How to stop living according to the principle of least resistance. By smallest resistance. It was: Green Pants and Unloved Teacher

Fedor Rostyanov, a former teacher of English, and now the fashion designer and the founder of the Ukrainian fashion house of Vozianov, does not know how unpromising dismissal can turn into an international business success. He told Chet to how not to notice difficulties at work and why clothes are text.

It was: Green Pants and Unloved Teacher

When I was a student high School, I stitched myself green pants to impress the girl. And I got it! It was 1977, and I sewed them from the only green material that was able to find in the store. On Croy, they were usual, similar to jeans. But the green trousers were then not observed on the streets. However, I did not consider this lesson serious enough to make your profession.

In addition, there was no place where I could learn something like that. In Kiev, there was only the Institute light industryAnd it sounded somehow not very attractive. I liked something completely different, definitely not light industry. Therefore, I went to the Arsenal plant and, worked there, I realized that I still want to study at the institute. So I entered INAZ.

After the institute served in the army, then it got to work at school and first taught with pleasure. But after four years fastened professional aberration. I noticed that I start talking to the things that I do not want to talk, but they spoke out of me. Some executed phrases that I yourself hated when I was a student: I even saw similarities with someone from the former unloved teachers.

Inspiration that I usually is inherent when I do something, disappeared. Then the feeling came that my future looks not rainbow. After summer holidays filed a statement.

"You make a very rash step," said the school director then. I took note and left. Almost to nowhere, I did not have any proposals for employment.

Between: Couturier without education and money

There was no money, but was the support of the family of my wife, for which I am very grateful. For a while, I can say, sat on the neck. It was naturally very unpleasant, but, on the other hand, there was confidence: this is my way to go.

I started selfeducation Design of clothes at home. It seemed to me that you could come to everything myself. Just created something and every time I tried to do better - it looks like both the lessons of creativity, labor, professional formation and theoretical training. Read literature, but more often just pushed out of images interesting models. I created my cutting system and immediately tried it. For me it was exactly the best way to study.

The professional environment that has developed at that time did not cause me a response. As I understand it later, education often sets some corridors, inside which people are moving throughout their professional life. And I, on the contrary, lived in the vast world, without restrictions. It concerned technological techniques and creative ideas.

In addition, I had the need not only to create models, but also to sell them. It seems to me that it perfect option. On the one hand - freedom, on the other - a clear understanding of what your clothes should be in demand. You are always looking for fast feedbackThis is very disciplined.

After a couple of years I came to visit one of my school students. There were people who owned small company for the production of clothing. I was presented as a designer, and they offered work. There was nowhere to retreat, and I gladly accepted the offer.

It was the end of the 90s, when the market was already filled with Turkish and chinese clothing. My employers tried to understand how to sell something new in these conditions. After years, the two company closed, but thanks to the work there I expanded the circle of dating. There were new partners.

It was necessary to work then constantly, I could not even afford short breaks. It was not about how difficult or easy to work. There was a question of survival. However, I was lucky. I liked so much what I do that difficulties were not felt.

I generally think that I went to easy way. If, when it was time to look for new ways, I would not have taken anything - that would be hard. And fundamental changes are the way the least resistance. The least resistance to himself.

It became: clothes with meaning and glass of champagne

Once Celvin Klein complained that he had to be a businessman most of the time, although his favorite occupation was invented.

One of Mondays and my wife and I started with the glasses of champagne. And I suddenly felt my own, what is called, success. I realized that if I hadn't changed anything just a few years ago, I would go to work for the first lesson.

Now, in front of me, I am not a free day - I have a lot of responsibilities, but I define them for myself. Naught interior feeling I always rather with such a concept as "meaning of life." Over time, I understood: you should not try to explain what this meaning is. It is important not the wording, but the feeling of its presence.

Now my personal development plans can be formulated as follows: how can the fashion and design language and design language and as many times can speak as much as possible. You need to constantly expand this dictionary, adding new words, phrases and whole texts there. It says in me, probably linguist.

Clothing as a way of expressing thoughts is a very undervalued area, in fact it looks like a kind of global media. Owing clothes for a certain occasion, we become a symbol, a statement, even if we want to be reverse. At some levels it is very well used. Pink hats with ears on feminist demonstrations in the USA - an expression of political views through clothes. I like it as a spontaneous situational design, which is born from the energy of many people.

I constantly strive to ensure that my things are also born in a similar way - not from the chain of thoughts, but from "emptiness." I have favorite ideas to which I have not cooled so far. For example, three dresses from suprematic figures (circle, cross and square): from a piece of fabric using several cuts, it turned out and the subject of clothing and the design of the design.

I think those who buys my clothes, appreciate what idea can stand behind the thing. For example, I have a patented skirt-circle, followed by the idea of \u200b\u200ba democratic revolution in fashion. It eliminates the size as a category, because it is suitable for almost everyone.

When in your company is enough big teamThe part of the day is subordinated to people do not sit without work. You have duties, tasks that need to be solved. In this sense, maybe I'm not so free, as at the very beginning. But this is a non-free, which I like is part of my life.

When, for example, you need to imagine new collectionMost of the time is highlighted to invent and realize their ideas. This, of course, happens not only on schedule.

A serious challenge for me now is marketing. The absence of such education I just regret. IN lately There was a thought to learn to business. But I, like Kelvin Klein, I want to do what I like most. In this sense, all designers are hedonists.

If you think about what reason the Universe develops in full harmony, despite the harmonious activities performed by people, the answer will be simple: everything that happens in the universe is developing on the optimally chosen path.

When there are two or more options for the development of events, the first of which is implemented with less effort, but the result will be the same, the first option is embodied. But when a person is taken for the work, not always the choice falls on the more logical development of events. Each person has the will and mind, thanks to which he can apply his energy in the direction in which he considers it necessary.

All other, animated and inanimate objects, despite the fact that as well as the person are endowed with energy, they are not able to realize it directionally. So a person has the ability to change natural move Events occurring in the universe. It must be recognized that it is not always the choice of a person is optimal and harmonious for the universe.

Surely, among your friends there are people whose life is similar to an endless struggle for survival. The law of the least effort is able to explain for what reason constant displeasure arises, a lack of health, money, the lack of understanding from loved ones, etc. If a person, applying his mind and will, sends the energy of the events given to him, which seems promising and correct, but in fact, violating optimal option Their development and general harmony, then, he (man) falls into the trap. Because the universe develops on the optimal path. The struggle and efforts of a person in this case Only aggravate the position. A man unconsciously trying to fight the universe, seeking to change the course of events, which he cannot do by definition.

They are not right to those who claim that heavily leads hard work. It is so if a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance. Own life can change only the person himself. But he does not affect the life of others. If you all think that you are struggling with something, you are unhappy with the existing position of affairs, your work, children, and so on, try to stop. Think about what you can do with ease, what style of behavior and lifestyle will give you pleasure? Try to act according to the rules of the law of the least resistance. Over time, you will understand that reliable solutions Lying on the surface. You just need to miss them. Choosing out of two options, stop on what is easier to implement. It is easier - does not mean that you do not agree to the proposed work, because it is easier to do nothing. Easier means that you do not stay at your work that does not bring you satisfaction and material well-being, and consider more profitable and interesting offers About the work on which you will be easier in the moral sense to work.

The universe is easier to make a person successful than to continue to support low level His existence. If you can choose the path intended for you, you realize that it is much easier to go on it than to try to overcome the universe.

For what reason are life problems arise?

Any problem is life situationI have in response to the wrong action. When a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance, not one, but many related problems. If a man inborn humanitarian, with great reluctance attending mathematics lessons at school, but gets higher economic Education Because it is prestigious, such a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance. All of it future life It will be reduced to the fact that he will not be able to achieve success in the chosen profession and he will have to constantly face thoughts about dissatisfaction and missed opportunities. If you do not like public speeches, you have discomfort before the public, do not try to master the work of the sales manager or translator. Your constraint and uncertainty can play a joke with you. You can fully realize your essence in another field. You just need to listen to yourself.

Everyone must be able to find his life vocation, his life niche. Everyone has unique talents that need to be revealed and implemented. It is in this case that the value and significance of your life will come to you. Unfortunately, the majority of living on Earth never succeeds to comprehend the value of this phrase "life value". Most people are engaged in an unloved business, work in order to be implemented by the objectives of others. However, each person is able to make a choice and live your own life.

What way the least resistance law can help achieve success?

You must clearly formulate where you strive to get. (Purpose)

You must work on self-sustaining that the universe can clearly understand what exactly you want to get. (Desire and faith)

Moving to the realization of the goal, you should always choose the path of least resistance. (Act)

Remember the following:

The path of least resistance is the road that leads to your real dream. This, which means that that comes from the soul, and not on the mind.

The path of least resistance is the tendency of your soul to a certain kind Activities.

If you can learn how to choose the path of least resistance, you will be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "happiness". Your energy and enthusiasm will be enough to implement everything conceived.

Live in harmony with you and the world around you!

"In the case of a possible movement of the points of the deformable body in various directions, each point of the deformable body moves towards the least resistance" - this is the formulation of the law of the least resistance, this S.I. Gipkin.

When deformed, each point of the deformable body will move in the direction in which the smallest resistance to its movement occurs. This is the essence of the law of the smallest resistance.

According to this law, under the same external conditions, i.e. With free form changes, body particles will move the crosses in the crudeless ways, since with such a move they will experience the smallest resistance.

It is known that the crossed is a perpendicular passing through the point to the perimeter of the section.

Consider the manifestation of the law of the smallest resistance when hesitating several samples of various cross-section:

1. Cylindrical sedimentation:

Figure 30 - Cylindrical sample compression scheme.

When a sedimentation of such a sample, the cross section shape will be saved, since all particles move along radius, which are the crudest paths of points to the perimeter.

2. Square sedimentation of a square section:

Figure 31 - Scheme compression sample square.

To determine the direction of the expiration of the metal when the sample of the square section is hesitated, the diagonal of the square, which divide the square on the region (I, II, II, IV). Metal particles in each area will be moved perpendicular to the corresponding side of the square. Metal particles in each area will be moved perpendicular to the corresponding side of the square. Since the flows are equal, then the same amount of metal will be moved to each side.

However, the form of a square when the sample is hesitated will not be saved, as it would take for this that the particles in the corners of the square pass the way more than particles in the middle of the parties.

With further sedimentation, the sample cross section takes the form of a circle, since the largest flow of metal is observed along the axes of the square.

3. Placement of a rectangular sample:

Figure 32 - Compression diagram of a rectangular sample.

As a result of this construction, four areas are formed, like a sample of a square section. In each region, the particles will be moved in the direction of the smallest resistance, i.e. Perpendicular to the appropriate sides of the rectangle.

The largest stream of metal during the sedimentation of the sample will be directed to the side of the big sides.

In this case, the form of the rectangle will not be preserved, since the particles in the corners of the rectangle can not pass the path greater than the particles in the middle of the parties. Initially, the sample will take the form of an ellipse and then the circle.

Any material particle of a deformable body having the ability to move into different areasmoving towards the smallest resistance.

For the case of precipitation between parallel brickacks, the movement of any point of the body in the plane perpendicular to the action of the external force occurs along the shortest normal to the perimeter of the cross section. The maximum finite deformation of the body will get in those directions by which will move the greatest number Particles.

Figure 2.24.

For the prism shown in Fig. 2.24, in a plane perpendicular to the action of force, according to the principle of moving points through the shortest normal, the rectangle can be divided into two triangles and two trapezoids. The boundary lines between them are the lines of the metal flow section, since the normal of these points in the two directions will be the same.

Considering the number of points lying on the target directions indicated by arrows, it can be assumed that after some precipitate, the final form of the body will be viewed shown by the dotted line. With an increase in the degree of deformation, the perimeter of the cross section is striving for an ellipse, and the ellipse is in the future transformed into a circle, after which the movement of points will occur by radii.

Here the principle of the smallest perimeter is implemented: any form of cross-section of a prismatic or cylindrical body during precipitation with the presence of contact friction tends to adopt a form having a smallest perimeter under this area (striving for a circle). The principle of the smallest perimeter is valid if the magnitude of the contact friction coefficient is significant.

During sediment rectangular parallelepipeda Between flat boosters without contact friction (Fig. 2.25), the movement of particles is radial, and cross-sections in the deformation process remain like source.

Figure 2.25

The law of the least resistance implies the principle of minimo-dollar energy of deformation . It can be formulated as follows: any restriction of metal flow increases the deformation energy, i.e. The minimum of energy is spent when the formation occurs without limiting the flow, along the least resistance lines.

Consider the sediment in the rings (Fig. 2.26).

Figure 2.26.

Kinematically possible directions for moving points A, B and C is + U R and -u R. Experience shows that the point A has the movement of + U R A, and the point C - -u R C, i.e., part of the metal flows to the periphery, and part to the center. Particles such as a point in, where u r \u003d 0, form the surface of the flow partition.

Now we restrict the possibility of flow to the periphery, putting the outer ring, or limit the possibility of the flow to the center, shutting the holes in the rings (Fig. 2.27). In these cases, only one possible direction of movement remains for particles.

In the absence of a limitation, when the particle A had two degrees of freedom, it moved to the periphery in the direction of + u r, which is the line of least resistance for it.

Figure 2.27

When the outdoor restriction (ring) is introduced, the particle A is moving to the center. Now for it the direction of the smallest resistance is the direction of -u R, but this direction is no longer the direction of absolutely least resistance. For deformation on DH, at one degree of freedom of flow, greater effort is required and, therefore, a large energy than with two degrees of freedom.

An example shows that there is a connection between the strength and character of the formation, i.e. a d \u003d f (d p), where a d - the work of the deforming force on the path of DH; D p - section of the section (U r \u003d 0). Exploring this function to extremum, you can find the value of D P (section of the section), corresponding to a minimum of operation A d. Provided the course of metal from this section of the section, you can achieve the best process flow.

The condition of constancy volume

Since the density of the metal as a result of plastic deformation varies slightly, it is believed that the volume of the body before the deformation is equal to the volume of the body after deformation. This is the law of constancy of volume. However, in the process of deformation, the body volume decreases, since plastic deformation is always accompanied by elastic deformation. After the end of the deformation, the elastic deformation disappears, and the body restores the former volume. The dependence of the elastic deformation on the voltage is subject to the law of the throat: S \u003d EE. In most pressure treatment operations, with significant plastic deformation, the elastic deformation can be neglected. However, in a number of operations, for example, when flexible, cool, elastic deformation must be considered, by specifying an angle in the tool (stamp) differ in the angle of spring from the desired angle of the finished part.

The deformation rate is called a change in the degree of deformation per unit of time or the relative displacement of the volume per unit of time: D · \u003d DD / DT \u003d DVS / VDT. For small degrades of deformation e · \u003d de / dt. At a constant speed, as well as for the average speed d · \u003d d / t and e · \u003d e / t.

From the rate of deformation should be distinguished by the deformation rate (the speed of the deforming tool), as well as the speed of the displacement of certain points of the body during the deformation process. Consider the effect of the deformation rate on the plasticity and resistance of deformation.

Usually definition mechanical properties Metal is carried out on test machines at a deformation speed of about 10 mm / s. Real technological processes They are carried out on presss with rates of 100-500 mm / s, and 5-10 m / s hammers, i.e., deformation and deformation speeds are significantly higher than when testing.

With an increase in the deformation rate, the voltage of the material turnover increases, and the plasticity drops. With cold deformation, this effect of the speed on the mechanical characteristics of the material is significantly lower than with hot processing. Therefore, formulas describing the dependence of properties from the rate of deformation, different for cold and hot deforming.

"Everything is difficult less completely than a simple"

If you think about what reason the Universe develops in full harmony, despite the harmonious activities performed by people, the answer will be simple: all that happens in the universe develops by the optimally chosen path.

Dooming harmony inside yourself and the world will reveal with new paints

When there are two or more options for the development of events, the first of which is implemented with less effort, but the result will be the same, the first option is embodied. But when a person is taken for the work, not always the choice falls on the more logical development of events. Each person has the will and mind, thanks to which he can apply his energy in the direction in which he considers it necessary.

Man and universe

All other, animated and inanimate objects, despite the fact that as well as the person are endowed with energy, they are not able to realize it directionally. Thus, a person has the ability to change the natural course of events taking place in the universe. It must be recognized that it is not always the choice of a person is optimal and harmonious for the universe.

Surely, among your friends there are people whose life is similar to an endless struggle for survival. The law of the least effort is able to explain for what reason constant displeasure arises, a lack of health, money, the lack of understanding from loved ones, etc. If a person, applying his mind and will, sends the energy to him to implement the events that seem promising and correct to him, but in fact, violating the optimal version of their development and general harmony, then he (man) falls into the trap. Because the universe develops on the optimal path. The struggle and efforts of a person in this case only aggravate the situation. A man unconsciously trying to fight the universe, seeking to change the course of events, which he cannot do by definition.

They are not right to those who claim that heavily leads hard work. It is so if a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance. Own life can change only the person himself. But he does not affect the life of others. If you all think that you are struggling with something, you are unhappy with the existing position of affairs, your work, children, and so on, try to stop.

Think about what you can do with ease, what style of behavior and lifestyle will give you pleasure? Try to act according to the rules of the law of the least resistance. Over time, you will understand that the right solutions lie on the surface. You just need to miss them. Choosing out of two options, stop on what is easier to implement.

Easier - does not mean that you do not agree to the proposed work, because easiernothing to do. It is easier that you do not stay at your work, which does not bring you satisfaction and material well-being, but consider more profitable and interesting offers on the work on which you will be easier to work in the moral sense.

The universe is easier to make a person successful than to continue to maintain a low level of its existence. If you can choose the path intended for you, you realize that it is much easier to go on it than to try to overcome the universe.

For what reason are life problems arise?

Any problem is a life situation that arose in response to the wrong action. When a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance, not one, but many associated problems. If a man is inborn humanitarian, with great reluctance attending mathematics lessons at school, but he gets higher economic education because it is prestigious, such a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance.

All his future life will be reduced to the fact that he will not be able to achieve success in the chosen profession and he will have to constantly face the thoughts of dissatisfaction and missed opportunities. If you do not like public speeches, you have discomfort before the public, do not try to master the work of the sales manager or translator. Your constraint and uncertainty can play a joke with you. You can fully realize your essence in another area. You just need to listen to yourself.

Everyone must be able to find his life vocation, his life niche. Everyone has unique talents that need to be revealed and implemented. It is in this case that the value and significance of your life will come to you. Unfortunately, the majority of living on Earth never succeeds to comprehend the value of this phrase "life value". Most people are engaged in an unloved business, work in order to be implemented by the objectives of others. However, each person is able to make a choice and live your own life.

How does the law work?

What way the least resistance law can help achieve success?

  1. You must clearly formulate where you strive to get. ()
  2. You must work on self-sustaining that the universe can clearly understand what exactly you want to get. ()
  3. Moving to the realization of the goal, you should always choose the path of least resistance. ()

Remember the following:

  • The path of least resistance is the road that leads to your real dream. This, which means that that comes from the soul, and not on the mind.
  • The path of least resistance is the tendency of your soul to a certain type of activity.

If you can learn how to choose the path of least resistance, you will be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "happiness". Your energy and enthusiasm will be enough to implement everything conceived.

Live in harmony with you and the world around you!