How to dry shoes quickly: interesting ideas and recommendations. Six versatile ways to quickly dry your shoes

Who among us hasn't been caught in rain or sleet, gotten wet at a bus stop, or stepped into a puddle? Such a nuisance can happen to anyone, it is important to properly remove the consequences. In order not to get sick, you need to get home as soon as possible, take a hot bath, steam your feet, drink milk with honey or tea with raspberries. This will help you protect yourself from colds. But what about wet shoes? How to dry it until the next morning so that it does not lose its shape and gloss? How to dry shoes from the inside so that it does not have an unpleasant smell? In this article we will try to deal with wet shoes and answer all your questions.

How to dry wet shoes?

Most often, the problem occurs in the off-season - in the fall in the rain or in the spring, when the snow begins to melt and slush forms everywhere. What to do with wet shoes?

  1. First of all, the shoes must be thoroughly wiped from the remnants of clay, dirt and road reagents, while drying, the dirt can eat into the surface of the skin and leave unpleasant marks and stains. Wipe the outside thoroughly with a damp cloth.
  2. After that, the shoes should be opened as much as possible so that the evaporating moisture comes out. This means, we take out the wet insoles, untie and take out the laces, open all the locks, ties and Velcro. We open the shoes, turn the tops of the boots as much as possible.
  3. Next, you need to choose a drying method, which we will talk about in detail a little later. The simplest is heating radiators, which are in every home. But remember, batteries that are too hot can warp the skin. Therefore, it is best to leave the shoes to dry on a stool near a heat source.
  4. In order for the shoes to dry well from the inside, they need to be filled with something that absorbs moisture well. The ordinary newspaper copes with this task best of all - it instantly adsorbs moisture. But this method is not suitable for snow-white shoes - traces of black printing ink may remain on it.
  5. Under such conditions, the shoes are dried in 5-6 hours. If you want to speed up the process, you need to change the wet paper from your shoes to dry as often as possible.

These are options for drying shoes in emergency and unexpected situations. Remember that with frequent wetting, shoes deteriorate, deform, and begin to let moisture through even more. Therefore, it is better to have rubber boots for such wet weather - they are worn well, have an attractive design, and most importantly, they do not let the slush through at all.

What else can you dry your shoes with?

In the fight for comfortable, dry and comfortable shoes, various drying methods can be used.

  1. Warm floor. If your home has underfloor heating, you don't need to do anything special - just leave your shoes on a warm surface. This is the ideal solution, because the shoes in this case are dried gradually and evenly, without excessive heat.
  2. Fen. If you need to dry your shoes quickly, then use a hairdryer - just direct the air flow inward. Of course, you will have to work hard, but you can dry your shoes in just an hour and a half. Remember that when drying shoes, you should set the cold mode so that the air flow is not hot.
  3. Special dryers. On sale there are special devices that are designed specifically for drying shoes. Such dryers can be portable or stationary, many of them are equipped with ionizers - they prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Also, in some models, ultraviolet sterilizers can be built in - they disinfect the inner surface of the shoe and protect a person from nail and skin fungus. Such dryers need to be inserted directly into the shoes, they are heated to a certain temperature, the shoes are dried in a few hours.
  4. Fan. If you don't feel like standing near your shoes with a hair dryer, just attach a wet pair to the fan mesh and turn on the device. Make some regular loops or hooks to attach the shoes to. Make sure that the air flow enters the inside of the shoe.
  5. absorbent materials. Instead of a newspaper, you can put another filler inside the shoes that perfectly absorbs moisture. It can be soda, salt or just rice. Selected products should be poured into a canvas bag and placed inside wet shoes. Cat litter also does a great job with the problem. It will not only absorb excess moisture, but also suppress the spread of an unpleasant odor.

When filling shoes with absorbent material (newspaper), try not to stuff them too tightly. Firstly, it impairs air circulation - the shoes will dry longer. Secondly, from dense padding, shoes can deform and dry out in an unnatural position. When drying leather shoes, you should insert small spacers into them - plastic or wooden sticks, which will help keep their shape when drying.

How can you dry your shoes?

If you want your winter boots and boots to serve you for more than one season, they should be properly looked after. Most importantly, erroneous ways to dry shoes should not be allowed.

  1. In no case do not leave shoes directly on a hot battery - it can melt and change its shape. If the battery is hot, leave shoes for drying at a short distance - at least 50 cm, and not in close proximity.
  2. Never dry your shoes with a hot air dryer. From this, the glue can melt, the sole will simply move away, the shoes will let moisture through even more.
  3. If you wear ski boots or other professional footwear, it must be dried in a special profile dryer. If you do not follow this rule, the characteristics of quality shoes gradually deteriorate.
  4. Never dry your shoes in the oven, even at low temperatures. With prolonged heating, the leather will simply crack, a winter pair of shoes will be irretrievably damaged.
  5. Do not dry shoes on an electric heater, especially an open type. Not only can shoes deteriorate, but there is also a high risk of fire, it is very dangerous.

Very often, feet get wet on hikes and on picnics, that is, in nature. In such conditions, people often dry their shoes by the fire. This should be done very carefully, not bringing shoes too close to the fire. You can’t leave your shoes at night and go to bed - one spark can be enough to ignite, it’s dangerous not only for shoes, the whole camp can catch fire. In such cases, it is best to take a spare pair of shoes with you or a special dryer that runs on batteries.

In order not to get into unpleasant situations, you need to dress according to the weather - in rain and sleet, wear rubber boots, and take spare shoes with you to work. Remember, winter shoes should be of high quality, because your health depends on it. If the shoes began to leak, it will not be possible to completely restore the integrity of the sole - you should think about a new pair of shoes or boots. Remember that we are not rich enough to buy cheap shoes.

Video: how to quickly dry shoes and remove odors

New shoes are usually not very susceptible to getting wet, as they have a special impregnation. But if the shoes were bought a long time ago, then the water-repellent property may eventually come to naught. And adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow and sleet can have a detrimental effect on your boots and boots. It is also sometimes required to dry shoes after wet cleaning or washing.

To prevent your shoes from losing their shape, becoming stained or cracked, you need to properly dry your shoes. There is a certain number of actions due to which the appearance of the boots remains unchanged:

  • Remove wet boots as soon as you are indoors to prevent the material from stretching and losing its shape.
  • Wipe the shoes with a damp cloth to remove any dirt from the surface and inside of the shoes. An exception is suede, it should be cleaned after complete drying.
  • Free your shoes from insoles, laces and other removable parts.
  • Open your boots to allow good air circulation.
  • Do not leave shoes on radiators and heaters.

If your rubber boots or slates get wet, then these measures are not necessary. Such an unpretentious material as rubber can be safely dried on a battery.

8 ways to dry shoes

There are various methods that help dry shoes quickly after washing or getting wet. The safest and most effective is drying with:

  • Paper and soda.
  • Rice.
  • Salt.
  • Warm floors.
  • Special dryers.
  • Cat litter for toilets.
  • Machine drying.
  • Fan.

All these methods will help to solve the problem of wet shoes. And based on the surrounding conditions, you can already choose the best option for you. Let's consider each method in more detail.

With newspapers or soda

You can quickly dry your shoes at home using household items such as newspapers. Shoes that are wet after rain are filled with moisture not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In such cases, the drying process can take a long time, but you can speed it up by using newspapers or toilet paper.

To do this, fill the shoes with pieces of newspapers and after a while replace the wet newspapers with dry ones. Genuine leather shoes should not be stuffed very tightly so as not to spoil the shape. Also, it should be understood that ink from printed products can stain light-colored shoes. In such cases, toilet paper or plain white paper is suitable.

In this way, the paper will absorb all the excess moisture from the shoes and will significantly reduce the drying time.

Baking soda also absorbs moisture well. It acts as an absorbent and removes not only unwanted water from the boots, but also unpleasant odors. It is most convenient to pour soda into a thin bag or sock, and then place it in shoes. Also, as in the case of newspapers, soda must be periodically changed to dry.


Ordinary rice will also quickly dry the shoes from the inside. As you know, rice absorbs moisture very well and will help dry wet shoes even inside. For this method, you need a cardboard box with a lid, such as a shoe box. Its bottom is covered with rice for several centimeters, and wet shoes are placed on top, always with the soles up. Next, you need to tightly close the lid and leave the box for several hours.


Winter shoes at home will help to dry ordinary table salt. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to dry boots and warm boots. Salt here acts as an absorbent and absorbs moisture. For best results, preheat the salt in a frying pan, then pour it into a thin sock or bag and put it in wet shoes. When the salt has completely cooled, it will again need to be heated and repeated all over again. Often one procedure is enough to completely dry the shoes.

Heated floors

Modern technologies also facilitate the process of drying shoes. Owners of underfloor heating can simply place their wet boots on a heated surface. A slight increase in temperature will not affect the appearance of the shoes, as the moisture will evaporate evenly. True, the whole process can take quite a long time, so it is better to leave the shoes on the heated floors at night.


It is impossible to dry shoes on a battery, since moisture evaporates only from the outer surface, while inside the shoes remain wet. Due to such uneven heating, the skin begins to crack, the shape changes and the glued places can move away. However, there is a safer alternative – electric shoe dryers. The dryer can quickly and efficiently dry any shoes without fear of any consequences.

There are different types of these devices:

  • Electric dryer - an inexpensive fixture consists of plastic molds, inside of which heating elements are installed. They are simply inserted into the boots and connected to the network. Heating elements act on the boots with soft heat and do not damage the shoes.
  • A blow dryer is a large appliance designed in the manner of a hair dryer. Two protrusions with airflow will allow you to dry not only shoes, but also other paired items of clothing. You should carefully choose the mode of operation so as not to spoil your favorite shoes or boots.
  • An ultraviolet dryer is a rather expensive device, similar in structure to conventional electric dryers. A distinctive feature is that the dryers are additionally equipped with ultraviolet lamps that allow you to fight the fungus.

Cat litter

Pet owners are well aware of how well cat litter absorbs moisture. This is due to a substance called silica gel, from which the filler is made. It is a good absorbent and can absorb a large amount of liquid.

You can use the filler simply by pouring it into the shoes and leaving it for a while. And you can also pour it into a bag or gauze and heat it up a little by the heater, then it will be faster to dry the shoes.

Clothes dryer

Machine wash and dry only for boots where these methods are indicated in the instruction manual. Typically, this method is used for high quality branded sports shoes.

If shoes do not meet these requirements, then after machine drying, they can simply tear apart.

Before drying, sneakers and sneakers should be thoroughly blotted from excess moisture. And it is better to put some cotton fabrics in the drum of the machine along with the shoes, for example, old T-shirts or sheets.


Cool air from a fan will quickly dry wet shoes. Due to the strong airflow, moisture will evaporate well. For good air circulation, you need to open the shoes as much as possible, remove the laces, unfasten all fasteners and zippers. The boots can either be hung directly on the fan grate using hooks, or simply placed on a support in front of the appliance.

What absolutely cannot be done

  • do not dry wet shoes near the battery and near other heating elements;
  • do not try to dry shoes in the oven or microwave, the result will be disastrous;
  • using any electric dryers, it is necessary to ensure that the heating temperature is minimal;
  • if you decide to dry your shoes with a hair dryer, do not use hot air, only cold air;
  • put only suitable sports shoes in the tumble dryer;
  • do not attempt to clean wet suede boots and boots.

Proper care and timely drying in reliable and proven ways will help protect your favorite shoes from various modifications. By prolonging the life of your shoes and boots in this way, you will always look neat and tidy and save money on buying new pairs.

Most often, demi-season shoes suffer from getting wet, since it is in it that we usually fall under the autumn pouring rain or squish on the wet "porridge" of wet snow and mud in the spring. In order for shoes to last longer, you need to protect them from moisture with special means and dry them after the next wet. But what if there is an urgent need to leave the house, and there is no spare dry pair ?! Then you need to quickly dry the shoes, but you need to do this very carefully!

5 Ways to Quickly Dry Your Shoes
Before you start drying shoes, you need to clean them of dirt and wipe with a cloth, collecting excess moisture from its surface. Only after that you can proceed to the drying itself. All methods are absolutely safe for shoes and will not contribute to its damage or deformation, and are also suitable for both leather and leatherette shoes:
  1. Dryer for shoes. The stores offer a wide selection of electric dryers for shoes of various price categories. They are absolutely safe, as they radiate moderate heat. You can invest once and buy a UV dryer. It will not only dry wet shoes quickly, but it will kill bacteria and cope with unpleasant odors.
  2. With newspapers or toilet paper. This method is suitable if the shoes are wet through. You need to tear the newspaper into small pieces and crush them with your hands, then place them inside the boot. Newspaper and toilet paper absorb moisture well, but they need to be changed as they get wet. When the paper takes away excess moisture, you can dry the shoes with a shoe dryer or hair dryer.
  3. With a hair dryer. Wet shoes can be tried to dry with a warm stream of air from a hair dryer. But shoes should be kept at least 20 cm apart, otherwise, under the influence of very hot air, they may be deformed. It is good if the device has a cold air supply function. If it is periodically turned on, then the temperature of the blown air will be the most optimal.
  4. Salt will help. Take coarse table salt and pour it into a hot frying pan in one layer. Rinse it well and place it in a sock. Put it inside your shoes. Salt will absorb excess moisture, and the heat emanating from it will dry the boots. When the salt has cooled, take it out and check the shoes for dryness. If it is not completely dry, then repeat the procedure.
  5. With hot stones. Take a few small stones and put them in the pan. Put the pan on the stove and turn on the highest heat setting. Roast the pebbles properly and carefully place them in your boots. The stones will emit heat and will not cool for a long time, thus the shoes will quickly dry from the inside.
For drying, it is better to use more gentle methods so as not to spoil the shoes. Better yet, have a spare pair of shoes.

How not to dry shoes
Some of the drying methods that people actively use cause damage to shoes and shorten their life. This is drying near heating objects: radiators, batteries, ovens. Too hot air deforms the shoes, and it can also come apart. Of all heating objects, you can use a fan heater, but shoes should be no closer than 40 cm from it. If you use a battery for drying shoes, then the shoes should be placed on a thin horizontal pipe, after substituting a plank under them. If the battery is hidden by a metal screen, then the shoes can be placed directly on it.

Well, dry your shoes near an open flame. This can not only ruin the only pair, but also lead to a fire.

To partially protect genuine leather shoes from getting wet, regularly treat them with special water-repellent agents. This is especially true for models with a stitched sole.

Any footwear requires proper care. When your boots or boots need to be wet cleaned, they need to be dried afterwards. The need for quick drying may arise if you walk down the street in a downpour. In order for shoes not to lose their original appearance, it is important to know how to dry them properly.

Drying scheme for wet shoes

Wet shoes threaten not only a runny nose, but also damage to the pair itself. To make your favorite shoes serve you for many years, take urgent measures. No matter what material your shoes are made of, almost all of them dry the same way. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • thin suede;
  • shoes with leather soles, which, in principle, do not tolerate moisture well.

Soaking wet shoes may require a little longer drying time and more frequent refilling.

Proper pairing of shoes

So what do you do if your shoes get wet?

  1. Immediately upon arrival at the premises (home or work), wet shoes should be removed. This must be done, otherwise it may be deformed. Keep a spare pair of shoes at work just in case.
  2. If there is dirt, remove it with a damp cloth, including from the inside of the product. If you have suede boots or boots, then you first need to dry them, and then clean out the remaining dirt.
  3. Pull out the insoles, insulation, remove the laces and all possible accessories, open the shoes as far as possible.
  4. Remember that drying is best done in well-ventilated areas.
  5. Do not dry wet shoes near or directly on radiators, heaters, or other heat sources! The material may crack, deform, turn yellow, and the sole may peel off.

How to dry shoes at home

The issue of drying is especially relevant in the rainy and snowy season. It would seem that there is nothing difficult to dry a pair of boots at home. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it correctly, quickly and efficiently. The method and time of drying shoes depends on the material of the product, otherwise its structure may be damaged.

Rubber products

The simplest and most grateful shoes in terms of drying are rubber boots and summer slates. They can be dried without harm on the battery. If the radiator is too hot, then first place a towel or plank on it, and wet shoes on top.

Before drying rubber boots, remove the insulation (if any) from them.

Rubber shoes can be dried on a central heating radiator, as they do not have elements that could deform under the influence of such heat.

Drying sneakers and sneakers

Wet sports shoes can be dried in a tumble dryer or washing machine on a dry setting. However, it works if:

  • this function is indicated on the labels and in the recommendations for the care of the product;
  • Are you sure about the quality of the shoes?
  • the model is made of cotton or synthetics;
  • the sole is made of soft materials or has a gel filler.

Inexpensive sneakers or sneakers can deteriorate after being washed or dried in the machine.

And yet drying in a typewriter is one of the fastest ways. If you decide to use it, follow the following tips.

  1. Place some old towels or rags, preferably cotton, in the drum of the machine.
  2. Be sure to lace up your shoes.
  3. Set the operating time to 60 minutes.

Light, white sneakers or sneakers, as well as shoes with white soles, should be thoroughly blotted with a highly absorbent material, such as an old terry towel, before any drying. By removing as much moisture as possible, you will prevent streaks and yellowing of the shoes.

How to dry leather-soled shoes after rain

Shoes with leather soles are called “office shoes” for a reason. It is designed for indoor use only. However, if your shoes get wet after rain, try to take them off as soon as possible. When worn for a long time in the raw state, they can become deformed. You need to dry them by providing air access directly to the sole - just lay the shoes on their side.

Drying such shoes at home should be especially careful. Do not place it near heating appliances. Let dry naturally at room temperature. After that, remove dirt from them.

Suede shoes should be cleaned only after the fabric has completely dried. Otherwise, you will pollute it even more, then after drying, the boots will also have to be washed

How to dry shoes from the inside

In the process of drying shoes, it is important to remember that the main work should be aimed at drying the product from the inside, and not from the outside. There are different drying methods, including express methods.

paper for the night

The most popular "home" drying method is using paper. Follow the instructions to use it.

  1. Prepared shoes should be tightly stuffed with old newspapers or soft paper, after tearing it into small pieces.
  2. Newspapers can only be used for dark shoes, as words and paint spots can be printed on light shoes. But even for a pair of shoes in dark colors, try not to use newspaper pages with large photographs and excessive ink, otherwise, after drying, you can stain tights and socks in paint. For light shoes, it is better to use toilet paper.
  3. If you are drying genuine leather shoes, do not stuff them too much. When wet, this material is very ductile, so it can stretch.
  4. After an hour, change the layer of paper to dry. Repeat as many times as needed to completely dry the product.

If the shoes are wet through, except for the inner layer, wrap them on top with paper, securing with a paper clip or rubber band. Change the “wrapper” as the paper gets wet, about once every half an hour or an hour.

This method is suitable for any type of footwear, even for thin suede and membrane. The drying process takes a significant part of the time, as it occurs in natural conditions and at room temperature. Most often, this method is used at night.

How long to dry rice

Rice groats absorb moisture well. It only takes 2 hours to completely dry the shoes.

  1. Take a cardboard box. You can use the packaging from under the shoes, the main thing is that it be with a lid.
  2. Sprinkle a thin layer of rice on the bottom.
  3. Open the shoes as much as possible and place them on the croup so that the sole is at the top.
  4. Close the box tightly and leave for 2 hours.

How to use silica gel

Another excellent absorbent is silica gel. Special dryer bags can be purchased at the store, or you can make your own from a bandage and cat litter. The bandage can be replaced with gauze, and preferably with a cotton sock.

  1. Place the bags in the prepared pair of shoes.
  2. After an hour, check the product should dry. To speed up the drying of wet shoes, the filler can be preheated on a battery.
  3. After use, put the bags back on the radiator to dry. They can be used multiple times.

Dry at home with a hair dryer, fan, vacuum cleaner

The most obvious "technical" way is to dry the shoes with a hair dryer. The method is suitable if it is not very wet, since only the “cold air” mode can be used for drying. Under the influence of a hot stream, the product may be deformed.

With a vacuum cleaner, the drying process is different. Here you need not to draw moisture out of the shoes, but to dry them with warm air. To do this, put the vacuum cleaner on blowing and place the hose inside the product. This method is convenient to dry boots, especially high ones.

Most fan-drying tips suggest making wire hooks first so you can hang the pair directly on the fan. However, it can be made simpler, because the principle is based on the fact that a strong stream of air, even cold, blows into the shoes and thereby removes moisture from it. So, you need:

  1. Prepare shoes, open them as much as possible and put them against a wall or closet.
  2. Opposite to place the fan. The distance should be about 30 cm, medium mode.
  3. One to two hours should be enough to completely dry your shoes.

Can the microwave or oven be used

Microwave or oven drying is only recommended if you want to experiment and don't feel sorry for the shoes. The method is quite hard, there is almost a 100% chance that you will ruin the shoes (the sole will crack, the sole will peel off, etc.)

How to replace the battery

The "warm floor" system will also serve you well in drying shoes. The heating temperature is low and will not spoil your favorite shoes or ballet flats, however, the method is quite long - the shoes dry out in about a night - 8-10 hours.

We make a dryer with our own hands - video

Electric dryers - we use modern technologies

Do you want to dry your shoes as simply as possible? Use special dryers. They vary greatly in quality and price. They are available in three varieties:

  • line dryers;
  • blow dryers;
  • ultraviolet dryers.

Liner dryers will replace the washing machine

The most common and quite effective model of the drying tool. It consists of two plastic parts, inside of which there are heating elements. It is placed in shoes for 3-4 hours. Dryers-inserts are quite safe for any kind of product, the only thing is to get high-quality models, without protruding wires.

Fan dryers

Despite their large dimensions, blow dryers are versatile - they can be used to dry both gloves and hats, which is especially important if you have children. The wet thing is placed on special ledges, the desired mode is turned on and soon (the waiting time depends on the material of the thing being dried and the selected mode) you will receive a completely dry product.

Fan dryers, of course, are more expensive than liners, and it depends on you (namely, on proper operation) whether it is safe to dry shoes on them. If you decide to purchase such a device - pay attention to the blowing modes - it is convenient when there are several of them.

UV dryers

The most expensive shoe dryer on the market today. With it, you can not only dry the product, but also get rid of the fungus. This dryer works both from the mains and from the battery.

Choosing a shoe dryer - video

Fast drying method

Using salt as an absorbent will help you out when you need very fast drying of shoes. For this you will need:

  • kitchen stove;
  • pan;
  • salt;
  • a pair of socks (preferably thin, for example, nylon).

Prepare all the necessary ingredients and follow the further instructions.

  1. Sprinkle salt into the pan in a thin layer.
  2. After heating, pour it into the sock and tie it so that the absorbent does not wake up.
  3. Place the resulting "dryer" in wet shoes.
  4. Once the salt has cooled, repeat the cycle. It is possible that this is not required, since the salt absorbent immediately absorbs moisture.

If you get wet on a hike

It happens that drying is required not at home or at work. For example, you went on a hike and your shoes got wet there, but there is no replacement pair. There are methods of "field" drying shoes.

  1. Hammer a couple of pegs near the fire. The distance to the fire should be about half a meter.
  2. Remove the insoles and insulation (if any) from the shoes and stuff them with paper or dry grass.
  3. Hang boots or boots on pegs.

Another drying method is warm coals from a fire. You need to take out the insole, place the coals in the sock and put it in the shoes. This method is risky as the embers can burn through your sock or stain your shoes.

You can use natural absorbents to dry shoes that get wet during a hike. For this:

  • remove the insoles from the shoes;
  • stuff boots or boots with dry hay or dry stems, such as oats;
  • change the layer after an hour. Repeat until the product is completely dry, usually 2-3 shifts are enough.

Drying shoes in field conditions - video

If you follow simple rules, shoes will serve you for a long time. When choosing it, take into account the weather conditions, it is risky to wear shoes with thin soles if it is going to rain outside. Shoes must be properly cared for. If it gets wet, you need to dry it immediately without delay. Then your favorite boots will delight you for more than one season.

It's raining outside... Have you just run home with wet feet for a couple of hours, then you need to run somewhere again? Yes! The hectic life of the inhabitants of the metropolis haunts them, they constantly need to run somewhere, hurry, strive.

But in any case, you should not risk too much and go out into the street in wet shoes. Firstly, you can simply get sick, and secondly, it can harm your shoes.

Don't know how to quickly dry it? Then check out the different ways to dry shoes.

It's important to know!

  • After the rain, the shoes will probably be too dirty. Therefore, before drying, be sure to clean it from dirt. If necessary, wash off any dirt with water. Wipe the inside of the shoes with a clean piece of cloth.
  • You should never dry your shoes on a radiator or heaters. The exception is rubber boots. The only thing to do is put a board under the soles of your boots if the radiator is too hot.

Drying shoes can be conditionally divided into six ways.

This is the most gentle drying method, it is suitable for absolutely any type of footwear (leather, suede, textile, etc.).

Use whatever you have on hand: old newspapers, paper towels, napkins. The most important thing is that this paper has a good absorbent effect. Crumple it up and stuff it inside your wet shoes. As the paper ball gets wet, replace it with a fresh one. Do this until completely dry. If necessary, shoes can be wrapped with paper on the outside.

Method 2: using a hair dryer

This method is suitable for very fast drying of shoes. During the process, you need to be careful. Direct a jet of hot air evenly onto the surface to be dried.

Do not hold the hair dryer too close, keep a distance of 20-30 cm. Otherwise, the quality of your shoes may suffer: the leather may crack, the sole may peel off.

3 way: using a vacuum cleaner

Compared to using a hair dryer, this method is more gentle, but just as fast. The hose of your vacuum cleaner must be positioned so that air is blown out of it. Remove the nozzle and insert the hose inside the shoe. Turn on the vacuum cleaner. Dry your shoes in this way until completely dry, constantly managing the process.

Method 4: using table salt or rice

At home, drying your shoes is possible not only when using any appliances. You can use the gifts of nature, in this case it is ordinary table salt.

To dry shoes with it, you first need to warm it in the oven or on the stove, putting it in a pan. Then pack the hot salt into thick socks and place them inside the shoes. Salt will absorb excess moisture, and due to its heating, this process will proceed many times faster. Repeat all steps if necessary.

There is another similar way to dry shoes - with rice. Fill a box with rice 2-3 cm high and put wet shoes in there, soles up. Rice also has a unique ability to absorb moisture.

5 way: using silica gel

Silica gel is a dried gel that is put into new products that are afraid of moisture. This material has the ability to absorb excess moisture and can be reused.

Put some granules in a rag bag and place inside the shoes until completely dry. If there is no rag bag, then you can use socks or just pour the granules into shoes.

6 way: using a dryer

If you are a happy owner of a special dryer, then most likely all five of the above methods will not be useful to you at home. But it’s still better to learn them, because no one knows what situation you may find yourself in in the future.

Thanks to a special dryer for shoes, excess moisture comes out from the inside, the shoes dry evenly without deforming, the quality of the material remains at the same level.

You've learned six quick and effective ways to dry wet shoes. At the same time, it doesn’t matter why the shoes got wet as a result of bad weather or after washing; in any case, it is important to be able to dry them correctly.