Instructions for the use of glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy: how to use in the early and late stages? Recommended for pregnant women - candles with glycerin for hemorrhoids

Very often constipation is an unpleasant companion of the "interesting situation" in expectant mothers. Even if a woman carefully monitors her diet, leads an active lifestyle, difficulties with defecation may periodically arise, so sometimes doctors may recommend glycerin suppositories.

All for constipation During pregnancy
the doctor has a watch in nature
woman in clinic observation

The use of laxatives and the use of enemas while waiting for the baby is naturally undesirable. In this situation, glycerin suppositories can help the expectant mother during pregnancy.

Indications for use

Often, hemorrhoids resist the natural process of defecation. The woman begins to experience discomfort and severe pain. In this case, glycerin suppositories are shown, which perfectly stimulate the bowel movement process.

They can be used for constipation of any etiology during pregnancy (functional, psychogenic, age-related). As for prolonged constipation, doctors recommend using a cleansing micro enema. But it should be remembered that this method should not be used too often, as it harms the body, or rather, the intestinal microflora. Long-term use of laxatives can also cause an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

For constipation in an "interesting position"

That is why doctors prescribe harmless glycerin suppositories in early pregnancy to improve bowel movements, which can be used many times. Often, gynecologists prescribe the drug every day in the presence of difficult bowel movements due to pressure on the intestines of a growing child. Glycerin does not penetrate the bloodstream and is completely non-toxic.

Let us consider in more detail in which cases it is possible to take glycerin suppositories for pregnant women in terms of trimesters.

TrimesterReason for appointmentContraindications
FirstConstipation of various etiologies

the presence of tumors;


constipation of various etiologies.

the presence of tumors;

inflammation in the intestines, anus;

individual intolerance to glycerin.


resistance of hemorrhoids to the natural process of defecation;

constipation of various etiologies;

Difficulty defecating due to pressure on the intestines of a growing child.

the presence of tumors;

inflammation in the intestines, anus;

individual intolerance to glycerin.

Rules for the use of this drug.

  1. Glycerin suppositories can be used repeatedly during pregnancy, as they are completely harmless. However, you should not use this drug for a long time, otherwise the body's reaction may be unpredictable: cracks in the intestines may appear or hemorrhoids may form.
  2. Candles should be used very carefully during gestation, as they have a number of contraindications.
  3. If there is a burning sensation in the anus after the introduction of the suppository, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and make a cleansing enema.

Instructions for use

This drug significantly facilitates the passage of feces through the intestines. The active substance simultaneously stimulates intestinal motility, and also improves the excretion of feces, softening it.

For constipation at any age

Very often, pregnant women are worried about stool problems. A glycerin-based candle causes contraction of the rectal muscle and, thereby, very gently removes waste products from the body. At the same time, the active substance has a positive effect on microcracks, retaining moisture in the skin cells, and also preventing the mucous membrane from drying out. It should be noted that glycerin contributes to the rapid recovery of the skin.

The rectal suppository exerts its effect immediately after its introduction into the anus. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • first, there is a rapid dissolution of the outer shell of the suppository;
  • feces soften;
  • the intestines are filled with carbon dioxide and water;
  • irritation of the intestinal walls occurs;
  • the tone of smooth muscles increases;
  • there are urges to remove feces.

According to the instructions for use, suppositories with glycerin act as an excellent symptomatic agent that helps to stimulate bowel movements.

Mode of application.

  1. The instructions indicate that glycerin suppositories during pregnancy must be injected directly into the rectum.
  2. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the morning, 30 minutes after a meal.
  3. It should be borne in mind that after a few minutes there will be a need to empty the intestines.

Possible dangers and contraindications

According to some reviews, glycerin suppositories can cause side effects:

  • hyperemia;
  • burning sensation at the injection site of the suppository;
  • weakening of the natural process of defecation.

If you experience any unpleasant symptoms, you should stop therapy with this drug and consult a doctor.

There are also some contraindications to the use of this drug.

  1. Individual intolerance to the active substances of the drug.
  2. The presence of cracks in the anus.
  3. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  4. Inflammation of the rectum.
  5. Tumors of the rectum.
  6. Appendicitis.
  7. Intestinal obstruction.
  8. Disorders of the kidneys.
  9. Bleeding.
  10. Loose stools.

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed to expectant mothers quite often, as they act quickly without causing a negative impact on the development of the fetus. However, like any other drugs, they should not be taken on their own, without consulting a specialist, because self-medication, even with the most harmless drugs, may not have the best effect on the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby.

Repeated use should be done very carefully.

The opinion of women

Consider a few reviews of women who used this tool and left their opinions about it.

Ekaterina Kharlamova:

I have never known problems with stool before pregnancy. And then on the 20th week there was a severity, I could not go down in a big way. I read that prunes are excellent at helping to empty the intestines. I bought myself a whole kilogram and immediately ate half of the bag. The very next day my face was covered with red pimples. There has never been an allergy to anything before - this proves once again that everything is possible while carrying a child. Come on, these pimples, I thought, the main thing is to help. After 4 hours I went to the toilet, though badly. The stomach continued to pull, it became already impossible to endure. I told my friend about the “delicate problem”, and she immediately replied that glycerin suppositories can be used during pregnancy. I didn't try my luck - I went to the doctor. The gynecologist was in solidarity with my friend and also prescribed glycerin suppositories, saying that the price of this drug and its effectiveness would only delight me. After the first application, I felt much better. I used the drug only 2 times - and more such problems did not bother me.

Polina Voevodova:

I always had a sedentary job, and in general I led a sedentary lifestyle. That is why, by the age of 20, she had already earned hemorrhoids. When she got pregnant, this condition only worsened: there were terrible pains, problems with stool. Since it is undesirable to take any medications while carrying a child, I turned to the gynecologist with my problem. After carefully listening to me, the doctor immediately said that you can use candles with glycerin, and also strictly ordered to move more and walk in the fresh air for at least 2 hours a day. I followed all the recommendations, since I myself was very uncomfortable, and I was worried about the baby. Literally a couple of days later, it became much easier for me: the pain passed, the stool returned to normal. I still continue to follow the doctor's recommendations for walking. Moreover, even my general condition improved significantly, my head freshened up. I am very glad that I came across such a qualified specialist. And I did not use the suppositories for long - about a week, probably.

Karina Vesko:

Constipation appeared almost from the very beginning of pregnancy. At first I tried to fight with prunes, dried apricots - it did not help for long. After a couple of weeks, the effect ceased to be observed at all. Then I began to search the Internet for folk methods of treatment, but they all seemed suspicious to me, since they consisted of various herbs. I was once told that herbs can cause interruption. By chance I saw an article about glycerin candles, where it was written how long they last and what effect they give. I decided to try it. I know that self-medication is not good, but my gynecologist was on vacation, and the instructions indicated that they were completely harmless. I started using this drug and could not get enough of it. The improvements became noticeable the very next day. I used the drug for about a week, after which the stool returned to normal. I can confidently say that the drug is very good, but still do not repeat my act and be sure to consult with your gynecologist about taking this remedy.


The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for information only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not advise to self-medicate. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Good day!

I will risk holding the promised female beauty contest

We ask you to wait for the list first.
Vote as before with the message "+1" or "plus 1", all sorts of "plus stopizzot" do not count.

Small innovation: to avoid duplicate names, add names as a reply to the first / second comment with a list. And a photo and a signature (!) Further with the usual unattached comment. (So ​​that the list of names is right before your eyes, and not look for people in the middle of the topic just by the photo and think if they are there.)

I thank the Marquis of Not Angels and a few other people for their support, participation and help in creating the lists.


Girl with umbrella

I will not wish you a good day ... Because I am angry today ... Very ...

From the outside, I look something like this:

In my heart I am very kind ... SO VERY kind) But some things my modest brain does not understand ...

For example, it seems strange to me that a kindergarten teacher asks not to give flowers, but to give money ...

Opachki, this is something new ...

And tomorrow we will be called a fixed amount for the teacher, the manager, and the carpenter?

Or am I fiddling in vain? From 150 p. I will not become poorer ... But the fact itself !!!

I always donate for gifts: flowers / sweets / coffee ... For all kindergarten needs - no questions asked ...

In general, I always support educators, teachers, because work hellish. I also regularly rent to help the nanny ... If something is asked in the group, I help as much as possible. I never get horny for no reason!

But I cannot put in my head why it is impossible to hand over 150 rubles each and buy flowers and a chocolate ... helluva lot ...

If I understand correctly, then the gift is a sign of attention and is not done with the aim of correcting the fin. position (in the case of ds). This is a bribe, isn't it? Moreover, the teacher asked about it herself ...

I'd rather buy flowers myself - on my own behalf (if I have time in the morning, if not, then there will be sweets ... tasty and decent, if anything)))

So, here I am, the same rogue grymza who squeezed 150 rubles ...

What do you give to educators?
Let's chat)



Good day to all!

On October 12, 2016 at 09.51 Moscow time, the forum member Kysya announced the opening of the First intra-forum poetry competition.
Since then 2 years, 4 months, 22 days, 2 hours and 36 minutes have passed. During this time, you were able to enjoy 155 wonderful competitive poems and 8 wonderful non-competitive works, gave more than one and a half thousand of your votes, chose 9 winners and said an uncountable number of times "thanks" to all our dear authors.
I really hope that this wonderful tradition will not end, that new and "old, but departed authors" will join us and in the next anniversary competition we will sum up even more impressive results !!!
On this inspiring note, I declare voting in the Tenth intra-forum poetry competition open !!!

Let me remind you of the task.
Theme - " Today is the girls' holiday» (any holiday).
Complicating element - the presence of a flower (any, any and in any quantity).

I bring to your attention 17 competitive poems and 1 non-competitive. Please read and rate each one. If you cannot read all the works at once, then be sure to return to this topic later to finish reading and vote.

Let me remind you about the rules.
1. Do not comment until I have submitted all the works to the critics. Wait until the poem is laid out to the end (just in case, at the end of each there will be a beacon in the form of the word END).
2. Authors of works cannot disclose their anonymity until the end of the voting.
3. Only users with a personal page on the forum can vote.
4. Only a commentary in the form of +1 directly below the verse. If you do not have a plus on the keyboard, then put * 1, but beep me about this. In words plus one do not write !!!
Huge request !!! If you write a comment, then do something like this:
Text (Like / dislike this and that…).
This is because it is very easy to miss a +1 if it is in the middle or at the end of a comment.
5. The authors ask for constructive criticism, so please feel free to express your opinion. Just do it politely, pointing out specific flaws.
6. You can vote for any number of works, but only once.
7. Votes of users who have been seen explicitly trolling or insulting will not be counted.
8. Voting will continue until late Thursday evening (March 7). After the topic is closed.
9. The winning piece is the one with the most +1, which will be announced in the congratulatory topic on Friday, March 8th.


Natalia Nikitina

Good afternoon! Tomorrow we have a holiday in the garden, or rather 2 in one (Maslenitsa + 8 March) First a matinee, after a tea party with pancakes, which parents should bake at the request of teachers, plus bring jam, etc. (who, what can) yesterday in the chat correspondence, with the filing of one of the parents, who is against the brought home-made treats, including baked goods, since it is not known by whom, from what and how it was made. Opinions were divided, most for the holiday. But at the same time, if the garden does not allow sealed Barney and juice during the celebration of DR, only open at home with parents, you never know, but here products are not tested by anyone (double standards policy). Question: Do you have such events in DS? and would agree will you feed the child with food brought by someone from home?


Lioness Passionate

Virtual reality (VR) has been familiar to us for a long time, since the 90s. But now such technologies, how computer graphics have changed! Interestingly, VR has long been used in psychotherapy. It can be used to simulate dangerous situations for patients, create scenes and disturbing memories.
Experiments are different:
* Autistic patients were offered to immerse themselves in a frightening situation, which was simulated in VR. One was afraid of spiders, the other was afraid of small children, the third was just people. After that, they checked in reality - 5 out of 8 successfully cope with their phobia!
** An experiment was conducted with patients with depression. It is known that such people have low self-esteem. This is why they created such a VR, where the patient first identifies himself as an adult, who must comfort a crying child, and then incarnates in the child himself, and he is consoled. As a result, in 60% of percent the level of pathological self-criticism has noticeably decreased. And the effect lasted up to 4 weeks
Experts claim that VR is controlled by a specialist! When the clown from "It" chases me on Mount Everest, they will save me! I believe I believe))) (I have a fear of heights and clownophobia)
VR enters our life and ... spring! Chatty cheesecake ... would you agree to experiment with VR? Aren't you afraid? King's lawnmower was also not afraid and "helped")) Is spring full of hope for you? Or is the dullness and "dog joy" on the street spoiling everything?


Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy help to get rid of constipation and restore normal bowel function. It is noted that glycerin suppositories during pregnancy do not have any negative effect on the unborn baby, but they are prescribed only in cases where changes in diet and physical activity have not yielded any result. Like any other medicinal product of a suppository, it must be used strictly according to the instructions and with the time interval indicated by the doctor.

How glycerin suppositories work during pregnancy

The active ingredient in these suppositories is glycerin.
Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy perform a double function:

  1. A suppository inserted into the rectum promotes hypotonia of smooth muscles and, by means of contraction, pushes the feces forward.
  2. The feces themselves become softer due to the action of glycerin. It's easier for them to move in and out.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the unborn child, because the active active ingredient is not toxic and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. These advantages contribute to the fact that glycerin suppositories are so often prescribed during pregnancy.

Indications for use

It is not prohibited to use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy and lactation. Glycerin suppositories should be used during pregnancy, if other methods for 2-3 days: gymnastics, nutritional correction did not give the desired results.

If constipation during pregnancy bothers for a long time, then glycerin suppositories may be ineffective.

If glycerin suppositories during pregnancy did not give the desired result and constipation continues to bother the pregnant woman, then the doctor may prescribe a stronger laxative to solve the problem.
Indications for the use of glycerin during lactation and pregnancy are as follows:

  • constipation as a result of stress;
  • constipation resulting from taking iron-containing drugs, which are prescribed to prevent iron deficiency in pregnant women;
  • constipation associated with diet in the postpartum period;
  • the preparatory period for the caesarean section;
  • the initial stage of preparation for natural childbirth;
  • prevention of constipation in women who have given birth, who cannot strain their muscles due to an epizio procedure during childbirth, rectal cracks, hemorrhoids that have arisen.
  • constipation caused by squeezing the intestines due to an increase in the volume of the uterus.

There are also indications for the appointment of glycerin suppositories on a general basis:

  1. preparatory process for operations on the pelvic organs and abdominal organs;
  2. constipation due to the abnormal structure of the large intestine (expansion, narrowing, excess bends);
  3. preparatory process for examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. constipation resulting from bed rest.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy: instructions for use

The use of suppositories containing glycerin is safe during pregnancy. Information on undesirable effects on the fetus is not confirmed in the instructions. The introduction of suppositories occurs rectally, and the effect is directly on the mucous membrane, this drug is not absorbed into the blood.

You can talk about the effectiveness of the drug at 5 minutes of use, but in exceptional cases, the action of glycerin suppositories makes you wait up to 1-1.5 hours.

It is advisable to use a laxative of this type in the morning after breakfast. The dose is determined by the doctor and depends on the degree of discomfort of the patient. In different cases, 1 or 2 suppositories are prescribed per day. Having taken out a candle, it is necessary to lie on its side, insert it into the anus. Then you need to lie down a little, waiting for the urge to defecate.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy: contraindications

There are a number of contraindications to the use of glycerin suppositories. This point should be treated with special caution, since you can cause significant harm to your health if you do not read the attached instructions for use.

These contraindications include:

  • acute appendicitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • liver failure in acute or chronic form;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • rectal tumor;
  • internal bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • abdominal pain of unexplained etiology;
  • hernia.

The use of laxative suppositories in early and late pregnancy in women with a threat of miscarriage is not recommended. Since the rectum is next to the uterus, the relaxing effect of suppositories can spread to it, which can lead to premature birth in later stages.

Side effects

It should be noted that it is necessary to use glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy with caution, despite their safety. Prolonged use of suppositories can be harmful, since the development of addiction is possible, as a result of which it will be more and more difficult to empty the intestines on their own every time. Also, do not use these candles as a preventive measure. Since the use of suppositories improves bowel function and frequent administration of suppositories can provoke irritation.
It is possible that allergic reactions may occur in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug. This is manifested in the occurrence of a burning sensation in the anus.

Side effects can also include:

  1. stool of liquid consistency;
  2. frequent urge to have bowel movements;
  3. deterioration in appetite;
  4. bloating.

If it is possible not to use glycerin suppositories, then it would be more correct to replace them with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.

How to replace glycerin suppositories during pregnancy

The diet of the expectant mother should contain vegetables, bran, fruits. It is better to take food in small portions, but with a shorter interval, consume enough water (1.5 - 2 liters of clean water without gas), spend more time in the fresh air. You can do special gymnastics for expectant mothers, if there are no contraindications.
It so happens that glycerin in candles is contraindicated, and all of the above methods do not give the desired effect. What to do?

In this case, it is possible to prescribe the following drugs:

  • Lactulose;
  • Dexeril;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • Duphalac;
  • candles with sea buckthorn;
  • Glycelax.

It is important to remember that any laxative drugs, even those that are safe in early and late pregnancy, can tone the uterus. Therefore, taking any laxative drugs should be carried out only under the supervision and prescription of the attending physician in order to avoid miscarriage or premature birth.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy: reviews

Here are reviews of pregnant women who have used glycerin suppositories and wished to leave their opinions on this issue.

  1. Karina: Throughout my pregnancy, I tried to fight constipation, which appeared in the first trimester and greatly bothered me. At first, I ate prunes, dried apricots, but the effect was zero. Then I wanted to try to cope with constipation with folk remedies. But on the Internet, all recipes are based on brewing herbs, and I am wary of herbs. I heard that they can negatively affect the bearing of a child. And then I accidentally found out about glycerin candles. I really wanted to try, but could not contact my doctor to consult. I decided to take a chance! And the risk was justified! I noticed improvements immediately, after a day, the chair became regular. I advise everyone, but it is better, of course, not to risk it, but to consult with your gynecologist.
  2. Catherine: Before pregnancy, I did not have any difficulties with emptying the intestines. And then, at the 20th week, she began to feel discomfort, a heaviness appeared. I read a bunch of literature and decided to try prunes. I ran to the market and bought myself a large package. When I came home, I immediately wanted to try this prune in action. As a result, I went to the toilet, but the discomfort did not go away, my stomach was twisting. So, I also earned myself an allergy, which has never happened! The next day I talked to a friend, and she told me that I could try candles with glycerin. I went to the doctor, the doctor also confirmed the words of my friend and prescribed glycerin suppositories for me. It became noticeably easier for me immediately after the first application. I did not use them for long - only 2 times, but the effect was, which could not please. More similar problems did not visit me.
  3. Pauline: My lifestyle can hardly be called active. Sedentary work, I move a little. And now I have already managed to acquire hemorrhoids in my 20 years. During pregnancy, it only got worse, my stomach ached very much. And the general condition left much to be desired. I was very scared both for my unborn child and for myself, I began to think up various terrible things for myself. When my patience ran out, I went to the doctor, and she recommended glycerin suppositories to me, said that they were safe during pregnancy and would cope well with my problem. She also strictly said to spend more time outdoors, advised me to change my lifestyle to a more active one. Naturally, I followed all the instructions, and I myself felt how I felt much better. The abdominal pain subsided and gradually disappeared, the stool settled down. Although I did not use candles for long, about a week. Many thanks to my doctor for such an attentive attitude and effective recommendations.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers most often face problems in the functioning of the digestive organs. To solve them, experts recommend leading an active lifestyle and changing the diet. But these methods do not always help. In some cases, you cannot do without the use of drugs, for example, glycerin suppositories.

In what case can a pregnant woman be prescribed Glycerin?

Almost every pregnant woman experiences difficulties with defecation, and most often they manifest themselves in the form of constipation. There may be several reasons for the appearance of this delicate problem during the period of gestation:

  • in the early stages, the production of the hormone progesterone increases, which has a relaxing effect on the muscles of not only the uterus, but also the intestines, reducing its peristalsis;
  • toxicosis: a constant feeling of nausea negatively affects the appetite of the expectant mother, the amount of food consumed decreases, which leads to an insufficient volume of feces. If a woman often vomits during the day, this causes dehydration, and the contents of the intestines cannot gently move towards the exit;
  • the use of drugs, in particular calcium and iron, which are necessary during pregnancy, changes the nature of the feces - they become dense, and constipation occurs;
  • lack of exercise: when the threat of termination of pregnancy is often recommended bed rest, but a minimum of physical activity contributes to the development of constipation;
  • nutrition: an unbalanced diet, which contains little fiber, negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system. It is also very important to drink enough fluids throughout the day;
  • emotional overstrain: a psychological state, expressed by depression, tantrums and nervous overexcitation, negatively affects the work of the digestive organs;
  • the increasing uterus every day more and more squeezes the gastrointestinal tract, so constipation occurs.

Constipation during pregnancy not only causes physical discomfort, but is also dangerous for the health of the woman and the fetus.

Many mothers-to-be do not attach much importance to constipation, believing that problems with bowel movements are okay. However, this is a serious misconception that irregular bowel movements can be dangerous:

  • difficulties with defecation provoke the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, which can penetrate a woman's reproductive organs and cause inflammation;
  • prolonged constipation causes putrefactive processes in the intestines, this can lead to intoxication of the body, because toxins enter the general bloodstream, negatively affect the well-being of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus;
  • as a result of the absence of stool, discomfort in the intestines may appear: gas formation, colic, bloating.

That is why, if you have difficulties with defecation, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to deal with constipation. In some cases, it is impossible to cope with the problem without the use of medications. Do not be afraid, today on the pharmacological market there are laxatives that are approved for use during pregnancy. These include glycerin candles.

How to deal with constipation: consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist - video

How does the drug work?

The active ingredient of the drug is glycerol, which irritates the rectal mucosa, increasing peristalsis, and the woman feels the urge to defecate. It also softens stool, which promotes smoother bowel movements.

Suppositories with glycerin are allowed to be used in any trimester of pregnancy. The active substance acts only locally, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and has no toxic effect on the fetus. However, before use, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the dosage and the maximum duration of suppository treatment.

Laxative rectal suppository Glycerin

Features of using glycerin suppositories

According to the instructions, glycerin suppositories are recommended to be administered rectally 15–20 minutes after the first meal. They are used once a day, but they are not used for course treatment. The thing is that the drug with long-term therapy is addictive: the intestines do not work without the irritating effect of suppositories. Therefore, in the case of severe constipation, doctors prescribe a drug once or for several days. After the restoration of normal functioning of the digestive system, the drug is canceled.

Before introducing a candle, you need to remember the basic rules.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling, you can use sterile gloves or a fingertip.
  2. The woman is advised to lie on a flat surface and turn to one side.
  3. Holding the buttock with one hand for convenience, insert the candle into the rectum.

Before inserting the candle, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and lie in a comfortable position.

Contraindications and side effects according to the instructions

Although glycerin suppositories are used quite often, the drug has a number of contraindications, in which its use is prohibited. These include:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids - a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the rectum, which provokes thrombosis, varicose veins and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins;
  • anal fissures - damage to the mucous membrane of the anus, which occurs due to rupture of the tissues of the rectal mucosa;
  • inflammation and the presence of tumors of the rectum;
  • individual sensitivity to the active ingredient and other components of the drug.

According to the patients' reviews, the drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. However, according to the instructions, undesirable reactions most often occur with prolonged use of suppositories with glycerin. Among them:

  • irritation of the rectal mucosa;
  • allergic reactions manifested in the form of itching;
  • weakening of the physiological process of bowel emptying.

Other drugs allowed during pregnancy

In case of side effects or contraindications, the doctor will select another drug to combat constipation. Most often they are prescribed:

  • Duphalac is a lactulose-based laxative that softens feces and improves the process of defecation;
  • Phytomucil norms is a drug consisting of two herbal components, which not only fights constipation, but also helps to normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • Microlax is a laxative in the form of microclysters.

Laxatives Allowed During Pregnancy - Photo Gallery

Laxative based on plant components Phytomucil norms Lactulose-based preparation Duphalac Solution for rectal administration Microlax

Comparative characteristics of drugs - table

Name Release form Active substance Contraindications Application during pregnancy
powder for preparation of oral solution
  • psyllium husk;
  • the fruits of the common plum;
  • auxiliary vegetable components.
  • individual intolerance to the components of the complex;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.
Approved for use during pregnancy.
syrup lactulose
  • individual intolerance to lactulose;
  • rectal bleeding that is not related to hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • galactosemia is a hereditary pathology that affects the metabolism in the body;
  • suspicion of appendicitis;
  • artificially removed part of the large or large intestine to the anterior abdominal wall.
rectal solution
  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  • sorbitol solution.
increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. There have been no adequate and strictly controlled studies involving expectant mothers. Since this drug is probably only insignificantly absorbed into the systemic circulation, when used as recommended during pregnancy, adverse effects on the fetus are not expected.

Komarovsky about constipation - video

How wonderful is the waiting time for the baby, but often this period is overshadowed by various health problems. For example, frequent constipation can accompany the expectant mother for almost all 9 months. It is believed that a woman can help herself with the right diet, but this method is not always effective. It so happens that a pregnant woman uses raisins, prunes, and pumpkin, but there is no result. The feeling of heaviness in the intestines and mild nausea are increasingly manifested. And then it gets even worse, because the longer you don't want to go to the toilet, the more difficult and painful it will be to do when the time comes. This is why you shouldn't wait too long! In this case, glycerin suppositories will come to the rescue during pregnancy.

What to choose for constipation: glycerin suppositories, enemas or laxatives

While waiting for the baby, you need a remedy that would be safe for both the woman herself and the baby in the womb.

Laxatives and enemas affect the tone of the intestines and uterus, which in some cases can lead to miscarriage. They are especially dangerous when.

But glycerin suppositories stimulate intestinal motility only due to the fact that they lubricate the stool and soften them. They are safe and can be used by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Despite their usefulness, glycerin suppositories have contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the component;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • rectal tumor;
  • renal failure;
  • paraproctitis or proctitis.

And yet, pregnant women need to use them with caution, especially in the first trimester and those women who are at risk of miscarriage. The fact is that until about the 15th week of pregnancy, the intestines are very close to the uterus, and the suppositories will have a relaxing effect on both of these organs, which can lead to bad consequences.

By the way, among the side effects are itching, burning, allergic reactions.

Attention! It is impossible to use glycerin suppositories for a long time, because this can lead to a weakening of the natural physiological process of defecation.

The cause of constipation while waiting for a baby

Let's first define: constipation - when a woman has no stool for more than 3 days. Why does it arise? It's all to blame for the action of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for reducing the tone of the uterus. Increased tone can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. The hormone also acts on the intestines, reducing its tone. Moreover, with each month of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, which leads to a displacement of the internal organs. This causes constipation, as well as exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which were in a chronic form in a woman even before pregnancy.