How to get out of a girl's friend zone. How to get out of the friend zone: tips for guys and girls. Networking and general hobbies

Friendzone is a popular concept that psychologists explain as an unequal emotional exchange that suits only one participant in a relationship. We met with the friend zone in films, TV shows and, of course, in life. Even the best guys faced a situation when they wanted to date, but in response they heard phrases like “I haven’t had a best friend yet”, “oh, how I dream that my boyfriend was like you”, “I would not want spoil our friendship with relationships "," it's not that time yet. " This is the notorious friend zone.

Most often, it is girls who tend to twist the guys, placing them in the friend zone, thereby driving them to complete despair. Moreover, it is not necessary that only guys are in the friend zone. Many girls in love with their "friends" are also worried about how to leave the friend zone and start dating the object of their sighs.

Why put in the friend zone at all? First, it's a guaranteed fallback. Secondly, this is how a person draws attention to his person. And thirdly - a bunch of additional perks from a friend in love with you. Much less common is this version of the friend zone, when you do not want to date a person, but you feel that he is, well, a very good person and does not deserve a hard refusal. The right thing to do is to step back and give the person time to cool down as much as possible and forget about it. Then he will not hold any grudge against you.

How to leave the friend zone for a girl?

Guys friendzone girls much less often, but, however, it happens. For girls, the peculiarity here is that men more often send girls not to the friend zone, calling it friendship, but assign them the status of "only intimacy".

The first sign that a guy is friendzoning you is ignore. The guy tries to avoid any conversations and offers to meet, he does not invite you to walk and he himself will most likely find a reason to refuse to go with you. The second sign is that he will not tell anyone about you, say that you are communicating. Third - the guy doesn't write to you first. Not because there is not enough time - often there is simply no motivation, the desire to spend money on relationships when they are not at all interesting to him. The fourth sign is that you will have to pay at the cinema, restaurants yourself. Or maybe even pay for a guy, because when he agreed to go for a walk with you, which happens so rarely that, rather, you yourself dragged him, and he does not feel any responsibility and desire to be a gentleman.

It is believed that the peculiarities of the friend zone for girls are in the sad fact that it is almost impossible to get out. In contrast to the situation when a girl friend zone a guy, and there are still ways out - to show her courage, to win the girl's heart with warmth, affection. The advice for most cases is to just forget about that guy and stop trying to communicate. Of course, here we are not considering the true, undeniably existing friendship of a girl and a guy.

What other recommendations can there be? No need to impose, write hourly how you miss him and want to see him. The guy should miss you, if that doesn't happen - you just become even more uninteresting to him. If you literally bombard him with messages, he is more likely to simply stop responding to them. Better you write one message, sooner or later he will read and answer it, but he will answer because he wants it, but not from compulsion. Never write to a guy that you want a serious relationship with him, family, children, how you made plans for your whole life with him - this will scare and turn him away. Yes, this can also change for you, because life is changing very much, tomorrow it may become completely uninteresting to you.

The second step towards being successful with a guy is understanding that men also love attention. Yes, most magazines say that you should be cold as ice, but guys still love when they sometimes say some nice things, do not forget to please him sometimes. The key word is sometimes. Tell him once how good he was or how well he did the job. You don’t need to say every minute how great he is, cool and handsome - the guy will simply devalue you against the background of his exorbitant growth.

And the main recommendation for girls who are in the friend zone is to take care of themselves. Girls tend to strive for relationships, because they are valuable for them in themselves, and to find the first person for such a desired relationship, without noticing the real situation, endowing the guy with far-fetched high qualities. Take a critical look at the situation and bring the focus you put on the guy to yourself. , improve, become the one that the guys will look after themselves, the girl who will no longer be in the friend zone.

How to leave the friend zone for a guy?

The friend zone is not the friendship of two people, but the place where the guys are sent by the girls, in which the guys, unfortunately, are unrequitedly in love. This is when you hear "you're cool, but let's just be friends." As soon as a guy flies to a terrible place called the friend zone, he begins to lose a lot of strength, energy, etc. Guys who are stuck in the friend zone often experience such transformations with their personality that then one can only wonder why, in fact, everything fell apart.

There is a rumor that almost no one returns from the friend zone. Once in it, the guy begins to make such mistakes that, looking at himself from the side, he himself would feel sick. What must not be done, what must be done in order to escape from the notorious friend zone safe and sound? How to get out of the friend zone and start dating?

First, let's define how you got into it. The first option - you had a romantic relationship, perhaps intimacy, even if casual, or an intimate passion, but then they began to distance you. Second - you have never had a romantic relationship, you would really like to, but somehow you were immediately assigned to this friend zone. In principle, the rules for both categories are almost the same, but there are nuances.

If there was no romantic connection, then let me clarify - and the girl is generally aware of your intentions, that you want more? Until you make it clear to her - you need more than just friendship - you will continue to torment and hesitate if she wants a relationship. Act dynamically - try to demonstrate your strengths in a very short time, and then immediately offer to say goodbye to the friend zone.

When you were told something vague and indistinct like "you are cool, I like you, but let's just talk", "I'm just not ready for a serious relationship right now." When your heart offer was answered vaguely - you know, you were simply assigned to the friend zone. Then you really need to step back, not to take a single step towards each other, no initiative is needed. She wants friendship - let her initiate it herself. If you yourself constantly call and invite the girl here, here, hanging over her, you will only get deeper into the friend zone.

Many are afraid that if they themselves do not take the initiative, they will simply lose all contact with the object of their passion, because they guess that the girl will not make any gestures herself. Yes, that's probably how it will be when the person is not interested in you, and the offer of friendship was just an excuse or an act of politeness. Here you just have to come to terms with reality and get out of the situation beautifully, keeping self-respect.

Agree, if you were offered friendship, but did not show any initiative, then nothing could come of it, not even friendship. If there is an initiative, then there are chances. The only thing you need to know is how to behave correctly, so as not to spoil anything. So, if there is an initiative from a girl, but she is very weak, then you simply do not react to such an initiative. For example, you don't invite a girl to go somewhere when she just called you to ask about business. How much to play these games, afraid to miss the chance to renew the relationship? If you were sent from a romantic connection to a friend zone, then you should be asked to come back straightforwardly, in direct text, say that you want a relationship, regret it and ask you to return.

Do not settle in any way for intimacy, even when you really want to, because often it is just a search for a shore where you can get relaxation, cry and get comfort when a girl tries to build a relationship with the current guy, but they do not stick.

The main thing is that you can leave the friend zone. It is difficult, but feasible. There are two options. The first is fast and radical, which can end either badly and unpleasantly, or immediately and well. Also slower, which implies a much more routine work with oneself, meticulous sharpening of situations, but giving a positive result, which does not depend on how things turn out.

The first, quick and radical, is to walk up and kiss her insolently. Slaps in the face means there will be no "happily ever after". However, if she answers, then pack up and drag her out on a date!

The way that is slower, but sure, teaches - a woman must first be tamed. Basic training - remember, you are cool and worthy of love in any absolutely case. And then point by point. First, show the girl - the light did not converge on her like a wedge, she is not the navel of the earth, and you are free to spend time with others and pay attention to someone else - after all, the sea is still full of fish! Secondly - show that you are not her friend, you are a man, and your intentions are quite specific. And, finally, it will help not to spend all the free time with her, not to write a hundred times a day, but only once, perhaps, in several days. Here the law will work - the less we love a girl, the easier she likes us.

We've all been in a situation where you start to feel romantic feelings for your friend, but you don't know what to do right. The worst thing is when your friend you are in love with does not know about it or continues to think that you are just friends. Then you find yourself in a scary place called the "friend zone" ("friendship zone"). But before you despair and give up, understand that there is a way out of this situation. Remember that your relationship with your friend is the same as that of other friends, that it can change and progress. Once you understand and accept the risks involved, start gradually showing your friend your interest, but practice decency and respect. Then you have a chance to turn your friendship into something more.


Part 1

Assess the consequences

    Decide if it's worth it. Trying to turn a friendship into a relationship can have unpredictable consequences. If your plan doesn't work, the friendship may deteriorate or end altogether. If you really care about the person you are in love with, consider whether you are willing to take this risk. Maybe you decide it's best to stay friends and try to come to terms with your feelings.

    Ask yourself what you want. Analyze your desires. Do you have really strong feelings for your friend, or is it just physical attraction? It's perfectly normal for you to be physically attracted to someone of the opposite sex with whom you bond well, and sometimes this can extend to your friends. But that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a good match for each other in a romantic relationship.

    Talk to mutual friends. Find out what the person you like is saying to your mutual friends. They can tell you some information about how your friend is feeling. In addition, friends can help you decide whether to start a romantic relationship with this person, or if you are more likely to jeopardize your friendship with him.

    • If your mutual friends think you have a chance to be romantically involved, they can put in a good word on your behalf or give your friend a subtle hint. If your friend hears your mutual acquaintances tell you, “you guys are so cute” or “you would be the perfect match,” he may look at you differently.
    • You should do what is best for you, but you should also keep in mind that being romantically involved with your friend can affect the rest of your mutual friends. You may not feel very comfortable discussing the details of your relationship with a mutual friend who communicates well with your partner. Plus, in the event of a breakup, your friends will have a hard time trying to maintain a normal relationship with both of you.
  1. Make sure you made the right choice again. Even if you decide to act directly, you shouldn't talk about your feelings out of the blue. Wait for the moment when you are alone and can talk openly, without embarrassment or distraction. Be sure to take into account other details, such as if your friend is having a stressful moment in his life, if he has just ended a serious relationship, it’s probably not the time to share your feelings with him.

    Part 2

    Develop relationships
    1. Spend more time with your friend. Offer him some interesting things to do and try to change the way you communicate when you are together. Instead of chatting like ordinary friends (as you always did), show more interest in him (not only emotionally, but also physically). Getting out of a friend zone is often as easy as developing your relationship and changing the way a friend perceives you. The more time you spend face to face, the more opportunities you have to express your feelings.

      • A good way to spend more time alone with someone is to separate them from the company. The next time you go out with friends, stay with him, talk, do something together.
      • Invite a friend to do something they like to do together: go to a concert or camping trip, exercise, or play a game.
    2. Start small and try to develop relationships. Don't expect a long friendship to turn into a one-night stand. Give the person time to relax and think. Go on a few non-binding dates first, and when you know the moment is right, take your friend on a formal date. Your behavior and attentional gestures should become more flirtatious and playful over time, which will later develop into affection. If you start acting too quickly right away, you might just scare your friend off.

      • Sometimes it's hard to find a good way to start flirting without getting into an awkward situation. Try to compliment your friend from time to time, tell him what you like about him, about his appearance. Eventually, your friend will begin to perceive your compliments in a new way.
      • Learn to understand your friend's behavior. If he reacts positively to lighthearted flirting on your part, that's a good sign. If he closes in on himself and tries to change the subject when you show your affection, chances are he is not romantically interested in you.
    3. Try to "switch" to someone else for a while. If there is someone else you like, too, you could try to get close to them. Thus, you will not only have the opportunity to have a romantic relationship with someone, but you will also have a chance to forget about feelings for your friend. Try to find someone with whom you do not have a good friendship yet who would suit you as a couple. Find someone who shares your interests, someone who really likes you.

      • Don't pretend you like the other person if you just want the friend to be jealous of you. If you start to show interest in someone, it is important that it be sincere.
      • Keep in mind that if your friend is interested in you, your new relationship will really make him jealous. Just consider if your goal is to start a relationship with someone else.
    4. Break down the barrier of physical contact. Small, innocent physical gestures are the foundation of a close relationship. Try to touch more of the person you like. You can take his hand when talking about something exciting, you can put your hand on his back when this person walks in front of you. Such a subtle gesture can awaken feelings in a person, arouse sympathy for you and a desire for a romantic relationship.

      Be honest about your feelings. Perhaps you are already tired of waiting, perhaps you are tired of beating around the bush and just want to express your feelings directly. This is not always a bad thing. Find time when you can stay with a friend somewhere together and have a one-on-one conversation. Be honest about your feelings, but try not to embarrass your friend. Let him understand that you do not expect him to change in your friendship, you just need to express your feelings to him. If you openly talk about your sympathy, it will definitely kill any doubts and give you a clear answer about whether you have a chance to build a romantic relationship.

      • Try saying something like, “I'm nervous trying to tell you this, but I feel ...” or “We spend so much time together and I really enjoy being with you. I have feelings for you and ... "
      • Perhaps your friend also feels something more for you than friendship, but hesitates to say, because he is afraid that you will not reciprocate.
      • If you can overcome fear and nervousness and be honest, you have a chance to get a direct answer that will save you from having to be alone with your feelings for many weeks.

    Part 3

    How to improve relationships
    1. Enjoy seeing a friend. If your friend has mutual feelings for you, congratulations! You have successfully logged out of the friend zone. Now the two of you can start moving on and building relationships. In fact, developing a relationship with a friend can be a surprisingly rewarding experience, especially given that you are compatible. You are already comfortable with each other, you know that the friend accepts you for who you are, and this will simplify the task of maintaining the relationship.

      Get ready to live up to your new status. Of course, dating your best friend is great, but it will also affect you. You must adhere to new boundaries and be prepared for new perspectives as the relationship develops. Show your partner that you care about him, that you are not only treating him like a friend, that you take your relationship seriously. Make an effort to prioritize your new boyfriend / girlfriend, don't treat him / her like any other friend.

      Find common interests. Now that you've become a couple, you can continue to do together what you did when you were friends. Go to a concert of a band you both like, have fun with your friends, and arrange to have lunch at your favorite cafe. Your friendships have prepared your romance to be full of fun and new experiences, which will help you bond even more and take your relationship to the next level. You will learn even better what your partner likes and doesn't like. Best of all, you never run out of topics of conversation.

      • One of the best things about having a friend romance is that you already have a lot in common. This removes the hassle of planning a date and figuring out things to do together.
    2. Don't involve your mutual friends in your relationship. Communicate openly with each other and try to solve problems yourself when they arise. Sure, it can be tempting to complain about a problem to your mutual friends, especially when you’re upset, but it can complicate matters and embarrass your friends because they value both you and your partner. Therefore, there should be a little privacy in your new romantic relationship, so that you can keep the relationship with your mutual friends, but separate from your romantic relationship.

      • If you share a lot of the details of your relationship with your mutual friends, they might look at your partner in a different way, which will be unpleasant, because they are friends with both you and your partner.
      • Fortunately, if your relationship began with friendship, even fights and arguments will be easier, because you already know your partner's characteristics, you know how to talk to him when he is upset.

    Part 4

    Dealing with disappointment
    1. Try to accept rejection with honor. Be prepared for a negative outcome when you are considering asking a friend out on a date or want to open up your feelings to him. Understand that your friend may not have feelings for you, and that's okay. Smile and act like you did before so that both of you feel comfortable, show that you still want to be friends. This is not the end of the world, and you will feel better knowing that you did your best.

      Find support from family and friends. Try to get rid of unrequited feelings while spending time with friends and family. The more often you laugh and get distracted, the faster you can forget your feelings. Plus, it will be a reminder that you are surrounded by people who care about you, even if things are not going the way you hoped. At best, you share your feelings with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and together decide that you are better off being friends. If so, you are very lucky. Most likely, this is not exactly what you expected, but it is a clear answer, and it will help you understand where you are in the relationship, what aspects you should work on. Look at this as an opportunity to start a new friendship and become even closer friends than before.

      • There is no guarantee that your opinion will not change in the future. Now try to be content with your friendships, even if you are confident in your feelings, you should not think that all is lost.
    2. If the friendship ends, don't blame yourself. Perhaps after you tell your friend about your feelings for him, he will think that he can no longer be your friend. If this really happened, understand that you did nothing wrong. It is very important to be honest with your friend and with yourself, because ignoring your feelings can greatly worsen your relationship and disappoint both of you. Accept that sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. Move on and try to come to terms with the fact that you did your best.

    • By hiding your feelings, you not only hurt yourself, but you can also hurt your friendship. If you are truly confident that you have fallen in love with your friend, be honest with him.
    • Avoid flirting with other guys and girls while trying to get romantically involved with your friend (unless this step is part of your behavior strategy).
    • Make time for your friend and always be there when he needs you. In this way, you will demonstrate that you care about him.
    • If you feel that your friend is responding to you with some mixed feelings, perhaps your sympathy is mutual, but your friend does not know how to behave in order to maintain friendship.
    • Even if you do everything right, there is still no guarantee that your friend will never want anything more than friendship with you. If your relationship isn't progressing, figure out yourself, accept it, and focus on being a great friend.
    • Just be friendly and respect your friend's privacy.


    • Stop trying to get romantically involved if your friend lets you know that he is not comfortable. The friend may be too polite, he may not know how to tell you this, but you do not want to alienate your loved one.
    • Keep in mind that even if things turn out the way you wanted, chances are it will change the relationship between you forever.
    • Don't try to interfere with your friend's relationship. So you prove yourself as a selfish and desperate person, and only harm your friend, without achieving your goal.
    • Try not to let your feelings turn into crazy love. Try to assess the situation realistically, think about future prospects and try to always be busy to distract from bad thoughts and desires.

In life, there are often situations when a guy loves a girl, but only agrees to the role of a friend, having no alternative. The wrong model of behavior of a man towards a girl, a lack of sympathy in her, as well as a number of external factors and circumstances can lead to this. Psychology considers a number of actions and ways how to get out of the friend zone for a guy, interested in a girl like a man.

If a man initially agreed to the role of a friend, but in time made attempts to switch to a romantic mood of the relationship, this is quite logical and normal. But by prolonging the friendship period, you can gradually reduce the likelihood that the man will be able to leave the friend zone altogether. And due to competition, you can simply lose your chance, so it is worthwhile to resort to the advice of specialists in time.

Basic rules on how not to get into the friend zone

To understand whether it is possible to leave the friend zone and become more than just a friend for a girl, you need to take action and take initiative. The main thing is to drop the hopes that very soon the girl will consider him a good and loving guy. Nothing happens just like that, any result will be the outcome of actions. And in order not to look for ways to get out of the friend zone, a man needs to know the basic rules of how not to get into it initially.

The main reason why a guy sooner or later becomes just a friend for a girl is the lack of attempts at tactile contact and physical intimacy. That is, young people go on dates, spend time together, they are comfortable and interesting with each other. But the guy does not try to hug, kiss the girl, and he also does not tend to have sexual intercourse.

At first, this behavior is fully justified by respect for the honor and dignity of the girl. But sooner or later, she herself will wait for touches and kisses, and simple communication will quickly get bored. A girl can decide for herself that her partner does not like her, and even under the condition of further communication, she will begin to look for another potential chosen one. This will be the beginning of the friend zone through the fault of the man and his indecision.

Accordingly, the main rule is how not to become friends of a girl, a young man needs to take timely steps towards bodily rapprochement. If at first she refuses tactile contact, you need to wait a little more, but do not postpone the intimacy indefinitely. With repeated refusals, we can conclude that the problem lies in the girl herself, the man is required to gradually reduce the distance between them.

How do you know that you are in the friend zone?

To prevent getting into the friend zone, a man needs to know the main reasons for getting into it. Psychologists identify 5 misconduct guys, because of which they become good friends, not lovers. Namely:

  • lack of flirting;
  • indecision of a man;
  • indulging a girl in any decisions and actions;
  • excessive spending time together;
  • the man does not show his sexuality.

Psychologists also call the signs of a friend zone for those guys who cannot independently understand who they are for a girl. There can be several signs, for example:

  • She discusses girlfriends and other young people with a man.
  • She often tells a man that he is a good person and a great guy.
  • She can get acquainted with the man's friends, but she does not show him to her friends.
  • She refuses tactile contact.
  • The man did not show his serious intentions for the future of the relationship.
  • A man will be there when she needs it, but you can not expect help from her.
  • She casts glances at the other guys.
  • The man turns into a vest for tears and complaints.
  • There is no conversation about relationships between young people.
  • If sex did happen, but was under the influence of intoxicating drinks only once.

Signs of a friend zone can be single or complex at once, in any case, a man needs to urgently take action to get out of it. Otherwise, very soon he may see her with another man, more decisive and proactive.

How to get out of the friend zone?

It is possible to determine if it is possible to leave the friend zone by how the girl reacts to the topic regarding the relationship. If she immediately declares that initially she can only be friends, this is a decision already made by her, which will be difficult or even impossible to change.

You can get out of it if you take the following actions in time:

  1. No need to dissuade a girl from making a decision.... It is foolish for a man to beg her while looking pitiful and sad.
  2. No need to stop communication or reduce it to a minimum... This will only cause a feeling of resentment in her, respectively, the position of a friend and the impossibility of a relationship will only strengthen. Also, you do not need to behave yourself like an offended person, having lost her respect against this background.
  3. No need to abruptly close the distance, climb up to a girl with sexual innuendo... You can try to act with her like a friend, sharing, for example, thoughts about other girls. This can inflame the feeling of jealousy in the girl and the realization that this is not really friendship after all.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. An expert in family relations. Family psychologist.

You need to act in the direction of the girl and exit her friend zone on time, but gradually without haste. To do this, you need to analyze the reasons that contribute to the girl's friendliness to the guy, and then you should change yourself and your format of communication, reducing the distance.

What do we have to do?

The subsequent actions of the guy who seeks to leave the friend zone will be aimed at changing himself, behavior and the format of communication with the girl. Psychologists advise you to do the following:

  • You need to not show your feelings and affection for the girl. You can imagine that the girl is actually just an acquaintance, not arousing much interest.
  • The man himself needs to become the most interesting interlocutor, communicate with her on all sorts of topics. It is good if in the course of communication a sense of humor, charisma of a man, erudition and intellect are involved.
  • A man needs to become a standard, developing in himself all those qualities and traits that girls are looking for in potential partners. That is, you need to become strong, sturdy, pumped up, smart, beautiful and stylish, successful and decisive. You need to find out the type that the girl prefers, and then adjust yourself to him.
  • You need to become independent. That is, if a girl called a man a friend, one should abandon courtship, changing the tactics of behavior. This does not mean that the man will stop spending time with her, he just needs to be cut back by going about his business. A girl should not see the suffering of a man, this will only aggravate the situation.
  • Despite the friendly format of communication, it is necessary. By showing gallantry and demeanor, speaking words of praise and encouragement, an emotional bond can be built between young people. But at the same time, you do not need to look at her with loving eyes, showing more coldness.

Girls tend to act according to their mood, and as psychologists say, these are rather fickle personalities. Under the influence of circumstances and when a man's behavior changes, a woman may look at him with different eyes.

How to stop being a friend and start dating?

Separately, experts offer effective ways to get out of the friend zone for a guy with the prospect of a further relationship. To do this, it will be enough to learn and undertake the following:

  1. Become a man... You don't need to act like a helpful girlfriend, feel sorry for her and assent in everything. A man will show that the discussion of girlfriends or even other guys in his presence is inappropriate, you can simply make it clear that he is not interested in this topic at all.
  2. Talk only about each other. To tune a girl to a relationship, a man needs to communicate with her only about him and about the girl herself, or better in the context of "we".
  3. Mark the distance. She needs to be shown that she needs to run with tears and complaints to a friend, and not to a man. He can only cheer her up, distract her with another date, hug and kiss her.
  4. Dating other girlsuntil she agrees to date a man. Since a man is only a friend to her, he is free to choose new companions for himself, and if she begins to be jealous, it is worthwhile to immediately discuss the format of their relationship.
  5. Continue courting. In relation to the girl, you need to be attentive, polite and slightly courteous, but without undue manifestation of love.

Have you ever left the friend zone?


If a man is trying in every possible way to become more than a friend for a girl, but all of the above methods do not change her opinion, most likely this is simply not his girlfriend. There are a lot of beautiful, smart and promising women in the world who are ready for a serious relationship. Obsession with one simply delays the moment of meeting his future wife.


Leaving the friend zone is actually not so easy, especially if the girl did not initially perceive the man as a potential partner. But this does not mean that a man needs to fold his arms and do nothing. Psychologists offer a ton of advice and behaviors that can turn all of her views and beliefs.


In a series of "gray" everyday life, we rarely meet people with whom we manage to find a common language, feeling spiritual and psychological compatibility. This is the peculiarity of relationships - there are many comrades and friends around us, but there are only a few friends. In search of a beloved, men often go to the ends of the Earth, desperate to find the chosen one in a familiar environment.

It is not surprising that close and dear people become for us a support and support - a stronghold on which other daily life processes are based. Meeting our person on the way, we ask ourselves a question, having won her favor. It is often much easier to evoke sympathy from a stranger than to change the spectrum of already formed feelings in a friend. Over time, some men realize that their chosen one has been around for a long time.

However, companionship does not imply courtship and romantic meetings, therefore, immediately declaring the feelings that have arisen is an inappropriate decision. If the girl already has a clear opinion about you, then you should think about: How to cross the invisible line of friendship? Will a girl be able to fall in love with her "bosom" friend? How can a guy get out of the friend zone? What mistakes shouldn't be made?

Typical signs of a friend zone

Initially, you need to calm down and rationally weigh your own range of feelings. Are you really sure you want to change the communication format? If you are driven by sexual unfulfillment, then you should not risk friendship for the sake of a single intimacy. If a guy realizes that he is in love, then it is important not to rush things, having developed a clear plan of action. Get rid of and do not project negative options for the outcome of events - the result directly depends on the scale of the effort. Do not exclude the possibility of mutual sympathy, which the chosen one carefully hides. To determine the format of communication between you, check out the typical signs of a friend zone:

Listen to the girl - in a conversation she involuntarily characterizes you as a part of her life. If she compares you to her brother or constantly talks about the benefits of being friends with a boyfriend, then obviously the woman is not considering the option of having a love relationship with you.
Analyze your communication. If a girl asks you to buy tampons or other intimate accessories, then there is no need to talk about nascent sympathy. She trusts you as a friend, so she can make a request in a similar format.
Provoke the girl to show the true emotions lurking in the subconscious. Ask if she has free friends with whom you would love to meet. If a woman finds a million reasons not to set you up with your friends, then you are on the right track.
Pay attention to the girl's reaction when you accidentally touch her, closing the distance between you. If she immediately moves away from the embrace or removes her hand, then she will have to make a lot of efforts to "conquer" the chosen one.

Having realized the fact that the chosen one has identified you in the friend zone, you do not need to immediately switch to offensive actions or despair. First, try to find advantages in the current situation. You have the opportunity to get to know the girl better, being around as a friend. You can spend time with your loved one, enjoying joint walks and going to the cinema. You have a chance to become an integral part of a woman's life.

Having identified the positive aspects of the friend zone, it is important to engage in introspection. Evaluate your strength rationally, having previously answered the main questions: Are you ready to risk friendship for the sake of a possible love relationship? Do you fit the type of your chosen one? Can you compete with her real boyfriends? How can you interest a girl? It is possible that after an unsuccessful attempt to achieve the location of a woman, you will stop communicating with her, so objectively weigh your potential. To get out of the friend zone, do not look for information about how - follow the following recommendations and achieve the location of the chosen one:

Change by presenting yourself to a woman in a new look that combines personality traits that are highly appreciated by your chosen one. During your friendship, you have already managed to find out the girl's preferences, so you can construct a collective image, embodying the most popular characteristics of the beloved's ex-boyfriends.
Become by demonstrating your own self-sufficiency. It is important for girls to feel secure, feeling the strength and confidence of the guy. If you show the chosen one that you can be relied on not only as a friend, then on a subconscious level she will certainly ask a question about the prospect of creating a love union with you.
Do not narrow the circle of your interests on the needs of a woman, abandoning planned events, wanting to please a friend. She must understand that besides her, there are other people in your life with whom you want to spend your free time.

Weigh yours rationally, adjusting the personality image in accordance with the preferences of the chosen one. It is important to actually develop new qualities in yourself and get rid of bad habits, and not pretend that you have succeeded in changing. Over time, the girl will definitely feel pretentious, disappointed in you.
Be with your partner when she is depressed. Moral support allows you to reduce the physical distance between people - hug her, pat her on the head, gently squeeze her shoulder.
Learn to be an interesting conversationalist. Captivate women with stories and do not hesitate to advise. Use literary techniques that transform speech - epithets and metaphors, comparisons and personifications. In the process of dialogue, a girl should be aware that she is communicating with an intellectually developed guy who is not deprived.
Allow yourself more than before - gradually step over the inhibitions, accidentally touching the chosen one. Compliment and remotely hint at the sympathy that has appeared. Women are distinguished by increased insight, so the beloved will definitely guess about your intentions.

Using the tips above, you will be able to identify the girl's intentions in a short period of time. If she likes the ongoing changes in the usual format of communication between you, then do not stop - go to offensive actions. If a woman is perplexed by the current situation, where you openly flirt and show signs of attention, then slow down by changing the chosen tactics. If the girl does not consider the possibility of mutual sympathy, then stop, because you risk losing touch with a loved one. This means that a chosen one will still appear in life, who will charm you.

- masculinity, self-confidence and self-sufficiency. The main thing is to change the established stereotypes of the girl, presenting herself from a new angle. She knows you only as a friend, so the signs of a gallant gentleman and a brutal male, harmoniously combined in your image, will become pleasant surprises for her. Do not forget to adjust the recommendations given in accordance with the preferences and tastes of a woman, because you know her better than other representatives of the strong half of humanity.

March 23, 2014 4:28 pm

Love is a strong feeling that fills our life not only with bright colors, but also with meaning. But it often happens that a loved one sees only a friend in you. Being in the friend zone is burdensome, and you want a lot more, and your lover does not consider you as a sexual partner at all. How to get out of the friend zone? How to achieve the translation of a friendship into a romantic one if the friend does not perceive you as an object of love?

How to leave the friend zone for a girl

It would seem that the "friendship zone" is not bad at all, because you do not cause hostility or rejection from your partner. But on the other hand, in such a situation, it is not the vector of relations that needs to be changed, but their very nature. It is much more difficult, but the problem can still be solved.

Does the lover perceive you as “his boyfriend” or sister? Try to change, make him see a charming woman in you.

  1. Be attractive. Change your image to a more sexy, modern, relaxed one. An elegant dress instead of jeans, a fashionable hairstyle, good makeup can completely change the image.
  2. Be sexy. Flirt, flirt, arouse jealousy in your partner. Men are owners, and if he notices that you are interesting to other guys, then he will definitely take a closer look at you.
  3. Be weak. It is necessary for the young man to stop perceiving you as a friend. Ask him for help, stumble when you walk next to him, compliment his strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc.
  4. Be feminine. Show concern and tenderness. And the combination of charm, caring and female weakness works for men without fail.
  5. If these tools do not help, then talk to the young man frankly. But this is the last resort, with which it is better not to rush. Frightened by frankness, your partner may run away altogether.

It should be remembered that when changing, trying to be more attractive and awaken the sexual desire of a man, you need to be patient and careful. Men are conservatives; abrupt changes in you can scare you away. Those trusting and friendly relations that did not suit you will simply collapse, but love will not arise either.

How to leave the friend zone for a guy

Traditionally, it is believed that it is easier for a man to be active and conquer a woman. But if we are talking about leaving the "friendship zone", then this is not the case. When a girl sees you as a friend or older brother, this attitude is very stable.

How to get out of the friend zone and start dating?

  1. You need to stop constantly showing your tender feelings, if, of course, you do it.
  2. Change. Become sexually attractive, stylish, modern, the kind of man your girlfriend likes.
  3. Get interesting. Women always value a man's intelligence, erudition, a sense of humor and the ability to entertain and captivate a conversation.
  4. Become independent. Disappear from her life for a while. You will experience a few days (and perhaps during this time you will understand that there are other women in the world), and your girlfriend will begin to worry and think about you more often.
  5. Start grooming. Give flowers, candy, a teddy bear, compliment your lover's sex appeal.

And if you fail, it may be for the best. So this is not your girlfriend.