.1. Goals and objectives of the experimental research (stating the stage of the pedagogical experiment)

Experimental work on the problem of the study was carried out in groups of senior preschool children in the context of the pedagogical process on the basis of the Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Teremok" in the city of Surgut, Tyumen region, in the period from May 2009 to November 2009. 20 older children took part in the study. preschool age, 2 educators, parents of preschoolers.

At the initial stage of the pedagogical experiment, we analyzed the calendar-thematic plans in work with preschoolers, we studied educational programs for preschool educational institutions:

Analysis of basic educational programs for preschool children ("Rainbow" by T.N. Doronova, "Kindergarten - House of Joy" by N.M. Krylov, "Development" by L.A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, L.F. Obukhov et al., "Origins" by L.F. Obukhov et al., "Childhood" by V.I. Loginov, T.I. Kozlova, "Children and Adults", etc.) made it possible to outline the ways of searching for new technologies for the activity of a preschool educational institution, in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

The task of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment was to determine the level of formation of the foundations and skills of a healthy lifestyle.

The importance of this stage was that the validity of the experiment depended on the initial data. Thus, at the initial stage of this experiment in May 2009, a baseline was determined, which revealed the state of the problem.

To determine the levels of knowledge formation and ideas of preschoolers about a healthy lifestyle, we used diagnostic materials from the "Childhood" program, St. Petersburg (VI Loginova, TI Babaeva), which is implemented in this preschool educational institution.

In the process of experimental work at the initial stage, we determined the levels of formation of ideas and skills of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers, which is presented in table 1.

Levels of formation of the foundations and cultural and hygienic skills of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers

Table 1


Level characteristic

(indicators of the formation of the foundations and (cultural and hygienic) skills of preschoolers about healthy lifestyles)

high The child has a sufficient understanding of his own body, knows and understands the relationship in the "person - environment" system, consciously applies this knowledge in everyday life, actively adheres to a healthy lifestyle. Performs cultural and hygienic processes independently.
average The child has an idea of ​​his own body, knows and understands the interdependence of a person and the environment, but consciously does not apply knowledge in everyday life, interest in health-preserving activities is reduced. CTGs have been formed. When performing certain cultural and hygienic processes, he turns to adults for help
short The child is guided in the system of foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, but not in full, there is no conscious application of this knowledge in everyday life, there is no interest in health-preserving activities. CGNs are poorly formed. Does not carry out kg processes on its own.

During the experiment, the following tasks were set:

Creation, maintenance and strengthening of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in children;

Inclusion in the content of education of information about risk factors and factors of stability in the formation of human health;

Formation of skills and abilities of health-building activities of children;

creation of a favorable socio-cultural and educational environment conducive to

Diversified personality development, health promotion;

Instilling hygiene skills in kindergarten and at home;

Formation of skills for first aid;

Conducting conversations of therapeutic and prophylactic value for older preschoolers;

Creation of a favorable socio-cultural and educational environment conducive to the diversified development of the personality, health promotion;

At the initial ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment in May 2009, we used diagnostic materials for preschoolers, studied the documentation, and analyzed the pedagogical situation.

The results of diagnostics of the ascertaining stage showed that out of 20 children, 7 children have a low level of knowledge and ideas about healthy lifestyles, 8 children have an average, 5 children have a high level.

The data of the ascertaining stage of the experiment were entered in Tables 2 and 3 and are reflected in Figure 1.

Picture 1

table 2

Distribution of children by levels of formation

ideas and skills about healthy lifestyle at the ascertaining stage of the experiment (May 2009 (senior group)

Table 3

P / p No. Levels
high average short
1 Alavatsky Egor +
2 Anaschenko Katya +
3 Bitarov Maxim +
4 Getz Egor +
5 Gordymov Danil +
6 Angelica Dasha +
7 Kolegova Tanya +
8 Kuchaev Maxim +
9 Mansurova Nadya +
10 Danil Pavlov +
11 Parkhomenko Sabina +
12 Perevozchikova Ulyana +
13 Rudenko Sonya +
14 Samsonova Polina +
15 Sviridenkov Sasha +
16 Sokha Sonya +
17 Sukhachev Andrey +
18 Shangareeva Olya +
19 Yurovskikh Varya +
20 Yarullin Zhenya +
Total 5 8 7

The analytical work carried out by us at the initial stage of the pedagogical experiment showed the predominance of the middle and low levels of the formation of knowledge and ideas and skills of preschoolers about a healthy lifestyle.

We assumed that an important direction of this work is the development and implementation of a specially developed program in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution, aimed at the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

2.2. The program for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Formative results

stage of the pedagogical experiment

Modern requirements for the education of preschool children indicate that there is a need to improve pedagogical programs for preschool educational institutions. Let's analyze the main approaches to the construction of educational programs.

R.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik consider the program as a model of joint activity of a group of people, which determines:

a) the initial state of a certain system;

b) the image of the desired future state of this system;

c) the composition and structure of actions for the transition from the present to the future.

According to the "Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool institutions of the Russian Federation" dated 04/27/95, the types and general requirements, principles and content for the construction of programs for preschool children are determined:

-relevance- the ability to be focused on solving the most important problems for the future system of preschool education;

- predictability- the property of the program to reflect in its goals and planned actions not only current, but also future requirements for a preschool institution, i.e. the ability of the program to meet the changing requirements in which it will be implemented;

-rationality- the property of the program to determine such goals and ways to achieve them that allow you to get the most useful result;

-realistic- the property of the program to provide correspondence between the desired and the possible;

- integrity - the property of the program to ensure the completeness of the set of actions necessary to achieve the goal, as well as the consistency of the relationship between actions;

- controllability- the property of the program to determine the final and intermediate goals (expected results), that is, to determine them in such a way that there is a way to check the actually obtained results for their compliance with the goals;

-sensitivity to crashes- the property of the program to timely detect deviations of the real state of affairs not envisaged by the program.

Until the mid-80s of the last century, preschool educational institutions were guided in their work by the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" (A.V. Vasilieva), which from 1962 to 1982 was a single state document for the education of preschool children in kindergarten ...

With the approval in 1989 of the new "Concept of preschool education" (V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky), the key positions of the concept were:

Protection and promotion of children's health (both physical and mental);

Humanizing the goals and principles of educational work with children;

Emancipation of the living conditions of children and the work of teachers in a preschool educational institution;

Ensuring continuity between all spheres of the child's social development;

The 1991 "Temporary Regulation on a Preschool Institution" made it possible for many pedagogical collectives to choose their own curriculum for the education and upbringing of children from the existing ones, make their own additions to it, create original programs, and use various forms of work.

According to the regulation, the main functions of a preschool educational institution were:

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

Ensuring the intellectual and personal development of the child;

Caring for the emotional well-being of every child;

The 1995 model regulation on a preschool educational institution confirmed the right of preschool institutions to choose programs from a set of variable programs recommended by state educational authorities.

In connection with the change in the regulatory framework at the end of the 90s, it became necessary to prepare a variety of programs, which, along with the model, could be offered to the practice of preschool education.

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development;

The emotional well-being of every child;

Intellectual development of the child;

Creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality, his creative abilities;

Introducing children to universal human values;

Interacting with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

In the process of the formative experiment (June-October 2009), purposeful work was carried out with older preschoolers, the parents of preschoolers were included in the work.

In September 2009, children from the senior group moved to the preparatory group.

In the autumn - winter time, teachers switched to other forms and work, because in the northern regions there are 9 months of winter. Improvement and systematic prevention of morbidity in children remained an important task. Particular attention was paid to games-lessons for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Since the study took place in the older group of preschoolers, in the experimental work, the methodology "Valeological practice" was used, which is currently widely used in programs for valeological education in preschool institutions: the method "Clean hands", "healthy teeth", which included a cycle specially designed classes.

The lifestyle of older preschoolers is built taking into account the most important social needs:

Emotional support, love and goodwill of others;

In cognition and information exchange;

In active independent activity and self-affirmation;

In varied, meaningful communication with peers and adults;

In recognition of their achievements from the people around them;

Providing conditions for regular food, activity and rest.

Insufficient satisfaction of these needs violates the harmony of mental and physical development of children.

Older preschoolers are actively involved in the norms of a healthy lifestyle. In a fascinating, visual and practical form, educators enriched children's ideas about health, about the body, its needs, about ways to prevent injuries, and tempering. A necessary element of organizing the lifestyle of senior preschool children was the cycle of classes "Helpers who are always with you." In these classes, children acquired valuable information about their bodies (sense organs, movements, digestion, respiration) and practical skills for caring for them. .

Criteria for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and practical skills in older preschool children.

Introduction to hygienic culture

Preschoolers' ideas about healthy lifestyles

Ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, about the importance of hygiene procedures (for which you need to wash your hands, brush your teeth, etc.), hardening, sports, morning exercises, and the need for active stay in the fresh air to improve health.

Formation of ideas about the hygienic foundations of the organization of activities (the need for sufficient illumination, fresh air, correct posture, etc.).

Acquaintance with the rules of safe behavior; information about some possible traumatic situations, about the importance of protecting the sense organs (sight, hearing), about some first aid techniques in case of injury (bruise, cut, abrasion), about the rules of behavior in society in case of illness (when coughing, sneezing, cover your mouth with a handkerchief , turn away, do not use the same utensils with the sick), about some rules for caring for the sick (do not make noise, fulfill requests, offer tea, provide a heating pad, thermometer, etc.).

Deepening of ideas about the rules of hygiene and methods of carrying out hygienic procedures (body care, hair care, methods of maintaining the neatness of clothes, shoes), about the rules of culture of behavior at the table, in public places.

Knowledge of proverbs, sayings, poems about health, hygiene, food culture.

Practical skills of preschoolers

To independently carry out cultural and hygienic processes (food culture, washing), master the techniques of cleaning shoes, clothes, the ability to sew on a button. Notice on your own when it is necessary to wash your hands, face, comb your hair. Show younger children how to perform hygienic processes, help babies in taking care of clothes and hair. To master the techniques of basic first aid for injuries (lubricate a scratch with iodine, bandage a finger, apply a cold one to a bruise, etc.). Perform hardening procedures, morning exercises, participate in sports activities.

The program for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers in the process of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is presented by the results of experimental work.

The objectives of the formative experiment:

1. Development and testing of a pedagogical program of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in senior preschool age.

2. Revealing the dynamics of the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

The program for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers consisted of a number of successive stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory. Its goal is to form children's interest in their own body, hardening procedures, rational nutrition, physical activity, enriching parents with theoretical knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Stage 2 - reproductive - exploratory. At this stage, the ideas of children formed at the first stage were refined, systematized, generalized and deepened, and the active involvement of parents in the process of forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle was ensured.

Stage 3 - reproductive and creative. Its goals are related to the consolidation of the received ideas of children in everyday activities, in their application in independent activities, in the ability to adequately assess the actions and actions of other people and oneself, with pedagogical reflection on their health-saving activities and the formation of a strong healthy lifestyle skill in parents.

The pivotal basis of the research was the work on raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers, which develops into a habit, a conscious attitude to their own health, an understanding of the relationship of all living things on Earth.

Teachers and parents were trained to participate in the forthcoming work on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children.

In working with parents, we used the following forms: mini-lecture hall, discussion club, Family Academy, Mom's school, psychological and pedagogical trainings.

In the process of the formative experiment with older preschoolers, a series of valeological lessons was conducted, allowing children to better study their own body, body structure; games-classes that help to understand the interdependence of health on proper nutrition, active movement, the implementation of hardening procedures and the inclusion of psycho-gymnastics; didactic games that allow the child to independently diagnose their psycho-emotional state and well-being; an appropriate subject-developing environment was organized; an active positive attitude towards their own health was encouraged, that is, independent (without reminding adults) compliance with the rules of hygiene and prevention.

Distribution of children by levels of formation of ideas about healthy lifestyles at the formative stage of the experiment

(September 2009 (senior group)

Table 4

P / p No. List of children in the experimental senior group Levels
high average short
1 Alavatsky Egor +
2 Anaschenko Katya +
3 Bitarov Maxim +
4 Getz Egor +
5 Gordymov Danil +
6 Angelica Dasha +
7 Kolegova Tanya +
8 Kuchaev Maxim +
9 Mansurova Nadya +
10 Danil Pavlov +
11 Parkhomenko Sabina +
12 Perevozchikova Ulyana +
13 Rudenko Sonya +
14 Samsonova Polina +
15 Sviridenkov Sasha +
16 Sokha Sonya +
17 Sukhachev Andrey +
18 Shangareeva Olya +
19 Yurovskikh Varya +
20 Yarullin Zhenya +
Total 9 6 5

Levels of formation of ideas of preschoolers about healthy lifestyles

Table 5

Picture 2

Thus, we received the following results: 9 people - children with a high level of knowledge, 6 children with an average level, and 5 children with a low level of knowledge. These results are associated with the summer wellness period and the implementation of the program.

2.3. Model of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in older children

preschool age

We assumed that the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as the specific living conditions, economic, climatic, sociocultural environment, organizational, pedagogical and didactic conditions, the level of readiness of all subjects of educational activity (pupils, teachers, parents) to the maintenance of healthy lifestyle. At the same time, an analytical review of research in the field of valeological education, the practice of its implementation and the state of health of preschoolers lead to the conclusion that there are no substantiated models for the formation of a healthy lifestyle as an integral pedagogical process.

We consider the formation of a healthy lifestyle as a process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and experience by preschoolers while focusing on the appropriate model and acquires new systemic goals and functions. It should become not just a factor contributing to the strengthening and preservation of the health of the younger generation, but also a priority mechanism for achieving them. "The calculation and provision of an individual health route that guarantees the preservation and development of the health of each person is a complex scientific and practical task."

When forming a healthy lifestyle at the personal level, it is necessary to build a system of interrelated elements of the lifestyle of each child. Together with the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution, we have developed a model for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and proposed to use it in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution. In our view, it may look like this:

Fig. 3. Relationship of senior healthy lifestyle elements


The model of the relationship between the elements of the lifestyle of older preschoolers, presented in Figure 3, reflects the interaction of various components of the environment: - work, school, household, as well as personal components: peers, educators and parents. Revealing the content of healthy lifestyle components, it should be noted that all spheres of life of children of this age - work, social, family, leisure - are interconnected through communication with peers, teachers, parents, those whom we have called the subjects of education. This scheme, in our opinion, reflects the socio-psychological side of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. We believe that if the content of the components and their interaction is health-preserving, then a healthy lifestyle is formed, if only some of them reflect a healthy lifestyle, then it is difficult to talk about the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of the changes that have taken place in society, there is a need to reevaluate the ideas that have existed for decades about

functions of education and upbringing, interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

The family is a social institution where the child's socialization takes place, where universal human norms and values ​​are assimilated in the process of relationships with other people, and the first stable impressions of the world around are formed. With a family, a person is inseparable throughout his life, only his role changes. Many scientists argue that at all times and for all peoples, the socialization of children was the only specific function of the family, and other functions (economic, welfare support, etc.) are secondary. The family not only lays the foundations for the formation of the personality, but also provides the most important conditions for its development.

Without diminishing the importance of social institutions of upbringing, it must be admitted that humanity has not created another link in the upbringing system, which, in terms of the strength of the emotional and moral impact on a growing person, would correspond to family upbringing. Family education has several benefits. It is based on parental authority; it is individual, affects directly a given personality; love for parents ensures the fullness of the child's feelings, children in dysfunctional, incomplete families and orphans suffer from a lack of warmth and attention; the family as a social microgroup transfers versatile social experience to the younger generation, is the most important stage of socialization of the individual.

Various scientific studies confirm the existence of a close relationship between the type of the emerging personality and the educational potential of the family. The family is characterized by the continuity and duration of educational relationships between people of different ages, life experiences, different personal qualities, with different social status in society. The increasing role of the family in upbringing largely depends on the preschool educational institution, the nature of its relationship with children and their parents. Indeed, for many years throughout the entire period of their upbringing, the joint efforts of teachers and parents are aimed at creating a full-fledged and harmoniously developed personality. Their interaction takes place in the most important years for the child and adolescent, when the foundations for the formation of the personality are laid.

Preschool education, as a public institution, cannot replace the family, solve many of its socio-economic and material problems; it is designed to raise the educational potential, the authority of the family through the organization of productive relationships with the parents of its pupils. The basis of the interaction "family - preschool education" is determined by the following areas: increasing the pedagogical level of knowledge of parents during the entire upbringing of children in kindergarten, counseling parents on the issues of upbringing by preschool psychologists, coordinating educational pedagogical actions of teachers and parents, organizing social and pedagogical assistance to the family, joint development of the most appropriate directions for improving the upbringing of the younger generation.

An increase in the educational potential of the family, the pedagogical culture of parents is possible under the condition of a positively directed interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution on a healthy lifestyle for older preschoolers. Such interaction presupposes equal positions of teachers and parents in the upbringing and development of the child's personality.

However, it must be admitted that in the issue of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution there is such an opinion: parents are "helpers", "auxiliary forces" in kindergarten. Thus, the family is assigned the role of the object of pedagogical influence, and the preschool educational institution is assigned the role of the dominant. In reality, the interaction assumes that the preschool educational institution and the family are equal subjects of the social education of children. With a decrease in the importance of one of them, the role of the other inevitably increases, and the equality of the parties is violated.

Interaction in which each of the parties is both an object and a subject at the same time will be more effective. Full interaction is based on criteria such as benevolence, tact, respect, faith, optimism, frankness. Interdependence and mutual understanding play a certain role, since the success of one of the subjects of interaction is due to the efforts and actions of the other.

Naturally, both the preschool educational institution and the family strive to achieve full-fledged interaction. But there are still cases of tactlessness, intolerance, domination, misunderstanding on the part of teachers in communicating with children and their parents. In turn, many parents do not quite clearly understand their civil and personal responsibility for the development, upbringing and education of their children. There are those parents who consider it their duty to provide their children financially, and the upbringing is entrusted to teachers.

And only through joint efforts, complementing and supporting each other, the family and the preschool educational institution can achieve the desired results. Both parents and teachers have the same goal - the welfare of children, their full and harmonious development.

Each preschool institution has its own specific experience in working with parents.

Forms of work of a preschool educational institution with parents to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Holding such joint events as round tables, parenting meetings, consultations, a workshop, practical exercises, an open day, exhibitions of children's and methodological literature, contribute to mutual understanding between educators, parents, children, where they are both organizers and participants.

However, it is necessary to raise the question of creating a system of pedagogical interaction at the “family-preschool” level, of course, taking into account the traditions, experience, opportunities and characteristics of preschool educational institutions, districts. Although, due to a number of objective reasons, it is not easy to implement today. On the one hand, the crisis phenomena occurring in society, the restructuring of its socio - economic structures exacerbate the crisis of the family. A low level of interaction within the family, numerous breakdown of families, a decrease in the authority of parents, a weakening of the spiritual foundations of the family, and an increase in the gap between generations have a negative effect on the nature of pedagogical relations. On the other hand, the orientation towards the upbringing of a personality of a new type, the increasing importance of the processes of self-upbringing and socialization, the individualization and differentiation of the educational process and other phenomena can be considered as a positive change.

The resolution of these contradictions requires the maximum rapprochement between the family and the preschool educational institution, since they are united by a common goal: the development of the child's personality through ensuring the harmony of the individual and collective, since each child is simultaneously an object and subject of various social relations. By developing an individual in each child, the family and the preschool institution prepare him for life in society and cooperation with members of society.

Such a harmonious interaction between the individual and the collective can be ensured by updating the system of family and social education. The main conditions for its implementation can be: parents are not just assistants to teachers, but equal participants in the process of children's development: intellectual, moral, physical, mental; the transition of preschool educational institutions from the dominant forms of mass work with the family today to group and individual forms of interaction, built on a dialogue basis; practical implementation of a differentiated and individualized approach to families; systematic and purposeful provision of various psychological and pedagogical support to families; the establishment of effective control based on diagnostics and a step-by-step analysis of the processes of teaching and upbringing of children, ensuring their timely correction in connection with emerging difficulties and deviations in the development of children.

There are also factors that have the greatest influence on upbringing in a family: parental control - active, creative, unobtrusive, demonstrating a respectful attitude towards the child; ways of relations between parents and children, the essence of which is joint actions, worries, meaningful pastime; parental justified requirements that contribute to the development of the child, his independence and understanding of self-worth; emotional support, faith, expressed by parents in their love for children, and in love not for something specific, but simply because they are children, the best that parents have.

2.4. Experimental results

In November 2009, we conducted a control stage of the pedagogical experiment, the results of which are presented in tables 6 and 7, in figure 4.

Distribution of children by levels of formation of ideas about healthy lifestyles at the control stage of the experiment

(November 2009 (preparatory group)

Table 6

P / p No. List of children in the experimental senior group Levels
high average short
1 Alavatsky Egor +
2 Anaschenko Katya +
3 Bitarov Maxim +
4 Getz Egor +
5 Gordymov Danil +
6 Angelica Dasha +
7 Kolegova Tanya +
8 Kuchaev Maxim +
9 Mansurova Nadya +
10 Danil Pavlov +
11 Parkhomenko Sabina +
12 Perevozchikova Ulyana +
13 Rudenko Sonya +
14 Samsonova Polina +
15 Sviridenkov Sasha +
16 Sokha Sonya +
17 Sukhachev Andrey +
18 Shangareeva Olya +
19 Yurovskikh Varya +
20 Yarullin Zhenya +
Total 12 5 3

Levels of formation of ideas of preschoolers about healthy lifestyles

Table 7

These results are associated with the summer wellness period, the implementation of the program and our proposed model.

Figure 4

The analysis of the research results allows us to trace the dynamics of the formation of knowledge and ideas of children about a healthy lifestyle, the development of hygienic knowledge and skills in children.

Comparing the results of the control experiment (Fig. 4) with the results of the ascertaining experiment (Fig. 1), we can note a tendency to increase valeological knowledge among older preschoolers.

There are significant changes in levels that have occurred between the cut sections, which is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5

Thus, we come to the following conclusions: differentiation in the health-preserving activity of the educator in interacting with parents in our experimental work ensured the solution of two problems:

She contributed to the establishment of the unity of pedagogical influences on the child from the preschool institution and the family and to the provision of assistance to parents on the part of teachers in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children;

It was a form of mediated differentiation of the pedagogical activity of the educator in terms of interaction with the children themselves.

Experience shows that the presence of knowledge does not yet determine the behavior of the child, therefore it is important to provide the experience of his act, the experience of feelings. In the work with children, aimed at developing the child's experience of an act and positive feelings, we introduced pedagogical situations that perform interrelated functions:

Removal from the child himself and children around him, the usual "negative image";

Instilling positive social skills in children.

The result of the differentiated work with parents on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle showed its effectiveness, which found expression in a significant increase in the indicators of parents' readiness to support the work on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children, carried out in a preschool institution, in significant positive changes in the social well-being of the child in family.

Analysis of the level of formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children made it possible to identify quantitative and qualitative changes that have occurred in the consciousness and behavior of preschoolers.

Thus, the data obtained, reflected in Fig. 4, shows that after purposeful work in children of the experimental group, the level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and skills of appropriate behavior increases.

Comparing the level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle skills after the experimental work with the data reflecting the initial level, we find that this indicator increased. The number of children with a high level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and related skills has increased. The indicators of the average level remained practically unchanged, due to the fact that an approximately equal number of children moved to a high level and entered from a low level. In general, in the course of the formative experiment, it was established that the developed system of pedagogical methods and techniques, the program for the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the developed criteria for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle habits make it possible to more effectively ensure a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. We have established that a child's health depends on his social well-being, and the results of the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are largely determined by the influence of that social institution (family, preschool institution) in which social well-being is experienced by the child as a state of psychological comfort. Thus, the positive dynamics of the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle skills among preschoolers, indicators of social well-being, in the experimental group made it possible to conclude that the proposed program and model of interaction "child-parent-teacher" in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyles are effective.


In the course of the pedagogical experiment, considering the state of theory and practice on the problem under study, we obtained positive experience in organizing the process of forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children. The ratio of the materials of theoretical analysis and the conclusions obtained as a result of studying the positive experience in organizing the process of cultural and hygienic education in older groups of preschoolers was the starting point for developing a program of experimental work.

Experimental work was carried out in the following sequence. At the first stage, in May 2009, there was an acquaintance with the object of the study, the views and approaches to the problem of valeological education of older preschoolers described in the psychological and pedagogical literature were studied, materials of periodicals were analyzed, the essence of the approach to the organization of the process of hygienic education was revealed, the pedagogical conditions were clarified, ensuring efficiency this process. At this stage, a plan of experimental work was considered, and a selection of methods for assessing the levels of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers was underway.

At the second stage of the experimental work in June-September 2009, children of the older group of preschoolers were covered. The interaction and mutual influence of pedagogical conditions were identified, which ensure the effectiveness of the formation of hygienic knowledge and skills, as necessary qualities of the personality of an older preschooler in educational and cognitive activities. In total, 20 children were involved in the experiment.

At the third stage, the analysis and processing of the data obtained were carried out, conclusions and practical recommendations were formulated.

In the course of the experimental work, ascertaining and formative and control experiments were carried out.

As a result of an experimental study on the organization of interaction between preschoolers and families in introducing older preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle, we came to the following conclusions.

The goal of valeological education is to form a healthy person who can live happily in society for a long time. It is possible to achieve this goal if the process of forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is carried out by the joint efforts of the family and the preschool educational institution.

We have developed a program and proposed a model for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in older preschool children. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as the specific living conditions, economic, climatic, socio-cultural environment, organizational, pedagogical and didactic conditions, the level of readiness of all subjects of educational activity (pupils, teachers, parents) to maintain a healthy lifestyle life.

The preschool educational institution and the family strive to achieve full-fledged interaction in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children of senior preschool age. But there are still cases of tactlessness, intolerance, domination, misunderstanding on the part of teachers in communicating with children and their parents. In turn, many parents do not quite clearly understand their civil and personal responsibility for the development, upbringing and education of their children. There are those parents who consider it their duty to provide their children financially, and the upbringing is entrusted to teachers.

And only through joint efforts, complementing and supporting each other, the family and the preschool educational institution can achieve the desired results. Both parents and teachers have the same goal - the welfare of children, their full and harmonious development.

Analysis of the level of formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children made it possible to highlight significant changes that have occurred in the consciousness and behavior of preschoolers.

Comparing the level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and skills of a healthy lifestyle after the experimental work with data reflecting the initial level, we find that this indicator increased - the number of children with a high level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and the corresponding skills increased. The low-level indicators have moved to the middle level.

Thus, the positive dynamics of the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers, indicators of social well-being, tendencies in the change in the level of physical development and the degree of its harmony in the experimental group, allowed us to conclude that the proposed model of interaction “child - parent-teacher ”is effective in shaping the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


The health of children of senior preschool age is socially conditioned and depends on such factors as the state of the environment, health of parents and heredity, living conditions and raising a child in a family, in an educational institution. Significant factors in our study that form a positive attitude of children to a healthy lifestyle are the system of education and training, including physical education, mental health care, as well as preventive measures aimed at preserving health among preschoolers. The objectives of a healthy lifestyle for older preschoolers is to foster a culture of health and healthy lifestyle habits, to form a system of concepts aimed at a child's awareness of his "I", the capabilities of his body, the dependence of his health on actions, deeds, habits. These tasks are realized during classes, conversations, outdoor games, research work on the basis of calm, benevolent relationships.

The forms of work with vary: quizzes, excursions to nature are held, parents join the work, great attention is paid to the individual interests of children. Consequently, the main task of health-preserving pedagogy is such a mode of work and rest of preschoolers, in which children retain high working capacity throughout the entire period of classes.

As a result of the theoretical and experimental research, we have clarified the content of the concept of "healthy lifestyle" in modern research.

A healthy lifestyle in our study is an active form of behavior of children, which ensures the preservation of mental and physical health, an increase in the adaptive capabilities of the body, and its maximum capacity for action. It is also a favorable emotional climate.

in the family, friendly, benevolent attitude of parents to each other and
to kid; this is a proper organized nutrition, the use of physical
exercise in the air and sufficient personality activity, and of course
correct exemplary behavior of adults, their negative attitudes towards
bad habits.

Under the formation of a healthy lifestyle, we
we understand a specially organized pedagogical process that contributes to the harmonization of the individual's individuality from the standpoint of health preservation.

Analyzing modern approaches to the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle, we also tried to consider the essence of the interaction of the family and preschool educational institutions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which consists in providing the child with an individual style of healthy behavior through the creation and implementation of pedagogical conditions, as a set of prerequisites for organizing pedagogical activities in a preschool institution. ...

Considering the state of theory and practice on the problem under study, a positive experience was obtained in organizing the process of hygienic education of older preschoolers. The ratio of the materials of the theoretical analysis and the conclusions obtained as a result of studying the positive experience in organizing the process of forming a healthy lifestyle in older groups made it possible to develop a program of experimental work.

In the course of the experimental work, ascertaining, forming and control experiments were carried out.

Comparing the results of the control experiment with the results of the ascertaining experiment, we can note a tendency to increase valeological knowledge among older preschoolers.

The model of the relationship between the elements of the lifestyle of older preschoolers reflects the interaction of various components of the environment: work, school, household, as well as personal components: peers, educators and parents.

Revealing the content of the components of a healthy lifestyle, it should be noted that all spheres of life of children of a given age - work, social, family, leisure - are interconnected through communication with peers, educators, parents, those whom we have called the subjects of education. This model, in our opinion, reflects the socio-pedagogical side of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers. Thus, our research has shown that the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is possible through a special organized interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution.

The effectiveness of the interaction of the family and preschool educational institutions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children of senior preschool age is ensured by the joint activities of teachers, parents and children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.


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74. Reader on the history of foreign pedagogy: a textbook for students ped. in-tov. - M .: Education, 1981.

75. Shadilitov Yu.Sh. Healthy lifestyle: social, hygienic and environmental problems. - Tashkent: Publishing house im. Ibn Sina, 1991.

76. Shepelin O. P. Human ecology and hygiene. // Hygiene and sanitation.-1991, - N 11.

77. Shishkina V.A. Movement + movement. Moscow: 1992.

78. Shlozberg S., Neporent L. About a healthy lifestyle: a textbook. - M-SPb. - Kiev: Dialectics, 2000.

79. Shchedrina A.G. Ontogenesis and Theory of Health. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1989, - p. 336.

80. Elkonin D.B. Mental development in childhood: Selected psychological works.- Moscow: 1995

81. Yurko G.P., Spirina V.P., Sorochek R.G., Uvarova Z.S. Physical education of children of early and preschool age. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 1978.

Annex 1

Outline of the lesson "Friends - Water and Soap"

1. Repetition of the rules of Doctor Voda.

2. Conversation on the topic.

Listen to The Tale of Microbes.

Lived - there were microbes - carriers of various diseases. Most on

they loved dirt. The dirtier, the more pleasant it was for them and the more


Here on the table someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, slices of bread.

There's a fly in there. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she

flew in from the trash heap. The fly flew away, and the microbes remained on the table - on

plates, on spoons, on bread, and they think: "It's so good that the world is dirty and flies." And there was expansion for the microbes. And you can get into your hands, and into the mouth of a person. And there it is already a stone's throw to illness!

Think what is true and what is fiction in this fairy tale?

What helps us defeat germs? (Water). You have to be friends with water.

Water is a doctor. Man cannot live without water.

Do you think the chef (or mom) washes his hands before preparing food?

And what about the doctor before the operation? And the tailor?

What do you need to properly wash your hands? (Soap, water, clean towel).

Yes, Water and Soap are real friends! They help kill germs.

When should you wash your hands?

How to wash your hands properly?

Wet your hands well.

Use soap.

Lather your hands on both sides.

Lather your hands between your fingers.

Rinse your hands with clean water.

Dry your hands with a towel.

3. Memorizing words:

From plain water and soap

Microbes lose their strength.

4. Wellness minute.

5. Assignment:

There are children in the world who do the opposite. When they

say: - “Wash yourself! "-They don't wash. For such children, the writer

Grigory Oster came up with Bad Advice:

Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face

This is a stupid business

Leads to nothing.

Hands will get dirty again

Neck, ears and face

So why waste your energy

Time to waste?

A haircut is also useless

It doesn't make any sense.

To old age by itself

The head will go bald.

Draw a portrait of the person who has followed these harmful advice.

Is this a handsome person?

Give your opinion on these tips.

Write a short story about Slut who became Clean.

6. The bottom line. How to properly wash your hands and face?



Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. Memo for parents

Family healthy lifestyle.

A child attending a preschool institution is influenced by two complexes of the microsocial environment created in the family and in the preschool institution. These two different forms of providing conditions for the development of a child cannot be considered identical and opposed to each other.

The main positive factors of the family microsocial environment are the variety of objects and phenomena surrounding the child, his constant positive emotional communication with an adult, attention to his individual characteristics.

Caring for the development and health of the child essentially begins with the organization of a healthy lifestyle in the family. A healthy lifestyle is also a favorable emotional climate in the family, a friendly, benevolent attitude of parents to each other and to the child; this is the correct organized rational nutrition, and the use of movement, physical exercise in the air, and sufficient work activity, and, of course, the exemplary behavior of adults, their negative attitude to alcohol and smoking.

The emotional climate of the family is very important for the child. The whole way of life and way of life of the family is of great importance for the normal development of the child. It is good when parents are on vacation with their children, go to the park, to the forest, to the skating rink, and ski. When the child grows up, you can take him with you on hiking trips.

Involving the child in the family's labor activity, providing him with the opportunity to provide adults with all possible assistance from early childhood, helps to form his need to work.

The correct regime ensures a balanced, vigorous state of the child, protects the nervous system from overwork, creates favorable conditions for the physical and mental development of the child. When drawing up the daily regimen, the age and individual characteristics of the child, his special conditions, for example, the period of recovery after an illness, the period of adaptation to a child care institution, living conditions at home, and the season are taken into account. The child should be transferred to the next age regime gradually, if he is physiologically already prepared for this transition.

Rational nutrition of children.

Rational nutrition is one of the conditions for preserving human life and health. The role of nutrition in childhood is especially great. Rational nutrition has a beneficial effect on the physical and neuropsychic development of children, increases the body's resistance to diseases; it is important for parents to know about this. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates occupy a special place in the rational nutrition of a child.

Physical culture is the key to health.

The care of ensuring a sufficient amount of movement for the child should begin in the family during the neonatal period. One of the means of physical education of children of early and preschool age is physical culture. It includes massage (it has a varied effect on the body, it is prescribed depending on the physiological characteristics of the child) and gymnastics (it is divided into active exercises - voluntary exercises that the child does independently; reflex - arise directly in response to irritations of the skin-muscle-nervous apparatus; passive exercises are performed by an adult, physical education (include game elements, using special aids, outdoor games, sports exercises, as well as hardening.

Physical education for preschoolers is morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games, sports exercises.

Morning gymnastics has a great educational and health-improving role. Systematic morning exercises contributes to the development of correct posture in children, trains and strengthens the activity of all organs and systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc., prepares the child's body for those loads that he has to overcome during the day) Morning exercises include walking, running, bouncing, exercises for different muscle groups.

Parents should be familiar with basic exercises so that they can be included in the morning exercises at home.

Physical education is a form of study that is compulsory in preschool institutions. In each age group, certain program tasks are solved for children to master the skills of basic movements: walking, running, long jumping, high jumping, throwing at a target, at a distance, climbing, etc.

Sports activities include sledding, skiing, ice skating, cycling, town games and circuit play. All types of these sports exercises are widely used by parents when the child is at home - on weekends, holidays. Therefore, it is important that parents know about the permissible duration of these activities, as well as about the beneficial effect of sports exercises on the child's body.


Hardening is one of the main ways to increase the body's resistance to fluctuations in the temperature of the external environment, and, consequently, to colds.

The sun, air and water are factors, the systematic influence of which increases the body's resistance to changing weather conditions (cold, heat, rain, and others).

There are several principles that must be followed in order to obtain the positive effect of hardening, regardless of the age of the child or of the active hardening factors.

1. Systematic application of hardening procedures in all seasons of the year. During hardening procedures, skin vessels are trained, and they acquire the ability to narrow to optimal limits under the influence of cold and expand after this action.

2. The gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect.

The importance of this principle is determined by the very essence of hardening - the body gradually adapts to unusual conditions. Sudden cooling, exceeding the body's ability to withstand such an unfavorable factor, not only will not be beneficial, but, on the contrary, can contribute to the child's illness. The habit of cold exposure must be developed consistently and gradually. This gradualness is especially important for young children.

3. Taking into account the individual characteristics and emotional state of the child.

Whatever means of hardening is used, it is always necessary to take into account the child's age, state of health, living conditions, environment and individual properties of his body. The features of higher nervous activity also matter. If the child is easily aroused, calming treatments are more helpful. Lethargic, passive children need invigorating, stimulating procedures. Weakened children, more than others, need tempering and almost all types of procedures are acceptable to them, but they must be approached more carefully.

Hardening is not only rubbing or dousing, but also everyday routine procedures that do not require special organization, additional time: being indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothing, washing with cool water, sleeping with an open window, window, active physical education on the site ...

A good health promotion is water hardening. Children love to play with her; such activities improve the mood, evoke joyful emotions in the child, this should be used to heal the body, it is better to start water procedures in the warm season. Washing the guys with cool water. First, wash your hands to the elbows, then the neck and face. The most powerful healing and hardening agent is swimming in a pond, for a healthy child it is permissible at the age of two years at an air temperature of + 25-28 degrees and a water temperature of at least +22 degrees.

It must be remembered that the hardening effect of the applied influences depends on the systematic, continuous use, gradually increasing intensity of the procedure, taking into account the individual sensitivity of the child.

The family largely determines the attitude of children towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, their naturally arising joint activity.

Today, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, the direction "Physical development", which includes the educational areas "Health", "Physical culture" takes a leading place in the educational process of preschoolers. And this is no coincidence. Latest data from the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation: according to statistics, the 21st century began in Russia with a sharp deterioration in such a significant indicator as the health of a preschooler. The number of healthy children has decreased by 8.1%. The number of children with disabilities in physical development and a predisposition to pathology increased by 6.75%. The number of children of the 3rd health group with severe deviations and chronic diseases increased by 1.5%.

Every year, the percentage of children with deviations in health is increasing, there is a tendency for a continuous increase in the overall level of the disease among preschool children. This is due to many negative phenomena of modern life: difficult socio-economic conditions, environmental problems, a low level of development of the institution of marriage and family; massive spread of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction; a weak health care system and educational base of an educational institution and family. The well-being of society as a whole depends on the level of the mental and physical situation of the population, on the state of its health, therefore, the problem of forming children's ideas about the healthy lifestyle of children is relevant in modern society.

The child's attitude to his health is the foundation on which the need for a healthy lifestyle can be built. This need arises and develops in the process of a child's awareness of himself as a person and personality. A child's attitude to health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his mind.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children are determined by the presence of knowledge and ideas about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regime, hygiene procedures, physical activity), and the ability to implement them in behavior and activities in ways accessible to the child (brushing teeth, washing hands, doing exercises ).

Modern society is distinguished by a variety of examples of human lifestyles that every child constantly encounters. This diversity is not always a model for a child, as a result, chaos is created in the child's ideas about a healthy lifestyle and already established ideas are destroyed. Today, the problem of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is considered at the state level in connection with a negative trend towards a deterioration in the health status of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia and, especially, children of preschool and school age.

Preschool age refers to the so-called critical periods in a child's life. Throughout preschool childhood, there is an increase in the strength and mobility of nervous processes, the formation of higher nervous activity. Nervous processes are characterized by rapid exhaustion. Emotional overstrain is associated with an increase in the frequency of borderline states and neurotic reactions. It is no coincidence that at this age parents and teachers often encounter such manifestations in the behavior of children as mood swings, increased irritability, psychomotor irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, and inattention when completing assignments. Children may experience the following reactions: they bite their nails, twist their hair, do not fall asleep for a long time, make erratic movements (swaying, bouncing, etc.)

During preschool childhood, there are “deep” changes in metabolism, which are associated with the maximum frequency of childhood infections and pose a serious danger to the health of the child.

In addition, this age period is the possibility of the formation and manifestation of all kinds of allergic reactions and chronic somatic diseases, mainly in children who are often ill and prone to certain chronic diseases.

But even a healthy preschooler needs careful care and participation from the adults around him. This is due to the fact that a child's health is formed throughout his life.

The child's attitude to his health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his mind. In preschool children, the following age prerequisites can be distinguished for the persistent formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle:

Mental processes are actively developing;

Positive changes in physical and functional development are noticeable; children try to maintain and demonstrate correct posture;

Children of senior preschool age are able to independently carry out household tasks, have self-service skills, make volitional efforts to achieve their goals in the game, in the manifestation of physical activity. "

In older preschool age, due to the growth of personal experience, the attitude towards health changes significantly. But, at the same time, there is a confusion of the concepts of "healthy" - as "big, good" (that's great!) And "healthy" - as if not sick. Children, as before, correlate health with illness, but they more clearly define threats to health both from their own actions (“you cannot eat dirty fruits,” “you cannot take food with dirty hands,” etc.) and from the external environment. With certain educational work, children correlate the concept of "health" with the implementation of hygiene rules, children begin to correlate physical education with health promotion and in its definition (as, in fact, adults) put the physical component in the first place. At this age, children, although still intuitively, begin to distinguish both mental and social components of health (“everyone there shouted and swore like that, and my head ached”). But, despite the existing ideas about health and ways to preserve it, in general, the attitude towards it in older preschool children remains rather passive. The reasons for this attitude lie in the lack of the necessary knowledge in children about how to maintain health, as well as a lack of awareness of the dangers of unhealthy human behavior for maintaining health.

In turn, the presence of this need helps to solve the most important psychological and social task of the child's formation of the position of a creator in relation to his own health and the health of others.

On the one hand, activity, curiosity, mobility, and on the other, the mobility of nervous processes, susceptibility to infectious and colds, allergic reactions in preschool children are important prerequisites for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, allowing them to acquaint and teach children the correct attitude to their health and interaction. with the outside world. At the same time, each age period is characterized by its own characteristics, which should be taken into account in the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.


1. Bolotina, L.R. Preschool pedagogy: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions / L.R.Bolotina, S.P.Baranov, T.S.Komarova. - M.: Academic Project, 2005 .-- 240 p.

2. Wenger, L.A. Psychology: a textbook for universities / L.A. Venger, V.S. Mukhina. - M.: Academy, 2007 .-- 446 p.

3. Vorobyova, M. Education of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers / M. Vorobyova // Preschool education. - 1998. - No. 7. - S. 5 - 9.

4. Vygotsky, L.S. Collected Works. - Vol. 4 / L.S. Vygotsky. - M.: Pedagogika, 1984 .-- 213 p.

5. Halperin, P. Ya. Actual problems of developmental psychology / P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets. - M.: Education, 1978 .-- 240 p.

6. Glazyrina, L. D. Physical culture - for preschoolers: program and program requirements / LD Glazyrina. - M.: VLADOS, 1999 .-- 365 p.

Annex 1

Questions of conversation with children of the older group

1. What do you need to do in order to be healthy?

2. Do you do morning exercises?

3. Do you know what "good habits" are?

4. Do you know what "bad habits" are?

5. Do you know about the consequences of bad habits?

6. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

7. Why is it necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle for preschool children is not only physical activity, but also a whole range of measures that should become priority tasks for the parents of the baby. Up to the age of 7, a child goes through a huge developmental path, on which both his physical health and personal qualities are laid. They are interconnected with each other, which is why it is so important at the very beginning of life to form a knowledge base and skills of a healthy lifestyle in the baby.

Preschool Health Fundamentals

For many parents, the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is limited only by the physical development of the child, while the baby's body is a complex system. The normal functioning of a young organism is ensured by combining several components:

  • biological;
  • mental;
  • social.

These components interact closely with each other. A child's lifestyle is half of his biological health. However, the other half is influenced by factors such as genetic predisposition, the quality of medical care, and the state of the environment.

Often the biological health of a child directly depends on the lifestyle of his parents. Bad habits of dad and mom harm the development of the baby even in his intrauterine life. Excessive physical activity of a woman during pregnancy, overeating, poor sleep, emotional overload also negatively affects the development of the fetus.

If the ecological environment in which a child grows and develops cannot be changed by one person, then the child's mental and social health is completely in the hands of his parents. The formation of a culture of health in preschool children should begin with a parental example. A calm environment in the family, an adequate response to emerging difficulties, helping each other - all this will become the basis for the normal mental development of a preschooler.

The social foundations of the health of a preschooler and younger student are laid in communication not only with parents, but also with friends. An unfavorable environment will negatively affect personal development. Therefore, it is so important to find an environment for the child that would influence him positively. In addition, the baby himself must have developed the necessary qualities for comfortable interaction with the people around him. This is the formation of moral ideals and values, as well as social adaptation. All this is an important component of the basis for the education of a culture of health in preschool children. One of the best ways to promote social health is through work. It is the introduction of the baby to work that gives him a sense of being needed and belonging to society.

Physical development

The formation of healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers cannot take place without a practical component. An example of a healthy lifestyle for parents is important, but the concept of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers is unthinkable without the physical development of the baby himself. So far, he does not need sports loads, but a set of measures to strengthen his physical condition is necessary. Key aspects to improve the health of preschool children include:

  • motor mode;
  • personal hygiene;
  • hardening.

Play is the main way to maintain a child's physical activity. Reinforcing exercise is important, but only takes a few minutes a day. The rest of the time the kid spends in games. However, a reasonable balance must be maintained between vigorous activity and rest. Therefore, it is better to alternate active and calm games, as well as spending time outdoors and indoors.

Introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle begins with short physical activities. This is morning exercises, physical exercises that need to be done both at home and in kindergarten, exercises after a nap. It is useful to carry out wellness water procedures in the pool with your child.

Personal hygiene is essential to a child's health. The kid at the very beginning of life must learn that the body needs to be looked after. This is important not only for the good condition of the body, but also for the health of others. The child must have personal belongings: a hairbrush, a toothbrush, a towel and a handkerchief. From childhood, you need to teach him how to use these objects correctly.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children does not pass without hardening, although many parents associate this procedure with the use of risky measures. However, hardening is an effective method of preventing diseases and strengthening the immune system. If you follow the basic rules of hardening, then the baby's body will gradually become more resilient to environmental factors. It is important to carry out hardening procedures regularly, especially in winter. The principle of gradualness is the main one. It will be possible to adapt the body to changes in the external environment without problems if the load is gradually increased. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby. If he does not tolerate any procedure, then it is better to refuse it.

Health-saving technologies

Today, in educational institutions, much attention is paid to the system of educational, health-improving, preventive and corrective measures. The use of health-preserving technologies in preschool education is an important step in the development of a full-fledged and physically strong child. Such technologies are used in all types of activities. They are aimed at maintaining health and the formation of basic knowledge of healthy lifestyles in children. In preschool institutions, the following forms of technology for maintaining and promoting health are used:

  • dynamic pauses;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • breathing exercises;
  • invigorating gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • relaxation.

Short dynamic pauses of 2-5 minutes are necessary for toddlers. They diversify activities and relieve stress. Short physical activity allows you to engage in classes with renewed vigor.

Finger gymnastics in kindergartens is very important. If for schoolchildren, warming up the fingers and hands only relieves tension, then during these short sessions, children improve their fine motor skills, stimulate speech, and increase blood circulation. In speech therapy groups, such breaks between classes are simply necessary. Finger gymnastics can be done at any time. Recently, the technology of bioenergoplastics has become widespread in kindergartens. This is a combination of movements of the hands and the articulatory apparatus. This exercise helps stimulate brain activity.

During activities that require great visual concentration, it is necessary to take pauses and give rest to the eyes. Special exercises for 3-5 minutes will relieve tension from the eye muscles. It is useful to make circular movements with your eyes, look in different directions, into the distance and in front of you.

Respiratory gymnastics has a good effect on the health of preschool children. It activates oxygen metabolism in tissues, normalizes the respiratory system as a whole. This type of pause is especially useful for physical exertion.

After lunch, it is helpful to do invigorating exercises. It lasts only 5-10 minutes and consists of a certain set of exercises. This is a kind of morning exercise, but not as intense. You can start a set of invigorating exercises right in the cribs. These exercises are aimed at correcting posture and flat feet. In many kindergartens, caregivers use a buttoned rug. Children walk on it after sleep. This path is good for the health of preschoolers, it perfectly massages the feet and strengthens the muscles.

Outdoor games are an integral part of classes in preschool institutions. They not only contribute to strengthening the health of children, but also develop physical activity, improve the psychological and physiological state of the body. Of course, rest is necessary after outdoor games. During relaxation, the child can do self-massage. Such a procedure will improve blood circulation and will be an excellent prevention of many diseases. And good fairy tales and pleasant music that complement the activities will improve the psychological health of the baby.

A healthy lifestyle for children is the same as a foundation for a building. The more solid the foundation is, the higher the building can be erected; the more worries about the physical education of a child, the greater success he will achieve in general development, in the sciences, in the ability to work and to be a person useful to society.

At no other age is health connected so closely with general upbringing as in the first seven years. In the period of preschool childhood (from birth to seven years), the child lays the foundations for health, longevity, all-round physical fitness and harmonious physical development.



Formation of the foundations of a healthy


Research work

Performed by Chelysheva Irina Yurievna

primary school teacher MOU SOSH №37

Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region

Dzerzhinsk - 2010 CONTENTS

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………… .3 p.

Chapter 1. ............ 6 p.

1.1 The essence of the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle" ……. ……… .6 p.

1.2 Components of a healthy lifestyle ……………………………………………………… ..8 p.

1.3 Conditions for normal development and health promotion of children ……… ..10 p.


2.1 Characteristics of the level of formation of ideas of preschoolers healthy lifestyle ……………………………………………………………… .. ……… 15str.

2.2 Ways to include preschoolers in the activity of forming healthy lifestyle ideas …………………………………………… .. ……… 19 p.

2.3 Analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of the educator and pupils in the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle …………… ... 20 p.

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………… ... 24 p.

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………… .26 pp.

Appendix 1. ……………………………………… ... …………………………. 28 p.

Appendix 2 …………………………. ………………………………………… .29 p.

Appendix 3 ………………………………………………………………… ..30 p.


A healthy lifestyle for children is the same as a foundation for a building. The more solid the foundation is, the higher the building can be erected; the more worries about the physical education of a child, the greater success he will achieve in general development, in the sciences, in the ability to work and to be a person useful to society.

At no other age is health connected so closely with general upbringing as in the first seven years. In the period of preschool childhood (from birth to seven years), the child lays the foundations for health, longevity, all-round physical fitness and harmonious physical development.

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have long established that human health depends only 7 - 8% on the success of health care and 50% on the way of life. (16)

I.I. Brekhman, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.K. Krepskaya, E.N. Weiner, J.L. Markhotsky, V.A. Shishkina and many others.

Caring for the health of children, their physical development begins with instilling in them a love of cleanliness, neatness, order. “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, - to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. From early childhood, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out their clothes, dry their feet, do not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more outdoors, etc. " (3; 35-37)

The main tasks for the formation of a healthy lifestyle are the protection and strengthening of the child's health, the formation of the child's ideas about himself, the structure of his body, about feelings and thoughts; training in knowledge, skills, and healthy lifestyle skills; teaching a child to objectively assess the positive and negative phenomena of our life to act depending on the situation; hardening of the child's body; formation of correct posture, vital motor actions and cultural and hygienic skills and abilities, achievement of full-fledged physical development.

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task not only of parents, but also of every preschool institution, since children spend most of the day in them. For this purpose, physical education classes are provided, which should be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a particular age, the availability and appropriateness of exercises.

That is why the outstanding Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky so rightly noted: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children. " (2; 63)

Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly form a healthy lifestyle at this age, which will allow the baby's body to accumulate strength and ensure in the future not only full physical, but also mental development.

The significance of this issue is that the harmonious development of any state is impossible without strong, comprehensively developed people who make up its society. And such important human data as strength, will, endurance, health, cheerfulness, physical activity are grafted precisely in childhood, no matter how beautiful the flower is, and if it is not watered in the bud, it will never bloom.

Thus, the health of children is of great importance for the future of the whole society, and therefore the purpose of my work: to study issues related to the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of the work is to reveal the tasks of forming children's habits to a healthy lifestyle in the educational process.

In the course of the work, the following tasks will be solved:

Determine the essence of the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle"

Find out the main factors affecting human health

Establish the conditions necessary for health promotion

Prove the need for interaction between a preschool institution and a family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The object of the research is the habits of a healthy lifestyle.

The subject of the research is the means and methods of forming a healthy lifestyle.

When writing the work, a hypothesis was put forward: the correct formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children helps to strengthen health, improve the activity of internal organs and systems, replenish knowledge and skills, and good habits.

  1. The essence of the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle"

Considering the problem of health in a pedagogical aspect, scientists believe that it is necessary to highlight its key issues in the upbringing of preschoolers. First of all, it is necessary to understand the very concept of health, as the direction of health-improving and developing physical education depends on the meaning put into it. There are different interpretations of this concept. So, for example, in the materials of the international conference on the problems of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, up to 10 definitions of the concept of "health" are given. According to Yu.F. Zmanovsky, health in relation to a growing organism should be considered as the correspondence of the basic physiological functions of the organism to a given age period or the correspondence of the passport age to the biological one. N. Amosov proposed to measure health by the reserve capacities of the body, which largely depend on the correct lifestyle of a person. (2)

In the Proleska program, health is interpreted as “the complete physical, mental and social well-being of a child”. The ideas of health pedagogy are most fully seen in it. Health as one of the tasks of the educational process and its result, on the one hand, directly depends on the "favorable" living conditions, and on the other hand, it creates a "favorable" (safe) ground for the development of the child.

It is not enough to teach a child to brush his teeth in the morning and in the evening, do exercises and eat healthy food. It is necessary that from early childhood he learns to love himself, to people, to life. Only a person who lives in harmony with himself and with the world will be really healthy. Therefore, lifestyle has the greatest impact on health.

The way of life is understood as the system of the child's behavior in the process of his life activity, which is based on personal experience, traditions and accepted norms of behavior. From what kind of life a particular person leads, his health mainly depends. This component is the main one, since it is the lifestyle that has a decisive influence on human health. The difference between this factor and others lies in the child's ability to manage his own health. Therefore, what is the way of life - so is the health of the child.

Most Western researchers define lifestyle as “a broad category that includes individual forms of behavior, activity and realization of their capabilities in work, everyday life and cultural customs inherent in a particular socio-economic structure.” (16)

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" has not yet been unambiguously defined.

A healthy lifestyle is an individual system of habits and behavior of a person in the process of his life, when it provides him with good health.

Yu.P. Lisitsin and G.I. Tsaregorodtsev (1986) give the following definition: "A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at preserving and improving people's health as a condition and prerequisite for the existence and development of other aspects of the way of life" (8; 9 )

V.V. Markov in his book "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of diseases" gives such a definition of a healthy lifestyle general hygiene ". (13)

A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we teach children from an early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case we can hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually but also physically. If earlier they said: “There is a healthy mind in a healthy body”, then the one who says that without the spiritual there can be no healthy.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is interconnected and has a significant positive impact on health.

1.2 Components of a healthy lifestyle

1 education from early childhood healthy habits and skills.

2 environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health.

3 quitting bad habits: smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption.

4 meals. It should be remembered about two basic laws, violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of received and consumed energy.

Second - Nutrition should be varied and provide the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber.Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, contributes to the maintenance of health, high performance and prolongation of life. (14)

5 movements: physically active life, including special physical exercises, taking into account age and physiological characteristics.For effective recovery and prevention of diseases, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance in combination with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases. (12)

6 body hygiene: adherence to the rules of personal and public hygiene, mastery of first aid skills. Body hygiene is primarily associated with maintaining the purity of the skin.The problem of cleanliness of the skin is very relevant for humans, since: “about 2.5 million sweat and sebaceous glands secrete about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 g of fat per day, in the surface layers of the skin there is a continuous renewal of cells, on dirty skin can there are microorganisms harmful to human health. When the skin becomes dirty, the excretory ducts of the sweat glands are clogged, and the body's ability to thermoregulation is impaired. Fungal diseases can easily develop on dirty skin and take a long time to heal ”(11)

7 hardening. Hardening means “strengthening the body's resistance to any environmental factors that cause a state of stress, ie. voltage". (11) These factors include low and high air temperatures, excessively low or high humidity, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, etc. However, the most important is still hardening to excessive cooling, and sometimes to overheating. (7)

“Under the influence of high or low temperatures in the human body, physiological changes occur. Due to hardening, the central nervous system is activated, the excitability of the peripheral nervous system decreases, the activity of the endocrine glands increases, the activity of cellular enzymes increases ”(14; 71) All this increases the body's resistance to external conditions. Wednesday. The hardening effect is short-lived, it lasts only during hardening of the body and not long after it, therefore hardening should be constant and consistent, it should be done daily.

The physiological state of a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following aspects of a healthy lifestyle in addition:

8 emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with their own emotions;

9 intellectual well-being: a person's ability to recognize and use new information for optimal action in new circumstances;

10 spiritual well-being: the ability to set and strive for truly meaningful, constructive life goals, optimism.

11 Some researchers also highlight "social well-being" - the ability to interact with other people.

Svetlana Volkova in her article "It's Fashionable to Be Healthy" writes that a healthy lifestyle includes mental, reproductive, physical and somatic health. (10; 4)

Safonov, in his article Golden Rules of Health, highlights the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Balanced diet.
  2. Physical activity.
  3. Positive emotions.
  4. There is nothing better than a good sleep. It is good for both the muscles and the brain. An afternoon nap is helpful, but not too long.
  5. Daily regime. (15; 51)

Marina Suslova in the article “It is fashionable to be healthy” notes that health is the main value for everyone. Therefore, taking care of him should become both a duty, and a conscious need, and a habit. (10; 4)

1.3 Conditions for normal development and health promotion of children

The human body works in a specific system based on individual biorhythms. As a result of research by scientists, a physiologically appropriate time has been established for vigorous activity and rest of a person; appropriate duration of interest between meals for better digestion; separate recurrent and individual sleep rates.

If from day to day the rhythm is repeated in the hours of eating, sleeping, walking, different types of activity, then this has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and on how all physiological processes in the body proceed. Compliance with the regime disciplines children, improves their appetite, sleep, increases efficiency, and promotes health.

In preschool institutions for each age group, an upbringing program is provided, which necessarily includes various activities, hardening procedures, walks in the fresh air and other regime moments. (4)

Unfortunately, the daily routine in the educational institution is often interpreted one-sidedly, only from temporary positions, as a result of which it loses its educational functions. This approach, underestimation of the requirements for organizing the daily routine has already caused significant harm to the health of many children. Taking into account this negative, the need to strengthen the health-improving, meaningful and educational orientation of the daily routine is emphasized. The quality of the resolved moments is determined in areas related to the satisfaction of the basic physiological needs of the child's body (movement, food, sleep, active wakefulness), with the acquisition of the necessary knowledge in the field of health culture, with the mastery of healthy lifestyle skills.

The daily routine begins with the relationship between the periods of wakefulness and sleep. For preschoolers, proper sleep is one of the main sources of health and development. Systematic lack of sleep painfully affects the state of the whole organism, reduces memory, attention, mental and physical activity. For this reason, it is necessary to take care that the sleep of children is truly "childish" and in a state of sound, serene. During the period of wakefulness, a change in active and quieter types of activity is provided, mental stress alternates with physical. Physical activity during the day should be of different intensity: in the morning, calm, higher for physical activities. (nine)

The greatest physical activity is during a walk. A walk is a powerful hardening procedure: the child breathes fresh air, in which there are many ions that have a beneficial effect on well-being; light and sun rays contribute to the formation of vitamin "D" in the body, which is necessary to strengthen the bone apparatus. Movement and physical activity in the air, so necessary for the growth and development of a child, make a special contribution to the treasury of children's health. (4)

Thus, a walk is an irreplaceable complex health remedy.

Nutrition is one of the main environmental factors that determines the normal development of a child.

It has the most direct impact on his life, growth, health and harmonious development.

Food is the main source of the production of all types of energy in the body, the necessary material for the growth and development of its organs and systems. Let us also take into account that metabolic processes occur in children much more intensively than in adults. Children move and walk more, which also causes significant energy costs.

The food should contain in the correct ratio all the substances that are part of the tissues of the human body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, water. (6)

If the child does not receive the required amount of food, his body is depleted, he develops anemia. The lack of certain chemical components in food can be the cause of various diseases. It should also be remembered that excessive overeating overloads the gastrointestinal tract, disrupts the body's metabolic processes and leads to obesity. (5) Those adults who believe that a child's overweight is the main sign of health are mistaken. Overeating sometimes brings irreparable harm: the child gains excess weight, becomes inactive.

Sufficient physical activity of children, physical activity, psychological comfort are reliable companions of appetite.

Nutrition in a preschool institution is of particular importance for the health of the child, since it must not only cover the energy it spends, but also provide the material necessary for the growth and development of all organs and systems of the body.

Thus, one of the main conditions for maintaining a child's health is his nutrition. (4) Properly organized nutrition influences vital activity, the harmonious development of physical and mental strength, health and is a preventive measure for a number of diseases.

The main means of preventing colds in preschoolers are natural health-improving factors. The expedient use of air, sun and water helps to develop in the child adaptive reactions to changing external conditions, that is, to temper his body. Hardened children are less affected by sudden changes in temperature, have a good appetite, are more active, balanced and cheerful.

Hardening is an important means of health promotion, provided that it is organically included in the complex of physical culture and recreational activities and represents a certain system that is real for execution and meets the individual characteristics of the health and development of children. (6)

The development of preschool children must be considered in terms of mastering the knowledge and skills of hygienic culture and rules of behavior. Household processes should provide children with the necessary knowledge about a healthy lifestyle: why wash, brush your teeth, wash your hands, be outdoors; why you need to rinse your mouth after eating, use a napkin, etc.

The family connection between preschool is very important.

The teacher needs to find a common language with the parents of the pupils, show an interest in the health and development of each child, fix attention on what is special in him, and surprise the parents with this knowledge. It is important to convince parents of the importance of common approaches to the daily routine in the family and childcare, how to rationally spend the weekend; why it is harmful to feed children with sweets, indulge in whims while eating, the desire to give the child as much food as possible, what harm is done to the child's health by “wrapping in a hundred clothes”. Parents should be aware that low mobility is unnatural for children, it leads to: unhealthy child, psychological discomfort. (1)

Thus, the system of work, including physical activity, hardening, nutrition, walks, adherence to the daily routine in kindergarten and at home, allows you to strengthen the child's health and acquire appropriate knowledge for their own health, which ensures the success of the formation of health skills in preschool children.


  1. Characteristics of the level of formation of ideas of preschoolers healthy lifestyle.

At the first stage of the study, a conversation was held with children on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, which is aimed at identifying children's ideas about healthy lifestyles, their readiness to maintain their own healthy lifestyle, including their ideas about their health, attitude to exercise and striving for a healthy lifestyle. A survey of parents was also carried out in order to identify ideas about health, to identify the work of parents aimed at the physical culture and health development of children.

As a result of the questioning of parents, the following results were obtained (table 1):

Table 1.


Parents' Answers




Number %

absence of diseases

a good appetite

adherence to the daily routine

good physical fitness


What types of wellness do you use at home?


taking vitamins



morning exercises


Do you think your child's physical activity is high?



find it difficult to answer

Do you think that your child stands out from other children in terms of physical development?






Do you pay attention to your child's physical education?


on weekends

during vacation


find it difficult to answer

What are the sources of your knowledge about physical development?

reading special books

TV and radio broadcasts

newspaper and magazine articles

kindergarten specialists

lectures and talks

children's doctor


not interested


Do you attend consultations, clubs, open classes for the improvement of children?



Indicate how your child's physical activity manifests itself.

morning exercises

outdoor games

hiking trips


skis and sledges


Would you like to participate in the Healthy Family Club?



After analyzing the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Parents are interested in the health of their children and try to maintain it, but not everyone has the opportunity, there is not enough time. Most often, parents pay attention to physical education during vacations (28%) and weekends (25%). All parents use various types of child health improvement, 46% do morning exercises. Most parents would like to participate in a kindergarten-based club (75%).

As a result of the conversation, the following results were obtained (table 2):

Table 2.


Student responses

Number of student responses

Number %

Need to play sports

Need to temper

Eat fruits, vegetables

You need not get sick

To be healthy

My health: excellent

Not very good: headache often


List the diseases that often bother you

Nothing worries

I am constantly sick


Do you often miss classes due to illness?

No passes

Passes every month

Passes every week




With full dedication

If only they did not scold

Without desire

Do you practice sports?

At the sports school

In other institutions

In the kindergarten section


I get very tired

Is always


I'm not very tired

After analyzing the results of the conversation with children, we can draw the following conclusion:

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" in children is identified with the concept of "health", and 12% believe that a healthy lifestyle is "when nothing hurts you", i.e. do not envisage any actions on their part aimed at strengthening and maintaining health, this suggests that they misunderstand what is included in the content of the concept of "healthy lifestyle". The same can be said about 17% of students who believe that a healthy lifestyle is “you need to be healthy”. But 71% of students have elementary ideas about healthy lifestyles, they name some components of healthy lifestyles - “you need to go in for sports, eat fruits, vegetables, temper,” but so far their knowledge has not yet been systematized and fragmentary.

The attitude to the state of their health among children is inadequate: 58% of students believe that their health is “excellent”, 25% of students consider their health “not very good” and only 17% believe that their health is “satisfactory”. Others - 38% are often disturbed by viral diseases (flu, acute respiratory infections, runny nose).

Students have a positive attitude towards physical culture development, 62% of children go in for sports "with full dedication", in addition, 83% of students go to various circles and sports sections (dancing, hockey, gymnastics).

Consequently, the majority tend to adhere to the leading principles of healthy lifestyle, but they do not always implement them consistently and constantly, as only 42% of children do exercises in the morning every day, and 29% - only sometimes, also 29% do not do exercises at all. This suggests that the self-improvement mindset is present only in a minority of pupils of the studied group.

Thus, the obtained materials clearly indicate the need to educate children in health needs, to form their scientific ideas about the essence of a healthy lifestyle and to develop an individual way of valeologically grounded behavior.

2.2 Ways to include preschoolers in the activity of forming healthy lifestyle ideas

To form the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, a cycle of classes was taken, the authors of which are N.I.ZELENSKAYA, V.V. LEONTYEVA.

These classes help to expand children's ideas about the state of their own body, to know their body, to teach them to take care of their health and take care of it, to help children in the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, instilling persistent cultural and hygienic skills. These classes will expand the knowledge of preschoolers about nutrition, its importance, and the relationship between health and nutrition.

The duration of the lessons is 25-30 minutes. In the process of upbringing a healthy lifestyle in children, along with classes in the course of which the tasks of consolidating the vocabulary are also solved, preliminary work is mandatory, which is carried out in free time from classes, one week ahead of these classes.

Both during the lessons and in the course of preliminary work, visualization is used for a more effective perception of the submitted material by the child.

Solving the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle in preschool children in the course of work, the teacher must also take care of the health of the child himself, using health-saving technologies in his work: gymnastics for the eyes, healing minutes, self-massage, acupressure, music therapy, etc. etc., in order to relieve muscle and nervous tension, psychoemotional tension, as well as health-improving and prophylactic action.

In the first lesson, children are given a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of.

In the second lesson, children get acquainted with the daily routine. The importance of adherence to the regime in strengthening the health of each person is shown.

In the third lesson, children are taught the aesthetic perception of the human body; shows the importance of a healthy lifestyle for each of us; reveals the importance of one of the aspects of health - spiritual beauty.

In the fourth lesson, the importance of the formation of correct posture for health is explained to children; shows techniques and exercises for the formation of correct posture.

In the fifth lesson, children are introduced to the rules of dental care; explains the need for constant care for them.

In addition to these classes, a "Healthy Family" club is organized, in which children and their parents participate. A parent meeting is held "Acquaintance with the hardening system and the regime of the day of the senior group", at which parents are more fully acquainted with the characteristics of the child's body, with the regime of the day. In addition, two joint lessons with the parents of the club "Basketball games", "Tennis ball games" are held, which enrich the motor experience, arouse the interest of parents and children in games with sports elements, and prevent the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system. In addition, a sports festival "Mama + Me" is held. All this contributes to the accumulation and exchange of parents' knowledge about improving the health of their children.

The work carried out contributes to the upbringing of a conscious need for health and a healthy lifestyle in children, the formation of value orientations, and, first of all, attention is paid to the value of life, personality,individuality,health promotion and full development.

  1. Analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of educators and pupils in the formation of ideas about healthy lifestyles.

To identify the dynamics of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers in the study group, the following methods were used: a questionnaire on the topic “Grow healthy” and a conversation “I and my health”.

To identify changes in children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle, their vision of their own healthy lifestyle, including the desire for a healthy lifestyle, we will once again conduct a conversation "Me and my health."

As a result, we got the following results (table 3):

Table 3.

Questionnaire questions

Student responses

Number of student responses

Percentage number

What do you think “healthy lifestyle” means?

When a person does everything in order to maintain and strengthen his health.

When a person follows the rules of personal hygiene in order to be healthy.

What do you know about your health?

My health is excellent.


Not very good.

List the diseases that often bother you?

Nothing worries.


Other diseases.

Do you often miss classes due to illness?

Passes every week.

Passes every month.

There are no passes.

Do you do physical exercises in the morning?




How do you do in physical development classes?

With full dedication.

Without desire.

I don't.

Do you go in for sports?

I go to dances.

Various kinds of sports.

I don't.

Do you feel tired after class?

Is always.



After analyzing the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn: the valeologization of the educational process of children brought positive results in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, led to a reassessment by children of their lifestyle in connection with a change in their ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for maintaining and strengthening their health. So, in the study group, almost all students (96%) are engaged in physical development classes with full dedication, and there are also no children who do not do exercises at all in the morning, while at the beginning of our study there were 29% of such children. This suggests that most of the pupils are making every effort to improve the body in order to improve their health. Their efforts have positive results: 58% of children are often not bothered by illness, only 21% sometimes have a headache, 71% of students do not miss classes on illness.

To identify the characteristics of the life of pupils, aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, we will offer children a test questionnaire "Grow healthy", which is filled out together with the parents.

As a result of processing the children's answers to the questionnaire, the following table 4 was obtained.

Table 4.

Questionnaire questions

Student responses

Number of students' answers

Percentage count

In the fresh air, I ...

I go in for sports, I walk.

I play, I run.

I ride my bike, I play

My appetite ...


Not very good (satisfactory)


Sometimes I feel ...




In the morning I wake up ...

With nice mood.

At 8:00.

At 9 o'clock.

I watch TV ...



In the evening.

To the sauna I ...

I don’t go.

I go often.

Sometimes I go.

To pour cold water on me ...

I love.

Not afraid.

I'm afraid.

Cold me ...


Sometimes he visits.

Frequently visits.

My hands I ...

Often mine.

I keep it clean.

Soy teeth i ...

I clean 2 times a day

I fly on time, to the shore.

I go in for sports ...

I love.

I don’t like it (I’m very tired).

Thus, tracing the dynamics of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle among class students using the analysis of the above results of the questionnaire, we can draw the following conclusions: the valeologization of education and upbringing in the group studied by us contributed to the improvement of the general health of children. The number of children adhering to the leading principles of healthy lifestyle has increased (regime, day, balanced nutrition, optimal motor regime, etc.). Positive habits dominate in the majority of students in the class, negative habits are recognized and work is underway to eliminate them.

Children’s awareness of the value of health was a stimulus for awareness of their personal need for health and an increase in the desire to follow the basic principles of healthy lifestyle.


Health is the highest human value. This is the most important factor in the efficiency and harmonious development of the human, and especially the child's body. However, not everyone is able to maintain and strengthen their health.

High morbidity, the growth of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drug use), the spread of HIV infection urgently require the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the younger generation, sustainable motivation and the need to preserve their health and the health of others. There is a need to create so-called health schools, the network of which began to emerge in Europe as a result of the decision of the World Health Organization, the European Economic Community at the Strasbourg Conference in 1990. In the work of these schools, along with general education, a great deal of attention is paid to students gaining knowledge and developing skills necessary to make the right decisions related to maintaining and strengthening their own health, as well as creating a healthy environment.

The link between health and behavior is clear, albeit not so simple. It is well known that for a full life, along with a strong physique, strength of mind, will, a high moral level, and self-control are necessary. This is achieved primarily by practical painstaking work on oneself. Only when the culture of the spirit, the culture of the body and the culture of morals are equivalent, can we talk about the valeological culture. Keeping the balance of this trinity, a person changes, improves his knowledge, expands his capabilities, achieves success in revealing his human nature, in knowing himself and thereby purposefully changes the conditions of life, improves its quality.

The research was carried out in the MDOU "Child Development Center" kindergarten №58.According to the goal and hypothesis of our study, we identified favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers

Strict adherence to the daily routine;

Obligatory stay of children in the fresh air;

Conducting conversations with pupils, parents on healthy lifestyles;



This work contributed to:

Development in children of the value of the idea of ​​a healthy person, his healthy lifestyle;

Formation of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle;

Development of abilities and self-realization of one's own organism in the changing conditions of the biosocial environment;

Improving the level of children's health.


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Annex 1

Grow healthy questionnaire

Add unfinished sentences

  1. In the fresh air, I ...
  2. At school I ...
  3. My appetite ...
  4. Sometimes I feel ...
  5. In the morning I wake up ...
  6. I watch TV ...
  7. To the sauna I ...
  8. To pour cold water on me ...
  9. Cold me ...
  10. My hands I ...
  11. I have my teeth ...
  12. I go in for sports ...

Appendix 2.

Parents questionnaire

  1. How do you understand the concept of "health"?

Lack of disease

A good appetite

Compliance with the daily routine

Good physical fitness


Other __________________________________________

2. What types of wellness do you use at home?

Hardening _______________________________________

Taking vitamins


Morning exercises



3. Do you think your child's physical activity is high?



I am at a loss to answer

4. Do you think that your child stands out from other children in terms of physical development?






5. Do you pay attention to your child's physical education?


On weekends

During vacation


I am at a loss to answer

6. What are the sources of your knowledge about physical development?

Reading special books

TV and radio broadcasts

Articles in newspaper and magazine

Kindergarten specialists

Lectures and talks

Children's doctor



Not interested

7. Do you attend consultations, clubs, open classes for the improvement of children?



8. Indicate how your child's physical activity manifests itself.

Morning exercises

Outdoor games

Hiking trips


Skis and sleds


Other _________________________________________

9. Would you like to participate in the Healthy Family Club?



Appendix 3.

Questions for the conversation with children "Me and my health."

1. What do you think “healthy lifestyle” means?

2. What do you know about your health?

3. List the diseases that often bother you

4. Do you often miss classes due to illness?

5. Do you do physical exercises in the morning?

6. How do you attend physical development classes?

7. Do you go in for sports?

8. Do you feel tired after class?