How to tell a guy about a gift. How to promote a man for gifts: female tricks

A gift to a woman is considered a manifestation of interest, love and attention from a man. But let's start with the fact that any individual female should not demand gifts from her half. Firstly, a man is not obliged to do this, and secondly, this will be the limit of impudence. If a representative of the stronger sex is a real man and has an understanding female world, their natural requirements and moral and ethical qualities, he will make surprises with and without them. But not all men distinguished themselves by their wit in this regard, so situations arise when a woman is forced to hint to her partner about a gift.

‘’ Honey, a boyfriend gave this to my friend chic ring... '' - messages of this kind will immediately give the guy the right idea. A man, like any male, wants to dominate and does not want to be worse than the rest.

'' Darling, my ex once gave me a beautiful red dress. Would you mind if I wear him to a party? ”“ Of course, a man doesn't need to know where the dress comes from. This method is aimed at causing jealousy. After all, any man wants to be self-sufficient and is able to buy dresses for his woman.

‘‘ Sorry honey, but I cannot go with you to your colleagues. I have already gone through all the shoes and none of them fit my outfit '' - in in this case you put pressure on pity, put a man in the wrong comfortable position... Use your female tricks.

‘‘ I saw such beautiful earrings today. They would suit me like that ... '' - well, here only a fool will not understand.

Even more soulful SMS for a man

‘’ I recently watched a review about the Czech Republic. So wonderful and Dreamland, it’s very beautiful there ... ’’ - with this approach you secretly make it clear what you like and what you would like.

‘Honey, my friend has the same dress as mine. I can’t show up like this to a party ’” - with these words you make it clear that you want to be special and better than another woman.

‘‘ Come home quickly, a surprise awaits you ’’ ‘such a mysterious message will prompt a man to various thoughts. If you have already prepared a gift for him, then he must do it in return.

'' Bunny, have you forgotten that we have an anniversary soon? '' Is a direct hint of a gift. Although you can always tell a man that with such a message you check whether you are not indifferent to him.

‘’ Hi, I cooked for us today delicious dinner with a continuation ... '' - such a piquant topic immediately attracts a man. But do not expect expensive gifts or presentations this evening. Everything has its time. Feed the man in both senses.

‘’ I expect an apology from you… ’’ - these words are suitable in case of a quarrel or rudeness on the part of your young man... And words will not be enough for an apology.

‘’ I read in one book today that if a man doesn’t give gifts to his woman, he doesn’t love her ... ’’ - rude, straightforward, but it works, and what to do if a man doesn’t understand basic things.

'' Darling, thank you for such a wonderful gift, I am very glad ... '' - what did you think? A man needs to be prepared in advance. If you let him know that you like his gifts, he will continue to do so.

‘Ah, look, what a cute kitten…’ ’- instead of a cute kitten, there can be any desired thing. You kind of convey your emotions to a man (do not forget to attach a picture), and he, in turn, understands what makes you delighted.

'' Honey, we urgently need a new food processor, the old one won't ... '' - great option, because this preposition means the need for an item, not a gift.

'' Honey, I'll be late today ... '' - such words will cause anxiety in a man. Such understatement motivates the stronger sex to keep a woman. And why cheat yourself, if sometimes giving gifts, a woman will be next to him.

‘‘ I’ve noticed that you’re staring too much at other women… ’’ is another woman’s trick that will force a man to prove his loyalty.

‘’ I have today Bad mood, I won't be able to come to you '' - if the man is not a robot, then immediately go to calm the woman or bring her to good condition... Well, as you know, men are not the most the best masters words for such a problem.

‘‘ I don’t have enough energy to do the housework, I’m tired… ’‘ The feeling of pity will make the man need to cheer you up. Understanding how tired a woman is from household chores and needs sources of strength is very important point in relationship.

‘‘ Honey, have you thought about the fact that we should look more successful in public? ’’ - if own woman thinks you don't look the best together the best way(in terms of clothing style and appropriate accessories), then of course any man will blow up and do everything to make him and his companion look proper.

‘’ Today was at a friend's place, she was showing her new dress. It suits her so well, all the girls are all jealous '' - a clear hint that you also want to have something new in your wardrobe that will delight everyone.

‘’ My sister was recently in Bali, look what beautiful photos... ’’ - even a sister, even a friend - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you made it clear that you like it.

‘’ You don’t notice what we’re missing in life together elementary details? '' - such option will do, that would put a man in a stupor and hint to him that this can no longer continue.

‘‘ I don’t have enough of your attention, you come late all the time or do something to do something ’’ - the man’s reproach makes him correct at the very moment.

‘Dear, let's make our anniversary unforgettable’ ’- by these words you can mean unusual gift in the form of travel or other activity that you so desire. For example, flying in a hot air balloon.

'' Honey, have you forgotten what we have tomorrow? '' Men often forget dates and such a question can put anyone in an incomprehensible position. If necessary, it remains to indicate what kind of gift you want.

‘‘ Darling, I don’t feel like a woman, I don’t even have anything to wear ’’ is an elementary pity that is used in extreme cases.

“Dear, will you do me a favor for a favor?” “If you have something to give in return, then you can ask directly. As a last resort, deprive the man of his joys.

‘Look what jewelry Dad wants to give my mom. Isn't it pretty? '' Is a hint that you also want attention.

‘‘ I had such a bad day, first I was doused by a car, and then I lost my earring… ’’ ‘None normal man will not allow his woman to be sad.

This article indicates different ways, aimed at hinting to a man about a gift. Of course, there can be many variations of these messages. The main thing is not to cross the borders.

With love, Editors of

Tired of dating in parks, want flowers and gifts to be taken somewhere, but the guy doesn't take the initiative? Take it into your own hands without wasting it! This article will focus on how to beautifully and unobtrusively hint to a man about his desires and what to do if he does not understand what they want from him. You will learn how to properly ask for money and presents so that you are not caught in self-interest, why you have to do this and how to behave so that the guy wants to please his beloved with gifts.

While you are puzzling over the question of how to promote a guy for presents, perhaps the young man is experiencing financial difficulties. It is quite natural that he does not want to talk about this topic, being afraid to look unsuccessful in the eyes of the girl. But this is not an excuse, because you can always please your beloved with some trinket.

Consider other reasons common in psychology that you do not receive any gifts either for your birthday or for other holidays:

  • He is not romantic... This is more typical for adult men (over 35). For the most part, they are already well-established personalities who cannot stand candy-bouquet period... To understand if your boyfriend falls into this category, you can by his reaction to kisses and hugs in in public places holding a hand. If he tries to avoid it, then there is no need to talk about romance.
  • Partner's avarice... Enough frequent occurrence... A man just doesn't want to spend money on a girl. To validate your concerns, consider who pays the cafe bills and outings. If he is, without a hint of your participation, then he can hardly be considered greedy.
  • Shy girl... Perhaps, you have been asked more than once what you want, but, embarrassed, you answered in the style: "dear, I need nothing." So why give something? So be honest when asked questions like this.
  • Lack of gratitude... Very often, a man does not want to give anything just because a woman takes gifts from him for granted, never saying thank you. This is ugly and wrong. Do not forget to thank your loved one for your attention!
  • Disrespect for yourself... If you look bad, do not watch your appearance, dress in whatever, then the guy has every right to treat his partner the same way. He can safely think that she is already fine, she does not need anything.
  • Family traditions... A person may simply not understand that a girl needs to give gifts. It is possible that his family never exchanged them ..

Trying to find answers to your question, you should not lose sight of the fact that a guy may simply not love a girl. In this case, he will not have a desire to please and please her. But it is not always the case.

How to get what you want without asking: the art of hints

We offer 4 of the most effective ways veiled hint and dissolve the guy for a gift:

  • Someone else's example... When you meet a man, say, for example: “Dear, can you imagine, today I saw ___, she had such a necklace around her neck, she could not take her eyes off him all evening. I wonder if it would suit me ... ". If a boyfriend attentive person, then he will understand everything and himself will offer to try on such a decoration. Any speech constructions can be used, the main thing is to emotionally respond about what you want.
  • A direct gift to yourself... If you have been wanting to get something from your husband or boyfriend for a long time, then buy yourself a cheaper version of this or an alternative. Let's take a closer look: if you dream of some brand watches, buy an inexpensive replica. When a man asks what it is, answer: "I have long wanted to have such a model, while there is no opportunity to purchase the original one, I will wear this one." So you can beat anything you want.
  • Show him... If we are talking about a thing, then wandering around the shops together, constantly go to the desired salon and admire your "object". Accompany the contemplation with words of admiration: "How beautiful, it is simply magnificent, I have never seen such beauty." Remember to round your eyes, sigh and gasp.
  • A gift from a fan... This is the most dangerous topic but also the most effective. Do you want flowers? Come home with a bouquet and claim that you received it from a stranger or colleague. Then unobtrusively say: “How nice it is to receive such beautiful flowers, albeit from a stranger ... "

To avoid being bitten by, do not resort to such tricks too often. You are mistaken if you think that the man is not going anywhere.

To make it more believable (like I didn't hint at anything at all), when a young man offers to buy what you wanted, ostentatiously refuse. You can say: "Thank you, dear, I certainly want this and enjoy it, but it's expensive." When a man hears these words, it is as if they tell him that he cannot afford it and he wants to prove the opposite.

If we are talking about a husband, then, perhaps, he has lost interest in you. Read here,. We collected 10 important steps what should be done and the main mistakes women make.

It is necessary for him to give gifts. Here you will find tips on how to dress and behave, what to say.

Just in case, watch this video in which a girl tries to understand male psychology:

We hope we were able to teach you how to achieve your goal.

Conversation of two blondes:
- You know, I managed to breed mine for a new mink coat, gave it today!
- Awesome !!!
- Yesterday I gave you an expensive diamond necklace!
- Awesome !!!
- And next week - a new sports car!
- Awesome !!!
- What's new with you?
- Yes, I just finished attending courtesy courses. There I was taught instead of "Good to fill!" say "Awesome !!!"

Remember the last time your beloved man gave you valuable gift? For birthday? On the eighth of March? Or maybe for the last New Year? Surely among you there will be those who did not get anything special during these holidays. And all because some men either do not realize that we need attention in the form nice presents, or they simply do not want to spend money. So, like that blonde from an anecdote, you have to invent generous presents from your beloved and puzzle over how to breed him for an amazing purchase. But you really want to feel loved, surrounded by attention, care and receiving good gifts. What to do, how to push a man to necessary actions and promote it into a really necessary, valuable gift?

Is it ethical to breed men for gifts?

Surely many women, and even more so men, after reading the title of the article, frown in displeasure and say: they say, phew, how ugly, is it possible to "bred" a person you love for some kind of gifts? Indeed, is the concept compatible with pure, mutual love with the requirement of material confirmation of the partner's feelings? Or does the idea of ​​"dissolving" a man for gifts come into the heads of narrow-minded, selfish women, who in their lives only need to rake in the heat with someone else's hands?

Let's put it this way: if you and your man have been together for a long time and there is no doubt about the reciprocity of feelings, then the little tricks that contribute to receiving the long-awaited gift will not bring anything negative to your relationship. We all love from childhood when we are adored and pampered, and wonderful gifts from the hands of men just make us a little bit happier. And if husbands or guys, for some reason, are in no hurry to please us with gifts, then why not slightly push them towards the solution we need and not spin them for a good present?

Of course, there are many girls around that make acquaintances with men solely with the aim of acquiring at their expense something very necessary and valuable for themselves. As a rule, their relationship does not last very long, and they flutter from man to man, slowly acquiring everything necessary for a comfortable life. Such ladies are most often called "bastards" - and this is not the most offensive definition. Their goal is not at all mutual, deep love, but the ability to dissolve into material values, to rip off like sticky. For them, such articles, in principle, are not needed: the ability to extract money from men is in their blood.

We're talking about a completely different relationship between a man and a woman. Mutual understanding, respect, dedication - these are the principles that allow couples to be truly happy. Living with a beloved man, we often direct his thoughts and actions in the right side- whether it be a career, maintaining healthy way life or behavior in everyday life. No wonder they say that a man is a head, and a woman is a neck. And what is there unethical, bad in telling your partner the idea that it is finally time to please you? good gift? He himself will be glad to see how your eyes are burning with happiness.

Only, unfortunately, there is a type of men for whom light hints and gentle wishes do not work. Or they understand everything perfectly, but for some personal reasons they do not want to give anything either before or even after the wedding. Why is this happening, what is the reason for such a "tightness" of the seemingly positive young man from all sides? And most importantly, how to deal with it?

Why men are in no hurry to give gifts

The main reason that a man is in no hurry to fork out for an expensive gift is confidence in the mercantile desires of his woman. And he thinks something like this: they say, today I'll give a ring, tomorrow boots, and then she will get used to it and will demand from me a car-apartment-voucher almost every day! And he can think so even in cases where during the time cohabitation(or just meetings) you have never even hinted at something more material than flowers and a card for Christmas. Men are afraid to death that they will sit on their necks, that in the end they will turn out to be a laughing stock among their friends and relatives (they probably have examples similar situations among friends there are).

Sometimes the man's mother is to blame for the unwillingness to give something valuable to her other half. As soon as her beloved child began to meet with the representatives of the opposite sex, day and night she instilled in him a "golden" thought: do not follow her lead, do not let the ropes twist out of you! So he does not allow: he is suspicious of every request to buy something, and a real expensive present for his beloved woman is completely taboo (he is not a henpecked one, thank God, my mother explained everything!). It is not at all easy to promote such a man, because the opinion of the mother is much more important to him than your arguments.

But still, it often happens that men do not give gifts for more prosaic reasons... Sometimes they just don't realize that we need something other than hugs and confessions in eternal love... Many are so generally convinced that life with them is already the height of happiness for any woman, and all sorts of presents are completely useless. In any case, it is much easier to negotiate with such men and make it clear that Evening Dress oh, how necessary for the coming holiday!

And besides, the male mindset is quite different from the female one. The fact that he again did not give you anything may not be a sign that he does not love or appreciate you. It's just that guys are often not able to delve into various subtleties and nuances, noticing what you love and what you need. They did not say directly, they say, dear, we urgently need a fur coat - they were left without a gift. And, as a rule, they don't really like to go shopping. Unlike us women, they go there with a clear goal of acquiring a certain thing. So they go there three or four times a year. And where else can the wonderful idea of ​​giving a wife a present come, if not in a store?

That is why we, women, have to take the initiative in our own hands in order to teach a man to do worthwhile gifts... Call it whatever you want: to promote, persuade, demand, breed. The main thing is that he himself does not notice how he fulfilled your desire and presented what you have dreamed of for so long!

How to promote a man for gifts

All men are different, each of them requires a different approach. For example, if your loved one is romantic, and, moreover, not stingy, then it is enough to hint to him a couple of times about what little thing you expect to receive as a present in the near future. The following tactic is also perfect for such men: you need to properly praise your loved one, or an acquaintance who has just been given something valuable. “Oh, how wonderfully dressed she is! And Seryozhka, her husband, what a fine fellow, loves her, spoils her: he knows that she is worthy of such gifts. How happy I am for them! ”- something like that. On the one hand, you didn’t ask for anything, on the other hand, you gave the instruction to your partner that a man who pampers his girlfriend with gifts is worthy of admiration. At least from your side - for sure!

And it happens that a man is rather tight-fisted, and does not like to part with money so easily. In this case, forget the word "I want", it should be replaced with a more weighty "must"! Convince a guy like that of the need for another pair of dear winter boots, explain that this is not a whim - but a vital necessity: a girl of your status cannot walk in the same shoes all winter, you are simply not used to it!

In general, asking such a man for money for pleasant little things is a disastrous business, it is better to acquire them yourself. But it is he, the man who counts every penny, is quite capable of making you really dear, and most importantly, the right gift! It could be Dishwasher, new computer or even a car. The main thing for him is to see one hundred percent result of his work. And what could be more effective than a thing that you enjoy using every day and without which you can no longer imagine your life? So figure out the type of your man and act without a miss!

But there are also women who, wanting to receive an expensive gift, are terribly embarrassed to accept it: blush, embarrassed, refuse. If you belong to this category of shy women, then immediately throw this behavior out of your head. A man may decide that you do not like at all when someone gives you something, and decides not to “bother” anymore, looking for surprises for you. If you, when asking for a gift or accepting it, experience an incomprehensible sense of guilt, you will never feel on yourself what male generosity means. Why should you blame yourself for cheating a man for a gift if you yourself gladly do everything possible and impossible for him? Mutual feedback is perfect normal phenomenon in any relationship!

Another good opportunity to breed a loved one for a gift is to show by your own example what generosity means, not only spiritual, but also material. Give him a really necessary, valuable thing - this will show how pleasant it is to receive gifts. But if he decides to present you a useless trinket in return, try to hide your disappointment and “be happy” with the present, otherwise the desire to give you something will disappear by itself. It did not work this time - it will work the next.

On the other hand, the ostentatious joy of cheap, unnecessary gifts can become a "double-edged sword": a man may just get used to the fact that you are satisfied with such little things. Having received a trifle, you can sigh sadly and say, are you really rich enough to give money for such a low quality? Hint that you deserve so much more than cheap chinese fakes and low-grade things that you can't wear after the first wash.

Another problem for women who are left without gifts is that they never tell men that they are waiting for a presentation. Most of us grew up at a time when decent girl did not dare to ask for anything material, it was considered shameful and even vulgar. However, now you can forget about this morality: what is wrong with the fact that you expect pleasant gifts from your beloved? You yourself are happy to give him wonderful gifts so why be ashamed of this kind of request? After all, a man is not a psychic (as a rule), and he does not know how to guess what you need now. Tell him about it, and that's it! But you need to do it wisely, and not beg for the thing you like, shedding tears.

In general, never press on pity, do not persuade or beg for a present: this is Right way to failure. This is no longer untwisting a gift, but humiliation. You must make it clear that you yourself are able to acquire the right thing, just from the hands of a loved one, such a purchase will be much more pleasant. Do not let him understand that you are in financial difficulties, that you are paying off a huge loan and are not able to purchase something for yourself. Perhaps he will really feel sorry for you, but, alas, he won't have to count on a valuable gift. All he wants to do for you in such a situation is to present small trinkets that should bring (in his opinion) you into a puppy's delight. You haven't tasted anything sweeter than carrots in a hundred years, remember?

Consider: small handouts for the poor and beggars, luxurious - for self-sufficient, self-confident women. So even if you are not rich, never complain or whine - it will not add any advantages to you. Better to let him see you more often in prestigious stores and decent establishments (yes, sometimes you can afford it!) - then give you ballpoint pens and toy mice, bought in the underpass, will somehow be out of hand. Try to position yourself so that he considers it an honor to present you expensive gifts... And believe me, this behavior will benefit you in all areas of life - learn to love yourself.

Once you learn to feel self-sufficient, develop a sense of inner prosperity, everything will immediately fall into place. Men will begin to give expensive gifts, work will bring more income, and the attitude of others towards you will change in better side... So appreciate yourself, and it will become easier than ever to breed a man for material proof of his love. Good luck!

Flowers and gifts are a manifestation of care, respect from the one who presents them... That is why women, with bated breath, expect a pleasant surprise from their loved ones, even if there is no reason for this. But, unfortunately, not all men understand how nice little thing able to make their partner happy.

Well, they do not teach them how to properly handle the fair sex! How to hint a guy about a gift if modesty does not allow openly speaking? As in all other cases, little feminine tricks will help you out.


Sometimes men are tormented by what to give their beloved, therefore for a very long time they cannot make up their minds, fearing not to please... Help him by making a wish list. Include in him things, events from the most unreal and expensive to the simple ones, but no less important for you, so that he himself can choose according to his strength. Leave it in a prominent place, post it on social networks. If he follows your life, he will surely stumble upon the list and take it as a signal for action.

If you live with him, approach immediately after drawing up and proudly let them know that you now know exactly what you want from life. Then show the sheet and discuss together which of this is real, why each point is important to you. It will be very strange if later a short time the guy will not give you something from this list.

Boomerang effect

If you want to receive something, you must first give it. You cannot expect from others what you yourself do not do for them. Give your loved one what he wants for a long time, in general, do such surprises more often. Sooner or later, he will want to thank you. Men generally hate being obliged to someone, even if that someone is a close person.

Learn to accept gifts

The frequency of gifts is directly related to how you respond to them. If he presented you with another bouquet, and you accepted it with a sour face, without taking care of their safety, do not use the items presented to him, do not admire them and do not thank them for the signs of attention, the guy will simply stop doing this, because he will think that You are not at all happy about this - so why make unnecessary movements? Every time he buys something for you, he should be in joyful anticipation of your stormy reaction and the reward that will surely follow after. So live up to his expectations.

So, if a man does not give gifts, this means that he does not know what to give, does not see that it pleases you or does not see signs of attention from you, and therefore does not make similar gestures in your direction. Knowing the reasons, you can easily eliminate the consequences, of course, if you yourself are not lazy and invest in relationships.

I almost always know what I want to get for the holiday. But upbringing does not allow making specific orders to a loved one. As for hints, sometimes they have an unpredictable effect! So, instead of a certificate to the store silver jewelry getting a shell necklace. Instead of perfume - a set essential oils for a bath. And when I hinted at a cashmere stole, he gave me a soft toy horse. And a gift horse, as you know ...

This year I decided to take pleasant surprises by the coming year in own hands... If you, too, are not always lucky with gifts, let's study the tactics-practice together and evaluate each of the ways ( to do this, pay attention to the asterisks under each paragraph).

How psychologists ask for gifts

If you are waiting for the "right" gift from a man, you can use the advice of psychologists. They highlight several rules:

1 ... It is important to choose the right moment... Do not distract at work with a call and do not make a request to a hungry man.

2 ... Speak directly and without hints. It is advisable to name the exact parameters, address, size, color, or date and time.

3 ... The request should be within your man's means.

4 ... Know how to enjoy gifts, do not criticize them.

How Americans ask for gifts

It was from the USA that such a concept as wishlist came to us.

You can make a list or anti-list of gifts and show it to your man or send it by mail. You can add links to the product description to the wishlist, specify indicative price and attach a photo. Think well and don't stop at two or three points - let the man have a choice. It is good that the element of surprise remains, because you do not know what kind of gift you will get.

A similar option is a wish card. Take a stack of magazines and cut out the pictures you like. And then put together a collage.

How millionaires' wives ask for gifts

One of the very wealthy wives told me that she never asks for gifts. She takes money from her businesslike and always busy husband and buys herself what she likes. Then she packs it beautifully, and the spouse can only present the purchase.

How film heroines ask for gifts

If we recall the films and TV series loved by women all over the planet: "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Sex in big city"," Gentlemen prefer blondes "," Pretty Woman ", then all the heroines love stories boldly expressed their desires out loud. And most often they brought a man (by accident or by cunning) to his favorite showcases. One could sigh around beautiful little things or say that she could not afford all this, but the result was the same: the men could not resist.

How cats ask for gifts

Cats don't need jewelry, clothing, or a new car. They ask for attention and food. Who would refuse such cute fluffy creatures!

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