Synopsis of folk holidays in Russia senior group. Summary of the lesson "Folk traditions and customs". Main Russian holidays in Russia

It is quite obvious that folk holidays, which played a very significant role in the life of the ancient Slavic peoples, could not be left out of the formation of magical and religious rites. With the development of a religious cult, first of all, folk holidays were more and more filled with religious content, and the rites took on a religious character.

The main role in the agricultural religion of the Slavs was played by rituals and holidays associated with various periods of agricultural production. By their nature, these rites were predominantly magical in nature and constituted an integral calendar cycle.

The cycle of these rites and holidays began in winter, at that time when the days become noticeably longer, when "the sun turns to summer." According to the beliefs of agricultural religions, this was the moment of the birth of the sun god. Many rituals and holidays were associated with this period. Among them were Christmas time, carol holidays with the final moment of this cycle - Shrovetide, which contained such rituals as inviting, or invoking spring, seeing off winter (burning its straw effigy), etc.

The life of the peasant, as before, as now, is subject to the repeated change of the seasons. Therefore, since ancient times, natural and astronomical phenomena have been the main landmarks for people in the cycle of annual seasons. This is primarily the summer and winter solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes, as well as the natural change of seasons, when summer comes after spring, and then autumn and winter. These transitional milestones are opened by big calendar holidays - Christmas time, Shrovetide, Semitsko-Trinity week, autumn is preceded by holidays in the name of the Savior and the Virgin.

Festive cycles are connected by a chain of daily medium and small holidays (“semi-holidays”), calendar signs and observations, rhymed into proverbs and rigidly tied to church calendars. Therefore, holiday cycles are inseparable from the agricultural calendar. With the adoption of Christianity, the richest experience of the Russian people in the development of nature and the environment was, as it were, in a new way "systematized" and sacralized by the saints of the Orthodox calendar. Accordingly, in the folk calendar, which consists entirely of rhyming sayings, every day became recognizable by the specific information that was assigned to a particular saint as a “nickname”: for example, Avdotya Malinovka, Loop Brusnichnik, Orina-Crane Flight, Savvatiy Pchelnik. This information, accumulating from one day to another, seemed to lead to a milestone when qualitative changes in nature and, thanks to this, in human life, were to take place. It is on these lines that all the big calendar holidays fall. Therefore, in the national way of life, every significant festival is not only an “emotional discharge” from everyday work, but it is also a kind of “summary” of the lived period of time, and at the same time “preparation” for the next period.

Both the "result" and the "preparation" were carried out through well-defined rites and ritual actions. Repeating, albeit in different versions, during the year from one holiday to another, they served the only purpose: not to let everything on Earth become impoverished. The continuation of the human race, the fertility of the earth, the fertility of livestock, animals, birds - these motives are at the center of all calendar holidays.

A significant role in the social life of the peasants and the urban population among the Russians, as well as among other European peoples, was played by rituals and customs dedicated to the dates of the Christian calendar and closely related to the cycle of agricultural work - the preparation and expectation of the harvest and its harvesting. As early as the beginning of the 20th century. the ritual calendar, containing many strata of remote times, retained its traditional specifics in most of the territory of Russian settlement, although many archaic rites had gone out of everyday life by that time, and the meaning of others was forgotten, and they, mixed with non-ritual everyday forms, were perceived as a festive fun .

Public life associated with folk calendar rituals manifested itself mainly in joint festivities and festive entertainment, which had many local differences. The Christmas and New Year cycle of customs and rituals associated with the winter solstice and aimed at ensuring fertility and all sorts of well-being in the coming year was called Svyatki38. Christmas time was the busiest and most fun time of the year, especially for young people. According to unwritten laws, the responsibilities of youth groups (territorial or social) included the organization and holding of Christmas and New Year caroling, widespread in Russia and also known to other Slavic and non-Slavic peoples of Europe. Young people in a merry crowd went around the houses with wishes to the owners of all kinds of well-being and received a reward for this, most often with food. The carolers were given kutia, special cookies (roes or cows), pies, etc. On New Year's morning, boys went home. They congratulated the hosts, sang the festive troparion and "sowed" - they scattered the seeds. Children were usually given small change. Everything that the carolers received from the owners went to the organization of festive parties and conversations, which, as already mentioned, were especially revelry and crowded.

From the New Year to Epiphany, they gathered in groups and guessed. Fortune-telling early lost its ritual significance and for the majority of the population served as a fun youth entertainment. Mostly girls guessed about their future marriage. Epiphany fortune-telling with sing-along songs stood out among the Russians. A lot of fun was brought by the mummers, who walked or drove around the streets with dances and songs, entering the houses, asking permission from the owners. Among the intelligentsia, mummers usually traveled around familiar families.

They often dressed up in traditional masks, including ancient ones - a goat, a horse, a bull, an old man with an old woman. But most of all, by the beginning of the 20th century. household masks were in use - doctors, gypsies and gypsies, and so on. At Svyatki, folk dramas were played - "The Boat", "Tsar Maximilian", "The Naked Master". The cycle ended with Baptism, the rites of which were formed under the strong influence of the Orthodox Church. The main moment was a mass religious procession with water blessing to the Jordan - a specially designed hole in the local reservoir. Everyone from young to old took part in it. The preparation of the procession and the arrangement of the ice-hole were also a public matter. Consecrated (holy) water was taken from the hole. Some men plunged into the ice font.

Maslenitsa, unlike many other calendar holidays, did not have a Christian meaning and marked only the beginning of Great Lent before Easter. In the life of Russians, both in the city and in the countryside, it has received a particularly wide development39. Shrovetide communion was, on the whole, of a riotous nature and retained in its composition many elements of very ancient rites. One of the main forms of communication was going to visit and receiving guests - they were "overdone". Plentiful fatty food was considered obligatory for this holiday. Pancakes, which were eaten in large quantities, became an attribute of Maslenitsa. Pancakes were baked at home, in taverns, restaurants and special buffets, where they could be ordered to receive guests. Balls were held in the cities on Shrovetide.

The most favorite carnival pastime was public skating from the mountains. Residents of villages and cities rode on sledges, on ice-boats, on sledges, on logs knocked together in the form of a raft. Sometimes special mountains were built for this, filled with ice. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, under such mountains, festive bazaars were organized, where all sorts of performances were held for the common people, and delicacies were sold. From Thursday, when the “wide” Maslenitsa began, they rode for show in a sleigh on decorated horses harnessed in pairs, triples and with bells under an arc. Spectators lined up in the streets. Newlyweds who had been married for no more than a year participated in the skating. The "young" were taken out for public viewing, demonstrating their well-being. Games with the newlyweds were accepted: they were detained (“frozen”), covered with snow (“salted”), rolled in the snow. The young had to pay off. Crowds were going to stare at this fun. Shrovetide entertainment was considered snowball fights. In Siberia, the game "Taking the Snow Town" was preserved in everyday life for a long time. The Maslenitsa festivities ended with the rite of seeing off Maslenitsa, in which many people took part: they burned bonfires, carried an effigy of Maslenitsa, burned it or tore it to pieces and scattered it across the fields.

The purpose of winter holidays and rituals was the desire of farmers to secure a favorable economic year. Therefore, frost was invited into the hut to the festive table in order to treat it and thus protect oneself from its arrival in the spring, when it can freeze the young shoots of crops. "Rzha" (rust) and "linen", spoiling the ear, were also invited.

The future harvest was symbolized at the festival by a sheaf displayed in the front, "red", forehead. The host and the hostess, sitting down at the festive table, called to each other, pretending not to see each other, and said: "So as not to see each other in the fall behind haystacks and carts of bread, piles of vegetables." The festive ritual songs contained spells that allegedly ensured a good harvest and a large offspring of livestock:

The main ritual food of the holidays of this cycle was kutya, a kind of porridge made from boiled grains, a vegetable dish that appeared when people still did not know how to grind grains and bake bread. Pancakes were the main dish of Shrovetide. They are undoubtedly of a later origin and, with their ruddy yellow-red color and round shape, symbolize the "nascent" sun in spring.

Many other cleansing rites were associated with the meeting of spring and seeing off winter. They were based on the belief that during the dark, cold winter a lot of different evil spirits had gathered, which should have been neutralized and expelled from the dwelling and from the fields.

For this, the Slavs washed their huts and washed themselves. They collected all the garbage in the yard and burned it at the stake. The fire was made as smoky and stinking as possible. All this supposedly drove away evil spirits. It was believed that the willow, the tree that was the first to bud in spring, also had magical powers to ward off evil spirits. The head of the house stocked up on willow branches and whipped all the household members with them, saying: "Health - in the hut, twigs - in the forest!"

Having thus cleansed themselves, the house and the yard, people went to the fields and sprinkled them with ashes from cleansing fires. Willow branches were placed in the corners of the field.

It was believed that after performing all these rituals, the evil spirits were expelled and one could safely proceed to spring work. In order not to incur the wrath of spring and to use its favors more fully, they tried first of all to feed the spring. Therefore, in some areas, as soon as the snow began to melt, women put pieces of cake or bread on the thawed patches, saying: “Here you are, mother spring.” The arrival of spring is marked by the general revival of nature, the arrival of birds. In this regard, the custom arose and has survived to this day to produce figurines of birds - larks, storks - from dough in the spring. This is an undoubted relic of those distant times when the "spring" in the form of a bird was caught and sacrificed, that is, simply eaten, believing that the best way to use the beneficial forces of spring is to eat it.

With the advent of spring, people got the opportunity to part with the dark and stinking chicken hut, go out into the fresh air and take a deep breath, soak up the warm rays of the sun. The person experienced a joyful, high spirits. It is no coincidence that spring has always been a period of holidays. One of these spring holidays in Russia was the “Red Hill” holiday, which got its name from the “red” spring, from “red”, that is, beautiful hills, hills, hills, which were the first to be covered with grass under the rays of the bright spring sun. On these slides, in fact, the holiday was celebrated; played folk games, sang songs, danced, danced round dances.

The ancient rituals of meeting spring were reminded of larks, dough buns in the form of a bird, with which on March 9, Art. Art. (The Day of the Forty Martyrs, according to the Christian calendar) the children ran down the street and shouted short rhymes about spring. April 23 Art. Art. (St. George's Day) at the first pasture of cattle, the owners jointly performed some ritual actions. But in general, after Maslenitsa, public life died down and revived again from Easter. Easter week young people spent on the street. The most characteristic were mass games with a pronounced sports element (towns, rounders). Swings were widely used. Women and children loved playing with colored eggs. Having gathered in groups, they broke eggs against each other, rolled them down a hill or along a special tray. In some places even at the end of the XIX century. led round dances.

The spring cycle of festive festivities ended with the Trinity (50th day from Easter), which also marked the transition to summer - they went to meadows and forests. Together they decorated churches and houses with young vegetation, birch trees. The main performers of collective ritual actions were girls and women. At the end of the XIX century. there were still ancient women's gatherings on Semik, which fell on the Thursday before Trinity and was celebrated with a feast. Girls with songs went to the forest to braid wreaths, to break a birch. A young birch was sometimes brought to the village, walked with it, and then broken or thrown into the water. Somewhere before the beginning of the 20th century. the rite of kumleniya of girls with kisses through a wreath was preserved. Such a kind of "twinning" was seen as a spiritual relationship.

Summer Kupala communication consisted in youth gatherings with lighting fires, games with pouring water; sometimes they arranged games in the "funeral of Kostroma" or "cuckoo", which were echoes of the rituals that once existed.

Summer holidays and youth festivities ended on Peter's Day (June 29, old style). On the eve of the holiday night, young people had fun until dawn - "they met the sun." It was customary to collect everything that was not tidied up in the nearest territory, to play pranks. Many made noise, sang, beat on stove dampers, and so on.

Public and family principles were closely intertwined in the celebration of the so-called patronal days - holidays in honor of the patron of the local church. They were carried out noisily and widely, even in those cases when they fell on the time of field work. In addition to the religious side of the holidays (going to church, going to the cemetery, sometimes lay prayers, etc.), the highlight was a big village festival. In many places, by these days, it was customary to brew beer with a common cauldron, to slaughter a bull - a custom that dates back to communal collective meals. In addition to relatives and acquaintances who gathered for the holiday, outsiders, the so-called side, who were considered common guests, also treated themselves to the houses. Patronal feasts were often called beer days.

Fairs were timed to coincide with many calendar holidays; there were especially many of them in autumn. Fairs were accompanied by festivities, amusements, which were attended by whole families.

Svetlana Zubova

senior group

prepared by the teacher of the senior group MBDOU "Rivne kindergarten "Rainbow" Zubova S. D.

Target: the development of a value attitude to the native culture.

Tasks: educational - to form an idea of holidays in Russia(Intercession, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Forty Saints) about the customs and traditions of our people, introduce with Russian traditions holidays, appearance history;

Developing - develop informative children's interest in the history and traditions of their people, develop the speech of children, improve the skills of coherent utterance;

Educational - to instill love and interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people, introducing to the origins of spiritual culture.

Course progress.

Q: Guys, what country do we live in?

D.: in Russia.

Q: What are people who live in Russia called?

D: Russians, Russians.

V .: Previously, Russia was called Rus, and from this word Rus began to be called on Russia Russian people. Our ancestors lived a long time ago - who is this?

D: Great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers.

V.: Russian people lived by their labor: they plowed the ground, sewed clothes, hats, knitted scarves, felt felt boots, made jewelry, clay toys, carved wooden utensils, nesting dolls.

Those who did their job very well were called masters of their craft. They showed their skills at fairs, selling their products. At fairs, craftsmen exchanged experiences.

(I propose to consider the exhibition folk products.)

V.: Our Russian people very fond of Russians folk tales. What are the Russians you know folk tales, guys?

D .: Children name fairy tales they know.

V .: And also our people loved the holidays, so they composed songs, ditties, jokes. Guys, do you like holidays?

V.: Our Russian people have always honored the holidays and celebrated them in a special way - they danced round dances, started games, baked delicious pies and treated all the guests. Today, guys, we will go on a journey with you. folk holidays. Let's remember what Russians Do you know national holidays?? I will show you pictures and you will call holiday.

Russian folk holiday Pokrov. And what is this feast of the Intercession? What time of year is this holiday.

D.: They express their versions.

V .: With the onset of cold weather, girls and women put a scarf on their heads. The earth was covered

snow - covered with snow, like a blanket. This holiday it is so called because on this day the first snow always falls, as it covers the earth with a white veil. it means that mother winter will come soon. AT Feast of the Intercession Russian people arranged known in Pokrov Fairs. There, the goods of any visible-invisible. Beautiful shawls, colorful shawls have always delighted customers. Look at these beautiful shawls. And now we will play the game that the youth played in this holiday. The game is called "Bloop"(Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader takes the child into the circle and covers him with a shawl. Children open their eyes and guess who is hidden under the shawl. Whoever they guessed becomes the leader. The game is repeated 2-3 times)

B. Our journey continues. (THE WIND WHEELS, BLOWING) What time of the year are you guys here?

V .: What do you know about winter holidays:

D. children's answers.

On this day, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, was born. Night before Christmas

January 6 is considered magical. If you make a wish, it will surely come true. Only the desire must be necessarily good, because Jesus Christ teaches us kindness and love for all people. These days it is customary to visit parents, as well as godchildren to godparents. People exchange gifts, have conversations at a richly laid table. And it is customary to spend the evenings at home, near the den and the decorated Christmas tree, have pleasant conversations, read fairy tales to children, tell them about how Christmas is celebrated in other countries, and, of course, drink hot tea. Christmas folk the festivities are in many ways reminiscent of the fun at Maslenitsa. Only instead of pancakes people are treated festive gingerbread, and instead of dancing round dances, they sing carols. CAROLS - special songs with the wishes of a rich harvest, health, harmony in the family. Few people know these songs now. I suggest you remember a few carols, they will still be useful to us.

Sow, sow, sow

Merry Christmas to you!

Open the chests

Get the patches!

Open the lids

Give us fifty dollars!

Kolyada! Kolyada!

Give me the pie.

Sow, sow, sow

Happy new year congratulations!

Happiness will be your mountain!

Harvest cart big!

Carolers scattered oats and wheat around the house, wishing for wealth and fertility. And the owners gave gifts, treated the guests.

V: Well done guys. What time of year is it now? And what spring holidays you know?

D.: children's answers.

V .: That's right Shrovetide. End of winter. The days are getting long and bright, the sky is blue and the sun is bright. At this time on Russ organized festivities. This one was called holiday - Maslenitsa. Cheerful and wild, it lasted a whole week: fairs, street games, performances of mummers, dances, songs. AT people No wonder it was called the wide Shrovetide. Main treat holidays are pancakes, an ancient pagan symbol of the return to people of the sun and warmth. The main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw doll named Maslenitsa. She was dressed up in a dress, a scarf was tied around her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes. The doll was seated on a sled and taken up the mountain with songs. The fun continued until the evening, and at the end of all the undertakings, they “see off Maslenitsa” - they burn an effigy depicting Maslenitsa. Carnival, farewell! Come that year! Shrovetide, come back! Show yourself in the new year! Farewell, Shrovetide! Farewell, red! It was the farewell to Maslenitsa. A bonfire made of straw was laid out in the field and a doll with songs was burned. The ashes were scattered across the fields in order to reap a rich harvest next year. On Forgiveness Sunday, they went to each other to put up and ask for forgiveness if they offended before. We talked: "Please forgive me". "God will forgive you," they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the grievances. But even if there were no quarrels and insults, anyway spoke:"I'm sorry". Even when they met a stranger, they asked his forgiveness. Thus ended Maslenitsa.

The game "Wattle"

All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.

Participants braid "wattle"- join hands through one, cross.

The members of the first team walk towards the other team, which at this time is standing still, and they say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her good health!”. They say the second half of the phrase, stepping back. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up in the back of the head and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone is confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and again braid into "wattle".

Usually after that there are "superfluous" arms.

Fun game "Brook"

This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood, cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to "origin" stream and, passing under clasped hands, looking for a mate. Holding hands, the new pair makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. So "streamlet" moves - the more participants, the more fun the game, especially fun to play with music.

No one holiday in the old days, young people could not do without this game. Here you have a fight for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the chosen hand. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful.

AT: We continue talking about traditions and holidays of the Russian people. Do you want to know about another old Russian holiday, about the treat that was being prepared this holiday. Please look at the board (image - lark).

What is the name of this bird? (children's answers). But this is not just a bird, it is the memory of the fallen soldiers. In March there is folk christian holiday dedicated to the lark. March 22 - Magpies. Why Magpies? (Demonstration illustrations: Ancient warriors Russia) . Very, very long ago, one of the commanders ordered a detachment of 40 brave warriors to sacrifice one of them to the gods. The soldiers refused to do this and then all the soldiers were killed. And he always loved his soldiers - defenders people, and people began to believe that 40 warriors of the squad did not die, but turned into larks. On this day - March 22, all the dead soldiers are remembered.

And the housewives baked special lean buns - "larks", with outstretched wings, as if flying, and even with tufts. Lenten treats were distributed to children.

Like all Russians holidays on Soroka, children danced round dances, played games.

AT: And now we will play a new game called "Lark".

The lark sang in the sky,

He rang the bell.

frolic in silence,

Hid the song in the grass.

Whoever finds the song

It will be fun all year long.

Then the players close their eyes. "Lark" runs out of the circle and rings the bell. Then he carefully places it behind someone's back. The one who guesses who has a bell behind his back becomes "lark".

Q: Guys, now tell me why this the holiday is called"Magpie-Larks"? What does the lark symbolize? What did the housewives bake in honor of this holiday? What traditions do people observe in this holiday? What did you learn from the legend I told you?

For our readers: folk holidays in Russia for children with a detailed description from various sources.

Svetlana Zubova
Lesson on familiarization with the environment "Folk holidays in Russia"

senior group

prepared by the teacher of the senior group MBDOU "Rivne kindergarten "Rainbow" Zubova S. D.

Target: the development of a value attitude to the native culture.

Tasks: educational - to form an idea of holidays in Russia(Intercession, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Forty Saints) about the customs and traditions of our people, introduce with Russian traditions holidays, appearance history;

Developing - develop informative children's interest in the history and traditions of their people, develop the speech of children, improve the skills of coherent utterance;

Educational - to instill love and interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people, introducing to the origins of spiritual culture.

Course progress.

Q: Guys, what country do we live in?

D.: in Russia.

Q: What are people who live in Russia called?

D: Russians, Russians.

V .: Previously, Russia was called Rus, and from this word Rus began to be called on Russia Russian people. Our ancestors lived a long time ago - who is this?

D: Great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers.

V.: Russian people lived by their labor: they plowed the ground, sewed clothes, hats, knitted scarves, felt felt boots, made jewelry, clay toys, carved wooden utensils, nesting dolls.

Those who did their job very well were called masters of their craft. They showed their skills at fairs, selling their products. At fairs, craftsmen exchanged experiences.

(I propose to consider the exhibition folk products.)

V.: Our Russian people very fond of Russians folk tales. What are the Russians you know folk tales, guys?

D .: Children name fairy tales they know.

V .: And also our people loved the holidays, so they composed songs, ditties, jokes. Guys, do you like holidays?

V.: Our Russian people have always honored the holidays and celebrated them in a special way - they danced round dances, started games, baked delicious pies and treated all the guests. Today, guys, we will go on a journey with you. folk holidays. Let's remember what Russians Do you know national holidays?? I will show you pictures and you will call holiday.

Russian folk holiday Pokrov. And what is this feast of the Intercession? What time of year is this holiday.

D.: They express their versions.

V .: With the onset of cold weather, girls and women put a scarf on their heads. The earth was covered

snow - covered with snow, like a blanket. This holiday it is so called because on this day the first snow always falls, as it covers the earth with a white veil. it means that mother winter will come soon. AT Feast of the Intercession Russian people arranged known in Pokrov Fairs. There, the goods of any visible-invisible. Beautiful shawls, colorful shawls have always delighted customers. Look at these beautiful shawls. And now we will play the game that the youth played in this holiday. The game is called "Bloop"(Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader takes the child into the circle and covers him with a shawl. Children open their eyes and guess who is hidden under the shawl. Whoever they guessed becomes the leader. The game is repeated 2-3 times)

B. Our journey continues. (THE WIND WHEELS, BLOWING) What time of the year are you guys here?

V .: What do you know about winter holidays:

D. children's answers.

On this day, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, was born. Night before Christmas

January 6 is considered magical. If you make a wish, it will surely come true. Only the desire must be necessarily good, because Jesus Christ teaches us kindness and love for all people. These days it is customary to visit parents, as well as godchildren to godparents. People exchange gifts, have conversations at a richly laid table. And it is customary to spend the evenings at home, near the den and the decorated Christmas tree, have pleasant conversations, read fairy tales to children, tell them about how Christmas is celebrated in other countries, and, of course, drink hot tea. Christmas folk the festivities are in many ways reminiscent of the fun at Maslenitsa. Only instead of pancakes people are treated festive gingerbread, and instead of dancing round dances, they sing carols. CAROLS - special songs with the wishes of a rich harvest, health, harmony in the family. Few people know these songs now. I suggest you remember a few carols, they will still be useful to us.

Sow, sow, sow

Merry Christmas to you!

- Open chests

Get the patches!

- Open the flaps

Give us fifty dollars!

- Kolyada! Kolyada!

Give me the pie.

Sow, sow, sow

Happy new year congratulations!

Happiness will be your mountain!

Harvest cart big!

Carolers scattered oats and wheat around the house, wishing for wealth and fertility. And the owners gave gifts, treated the guests.

V: Well done guys. What time of year is it now? And what spring holidays you know?

D.: children's answers.

V .: That's right Shrovetide. End of winter. The days are getting long and bright, the sky is blue and the sun is bright. At this time on Russ organized festivities. This one was called holiday - Maslenitsa. Cheerful and wild, it lasted a whole week: fairs, street games, performances of mummers, dances, songs. AT people No wonder it was called the wide Shrovetide. Main treat holidays are pancakes, an ancient pagan symbol of the return to people of the sun and warmth. The main participant of Maslenitsa is a large straw doll named Maslenitsa. She was dressed up in a dress, a scarf was tied around her head, and her feet were shod in bast shoes. The doll was seated on a sled and taken up the mountain with songs. The fun continued until the evening, and at the end of all the undertakings, they “see off Maslenitsa” - they burn an effigy depicting Maslenitsa. Carnival, farewell! Come that year! Shrovetide, come back! Show yourself in the new year! Farewell, Shrovetide! Farewell, red! It was the farewell to Maslenitsa. A bonfire made of straw was laid out in the field and a doll with songs was burned. The ashes were scattered across the fields in order to reap a rich harvest next year. On Forgiveness Sunday, they went to each other to put up and ask for forgiveness if they offended before. We talked: "Please forgive me". “God will forgive you,” they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the grievances. But even if there were no quarrels and insults, anyway spoke:"I'm sorry". Even when they met a stranger, they asked his forgiveness. Thus ended Maslenitsa.

The game "Wattle"

All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.

Participants braid "wattle"- join hands through one, cross.

The members of the first team walk towards the other team, which at this time is standing still, and they say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her good health!”. They say the second half of the phrase, stepping back. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up in the back of the head and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone is confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and again braid into "wattle".

Usually after that there are "superfluous" arms.

Fun game "Brook"

This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood, cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to "origin" stream and, passing under clasped hands, looking for a mate. Holding hands, the new pair makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. So "streamlet" moves - the more participants, the more fun the game, especially fun to play with music.

No one holiday in the old days, young people could not do without this game. Here you have a fight for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the chosen hand. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful.

AT: We continue talking about traditions and holidays of the Russian people holiday holiday. Please look at the board (image - lark).

What is the name of this bird? (children's answers) dedicated to the lark. March 22 - Magpies. Why Magpies? (Demonstration illustrations: Ancient warriors Russia) people


Like all Russians holidays

AT: And now we will play a new game called "Lark".

The lark sang in the sky,

He rang the bell.

frolic in silence,

Hid the song in the grass.

Whoever finds the song

It will be fun all year long.

"Lark" "lark".

Q: Guys, now tell me why this the holiday is called"Magpie-Larks"? What does the lark symbolize? What did the housewives bake in honor of this holiday? What traditions do people observe in this holiday? What did you learn from the legend I told you?

Svetlana Klimova
Educational activities for children of the preparatory group "Folk holidays in Russia"

Synopsis of GCD in preparatory group.

Performed: teacher Klimova S. S.

« Folk holidays in Russia»

Talking to children about Russians folk holidays(using multimedia).

Target: Create a motivational situation for the formation of representations children about the values ​​of folk culture.

Educational tasks: interest children what are the holidays in Russia(Christmas, Christmas fortune-telling, Kolyada, Magpies, Larks, about the customs and traditions of our people acquaint with Russian traditions holidays, appearance history.

Development tasks: develop cognitive interest children to the history and traditions of people to develop speech children to improve communication skills.

Educational tasks: to instill love and interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people, introducing to the origins of spiritual culture, to cultivate a desire, to give gifts to close people and friends.

vocabulary work: custom, good news, carols, roes, Christmas time, mummers, carolers.

Material used: Russian hut where OOD is carried out, folk costumes, slides with the image of the festive festivities at Christmas, Kolyada, Magpies, Larks, calendar folk holidays, quiet music, "Ringing Bells", colored pencils, paper.

Methods and techniques: game moment, artistic word, slideshow, conversation, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, summary.

preliminary work: learning by heart carols, poems about folk holidays, learning Russian folk games, pictures, postcards, reading fiction.

Application area: continuous educational activities with children.

Forms and methods of implementation: a conversation with children about Russians folk holidays I decided to hold it in the form of a TV show, because it helps to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort and interest children, easy communication between children and adults.

Methods and techniques: visual method (slides folk holidays, verbal method (talk about traditions, rituals in Russia, practical method (drawing holiday cards, reception of emotional interest (interview of the child, use of sound effects (bells).

caregiver: invites children to go on an unusual journey "History holidays in Russia» . (Slide 1)

On the Russia people love and love holidays. We were happy to prepare for the arrival of our guests. Whole families went to visit, met with bows, greeted, and kissed the closest ones. They loved and love to treat guests hearty and tasty. We talked: "Eat what God sent", ,

"Do not offend the owner, taste our dishes". They sang songs and danced.

Guys do you love holidays? (answers children)

Why? (answers children)

What do you know holidays? (answers children)

caregiver: Well done, I was sure that you know a lot holidays which have been known since the time of our ancestors. And who are the ancestors? (answers children) I agree with you, but can I tell you a little more about them. Our ancestors are Russian people, they always revered holidays, that's just celebrated them a little differently not like us modern people. Everything in the old days festive days began with a solemn service in the church, and continued on the lawns, on the streets, in the field. To the music folk instruments: balalaikas, accordions led round dances, sang, danced, started games. Both with the calendar and with human life are connected folk customs, as well as church sacraments, ceremonies and holidays. On the Russia the calendar was called the calendar. The calendar covered the entire year of peasant life, "describing" by day, month by month, where each day had its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena. (Slide 2) People dressed up in the best holiday clothes(shows illustrations, prepared in a special way holiday treat. The poor, the poor were given gifts, fed for free, everywhere was heard festive ringing of bells. Hear the bells ring. (Recorded bells ringing). (Slide 3) Guys, I also prepared bells for you (the children come to the tables, take the bells, I propose to play their bell ringing. You see, the work of the bell ringer is unusual and required a lot of skill and musical ear. What do you think holiday depicted in these illustrations? (Answers children) . On the threshold of the great Christian holiday - Christmas. (Slide 4) One of the most famous and beloved holidays. And why is this the holiday is called? (Answers children) .

Listen to my story.

(The lights turn off, candles are lit, quiet music sounds. The teacher sits at the table on which the candle is lit. Children sit next to each other in a semicircle.) caregiver holiday

feast of believers in Christ

Reading a poem "Christmas" G. Longfellow.

Around the Christmas haze.

Bells are ringing in the darkness

And get along with them

Words sound:

"Peace on earth and happiness to all!".

I felt like that day

Life in cities and villages

Uniting, the call sounds:

"Peace on earth and happiness to all!"

Guys what do you expect from this holiday(answers children)


caregiver holiday "St". (Slide 5)

In that glorified the holiday animals: goat, bear, unclean strength: Babu Yaga, kikimora, etc. In groups they went from house to house, congratulations on holiday

I know you are prepared carols. Reading by heart carols for children.

Carol, carol.

Christmas Eve

Good aunt

The pie is pretty good.

Don't cut, don't break

Give it quickly!

little lad

Sat on a sheaf

plays the flute

Carol amuses.

Avsen, Avsen,

Tomorrow is a new day!

Don't stand at the gate

Tomorrow is the New Year!

caregiver edible

(A cheerful song of storekeepers is heard.) caregiver: Hear and mummers are coming to us, let's meet them. Enter carolers: Bear, Goat, Gypsy sing a song. (children, attributes of characters on the head).

carol, carol,

open the gate

Who will give the cake

That is why the barn is full of cattle,

sheep with oats.

A stallion with a tail.

We sow we sow

happy new year congratulations.

caregiver: Hello, good people. There you are treat: cheese and cookies, gingerbread, sweets. Children treat the mummers with sweets.

caregiver: And let's play Russian folk game, which is called "Ivan"

This game uses a special rhyme to choose leading:

Ivan with a scythe

Don't go barefoot

And shod go,

Weave your own bast shoes.

If you are shod -

Wolves, foxes will not find,

The bear won't find you

Come out, you're on fire!

The rest of the players call themselves various animals, one is a wolf, one is a bear, one is a fox, one is a hare, etc. "Ivan the Mower" picks up a stick or other object symbolizing "scythe", and makes movements, as when mowing.

"Beasts" are negotiating with him:

- Ivan-mower, what are you doing?

- I cut the grass.

- Why do you mow?

- Feed the cows.

- Why cows?

- Give milk.

- Why milk?

- To make cheese.

- Why cheese?

- Feed the hunters.

Why feed the hunters?

- Catch animals in the forest!

"Beasts" quickly scatter in all directions, and "Ivan the Mower" running to find and catch them. Catching one of "beasts" he has to guess which one it is. "the beast". If he guesses correctly, the person caught is out of the game, and "Ivan the Mower" looking for the rest of the hideouts "beasts".

Shrovetide is one of my favorites folk holidays of the Russian people, which from century to century conveys the state of the broad Russian soul, traditions and customs of the Russians. Maslenitsa - the last winter, one of the most beloved and long-awaited in holiday people, seeing off snow and frost and meeting spring. Oil week does not have a strictly allotted time celebrations and falls either at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

Maslenitsa on Russia was called honest, broad and cheerful. And always looked forward to its coming.

Butter Week is full of customs and traditions! And they are different for every day.

(Slide 8.9). Do you want to know about another old Russian holiday, about the treat that was being prepared this holiday. Please look at the slide (image - lark) . What is the name of this bird? (answers children) . But this is not just a bird, it is the memory of the fallen soldiers. In March there is folk christian holiday dedicated to the lark.

March 22 - Magpies. Why Magpies? (Demonstration illustrations: Ancient warriors Russia)

The teacher tells the children Russian folk epic. Very, very long ago, one of the commanders ordered a detachment of 40 brave warriors to sacrifice one of them to the gods. The soldiers refused to do this and then all the soldiers were killed. And he always loved his soldiers - defenders people, and people began to believe that 40 warriors of the squad did not die, but turned into larks. On this day - March 22, all the dead soldiers are remembered.

And the housewives baked special lean buns - "larks", with outstretched wings, as if flying, and even with tufts. Lenten treats were distributed to children. (Slide 10)

Like all Russians holidays on Soroka, children danced round dances, played games.

Guys, stand in a circle, let's play the game "Lark.

Selected by counting "lark". He has a bell in his hand.

He enters the circle forms playing and runs in it. All they say:

The lark sang in the sky,

He rang the bell.

frolic in silence,

Hid the song in the grass.

Whoever finds the song

It will be fun all year long.

Then the players close their eyes.

"Lark" runs out of the circle and rings the bell. Then he carefully places it behind someone's back. The one who guesses who has a bell behind his back becomes "lark".

caregiver: children, which of you will remind me of which holiday I haven't said yet(answers children) . Yes, it's Easter. Easter, the day of the Resurrection of Christ - the most important feast of the Orthodox Church. It is in this that the main meaning of the Orthodox faith lies - God himself became a man, died for us and, having risen, delivered people from the power of death and sin. Easter is holiday of holidays!

(Slide 11, 12)

Outcome: caregiver: our journey into the past has ended. It's time to return to the present. Sounds like bells music (Slide 13) Guys, I want to hear your opinion about our trip. (answers children) How are you will celebrate national holidays? What kind, warm words you you will tell your loved ones? What are you you will give gifts to friends? (answers children, draw a greeting card to your friends and relatives. To which holiday you will draw postcards, it's up to you.

Julia Voronyanskaya
Lesson in the senior group "Folk holidays in Russia"


« Folk holidays in Russia»

Health saving technology:

Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health

Aesthetic technologies

Mobile and sports games

Technologies of musical impact

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development


Introducing children to traditional culture, creating conditions for the formation of interest in the traditions, customs of the native people.



Introduce children to traditions celebrations Day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, with folk omens, rituals.


Develop memory, thinking, recreating the imagination (the ability to mentally imagine the times and conditions of society in ancient Russia,interest in folk culture the need for information.

Formation of communication skills with cultural heritage.


Education of moral qualities, love for the native land, folk art, to folk games.

preliminary work:

learning by heart carols, poems about folk holidays, proverbs, ditties, folk signs.

Age: preparatory children groups 5-6 years old

Materials and equipment:

candle, star, straw scarecrow, green blanket, calendar, gifts for carolers.

1. Organizational moment.


Hello dear guests. We are glad to see you at our place.

"For a dear guest and the gate wide open."

Children enter (for 3 people) under Russian nar. melody. Lined up in a semicircle.

caregiver: Guys today a lot of guests came to us, and let's say hello to them, as in ancient times with a bow.

2. Opening remarks.

caregiver: Our ancestors loved and knew how to have fun. Russian people loved and love holidays. They loved to treat their guests hearty and tasty. We talked: "Eat what God sent", “The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies”,

They sang songs and danced. Do you guys love holidays? And why? What do you know holidays?

Children: Yes. Holidays are magical and fun. New Year, Christmas, Easter...

caregiver: Well done, you know a lot holidays which have been known since the time of our ancestors. Who do you think the ancestors are?

Children: Ancestors are those people who lived before us.

caregiver: Our ancestors are Russian people, they lived on Russ - always revered holidays, but celebrated them differently not like us modern people. Do you want to know how?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Then let's go with you on a trip to the past. You ask how? On a magical sleigh. Sit down, let's go back in time. Go! (Music)

On Eid winter on Russia.

3. Talk about Christmas.

And so the guys, you and I and our guests ended up in the Ancient Russia. Russian people have always been able to work well and have fun. Many different holidays they had and they were divided into great, medium and small. Some were celebrated annually and on the same days, others - annually, but on different days of the month. Among these holidays people singled out the greatest and most beloved. And so that we do not get confused in them, we will create our own calendar of the ancients holidays.

caregiver: Tell me, what time of year do we start the year now (Winters).Correctly. And our ancestors began the year in winter. And the most beloved and famous winter holiday is christmas.

And why is this the holiday is called? (children's answers).

(The overhead light turns off, candles are lit, quiet music sounds. A candle burns. .)

caregiver: Christmas is religious holiday. The very word Christmas says that someone was born. The birth of a child is always good news. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

The news of the birth of Jesus was spread by heavenly angels. The star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky. Christmas - feast of believers in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, domestic warmth and family harmony.

Do you know other traditions holiday? (children's answers)

caregiver: That's right, these are gifts for relatives and friends; postcards, sweets, souvenirs.

caregiver: Our grandparents are very fond of this holiday- Nativity. It is also called winter holidays. Christmas time is from the word "St". In that glorified the holiday, praised, glorified Christ, the New Year, the future harvest. Boys and girls dressed up in animals: goat, bear, unclean strength: Babu Yaga, kikimora, etc. In groups they went from house to house, congratulations on holiday, wished the best with special songs - carols.

4. Perception of folklore.

caregiver:(Knock on the door. Children of the preparatory groups sing carols).

caregiver: Carolers certainly get something edible: sweets, nuts and special ceremonial cookies, they were called roes - they were always prepared in every house for this occasion. These dough figures should be eaten right there, after making a wish.

caregiver: So, guys, what holiday in Russia celebrated in winter? Like him celebrated?

That's how fun celebrated. Christmas. Let's mark winter on our calendar Christmas holiday.

caregiver: What season comes after winter? (Spring)

5. Conversation about Maslenitsa.

Who knows what holiday celebrated late winter and early spring (Pancake week)

Maslenitsa was called wide, cheerful. (View presentation)

Pancake week - holiday seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Shrovetide is so named because Russian people before Lent ate cow butter, on which pancakes, pancakes, and flat cakes were fried. A pancake looks like the sun. The sun is the symbol of the end of winter. With what they just do not ate: with oil, with honey. Celebrated Maslenitsa for 7 days. All days, all week people had fun, laughed, sang songs, walked, went to visit. On the last day of the week, on Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness. A scarecrow made of straw (show scarecrow) carried out into the street and burned - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all the troubles, difficulties. During the burning of the scarecrow, people sang songs and had fun.

Do you like to have fun?

Then let's play Russian folk game"Burn, burn bright"

Number of players: even

Additionally: No

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Players hold hands and raise them up, forming "gates". The last couple passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next couple. "Burning" stands in front, steps 5-6 from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or sentenced:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest in chorus shout:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" trying to catch up with the fugitives. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught "burning", then they stand in front of the column, and "burning" catches again, i.e. "burning". What if "burning" catches one of the running ones, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.

caregiver: So, guys, what the holiday in Russia was celebrated in weight? Like him celebrated?

caregiver: And on the calendar we will mark one more folk holiday"Shrovetide"

caregiver: It's getting warmer and you and I are leaving the sleigh to a green meadow. What season comes after spring? (Summer)

7. Story about holiday"Ivana-Kupala"

caregiver: In summer, our ancestors honored Ivan Kupala holiday. (View presentation) Kupala - the oldest thanksgiving sun holiday, maturity of summer and green mowing. Name holiday“Ivan Kupala” came from the words - immerse in water.

Therefore, on this day they pour water on each other, bathe in the river, make fires, sing songs, guess, lead round dances.

8. Round dance. Here we will become in a round dance.

round dance "Ivan Kupala""Cabbage

caregiver: So, guys, what holiday in Russia celebrated in the summer? Like him celebrated?

caregiver: We continue to make our calendar folk holidays. Summer-Ivan Kupala.

Educator. After summer comes autumn.

9. A story about autumn holidays.

In autumn Russians celebrated the holiday Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, October 14. It's very revered holiday in Russia. After all, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, our intercessor and helper. AT people This day was considered the meeting of autumn and winter. Named this one feast of the Intercession from the word“Cover”, because during this period the earth was covered with the first snow, like a blanket. Around these days, they began to drown in huts, cattle were no longer driven out to pasture, all field and garden work was completed, spinners and weavers began to work.

On the Rus holiday The Intercession has long been associated with the beginning of winter and dedicated to him. sayings: “On Pokrov, the earth is covered with snow, dressed in frost”, “On Pokrov before lunch, autumn, and after lunch, winter-winter”

On October 14, autumn pokrovsk fairs began, cheerful, plentiful, bright. Here you could see everything that the earth thanked people for their hard work. There was a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits, bread, honey and other goods. They showed their skills craftsmen

On Pokrov in the villages, the harmonica played until morning, and the boys and girls walked in a crowd along the street and sang cheerful, daring ditties.

10. Chastushki.

Our children enjoy singing too. (chastushki)

caregiver: So, guys, what holiday in Russia celebrated in the fall? Like him celebrated?

caregiver: This is the end of our calendar. Autumn- Feast of the Intercession. And it's time for us to say goodbye. A calendar holidays we will definitely add new holidays, with which we will get acquainted further on classes. Goodbye.


Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational - methodical manual. -

2nd ed., revised. T add. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2002.

Karpenko M. T. Collection of riddles. Moscow: Enlightenment, 2986.

Methodical development of a classroom hour in grade 1. Folk holidays in Russia

Abstract of the class hour for grade 1. Theme: Holidays in Russia

Goals: to form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the holidays in Russia, about the customs and traditions of the Russian people; to develop the cognitive interest of children in the history of their people.

Lesson progress

I. Acquaintance with Russian holidays.

1. The teacher's story "How they went to visit."

Russian people loved holidays. We were happy to welcome guests.

Whole families visited. Guests were greeted with bows, they greeted £, and they kissed those closest to them. Loved to treat | guests are hearty and tasty. Therefore, the guest was always persuaded to eat, taste drinks and dishes. They said: "Help yourself to what God has sent." "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies." "Do not offend the owner, taste our dishes." They sang songs and danced. Do you know what the Russian holiday - Christmas time - is famous for? Christmas week fell on a frosty winter time. At Christmas time, mummers went from house to house, people guessed and arranged all kinds of games. Everyone guessed - both adults and children. People loved this game very much.

But the most important feature of Christmas time was dressing up. Everyone wanted to dress up in some special and funny way, so that they would not be recognized: they turned a fur coat inside out, put on a cap or a soldier's hat, glued a beard or mustache. Dressed up as gypsies, soldiers ...

And some made masks - they were called masks. For masks, birch bark was used: holes were made in it for the nose, eyes, mouth. In addition, a mustache was necessarily glued, a beard was tied up. Such masks were not made for one year. They were carefully kept until new Christmas time.

Show illustrations or, if possible, the masks themselves.

2. The teacher's story about Maslenitsa.

The most fun holiday in the old days is Maslenitsa. On Maslenitsa they see off the winter and meet the spring sun. Spring overcomes winter, but you need to help it: sweep the winter with a broom, take a snow fortress where its frosts and snowstorms hide.

(Learning spells with children)

Come out people

Stand at the gate

call spring,

See off the winter.

Spring, spring is red

Come, spring, with joy!

All week for Maslenitsa they had fun, rode down the hill, danced round dances, sang ditties, songs, baked pies, pancakes, went to visit.

Like Shrove Week

Pancakes flew from the pipe.

Oh my pancakes

Butter pancakes,

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

Destroy the little ones!

A ruddy pancake meant the spring sun. And in our time, pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa. This is an old Russian custom - to welcome spring.

3. Ritual "Treatment with pancakes."

The teacher asks parents or school cooks in advance to bake pancakes, prepare tea, jam. Inviting children to taste pancakes, the teacher encourages children to characterize them in terms of shape, taste, cooking method, and other external features, teaches them to eat properly, use appliances, etc.

Additional material to the topic "Holidays in Russia"

In the folk calendar, February is called "cut", that is, the month that cuts off the winter. And although the snow still creaks under your feet, and the frost tingles your cheeks, this does not frighten. Even on the most frosty days, clear skies and bright sun promise warmth soon.

The month of Bokogrey has come,

Warm the side of the cow

Both the cow and the bull

And the gray-haired old man ...

Such choruses were usually shouted out by village children.

At the end of February, calving began, that is, milk appeared. “Oil spilled on the roads, take away, winter, feet,” they said among the people. It was at the end of February - the beginning of March that the time for the celebration of Maslenitsa fell. Although she does not have an exact date on the calendar, this holiday has never been missed. There was no family, house, yard, village or city in Russia where the Maslenitsa week was not celebrated. She was always noisy, with unbridled joy, with mummers, with songs and games.

Maslenitsa is memorable primarily for pancakes, and there are many types of them. In addition to pancakes, pancakes, waffles of various shapes, dough fried in oil, and any pastries to your taste were put on the table. Flour products shone on the table with a golden glow, like little sunbeams. They were cramped in the room. The tables were taken out into the streets, and pancakes were baked right there. Nearby samovars hissed, and next to them they put cold kvass or warm sbiten. They stocked up for the holiday both fish and dairy products. They didn’t eat meat, since Maslenitsa nestled on the edge of the church post and the week is called “meatless”.

By the beginning of the holiday, everyone at home was thoroughly washed and scraped, whitewashed stoves, decorated with their own needlework, and prepared special costumes.

The first day of the week was called "meetings". In some provinces, they went out of the outskirts to celebrate the holiday. In the Pskov province, children, rolling down the hills, shouted: “I have arrived! Maslenitsa has come!

Tuesday - "play". Street festivities began. They covered their faces with funny masks, put on costumes. The appearance changed, and it was as if a new life began - cheerful, joyful.

Hills were built in cities and villages, slopes were flooded with water. Many young people gathered around them. The guys invited the girls to ride on a sled, and the kids moved out on bast and mat "coils". Downstairs, a gang of people who met them was waiting for them: snowballs were flying, sleds were overturning, and with laughter they all flew into the snow together. These jokes meant something to the villagers: the higher the youth climbed the hills, the better the grain will be born, the further the sleigh rides, the longer the flax will grow, the hotter the fun of the people, the sooner the snow will melt.

The holiday was gaining momentum. From Wednesday or Thursday, the “wide Maslenitsa” began, to which “guests from all volosts” were invited, the outgoing sleighs were decorated with carpets, pillows in bright pillowcases were laid out on them. The horses are brushed, the manes are combed, the harness sparkles with copper plaques, bells ring under the arc. The well-dressed guests travel from village to village, and in each - with their own songs. They are waiting. For the owners there was a rule: "What is in the oven, all swords on the table." The tables are covered with clean tablecloths. Arranged dishes with pies. Everything is covered with embroidered towels. The guests enter, the feast begins with a mountain, “thank you for bread, for salt, for cabbage soup - we will dance, for porridge - we will sing a song, and for sour milk we will jump high.” Then riding again.

On Maslenitsa, it is better not to appear on foot, the streets of cities and villages are given over to horsemen: men on horseback, women in sledges.

On Friday we went “to the mother-in-law evenings”, that is, “to the mother-in-law for pancakes”.

Those who got married this year had to visit the home of the young wife. Maslenitsa is a holiday for newlyweds. In the Vyatka province, tables were laid in their houses, guests came here to “watch the youngsters”. In the Ryazan, Yekaterinburg provinces, the young brides were held on the streets. The husband was placed at the gate, the wife in front of him. At the request of those assembled, she had to bow and kiss the young man.

The last day of Maslenitsa was called “kissing day” or “forgiveness Sunday”. There was a good custom: together with the outgoing winter, let go of all the grievances that had accumulated over the year. Purify the soul, forgive everyone and receive forgiveness for yourself. In every house, the morning began with the fact that the children asked for forgiveness from their parents, the younger ones from the elders. They kissed as a sign of complete reconciliation. Then they went to other houses, to relatives and friends, where they repeated the ceremony. Even casual passers-by could ask for forgiveness and receive a response of heartfelt kindness. The Russians became on this day like one big family.

From young to old - everyone participated in the farewell to Maslenitsa. This last day was the most noisy and full of entertainment. He passed in different areas not the same way.

Traditionally, competitions were held in strength and dexterity: mass and one-on-one. For a one-on-one fight, a circle was cleared. The fighter entered it and called out those who wanted to measure their strength. The opponent had to be put on both shoulder blades or thrown over himself.

Many people know about fisticuffs only by hearsay. But they still remember the rules: they don’t beat a lying person, they don’t take anything in their hands. "Fists" was a fight, not a fight, a fight by the rules. Started by her kids. We went “street to street” or “village to village”. When one side pressed the other, the elders came to the rescue, and then the adults stepped in. The old people followed the rules. If you violate it, they will no longer be allowed to fight.

Horse races were held in cities and villages, and in some regions of Siberia horse and foot races competed with each other. Those who are not strong in running could try climbing on a pole dug into the ground and watered with water before glaciation. In front of a crowd of fans, one by one, the guys tried to climb up. The loser was showered with ridicule, and the winner took the prize from the top of the pillar.

Pancake week. History, congratulations and toasts

Yeast pancakes. Recipe

Pancakes. pancake recipes

SMS congratulations on Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa for children

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Synopsis of GCD on FTsKM using ICT

Topic: "Folk holidays in Russia"

for children of the preparatory group


To introduce children to Russian traditions, to form an interest in folk culture through acquaintance with Russian folk holidays.



To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating famous Russian holidays.


Develop cognitive activity, memory, thinking imagination. Develop interest in folk culture.

To develop coherent speech of children.


To educate moral qualities, instill love for Russian customs, for folk games.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations, learning by heart carols, chants, poems about folk holidays, proverbs, folk signs.

Materials and equipment:multimedia presentation, multimedia projector, tape recorder, disk with Russian folk melodies, layout of the Bethlehem stars, colored paper for each child, a glue stick for each child, a cap with the image of the sun, a bell.

GCD progress:

The teacher in a Russian folk dress invites children to the group to a Russian folk melody.

Educator: - Hello, dear guests!(Children say hello).

Please come here soon!

Come honest people!

Move, hurry -

The holiday is calling everyone here!

Guys, do you like holidays?(Yes)

What holidays do you know?(children's answers)

Educator: Well done, you know many holidays that were celebrated by our ancestors.Holidays in Russiaalways loved because the people knew how to work, knew how to have fun.

Do you want to knowHow did the holidays appear, how were they celebrated before?(Yes)

Educator: - I have a magic bell that will take us to the past.

Ring the magic bell

Take us to the past.


Educator: - Guys, we ended up in Ancient Russia. They had many different holidays.

Guess the riddle about the first holiday that we will get to.(Slide)

In the midst of winter

Big celebration.

Great holiday...(Christmas)

Why is this holiday so called?(Answers of children).

(Slide) Teacher: - Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem. The news of the birth of Jesus was spread by heavenly angels. The star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky.(Slide) Because she markedNativity it is also called the "Star of Christmas".(Slide) Before Christmasguys and girls went from house to house, congratulated on the holiday, anda large star made of gilded paper was fixed on a stick, decorated with a flashlight, paper garlands, sometimes with an icon of Christmas.(Showing and looking at the layout of the star)

Educator: - Let's make a little Christmas star with you too.(Children make stars as shown by the teacher)

Educator: - Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers were very fond of this holiday - Christmas. They also called it winter Christmas time. Christmas time is from the word "saint". On this holiday they praised, praised, glorified Christ, the New Year, the future harvest, wished the best with special songs - carols. Let's sing one carol:

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas,

With donuts, with cakes,

With pig feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada, give me a pie!

Give it, don't break it

And for the whole, come on!

(Slide) Educator:-Christmas is celebrated by the whole family, and children take an active part in the celebration. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, domestic warmth and family harmony. Do you know other traditions of this holiday?(children's answers)

Educator: - That's right, these are gifts to relatives and friends; postcards, sweets, souvenirs.

Educator: - To get to the next national holiday, guess the riddle:

(Slide) It is celebrated in the spring

This holiday is groovy,

Everyone visits the fair
And they serve pancakes.(Pancake week)

(Slide) Teacher: - Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that symbolizes the farewell to winter and the joyful expectation of spring. The folk festival lasts a week and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. On the last day of the week, on Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness.

Maslenitsa was called wide, cheerful. Let's remember the invocation:

Come out people

Stand at the gate

call spring,

See off the winter.

Spring, spring is red

Come, spring, with joy!

(Slide) Let's assemble a mosaic with the image of Maslenitsa.(Children collect)

(Slide) Educator:What else did you do for Shrovetide?(children's answers)

Pancake is a symbol of the sun, and the sun represents health, longevity, wealth and resurgent life: spring will come, everything will start to grow.

A scarecrow made of straw(Slide) carried out into the street and burned - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all the troubles, difficulties.

During the burning of the effigy, people sang songs, had fun, played.

Do you want to play?(Yes)

Educator: - Then let's play a Russian folk game " Golden Gate"

Target: improve easy running, develop agility.

Game progress:

The participants in the game are divided into those who stand in a circle, raising their hands together. And those who run through these gates in a chain (or one at a time).

Those standing sing:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The "gates" close and "catch" the one who remained in them. Caught inside the circle, join hands with those forming a circle, increasing the "gate".

(Slide) Teacher:- Guess the riddle:

spring comes,
Everyone is waiting for her
Easter cakes are baked in houses,
Good songs are sung!(Easter)


Educator: - Easter - Bright Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the king of days.On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive divine service takes place. In beautiful baskets, various dishes are brought to the church - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, Easter eggs and krashanka -painted eggs(Slide) . Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a chorister and a priest blesses the people.

After returning home, people break their fast - they eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, And then kisses everyone. The answer should be like this: “Truly risen!”

Let's remember Easter signs.

On Easter the sky is clear and the sun plays - ... (to a good harvest and red summer.)

On Easter, you can’t throw and pour out the window - ...(Christ walks under the windows)

Educator: - Well done, guys! (Slide) What national holiday are we on now?(Children's answers) (Slide)

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is celebrated in the summer, on the night of July 6-7. Kupala rites performed on this night are very different. This is weaving wreaths, decorating buildings with greenery, fortune-telling, dousing with water, nightly festivities around the Kupala fire. First, they danced around the fire (this is an ancient symbol of the sun), sang songs, and then the girls and boys, holding hands, jumped over the fire. Let's and we will stand in a round dance.

Playing with the Sun.

In the center of the circle is the "Sun" (a cap with the image of the sun is put on the child's head). Children say in chorus: “Shine, sun, brighter - It will be hotter in summer, And winter is warmer, And spring is nicer.” The children are walking in circles. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - “The sun is catching up with children.

The game "Folk holidays" Purpose: To learn the Russian folk holiday.

Watching a film about folk holidays.

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to go home.

Magic bell ring

Move us now.

Educator: - Did you guys like the trip to Russian folk holidays? What do you remember, what was the most interesting?(children's answers)

The Russian people have long created their customs, traditions, holidays. Over the centuries, they have changed, but there is always a need for people to get together on holidays, rejoice, have fun.

Summary of the lesson “Customs and traditions of the Russian people (senior group)

Summary of the lesson "Customs and traditions of the Russian people" (preparatory group)

Target. Arouse children's interest inRussian traditions . To consolidate the knowledge of children about the name of the country in which they live, about its way of life, some historical events, culture. Raise interest in the native land, its past, teach to see the beautyfolk rituals , wisdomtraditions develop a sense of pride in one's ownpeople and their past . Raise interest in local culturecustoms and traditions of the Russian people

Lesson progress

1. Greeting. Hello my guys. Today I want to talk to you about our country. What is the name of the country we live in?(Russia)

Ride across the seas - oceans,

It is necessary to fly over the whole earth :

There are different countries in the world

But one like ours is not to be found.

Our bright waters are deep.

The land is wide and free.

And the factories rumble without ceasing,

And the fields are noisy, blooming.

Every day is like an unexpected gift

Every day is good and beautiful.

Ride across the seas, oceans,

But you won't find a richer country.

Russia is a very big and beautiful country. There are a lot of forests in Russia, in which there are many different animals, many berries and mushrooms grow. Many rivers flow through the whole country. One of the largest rivers is the Volga. And there are a lot of different fish in the rivers. There are many mountains in Russia. Various minerals are mined in the mountains - coal, diamonds, iron ore. Yes, our country is very beautiful and rich. It originated a very long time ago, it has an ancient and interesting history. Our country - Russia - is very rich in wisetraditions and beautiful customs . Today we will take a trip to the past.

2. We listen. Get ready to hear the story

About Russia and about us.

Russia is wooden - the edges are expensive,

Here for a long timeRussian people live ,

They glorify their homes,

RazdolnyeRussian songs are sung .

There used to be many principalities in Russia. The princes fought each other and seized each other's lands. Prince Yuri of Moscow was nicknamed Dolgoruky because he annexed other lands to his principality. But when foreign enemies attacked Russia, all the princes united to fight them. And then they decided to unite forever, they chose the main prince for themselves, he began to be called the king. And Russia became a big and strong state.

A long time ago in Russia, people built their dwellings from logs. Such houses are called huts. And everything in the hut was made oftree : and the floor, and the ceiling, and furniture, and even dishes(slide show) . Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about a hut, a house?

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The hut is not red with corners, but the hut is red with pies.

Without a master, a house is an orphan.

To live at home - to grieve about everything.

In the native house and the porridge is thicker.

The stove in the old days was very important in the house. Food was cooked in the oven, bread was baked. She heated the hut. She also took care of small children. Running through the deep snow, they warmed their feet on the stove. Furnaces are very rare these days.(slide show) .

Everyone has itpeople have their own traditions . Tradition is not a Russian word , it is translated from Latin as transmission, i.e.tradition is that that is passed down from one generation to the next.Traditions are family . What kindDo you have traditions in your family? ? For example, almost all families havetradition celebrate the birthday of family members and give gifts on this day.(Children's answers.) Every person is given a name when he is born. Often a child is named after a grandmother or grandfather. How was name day celebrated in Russia in the old days? Previously, if a child was born on the birthday of a saint, then he was given his name. It was believed that if the name of the child is chosen well, then the child will be happy.

In the old days it wasRussian custom , they whiled away the winter evenings together, arranged gatherings. Women and young girls in the evenings sewed, embroidered, spun, and sang songs while working. Whoever sits at the spinning wheel, who sculpts dishes from clay, grinds other spoons and bowls, then they will drag out the song, then they will throw a joke. This is how they got their job done.(slide show) .

After all, they say inpeople : "Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands" , and what proverbs and sayings about labor do you know?

- "Skillful hands do not know boredom"

- "Without work there is no good" ,

- "The work of the master is afraid" ,

- “You can’t pull a fish out of the pond without labor” ,

- “What is the spin, such is the shirt on it”

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

To live without work is only to smoke the sky.

Russians people in the old days loved to meet guests.

Welcome dear guests! Fun and joy to you! Come on, make yourself at home! We have a place and a word for everyone. Are you comfortable, dear guests. Can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough room for everyone? In crowded but not mad. Let's sit side by side and have a good conversation.

Russian people always famous for his songs. And alsoRussian people wrote very interesting stories. Do you know why these fairy tales are calledfolk ? They were inventedRussian people . They were passed from grandmothers to grandchildren, from parents to children. Yes, guys, there were no books in the family, and therefore fairy tales were told in the evenings to small children. (Children approach the book exhibitionRussian folk tales , call them heroes).

In Russia at all times there were many craftsmen. Good reputation enjoyed inpeople are good craftsmen . About the master who was not afraid of any work,spoke : "Handyman" , "Master - golden hands" . And admiring a job well done, they saidSo : “It’s not as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good workmanship” . How talentedRussian people ! From an ordinary log, craftsmen could cut a box in which small items were stored. And even a chest of drawers will be made, where the clothes were put away. And whatRussian a hut without creaking floorboards, without multi-colored rugs that were woven on a wooden loom or knitted with their own hands.(slide show) .

Our ancestors always honored the holidays, but they did not celebrate them quite the way they do now.Usually all holidays began with a solemn service in the church, and continued on the street, in the field, on the lawns. To the music, or even without it, they danced round dances, sang, danced, started funny games. People dressed up in the best festive clothes. Delicious meals were prepared. Beggars and poor people were given gifts, fed for free. Everywhere the festive ringing of bells was heard.

In the fall, the guys celebrated in Russia a surprisingly beautiful holiday, the holiday of mountain ash, and celebrated it on September 23, the day of Saints Peter and Paul. Rowan was considered a tree-amulet. She was planted at the gates and gates. In autumn, rowan brushes were torn off and hung under the roof of the house. Rowan beads protected children from the evil eye and spoilage.(slide show) .

The greatest and favorite holiday was Easter. This holiday has always been celebrated solemnly and cheerfully. And they celebrated it for a whole week.

Christ is risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

From all churchespeople bring down ,

The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Blagovest - good news! On Easter night, everyone went to church, only the old people and small children remained at home. During the Easter service they always read suchthe words : “Let the rich and the poor rejoice with each other. Let the diligent and lazy have fun. Let no one cry, because God has given people forgiveness.”(slide show) .

All seasons were loved in Russia. But especially waiting for autumn. They loved this time of the year because the main work in the fields, gardens, and kitchen gardens was completed. A rich harvest has been harvested, put into bins. And if the harvest is rich, the soul of the peasant is calm, he is not afraid of a long, harsh winter, you can relax and have some fun. The first autumn holiday celebrated in Russia is the Dormition.(slide show) .

It was dedicated to the meetings of autumn, the end of the harvest and the beginning of the Indian summer! The Assumption was celebrated on August 28. People congratulated each other on the end of the harvest, thanked God for the fact that they managed to harvest a rich harvest on time and without loss. In the fields, several ears of corn were specially left uncompressed, tied with a beautiful ribbon and sentenced.

God grant that next summer there will be a good harvest.

Bread, grow up!

Time to fly!

Until the new spring

Until the new summer

Until the new bread!

By this rite, they hoped to return the earth's productive power, the last sheaf taken down was a special honor. They put him in the front corner, under the icon, next to bread, salt, they bowed low to him!

The grown crop was obtained at a difficult price, a lot of human power was invested in it! Peasants worked from dawn to dusk, sparing neither themselves nor their time, becauseknew : The earth will give you water, the earth will feed you, you just don’t feel sorry for yourself for her.

On October 14, the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was celebrated. This is a very revered holiday in Russia. After all, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the earthRussian , our intercessor and helper. Snow often fell on Pokrov, sospoke : By Pokrov, they tried to insulate the hut. Weddings were played in the village that day. The village people pour out to admire the young, the groom and the bride. The wagons of the wedding train are festively removed, bells ring merrily under the arc, dashing horses, just touch them - they will gallop! The wedding ceremony in Russia is very interesting. In the center of it was the bride. For the first half of the wedding, she had to cry, grieve, saying goodbye to her friends, to her parents, to a free girl's life. Gradually, sad, farewell songs were replaced by cheerful, majestic songs. On Pokrov in the villages, the harmonica played until morning, and the boys and girls walked in a crowd along the street and sang cheerful, daring ditties.

On October 14, the autumn pokrovsk fairs began, cheerful, plentiful, bright. Here one could see everything that the earth thanked people for their hard, painstaking work. There was a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits, bread, honey and other goods. They showed their skillscraftsmen

Barkers : Hey? honest gentlemen!

Please visit us here!

How do we have containers - bars,

All kinds of goods...

Come, come...

Look, look. (Children take from the productfolk - arts and crafts, prepared in advance by the educator.) Tell us about what you bought at the fair. (Children's stories about the Dymkovo toy, Khokhloma products, Gorodets painting, etc.) And what fun reigned at the fair! Here they rode on carousels, danced round dances, tried to show their strength, prowess, ingenuity, played funny games. The fair was awaited by everyone, young and old. Everyone wanted to receive a gift or a present from the fair.(slide show) .

buffoon : Everyone hurry to the fair, hurry up. Come without hesitation. Tickets are not needed, present a good mood. I brought a lot of different goods, come and buy. To whom is a whistle, to whom is a spoon, to whom is a scallop, and to whom is a pie?

Attention! Attention!festivities !

Hurry up honestpeople Shrove Tuesday calls everyone!

Let everyone here sing a ditty

And for that he will receive a dryer or a sweet pie,

Come quickly, my friend!

Come on, don't be shy.

Help yourself to sweets

There istraditions which arose a very long time ago and have survived to this day. Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidaysRussian people . Since ancient times, in Russia there iscustom - Say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. Pancakes are baked at Shrovetide - this is the main festive dish. Pancakes are generously poured with oil. Butter pancake is a symbol of the sun, a good harvest, healthy people. On carnivalRussian people had fun : they played games, sang songs and danced round dances, arranged fistfights, on holidays men loved to measure their heroic strength. Not one holiday in Russia was complete without a round dance. Round dance means movement in a circle, chain, eights or other figures with songs, and sometimes with stage action.(slide show) .

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidaysRussian people . This is the oldest holiday of seeing off winter and the meeting of the sun and spring. It goes on for a whole week. Every day of this week is special.

Monday - Maslenitsa meeting. They bake pancakes that look like the sun.

Tuesday -"Fun" . They built slides, fortresses, hung swings, made a stuffed Maslenitsa.

Wednesday -"Gourmet" . Definitely enjoyed the pancakes.

Thursday -"Wide Shrovetide" . All food is pancake. Baked colorful pancakes(with carrots, beets and nettles, with buckwheat flour) .

Friday -"Mother-in-law's evening" . The family went for pancakes to grandmothers.

Saturday -"Zolovkina gatherings" - went to visit aunts and uncles.

Sunday -"Forgiveness Sunday" . People on this day ask each other

Our country hastradition on the holiday of March 8 to give women flowers and gifts, in all countries there istradition celebrate the New Year at 12 o'clock at night.

And there istraditions associated with the preparation of various dishes -traditional national cuisine . Variouspeoples Be sure to eat some of your national dish. National cuisine depends on what is grown in thator : another country. For example, rice is grown in China and Japan and therefore many dishes are prepared from rice. And what is grown in Russia?(Wheat, rye, various vegetables) . In Russia, a lot of dishes are made from flour. For example, famous kalachi are baked only in Russia.(Bread products on the screen) . What dishes can you tell me from flour that your mothers often make?(Pancakes, pancakes, pies) .

And in Russia they are very fond of cabbage soup. What is cabbage soup made from?(Potato, cabbage, onion, carrot) . In order to cook cabbage soup, you definitely need cabbage and other vegetables. AtRussian people there is a saying"Schi and porridge are our food" .

So what else do they like to cook in Russia?(porridge) . And what can you cook porridge from?(From various cereals - millet, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal) .

In Russia, it is often very cold in winter and hot in summer. WhichRussian Does the drink quench your thirst?(Kvass) . They also make it from bread. But in winter, hot sbiten was sold at fairs - this is a drink made from honey, it warmed very well during frost.

3. We are talking.

We talked a lot about talentRussian people . What did he show up in?

WhatRussian people knew how to do well ? (Make clay toys, compose interesting songs, very interesting fairy tales, etc.)

Guys, why is Russia called wooden?(Once upon a time in Russia, people built their dwellings from logs) .

What holidays were celebrated in Russia?

What is a blessing?

Guys, what do you know about this feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos? (Snow often fell on Pokrov, sospoke : “Autumn before noon, and winter after noon!” , played weddings)

What holiday is celebratedRussians people in late winter and early spring? What is thistradition ? (Maslenitsa holiday. This is the oldest holiday of seeing off winter and meeting the sun and spring).

How did the holidays begin in Russia?

What did people do on holidays?

How did people dress up?

What meal were you preparing?

What good deeds did you try to do?

Whattradition ?

Folk games have been preserved and have come down to our days, incorporating the best nationaltraditions . For allfolk games characterized by loveRussian a person to fun and daring. Games are our childhood, they were passed down from generation to generation. We know games like"Traps" , "Ring, ring, come out on the porch!" Guys, let me check if you knowRussian folk games . I will guess nowpuzzles :

I do not see anything,

Even his nose.

Bandage on my face

There is such a game

It's called(Zhmurki)

I've been sitting in the grass for a long time

I'm not going out for anything.

Let them look, if not laziness,

For a minute, for a whole day(Hide and Seek)

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Stay at the bottom

Look at the field

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing(burners)

4. We generalize. Guys, today we talked about our country, about talentRussian people , remembered sometraditions . And in order for our country to remain great, we need to preserve our culture, observecustoms and traditions that we have inherited from our ancestors.

They don't choose their families.

Starting to see and breathe

They receive a homeland in the world

Immutable, like father and mother.

Motherland, Motherland, dear lands,

Cornflower field, nightingale's song.

Tenderness, joy she shines,

Motherland, there is only one motherland on earth.

I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,

For the mind, for the feats of the saints, for the voice resonant like a stream!

5. We play. And also inpeople said : "Finished business - walk boldly" , "Cause time - fun hour!" Let's take a break and play a gameRussian folk game "Golden Gate" . Children become pairs in a circle, facing each other, joining and raising their hands like a gate. Two people run in a circle between a couple of children. Children standing in pairs pronounce words.

Golden Gate

miss me

I will go myself

And I'll take my friends

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And the third time we won't let you through."

Couples put their hands down and whoever is caught in the gate, he does something, pays off(song, verse riddle, dance) .

6. We create, we draw, we rejoice. Silhouette paintingfolk toys .

7. Farewell. Today, guys, we talked about our country, about talentRussian people , about differentRussian traditions . The Russian people have a lot of traditions . Talk to your parents, ask them what elseRussian traditions they remember . Ask your parents what games they played as children and what attributes they had for those games. If you liked it and it was interesting, then place the silhouettesfolk toys there where the sun is, if you didn’t like it, then where is the cloud.