When the temperature can feed the baby. Is it worth it to continue breastfeeding at a temperature. How to lower the temperature during lactation

Maintaining breastfeeding is very important for the health of the baby, so the mother should do everything possible to keep him and feed him for as long as possible. Often the question arises: "Is it possible to feed a child at a temperature?" This will be discussed.

Reasons why a mother may have a fever

Is it possible to feed a child with a temperature? The decision to refuse breastfeeding should be made only after the mother finds out the reasons for feeling unwell.

  1. Due to stress and ovulation, a woman's temperature may rise slightly, which, of course, will not affect the process in any way. breastfeeding.
  2. Most often, the temperature rises in cases where the mother becomes infected with an acute respiratory disease or SARS. True signs these diseases are runny nose, cough and pain when swallowing.
  3. Often, after childbirth, inflammatory processes can begin. They are related to postpartum problems and are subject to mandatory treatment. If a woman has a stable temperature in the first weeks after the birth of a child, she definitely needs to see a gynecologist, as her stitches may open, endometritis may appear or worsen chronic illness genitals.
  4. Postpartum disease, in which the temperature rises, is also mastitis. It develops in the mammary gland and is caused by microbes, most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The symptoms of mastitis are hardening of the breast, pain when feeding and pressing on the chest. Often appear on the nipples skin changes and cracks.
  5. Temperature rise can also be caused by food poisoning.

How to measure the temperature of women with HB

Is it possible to feed a child with milk at a temperature? How to measure it correctly? Mother's temperature immediately after feeding armpit cannot be measured, as it will be slightly increased, on average to 37.3. This is due to the fact that milk is formed in the depths of the tissues and has a temperature of 37 degrees. Also, the temperature may rise due to the contraction of the muscles of the tributaries during feeding, therefore, while the baby is eating breast milk, it also does not make sense to measure it. It is best to wait half an hour, and then the thermometer will show the most accurate value.

Before measuring the temperature, the armpit must be thoroughly wiped. Even if there is some sweat in it, readings may be low because the liquid absorbs heat.

What should mom do with fever

Is it possible to feed a child with a temperature? As soon as the mother discovers her increase in herself, she should immediately call a doctor so that he can identify the real cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. With colds, this is a therapist, with postpartum inflammation - a gynecologist. With high fever and pain during urination, they turn to a urologist. Your doctor should be consulted about continuing breastfeeding.

In order to recover as soon as possible for a nursing mother, without harming the health of her child, you need to follow these tips:

  1. Take only those medicines that are allowed for HB and do not affect the taste and quality of milk. These include drugs containing ibuprofen and paracetamol.
  2. So that the temperature does not affect the taste of milk, it is necessary to bring it down as soon as possible if it has risen above 38 degrees. The most effective are antipyretic suppositories, which have no side effects.
  3. If the disease is not serious and the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, you can do without medication, the main thing is to drink warm tea, compotes and keep a diet. If the cause of the temperature rise is mastitis, the liquid should be consumed moderately, otherwise chest pains will begin due to the intensive flow of milk.

Is it possible to feed a child with a temperature?

The answer to this question primarily depends on the reasons why the nursing mother has a fever. If this colds in which the doctor prescribed drugs that do not have negative consequences for the baby, you can continue feeding. In the case of prescribing antibiotics, you need to be more careful and be sure to consult a doctor about their effect on milk content. Viral diseases in themselves are not an indication for the termination of breastfeeding, since the milk that the child receives contains enough antibodies, which will help protect his immune system from the disease.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with a temperature caused by a virus? Yes, but the main thing is that mom remembers to put on a mask, changing it every three hours when constant contact with child. If the cause of the temperature is mastitis, feeding is also continued, except in the last stages of the development of the disease, when pus begins to stand out from the chest.

Is it possible to feed a child if the temperature is above 38?

Is it possible to feed a child at a temperature of 38 degrees and above? An increase in temperature above 38 becomes a reason for refusing breastfeeding if the doctor prescribes a medicine that is not compatible with breastfeeding, or if a lot of pathogenic viruses and bacteria accumulate in milk. In this case, the mother is forced to temporarily transfer the baby to formula milk in order to avoid diarrhea or indigestion.

If the cause of fever is acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, which can be treated with health-sparing drugs, it is necessary to continue breastfeeding for the benefit of the baby, so that he, along with valuable milk, receives antibodies produced in the mother's body.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you should definitely bring it down, because the patient may begin to have convulsions. It is best to use antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol, aspirin is not allowed to be used with HB.

Is it possible to feed a child at a temperature of 37?

Based medical research doctors unequivocally state that a slight temperature is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding, since if the break is prolonged, it is quite possible that the baby will refuse to breastfeed at all. ARVI or ARI of the mother is not a threat to the child, since during the illness antibodies are formed in the milk, which she shares with the baby. Feeding is also extremely important for the mother, as a break can complicate her condition, and in addition to a cold, mastitis or lactostasis may appear.

If the temperature has risen due to stress or ovulation, it is also not worth stopping breastfeeding, since this condition of the mother will not affect the health of the child in any way.

When should you stop breastfeeding if you have a fever?

Is it possible to feed at a temperature baby? There are cases when feeding can harm the baby and it is necessary to stop breastfeeding:

  • tuberculosis, initial symptom which is a slight rise in temperature;
  • purulent mastitis;
  • a severe form of infection that can only be cured with antibiotics and therapy incompatible with hepatitis B.

During breastfeeding, you are very sensitive to your health, because the development of your baby depends on its condition. But then it happened that you had a fever. And naturally the question arises, if a nursing mother has a temperature, is it possible to feed a child? You will learn about the opinion of experts on this matter in our article.

Can I breastfeed if my mother has a fever

More recently, there was an opinion that when a woman's temperature rises, it is necessary to stop breast-feeding. But not everything is so tragic. Modern research showed that it is not necessary to refuse breastfeeding in the presence of fever. There are only a few contraindications, which will be discussed further.

To correctly answer the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed a child if the mother has a fever, you need to see a doctor if you have such a symptom. After all, an increase in body temperature indicates the presence of a disease. Most often it is:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);
  • inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin (back problems after childbirth);
  • lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland;
  • lactational mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding;
  • intestinal infections;
  • food poisoning, etc.
With hepatitis, chickenpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, erysipelas and typhoid, breastfeeding is prohibited. The baby should not be in contact with the mother because of the risk of infection. The baby can only be fed with expressed pasteurized breast milk.

Breastfeeding should also be avoided if fever is associated with serious kidney, liver, heart, or lung disease. You should not breastfeed your baby while you are taking antibiotics or other medications.

As soon as you notice manifestations of a respiratory disease - you have a runny nose, sore or sore throat, you should immediately wear a mask. Special masks protect your baby from infections while breastfeeding.

At what temperature should you not breastfeed? Experts do not recommend at temperatures above 38.5 ° C. This is due to the fact that your body is weakened. You can lower the temperature with drugs based on active substances- ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are practically harmless to babies.

If you do not want antipyretic drugs to pass into breast milk, then use them in the form of rectal suppositories. With this method of application, the effect will be less pronounced than when taking tablets.

If you have been diagnosed with mastitis and there are no contraindications, then you can feed the baby. Only in case of purulent mastitis should the baby be applied to healthy breast. And with the patient, express milk if possible.

In spring - autumn period the period of widespread disease begins, such diseases as ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza. They are accompanied by a runny nose, cough, weakness and, of course, fever. And if, basically, you can go to a pharmacy for medicine and consult with a pharmacist about the method of treatment, then when the temperature of a nursing mother rises, it’s not so easy to get out of the situation.

During lactation, a woman is responsible for two lives, for her health and her baby. Therefore, self-medication and negligence are unacceptable. But what to do if a nursing mother has an elevated body temperature? Can you continue to feed? First, don't panic. nervous tension can adversely affect lactation, and moreover, worsen the symptoms of the disease. And, secondly, let's figure out what can cause a woman's body temperature to rise during lactation?

Causes of fever in a nursing mother

One of the symptoms of many diseases is an increase in body temperature. What are the reasons for a rise in temperature in a woman during lactation:

  • V postpartum period(6 weeks postpartum), high fever may be due to endometritis, mastitis, inflammation, and dehiscence of perineal or caesarean section sutures.
  • Exacerbation of diseases that are in the chronic stage (pyelonephritis, herpes, diseases of internal organs).
  • ARI, SARS, influenza.
  • Roto viral infection and other food poisoning.
  • Laktostasis.

First of all, a woman must understand that it is impossible to self-medicate. As soon as possible, you must apply for medical care. If it is not possible to get to the hospital for an appointment, there is a day off on the calendar or holiday- call ambulance. The paramedic will provide first aid needed help and diagnose the cause of the temperature increase. It is important to know that when you call a doctor from a polyclinic to your home, you cannot be refused this call if you have a fever and you cannot come to the hospital on your own. The local therapist will come to your home, prescribe treatment, if necessary, give a referral for tests, or hospitalization.

Often the cause of fever in a nursing woman is lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breast). This situation occurs due to improper attachment the baby to the breast when the baby eats little, and the mother consumes a lot of liquid. The development of lactostasis occurs, as a rule, during the first weeks after childbirth. This is due to the fact that lactation is only being established. If you observe a fever, breast swelling and hard lumps when you feel it, you need to express milk, then attach the baby to the breast. If lactostasis is the cause of the temperature increase, after pumping, the temperature will begin to decrease.

If there is swelling of the breast, pain with any movement of the hands, and after decanting and breastfeeding, the temperature does not subside - there is a high possibility of developing mastitis. Mastitis is dangerous because it can go from uninfected to infected. Thus, in the mother's body and, accordingly, in breast milk, pathogenic bacteria begin to be produced. Mastitis should ALWAYS be treated by a doctor. Contact women's consultation for the purpose of adequate treatment.

Is it possible to feed a child with a mother's temperature?

If the doctor does not recommend weaning the baby, do not stop breastfeeding. Interruption of lactation is possible if the mother is assigned a strong drug therapy providing Negative influence on the baby, if there is a staphylococcal infection in the mother's milk, and there is, complicated by a purulent-inflammatory process.

Recently, while walking into a pharmacy, I witnessed a situation where a pharmacist advised a young girl to stop breastfeeding because “the milk burned out anyway and now it’s harmful to drink it”. I caught up with the girl and found out that her temperature rose to 39 degrees Celsius, she is a nursing mother and at the same time all the symptoms of a cold are a runny nose, cough and weakness. After advising her to see a doctor first rather than listen to pharmacists, I gave her my phone number (to find out how this story ended). When the doctor came on a house call, he saw a sick mother, a hungry child, who was unsuccessfully tried to give formula, and a husband in a pre-infarction state who did not know what to do with all this.

Mom was prescribed medicines that can be taken during breastfeeding, insisted on the need to breastfeed the baby. Everyone is calm and everyone is happy.

During the illness of a nursing woman, her body produces antibodies to the disease, which are transmitted to the baby during feeding. Thus, the child is protected from infections, and even if he gets sick, the disease will go away in a milder course.

Remember!!! Milk during the temperature of a nursing mother does not coagulate, does not boil or sour. Breastfeeding at high temperature is possible! Breastfeeding should be stopped only if the recommendation of the attending physician has been followed!

If there is a need to interrupt breastfeeding, every effort should be made to preserve the milk. For this, a young mother will need to regularly. In this way. You will be able to avoid the stagnation of milk in the milk ducts, and save the milk for feeding the baby, after recovery.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

In order to get true readings on the thermometer, it is necessary to measure the temperature correctly. When measuring the temperature in the armpit, a nursing mother should know that a breast full of milk gives readings in Celsius from 36.8 to 37.5. The temperature is best measured in the groin, or in the elbow. If you measure in the armpit, you must first express milk or feed the baby.

At temperatures up to 38 degrees, the body itself fights the infection. After 38.5, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, or use the methods of traditional medicine.

To lower the temperature in a nursing mother, drugs such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are usually prescribed. Take them better in shape rectal suppositories. This form of the drug helps as much as possible at a temperature, and minimally penetrates into breast milk.

If the child does not have allergic reactions, you can drink tea with raspberry jam, or tea with lemon and honey to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother. In any case, when elevated temperature and illness (in the absence of lactostasis), abundant warm drink(tea, compote of apples and lingonberries).

Mom should adhere to proper and timely nutrition. At least porridge, but you need to eat, despite the lack of appetite. The quality of milk directly depends on the nutrition of the mother. You can eat cottage cheese, soups, homemade cakes. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Based on the foregoing, several conclusions can be drawn:

  • If the temperature of a nursing mother has risen, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible!
  • DO NOT self-medicate.
  • Do not wean the baby from the breast until advised by the doctor.
  • Try to maintain lactation in case of forced weaning (pump regularly).

No matter how hard we try to protect our body from viral infections, sooner or later we still get sick. As a rule, any infection is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and here the question arises: is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature? The “experts”, who are the grandmothers sitting on the benches near the entrance, will unanimously begin to assert that this is absolutely impossible to do! But is it? Should I interrupt breastfeeding for the entire period of treatment or not?

The temperature during breastfeeding can rise not only due to banal SARS, but also due to stagnation of milk and other factors

Before answering the above questions, you need to understand why the temperature may rise during breastfeeding. The main reasons are:

  • mastitis;
  • stagnation of milk, called lactostasis;
  • poisoning;
  • inflammatory reactions in the body;
  • infectious diseases.

In most cases, at a temperature, breastfeeding a child is not only possible, but also necessary.

There are many myths about breastfeeding at a temperature. Someone claims that it is necessary to boil it and only then give it to the child through a bottle. This is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, having taken a bottle once, the child will then be able to refuse the breast altogether, since the milk itself flows from the bottle into a small mouth, and in order to get it out of the chest, you need to work hard.

Secondly, pumping should take place every 4 hours, which is not very convenient for the mother, since she does not feel very well anyway. And besides, nothing like sucking a baby empties the breast. Thirdly, when boiled, milk loses all its beneficial features. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to do this.

Also, stopping breastfeeding can lead to stagnation of milk, which will only increase the temperature and worsen the already serious condition mother.

An increase in temperature associated with infectious diseases contributes to an increase in the production of antibodies responsible for immunity, which also enter the child during feeding. Therefore, a sick mother with her milk only strengthens the baby's immunity. The same thing happens with mastitis, so you should not stop breastfeeding.

There is an opinion that at elevated temperatures, breast milk becomes sour and curdles, so you should not feed the baby. It is not true! Increasing the temperature in no way affects the taste of milk. And besides, it becomes even more useful, since the amount of antibodies in it increases several times.

But if you exclude HB at a temperature, but at the same time be in the same room with the child, the chances of infecting the baby increase several times than with continued breastfeeding.

Therefore, breastfeeding or not at elevated temperatures is up to you. However, it should be understood that the temperature can also be caused by inflammatory processes in the body, in which breastfeeding is impossible. And to establish the exact cause, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, on this stage It's not just about the health of the mother, but also the health of the baby.

It is undesirable for a nursing mother to take antipyretics, so you should start with harmless folk remedies

Temperature and breastfeeding are two very compatible things. Therefore, you should not stop breastfeeding your baby. You just need to see a doctor who will give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Today there are many medicines that are allowed to be used while breastfeeding. These include "Nurafen" and "Paracetomol". They rarely cause side effects, and besides, they are very few.

The best option are suppositories based on antipyretic components. Although they are less effective, the substances contained in them do not enter the milk. In rare cases, a woman is prescribed treatment that does not provide for the continuation of breastfeeding.

Taking antipyretics, you do all the "work" for the body - it relaxes and stops producing antibodies. Therefore, the disease can drag on for up to 10 days.

Well, if you are unable to tolerate the temperature, then you should start taking medication. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water. Recommended to drink hot tea with lemon, fruit drinks and water. But with mastitis, drinking is not worth abusing, as it only increases the flow of milk, which can lead to complications.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to breastfeed at a temperature? After all, breastfeeding improves the quality of work immune system child and improve their health. Then how to be, what to do in this situation? Is it allowed to continue feeding, and how can this affect the health of the baby?

The first thing to do is stop worrying. Excessive anxiety can only lead to problems with breast milk, or rather its presence in the chest. When the initial symptoms of the disease appear, a woman should call a doctor at home and get advice.

Temperature Causes

The reason for the appearance of temperature above the norm can be various reasons. Before interrupting breastfeeding at elevated body temperature, it is necessary to establish the primary source of unfavorable health.

slight temperature body is often caused stressful situation or ovulation. Both reasons do not have even the slightest effect on the lactation process. The reason for the increase in body temperature can be an acute respiratory disease, a viral infection.

With these ailments, in combination with temperature, a woman is tormented by a cough, mucous discharge from the nose, although it is quite difficult for women housewives to become infected with such an infection.

Often, an increase in body temperature occurs in the first month after childbirth. This may indicate possible problems associated with the inflammatory process.

Following the birth of a baby, an exacerbation of previous chronic diseases may also occur. Among the many postpartum ailments that lead to fever, mastitis is most often distinguished. This is a disease of the mammary glands that occurs due to the multiplication of bacteria. Causes of mastitis can be nipple cracks, impaired activity thyroid gland, dermatological and other diseases.

After one month after the birth of the baby, the fever can cause the usual food poisoning. At a mother's temperature of less than 38 ° C, there can be no danger either for herself or for the baby. If the temperature rises to 40°C, the likelihood of a change in breast milk. So that the child does not refuse to eat, it is necessary to bring down the rising temperature or call the doctor at home.

The need for breastfeeding

To date, many experts admit the possibility of feeding a child with breast milk and at a high temperature. They give the following rationale for this.

Improving the functioning of the baby's immune system occurs with the use of the necessary nutrients and antibodies. And their baby absorbs them along with the mother's breast milk, even when a viral infection is present in her body. At the same time, the feeding composition of milk practically does not change. In this regard, with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, doctors advise not to stop breastfeeding the baby. So he will be more protected from the virus.

In other words, an increase in body temperature is immune defense body from disease. Therefore, a slight excess of the norm is useful in the sense that in the mother's body the most useful substances are produced, which in the future she can pass on to her baby. A sudden interruption of lactation can adversely affect the mammary glands of the fair sex, namely, lead to mastitis or lactostasis.

It should be noted that any increase in body temperature, and especially during lactation, indicates some health problems. It could be ordinary poisoning, or worse. inflammatory process occurring in the body. At increased rate on a thermometer, a nursing mother should establish a reliable reason for this phenomenon, and only then make a decision about the continuation of lactation.

If the body temperature persists for several days in a row, and with it there are other unpleasant symptoms such as cough or runny nose, you should consult your doctor about the right treatment and a list of approved drugs. With timely therapy, any acute respiratory disease or acute respiratory viral infection will quickly stop its development, and mommy will be able to do full feeding your baby.

When to Stop Breastfeeding

As mentioned above, body temperature does not harm lactation and the health of the nurse herself. But there are situations in which you need to stop breastfeeding due to fever. When mother's milk loses nutrition and useful material that are passed on to the baby.

So, the temperature does not harm the feeding of the baby and the health of the mother herself.

However, there are situations in which you should stop breastfeeding because of a fever:

  • at a temperature of 38 ° C and above;
  • in the presence of serious illnesses at mother;
  • when using strong antibiotics.

Breastfeeding at a temperature of more than 38 ° C is prohibited by specialists. In such a state female body the taste and quality of breast milk can change. In order for the baby not to completely abandon the breast, it is better to suspend feeding until the moment of recovery.

When body heat is due dangerous disease mothers, it is also better to refuse lactation. Such ailments mainly include diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and other important human organs.

Often, antibacterial therapy is used for recovery through the use of special medicines. Is it possible to feed a child when mommy is treated with antibiotics that have strong action on the body? Any specialist will answer - no, since feeding can lead to a deterioration in the health of the baby and mother.

Necessary treatment

In order not to suspend lactation, you need to try to bring down the elevated body temperature in a short period of time. Return good health help medicines that do not affect the quality mother's milk. Often these are drugs that include paracetamol and ibuprofen. Thanks to their action, the heat subsides after 30 minutes.

If the temperature is elevated, candles based on antipyretic components will help. They do not contain substances that can cause side effect. Therefore, they cannot be classified as harmful.

The body can control the temperature on its own, without the help of special medications. When the thermometer shows no more than 38 ° C, you should wait for a short period of time when the antibodies enter into an active fight with the virus.

With acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary to provide a nursing mother plentiful drink. Lemon tea, fruit drink or plain water. But, if a woman is diagnosed with mastitis, it is better not to abuse the liquid, because it contributes to the production of milk.

Thus, women can breastfeed their children even at elevated body temperature. However, you must first install true reason its occurrence. The exceptions are dangerous diseases at which the temperature is above normal for several days. You can hope for accurate thermometer readings if you measure the temperature immediately after feeding or half an hour after it.

The composition of the milk consumed by the baby should be without certain changes. Therefore, when feeling unwell don't take funds harmful effects and use simple preparations containing paracetamol.

If the tablets do not help, lactation should be stopped until the mother's condition improves. As experts point out, at elevated temperatures, the mother produces less milk, since the body is greatly weakened. Therefore, do not panic ahead of time, but it is better to take treatment.