How to get a divorce without the consent of the other half? How to file a divorce through a court without the presence of a spouse: the necessary documents and court practice for such a dissolution of marriage

Situations are not uncommon when a wife wants to dissolve a hateful marriage, and the husband does not agree to a divorce and in every possible way prevents him. Many women think that if one of the spouses disagrees, it is impossible to break the marriage bond and continue living with a tyrant husband, an alcoholic husband, a gigolo husband. Or they leave him, collecting things, and often taking the children, but do not file for divorce. Such withdrawal has rather unpleasant legal consequences.

Even if the spouses do not live together for quite a long time, but are in a registered marriage, they retain obligations towards each other. For example, if a husband gets injured and becomes disabled, then he has the right to file for alimony and demand that his wife support him. Proving that a marriage relationship actually ended a long time ago is sometimes quite difficult.

Women are often unaware of the fact that it is possible to receive support for children, being married. They pull children on themselves, working several jobs, while their husbands live for their own pleasure. In addition, while a woman is in one marriage, she cannot enter into another marriage and arrange her personal life more successfully than the previous time. Rarely does a man want to start a relationship with a married woman at all, even if she does not live with her husband. In a word, if the decision to break off relations with your husband is ripe, you need to formalize it legally so as not to have such problems.

A woman needs to know that divorce is possible even without the consent of her husband.

Administrative and judicial order of divorce

If one of the spouses does not agree to a divorce, then it is possible to divorce in court. For the court, a clearly expressed and reasoned unwillingness of one of the parties to continue the marriage relationship will be sufficient.

Unilateral divorce in the registry office is allowed only in some cases:

  • If the spouse is missing;
  • If he is declared incompetent;
  • If he was convicted of a felony for more than three years.

To get a divorce, it will be enough to apply to the registry office with a corresponding statement, to which you need to attach a court decision on recognizing the husband as missing or incompetent or a verdict on recognizing the spouse as guilty. Under these circumstances, neither the husband's objections to divorce, nor the presence of common minors - relatives and adopted children - nor the property claims of the spouse are an obstacle to divorce.

If there are no grounds for a unilateral divorce, a woman needs to go to court with a package of the following documents:

  • Statement of claim. It provides arguments in favor of the wife's decision to divorce. The reasons for divorce are varied: a husband's unwillingness to work and provide for his family, his cruelty towards his wife and children, addiction to alcoholic beverages or drugs, adultery, an antisocial lifestyle, committing a crime, mental or other dangerous illness. If the husband does not grant a divorce, you must indicate this in the application.
  • Evidence that the woman's argument is true. These can be documents, written testimony, video, photo and audio materials. Each argument must be supported by appropriate evidence. If it is unprovable, it is better not to mention it. If the wife believes that her argument can be proved, but she does not have access to evidence (for example, to the data of a psychiatric hospital about the nervous or mental disorder of her husband), then she needs to attach to the application a motion to obtain evidence at the request of the court.
  • Draft agreement on the division of property. Everything that was bought or received under the contract me at the time of being married is shared. The following types of property are not divided: received by one of the spouses as a gift, inherited, acquired for the needs of minor children. Personal wearable items, excluding jewelry and luxury items, are also not shared.
  • Draft Agreement on Minor Children. It indicates the personal data and dates of birth of children, reflects their opinion on the question of who they will live with, how often they will see the other parent (if children are over 10 years old). The decision to call the child to the meeting for questioning is taken by the court at its own discretion.
  • Draft alimony agreement. The spouses support the children equally, and the alimony is paid by the one who lives separately. It is also possible to collect alimony for the maintenance of one of the spouses, if he is disabled and is disabled or retired by age, if he is caring for a minor common disabled child or an adult common disabled child of group 1. Also, alimony is collected for the maintenance of a pregnant wife or mother caring for a common child who has not reached the age of three. The basis for receiving alimony from a spouse must be documented. It also proves the need for the father to participate in additional spending on children. Expenditures must be justified, for example, for the rehabilitation of a disabled child, for the purchase of equipment for a child-athlete, for dietary food for a child with a chronic illness.
  • Other documents related to the essence of the case. It can be various certificates about the health of the wife and children, the conclusions of teachers and psychologists about the condition of children, the conclusions of the guardianship authorities, checks and bank statements about the expenses for the needs of the child.

How to persuade your husband to divorce

It is necessary to explain in detail and reasonably the reasons that prompted the wife to divorce. Sometimes a man seems unobvious, then a woman is not satisfied with something in family life, especially if she does not directly speak about it. But many women prefer to endure hardships for a long time, without saying a word to their husband, and then, when the cup of patience is overflowing, declare the impossibility of continuing to live with him.

If the husband is inclined to a dialogue and is ready to participate constructively in it, then it is worth discussing with him the reasons for the divorce, the family problems that have arisen, negotiate the conditions regarding children, property and alimony.

How to get a divorce against your husband's wishes

If you cannot agree with your husband and discuss the details of the divorce, discuss the nuances of the division of property, determine the order of living with children and issues of their maintenance, you need to act decisively.

  • Send your spouse a letter in which you state your decision to dissolve the marriage with him, attach to the letter drafts of the statement of claim and agreements on property, children and alimony. If the statement of claim is not ready at the time of sending the letter, then there is nothing to worry about. All the same, the court is obliged to notify the spouse as a defendant in the divorce proceedings about the claim against him and send him the case materials for review.
  • Send your spouse a package of divorce documents without attaching a letter or explanatory document. It is best to use mail services by filling out a registered letter with an inventory. This will help to prove later in court that the spouse was aware of the spouse's intention to divorce him in advance.
  • Enter into a service agreement with a divorce specialist. This can be a family lawyer or a private practice lawyer specializing in marital conflicts. A lawyer or lawyer will represent the wife at all stages of the divorce. In accordance with the terms of the contract and the subject of a notarized power of attorney, he will begin to negotiate or correspond with the trustee's spouse, participate in court hearings, prepare documents, send inquiries. This method will require money, but will save time and not spoil your nerves.

Family life does not always work out exactly as it is seen at the beginning of a joint path. It happens, and not infrequently, that it ends in divorce. This usually happens by mutual consent, but there are also situations when the marriage is terminated at the request of only one of the spouses.

Termination of marriage and the Family Code of the Russian Federation

All issues related to family relations, including the rules for the conclusion and termination of marriage relations, are regulated by the Family Code of Russia (IC RF). If everything is more or less clear with marriage, then its termination may raise certain questions:

  • whether mutual consent is required for a divorce;
  • if only one of the spouses has filed an application, how the divorce process will proceed;
  • what if the spouse is absent for some unknown place for a long time;
  • is it possible to divorce a person without his knowledge;
  • what documents are needed in order to apply for the termination of marriage;
  • where to submit such an application, etc.

Most of the answers are contained in the fourth chapter of the Family Code, but for a person who is not legally savvy, this information may seem incomprehensible and require a detailed explanation.

In what cases is it allowed to dissolve a marriage unilaterally, even without the consent of the second spouse

Art. 19 of the Family Code of Russia directly states that dissolution of a marriage at the request of one spouse is possible, but only upon the occurrence of certain circumstances, which include:

  1. The second spouse is missing. This fact must be established by the court. Therefore, if the spouse is absent for a long time, there is no information from him, and the search did not bring any result, then you first need to go to court to officially establish this circumstance. Well, after the decision comes into force, you can contact the registry office and draw up a divorce.
  2. Disability of a spouse. This means that a person cannot understand the meaning of his actions and control them due to a mental disorder. Such a circumstance must be established and confirmed by a court decision, since only the court has the right to deprive anyone of legal capacity.
  3. Recognition of a spouse guilty of a crime and sentencing him to imprisonment. However, this basis gives the right to dissolve the marriage unilaterally only if the sentence is more than three years.

In these cases, it is possible to divorce even without the consent of the spouse.

The presence of common minor children in divorcing cannot by itself become an obstacle to divorce on these grounds. However, the law established exceptions to this rule, which will be discussed below.

Where to apply for divorce

In Russia, there are two instances that have the right to terminate the marriage relationship, where you can apply.

They are:

  1. Registry office (at the place of residence of the applicant or at the place of state registration of marriage).

The registry office can accept such a statement from one spouse and dissolve the marriage if the following conditions are met:

  • there is no dispute between husband and wife about who and how much will get the property acquired by them during the years of official family life;
  • the spouses have decided with whom their children will live, where and how often they will be able to see each of the parents;
  • there is no unresolved dispute between the spouses about the payment by one of the money (alimony) for the maintenance of another, disabled and needy spouse.

If on at least one point the husband and wife cannot come to an agreement, then the dissolution of the marriage becomes possible only in court.

How to write a statement when contacting the registry office

If all the conditions for contacting the registry office are met, then you must submit an application. It should contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the applicant, information about his birth (date and place), as well as citizenship and nationality (the latter is indicated only if desired).
  2. Circumstances that were the basis for the termination of the marriage.
  3. Information about the second spouse: his full name, information about his birth, last known place of residence. In addition, you must additionally indicate in the application:
  • information about the guardian, if the second spouse is declared incompetent;
  • information about the location of the correctional institution (colony or prison) where the spouse is placed to serve his sentence;
  • information about the estate manager of the spouse, if he was recognized as missing.
  1. Information about the concluded marriage (series and number of the certificate, as well as the date of its issue).
  2. The surname that the applicant wishes to wear after the marriage is dissolved.
  3. Details of the applicant's identity document (series and number of the passport, date of issue, etc.).

In addition to the statement itself, you will need to have the following:

  1. A court decision in respect of the second spouse (on recognition as missing or incompetent) or a sentence according to which the spouse is convicted.
  2. Passport (or other identity document of the applicant).
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty.

The dissolution of the marriage and the issuance of the corresponding certificate takes place one month after the date on which the application was submitted. This period was introduced in order to notify the second spouse that an application for divorce was filed, and to find out if there is a dispute about children, the division of property or the payment of alimony for a disabled spouse.

If the other party confirms the absence of disagreements on these issues, the registry office dissolves the marriage and issues a certificate. Otherwise, the applicant will have to go to court with a statement of claim.

Dissolution of a marriage in court on the application of one spouse

If the circumstances are such that you have to dissolve the marriage in court, you must first draw up a statement of claim. You need to indicate in it:

  • the name of the court to which the plaintiff (i.e. the applicant) is applying;
  • information about the plaintiff himself: name, address and telephone number;
  • information about the defendant (second spouse);
  • information about married and common children;
  • circumstances due to which further family life has become impossible;
  • your requirements;
  • the list of documents submitted together with the claim.

The statement of claim must be accompanied by documents that confirm the position of the plaintiff, as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty.

It is impossible to say in advance what documents will be needed, it all depends on the specifics of a particular case. They can be certificates of marriage, birth of children, a marriage contract, the conclusion of a guardianship authority, medical certificates, etc.

It is better to attach copies of the documents, and bring the originals with you to the sessions so that the court can verify their authenticity.

The statement of claim must be signed by the plaintiff or his representative. A document confirming the authority of the latter must also be attached to the claim (power of attorney).

After the case is considered, and the marriage is recognized as dissolved, the applicant will be able to contact the registry office to register this fact. To do this, you will need an extract from the court decision.

Divorce Online

Today, an application for state registration of divorce can be submitted not only in person, but also sent in the form of an electronic document through a single portal of state and municipal services. In this case, it is signed by a simple electronic signature of the applicant.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you must first register on the portal using the data of your passport and SNILS. After that, it remains to find the desired service and fill out the form.

You should take care of scanned copies of documents in advance, as the system will ask you to download them. You will need:

  • identification;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • judgment (verdict).

How much does divorce cost (divorce)

Regardless of the order in which the marriage was dissolved, you must first pay a duty to the state income. The amount of the state duty can be found in the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in chapter 25.3.

As of 2018, the state duty for actions related to divorce is set in the following amounts:

  1. Filing a claim - 600 rubles.
  2. Filing a claim for divorce with a simultaneous demand for the division of jointly acquired property - 650 rubles + an amount depending on the value of the disputed property.
  3. State registration of divorce and issuance of a certificate:
    • If the application was submitted by one spouse - 350 rubles.
    • If the marriage was dissolved in court - 650 rubles from each participant in the process (that is, both from the husband and from the wife).

However, it is possible that other costs will also arise. For example, divorce in court may require the help of a qualified lawyer, which is not cheap.

Prohibition of divorce at the request of one of the spouses

Any spouse can exercise their right to dissolve the marriage unilaterally upon application. However, the law provides for one exception to this provision. Art. 17 of the Family Code explicitly states that a husband cannot initiate a divorce case if his wife does not want to divorce and is pregnant (or one year has not passed since the date of the child's birth).

But if the wife's consent to a divorce is available, then her pregnancy or the period that passed after childbirth does not matter.

In cases where a husband or wife does not want to divorce, the most he can achieve is to extend the time frame for the consideration of the case in court. The court may give additional time for the husband and wife to have the opportunity to think things over again. However, if by the next court session the initiator of the dissolution of the marriage does not change his mind to divorce, the court will dissolve it regardless of the wishes of the second spouse.

When it comes to divorce in family relationships, it rarely happens that the initiative comes from both spouses. Usually, one partner is the initiator of the divorce, and the second resigns to the inevitability and agrees, or categorically refuses to consent to the dissolution of the marriage. Is it possible to end family relations if the partner does his best to prevent divorce?

Divorce without the consent of the second spouse

Termination of family relations without mutual consent is possible only through a court. But there are exceptions in which it happens with a disagreeing partner in the registry office:

  • The spouse who does not consent to the divorce is officially considered legally incompetent;
  • The spouse who opposes the dissolution of marriage is deprived of liberty for a long period (more than three years).

In case of unilateral divorce, the initiator applies to the registry office employee with an application for divorce, filled out according to form No. 9, which indicates the personal data of both partners, as well as the basis for the dissolution of the marriage. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the court decision on the incapacity of the spouse or a court sentence on his imprisonment, as well as the applicant's passport, a receipt for paid state duty and a marriage certificate. After 30 days, the applicant must appear at the registry office for a divorce certificate.

In all other cases, divorce without the consent of one of the spouses occurs in court. The court is obliged to divorce the couple, if during the time allotted by the judge for the reconciliation of the parties, the partner has not changed his mind and continues to insist on the termination of the marriage relationship.

The only exception is the refusal to divorce a recently given birth or pregnant woman.

The initiator of divorce must correctly draw up a statement of claim for divorce. It must contain the following information: the last name, first name, patronymic of each of the spouses, their address of residence, a description of the reason for the divorce, the data of the marriage certificate, the names that the spouses will wear after the dissolution of the marriage, a list of material claims and a wish about the place of future residence of the children. In the header of the divorce application, the full name of the department of the court where the application is submitted is written.

The following documents must be attached to the claim:

  1. A copy of the statement of claim;
  2. Marriage certificate, copy and original;
  3. Receipt about;
  4. Extract from the house book;
  5. A copy of the applicant's passport;
  6. Children's birth certificates;
  7. Information about joint property;
  8. Other documents that may affect the court decision.

All collected papers must be submitted at the place of residence of the defendant. But, if the initiator of the divorce has health problems, or a small child lives with him, documents can be submitted to the court at the applicant's address.

Divorce without the consent of the husband unilaterally proceeds according to the standard scheme: the wife draws up a lawsuit for divorce and prepares the necessary package of documents, which she then submits to the court. The court verifies the correctness, as well as the availability of documents attached to it. A legal process on divorce begins, the spouses will be notified of the date of the hearing by summons. At the court session, the arguments of both partners are heard, the details of the case are considered.

Be prepared for this that when a husband is against a divorce, he can obstruct the process in every possible way - not to come to court hearings, ask the judge to provide time for reconciliation, or challenge the divorce decision by filing an appeal.

If the husband expresses his categorical disagreement with the divorce at the hearing, the court, at its discretion, sets a period for reconciliation of the parties, from 1 to 3 months. After this period, the judge decides on the divorce, if the spouses have not changed their minds. To complete the divorce procedure, the couple will need to appear with a court order at the registry office and pick up the divorce certificates.

In order to speed up the divorce without the consent of the husband, the wife may, according to which the appointment of a time limit by the court for reconciliation of the parties is not relevant: the husband's bad habits, his abusive or immoral behavior, the use of violence against the wife or children. It is advisable to support these words with evidence. Documentary evidence, eyewitness testimonies, photographs, pictures of beatings, medical certificates are suitable.

Divorce without the consent of the wife

Participants in the divorce proceedings do not have the right to create new families until they receive documents on the dissolution of the marriage union.

The initiator of the divorce needs to keep in mind that divorce without the consent of the second partner is always a long process, so you should be patient and not count on a quick divorce.

About half of all concluded marriages end in divorce. Every year the registry offices of our country record such statistics. Every year there are more and more marriages, but the number of divorces is not decreasing either.


Divorce is a form of ending a marriage. This is the dissolution of family relations between two people at the legal level.

Do not confuse divorce with the termination of marriage due to the death of one of the spouses or if the marriage is declared invalid by the court.

Divorce happens:

  • by mutual agreement of both parties;
  • or at the request of one side.

If the husband files for divorce, then it should be borne in mind that, according to him, he has no right to do this without the consent of his wife:

  • if it is in position;
  • or, if the child is under one year old.

What is regulated

  1. Divorce is regulated namely Articles 18 to 25 of the RF IC.
  2. But do not forget about the judicial practice.

When a marriage is dissolved, there are many controversial issues that cannot be resolved with the application of legislative norms.

In such cases, the judge comes to the aid of judicial practice in similar cases considered in other courts.

Who submits

You can file for divorce:

  • as a husband;
  • and his legal representative.


If the initiator of the divorce is the husband, and the wife does not give her consent, then he can file for divorce only in court.

The court must be filed at the place of residence of the wife.

  1. The lawsuit is filed, most often, in the magistrate's court.
  2. If the spouse decided to fight for the children, then to the district court.
  • if both spouses agree, but they have children aged under 18 years old;
  • if the wife does not agree to a divorce;
  • if the spouses have property claims against each other;
  • if the wife is filing for alimony to support herself or the child.

Video: divorce

Reasons for the trial

When filing a divorce suit, the husband must indicate the reason for the dissolution of the marriage. The most "popular" is "disagreeable."

But other reasons can be indicated in the claim:

  • cheating wife;
  • her drunkenness or drug addiction;
  • amoral behavior;
  • and other reasons that the husband considers sufficient for the dissolution of the marriage.


For divorce, you can submit a joint application to the registry office or a lawsuit in court.

A joint

A joint application is submitted to the registry office when:

  • both spouses agree to divorce;
  • and they do not have common minor children.

Such an application must be submitted to the registry office at the place of residence of one of the spouses, or to the registry office where the marriage was registered.

Both spouses submit a joint application upon presentation of their passports. The absence of one of the spouses is not allowed.
On this application, both spouses must indicate:

  • full name;
  • your dates of birth;
  • passport data;
  • addresses at the place of residence and registration, if they differ;
  • your citizenship;
  • your nationality - at will;
  • the surname that will remain with the spouses after the divorce.

Submission of a joint application confirms the mutual will of both spouses to dissolve the marriage.

The claim

As already mentioned, a statement of claim to the court for divorce is filed on the grounds specified in

But there are rules that are listed in which must be followed when drawing up a divorce lawsuit.
If the husband decided to file for divorce, then he must indicate the following information in the statement of claim:

1. the full name of the court where the claim is filed;
2. data of the plaintiff and the defendant - full name, passport data, addresses at the place of residence and registration, if they do not coincide, contact information;
3. if the plaintiff has a representative, then it is necessary to indicate his data and details of the power of attorney;
4. Then comes the "body" of the claim, in which the plaintiff with a "dry" legal entity must bring the following information to the court:

  • date and place of marriage;
  • details of the marriage certificate;
  • number of children aged under 18 years old;
  • details of their birth certificates or passports. If someone has already turned 14 years old;
  • reasons for divorce;
  • the date of termination of cohabitation - if the spouses have left;

5. then the husband indicates his requirements - divorce. In addition, he declares about the division of property and the collection of alimony on himself or children;
6. then follows a list of documents that must be attached to the claim;
7. date and signature of the plaintiff.

Additional documents

It is necessary to attach some documents to the joint application to the registry office or to the statement of claim for divorce.
If the spouses submit a joint application to the registry office, then it must be attached to it:

  • copies of passports of both spouses;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee - 650 rubles from everyone.

If the husband files a claim for divorce in court, then he must attach the following documents to the claim:

  • a copy of the statement of claim for the spouse;
  • a copy of your passport;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • copies of birth certificates of children or their passports;
  • documents that confirm the reason for the divorce. For example, a certificate from the PND, where the wife is registered as an alcoholic;
  • documents from home books that confirm the place of residence of the children;
  • written consent of the pregnant spouse. It will also be required if the joint child is not even a year old;
  • a certificate of the defendant's income, if the issue of alimony will be considered during the divorce hearing;
  • an inventory of jointly acquired property, if it comes to its division;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee. In this case, its size is 600 rubles, and only the plaintiff pays it;
  • other documents that will help the court establish the truth in the case.

Procedure and options for consideration in court

In different situations, the procedure for the consideration of the case by the court is different.

Divorce without the consent of the wife

If the wife does not agree to a divorce, the court will give the spouses a conciliatory term - from 1 to 3 months(). After this period, if the spouses do not reconcile, and if the wife is against, the divorce will take place.

If there are children

If there are children, the spouses will not be divorced until the court:

  • will not determine their place of residence;
  • and will not appoint alimony for their maintenance.

If the wife is pregnant

A divorce from a pregnant wife is impossible without her written consent. This is stated in

If the husband does not present in court the written consent of the pregnant wife to divorce, then the court will not even accept his statement of claim for registration.


If the spouses have a child aged up to 1 year, then the husband also cannot sue for divorce without obtaining written notarial consent from his wife.

Otherwise, the law does not place restrictions on the spouses' right to divorce.

What is the price

1. If the spouses file a joint application for divorce, then each of them must pay a state fee.

2. If the husband files a statement of claim for divorce, then he must pay the fee.

However, the husband can voluntarily appoint the financial support of the ex-wife after the divorce.

Disabled person

If the wife is disabled, then the divorce in court takes place with the obligatory appointment of alimony, even if the wife did not file for them.

You can even file a divorce from your disabled wife. 1st group, which is "not working". The amount of alimony will depend on the disability group.

Wife's rights

The wife has the right to demand upon divorce:

  • half of the jointly acquired property;
  • as well as the appointment of alimony for himself and for the child.

Write out

  1. If the dwelling is jointly acquired property, then the husband does not have the right to discharge his wife from the apartment.
  2. If the apartment was purchased by the spouses under a social tenancy agreement, then the wife also has the right to be registered in it and use it at her own discretion.

With a minor wife

If the marriage between a minor wife and her husband is registered with the registry office, then the wife ceases to be a minor. She is emancipated.

A divorce from such a wife happens in the same way as with a wife who has achieved 18 year old age.


If the marriage was concluded on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the divorce must be formalized according to the laws of our country, that is, in accordance with the Family Code.


Divorce is always stressful, whether the couple divorces by mutual agreement or whether they start sharing forks and spoons.

As statistics show, only ΒΌ all divorces take place in a civilized and peaceful manner - without screaming and mutual insults.

More and more often people are wondering if divorce is possible without the consent of one of their spouses. It often happens that one person wants to end the relationship, and the other is against it. Is it really necessary in this situation to seek the consent of the one who advocates the preservation of legalized relations? All the features of our current process will have to be studied in full. After all, divorce is a serious step. And even the slightest mistake in preparing for this process can lead to the impossibility

Is it always bred

What if you want to end your relationship with your spouse and he / she doesn't? It is worth referring to modern legislation. In Russia, there are special rules that are provided by law. They concern the relationship between husband and wife.

So, a divorce without the consent of one of the spouses is possible. Moreover, it is always carried out when one of the couple has a real desire to break off a legal relationship. These norms are spelled out in Article 22 of the Family Code. True, a lot depends on the consent of the spouse to divorce. For example, in which bodies the described process will take place.

Where to go

The point is that a divorce without the consent of one of the spouses is not a very simple operation. It requires special attention. According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if both the husband and the wife agree to break the relationship, you can do this at the registry office. And how to act in the absence of an agreement?

In this case, only divorce through the courts threatens. Without the consent of the spouse, you cannot go to the registry office and terminate the officially registered relationship. This is indicated in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in article 21.

Accordingly, you will have to go to the courts. Either you go to the magistrate court, or to the district one (it is customary to file a claim at the place of residence of the defendant). It all depends on your situation as a whole.

World judge

Can you get a divorce without your spouse's consent? Yes, in Russia there are a number of cases when this process takes place. Of course, if there was consent, then divorce would be easier. But not always in a couple, both are ready to break off relations.

It is best to contact the magistrate on this matter in certain situations:

  • or when you have no disputes regarding the residence of the children;
  • or provided that the jointly acquired property to be divided does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

That is, theoretically, you can come to the magistrate's court with a claim for divorce and only in the absence of significant joint property. If this rule is not observed, you will have to file a claim with another authority.

District Court

How to get a divorce without the consent of your spouse if a visit to a magistrate is impossible? In cases where you have children and you cannot agree on their further accommodation, you will have to go to the district.

In addition, the district courts consider claims to break off formalized relations when a couple has joint property of significant value. Divorce without the consent of the spouse (without children) also occurs in these authorities.

Now that it is clear where exactly to go, it is worth taking a closer look at the divorce proceedings. If you prepare well in advance, then you can bring your idea to life in just a few months. What features should you pay attention to first of all?

Not right away

Any divorce - with or without mutual consent - does not take place immediately. Citizens are given time to reconcile. This is an obligatory part of the divorce proceedings. Therefore, if you intend to break off the relationship, be prepared for the fact that for some time you will "put up" with your spouse.

As practice shows, by the time they go to court or the registry office, citizens no longer live together. Therefore, all that remains for you is to wait for the expiry of the period of reconciliation. Usually, only 30 days, a month, are given to think over a decision. If you are determined, after this period you will definitely be divorced. It doesn't matter if you are in the registry office or in court. The main thing is that you will achieve your goal.

Just keep in mind: if you decide to make up and keep the relationship, the claim will have to be withdrawn. You must meet in the allotted month. Or do it directly at the hearing.


Divorce without the consent of one of the spouses is always formalized; with rare exceptions, it will not work to break off the relationship. In Russia, a lot depends on who goes to court.

The fact is that men have fewer rights in terms of divorce. Thus, husbands cannot divorce on their own initiative from a wife in a position. This prohibition applies even after the birth of a child. Men will not be allowed a divorce until the baby is 1 year old.

At the same time, even during pregnancy and a newborn child, it is still possible to formalize a break in relations. How? To do this, a woman must file a claim. In this case, a divorce without the consent of the husband will take place in court, but it will certainly take place. Women during pregnancy and in the first year of a baby's life are given more opportunities in relation to the task set in this article.


How to file a divorce without your spouse's consent? After you have decided which court to apply to, you can start preparing the documents. The first stage is the payment of the state fee. Without this payment, you will not be accepted for divorce. Therefore, before visiting the court, try to pay off the state.

How much will you have to pay for a unilateral divorce? At the moment, you will have to pay 600 rubles for a divorce suit. The amount of the state duty is spelled out in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in article 333.19, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5.

This amount of money is charged only from one spouse - from the initiator of the divorce. As soon as it is paid to the court of your choice, you can submit an application for consideration. Just pre-collect a specific list of documents.

The documents

So, what do you need to bring with you to the judicial authorities in order for you to accept a divorce suit? The list is not too long. By the way, copies must be attached to the originals. You do not need to certify anything. In order for you to be able to dissolve the marriage in court, present:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • documents confirming the birth of children;
  • receipts for filing a statement of claim;
  • plaintiff's passport.

This is where the main list ends. Additionally, you can attach documents, the grounds for divorce, and the residence of children, as well as the division of the property acquired for the entire time. True, usually, in the absence of the consent of the spouse for a divorce, there are no such papers. Unless the grounds for divorce can be confirmed.

Separate attention is required to apply for a divorce without the consent of the spouse. You have to make the right claim, otherwise you can not hope for success. What should be specified in this document?

First, information about yourself and your spouse who disagrees with the divorce. Passport data will do, as well as just information that may affect the course of the case. This is especially true when you have minor children.

Secondly, the claim must indicate the presence / absence of children. Whether there is agreement regarding their residence, as well as upbringing, this should also be written in the application.

Third, you need to justify your decision somehow. This is especially true when there is a spouse who does not agree with the divorce. Anything can serve as a motive. The main thing is not to lie. If you have evidence that can support your words, indicate it and bring it with you to the court.

Fourth, at the very beginning of the statement of claim, you must indicate the judicial authority to which you are filing the claim. This is a prerequisite for making an appeal.

Fifth, it is advisable to register all the joint property you have. And if you have an agreement on its section, indicate what and to whom will be relied on after the divorce. Do not forget to specify the presence of a prenuptial agreement in the claim.

As soon as you finish drawing up the application, you can go to court with the above list of documents. Then you just have to wait. As a rule, the presence of both spouses is required for the meeting. If the dissenting citizen decides to evade this process, do not be upset!

Dodging meetings

Why? Because you have every right to terminate the previously legalized relationship. And the absence of one of the spouses is not a hindrance to the process. Several times the meeting can be postponed and re-invite the dissenting party to Divorce without the consent of one of the spouses is still possible. Only more time will be spent on it.

From about the 3rd time, the divorce will take place without the participation of both spouses. You will be given a court opinion, which will come in handy later. After all, after the trial, the divorce is not considered complete in full. Something else needs to be done.

The final stage

Without the consent of the spouse, it is a very laborious process. As soon as you have a court decision indicating the termination of a previously legalized relationship, you can proceed to the last step. It's about a visit to the registry office. After all, you need to get a divorce certificate.

You must come to the registry office at your place of residence. Take with you:

  • passport;
  • the court's decision;
  • marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children (if any).

Additionally, you will have to pay a state fee for issuing a certificate. At the moment, an additional 350 rubles will be required from you. present to the registry office. In the same place, fill out an application for a divorce certificate. That's all. All that remains is to wait until you are given the appropriate document. In fact, judicial divorce is not as easy as it seems. Especially if you have children. In this case, you must present documents on your earnings, as well as housing.

Now it is clear how you can file a claim. Divorce without the consent of the spouse is a rather laborious process. For him, as already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare in advance. If you have witnesses who are able to influence the course of the case, invite them to the meeting and indicate in the claim.