How to braid a pigtail around your head yourself. How to braid a braid around your head: the sequence of actions and variations of these feminine hairstyles

A braid is always feminine, beautiful and relevant. Recently, various options for weaving braids have been very fashionable: classic, French, fishtail, braid "inside out" or around the head. This is an almost universal hairstyle: a braid around the head looks appropriate in the office, and on a date, in the theater, and in a nightclub. If you urgently need to learn how to braid around your head, step by step instructions are ready.

Stages of weaving a braid around the head: a “basket” for a beauty

There are many different ways to braid a braid around your head. One of the most common is the “basket” braid around the head.

  1. First you need to put your hair in order: wash, dry and comb. And also prepare a thin scallop, clips and stealth.
  2. We make a cross parting, dividing the hair into four equal parts.
  3. Let's start with one of the lower sections. You need to weave from the bottom up, carefully separating thin strands. When we reach the ear, spray the braid with hairspray and slightly stretch the strands. Important: the bottom strands should be thicker than the top ones.
  4. Weave further, adding strands from the front section. If the bangs are cut off, it can also be woven into a braid - if desired.
  5. We continue to weave a pigtail around the head in the same way, periodically pulling up the strands to make it even and voluminous.
  6. At the back of the head, we fix the tip with an elastic band and hide the hair inside the braid, fixing it with clips and invisibility. Spray again with varnish. We fasten the decoration on top - a bow, a flower, a hairpin with rhinestones. Hairstyle is ready!
  7. If you have enough skills in hair styling, you can build a flower or a beautiful knot of hair without putting it in a braid, but twisting it with bundles and securing it with clips. It will also turn out very beautiful and unusual.

If you still don’t quite understand how to braid a braid around your head, the video will help you figure it out in detail and easily repeat the hairstyle.

To facilitate the weaving process and better fixation, still wet hair can be smeared with foam, mousse or styling gel, and then dried with a hairdryer. It is better to straighten curly hair with an iron, so the strands will lie more evenly and neatly. However, if you are doing a creative, messy braid, leave the strands in their natural form. Light disheveledness always looks young, looks sexy and romantic.

Weaving braids around the head for short hair

You can make a “circular braid” hairstyle for short hair, but not shorter than 10 cm, otherwise the strands will be pulled out all the time. This is a good way to braid around a child's head, because children often have medium length hair and are softer than adults. From hair of medium length and density, you will get 2-3 circles in a spiral. Of the thicker ones - even 5-6.

  1. We comb clean hair well and make a circular parting from the forehead to the back of the head approximately in the middle of the head. We determine the center of the hairstyle at the crown.
  2. We start braiding from the center of the crown in a spiral. You need to capture only the outer strands. It is important to constantly check the distance from the forehead to the back of the head so that the spiral is even and runs at the same height.
  3. It is advisable to complete the last round of the hairstyle under the ear in order to discreetly hide the tips under the hair. If the hair is very long and the ponytail turned out to be long, fix it with an elastic band. Then divide into strands, twist them into bundles, sprinkle with varnish.
  4. Lay the bundles in the form of a flower, fix it again with hairspray, decorate with studs with rhinestones. It will turn out a very beautiful and extravagant hairstyle.
  5. If you wear this hairstyle for a few hours and then let it go, you will be left with very attractive and tight spiral curls. Thus, having done a hairstyle once, you will get two different options for two days.

To make such a hairstyle for short hair, you need certain skills and dexterous fingers. Especially if you decide to build it yourself. But do not despair if the first time it did not work out very neatly. Even the best professionals were once beginners. The most important thing is the desire to master a new hairstyle and practice. Train on your relatives, girlfriends, dolls, finally. Then soon there will be success.

There is no better hairstyle in hot weather than braided hair. A lot of time has passed since the birth of feminism, when women began to have short haircuts, but long hair, braided, has always been an object of admiration. Recently, braids have become especially popular, there are many ways to weave and style them, which allows you to look new every day. How to make one of the most, in our opinion, interesting hairstyles, we will try to tell you today. It may seem complicated to you, but after reading the step-by-step instructions, you can easily cope with it.

This hairstyle can be considered universal, as its different variations can decorate the head, both for a special occasion and for everyday. First, comb your hair well and curl it into wide curls. Having captured a small bundle of hair at the crown, we divide it into three parts and begin to weave, like an ordinary braid, overlapping the strands. After two, three weaves, we begin to add hair from the side, weaving them into the main pigtail. A strand of hair "on the face" is left untouched. Gradually taking the braid to the side, we select the hair from the lower part of the head and lead in a circle, framing the head with a wreath-shaped braid. We connect the edge of the pigtail with the hair left on the side and weave it to the end. Then gently pull the strands along the entire weave, giving the hairstyle a slight disheveled shape. We fix the edge of the braid with a hairpin. By releasing a few strands, you can give the image additional tenderness.

As you can see from the photos, there are many options and ways to weave a hairstyle with a braid. It looks best on medium to long hair. You can braid a smooth braid in a strict style. To give the image of femininity, decorate your hair with flowers. We have shown you several options for this trendy hairstyle, you can try them all and choose the one that suits you best.

With love, Editorial

Beautifully braided hair is the standard of elegance and grooming for a girl. Weaving a braid around the head is especially popular, which will look harmonious both at work and at a party. So, let's figure out how to braid such a braid at home.

Necessary hair tools

  1. Comb with soft bristles, do not use brushes with metal teeth, they damage the hairs and scalp;
  2. Fine comb with small teeth and a thin tip. Thanks to this item, you can separate strands, make an even parting;
  3. Small rubber bands, hairpins, hairpins. With the help of such accessories, you will securely fix the resulting hairstyle;
  4. Varnish, mousse or any other styling product. By applying these funds to your hair, you will keep your hair unharmed for a long period of time. Also, if the hair has been treated with styling products, the next day, excellent curls will come out of the braid. That is, at the same time you will make two hairstyles;
  5. Special barber clips. These devices conveniently separate unwanted hair. If you have not purchased them, then use ordinary small crabs for such purposes. They can be found in any store for mere pennies;
  6. Large mirror. Looking in the mirror during the process of creating a braid, you can see all the nuances, quickly fix them. A mirror is a great helper if you are braiding on yourself.

Braid in the style of "Basket"

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. There are many ways to braid a braid around the head from strands, the most common is considered to be a basket-style hairstyle. It is not too difficult to perform, it will fit perfectly into any image.
  2. First, prepare your hair for manipulation. Be sure to weave a braid of clean, well-combed hair. Sit or stand in front of a mirror, lay out all the necessary tools, you can start.
  3. Divide the entire hair into four equal parts. Use a thin comb to make a cross parting on the curls.
  4. We start weaving from one lower section. Start weaving a regular spikelet of three strands, gradually moving up, taking thin, identical strands.
  5. When we got to the ear area, then the braid should be lightly sprinkled with varnish, and the extreme strands should be pulled out a little so that our creation becomes voluminous. It should be borne in mind that the lower part of the braid should be slightly larger than the upper.
  6. Continue weaving further, taking the hairs already from the top section of the hair. If there is a bang, then it can also be woven into the design. Everything depends on the desire. Hairstyles with loose bangs also look beautiful.
  7. By the same principle, we continue weaving the braid around the head. Periodically, the strands need to be pulled out, varnished so that the hairstyle is voluminous, individual hairs do not stand out from the general weaving. It is especially necessary to do such manipulations for those who have medium-length hair.
  8. We finish weaving the braid in the same place where we started (at the back of the head). We tie the tip of the braid with a thin elastic band, fix it with an invisibility, hiding it in the braid. Spray the resulting hairstyle with varnish.
  • to keep the braid better, pre-moist hair should be smeared with a small amount of foam or mousse. Then it is worth drying the hair with a hair dryer, thanks to such actions, the hairstyle will not be disheveled, it will be more convenient to weave;
  • curly curls are better to align with an iron before weaving. So the hairstyle will look neater. If you want an extraordinary hairstyle, then leave the hair in its original form;
  • slight disheveledness makes the owner younger, adds romance.

Volume hairstyle with a braid

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash your hair, make your hair obedient with a hair conditioner. Then dry the curls, comb well.
  2. If your hair is of good length, then you can make a braid in the simplest way: start weaving a regular pigtail at the bottom of the back of your head, then wrap it around your head. In order for the structure to hold, it is necessary to pick up the braid with stealths every three centimeters of weaving. At the end, it is worth spraying the curls with varnish, at this stage the hairstyle can be considered completely finished.

Quick braid around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Divide clean curls into two parts, as in the previous version. Start weaving a spikelet from each section of hair.
  2. The beginning of the braid should be at the bottom of the back of the head, slowly move towards the temples and the opposite ear. After weaving one side, secure it with invisibility, an elastic band to match the hair color.
  3. On the other hand, do the same manipulations. Hide the ends of the braids in a mop of hair. At the end of weaving, sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish.

Pigtail-harness around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Such a braid is considered to be the simplest, but as a result, it looks chic, you can do manipulations on hair of different lengths.
  2. Comb clean curls. At one of the temples, separate a small strand of hairs. Divide it into two equal parts.
  3. Bring the right strand to the left from above. Then twist the bottom strand clockwise, then lay it on top of the other.
  4. Other strands should not form. There is always only the top and bottom strand.
  5. Then, to the bottom strand, add some curls from a common mop of hair. Put it under the bottom and scroll clockwise.
  6. Put the resulting strand on the bottom.
  7. Then we take another strand, put a curl under the bottom, scroll.
  8. According to this principle, move around the entire circumference of the head. When the beginning of the braid meets the end, braid the remaining hair into a regular braid and hide it under our braid or you can make a beautiful flower in the middle of your head. It will turn out a rose framed by a pigtail-harness.
  9. It is very convenient to separate the strands with a thin brush with a sharp end. At the end of weaving, sprinkle your hair with varnish, you can decorate it with shiny hairpins, hairpins, and other accessories you like.

Hairstyle for short hair with a braid

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Washed curls are thoroughly combed. Make a circular parting from the forehead to the back of the head, it should be approximately in the middle of the head.
  2. Determine the center of the head, and start weaving there. Weave an ordinary spikelet, grabbing strands from the outer layer, weave around the head.
  3. In the center you will get a ponytail, you can hide it under curls or weave a pigtail out of it and twist it in the form of a bun. At the end of weaving, sprinkle the hair with varnish, you can decorate with any accessory you like.

This braid is suitable for adults and children. For distant princesses, this weaving is most relevant. After all, children do not have too long hair, besides, with the help of such a hairstyle, you will remove curls from your eyes. Any teacher will be pleased.

Weaving around the head of 4 and 5 strands

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Start weaving this hairstyle from the bottom of the back of the head. While weaving, turn the braid in the direction in which the pigtail will wrap.
  2. At the end of weaving, secure the braid with an elastic band to match the hair color, wrap the heads in a circle. Secure the tip at the back of the head with invisibles.
  3. Ribbons can be woven into pigtails, decorated with other accessories. It all depends on your imagination.

french braid

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash your hair, comb it. Separate one strand from the top on the right side, weave a regular spikelet from it, in the style of a rim.
  2. Weave the remaining shock of hair into a fishtail, do it in a semicircle at the bottom of the head.
  3. Each pigtail should go around half the head. At the meeting point of the weaves, you can build a small bundle or a bun from an ordinary braid.
  4. Such an unusual styling will amaze everyone around, it can be decorated with a variety of accessories, sprinkled with shiny varnish. So the styling will take on a festive look.
  5. At the end of weaving, be sure to fix the result with hairspray.

Having tried this technique once, it will become your favorite styling. She is not ashamed to walk through the park, go to a romantic dinner, appear in the office.

French braid around the head

  • invisible hairpins;
  • gum;
  • single-row comb.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Weaving begins with a cross parting, which divides the curls into 4 parts.
  2. The thickness of these four strands should be the same.
  3. Start weaving from the bottom section, moving towards the ear.
  4. For a beautiful braid, separate uniform thin strands.
  5. Next, strands from the upper section are used.
  6. Cropped bangs can be tucked into a braid or left free.
  7. Having reached the end, secure the edge of the pigtail with an elastic band, tuck it under the hair.
  8. To do this, use a clip or invisible hairpin.
  9. Flowers, bows or bright hairpins will add completeness to the image.
  10. Do not forget to pull the strands in the braid so that it is even.
  11. And also spray the finished braid with hairspray to enhance fixation.
  12. An additional decor for such a hairstyle can be plaits, knots or a flower from the free edge of the braid.
  13. For the convenience of weaving, apply mousse or hair foam to washed and slightly dried curls, then dry the field with a hairdryer.
  14. It is desirable to straighten curly curls with a curling iron.

Braid around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the prepared curls, make a parting towards the back of the head.
  2. It is worth starting from the crown.
  3. For a pigtail around the head, strands taken from the outside of the braid are used.
  4. For even turns of the spiral, pay attention to the thickness of the captured strands and the distance between them.
  5. It is very convenient when the braid ends in the area of ​​​​the ears or on the back of the head.
  6. The tail can be left free or twisted into a bundle and sprinkled with varnish for fixation.
  7. By making changes to the pattern of braiding around the head, you can get a new look for hairstyles.

Braided hairstyle around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hair needs to be combed well and collect part of the hair at the back of the head into a ponytail, leaving the hair around the circumference for further weaving.
  2. We start weaving the braid from any convenient place (preferably at the back), so that later the weaving ends there, and the remaining tail of the pigtail can be veiled.
  3. We weave an ordinary braid of three strands, while gradually adding additional strands.
  4. We take “new strands” one by one, either from the ponytail at the back of the head, or from the rest of the head.
  5. We continue weaving until the very end, until you finish around the entire circumference of the head.
  6. We fasten the pigtail with an elastic band and hide it deep into the hair, fix it with 2-3 hairpins.

A basket of spikelets around the head

  • comb;
  • scallop;
  • gum;
  • invisible;
  • hairpins;
  • hair spray;
  • decorations (optional)

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Part your hair at the top in a circle and tie a ponytail.
  2. We should have free hair all over the head at least five centimeters thick.
  3. Start weaving the spikelet from the temporal zone.
  4. The right and middle strand is divided from free hair, and the left from the tail.
  5. According to this principle, we weave a braid around the head. When we have completed the spikelet around the head and returned to the place where we started from, weave an ordinary braid from the remaining hair, tie it with an elastic band and hide it inside our basket.
  6. And also fix this place with hairpins.
  7. For greater showiness of the hairstyle, you can weave a ribbon into the braid.
  8. Our basket is ready.
  9. In order for our braid around the head to remain as long as possible in its original form, it is necessary to sprinkle the finished braid with varnish.
  10. If we are talking about a child, and parents do not really want to use varnish, you can replace it with plain water with sugar

Braid around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. For this hairstyle, we need volume, so we use gafre braces along the entire length.
  2. We divide the hair with an even parting to the middle of the head, and after that - in a zigzag.
  3. Next, we need to braid the spikelet around the head on both sides, along the edge of the hair.
  4. The resulting two braids, we twist in the shape of a shell and fix with hairpins and varnish

Pigtail tourniquet around the head for girls from two strands

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A pigtail around the head with bundles, it is not difficult to weave, but it looks very impressive.
  2. First, part your hair with your usual parting.
  3. Not all hair will be involved in this braid, but about ten centimeters along the edges.
  4. Divide into two strands, twist them slightly into a bundle and twist them together.
  5. Take a new strand (from the forehead) and do the same.
  6. So keep braiding your hair around your head

  • comb;
  • scrunchy;
  • stealth and hairpins;
  • beautiful flowers for hair decoration.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb your hair well so that it is not tangled and comb your hair from the top of your head to one side.
  2. Leave the hair at the back of the head in a free position.
  3. We separate two small strands, and begin to weave a French braid, gradually capturing free strands.
  4. Weave the braid towards the back of the head.
  5. Make sure that the braid is in the shape of an arc.
  6. Weave a French braid until we reach the forehead and use all the hair.
  7. From the remaining hair, weave a simple braid and secure it with a small elastic band.
  8. It should be a continuation of our braid, so we put it on the head in the same way in the form of an arc and hide the tip in the hair.
  9. We fix it with the help of invisibility, and fix the braid with several hairpins.
  10. It's time to decorate our beautiful hairstyle.
  11. To do this, take artificial flowers and insert them into the braid.
  12. Instead of flowers, you can use beautiful hairpins.

If you want to diversify this hairstyle, then instead of the usual French braid, you can do the reverse French braid in the same way, but this option is suitable for girls with longer hair. After you finish weaving, pull the strands out of the braid, making it more voluminous.

Ukrainian braid around the head

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. If your hair length allows, keep a simple braid as low as possible. Secure the hair with a small elastic band to match the hair color. Wrap the braid around the head, hide the tip under the base. Along the entire length of the hair, in several places, fix the hair with hairpins so that the hairstyle does not deteriorate. Read more:
  2. Divide the strands of hair on your head into two equal parts. Braid a pigtail on each side, secure the braids with elastic bands to match the color of your hair. Now wrap each braid around your head, towards the opposite ear. Hide the ends and fasten the hair along the entire length.
  3. Again, divide the hair on your head into two equal parts. Begin to weave a French braid, aka “spikelet”, towards the temples and further through the top of the head to the opposite ear. Thus, braid the entire head, braid the remaining hair with a simple braid. Wrap the end around your head, putting it close to the French braid. Secure your hair with bobby pins or bobby pins. Hide the end.

Video: hairstyle with a braid around the head

Having such wealth as long luxurious hair, you can try countless different hairstyles. And, perhaps, such original Russian “decorations” of girlish heads as braids of various weaving options have become relevant at the present time: French, classic Russian, fishtail, etc.

Such an exquisite vintage hairstyle as a braid around the head is also popular now. It can be woven both for every day and for a special celebration, the only difference will be in the additionally used accessories: headbands, ribbons, flowers, hairpins and hairpins.

Such elements of hairstyles as the so-called “boho braids” braided on bangs or braids braided over the head in the form are considered fashionable and stylish.

Rhinestones, flowers, satin ribbons, pearls can become beautiful decorations for such a “basket”. A long classic veil will help to complete the image of a real Russian beauty bride. For a vintage outfit or a “retro” dress, a braid braided in the shape of a crown is perfect.

Preparing hair for braiding

A neat and luxurious braid can, of course, only be obtained on well-groomed and prepared hair. Hair care in this case involves making the hair silky and shiny with the help of various cosmetic procedures.

Important in the art of braiding is the "obedience" of hair. Therefore, it is important to “tame” your hair in advance with the help of special softening masks if the hair is harsh, or with the help of balms and conditioners if the hair is easily tangled.

Immediately before weaving a braid around the head, the hair must be washed. Then, on slightly still damp, apply a fixing mousse and comb thoroughly. Then you can start the process of weaving.

How to braid a braid around your head - options and techniques

To begin with, it is worth mastering the simplest weaving options, and then, you can already study more complex and intricate techniques.


To weave such a pigtail around the head, you first need to learn how to weave it evenly. After successfully mastering the “simple spikelet” technique, you can start weaving it in a circle. So, separate a strand of hair at the crown, divide it into equal halves.

Then separate a small strand of hair from the left side and transfer it to the right side. Then the same procedure must be done on the right side. And so on. After mastering this technique, you can proceed directly to weaving a spikelet over the head.

Separate a fairly thick strand of hair (8-10 cm). Then select 2 thinner curls from its center. Separate 1 small strand from the left strand and transfer it to the right side, then do the same on the right side.

Further braiding around the head looks like this: highlighting a small strand from the separated central strands, at the same time they are selected from the rest of the hair. This weaving continues until the moment of bending.


  1. Separate a strand of hair in front, parting from left to right, from temple to temple.
  2. Make another parting perpendicular to the line of the first parting up to the neck. Secure this hair with a clip.
  3. Start weaving at the intersection of these parting lines.
  4. During the French braid around the head, add a section of hair to each strand of the braid.
  5. When the weave reaches the opposite ear, add hair from the clip gradually.
  6. Weaving ends with an ordinary braid, when all the hair is woven into the hairstyle.

Fish tail

Separate a strand 2-2.5 cm thick from each temple. Then the hair is directed to the back of the head and crossed so that the right one is above the left.

Intertwined strands must be held with one hand, and another strand with the same thickness should be separated with the other.


Separate a small strand from the right temple, divide it into 3 approximately equal parts and start weaving like a French pigtail.

Grab new strands either on the left or on the right. The pigtail must be braided to the opposite ear and braided as usual, without capturing new strands. Fasten the resulting pigtail behind the left ear and hide under the hair.

From several braids

With an average length of hair, the “rim” around the head can be woven from 2 braids. Start weaving a simple braid-spikelet from one ear. Secure the finished braid with an elastic band. Then weave this on the opposite side.

Throw the braid from left to right and discreetly carefully fix it with stealth or hairpins. Do the same on the opposite side. Cross the braids together.

In a spiral

At the crown, separate a small strand of hair and divide it into 3 approximately equal parts. Then begin to weave in a circle, picking up new strands of hair only on the right side. Continue weaving, gradually going down to the neck. We finish the remaining hair and carefully hide it under the last curl. You can fix it with the help of invisibility.

Having learned how to weave the “basket” braids presented, you will be able to come up with your own options over time, how to braid a braid around your head, and you will have a neat and tidy hairstyle both for every day and for the “going out”.

The scythe has always been considered feminine and beautiful. Recently, various variations of this hairstyle have become popular: fishtail, French braid, inside out, around the head. Such styling is appropriate for any event, whether it be at work, a walk or a party.

How to turn a mop of hair into a wonderful hairstyle? This is the next material. You will learn how to weave different types of braids around the head, make great hairstyles out of it for any occasion.

Preparation and necessary tools

Any styling requires a few necessary tools, and to create a braid around the head, you will need a few things.

You will need the following tools:

  • a comb with soft bristles, do not use brushes with metal teeth, they damage the hairs and scalp;
  • fine comb with small teeth and a thin tip. Thanks to this item, you can separate strands, make an even parting;
  • small rubber bands, hairpins, hairpins. With the help of such accessories, you will securely fix the resulting hairstyle;
  • varnish, mousse or any other styling product. By applying these funds to your hair, you will keep your hair unharmed for a long period of time. Also, if the hair has been treated with styling products, the next day, excellent curls will come out of the braid. That is, at the same time you will make two hairstyles;
  • special hairdressing clips. These devices conveniently separate unwanted hair. If you have not purchased them, then use ordinary small crabs for such purposes. They can be found in any store for mere pennies;
  • big mirror. Looking in the mirror during the process of creating a braid, you can see all the nuances, quickly fix them. A mirror is a great helper if you are braiding on yourself.

Getting these simple things is not difficult, they may be needed not only for creating this particular hairstyle, but for many others.

Braid in the style of "Basket"

There are many ways to braid a braid around the head from strands, the most common is considered to be a basket-style hairstyle. It is not too difficult to perform, it will fit perfectly into any image.

To create a braid around the head, you should follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  • First, prepare your hair for manipulation. Be sure to weave a braid of clean, well-combed hair. Sit or stand in front of a mirror, lay out all the necessary tools, you can start.
  • Divide the entire hair into four equal parts. Use a thin comb to make a cross parting on the curls.
  • We start weaving from one lower section. Start weaving a regular spikelet of three strands, gradually moving up, taking thin, identical strands.
  • When we got to the ear area, then the braid should be lightly sprinkled with varnish, and the extreme strands should be pulled out a little so that our creation becomes voluminous. It should be borne in mind that the lower part of the braid should be slightly larger than the upper.
  • Continue weaving further, taking the hairs already from the top section of the hair. If there is a bang, then it can also be woven into the design. Everything depends on the desire. Hairstyles with loose bangs also look beautiful.
  • By the same principle, we continue weaving the braid around the head. Periodically, the strands need to be pulled out, varnished so that the hairstyle is voluminous, individual hairs do not stand out from the general weaving. It is especially necessary to do such manipulations for those who have medium-length hair.
  • We finish weaving the braid in the same place where we started (at the back of the head). We tie the tip of the braid with a thin elastic band, fix it with an invisibility, hiding it in the braid. Spray the resulting hairstyle with varnish.

You can decorate your hair with any beautiful hairpin, bow or other accessory. Owners of long hair can build a flower from the end of the pigtail. It is recommended to stretch the extreme strands even more, imitating rose petals.

  • to keep the braid better, pre-moist hair should be smeared with a small amount of foam or mousse. Then it is worth drying the hair with a hair dryer, thanks to such actions, the hairstyle will not be disheveled, it will be more convenient to weave;
  • curly curls are better to align with an iron before weaving. So the hairstyle will look neater. If you want an extraordinary hairstyle, then leave the hair in its original form;
  • slight disheveledness makes the owner younger, adds romance.

Original weaving ideas

A braid wrapped around the head is liked by many Hollywood stars. Therefore, it can be seen on the red carpet, such a hairstyle attracts the Olsen sisters, Siena Miller and other celebrities. Why don't you learn how to make this actual braid?

To bring your plan to life, strictly follow the proposed instructions. There are two ways to create a great hairstyle. It all depends on the length of your hair.

Option number 1

  • Wash your hair, make your hair obedient with a hair conditioner. Then dry the curls, comb well.
  • If your hair is of good length, then you can make a braid in the simplest way: start weaving a regular pigtail at the bottom of the back of your head, then wrap it around your head. In order for the structure to hold, it is necessary to pick up the braid with stealths every three centimeters of weaving. At the end, it is worth spraying the curls with varnish, at this stage the hairstyle can be considered completely finished.

Option number 2

  • The second option is more difficult, but a more voluminous braid comes out of it, even with medium-length hair.
  • Divide your hair into two equal sections. The parting should be even, otherwise the hairstyle will look sloppy.
  • From each part, braid the usual three-strand pigtail, pull out the side curls a little to add volume to our creation.

Option number 3:

  • Divide clean curls into two parts, as in the previous version. Start weaving a spikelet from each section of hair. The beginning of the braid should be at the bottom of the back of the head, slowly move towards the temples and the opposite ear. After weaving one side, secure it with invisibility, an elastic band to match the hair color.
  • On the other hand, do the same manipulations. Hide the ends of the braids in a mop of hair.
  • At the end of weaving, sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish.

Pigtail-harness around the head

Follow instructions:

  • Comb clean curls. At one of the temples, separate a small strand of hairs. Divide it into two equal parts.
  • Bring the right strand to the left from above. Then twist the bottom strand clockwise, then lay it on top of the other.
  • Other strands should not form. There is always only the top and bottom strand.
  • Then, to the bottom strand, add some curls from a common mop of hair. Put it under the bottom and scroll clockwise.
  • Put the resulting strand on the bottom.
  • Then we take another strand, put a curl under the bottom, scroll.
  • According to this principle, move around the entire circumference of the head. When the beginning of the braid meets the end, braid the remaining hair into a regular braid and hide it under our braid or you can make a beautiful flower in the middle of your head. It will turn out a rose framed by a pigtail-harness.
  • It is very convenient to separate the strands with a thin brush with a sharp end.
  • At the end of weaving, sprinkle your hair with varnish, you can decorate it with shiny hairpins, hairpins, and other accessories you like.

Hairstyle for short hair

If you are the owner of short hair, then you should not be upset. The following instruction is suitable for your hair:

  • Washed curls are thoroughly combed. Make a circular parting from the forehead to the back of the head, it should be approximately in the middle of the head.
  • Determine the center of the head, and start weaving there. Weave an ordinary spikelet, grabbing strands from the outer layer, weave around the head.
  • In the center you will get a ponytail, you can hide it under curls or weave a pigtail out of it and twist it in the form of a bun.
  • At the end of weaving, sprinkle the hair with varnish, you can decorate with any accessory you like.

This braid is suitable for adults and children. For distant princesses, this weaving is most relevant. After all, children do not have too long hair, besides, with the help of such a hairstyle, you will remove curls from your eyes. Any teacher will be pleased.

Weaving around the head of 4 and 5 strands

This technique is almost no different from the previous ones. But it has its own nuances:

  • Start weaving this hairstyle from the bottom of the back of the head.
  • While weaving, turn the braid in the direction in which the pigtail will wrap. At the end of weaving, secure the braid with an elastic band to match the hair color, wrap the heads in a circle. Secure the tip at the back of the head with invisibles.
  • Ribbons can be woven into pigtails, decorated with other accessories. It all depends on your imagination.

At the end of weaving, spray the hair with a small amount of varnish.

french style

A variety of hairstyles gives free rein to your imagination. You can combine a fishtail with a regular French braid.

To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Wash your hair, comb it. Separate one strand from the top on the right side, weave a regular spikelet from it, in the style of a rim.
  • Weave the remaining shock of hair into a fishtail, do it in a semicircle at the bottom of the head.
  • Each pigtail should go around half the head. At the meeting point of the weaves, you can build a small bundle or a bun from an ordinary braid.
  • Such an unusual styling will amaze everyone around, it can be decorated with a variety of accessories, sprinkled with shiny varnish. So the styling will take on a festive look.
  • At the end of weaving, be sure to fix the result with hairspray.

Having tried this technique once, it will become your favorite styling. She is not ashamed to walk through the park, go to a romantic dinner, appear in the office.

There are a lot of variations of weaving a braid around the head, experiment, do not despair if it didn’t work out the first time. With a little practice, you will master the art of braiding. Then your everyday hairstyle will delight not only you, but everyone around you.