How to check early pregnancy. Is it possible to determine the order of application of printed and handwritten text? The floor is given to the Expert. Inkjet and flatbed tests

Starting from the first weeks of gestation, pregnant women notice physiological changes in their bodies. But tests are usually done after a few days. And the basal temperature will help a woman to find out about the “interesting situation” that has come. So, let's figure out what it is. We will find out how her indicators and pregnancy are related.

About basal temperature

This term is used by gynecologists in connection with bearing a child. After all, basal temperature is an indicator of pregnancy. It gives an idea of ​​the female reproductive system, pathological processes in the body.

And for women themselves, knowledge of the mechanism of the body's work helps to diagnose changes and pathologies in a timely manner. An assistant in this is precisely the measurement of the basal temperature.

Even children know how the temperature is usually measured. But measuring the temperature of internal organs is completely different.

Basal temperature (BT) is usually measured in the rectum, that is, in the anus. It is necessary to carry out such measurements competently, because the indicators are influenced by a number of factors. So, if you want to find out about pregnancy using a thermometer, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Measurements must be taken at the same time every day. The difference can be up to 30 minutes.
  2. The procedure must be carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed, being in a horizontal position.
  3. The thermometer in the rectum must be kept for 5-7 minutes.
  4. It is imperative to record the temperature immediately after the measurement, that is, to conduct.
  5. In such an intimate diary, it is necessary to make notes about the state of health, for example, the beginning, a cold. After all, any disease affects the temperature indicators.

Measuring basal temperature is not difficult at all. The most common thermometer is suitable for this. In addition to the anus, measurements can be taken in the mouth or vaginally. We must choose one method and apply it constantly.

Increased BT as a signal of pregnancy

On the basis of the basal temperature schedule, you can easily determine whether pregnancy has occurred, even before the delay in menstruation and medical examination.

As a rule, from the first days of the cycle, such a temperature is kept at around 36.7 -36.8 ° C. When ovulation occurs, and this is the 11th-12th day, the thermometer readings rise to 37-37.2 ° C within one or two days. This increase is due to the fact that during the period of ovulation, estrogen becomes less, and progesterone begins to prevail. This female hormone is produced by the corpus luteum. It forms in the ovary at the site of a ruptured follicle.

Further, before the critical days, the basal temperature drops to the previous level - 36.7 -36.8 ° С. If a woman after ovulation all the time fixes a temperature of 37-37.2 ° C, then this means that conception was successful.

It is worth knowing that the reliability of this method is directly related to the systematic nature of the measurements. A little later, with the help of a test, you can make sure that the pregnancy has really come. But the mom-to-be can continue to keep her schedule. This will help her diagnose inflammation and other pathologies in the body. For example, the basal temperature can rise above 37.2 ° C, even reaching 38 degrees when pregnancy freezes or during its ectopic development.

It is also worth knowing that sometimes there may be one-time decreases in basal temperature. Their cause is stress, overwork, climate change, and more. But such a decline for a woman should not become a cause for concern.

So, with the help of a thermometer, you can determine the onset of an "interesting position" at home. In addition to an increase in temperature, signs of pregnancy can be toxicosis, pain in the ovary or uterus area, swelling of the mammary glands, hypersensitivity of the nipples, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, a decrease or, conversely, an increase in libido. Also, the woman may experience changes in behavior. This is tearfulness, irritability, drowsiness. Her taste preferences also change dramatically: at night she is drawn to sweets, or suddenly she craves salted fish. And some sometimes want to gnaw the wall, if the body begins to lack calcium.

The human body is an amazing and subtle system. On the one hand, typical processes, cycles and situations occur in each of us, on the other hand, in each specific organism they all have their own characteristics. Perhaps the most striking example of this is the female body and its reproductive system.

Every woman over 15 is certainly familiar with the menstrual cycle. In any case, with his external resistance - menstruation. However, the essence of the cycle and related processes eludes many. Although knowledge of these processes helps not only to properly plan your time, taking into account the menstrual cycle, but also to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. But this is the dream of so many women planning pregnancy.

The graph for measuring basal temperature during pregnancy before delay can help in this. However, in order for this to become possible, the schedule must be kept at least 3-4 months. Only this will allow us to trace the features of changes in basal temperature in a particular woman.

What is basal temperature and how is it measured

We all know from childhood how the body temperature is measured - a thermometer under the arm, wait five minutes and see the result. However, few people know that this is how the temperature of the skin is measured, and nothing more. The temperature of the internal organs and cavities will be slightly different. That is why many doctors now recommend measuring the temperature in the mouth or in the auricle.

And there is also such a concept - basal temperature, or rectal. To find out, the measurement must be carried out in the rectum. Moreover, this must be done strictly observing certain rules, since a huge number of factors affect the basal temperature, starting with physical activity.

How should you measure basal temperature to determine early pregnancy?

  • it is important to measure the temperature at the same time, with a difference of no more than 30 minutes;
  • you need to take measurements in the morning without getting out of bed, you can not even take a sitting position;
  • you need to keep the thermometer for at least 5-7 minutes;
  • it is necessary to take readings immediately after pulling out the thermometer;
  • the received data is recorded in the schedule;
  • it is imperative to mark in the graph the possible reasons for deviating from the usual schedule, such as colds, inflammations, and so on.

Why measure basal temperature?

The fact is that the basal temperature changes during the cycle in a certain pattern. At the beginning of the cycle, it decreases, by the time of ovulation, on the contrary, it becomes higher. That is, if you keep a graph of changes in basal temperature, you can calculate the most favorable days for conception. Usually, it is for this purpose that women take up this occupation. What happens to the basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay? And can BT be considered a sign of pregnancy?

Change in basal temperature during pregnancy

As mentioned above, in the first part of the cycle, starting from about 3 or 4 days after the end of menstruation, the basal temperature drops to 36.5-36.8 degrees. This temperature is necessary for the maturation of the egg. The day before ovulation, the temperature drops sharply, and then rises no less sharply to about 37 degrees, sometimes slightly higher.

About a week before the start of menstruation, the basal temperature begins to decrease, unless of course pregnancy occurs. And if it comes?

The thing is that the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced immediately after ovulation, is responsible for the increase in basal temperature during ovulation.

If conception does not occur, then the level of progesterone decreases, therefore, the basal temperature also decreases. If conception occurs, then the level of progesterone remains, and the temperature remains high. Basal temperature during pregnancy before delay equal to about 37 degrees.

If a woman keeps a chart of basal temperature for several months, then in case of pregnancy, she will notice that about a week before the start of menstruation, the basal temperature, instead of the usual decrease, continues to remain at 37 degrees. In this case, you can most likely assume that you are pregnant.

Basal temperature can be read the first sign of pregnancy, even before the delay. However, it should be borne in mind that this is not the most reliable way. The fact is that an increase in basal temperature can also be caused by other reasons, including gynecological diseases, infectious processes, physical activity, taking certain medications, and so on.

Basal temperature charts, measured over several menstrual cycles in a row, can provide a lot of useful information to the doctor and patient. They also help in planning pregnancy and calculating ovulation, as well as determining the desired pregnancy by basal temperature even before the delay.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature

Often, long-term maintenance of the basal temperature calendar is required precisely in order for the desired pregnancy to occur in the future. Carefully taken daily measurements will show the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, the time of the onset of ovulation and will allow you to have sex on the most suitable days for conception. This dramatically increases the chances of conception. And the question will always be important - is it possible to determine pregnancy by basal temperature?

It is thanks to the schedule that future mothers will learn about the onset of the desired new position, and long before the second strip on the test and ultrasound data. Often, the very first changes in basal temperature that are atypical for previous changes can be considered a sign of pregnancy. But at the same time, it is necessary, of course, to initially exclude deviations in the state of health and hormonal disruptions. If a healthy woman who has had unprotected sex after ovulation has changes in her schedule, it will most likely be conception.

The question will also be important - when will the basal temperature show pregnancy? The first signs of pregnancy on the basal temperature chart can be considered the presence of elevated temperatures and implantation "failure" after about 8-10 days from ovulation. This is a jump in estrogen against the background of the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. Due to this event and a temporary fluctuation in the levels of progesterone with estrogen, the graph will fluctuate in the curve, and then again the temperature will rise.

How to determine pregnancy using basal temperature then? On the graph, by the time of menstruation, there will be no decrease in temperature, it will stably exceed 37.3 ° C and above. And a similar elevated temperature level will be maintained during the first weeks of pregnancy. This happens due to the production of "pregnant" portions of progesterone. During the first weeks of pregnancy, to maintain the viability of the embryo, the corpus luteum, which has formed in the ovary, will release a lot of progesterone. A feature of this hormone will be its ability to activate metabolism and increase the basal temperature. This has a double meaning - “warm” conditions are created for the development of the embryo and the blood flow to the genitals increases in order to nourish and protect the embryo. And also increased portions of progesterone affect the uterus, preventing its inner layer from being rejected (no menstruation), and the muscles of the uterus relax. This helps the pregnancy to develop actively.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Correct basal temperature measurement will be extremely important in determining pregnancy. If you measure the basal temperature not according to the rules, you can get overestimated or underestimated results. They will make the mom-to-be worry for no reason, although in reality everything is in order. Therefore, in order for the result to reflect the true state of affairs, the pregnant woman must know how to correctly measure the basal temperature for the most accurate determination of pregnancy.

The truly basal temperature will be the temperature that is measured after sleeping for at least 4-6 hours, complete calmness and immobility. The result will not be accurate if you got up to use the toilet, toss and turn, or slept badly. In addition, you need to measure the temperature in full health, without stress and anxiety. The thermometer should always be the same, measure the temperature as soon as you wake up, without getting up, for at least 5 minutes.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


If there are thoughts about pregnancy, the first thing every woman goes to the pharmacy. Modern tests determine the "interesting position" with an accuracy of 99%. True, not early. And not everyone has the opportunity to quickly purchase such a test.

What to do in this case?

The body will not deceive: how to determine pregnancy by its condition

Pregnancy affects every woman in its own way.

But, as a rule, they are the same for everyone ...

  • The breast is enlarged. This is due to the action of sex hormones. The mammary glands "wake up" for a future meeting with the baby - the breast is filled and becomes especially sensitive, and the nipples become brighter and painfully sensitive (although this may be before menstruation). If your period has passed, and your breasts are still unusually enlarged, there is reason to think.
  • Heaviness in the lower back and lower abdomen. Again, in addition to pregnancy, these signs are typical for premenstrual days.
  • Weight gain.
  • Nausea. Especially in the morning. The most striking sign of the 1st trimester. But toxicosis is not typical for all expectant mothers. At the same time, if it occurs simultaneously with other signs of pregnancy, then morning sickness may well indicate that another life has arisen inside you.
  • A sharp exacerbation of the sense of smell. Expectant mothers, as a rule, begin to react sharply to smells. Even those that have long become familiar. May irritate the smell of fried food, store fish, etc.
  • Changes in taste preferences. Craving for salty is not at all necessary: ​​changes can be completely unexpected. For example, you want chalk, coffee grounds, or herring with jam.
  • Mood swings. They are also characteristic of expectant mothers: gaiety suddenly turns into tearfulness, that - into hysteria, hysteria - back into gaiety, then into anger, etc. True, it is worth noting that stress, dissatisfaction and fatigue, sometimes, even outside of pregnancy, work similar "miracles" with women (especially before menstruation).
  • Increased drowsiness, weakness, periodic dizziness. When a new life is born, the mother's body begins to spend more energy - now not only on itself, but also on the development of its child. Therefore, the former endurance fails, and sometimes you want to lie down even after climbing the stairs.
  • Increased appetite. This is also natural during pregnancy - you have to eat for two.
  • Pigmentation. This symptom is manifested not in all expectant mothers, but very often - pimples and freckles, various specks formed as a result of changes in the hormonal background and an increase in the level of melanin, appear on the body. There are many cases when the changes even affect the hair - they begin to curl or, conversely, straighten. True, as for the latter case, it manifests itself already in a later period.
  • Frequent urination. As you know, the enlarged uterus begins to press over time on the bladder, which explains such urges. But not in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Changes in the nature of menstruation. They may become more scarce, more abundant, or they may not come at all. And they can come for 1 day with "smearing traces".

Of course, the appearance of these symptoms, even in their combination, is by no means cannot be considered 100% confirmation of pregnancy... This is just an excuse to seek advice from a gynecologist and confirm your "position" or the absence of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without a test at home?

The temptation to experience the cherished "2 stripes", of course, is great. But it makes sense to conduct such "research" only if there is already a delay in menstruation - that is, after 2 weeks of conception .

How to check - happened or not happened - at an early date?

  • . Usually girls use this method when planning a pregnancy. The meaning of the method is in the difference in basal temperature. This temperature rises markedly on the days of ovulation and then slowly decreases before menstruation. If there is no such decrease, and the basal / temperature on the 1st days of the delay is at the level of 37 degrees and above, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Important: the temperature measurement should take place at the same time (approx. - in the morning, before getting out of bed) and, of course, with one thermometer.
  • Iodine and urine. Test scheme: wake up, collect the first urine in a clean glass container, drip 1 drop of iodine into it (using a pipette) and analyze the result. It is believed that in the "interesting position" iodine will be collected in one drop directly on top of the urine. But if iodine spreads and settles at the bottom, then it’s too early to buy booties. True, in this method, much depends on the density of urine (high error of the method) and on the intake of medicines.
  • Iodine and paper. Test scheme: collect the first urine again in a clean container, put a piece of white paper into it, wait a few minutes, take out and gurgle a drop of iodine on it. Evaluation of the result: when staining the "parchment" in purple - there is a pregnancy, in blue - no. Again, the error of the method is high.
  • Soda and urine. Test scheme: collect the first urine in a clean glass container, fill it with ordinary soda (no more than 1 h / l), wait for the reaction. Test score: soda bubbled and hissed - no pregnancy. The reaction is calm - you are pregnant. The basis of the method, as in the previous case, is the determination of the acidity of the material. The urine of the expectant mother is usually alkaline, and, accordingly, there can be no violent reaction upon contact with soda. If soda gets into an acidic environment (approx. - in the urine of a non-pregnant woman), then the reaction will be violent.
  • We boil the urine. Scheme of the "test": collect the morning urine in a transparent and refractory container and put it on the fire, wait for it to boil. After that, immediately remove and cool. If sediment occurs, you are pregnant. If it is absent, the liquid will remain clean. Note: sediment can also appear in the presence of problems with the kidneys or with the urinary tract.

Determining early pregnancy - folk methods

Uncertainty is the worst. Therefore, until the moment when it will be possible to determine the pregnancy by a doctor or with the help of a test, a variety of methods are used. Including "grandmothers".

In what ways did our ancestors define pregnancy?

  • Urine color. In the morning and in the evening, as our great-grandmothers also noticed, the urine of the expectant mother acquires a dark yellow color.
  • Flowers and urine. Not very romantic, but fun and authentic. In any case, our ancestors thought so. So, we collect urine all night and morning, and then we water our garden flowers with it. If they bloomed in full force, we can assume that there is a pregnancy. You can also water a home flower: if it gives new leaves and grows up, then the result is positive.
  • Ficus. And again about flowers. If your old ficus is suddenly "birthed" with new shoots or leaves - wait for an addition to the family (according to legend).
  • Pulse. We lie on our back, look for a place that is 7-8 cm below the navel and lightly press our hand to the stomach in this area. A pulsating sensation means pregnancy. The ancestors considered this pulsation to be the heartbeat of the future baby. In fact, it only means the pulsation of the vessels, which intensifies in the "interesting period" due to the good blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Onion. Another fun method. We take 2 onions and plant them in 2 glasses, respectively signed: left - "yes" (approx. - pregnancy), right - "no" (its absence). We are waiting for the germination of the bulbs. The one that will germinate first by 4 cm is the one that will give the answer.
  • And, of course, dreams. Without them - nowhere. According to them, many of our ancestors practically predicted the future, clarified the past and studied the present. So, a dream about ... fish was considered a 100% sign of pregnancy. It doesn't matter which one and where. You can catch it, hold it, eat it, buy it, etc. The main thing is fish. It should be noted that laughter is laughter, but even in our time, quite free from superstitions, many mothers note that this is a "dream in hand".
  • A recipe from medieval literature. Pour morning urine into the container and add wine to it (approx. - 1: 1 ratio). If the liquid remains clear, you are pregnant.

Of course, there is no medical reason for considering these methods to be correct. All of them are based on the superstitions of our ancestors.

It should be remembered that "home" tests do not give the same accuracy as pharmacy "2 strips", a test for hCG, consultation with a gynecologist, etc.

Site site provides background information. Determination of pregnancy is most likely possible only with special pharmacy tests or on examination by a doctor. If you experience the first symptoms, consult a specialist!

Photo: michaeljung /

Pregnancy can be determined without a test. There are main and indirect signs for this. Lack of menstruation is the first sign only if the cycle is considered steady and regular, since there are other reasons for the delay in menstruation.

The delay can be caused by hormonal disruption, illness, stress, climate change, taking certain medications. Even banal overheating in the sun can affect the regularity of menstruation.

If it is not possible to use the test, you can try to determine the onset of pregnancy in other ways, but the reliability of these methods is no more than 50 percent. The doctor can certify the "interesting position" only 3 weeks after the delay, when the uterus reaches a certain size.

Early pregnancy signs

A girl can detect signs that promise changes in her body. This is especially easy if she was already pregnant before.


Often hormonal fluctuations provoke mood swings, a woman becomes more irritable, more emotional. Tearfulness, aggression, even depression - all this may indicate changes in the body.


In the first days after conception, many women want to sleep, there is a feeling of rapid fatigue, and performance suffers.

Breast changes

Changes in the chest. Due to hormonal changes, the breasts may swell, the color of the nipples may change. Usually these manifestations are visible later, but some women may have it at the very early stages.

Appetite changes

Literally a few days after fertilization, some women have an increased appetite or, conversely, an aversion to food, nausea or vomiting. Often begins to gravitate towards individual products.

Other symptoms

Digestive disorders or constipation, pain or dizziness, light-headedness. These symptoms may worsen or disappear over time. New ones may also appear: poor sleep, back pain, skin pigmentation, fever, increased heart rate, and others.

Cases when the body strongly signals conception in the early stages are very rare. But most women mysteriously can feel the smallest changes in their own bodies. There are also quite scientific ways to find out whether there was conception.

Basal temperature measurement

An effective and reliable way to understand if there is a pregnancy is to measure the basal temperature and correctly decipher the data obtained. It is necessary to start measuring it at the beginning of the cycle and make entries in a special table every day.

If the measurements were not recorded, you need to start measuring the basal temperature two days before the menstrual period should go, since the menstrual cycle includes two periods. The first period - before ovulation - lasts less than the second, by several days.

The second period, after ovulation, lasts for 16-18 days. If the ovulation process has occurred, in the second phase, the basal temperature rises and will be within the subfebrile temperature.

The closer the onset of menstruation is, the lower the temperature becomes. If the decline process does not occur, it is highly likely that the woman is pregnant.

Basal temperature can be measured not only in the rectum, but also in the vagina, as well as in the mouth. The only place where temperature cannot be measured is under the armpit. A mercury thermometer should be kept in the mouth for 3 minutes, in the vagina for 5 minutes.

The temperature can rise not only due to pregnancy, it is influenced by many factors. It can be a disease or an inflammatory process in the female genital organs. The body temperature rises if you take alcohol, medications the day before, as well as if you have had sexual intercourse or suffered stress. If nothing like this happened, then there is a high probability of pregnancy. You need to measure the temperature in the morning without getting out of bed!

The main signs of pregnancy

There are also signs that are most likely to confirm pregnancy.

Lack of menstrual cycle

A delay or complete absence of menstruation may not only mean that a woman is pregnant. But this is one of the main signs.


There are times when menstruation occurs during pregnancy, but they are more like a discharge. If bleeding occurs, you should see a doctor right away.


This symptom is one of the clearest signs that a woman has become pregnant. Nausea may appear two weeks after conception. The causes of toxicosis are not fully understood. There are many theories about this. Today, the theory of a violation of the nervous regulation of internal organs by the brain is recognized. The predominance of the process of excitation over the process of inhibition leads to the activation of all centers of the brain, including the emetic.

Another reason for the appearance of toxicosis is hormonal. A large concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the female body in the early stages of pregnancy often leads to hormonal disruption and toxicosis. However, do not forget that nausea and vomiting can indicate poisoning, pressure drops and other health problems.

Chest pain

Tingling, increased sensitivity, swelling of the mammary glands, discharge from the nipples are clear signs that a woman is pregnant. The mammary glands are very sensitive to any changes in the hormonal background of the woman's body. An increase in the level of the female sex hormone estrogen in the blood is observed both during menstruation and during menopause. So, mild aching chest pains are undoubtedly a symptom of fertilization and are especially pronounced if the pregnancy is the first. From the very beginning, the female mammary glands begin to prepare for breastfeeding.

At this time, a large amount of blood flows to them, the milk ducts gradually open, the veins appear more clearly, and a feeling of heaviness appears. The nipples become pigmented and very sensitive. Sometimes, even in the early stages, with slight pressure, colostrum appears from the nipples. All changes in the breast during this period are a kind of development of milk lobules and reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Pain in the uterus or ovaries

You can find out about pregnancy by the pain in the uterus and ovaries, which resembles the painful sensations before menstruation. Gynecologists say that after conception, the functions of the ovaries are turned off, and, accordingly, they cannot get sick. Thus, painful sensations in the uterus and ovaries are possible at an early stage if conception happened against the background of an inflammatory process. With hormonal changes, all diseases of the genital organs are exacerbated. This symptom is a reason to see a doctor.

Profuse colorless discharge

An abundant, colorless, odorless discharge is a sign of pregnancy. Usually, clear discharge is observed during ovulation. In the early stages, a high concentration in the body of the female hormone progesterone leads to the formation of thicker, viscous, opaque secretions. This phenomenon is considered the norm. They form a plug in the cervix, protecting the embryo from infections. Medicine explains such an abundant short-term discharge by implantation of the ovum.

Decreased or increased sex drive

An increase or decrease in libido is a consequence of hormonal influences on the woman's nervous system, often accompanying pregnancy, starting from the early stages. Physical changes, such as nipple tenderness and soreness in the uterus and ovaries, also affect a pregnant woman's libido.

Frequent urination

If you notice that you began to urinate more often, but the volume of fluid intake has not increased, this is another sign by which you can determine a woman's pregnancy. This is due to the weakening of the sphincter of the bladder, and this is due to all the same hormones. This inconvenience will have to be experienced throughout the pregnancy.

Temperature increase

It happens that in pregnant women, not only basal, but also body temperature rises. It is important to distinguish this rise in temperature from an incipient illness.

Strange tastes and odor intolerances

During this period, the body tells the woman what it lacks for the normal development of the fetus. You were drawn to sour - this is a lack of vitamin C, you want milk - you need calcium, and if the smell of gasoline drives you crazy, then you have anemia. Many women cannot stand the smell of meat, cigarettes and even some flowers. All of this points to changes associated with pregnancy.