Hand mask at home. Effective nourishment and softening. Nutritional formula recipes

Hand masks are an important part of dry skin care. After all, beautiful and well-groomed hands are what characterizes a real woman who pays attention to her appearance. Hands always give out the age of a person, so you need to pay maximum attention to caring for them.

It is clear that the hands are not only in sight, but are constantly involved in some kind of manipulation, therefore they are exposed to heat and cold, chemical detergents and tap water with a high alkali content. All this leads to a loss of skin elasticity, and even the occurrence of allergic reactions. We want to tell you about which hand masks for dryness at home will return your skin soft and silky.

Hand masks: application nuances

Your appearance, including the condition of the skin, is influenced not only by external factors, but also. Want to look good? Learn to react less to a lot of stimuli. It's hard, but possible.

So, hand masks at home do not guarantee a quick effect. A noticeable result is only possible with the regular use of emollients. If you do them occasionally and according to your mood, there will be little sense.

It is unlikely that most women have the extra money to visit salons and take special hand care. Indeed, as practice shows, home masks are no worse than salon masks, since they consist exclusively of natural ingredients and act quite gently.

Hand masks at home for dry skin are made at least 2 times a week. First, carefully study the ingredients of the mask, and, if necessary, carry out an allergy test and only after that start the treatment procedures.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to prepare: wash your hands cleanly and massage the skin well, dispersing the blood. It is necessary to apply the mask, starting from the fingertips and making a circular motion at the same time. Your main goal is to completely cover your skin.

The level of neglect and dryness of the skin on the hands can vary. If you are acting as a preventive measure, then it is enough to start with a half-hour session. If the skin of your hands is badly damaged, prepare to keep the mask for 3 to 10 hours, while creating a greenhouse effect with polyethylene. To receive maximum effect on top of cellophane, warm your hands with cotton gloves.

When wrapping your hands with plastic, make sure that it is tightly fixed around the wrist and does not allow cool air to enter. You can wash off the mask with plain warm water, but if for this purpose you use a decoction of calendula, chamomile or lavender, the effect will be more pronounced and healing.

Home hand masks: hit recipes

What will you get as a result of using natural hand masks? Healing, moisturizing, regenerating, restoring softness and elasticity of the skin. In addition to regular masks, you can nourish your hands with your favorite cream or take additional nourishing baths. Now let's talk about the most effective hand masks.

Lemon potato

2 tsp lemon juice should be thoroughly grinded with 2 grated potatoes, cooked "in their uniform". Apply a warm mixture to your hands, wrap with cellophane and insulate with gloves to create a greenhouse effect. The mask must be kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water or herbal decoction. This mask perfectly moisturizes dry skin of the hands.


This mask contributes to the fact that the skin regains its former tenderness, and is minimized. Take 2 tbsp. l. natural honey (preferably liquid), add a couple of drops of lemon juice, 1 yolk and 25 gr. olive or almond oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to brushes. Warm your hands with cotton gloves. Ideally, such a hand mask is done at night, and in the morning it is washed off with warm water.


Promotes rejuvenation of aging skin, eliminates excessive dryness of the hands. Make a healing mixture by mixing 1 tsp. oatmeal, ground into flour, 1 tbsp. l. and 1 loose yolk. Spread the mass over the skin, warm your hands with gloves, hold for several hours.


Potatoes perfectly soften and nourish the skin of the hands, therefore this mask is suitable for everyone, without exception. Make mashed potatoes with unsalted milk. The consistency should be semi-liquid, but not dripping. Apply the mask to your skin for 3 hours, wrapping your hands in plastic and gloves.


Heat half a cup of cow's milk, crush a couple of slices of white wheat bread into it and stir until puree. The mask is applied to the hands for 15 minutes, warming with gloves.

For very dry hands, it is recommended to mix honey and vegetable oil, and then apply to the skin of the hands for at least 3 hours. After the mask is removed, hands are additionally lubricated with Shea butter or a rich moisturizing and nourishing cream containing vitamin E.

Hand masks after 60 years at home

In addition to traditional components, anti-aging hand masks contain the following additional ingredients:

  1. Chopped greens.
  2. Wax.
  3. Peach and almond oil.
  4. Shea Butter.
  5. Butter.
  6. Gelatin (which is also actively used as).
  7. Fermented milk products, etc.

Hello, my dear readers! Excessively dry skin of the hands is an extremely unpleasant problem for all of us. Because of it, we not only feel discomfort, but also lose in terms of appearance - the handles look unkempt, and the skin wrinkles and may even become covered with wrinkles. A home mask for dry hands will be a real salvation in this situation. About what and how to make it, we will talk this time.

A few words about the reasons

The epidermis can suffer from excessive dryness, flaking, cracks and wrinkles due to the following reasons:

  • your body is dehydrated - you may be drinking a little water, but a lot of coffee and tea;
  • there are problems with internal organs - thyroid, liver, intestines;
  • perhaps the dermis suffers from the hot sun, wind or severe frost, and you do not protect it well enough with cream or gloves;
  • you wash your hands with insufficiently mild soap, harsh, too hot or too cold water;
  • your body lacks vitamins A or E, or important micronutrients;
  • perhaps your pens are in frequent contact with harmful chemicals or detergents;
  • you don't care for your skin, forget about hand cream.

The best mask for very dry hands

My friend Zhanna has suffered from this problem since childhood. In spite of quality cream and salon treatments with paraffin wax, her hands were always very dry. In autumn and spring, the problem worsened - the skin began to peel off, in places it even cracked and bled. A friend took vitamin complexes and oil vitamin A from the pharmacy, it helped, but not for long. She was saved by a special nourishing mask for. Thanks to her, Zhannochka not only got rid of dryness and cracks, but also made her hands smooth, delicate and beautiful, literally brought them back to youth!

Here is the recipe for this wonderful composition: you need to mashed a very ripe banana, pour a spoonful of olive oil and one raw yolk into it. The mass should be applied without regret and left for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water and lubricated with cream. Repeating the procedure 2 times a week, you will forget about such a problem as dryness.

By the way, this mask will also return the health of your nails. It can also be safely applied to the face if it also suffers from dryness.

In addition, Zhanna pampered the handles with starch trays. This helped her forget about peeling and cracking. Making a bath is simple - you need to boil liquid jelly from water and potato starch, cool it to pleasant warmth and hold the handles in it for 20-25 minutes.

To make your pens look their best, you must not only nourish, but also moisturize them. In the next video, you will find several great recipes for moisturizing masks for dry hands at once.

Anti-aging mask for dry hands

My mother is a great fellow, she very diligently takes care of not only her face, but also her hands. The composition with glycerin and honey helps to keep the skin soft and youthful. To prepare it, mom mixes a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of glycerin, a spoonful of warm water and a spoonful of starch. She holds the warm mass on her hands for 20 minutes, then rinses it off with warm water. This mask for dry hands can be safely used not only by ladies of 45-50 years old, but also by young girls suffering from dryness.

Advice: if you suddenly do not have starch at hand, it's okay - replace it with ordinary flour.

And in the next video you will find a recipe for another bath that removes dryness, as well as numerous reviews about it.

You learned:

  1. How to get rid of cracked hands at home?
  2. What masks will rejuvenate your hands?
  3. What is the best mask for dry hands?

Recipes for moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating hand masks.

Hands are the first thing that betrays a woman's age. Inadequate care will cause your hands to wrinkle, dry out and become flabby. To slow down aging, hands need care, for this you need to regularly do masks.

Homemade nourishing hand mask, recipe

There are many options for nourishing hand masks. They all contain moisturizing and oily ingredients. These are honey, cream, sour cream, egg yolks and fruits.

Nutritional formula recipes:

  • Potato. To prepare the product, boil the potatoes in water, having previously peeled them off. Mash the tubers until puree and pour in the milk. You should have a viscous mass. Apply it to your hands and palms. Leave it on for 25 minutes. After that, wash your hands with warm water, lubricate with cream
  • Honey and sour cream. In a small bowl, mix 50 ml of honey with 40 ml fat sour cream... You can use cream or fatty yogurt. Smear the mixture in a thick layer on palms and hands. Lie down for 25 minutes, after wrapping your hands in cellophane. Rinse off with warm water
  • Fish oil and parsley. The mask is best done in the spring, when young and fresh greens appear. It contains a maximum of vitamins. Pass the herbs through a meat grinder. Mix a spoonful of the resulting green puree with 100 g of fat cottage cheese and 20 ml of fish oil. The mixture is applied to the inside and outside of the palm for a quarter of an hour

Hand mask for dryness and cracks, recipe

In winter, due to the temperature drop, the skin of the hands dries out and cracks. She needs softening and moisturizing. For these purposes, vegetable and essential oils.

Moisturizing mask recipes:

  • With potatoes. Peel the potato tuber and grate. Mix this porridge with 25 ml of warm bee nectar and 10 ml of carrot juice. Apply the product to cleansed skin of the extremities. Leave the applique for a quarter of an hour
  • With glycerin. This product prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface of your hands. To prepare the mixture, mix 20 ml of honey and glycerin. Bee nectar is best taken from acacia. It is liquid and does not take a long time to sugar. Into the resulting mass, add 20 g of any flour and 35 ml of warm water. You end up with a yellow mixture with a distinctive honey swing. Dip your hands in it and hold for a quarter of an hour
  • With aloe. Peel a couple of leaves of a three-year-old aloe from the film and mash with a fork. It is not necessary to squeeze the juice. Mix the mixture with 25 ml of liquid bee nectar and a few drops of olive oil. Apply a thick liquid to the inside and outside of your palm. Leave on for 25 minutes

The peeling contains mild exfoliating components. These are oatmeal, sugar, or salt. The mask must contain vegetable oils.

Peeling mask recipe:

  • The mask is best done in summer or autumn.
  • Peel a few grapes and remove the seeds, you need pulp
  • Use a coffee grinder to grind a handful of oatmeal to flour
  • Mix the grape pulp with flour and lubricate your hands evenly
  • Leave to act for a third of an hour.

These whitening products contain lemon or orange juice. The fruit acid will help remove small age spots.

Whitening mask recipe:

  • Pour a quarter of a pack of pressed yeast with a spoonful of warm water and let stand for 30 minutes
  • A characteristic film should appear on the surface of the mass
  • Pour in 20 ml lemon juice
  • Spread the mixture over the surface of the brushes and leave for a third of an hour.
  • Rinse off with water and spread with cream or oily lotion

Night mask for hands with gloves, recipe

Night masks are useful for women who want to slow down aging. They are best used in winter when the skin is dry and cracked.

Night mask recipes:

  • Castor oil. The recipe is outrageously simple. Lubricate the skin with castor oil and put on cotton gloves on top. You can add a few drops of lavender or sage ether to your base oil to help you fall asleep.
  • Egg mask. Add 20 ml of warm honey and 10 g of oatmeal flour to the egg yolk. Apply porridge to the limbs, put on gloves and lie down to rest

Paraffin hand mask, recipe

Warm paraffin helps to cleanse the skin of the hands. It speeds up the movement of lymph and prevents drying out. Paraffin wax can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is usually mixed with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

Paraffin mask recipe:

  • Melt the paraffin in a water bath and add 20 ml of olive oil
  • Apply a scrub to your hands and then rinse it off.
  • Lubricate your palms with cream
  • Dip your hands in warm paraffin and pull them out
  • Let the paraffin freeze, and then dip your palms into the mass again.
  • You must ensure that thick paraffin gloves form on your hands.
  • Put plastic gloves on top of it and leave for 25 minutes

Hand mask with vitamins, recipe

This mixture nourishes dry epidermis and improves skin condition.

Vitamin mask recipe:

  • Heat 25 ml of olive oil a little, pour 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil into it
  • Add 2 capsules of vitamins A and E to the oil mixture.
  • Add a spoonful of Panthenol
  • Lubricate the brushes with a greasy mass and put on plastic gloves
  • Leave to act for 25 minutes

Aloe hand mask, recipe

Aloe - medicinal plant which will help relieve dryness and restore youthfulness to the skin.

Mask recipe:

  • Cut off an aloe leaf, 10-15 cm long.It is better to take a three-year-old plant
  • Chop the plant finely and pour 10 ml of warm boiled water
  • Grind 2 cloves of garlic on a grater or in a garlic press, add to the water with aloe
  • Stir and refrigerate overnight.
  • Pour into a dispenser bottle and apply to skin daily at bedtime

How to make a glycerin hand mask?

Glycerin is a fatty ingredient that is added to nourishing and moisturizing hand masks. It promotes the resorption of fine wrinkles.

Mask recipe:

  • Mix 25 ml of glycerin with 10 ml of any base oil. It can be olive or sunflower oil.
  • Add egg yolk and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the rich mixture
  • Lubricate the palms with the product and leave for a third of an hour.
  • Rinse off with warm water

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the hands, it is not necessary to purchase expensive creams and masks. You can make effective home remedies using the available ingredients.

VIDEO: Hand mask at home

The wrinkled and dry skin of the hands makes a woman sad and uncomfortable. Moreover, it betrays her age, and sometimes even adds extra years. And homework, heaters, cold water, strong winds or hot sun contribute to this in the best possible way. To avoid aging prematurely, use hand masks made from natural ingredients.

Home remedy for dry skin.

This mask will help relieve irritation and flaking on your hands. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period, when weather conditions have the strongest effect on our skin. It is based on honey. He contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that will help heal chapped and inflamed areas.

A teaspoon of thick honey should be warmed up in a water bath. But it should not get hot, otherwise all its beneficial properties will be lost. In the meantime, a few aloe leaves should be chopped, passed through the garlic and squeezed with cheesecloth. You only need a teaspoon of juice. But remember that before that, it is important to keep the freshly cut leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for at least 10 days in order to enhance the effect of the juice. very much appreciated in cosmetology. It is often used as a youth elixir and antibacterial agent.

It is included in many home beauty recipes and is excellent for dry and aging skin. It will also be needed for this mask to soften and repair damaged tissues. It is necessary to pour about 90 ml of olive oil and 5 drops of sandalwood oil into the already prepared mixture of aloe with honey. The latter improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates it and is even used in aromatherapy to fight depression.

The mask must be held on hand for 15 minutes. It is applied to both the back and the outside of the palms. Wrap it on top with polyethylene and put on mittens. All this time, your hands should be warm. At the end of the procedure, wipe off the remnants of the product with a soft dry cloth.

Carrot mask for chapped hands.

With its help, the skin will become velvety, and there will be no trace of wounds and cracks. There is no need to be afraid that after the session your hands will turn orange. To prevent this from happening, the carrots must be held in a steam bath or in a double boiler. After that, the coloring pigment will go away, and the beneficial substances will remain. Take two tablespoons of finely grated carrots and mix them with 30 g of sour cream, 10 ml of olive oil and 30 g of starch.

Carrots will give the skin firmness and freshness, and restore its health. Lactic acids will soften hands and exfoliate dead skin cells, while starch will relieve inflammation. Apply the mask in a thick layer to your hands, wear disposable gloves, and on top - warm kitchen oven mitts. To fix the result, repeat the procedure 7 times.

Video recipe with yolk and sunflower oil.

Double action mask.

This is a unique home remedy that moisturizes the skin and makes it look younger. It is especially useful to use it during the cold season. It is enough to carry out two sessions a week to notice pleasant changes in the appearance of the hands. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Prepare two tablespoons of cottage cheese for her and crush all the lumps in it. It must be high in fat in order to nourish the skin well. An acidic product will, on the contrary, dry it out.

Pour in 25 ml of olive oil and add the zest of one lemon. Citrus fruits perfectly whiten the skin, remove excess pigmentation from its surface and soften cuticles. You will also need a tablespoon of brewed green tea. It relieves redness, strengthens capillaries and helps prevent the development of rosacea - the vascular network. You need to stay with the curd mask for about 25 minutes. After that, it is washed off with warm water, and the hands are smeared with almond oil.

Viburnum softening composition.

Thanks to him, your hands will be saturated with microelements and vitamin C, will become soft and pleasant to the touch. The acid in the berries will create a peeling effect for rough skin. Combine 200 g of viburnum, 100 g of fat cottage cheese, 4 cabbage leaves and 20 ml each of glycerin and castor oil. The last component smoothes minor wrinkles and eliminates dryness, which is very important for aging skin. Whisk all ingredients in a blender and apply to hands for 10 minutes. Use the mask 4 times a week to revive chapped skin.

will relieve you of flaking and cracks in the skin. The root crop must be peeled, finely grated and combined with banana pulp, 10 ml of olive oil and 5 drops of vitamin E. After mixing all the components, the resulting composition is applied to the skin and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes. If you do the procedure every day for a week, you can solve the problem of dry hands.

Super treatment for aging skin.

If your hands are dark and dark from the constant hard work, prepare a rhubarb mask to whiten and soften your skin. The peeled stems of the plant must be poured with boiling water, put in a steam bath for 15 minutes, and then cooled and interrupted in a blender.

After that, 6 teaspoons of the resulting puree should be combined with the same amount of homemade cream, 15 g of starch, 10 ml of olive oil, yolk, 20 g of mashed potatoes, 3 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of verbena and geranium oil, as well as a tablet diluted in milk cosmetic yeast.

Mask for dry and flaky hands

suitable for both adults and children. Its main component is beeswax. It relieves inflammation and heals cracks. Just 3 grams of wax needs to be melted in a steam bath along with three teaspoons of shea butter and cocoa. Then you need to pour in 30 ml of almond oil. When the mask has cooled slightly, you can apply it to your hands.

Dried fruit mask

will help to give your hands a beautiful and well-groomed look. Pour boiling water over dried apples and pears. When they are steamed, you need to grind them through a sieve or beat with a blender. After that, 50 ml of cream and egg yolk are added to the crushed mass. The mask can be done every day and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Rejuvenating composition with lifting effect.

Pour 25 g of gelatin with 50 ml of milk. After an hour, place the swollen mass in a water bath. Do not let it boil and stir constantly. Then add 30 ml of liquid honey and the same amount of glycerin. Mix ingredients and apply to skin. This mask can be applied to the face and décolleté.

Anti-wrinkle carrot mask.

Steam the carrots, grate them, mix with 10 ml of liquid honey, the same amount of olive oil and 8 drops of lemon juice. The mask will thicken with oatmeal. After the procedure, your skin will be healthy and soft. Perform beauty treatments once a week.

Unkempt hands not only betray a woman's age, but also make her older. To prevent this from happening to you, always use protective equipment during gardening and when in contact with detergents. Never neglect nourishing creams, moisturizers, and homemade beauty recipes.

Women devote most of their time to the skin of the face: maintaining its youth, eliminating wrinkles, choosing the right makeup. All of the above helps the better half of humanity to successfully hide their real age. However, it can nullify all the work and give out the real age of a woman.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the youthfulness of the skin on the hands from youth. After all, hands are daily exposed to the negative influence of the external environment: the sun, frost, household chemicals and much more daily affect the delicate female hands.

Hand care rules

  1. Hands should be in contact with water as little as possible.
  2. Any household chores, especially those involving chemistry, should be done with gloves.
  3. Gel with an antibacterial composition, as well as various soaps, should be used less often as fashionable. They dry the epidermis, wash off its natural defenses.
  4. Constant use of a moisturizer. It should be applied to the skin after any contact with water.
  5. Use peeling on the skin of the hands once every seven days. Since the stratum corneum that has not been torn off prevents the normal penetration of creams and ointments into the deeper layers of the epidermis.
  6. In frosty weather, it is imperative to wear gloves or mittens, and in sunny weather, use sunscreen.
  7. To improve blood circulation and skin elasticity, it is necessary to massage the hands. The massage will improve the effect of the mask.
  8. The cream should be used daily. Especially in the evening.
  9. The mask is applied to the completely dried epidermis.
  10. Most masks should be kept for no more than a quarter of an hour. But sometimes, according to the recipe, they can be left overnight. Remove the mask with warm water. Soap should not be used.
  11. If the mass needs to be left overnight, then it is worth stocking up on cotton gloves.
  12. After removing the mass and washing the hands, the skin is dried and a moisturizer is applied.

After 25 years, with dry skin type, careful and competent care is needed, otherwise the problem of peeling and dry skin appears. Therefore, in addition to basic care and moisturizing, as well as nutrition and protection, face masks are recommended to maintain the health and youth of dry skin.

Home nourishing hand masks

At home, you can make nutritious and healthy hand masks. It won't take long to make them.

  1. For very dry skin of the hands, sunflower oil is suitable. It should be applied to the hands and put on gloves on top.
  2. Mashed potatoes cooked in milk. It should be applied to the hands while warm.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk. Take half the yolk, beat it and add an arbitrary amount of olive oil. Lubricate skin by combining application with massage.

Honey masks for hands

A hand mask for very dry skin made of honey is one of the most effective and efficient.

  • Honey mixed with chicken yolk will help soften the handles and soothe the epidermis. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix raw egg yolk with 15 ml vegetable oil... Add honey and three drops of lemon to the mixture. Apply the mixture to your hands, put on cotton gloves on top and, if possible, leave overnight.
  • The second version of the mask is to take 15 ml of honey, mix it with the yolk and 5 g of oatmeal. Spread the mixture for two hours. After the first procedure, the epidermis on the hands will become soft and tender.
  • Mix honey and olive oil in a ratio of 3 parts to 1. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice to this mass. Apply to the epidermis of brushes, put on gloves on top and rinse off in the morning. Repeat at least twice a week.

Parsley hand masks

To prepare the mixture, you will need a teaspoon of parsley juice, which can be obtained using a juicer or meat grinder. To extract juice using a meat grinder, after the parsley has been passed through it, the juice must be squeezed out with gauze.

In addition to juice, you will need fish oil in the amount of three capsules and 15 g of high-fat cottage cheese. Spread the mixture on the skin of the hands and rinse off with warm water after a quarter of an hour.

From potatoes

Boil two potatoes, crush with milk (45 ml) and butter (15 ml). Apply the resulting mass to your hands and, after 20 minutes, rinse.

From lemon

Lemon-based masks both nourish and soften the skin well.

  • Take oat flour (2 tablespoons), add a large spoonful of water and sunflower oil. To all of the above, add 5 ml of glycerin and the same amount of lemon juice. Spread it on your hands. After removing the mask, the skin becomes soft.
  • In the summer, so that the handles are not only soft and delicate, but also without age spots, it is recommended to use the following recipe. Make a melon puree, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Add enough starch to get a mushy consistency. Apply to hands.
  • Boil a couple of jacket potatoes and add 10 ml of lemon juice to them. Such a composition will quickly help get rid of dry hands.

White bread

If your hands become so dry that cracks appear, then white bread will help get rid of them. To prepare the mask, you need to warm up half a glass of milk. Cut 2 pieces from the loaf, remove the crumb and pour over it with hot milk.

When the crumb has absorbed the milk, it should be kneaded with a fork and applied to your hands for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with warm water, dry your hands and apply a moisturizer.


Mash the banana to a mushy consistency, add 5 ml of olive oil to it, mix. Apply to the epidermis of brushes and leave for two hours.

A mask for very dry skin of the hands will help to get rid of wrinkles and dryness after prolonged exposure to frost or sun. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at least 3 times a week.

Masks for rough, very dry skin of hands

  • A peeling mask will help soften very dry skin. To prepare it, you need to grind the rolled oats and knead the grapes to a puree-like consistency. Mix everything to a state of gruel. Apply the mixture to brushes and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to wash it off, dry your hands and apply nutritious cream.
  • Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Add a spoonful of sour cream (large) and a small spoonful of olive oil to it.
  • To improve the elasticity of the skin, grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and mix them with a small spoonful of honey and lemon juice.
  • A mask of glycerin and honey will help to quickly restore the skin's structure. To prepare it, you need to take glycerin, honey, flour equally and mix. Add 2 small spoons of water to the above.

To achieve the desired result, masks must be done daily. You should also reconsider your diet: food should be balanced and enriched with vitamins A and E. After each contact with water, hands should be wiped dry, and contact with chemistry, frost and the sun should be completely excluded.

Crack masks

If the epidermis of the brushes has become so dry that cracks appear on it, then the following masks will help.

  1. Melt the interior lard, add fish oil to it. Lubricate the crack with the resulting mixture, compress paper on top, put on gloves and wash off the next morning.
  2. Heat the milk, put an apple in it and simmer. Mash the apple and pour in the kefir. Mix. Apply the mass to your hands for half an hour. Wash off, pat dry and apply moisturizer.
  3. Dissolve 12 g of soda in a liter of warm water. Steam hands in water. Crush the onion and apply the gruel to the hands. Leave it overnight.
  4. Add infusion of calendula or chamomile to a liter of warm water. Steam brushes. Mix 100 ml of curdled milk with 30 g of melted butter. Apply mass in a circular motion on your hands. Wash off.
  5. Mix honey and lard in a 2: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture to your hands. Keep for 2 hours, rinse with warm water without soap, wipe the brushes dry and apply a nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure daily.

Daily contact with water, chemicals, sun, cold, and soaps leads to dry, flaky and cracked hands. Masks will help get rid of these problems.