Bathing a baby in a tub. If the child is afraid of water. Useful innovations and devices for bathing babies

By the time mommy brings a newborn from the hospital, a room or a specially designated place for him has already been prepared. As a rule, there is a small bed, clothes are bought, nipples, diapers are on the shelf - all baby accessories are ready. You should also take care of buying a bath for bathing the little one.

Buying advice: choose a white bath: this way you can better see that the water is clean. A hammock or an anatomical slide will not be superfluous. . With such devices, safe bathing is guaranteed, since the head is raised above the water, the baby will not choke. And you also need a ladle or jug, a towel, a diaper, soap, shampoo without tears and a soft washcloth.

First bath

Opinions on when to start bathing newborn babies are divided. Some say that it is generally impossible to bathe a baby for the first two weeks until the umbilical wound or wound after circumcision heals. Others argue that they bathe the kids for the first time after the inflammatory reaction has healed from.

However, most neontologists and pediatricians confidently state that it is allowed to wash a newborn on the very first day of being at home. They believe that bathing will only benefit the baby. If you do this carefully, do not rub the sore spots, but carefully water them with warm water, they will heal without inflammation.

Most pediatricians agree that it is possible to bathe a newborn from the very first days of his life, if there are no special contraindications to this. In the first month, babies are bathed without soap for no more than 5 minutes.

For example, Parshikova Olga Vasilievna (head of the department for newborns of the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation) declares with full authority that babies can be bathed from the first day of life, and moreover, every day. There are no contraindications for this (except for severe conditions of the child or high temperature).

It is better to bathe the baby every day before evening feeding. If bathing is performed correctly, does not cause trouble for the baby, then his appetite and night sleep improve. After the water procedure, feed the baby, and he will fall asleep calm and happy.

important process

Daily water procedures are important and useful for the baby. Bathing in warm water soothes, relaxes, tempers, develops the child. But in order for this process to give the baby positive emotions, prepare everything you need in advance.

Install the bath so that it stands firmly, does not swing. It is good if the bath is not far from the place where you dress and swaddle the baby. Fix a slide or a hammock in it, put a diaper on it. Prepare and place a water thermometer, a large towel or a soft diaper at arm's length from the bath. In the place where you are going to dry the bather, have a small towel or napkin ready to dry. You will need hydrogen peroxide 3%, brilliant green for treating wounds, as well as pants and a vest or bodysuit to wear at night.

Let's start swimming

  • Our grandmothers and mothers advise to boil water for the first baths, but modern pediatricians say that you can safely bathe your baby in ordinary running water. To disinfect water, it is good to use potassium permanganate (a very weak solution so as not to dry out the delicate skin of the baby). First you need to make a solution in a separate container, and then add it to the water in the baby bath. To disinfect and protect the skin of a baby, many people use sea salt, brew chamomile, string, calendula ─ this was the case with mothers of past generations. But today there is an opinion among doctors that this is not only not necessary, but sometimes even harmful, because the skin of newborns in the first days is extremely defenseless and reacts to everything. If the baby is healthy, then it is better to bathe him in clean warm water without additives.
  • Make sure that the room was warm ─ not less than + 20-27 ° С. All sources of information and pediatricians are unanimous on the question of at what temperature to bathe a baby: the temperature of the water in the bath is 36-38 ° (body temperature). Mothers determine the temperature of the water by dipping their elbow into it.
  • Now the most important thing. Gently talking to the baby, undress and press to the chest. Hold him a little on the handles, go down with him to the bath. Slowly, with your legs, then with your ass, with your back, immerse the child in water, do not remove your hands yet. The first moment of acquaintance with water is important for a bather, so do everything gently, carefully, with a smile, with kind words.
  • In the first months (or even up to a year, according to many pediatricians), it is better to do without soap. The head should be washed with 0+ newborn shampoo or gel, which is designed for both body and head washing. Young mothers do not always know how many times it is permissible to wash the baby's head: it is recommended to wash it no more than 2 times a week, the body gel is used the same number of times. The fact is that children of this age are not yet contaminated, so the use of detergents in every bath is inappropriate and even harmful.
  • If the bath is with a slide or other anatomical devices, lay the baby on them. If there are no devices, grab the baby with either hand (as convenient) under the head and neck, holding him by the handle under the arm, and pour some water on him with the other hand.
  • start by washing the face, then lather the neck, arms, breast and tummy. Go through with your hand (sponges and washcloths are not recommended for washing newborns) every curve, every crease, so that everything is clean. At the end of the procedure, without penetrating deep into the girl's perineum and without moving the boy's foreskin, wash the perineum.
  • Take the baby in your hand with your tummy and wash the back and buttocks. If using soap or gel, rinse thoroughly.
  • It is better to wash the head of a newborn in the position on the back. The baby lies face up, and the scalp is in the water. So soap or shampoo will not get into his eyes. Bathing the crumbs in the first month should last about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse the bather with water 1-2 degrees colder for hardening. It's good if someone helps to rinse the baby.
  • Warm up the towel in which you wrap the child in advance on a radiator or iron, so as not to frighten the baby with a temperature difference. Lay your baby on the changing table in a towel. Easily blotting, not wiping, namely carefully blotting, dry the bather.
  • Further, some doctors recommend treating the navel, folds, combing out the crusts from the crown. But if the child is nervous and asks for food, then all these procedures are best done at another time.
  • If there is little time left before feeding and the baby behaves calmly, carry out hygiene procedures. Every day after bath procedures and during the morning toilet, problem areas should be treated. After bathing, the steamed body is easier to clean. Clean the nose, treat the navel with brilliant green, go through the folds with vaseline oil, sprinkle with talcum powder, grease the crusts on the crown of the head with baby cream and carefully comb them out. After bathing, they are steamed out, easily descend.
  • If you often let the baby swim in an adult bath, make sure that it is absolutely clean, disinfected, because the baby's navel is not yet healed, and the skin is thin, vulnerable. Be sure to keep the baby's head above the water at first or buy a baby swim ring. With a circle, the head is raised above the water, the baby swims actively, and you do not worry about safety.

Why is the baby crying

You bought all the accessories for washing a one-month-old baby, checked the temperature of water and air, shampoo "without tears", and the baby is dissatisfied, naughty, does not want to swim.

The reasons are that perhaps the baby is tired and hungry, or the last time they splashed too hot water, or the bath space is too wide for him and it is better to wrap him in a diaper.

But the most important thing is that children acutely feel the emotional state of their parents, especially their mothers. If an inexperienced mother is nervous before bathing her baby, her hands act uncertainly, tremble, then the child can feel this and also become “nervous”. In this case, it is better to entrust bathing to a more experienced person - dad, grandmother. Confidence in movements will definitely come with time, and washing the baby will become a real pleasure for you and him.

Remember how fun kids laugh on the beach or in the pool, and with what pleasure they flop in the water. The kids really love to swim. But the wrong behavior of parents during the first "swim" can lead to a chronic dislike of the baby for this procedure. Do you need daily tears and screams instead of merry gurgling? Then remember the 6 main rules for bathing a newborn baby!

The first bath of the baby usually does not occur on the day of discharge from the hospital. Do not rush to dip him in the bathroom until the umbilical wound heals. The child's immunity is not yet ready to meet with the "inhabitants" of tap (even boiled) water, and an open umbilical wound will become a gateway for infection. For the hygiene of the baby during the first two weeks, use wet wipes or cotton swabs moistened with water.

Useful tips on how to properly bathe a newborn baby

In order for the first acquaintance with water procedures to be successful, prepare for it in advance.

  • Use a special baby bath. It has a compact size, which allows you to always keep it clean. And make do with a small amount of water for bathing.
  • Boil water. During the first month of a baby's life, it is advisable to bathe him in boiled water. Most of the microorganisms that live in the water supply (it can be salmonella, E. coli, legionella and even the deadly Pseudomonas aeruginosa) die when the water is heated to 80-100 ° C. So, water procedures will be safe.
  • The most comfortable water temperature for bathing newborns is 37 °C. In the future, you can slightly reduce it (up to 36.6 ° C) if you notice that the child is uncomfortable in it. In any case, to determine at what temperature to bathe a newborn, a thermometer should help you, and not a palm or elbow.
  • Use a slide or a children's hammock. Previously, moms and dads were forced to stand over the bathroom with the baby in a bent state for 20-30 minutes. And then - with difficulty unbent. The newborn bathing slide ensures that the baby is in the correct position in the water, while keeping your hands free.
  • Limit the use of detergents. Despite the fact that it is recommended to bathe the baby daily, bath procedures with soap and shampoo are desirable only once every 7-10 days. Under the ban are antibacterial agents that have an aggressive effect on the skin, and soap with harsh fragrances. Opt for a special shampoo, gels and soaps for children.
  • Be careful with additives. It is generally accepted that newborns should be bathed in water with the addition of manganese or chamomile decoction. However, today pediatricians do not recommend doing this, since both products dry the delicate skin of the child too actively. If the baby has diaper rash, add a decoction of a string or to the water. And if everything is in order, bathe in plain water.

How to bathe a newborn baby - an algorithm of actions

  1. Fill the tub with water.
  2. Gently place your child in it. In order not to frighten the baby, first wrap it in a diaper. She will get wet gradually, as well as the baby's body, adapting it to an unfamiliar environment.
  3. If you are not using a slide or hammock, hold the baby on your left hand. Grab him by the shoulder farthest from you and fix your palm in the armpit. In this case, the back of the child's head should be above your wrist. Hold your butt with your other hand. So you prevent the possible slipping of the crumbs in the bathroom.
  4. Gently lather the child, moving from the neck to the legs, rinse off the foam. Wash your hair last.
  5. After bathing, rinse the crumbs with water, the temperature of which is 1 ° C lower than in the bath.
  6. Wrap the baby in a towel and only lightly dry the body with it. Do not rub the child, it is better to attach a dry diaper that will absorb moisture. Before putting on a diaper, make sure that all the folds are well dried.

Bathing and hardening

Do you know how to bathe a newborn baby in order to safely temper it, normalize appetite and sleep? For this you will need:

  • Large bath. The water temperature of the first procedure should be 37 ° C, with each subsequent procedure you can lower it to 26 ° C. Please note that this is only possible if the baby is actively moving, and not lying in his father's arms.
  • Inflatable circle for the neck. You can buy this in a children's store. It is put on the neck of the baby and supports his head above the water. In such a circle, the child can freely move his arms and legs, swim without the risk of choking.

Bathing time can be from 5 to 40 minutes. What do you think, after such water procedures? At least 6 hours, which will allow all family members to also have a good rest and sleep!

In any case, listen to the opinion of your crumbs. He will definitely tell you if he likes water procedures with his cry or a cheerful smile!


When you can bathe a newborn, walk with him, play - these and other questions are very relevant. After all, when young parents bring a baby from the hospital to their home, at first, as a rule, they are afraid to even touch the baby once again. The baby seems so fragile and vulnerable that it seems to be breathing on him with caution. Of course, in a few days, the mother will learn to feed, swaddle and hold the child in her arms. But we must not forget another important procedure for the child - bathing. When you can start bathing a newborn baby and how to do it right, you will learn from this article.

In the first months of a baby's life, you need to bathe more often. If he was born in the hot season, it is better to bathe every day, or even twice a day. And this is immediately after discharge from the hospital, despite the fact that the umbilical wound has not yet healed. That is, the question of whether it is possible to bathe a newborn should not even arise for you.

For water procedures, you will need a baby bath (it is better if it is larger so that the baby can both sit and lie), a thermometer to determine the temperature of the water, a small foam rubber pad, a soft sponge, baby soap, it is possible with an extract of string or chamomile , a large soft towel, cotton pads or just pieces of cotton wool, as well as baby cream or oil to lubricate the skin after water procedures.

Some pediatricians and experienced mothers advise bathing a newborn in herbs as a good natural sedative. The most popular herb for these purposes is a series. You can’t do without manganese if you bathe your child in non-boiled water. The water should not contain any harmful bacteria until the baby's navel has healed. The first bath of a newborn is an almost sterile procedure.

Bathing water temperature - 37 degrees. After you lather and bathe the child, you can use water one or two degrees lower for dousing. If you are still afraid to make a mistake and check the temperature of the water yourself, then dip your elbow into the water, not your palms, as your palms are more accustomed to temperature changes and may not “catch” the difference. If you feel neither heat nor cold with your elbow submerged in water, then everything is done correctly. Do not be afraid that the water is cool, small children love just such water at room temperature.

You put the baby in the bath ... The pillow should be placed at the head of the bath so that the child is reclining: it will be more convenient for you to bathe him. Of course, you must first cut your fingernails shorter so as not to scratch the baby. To begin with, pour a handful of water over the child, slap him with arms and legs in the water, gently talking to him, let him splash a little. This is necessary so that the little man remembers that swimming is fun and enjoyable. Then, with a soapy sponge, wash his head, neck, gently clean his ears with a cotton swab, and then wash the whole baby. Bathe your baby gently but thoroughly, especially in the folds of the skin, where dirt and sweat often accumulate.

How often can you bathe a newborn in the hot season? Recommended 1-2 times a day. If you bathe your baby twice every day, bathe him once with soap, another time with just water, to which you can add an infusion of herbs (string or chamomile, previously filled with boiling water and cooled). And our grandmothers, by the way, bathed children in the first months of life like this: one day - with baby soap, the second - with a weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, the third - adding a little salt to the water, about half a handful. After baby soap, the baby will be clean, fragrant, potassium permanganate disinfects, and salt helps to heal wounds. That is, now, of course, on the body of a baby, ideally, there should not be any wounds, except perhaps the umbilical one. But in the future, on a “salted” child, cuts or scratches will heal faster and easier, so there will be no need to chase him every time with iodine or brilliant green to lubricate the wounds. This is such a well-known folk remedy.

After bathing, quickly pour cool water over the baby, wrap in a towel and pat the whole body dry without rubbing. After drying, lubricate the skin with baby cream or oil (you can also boil vegetable oil in a saucepan with water), picking it up a little on a cotton pad. Apply a cream or oil in a thin layer where the skin is smooth, and a little thicker where the baby has wrinkles: on the arms and legs, on the neck, in the groin. If you notice diaper rash or redness somewhere in the fold - generously lubricate with cream or powder with talcum powder. After lubrication, it will be useful to give the child a massage, bend and unbend the arms and legs several times, and do “exercises”. And after that you can dress the baby.

After bathing, the child is likely to eat with pleasure and fall asleep sweetly. And frequent bathing, as well as timely feeding and constant communication with the baby, will help you raise a strong, healthy and cheerful child.

The appearance of a new member in the family is a huge event, very joyful and significant. But along with tenderness, love and happiness, many new worries and responsibilities come to the house. And young parents have to re-learn, especially if the baby is the first. How to feed your baby, how to establish breastfeeding, how to deal with diaper rash and choose the right diapers. Among all these gaps, the issue of bathing remains particularly acute. After all, a child in the first days of life seems so fragile and defenseless that many mothers are literally afraid to take the baby in their arms, to say nothing of such complex manipulations as water procedures. Here grandmothers come to the rescue - more experienced "mothers". In this article, you will learn about the benefits of water procedures, you will be able to prepare all the necessary accessories for bathing, and also get acquainted with the safe bathing technique for a newborn baby.

The benefits of water procedures

Even our grandmothers believed that with frequent bathing, the child grows better. There is some truth in this, because the enveloping property of water provides a gentle massage and impact on all skin integuments, thereby increasing blood circulation. Everyone knows that bathing is very important for a child, it is not only a necessary part of hygiene procedures, but also an invaluable contribution to the health of the crumbs.

Bathing is the protection of the child's skin from various microorganisms, bacteria, dirt, sweat, urine, cosmetic powders and creams. We may not notice this, but a lot of foreign substances accumulate on the baby's skin, the baby's delicate epidermis is sensitive to any pathogens. This leads to diaper rash and anxiety.

Water procedures incredibly soothe the baby. Water gently massages the joints and muscles, it is easier for the baby to move in the water, to control the arms and legs. You probably know how children sleep after a massage - deep and long. The same effect can be achieved with the help of baths.

In the future, water procedures will help you cope with the hyperactivity of the child. The baby in the water moves especially intensively, spends energy, sleeps better. If you add a couple of drops of coniferous oil to the water, the child will quickly fall asleep and sleep for at least three to four hours until he is completely hungry.

Some mothers from the first days of life put on an inflatable ring around the baby's neck, which allows you to keep the baby's head on the surface. Firstly, it is convenient for the mother - she does not have to hold the child while bending over in her back during the entire bath. Secondly, it gives incredible freedom of action - the baby will be able to actively move himself, this trains his muscles and joints. Thirdly, the child finds himself in a familiar aquatic environment, it pacifies him.

If you add decoctions of herbs to the water, for example, a series, you can cope with a rash of any nature - diaper rash, diathesis, prickly heat, urticaria, etc. A decoction of a string perfectly heals, relieves inflammation and itching, and dries.

In Russia, they believed that the first bath must be carried out by the mother or father, not allowing anyone to touch the water in which the child was bathed. It was believed that in this way the parents protected the baby from the evil eye and damage. For the same reason, water after the first bath was poured under a large tree in the garden.

What to prepare for bathing a newborn

In order not to run after the necessary items during water procedures, you need to prepare in advance everything that you may need during and after bathing.

  1. Bath. Today on sale there are many different trays with a variety of built-in functions. Baths with a slide are very popular, which allow you to hold the child with one hand, this is very convenient if the mother does not have helpers, and she is forced to bathe the child alone. Choose bathtubs with a grooved bottom so that the baby does not slip off. Carefully feel the inner surface of the product so that there are no chips, cracks, sharp areas. Before the first use, be sure to clean the bath with detergent, disinfect the surface with boiling water or an antiseptic.
  2. Soap. Ordinary baby soap is suitable for bathing, but remember that you should not abuse it. The fact is that even the most gentle soap dries the skin of the child, washes away the natural protective layer from the skin. It is worth using soap no more than twice a week, the rest of the time it is enough to bathe in clean water. Remember that it is impossible to wash the genitals of girls with soap - this violates the natural environment of the mucosa, and can cause synechia. If you are bathing your baby for the very first time, do it without soap.
  3. Towel. Usually, a lot of new towels, diapers and other textile accessories are bought for the birth of a baby. But all new things are quite hard and rough until they go through a few washes. Therefore, often an old sheet or a washed diaper is suitable for wiping the delicate skin of a baby. But remember that the thing must be carefully ironed (the high temperature of the steam kills germs). For the skin of a child, we choose only natural fabrics - linen, cotton, etc.
  4. Ladle. A small bucket may be needed to rinse with clean water after bathing.
  5. Thermometer. At first, do not rely on your own feelings. It is very important to make a comfortable temperature for the child, otherwise the baby may develop a persistent unpleasant association with water. It depends on you whether the child will love bathing or will be afraid of water all his life.

No washcloths and sponges for bathing a newborn! Mom's touch is best for the baby now. And toys are not needed for the first bath either - the baby still does not understand anything, only smells and tactile sensations are important for him.

In addition, it is imperative to prepare in advance everything that you may need after bathing - clean clothes, a diaper, diaper powder or cream, cotton swabs and pads, antiseptics for wound treatment, etc.

Doctors recommend to carry out water procedures just before going to bed, namely, before the last feeding. Indeed, this mode is suitable for many children - the baby bathes, eats and goes to bed for a long time. But sometimes mothers have to vary this moment - some newborn babies “dirty the diaper” precisely during or after eating, the baby has to be washed again. In this case, you need to bathe the child after eating, preferably after an hour. Try not to bathe your baby on a full stomach - this will bring him discomfort, besides, it increases the risk of spitting up. If the time for swimming has already been chosen, it is worth going directly to the procedure.

  1. The question remains whether it is worth boiling water for bathing. On the one hand, the baby is still too small, and on the other hand, we cannot raise a child in a sterile environment. So, the answer is simple - boil water until the baby's navel heals. When this vital artery closes, and the risk of infection decreases dramatically, the water can not be boiled.
  2. You should not heat the air in the room too much, especially you should not make a sharp temperature difference between the bathroom and the nursery. Normal room temperature of 24-26 degrees will do. Do not rush to immediately carry the child into the water. Undress the baby, give him the opportunity to take air baths for 3-5 minutes, this is very beneficial for the skin and for the body. At this time, you can give the crumbs of the lungs a massage - circular stroking and rubbing the arms and legs, the abdomen clockwise. Laying the baby on his stomach is also very useful.
  3. In the first days of bathing, until the umbilical wound heals, potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate, can be dissolved in water. However, be careful, dissolve the powder in a small amount of water, then strain the solution and only then pour it into a common bath. The fact is that in the liquid there may be undissolved particles of potassium permanganate, which, if they get on the skin, can cause a microscopic burn. The water in the bath should turn out a little pink.
  4. In the first bath, it is better not to add any decoctions, salts, nothing but potassium permanganate to the bath. If your baby develops an irritation or allergy, you won't know the cause. Over time, when bathing becomes habitual, you can add decoctions of string, chamomile to the water. It is very useful to add sea salt to the water. But all this later, not in the first bath!
  5. So that parents do not have to bend over the bath, for convenience, they put it on chairs or even transfer it to the room. This greatly simplifies the process.
  6. So, everything is ready for the procedure. Older generations bathed children by dipping them into the water right in the diaper. Modern pediatricians do not see the need for this. However, for greater confidence, you can do just that - lower the baby into the water wrapped in a diaper. This will protect the baby from fear, from a sharp change in the environment. Lower the baby into the water gradually, starting with the legs. You can slowly pour water over the baby from your hands, while stroking and soothing him. Most children enjoy bathing for the first time, but there are kids who are scared. That is why the mother must constantly touch the child, show her presence, and soothe with her voice.
  7. After you completely lower the baby into the water, keeping his head on the surface, give the baby some time to get used to the aquatic environment. Then you can slowly open the diaper. It is immediately removed or left at the bottom of the bath so that the body does not slip. The baby should be held like this - the mother holds the child perpendicular to her body, one hand holds the far shoulder, the child's head lies on the mother's wrist. Thus, the mother has one free hand for all manipulations. However, it is better to spend the first bath with assistants, especially if the mother is inexperienced.
  8. Washing a baby is a responsible event, but the first bath is just an introduction to the procedure. If the baby cries, stop bathing, it may be worth repeating the “swim” the next day. In the subsequent washing of the child will consist of several stages. When the baby gets used to the water, you need to moisten a cotton pad in some water, wipe the child's eyes with it. Then the ears are wiped with a new clean disk - only the shells. Next, wash the baby's head with baby soap or a special shampoo for newborns. Thoroughly wash with soap or water all the folds of the crumbs - inguinal, axillary, gluteal, cervical area. Remember the most important rule for bathing babies - NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE! Even if he is on a hill, you cannot leave even for a minute - this is deadly.
  9. In conclusion, be sure to rinse the baby with clean, pre-prepared water. If you want to introduce hardening elements into hygiene from early childhood, the water prepared for rinsing should be a couple of degrees lower.
  10. At the end, the child is wrapped in a prepared diaper or towel, taken out to the children's room for further activities.

After you bathe the baby, you need to dry him thoroughly. Do not rub the skin too hard, it is still very delicate, you just need to blot it with a towel. Then put on a diaper and clean clothes. Cream, powder or oil under the diaper is applied only if necessary, if there is diaper rash, this should not be done for prevention. In no case do not use cotton swabs to clean your ears - this way you only tamp the wax in the ear canal and push it back. It is enough just to wipe the ears with a corner of the towel. Then the baby needs to be fed hearty and put to bed. After such procedures, the child will sleep soundly and for a long time.

Features of bathing a girl and a boy

In hygiene procedures, the gender of the child should also be taken into account. It is a little easier to bathe a boy, because his genitals exclude the ingress of external water and bacteria into them. The only thing I want to note for the mothers of boys is that in no case should the foreskin be moved. Over time, she will move herself, and the head will open, you should not do it yourself. If inflammation has formed under the flesh, consult a doctor, as a first aid, you can lower the baby's penis into a solution of potassium permanganate.

Girls are a little more difficult to bathe, as there is a high risk of germs and fecal particles entering the vagina. To avoid this, the girl needs to be washed in exactly one direction - from the vagina to the anus. This will protect against many urinary tract infections. When bathing a girl after a bowel movement, you must first rinse the ass under a stream of clean water and only then lower it into a common bath. Some mothers with concern find a whitish coating on the mucous membrane of the labia. No need to worry, this is the original lubricant that protects the child in utero, it covers all accessible areas of the body. It can be removed gradually, with each bathing a little. The grease does not do any harm and is gradually washed off.

The first bath is a very important and unforgettable moment, which will certainly leave you with many memories. Do not forget to provide a free family member with a camera - these moments must be captured!

Video: how to bathe a newborn

Babies love swimming. It gives the crumbs the joy of movement and allows parents to complete the toilet of the child. This is extremely important for his well-being and the prevention of skin diseases. The skin of a baby is more sensitive and delicate, its acidity (pH) is lower than that of an adult, therefore it is difficult to resist the effects of bacteria and fungi. Easily occur scuffs, diaper rash.

Also, children's skin contains a lot of water and little fat, which facilitates the penetration of harmful substances into his body. These features dictate the need for daily bathing, especially for children in the first six months of life. The water procedure, accompanied by cheerful conversations and songs, will not only harden and strengthen the child's immunity, but also establish an emotional connection with parents.

When to start bathing

You can bathe healthy full-term babies every day immediately after discharge from the hospital, while trying not to wet the umbilical wound so as not to cause inflammation, or after the final healing of the navel, when all the crusts disappear (on average, this happens in the second or third week of life). If you decide to wait for the navel to heal, during this period, wipe the baby's skin, especially the folds, with a cotton swab moistened with warm water and baby soap, then wash off the soap with another cotton swab and blot moisture from the baby's body. Which tactic is better to choose is up to you. For complete confidence in the right choice - consult a pediatrician.

If you decide to wash the baby immediately after discharge from the hospital, use boiled water for this. It is prepared and cooled to the desired temperature in advance. To disinfect water, use a solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve a few crystals completely in a glass of warm boiled water. From the resulting solution, add a few drops to the bath until a faint pink hue appears. Be careful not to add too much solution, it can dry out children's skin, and cause burns in high concentrations. Make sure that the unhealed navel does not sink into the water, and immediately after bathing, blot it.

After the umbilical wound has healed, it is not necessary to boil water for bathing. The bath is filled with ordinary tap water at the required temperature. It is not recommended to wash a child every day in herbal decoctions, mineral salts or a solution of potassium permanganate, as the frequent use of these additives dries the skin and can cause allergic reactions. Use them only for medicinal purposes, after consulting with your doctor. If the child has skin problems (it is dry and prone to peeling), then it is better to use special bathing foams that already contain herbal extracts (chamomile, calendula) that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Where and in what to bathe

In the bathroom or in the kitchen? Each family decides this question individually, based on their living conditions. The main thing is that the room was without drafts. The optimal air temperature for bathing is about 24-26 degrees C, but not lower than 21 degrees C. The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees C (check with a thermometer, not with your elbow!). Higher degrees can lead to overheating of the baby, he will begin to act up, and from a pleasant procedure, bathing will turn into a whole problem. In colder water, the child will freeze, which also does not bode well.

Traditionally, the baby is bathed in a baby bath (galvanized metal, enameled or plastic, anatomical or not). It should only be used for bathing and not used for other household purposes (do not wash in it, do not soak linen). It is convenient when she stands on a stable support, which allows her not to lean low towards the child, otherwise her back gets tired. Before bathing, pour boiling water over the tub. Of course, you can wash a child in an “adult” bath, but before each bath, be sure to treat it with ordinary soda or a special detergent designed for children's baths.

bathing time

You can bathe the baby at any time of the day (try to do this together with your husband or grandmother for safety), but experience shows that it is best to carry out water procedures in the evening (around 20:00), before feeding, so that after it a well-fed and clean child can fall asleep peacefully . At the same time, dads who work during the day get the opportunity to communicate with the baby, caress him. If it seems to the mother that evening bathing excites the child before bedtime, then arrange “washings” in the afternoon. Bath time varies with age. Newborn children should bathe only 2-5 minutes, and at 3-4 months - 12-15 minutes.

What to prepare for bathing a baby:

  • soft terry towel or a terry sheet with a hood;
  • baby soap in a soap dish or special bathing aid newborns. Use only these special products to wash your baby. They have the optimal acidity (pH) for children's skin, which protects the skin from excessive drying, contain softening additives - glycerin, lanolin, etc. Soap is recommended to be used in small quantities and no more than 2-3 times a week. On other days, they simply bathe the baby in water;
  • enjoy sponge or terry mitten from soft natural materials, or you can lather the child with just your palm;
  • baby cream;
  • a jar of cotton balls ;
  • jug for water. After filling the bath with water, scoop it out with a jug and put it somewhere nearby so that at the end of the bath you can rinse the child with this water, which has cooled down by about a degree. This procedure is an element of hardening;
  • hair brush with thick soft bristles or comb with blunt edges;
  • water thermometer ;
  • air temperature thermometer ;
  • in advance, on a separate surface where you will dress the baby, lay it out clothes;
  • in the bath you can put special devices to support the child - a hammock, "hill" etc. They are especially convenient for the first time on bathing days, while mom still does not have the necessary skill.

Remember to wash your hands with soap before bathing your baby. Keep your nails short and remove anything (rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) that might scratch your baby. When everything is ready, undress the child. If necessary, clean the baby's bottom, and carefully, slowly, lower it into the water. Do not rush and make sudden movements, as the baby may be frightened. Try to do everything carefully, but confidently, talking quietly to him or singing a song. Gently lower the child into the bath, supporting the head and shoulders with one hand (for example, left) and the head and shoulders with the other (right) at the level of the buttocks and thighs.

Water safety

While swimming, you need to remember about the safety of the baby. In the supine position, his head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the child in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder joint for the outer shoulder of the baby. So you insure the child from accidental slipping and diving under water. With your free hand, you lather the baby. In the prone position, the baby's chest is on your forearm; the palm of the same hand holds the shoulder farthest from you. With your free hand, you lather the baby and insure him in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Fragrant soap and fluffy towel

It is necessary to wash sequentially: neck, chest, stomach, arms and legs, back and only then the head. Lather gently, massaging movements so that the foam does not get into the eyes. Thoroughly wash the folds on the neck, under the armpits, in the groin, elbows and knees. Do not forget to open and wash clenched fists, which accumulate exfoliated skin cells and can cause diaper rash.

The head is also lathered carefully so that the foam does not get into the eyes. If a child's eyes are pinched, he will remember this trouble for a long time and will be capricious when he gets into the bathroom. Wash your head with water every day, because, in babies, it usually sweats a lot, and wash it with baby soap or a special bathing agent once a week so as not to overdry the scalp.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question at what age you can start using baby shampoo. Some experts believe that up to a year you should only wash your hair with baby soap, others - that you can use shampoo from the age of 3-6 months. But everyone is unanimous in one thing - the shampoo should be only for children, designed taking into account the structural features of the child's skin and hair. Such products have a mild effect and do not sting the eyes.

Tilt the baby's head back, holding it with the palm of your hand. Pour water over the hair from the face to the back of the head and apply a few drops of shampoo to the hair. Lather and lightly massage into skin. Gently wash off the foam with washing movements in the same direction. The face can be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in boiled water. If seborrheic crusts (another name for gneiss) have formed on the scalp, then they must be softened by lubricating them with baby oil approximately 1 hour before bathing, and during bathing, remove them with a comb with frequent teeth or a brush.

The baby's perineum should be washed with soap and water. To avoid urinary tract infection, children should be washed from front to back, especially girls. In girls, thoroughly and gently wash all the folds between the labia; in boys, gently wash the penis (without moving the foreskin), the scrotum, and then the area around the anus. Now you can rinse (front and back) the baby with water from a jug, which has cooled down by about one degree.

Immediately after bathing, wrap the baby in a bath towel and pat it dry. It is necessary to get wet, and not rub - first the head, then the body. Skin folds should be especially carefully dried. The auricle should be dried with gauze or a thin handkerchief. Then remove the wet towel and place the baby on a clean diaper. Lubricate all skin folds with baby oil applied to a cotton swab. Treat inguinal and intergluteal folds with baby cream or a special diaper cream. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then after bathing it needs to get wet. Then drop 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide from a pipette, and remove excess liquid with a gauze napkin or cotton swab. With another cotton swab moistened with a solution of brilliant green, treat the navel. Dress your baby and don't forget the cap. Do not remove it until the hair is dry. Then the child can be fed and put to bed.

When bathing is already habitual

By six months, the baby is already getting used to washing as a pleasant ritual and is waiting for it. Bathing can now last 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to reduce the water temperature by several degrees - up to 32-28 degrees C. At this age, children master the skill of sitting, so it is advisable to provide the bath with a special rubber mat so that the child does not slip or with a special bath seat. Then, in addition to washing, the baby can be given the opportunity to splash in the bath, play with rubber or plastic toys.

Under no circumstances leave a child unattended in the bath!

He can reach for a toy and flop his face into the water, he can try to get up, leaning on the side and fall forward or backward, he can bend over the side of the bathtub, striving for a toy thrown on the floor ... The consequences are deplorable, from fear of water after a sharp immersion in it, to serious head injury.

When the child has played enough, slowly start washing. Calmly and gently pour water on the baby's body, talk to him affectionately. The sequence of bathing remains the same. Washing your hair can become difficult due to the fact that the child begins to show “character” and refuses to throw back his head, turns it in different directions and it is inconvenient for you to lather it so that the foam does not get into the eyes. When washing off the foam from the stubborn, water, even without detergent, can get into the eyes and cause discomfort in them (stinging). The baby will begin to rub his eyes with his fists, cry, refuse to wash.

To prevent these "little" troubles, you can use special protective visors that look like hat brim. They are tightly worn on the head and prevent the ingress of foam and water into the eyes. At 12 months (if this has not happened before), you can proceed to bathing in a large bath. Bathing time increases to 20 minutes or more. Babies are learning to walk and will try to walk in the tub. Therefore, in order not to slip, it must have a safety device - a rubber mat. It is also better to lay a special mat on the floor of the bath so that you also do not slip on the wet floor.

Attention to the child during water games should be doubled.

He can not only "dive" under the water, but also reach out to various cosmetics, taste them. All unnecessary items that are within the reach of the baby should be removed. The taps should be on the opposite side of the child and well twisted so that he cannot reach them and turn on hot water. The baby's head is washed last. He is already sitting in the bathroom, leaning back (on your arm) and throwing back his head. Avoid getting soapy water in eyes and ears. Water should flow from the forehead to the back of the head. Particularly fidgety, you can continue to wear a special visor.

Bathing biennials

By the age of two, bathing becomes a fun game. A child frolics in the water, plays with toys, launches boats and splashes water, so rubber bath mats and floor mats are still relevant. Bathing at this age is best done in the evening after a walk. The kid moves a lot, plays outside in the sand, on the grass and comes home dirty. The air temperature in the bath can drop to 21 degrees C, while the water temperature remains the same - 32--28 degrees C. The duration of bathing increases to 30 minutes, since most of this time is spent on water games.

A two-year-old baby is very inquisitive, he imitates adults, actively acquires new skills. From this age, you can begin to teach your child to wash themselves. Let him help his mother wash herself. Give him a small washcloth, and he will be happy to lather his hands and feet. And you, in the same sequence as before (neck, stomach, arms, legs, back, head), lather it. Do not leave the child unattended for a single second, do not give in to the temptation to think that the baby has already grown up and attention can be weakened.

At this age, baby bath foam and baby bath gel can already be used for bathing. Do not put cosmetic salts in a baby bath, as they can cause allergic reactions on baby's delicate skin. The use of soap increases to three times a week, depending on the degree of contamination of the child. Bathing also ends with pouring clean water a few degrees lower than the water in the bath. You can douse the little one with water from the shower.

It is recommended to reduce the water temperature for dousing gradually by 1 degree per week, bringing it to 21 degrees C. This will serve as a powerful hardening factor. After bathing, the baby is covered with a large terry towel or put on a bathrobe, wiped, including the head and natural folds. You can dress the child in the room, dry his hair with a hairdryer and comb it there. Now get him ready for bed.

If a child is afraid of water...

Pour warm water into a large bowl and let him play with toys in it - colorful waterfowl ducks, frogs, plastic cups that you can use to pour water back and forth. Let him splash his arms, gradually forgetting about his fear. Invite him to wash his handkerchief, wash his favorite car, doll utensils, or favorite plastic toy. Together with him, wash the doll's head, emphasizing that the doll is not afraid and does not cry. Blow soap bubbles, etc. In extreme cases, for a while, replace bathing with rubdowns. Wipe the child with a wet diaper so as not to aggravate his fright. Try bathing your baby in another room without pouring too much water into the tub...

Bath toys

The trading network today offers a great variety of bathing toys from classic ducks, boats, splash toys, mechanical clockwork animals that can "swim" to rubber books for the bathroom. Children are happy to catch fish in the bathroom with a fishing rod or net, ride bears in a boat, they like to pour from a watering can on themselves, on you, on the floor ...