How to moisturize your face at home: tips and tricks. Easy ways to moisturize your face at home

  • How to moisturize your face
  • The composition of moisturizing cosmetics

What you need to know about moisturizing your skin

Without exaggeration, water determines and regulates all body functions. And almost primarily responsible for the health and beauty of the skin. If there is little moisture, the production of collagen and elastin immediately decreases, the elasticity decreases sharply. The skin becomes defenseless against aggressive environmental factors, aging processes are activated.

Water, without exaggeration, determines and regulates all functions of the body © iStock

The skin reacts to a lack of moisture depending on the type.

In general, you cannot do without water. Therefore, immediately after cleansing and toning, a moisturizing stage should follow. It is this kind of care that stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

How to moisturize your face

Moisturizing masks and serums are useful for any skin. But the cream must strictly correspond to the type of skin.

Moisturizing care is a must for all skin types! © iStock

            With dry skin, it is worth combining hydration with nutrition - this is a smart decision in case of a lack of your own lipids. And here emulsions with natural oils, ceramides, squalane work well.

            For oily skin, intensely moisturizing gels and fluids with a mattifying effect (especially in summer), which regulate the production of sebum, are suitable. It is important that the formulas are non-comedogenic and contain no mineral oils.

            Light textures are shown for combination skin, and for the T-zone it is worth additionally picking up a matting fluid.

            How to properly apply the cream on the face? Try to follow the scheme below.

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The composition of moisturizing cosmetics

Moisturizers necessarily contain two types of ingredients:

    attracting and retaining moisture (hyaluronic acid, aloe vera extract, glycerin, L-carrageenan);

    moisture-trapping (squalane, natural oils), which form an occlusive film on the skin surface, preventing water from evaporating.

Extracts of certain plants, in particular aloe, have proven to be powerful moisturizers © iStock

Review of facial moisturizers

Moisturizing mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion Effaclar Mat, La roche-posay

The product with thermal water, glycerin, zinc and sebulize is non-comedogenic and does not contain oils. Mattifies the skin, reduces oily shine, tightens pores and moisturizes well.


Alina: "Light texture, the skin remains fresh and matte throughout the day."

Ksenia: “I bought an Effaclar Mat - I recommend it. Even at + 33 ° C, the face looks great, there is no desire to fry potatoes on it. From now on I am a fan of La Roche-Posay! "

Konstantin: “I really liked the cream, especially in combination with the gel and duo +, excellent texture, the skin becomes soft, inflammations go away, I advise everyone.”

Daily care for hypersensitive and allergy-prone skin Toleriane Ultra Fluide, La roche-posay

The formula based on thermal water, neurosensin, shea butter and squalane moisturizes and soothes oily and combination skin prone to allergies.


Tatiana: “My skin is hypersensitive, after winter it became very vulnerable. On the advice, I bought myself a mask from a cheap one, as a result - an allergy. I started looking for a new cream to match the makeup, moisturize, not be a pancake on my face and not give unpleasant sensations. According to the reviews, I liked Toleriane Fluide, ran after him to the pharmacy, applied it in the evening and realized that it was bliss for the skin! "

Hydra Zen Anti-Stress Moisturizer, Lancôme

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin, ceramides seal moisture, Chinese peony, moringa and French rose extracts soothe and provide a sense of comfort.

Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Moisture Saturated Cream, Vichy

The hypoallergenic formula contains hyaluronic acid, carrageenan and aquabioril. Intensively moisturizes the skin, restores its radiance.


Angela: “Great cream, I'm very happy! This is not the first time I have bought Vichy creams and will continue to use them. "

Maria: “Thank you for the product, it helped me a lot. Light texture, moisturizes the skin well, there is no discomfort! "

Christina: “I am absolutely delighted with the cream. I tried other creams of the brand, but stopped exactly on this one. Combination skin, sometimes peeling. Thanks to this cream, everything is just perfect. "

Night spa treatment mask for intensive hydration Aqualia Thermal, Vichy

Apply a product with hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aquabioril and nourishing shea butter an hour before bedtime to eliminate the risk of morning swelling. The next day, the skin looks hydrated and rested. A couple of times a week, the cream can be used as a moisturizing and nourishing mask, applied in a thicker layer.

Regular moisturizing procedures should be a must for dry skin. Peeling, feeling of tightness, early appearance of wrinkles - this will be the result if the owners of dry skin type do not take care of restoring the water balance in the intercellular space of the epidermis. The best skin care products are those that are prepared on your own from natural ingredients. That is why today we will analyze how to moisturize dry skin at home.

A few important rules to know

Before we learn about effective home remedies for moisturizing dry skin, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Try not to wash your face with tap water in the morning, as the protective sebum that has developed overnight will simply be washed off and the skin will remain defenseless against external factors.
  • Always cleanse your skin before applying masks (perhaps this advice is universal for all skin types).
  • Moisturizing masks need to be kept on the skin for at least 20-30 minutes for them to take effect.
  • Rinse off the masks with lukewarm water.
  • Alcohol is the enemy of dry skin, so it should not be included in skin care products. This is because it has a drying effect.

There are many skincare products that can help moisturize dry skin and make it firmer and smoother. We will look at several effective mask recipes.

Moisturizing masks that will "save" dry skin

Recipe for carrot and curd mask

It is necessary to mix a little fat cottage cheese and carrot juice, add 1 tsp. milk and olive oil. Apply evenly to the skin. It is advisable to remove the mask with a piece of ice prepared on the basis of a herbal decoction of chamomile, mint, rose hips, and linden. Such a mask not only fills with moisture well, but also improves the complexion of the skin.

Flaxseed mask

Dry flax seeds are ground in a blender, a little water is added to them (enough to make a thick slurry). Place all this in a container and put on fire. The blank for the mask should boil for about 10 minutes, after which it is removed from the stove and allowed to cool. The warm mass should act on the skin for 15 minutes. ...

Oil-based masks to moisturize very dry skin

We will also learn how to moisturize very dry skin of the face, for example, in the cold season, when the problem of peeling and hypersensitivity of the skin is especially relevant.

Masks and creams that include moisturizing oils for dry skin are known to be most effective.

Most of all, dry, depleted and dehydrated skin "loves" these natural oils:

Just a few drops of your favorite oil in the finished mask - and the skin will be fully saturated with life-giving moisture. By the way, oils can also be used as an independent product. After the evening cleansing procedure, it is enough to apply a very small amount of the selected oil to it.

An aromatic moisturizing mask for very dry skin (with coconut oil)

1 tsp combine coconut oil with 2 tbsp. l. rice flour. Dilute this mixture with freshly brewed green tea. The mask should be thick. Apply the resulting mass to well-steamed face skin and let it act for 15 minutes. Wash off.

You can also prepare a toner that will need to be wiped on the skin daily. To prepare it, you will need one apple and one banana. Peel the fruit, chop in a blender and add 1 tbsp. l. boiled milk and 1 tsp. glycerin. After cooling, strain the mass. The skin toner is ready.

As we can see, it is not difficult to moisturize dry skin at home. All the products described are an excellent alternative to professional cosmetics.

Skin prone to dryness needs careful hydration. Every person can face such a problem, there are many reasons. Starting from unhealthy diet, ending with the use of low quality cosmetics. Hence, it becomes necessary to use folk remedies, which we will talk about below. But first, let's examine the main aspects of why the skin becomes dry.

Causes of dry skin

There are external and internal factors that can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon. This list includes:

  • lack of basic basic skin care;
  • abuse of cosmetics based on alcohol, scrubs, peels;
  • lack of fluid in the body (consumption of less than 1.5 liters of pure water daily);
  • washing with hot water;
  • improperly compiled diet;
  • addictions (tobacco, alcohol);
  • treatment with harsh antibiotics;
  • taking laxatives and diuretics;
  • frequent exposure to stress;
  • age threshold 50+;
  • change in skin type as a result of extraneous factors;
  • the influence of weather conditions (frost, wind, sun, etc.);
  • being in a stuffy or smoky room;
  • insufficient hydration of the facial skin.

This list does not include all the causes that can lead to excessive dryness of the skin. It all depends on the lifestyle, state of health, principles of care.

How to moisturize your face

  1. Avoid using products that dry your skin. This list includes tonics containing alcohol, harsh scrubs, and other products that are not suitable for your skin type.
  2. Do not wash your face with hot water, give preference to contrast rinses. High temperatures cause the skin to lose precious moisture and dry out.
  3. Consume at least 1.8 liters per day. purified water, but not boiled (it is useless). This list does not include teas, juices, and other drinks. Avoid dehydration.
  4. Reconsider your daily diet because beauty starts from the inside out. Include in the menu more foods containing acids, vitamins, minerals. Apply to ingredients that have a lot of water.
  5. In winter and spring, the body experiences a lack of vitamins due to the change of seasons. Do not allow this, drink multivitamin complexes to promote health.
  6. It should be understood that exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin. It begins to fade, collagen production slows down, moisture is lost. Do not overuse tanning beds and sunbathing.
  7. Protect your skin from chapping and frostbite in cold weather. Do not wash your face just before going outside. Use protective creams like Nivea, which are designed for winter skin care.
  8. Alcohol takes away precious liquid from the body, the same can be said about smoking and drinking caffeinated beverages. If possible, eliminate all addictions or increase the amount of fluid consumed daily by 1.5 times.
  9. Nervous strain, constant exposure to stress, chronic fatigue, insomnia - all this negatively affects the beauty of the skin. Avoid negativity by any means, learn to distance yourself.
  10. Drink fish oil several times a year; the food supplement can be purchased in capsule form at the pharmacy. The composition effectively acts on the skin, nail plates and hair.

Lotions to moisturize the skin

Homemade grooming lotions can be used in place of store-bought beauty products. Consider popular and simple recipes.

  1. Natural oils. Mix in equal proportions avocado oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ. Inject 3 drops of patchouli essential oil. Stir, transfer to a dark container. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, décolleté with the oil mixture twice a day.
  2. Plum. Wash 5 large plums, scald with boiling water, then transfer to cold water. Remove the skin and bones, send the ingredients to simmer in 260 ml. boiling water. After 20 minutes, filter, apply after cooling 2 times a day.
  3. Oatmeal. Mix 250 ml. full-fat milk with two medium or fine oatmeal. Cook for 10 minutes, then cover and let cool. Filter (you can skip this step), use in the mornings and evenings on décolleté, face, neck.
  4. Grape. Squeeze juice from half a bunch in a convenient way, mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey and leave for an hour. Then add some water to dilute the product. Use as directed several times a day.

Before using the funds for the first time, do a test to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the incoming components.

Chamomile and natural oils

  1. The product is aimed at deep moisturizing, whitening of the face from pigmentation and freckles, smoothing the relief and shaping the jaw line.
  2. Measure out a handful of pharmacy chamomile inflorescences, combine with 0.25 liters. boiling water and leave in a container covered with a towel for 1 hour. Then filter and add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Fold a gauze cloth in 3-5 layers, dip it into a solution warmed to a comfortable temperature and squeeze lightly. Apply to face, neck and décolleté. Wait at least 25 minutes.

Hop cones with St. John's wort

  1. The systematic use of homemade products will help stabilize the water-salt balance in the tissues of the epidermis. The skin receives full hydration and nutrition with vitamins and minerals. The mask has a lifting effect.
  2. Combine 10 grams in a common cup. St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, chopped hop cones, yarrow and chamomile. Pour in raw material with 230 ml. steep boiling water. Leave the ingredients to infuse for half an hour.
  3. After that, strain the infusion and add whipped yolk, 12 g. bee honey and 30 ml. apple juice. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Spread the product over the skin and wait 25 minutes. Rinse yourself with lukewarm water in the usual way.

Linden decoction with olive oil

  1. If you regularly apply a mask from the presented components, the skin will receive proper hydration and softening. After several procedures, peeling disappears. Connect 55 gr. honey and 60 ml. olive oil. Heat the ingredients in a steam bath.
  2. Add the egg yolk to a homogeneous mixture. Consider the temperature of the mixture should not exceed 35 degrees. Otherwise, the animal product will begin to curl up. Apply a homogeneous mass in several layers, each should dry.
  3. The result will be about 4-5 layers. Once the mask is completely dry, remove it with a cotton pad. It must be soaked in linden broth. Such a composition must be prepared in advance from 40 grams. linden flowers and 250 ml. boiling water. Boil the component for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain and apply after cooling.

Cottage cheese with carrot juice

  1. The mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin cells. In addition, the epidermis is brightened, the tone is leveled. Combine 40 ml in a cup. warm country milk and 50 gr. fatty cottage cheese. Pound the food into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Enter 45 ml into the composition. fresh carrot and 35 ml. olive oil. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Spread the product over your face with a cosmetic spatula. Wait half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Olive oil with tocopherol

  1. A cosmetic product with natural ingredients fully nourish the skin, moisturize and vitaminize. Dryness, irritation and flaking disappears. The epidermis regains noticeable softness, velvety and healthy appearance.
  2. Warm up 90 ml. olive oil on a steam bath. Introduce 6 drops of tocopherol and retinol into the composition. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Prepare a gauze napkin, make slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. Treat the rags with the ready-made composition, put it on the skin. After half an hour, wash yourself with lukewarm water.

Lemon yolk

  1. The mask is aimed at deep hydration, nutrition and improvement of skin tone. The product effectively eliminates flaking, smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens and refreshes the epidermis. Heat 40 g lightly. olive oil and add the yolk, 5 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and get a homogeneous mass. Make a slit gauze napkin. Process the rags in the finished product. Apply the mask to your face, wait a third of an hour. Wash in the usual way.

Aloe honey

  1. The product is aimed at gentle cleansing, nutrition and deep hydration. Systematic application of the mask will significantly increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Active ingredients eliminate redness and irritation.
  2. Take the stem of a 2 year old plant, wash and remove excess moisture. Send the raw materials to the refrigerator for 10 days. Then pass the stem through a blender.
  3. Squeeze the juice and combine with 50 gr. liquid honey. Spread a homogeneous product over a clean face, wait a third of an hour. After that, wash yourself with water at room temperature.

To eliminate the increased dryness of the epidermis and moisturize it to the fullest, you need to find out the reasons. As an alternative to store-bought products, homemade recipes are recommended. Pay attention to effective homemade masks.

Video: moisturizing problem skin

Without daily moisturizing, facial skin loses its firmness and ages. Moisture-rich vegetables and fruits will help keep the skin from drying out. The pulp of the fruit is applied in pure form or mixed with yogurt, sour cream, honey.

Lack of moisture in the skin leads to premature aging, cell damage and loss of nutrients. Mass-market moisturizers often contain chemical ingredients that are carcinogenic and weaken the immune system. How to moisturize your skin without harming it? Homemade natural cosmetics will help with this.

In order to fill the skin with moisture at home, you must follow these simple rules:

Before moisturizing your face, you need to cleanse it. Apply a gentle cleanser. Once a week, it is good to do a steam bath for your face. After cleansing, the skin is wiped with a refreshing tonic and a moisturizing mask is applied. You can finish moisturizing the skin with a cool herbal compress.

Moisturizing toners and lotions

At home, infusions are used as the simplest tonic:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort.

A tablespoon of raw materials is steamed with a glass of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. With a chilled infusion, rub the face several times a day.

  1. A good tonic will turn out if you dilute a tablespoon of liquid honey in a linden infusion. In summer, they wipe their face with mineral water without gas, use thermal water.
  2. To prepare strawberry lotion, a few ripe strawberries are ground until mashed, pour half a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of glycerin is added. For dry skin, use soft dark plums instead of strawberries.
  3. Quickly moisturizes dry flaky skin with a lotion based on natural oils from apricot kernels, wheat germ and jojoba. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and a few drops of rose oil are added.
  4. Oily skin is rubbed with oatmeal tonic. Pour a tablespoon of cereal with a glass of boiling water or hot milk and leave to infuse overnight.
  5. Tea lotion is also suitable for oily skin. A couple of bags with your favorite type of tea (black, green, red) are poured with two glasses of boiling water and boiled over low heat until the liquid is halved. Put a slice of lemon and cool in the refrigerator.
  6. To tone and moisturize the skin at home, and at the same time get rid of comedones, dilute a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and wipe your face.

Skin moisturizing masks

To saturate the skin with moisture, juicy berries and fruits, vegetables, dairy products, natural oils, and herbal infusions are used. Moisturizing the facial skin with masks is carried out 1-2 times a week, the duration of the course is 2-3 months. You need to apply homemade masks for 20-30 minutes, rinse with cool water. Alternatively, you can remove the masks with a swab dipped in milk.

Universal moisturizing masks

Knead the banana pulp and mix with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and honey. Instead of a banana, melon, watermelon, apricot, cucumbers, and zucchini are also used. The preference is given to orange fruits - they are rich in vitamin A and are most useful for moisturizing the skin at home. Replete with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids in avocado. For the mask, grind the ripe fruit with cream to a thick paste.

Masks based on cottage cheese regulate water-fat metabolism, protect from solar radiation and give elasticity to the skin. The crushed curd is mixed with honey or linseed oil and applied to the skin.

Powerful natural skin moisturizer - aloe juice. Delivers moisture to the deep layers of the skin, heals minor inflammations, cracks. Contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids. Kalanchoe juice has a similar effect. To enhance the effect, the leaves are kept for a week in a dark place at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. For a mask, the juice is mixed with sour cream, cream, honey or applied in pure form.

Moisturizing dry skin

A gentle scrub mask is made from oatmeal. The flakes are boiled in milk, like ordinary porridge. Add honey, olive oil to chilled oatmeal and apply a thick layer to the skin. Wash off the mask by lightly massaging the face. If the skin is loose, flaky, with fine wrinkles, then a moisturizing mask is applied daily.

A mask made from homemade mayonnaise intensively moisturizes the skin. For this:

  • beat the yolk, pouring in olive oil in a thin stream;
  • at the end of whipping, add a little lemon juice;
  • apply the mask in a thick layer.

Olive oil helps to restore the epidermis, and the yolk enriches the skin with essential vitamins, microelements and lecithin.

To prepare a herbal mask, dry herb is mixed:

  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hop cones.

Pour a tablespoon of the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. After half an hour, add a teaspoon of apple juice and honey to 2 tablespoons of the strained infusion. The rest of the infusion can be used to make cosmetic ice.

The second version of the herbal mask:

  • mint leaves and mother-and-stepmothers are poured with boiling milk;
  • after 20 minutes, the softened green mass is applied to the face.

Milk proteins retain moisture in the skin, contribute to its elasticity, and medicinal herbs relieve inflammation, smooth fine wrinkles.

Masks for oily skin

Oily skin also needs hydration, especially in women over 35. Egg white absorbs excess sebum well. It is whipped and a pre-prepared decoction of oak bark, yarrow, string is added. The mask has a liquid consistency, it is applied with a gauze swab or cosmetic brush.

A mask made from sea buckthorn juice deeply moisturizes and copes with oily content. Squeeze the juice from ripe berries and apply on the face in pure form. Dries oily skin with cucumber juice. It is mixed with cream before application.


A homemade cream is best for moisturizing your skin in winter when it needs protection from the dry, frosty air and wind. For the preparation of the cream.

Moisturizing your face is one of the main conditions for keeping your skin healthy and youthful, along with cleansing and nourishing. And this applies not only to dry skin - normal and oily also need life-giving moisture. If the water balance is disturbed, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear on it. To moisturize your skin and prevent aging, rely on proven home remedies that are easy to make at home.

We restore water balance

One of the reasons for dehydration is a lack of fluid in the body. Drinking little water can directly affect the condition of your skin. Other factors include ultraviolet radiation, hypothermia, stress, unhealthy diet.

To moisturize the skin of the face, you must follow certain rules.

Drink water. The human body contains an average of 8 liters of fluid. 25-30% of this figure is accounted for by the skin. Water enters the cells and is retained there by hyaluronic acid. Drink 1.5 liters a day and your skin will feel much better.

Wash your face with warm or cold water. Too hot water disturbs the balance and can damage cells. If you have dry skin, do not use soap more than 2 times a week. Wash your face with milk or a special gel for dry skin.

Use sunscreen when going outside on sunny days. Ultraviolet light dehydrates cells and promotes premature aging. Also protect your face from the cold.

Use a moisturizer for your skin type. On oily it is enough to apply it once a day, on other skin types - 2. Change it periodically so that the skin does not get used to it.

Eat more vegetables and fruits and less fatty foods and starchy foods.

Use natural folk care products - moisturizing toners, etc.

Moisturizing tonics

Use toners after washing. They neutralize the effects of hard water, wash away the remains of detergents, restore water balance, tighten pores, give freshness, and increase the effectiveness of the cream. Since your goal is hydration, you should not use alcohol toners.

  • Lemon tonic. Squeeze out the juice and dilute with water 1: 1.
  • Herbal tonic. Take one of the herbs for the tonic: chamomile, parsley, or a mixture of medicinal herbs. Pour 3 tablespoons of chopped greens with 100 g of hot water. After 2 hours, when infused, strain.
  • Cucumber tonic. Grate the cucumber. Squeeze out the juice after half an hour. Use neat or mix with water 1: 1
  • Berry tonic. Chop seasonal berries and leave for half an hour. Squeeze out the juice, dilute with water 1: 1.
  • Cabbage tonic. Chop the cabbage, squeeze the juice out of it. Can be used in its pure form.

Such tonics are stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Lubricate your face 2 times a day after washing your face. If there is no risk of ruining your makeup, you can do it more often.

Moisturizing masks

Before applying a moisturizing mask, cleanse your face from impurities, makeup and steam your face.

  • The honey mask will perfectly moisturize and saturate your skin with many trace elements it needs. Warm up a little honey and apply to your face. If it is too thick, dilute it with a little water or milk.
  • The curd mask is ideal for moisturizing dry skin. You can add sour cream to the grated cottage cheese.
  • Oatmeal mask is also called beauty mask. This cereal contains a huge amount of nutrients. Pour hot water or milk over the oatmeal and let it brew. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to grind the flakes first and use a blender or coffee grinder.
  • The egg yolk mask perfectly moisturizes and is suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

Mix different ingredients to create a new recipe of your choice. Excellent masks are obtained from yolk and oatmeal, cottage cheese and honey, honey and oatmeal. In addition, it is best to change the various ingredients so that your skin does not have time to get used to the product.

Oils can be added to any mask to moisturize and nourish. Extra virgin olive oil moisturizes, in addition, it contains antioxidants and vitamins A and E useful for the face.

Keep the mask on for an average of 15 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. After such a procedure, it is useful to treat the face with a tonic. Do moisturizing masks once a week and you will see results very soon. You will not only restore water balance, but also nourish your skin with beneficial substances and get rid of wrinkles.

You don't have to spend money on salon treatments to look good. There are plenty of ways to keep your skin healthy in the box of folk remedies. Moisturize your face and you will always look amazing.