Gymnastic exercises for pregnant women 3 trimester. What exercises can you do during pregnancy. Sitting stretch

The gestation period is fraught with many myths and superstitions. They appeared even before the development of medicine and have survived to this day. Previously, the occurrence of pathological conditions in childbirth was explained by the wrong behavior of a woman during gestation. In particular, it was believed that you should not raise your arms and reach up. How relevant is the old omen today?

There is no scientific data that would confirm a direct connection between complications of gestation, labor and the fact that the expectant mother raised her hands up. Nevertheless, doctors admit that sometimes a woman's active actions can have negative consequences. But there is nothing supernatural in this - all the conditions listed below are a reflection of physiological mechanisms.

Umbilical cord entanglement

The umbilical cord is surrounded by a special gelatinous membrane that makes it elastic and slippery. Even tying a knot on it is very problematic. The child usually slips out of the loops of the umbilical cord without much harm. Problems can appear with polyhydramnios, a long umbilical cord. The general condition of the fetus is also important. If there are signs of hypoxia, the child can be especially mobile and often toss and turn, change position. This increases the risk of confusion. But the physical activity of the expectant mother has nothing to do with it.

At the same time, some doctors believe that with a sharp throwing of the arms above the head or for a long time in this position, some vessels that feed the uterus and the baby are squeezed. This leads to fetal hypoxia and its increased activity, which can result in an entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Increasing the tone of the uterus

The condition of the uterus depends on the physical activity of the woman. It reacts especially strongly to stress with the existing threat of termination of pregnancy. Raised arms, especially with a load (for example, large wet linen), lead to tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. This affects the uterine tone, gradually increasing it. First, aching pain appears, which radiates to the rectum, lower back, perineum.

Treatment in this situation depends on the severity of the symptoms and the gestational age. In the first trimester, it is enough to rest in a horizontal position with raised legs and take an antispasmodic pill. In the second and third trimesters, magnesium sulfate should be used as a solution into a vein. With a pronounced increase in tone and the risk of premature birth, it is necessary to administer the drug "Ginipral" in the form of an intravenous solution.

Fetal position

Some older people argue that if a woman raises her arms in the last stages, this will lead to a change in the position of the fetus: it will roll over onto the buttocks and breech presentation will occur. This condition is especially dangerous in primiparas.

Medicine allows for such a scenario. When raising the upper limbs, the uterine cavity increases, which for the child can become a signal for active action. If this is the third trimester and the date of birth is approaching, then a change in presentation from cephalic to pelvic can result in abnormalities in labor.

Premature birth

For some women, there is a risk of not having a pregnancy from the very moment of fertilization. Raising your arms in this state may slightly aggravate the unpleasant symptoms.

In other cases, premature birth, like prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid, develops for completely different reasons. Most often it is a latent or overt infection of the cervical canal, vagina.


If a woman dramatically changes the position of the upper limbs, then her vestibular apparatus may not have time to respond to the shift in the center of gravity, which will lead to an unstable body position. Sometimes a long stay with raised arms causes a change in the nature of the blood flow in the upper body. This can provoke dizziness, loss of stability, and darkening of the eyes.

Precautionary measures

Doctors recommend eliminating activities that require a woman to raise and stretch her arms in the early stages, when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If complications of gestation are diagnosed, then such movements should be avoided from 15 weeks. The rest of the patients can behave almost as usual. Moreover, with normal health, it is useful to perform special exercises for expectant mothers.

However, you still need to take some precautions. Such work should be avoided:

  • washing windows;
  • hanging large linen;
  • knocking out carpets;
  • wiping dust on chandeliers.

It is better to shift these concerns onto the shoulders of a spouse or close relatives.

Women who develop nesting syndrome with the progression of pregnancy want to renovate their apartment or room for their baby. They begin renovation work. Tearing off the old wallpaper will not be difficult, and gluing the new one will not be easy. This activity will force you to keep your hands up for a long time. Therefore, in the case of repairs, it is better to entrust it to workers. Do not forget about the harm of fumes from paint and varnish products and other building materials. The expectant mother should prefer walks in the fresh air to being in the apartment.


20 Can pregnant women fly on airplanes: rules for safe air travel in the early and late stages

Of course, pregnancy is a difficult and very responsible test for the female body. During this period, it is important to lead the most healthy lifestyle and do everything to maintain normal health.

Physical exercise is considered useful and indispensable for modern people, but is gymnastics allowed for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester? It was at this time that the body of the expectant mother is already preparing with might and main for the upcoming birth, will not the excessive load harm the body of the woman and the fetus?

Adequate physical activity is an indispensable part of the daily lifestyle of any pregnant woman. The only question is what types of activities are allowed for a given period and how intense the daily load can be.

Purpose of classes

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should help to solve such problems:

  • toning the woman's body to ensure mobility and sufficient elasticity of the joints on the eve of childbirth;
  • avoiding excessive weight gain;
  • prevention of edema;
  • getting rid of the existing pain in the legs, lumbar region;
  • reducing the risk of developing varicose veins or eliminating the symptoms of this ailment;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improved mood and a sense of control over your body.

Thus, the set of exercises used for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should be aimed at preventing diseases that often develop in recent months, and enhancing readiness for childbirth.

Features of loads at a later date

Compared to the beginning or middle of pregnancy, all exercises during this period should be as gentle as possible. When performing them, difficult turns, intense movements, strong inclinations should be avoided.

Most exercise should be as relaxing as possible and improve blood and lymph flow in body tissues.

Classes can be done in groups for pregnant women, as well as at home. Each of the options has distinct advantages. So, in the course of collective training, the level of load is controlled by a specialist. He will also tell you what mistakes were made when performing the movements, help you track your pulse and, if necessary, advise you to stop training.

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester at home also has positive aspects. Firstly, it is more comfortable to study at home, there is no embarrassment and inconvenience due to the fact that someone will look at a woman.

Secondly, during classes you can interrupt, drink water or visit the toilet. It is more convenient to do this at home, and not within the walls of a sports club. It is only important that during training, one of the household members is in the apartment - in this case, a loved one will be able to help if a woman suddenly feels worse, although this is unlikely during the normal course of pregnancy.

Fitball lessons

Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester are now very popular. Exercising on a large ball will help maintain the tone of the buttocks, strengthen sufficient muscles in all parts of the body. For the expectant mother at a later date, the following exercises are allowed:

  • Leaning your hands on a fitball ball, slowly squat. In this case, the back should be as straight as possible, and it is undesirable to tear the heels off the floor. During squats, you can spread your legs wider. The squats themselves should not be too deep - you can give preference to half-squats.
  • Sit on the fitball, then spread your legs approximately at the level of the pelvis. Next, you need to perform smooth circles with the pelvic part of the body. Next, you can maintain balance with your hands, resting them on the ball or holding them around you.
  • Sitting comfortably on a fitball, swing in both directions alternately, but refrain from tilting too much.
  • Having settled on a fitball, you should hold lightweight dumbbells in your hands and alternately bend and unbend both arms.
  • Lie on the fitball, legs slightly apart. Next, you need to ride a fitball in different directions.
  • While sitting on the fitball, make turns alternately to the left or right, while putting your hand behind the opposite leg.
  • Get on the floor, spread your legs a little and roll the fitball with both hands on the floor.

It is enough to perform each exercise on gymnastic fitball 10-15 times.

Positional gymnastics

The so-called positional gymnastics is considered no less relevant and important. Such a complex of movements is designed to strengthen all the muscles of the body in order to maximize the relief of the labor process in the future.

Positional gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester may include several exercises:

  • Exercise "Kitty". You need to get on all fours, then arch your back and press your chin to the chest as much as possible. Next, you should bend like a cat, bending lower.
  • Exercise "Butterfly". A woman needs to sit down with her legs folded as comfortable as possible in the Turkish style. The feet should be brought together and the hands should be placed freely on the knees. You should stay in this position for a minute or two.
  • Exercise "Twisting". It can be performed either standing or, if desired, sitting. Hands should be spread apart, then turn the body alternately and rhythmically left and right. The pelvis at this time should be motionless.

All of the above movements should be performed smoothly, slowly, listening to your feelings.

Breathing exercises

Regular breathing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester is very important, because it has a slightly different effect on the body than ordinary exercises. Breathing training allows you to relax, learn to control your emotions and sensations to a sufficient extent, which will subsequently help reduce pain when contractions occur.

In addition, proper breathing improves the blood supply to the fetus, improves the condition of the woman herself. It is only necessary to take into account that the expectant mother is forbidden to hold the inhalation or exhalation for a long time - this can worsen her well-being.

The following exercises are most effective:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing training. It is necessary to perform deep, but free breaths in and out (always through the nose), placing the palm of one hand on your chest, and the other on your stomach. With any inhalation, the chest should not noticeably rise, only the stomach should move.
  • Chest breathing training. The exercise is performed similarly to the first, only the "breathing" deeply in this case will not be the stomach, but the chest, i.e. it is necessary to monitor the immobility of the abdominal cavity during inhalation-exhalation.
  • Breathing like a dog. It can be done on a fitball or sitting freely on a chair. You should breathe through your mouth quite often - "like a dog," and the inhalation should be shallow. The exercise should be completed with slow and rather deep breathing movements in order to normalize the pulse.
  • "Push" breathing. A woman should inhale as deeply as possible, then hold the air for a few seconds and exhale slowly. You can alternate one slow exhalation with two or three short breaths.

If during the performance of such gymnastics there are any changes in the state of health, you should stop breathing training and lie down to rest.

Kegel gymnastics, aimed at strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the vaginal muscles, is also very popular among expectant mothers. These exercises can be performed anywhere, no special equipment or sportswear is required for training.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester can be done while sitting, standing, and even lying down. The simplest exercise, which is the main one for training according to this method, is alternating tension of the vaginal muscles for 5-7 seconds, followed by their mandatory relaxation.

Another exercise "according to Kegel" is the so-called "lift". It is necessary to gradually and step by step squeeze the muscles of the vagina, starting from its outer edge, moving mentally deeper, to the cervix. Then you should also alternately relax the tense muscles, moving from top to bottom.

Each movement when performing the Kegel complex should be repeated: at first - 5-7 times, and as training increases - 10-20 or more times.

Swimming pool gymnastics in the third trimester

In the final stages of pregnancy, training in the pool will be very useful. Of course, the place for swimming should be chosen carefully, paying attention to the purity of the water and the observance of sanitary standards by the staff of the institution.

Usually, training in the pool is carried out with the participation of an experienced instructor. The specialist selects water aerobics exercises for expectant mothers, taking into account the state of health and fitness of each woman.

You can independently perform exercises in the pool for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, only the simplest ones: for example, slow squats in the water, plunging into the water no deeper than the level of the neck. You can also make turns of the body, swing your arms.

In water, the weight of a person's body is felt less, so the load on the joints and the spine is noticeably reduced, which is especially important in the presence of back pain.

If a woman has any swimming style, the issue of individual training should be discussed with a trainer.

Remedial gymnastics in the third trimester

Along with the general set of exercises, the expectant mother may need to perform special gymnastics aimed at getting rid of any painful symptom. Exercises for the back and legs are most in demand, the purpose of which is to get rid of lower back pain and reduce swelling in the ankles and feet.

Exercises for the back during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, you can choose the following:

  • Lying on your side, you need to "twist" (ie, bend, bending forward or backward) your back, subsequently straightening it. Exercise helps to relax the back muscles.
  • Sitting bends. Legs should be straight and slightly parted. In this position, you should bend forward, trying to reach your feet with your fingers. If the belly is too big, you do not need to strain too much, you can perform minor inclinations. Exercise helps to stretch the psoas.

Leg exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are most effective as follows:

  • Sitting on a chair, raise your legs, starting from the knee to the foot, to a horizontal position. You can alternate the simultaneous lifting of both legs with their alternating movements. Exercise improves blood circulation in the legs and reduces swelling.
  • Also, sitting on a chair, write out the "eights" with your feet. The ankles and feet should move, it is better to leave the knees motionless.
  • Standing on the floor, alternately and, of course, carefully raise your legs to the sides.

Therapeutic exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be performed at a moderate pace. It is advisable that the complex of movements is nevertheless selected by a doctor who is aware of the woman's state of health.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Of course, gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester at home is very useful and desirable, but in some cases you should refrain from it. It is contraindicated to perform any workouts in such cases:

  • the threat of premature birth;
  • cases of miscarriages during previous pregnancies;
  • "Numbness" of the uterus, increased tone of this organ;
  • high water;
  • preeclampsia;
  • placenta previa.

These are absolute contraindications to gymnastics for expectant mothers. If you have multiple pregnancies or have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of exercising.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's life changes in a colossal way. Old habits are giving way to new ones. The old life is supplemented by new moments, desires and worries. A woman becomes superstitious and suspicious and begins to listen to all sorts of signs and prohibitions.
Skeptics will immediately say that this is sheer nonsense. For example, there are explanations for signs, why you shouldn't raise your hands during pregnancy.

Is it true? Let's try to find out.
Having become pregnant, a woman becomes less active, she becomes careful in movement, so as not to harm her future baby. Her usual active life is becoming more measured and calm. Active sports, shaping, fitness are now a thing of the past. Active jogging in the morning is now postponed indefinitely, the main thing is the child's health.

Therefore, women who are accustomed to playing sports can replace active sports with yoga. A good alternative to this would be special exercises and gymnastics for pregnant women. They improve posture and stretching of the muscles involved in childbirth.

The opinion of experts, why you can't pull your hands up during pregnancy.

Most experts explain the ban on raising arms by pregnant women by the fact that in this position there is more room in the abdomen, and the child can change his position. And also there is a risk of entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord. It should also be remembered that a woman's umbilical cord length is at the genetic level, and she cannot change the further process. Although earlier gynecologists believed that the entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord occurs precisely because of the hands raised up. Yes, and modern obstetricians and gynecologists strongly recommend not to raise your hands up, especially in the last months of pregnancy. It is necessary to exclude any sudden movements in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to stand for a long time with arms raised up.

An example of this would be hanging laundry, cleaning windows or curtains, or other work that requires hands up. Also, a pregnant woman may feel dizzy, she may stagger and fall and hurt herself or lose a child. Prolonged stay in this position can cause the amniotic fluid to drain, and as a result, childbirth can begin prematurely.
Also, when the arms are raised, there is tension on the abdominal muscles, which can provoke premature birth.

And this is another opinion why you can't raise your hands up... In any case, all gynecologists are unanimous in the opinion that in the absence of pathology, in which the placenta is incorrectly attached to the uterus, the hands can be raised, just not too high and not abruptly.

For each pregnant woman, the concept of load is purely individual. If the pregnancy is difficult, and the woman is sitting or lying down all the time, raising her arms up is a serious burden. But if a woman has always led an active lifestyle, this is not a problem for her. Of course, you always need to stick to the golden mean and take care of your health and the unborn child.

The period of waiting for a child is not only a wonderful, but also a very exciting period in a woman's life. At this time, it is necessary to properly prepare for the birth of a baby - both psychologically and physically.

Doctors recommend performing special complexes exercises, which become especially important in the third trimester, when the child's weight increases. Such workouts will help relieve the load on the spine, as well as strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, and pelvis.

It's not only will improve the well-being of the expectant mother but will also play an important role in the childbirth process. What exercises for pregnant women should be performed in the 3rd trimester, how often to exercise, and what complexes should it be better to forget about? We will talk about this further.

What happens to the body of the expectant mother during this period

In the third trimester of pregnancy, that is, from 27-29 weeks, the female body has to mobilize. As the weight of the unborn baby increases, the uterus stretches proportionally and begins to put pressure on the diaphragm (during this period, many expectant mothers complain of shortness of breath, inability to breathe deeply).

Also, the uterus presses on the bladder and gradually puts pressure on the large blood vessels located in the peritoneal region (this disrupts the venous outflow from the legs, can lead to the development of varicose veins).

Specially selected physical exercises for pregnant women, as well as cool foot baths, rest with raised lower limbs are effective preventive measures that should not be forgotten in the third trimester.

In the body, the amount of relaxin and progesterone increases, which somewhat softens the ligaments and requires special caution during training.

Since the size of the abdomen during this period is very impressive, and the weight of the fetus is constantly increasing, the load on the back and spine increases. This leads not only to painful sensations in this area, but also to numbness in the arms or legs.

Two to three weeks before the happy day, the body begins to actively produce estrogen, which increases the tone of the uterus. "Training" contractions can occur, and the cervix thickens and shortens. Sometimes the mucous plug comes off.

Why exercise during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Regular, moderate exercise is important at every stage of pregnancy, but it plays a special role shortly before birth. Thus, you can improve blood circulation, including uteroplacental outflow, increase the endurance of the muscles of the pelvis, back, and abs.

This will simplify labor and prevent complications. You need to pay attention and breathing exercises- this also contributes to easier delivery. TO advantages such workouts also include:

  • restoration of intestinal motility, prevention of constipation;
  • elimination of insomnia;
  • preventing kidney problems, reducing edema;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • reduction in pain;
  • preparing the body for childbirth;
  • weight control.

Training at this time has its own specifics. So, weight loss exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester recede into the background, but exercises for the back for pregnant women and complexes aimed at preventing varicose veins are becoming especially relevant.

Choosing exercises for pregnant women, gynecologists highly recommend perform Kegel exercises (training of the vaginal muscles), which are indispensable for easy labor.

Please note that for all the benefits of such workouts, they should be performed only after a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist. Even the most gentle and gentle gymnastics can have its own contraindications.

So, it is better to refuse training if the expectant mother has:

  • increased tone of the uterus, there is a threat of premature birth;
  • insufficiency of the corpus luteum, other problems with hormones;
  • bleeding occurred.

What you need to know about "pregnant" gymnastics in the third trimester

For exercise to be beneficial, remember that it should not be too intense. Exercises for pregnant women in the pool have proven themselves well, but keep in mind that in the 3rd trimester you should not be too active and overexert.

Many expectant mothers note the benefits of exercise ball exercises for pregnant women - they allow you to get rid of back pain in the 3rd trimester, as well as facilitate preparation for childbirth.

Remember that you need to pay attention to breathing exercises, to master the so-called "dog breathing".

As for other exercises, do them as smoothly and softly as possible, do not chase the number of repetitions, listen to your feelings.

If during the lesson there is pain (especially pulling), discomfort, the uterus is toned - stop training, be sure to rest.

When choosing a complex during this period, keep in mind that due to a large belly, a woman becomes less flexible. All exercises should be gentle, do not overload the spine and legs. Do not over-train your abs either. Better give preference to exercises for the pelvis, back, chest.

You can do it both in the morning and in the afternoon - it all depends on your lifestyle and the behavior of the baby. But in the evening it is better to refuse from training - the baby can be "naughty", and the uterus - to tone up. Better to do some breathing exercises.

Remember that you cannot sit on a fitball or start a workout immediately after eating - take at least a half-hour pause. The same goes for post-workout snacks. You can do exercises with good health and the absence of medical contraindications every day. If you are "lazy", you can take one or two days off a week.

A set of exercises for pregnant women - 3 trimester

Warm up

Start your workouts with a warm-up: to do this, walk in place in a smooth rhythm for one to two minutes, do light bends of the torso to the sides, tilt your head, and make circular rotations with your neck.

Exercise "Cat"

An exercise that gynecologists love dearly. Get on all fours, while inhaling, bend in the lower back. Exhaling air, round your back, as a kitty does. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise number 3

Stand up straight, keep your posture. Clasp your hands at the back of your head, join your elbows in front of your face. Inhaling, spread them apart, and on exhalation, return to the starting position. You can also perform this exercise while sitting on the floor. Up to 8 repetitions.

Exercise for the pelvic muscles

Stand up straight with your hands on your belt. Bending your knees slightly, take your pelvis slightly forward and backward. While doing this, squeeze the vaginal muscles. It is good to describe the figure eight in the horizontal plane with your hips, but at the same time the range of motion should be minimal. Up to 10-12 repetitions.

Body turns

Sit with your hands in the back, spread out at a comfortable width. Turn the body to the side, while spreading your arms. 3-4 times in each direction.

Exercise number 6

Get down on all fours. Exhaling air, slowly sit on your heels, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Exercises for pregnant women on the ball - 3 trimester

Fitball during this period becomes the best friend of expectant mothers. On it you can prepare for childbirth, exercise or relieve pain in the back and abdomen.

Exercise number 1

Sitting on the ball, draw circles with your pelvis. In this case, you can hold your hands on your chest, in front of you, or hold on to the ball for balance.

Exercise number 2

Sitting on the ball, grab light dumbbells. Raise your arms alternately with a projectile - up to 6 reps per arm.

Exercise number 3

Lying on your back, alternately put your foot on the fitball and roll it in different directions. This is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Exercises for pregnant women 3 trimester - video

Another effective and very gentle set of exercises that will help get rid of back pain, strengthen muscles and prepare the body for childbirth is shown in the video below. Please note that before performing it, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Its advantage is that no sports equipment is required for training. The trainer describes in detail how to perform each movement.

Pregnancy is not a reason to forget about physical activity, but exercise should be approached thoughtfully and carefully. Exercise can help you feel better and prepare for the birth process.

Do You Do Exercise For Pregnant Women? What complexes are you doing? Share your opinions and feelings in the comments.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is very popular with expectant mothers who want to stay active and vigorous for the entire nine months. Pregnancy is not a reason to give up moderate exercise. On the contrary, thanks to simple exercises designed specifically for pregnant women, a woman will be able to facilitate pregnancy and prepare her body for childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women can be easily performed at home, they are aimed at strengthening and maintaining muscle tone, fighting puffiness, excess weight, teaching relaxation and proper breathing. What exercises can pregnant women do at home by trimester, read this article.

Everyone knows about the benefits of physical activity. It has long been proven that regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the body, relieves stress, improves mood, and gives a feeling of joy and confidence. Some pregnant women refuse to exercise, mistakenly believing that by loading their body, they can harm the baby. This is not true. Regular physical exercise, correctly selected for each trimester, helps a woman feel beautiful, cheerful, as well as relieve toxicosis, normalize weight and prepare the body for labor.

Pregnant women who were engaged in gymnastics in an interesting position, more easily and quickly restore their previous shape after childbirth. Moderate physical activity will benefit both mom and her baby. Those women who have chosen a passive lifestyle during pregnancy and given up physical activities are more likely to suffer from excess weight, hormonal surges, accompanied by bad mood and depression. A sedentary lifestyle leads to sleep disturbances, dizziness, chronic fatigue, and lumbar pain. It is more difficult for the expectant mother to move, shortness of breath, swelling and varicose veins appear. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, pregnant women should take time for regular and moderate exercise, the benefits of which are invaluable:

  1. Physical activity makes not only the body fit, the skin smooth, but also helps to strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to stress and infectious diseases.
  2. With the help of affordable and effective exercises, the muscles are strengthened, the clamps in the back muscles are removed, the spinal column and lower back are relieved, and the correct beautiful posture is formed.
  3. Performing a set of physical exercises for pregnant women for all 9 months, a woman will quickly regain her slimness after the appearance of the baby.
  4. Gymnastics has a positive effect on the emotional and psychological health of the expectant mother. Scientists have proven that after physical exertion, the body produces adrenaline and the hormone of happiness in the blood, which effectively fights depression and bad mood. Active expectant mothers are not afraid of postpartum depression.
  5. Exercises for pregnant women perfectly prepare for childbirth, help you learn how to breathe and control your own body. Strong, trained muscles, combined with rhythmic breathing, are the key to easy labor, reducing discomfort and pain during labor.
  6. By doing gymnastics, calories are quickly burned and weight during pregnancy is normalized. Workouts for the buttocks, hips, legs during pregnancy will help to avoid the accumulation of fat deposits in problem areas.
  7. The cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation is improved, which is an excellent prevention of edema - frequent companions of pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. The acceleration of blood flow leads to the supply of sufficient oxygen to the pelvic organs.
  8. Regular exercise normalizes the digestive tract and prevents hemorrhoids.

Contraindications for exercise during pregnancy

However, not in all cases, physical activity is useful, there are a number of contraindications in which expectant mothers should refrain from exercising and be sure to be under the supervision of a doctor. These contraindications include:

  • Miscarriage of pregnancy, the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage, especially if self-miscarriage was observed in the past.
  • The presence of toxicosis, preeclampsia.
  • Pathology of pregnancy: low presentation of the fetus, placental abruption, bleeding, uterine hypertonicity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases or the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, fever, general weakness and well-being.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Anemia (anemia).
  • If a woman is carrying twins or triplets.

What exercises can pregnant women do: rules and recommendations

All exercises should bring only pleasure to the pregnant woman. The first rule of any exercise during pregnancy, whether it be yoga, exercise with a fitball or a set of physical exercises, is to stop exercising when pain, discomfort and discomfort in the body appear. Alarms include:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, especially if there is discharge.
  • Dizziness, weakness in the body, darkening in the eyes.
  • Difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure or an increase in heart rate.
  • Excessive activity or prolonged silence of the child during exercise.

There are sports activities and gymnastic complexes that contain elements prohibited for pregnant women and are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Pregnant women are prohibited:

  • Playing and contact sports, as well as roller skating, ice skating, which can lead to injury to a woman.
  • You can not include exercises for the press, exercise on simulators, perform jumps and somersaults.

Tips for Exercise at Home During Pregnancy

Before starting to exercise, ask your doctor for advice. He must choose the right set of exercises for the duration and course of pregnancy.

  1. The room where the classes will take place should be well ventilated, and physical exercise in the fresh air is also beneficial, depending on the season.
  2. You should not do gymnastics immediately after eating, on a full stomach. It is better to start classes an hour or two before meals.
  3. Choose the optimal amount of time to complete the set of exercises and the number of repetitions, taking into account your physical fitness. Do not overexert yourself, watch your breathing, do not make sudden jerks.
  4. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics for training that do not restrict movement.

Exercises for pregnant women at home by trimester

Since, depending on the duration of pregnancy, a woman feels differently, a set of home exercises should be selected, focusing on the trimester of pregnancy. All exercises, regardless of the trimester, should begin with a warm-up, which includes circular rotations of the shoulders and head, head bends to the sides. After a light warm-up, you can start exercising.

Exercises for pregnant women 1 trimester, photo

The first trimester is usually accompanied by toxicosis and poor health. When performing any load, you should be especially careful. An illiterate set of exercises can lead to unpleasant consequences and harm the fetus. Before starting sports, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is required, who, after tests and examination, will give his permission to practice.

First trimester exercises are designed to relieve fatigue, strengthen muscles, and keep the body toned. Breathing exercises are also useful. A set of home exercises in the first trimester should include:

  • Walking in place for a minute, first on a full foot, then on toes.
  • Torso rotation. Standing still, make smooth circular rotations of the pelvis - in a circle in different directions.
  • Shallow squats. The back is straight. You can use the back of the chair for balance.

  • Exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles. With your arms apart at chest level, alternately spread them apart, joining your palms.
  • The cat is one of the most beneficial exercises, it helps to strengthen the back. Get on all fours. When inhaling, it is necessary to smoothly and slowly bend the back, like a kitty, tucking the stomach, the head is lowered. When you exhale, bend a little, lifting your head up.

  • Hip lift bridge. Lying on your back, bending your knees, raise your hips up, while keeping your shoulder blades on the floor. Hold this position for 1 minute.

Yoga exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: video

In addition to a set of gymnastic exercises, in the first months of pregnancy, you can do yoga, which not only strengthens the body, but also energizes, normalizes blood pressure.

Exercises for pregnant women 2 trimester

The second trimester is the quietest period of pregnancy, favorable for gymnastics. The complex of physical during this period is aimed at toning and stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor, hips and legs.

  1. Turns from a sitting position. Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs crossed. On exhalation, you need to turn the body, while trying to touch the shoulder with the chin, first to the left, then to the right.
  2. Reach your feet with your hands. Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs straight and extended forward. Try to reach your feet with your palms.
  3. Perform side bends from a standing position.
  4. Raising the leg from a position on all fours, make springy swings with a straight leg.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy, fitball exercises are useful. Ball exercises relieve discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, strengthen the back muscles. Several exercises you can do at home:

  1. Swinging the pelvis to the sides while sitting on the ball.
  2. Sit on the ball, turning your torso, reach the opposite leg.
  3. Sliding the ball while standing against the wall. Clamp the ball between the wall and back. Do shallow squats, the ball should slide along the wall.
  4. Get into a comfortable position while sitting on the floor. Spread your knees to the sides. Squeeze the ball with your knees, tighten your muscles.
  5. Lean on the ball with your chest, arms crossed under the chin. Do alternate leg swings.
  6. Lean on the ball with your shoulder blades, bend your knees at right angles, place your hands behind your head. Do not abrupt body lifts.

Exercises for pregnant women 3 trimester

Physical activity before childbirth should be as gentle as possible. You can not perform sudden movements or make strong loads. The set of exercises includes fitball exercises, as well as exercises for intimate muscles, thanks to which intimate and pelvic muscles are trained.

A complex for the 3rd trimester may include the following exercises:

  1. Shallow slow squats.
  2. Butterfly. Sitting position, hips wide apart and feet connected. Extend your hips springy to simulate the flight of a butterfly's wings. Ideally, your knees should touch the floor.
  3. Twisting. The position is sitting. Spread your hips, feet together. Slowly turn the body first to the left and then to the right.
  4. Rotation of the pelvis while sitting on the ball.
  5. Ball turns. Sit on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn around and touch your left hand to your right knee and vice versa.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

The purpose of the exercises is to train and prepare the intimate muscles for labor.

Basic exercises:

  1. Sit down on bent legs, legs slightly to the sides, hands on knees. Inhaling, draw in your lower abdomen, contracting your intimate muscles. Breathe in - relax.
  2. Position - standing with slightly bent knees, feet shoulder-width apart, hands - on the belt. Make circular smooth movements with your hips to the sides, like in a belly dance.
  3. Sit us a chair, completely relax. Inhale and gradually draw in the intimate muscles, simulating lifting the lift up. As you exhale, relax your vaginal muscles.

Respiratory gymnastics during pregnancy

Exercises for proper breathing can be practiced by pregnant women from the first trimester with the permission of the gynecologist, and in the 3rd trimester it is excellent relaxation and relaxation. The correct breathing rhythm is the most natural and simple way to ease contractions when a baby is born. By performing simple breathing exercises in just 10 minutes a day, you can learn how to breathe correctly.

There are several techniques for breathing exercises for pregnant women:

  1. Abdominal breathing. Place your right palm on your chest and your left palm on your stomach. Begin to breathe smoothly and slowly. When breathing, the right hand should be motionless. This breathing technique will help you relax between contractions.
  2. Chest breathing. The hands are on the ribs. It is necessary to inhale as much as possible through the nose, filling the lungs with the chest. As soon as the chest is completely filled with air, exhale slowly, while the abdomen should be motionless.
  3. Intermittent breathing (dog breathing). Open your mouth slightly by sticking out your tongue. We breathe through the mouth - often and quickly. This breathing technique will allow the body to prepare during attempts, when it is too early to push and strength is required.
  4. Four-phase breathing. Inhale with your nose and hold the air for 4-6 seconds, exhale and hold your breath for 4-6 seconds. Repeat again. The duration of the four-phase breathing is 2-3 minutes.

What exercises can pregnant women do to strengthen the buttocks, legs and back

Exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy

  • Squats can help strengthen weak muscles in your thighs and glutes. Squats are performed with a straight back. You can add load by performing squats with an extended straight leg.
  • Thanks to side lunges to the sides, not only the buttocks, but also the legs will be strengthened. To perform the exercise, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and take a step to the side, while squatting. Repeat the lunge on the other side.
  • Side kicks. Position - lying on the left side with outstretched legs. Raise your leg in a springy swing for 10 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.

Exercises for legs during pregnancy

The load directed to the legs helps to relieve fatigue, heaviness, and prevent the occurrence of cramps.

  • Lie on your side, rest your head on your hand, one leg bent, the other should be straight. Lift your straight leg up and rotate your foot in a circle.
  • To work out the arch of the foot, it is useful to squeeze the toes, as if holding a pencil.
  • To strengthen the calves, tiptoe raises, resting against the back of a chair, are useful.

Exercises for the back and spine during pregnancy

Perfect posture is every woman's dream. During pregnancy, with a growing load on the back and spine, the center of gravity shifts and posture does not look the best.

  • Useful for the back exercise "cat", as well as "yoga pose" - sit in the lotus position, lower the body down, trying to reach the heels.
  • Rotation of the head, tilting in different directions help to relax the spinal section.
  • Strengthening the back muscles can be performed by placing straight arms to the sides behind the shoulder line, holding a stick or towel.

Pregnancy is a great time for gymnastics, which will only benefit mom and baby. Simple exercises should not tire or cause discomfort, but only bring joy and pleasure. Regular exercises will keep the muscles in good shape, will not allow the accumulation of fat deposits in problem areas, which are sometimes so difficult to get rid of after the birth of a baby, will strengthen the immune system, give strength, activity and vigor throughout pregnancy.