Where can you use glycerin. We reveal the secrets of what liquid glycerin is for. Description of the release form

Glycerin has been used in cosmetics for over 200 years. It can be found in various industrial cosmetics, but it can also be incorporated into homemade recipes that are becoming more popular every year. Using natural ingredients, you can get a truly unique remedy that can cope with various skin and hair problems.

What can glycerin be used for?

The product is a colorless, viscous substance made from vegetable fats, but there are also synthetic options. In everyday life, three grades of glycerin are used: raw (40-90% pure glycerin), technical (95-98%) and pharmaceutical (100%). For cosmetic purposes, the best value is considered to be 99.5%.

The main action of this product is hydration, which is important for both skin and hair. It is included in numerous cosmetics such as masks and creams. It is important to note that if you use such cosmetics incorrectly, then you can achieve the opposite result and cause harm. The skin may just get used to the action of glycerin, and then it will require even more hydration.

If you buy a low-quality product, then it can pick up moisture, and this will lead to dryness.

That is why it is necessary to buy it only in pharmacies or specialty stores. Look for the label “natural” on the packaging.

The use of glycerin in home cosmetology

If you use the substance regularly, you can get tangible benefits.

  • As mentioned, this is a great moisturizer that helps to retain moisture, which means the skin will not flake off.
  • Glycerin accelerates metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin, and this leads to the cleansing of pores from fat, toxins and other impurities.
  • This product allows you to combine all the components of the mask, and this greatly affects the benefits.

Before considering some useful recipes, it is necessary to say about the rules for the independent use of glycerin at home. One of the most important properties of this substance is that if there is insufficient moisture, it can provoke dehydration of the skin. That is why it is not recommended to carry out procedures in a room where air conditioning is often used, since it reduces air humidity.

Before applying masks, it is worth testing for allergies. To do this, the ready-made mixture is applied to the wrist, held for 10-15 minutes, and then they look at the reaction. If there is redness and rashes, then you should refuse to carry out cosmetic procedures.

When glycerin is used, a film forms on the surface of the face, which saturates the skin with moisture and stabilizes the water-fat balance. It is worth carrying out the procedures in the first half of the day, but at night this film is completely unnecessary, since the cells must get rid of toxins.

The use of glycerin for hair

Basically, home care using this product is aimed at dry, brittle and frizzy curls. Immediately I would like to say that it contains substances that can dissolve paint molecules, so it is better to make masks the day before staining.

The mask helps to soften and moisturize the strands, which is especially important for those with dull and weak curls.

  • Recipe number 1. To prepare a healing composition, you must mix 55 g of honey, 6 g of glycerin and 5 g of aloe juice. In the event that the strands are badly damaged, then add a little base oil. First, apply the resulting mass to the roots, and then, using a comb, distribute over the strands. Wrap with foil, and warm with a towel on top and leave for 30 minutes. You need to wash off with ordinary shampoo;
  • Recipe number 2. To make a mask, you should mix our healing product and apple cider vinegar in equal amounts, and then send the yolk and a drop of burdock oil there. Apply the product as in the previous recipe and keep for 40 minutes. Please note that such a product has a brightening effect;
  • Recipe number 3. You can make a healing shampoo at home, but it will have a lightening effect, so it is not suitable for brunettes. Take 55 g of chamomile and pour 200 g of hot water over it. Leave to infuse under the lid for 3 hours. After the time, strain and add 22 g of glycerin and crushed baby soap. Align and use to wash your hair. So that the shampoo does not have a lightening effect, but, on the contrary, makes the color saturated, replace chamomile with a decoction of St. John's wort or nettle.

The use of glycerin for skin care

Let's look at several recipes where glycerin will be the base product with which other ingredients will be mixed.

  • Recipe number 4. This mask will help moisturize, nourish and cleanse. Take 6.3 g of the base product and 12 g of honey, and then add 55 g of water. You need to apply on a cleansed face and keep it for no more than 15 minutes. It is not recommended to use the mask for owners of oily type .;
  • Recipe number 5. This remedy will help restore dry skin. First you need to make mashed potatoes, for which boil one potato, and then chop it, adding a little warm milk. Take only 1 tbsp. spoon and add to it the same amount of butter, yolk and 10 g of honey. Separately combine 6.2 g of base product and 35 g of water. Pour the resulting solution to the other ingredients and mix everything until smooth. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes;
  • Recipe number 6. This face mask is designed to deeply moisturize and tone. Take a lemon wedge and mash it. Mix 6 g of base product and 55 g of water separately. Add the resulting solution to the citrus and add another 1 teaspoon of sour cream and yolk. After combining all the components, bring to homogeneity, apply on the face, leaving the T-zone intact, and keep for 15 minutes;
  • Recipe number 7. The remedy is also used for oily skin. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of 3 g of the base product and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, and then mix it with cosmetic white or green clay to make a mass that is similar in consistency to a cream. Keep on face for 15 minutes. It is best to rinse off with water using chamomile infusion;
  • Recipe number 8. For facial skin care and to smooth out wrinkles, you can prepare the following mask: mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of the base product, 2 teaspoons of gelatin and honey, and pour in 4 tbsp. spoons of water. Put everything on low heat and keep stirring until all ingredients are dissolved. After that, pour in another 70 g of water and mix well. Apply to face for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer;
  • Recipe number 9. The mask prepared according to this recipe is suitable for all skin types. It helps to remove oily sheen, cleanse and soothe the skin. Take 200 g of water and bring to a boil, then add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry chamomile and leave on low heat, covered. At this time, grind 45 g oatmeal and 55 g rice in a coffee grinder until flour is obtained. Add 30 g of pink or white clay to it. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with chamomile broth, stir until a thick mass is obtained. Grind a couple of aloe leaves to a gruel state and send it to the mask, and then add another 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin for the face. Remove from heat and blend using a mixer. The mask must be stored in a cool place;
  • Recipe number 10. The use of glycerin can be carried out by including it in a lotion that has a refreshing and cleansing effect. Mix equal proportions of mint, rowan berries, chamomile and lemon zest. From the resulting mixture, you need to take only 2 tbsp. spoons and pour them 1 tbsp. boiling water. Put on low heat for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, refrigerate under the lid and then strain. Pour in another 18 g of floral cologne and 1 teaspoon of the base product. Mix and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Now you know that using glycerin at home gives good results, but only if you follow the existing rules. Use these recipes to deal with existing skin and hair problems.

Glycerin looks like a clear liquid with a syrupy consistency. It has a characteristic sweetish taste. It is evenly distributed in any liquid medium of a living organism. Glycerin molecules act like a sponge, attracting and holding water.

Glycerin is used in medicine in the complex treatment of many diseases and in the production of drugs. Pharmacists use glycerin as a solvent for many medicines. With its help, tablets are given the desired level of moisture, and liquid preparations, if necessary, are made more viscous.

Glycerin is included in the fermentation of liquids in order to prevent changes in their enzymatic character. In the formulation of many medicinal ointments, glycerin is present to prevent them from drying out.

In medicine, glycerin is an effective solvent for chemicals such as iodine, phenol, thymol, bromine, tannin. It is used to dissolve. Replacing water with glycerin, highly concentrated pharmaceutical solutions are prepared.

To prepare an antiseptic based on boric acid for the treatment of colpitis, diaper rash, pyoderma, and other skin lesions, 10 g of boric acid is dissolved in 100 ml of glycerin. Lubricate sore spots according to the doctor's recommendations.

Antiseptic properties allow the targeted use of glycerin. Application in medicine to prevent infection of open wounds is due to the antiseptic and preservative effect of glycerin, which is based on its hygroscopicity. The water-absorbing effect provokes dehydration and death of pathogenic bacteria.

Glycerin inclusions can cause side effects on the body in the form of bloating, nausea, retching, headaches and dizziness. For those people who suffer from diabetes or hypertension, in whom there is impaired renal function, it is not recommended to use glycerin for treatment.

In the human body, glycerin is involved in the oxidative process with the formation of water molecules. Glycerin is not used in medicine in an undiluted state, because it has a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membrane of tissues. The irritation disappears when you add about 50% water, lanolin or petroleum jelly.

Suppositories or suppositories containing glycerin are widely used to treat constipation of various origins. This may be a consequence of a psychogenic nature, a functional disorder of the digestive system, age-related changes in the rectal region. constipation is also prescribed for children, people with reduced mobility, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

When administered rectally in the form of suppositories, glycerin has a slightly irritating effect directly on the mucous surface of the rectum. Thus, reflex stimulation of intestinal contractions occurs, which leads to a pronounced laxative effect. There is a softening of feces, and their rapid evacuation.

Medical glycerin is known for its laxative, dehydrating, dermatoprotective effect. This substance is significantly increasing contributing to the transition of water molecules from the extravascular environment to the plasma.

Intracranial pressure decreases if glycerin is introduced into the body in the recalculation of 1-2 g per 1 kg of the patient's weight. Glycerin is administered orally or bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Achievement of the maximum effect after 1.5 hours or after 1 hour is observed.

It begins to decrease after 10 minutes, the achievement of the maximum effect is observed after 1.5 hours, the effect lasts about 5 hours.

Glycerin is used in medicine as dehydration therapy in the treatment of various origins, before or after ophthalmic surgery, when it becomes necessary to reduce intraocular pressure. The introduction of glycerin stops acute attacks of glaucoma.

Before it was known about creams and serums for the skin, ordinary glycerin was used to nourish and moisturize the face and hands. The scope of this simple tool is extremely wide. Its beneficial properties are used in traditional medicine, folk medicine and cosmetology.

Everyone knows that glycerin plays a very important role in facial cosmetics. It takes good care of skin and hair, prolongs youth. Many women use it as part of home masks designed to fight wrinkles, dryness, and irritation. In order not to harm your beauty, you need to study the action of the product and know the rules for its use.

Application area

For medicinal purposes, glycerin it is used as an antiseptic agent, for lubrication of probes and catheters for better passage, as part of cleansing enemas.

In cosmetology, it is widely used both for the production of industrial products and for home cosmetics. It is added to natural face and hair masks.

Beneficial features

Glycerin is a trihydric fatty alcohol. It is a viscous transparent or yellowish liquid. Mixes well with alcohols and water, but poorly soluble in fats. The beneficial properties of glycerin for facial skin make it possible to use it in a self-care complex.

However, the tool will show all of the listed useful qualities with proper use.

Contraindications and precautions

Glycerin has one interesting opportunity. When indoor or outdoor humidity is less than 60%, it draws moisture from the skin. In this case, using it on the face will bring exactly the opposite effect. Therefore, it is not used in winter and summer, when the air temperature is high and the humidity drops significantly.

Glycerin is a chemical, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant reactions in the form of redness, itching and irritation, it is necessary to observe safety measures.

Homemade recipes

With the right combination of components glycerin based recipes bring amazing effect.

For cosmetic purposes, trihydric alcohol is used to prepare lotions, tonics, creams and face masks.

The above recipes must be applied according to the instructions. Self-extension of the course leads to undesirable consequences.

Positive reviews

There is a lot of good feedback on the use of this simple tool.

I have been practicing the use of glycerin in cosmetology at home for several years. I perform 10 procedures twice a year. I got rid of many problems with the skin of the face. I no longer suffer from acne and blackheads. At 35, I look much younger, as I have stopped the aging process. All my friends are surprised and ask to reveal the secret of my youth.

Everyone is familiar with glycerin and what it is in many cosmetics. This is primarily due to the fact that it dissolves many harmful substances. Glycerin is a clear viscous liquid with a sweetish taste. Cosmetology is not the only field of application of this substance; it is often used in the production of sweets and cakes, and in the manufacture of medicines. But, in this case, we are interested in the use of glycerin in home cosmetics for beauty.
Glycerin - a substance that helps nutrients to better penetrate the skin, helps to effectively moisturize dry skin. It is often added to soaps, creams and lotions for sensitive skin.

Useful properties of glycerin for the skin:

Smoothes expression lines;
saturates with the necessary moisture;
brightens skin tone;
improves metabolism in the upper layers of the skin, freeing pores from impurities, toxins and fatty plugs;
makes expression wrinkles less noticeable;
relieves cracked heels and rough skin on knees and elbows.
Despite the entire list of benefits, it is still worth remembering that this is an aggressive chemical that, if the dosage is not observed, causes various diseases on the skin.

The harm of glycerin:

A pure preparation dries the skin very much;
harmful in combination with silicone;
glycerin soap washes away melanin, which makes the skin brighter.

Home use of glycerin

1. For home care of the face, the preparation is used exclusively diluted, only this makes it possible to achieve a moisturizing effect. Ordinary water mixes well with this preparation, mix both liquids in an arbitrary ratio and apply on the face. After the first application, you may experience a feeling of waterlogging of the skin, but in the process of evaporation of excess liquid, the face will become soft without a sticky effect.
2. Pure glycerin can be added to a store-bought cream or to face scrubs and lotions, the main task of which is to tone, moisturize, tighten wounds and reduce acne.
3. The best addition to glycerin is vitamin E (tocopherol).
4. The best time of day to use glycerin mixtures is in the evening, before bed.
5. The best time of the year is winter. It is at this time that the skin dries strongly from wind and frost and needs deep nourishment and hydration.
6. It is not recommended to apply glycerin cosmetics on the face before going outside. This is fraught with severe clogging of the pores with dirt.

How to Pick Good Glycerin

First of all, you need to look at the label, it should say - Natural (from vegetable fats) or synthetic production of glycerin. If the package is not labeled "Natural" - you should look for it elsewhere, such a drug is made from epichlorohydrin, a toxic substance. It is also worth looking at the cleaning level. For use in home cosmetics, 99.5% will be acceptable. Vegetable glycerin does not cause an allergic reaction, but it should not be used if there is an individual intolerance. The price of the drug for 25 ml is 12-20 rubles.

Homemade cosmetics recipes with glycerin

Mint Glycerin Lotion

The product perfectly cleanses pores, tones, moisturizes and softens the skin.

2 tbsp. l. dried mint;
2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
500 ml boiling water;
2 tsp glycerin;
4 tbsp. l. rose water.
Manufacturing and application:
Pour the herbal blank with boiling water, mix, boil over low heat under a lid for 30 minutes. Remove the finished broth, refrigerate, filter through cheesecloth, pour into any storage container. We use it instead of a store-bought cleansing lotion.

Lemon Glycerin Lotion

The product cleanses the skin from blackheads, blockages, brightens, and helps to whiten age spots.

2 tsp water;
4 tbsp. l. glycerin;
4 tbsp. l. lemon or lime juice.
Manufacturing and application:
We squeeze the juice from the citrus, filter it to get rid of the accidentally caught pulp, mix it with water and glycerin. It is recommended to wipe your face with it every morning and evening.

Chamomile Glycerin Lotion

The product tones and moisturizes, normalizes the functioning of the excretory glands, effectively dries and helps to get rid of them completely.

1 tbsp. l. glycerin;
2 tbsp. l. chamomile;
200 ml of boiling water;
70 ml of vodka.
Preparation and application:
Steam the chamomile in boiling water, close it tightly with a lid, leave for 11 hours, preferably in a thermos. After a while, we filter, combine with the rest of the components. It is recommended to wipe clean skin daily, morning and evening.

Glycerin Acne Lotion

2 tbsp. l. triple cologne;
2 tbsp. l. water;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
We mix all liquids and daily wipe clean problem skin, do not wash off.

Glycerin scrub for blackheads

2 tbsp. l. chopped almond kernels or coffee grounds;
1 tbsp. l. glycerin.
Manufacturing and application:
We mix the ingredients and massage the T-zone in a circular motion for a couple of minutes, then everything else. We leave for 5 minutes. absorb, wash off with warm water.

Purifying mask for oily skin

85 ml of water;
1 tsp glycerin;
White clay.
Manufacturing and application:
We dilute glycerin with water, add clay little by little, as a result, a thick creamy mass should come out. We smear it all over the face, after 10 minutes we go to wash.

Moisturizing mask with glycerin

1 tsp glycerin;
15 ml of honey;
4 tbsp. l. cucumber juice;
1 tsp oatmeal flour.
Preparation and application:
Three cucumber on a grater, squeeze the juice out of it, mix with honey and glycerin, add flour. Apply the resulting porridge on the skin, hold for 20 minutes, wash.

Nourishing mask

1 tsp olive oil;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
Thoroughly rub oil and glycerin with yolk, process the entire surface of the face. After a quarter of an hour we wash up.

Glycerin mask for matte skin

250 ml of water;
oat flour;
2 tsp glycerin.
Manufacturing and application:
We mix the liquids, add flour until a creamy mass is formed, smear on the face, leave for 20 minutes. We wash our face.

Softening face mask

medium potato;
15 ml of honey;
1 tsp glycerin;
1 tsp olive oil.
Manufacturing and application:
Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, peel them, make mashed potatoes, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the warm potato mixture to the skin, remove after 25 minutes.

Mask for aging skin

1 tsp butter;
1 tbsp. l. chamomile broth;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
We mix all the components into a homogeneous mixture, generously process the leather, and stand for 20 minutes. We wash our face.

Anti-wrinkle mask with glycerin

1 tbsp. l. aloe gel;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
If a fresh leaf of a plant is used for manufacturing, keep it in the refrigerator for 10 days before receiving the gel, this will increase the amount of useful and nutritious elements, if there is no plant, the aloe gel bought at the pharmacy will do. We mix the indicated components, cover our face with the resulting mixture, wash our face in a quarter of an hour.

According to the medical classification, Glycerin is a versatile remedy used to treat dermatological problems or constipation. Depending on the form of release, its properties differ. The active ingredient, glycerol, remains unchanged. The drug is produced by domestic companies, read the instructions.

Glycerin Composition

The drug is available in two forms: solution for internal use and suppositories. Their composition:


Transparent colorless liquid of sweet taste, odorless, hygroscopic

White torpedo suppositories

Glycerol concentration, mg

2500 per bottle

144 or 246 per piece

Supporting components

Water, petroleum jelly, lanolin

Polyethylene glycol, stearic acid, sodium carbonate decahydrate


Vials of 25 ml

10 pcs. in a blister, 1 or 2 blisters in a pack with instructions for use

pharmachologic effect

The properties of the drug are due to the form of release. Rectal suppositories are used to treat constipation, solution - for dermatological problems. The latter has a protective and softening effect. Pure glycerol irritates the skin, but this effect disappears when diluted with water or lanolin. An externally applied antiseptic preparation protects the skin, restores its integrity.

Glycerol has antiseptic properties that can be used to prevent skin wounds from getting infected. Rectal application of the agent leads to a laxative effect. By softening feces and mild irritation of the intestinal mucosa, the contractility of the rectal walls is stimulated. When used internally, glycerol increases osmotic pressure, reduces intracranial and ocular pressure, and reduces cerebral edema.

What is Glycerin for

You can use the tool in different ways. The instruction indicates the following indications:

  • rectally (microclysters, suppositories) - constipation, anal fissures;
  • oral - increased intracranial pressure, glaucoma, Reye's syndrome (acute hepatic encephalopathy);
  • externally (applications) - softening excessively dry mucous membranes and skin;
  • sodium tetraborate solution (borax) - candidiasis (thrush), tonsillitis (inflammation of the palatine tonsils), pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx), cough, treatment of bedsores affected by mycoses of the skin (fungal infections);
  • in cosmetology - addition to moisturizing, toning and nourishing masks, serums, mixtures for acne, cleansing and refreshing lotions, creams, shampoos, balms and hair masks, treatment of cracked heels, nail fungus, wrinkles.

Glycerol is a non-toxic substance, therefore it is used in the pharmaceutical industry: it is added to ointments, creams, pastes to prevent rapid drying and enhance antiseptic properties. The drug is found in tablets, suppositories. In addition to pharmacology, it can be used for preserving meat, wheat, red blood cells, flowers.

In cosmetology, glycerin can be used only with sufficient air humidity. So it absorbs moisture from there and retains it on the skin, forming a thin film that has a moisturizing effect. If the air is too dry (less than 65%), glycerol will attract water from the skin, which will lead to drying of the integument, their peeling.

Method of administration and dosage

A popular medicine in medicine is borax - sodium tetraborate in glycerin. Sodium salt is an antibacterial anesthetic, used for colpitis, candidiasis, bedsores, stomatitis, skin cracks and bacterial lesions. The agent is applied to a cotton swab, lubricated the walls of the vagina, the affected skin areas. Borax can be used for mouthwash, douching. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.


Candles are used to treat constipation. According to the instructions, they are injected into the rectum one at a time once a day. The optimal time of use is 15–20 minutes after breakfast, they begin to take effect within 10 minutes. The course lasts until intestinal peristalsis is normalized. For children, children's suppositories are produced with a smaller amount of the active ingredient.

Liquid glycerin

According to the instructions, glycerin for internal use or external treatment is used in pure form, in a concentrated solution or in the form of a micro enema with soda water. Inside, the agent is taken diluted with the same amount of water. The dosage depends on the patient's body weight - 2-3 ml of liquid per kg. At the next dose, the dose is halved. Glycerol is taken chilled. When treating the skin, use cotton swabs or applications with an 84–88 percent solution.

special instructions

Glycerin is an organic compound from the class of polyhydric alcohols. It has three hydroxyl groups, so it belongs to triols (trihydric alcohols). This simplest representative of the group is widespread in nature in the form of glycerides or acylglycerols - esters based on organic or mineral acids. Glycerides are found in oils and fats, for example, corn, peanut, sunflower, soybean, and olive oils are a source of glycerol trioleate.

Technical glycerin is obtained as a by-product in the saponification of edible fats. To obtain glycerol and soap, saponification reactions of glycerol ester of stearic acid (tristearate) with alkali sodium hydroxide, ammonia are used. In industry, the synthetic chlorohydrin method is sometimes used, a method of oxidizing propene to propenal. Other production options are starch hydrolysis and glycolic fermentation of sugars.

Pure glycerin is odorless, sweet in taste, absorbs moisture from the air, and is readily soluble in water with the release of heat. Alcohol dissolves in other alcohols, ethers, chloroform, ammonia. It interacts with most compounds to form metal esters and acylglycerols. As a result, glycerates, acid halides, trinitroglycerin, acrolein, dihydroxyacetone, and compounds with vitamins are formed.

In addition to medicine, glycerol is used in paint and varnish, electrical, radio engineering, tobacco, military, agricultural industries, and for blackening rubber. Glycerin monostearate is a food emulsifier that keeps food fresh. In cosmetics, the substance acts as a preservative, a vehicle for the delivery of active components inside. In everyday life, glycerol can be used to remove stains, polish furniture, and care for leather shoes. It is used to light a fire, add to soap bubbles, hookah tobacco.

During pregnancy

Glycerin suppositories are one of the safest and most effective remedies for constipation during pregnancy. Due to their non-toxicity, they do not harm mother and baby. Suppositories can be used after childbirth, during lactation. They help with constipation caused by hormonal changes that affect intestinal motility, hemorrhoids, colon spasm, psychological fear of defecation (after rupture of the birth canal). To eliminate fungus and candidiasis, pregnant women, even in the early stages of bearing a child, are allowed a 10 percent solution of borax in glycerin.

Glycerin for children

Pharmacy Glycerin can be used in the form of suppositories in children over 6 years old. For the child, specially created children's suppositories with a reduced content of the active ingredient. Children 2-6 years old should have 1 candle per day. In newborns, the remedy can be used upon reaching 3 months. In the presence of indications, the drug does not cause a negative effect, but with haphazard use, defecation, peristalsis disorders, the development of diarrhea, enterocolitis, and intestinal obstruction are possible.

Side effects and overdose

With the systematic use of glycerol, an overdose may develop. It is manifested by confusion, dry mouth, dizziness, increased thirst, dehydration, renal failure, arrhythmia. When it appears, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. Side effects are indicated in the instructions:

  • dehydration of tissues, allergies, burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the rectum, violation of the act of defecation, catarrhal proctitis;
  • nausea, vomiting, thirst, hyperglycemic coma;
  • headache;
  • arrhythmia.

It is forbidden to take the drug inside in case of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the heart, liver, blood vessels, kidneys. The instruction calls contraindications to the use of candles:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • appendicitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • inflammatory or neoplastic diseases of the rectum;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • diarrhea.