How to make a French waterfall for yourself. How to weave a waterfall from hair: step by step instructions (photo). Some features of weaving

Every girl does everything to look perfect. High-quality makeup, spectacular styling, stylish clothes - all these are integral components of a harmonious, sophisticated image.

The French waterfall hairstyle has many variations - it can be used both for an evening walk and for special occasions.

The difference between this styling is that you need a minimum of time to build it - and this hairstyle looks just gorgeous. In this case, weaving can be done on both long and short hair.

Braids have always been very popular - many of us have known about this hairstyle since school. However, this option is already pretty fed up. Do you want to add variety and a bit of sophisticated style? In this case, the French Falls style is perfect for you!

Stylish and modern: consider the main styling options

Weaving "waterfall in French" is openwork. That is why the braid looks mesmerizing - at the moment such hairstyles are relevant even for brides - they favorably emphasize the innocent image, give the look of airiness and charming charm.

A couple of workouts in front of the mirror are enough - having mastered the hairstyle, you will be able to construct unsurpassed masterpieces!

The styling got its name due to the fact that braided hair falls down neatly and beautifully - it feels like the hair is flowing.

The hairstyle can be described as openwork - it has many free cells. A lacy effect can be achieved thanks to skillfully stretched strands of hair - they can be thin or larger.

You can braid a braid using various options:

  • one-sided weaving;
  • all over the head;
  • weaving is bilateral.

In order to master the French waterfall hairstyle, you first need to learn how to weave French braids.

  1. Choose a medium-sized lock of hair.
  2. Divide into three parts.
  3. Now it's time to start braiding, gradually grabbing loose hair.
  4. It should be borne in mind that in this version the braid will reach the ear - try to weave the braid carefully.
  5. In total, we have three strands: left, right, and middle. We use the right strand to weave additional strands of hair.
  6. We weave, crossing the first and second strands. In this case, the third strand does not need to be crossed - you simply skip it down, that is, it turns out that you are working with only two strands.
  7. The tip of the resulting pigtail must be secured with a hair clip or invisible.
  8. The remaining strands can be carefully collected, or curled using a curling iron.

Stop ruining your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent research on hair care products has revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoo spoil our hair. Check your shampoo for: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst thing! These chemicals enter the bloodstream through the pores and are carried through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend that you refuse such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - Mulsan Cosmetic. The products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. It is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that the shelf life of natural cosmetics should not exceed one year of storage.

The benefits of this hairstyle

  • There is no need to spend a lot of precious time in order to set up the styling.
  • This option will be appropriate in college, and at work, and at a holiday.
  • There is no need to use additional equipment - it is enough to buy a beautiful accessory in order to complete the image.

If you want to see the process of creating a hairstyle, you can see a detailed description of the execution of the "waterfall in French" hairstyle:

Hairstyle "waterfall in French" with a bun - for beauties who are used to standing out from the crowd!

Ideal for every day - you can braid it in a matter of minutes, but you will always have a beautiful styling on your head. So, let's take a step-by-step look at how you can create a beautiful braided hairstyle:

  1. We start with the standard - just like the standard French Falls installation.
  2. We reach the ear. Now you will need an elastic band.
  3. We fix the resulting pigtail.
  4. Remember: you will have strands that are skipped down during weaving. They must be fastened over the tail using invisibility.
  5. In order for the future bun to look voluminous, the hair in a ponytail should be combed a little.
  6. We fix our bundle using a beautiful hair clip or elastic band. Ready!

The advantages of such styling

  • Even a girl who has no experience can do her hair.
  • A great option for everyday use - the hair is neatly collected, nothing interferes.
  • The hairstyle looks very modest, feminine and neat.

Hairstyle "waterfall in French" for fashionistas who are used to conquer, charm and stand out from the crowd!

There are many options for weaving braids for such a hairstyle. For example, styling looks amazing when the braid is braided over the top. This option is perfect for girls who have bangs - it must be long enough to make a beautiful openwork weaving.

A waterfall with bangs will look great in combination with any outfit. This styling can also be done on medium-length hair. Moreover, the selection of clothes does not play any role at all - you can wear stylish jeans and cowboy boots - and with such a hairstyle you will still look awesome!

So, let's get down to creating a hairstyle:

  1. It is necessary to start braiding with a bang. Divide it into a parting, then weave the braid along one side using the left and right strands.
  2. How to do it: the left strand is wound up in the middle, then we move on to the upper strand - the effect of a flowing waterfall is created. The third strand is brought down.
  3. We lower the right strand, after which, grabbing above the last laid strand, we launch it directly in the middle of the weaving.
  4. We do this along the entire length of the hair.
  5. At the end, the last strand must be lowered, and carefully wrap it around the resulting weaving. We fix the end with invisibility.

If you do not like it when your face is completely open, you can not braid the bangs into a braid, however, the hairstyle will still look divine.

Two-in-one hairstyle - if you want to stand out from the gray mass

The main advantage of this styling is that it is visible not only from the back, but also from the front and sides. Perfect for young ladies who want to present themselves as an elegant, stylish young lady. Weaving begins on both sides of the head, meets at the back of the head and is formed into a neat ponytail or bun. For a change, you can combine them into a braid.

  1. The hair needs to be combed, and then divided into a parting.
  2. Separate symmetrical strands on both sides - they must be of the same thickness in order for the hairstyle to look neat.
  3. We start the traditional weaving from one side. In the process, you need to grab a little strand from the side - but not from the one where your second braid will be located.
  4. Having fixed the first pigtail, we proceed to the second. We act according to the above scheme.
  5. Those strands that remain must be carefully combed.
  6. Now the most crucial moment: we combine both resulting braids with the bulk of the hair, forming a beautiful, neat host.
  7. We separate one of the strands (this should be a free section), after which we wrap it in the base of the tail. The curl should be fixed.

If you are interested in video tutorials that clearly show how to create a spectacular hairstyle with braiding and flowing curls, you can see the materials here:

Double braid styling - for those who have already mastered the initial weaving skills

Perhaps for a beginner, this kind of weaving will seem difficult. Experts advise first of all to practice making classic options - after which you can try to move on to creating a more complex styling.

The braid weaving pattern is no different from the standard one:

  1. The first stage involves weaving braids according to the classical pattern. The pigtail should start slightly above the ear, ending on the opposite side.
  2. You should braid the braid a little, secure it with an elastic band.
  3. The second braid must be started to weave a little higher than the first.
  4. To create weaving, you need to use the strands that remained after weaving the first braid.
  5. At the end of the resulting weaving, you should fix the braid, carefully connecting it to the first.
  6. We leave the remaining strands - they should flow freely.
  7. Having intercepted them along the entire length with thin elastic bands, we divide the section in the middle.
  8. Through it, it is necessary to turn the strands out - so that the fixing elastic bands are not noticeable.
  9. We fix the strands using invisibility.

There is one caveat: this styling is only suitable for long hair, since there are two braids. The remaining hair should flow - this is the essence of the hairstyle.

Tip: A hairstyle on curly hair will look perfect. However, if you have straight hair, everything is fixable, you can make curls artificially by winding them on curlers or a curling iron.

Benefits of double weave styling

  1. It will look great at a gala event.
  2. To create, you do not need a lot of accessories - the hairstyle itself looks complemented, festive.
  3. Does not disintegrate, looks neat and stylish.
  4. Ideal for creating an airy look - it is better to combine such hairstyles with a long, flowing dress.

A few words about additional variations of the French weave hairstyle

If you are an extraordinary girl who is used to changing her image every day, then you should use the following tips.

  1. You can create asymmetrical weaves.
  2. The braid can be braided either on one or on both sides of the head;
  3. Create a wreath weave.
  4. If desired, it is not necessary to weave a French braid - it can be a spikelet, or a classic weaving.
  5. Try to make a ladder - a variant of this hairstyle is described above. The curls do not remain to flutter, but are braided until the braiding is located all over the head.
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Recently, hairstyles with various braids have become very popular. Some of the most relevant this season are the French waterfall hairstyles. They look very beautiful, while not all hair is collected in a braid, but only a part. In general, such light and beautiful hairstyles are just a godsend for a girl who looks after her appearance. Waterfall hairstyle, how to weave and some of its features will be discussed below.

There are several options for weaving waterfall braids for long, medium and short hair. Girls love her for a fairly simple execution that does not require a lot of effort and time, as well as for a beautiful result.

The weave of the "waterfall" is very similar to the usual French braid, but there are some differences.
The advantages of styling are as follows:
- no need to seek help from specialists, you can do the waterfall hairstyle with your own hands at home;
- the weaving will hold up perfectly throughout the day, even without the use of fixing agents. This is very important, because the frequent use of such funds can significantly spoil the hair;
- the French waterfall hairstyle looks great on any hair, it plays especially interesting when dyed with milling or in the ombre style;

For any girl, such a hairstyle will add more tenderness and femininity to the image, which cannot but attract;
Each type and length of hair has its own hairstyles and features of their implementation, so for which head of hair such styling is best suited and how to adapt it to different types of curls.

Who is the waterfall hairstyle for?

1) When working on thick strands, problems may arise when separating one strand from another. To prevent this from happening, before starting, you can treat the hair with wax and then everything will be done easily.
2) Styling will be excellent salvation for thin hair, as it creates additional volume. And beautiful curls, which most often complement the image, will also make the hairstyle more luxuriant along with the braid.

3) It is not necessary to curl the curls, if they are naturally straight and very difficult to curl, you do not need to injure them once again, so it will turn out great.
4) It is not at all difficult to cope with curls, you just need to use mousse and the problem will be solved. If this does not help, then you can resort to ironing, but this option is not the best, since the iron can spoil the hair, so do not forget about the tool with a thermal protective effect. 5) But, and the length of the curls may be different, the main thing is not too short, not shorter than to the middle of the chin.

You cannot weave a waterfall braid very tightly, this will lead not only to the fact that it will not look very beautiful and natural, but also to possible headaches, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.
In order for the image to turn out perfect, it is best to use two mirrors, one in front and the other in the back, then it will turn out to completely control the whole process.

Hairstyle waterfall - step by step weaving braids

A waterfall braided hairstyle is best suited for medium hair, but it can also work great for long hair, you just need to act carefully so as not to get tangled.

As mentioned earlier, there are several weaving options, for a start, the classic version will be considered.
The pattern of braiding the waterfall is not complicated and even a beginner can do it. Step by step weaving instructions and photos will be presented below.

So how do you make your own waterfall hairstyle? Firstly, the hair must be clean and combed, only then can work begin. To begin with, a small strand is taken from one of the temples, it must be divided into three parts and begin to weave a regular pigtail. But there are some differences here, the strand, which in the usual weaving is shifted between the central and lateral, in this case should fall into the total mass of the hair, this will be the first trickle of the waterfall, and another is taken instead.
Then you should act in the same way, gradually picking up the strands and lowering some. At the same time, you do not need to take too thin curls, they will create a small pigtail and then it will not turn out very expressively.

Strands that are left hanging loose will look better if you twist them a little on a curling iron.

Weaving is done around the head from one temple to the other. But you can make it oblique or, for example, create several rows of braids if you want to complicate the hairstyle.

There are a lot of options for weaving braids of this type.

For girls, this look is also perfect, you can use it for some kind of holiday or even graduation. This is also a great option. Braids are very relevant this summer season.

Spit waterfall - weaving pattern of the second option

This version of a braid hairstyle called a waterfall will allow you to make not an even, but an inclined braid, that is, it will go down from the temple to the back of the head. It is best here to make one pigtail on each side and connect them at the back of the head.

Waterfall using a beam

If you do not want to leave the curls loose, then you can collect them in a bun, it will turn out original and beautiful.
To begin with, the usual weaving of the waterfall is carried out according to the standard pattern. When it is finished, the tips that were not used are collected in a ponytail. The rest of the hair is well combed. Further, from all this hair, a regular bun is created, which is fixed under the hairstyle of a waterfall, this can be done with the help of hairpins.

Weaving braids waterfall step by step - video

The step-by-step weaving of a waterfall braid in writing is not always immediately clear, especially for those who are just starting to train. Therefore, a video lesson on weaving such a braid will come in handy to itself more than ever, because it is clearly much easier to understand the correct work.
And one more tip, before starting to weave such a braid for a beginner, it is better to practice on simpler ones, and then move on to a more complex option. And also, for a start, it is better to try to do the waterfall hairstyle not for yourself, but, for example, for a friend or sister.

The hairstyle with the beautiful name waterfall really looks like a stream of water - in it, the hair is braided into a weave, in which part of the curls freely falls down like jets of water. This styling looks very beautiful, suitable for any occasion, and at the same time, such a hairstyle is easy to braid on your own. In this article, you will learn about the features of the waterfall hairstyle, its types, weaving methods and see step-by-step instructions for creating a beautiful weave.

What hair is the waterfall suitable for?

To create beautifully flowing curls, you need the length of the hair from the chin - in this case, the strands can already be braided and there will be free ends. This means that the waterfall is suitable for owners of a long bob or bob, an elongated cascade haircut and, of course, for owners of curls of the same length. This hairstyle looks especially beautiful on long hair, allowing you to demonstrate all the beauty of luxurious hair.

An important point - the waterfall hairstyle is perfect for those who grow bangs and want to remove hair from the forehead. Weaving in the form of a rim near the forehead will hide the overgrown strands of bangs, and the hair will not get into the eyes.

As for whether to weave a waterfall on straight or curled hair is a matter of taste. The hairstyle looks good on any hair, but in combination with straight strands it will be a more casual option, but braiding on curls is suitable for creating festive styling. The waterfall hairstyle is great as an option for a wedding or prom hairstyle.

Also, this hairstyle option looks advantageous on highlighted hair and curls with complex coloring. The alternation of the color of the strands adds additional volume and expressiveness to the hairstyle.

Hairstyle options

There are several options for creating this beautiful weave. A variety of weaving methods allow you to make the hairstyle symmetrical or one-sided, to capture part of the hair or all the curls. There are also many options for waterfall hairstyles with buns, braids and tails.

Classic waterfall

This variation involves the symmetrical weaving of two braids from the temples back, which are connected with a hairpin or elastic. You can also tuck the ends of the braids under the strands of hair, creating the effect of one even braid.

Double waterfall

Since waterfall braiding involves loose strands on one side, many use this feature to create a double braid: you just need to braid the remaining loose strands into a braid again. Moreover, it can be any weaving: "spikelet", "fish tail", etc.

One-sided option

Asymmetrical variation of the classic "waterfall", when the braid is braided only half of the head or just above the ears. The free end of the braid can be secured with a beautiful hair clip or woven into a more complex hairstyle.

Rim waterfall

This is a great option for those wishing to remove hair from the forehead. In this case, weaving begins from the temples and is not taken back, but weaves near the hairline, picking up strands from the side of the face and leaving free strands in the back.

The waterfall hairstyle combined with a voluminous braid looks beautiful. Moreover, it can be left free or laid in a lush bun. You can make two symmetrical braids.

Waterfall on straight hair

Such a hairstyle on straight hair will emphasize their structure and silkiness. In this case, it is important to comb your hair well and add smoothness to it with moisturizing sprays or styling products. You can use a wide-toothed comb when braiding to help separate strands of hair.

Waterfall on curls

Most often, a waterfall is made on curled hair. This hairstyle looks very beautiful and elegant. If the hair is long, then you can wind it up after creating the hairstyle, and short hair can be curled into curls even before styling. It is imperative to use fixing agents to prolong the curl, so the hairstyle will last longer in its original form.

Step-by-step instructions for weaving a braid-waterfall

And for clarity, here are some examples of step-by-step instructions for creating this spectacular hairstyle.

1st option:

  1. Divide the strand chosen for weaving "waterfall" at the temple into three parts.
  2. Start to weave a regular braid.
  3. Leave the strand that turned out to be the free end downwards free, do not braid it, but take a strand of the same thickness from the free mass of hair and weave it into the hairstyle.

4-6. Repeat the steps for subsequent strands, each time leaving the end of the lower strand free and instead picking up the same thickness from the rest of the hair mass.

2nd option:

  1. Separate 3 identical strands at the temple. For convenience, they are numbered 1,2,3 in the photo.
  2. Move strand 1 to the middle of the braid.
  3. Move the tip of strand 1 down, and in the middle move strand 3.
  4. Lift the tip of strand 3 up, and move strand 2 to the middle.
  5. Pull the tip of strand 2 down and release it.
  6. Separate strand 4 from the total mass of hair on top and move it to the middle.
  7. Pull the tip of strand 4 down
  8. Weave strand 4 into the braid.
  9. Repeat the previous steps, each time leaving the tip of the lower strand free, and instead grabbing a new strand of hair from the top.

3rd option

And this is how the double hairstyle of the waterfall is woven:

This styling will look even more beautiful with additional decor. These can be ribbons and bows, colored elastic bands and hairpins, fresh flowers and twigs. When weaving braids with a ribbon, it is advisable to take a bright fabric, contrasting color to the hair. The tape must be attached at the very beginning and weaved so that the left strand with the tape starts up from the bottom, while the right strand is on top.

  • If your hair is coarse, unruly or dry, you should definitely use a conditioner or hair balm. Moisturizing leave-in sprays are also suitable.
  • If the hairstyle is planned for the whole day, then you should choose the classic version and secure the braid at the back with an elastic band - this way it will last longer.
  • Before braiding, the hair should be thoroughly brushed with a natural bristle brush.
  • Wavy and coarse hair is best straightened at the roots with wax and a little water.
  • If the hair is frizzy, then you can sprinkle the braid with varnish and smooth it slightly. The bottle of varnish should be kept at least 15 cm from the head, so as not to get the effect of hair sticking.

Video instruction for weaving hairstyles waterfall

Despite the apparent complexity, the waterfall hairstyle is easy to perform and does not require special skills. Try to weave this braid for a friend, and then move on to experimenting on your own hair.

Everything ingenious to this day is incredibly simple. Why make complex, bulky hairstyles with cunning weaves, fixing the hair with an impressive amount of varnish? Then to sit and soften your hair in a hot bath, trying to comb it with minimal loss? And if there is no time for complex styling, but you really want to look well-groomed and feminine?

Simple pigtails can no longer kill anyone on the spot, and you always want to oppose the usual standards with something new, fresh and contrasting. Today we will weave a chic, delicate, romantic hairstyle with an intriguing name.

French waterfall

But you can't guess right away that this is the name of the hairstyle! If you have never heard of it before, then, most likely, a picturesque picture with a high, seething waterfall crashing against the stones has arisen in your thoughts. In your imagination, the booming noise of falling water and millions of splashes, shimmering in the sun with mother-of-pearl sparkles, will play. Of course, all this is happening only in France.

And the imagination will not deceive you, but will lead you to the roots, to the very origins of the French waterfall - one of the most sophisticated hairstyles of our time.

Let's plunge into history

As a beautiful legend has it, it all started with a real French waterfall called Gavarnie. Its height is slightly less than 500 meters, and the waterfall itself is located 1400 meters above sea level. It is believed that the beauty of Gavarnie became the source of inspiration for the creators of such a stunning hairstyle.

However, there is also a less beautiful legend that claims that there is nothing in common between the splendor of natural beauty and hairdressing. Someone is of the opinion that they began to braid in this way for a change, in order to somehow refresh the usual image of braided hair. Why exactly "waterfall"? Because of the curls beautifully descending from under the braid, their structure resembles this waterfall.

No matter how romantic or, on the contrary, modest, the origins of the hair being discussed today, the result turned out to be simply stunning.

Watch the video on how to do such hairstyles at the end of our article.

Tricks of weaving a French waterfall

This hairstyle does not look too simple to be boring, but it also does not strain with its intricate structure in order to seem too complicated to execute. Everything is in moderation here, and this masterpiece looks more than harmonious.

The most ideal option for creating a French waterfall hairstyle is. And, the lighter the hair, the clearer the unusually beautiful, openwork pattern of the interweaving of curls will be visible on them.

French Falls - the epitome of sophisticated simplicity

In appearance, the French waterfall hairstyle resembles an ordinary braid, braided at the back of the head obliquely or perpendicular to the neck line. The beauty of this head of hair lies in the curls freely falling from under the braid, often wavy, because it is wavy hair that can most favorably emphasize all its beauty.

The weaving technique actually only looks complicated. After the first try, you will find that the ease of this elegant hairstyle exceeds all expectations. Not requiring a lot of time and effort for styling, and, nevertheless, perfectly preserving its original beauty throughout the day or evening, the French waterfall quickly conquered the hearts of millions of fashionistas and deservedly took off on a pedestal.

Getting started weaving one of the most feminine hairstyles of our time

The French waterfall begins with a side parting from the forehead to the very back of the head. After the parting is ready, we begin to weave the base of the hairstyle. We divide the hair into three strands of equal volume (starting from the forehead, respectively, weave from front to back) and start weaving a regular braid, BUT! Do not hurry! A normal braid will only last up to the ear. Further, the hairstyle itself begins directly.

And here there is one zest, which gives this head of hair refinement, femininity and sophistication.

If we forget or overlook this important detail, we end up with a simple, oblique braid, not a French waterfall. For a waterfall, it is necessary each time to let go of each lower strand of the braid into "free floating" and take a new part of the hair next to the bottom, equal in volume to all the others, and weave it. Because after we let go of the bottom strand, we only have two left to weave.

And we let go of the hair that we take from above. It turns out that the waves of our "waterfall" descend from the very top of the head, are woven into the braid and again freely descend. And so we continue and continue to do our hairstyle downward and diagonally until we reach the second ear. We fix our waterfall behind the earlobe using hairpins or a thin, not bulky hair clip with a beautiful flower.

The standard French waterfall is ready! You can be sure - now admiring glances will accompany you everywhere.

Varieties of hairstyles

As soon as you "fill your hand" and begin to weave this unusual braid confidently and easily, you can turn on your imagination and start improvising.
Another popular type of French waterfall is symmetrical weaving on both sides. The difference is, in principle, small.

In the same way, we weave a regular braid from the temporal part of the head, and over the ear the braid continues with the release of the strands to make a waterfall. This time we weave not from top to bottom, not from one ear to the other, but exactly perpendicular to the back of the head. Having reached the middle, we fix part of the hair with hairpins or invisible ones and move on to the next part. We do the same on the other side of the head, we reach the middle of the back of the head and carefully connect the two halves of the hairstyle. Alternatively, after connecting the two parts, you can continue to weave down a regular pigtail, or you can just leave the loose ones.

There is an option for weaving a double and even triple braids modeled on a French waterfall. Everything is done very simply. We weave a standard French waterfall (from ear to ear, from top to bottom), and weave the curls hanging down into another exactly the same braid parallel to the first. The second braid, respectively, will be located slightly lower, since a gap should form between them. There can be any number of such braids. You can make the upper braid thicker, and the lower ones a little thinner, or alternate the more voluminous ones with the thinner ones. A matter of taste.

The loose bundle also matches the French waterfall equally chic. This hairstyle will certainly turn out to be elegant and romantic. The base is a standard form, as in the previous case. We weave an ordinary French waterfall, and upon completion, we collect all the hair hanging down into a light, free, voluminous bun at the end of the resulting braid, that is, behind the ear. No need to tighten your hair! Let them sag at the back of the head, bending easily and smoothly turning into a bundle.

Recently, braids, braided in a wide variety of ways, have become very popular. One of the most common and popular types of weaving is the French waterfall hairstyle. This styling will suit any female with medium to long hair. The French waterfall looks especially impressive and mysterious on curly hair with highlights, thanks to the visual increase in volume.

Classic waterfall technique: step by step instructions and weaving pattern

There are different ways to braid your hair. The technology of creating a French waterfall hairstyle allows you to make a beautiful styling at home, as in the photo. Therefore, you need to have a good idea of ​​how to do this hairstyle yourself. To do this, we present you with step-by-step instructions and a detailed weaving pattern.

  1. Before you start braiding, you need to comb the hair well with a thick comb, and then separate it with a side parting.
  2. On the comfortable side, it is necessary to separate a strand of hair from the face and dividing them into three parts, start braiding a regular braid.
  3. If you have a bang, you need to start with it. Weaving a braid horizontally along the head to the ear.
  4. Next, one lower strand must be released, and in its place, take a curl of loose hair.
  5. A new lock of hair can be taken from either the bottom or the top of the braid.
  6. The released strand will be the first "stream".
  7. Further, weaving continues by analogy.
  8. The more strands are released, the richer the "waterfall" will be.
  9. The end of the braid must be secured with an elastic band or hairpins.

Detailed instructions for weaving can be seen in the photo and diagram. The waterfall hairstyle is distinguished by an elegant look and a gentle way.

Hairstyle French waterfall - photo with a beam

The French Beam Falls begins, as does the classic braid model. The weaving process is similar. At the end of the braid, all hair should be pulled back into a ponytail.

The elastic should be worn not too tight, so as not to overtighten the hair. To achieve a more voluminous bun, the edges of the hair can be combed or rolled into large curls.

French Falls: a hairstyle with a photo

Having mastered the technique of weaving the classical method of braiding the French waterfall, you can easily create hairstyles with the addition of any decorative material.
Various variations are also possible with the number of braids braided in the style of a French waterfall. Hairstyle (photo) is perfect for any hair color. Two braids can start at the same level and weave towards each other, connected with an elastic band at the back of the head. Also, they can start on the same side, but at different head heights. They can be weaved both strictly horizontally and at an angle.

The classic version of the braid French waterfall hairstyle photo can become an everyday styling. By adding a decorative element to the braid, such a hairstyle can become elegant and festive. The ribbon woven into the braid will emphasize the individuality of its owner.
Many girls use this method of weaving as a wedding hairstyle, decorating the braid with flowers and beads.