How to get positive thinking. Training for the development of positive thinking. Positive mindset

Greetings, dear readers! today again about how to think positively, because there is never too much positive thinking. I have a list for you that contains the best positive thoughts for every day.

How effective is positive thinking?

If we want to make serious changes for the better in our lives, of course, just reading affirmations and thinking about our desires is not enough. Positive thinking can produce amazing results and bring about the changes we need in our lives, but only under certain conditions.

If you read affirmations, and at the same time, without ceasing to complain about life and concentrate on problems, you will not see the desired results soon. It is not enough to read affirmations in the morning and forget about them, returning to habitual way thinking. Affirmations are just the beginning of change. Affirmations are not just statements. Which you regularly re-read, but also what you think and mentally say to yourself. Your internal dialogue is a stream of affirmations, positive or not, but over time it forms persistent beliefs that materialize, creating your reality in which you live.

To positive thinking led to the desired changes in life, it is important not only to read affirmations, but also to think about good things throughout the day. This requires awareness in order to. Affirmations are seeds that you plant in your mind. But whether they will sprout, whether they will grow, depends on the soil in which they are planted. Therefore, the more time you concentrate on the positive aspects of life, the more often you experience joy and happiness, the faster you will see the desired changes for the better in your life.

Another important point in the practice of positive thinking - emotions. Cause bright positive emotions in yourself - whether you read affirmations, visualize your desires, or simply tune in to a positive wave. The brighter and stronger your feelings, the faster thoughts materialize and desires come true. Emotions and sensations are the key to creating the desired reality! This is the secret of fulfilling desires and creating your new life - the life of your dreams.

For positive thinking to work and you get what you want, turn away from everything that does not suit you, upsets you, throw out self-pity, complaining about injustice and blaming anyone for your current problems, as well as discussion negative news. Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life and start changing it. After all, it is in your power. Focus only on the good, and then there will be more of it in your life.

If you want more money, turn away from lack of it, think about abundance, find prosperous people, communicate with them, observe them, get infected by their way of thinking and acting.

If you want more health - stop thinking about diseases, pay attention to ways to improve and improve health, do what will benefit your body - healthy eating, moderate exercise stress, bright good thoughts and a mood for recovery.

Do you want a strong loving family- stop thinking about relationship problems, it’s better to look everywhere for examples of strong loving couples, they are there, you just need to switch the focus of attention, and you will notice them.

Negative thinking is just a habit and it can be changed. You just have to want and put in a little effort. At first, consciously focusing on positive things, step by step, you will train yourself to notice all the good things, skipping the negative.

Whatever you strive for, look everywhere for more and more confirmation of your positive thoughts, train your mind to concentrate on the good, and you will attract the best into your life. Positive thinking every day is the key to your happy and joyful future.

And you can start with these positive statements.

Positive thinking every day - 30 sayings

  1. If you really want something, you will find a way to get it.
  2. If you have a desire, then there are opportunities to fulfill it.
  3. To achieve great success, you need to not only act, but also dream
  4. I will strive for the best and achieve everything that I want!
  5. If you feel that this is exactly what your soul desires. Do not listen to anyone, go ahead to your dream!
  6. Believe in yourself even when no one believes in you
  7. Miracles are where they are believed. And the more they believe, the more often they happen
  8. Everything that you broadcast to the world comes back to you multiplied.
  9. There are no problems. There are only possibilities
  10. Change yourself and then the world will change
  11. Your every thought creates, every word creates. You can create your own world with your thoughts
  12. Your life is in your hands. You are able to create your own new reality, the reality of your dreams
  13. You are worthy a better life and all the blessings that are in the universe. Open up to this flow
  14. The universe is abundant, there is enough of everything in the world for everyone.
  15. Put love into everything you do, into every action you take.
  16. All changes for the better! Boldly move towards the new
  17. Thank the Universe for everything you already have in your life
  18. Your thoughts are the key to the realization of all your desires!
  19. Change your thoughts - and then the world around you will change
  20. You can create the life of your dreams yourself. The power is within you.
  21. Do you want to change the world? Another man? Own life? Start change with yourself
  22. If you can change something, change it; if you can't, stop worrying.
  23. Happiness in the present moment - feel happy now!
  24. When you really want something, the whole Universe contributes to your desire came true
  25. Think positive, radiate happiness, and your wishes will come true
  26. You can create anything you want once you believe in it.
  27. Believe in all the best, expect the best - and you will only receive the best in life.
  28. The greatest wealth you have is time. Appreciate it, invest wisely
  29. Love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. The Lord created you this way, you are already perfect
  30. Create yourself, create your life! Immerse your thoughts in your dream, and soon it will become your reality

Positive thinking is a human feature, thanks to which a person turns into a kind of magnet for others.

This is easily explained. After all, such people are always easy to communicate with, they give a good mood to others. In addition, people who think positively usually achieve great heights in life, they have excellent relationships in the family and at work.

A positive person is, first of all, someone who is able to cope with their negative thoughts, turn them into a positive mood, despite the presence of difficulties and failures in life. Such individuals are always attractive to society. They charge others with their strength, give a positive attitude.

From the outside it seems that such lightness of life is a gift. However, each person is able to create himself. One has only to ask oneself the question: how to set yourself up for positive, and it will be possible to say that the first step towards change will be taken.

Optimistic people never complain about their lives, problems for them are a way of self-improvement.

The meaning of positive thinking

Positive thinking is a stage in the development of the thought process, based on the perception of the world around us in the most favorable light for oneself.

A positive attitude allows you to experiment, learn new aspects of life, open up opportunities for your own growth.

Due to the fact that they focus only on the positive side of the subject, even in moments of failure, they remain the winner.

A positive attitude allows people to win where, it would seem, there is no way out.

Positive thinking helps people make discoveries. The movement of humanity forward to the full extent depends on individuals who have a positive attitude.

How to learn to think positively

Before you begin to change your way of thinking, you should first understand what psychological type you belong:

  • - personalities are closed on their own self. Their emotional background is even, has no differences. These people will never look noisy companies. Loneliness is a familiar and beloved environment for them. A positive attitude for such people is an elusive goal.
  • Extroverts are open loving fellowship People. In most cases, this type of personality is characteristic of people who tend to view life's difficulties as a way of self-improvement. Extroverts rarely face the question: how to set yourself up for positive. Usually these are the people who charge others with their love of life.

Features of extroverts

The power of positive thinking is fully revealed in a number of traits inherent in extroverts:

  • Interest in exploring new unexplored frontiers, craving for knowledge;
  • The desire to make your life better;
  • Planning your actions;
  • Ability to work in order to achieve the set goals;
  • Positive either neutral attitude to those around;
  • A careful analysis of the lives of successful people. Accounting for their knowledge and experience in their activities;
  • Equal attitude to their victories;
  • Reasonable attitude to material values;
  • Emotional generosity within reason.

It is conditionally possible to combine the concepts of extrovert and positive thinking, and introvert with negative thinking. However, this classification is very simplified. Talk about what certain type character is exclusively positive or negative features are not necessary.

How to form positive thinking

How to set yourself up for positive when there are too many problems and difficulties around, people seem callous, work is boring, and there are constant quarrels in the family?

Positive thinking develops if you repeat positive attitudes to yourself every day and communicate only with optimistic people. It is extremely difficult for a modern person to acquire such an approach to life, since, unfortunately, his upbringing does not allow him to do this.

What is a positive outlook on problems, for most open question. From the early childhood children are forced negative attitudes, which not everyone is able to get rid of in the future.

That is why, in order for the younger generation to have positive thinking, one should talk to children as often as possible, explain to them that they should not be afraid, they should believe in themselves and strive for success.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Positive thinking can be acquired through a number of practices. Exercises should be performed regularly, at any time in life. Only under this condition can one know what the power of positive thinking is.

  • liquidation

In Hansard's book, detailed recommendation How to set yourself up for positive. It is recommended to start the exercise early on Thursday morning. According to military rules, this day is the time to remove all obstacles. The exercise should be performed for at least 24 minutes.

The practice algorithm is as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position;
  2. Mentally plunge into the problem;
  3. Imagine that the obstacle from the impact crumbled to dust or burned down;
  4. You should give free rein to negative thoughts that are hidden under troubles. By all means continue to think that all the negativity that comes out is immediately destroyed by external forces.

After completing the exercise, you just need to sit quietly.
Practice should be done for as long as possible. The longer it will be, the greater will be the power of positive thinking.

  • Positive thinking instead of negative

How to tune in to the positive when there is a difficult unpleasant question? Undoubtedly, before every person, optimist or pessimist, sooner or later there is an obstacle on the path of life that must be overcome. The only difference between people is that some people know how to set themselves up for positive, while others do not.

In order to learn how to overcome obstacles with the help of thought, you first need to understand what caused the problem, how long it lasts. In addition, one should note for oneself the reaction of others to it: do they believe in its successful resolution, how long will the effect last after its resolution, what the results may be.

After they are received true results, you can start the exercise:

  1. Borrow comfortable position. Imagine that a fire is burning in front of you, and a magnificent fragrance is spreading from it;
  2. Imagine that the causes of the problem, falling into the fire, melt;
  3. Imagine that everything negative that is happening at the present time is turning into useful, positive;
  4. As the situation changes, the mental fire changes outwardly: once an orange pillar of fire turns into an unusually blue, blinding one. A new flame passes through the spine, spreads through the body, entering the head and heart.

After completing this exercise, a positive mood appears almost immediately. All problems are easier to solve.

  • Luck

How to tune in to positive in order to help your loved ones find work, friends? Before doing the practice, you need to honestly answer yourself the question: do I use positive thinking only for the benefit of my loved ones, and not for myself?

If you wholeheartedly believe that your actions are disinterested, then you can proceed to perform the technique:

  1. In the beginning, you need to mentally direct all your positive attitude and energy to the person who needs your help;
  2. At the next stage, you need to clearly imagine how all difficulties are eliminated under the influence of thoughts;
  3. Then send to the heart area dear person a white energy ray that has a positive attitude, thanks to which luck is attracted. Thus, there is a stimulation of human vital resources.

After the end of the practice, you need to make 7 claps.
You should start doing the exercise for a positive attitude from Sunday.

Everything that a person thinks about for a long period of time will happen sooner or later. It doesn't matter if he wants it to happen or, on the contrary, seeks to avoid it. If the same thoughts are constantly repeated, then they will certainly come true.

Positive thinking can be developed. Feng Shui advocates advise for this special exercises:

  1. In thoughts and words, use only affirmative words: I have, I win. Completely exclude the use of particles;
  2. Believe that everything will work out. A positive attitude will help accomplish even the most unrealistic plans;
  3. Don't give up on change. Most people are terribly afraid to change their established life, well-established way of life, understandable work. Sometimes this desire for a quiet cozy harbor can develop into uncontrollable phobias. It becomes very difficult to think positively in such cases. It is categorically impossible to concentrate on your fear of the unknown. Must be written in bright colors opportunities that will be opened when moving from the personal comfort zone to new realities;
  4. Start the day with a smile. Positive mood arises from the very morning, if you smile at the first rays of the sun, enjoy the events that are happening around. A positive attitude will make a person play the world bright colors.

The power of positive thinking is known Tibetan monks for a long period of time. Christopher Hansard wrote a book based on the Tibetan doctrine of thought processes. The book says that positive thinking makes it possible to change not only the person himself, but also his environment. The individual sometimes does not understand what endless possibilities hide in it.

The future is shaped by random thoughts. The ancient inhabitants of Tibet tried to develop the power of thought on the basis of spiritual knowledge, they knew what an energy mental message was. Today, positive thinking exercises are effectively applied in practice.

Sometimes one is enough negative thought so that a huge number of negative ideas grow on it like a snowball. If a person wants to acquire positive thinking, then he must begin to change with himself.

Hansard believed that the world is thought. One of the first steps on the way to using it energy resources is understanding the impact of negative attitudes on life. The second step is to eliminate harmful ideas. If you do not eliminate them as soon as possible, you can lose positive thinking forever.

The negative spheres of being are always disguised as something complex, overly rational. Only positive thinking will help to cope with them. However, in order to master it, you should make an effort.

negative thinking

Psychologists divide the process of thinking into positive and negative. The ability to think is the tool of every individual. Depending on the level at which a person owns it, her life is also built.

Negative thinking is based on individual qualities, experience, the world around. It is an indicator of a low level of brain capabilities.

People with this mindset tend to accumulate negative emotions with age. At the same time, a person often completely denies all the facts that are unpleasant for her.

Thinking about traumatic situations, a person tries to find all possible options that will help him avoid its repetition. Unfortunately, such thoughts only lead to the fact that the person completely switches to the negative, without seeing the positive aspects.

Sooner or later, the individual ceases to see his life in bright colors. Before him appear only gray difficult everyday life, which he is no longer able to cope with.

Features of a negative thinking person

Concentrating all his attention on the negative aspects, a person is constantly looking for the cause and the guilty ones. At the same time, the individual does not notice the possibilities for changing the situation. This is due to the fact that in every solution he still finds flaws. This often results in lost opportunities.

TO basic properties A person who finds it difficult to think positively includes:

  1. Unwillingness to change lifestyle;
  2. Search in new negative sides;
  3. Unwillingness to learn, gain new knowledge;
  4. Frequent nostalgia;
  5. Waiting for hard times, careful preparation for them;
  6. The desire to do nothing, but to get what you want;
  7. Negative attitude towards people around;
  8. Inability to think positively. Constant explanation of the difficult circumstances of life;
  9. Stinginess in all spheres of life.

A negative thinking person cannot clearly articulate their desires. He seeks to make his life easier, but does not know how to do it.

Positive thinking can completely change a person's life. You have probably noticed that successful businessmen always have a good mood and an optimistic attitude. Only in rare moments can one notice a cloudy state of mind in such a person. As you can imagine, the secret of success lies precisely in positive thinking.

What is the essence of positive thinking

According to the views of modern psychology, the thought process can have two moods: positive or negative. It is on the nature of thoughts that the whole life of an individual depends.

If a person thinks negatively, then this indicates a low level of abilities of her brain. As a rule, the tendency to negative thinking is caused by the past experience of the person himself and the people around him. It's about mistakes and disappointments.

In the process of growing up, a person accumulates negative emotions, problems, which aggravates the situation. By the way, this state of affairs is especially characteristic of introverts. By the way, the art of positive thinking is available to everyone, regardless of whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.

The basis of negative thinking is the denial of information that is unpleasant for a person. Plunging into thoughts about them, a person strives to prevent a similar situation from happening again. However, by concentrating on a negative experience, a person notices even more what is unpleasant for him, and loses the ability to notice positive sides. As a result, it seems to the individual that his life is gray. And to show him that there are other possibilities is quite difficult. Negative thinking allows you to pick up facts proving that life is very difficult, and there is nothing interesting, pleasant, joyful in it.

Since a person focuses on the negative, it seems to him that others are to blame for something. He seeks to find those who constantly spoil his life. He is not interested in ways to improve his mood, since he sees only flaws in them. For this reason, he misses the chances that are provided to him.

A person who thinks negatively can be described as:

  • there is an attachment to the usual way of life;
  • looking for negative sides in everything that is new and unfamiliar to him;
  • there is no desire to know;
  • tends to be nostalgic;
  • believes that a more difficult time will soon come, and one must prepare for this period;
  • seeks to identify dirty tricks in the success of other people and their own;
  • wants to have everything at once, without doing anything;
  • There is negative thoughts and actions in relation to people who surround a person, inability to cooperate;
  • does not know how to see the positive aspects of being;
  • he always has good reasons why life cannot be improved;
  • greedy.

A person who thinks negatively has no specific desires and plans. All he wants is to make his life easier.

Positive thinking is a higher level of development of thought processes, which is based on the fact that everything that surrounds us has positive aspects. The optimist thinks that failure is the next step towards victory. In a situation where a negative-minded person gives up, an optimistic personality has twice more strength to get the desired result.

Positive thinking allows a person to get acquainted with new information, to use emerging opportunities. He is engaged in self-development, and he does not have any fears. Focusing on the positive, he sees something useful for himself even in failure. As a rule, such a person is an extrovert.

A person who is characterized by positive thinking can be characterized as follows:

  • he seeks advantages in everything;
  • interested in gaining new knowledge and using additional opportunities;
  • the presence of a restless desire to improve their lives;
  • he plans his time, captures new ideas;
  • hardworking and can work hard to achieve the goal;
  • positive attitude towards people;
  • he watches with interest individuals who have achieved success, learns from them;
  • he wonders why what is planned and thought out to the smallest detail is always implemented;
  • calmly relates to their achievements;
  • generosity in emotional and material terms (in moderation).

A person who has a positive mindset finds it easy to get the job done, because he sees all the possibilities and strives to use them. Such people are usually called "lucky" or "minions of fate." In a sense, this is true. After all a positive person is able to achieve a lot, while everything does without such negative moments as experiences, mental trauma, serious losses.

A successful person makes new discoveries and achieves his goals.

The Power of Positive Thinking and the Benefits It Provides

Positive thinking is a great thing that can affect your mood, health, and circumstances. According to research, positive thinking not only improves emotional state person, but also allows you to touch each of the spheres of his life. That is, by thinking positively, you can improve your financial situation, relationships with others and much more.

As you know, positive thoughts have a very positive effect on human health. Testimonies from thousands of people show that positive thinking improves physical well-being. A person does not react so strongly to stressful situations and easily gets out of a depressive state.

Health improves. There is an opinion that if you think positively about your well-being, you can get rid of various diseases even if we're talking about serious illnesses. It is difficult to understand how true this is. However, there are many stories that tell of miraculous healings of people who have chosen positive thinking for themselves. Perhaps we are dealing with a placebo effect, that is, a person's belief in recovery.

Immunity is strengthened. Thoughts affect immune system, which means that they can both strengthen it and weaken it. The researchers came to this conclusion when they noticed that the immune response to the vaccine became less pronounced when areas of the brain associated with negative experiences were activated. There are many stories in which, due to desperation and loss of hope, mortality increased in cities where epidemics developed. Also, each of us knows the examples of our relatives and friends, who confirm that thanks to positive attitude and an optimistic attitude towards life can strengthen immunity and become healthier.

The direction of your attention. Positive thinking allows a person to focus on what he wants, and not on what he does not like. It is easier for him to make an effort to achieve what he wants. In addition, the efficiency of his actions is greatly increased. Positive thinking makes it possible to focus on the goal, and not on the possible unpleasant consequences of the decisions made.

Self control. Positive thinking allows you to fight negative thoughts, false judgments and avoid stupid decisions. It takes some effort to maintain a positive attitude. This is a kind of exercise for our attention.

Attract positive things. According to the law of attraction, like attracts like. Positive thinking allows you to attract things and circumstances that you need into your life. And if you think negatively, it will only lead to the appearance of negative points. And it doesn't matter if you know what positive thinking or the law of attraction is.

In any case, if you think positively, then more positive things appear in your life, and if your way of thinking is negative, then the result will be very deplorable. This conclusion can be drawn from the experience of thousands of people, most of whom have no idea about the law of attraction. Of course, the bottom line is that positive thinking allows you to take the right action and get a positive outcome.

Expanding awareness and perception. Positive thinking allows a person to see everything that happens in a different way. For example, loss or failure is perceived by most people as something bad. Thinking positively, you will think that this event is another step towards your goal, it will allow you to become more strong man gain patience and faith. By focusing on the positive, you see the whole picture, not part of it. You understand that life has a continuation, and nothing ends with failure, and constant negative thoughts about this will not bring anything pleasant.

Good health. The state of our health is determined by the nature of our thoughts. It is obvious that an optimist can endure even serious disease without nervous shock. Such a person knows that thinking about the disease, he only worsens his situation, so he seeks to rejoice and tune in to the positive, and often this becomes his salvation. If the individual is used to thinking about the bad, then he will not be special work worsen your condition, even if there is no special reason for this. Doctors often have to work with gloomy and emotionally exhausted people who are looking for non-existent, far-fetched sores in themselves. And the more they think about it, the higher the likelihood that such an ailment will actually appear. However, do not assume that positive thinking will make you ignore the signs possible disease. On the contrary, an optimistic person is attentive to his body, its needs. But a positive-minded individual will definitely not engage in making terrible diagnoses for himself without visiting a doctor.

Developing healthy self-esteem. Positive thinking allows a person to keep healthy self-esteem and be good to yourself. Such a person will not speak negatively about himself, relatives and friends. An optimist forgives mistakes and shortcomings both to himself and to other people. He is not interested in the thought that something is wrong with him. He does not need to compare himself with others. The opinion of others is important to him, he treats it with respect. However, a positive-minded person understands that other people's judgments are not decisive for him. He does not like excessive pride and a sense of superiority. He has a love for life, he wants to live with dignity, and he is sure that success and positive thinking are interconnected. At the same time, he adequately assesses his abilities.

Eliminate negative habits. It may seem that positive thinking suggests that one sees only good side negative habits and does not notice their unpleasant consequences. Actually it is not. The optimist strives to create for himself such a way of life that will not bring any harm to the well-being of the person himself, and his surroundings, and the world, and nature. He wants his work to be useful, so negative habits just do not find a place in his life.

Less stress. Positive thinking allows a person to stop remembering unpleasant situations that happened in the past. Of course, the optimist thinks about them once or even several times, but he does this in order to learn lessons for himself. And he will not simply constantly dwell on unpleasant experiences, because this is fraught with the fact that you can again get stuck in the negative. For a positive thinker, what happened is a thing of the past. This is especially true if the memories are by no means joyful. Positive thinking helps to increase a person's resilience to any stressful situation.

Relationship improvement. Positive thinking teaches a person to control his thoughts and emotions, so that he becomes especially gentle and calm in communication. Differences and disputes will gradually come to naught. An optimist knows how to accept someone else's opinion with respect. He is able not to point out the mistakes of others, and if it is absolutely necessary, then he has Right words to communicate this as gently and tactfully as possible.

Longevity. With improved health, stronger immunity, positive habits, quality and deep relationships with loved ones, life expectancy can increase. Of course, this is not easy to test in practice. But it is also impossible to deny that positive thinking can prolong a person's life.

Increasing the level of motivation. A person's motivation can increase if he is rewarded or punished. The method of encouragement is especially relevant for those who have mastered positive thinking. An optimist needs only to think about the positive changes that will follow the accomplishment of tasks and the achievement of goals, and he is already full of desire to act. The punishment method is more complex because it involves using a negative image to create motivation, which is highly undesirable if you are practicing positive thinking. However, for many this method remains relevant. It is important to understand that over time a positive attitude will save you from problems with motivation, and until this happens, you can use one or the other method.

Easy overcoming difficulties. Facing problems and obstacles? It's OK. Positive thinking will teach you over time that it is in contradictions and difficulties that the best opportunities lie. We are talking about improving skills, gaining experience, learning some lessons. Difficulty ceases to be something that intimidates you and makes you lose your enthusiasm and desire to act. Moreover, when you learn to overcome obstacles, you will experience a special pleasure when you meet them again. After all, for you the problem is an opportunity to prove yourself, your abilities and skills.

Of course, positive thinking has other benefits, but we have listed the most important ones. The most important thing that you will get through this practice is the opportunity to take a step towards your dreams and goals.

How to deal with chronic fatigue: a step by step algorithm

Put things aside for five minutes and consider if the following symptoms haunt you:

  • violation short term memory and concentration;
  • a sore throat;
  • muscle and joint pain without signs of swelling;
  • feeling tired after sleep;
  • headache;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth;
  • allergic reactions that were not there before.

If you are bothered by at least three of the nine symptoms, it is most likely that you have a syndrome chronic fatigue. In the article electronic journal « CEO» you will find six steps to get out of a state of fatigue, recommended by the American doctor Jacob Teitelbaum.

How to develop a positive mindset

Focusing on negative thoughts is just a habit. You can get rid of it if you are willing to put in the effort. In just two weeks, you can completely change your thinking and see the world from a different perspective. Just use these rules:

  1. Don't fight the windmill.
  2. Stop complaining about life, accept it as it is.
  3. Learn to communicate with others, avoid conflicts.
  4. Understand what your strengths are, think about how you can use them.
  5. Follow the daily routine: get up early and go to bed on time, do exercises, eat well.
  6. Choose a hobby for yourself and do it.
  7. Don't get irritated over trifles.
  8. Surround yourself with things that make you happy and inspire.
  9. Set goals and write down step by step plan their achievements.
  10. Do good deeds.

In addition, you can talk with a psychologist, identify your fears and eliminate them.

  • Logistician interview: 3 puzzles for logic, thinking and resourcefulness

Exercises for developing positive thinking

If you are striving to develop positive thinking, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with special exercises and perform them.

Exercise 1. "Looking for dignity."

It is especially important to understand what advantages you have. Developing your strengths leads to success. To do this exercise, sit alone for ten minutes and write down a list of ten of your strengths. The next day, repeat the practice and make ten more. Continue for two weeks. As a result, you will have a list ready, which will list at least 140 of your best qualities.

At first it may seem that the task is impossible. However, get started, get over your block, and find your strengths daily.

Exercise 2. "Disadvantages can be useful."

The same quality can be both your disadvantage and your advantage. For example, you are very careful. Perhaps someone will consider you a coward, and another will see in this a productive trait that protects you from unnecessary recklessness.

To master positive thinking, learn to find good even in your shortcomings. Reflect on those traits of your character that you are dissatisfied with, and consider what advantages they give you.

Exercise 3. "What good do you see?".

Through this exercise, you will look at the people around you in a completely different way. If you are careful, then even the worst people can see dignity. Think about the person who annoys you. Maybe we are talking about a neighbor who can't finish his renovation and constantly makes noise. Look at it carefully. Surely, you will notice that he knows how to do a lot with his own hands, knows how to spend repair work, which is not for everyone.

Think of the people you don't like and learn to find the good in them. It is much easier to develop positive thinking if you do not have resentment or other negative feelings to those around you. Learn to see the best in people.

Exercise 4. "Journal of happiness."

Buy a beautiful notebook and divide it into the following parts: my successes, my dreams, my virtues, joyful events in my life, my thanks. There is no need to deal with the description of only grandiose events. It can be a simple walk in the park, a small gift from your friend, relaxation. Fix everything that makes you happy: that you woke up earlier than usual today, was good weather etc. The psychology of positive thinking will gradually become fixed in your mind if you constantly perform this exercise.

Lists should be updated regularly. Thanks to this, you will have a real happiness journal that will become a source of inspiration for you in moments when, for some reason, you are immersed in negative thoughts and emotions.

Exercise 5. "Always say yes."

Don't use negative statements. The word "no" simply doesn't exist for you anymore. Through this exercise, you will learn to listen to your interlocutors. Often, the ability to agree with the opinion of another person allows you to end the dispute, conflict, build friendly relationships with relatives and friends.

It seems to many that their own worldview does not change anything. But people who are negatively minded rarely find success, but positive people are always happy, even if they have not succeeded yet, because they know that everything has its time.

Exercise 6. "My perfect day."

Martin Seligman, an American psychologist and founder of positive psychology, proposed this technique. This technique is recommended to use when you set your goals. Thanks to the technique, you will be able to focus on the positive, on what you are striving for, and not on what is unpleasant for you.

Describe your ideal day in as much detail as possible. Be mindful of your personal preferences and life values. For example, you can write what you would like:

  1. Stay close to loved ones.
  2. Engage in your favorite hobby.
  3. Rest in nature.
  4. Work on interesting projects.

You can write about what brings you pleasure. Each of these items will be different.

And then you have to bring it all to life. Try to make your day perfect, and then analyze what you were able to do and what you couldn't. Reflect on the emotions you were experiencing. If something didn’t work out, then try to live the perfect day again. Repeat the exercise until you are satisfied with how your day is going.

Exercise 7. "Five pluses."

You can develop positive thinking quite quickly if you use this technique. Think about situations that cause anxious feelings, interfere with sleep and stay in good mood. Analyze each of them and find the positive aspects (at least five). For example, you were fired from your job. The pros can be:

  1. You have time to rest.
  2. You can do what you love or spend time with your family.
  3. The old job was not interesting for you, and now you have a chance to find a job that would match your talents and virtues.
  4. You can focus on your professional development, analyze past mistakes and succeed in your new job.
  5. Since your income has decreased, you will learn to be more wise with spending.

Exercise 8. "Peace treaty with the past."

You may have noticed that sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about situations that happened in the past. Alas, this process can consume your vital energy and precious time. Instead of creating the future, you worry about what is long gone. Negative emotions associated with past times affect your life today. It should be remembered that emotion always appears after some thought, so try to control your thinking. For this:

  1. Forgive everyone who has ever offended you.
  2. Concentrate on the present moment, feel the joy of who you are and what you are doing now.

Exercise 9. Visualization.

Yes, visualization is mentioned in Lately a lot, and this technique is really effective. The work of the mind is carried out through images. What exists in our imagination, one way or another affects our feelings, thoughts, approach to business, relationships with loved ones.

According to Einstein, "Imagination more important than knowledge". If there are many positive pictures in your imagination, then many of them will begin to appear in your ordinary life over time. First, an idea arises, and then it is implemented.

Create a positive image of yourself and your life, because in this way you will influence your consciousness, the quality of which will eventually be reflected in how you behave, how you act, how you make choices.

Of course, only through regular, daily practice can one achieve desired result. As you understand, one day of positive thinking and visualization practice will not change anything. Visualization is not Magic wand, which you only need to wave once and immediately realize everything that you dreamed about.

Exercise 10. Meditation.

Meditation is a great tool to calm the mind and focus on the positive. Through regular meditation practice, physical and spiritual health improves.

This method has many advantages, one of which allows you to develop positive thinking and attitude. In meditation, it is easier for you to eliminate negative emotions and thoughts. If you combine meditation practices with visualization and affirmations, then the effect will increase significantly.

The owner of his consciousness is able to see in every event a positive and inspiring experience, easily gets rid of experiences and other negative emotions associated with yesterday and today. A person who has mastered positive thinking is no longer a hostage of his past, he creates his wonderful future.

Development of positive thinking

Here are five tips to help you develop a positive mindset. If you manage to implement them in your life, then it will be useful for you.

Tip 1: Avoid the news.

This advice may seem a little strange. After all, many believe that modern man be sure to keep abreast of events taking place in the country and the world. Nevertheless, psychologists say that a successful person does not follow the news, except in the case when his activity is directly related to it.

If you have doubts, then try not to watch the reports for one week. Surely, you will notice that it has become much easier to think positively.

You will still learn about the necessary events from friends or acquaintances. Then what's the point of diving into the daily negativity that comes from the news bulletin?

Tip 2: Change your speech.

The words we utter are our materialized thoughts. The more positive your speech, the more pleasant events will happen to you.

Think about how you respond when you are asked the question "How are you?". Most likely, you say: "I'm fine," "Slowly," or something similar.

If your answer is more original, then at the subconscious level, positive thinking will develop much faster. Try not to allow platitudes in your speech.

Tip 3. Key words for positive thinking.

What keywords are you talking about? We mean all the phrases that are repeated regularly. For example, your friend may periodically repeat, “Well, you know, I don’t have everything like people.” And you understand that he implies that not everything is in order in his life.

Or, for example, something didn’t work out for a person, and he immediately said: “I’m a loser!”, “I’m constantly getting worse!”.

It is important to understand that such an attitude and such phrases will not allow you to develop positive thinking. If something went wrong, think about it differently: “I couldn’t do it right now, but next time I can.”

Tip 4. Praise and give thanks.

Many people will think that such advice is not appropriate at all. Alas, few are accustomed to being grateful and praising others.

However, it's worth a try. In order to develop positive thinking, take a cue from a successful person. This will be great motivation for you.

Many eminent figures were very generous in praise and good words to the people who surrounded them.

And the nature of gratitude is generally supernatural. If you learn to be grateful for everything that is in your life, then you will not have to wait long for positive changes. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most prominent Americans, gave the concept of "gratitude" a special meaning.

Tip 5: Avoid negative society.

Each of us in the environment has people with whom it is very pleasant to communicate, and those with whom we are somehow forced to maintain relationships, but this does not bring any pleasure.

However, these personalities, with whom it is difficult for us to keep in touch, may not influence us in the most in the best way. And constraint, decency do not allow us to simply ignore them.

However, if this is true for you, then try to take some measures to minimize your communication with people who are especially negative.

Positive thinking is the most highest level the formation of thinking, which is based on obtaining advantages in everything that surrounds a person. The slogan of an optimist sounds like this: "every failure is a step towards victory."

A person develops regularly, and no fears hold him back. Since the focus is on the positive, including in failures, a person sees advantages for himself and analyzes what he managed to learn because of the defeat.

Luck, positive thinking and perseverance are three interrelated components that can improve his existence.

You need to look for ways to build your well-being and add positive emotions to reality.

Positive thinking - how to develop

In order to develop positive thinking, you should learn to fully monitor your thoughts and emotions, and change negative to positive. For those who are accustomed to negative thinking, this will be a rather laborious process, but the effect is worth it.

It is also necessary to understand that when working on your thinking, there is no need to strive for a specific goal - you will waste time in vain, and there is nothing to it.

Tracking your mind is a systematic, lifelong journey!

There is no ideal in it, but there is continuous growth, the purpose of which is to acquire the most harmonious well-being in general, both inside oneself - in thoughts, emotions and feelings, and outside - in everyday life. Therefore, be prepared that with the new mindset, your life will begin to change as well.

So, what should be done in order to have a positive mindset?

1. Write a list of regular negative expressions.

Then, for each such phrase, come up with an opposite positive thought. Similar " brainstorm” will increasingly have an impact on your positive thinking, step by step transforming it.

2. Affirmations

Read affirmations - formed in a positive message, thereby modeling the traits you need in yourself. For example, you are used to reacting and “negative” for every reason, write the phrase: “I am always calm and balanced. I accept any situations easily and with dignity. There are probably many such phrases, they can refer to one or another area of ​​\u200b\u200byour personality.

3. Remember that only you are responsible for your thoughts.

It depends solely on you how you react to external stimuli (events, situations, people) and how you think. Learn to control your emotions and control your thoughts. When you get your positive thinking under control, nothing can piss you off.

4. Take inventory of your words.

Eliminate phrases such as "It's impossible," "It won't work," "I can't," and any words with "not" in your vocabulary. Words are the expression of thoughts. Think before you speak, avoid unconscious speech.

5. Filter your social circle

Do not keep up the conversation of people who regularly complain about something. In general, people with negative energy are " energy vampires". After such communication, you feel overwhelmed. Conversely, positively minded people have a great impact on others and contribute to the development of positive thinking. Decide for yourself...

6. Every day, note what you are grateful for.

It may be gratitude for what you already have; gratitude for the morning, for the fact that you have loved ones, for the fact that today will be even better than yesterday, etc. It is necessary, always to appreciate what is already there, because with the help of this, positive energy, well-being improves and, of course, positive thinking develops.

7. Start meditating.

Meditation helps to get rid of useless thoughts, relax, improve emotional well-being, understand yourself more, in addition, it develops self-control, the ability to see the essence of things and think only in a positive direction. At least 20 minutes of meditation a day will have a positive effect on your well-being.

8. Read mostly positive and educational books.

Apply the knowledge of positive thinking and a variety of self-development methods. The study of thematic literature, and today, by the way, it is enough, perfectly contributes to the transformation of thinking and is oriented in a new direction. In addition, you will regularly begin to study interesting information, expand your knowledge, be a fascinating conversationalist and a multifaceted educated person.

9. Start exercising.

It has already been proven by scientists from a long time ago that constant exercise has a good effect on the physical condition, but also on the emotional and psychological state person. Buy a membership to the gym, swimming pool or work out at home, run in the park. After a while, you will see that your thinking will be different.

10. Visualize your accomplishments

First, before you move on to action, take some time to imagine the successful completion of what you started. Visualize your achievements, imagine it in all its details and believe in getting the result. Based on this, the released energy will be directed to action.

The power of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking is very strong, you can become very resourceful in any, even in the most difficult situation where many give up and retreat. It's funny how, by changing the perception of life, there is a transformation in the outside world.

The power of positive thinking is expressed at any moment in a person's life, if you orient your thoughts in the right direction. With the power of positive thinking, it is possible to completely change your life, to learn to accept reality in a different way.

In any person there is a hidden inner potential that opens like a flower, through faith and positive understanding life. The power of positive thinking contributes to the realization of fairy tales in life, to include important changes.

The power of positive thinking won't come out without the knowledge of recovery internal forces. Often there is a feeling - everything is not right, life has failed, nothing succeeds. What's the matter? Who is guilty? Such thoughts appear as a result of fatigue - physical, emotional.

There are laws of positive thinking, which of course is not a secret, in the past, people noted the power of actions, thoughts in their lives:

  • law of attraction
  • Give first, then receive
  • The power of positive thinking

Despite the delusions, thinking positively does not mean putting on rose-colored glasses or being fooled into thinking that everything is great when in reality it is absolute chaos.

A positively filled person sees things as they are, but with the difference that in any difficult situation, he maintains an attitude towards improvement and well-being. So to speak, he remains calm and at the same time, deep down, he is convinced that everything will work out, despite the difficulties.

How to make a wish map

Most are curious about how to fulfill a wish with the power of positive thinking? We recommend that you turn to an easy, but quite effective technique.

The Wish Map is a quick way to visualize your desires, the most rosy and powerful tool for fulfilling individual goals.

In psychology, there is such a belief that if a person who writes down goals and visualizes them is about 2 times more likely to achieve them. The wish map realizes all dreams within 3 years, this happens due to the concentration of intention and clear knowledge of what you want to achieve.

But besides the card itself, you should also work on yourself, your beliefs and blocks, raise your energy level, in this case your desires will be fulfilled surprisingly quickly!

I suggest making a wish card on the growing moon - this is the most favorable period for this. So:

STEP 1. Decide which wish card to make

There are two ways to create a wishlist:

  1. Live - with the help of drawing paper, a magazine, pictures, scissors and glue;
  2. Online - using special constructors (for example, or look for another one on the Internet.

STEP 2. Understand what you want

Now think for a second... what do you want? The wish map covers all areas of our life: money, fame, love, career, travel, knowledge, children, family. Think about what you really want, these should be realistic desires and they should depend only on you.

Thought? Now we choose pictures in a magazine or the Internet. The peculiarity of the Wish Map is the manifestation of the desired in the form of a picture. The more it appeals to you, the faster your desire will come true in life.

When selecting pictures, follow a few rules: choose pictures where the faces of other people are not visible. For example, if you dream of a beautiful figure, select a picture with the desired figure and stick your face there.

STEP 3. We formulate and write down our desires

We write the text above or below the picture, but in no case not on it. We write everything in the present tense, not without a particle.

Write down your desires as specifically as possible. For example, “I have a monthly income of more than 100 thousand rubles”, “I am the owner of a 3-room apartment in the center of Moscow”, “I live in my cottage by the sea”, “I drive my own BMW X5 car”. etc.

STEP 4. Activate the wish card

After your wish card is ready, you need to activate it. To do this, we add a wish that we can fulfill in the near future. This little wish needed to activate the card, so that its execution would pull the rest and the process of magic would go faster.

STEP 5. Looking for a place for a wish card

The best place for your wish card is the place where it will always be in front of your eyes. In the bedroom, at your desk, or on your computer desktop, or in a special folder if you made the card online.

It is important that you look at it every day and rejoice, feel a sense of complete satisfaction. As if your desires have already been fulfilled. Expand your images, immerse yourself in the picture. And believe me, it actually works! You will be pleasantly surprised…

In any case, take care of your card from prying eyes, if guests come to you, it is advisable to remove the card. When your wishes come true, be sure to say thank you to your magical card.

The main thing is perseverance and perseverance in your endeavors! Someday you will be able to experience firsthand how the power of positive thinking works!

Positive Thinking - Books

Psychology books teach us effective planning, good habits and even change of mind. We offer TOP-5 books about positive thinking.

1. "It's not who you are, but who you want to be." Paul Arden

A book about how to be successful. A pocket Bible for the talented but timid to help make the impossible possible. Global advertising guru Paul Arden offers his wise advice on a variety of topics - problem solving, communication and everything else that is needed in modern realities.

An excellent selection of quotes, wisdom, facts and illustrations in this book is combined with the incredible energy of the author, which will charge you with creativity and motivation for new achievements! If you want to succeed in life and business, this book is for you!

2. Morning Magic by Hal Elrod

Some books change our attitude to life. And only rare of them change our way of life and behavior. Hal Elrod's book does both - and faster than you can imagine. From it you will learn how the first hour after waking up determines the success of the whole day and helps you reach your potential.

Following the author's advice, tens of thousands of people improved their health, positive thinking, began to earn more, learned to focus on key tasks and, most importantly, became happier. This book is for anyone who wants to change their lives, starting small - from the first hour of the morning. Published in Russian for the first time.

3. "Depression Canceled" by Richard O'Conor

Depression depends on many interrelated factors: genetic, biochemical, external (environmental factors). This book deals with one very important factor that we often overlook: our own habits.

We can hide depression, fight it (and even successfully), but this struggle requires a lot of strength from us, taking away from us the opportunity to fully enjoy life and experience positive emotions.

This book will help you replace the behaviors that contribute to depression with more effective ones. The systematic approach described in the book is based on the results best research on the topic of depression - with its help, anyone suffering from this disease will be able to start a new life.

4. "Key" Joe Vitale

We all strive for happiness and harmony. We want to find the love of our life, be healthy and successful in everything, earn more money. But often we run into obstacles and the world seems to refuse to support our dreams. Rhonda Byrne in her book "The Secret" told the whole world about the laws of attraction of what is desired.

But this law does not work for everyone ... What is the reason? You need to know the key to the secret in order to correctly send your thoughts about what you want to the Universe. Co-author of the book "The Secret", a participant in the famous film "The Secret" and an unsurpassed master of discovering hidden opportunities Joe Vitale gives you this key.

Turn the key and take the first step towards realization cherished desires! You will be surprised when wonderful things begin to happen to you every day. They are already happening to those who have read this book.

5. "Light the Fire" by Daniella Laporte

After reading this book, you will get rid of many illusions:

  • Being competent in everything is far from being as useful as it is believed. You achieve mastery when you focus on building on your strengths and doing what makes you happy.
  • Life balance is a myth, and the struggle for it causes even more stress than the very pursuit of it.
  • You don't have to work hard to achieve everything. It is wiser to choose the path of quality lightness, doing what gives strength. Starting with easy tasks feeds your optimism. You have less stress and more energy. You are capable of doing more. Ease is your criterion for success.
  • Trying not to be afraid is like trying not to be curious. Fear is inevitable and natural. It is better to look into his eyes and find your "vitamins for the soul" that can comfort you.
  • Principles can break your life. Send them away, at least some of them.
  • "No" clears the path to the dream. If you are lousy, do not tolerate and do not look for excuses. Just stop doing what makes you uncomfortable. Choose the path that suits your soul.
  • Leave your ambition. A clear understanding of how you want to feel at work and in life is more important than setting goals. Clarity gives you a sense of satisfaction and release.
  • Each of us is capable of being a creator. Being a creator means doing something with your soul. When you put all your soul into preparing a family dinner or a party for friends, you create poetry.
  • Giving is not bad at all. Be generous. Generosity is the driving force of spiritual development. By giving, you make friends, become richer and healthier, love more, shine brighter, and live life to the fullest.

Daniella Laporte, a popular blogger and motivational speaker in the USA, will show you on own history losses and gains and other people's inspiring examples of how to ignite your life with new light, take a step towards your dream and be who you are.

Development thinking

The development of thinking is mental activity, which has a goal, motive, action and result. The better a person's thinking is developed, the more effectively he can interact with the outside world and other people, study and learn, understand phenomena and truths.

There are many classifications of thinking. Below we consider three of the most important kind mental activity:

  1. Creative thinking;
  2. Critical thinking;
  3. Logical thinking.

Development of creative thinking

In today's society, the creativity of a person and his ability to think creatively is of particular importance and is appreciated by others. After all similar people they know how to find a non-standard way out of situations, generate hundreds of ideas and can implement them.

1. Good stimulation creative thinking are the solutions to various puzzles. These are not just tasks that have special formulas for solutions, puzzles require the inclusion of a person's mental potential. The difference between puzzles and tasks lies in mental work, to solve problems you need knowledge, to solve puzzles you need thinking. Puzzles teach you to look for non-standard ways to solve a problem, thereby developing positive thinking.

2. in a great way development of creative thinking is the search for associations. For example, open any book, close your eyes and point your finger at two words. Then take a pen and Blank sheet to record your thoughts. Write down all the associations that come to mind. Compare words, look for points of contact, analyze. You can even come up with the reason for the connection between these two words, just let your imagination run wild.

3. With the help of creativity, a person actively promotes his positive thinking. Draw more, transfer to paper what you see and feel. There is also an exercise in this regard, for which you need to draw six crosses horizontally and vertically. After that, you need to turn the crosses into sketches, the more interesting and unusual they are, the better!

4. From the French "burime" is translated as a poem to given rhymes. That is, a person is given a rhyme that cannot be rearranged and changed. You need to connect it with meaningful text. For example, "winter-at home".

5. Working in a group is always a serious impetus for creative development, particularly when work is being done on a single problem. To do this, in many companies, employees often gather for brainstorming to come up with everything possible. more ideas to resolve the issue. Of the many proposals, some will still come in handy, so the problem will be solved.

Technology for the development of critical thinking

The Critical Thinking Development technology was developed by the International Reading Association of the University of Northern Iowa and Hobard and William Smith Colleges. The authors of the program are Charles Temple, Jeannie Steele, Kurt Meredith.

This technology is a system of strategies and methodological techniques designed for use in various subject areas, types and forms of work.

It allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Ability to work with an ever-growing and ever-changing information flow in different fields of knowledge;
  • The ability to express one's thoughts (orally and in writing) clearly, confidently and correctly in relation to others;
  • The ability to develop one's own opinion on the basis of comprehension of various experiences, ideas and ideas;
  • Ability to solve problems;
  • The ability to independently engage in their own learning (academic mobility);
  • Ability to cooperate and work in a group;
  • The ability to build constructive relationships with others.

Three phases of critical thinking development technology:

I phase. Challenge - the awakening of existing knowledge of interest in obtaining new information;
II phase. Comprehension of the content - obtaining new information;
III phase. Reflection is comprehension, the birth of new knowledge.

Development of logical thinking

Every day a person meets with many life problems that need to be solved logically. This can include properly building a work schedule, official moments and even personal life.

As if everything is quite simple: cross out unimportant details, focus on important aspects, thus prioritizing properly. Yet in reality the situation requires some effort.

The most effective ways to achieve what you want are considered puzzles aimed at the manifestation of logic.

In turn, games, a set of exercises for objective thinking, reading scientific and fiction, learning foreign languages.

Susan Segerstrom, a professor at the University of Kentucky, once tested the level of optimism of her students and rated it on a 5-point scale. After 10 years, she asked about the level of income of graduates. It turned out that each point turned into a $35,000 difference in their annual earnings. Not bad, right? We figured out why this happened, and picked up exercises on how to develop positive thinking.

What is positive and negative thinking and how do they differ

Thinking positively does not mean eradicating negative emotions from your life completely, as esoteric teachings often advise. Troubles still happen, and it is impossible and even harmful for the psyche to forbid reacting to them. But it is quite possible to find pluses, lessons and opportunities in the situation. Take an example from American inventor Thomas Edison who said, "I didn't fail. I just learned 10,000 ways that don't work."

The essence of positive thinking is the ability to find a reason for joy at any moment of life and perceive failures rationally, analyzing the reasons and accepting them as valuable experience.

Dan Kennedy, American business coach and coach, bestselling author of How to Succeed in Business by Breaking All the Rules:
- Forming positive thinking is really useful and desirable. But blind, stubborn optimism out of nowhere is stupidity.

The power of positive thinking is undeniable. Optimists are productive and earn more (Journal of Career Assessment, 2008). People with a positive outlook on life are less likely to get sick psychologists Lawrence Scheier and Charles Carver found out more than 30 years ago (Health Psychology, 1985).

positive image thinking makes more successful not only the person himself, but also his subordinates. In Profit from the Positive, Margaret Greenberg and Seniya Maymin talk about a study they conducted on a group of 53 managers. When their leaders were in a good mood, the teams worked more efficiently and showed higher sales.

There are many more advantages to positive thinking: you can enjoy life, be interested in new things, be healthy, cheerful and confident, look good and achieve success.

negative thinking- This lowest level development of thinking. The stronger it is, the more problems In human life. In contrast to the positive negative thinking entails dangerous consequences. Unwillingness to learn new things and unwillingness to change, dissatisfaction with the present, nostalgia for the past, expectation of the worst, greed, condemnation of others. A negatively thinking person never knows what exactly he wants - everything always does not suit him.

Which path are you choosing? The answer seems to be obvious, but how to learn not to notice the negative? Are there any methods for developing positive thinking?

10 Effective Techniques for Positive Thinking

So, it pays to be an optimist. But what if you are prone to pessimism? In this case, psychologists have come up with special exercises to develop positive thinking. They really work. This was confirmed by professors at the University of North Carolina (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2008). We have compiled a selection of 10 simple exercises on every day.


Reframing is the interpretation of negative situations in a positive way. For example, the decline in employment at work made it possible to relax or engage in self-education. The positive aspects can be less significant and even absurd - the main thing is to find them at all. Detailed description this technique is given in the book Kiss the Frog! Learn to turn problems into opportunities Brian Tracy, world expert in personal development.

Write down the positive things that happened during the day.

It does not matter how significant they are and in what area of ​​life they occurred. The more of them, the better, but you should start with at least 3-5. Then indicate what actions led to those events. For example, familiarity with useful business partner took place thanks to the accepted invitation from friends to go with them to nature.