What a girl should be in 17. The perfect girl is not jealous. The appearance of the perfect girl with the eyes of men

Ask any girl if she has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the perfect man should be, and she will immediately give you an impressive list of qualities that she would like to see in her chosen one. But imagine, men also have their own list, and they also clearly imagine themselves as the perfect girl should be. Therefore, we should not relax, in full confidence in our irresistible. Want to know how much do you match the male ideal of a woman? Then let's start learning those parameters that guys dream to see in the girls.

9 ways to become an ideal girl

"Say, cute, how do you treat me?" Or option: "Do you love me?" These are your favorite questions. We want to decompose everything around the shelves, and our relationships too. But when the guys hear these questions, they are frozen every time, roll eyes, sigh, as if by saying: "Lord, again! Let's not now, eh? " Was it with you? Immediately let's say - you are not the first woman who asks about it her man. And he is not the first guy who reacts in this way.

But this does not mean that they are not worried about your relationship. Guys think about them constantly. They talk about us with their friends. But from this it does not follow that they strive to literally catalog everything they feel in relation to us. They do not know how to express their attitude in words. They simply do not know what to respond to our questions. They do not understand why we doubt (as - by their logic - follows from our question) in their love for us. They, unlike us, do not "love ears", so they put in a dead end, our desire again and again hear the words of love.

"Laugh more often, and that you will conquer us!"

Only twelve percent of men believes that the appearance of a woman is more important than her sense of humor, mind and meek temper. And votes for this "Trio" more than seventy five percent of guys! And the sense of humor is the most important quality, they say. On a smiling or laughing girl, it is easier to pay attention than on frowing or too serious. And still a laughter serves as a "mental dash": a girl laughs - it means I like me. In addition, laughter is a sign of intellectual compatibility.

In fact, humor performs three functions. First, it helps to discharge awkward situations. Secondly, it determines the community of interest: "Do you also love this cool comedy?" And most importantly, he unites people. It's not scary to approach a smiling girl at all, she will not begin to be angry and literally water you with their contempt. The guys are also pretty wounded, they are afraid to be ridiculous first by the girl, and then friends.

So take this note and dare, raise the feeling of your humor on the step above. Use the wise lurch (as if paradoxically sounded)!

"Support when the failure overtakes us."

Men want to see a partner next to them, not the teacher. More than sixty seven percent of men want to ask us so that we put an end to these "motley troubles", when we correct them the collar, we do not allow you to eat our hair, we wonder when they say "I dressed" and not "I put on". They are waiting for us completely different concern!

The guy wants to be near the girl who will always take his side and will support him. Then it is easier for them to confess that they cannot decide on and that they are ready to accept help from us if a certain situation or event is too depressing them. In other words, they are waiting for us so that we will help them correct the situation when some problems arise, and they would not have been engaged in their upbringing and correction of nature deficiencies.

Bring him a hot broth in bed when he is sick, pick it up and make you believe in my strength when it works on a complex project, help him feel safe when the problem arises, - and then your guy always wants you to be near with him! And if you begin to control it and patronize, as a zoom, he will soon run away from you.

"Respect our friends"

Are you smart enough to not jealous your boyfriend to his friends? It is very good! Very often, girls demand that guys stop all kinds of relationships with all their friends and spent all their free time only with them. In any case, there were eighty-three percent of the people surveyed. Now imagine if the guys demanded the same from us. Would we stop communicating with their girlfriends, classmates, former classmates, siblings and so on? Would we throw out a shaping or oriental dances, would stop going to embroidery courses with ribbons? Unlikely! So why do we demand this from others?

It must be said that the girls, in love, for some time they are ready to immerse themselves in their feeling with his head, forgetting even friends. But the guys are arranged differently. It is very important for them to keep relations with their friends. And it is very important for them that we are not just tolerant treat their friends. They are important for us to respember their friends. So, wink on the mustache: we are not obliged to love your boyfriend's friends, but we must respect their friendship.

"Consider our mood"

Men are not protected from mood drops, they just hide it better. When it seems to us that the guy reacts to everything somehow not as usual, it is not necessary to immediately take offense at him, turn away, to stream, demonstratively wipe tears. This, by the way, will only bring it out of himself if he is not in the spirit. It is better to simply say: "You look upset and not as always. What happened?" If he starts pouring your soul to you, listen to him carefully. Just do not judge the temptation to enter the dialogue with him. In most cases, the guy needs to be simply listened to and gave the opportunity to speak.

Guys want us to be sensitive, but not obsessive. For them, it is easy to tell about their problems most often enough, they are not waiting at all that we will try to solve them. And even more so in no case can the statements like "and I told you!" Or "I knew what happened exactly that way!", Otherwise you will never wait for frank from your guy.

If you can't support the guy when he tells you about my problem, try to just distract it from it. Thirty-two percent of men admitted that they were waiting for help from us to forget, for example, about a quarrel with a friend or an exhaustion, which was arranged by the boss. How to do it? Offer him to cook dinner together, or look at a good movie. The more attention he pays for some kind of work with you, the less he will think about an unpleasant incident. And there and emotions slowly go.

"We also want to hear compliments!"

Guys like that we love their muscular bodies. But they really hope that this is not all that we love them. Any guy wants to hear that, no matter how it looks, there is something deeper that we find in them sexual, whether it is how he tells some story, or how he touches you when meeting . They want to know and hear that we consider them smart, courageous, fearless ...

Only eight percent of the guys noted that they would like to hear compliments to their physical qualities; And sixty-six percent want us to talk about other qualities that they definitely possess. Therefore, do not skimp on praise! Be sincere and specific: "I like the feeling of security that I appear when you are next to me," "You are so smart! It seems to me that there is no such book that you would not read. " And every day tell him what an extraordinary one is. You will get a great bonus: he will never want to lose such a unique girl who sees and appreciates all his advantages so high!

"Do not be afraid to show your love"

Ninety-seven percent of men are unanimous in their desire to have a girl who is ready to show them their love even in public. Of course, this does not mean that such a girl should, for example, kissing publicly "passionate". But! Extremely attractive guys seem like a woman who is quite confident in himself and in his sexuality, to constantly "warm up" a satellite fantasy with a slight kiss while walking, or putting a hand in the car on his knee, and even "shot" in him a hot view through the table Being on a sought dinner from friends.

We are very often going on about the long-established traditions that dictate us that girls should be modest, should not allow themselves anything superfluous. Who would argue! No one is going to call for promucability today, and modesty can decorate a modern girl. But today, the times are still completely different, and our men are waiting for the manifestations of sexuality. And each of them (in any case, admitted this ninety-seven percent!) For nothing to give another girl who knows how to make it boil his blood!

"It really makes us!"

If we spoke about sexuality, let's learn the most intimate desires of guys who relate to intimate relationships. What can make the guy admire you to admit you better? Search for something new - for example, new positions in sex is, of course, well. Different experiments with toys or all sorts of lubricants and lotions can also be fun, or at least interesting. But that leads guys to real admiration, so this is our unbridled enthusiasm during sex.

Perhaps that is why eighty percent of men said that the girl who "simply lies" does not cause them any desire to continue close communication with her. And fifty-seven percent of the guys stated that he did not publish during the sex of the girl and the girl in general "sexy bore"! And in fact, your unstable passion is able to help the guy feel much closer to you emotionally, that more than a third of men call the most important part of unforgettable sex.

"Respect our feelings"

"We are jealous," the guys say. "And we recognize it. We hate this line, but we really don't like it when you go through the damnings. " At the same time, men are not a guahi at all. They understand perfectly well what is treason, and sometimes a simple flirt. Seventy-nine percent of them do not mind at all, if everything ends only with flirting. But they categorically object to when it comes to sharing phones numbers or even to caress and kisses.

In general, the guy even flatters if his girl attracts the attention of other men. "Oh, she is really interesting and attractive!", "He is convinced. Therefore, the guy is usually not objective if his girl communicates with other men. But only under one condition - if it does not behave frankly seductive.

Learn to keep in a male environment if you want to become an ideal girl. Former in companies with his guy, do not be afraid to joke with other guys, smile them and even dance in an embrace. But at the same time, constantly keep the invisible distance between themselves and other guys, which can be overpowering only one person from all there. And constantly maintain visual contact with your guy.

"Your ambitions are the best Aphrodisiac!"

There is nothing more sexy than a successful woman. Eighty percent of the guys say they simply makes one thought about capturing a woman who seeks to make a career. But if you study at the university or have already begun professional growth, then you will be very difficult to synchronize your free time. Try at least one day a week to completely devote to your relationship. And when you spend alone romantic hours, then send your conversations away from problems at work or at the university. Your guy wants to feel your relationship is a priority for you when you are together.

And one more thing. If you earn a lot more money than he, it is very cool, and he will respect you for it. But only do not advertise the difference in your earnings! Guys always strive to dominate, and your income will serve for him a good stimulus to promotion. But if you will emphasize its financial failure every time (compared to you), then it is very much vulnerable to your guy. Then do not be surprised if one day he leaves you.

Is it possible to become perfect for everyone?

As you can see, not only we have our ideas about the perfect partner - men are also no exception. Of course, it is very useful to learn about their preferences and try to make it so to fit them. But only you should not forget that the concept of "ideal" is a matter of taste. Your idea about ideality can radically differ from the idea of \u200b\u200bthis from other people. Thus, you should try to become perfect, but only as it seems right to you, and not how someone else tells you about it.

Be yourself! Never change because of the pressure on other people. If someone from the guys begins to criticize you, just ask yourself questions: "Do you trust this person? Should I listen to his advice? " If you answer these questions "Yes", then act, taking measures taking into account the criticism that sounded. And if you answer "no", then just shake off the criticism. Most likely, he is just jealous of you, so trying to knock you out!

Finally, never change to your friend, if you do not think that something is wrong with you. If the guy does not appreciate you as you really are, it will never love you truly. He will always find what to find face. Then just keep your eyes wide open, so as not to watch the very, beautiful and only guy who will consider you the most perfect girl in the world!

Discussion 0.

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The best advice from specialists who will help become an ideal woman with the eyes of men! Forward to ideal.

Let's truth-uterus ...

You never thought, why some beautiful sex representatives do not have time to fight back from the cavaliers before buying the first bra, and others have huge problems with personal life?

Moreover, those who are ready to marry "already for anyone" are often attractive externally those who go through the cavaliers.

Fate? Luck?

Well, okay, if you want so much, then 5% of 100% can be written off on Fatum.

But how to be with the rest of 95%?

I suggest listening to the immediate perpetrators of the poor personal life of many ladies - gentlemen.

Perfect girl with the eyes of men: What it and what you need to do is to become desired and attractive in the eyes of representatives of the strong sex - the topic for which we will talk today.

The appearance of the perfect girl with the eyes of men

No matter how the Sensivians do not convince themselves, who do not want to care for themselves and sweat in the gym, men love their eyes!

Even after 30 years of marriage, any representative of a strong sex wants his wife to look attractive.

But for some reason, the ladies believe that they have the right to forget about what the masters of manicure-pedicure and hairdressers are needed.

They cry at the word Gym, as from dental pain, preferring to acquire dozens of extra kilograms that are rotating their body.

Not only at home, they go in terrible coats or ripped sports, but also not particularly bother with working or festive clothing.

That was what one of the girlfriends of my mother Natalia Alekseevna, turning away from a beautiful girl (saw her student photos) in hippopotamus with salted hair in second-hand clothing.

I was always surprised when I saw them together: slender, cute, in a suitable suit on it, Uncle Grisha, and loosely looking at Natasha.

And okay, it would still be unwilling to care for themselves could be explained by material difficulties, so there is no way - both have earned well and the husband did not limit his wife in the spending.

That is, the women, like the "horse will stop the horse, will run into burning wigs," they must go into oblivion.


To put up with the poor mood of her husband after an unpleasant conversation with the boss, not nervous, reminding him in the 78th time that dirty socks need to be attributed to the basket, and not to hide under the bed, and smooth all sharp corners.

Yes, yes, you did not hear: when men have trouble or they want to show the slack, we must substitute our shoulder, and this is done so as not to insult the male ego.

What else should be an ideal girl?

It would seem that you still need to be satisfied with the strong sex, because they already said so much.

An ideal woman with the eyes of men, in addition to the foregoing, should still be:

    Be sexy.

    That is, to cause a sexual desire for a man, to make them want to want to want and ... not complaining of headaches constantly.

    Think of the future:

    take care of your health, do not abuse alcohol, not to pass all the money on rags, but to be able to save on global purchases, want family and children.

    You should not limit your world by borscht and cleaning, but the ability to deliciously cook and maintain cleanliness in the house will significantly increase your chances to successfully marry.


    Well, I do not like the gentlemen limited housewives and whims, who are just a hatch, sitting at home that the husband earns a little.

    Do not be shy to demonstrate your love.

    This can be done with the help of an embrace, kisses, romantic surprises, the scene of jealousy (without fanaticism and not too often), which will end with reconciliation in bed, reminds to put on a scarf, kind words - yes, anything.

But what do men want a man!

Cute girls / women - take a note.

P.S. Straight hint in the forehead! 😉

As you can see, not just become perfect girl, such as men want to see us, but there is nothing impossible for true lady.

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What a girl should be: 25 advantages of the perfect girl + 5 negative qualities, from which it is worth getting rid of + 1 story from life.

Let's admit honestly: any girl takes care of his external attractiveness and reserves a whole luggage of positive qualities primarily in order to find an excellent partner with whom you can go through life.

I know, I know, now homegrown feminists will be covered: "Erunda, these are all stereotypes, I do it all for myself." Yeah-aha, consider what believed. As my teacher said: "Feminism is rapidly treated by the first worthy man."

If you have not met such a man yet, then you don't understand something, do not understand what should a girl be to worry imagination Representatives of the opposite sex.



Here, too, know comments. Sex is one of the basics of any adult relationship. Many couples broke up just because of the difficulties in the intimate life, incompatibility of the temperaments and the lesions of the girls.

What should not be a girl?

Now let's go to what the girl should not be:


    Vulgarity, according to men, manifests itself in many ways: appearance, drunk obscenences, promial stripids, candid sticks to all men, etc. Maybe you will find a man who will like it all, but do not fit later that he is not Respects.

    Angry and cruel.

    In general, cruelty and evil - qualities, unworthy of a normal person. And certainly such a girl should not be.


    Yes, you need to love yourself, and not to adapt to another person. But be a egoist, which is only thinking about himself, it is impossible, no one will like this behavior.


    Why do you need a man? To live at his expense and let him solve your problems? Well, I do not know if there will be many guys who will be interested in so selfish creation.

    Although, maybe who will start you as a home animal, but do not be surprised if, after a few years, this little animal will want to change to younger, thoroughbred and.

    Most men believe that the girl should be a partner, not a mercenary survival.

    Bored pessimist.

    Female-saws with an acidic expression of faces that never see anything good, but they know how to inflate from any little things the tragedy of the universal scale, they do not fit into a friend or loved ones.

Should I be such a girl, what do you want to see me?

No, you should not!

In general, you should not anyone in this world and may well look and behave as you think necessary.

If you don't need a man in principle, or you found your prince and confident in his love, then please do not care for yourself, be angry and irritable, become a worthless mistress, work on low-paid non-dusting work, even do not touch the books.

For example, one of my parents is Marina. This is such a battleship weighing 100 kg, tightened into a cheap knitwear, with eternally dirty hair, collected in a fluid tail, a bothelot as a shoemaker and obscured with the whole house.

Works this girl in the seller in the fish store. From education - some technical school. Books does not read fundamentally. He loves the television show of all calibers.

Married to Igorkom, who works by a loader in the same store as Marina. Without education. Unpleasant and untidy in appearance. Drinking hard.

But they are very happy. And when he comes home drunk (and it happens with enviable regularity), then the sound support of their happiness (screams, mats, blows, ware) hears the whole house.

Oh, yes, I forgot to say that Marina has always been convinced that the girl should be like she wants, so you can eat that it fell, smoking on the doorway, to hide with the vague guys, to learn badly and stall at the level of bottle development.

Marina spoke to everyone with everyone, as a crowd of princes fled to her, such a natural and clear girl. I do not know how about the crowd, but Igorek is available.

What should be the perfect girl?

Curious opinions of men, "caught" outside:

Want the same? Not? Then listen to the opinions of men what a girl should be to count on a more profitable party and implemented in this life.

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What is she, perfect girl? What should be the perfect growth and weight for a modern girl? Why modern, does beauty not eternal? It turns out not forever, and beauty standards change over time. Even at the same time, in different countries and cultures, beauty standards can differ significantly.

Militta will try to consider the standards of beauty and figure out what it is the perfect girl living in the territory of modern Russia.

In Soviet times, beauty standards were clamped into a narrow frame, then the girl was better to be a gray mouse and not to exhibit their advantages at the bottom. An ideal girl in the USSR - should not strive to look excessively seductive and sexy. Soviet society rejected the ideals of bright sexy girls, and similar perfect girls could not count on popular love and admiration. Soviet girl should be modest, dressed, like all people, and in general it should not stand out. Often, girls and grandmothers wore clothes of the same style and from the same fabric.

Ideal girls for the USSR

I managed to experience the impact of the Soviet system of values \u200b\u200bon myself. During the fading of the Soviet system and on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, I had a chance to study in one of the Soviet schools. And my essence is such that I never wanted to live like everything, I didn't want everything to be in my life as people. Already in the children's and youthful age I had a bright individuality, but unfortunately at that age there was a lack of wisdom and I wanted to stand out where the girls Emo and Gotesse girls are standing out today - an unusual appearance, which should reflect my complex inner world.

Naturally, I did not hear anything about emo and goths, so the subculture of emo and goths did not exist then. But, then there was another subculture - punk!

In one of the sunny days, I came to Soviet school with an unusual hairstyle, which I saw from English punks. Rather, the hairstyle was much easier, the scallop is completely small, the neat and natural color of my hair, without coloring.

Today, with such a hairstyle, you can go almost anywhere, and you can be sure that there will be no problems, but somewhere they will not even pay attention, but then in the USSR, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal girl was other and teachers poorly reacted to my transformation. All their statements were reduced to that - here she is a disappearance of the girl, and what the parents are unfortunate! She will probably become cheap litter and finished somewhere under the fence. So the teachers said and my case is not a single, during the USSR, an ideal girl was an inconspicuous gray mouse that was not distinguished by anything and humblely honored the ideals of the Komsomol and Party.

Fortunately in the USSR I managed to be born not in 1937, and at the time of the sunset of the Soviet Empire, thanks to which he managed to see the old world and enter into a new life, to the country of great opportunities and many freedoms in modern Russia.

When the USSR collapsed, a lot has become available, and most importantly - the ability to travel around the world, and information, news - from all over the planet Earth. True, the society itself gradually changed, and even now in the minds of many people, the Soviet way of thinking remained, and, accordingly, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty of the perfect girl the same Soviet. Surely you saw evil grandmothers, condemning and cursing beautiful, brightly dressed girls.

Strongly heritage of the USSR, but on these grandmothers almost no one pays attention, even their own granddaughters and great-grandchildren are dressed as the gloss dictates, the TV surrounding their community and their idols. Thanks to this freedom and diversity, the girls have a huge selection of clothing, behavior, and the image as a whole. We can meet Gotesse girl, girl Emock, or a girl - a gifts in glasses and with an electronic book, and we can face a glamorous girl, or a girl who considers himself glamorous, and very close to see a creative designer girl who reminds the heroine of a computer game.

Some of them can be called the perfect girl of modernity? Sure! The guy is Goth, wants to see the girl Gotesza next to him, who is beautiful in his eyes and literally glows in darkness. For someone, a girl designer with a camera will be perfect girl. It turns out, the girls are ideal for everyone and everyone, does not exist? In fact, it is ideal for everyone in this world, but here it is possible to find the image of an ideal girl for most. As in the time of the USSR, in modern Russia there are certain ideals that are confessed by the majority.

Perfect girl her height, weight, lifestyle!

In modern Russian society, the chief equivalent of success is not honorable diplomas, Leninsky Prizes and the Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor, and everything is much easier - money and their number. Money rule the modern world, the money is universal all-perky energy, they are easily transformed into the majority of desires, open almost all doors and hearts.

In this place, many will retempose to me, reminding the saying that love cannot be bought. And I do not mean real love, because in the heart, in which the main ideal of money, the place for her is quite a bit, so such hearts are well open with money. In such a world, the most sought-after and, accordingly, the ideal, will be the girl who is most fully adapted to live among such ideals. It's bad or well, the question is spiritual and philosophical, and we will leave it for the future. Now consider this ideal of a modern girl and experienced our right way.

A modern perfect girl has a slender figure, her body is trained with fitness, and hair and skin are not polished by photoshop, but in SPA and beauty salons. The perfect girl is perfectly focused in the styles and knows how to combine clothes, accessories, decorations and makeup. At the same time, it is not afraid to experiment and violate some rules. The perfect girl knows what he wants, and knows how to achieve it with all the ways.

The perfect girl is her height, weight is the ideal model figure. Model figure, this is not anorexic nymph at all, but just a high slender, which has a breast. Look at the Angels of Victoria "S Secret, which figures they have, that should be a figure at the perfect girl of our time. After all, it is not easy for advertising and laundry promotion.

If the other ideal was registered in the subconsciousness of people, then we would have seen on the podiums of completely different beauties. Model business - exclusively commercial field of activity and the main task of models to make sales, as many sales can! The process involves many interested parties and specialists, they all want to make money, and believe me, no one sense to impose the standards of the Angels of the Angels of Victoria "S Secret. These ideals are written in the consciousness of society for a year and not two, but gradually and when they registered In our brain, they delay there for a long time. Remember the evil grandmothers on a bench, condemning glamorous maidens. Grandmothers live the ideals of the USSR, despite the fact that the Soviet Union has fallen over 20 years ago, and modern media mixed his heritage with mud.

Grandmothers with rare exceptions do not recognize new ideals and the current generation has its ideals with which he either does not want to quickly part.

Conclusions - the perfect girl of modernity looks at us from the podiums, her model figure, model growth and weight.

What about the words of men who say that they like full? There are such men, but in fact, men who sincerely like full and the more thick girls, there are few men. In most cases, speaking similar words to full girls, men are shy, having one simple reason. What? Guess the three attempts.

Modern beauties - perfect fashion girls fashion

One my girlfriend is a big lover to put experiments on psychology, conducted a lot of research, and including it entered the image of a girl-pyshechki and a girl of model appearance. How did she succeed?

We live in the 21st century, where the world is ruled by the information, and the Internet and social networks have become a continuation of reality. So she used the ability of the Internet to feel the desire and thinking of modern men, as they actually relate to the appearance of girls.

Our research has 12 questionnaires, in each of which I wrote a little about myself, told about personal qualities, and along with this I pointed out growth, weight, and of course put a photo. All girls were different, but in essence, they had differences of visible at first glance, half of them were girls of model appearance, model weight, model growth - perfect girls. The second half of the girl is pynes, different sizes, from 70 to 100 kilograms.

Important note - all selected girls have a good, well-groomed appearance. All photos, our psychologist borrowed from one friendly model agency, where in addition to simple models, there is a base of the size of the size plus.

Ideal girls photos

Several evenings she communicated with men and girls, (girls also write to girls). And after a couple of weeks, it came to the conclusion - they write about the same, in the sense of quantity, but if you look into the meaning and intention, the difference is noticeable immediately. Familiarity with Pynescam girls is initially regarded as acquaintance for very close relationships, without any obligation. Men seemed to be sure if the girl has a weight of 70-80 kg and more, then she has problems in relationships, and it will agree 1-2 times.

Remembering your experience dating and communicating, the experience of our friends and experimental, which can be called pyshechki, our psychologist noticed, in the reality, girls-pyshechki receive fewer dating and communication suggestions than perfect girls. Much less! Why is that?

In fact, everything is simple, men belong to full girls, like boys to a mop. I want to ride everyone, but the main thing is that friends and acquaintances do not see.

To girls with model appearance, the approach is completely different.

Here you can philosophize a lot and come to the conclusion that we have all the men bad, and what only about these men do not say, but men are part of society and modern civilization, they think that our world requires.

Ideal girls - portrait photos

Ideal girl - conclusion

In the USSR, any girl who strongly distinguished from the gray mass deserved public condemnation, which could completely break her life. Today you can look like anything - within reason, but at the same time society also has certain ideals, the deviation from which can bring frustration in life. To be or not to be an ideal girl, strive for the ideals of growth and weight, the matter is personal. You can inspire yourself the idea that let the world love me what I am and live in happiness. True, this is possible in one case - if at all does not depend on the opinions of others. And you can make a little effort, spend time and get closer to this ideal, because the absolute ideal in any case is unattainable.

What woman can be called perfect for a man? What makes it look for not one entertainment for the night, and the relationship is long, perhaps in a lifetime? She should have some kind of special appearance, clothes, figure, mental quality and so on? What men are looking for in women?

Let everyone say that there are no ideal people, and that every person has its drawbacks and dignity, society is still trying to find and understand what the perfect girl should be. Smart and beautiful? Understanding and caring? What?

If you start studying the opinions of many men on this issue, we will quickly understand that every person is looking for something. Of course, men love their eyes, and therefore, they will love an attractive girl. But is it possible to find the ideal? One wise man somehow said: that one likes the dark, others are light, and the third is redhead. But everyone likes, both and others. This means one thing: beauty is exactly defining a factor in relations.

Probably, you understand that for men of various ages the ideal girl will be completely different. Young guys who have not reached also twenty years old are usually not against their favorite drinking and smoking. But time is coming, and the moral qualities of the girl come to the fore. After all, now a man considers it not just as a companion for parties and other things, but as a keeper of his family hearth.

The ideal girl must be smart? On this issue, men are a little divided. It is unlikely that someone can admit that he likes that type of blondes, about which the jokes love to tell: beautiful, but stupid as a plug. Of course, anyone will be more interested in a girl who seeks to be educated and intelligent.

But to our misfortune, there are a lot of young people who celebrate that there is enough that the girl is a little smarter than the tree. With an educated girl, some guys feel extremely uncomfortable, because they do not know what to expect. If there is such a stereotype that beautiful girls need only money, fame and universal adoration, what girls need smart, it's not so easy to understand.

Of course, it is impossible to withdraw some algorithm that will definitely make a girl ideal for absolutely any young man. For each ideal one. Therefore, girls should understand and support only their man, take care of him and contribute to the growth of not only him, but also themselves. Men are very important that they can never blush for their soul mate. Let her housewife, does not work and keeps a household, in any case should remain a well-groomed and beautiful woman from whom you can talk about everything.


Young people have great attention to the fact that their perfect girl should always be true to them. They do not need to check the feelings of their chosen, but they should definitely understand that she is not capable of treason.

In addition, men really do not like when women are digging in his earnings and wallet, seek to know how much his friends and relatives earn. It is very unpleasant to them. After all, when a man earns not enough, he himself understands this perfectly and is trying to change this situation by all means. Therefore, you never need to annoy it once again with your reminders and notations.

How much the love live between a man and a woman mostly depends just from them two, from understanding and the interests of two people. As it turned out, many men want their girl to share their hobbies: watched football, could support the conversation about all the brands of the car and always allowed to go with friends on fishing or hunting.

Quite often, the main factor for which men pay attention when choose a wife, you can call the presence of interesting both hobbies. But what is noteworthy: Many young people are ready to exchange the same fan of football as they are on the craftswoman in culinary art. Do you think that the phrase "the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach" is very exaggerated? It's not like that at all! Each man who feels like a getter in the family, really wants his delicious dinner at the parish home.

A rather important factor can be called what the first impression produces a girl. Representatives of strong sex believe she is simply obliged to be bright, such that a look in the crowd rushed to her. Someone said that if a person pulls to the girl he sees for the first time, it can naturally be called love at first sight, but most likely it is no more than a totality of gestures, facial expressions and smells. And already subconsciously interprets them in their own way and gives the brain the signal about the girl like him or not.

Men definitely do not like rapid girl make-up, but at the same time they will not like the so-called gray mice. So strive for the ideal - something average between the first and second option.

In general, it is absolutely no important which quality is the girl. After all, each of them is the ideal for a certain man looking for it. And it does not matter, blonde she or brunette, high, or low, cheerful or serious. The main thing is that it does not build something that is not really. When a man loves, he is not much important as the weight and length of his feet his beloved.

The ideal is a non-permanent thing that changes after years and the acquisition of experience. Appearance, intelligence and character are just inconstant and such temporary criteria that are far from being so important as internally filling and the relationship between a man and a woman.

In short, you understood that it is impossible to make a portrait of an ideal girl. But all men are important one thing that the woman loved him not for any certain qualities, such as materials, moral or physical, and just like that, because he is there and lives in this light.