How to control appetite: simple and effective methods, tips and tricks. Appetite control: advice from nutritionists. Eat protein foods

Alas, this happens to those who usually follow the diet. Most often, such brutal" appetite appears due to the fact that a person cannot cope with stress. Thus, he simply seizes unpleasant emotions and constant anxiety. More often than not, women suffer from this. In stress, a person constantly experiences a feeling of guilt and “jamming” it with food. Some do not care what they eat, as long as they eat, others experience an irresistible craving for certain types of products. Usually to sweet and starchy foods, as it increases the level happy hormones endorphins. If such breakdowns happen rarely and pass quickly - it's not so scary. However, if their frequency increases, it is time to take action. .

How to keep your appetite under control?

The first thing that psychologists and nutritionists advise is keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat and drink throughout the day, even if you just had a candy snack on the way (by the way, this is an additional 30-50 kcal). It is the diary that makes it possible to “keep a record” of what you have eaten and understand exactly how much and when you overate.

Drink more: Very often we eat when we are really thirsty. But carbonated, sweet and alcoholic drinks are useless and even harmful: they only increase appetite.

Also, the smells and color of the dishes can help you! For example, scientists from The Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Institute of Chicago discovered that regularly inhaling the smells of culinary spices (e.g. oregano, basil, lemon, etc.) throughout the day can cause decreased appetite. The main thing is to inhale the aromas deeply, without haste, at least three times in each nostril (ideally six). And you have to love the flavor. In addition, aromatherapy helps to improve sleep and calm anxiety - and this is just an additional fight against stress. If we talk about dishes, then its color can also cause desire to eat more or less. Scientists believe that the most “unfriendly” colors for appetite are cold, especially purple, dark blue, gray-green, marsh. And warm colors, on the contrary, only warm it up.

And also for appetite control good to eat chocolate. But only bitter. If you eat a couple of pieces before eating (it’s better not to even eat, but to dissolve them thoroughly), and you will be satiated much faster and eat less. If you don't like dark chocolate, eat pine nuts. They also contain substances that stimulate the production of hormones that are responsible for suppressing hunger.

Losing weight is not difficult. It’s hard not to break loose and not eat everything dropped in a week. This article will tell you about tricks that will help control your appetite.

How to get rid of gluttony

In today's world, binge eating is becoming epidemic. Every second person has a so-called "food cult". All the money earned is spent on food, a person is constantly looking for something to chew on. But first you need to figure out what is considered gluttony.

So, if from time to time you cannot deny yourself eating pizza, cake or ice cream, you can relax. Are you alright. Gluttony is considered to be sharp uncontrolled bouts of hunger. After which, as a rule, a person is tormented by conscience. He becomes ashamed of his cowardice, he begins to reproach himself. Falls into stress, which is most often again removed by food.

First of all, you need to find out the causes of gluttony. 95% of people who suffer from overeating relieve stress in this way. Conflicts in the family, approaching exams, job changes, illness - everything is solved by chewing. There is a habit of constantly chewing something. Which leads to indigestion and obesity.

Therefore, in order to stop overeating regularly, you need to stop experiencing stress and relieve it without the help of food.

  1. Drink sedatives, which are also good for digestion.
  2. Learn through music, sports or art.
  3. Eliminate sources if possible - make peace with your parents, change jobs, divorce. Nervousness spoils your health, and the desire to please everyone and immediately has never been given to anyone with a positive effect for themselves.
  4. It is also important to learn to distinguish between hunger and the desire to "chew something." Try to endure the urge to chew, wait for the feeling of hunger. And only then start eating. But remember that while eating, you do not need to fill up to satiety. Incomplete satisfaction with food during lunch will disappear when you get up from the table.
  5. You can suppress the urge to chew. Wanted to “eat”, but still far from lunch? Drink a glass of water. Can be herbal, without sugar. The desire to eat will beat it off, but true hunger cannot be deceived.

How to control your appetite

The following tips can help control your appetite:

  • If you feel hungry, try not to think about it. Keep yourself busy with work, sports, whatever. At least try to make a rule - before you go to chew, listen to your favorite music: 1-2 songs. During this time, the brain can switch to something else and forget about the "hunger".
  • Stop thinking bad things. Learn to see the good in life. In the end, you are alive, which means everything is not so bad.
  • Swap out your favorite chips or cakes for vegetables, fruits, or oatmeal cookies. So at least you can snack without extra calories.
  • Eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet - soda, fast food, very salty or spicy foods.
  • Food is needed to satisfy hunger, it is not necessary to translate every dish into a work of art. Try to cook on your own and do not be zealous in the desire to cook insanely delicious. If you have an inner craving to cook only perfect dishes, invite guests. So you will get a much smaller portion than if you ate alone.
  • Drink. Green tea improves metabolism. Mint will reduce appetite, chamomile will help digestion.
  • Spices and sweeteners are designed to whet the appetite. Get rid of them.
  • Switch to natural products whenever possible. Or at least don't buy ready-made frozen meals.

Appetite control: advice from nutritionists

Consumption of food in much larger quantities than the body requires is the cause of excess weight. Many dietary methods have been developed to reduce appetite in overweight people. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic tricks to subdue your appetite.

Dietician's advice:

  1. Eat according to the regimen. The feeling of hunger appears with a decrease in blood glucose. To prevent this from happening suddenly, train yourself to eat 3 times a day. Before big stresses, you can refresh yourself - it will be easier to survive them. But not after and limit portions.
  2. In order not to eat a lot, drink a glass of water before each meal.
  3. Regular exercise helps to maintain a normal metabolism. After the body gets used to daily stress, hunger will cease to make itself felt after.
  4. Try using aromatherapy. Flavors of orange, apple, banana or mint will help reduce hunger.
  5. Try to eat often, but in small portions. For example, every 3-4 hours, eat 100 g of normal healthy food. Remember that eating 3 hours before sleep is prohibited.
  6. Get enough sleep. Sleep is the main assistant in the fight against stress.
  7. Replace or cereals. These foods contain fiber, which will take longer for the body to digest than the carbs from chocolate.
  8. Often hunger is caused. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink a vitamin complex.
  9. increases the feeling of hunger. Enter yourself an alcohol ban.
  10. There is a point between the nose and the upper lip, pressing on which will drown out the acute feeling of hunger. Try this massage.

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Modern dietetics distinguishes seven types of hunger. Each of them can be quenched in its own way. But not every hunger should be a reason to go to the refrigerator or order dessert in a cafe.

stomach hunger

This feeling is familiar to everyone. Loss of strength, weakness, bad mood and slight dizziness are signs of physiological hunger or stomach hunger. Only it is dangerous to health and requires prompt quenching. The problem is that, following the lead of our rumbling stomach, we start eating for the future, we cannot stop in time, or we fill the stomach with junk food - chips, crackers, sweets.

How to control?

Try to eat regularly in small portions 4-5 times a day to prevent acute feelings of physiological hunger. If you still feel its unpleasant symptoms, drink a glass of water and think about how you can satisfy your hunger with benefit. Eat an apple or a green salad instead of fast food. This will help buy time to cook or order a full lunch or dinner. Is the food ready? Don't jump on her! Eat slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly.

Regardless of the speed of food consumption, the brain needs from 15 to 30 minutes to signal satiety.

Regardless of the speed of food consumption, the brain needs from 15 to 30 minutes to signal satiety. This is because enzymes (proteins involved in the transmission of this signal from the stomach to the brain) are produced only some time after the start of the meal. Can you imagine how much extra you can eat during this time!?

cell hunger

We crave iced lemonade in the heat of summer and hot broth when sick. Cellular hunger is the body's response to an internal imbalance or deficiency of certain substances.

How to control?

Cellular hunger, like physiological hunger, must be satisfied. In addition, it is often important to find the cause of its occurrence. If you constantly crave fish, you may have an iodine deficiency. Do you dream of a steak at night? It is worth checking the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

eye hunger

Scrolling through the menu with pictures, you want to order each dish. When you go to the bakery for bread, you can't resist buying a cake with whipped cream. Visual hunger is to blame. An appetizing picture attracts you - beautiful desserts, golden brown french fries, etc. The type of food provokes the release of insulin, which exacerbates appetite.

In a bright plate on a beautiful tablecloth, even unleavened porridge will seem like a delicacy.

How to control?

Regularly satisfy the hunger of the eyes not with food, but with pleasant views. Admire the scenery while walking in the park, go to museums, look at albums and art books. Set the table, even if you are going to eat oatmeal for breakfast all alone. In a bright plate on a beautiful tablecloth, even unleavened porridge will seem like a delicacy. And a cake in a candy store wouldn't be so desirable.

Nose hunger

We distinguish 10,000 smells and enjoy the aroma of food as much as its taste. Sometimes the aroma of an apple pie or a roast with herbs can whet your appetite. And now you are already eating everything to the last crumb.

How to control?

While eating, focus on the aroma of the dish, enjoy it and eat slowly. Surround yourself with pleasant smells, for example, light aroma candles with notes of cocoa, vanilla or cinnamon.

mouth hunger

How to control?

Choose a healthy way to satisfy that hunger. Want to crunch on crackers? They can be replaced with healthy seaweed chips or a handful of nuts. Cravings for sweets? Buy not a cake, but dried fruits.

mind hunger

Nutritionists impose on us a lot of rules from "we need to eat fresh fruit every day" to "refined sugar and flour are unhealthy." Trying to follow all the recommendations violates the harmonious relationship with food. If you eat according to the instructions all the time, a breakdown is inevitable.

Sometimes we eat certain foods not for taste, but to experience the emotions associated with them.

How to control?

You can not divide products into harmful and useful. Try to eat varied, allowing yourself pleasant indulgences. Having ceased to be prohibited, any product loses its halo of attractiveness, and you get rid of the obsessive desire to eat it.

Hunger for emotions

A hot croissant reminds you of a romantic trip to Paris, and pancakes with jam remind you of a vacation with your beloved grandmother. Sometimes we eat certain foods not for taste, but to experience the emotions associated with them. Feel love, comfort, peace, joy.

How to control?

Try to stir up pleasant memories in a different way - review photos, listen to your favorite music or call a loved one. You should not try to cheer up with food, disperse boredom, brighten up loneliness or drown out anxiety. Food is not the best way to achieve emotional balance. It is necessary to realize your eating habits in order to put things in order both in feelings and in the menu.

About the expert

Jan Chozen Bays is a pediatrician, psychologist and Zen specialist. Author of books on mindful eating.

For the past few years, I have not been completely satisfied with my weight, the extra 5-7 kg constantly interfere with me. But I have already said before that I have never sat on diets in my life, but I really want to be slim.

It seems to me that constantly interfering kilograms are a consequence of my overeating. Or rather, not like that, I rarely eat, but aptly. I can drink coffee with yogurt in the morning, and then eat at 5 o’clock in the evening when my husband comes home from work, or wrap up with the child and eat when I put him to bed.

Recently, I thought about the question of whether it is possible to somehow control my appetite so as not to overeat and therefore gradually lose weight. To get an answer, I re-read a lot of information.

How to cheat appetite?

I decided that it was time to act and try to feed the body not with fat and sweets, but with something useful and not very high in calories. Now, in order to reduce my appetite, I am guided by some of the following rules:

1) Eat at home.

I try to eat mostly at home, because. in a cafe, with an abundance of various goodies, I can’t help but eat them. And at home there are fewer temptations, especially since I know what certain dishes consist of.

2) Water before meals.

20-30 minutes before meals I drink two glasses of water, and I can replace breakfast with a glass of kefir, and eat after 1-2 hours.

3) Frequent meals.

I try to eat at least three times a day. Satisfied if it turns out five times, but a little bit.

4) Refusal of very harmful products.

Refused very harmful products such as chips, beer, Coca-Cola, mayonnaise. I try to eat stewed or baked food. It would be better if I ate boiled, but for me it is very tasteless.

5) Long-term food intake.

One of my bad habits was, what to hide, now it still sometimes remains - the speed of food. I can't sit and pick at my plate for half an hour. Although it should. Now you have to set the clock and eat at least 10-15 minutes. This is necessary in order for saturation to occur, therefore, it was possible to eat a smaller portion.

And nutritionists also advise that if you eat, say, the first and second courses, then you need to take a break between them. Because you can either refuse the second one altogether, or eat less.

6) Refuse alcohol, spices, seasonings, sauces.

All these ingredients irritate the stomach lining and therefore increase appetite. I really like food with various spices and seasonings, so I can’t refuse completely, but I’m trying to reduce consumption. And also try not to eat smoked meats and pickles.

7) Control from overeating.

If I feel that I really want to eat and I am ready to eat an elephant, then I try to replace part of the food, or even all of it, with fresh fruits, fortunately, there are a lot of them in the summer. It is only necessary to foresee that they are constantly available.

I try to have breakfast with muesli or yogurt with bran. They have fiber, which is slowly digested and prevents the rapid appearance of hunger. You can use just bran 2-3 tablespoons before each meal. But I haven't seen them in our stores. On the advice of one of the topics on Alimero, I bought a pack of fiber and eat it before each meal, drinking plenty of water.

9) Go to bed on time.

During the decree, I got used to going to bed at 1-2 nights. But I have to go to work soon, so I need to retrain. And yet, I read such information that after 23.00 the body produces growth hormone, which awakens the appetite. And I think that I really want candy with tea at night!))

10) Stick to the rules.

There is such a rule, as a result of which you need to eat well for breakfast, eat half the portion for lunch, and give dinner to the enemy. But I did just the opposite. I ate the most food in the evening, now I'm trying to improve.

11) Exercise.

There is an opinion that if you do physical activity at least half an hour before a meal, then your appetite decreases or disappears altogether.

12) Medicines.

There are many medicines in our pharmacy chains that are indicated to reduce appetite. I am skeptical of them, knowing that most of them are just ways to make money. And there can be a lot of consequences, ranging from headaches, nausea, ending with even more weight gain. But if you still decide on them, it is better to consult a doctor.

13) Surgery.

I must be a coward, but I dare not follow this method. I know that in order to reduce appetite, they reduce the size of their stomach, sew in various threads.


Of course, it is good to adhere to at least half of the rules I have given. But still, weight control is, first of all, proper nutrition and exercise.

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Feeling hungry is natural for our body. Until it begins to dictate its terms. The consequences are sad - overeating and choosing not the most healthy food. But learning to control appetite is quite within our power.

“Man, as a biological species, needs two things to survive: to consume enough food to keep the body working, and to find a mate to continue the species. Behavior aimed at satisfying these two basic needs is characteristic of each of us, regardless of the type of character, habits and beliefs, ”saysStephen O'Rehilly, professor of clinical biochemistry and medicine at the University of Cambridge.

It is important to know that a number of factors influence the feeling of hunger. By studying them, we will understand what our eating behavior is based on and learn how to control it.

What affects the feeling of hunger

  • Genetics

The appearance of a desire to eat or, conversely, to finish a meal depends on the person, or rather, on his unique genetic set. “Some people experience a pronounced feeling of fullness, and this quality helps them not to overeat and stay slim,” says Dr.Jane Wardle, Professor of Clinical Psychology at University College London.

“Typically, overweight people are fat only because their brains work a little differently, causing a constant feeling of hunger. It is not so easy for them to brush off their increased appetite, ”adds Professor O’Reichilly.

So, appetite directly depends on genetics and is laid down in childhood. One study found that twins who were placed in different foster families had identical body weights by the age of 30, despite the fact that the families where they grew up had different food traditions and habits. Today, scientists explain this by the presence or absence of a genetic defect (deficiency of the melanocortin-4 receptor gene). It is this gene that is responsible for eating behavior and maintaining body weight, and its deficiency prevents the brain from recognizing satiety signals. Experts are investigating this problem and are looking for ways to remedy the situation.

  • Psychosomatics

“Food choices are directly related to our emotions and satisfaction,” Dr.A.Ahmed, gastroenterologist at Bupa Cromwell Hospital in London. This means that often we buy certain foods, not because we think they are healthy or satisfying, but for the sake of enjoyment.”

That is, eating behavior is directly related to emotions. So, when we are worried, impulses come from the brain that make us either forget about food or overeat. Well, who hasn’t tried to seize negative emotions or improve their mood with food?!

  • Balanced Diet

The feeling of fullness depends not only on the amount of food eaten, but also on what exactly we eat. Therefore, it is important that the diet is as balanced as possible. There are no universal products that can give the body all the vitamins and nutrients it needs. In addition, a poor diet can provoke overeating, as the body will try to compensate for the lack of nutrients.

  • Inclusion in the process

People eat more when they are not concentrating on food, such as watching TV or having an active conversation. Because, being distracted, a person is not able to recognize the satiety signal in time, which means that he eats more than he needs. At such moments, he may simply not feel the aroma and taste of food.

“The rate of saturation is directly related to the senses,” explainsBridget Benelam, Specialist at the British Nutrition Foundation. - Studies of the brain have shown that the part of it that is activated during meals is less active in obese people. That's why they need more food than a slender person to satisfy their hunger."

On this topic:

How to "tame" the feeling of hunger

Even a person with a genetic predisposition to a constant feeling of hunger can "reprogram" the brain, learn to eat less and stop constantly chewing. You just need to tune in in advance that it is not easy and not fast. It will take several weeks for the brain to get used to the new behavior and begin to give the right commands to the body.

  • To begin with, learn to consciously approach the choice of products.
  • Minimize distractions at your desk: don't watch TV, don't read social media, don't eat while you work.
  • Do not provoke yourself - put on the plate exactly as much as you need to eat, and immediately remove the remaining food from sight. So you will avoid the temptation to eat another spoonful, which means overeating.

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What to eat to feel full

So that overeating is no longer your problem, we offer you a list of the most satiating foods.

  • Foods rich in water

“One of the easiest ways to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time is to eat low-calorie foods that quickly fill the stomach. says Dr. Bridget Benelam. “These are foods with a high water content - soups and vegetables, which, while satisfying hunger, do not pose any danger to the figure.”

  • Foods with a low glycemic index

Their consumption will help maintain a stable level of insulin in the body, which controls the metabolism of the hormone. Its deficiency is fraught with excess weight. Foods with a high GI quickly give up their energy to the body, and the feeling of satiety comes soon, but disappears just as quickly. And foods with low GI contain fiber, are digested slowly, after which you do not feel full immediately, but you keep it for a long time.

  • Protein products

Protein food promotes the production of satiety hormone and helps to avoid overeating. It takes much more time and calories to digest proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates. This means that you will not want to eat for a longer time and will not harm your figure.

Now everything is clear: you will no longer be able to justify systematic overeating and unhealthy eating habits with “unfortunate” genetics. It is wiser to learn how to have a constructive dialogue with your body and find solutions that will bring benefits and satisfaction from positive results!