Rosehip oil for the face - benefits and uses. Rosehip oil: medicinal properties, contraindications and instructions for use. Rosehip seed oil in cosmetology, gynecology, dentistry, in ENT diseases

The pharmacological properties of rosehip oil have long been known both in folk and traditional modern medicine. Fruits and flowers from wild roses (the second name of the wild rose bush) are widely used for the treatment of various dermatological problems and for the purpose of healing wounds. In home cosmetics, rosehip oil is used mainly for the face to smooth out small mimic wrinkles and give a fresh look to the skin. You should study in detail the beneficial properties of rosehip oil for the skin, as well as how best to use it at home.

Pharmacological properties

Before you start making various rosehip creams at home, it is recommended to study its effects in order to better know what it is intended for. The substance looks like an oily liquid of a noble golden-pink hue with a homogeneous consistency. Its smell is light, slightly specific, and the taste is bitter. Rosehip-based cosmetic substance is full of such useful inclusions:

  • Antioxidant vitamins A, E and ascorbic acid nourish, saturate, moisturize and rejuvenate fading skin, they also prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, restore damaged cellular elements.
  • The substance is also full of trace elements that improve intracellular metabolism: magnesium, copper, manganese, strontium, potassium, calcium, ferum, phosphorus
  • The composition is also full of various fatty acids necessary to support a healthy body: linoleic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic, pyristic, they protect well from harmful ultraviolet radiation, help retain a sufficient amount of moisture in the intercellular space.

Thanks to such beneficial properties, this remedy can be considered one of the best safe drugs for improving the appearance of the face, as well as for the treatment of certain dermatological problems.

In what specific cases is rosehip oil used for the face

Rosehip oil for wrinkles is used no earlier than after 25 years, when the first signs of aging begin to actively appear. It is inappropriate to use anti-aging substances for teenagers and young skin without wrinkles, just as it makes no sense to use cosmetics for moisturizing on oily skin. Rosehip will only benefit if used correctly. The substance is shown in such situations:

  • wrinkles
  • deep folds
  • Inflammation, microcracks, scars, scarring, wounds (retinol and tocopherol in the composition will effectively cope with such problems, since antioxidants show good regenerative properties)
  • Pigmentation
  • Loose skin
  • Tightness, dryness and peeling of the epidermis
  • Avitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins
  • burns
  • Strong body tan
  • Bruises, puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes.

If you use the medication in inappropriate cases, it will cause complications. For example, the drug is not suitable for oily skin at all, since when applied to an oily face, its fat content will only worsen. If there are carbuncles and boils on the body, this can also enhance their development. You should also not apply oil to the focus of acne, otherwise, due to the oily environment, the number of acne and inflammatory rashes will inevitably increase. It is recommended to carry out a sensitivity test before the first use. To do this, a small drop is applied behind the ear or on the crook of the elbow. If after two days no redness or swelling has appeared, it means that the substance is normally tolerated and an allergic reaction will not occur.

How can you use rosehip oil for the face, recipes

First you need to purchase the main required ingredient - cosmetic rosehip oil, which can be bought at a specialized outlet or pharmacy. There are several dozen options for using the oil substance, both in its pure form and as part of various cleansing recipes or masks.

  • Wiping your face with a clean oil solution is the easiest option. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and evenly distribute the substance over all problematic facial areas.
  • You can add the solution to existing ready-made cosmetic preparations - lotions, masks, creams. The optimal proportion is 3-4 drops per 5 grams of the product.
  • Homemade cream - 15 grams of cocoa butter should be melted in a water bath, and then 20 grams of an oil solution should be added, all this is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mixture, for aroma, you can add a couple of drops of any essential extract: pine, rosemary, rose or lavender. The prepared cream is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator on the side shelf.
  • You can make an aromatic base with rose hips. The oil solution can be mixed with essential blends of ylang-ylang, patchouli, rose, lemon, orange, bergamot or tea tree. For example, a good composition: a teaspoon of rosehip and wheat germ oil solution with the addition of drop by drop of all the other extracts listed above.
  • You can make a mixture for massage. The existing ingredient does not need to be mixed with any others, it is simply allowed to be applied with massage movements over the body.
  • If there are wounds or small microcracks on the body, then in the form of applications the agent is applied for 15 minutes to the directly affected area. An ordinary paper towel works well as an applicator.

Today, rosehip oil is one of the most affordable and useful products in cosmetology. It contains over 15 fatty acids! It has a beneficial effect on skin elasticity, gives an antioxidant, rejuvenating effect. But it is also a valuable medicine for topical use in folk and traditional medicine. It can be freely purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. There are several types of oils. Some of them can be used externally and internally, some are used only for cosmetic purposes. How to use this drug externally? For what diseases is its oral administration recommended?

Description of the drug

The oil is made from rosehip seeds and produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. Depending on the type of seeds, its color can be light yellow, bright orange, dark orange. Shelf life - 2 years. It is recommended to store at a temperature not exceeding 20°C, keep out of direct sunlight.

Healing properties of rosehip oil

Rosehip essential oil contains flavonoids, carotenoids, tocopherols, valuable linoleic and oleic acids, vitamin E, C, A, K, P, and many minerals. Read more about and its chemical composition in our other article. Useful properties of oil:

  • wound healing;
  • vitamin;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • immunostimulating;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • restorative;
  • choleretic.

Also, the drug stimulates the production of hormones, has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body, accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and lowers cholesterol in the blood.

Indications and contraindications

What about testimonials?

  • Cosmetology. The product protects against the negative effects of the external environment and ultraviolet radiation, improves skin color, eliminates defects, reduces stretch marks. Rosehip oil can also be used instead of a face cream for hair loss.
  • Dermatology. This remedy can be used to treat trophic ulcers, nipple cracks in nursing women, wounds, burns, bedsores. Well relieves skin irritation, helps with neurodermatitis, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, promotes the resorption of scars and scars. It is also effective for the consequences after X-ray therapy, when inflammation occurs on the skin. With severe dermatoses, they are taken orally to cleanse the body.
  • Gynecology. Assign in complex therapy in the treatment of cervical erosion.
  • Gastroenterology. Often prescribed in the form of microclysters for fissures of the rectum and large intestine with ulcerative colitis. In diseases of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, digestive disorders, it is taken orally. The tool has a mild astringent, secretory action. For oral administration, rosehip oil is often prescribed in capsules, which can be bought at a pharmacy. This is a convenient dosage form, especially given the bitter taste of the oil.
  • Dentistry and otolaryngology. The agent treats lesions of the mucous membranes with stomatitis and gingivitis, it is used topically for fetid rhinitis, inflammation of the throat, adenoids, tonsils.
  • Depressant. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Beneficial for neurosis, relieves irritation, fatigue and drowsiness. Recommended for premenopausal women.
  • General tonic. Can be taken to prevent colds, viral diseases. It is recommended to drink during the recovery period after serious illnesses.

Strict contraindications for rosehip oil when taken orally are thrombophlebitis, heart failure and endocarditis. Also, you can not use oil for gastritis with high acidity, in the stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, with increased blood clotting, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction.

Application at home

What you need to know about the use of rosehip oil for face, body and hair? What are the contraindications for external use?

Features of local treatment

  • Can be used pure and diluted.
  • Often mixed with other oils (for example, walnut).
  • In mixtures of rosehip oil should be no more than 10%.
  • Dry eczema is treated with the addition of lavender oil in proportion - 10 drops of rosehip and 5 drops of lavender.
  • Compresses and lotions are made from the oil, which are applied to the affected skin, to the nipples with cracks after each feeding.
  • To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to fix the compresses with loose bandages.
  • Cracks in hemorrhoids, inflammation of the large intestine are treated with microclysters (50 ml every day or every other day).
  • With a runny nose, tampons are made from cotton, dipped in a solution and placed in the nasal passages twice a day.

Security measures:

  • do not apply to open wounds, treat fresh scars;
  • the oil needs to be tested on a small area of ​​the skin, as there are cases of allergy to the drug;
  • at the beginning of treatment, it is better to use in breeding.

oral intake

How to take the drug inside? The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account all contraindications and possible side effects. It is important to know that the oil is contraindicated for internal use during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age. The instructions indicate the average dose - 1 tsp. twice a day. The medicine is drunk with meals, the course of treatment takes a month. If side effects and exacerbation of chronic diseases appear, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Skin care

The tool is widely used in cosmetology, is valued for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tonic, rejuvenating effect. How can this product be applied?

  • Use neat or add to creams and lotions.
  • Prepare face masks from rosehip oil at home.
  • Apply for cosmetic facial massage.
  • To protect the skin of the face and lips in the cold season.
  • For mature skin care (not suitable for teenagers!).
  • For breast skin care (gives elasticity).
  • Moisturizing and nourishing for dry skin prone to flaking.
  • For the treatment of cracked lips, wounds from insect bites, inflammation of the skin.
  • For eyelash care.
  • Use rosehip oil for the face against wrinkles: especially for the care of delicate skin around the eyes and lips, from crow's feet, nasolabial wrinkles.
  • To eliminate skin defects (small scars, scars, stretch marks, traces of acne and blackheads).
  • To whiten and eliminate freckles, age spots, improve skin color.

face mask recipe

  1. Take 1 tsp. rosehip oil.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. warm milk.
  3. Pour in 10 g of dry yeast.
  4. Mix thoroughly until the yeast is completely dissolved.

The mask is applied for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Antiseptic mask recipe

  1. Take 1 tsp. oils.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. nettle decoction.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. steamed bran.
  4. Mix thoroughly.

Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This mask gives not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also relieves puffiness, removes bags under the eyes.

Mask recipe for delicate and sensitive skin

  1. Take 10 ml of oil.
  2. Add 3 drops of vitamin A and E.
  3. Stir.

Liquid vitamin A and E can be bought at a pharmacy. Especially useful mask for the skin around the eyes. Excess oil should be blotted with a tissue.

Nourishing eyelash mask

  1. Take 1 tsp. rosehip and sea buckthorn oils.
  2. Add 1 tsp. fresh juice of aloe and carrots.
  3. Add 2 drops of vitamin A and E.
  4. Stir.

Saturate cotton pads with the resulting mixture and place on the eyelids. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

What to pay attention to?

  • It is advisable to visit a beautician's office before using the drug.
  • The tool is not used for daily care, it can be used no more than 2 times a week.
  • A contraindication to external use is acne, oily skin (the product can increase acne).
  • It should also be avoided if you have an allergic reaction.
  • Signs of individual sensitivity and overdose - rash, itching, redness of the skin.

More about stretch marks

Stretch marks most often appear during pregnancy and after childbirth. Problem areas - chest, buttocks, abdomen, hips. Also, stretch marks can appear with a sharp weight gain and its decrease. Metabolic disorders cannot be ruled out. This defect can be even in teenage girls. Rosehip oil is one of the most popular cosmetic products for the care of stretch marks, as well as their prevention. Of course, it does not eliminate them completely, but it makes the skin firmer and more elastic. There are many positive reviews about the use of this remedy for the prevention of stretch marks. Cosmetologists recommend rubbing it into problem areas at the beginning of pregnancy. It is good to use the product after a contrast shower, add avocado and jojoba oil to it.

Hair care

How is rosehip oil used for hair? This remedy nourishes the hair roots and scalp well. It can be used for dry, brittle, split, damaged hair after dyeing. With oily hair type, oil can be harmful and further increase sebum secretion. The product can be added to regular shampoos to soften and add shine to hair. It is also included in the composition of masks - egg, honey, beer. In its pure form, it can be used to make a hair mask for the night. To do this, the product is rubbed into the scalp and hair, insulated with a scarf. In the morning, wash off with shampoo, rinse thoroughly. This remedy goes well with castor, lavender, orange oil, it can be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1.

How to make butter at home

There are several ways to obtain this cosmetic and medicinal product. Distinguish oil of the first, second and third grades. Its quality and medicinal properties depend on the variety of wild rose and the conditions of preparation. It is better to take the seeds of the May rosehip, they have more vitamin E and fatty acids.


  1. Grind the seeds into powder (in a blender or coffee grinder).
  2. Fill with refined sunflower oil in proportion: 10 parts of oil to 1 part of powder.
  3. Put in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Insist 7 days.

Strain and store in the refrigerator.

The healing properties of rosehip oil are appreciated in cosmetology. It is used to make masks for the face and hair, used to prevent skin aging and stretch marks. In addition, it is an effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent, which is often used for the local treatment of skin and mucous lesions. It can be taken orally to strengthen the immune system, with atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and indigestion.

Natural oil extracts are widely used in medicine (classical and folk) due to the healing effect of a wide range of vitamins and microelements. Wild rose extract has become one of the most used due to its metabolic properties and availability in Russia.

Rosehip oil - composition

An oily liquid with a delicate pink smell of a golden hue is obtained by hot extraction from the ground wild rose seeds. Traditional technology with the use of modern technologies preserves the composition of rosehip oil without losing useful elements. In addition to the complex of acids (linoleic acid, stearic, oleic), the product from rose hips contains a huge list of minerals, composite vitamins. This is:

  • phosphorus;
  • tocopherol;
  • carotenoids;
  • iron;
  • molybdenum;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin C.

Properties of rosehip oil

Along with linen and burdock compounds, the medicinal extract of wild rose is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Due to its rich chemical composition, rosehip seed oil helps fight many diseases, treats gastrointestinal problems, viral infections, and skin injuries. The natural composition has practically no side effects, rarely causes allergic reactions.

Medicinal properties

The anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect of the product allows it to be combined with traditional medicines. Rosehip oil in medicine is used externally or internally, based on the characteristics of the disease and as prescribed by the doctor. It should be remembered that some medications may react negatively with this remedy. How to use the substance:

  1. With low production of bile, during the treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis.
  2. The healing effect is effective for gastritis, trophic ulcers, ulcerative colitis.
  3. As a support for the main therapy of atherosclerosis, anemia.
  4. Antiseptic properties, vitamin composition of the product restore the body during exacerbations of respiratory diseases, influenza, whooping cough, pneumonia.
  5. The substance has a healing effect that will help with skin wounds, dermatitis, dermatosis, bedsores and similar skin diseases.
  6. As a wound healing agent, if, for example, a burn occurs, with abrasion, if you wind your face in the cold.
  7. In combination with medical preparations, the composition regenerates tissues, softens scars, and reduces the visibility of stretch marks.

Properties in cosmetologists

Solving problems with dry, sensitive, oily skin is possible if you use rosehip oil in cosmetologists correctly. It normalizes and preserves the natural balance of vitamins and minerals in tissues, slows down degradation processes, reduces the visibility of pigmentation, natural defects, stretch marks, scars. Hair after complex treatment with natural wild rose extract not only restores beauty and health, but also receives reliable protection from chemical and weather factors.

How Rosehip Oil is Used

Like any other medical remedy, rosehip oil should be used at home on the recommendation of a doctor, adhering to prescriptions. Depending on the problem, the product is used externally or internally. When taken orally, rosehip oil is taken on an empty stomach. This will enable the body to fully absorb all the useful elements. In cosmetology, wild rose extract can be combined with creams or used alone in the form of compresses, lotions, or simply applied to the desired areas of the skin.

Instructions for use

Any use of rosehip oil should take place according to the instructions and under the supervision of the attending physician. Independent change in dosage, frequency of administration, combination with other drugs can lead to significant negative effects: from skin rashes to severe gastrointestinal dysfunction. Even cosmetic procedures should be treated with caution, because:

  1. Due to prolonged use or overdose, inhibition of pancreatic function may occur. The drug may cause a withdrawal syndrome.
  2. Taking the extract does not affect a person's response. It is acceptable for use by drivers and operators of mechanisms.
  3. In its pure form, it is strongly not recommended to use on oily skin, with a tendency to acne or open wounds.
  4. Some manufacturers use additional dyes to give a natural color. With prolonged use, the skin may take on the color of the product.

Oral use

One way to treat the extract is oral administration. Its main use is for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. An approximate scheme of preventive therapy is 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. The main thing is to drink the remedy on an empty stomach or after a meal. Rosehip oil for internal use should only be taken after consultation with the doctor. Examples of diseases that can be treated are:

  1. For stomach ulcers, take 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals. It is important to remember that a pure substance without food can aggravate the disease.
  2. With anemia, gastritis, loss of strength, scurvy, similar diagnoses, rosehip extract is prescribed for the sake of a tonic effect on the body.
  3. During gastritis, the extract reduces acidity.
  4. The extract is used to strengthen immunity, protect against influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS, and other viral respiratory diseases.
  5. With stomatitis, periodontal disease and similar diseases, it is recommended to apply tampons soaked in the extract to the wounds for 10-15 minutes.
  6. To cleanse the stomach, intestines, food olive and rosehip extract are mixed for salad dressing. This not only stabilizes the work of the digestive tract, but also just delicious.
  7. Enema with a solution for diseases of the duodenum.

For ENT diseases

Wild rose seed extract is widely used in the prevention and treatment of ENT diseases. Rosehip oil for pharyngitis is used for superficial compresses for the throat in parallel with drug therapy. If there are problems with deafness (acquired at work, due to stress or attending noisy events), then use a mixture with ground anise seeds (2-3 drops at bedtime for each ear). During sinusitis, rosehip oil is dripped into the nose three times a day, 5 drops in each sinus.

In gynecology

Gynecological diseases are amenable to therapy with alternative means along with medicinal methods. Rosehip oil in gynecology is used during the treatment of cervical erosion, polyps, ectopia. Inflammation of the internal organs will stop the usual wild rose extract. Tampons soaked in the product soothe the mucous membranes, promote rapid tissue regeneration.

Rosehip oil - use in cosmetologists

The positive effect of this drug on the condition of the cells of the epidermis has been scientifically confirmed. The richest vitamin composition, complexes of amino acids, minerals confidently fight against the manifestations of skin aging, pigmentation, loss of elasticity. Rosehip cosmetic oil is used to affect the skin, normalize the condition of the hair. It gives shine, strengthens the structure, protects against the effects of the chemical composition of paints.

For face

The dosage form of the release of the drug can be bought at every pharmacy. It is permissible to use rosehip oil for the face in combination with cosmetics, medical cosmetics or in its pure form. This is an effective anti-aging tool. Some massage therapists use it to nourish the skin of the face. Here are some examples of the use of wild rose extract for beauty treatments:

  1. Rubbing the skin with pure extract with a cotton swab.
  2. Adding to professional cosmetics - 3-4 drops per teaspoon of cream or other preparation. It is recommended to combine only with proven neutral creams or lotions to avoid harm from unexpected reactions.
  3. Rosehip oil can be added to aromatic blends with other skin care extracts. In this case, it is better to select mixtures with different, but not counteracting properties in order to get the maximum effect.
  4. A variety of masks (oatmeal, yolk) with the addition of wild rose extract.
  5. Vitaminized cream with rosehip oil for aging skin. For preparation you need: baby cream, aloe juice (10 grams), liquid form of vitamin B2 (8-10 drops), olive oil (15-20 drops) and rosehip oil (8-10 drops).

For hair

This tool is perfect for the regeneration of damaged dry strands. Hair mask with rosehip oil from capsules perfectly returns a healthy look. It is best done with mild shampoos (no parabens). In its pure form, the extract is best rubbed into the roots to stimulate growth, with hair loss. The main thing is to remember that oil-based masks should not be left overnight (you can get the opposite effect), and it is better not to dry your hair after use with a hairdryer.

Scar Oil: Rosehip heals everything.

Essential oil for scars: what has been used for centuries?

Depending on where the scars formed (on the face, neck, hands or “invisible” parts of the body), and from what (surgical suture, after acne, scratches, bites), the approach to applying oils also changes. Some aroma oils, such as roses, tea tree, cumin, orange, geranium and others, are not used in their pure form, otherwise another one will be added to the scars, from a burn.

It is also important to monitor the reaction of the body - redness, itching in the area of ​​​​application indicate an allergic reaction, such agents should not be used.

Another feature is longevity. Not all aroma oils help a month or two after the start of the procedures. Patience, caution and the right choice of remedy is the key to successful therapy.

Mix base oil (olive, cocoa or wheat germ) and oil of geranium, myrrh, tea tree, orange or mandarin.

Sometimes camphor oil applied in its pure form helps (it will universally help nursing mothers stop lactation, fight mastopathy, warm, disinfect and help restore damaged tissues).

Egg butter - five boiled yolks are simmered in a pan with a thick (non-stick) bottom until an oily liquid begins to stand out from them. If desired, for a pleasant aroma, you can add three to five drops of citrus, eucalyptus, bergamot, rose aroma oil to the product.

Recently, another aroma oil has gained popularity - a representative of the rose family. Rosehip is known for its universal effect on the body (stimulates the immune system, fights stretch marks and skin rashes), it is widely used in the treatment of scars.

Rosehip oil for scars

The ability to retain moisture in the skin and keep it in good shape brought this aroma oil a branch of superiority in the confrontation with scars and scars.

The positive properties of the oil are the renewal of the cellular structure of tissues, protection from adverse external factors (sun, wind) and restorative function.

1. By combining this product with immortelle oil, you can achieve the effect of discoloration of age-old scars.

2. In company with frankincense, rosehip accelerates wound healing and prevents scarring.

3. Mixing with mandarin oil is also called a successful tandem (scars become less noticeable).

But sometimes it is better to turn to medications - cream "klirvin" (from 460 rubles per tube, it is from scars and scars), "Zeraderm" (from 140 rubles), "kontrktubeks" (from 350 rubles for 20 ml). But in most of these creams, auxiliary substances are vitamins E, A and K, which is a lot in aromatic oils. Water and stone sharpen, and essential oil, which can remove small scars with prolonged exposure, will bring the desired effect even closer!

Rosehip is a popular home remedy for boosting the immune system and fighting many diseases.

High, somehow: ascorbic acid, vitamins of groups B, P, K and others, helps fight diseases and restore strength.

Today we will tell you in detail how rosehip helps against acne and how to use it correctly to improve skin condition.

How to use rosehip for facial skin

Rosehip decoction against acne is very easy to prepare. For 500 ml of water, you will need three large spoons of dried berries. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, then wrap and leave for several hours.

After this time, strain the rosehip decoction for acne and use as directed. You can pour it into molds and leave it in the freezer to freeze. Regular use of the product improves complexion, removes pimples and rashes.

What is useful dog rose for acne

Rosehip oil for acne gives good results, which creates a powerful effect. Preserving everything, it strengthens the protective properties of the skin and triggers cell regeneration. The antioxidants contained in the composition slow down the aging process and stimulate the production of collagen. The skin is brightened and pigmentation disappears. Rosehip oil is best suited for sensitive and dry skin. It can be used in its pure form for spot treatment of pimples or used for preventive cleansing of the face.

To prepare the finished mixture, you will need a spoonful of oil and one drop of lemon, lemon balm and lavender esters. After applying the composition to the skin of the face, rub it into the skin with light movements along the massage lines. Wipe off the excess with a tissue and additionally moisturize your face with cream.

Rosehip face mask recipes

Rosehip against acne can be used in the form of masks, but they must be used wisely. Before applying it on the face, treat a small area of ​​the wrist and wait 10-15 minutes. Then rinse and inspect the skin - if there is no irritation or redness, you can use a face mask.

Recipes for homemade masks based on rose hips are very diverse, so you can choose the most suitable option for fighting acne.

Express facial mask with rosehip for acne

Grind a spoonful of ripe berries and pour a glass of hot water, and then boil for 15 minutes. Cool and filter with gauze, then use to treat the entire face with a cotton pad. The tool is a good prevention of acne, and also fights with an existing rash.

Revitalizing mask

Prepare a decoction for acne according to the above recipe and mix it with mashed fresh rose hips and ripe grated apricots. Apply the resulting slurry to cleansed skin and rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.

Acne Nourishing Mask

If you have acne on dry skin, this rosehip mask is perfect for you. Grind two tablespoons of ripe berries, add a few drops of olive oil and a spoonful of honey. Spread the mixture over the skin of the face and rinse with non-hot water after 20 minutes.

What are the results of using rose hips for facial skin?

Different remedies for acne rose hips have very diverse reviews, but in general they are all positive. The main thing is to choose a decoction, oil or mask, taking into account your skin type. People with dry skin report the effectiveness of rosehip oil against acne, and owners of oily skin speak well of the usual decoction in the fight against acne.