Events in the library for the day of the family. Municipal budgetary institution "Centralized Library System" Bavlin Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan

Details created 15.05.2018 16:31 Author: Gareeva Ilmira

On May 15, within the framework of the International Day of the family in the libraries of the district, mass events were carried out.

central Library

Central Children's Library

Shalinsky rural library

Killed rural library

Fominovskaya Rural Library

Potapovo - Tumbarnal Rural Library

Popovskaya rural library

Crimea - Sarai Rural Library

On May 15, the Central Library took part at the festive event dedicated to the International Family Day. The librarians spent the master - classes for beading, modeling cold porcelain. Queen of books distributed memo with the invitation of readers to the central library. The book exhibition "Crown of all values \u200b\u200b- family" was issued.

On May 15, a festive event was held on the main city square, dedicated to the International Day of the Family. The central children's library took an active part in this event. For readers and guests of the city, a saturated and diverse program was prepared: book exhibitions "Inseparable friends - Mom, Dad, book, I!", "Read the children, read with the children, let the children read you," the action "My friendly family", Where it was necessary to decipher the word family, and write their best wishes. Competitions for the knowledge of proverbs and sayings about the family were fun and noisily. Those who wish to participate in the quiz. With great interest and attention, guests of the city were reacted to the action "Wood-argument - for what to read?". On leaves, adults and children wrote an answer to a given question and attached to the symbolic tree. For the most young residents of the city and their parents held an action "Hello, future reader!". The librarians distributed memos with the invitation of kids from 0 to 6 years and their parents to sign up to the central children's library. Parents were offered recommendatory lists of literature "read to me a book, mother", "exciting reading", booklets "How to attract a child to reading", "Book in the child's life."

15 - NCH MAY KөNNE, SHALTS AVYL KITAPKHANәSendә Balalar өchen Gaailә Kөnenә Bagyslagan "Haailә - Homerәr Yomgaga, Anda Sin, Min, Tugan Yak" Dip Atalgan Tәrbia Sgate үtkәrelde.

On May 15, the Killed Rural Library held a thematic evening dedicated to the International Family Day. Two families were invited - Aliyev and Muhamadiev. They told what an important role in the family playing a book, and about his favorite books and their heroes. The contest of drawings was held, quiz. The event was issued a book exhibition "Scarlet Sails Family".

May 15 for the Day of the Family in the Fominovskaya Rural Library was held themed evening "Crown of all values \u200b\u200b- family". Parents came to the event. They read the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", the children guess the riddles, playing outdoor games in the fresh air. The readers were represented by the book exhibition "We read from the diaper", where everyone found his book in the shower.

May 15, the librarian of Potapovo-Tumbarninsky rural library Krasnova E.A. For students of the rural school held an entertainment game "Together a friendly family!", dedicated to the International Day of the Family. During the game, the guys remembered the proverbs about the family, played the game "explanations" and tried themselves in the "Theater - Explichat" on the Fairy Tale "Rust".

On May 15, the Popovsky Rural Library together with the SDK held a contest "Being a Healthy Fashion!". The participants of the event found out the history of the holiday. Seven families took part in the competition. Guys, together with moms, competed in contests "find out the child", "Guess the proverbs about the family", "Children's bow", "Kangaroo", "drawing on asphalt". Each family was awarded a diploma for participation.

On May 15, Crimea - Sarai Rural Library, together with the School Library conducted an informational hour for 3 class students. With elements of the game "I don't need a treasure, if in the family of the way" dedicated to the day of the family. Spells and contests.

Azov Setling Library

On the eve of the International Family Day on May 13 in the Azov Village Library, the themed hour of "family reading" was held. The librarian confused Tatiana Nikolaevna told those present about the goal, history, traditions of the holiday.

Then the presentation of the Book Exhibition "Family Academy" took place. The presents could familiarize themselves with the literature on the improvement of the house, raising children, needlework, growing flowers, work in the garden and garden, and cooking a variety of dishes, health. With great interest, the participants of the event read the statements of great people about the family, life, love, relationships.

In the conclusion of the event, the librarian wished all family happiness, love, mutual understanding and good.

Testaleninsky rural library

On May 13, a conversation "Family Flag", dedicated to the International Day of Family, was held in the Testaleninsky rural library. The librarian Cabrian Irina Viktorovna was framed the thematic regiment "The family is the most warm place on Earth."

The librarian told those present that the life of a person begins with the family that his family is being forming as a citizen. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, then the civilized society is being built on, without which a person cannot exist.

Also on the conversation was invited by the Spriphi family as exemplary familymen living in love, loyalty and understanding of each other, they shared their secrets and the advice of their family life.

May rural library

In May rural library, an event dedicated to the International Day of the Family, which was attended by 9 readers aged from 5 to 11 years. It passed in the form of a moral lesson "Family - Home Value".

The purpose of the event was to bring up in children the love of his family, to their relatives, respect and understanding to them.

During the lesson, the librarian told the children about this holiday, his stories. Also participants in the event read the poems of the family, recalled and discussed the proverbs and sayings about the family. Of course, it was not without interesting mysteries about family members who gave birth to pleasure. Also, for children and parents, the temporal "All about the family" was framed, so that everyone could get acquainted with the literature on this topic.

At the end of the event, participants on symbolic paper hearts wrote the best wishes for their family.

Victory Rural Library

"Where did the Russian surname," a cognitive hour dedicated to the International Day of the Family, for users of the middle-aged library was held in the victory of the library. After all, translated from the Latin surname is a family. Why did the names appear in Russia, which a surname can tell about who for the first time officially introduced the names in Russia? The guys from the story of the Kareeva Tatiana Borisovna, the Kareeva Tatiana Borisovna, learned about this and many other things. It turns out that this Peter first ordered by his decree to record all people living in the Russian state, "by name from the fathers and with nicknames", that is, by name, patronymic and surname. That A.S. Pushkin received his last name from Boyarin Grigory on nicknamed gun. He lived in the XIV century. Why did he get such a nickname? Perhaps for too a loud voice that reminded a cannon shot? Or maybe he had some kind of attitude to the cockpit? Be that as it may, and only his nickname passed into the surname, which in several generations got a great poet. Another guys solved the crossword puzzle, disassembled with the task, from which one or another surname was formed. At the event, the poems of G. Greudin "Pradady", S. Mikhalkov "Funny surname", M. Yasnova "Revenue with surnames". I got acquainted with the books presented by N. Pavlenko "Petrov's nest chicks", B. Runbergan "Russian surnames", N. Superanskaya "On Russian Families". And in conclusion, the guys tried to determine the origin of their last name.

At the event there were 17 people.

GBU KO "Meshovsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors"

Scenario of events dedicated to the International Day of the Family

Objectives of the event:

1 .. The disclosure of the creative abilities of children.

2. Education of creative activity, sense of responsibility and mutual matters in the family.

3. Popularization of the holiday - family day.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the cottage.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first laying,

Dreams of good, excitement and trepid.

Family is a work, about another concern,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But happily live alone is impossible!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests! We gathered in this room in connection with a wonderful day in the calendar - international family day! This day is celebrated by the decision of the UN General Assembly of September 20, 1993, on the occasion of the International Year of the International Year in 1994. Russia has been celebrated since 1995.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, the family was not from one generation. She had grandparents, dad, mom, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. They lived together, each other helped. Some at the farm helped, others in the field worked, the older sisters and the brothers defended the younger. There were fun, old age respected, the young worried, the families were big and strong.
I found a lot of evidence. Recall at least folk tales, proverbs. Sayings, they say about the family. I will start the proverb, and you try to finish it all together.
House without hostess ... (orphan)
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)
Than rich ... (those and glad)
Do not need a treasure ... (when in the family of the way)
One in the field ... (not a warrior)
Do not rub in the corners, ... (and red cakes)

Yes, one person is not easy to live. And so as not to say, and the family is the main wealth in life.
It has long been one of the traditions in Russian families was a tradition to learn about their ancestors, to make a pedigree - a genealogical tree. This tradition returns to the family.
- Once people knew their ancestors well, they were proud of them. Each noble person was recorded by his own pedigree. Here, for example, the ancient genus of Pushkin leads its beginning with Arape Peter I Hannibal, who comes from Africa. 5000 historical names were on a tree at A.S. Pushkin.
Books with a description of the stories of noble childbirth were published.
- But the names and patronymic have not always existed.
- The word surname on Latin means family. In this sense, it was used sometime. Now the last name is the name of your own, it gives a person and moves from parents to children. Such generic names, i.e. Fames at first were not. Why? In antiquity, humanity was very small. People lived in tiny settlements and everyone knew each other well. It was enough to remember the name, and he no longer confuse with anyone else.
The names appeared not immediately. The origin of them was stretched for several centuries. First of all, the names appeared at noble people - boyars, princes, merchants. For example, the princes of Galitsky, Rostov. This is not a surname, but the indication, what lands they own. For example, in the eponymies we encounter the names of Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich. Muromets is not a surname, but a nickname, reminder that Ilya from Murom.
Alyosha Popovich - Son Pop; those. Young popovich. How did the names formed?
Some surnames were formed from personal names: Ivanov, Petrov, Danilov. This means that their distant ancestors called Ivan, Peter, Danil.
Many surnames occur from the names of nationalities or places where they lived: Gorki - Gorsky, Curvichi - Crivitsky. Part of the names indicates a profession, the occupation, which was at the first representatives of the kind: Trubniki (trumpeter), Bronnikov (gunsmith), gesklnikov (Husl).
Many people were given a surname on the names of animals, insects, plants: wolves, Medvedev, Malinin, Utkin.
Interesting surnames that give ideas about food, clothing, labor instruments: Kullyov, Korvorgin, Laptev, Telegin, Shubin.

- Family is a house, it's dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother, it is love and care, work and joy, misfortunes and sorrow, habits and traditions.

I will tell you one legend: in ancient times one family lived, and peace, love and consent reigned in it. Solva about it flew to the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: "How do you manage to live, never quarreling, not offending each other?". The old man took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: on the sheet it was written a hundred times the same word - "Understanding".

A truly happy that person who has mutual understanding and love in the family, where they love and wait, they understand and take it, what it is.

Child: The house is a lot of concepts of different

The house is weekdays

The house is a holiday.

The house is creativity, these are dreams,

The house is me, the house is you!

Let everyone have their own home

To know he in the moments of bad weather

Expect it in the house

Joy, hope and happiness!

Song of the house sounds

Mysteries about family members:

Who sits with a newspaper in glasses

Everything believes: what is it?

Who is on Saturday to spill

Leaves fishing?

Domino who loves

And politicians scold (grandfather)

In the garage who disappears

Time measures do not know?

Says: "I come now!" -

We are waiting for his fourth hour!

Who brings salary to the house?

Does garbage time in a year? (Dad)

Who is always early in the morning

It strokes, knits, washes, sewing?

Who will assist in the window?

Who is from joy and sings?

In the hairdresser rushing

This someone sometimes,

And in the eyes of relatives

Tenderness and love is always. (Mum)

Who is in the world for a child

All wiser and kinder?

Hands whose always in work?

Sedina, in whose hair?

Who, forgetting things, care,

Did you come to us the other day? (Grandmother)

Song of grandmother sounds

Symbol of family day , love and loyalty became one flower ...

Its yellow-eyed flower is called

Round flower - petals are guessing.

This is a chamomile. Chamomile - flower of Russian fields and meadows. And besides this, the chamomile is the most direct refer to love.

Who knows how? (I wondered on the chamomile - "Loves - does not like.")

Pooh "White Chamomile" (read preschoolers)

White chamomile
Petals - Little,
Merily with you in the palm of your hand
As if helicopter.

Petals - propeller,
I'm a little bit.
I daisy mom
I want to give!

Song "White Chamomile" Muses Romanenko

"Collect chamomile"

For the competition you need to prepare a large number of daisies. Put the paper sheet of the same size on the floor. Sheets should be as much as couples participate. Each couple rises to his sheet. Around the leading camomile. After the signal of the drive, there should be to bend and collect as many daisies as possible .. If the couple will lose the balance and touches the floor, then it drops out of the competition. Winning a couple that makes more daisies for a limited time, for example, in a minute.

Leading : Rings the call is terribly ringing,
Cares to the corridor ... (Nikolai)
He has one girl
Take a conversation ...
Boy : - And my dad is a champion!
He walks to the stadium:
He throws up the Giri -
It will be the strongest in the world!
Girl : Although men and strong -
Does not know the furnace pancakes ...
You, men, shortness,
To educate you, teach
And parsley from dill
You can not distinguish!
By the way, who erases home?
God you talent is not given ...
TV "Consuming",
You go to the sofa!
Boy : From a man there is no sense?!
This is not a talent for us?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Receded in the kitchen a crane?
Girl : Borsch cook you reluctance,
Do not fry the kitlet ...
You would go to work
Well, no longer any sense!
Boy : You, barbed zanozoza,
Do not know us, men,
Now and bloody tears
And besides, without reasons ...
Dad in the house head!
Girl : And mom in the house - Neck!

Leading : No, it is not necessary to solve in the dispute,
In the corridor conversation
Who is stronger and who is important ...

And without mom and without dad

There would be no our friendly families!

Leading: Try to guess the thoughts of children.

Competition "Melting Baby"

It's when all together - Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandfather. (A family)
- In the family, this is the most expensive, she is saved, transmitted from generation to generation. (Family relic)
- The most tender, the kindest, most beloved person for all people on earth. (Mum)
- The place where we are all together. (House)
"This is such a small, having a lot of trouble, but it is still loved." (Child)
- She knits all socks and bakes the most wonderful pies and buns. (Grandmother)
- All children play them. (Toys)
- This is not a person, but all family members love him. (Pet)

Song "Music Family"

Leading : And what bird has long been considered to be considered a symbol of loyalty? This is a swan. (Tip - "loyalty" - what? Swan)

They recognize each other as well as we, people, - "in the face." Swan will not confuse his spouse with anyone! The swan family will never separate: they are swimming together, get food, build a nest, bring up children, fly away in distant warm countries.

Happy family you congratulate you,

Happiness, joy we wish

Nor when do not lose heart

And native not forget

Help each other together

This is the main thing, but you need

Live in consent and love

All insults forget

So that the union of family careless

It was reliable, durable.

July 8 - Family Day, Love and Loyalty
(Peter and Fevronia Day)

Dear Colleagues!

July 8 in Russia will celebrate the day of family, love and loyalty.This holiday appeared thanks to the Murom Prince Peter and his Fevronia's wife, who lived in the XIII century. This marout pair of Orthodox Christians are honored for patrons of family and marriage. The holiday personifies loyalty and loyalty to its relatives and real strong love that stands all the trials.

I suggest a selection of information to help the librarian by July 8. This includes:

3) a selection of materials about the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty in 2016

5) family day in verse

Simret Alexander Evgenievich. Holy spouses. 2007

1) Poems about the day of Peter and Fevronia

What are you, Russian, are fooling?

And we are smaller to the west?

Valentine you celebrate the day

And Peter from Fevronia do not know!

Do you have overseas holidays?

Or the "sacraticles" do not remember our?

Happy friends of friends congratulating

To be loved by loved ones,

You love not equal with love,

The recklessness of your overtake.

In Russia, not mirous with hypocrisy,

Congratulations on love and loyalty.

So, during the sacrament of wedding

Promised to love to the fracture.

And mummary single, integer

Sprout in spiritual, mature.

Not what was the saints to see.

They could not divide them.

They broke their burden together.

Even death came to them at one time,

When life won in wrinkles.

Relics them after glorious death

Buried in the general tomb.

So sleep together - Prince and Maiden.

Peter and Fevronia

2) conversation "Family Day, Love and Loyalty": the history of the life of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky "

All-Russian holiday July 8 - Family Day, Love and Loyalty- It appeared thanks to the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, which lived at the beginning of the XIII century. This marout pair of Orthodox Christians are honored for patrons of family and marriage.

Peter and Fevronia became samples of matrimonial loyalty, mutual love and family happiness during life. By legend, about nor died on one day - June 25 (according to a new style - July 8) 1228. Their bodies laid in different places were miraculously found themselves in one coffin, which was considered miracle. Peter and Fevronia were canonized at the Church Cathedral of 1547. Their relics are stored in the temple of St. Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

Again July - Summer Mc

Fog over a pond in the morning

And yellow-eyed in spill of light

Flowers chamomile in the fields.

Simple flower, he is a symbol of happiness

Christian devotional love.

Through troubles all, and all bad weather

Love for chamomile jesters.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday arose a few years ago at the residents of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), Where the relics of Holy Spouses of Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of Christian marriage, whose memory is performed on July 8th.

The story of their romantic love and approximate lives reached us in the descriptions of the Old Russian "Tale of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky, which was written in the XVI century Yermolam Erasmus. She talks about the ailment of the prince, his meeting with Fevronia, wonderful healing, testing and their livelihood.

This holiday is celebrated in Russia since 2008 through the efforts of the spouse of our Prime Minister Svetlana Medvedev. A beautiful summer day is chosen for the holiday not by chance - already for more than 780 years, Orthodox worship on July 8, the memory of the holy princes of Peter and Fevronia Murom - patrons of family happiness, love and loyalty. In the People on July 8, the day of Peter and Fevronia, it has long been considered happy for love, on this day they make engagement (the weddings can not play, because goes Potrov post).

In Russia, there is a tale about

How Fevronia with Peter

Were a steam of approximate

Friendly, loving and faithful.

Many troubles suffered

But they could not part

Faith-true marriage kept

And respected each other!

Poor flew

No Fevrona, no Peter.

But they are an example of a family

Honest, sincere love.

Artist Simpplemen A. E. Peter and Fevronia

Wonderful lines wrote about the family famous poet Ilya Reznik:

Family - love Great Kingdom.

Family - state support

My country, my Russia.

Heavenly Angel Storable

Some at all are inseparable!

Let them repeat in generations

Blessed life days.

Love favorite Okrani!

Peter and Fevronia Murom

"They lived long and happily and died in one day" - Well familiar to us in children's fairy tales phrase. Do you know that there is no fiction drop in it? The history of life and love with the pious marriage couple who lived in Murom almost eight centuries ago, not only not lost in the centuries, but also marked the beginning of a bright holiday, which it has been celebrated since 2008 in Russia as a day of family, love and loyalty.

Peter and Fevronia Murom (in the atocacy of David and Efrosinya) - Spouses, reflecting spiritual values \u200b\u200band ideals of Saint Rus. The history of their lives has existed many centuries in the legends of the Murom Land, where they lived and where their honest power remained. Over time, genuine events have acquired fabulous features, sprinkling in folk memory with the legends and parables of this edge. In 1547, the canonization of saints of faithful Peter and Fevronia took place at the Moscow Church Cathedral. After the canonization, Moscow Metropolitan Macarius instructed Ermola's a pregrog, the famous Russian writer of the XVI century, to make literary treatment of oral legends. Ermolay is more simple, better known as Ermolai-Erazm, the contemporary of Ivan Grozny, created a story "Tale of Peter and Fevronia", which is a monument of the ancient Russian literature of the XVI century. The story is written in the Old Slavonic language and has several literary translations. But this amazing story inspires new and new authors, writers and poets, to create literary works based on this plot.

The blessing prince Peter was the second son of the Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich and the younger brother of the printed in Murom of the Blessed Prince Paul.

Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could heal him. Being already sick, he joined the Murom throne in 1203. With humility transferring torment, the prince looked away to God. But in the sleepy vision, the prince was openly discovered that he could heal a piety virgo from the village of Affectionate Ryazan province.Saint Peter sent his people to that village. One of the young men sent in search of Lekary, accidentally came to the house where he found at work lonely girl named Fevronia, having a gift of belliness and healing. After all the questions, Fevronia asked to bring the prince to her.

The prince, who he himself could no longer be brought to the house, and he sent to ask who wants to cure him. And he promised if he cured, a big reward. "I want to cure him, - Fevronia answered, - but no rewards from it do not require. Here is my word to him: if I do not become a wife, he does not fit me to treat him " . Peter promised to marry, but he was listening to the soul: the pride of the princely family prevented him to agree to such a marriage. Fevronia burned the bread break, hesitated on her and, having passed the servants, ordered to wash the prince in the bath and lubricate all the stakes except one. Fevronia guessed the delicacy and pride of Peter, and therefore she told him to leave a unwashed one draft. Soon, this scope has resumed all the disease, and the prince had to return to Fevronia.

Arriving for the second time, the prince saw Fevronia and so loved her for piety, wisdom and kindness, which gave a vow to marry her after healing and kept his word. Holy Fevronia healed the prince and married him. They arrived in the city of Murom and began to live a pious, never put into the commandment of God. Holy Spouses carried love to each other through all the tests.

Proud boyars did not want to have a princess from a simple title and demanded that the prince let go. Saint Peter refused, and spouses expelled. They sailed on the boat on the Oka from their native city. Saint Fevronia supported and comforted St. Peter.

And then the city of Murom is increasing the wrath of God. Soon came the ambassadors from Murom, begging Peter to return to the reign. The boyars quarreled because of power, shed blood and now they were looking for peace and tranquility again, and the people demanded that the prince returned with Fevronia. Peter and Fevronia with humility returned to their city and ruled for a long time and happily, creating alms with a prayer in the heart.

When old age came, they took a monasticism with the names of David and Euphrosinia and dismisted God to die at one time. To bury yourself together in a specially cooked coffin with a thin partition in the middle. They died on one day and an hour on June 25, 1228, each in his cell. People considered the wicked to bury in one coffin of the monks and dreamed to break the will of the deceased. Twice their bodies were broadening in different temples, but twice they miraculously turned out to be nearby. So buried holy spouses together near the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer did generous healing here.

Day of Peter and Fevronia is an Orthodox holiday, since 2008 restored in Russia at the official level as "family day, love and loyalty".

Peter and Fevronia - Orthodox patrovers of family and marriage, whose married union is considered a model of a Christian marriage.

Saints are canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. Soon after the canonization, the famous "story about Peter and Fevronia Muromsky was drawn up. Until 1917, Peter and Fevronia's Day was widely celebrated as family day and day of love.

Currently on this day, July 8, various promotions, festive celebrations take place in the cities and villages of Russia.

3) Selection materials on the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty in 2016.

Family Day, Love and Loyalty in Tomsk Libraries

On July 8, one of the youngest holidays is celebrated - family day, love and loyalty. Municipal libraries of the city offer Tomichs book exhibitions, slides-presentations and a campaign of a family pattern on asphalt.

At book exhibitions in libraries, articles will be presented from periodicals on the issues of education and development of children, family holiday scenarios, artwork for joint reading children and adults. Throughout the day on the courts in front of municipal libraries will be held the campaign of the family drawing on the asphalt, the theme of which "We read, and you?".

The campaign "Day without divorces" is offered to spend in Moscow on family, love and loyalty

The action "Day without divorce", dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, is already in a number of regions of the country. On this day, the registry officers together with qualified psychologists are asked to postpone the decision of the issue associated with the state registration of marriage termination. In addition, within the framework of the Promotion, telephones have a special hotline, for which specialists are ready to advise those who doubt the strength of their marriage union. The action is designed to reduce the number of divorces.

The action "The main thing in life"

Until July 8 (inclusive), residents of Moscow must be published in their account on social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram) photo of the family and a small history of her birth with Hestegro # Ladudvyznisy. We will publish the best of these on the pages of our Internet publications. And the authors of three stories that will raise the most likes will receive gifts from the united edition of the Internet publications of the Southern District of Moscow.

In Lipetsk, will be a pion of family, love and loyalty

From July 4 to July 8, in the Lipetsk region will pass annual Volunteer Promotion "Home Forest". The action is aimed at attracting the attention of young people to the Institute of Family, his role in modern society. Volunteers will distribute the attributes with the symbol of the family day of the family, love and loyalty, lay on the social network "VKontakte" family photos, thereby informing residents of the celebration in the Russian Federation on July 8, family, love and loyalty.

Young families, young people aged from 14 to 30 years old, socially active Lipchan are invited to participate in the promotion. Participants need to make a symbol of family day, love and loyalty - chamomiles - and place a family photo in the social network "VKontakte" with Hesteg # homemade, # daylight love.

As part of the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty July 8 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky will be held the action "White Flower" and a concert and entertainment program at the Fountain platform for 6 km.

"The holiday symbol is a chamomile - a flower of love and loyalty. In the course stock "White flower"Volunteers will hand out on the streets of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Elizova white chamomiles-origami with good words wishes of happy family life. The purpose of the action - Attracting the attention of society to family problems, the preservation of family traditions and strengthening family values. The initiators of the action performed the Unified Volunteer Center "Kamchatka" and the Center for the Development of the Family "Rainbow Life" Kamchatka regional scientific library them. S.P. Krasheninnikova ", - said in the Ministry of Culture.

On the day of family, love and loyalty in the Ulyanovsk region, the results of the "Patriot Day on the Day of Russia" will be summed up

July 8 at 10.00 in the assembly hall of the Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanova will host the General Assembly of the Famores of the Region. It is planned to sign the declaration of rights to the well-being and childhood rights in the Ulyanovsk region, a solemn presentation of birth certificates, adopting a cruise of a responsible parent.

From 11.00, the building of the Lenin Memorial will work thematic sites "The Territory of Happy Childhood", Including interactive kindergarten and school, family library, demonstration of robotics exhibits.

At 11.30, a festive event dedicated to summarize the Memcentr will begin shares "Pyatriot on the Day of Russia". By tradition, the winners will be awarded the keys to the "UAZ Patriot" car. Also, two families will receive certificates for improving housing conditions.

Kurgan Regional Library. A. K. Yugova

Cognitive-game program. In the Program promotion: Exhibition-Dialogue "Love Magic Pages", telling about the history of the holiday and family traditions; quiz "Rogue on the chamomile", where participants will be able to choose a task for themselves, taking off from chamomile - family symbol - petal with a question; as well as puzzles, proverbs and sayings about the family. Each participant will be able to choose good wishes for himself.

Family, love and loyalty will be celebrated at Moscow railway stations

The Moscow Railway will join the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty - On July 8, the Jaroslavl and Kazan station of Moscow will be the celebrations of the celebration, as well as railway stations of such major cities like Tula, Smolensk, Eagle, Kursk and Bryansk. This was reported in the management of the metropolitan highway.

"During the action, the passengers of railway transport will be heard themed materials that tell about the history of the holiday, as well as symbolic postcards", - specified in management.

Each owner of the postcard will be able to personally write warm and kind words on it, and send it to close and native people, congratulating them on the holiday, symbolizing the most expensive values \u200b\u200b- family.

In Volgograd, the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty will be celebrated in the 12th time

"Love Day in Russian" - So will be called a holiday that will be held in Volgograd in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty.

On July 8, the Fountain "Art" on the embankment at 18:00 will begin to work again "Comic registry office" and a romantic zone for photo shoots. Within the framework of the holiday, honored by jubilee couples, large families and a parade of newlyweds.

At the same time, on July 9, on the top terrace of the Central Embankment will take place parade strollers and costumes, defile body art and flash mob with a concert.

From 18.00 to 19.00 on the heroes Alley will pass youth campaign "Romashkin Day".A master class will be organized on which participants can make their chamomile, as well as leave the wishes and advice to young couples to create and preserve the family on playground "Romashkovoy Field".

In addition, interactive sites will operate for the inhabitants of Volgograd, a large children's game program, evening disco for young people and a light show.

Will work I. "Family creative workshop."

Lovers to move will be offered to show their abilities on playground "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family."

On July 8, a number of events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Loyalty are scheduled at the East Siberian Railway

On this day at large stations of the highway will pass promotion "Chamomile as a gift". All purchases of tickets at the office of suburban and long-distance follows will be hand postcards and calendars with flower image - holiday symbol.

Congratulations from the East Siberian Road will be broadcast in the premises and suburban trains. Cultural and entertainment programs will be held in the centers of creativity.

In the palaces of marriage of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia, in which the weddings of railway workers on the eve of the holiday and the day of the holiday are planned, congratulatory addresses with good wishes of love and happiness will be sent.

July 8, in Naryan Mare and other settlements of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, festive events will be held, The main characters of which will be young married couples and families, happily those who lived together for more than a dozen years, the press service of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport NAO.

On the eve of the holiday, July 7, in the Nenets Central Library named after Pichkov, there will be high-profile readings for children a story about the patrons of Forere's family and Fevronia. On July 8, a festive concert will be held at the Palace of Culture "Arctic" at 17:00, at which married couples with experience of living together for more than 45 years will be presented with medals "for love and loyalty".

In the ethnocultural center will work photo exhibition "Heat of family hearth". Young families of the Great, Shawina, Indigs, Kaatika felt in competitions "Perfect Couple", "Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family", "Love and loyalty - two wings" In the village of Nelmin Nos, an exhibition of children's drawings will open the photo exhibition "My family, my fade", in Krasnoye will be held the evening "peace and kindness in every family."

On the square of the searcher village, everyone will be able to take part in shares "Chamomile for Lovers".

The action "Tell me about your love in verses" will be held in the Central District Library. FM Dostoevsky July 8., On family day, love and loyalty. It is reported by MKUD CBS of the Canvinsky District.

From 10.00 to 16.00 in the library, any Nizhny Novgorod will be able to read the love poem for the second half on the camera and give it a ready video clip about his feelings on family, love and loyalty.

Participation in stock is free.

Also, according to the post, on this day, the library from 11.00 to 13.00 will work photose, decorated specifically for the holiday.

4) headlines and forms of events

Conversation-knowledge"Family on pages of literary works"

Literary and Music Living Room"Family - Love Great Kingdom"

Exhibition-action dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty "Love should be shattering ..."

Spiritual and enlightenment conversation "Saints Peter and Fevronia - Family Patoras"

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"Love and Faith Images"

Dialog conversation "Everything starts with the family"

Festive program "Romashkaya Rus"

Master class on the manufacture of the symbol of the holiday "Chamomile".

Master Class"Chamomile Mood" for the manufacture of chamomile holiday symbol

Stock "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity".

City family holiday "Day chamomile is our holiday", dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty

Information tent "School of Successful Parentation"

Holiday"Love Day in Russian"

Youth action "Romashkin Day"

Game Kaleidoscope "Family Treasure Chest"

Themed evening-thinking "Crown of all values \u200b\u200b- family"

Overview of spiritual literature "Peter and Fevronia: Holy Maritime"

"Love and loyalty - the basis of the family"

Hour of spiritual enlightenment"Peter and Fevronia. The story of eternal love "

Street action "Day of married love and family happiness" (in a programme: express survey "Your family holidays", inform-minute "heavenly patrons of the family", poetic mosaic "Let's give family values" and the spread of flyers "Magic Chamomile").

Presentation of the exhibition"Peter and Fevronia: love in Russian"

Dialogue at the exhibition"The family will reborn Russia"

Literary Review "Wisdom of books will help to clear the family"

Video collage "In great joy with each other"

Family film alone "For family reasons"

Festive evening "Family hearth"

Stock "My happiness is family"

LESSON OF DOG AND LOVE "Miracle of loyalty"

Festive event"Give a close chamomile and your love"

Evening "Family - the unity of thoughts and affairs", dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty

Exhibition-view "Love. A family. Fidelity"

Literary music evening"And the right way of love"

Hour of useful information"In the name of life and love"

Folklore gatherings "Nice family Russian meal"

Goodness lesson "Faith Hope Love"

Family siters "Oh, samovar native, family hearth"

Conversation"Family means we are together"

Stock"Chamomile Gentle Petal"

Stock"Give chamomile beloved" (Participants in the action recognize the history of the origin of this wonderful holiday, about which symbol is chosen and why, they will answer the questions of the quizzes and solve many interesting mysteries. All participants in the action will receive colorful booklets and, of course, the symbol of this holiday - chamomile)

Book exhibition "Family - source inspiration" (The exhibition consists of 3 sections: 1) "Saints Peter and Fevronia"; 2) "Family - the basis of life"; 3) "Wisdom of books will help to clear the family")

Promotion "Happiness to be together" (The readers were offered on the petals of a paper chamomile (character symbol) to finish the phrase "Family - this ...").

EXHIBITION "Love and loyalty - the basis of the family"

5) family day in verse and songs

Peter and Fevronia

About happiness family pray

Throughout Orthodox Russia

Murom's Wonderworkers,

So that the Lord is scared -

Hope, love and faith

And loyalty to each other to the coffin

And behind the coffin too. Example

They shine both.

Life at all times like

The same requirements for each century.

The same grief and happiness is the same,

Temptation in humans.

To darkness not closed the sun,

So as not multiplyless

For us with you tormented

Peter and Fevronia.

Ignoring candles today

And the hearts of love will burn.

So that you are together forever

Associate the intercession.

And give daisies with your beloved.

Sign of loyalty and purity

Let them become forever from now on

Russian field flowers.

Ekaterina Avdeeva Moscow 2008

Anthem family

Rights the child wonderful laugh,

And mother sits from the cradle,

Child caressing quiet song.

And the house, prayer consecrated,

It is worth open to all winds.

And teaches grandchildren grandchildren

Words: stepback, mom, temple!


Keep each other at all times.

Live in Lada and Harmony.

And let your life be consecrated

Love Peter and Fevronia!

2. Family - love Great Kingdom.

In it faith, righteousness and power.

Family - state support

My country, my Russia.

Family - source source,

Heavenly Angel Storable

And sadness, and joy and sadness

Some at all are inseparable!

Let them repeat in the clad

Blessed life days.

Khrand, Lord, Family Forest,

Love favorite Okrani!


Ilya Reznik

In the family circle, we grow with you.

In the family circle all the roots are yours

And you enter the family.

In the family circle, we create life,

Basis foundation - parental house.

And how did the word "family" appear?

Once the earth did not hear about him,

But Eve said before the wedding Adam:

Now I will ask you seven questions:

Who kids will grow me, my goddess?

And Eve tijonly replied: I.

Who saves dress

Fits linen?

I'm sticking, decorate housing?

Answer my question, my friend!

I, I, I, I


She said the famous 7 "I"

And so the word "family" appeared.

Family for me is dad and me

Sister and Mom, Granny, Grandpa,

And uncle, and aunt, and the whole of the native.

And adults -

It is only for them to look

And you will immediately see,

How many childhood in them!

And in dad, and in mom,

And in strict passion

And in an old grandfather

With grandmother - too.

This is especially noticeable,

When they suddenly split.

When buying new clothes from paying,

When receive a gift from granddaughter.

They can laugh like children.

But all of them are adults - these are adults.

And those are distinguished from the defers,

What time is not enough for the game.

On our unusual

And sunny planet

Two different worlds live:

The city's municipal libraries celebrate the traditional All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Loyalty. On the history of the extraordinary love of Peter and Fevronia, who became samples of matrimonial loyalty, mutual love and family happiness while lifetime, about the history of the holiday, which became the holiday of the All-Russian scale, speak libraries from organized book exhibitions decorated with bouquets from daisies.

Visitors to the reading room Central City Library At the exhibition "Family - Love Great Kingdom" can also get acquainted with books about the role of the family, about building family relations, about raising children.

Exhibition-campaign "Love to rode myself, dedicated to the Day of Family, love and loyalty decorated in the reading room children's library AS A.S. Pushkin. All readers who visited the library on this festive day not only met with works about the family of different authors, but also received a daisy with good wishes.

July 8
in children's library-branch number 1. A.S. Pushkin Wired evening "Love should be able to die ..."Dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty. He began with the introductory word of the leading (librarian Tarakova E.I.), who asked those present to tell that the word "family" means for them.

The children learned the history of the holiday, met with his symbol - a chamomile, which since ancient times was a sign of love, listened to the story about the patrons of the holiday on July 8 - Peter and Fevron.

The evening of the game program continued. The riddles guess the riddles in the competition "Family riddles" , collected from the cut fragments of the proverb in the game "The proverb is no wonder" . The program ended competition "Nazis affectionate words", in which D.we were supposed to call affectionate words to each other.

At the end, the presenter suggested participants to draw their family.

And at the conclusion of the evening, all those present were distributed memorable medals - daisies with good wishes, booklets, and also offered to view the cartoons ("Three from Prostokvashino", "Kuzya House").

In the library-branch number 1
them. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin The book exhibition "Love, similar to sleep", was timed to this holiday, which was issued in the reading room. It presents the literature dedicated to the Great feeling, which is called - love, as well as the symbols of the holiday: a bouquet of daisies and a medal "For love and loyalty".
The readers during the day were acquainted with the love lyrics of Andrey Dementueva, Boris Shalneva, Yuri Victor, and others, prose Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Bunin, Mark Levi, Cecilia Ahern, and the center of attention became "Tale of Peter and Fevronia".
Readers interested in the history of this holiday, traditions and customs of the celebration, literature presented at the exhibition, and the festive mood created music from the movie "Love Story". The symbol of the holiday - the medal with the image of Peter and Fevronia was awarded the family of provotious, who had been married for 15 years.

Exhibition of books about Peter and Fevronia "Day of family, love and loyalty", decorated with a bouquet of daisies, as a symbol of this bright holiday,was issued by Children's Library number 3. .

During the day, the librarians conducted interesting conversations associated with extraordinary legends from the life of saints. For memory, all participants were awarded small books with prayers for family well-being.

On the eve of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Loyalty in library-branch number 5 The book exposition of the "Family Circle" has opened. It contains books on ethics, psychology and family upbringing.

"What is love?", "How to learn to solve life tasks and update yourself?", "How to resist unhappiness and chants?", "How to find a common language with a teenager?", "How to keep marriage?" These and many other difficult questions can be found to find an answer, having acquainted with the books presented at the exhibition.

To this light date - the day of family, love and loyalty - in the foyer branch library number2 was framed book exhibition "Love and Faith Sample". The purpose of the exhibition is to submit a family as value as the stronghold of traditional Russian culture, the destruction of which leads to a rapid moral fall of society. The main part of the exhibition is literature about the lives of Saints Peter and Fevronia, about the origins of the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty. The exhibition provides information on monuments Peter and Fevronia in Russian cities - Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Murom.

Visitors of the library of the most different age were interested to know about the life of the patrons of this holiday - Peter and Fevronia. The librarians also provided information on family politics in the Lipetsk region, told about the Yelets families who lived a long lucky collaborative life, growing a lot of children.

Each reader who visited the library on this day, received in honor of the holiday a "gentleman" postcard and chamomile with the most kind of wishes as a symbol of love and loyalty.

All visiting branch Library No. 7 July 8 Could familiarize themselves with exhibition Books dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty "Family on pages of literary works".

Head of the library Dorokhova E.A. He told readers that the family had always occupied a special place in the work of Russian writers. Recall, for example, with what love described the Lion Tolstoy Family Scenes in his novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina". And the story "Childhood" is generally his personal memories and impressions. The topic of the family, parental love and reverence of family values \u200b\u200bcan be found in the works of other Russian writers: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Kupper, Nekrasov. The books of these writers and were presented at the exhibition in the library.

And for the children at the exhibition, the works of Soviet authors A.Gaidar, V. Zeeva, L. Voronkova and books from the series "Devices of Destiny" are the story of L. Scharskaya, A. Annenskaya, E. Kondrashova, V. Novitskaya.
All these books, although they are written at different times, talk about human qualities that are always in demand - about the kindness and love of neighbor, about compassion and unconsciousness, about dedication and humans.

According to the materials received from the libraries, prepared:
G. Shelyamova,
methodist of the Central City Library