How to treat thickened nails. Thickening of toenails: causes and methods of treatment with folk remedies. The appearance of a healthy nail plate

In medicine, the condition, shape, color and size of the nail plates facilitate the diagnosis of the patient, according to these parameters, it is possible to identify internal disorders in the body and malfunctions in some life support subsystems. But the thickening of the nails is not always the result of internal pathologies, often the cause of curvatures, seals, the appearance of yellowness, the formation of grooves and other external defects of the toenails is wearing tight shoes and illiterate care for them. The treatment of this problem will be discussed in the article.

Causes of thickened toenails and what to do about it

Why do my toenails thicken? In some cases, the nature of the thickening of the nail is congenital. The sealing of the plate can be provoked by:

  • violation of blood flow in the fingers and fingertips;
  • injury, bruise, inflammation of the nail bed;
  • long-term wearing of small, tight and / or closed shoes;
  • fungal diseases;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine and respiratory systems;
  • avitaminosis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • neuropathy;
  • flat feet.

The exact cause of the deformity should be established by a specialist on the basis of the analyzes obtained and the medical examination performed. The course and method of treatment, as well as accompanying recommendations, are set individually, depending on what caused the pathology and the degree of its manifestation. The article will tell you which one to choose.

Lack of proper care is the main cause of the problem. What kind of thermal protection for hair is better read.

Treatment methods

Among the known effective methods of eliminating the problem are medications aimed at combating fungal infections, as well as folk recipes that have an antimicrobial effect and soften the plate. Excellent quality + low price =.


If the deviation of the thickness of the plate from the norm is due to a fungal infection, a specialist prescribes treatment with medicines in the form of an ointment or tablets. Smooth tone without clogging pores -.

The most popular ones are:

  • Terbinafine;
  • Binafin;
  • Terbizine;
  • Mikomax;
  • Orungal;
  • Mycozoral and others.

Price from 142 rubles.

Recipes from grandmother's chest - folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is no less effective, but it takes more time. Among its advantages is an abundance of recipes and a way to fix the problem.

Does apple cider vinegar help treat thickened pinky toenails in women?

The tool helps to cope with fungal diseases: the fungus is gradually destroyed by acid. To prepare the trays, you can buy ready-made apple cider vinegar or make your own. Italian quality for captivating eye makeup -.

For cooking you need:

  1. Wash 4-5 kg ​​of apples, dry, peel, cut into quarters.
  2. Pass the pieces through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  3. Squeeze the resulting gruel through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  4. Pour the juice into a 3 liter bottle, fill the remaining void with boiled water.
  5. Add ¼ part of a packet of dry yeast and 50 gr. To the liquid. granulated sugar in 1 liter of vinegar.
  6. Mix the contents thoroughly.
  7. A medical glove is put on the neck of the container.
  8. The bottle is left in a dark, warm place for 14 days to ferment.

The finished vinegar is added to the foot baths, adding the required amount of the product to warm water. Reliable assistant for creating luxurious curls -.

The apple cider vinegar treatment is not suitable for open and fresh skin lesions on the feet and toes.

Lemon if there is a thickening on the thumb

This citrus has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, fights against fungal pathogens and more than 10 other pathogenic microorganisms. To combat the fungus, which caused the thickening of the nail plate, use the whole fruit or its individual components - the peel, juice. Separation, volume and length - selectable.

Before treating the affected area, it is advisable to make a disinfectant foot bath with baking soda or salt.

There are several ways to treat with lemon:

  • A cotton pad is impregnated with freshly squeezed lemon juice, applied to a sore nail, pressed. After the disc is dry, woolen socks are put on the feet. Manipulations are carried out twice a day until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • Mix 10 drops of juice with soda paste, mix, apply 1 thick layer to the lesion site. Pasta is made from 1 tsp. baking soda and a little lukewarm water. This mixture fights fungus and softens the nail, making it easier to cut.
    Maintain the mass for no more than 15 minutes, then wash the feet with soapy water.
  • Citric acid (or freshly squeezed juice) is mixed with 1 tbsp. vinegar and 2.5 cups of warm water. Baths are made within 10 minutes, and it is also effective to treat the skin between the toes and feet with the composition.

The procedure is carried out daily until the thickened nail converges and a healthy one grows.

You can soften the effect of lemon juice on the skin with an ordinary baby cream.

Birch buds against the compaction of the nail plate

To soften the nail plate, its surface is treated with a tincture of birch buds. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix 0.5 liters of vodka and half a glass of kidneys in one container. For 10-12 days, the liquid is not touched. With the finished tincture, compresses are made or simply wiped off the affected areas, after which they wrap the nail with a film and insulate. Read about Yves Rocher face cream and moisturizing serum in.

Price - 73 rubles.


Iodine and acetic acid are mixed in equal proportions. A cotton swab is moistened in the resulting liquid, and a sore nail is treated with it, trying not to touch healthy areas nearby. Blacker than black - .

The thickening caused by trauma is temporary and does not need treatment.

Medicinal plants

The leaves of Kalanchoe or propolis, ground to a state of gruel, are laid out on a bandage or gauze, fixed on the finger. Leave for several hours. Read whether Avon mascara is worthy of your attention.

A quick positive result can be achieved through milkweed baths (no more than 15-20 minutes) or celandine infusion. The last to wipe the plate of the affected nail twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed. The course does not exceed 21 days. Find out about Sofin's nail polish by.

It is possible to fill the lack of trace elements in the body, which led to the problem, by means of baths with sea salt.


We offer you to watch a video with a few more recommendations for treating nail fungus at home

Thickening of the toenail is common and is caused by a variety of causes, including age-related changes and fungus. The problem can be prevented by a complex of preventive measures: observe the rules of hygiene, from time to time carry out baths with herbs, consume a sufficient amount of vitamins. You should also wear comfortable, well-ventilated shoes. The secret of the popularity of Bourgeois mascara has been revealed.

By the appearance of the nail plates, you can say a lot about a person - not only about how he takes care of himself, but also about his state of health. In China, some specialists can even diagnose by simply examining your nails.

The keratinized plates on the tips of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, which we call nails, protect. They are quite strong, but along with this there are many defects to which the nail plates are subject. Among them, not the last place is the thickening of the toenails. And this problem is not only aesthetic in nature - it can be a sign of some diseases.

Normally, the thickness of the nail plate of the hands is about half a mm, on the legs - up to one millimeter. A healthy nail has a slightly pink color and a smooth surface. White or yellowish color of the nail plate, the presence of grooves and thickening of the nail is a reason to consult a specialist to find out the cause. Most often, this trouble concerns the legs.

Why does thickening of toenails appear?

The reasons can be different - from genetic predisposition to serious diseases. Let's highlight the most common factors:

Pachyonychia congenital - this is the name of the hereditary tendency to thickening of the nails;

Neuropathy - a disease of the peripheral nerves of the arms and legs;

Incorrectly fitted shoes;

Malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins and minerals;

Diseases of the skin.

How to treat thickened toenails?

First of all, see your doctor. After the examination, he will diagnose and you will receive adequate treatment.

The nail plate can become thicker after an injury, such as a finger strike. Then you should not panic - the thickening of the toenails will soon pass, no treatment is required. It's another matter if a fungus is found. Then it is necessary to use antifungal drugs, both local and general action. By the way, fungus is the most common cause that creates thickening. Currently, in the pharmacy you can find a wide variety of remedies to combat it, but it is better not to self-medicate - consult your doctor so as not to harm your health.

People suffering from atherosclerosis, rheumatism, joint diseases and gout are often prone to onychodystrophy, a non-fungal lesion of the nail plate. The main reason for its occurrence in such cases is a violation of the blood supply to the fingertips. In such a situation, fingertip massage and drugs to improve microcirculation will help. In other cases, non-fungal thickening of toenails is treated with dietary changes and the use of special medications to improve metabolism.

If the problem is congenital pachyonychia, take soda baths and drink vitamins. In general, it is worth noting that the plates are often the result of a weakened immune system.

Thickening of the nails is a problem to look out for at the initial stage. After all, neglected forms can lead to the occurrence of subungual ulcers, injury to neighboring fingers, as well as infection of the whole organism, if we are talking about a fungus.

How is thickened toenails treated? If the toenail festers, starts to hurt, or changes its structure, a build-up has formed, consult a doctor without delay. It is great if you have strong, healthy, smooth nails on your feet, transparent, even, with a slight pink tint. They do not cause problems and are easy to clean. Beautiful, well-groomed nails have always distinguished a person with good health.

Do I need to do something about a thickened toenail if it doesn't bother you? Thick nails on the big toes, and it is he who is most often affected first, can cause pain when walking, serve as a symptom of an incipient disease in the body. Toenail thickening on the big toes is a common condition that can be easily treated. This disease occurs in both men and women. Most often, it is the result of a nail injury. In this case, treatment is not necessary, he will return to normal after a while. But in some cases, this pathology can be hereditary or symptomatic.

A thickened nail occurs in both men and women. Sometimes a child may have it. In most cases, it is due to trauma. But often the reasons can be more serious, and thick toenails, growths on the big toes indicate a disease.

What diseases are associated with thickening of the nail plate? Why does it thicken and build-ups form? Various diseases can be to blame:

  • psoriasis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • neuropathy;
  • wrong shoes;
  • injury to the nail plate.

These are the main reasons why a thickened thumbnail forms. Genetic predisposition - pachyonychia - is very rare. All of these diseases can be treated and diagnosed. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time if you notice symptoms, and do not try to soften and remove nails on your own. This should be done only after a visit to the doctor.

The diseased nail has an uneven structure and an unpleasant yellowish color. In addition, growths and bumps may form on and around the marigold on the thumb. You can diagnose this unpleasant symptom yourself - the changes are visible to the naked eye.

The nail plates gradually thicken, become bumpy, stop growing, and acquire an unpleasant yellow color. To find out why this happened, consult a dermatologist.

How to treat thickening

This disease can be treated both with medications and with the help of folk remedies. Home treatment can only be carried out after consulting a doctor and identifying the cause of the disease. You need to pay particular attention to the treatment of the child.

Never ignore the thickening of the nail plate. This can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • the formation of subungual calluses;
  • injury to healthy fingers;
  • infectious infection;
  • deterioration of the body.

How is the treatment carried out? If the thickening is caused by a primary disease, the doctor prescribes drugs that stop the primary disease. For example, for candidiasis, it can be antifungal drugs. With vitamin deficiency, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed to replenish the lack of nutrients in the body. Usually, after the underlying disease is cured, the thickening of the toenails goes away quickly and does not return.

What to do at home and how to care for such nails? A thickened nail, like any other, needs to be cut. And if healthy nails can be cut without problems, then with a sick person it turns into a real problem.

Before getting a pedicure, your nails need to be softened as they are very hard.

How to soften your nails

How to soften them quickly and profitably? For this, baths with the addition of various herbal infusions, for example, chamomile or celandine, are perfect. They have antiseptic properties. It is also good to take a milkweed bath for treatment.

Means Preparation Application
Infusion of milkweed. For a few tablespoons of dry herbs, take 250 ml of boiling water. Pour and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then add the contents to a bowl of warm water, into which to lower your feet. Take the bath until the water cools down. After that, you need to put on natural wool socks. Repeat the procedure for 10 days.
Apple cider vinegar bath It will also help soften your nails and promote healing. It is enough to add a small amount of apple cider vinegar to the water. After the procedure, rinse your feet, wipe dry and go to bed. If you have injuries on your leg or toes - scratches, build-ups, or sores - do not make the vinegar solution strong, it will eat away at the skin.
Lemon compresses. It is an effective folk remedy for treating nail lesions. It is enough to put fresh lemon wedges on your fingers and fasten tightly. Keep for 30 minutes, then put fresh wedges. Do this treatment for 10 days.

The lemon compress will help soften and whiten your nails.

We treat the fungus

Natural antifungal ointment is an excellent traditional medicine. It's easy to do it yourself. Take a few cloves of garlic, 10 grams of natural beeswax, 1 onion, a fresh scarlet leaf, and ghee. Grind and mix all ingredients. Boil the mixture over low heat for three minutes.

After cooling, the ointment is applied to the nail in a thick layer and a fresh cabbage leaf is applied on top. Bandage your finger, put on warm socks from natural fabric on top. Keep the compress for 12 hours, then rinse the mixture. This ointment is used to stop the spread of the fungus and soften the nail plate. After such a compress, they can be easily cut off, even if they are affected by a fungus.

If you have a fungus, in no case use celandine - it causes burns. Such treatment can be harmful. But, if you do not have a fungal infection, then an infusion of celandine herb is an excellent remedy.

Be careful when using folk remedies to treat a child. Treatment with any drugs should be agreed with the doctor. Prevention will take you less time than treatment. What should be done to prevent illness? Wear comfortable, breathable shoes. Do not neglect foot hygiene; you need to wash your feet daily. Try to eat well, especially those who have had thickened toenails in the family, in which case a hereditary factor may play a role. If you notice that your nails are getting thicker, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment of a genetic predisposition to pathology is impossible, so you need to eat a balanced diet and avoid injuries to the nail plate and fingers.

Both men and women can face this problem when the toenail thickens, deforms, cracks and delamination appear. All these troubles lead to discomfort and require immediate treatment.

Causes of thickening of the thumbnail

A healthy human nail is characterized by a pinkish tint, a smooth surface, no more than 1 mm thick.

If yellow spots, cracks, delamination appear on the nail plate, the thickness of the nail exceeds the norm, then these deformations can be caused by a number of reasons that are either natural or indicate a certain disease of the body. Natural causes include:

A healthy human nail is characterized by a pinkish tint, a smooth surface, no more than 1 mm thick.

  • injury resulting from a blow to the nail, or from falling on the leg of a heavy object. In this case, the nail plate does not require specific treatment, over time, a new healthy nail will grow;
  • genetic predisposition, which, from the point of view of medicine, cannot be completely cured, however you can correct this defect to make the legs look more aesthetically pleasing.

Among the diseases leading to thickening of the nail, the following can be called:

  • nail fungus,
  • circulatory disorders of the fingers,
  • dysbiosis,
  • joint inflammation,
  • rheumatism.

Most often, it is the fungus that causes the thickening of the thumbnail., the treatment of which can be carried out with medication and folk remedies. but to determine an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Most often, it is the fungus that causes the thickening of the thumbnail.

Medicines and folk remedies for fungus

In case of a disease of the nail plate, it is recommended to use a special ointment, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in tandem with folk remedies. This approach to the problem will help get rid of it faster and prevent the reappearance of the fungus.

Among medications, ointments such as Lamisil, Exoderil, Laceril have gained particular popularity, they effectively eliminate the problem, are easy to use, and are also produced in the form of tablets.

Among the popular recipes, the following are the most effective:

1. Taking trays of apple cider vinegar- the fungus under the influence of the acidic environment of vinegar is gradually destroyed, and the nail becomes healthy and beautiful. You can buy apple cider vinegar or make your own.

To do this, squeeze the juice from 4 kg of apples, mix it with boiled water in a three-liter jar, add dry yeast (¼ part of a bag) and 200 g of sugar, mix everything well. Infuse vinegar for two weeks, closing the jar with a rubber glove.

To prepare the bath ready-made vinegar is poured into a container with warm water, pre-washed feet are lowered there(if there are no scratches or sores on the legs, it is recommended to make a strong concentrate). Baths are recommended to be done before going to bed, after the procedure, socks are put on the legs.

2. Lemon compress- slices of fresh fruit are applied to the sore nail, the compress is fixed with a film and a heat-saving sock. For the best effect, the compress should be done daily, 14 days.

3. Compress with tincture of birch buds- such a compress well softens the thickened nail on the big toe, which makes it easy to cut and makes it possible to grow a healthier nail.

For treatment, it is necessary to prepare a tincture: half a glass of birch buds is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka, insisted for ten days. Rub the lesion site with a ready-made solution and wrap it with a film, put on a sock on top. The procedure is recommended to be done at night so that the nail softens as best as possible.

4.Infusion of celandine- kills the fungus and, accordingly, fights against thickening of the nail. To prepare the infusion, 2 teaspoons of dry celandine are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted on a steam bath for 15 minutes, then cooled. The prepared infusion is used to wipe the affected nails in the morning and in the evening, for 3 weeks.

Infusion of celandine - kills the fungus and, accordingly, fights against thickening of the nail.

Disease prevention

  • wear comfortable high-quality shoes, dry them well;
  • do not wear someone else's shoes especially for oil shale used in the basin;
  • keep your feet clean, change hosiery every day;
  • take relaxing foot baths, for example, with the addition of soda, herbal decoctions, aromatic oils.

Thus, the fungus that provokes thickening of the toenail on the big toe, which is treated with medication and folk remedies, can be completely eradicated and restored to a healthy and aesthetic appearance.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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Thickening of the nail plates on the feet can be caused by various factors. These are genetic characteristics, and improper care, and various diseases.

The restoration of thickened nails or their treatment, depending on the reasons, will be different, the same can be said about measures to prevent thickening of toenails.

Symptoms of thickening on the legs

Many people live for years with increased thickness of toenails and do not even suspect that this is a violation of the norm. Healthy nails on the legs should not be much thicker than on the arm. The functional size of the stratum corneum of the plate rarely exceeds 2 mm, a minimum thickness starts from 0.5 mm... When clipping, the nail plate on the feet cannot require more effort or any particularly strong tool. The nail itself should be clear, slightly pink, but not completely matte white or yellow.

Thickening of the stratum corneum for any reason often causes color change- darkening or yellowing of the nail, and only later does the plate increase in size. The transformation can take different forms: the nails increase only from the side or sharply gain vertical thickness, as in onychogryphosis.

A uniform increase in the stratum corneum over the entire surface can be small, 3-4 mm, or have an impressive size - 1 cm or more. Thickening of the nail in the elderly should not be attributed to age-related changes - it may be a disease that is not related to the past years.

Regular self-diagnostics are good for your health, but the final verdict must be made by the physician. Fungal diseases of nails are dealt with by a mycologist, and in other cases a dermatologist's consultation is not available.

The number of diseases that can cause thickening of the nail plates is counted in dozens of names. Some of them are infectious, others are somatic, and some are congenital. Some diseases can be cured or stopped, but there are a number of reasons for thick nails that cannot be permanently changed.

Possible reasons for the increase in nail thickness

There can be many reasons for the thickening of the horny plate on the legs, but one of the most common is fungal infection.

Various mycoses are easy to distinguish from other types of thickening: fungal disease is a gradual process, rarely involving all the toes at the same time. If 1-2 nails are damaged on the legs, while others remain healthy, then, most likely, this is a fungal infection.

Also, an increase in the horny plate can cause tight shoes: it presses on the nail, forcing it to build up thickness to prevent injury. Various trauma- is also one of the reasons for the growth of the stratum corneum, although there are other culprits for the increase in thickness.

The most frequent reasons are:

  • Fungal infections
  • Congenital hyperkeratosis
  • Physical or chemical trauma
  • Vitamin deficiency or trace elements
  • Psoriasis, eczema, gout and other diseases

Some diseases have nothing to do with the stratum corneum, but can cause thickening of the nails - this skin and vascular disorders in the body and they also require treatment.

The age of the patient is not critical for the thickening of the toenails. In children, it is usually caused by the same reasons as in older people and just adults of both sexes. But most often, thickening of the nails in children and the elderly occurs due to various mycoses.

Medicinal and folk treatment of thickened nails

Depending on the cause, you can choose the type of treatment: the fungus requires regular and long-term use of medications, and psoriasis may not respond at all to therapy. These two diseases have a fundamentally important difference: the fungus independently damages the stratum corneum, and with psoriasis, changes in the nail are already a secondary phenomenon.

A combination of classical and traditional medicine may be required to treat various types of fungus. This is a long process, and during it the following means can be used:

  • oral medications
  • antifungal creams and ointments
  • foot baths with salt and broth
  • nail treatment iodine, vinegar or lemon
  • application of medicinal antifungal varnish

All these funds can be used together, but you must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations. Mycosis of the stratum corneum is sometimes difficult to treat, and traditional medicine may be ineffective.

The haphazard treatment of the fungus can lead to serious damage to the nails. The treatment of the stratum corneum should be regular and continue until the complete change of the nail.

Vascular and skin diseases that cause thickening of the nails do not require an urgent need to treat the plates themselves. In this case, the main task is fighting the root cause, that is, with the underlying disease. The same applies to congenital anomalies in the growth of the stratum corneum; for incurable cases, only the fight against symptoms and slowing down of changes remains.

Changes in the thickness of the nail due to trauma are treated quite simply - it is necessary to exclude the possibility of secondary damage- do not wear uncomfortable shoes, prevent heavy objects from falling on toes and the like.

You just need to wait for the plate to change, trying to additionally moisturize and soften the nails using foot baths, creams and oils.

Violation of nail growth due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals will require the use of herbal foot baths, compresses from lemon juice, the mandatory use of oils and creams, as well as elimination of the lack of necessary micronutrients.

Ways to prevent deformation of the nail plate

With congenital incurable disorders in the nail plates, symptomatic treatment remains, but the other reasons: fungus, injuries and a lack of minerals and vitamins can be prevented without much difficulty.

In order to prevent thickening of the stratum corneum, it is necessary choose shoes carefully to eliminate friction and excessive pressure on the nail plate.

Daily thorough hygiene and periodic baths at home with sea salt, iodine, lemon or herbal infusions will reduce the risk of mycosis and the development of increased growth of the stratum corneum.

Proper nutrition and seasonal intake of vitamin and mineral complexes help reduce the likelihood of nail deformity.

Thickening of toenails is caused by too different reasons: some require urgent treatment, others only constant cosmetic procedures. In some cases, prevention and care for your own health is enough. When thickenings appear, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations, and in most cases this will help to quickly restore the well-groomed appearance of the stratum corneum.