How to make eyelashes long and thick at home. Thick long eyelashes

The transformation of modest inconspicuous eyelashes into long, thick and fluffy is not only a woman's whim. This is a little trick that works wonders: how to make the eyelashes thick and long, visually enlarge the eyes, or even completely change the shape of the incision. The beautiful lashes, combined with the well-chosen curl of the eyebrows, have a delightful magnetism. Definitely, they should not be underestimated: the smallest details are important for a pretty face.

It is impossible to grow eyelashes in a week at home. But in a month - it is quite possible. How? Very simple! You need to follow some simple rules, carefully observing all the conditions.

1. It is required to strictly control food. Hair grows well when the body receives a full range of vitamins and minerals. The diet should be dominated by nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables. It is advisable to replace sausages and buns with them - then the beneficial effect of the diet will be reflected at the same time on the condition of the nail plates and skin.

2. It is necessary to use proven cosmetics. For many, the best mascara is one that has the right color and a comfortable brush. Unfortunately, the quality is somewhere in the penultimate place. However, a common mistake can cause tragedy. A really good brasmatik has a mild odor, does not cause redness or irritation of the skin, does not crumble and, most importantly, does not lead to eyelash loss.

3. It is recommended that you always wash off your makeup before going to bed. For this procedure, it is worth using a special tool. It is applied to a cotton pad and spread over the surface of the eyelids. After 30 seconds, gently, without pressure, remove, moving from the nose to the cheekbones. This prevents fragility of the eyelashes.

4. Keratin should be consumed. This high molecular weight protein is the main building block of cilia. It turns out that it can be easily obtained from food. The substance is found in rose hips, parsley, bell pepper.

5. It is imperative to protect eyelashes from the harmful radiation of the sun. Glasses with UV filter are a true friend and savior of all women. Behind the glass, the eyes are completely safe.

Comprehensive care

For active growth of eyelashes, the following recipe is ideal: apply a couple of drops of vitamins A and E, fish oil, a mixture of oils (olive, burdock, castor, almond) to apply every day to the hairs. The procedure is repeated within a month. As a result - thick eyelashes, which even Disney princesses will envy.

Eyelash mask

An excellent remedy that amazes with its benefits. It contains a little vitamin A, 1 tsp. l. aloe juice and the same amount of castor oil. Thoroughly mixed components are applied to the eyelashes 3 hours before bedtime, then gently washed off.

Strengthening eyelashes with burdock oil

It is a successful treatment for eyelashes that prevents them from falling out, provides the desired frizzy effect, promotes nutrition and growth. It can be stored in a clean container from under the mascara - so it will be convenient to use the usual brush. The product is applied in the evenings, immediately after removing the makeup. After 15 minutes. can be washed with a dry soft cloth or cotton pad.

Vitamin A and castor oil for eyelashes

The well-known castor oil is a true panacea for weak eyelashes. Add vitamin A to it - and the effect will become much more noticeable. The mixture does not work immediately, but gradually, improving the health of the hairs day by day. During the procedure, it is important to observe precautions and avoid getting liquid on the mucous membrane.

Grape seed oil for eyelash growth

The combination of castor oil, flaxseed, rose, almond oils and wheat germ and grape seed pomace is a proven recipe for beauty. It is not at all burdensome to use it before going to bed: it is enough to apply a multicomponent composition to the eyelashes and rinse it off after 10-20 minutes. water at room temperature.

Herbal lotions to nourish eyelashes

A wonderful moisturizing and nourishing product for eyelashes. Easily prepared at home. First, a decoction is made from flowers and leaves of sage, chamomile, cornflower, as well as strong black tea. After the liquid has cooled, the eyes are treated with it.

Another effective option: the same set of components, but instead of the last item - young birch buds. All components are taken in the same proportions - 1 tsp each. They are poured into 4 tables. l. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then filter. In the resulting product, cotton pads are moistened. The lotions are kept for 15 minutes. forever. The action is repeated every two days.

Sea buckthorn oil for eyelashes

This ingredient, together with castor oil, strengthens, fluffs and softens hairs. The main thing is to observe the ratio of 1 to 1 and not wash off the product from the eyelashes for three hours.

Therapeutic massage of eyelashes

Light dynamic touches on the eyelids are very beneficial for the eyelashes. And if you add 1 table. l. vegetable oil, 0.5 tsp. l. aloe pomace and a few drops of parsley juice, the procedure becomes truly miraculous. Rubbing the herbal liquid along the hairline has a general healing effect.

Vaseline to nourish eyelashes

This incredibly simple and affordable formulation also helps maintain good lash length and density. It is applied at bedtime and left overnight so that an active effect occurs for several hours. Unlike other methods, the product does not need to be rinsed off. The frequency of repetition of the process is three times a week for 1 month.

Special gel for eyelash growth

Pharmacies sell special gel sets for the care of eyelashes and eyebrows. The composition of such medicines is completely close to nature. It contains herbal ingredients, vitamins and nutritious natural oils. The main advantage of these tools is maximum adaptation. They are quickly absorbed and absorbed, have an airy texture and do not cause a sticking effect.

Black tea for eyelash care

Such a non-standard remedy is a great alternative to medicinal oils. With its help, strengthening lotions are made, which need to be kept for about 20 minutes. This old proven method was originally used to normalize vision, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent conjunctivitis. As it turned out, it has another useful property - a beneficial effect on the cilia. The procedure is time consuming but gives excellent results.

Eyelash curling

She is able to instantly transform an ordinary look, give it additional sensuality and depth. The wide-eyed effect can be achieved with a special gadget that can be purchased at most specialty stores.

It is important to pay attention to the upper part of the device: it should not be too sharp. A heavily sharpened element will accidentally damage the hairs, so adherence to technology comes first.

The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Eyelashes remain curled for a period from 2 weeks to a whole month. The exact duration depends on the care: the eyes should not be touched or wet, and make-up should be removed only with non-greasy products.

Vitaminized mascara

It contains keratin, proteins, vitamins and other useful substances. In addition, modern cosmetics works wonders: mascara tints, curls, lengthens, strengthens and protects eyelashes. Lots of effects in one bottle! This or that effect is dictated by the content of the drug and the shape of the brush. The main thing is that the consistency is not too liquid or too thick. If you notice this, it means that the products are of poor quality or expired.

Almost every young lady dreams of having gorgeous long and thick eyelashes, exciting the opposite sex with them. But, unfortunately, this does not always work, and the eyelashes fall out before reaching the desired length. To achieve the goal, girls buy expensive mascara with the effect of lengthening the eyelashes or simply build them up.

But there are simpler ways to grow eyelashes quickly and easily at home. You can implement our recommendations on your own and at home, without resorting to the help of specialists. It is about these methods of growing eyelashes that you will learn from our article.

Let's do research

  • the norm is if the lower eyelid has 60-100 cilia, and the upper one - 150-250;

  • each eyelash grows for 6 months, then falls out;

  • cilia length: upper eyelid - 1 cm, lower eyelid - 0.7-0.8 cm;

  • it is possible to grow cilia on its own by 25%.

If you see that your eyelashes are rare and brittle, you need to find out why they are in such a deplorable state. Here are the main reasons for their loss and fragility:

  • an allergy to the cosmetics you use: pay attention to whether the eyelashes began to look worse after you started using this or that cosmetic product;

  • lack of vitamins A and B: in order to replenish them, it is enough to buy a complex of vitamins or introduce food products rich in these types of vitamins into the daily diet;

  • frequent use of waterproof mascara: it is not suitable for daily use, otherwise it can lead to deterioration of the condition of the eyelashes and their loss.

What treatments will help grow long and thick eyelashes

So that the result does not keep you waiting, the issue of effective growing of eyelashes at home should be approached comprehensively. The main procedures will be:

  • massage;

  • mask;

  • compress.

You can choose one of the offered list, but it is much more effective to alternate different ways. Thus, your eyelashes are nourished with all vitamins, strengthened, become longer and stronger.

Before applying any product, we will tell you the secrets of its correct use and storage. You will find recipes a little below.


Apply a little oil to your fingertips, rub it lightly into the upper eyelid, into the roots of the cilia. The duration of the massage is no more than five minutes. For massage it is recommended to use a combination of equal proportions of several types of oils.


As a rule, masks of one or more types of oils are used to grow cilia. You can stock it up for future use. The container is best used from mascara or eyeliner. First, rinse the tube, brush or brush thoroughly, wipe dry. Fill the container with the prepared mask and close. The mask must be applied very carefully so that it does not get into the eyes. The area you are treating is the roots of the cilia at the top of the eyelid, above the cilia and on the lower eyelid, below the cilia. It is recommended to wash off the mask 10 minutes after application.

If you alternate between different methods for lengthening eyelashes, then we recommend applying this mask at least three times a week. The period of using masks should be no more than one and a half months. It is allowed to repeat the course 3 more times a year.


We use cotton pads, dipping them into the prepared composition, squeeze out and apply on the eyes. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. If the compress is based on herbs, then the procedure can be extended up to 20 minutes. It is useful to do it daily, before a massage or mask.

Optimal time for eyelash care

It is best to deal with your eyelashes at the end of the working day, after removing makeup and cleansing the skin. But not before going to bed, but at least 2-3 hours in advance, so that the oil-based products have time to be absorbed. If it works only before bedtime, then be sure to wipe the eyelids and cilia with dry cotton pads at the end of the procedure. Otherwise, you risk waking up in the morning with puffy eyes.

And be sure, before applying a new product, check if you have an allergic reaction to it!

We strengthen the cilia with folk remedies

After reviewing a sufficient number of all kinds of recipes and reviews, we have chosen the most effective and, most importantly, safe. They will help to grow eyelashes of the desired length and density at home without harm.

Cold Pressed Castor Oil

It rightfully takes the first place. As an ingredient alone or in combination with other oils, it helps effectively grow lashes. And all because its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the growth of cilia. In addition to such acids as palmitic, linoleic, stearic, oleic, ricinoleic, castor oil contains vitamins A and E.

Warm the tube in your hand before applying the oil to your eyelashes. Be sure to check if you are allergic to this ingredient. If everything is in order, apply castor oil to your eyelashes according to our recommendations above. It is very important not to be lazy and remove the remaining oil before bed. You can wash with warm water.

To strengthen the growing cilia, dilute castor oil in equal proportions with burdock and almond oils, add fish oil () and vitamin E in oily form. This composition must be distributed only on the eyelashes, leave it for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Jojoba oil

A treasure trove of vitamins, acids, useful microelements is jojoba oil. It will not only help grow eyelashes, but also wake up sleeping bulbs. So your eyelashes will become longer and fuller.

Dilute 1: 1 jojoba oil with olive oil. Such a gentle composition can be safely used for massage, distribute the rest over the upper eyelid. Thus, you will not only nourish the eyelashes, but also moisturize the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Mixture of oils

Indulge your eyelashes whenever possible with this amazing recipe. Mix oils in equal proportions:, rose, almond, castor, wheat germ. Apply the mask for 5-10 minutes.


A good combination for a compress: chamomile and sage or chamomile and cornflower. In the summer, you can use the juice of these plants, and already in the cold seasons, you should make a decoction based on them. Ingredients must be taken in equal proportions.

Another herb that you can easily grow yourself at any time of the year is usma. If you believe the legends, then Cleopatra herself improved her eyelashes with this plant. It is enough to squeeze the juice out on a cotton swab and apply it to the hairs. Be careful when using it, as it causes a burning sensation in the eyes.

  • do not rub your eyes;

  • do fasting days for cilia without using makeup;

  • always remove makeup before bed;

  • get enough sleep.

As you can see, in order to grow eyelashes, it is absolutely not necessary to spend money on expensive drugs. The main thing is desire and good mood!

Nothing is impossible, and even if you have not been rewarded with thick eyelashes from birth, they can become beautiful. You just need to choose the right strategy and draw up a care plan for them. And then, after 2-3 months, you will be able to boast of long, gracefully curved and thick eyelashes.

Do not be surprised, we will not talk about magic remedies that promise to change us beyond recognition in a few days - they give only a short-term cosmetic effect. We will talk about those methods that primarily affect their health, and, as a result, their appearance. If you want to make them thick and long and keep them that way for years to come, these tips will help you.

Tip # 1: buy good beauty products

Before starting to grow eyelashes, you should exclude those factors that cause them to fall out. Most of the harm comes from improperly selected caring and decorative cosmetics.

Here are some criteria to help you make the right choice:

  1. Choose an eyelid cream based on its condition (loss of firmness, dark circles, sensitivity).
  2. The composition should not contain aggressive components (Albumin, Alcohol, Aluminum, Benzene, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Carbomer, DEA, Diethanolamine, MEA, Monoethanolamine, TEA, Triethanolamine, Fragrances, Hydantoin DMDM, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Kaolin clay, Mineral Oil) ...
  3. Avoid waterproof cosmetics, use only if necessary, no more than 2 times a month, and remove with special products.
  4. Let us remind you that it is important to pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging of any cosmetics.

If you bought an eye product but notice that it is causing eyelid swelling, redness, itching, or flaking, stop using it. The skin in this area is very sensitive and can be quickly damaged. But it will take a long time to restore.

Of course, in this section you can speculate about the dangers of nicotine and alcohol on the state of appearance in general and hair in particular. But we hope these habits are not part of your daily life. Let's focus on the mistakes that thin and break our eyelashes day after day.

What habits are bad for eyelashes:

  1. If you periodically forget to wash off your makeup before going to bed, then your eyelashes will never be long and thick. The layer of decorative means makes them too thick, and the bulb is not able to support much weight. From here comes the dropout. Plus, mascara makes them hard, so they break easily if touched in a dream. This leads to shortening.
  2. The habit of sleeping on your stomach harms not only the eyelashes, as they are pressed against the pillow, but also the skin of the face and even the spine. This is the most harmful sleeping position, which spoils our beauty and does not allow us to get enough sleep.
  3. Don't rub your eyes. Even if they itch a lot, it is better to attach a cotton pad with herbal decoctions or strong tea, and rather find out the reason with the ophthalmologist.
  4. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands. Before removing or inserting the lenses, get rid of the eyelashes that have got on the inner eyelid, wash them with soap and dry them.
  5. Treat your eyelids and lashes gently. Do not rub heavily with makeup remover or wash with SLS foams.

The less you injure the cilia, the faster they will restore their health and acquire a beautiful appearance. You should also add a few words about the benefits of proper nutrition and physical activity, which have a positive effect on the appearance in general.

You should not run to the pharmacy and buy advertised products for eyelash growth. Most of them contain hormones that promote rapid growth. After withdrawal, such drugs give the opposite effect, the eyelashes begin to thin and break off, and the result is worse than the initial state. We will talk about time-tested and safe remedies that have helped many girls regain their eyelash health.

Folk remedies for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes:

  1. Castor oil. It is the leader among all folk remedies. If it suits you, then you will get a stunning effect. But since this oil has a thick texture and contains many substances, it can cause allergies. It is expressed in eyelid edema after half an hour or more after application.
  2. If you have side effects, then try other oils: peach, almond, olive. They have a lighter texture and are less likely to cause intolerances.
  3. You can make a vitamin shake for eyelashes. To do this, you need to purchase vitamins A and E at the pharmacy and mix in equal parts. They come in liquid form and are easy to apply to the lashes.
  4. We all know how herbal teas help to strengthen the hair on the head, but they can also be used for the beauty of the eyelids. Prepare infusions of chamomile, calendula, nettle, or other favorite plants and make eye lotions.
  5. It is useful for the skin around the eyes and eyelashes to make a mask of parsley. Simply grind a fresh plant and mix with a little of any of the oils above, then apply to your eyelids for 15 minutes.

The oils can also be used as a makeup remover. Wet a cotton pad with water and drip a little oil on it, then wipe your eyelids and lashes. This method will not only perfectly wash away cosmetics, but at the same time will have a firming effect.

A good way to strengthen hair follicles, including ciliary ones, is massage that induces blood flow to the skin surface. Only it should be done very carefully, since with strong pressure, the roots can be damaged.

How to massage the eyelids:

  • cleanse your face of cosmetics, but do not apply cream;
  • Soak your fingers in castor or other oil and rub them lightly together to warm it up;
  • massage with your ring finger simultaneously on both eyes or separately;
  • start with a circular motion near the inner corner on the lower eyelid and move towards the outer;
  • then go along the upper eyelid in the direction from the outer to the inner corner;
  • massage the area between the eyebrows;
  • then go over the eyebrows with pinching movements;
  • Finish the massage with a pat on the skin around the eyelids.

If your goal is to grow lashes and make them thick, then massage the eyelids daily. To maintain the effect, it is enough to do it 1-2 times a week. As you noticed, massage is combined with the application of oil, so it better penetrates the skin and leads to an improvement in the condition of the eyelashes. For the oil to be well absorbed, do this procedure before bed and wash your face the next morning.

If you want long and curvy lashes, follow these simple tips. Taking a little time every day to your appearance, you will preserve its beauty for many years. And by taking good care of your eyelashes, you will achieve an end to their loss and fragility.

Video: how to grow gorgeous eyelashes at home

The eyelashes need the same care as the hair. Many do not pay attention to their condition, using aggressive products to create volume and length. Now a new procedure for obtaining voluminous and thick eyelashes is popular - extension. As at home, according to all the rules, described below.

Necessary materials

When deciding to build up at home, the first step is to purchase all the necessary materials and tools to obtain

  • Degreaser for natural hairs. It is designed to increase the reliability of their adhesion to artificial fibers.
  • Eyelashes. Since there are two ways to build them, bunched or piece hairs are offered for each of them. With bundle extension, several artificial cilia are attached to one natural one. And the piece method involves putting them on the eyelashes on natural hairs. The thickness, shape and length of the selected cilia must correspond to natural ones. The material for artificial fibers must be hypoallergenic, they are mainly made from polymer materials that do not require special care.
  • Resin glue comes with varying degrees of fixation. To be able to trim the cilia in the process, you need to choose this tool with a medium or high degree of fixation. It should not cause allergies. Before buying, you should check the expiration date, and the remnants of unused glue can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Tweezers. It differs from the usual cosmetic in very thin tips; in the process of work, you may need to use two tweezers at once.

Among the additional materials and tools, you may need toothpicks to separate the cilia, adhesive plaster to fix the eyelid, cosmetic discs (they are placed under the eyelid), a brush for combing the eyelashes, white paper and a container for glue (a small nylon cap is suitable). Subsequently, a special liquid will be needed to remove the artificial eyelashes.

Choosing the type of eyelashes

It is very wide, differs not only in the extension technology, but also in the resulting effect and curvature of the cilia.

There are several types of hair bending:

  • D - a clear curl of the eyelashes, which is used to obtain a puppet effect;
  • J - when choosing it, the cilia remain almost straight, only there is a slight rounding at their tips;
  • C - refers to the average bend, it turns out to make the look more open and expressive;
  • B - a small playful curl is performed.

The bend is determined for each individually, someone wants to get a "doll" look, while another girl is interested in walking with long, barely curled eyelashes. The lashmaker will help you to finally make the choice, from whom you can learn from the experience and ask for advice. Among the given bends, the most often used is "C".

Before carrying out the extension, the main thing is to choose the effect that suits your eyes and the desired facial expression. There are several of them, if the first time it turned out not what was expected, then you should not despair at the next procedure, after removing the artificial hair, and this is about a month later. There are different types of eyelashes and after the next removal of artificial hairs, you can choose a different type.

Varieties of effects

Their choice depends on the consumption of material and the extension, as well as the duration of its implementation.


This is the classic way to get beautiful eyelashes. After it, it is almost impossible to distinguish natural hairs from artificial ones. The latter are chosen to be of the same length and thickness as natural ones. The procedure starts from the outer corner of the eye and smoothly goes to the outer corner. For the most natural effect, the hair length should not exceed 10 mm.

Incomplete natural

After it, the eyelashes acquire a significant volume, while not weighing down the look, this effect is demonstrated by the attached photos. In this case, one artificial one is attached between two natural eyelashes. This distribution of artificial fibers makes it possible to change the shape of the eyes and transform the look.


Most often, actresses, gymnasts or those girls who like to draw attention to themselves are chosen. Due to their length and curls, the cilia, with this effect, make a facial expression, like that of Malvina from the cartoon. The puppet effect is applied before special occasions to create a unique and fashionable image with anyone. Beautiful eyelashes are made in this case by the method of eyelash extension.


This effect is used when a sensitive and attractive look is desired. Its secret lies in the gluing of cilia of different lengths. Short, medium and long hairs are selected. At first, short hairs stick to the inner corner, and then they lengthen more and more to the outer corner. The length of the artificial fibers changes smoothly, and there is a line-by-line extension of hairs. Who is this extension suitable for and how to do it correctly.


Similar to the previous effect, but there is no smooth transition on the lashes. in a certain sequence: first, long cilia are glued to the outer corner of the eye, and the rest is filled with short hairs.

Tips to help you grow your own eyelashes at home:


Cilia of different lengths are used, but they are attached alternately: short and long at certain intervals. After this alternation, the eyelashes look natural and voluminous.


It is used before festive events, it is popular among teenagers who seek to stand out among their peers. There are several variations in the use of colored eyelashes: they can be glued interspersed with different colors, or several hairs of the same color will be attached to the outer tips of their black eyelashes.

Extension technology

This process requires certain skills and it is advisable to entrust it to an experienced specialist. To avoid the question of how long the extension is done, it is worth knowing that this procedure can take from 1.5 to 3 hours.

Stages of work:

  • Preparation. Lay out all tools and materials in the immediate vicinity. Allocate morning or evening time for building, artificial lighting should be installed at the venue, even if everything will take place on a sunny day. Remove makeup from eyes in the evening so that the eyelids can rest overnight before extending.
  • Washing and degreasing hands and eyes.
  • Divide the eyelashes at the corners of the eyes, stick an adhesive plaster on the lower eyelid. Comb the cilia with a brush, you can use it from the old mascara, after washing it. After that, all weak eyelashes will fall out, and there will be no awkwardness during extension.

  • Dip one hair or bunch into the prepared glue so that the product is distributed over half of the artificial material. For the first time, it is worth using transparent glue, if you use its black color, then after completing the procedure, all the mistakes will be clearly visible.
  • Separate one natural eyelash with a toothpick and apply an artificial analogue to it. You need to pinch it and hold it for two seconds, but without effort, so as not to injure the natural hair.
  • Repeat glueing the eyelashes until the entire upper eyelid is involved. Hair during the extension process must be laid in one direction.

After the procedure, you need to dry the hairs with cold air. Remove the adhesive plaster and pat with new eyelashes for a few seconds.

During the extension, you cannot blink and interfere with the master with your hands, you need to relax and it is better to close your eyes.

To the question of how to make beautiful eyelashes at home using extensions, the answer is simple: you need to be instructed by an experienced lashmaker and gain experience.

Masks, serum gels, oils - this is just a small part of what manufacturers of cosmetics for eyelash growth offer. There are also a lot of recipes from traditional medicine. But not all remedies will really help. It is important not to get lost in all the diversity, to choose worthwhile products and learn how to use them correctly. At home, eyelashes can be strengthened, grown and made thicker, you just need to find the right approach.


Is it possible to accelerate the growth of eyelashes

The length and thickness of the eyelashes is genetically dependent, but can be influenced. If the condition worsened over time, before there were more hairs, they fall out, become thinner, then you need to urgently take action, revise the diet, perhaps drink a course of vitamins. It is very important to start with proper care. On average, a person has about 200 eyelashes on the upper eyelid, and half as many on the lower. Visually, this amount is imperceptible, since most of it is lighter and shorter.

Increasing the length, which on average is about one centimeter, cannot be double or tripled, only eyelash extensions will help here. But it is quite possible to add about 30% even at home. The first positive results can be seen in 2-3 weeks on hairs that are in the active growth stage.

Do's and don'ts and common mistakes

If eyelashes fall out, become brittle and dry, then in no case should you use means to accelerate growth, regardless of their production. First of all, you need to strengthen, enhance nutrition, apply moisture. Otherwise, the effect of active substances on weakened bulbs will lead to increased loss.

Major mistakes in eyelash care:

  1. Sleep with make-up, continuous wearing of cosmetics. Make sure to remove mascara and shadows at the end of the day. It is also recommended to give the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes a complete rest from cosmetics 1-2 times a week.
  2. The use of alcohol cosmetics. Toners, micellar water and other products with an aggressive composition dry the hairs, spoil them and the skin of the eyelids. For the eyes, you need to choose the most harmless cosmetics. Alkaline soaps can do the same harm.
  3. Cutting the ends. This is the most common myth, just like shaving babies. The growth rate or the number of active bulbs does not increase from this, and problems with makeup for the next two months will be provided.

Also, do not forget about the mechanical effect. Using curling irons without silicone pads, rubbing your eyes when removing makeup, or sleeping with your face in a pillow can also harm your lashes.

By the way! One of the most damaging products for eyelashes is waterproof mascara. She herself negatively affects the hairs, requires the use of products with aggressive solvents, and therefore is not intended for daily use.

Purchased eyelash growth products

On sale you can find special serums, conditioners, creams and masks that will accelerate the growth of eyelashes. They will differ in cost, method of application, composition. But there are general rules of use that must be adhered to.

How to use purchased products:

  1. Apply only to clean skin of the eyelids, root zone. There should not be any cosmetics, some products can be applied under mascara, but not on it.
  2. Monitor the expiration date. It is undesirable to purchase products for the growth of eyelashes on sales, and large discounts should also raise concerns. It is advisable to check the information on the packaging.
  3. Complete the full course. There will be no effect from one use, as well as from application from case to case.

You shouldn't use several products at the same time. The components of the products will accumulate in the skin; it is impossible to determine the reaction in advance.

Top 5 best purchased products

Eyelash growth products can be bought at a pharmacy, in a cosmetic store, ordered online directly from the manufacturer or through intermediaries. There are many options, and the cost is also very different. The price ranges from 100 to several thousand rubles.

Most popular remedies:

  1. Emulsion "Yasny Vzor". Inexpensive product (from 130 rubles) based on castor oil and lavender ether, contains moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. It takes care of eyelashes, nourishes, accelerates growth, and has a positive effect on the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Platinus Lashes. Solution for topical application based on pine extracts, humic acids, castor oil. The tool has antimicrobial effect, can be used for growth, strengthening and against hair loss. Cost from 900 rubles.
  3. Faberlic Expert. A catalog product from a well-known manufacturer of oxygen cosmetics in Russia. The growth activator contains extracts of clover, St. John's wort, silk, a combination of peptides. Cost from 250 rubles.
  4. MinoX ML Eyelash Growth. It is a coral-based balm containing panthenol. The manufacturer promises first results after 14 days of use. In addition to the growth of eyelashes, the volume increases. The cost of the balm is from 1000 rubles.
  5. Elma oil. A budget product based on burdock and castor oil, enriched with vitamins, nettle and milk thistle extracts. Cost from 150 rubles.

Important! All medicinal and cosmetic products have complex compositions enriched with plant extracts. An allergic reaction may occur to any of them. In case of redness of the eyes, the appearance of a rash, irritation, the use of the product should be stopped immediately. If the reaction does not go away within 24 hours, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Home remedies

There are many different products that can be prepared at home for eyelash care, solving all sorts of problems. The main condition is not to harm. That is why you should immediately abandon recipes with alcohol in the composition, tinctures. Some components can harm the eyes if they come into contact with mucous membranes. Therefore, you need to immediately prepare a convenient brush, have cotton pads or tampons on hand, which can easily remove excess.

Eyelash Growth Oils

If you look at the compositions of medicinal and cosmetic products for growth, you can find oils in many of them. Most often it is castor and burdock. They are used together or one at a time. Their usefulness can hardly be overestimated. It is advisable to apply oils in courses of at least four weeks. In this case, not only the eyelash growth line is lubricated, but also the hairs themselves.

What other oils are good for eyelashes:

  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grape seed.

It is very important to warm it up before applying the oil to your eyelashes and skin. Otherwise, it will not penetrate deeply, it will have a worse effect, and some species will simply form a film on the surface, close the pores.

Video: Castor Oil for Eyelashes


Compresses will help not only to accelerate the growth of eyelashes, but also to relax the skin of the eyelids, relieve puffiness, and reduce bruises under the eyes. They are suitable for those who cannot use oils. You can do it every day at night, keep it for at least a quarter of an hour. Usually, decoctions and water infusions of medicinal herbs are used, which can be found in any pharmacy. Several types are often mixed. To prepare a concentrated broth, take at least 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a glass of boiling water.

What will help grow eyelashes:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • grass and clover flowers;
  • cornflower;
  • calendula;
  • nettle.

Broths are stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Unlike oils, they do not need to be additionally heated. For enrichment add juice of aloe, citrus, liquid vitamins in ampoules.

Eyelash masks

Masks are not very convenient to use as many of them require rinsing. They also need to take courses. Most often they have an oil base of castor oil or burdock. When adding viscous and thick components, the composition cannot be kept for more than half an hour.

What is added to the oil mask:

  • glycerol;
  • aloe juice;
  • vitamins A, E;
  • lemon juice.

These ingredients do not require rinsing, but their amount relative to the base should not exceed 30%. You can prepare masks with avocado, banana, parsley, the ingredients are crushed, applied to the eyelids, kept for 15 minutes and washed off.

Massage for strengthening and growth

Mechanical impact does not always negatively affect the eyelashes. Massage is one of the best, cheapest and always available remedies that will really help grow eyelashes. Working with the skin increases blood flow, which improves nutrition. The massage can be combined with any home-made and purchased products, it will contribute to their better penetration. It is better to do it in the evening to avoid applying decorative cosmetics after the procedure.

Massage technique:

  1. Apply any cosmetic oil to the skin along the lash line.
  2. With the ring fingers of both hands, with light pressing movements, pat all over the skin, first from above, then from below.
  3. Iron the eyelids with light pressure from the inner to the outer corner of the eye from below and from above 20 times.
  4. Finish the massage by patting the eyelids and skin under the eyes with the tips of all fingers.

The first results can be seen within a few weeks, but it is better to accustom yourself to massage every day for several months in a row. It will prevent the appearance of any problems with the eyelashes, make them long, beautiful, and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

Video: Means for the growth of cilia