How to become a good lover to your own. This is how you will become a great lover for your loved one! Expectations from a relationship with a mistress

Mistress for a man- this is a fiery woman of passionate drives of a man in various formats of communication with her, this is the "pussy" of his "naughty" and gold fish his wishes are all he needs for body and soul.

"Seventeen Moments of Secrets Revealed"

  • Watch your appearance

The soul does not take the last place in a woman, but a man needs an appearance more. Especially when this woman is a mistress, not a wife or girlfriend.

  • Be bold and relaxed!

These qualities are very arousing to any man. They appreciate them, realizing that there are no boundaries in such a relationship. Such a woman is every man's dream!

  • Show your man that he is a holiday for you, not an ordinary one ..

It is in this case that a man will be able to regain lost confidence in himself, in his sexuality and importance.

  • Learn from men to love their bodies

You should not somehow be complex about the "imperfection" of the parameters of your body. Men, for example, know how to love what is given to them by nature.

  • Do not hide the sparkle in your eyes when you see it near

He should notice this shine, admire it, imagining and dreaming that this shine appeared thanks to him, and not good mood, or something else.

  • Don't forget about a delicious dinner

Even though you know that men do not attach particular importance to romance when they face delicious food, but you can't forget about the elements of romance anyway.

  • Use incense (incense)

But only if it is not disgusting for your man. Otherwise, he simply will not stand it and will run away. And you will be left with nothing, alone with the lovebird - the scent.

  • Buy yourself a cool perfume!

Don't believe that men like a woman's purely natural bodily scent. This is not entirely true. Men love perfume too. Not necessarily with pheromones, by the way!

  • Buy yourself a lot of sexy lingerie!

Men really like to take off beautiful lingerie from a woman, which pleases the eye. And don't worry if he tears it up. This speaks of the "level" of passion and sensual desire.

  • Listen man

Listen to your man if he shares his problems with you. Listen also when you are bored with listening. Imagine that your man has become your best friend ... - not for long.

  • Do not reproach a man for anything

Reproaches, perhaps, from his wife enough. So much so that he was just tired to death of them. A man comes to you to relax not only with his body, but also with his soul! This is important to remember.

  • Say thank you for the nights you spent together

A man will be very pleased to hear such gratitude. He will be happy, like a child who was presented with a new and super interesting toy or a game.

  • Don't turn sex refusal into a parenting method!

If a man is guilty of something, you can simply not talk to him, or speak in a different tone. But don't deprive him of the joy of sex! Only wives are used to doing this.

  • Do not feel sorry for words!

Express your feelings with them. The more tender and erotic the "tonality" of your words is, the more chances you have to be (become) the best for a man.

  • Kill the platitude

It is not necessary, for example, to make love only in bed or on the floor. There is also a table, a car, nature, a bathroom, a train (SV carriage), a boat…. What other fantasies do you have?

  • Do not reject the droplets of alcohol ...

If your partner wants to brighten up the evening, for example, with champagne, or something stronger, do not refuse. After all, you can not get too drunk!

  • Does your loved one give you expensive gifts?

So don't give up on them! Otherwise, your man may become disappointed in you, leave you, end the relationship completely, and so on.

How do ideal lovers behave?

Want to be ideal mistress th?

Behave in bed only like this:

Be altruistic

Learn to give much more than you receive. Keep in mind that not everyone can be altruistic. Do you feel the trump card in your hands? Make the most of it!

Do not be afraid of experiments, no matter how they seem!

Experiment so that every moment is remembered and delighted! You can arrange it. It all depends on you and only.

Be yourself in intimacy

In no case should you "fake" an orgasm. Don't you know that men really feel these things? And to feel their lies is extremely unpleasant.

Don't hold back a moan

Men are turned on by loud groans! They get so turned on that they go crazy with pleasure. And it is not necessary at such moments to think about the questions of "vulgar - not vulgar".

Try to do whatever the man likes.

Do this even if it is not quite (or "not at all") pleasant to you. Believe me, a man will really appreciate it.

Love morning sex!

Men love him very much. They cannot explain why. Probably, this is not explained at all for them. They just love sex in the morning, that's all.

Don't talk during intimate moments if your partner doesn't like it. Men know how chatty women can be. But when intimacy is very close - men are not up to talking.

This is how you will become a great lover for your loved one!

This is how you have to behave in order to be the most - the most magnificent. The main thing is that you normally and adequately relate to the fact that you are a lover. Very often many people try to forget about it. Thus, they hurt and upset themselves.

You were given this role, you agreed with it - play it to the end if you have real feelings.

Being a lover is not an easy fate. But, if it's better than nothing, take care of at least such a "situation." And don't try to ruin the marriage. It doesn't matter that the happiness in him is just an illusion. You will never be able to build your happiness on the fragments of the broken and alien.

A woman is a combination of a riot of elements. From the calm and peaceful element of the air, to the burning touch of a hot flame. A woman is a vessel of passion, contradictions and desires. Desirable is the woman who is for a man one of the incarnations of the most outspoken fantasies and dreams.

Have you often noticed that representatives of the opposite sex do not always pay attention to beauties? And some frankly do not attractive women have a dizzying success with men.

It is impossible to be born into the world as an ideal lover, but almost every woman is quite capable of becoming her. Even in those ancient times, covered with the twilight of history, men adored women who know how to win over, create an entourage of sensuality and mystery, implement in sexual relations all kinds of fantasies and ideas. Just remember the geisha. A professional mistress had to satisfy a man in all plans. Physically and spiritually. The girls passed the strictest selection to become a skillful priestess, to have not only beautiful appearance, but also an excellent education, the ability to conduct a dialogue and even play traditional musical instruments.

V different stages human development there were women who, with their splendor, overshadowed the mind and heart. Just remember the courtesans, the brightest of them is Diane de Poitiers, who lived in the fifteenth century. With her intelligence, tenacious sexuality and charisma, this lady was able to keep the king of France Henry II on a short leash, until his death, the king was fascinated by this woman. Have you already understood for yourself that you want to succeed in the art of seduction? Then you have to follow certain rules.

Competent presentation of yourself, the key to a third of success. A woman is not a means of satisfying a man's needs. This is, first of all, a psychologically and physically formed personality, with a certain psychotype and model of behavior in society. Men love women who know their worth. Do not think that by playing the weak link in your tandem with a man, you will be desired by him. You have to adjust to your partner's mood. But don't bend. Maneuver in difficult situations... Tell your man more often how extraordinary, strong, brave he is.

Your appearance is your trump card

No matter how much you would like to put on a soft cozy robe and build a direct bun on your head, you should not do this in the presence of a man. After all, he "loves" with his eyes, and you must keep yourself in shape, beautiful underwear, good makeup, a slim body... You should smell of perfume that excites him, you should look not just neat, but stunning. Not only in male society, but in general in life. Then you will be successful.

The man will not like the radical appearance in the form of piercings or a large number tattoos on the body. Remember Marilyn Monroe? it sample sample role models for you. Modest but flashy sexuality. Follow the latest fashion trends and get inspiration from them. First of all, you must have well-groomed hair, skin and nails, you should carefully monitor the overall and intimate hygiene, if possible, visit beauty salons.

Learn and learn.

Beauty alone is not enough to cause delight. Of course, at the initial stage of the relationship, you will keep the man with the help of sex and your attractive appearance... But then he will be fed up and he will want new sensations. Men don't like pacifiers. You must be able to competently build your thoughts, express your opinion, have the knowledge to maintain a high-quality conversation.

You can be interested in the latest trends in business, read something about hunting or fishing, maybe your lover is interested in astronomy, and you could discuss one of the works of Stephen Hawking. Even if you are not particularly interested, you still need to understand what hobbies and preferences your man has. Then it will be easier for you to strengthen your bond. A person, feeling that you are interested in the same thing and he will be imbued with you.

There is no modesty in sex.

Sex is not just a missionary position a couple of times a week. If you want to keep a man, you must learn new techniques and sex positions. If he asks you to try anal sex, do not deny him right away. Perhaps you will discover new facets of pleasure. Try it role-playing games, or change the environment. Even if you don't get multiple orgasms, don't show it to your man.

The first rule of strong attachment is to keep falling in love. Your every sexual contact should be bright and rich. Show how much you enjoy foreplay, make it clear that you are passionate about sex with this person. Change sex positions, create surroundings with dim lights and scented candles, have different kits erotic lingerie, use gadgets or sex toys if your partner likes to experiment in bed.

Say no to bad mood.

Do not demand leaving the family. Even if you feel bad and your soul is scratched by cats, you cannot show this man. Your problems remain solely yours. He can listen to complaints constantly and at home from his wife. You are a kind of outlet for him from the sometimes difficult and burdened by everyday life. family relations... Be kind to him, gentle, speak sweet words... Do not pull information out of him if he is in a depressed mood. Do not demand to leave your wife every day.

You must become for him the ideal of femininity and beauty. The man himself, unobtrusively pushed by you, must come to the realization that he wants to leave his wife. There should be a riddle in you, do not reveal yourself completely to a man. Men are hunters by nature. Who likes prey that crawls into its paws? Try to surprise your lover, do little surprises, present. A man should see you as a holiday. A fountain of energy, cheerfulness, not despondency or tears.

Don't show financial interest.

This is one of the main rules. Let the man give you gifts, flowers, jewelry, but clearly realize that you should not beg for anything yourself. Especially at the initial stage of the development of relations. Make it clear to the chosen one that you do not need money, and you yourself can afford to buy something. But do not refuse gifts, over time, when affection for each other becomes stronger, you can get what you want with hints.

Don't complain about your financial problems, don't cry in front of a man. And if you were provided, for example, with financial assistance, you should not get carried away and ask again and again for money. The man will find you overly materialistic and will be afraid of the relationship. Know that everything given to you by your partner is not your property, but his will.

Try to give something back as well. It is wrong if you are presented with gold jewelry, and you in return are cheap deodorant.

Not tricky rules, are they? But they are the ones that will lead you to success, and you can become the perfect lover for your man. You will be admired, you will be desired, your partner will feel strong attachment not only at the sexual level, but also at psychological level... The relationship will grow stronger. And what is important, you can feel yourself on a completely different level, relaxed, sexy and majestic. To become the only one for a man is not so difficult, and every woman can do it.

Love married and do not want to lose him? Think about the role of a mistress and think about how to arrange everything in your common life? Read on for some tips on what the ideal married man's lover really is.

She's beautiful. Well groomed, beautiful and passionate. The ideal lover of a married man is beautiful woman that inspires admiration in other men. As a rule, such a mistress is far from a gray mouse, she does not have strong flaws in appearance, monitors the condition of her skin, body, often visits beauty salons to get her hair, manicure or spa treatments. In a word, such girls, especially if a man helps them financially, are immediately visible with the naked eye. Why are all mistresses beautiful? Yes, because men in curlers and a dressing gown will see enough of their spouses and are looking for romance on the sidelines, but for some reason they cannot leave their wives (either there are joint children, or business, etc.).

How to be the perfect lover for a married man

She misses with her calls. If a woman has agreed to the role of a married man's mistress, then she must follow many rules so that their relationship is not revealed. And this means that she does not call at a time when her husband is at home, does not write emu letters and SMS-ok, does not put in social networks photos together with your beloved. In short, he observes maximum actions to protect his relationship. Indeed, in modern world on the relationship " lover-married man Are still looking judgmental.

How to Become the Perfect Photo Lover

She does not arrange scenes of jealousy and scandals. A smart lover should understand that if a husband has not left his wife, it means he will not leave her for a year or five. Therefore, a clever mistress does not suit a man with scenes of jealousy, any scandals about him, and why don't you leave your wife. She must understand that such a relationship suits a man and if a mistress does not want to lose a man, then it is simply better to keep silent about such things. Well, and, of course, the mistress will not reproach the man with everyday problems, like why did not you nail a nail or wash the dishes.

How to be the perfect video lover

She is sexy and self-sufficient. Already the combination of the two words "self-sufficient" and "sexy" makes a woman the most desirable in this world. As a rule, mistresses hone their skills in seduction and sexual life know how to satisfy a man. Also, such women have more time for self-development and study languages, travel a lot and achieve professional heights in their careers. Such a mixture of possibilities and skills makes an ideal mistress, because all men want to talk after sex with dummies, which are known only on manicure and types of cosmetics, they will be bored and such a relationship will not last long.

She doesn't care psychological stress... What is meant? A lover in front of her lover does not behave as if she is in deep depression, she does not pout at any scandal (unless it is a moment of seduction) and, most importantly, she does not ask her lover about his wife. Because with this approach, a man will think more and more about the one who sleeps next to him in the same bed every evening - about his wife and simply psychologically will then not be able to leave her. Talk about anything - be capricious, play the fool, be unpredictable and joke - these are your main trump cards!

In the modern world, men believe that a woman should try to be an ideal mother, be sure to be able to cook deliciously, as well as surprise and agree to all experiments in the bedroom. But practice shows that wives, especially after the birth of children, mostly fulfill only the first two points and do not strive to be perfect in bed. But don't forget that sex for men plays huge role in relationship. Every girl is able to become a good lover, for this you just need to study some practical advice, including from famous psychologists.

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Men who are tied by the knot or are in search, in bed want to disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle, free from thoughts of work and just relax. They want to see a beautiful, well-groomed and passionate girl.Psychologists agree that in order to become an ideal lover and please your husband or boyfriend, you should observe several simple recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result:

  • A good lover should always remain incompletely unraveled for a partner, create memorable conditions of stay.
  • Over time, any woman manages to more and more understand and feel her companion, learn about his desires and strive to satisfy them. She needs to feel where the right places for kisses, touches, do not forget to say nice words.
  • Men love the brave and sensual women... They need to be seduced, completely made to understand that only he is the main and best lover here.
  • In the bedroom, you should forget about your complexes and shyness. Any man will be happy to appreciate new erotic lingerie or even an unexpected striptease.
  • A special atmosphere should be present in the bedroom, this is important. To help - aroma candles, oils, beautiful linens, darkened lighting and adult films on TV.
  • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. These are not just words, psychologists assure that at least sometimes, but it is necessary to surprise your husband with an unusual dinner. His mood will rise, and his love and desire to thank him will only increase.
  • A true lover should try to make the pleasure last. This will help Erotic massage and role-playing games.

As soon as the process is completed, and both will receive the highest pleasure, you need to tenderly tell your partner that it was wonderful. So it is possible to increase imperceptibly manhood and a sense of self-confidence in a beloved man.

It should be remembered that the representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by looseness in bed, but in moderation. A girl who is too accessible in everything will make you think. Gradually, you can experiment, try new poses and games. With the help of this, a man will experience something new every time and it will turn out to avoid monotony.

A girl should try to be perfect not only in the bedroom. Self-interest needs support and beyond:

  • Maintain well-groomed appearance, feminine manners, attitude towards others, beautiful speech.
  • You should share the interests of your partner, learn about his life and affairs.
  • To develop in several directions to be able to maintain any dialogue.

Features of the zodiac signs

Astrologers agree that each of the men needs different women... The table shows the zodiac signs of the male representatives and the type of girls suitable for them.

Men zodiac sign

What kind of women does he like?

Aries prefer eccentric women. It is their reflection that sympathizes with them, that is, temperamental and hot ones. They will be able to drive Aries crazy and give him maximum pleasure.

Taurus is bigger a girl will do cute, well-groomed and with a pleasant light character. She should be able to find an approach to such a man, be interested in his life and support in everything


Gemini love funny girls with good feeling humor. Such a zodiac sign does not allow girls who are obsessed with careers and self-development. The main qualities that a lady should have are wit and developed intelligence.

Cancer is most often romantic to the core. The ideal woman for him is the one who is able to share all the joys and sorrows, sincerely thank for the care given to them, she should be able to listen and express her personal opinion

Lions, on the other hand, pay attention to girls who are narcissistic, capricious and very arrogant. It's not easy to get along in a relationship. But Leo is able to make compromises and always tries to find a solution to any problem.

Virgo man prefers women with perfect order not only in the house, but also in the head. The representative of this sign is very picky about the choice of his companion and does not accept violation of the principles and foundations of his family.

The atmosphere in the house is very important for Libra. They like it when everything is in a state of peace, harmony and balance. Such a man likes women who have inner peace... Libra often uses the energy of his companion, she must be able to give it away


Scorpio is perfect a woman will do complex and sensual. Concerning eternal love, then here they are completely fickle. If a girl copes with the temperament of Scorpio, is able to combine intelligence, beauty, wisdom and weakness, then she will surely win his heart

For Sagittarius, trust in relationships plays a huge role in life. Perfect couple for him will be calm, thinking and shy girl that has no secrets of its own

Capricorn will be crazy about a punchy and self-confident woman. She should create comfort in the house, bring up the desired children, develop and be in some way a fatal business woman

Aquarius is held in high esteem by a girl with unpredictable character. Intellectual ability the chosen one of such a man should be on high level to match himself

Pisces men are often long time are lonely, since they have very high requirements. A lady must be beautiful, intelligent, kind, affectionate, patient and economical. Agree with a partner, make concessions, endure reproaches and imperfections complex nature- all these traits should be present in the ideal woman for Pisces

Expectations from a relationship with a mistress

Quite often, family relationships come to a standstill, and men by their nature are looking for young and beautiful mistresses to distract from everyday problems... Long-term residence of the same type with spouse and children without any changes leaves its mark on psychological state men.

In order to become a lover, you need to be able to distract a man from everyday problems, make of each new meeting incredibly pleasant romantic event... Men are constantly in a state of searching for new emotions. Months, years spent in marriage, can cause a lack of new feelings and put pressure on the psyche of the stronger sex. In this case, the lover of a married man is a kind of highlight in his life, adds mystery and new sensations.

As a rule, girls are looking for wealthy rich men who can fulfill all their whims and desires. And in order to keep such a person close to you and use his material advantages for your own purposes, you should under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should always remain natural and relaxed, give a man affection, care and love. If her man really likes her, he will not spare money for luxurious surprises.

To have a relationship with married lover developed rapidly and gave both only pleasure, it is desirable for a girl to have an idea of ​​the reasons why men show interest in relationships outside of marriage.


  • Monotony of relationships. Quite often, a middle-aged man wants to feel young again. To this end, he starts an affair with a sweet girl who will be able to bring new colors to his gray life.
  • Fatigue. Men tend to get tired, including from permanent relationship they lack fresh emotion. The Same Fully Studied Woman long years can stop causing desire, and then you want something new.
  • Problems in intimate life. Often intimate relationship in the family they stop developing and become boring. Therefore, a man seeks to obtain pleasant sensations on the side.
  • Revenge. If the husband has suspicions about his wife's betrayal, he feels insecure. To improve self-esteem, the husband has a mistress. Most often, without even making sure that the wife really was cheating.

A girl who wants to be an ideal lover must bring into the life of her chosen one what he does not receive in his family. It should be remembered that after infidelity, a man rarely divorces his wife completely. One of the main rules of behavior for a young mistress is not to wait or demand the continuation of the relationship, often the meeting can be only for one night without any consequences. A girl should not have hopes that a man will only be with her.

Mistakes girls make

Psychologists have figured out how to behave with a lover so that a man is happy, does not feel discomfort and gets only pleasure from the relationship. It is difficult to avoid mistakes at all, but in order for the couple to have harmony and mutual understanding, some things need to be taken into account:

Error Description
GuiltA girl should not in any way point out her partner's shortcomings, show dissatisfaction with his family, remind her of her and conduct conversations on such topics. A man will be in eternal tension and conflicts will soon begin, which will lead to a complete break in communication.
ChildYou should not control a man with the help of children, this method will not work. He will undoubtedly choose love over manipulation. Consequently, the girl will be left with a child and without a man. Since in such cases, the child will see the father separately from the mother, without the dad's desire to have any contact relationship with her.
ControlMen don't like being controlled at all. That is why they often leave their wife, who has always tried to decide everything herself. A lover should be light and unobtrusive. Give a man the right to decide everything himself and not meddle in his affairs
TantrumsComing to a girl, a lover wants to take a break from everyday life, to be in peace and harmony, and not to deal with a showdown, scandals and quarrels, which he already has enough at home. Good sex, calmness, mental balance - and this connection will be very long
SexParadoxically, sex is not the main thing in a relationship with married man... Of course, he plays a big role, but the man wants to be listened to, given advice, or just be quiet together. He wants to complain about his wife or talk about failures at work, because in own home no one hears him anymore
PresentThey should not be begged or hinted at in any way. Do not make you constantly confess your love and tell something personal.

In any case, no matter how correct and thought out all the actions, the possibility that the companion will return to his family is not excluded. He can also simply break off the relationship in order to get new unforgettable emotions again. You shouldn't be serious about connecting with married men, they are windy and fickle. You do not need to unquestioningly trust their every word, they can be just a way to control a girl in love.

In psychology, it is often believed that men tend to cheat and cheat. Their feelings will be real with only one lady who will be able to conquer the heart and soul once and for all without a trace.

Psychology 0

Hello everyone, lovely ladies! True woman will make a lot of effort to always. However, one cannot succeed in everything, and not everyone is a priestess of love, but in every personality there is an excellent mistress somewhere inside, despite decency and shyness.

The opinion of men

In this matter, the most important is the opinion of men, because girls are trying only for them. I will dispel the myth that knowledge of postures has great value... In fact, they don't care how many positions and sexual technicians knows their chosen one. Unfortunately, women tend to forget about the elementary.

What should a dream woman be like? The look of men.

  1. A shy woman with thoughts of a libertine. This type is to the liking of many representatives of the stronger sex. They are inherently hunters, and they are attracted by a kind of closeness. Such a person is a mystery for a real man who, as it were, throws him a challenge to solve her.
  2. A lady who knows how to take the initiative. Many of the fairer sex believe that the first step should always be behind the man. Starting from stereotypes, I will dispel this myth too. Of course, we want to see the persistence of the conqueror. However, a man is the same person who wants to link his fate with a lady who knows how to achieve her goal. In no case should you run on the heels of the subject of adoration. Here work their own female tricks... A lady should be interested in something new in a relationship, be able to express her feelings by speaking about them directly. Write to your chosen one at the end of the working day: “I am all in anticipation and burning with passion. Your playful kitty. "
  3. Spontaneity and desire for sexual diversity. Everyone has known for a long time that married couples who have lived together for many years must work on relationships in order for them to develop. Each spouse will appreciate some kind of spontaneous gift from the wife. You can try to have unexpected sex in an unusual place, visit a sex store, or a boutique of sexy lingerie. This allows you to brighten up everyday life, awakens desire and helps to let go of the most secret feelings outward.
  4. Lover of games. In many continents, men have been surveyed on this topic. Statistics show that this is one of the most innermost desires... In this situation, a woman uses her talents in the game, turning into a sensitive conqueror of the heart of her chosen one. If your spouse is addicted to computer games- no problem. Become the sexy heroine of his favorite game. Come up with an interesting storyline. For example, 10 desires that the main character needs to fulfill in order to conquer his lady of the heart.
  5. Confidence. Probably, it's not a secret for anyone that men are attracted by confident ladies. And indeed it is. It is such a person who will not reflect on which woman he will quickly get bored with, she will do everything possible to diversify her intimate life... Of course, if you use all the tokens of a skillful priestess constantly, very soon it will turn into a boring household routine. Sweets, as they say, should be in moderation. Only in this way will you turn your relationship into something amazing.

Learning to express yourself in dance

Often, the fair sex simply does not fully understand the meaning of body movements, namely, dance. First of all, it is the expression of your emotions and experiences.

Men really like striptease: graceful, feminine and sexy body movements will not leave indifferent any, even the most closed, male. A huge advantage of such hobbies is the correction of the figure, because in this case the area of ​​the hips, waist and neckline is tightened.

Some ladies believe that these nuances are not so important and have nothing to do with the ideal lover. But you understand dear readers that this is complete absurdity. With the help of simple methods, you can save a woman from complexes. This is the base on which everything else depends.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Perhaps the most difficult thing about this is to step over your principles and good upbringing... But think about what new opportunities will open up for you. Massages are very welcomed by men. Tie it to your bed when you are enjoying it. Find an erogenous area on the body and work it out with light erotic movements.

Play role-playing games and do not be afraid of them, try yourself in the role of different characters.

Be desirable to your person

Stop constantly dressing in home clothes by the type of bathrobes and slippers! An alternative to this can be modern skinny shorts and tank tops. Wear only spectacular underwear... Even being in her own home, a woman should always remain desirable for her spouse.

Be playful with your partner, but not overly approachable. Through such manipulations, you will awaken passion in him. It looks like this in the eyes of a man real woman.

Love yourself

Stop criticizing yourself all the time. To be successful in a relationship, you only need to see yourself as positive aspects... Agree that a woman who is dissatisfied with herself will look pathetic and will not arouse desire.

When you repeat for the hundredth time in front of your chosen one: "I have cellulite", you lower yourself in his eyes and make you focus on your negative sides. Even if you do not see beauty in yourself, just keep silent about the shortcomings and work on them. Then the figure will be good, and the complexion will change, and the mood. You will like yourself and get rid of complexes.

By and large, there is no such concept that allows you to determine what should be ideal woman in bed. Each male sees his own individual preferences here. Focus on the desires of your chosen one, not a friend or neighbor.

And remember the golden rule: always be yourself. You don't need to play someone else's role in life. Always behave naturally, do not impose yourself, exclude pretense.

What admires men more than sex?

Now you know the main secrets of how to become an ideal lover, watch this video additionally, I learned from there a lot of important and useful things for myself, and I recommend it to you!

You can get sex education at the center female development, look for all the details here.

Ladies, keep your blog bookmarked to come back here again and do not forget to share with your friends on social networks useful information... Bye everyone!