Methods of working with children in modern conditions. Principles, methods and techniques for working with children with disabilities. Methods of work of a social teacher with difficult children

Project type: group, long-term.

The current state of society, the highest rates of its development impose more and higher requirements for a person, including a child, to his knowledge, health abilities. Caring for the health of the child began to occupy a priority position worldwide.

Dow efforts today as never aimed at rehabilitation of a child preschooler, cultivation healthy image Life. It is no coincidence that these tasks are priorities in the modernization program of Russian education.

The relevance of the project.

Different types of musical activity give children a moment the wonderful human self-expression, develop creativity. The child gets great pleasure from what moves to the music, composes himself! The relevance of the use of the project is obvious. Rhythmoplasty is a type of activity, which is based on music, and the movements express the musical image. One of the main directions of rhythmoplasty is the psychological liberation of the child. Rhythmoplasty classes are improving communicative skills and enrich the emotional scope of the child.

The basis for rhythmic compositions make up simple movements.

Rhythmoplasty is one of the sports contributing to the disclosure and implementation of the internal potential, its creative abilities.

The exercises of rhythmoplasty form the right posture, develop force, endurance, increase mobility in the joints, improve the coordination of movements, improve the feeling of equilibrium and jump.

By purchasing the experience of plastic interpretation of music, the guys seize not only a variety of engine skills and skills, experience of creative music understanding, physical and communicative skills develop. This is exactly the relevance of this project.


Working with the children, I came to the conclusion that modern children experience "motor deficit", since even preschoolers are carried out most of the time in a static position (behind tables, televisions, computers). This causes the fatigue of certain muscular groups, which entails a violation of the posture, the curvature of the spine, flatfoot, the delay in the age development of the main physical qualities: speed, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Every parent wants to see his baby healthy, cheerful, harmoniously developed. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy the child's need in motion.

That is why in front of me there was a need to search for the work of the system of systemic methods, which would affect the harmonious development, the unity of spiritual and physical.

This problem has made it possible to determine the topic of study- "Rhythmoplasty as an innovative method of working with children of preschool age in the framework of health-saving technologies in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education».

purpose research - development and improving motor skills and skills in preschool children through rhythmoplasty.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were put forward:

1. Development of the ability to perceive music, i.e. feel its mood and character, understand its content; development of musical hearing, feelings of rhythm; musical outlook and musical memory.

2. The development of creative abilities, the needs of self-expression in motion through music: creative imagination and fantasy; Ability to improvisation.

3. Search for innovative effective means of protecting and strengthening the health of children, improving the development of the motorcycle sphere of preschool children based on the formation of their needs in motion, right organization Prevention and recovery, timely correction of deviations in a state of health.

The tasks will be successfully solved only when using open pedagogical principles and teaching methods, namely:

Principle of accessibility and individuality.

The principle of gradually increasing the requirements.

The principle of systematicity.

The principle of the repeatability of the material.

The principle of visibility in teaching rhythmoplasty and rhythmic gymnastics.

Classes are provided by a number of methodological techniques that cause a desire to engage in a child. For each exercise, games, dance I choose the most effective way Explanations of this musical and motor task are methods such as:

Show (pre-showing dance composition, individual elements, exercises);



Spoken - gaming (allows the child to naturally penetrate the artistic intent and helps coordinate the movements of his body with the nature of music);


Analysis and synthesis of a dance material at which individual parts of the movement are analyzed, and then connected.

Pedagogical feasibility of the project.

Classes of rhythmic gymnastics begin with children 3-4 years. The main tasks that for this age are: -dilize flexibility, plasticity, softness of movements, as well as education of independence performed, prompting children to creativity.

The paper uses simulation movements that reveal a certain mood or a given image (for example, "Sunshi Fox", "Tired old woman", "Brave soldier"). Children seize dance movements available to their age coordination, for example, one-step exhibition of legs on the heel, feeding the leg, "ejection of legs", semi-trained, etc.

Learning to navigate in space, independently find a free place in the hall, rebuild into a circle, become a couple and for each other.

The game method gives educational educational process An attractive form, facilitates the process of memorizing and mastering exercises, increases the emotional background of classes, contributes to the development of thinking, imagination and creative abilities of the child.

Form of learning.

Child learning takes place on specially organized activities in the afternoon.

The organization of the organization is a group (up to 10 people) with a constant composition organized by the age principle (children from 3 to 4 years old and children from 4 to 5 years). Set of children in a group free; For all physically healthy children who do not have contraindications to a node for health. The activity is carried out once a week lasting in 20 minutes.

The object of the study is rhythmoplasty as an innovative method of working with children of preschool age in the framework of health-saving technologies.

The subject of the study is a set of methods and techniques, means for the development of motor skills and skills in children of preschool age through rhythmoplasty as innovative method Work with children of preschool age in the framework of health-saving technologies in the implementation of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education.

The study hypothesis is that I assume that the success of the development and improvement of motor skills and skills in preschool children through rhythmoplasty can be provided if:

Conditions will be provided in which the child can freely and without restrictions to express itself using rhythmic plastics;

Spontaneity, fantasy, contributing to self-dissection and development of each child;

A discussion will be encouraged by a child achieved sensations, states, awareness of themselves, their body.

Theoretical Experience Base:

The Experience is based on the Rhythmic Mosaic program, developed by A. I. Burnina, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a program of education, training and development of preschool children.

The novelty of the project is that with the help of the integration of the educational regions "Music", "Physical Culture", "Communication" is carried out by an integrated approach to correctional and developing education.

This connection ensures the formation of children as musical and rhythmic skills (rhythmic, dynamic, musical hearing, the ability to distinguish between the form, the nature of the musical work, musical memory, attention and motor skills, which ensure the coordination of the means of musical expressiveness and transmit them in various movements in Games, dance, exercises; development of coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

Theoretical significance is that in the process of systematic use of the innovative method within the framework of health-saving technologies, physical and psychological standards of children is significantly improved.

Practical significance.

Innovative methods of rhythmoplastypostess development and improving motor skills and skills in preschool children. Children have a need for self-expression to the music. The ability to perform movements in various play situations are formed.

The cognitive significance of rhythmoplasty is manifested primarily in the fact that it reflects the use of health-saving technologies as an innovative method for the development of preschool children.

Project implementation conditions.

1. Creating an area of \u200b\u200bspatial environment for musical and rhythmic activities.

2. Methodical software.

3. Relationship with family.

Expected results:

As a result of the project implementation, the following indicators of the level of development of children can be noted:

Expressiveness, ease of execution of movement to the music;

The ability to independently display the main means of musical expressiveness in motion;

The development of a large volume of various compositions and certain types of movements, different style and character;

Ability to organize playing communication with other children;

The ability to improvisation using original and varied movements;

Accuracy and correctness of the execution of movements in dance and gymnastic compositions.

When working with children, rhythmoplasty in children improves memory, coordination of movements is improved, the ability to teach the letter. To do with them to perform movements with the control of their consciousness.

New look at game methods and techniques in working with children of preschool age

Currently, there are significant changes in education in our country. The purpose of the modernization of pre-school education is the education of a successful personality, independent, healthy, active, who knows how to creatively think.

One of the most important areas of development policies of the Dow is the formation of a new system of interaction between participants educational spacewhich includes specialists to pre-parent, parents and children. Undoubtedly, such a policy of policies requires significant changes in building an educational process and professional activity Teacher.

The introduction of federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education, utensils. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009 No. 655 (hereinafter referred to the game.

According to FGT, the interaction of the teacher with children both in everyday life and in joint educational activities should exclude coercion. It is well known that developing preschool children, you need to play. The game is to receive the organization of the activities of children in joint activities or a set of techniques built as in the logic of the study of software, and in the logic of an interested organization cognitive activity preschoolers. Therefore, the task is worth most of the educators. gaming methods and techniques. The method is a system of consecutive interrelated methods of working as a teacher and children who are aimed at achieving didactic tasks. Gaming methods in the classification of methods are given a significant place. They help to concentrate the attention of children on the educational task, which is perceived in this case as the desired and personally significant goal, and not as "obligatory", imposed by the child adults.

Gaming methods: 1. Imaginary situation

2. Didactic game

Each method consists of techniques that is its element, an integral part, a separate action in the implementation (for example, a sudden appearance of toys, etc.).

You say that caregivers always use game methods and techniques, but, unfortunately, many of them are not always effective. In some cases, the game created by the teacher does not fond children, does not deliver them, like a free game, joy and does not develop them. In others, the gaming methods and techniques do not contribute to the effective mastering skills and skills for which they are actually used.

Consider a specific example. Educators often resort to such a gaming reception as the arrival of one or another playing character. The teacher depicts a knock on the door, opening it, announces children that someone came to them. Age range of use of this game reception from 2 to 7 years. But if the kids are 2 - 4 years old with genuine, sincere interest Refer to the arrival of toys, then children 5-7 years old can cause a poorly hidden mockery.

The main error in the use of game methods and techniques in the work of educators - rawness in their use and inconsistency of game methods to the ways to build a plot role-playing game on different age steps preschool childhood.

According to research conducted by N. Ya. Mikhailelenko and N. A. Shkova, from 2 to 7 years old, children gradually master three ways to build a plot game:

1. The objective method is at the stage of early and junior preschool age; and

2. role-based method - in the middle preschool age;

3. The plot session - conditionally can be attributed to the older preschool age.

The main principle of selection of gaming methods and techniques is the compliance of the methods of building a plot role-playing game of children of this age.

Junior Preschool Age (3 - 4 years)

1. An animation of the game character, which in the Node will act as a child's partner when performing a task and in the subsequent game.

For example, to draw the attention of young children to work with paint, an animation of fine materials is used: the brushes that children paint, turn into girls - tassels.

2. The use of various plots to encourage children to more complex ways to build a game at the end of the Node, the transition from conditional subject action to role-playing behavior.

For example, by the end of the end of the Node (the children were painted herbs for will be engaged, the teacher calls the phone with his mother - a bunny that asks for children to warm up the milk and can hear and play and play with them.

3. The implementation of the "transformation" of some objects to others, use substituent subjects and much more.

Middle preschool age (4 - 5 years)

1. Taking the right role and act in this role.

2. Integer children with roles and ensure their actions in content that would contribute to entering the role.

For example, the tutor takes on the role of Mom - Bunny. Asks who would like to be children. Then organizes the work on the adoption of children will be engaged (jump, eat carrots). Then puts gaming task: Mom - Bunny, Fearing for Life Wear, invites them to make shields and image of trees, followed by which they could hide from the wolf, and then studying: "I will teach you to make shields and draw trees."

Senior Preschool Age (5 - 7 years)

1. Take away bright and expressive images that contribute to the development of internal empathy in children and the desire to provide them with practical assistance.

2. Represent the plot using role-playing behavior and attracting all possible means for free-free game action - facial expressions, visual actions, intonation, etc.

For example, the tutor takes a sheet of white paper into the hands, shows it to children and reads the poem V. A. Prikhodko "White City":

This city -

White City.

It is under the white web.

Obviously, the white city

Warred sorcerer ...

Then children split the city.

Node "Drawing a car" (drawing from nature).

The teacher tells the children that a car with gifts for forest residents disappeared in the forest, and they cannot find it. They need to raise pictures on the forest with an exact copy of the missing machine. The educator asks for children to help forest residents and draw pictures of the car.

Most common gaming methods and techniques:

1. The arrival or meeting of the fabulous hero (Dunno, Carlson, a forest resident, a multiplication hero).

2. Children go on a trip, for a walk, in a fairy tale, visit, etc.

3. Receiving a letter asking for help, parcel, etc.

4. According to the plot of fairy tales (reading a literary work and solving educational tasks).

5. Making a magic item (torn tires, drawer, magic wand).

6. Using the riddle, reading the poem, the story of fabulous history, etc.

As a result of psychological - pedagogical studies It was found that the need for gaming motivation remains in the older preschool age. Children of the five years at first accept learning tasks only if the knowledge gained can immediately use in the game, drawing or other activities.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again: the game has a colossal developmental potential, provided that it remains independent activities of children. The game has no place to the pedagogical directive, but there is a place for a partnership based on deep and sincere respect to inner world The other, albeit little, man, look into which we helps the window with the magic name "game" ...


1. Kabanova, O. A. Development gaming activities Children 2 - 7 years old: method. Manual for educators / O. A. Kabanova, T. N. Doronova, E. V. Solovyova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. - 96C.

2. Karelina, I. A. Methods of learning and education in the field of pre-school education: lectures: Teaching and methodical manual / Karelina I. A. - Rybinsk: Branch Yagpu, 2012. - 68C.

3. Kasatkin, E. A. Gaming technologies In education and upbringing ... Do they exist? / E. A. Kasatkin // Pre-school education. - 2009. No. 12. - with. 17-20.

4. Mikhaylenko, N. Ya. How to play with a child / N. Ya. Mikhaylenko, N. A. Korkov. - 3rd ed., Dorap. - M.: hoop, 2012. - 176c.

5. Tararyshko, S. I. Preparation of the educator of the preschool institution to the game form of children's education: Methodical recommendations / Tararyshko S. I. - Vitebsk: WE "VOG IPK and PRR and CO", 2007. - 23c.

Speech "Projective techniques in working with children of preschool age"

In my work with children of preschool age, I use such picturesque tests as "House - a tree - man" with which you can see the degree of child's aggressiveness and other types of behavioral disorders such as conflict, negativism, hostility.

"Cactus" Graphic technique for children from 4 years old also does not have age limitations from above, using the purpose of identifying the state emotional sphere, identifying the presence of aggression, its orientation and intensity. Anxiety test (R. TammPl, V. Amen, M. Dorki) I use a methodology for determining the level of anxiety of a child of 4-7 years. The degree of anxiety shows the level of emotional adaptability of the child to social situations, shows the child's attitude to certain situation, gives me indirect information about the nature of the child's relationship with peers and adults in the family and in the team. Children are usually delighted not only from the drawing process itself, but also rejoice in the interest of an adult to the drawing, they love to explain what is shown in the figure.

The effect of the first impression that is important to those details that are immediately striking. It is believed that through them the child is trying to express his problem. I also believe that questions about the mood of the depicted creature or person will also be appropriate.

In our meeting with the deputy. heads, methodologists and art. We performed the educators. Test "Cactus" with further interpretation.

The new FGT used the most modern and complete typology of children's activities, name them:

game, communicative, labor, motor, informative, research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction, productive.

3. Significance different shapes and methods, including non-traditional in working with children.

The preschooler has specific age features: unstable attention, predominance clear-shaped thinking, increased motor activity, striving for gaming activities, a variety of cognitive interests. In order to maintain the attention and interest of children to certain activities and the result is needed to organize an active and interesting organization. mental activity. And we are helped by unconventional forms and methods for organizing children's activities.

We all know that the leading activity of children is a game. Through the game, the child will know the world, assimilates the new one. Only in the hands of an experienced, knowledgeable and loving children of the educator, the game becomes a tool, with the help of which you can give a child knowledge, to form the qualities from which the success of its educational and labor will be dependent

activities, relations with the surrounding people.

Increasingly distributed in the organized activity of preschoolers acquires integration - especially built structural

the process aimed at:

Child learning to consider any phenomena from various positions;

Development of skills to apply knowledge from various areas when solving a specific creative task;

The formation of the ability to conduct small

creative research;

The activation of the development of the desire to actively express oneself in any


Such an approach involves rethinking the entire structure of the organization of work with children, both inside the team of teachers and educators and in cooperation with parents. It is important that the adult does not speak as a "donator" of knowledge to the child, but above all, as a partner in the knowledge of them around him.

4. Auction of pedagogy finds.

Speeches of educators for the exchange of experience in working with children unconventional shapes and working methods, the use of modern technologies on educational areas.

5. Practical part.

Create a plan-abstract on the topic "Bread - all of the head", "Acquaintance with my native village" using modern technologies and non-traditional methods Work with children.

Thus, the educational process of preschoolers requires the use of innovative techniques and technologies. Information educational resources They become an integral attribute of the system of upbringing and training kids to school, through game forms, contributing to their accelerated comprehensive development, the ability to reason and make the necessary conclusions.

On this topic:

Report on the topic: "The use of Dienesh blocks in mathematics classes with preschool children."

Madou "Kindergarten № 35" Solovushka ", Naberezhnye Chelny, 2012. Report on the topic:" Using Dielesh blocks in mathematics classes with children of preschool age. "Prepared: Chubrin teacher ...

I bring to your attention an interesting, cognitive and very effective master - Class for parents on the topic: Using unconventional techniques in amusement with children of preschool age.

A couple of days ago I spent the master - a class for parents of his pupils. In a warm friendly atmosphere, I introduced them to non-traditional techniqueswhich can be used in working with ...

Methods of legal education of children

preschool age

The right is the combination of norms and regulations protected by the state power regulating the relations of people in society. The rights refer to all areas of activity, including educational, and apply to all participants in the educational process: children, parents, teachers.

The main international documents relating to the rights of children include: the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). (The Declaration of Rights of the Child is the first international document in which parents, as well as voluntary organizations, local authorities and national governments are called upon to recognize and comply with the rights of children through legislative and other measures.)

The declarations are proclaimed the rights of children in the name, citizenship, love, understanding, material support, social defense Both education, the ability to develop physically, mentally, morally and spiritually under freedom and dignity. Special attention It is paid to protecting the child. It turns out that the child must receive help in a timely manner and be protected from all forms of negligent relationship, cruelty and operation.

Cruel treatment of children includes any form of poor handling allowed by parents, guardians, trustees (other family members), teachers, representatives of the law enforcement. There are 4 forms of cruel treatment of children: physical, sexual, mental violence, neglect of the main needs of the child.

The Declaration is the basis for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of the preamble and fifty-four articles, detailed by the individual rights of each person under the age of eighteen years to the complete development of their capabilities. The Convention recognizes every child, regardless of race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national and social origin, legal entity for: upbringing; development; protection; Active participation in the life of society

In the convention, the educational requirements have been put forward

(Article 29):

a) the development of personality, talents and mental and physical abilities child in their fullest;

b) upbringing respect for human rights;

c) raising respect for the parents of the child, to its cultural identity, language, the national values \u200b\u200bof the country in which the child lives;

d) preparing a child to conscious life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of men and women and friendship between all nations, ethnic and religious groups;

e) education of respect for the surrounding nature

Legal education - the process of forming legal culture and

legal behavior, i.e. active and conscious compliance

morality, the formation of the ability to interact with others

people, build their relationship at the level of benevolence and

respect regardless of the situation.

Stages of legal education of children:

Stage I (junior preschool age) - Child learning standards

behavior in the team, the ability to establish benevolent

relationships with peers and adults.

Stage II (medium pre-school age) - continuation of work on

development communicative abilities children; Formation

moral norms of behavior, the ability to evaluate not only other people, but also their own

acts, both positive and negative.

III stage (senior preschool age) - formation of moral

legal culture based on knowledge of basic rights, familiarization with

the concept of "right".

Senior Preschool Children are available for understanding

the following groups of rights:

1. The rights of a child to existence, survival (the right to life,

medical assistance, decent living conditions, shelter, food, parental care).

2. The rights of a child for development (the right to education, full development in accordance with age and individual capabilities and abilities, the right to rest, leisure).

3. The rights of the child to defense (security from all forms of violence, as well as the special rights of children with disabilities).

To organize work to increase parental competence in matters of education and protection of the rights of the child is necessary through collective, individual and vividly information forms of cooperation with family.

One of of most important conditions The development of society is the upbringing of citizens of the legal, democratic state capable of socialization that respect the rights and freedoms of identity with high morality showing national tolerance, respectful attitude To the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples. Only now, when democracy is gaining strength when human rights cease to be fiction, it is possible to actually put as a priority task - the formation of citizenship: providing each child not only conditions for creative self-realization, but also conditions for free self-determination: as a citizen of a new social system, in which a person becomes not only a subject of practical action, developing means of achieving goals, but also by the subject of public goal.

Personality, respecting itself, has much more potential activity than devoid of advantages. And a preschool entity belongs to a special role in the education of the future citizen of his country.

The main goal of pedagogical activities civic education Children of preschool age - upbringing humane, socially active, independent, intellectual-developed creative personality.

1. Basic concepts of legal education

Legal education of preschoolers is exactly the one important momentThat can not be missed. If children correctly explain what kind of deeds are good, and what are bad, then you can avoid mass problems in the future. It was at such a young age that the child is laid so important concepts as love for order, respect for other people, etc.

Legal education is the development of a socially active personality, legal thinking and consciousness, the habit of acting in accordance with the laws.

It is very important that the child is aware that he has the right to love, attention and care from adults. The kid must be protected from any kind of violence. It is very important to explain to the child that such simple things like normal level Life and rest is what he has right.

Legal education of preschoolers is a foundation for the development of the whole society. Children are the most expensive treasure of society, and it does not depend on political system or religion. Pedagogues that understand this are set before the decision of the most important problem, namely the protection of the rights of the child.

The need to develop measures to protect the rights of the child demanded the allocation of international protection of the rights of children in a special direction. So the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) was created, which implements the international protection of the rights of the child.

The main international documents of UNICEF relating to the protection of the rights of children belong:

  1. Declaration of the rights of the child (1959);
  2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);
  3. World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children.

The declarations are proclaimed the rights of children name, citizenship, love, understanding, material support, social protection and develop physically, mentally, morally and spiritually under freedom and dignity.

The Convention recognizes each child, regardless of race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national, ethnic and social law on:

  1. upbringing;
  2. active participation in society.

2. Requirements for the organization of the educational process of legal education

The Convention puts forward individual requirements for educational processing, which legal education The child should be directed to:

  1. The development of the personality, talents, mental and physical abilities of the child in their fulfillment;
  2. Upbringing respect for human rights and basic freedoms, as well as the principles proclaimed in the UN Charter;
  3. Raising respect for the parents of the child, his cultural identity, the language and values \u200b\u200bof the country in which the child lives and civilizations other than his own;
  4. Preparation of a child to conscious life in a free society in the spirit of understanding the world, tolerance, equality of men and women, friendship between all nations.

S. A. Kozlov notes that it is necessary to form a child of ideas about himself, about his rights and obligations and it is necessary not only to inform him of these knowledge, but also to form an appraisal attitude to social phenomena, facts, events and learning to apply the knowledge gained in a variety Forms of own activities of the preschooler.

The feeling of confidence in the child appears very early, at the age of which a person does not remember anything else. But it was in early and preschool age that a child has confidence in herself, people, peace, a character is being formed, a sense of self-esteem and confidence is being strengthened.

Teachers are unanimous in the opinion that it is like closest people own a special role in the formation of the person, the physical and mental well-being of the child. If an alienation occurs between the child and adults, children feel unloved and suffer from it.

For forming in children elementary representations About their rights and freedoms, development of respect and tolerance to other people and their rights, it is important not only to give knowledge, but also to create conditions for their practical application. That is, this work can not be reduced to the simple memorization of articles of the document and individual human rights.

The campaign process in the legal education of preschoolers is the formation of the foundations of the legal consciousness of preschoolers.

  1. Create conditions for development in children of positive self-assumption.
  2. Develop social skills, communicative competence of a child.
  3. Bring up respect and tolerance, regardless of the origin, racial and national affiliation, language, gender, age, personal and behavioral originality; including external appearance and physical disadvantages.
  4. Contribute to the formation of self-esteem; awareness of their rights and freedoms; Feeling responsibility for another person, for the started case, for this word.
  5. Reliable respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person.
  6. Clarify social norms and rules of behavior.
  7. Introduce children in the appropriate age form with basic documents to protect human rights


Methods of working with children of preschool age

In the children's choreographic team

The development of children in dance activity is attractive, promising both for parents and society as a whole. Training choreography in the younger and preschool age has significant specifics.

Through dance images, the correct placement of the corps appears, the position of the hands and positions, the tranquil position of the legs, knowledge of the position of the legs, stability. Dance games help develop the emotionality of children, and most importantly, imagery.

The most difficult thing at this age is the perception of rhythm, music, which is practically successfully solved in dance activities. The movement is organically associated with music, its character, which contributes to the integral perception and development of creative imagination.

The teacher should be aware of which techniques need to be used in their work, through which you need to go through the child to understand what the teacher and leader wants from him. At this age, the child's body is not quite ready for serious choreographic classes, so the teacher needs to know how it is necessary to build his lesson and its holding. What exercises are more difficult for children who seem easy to choiry.

The value of musical exercises.

Plots, images of musical games specify for children the content of the musical work, help more deeply worry. Movements are organically connected with music, its character, contribute to the holistic perception. Responding to its movements on the features of the melody, rhythm, dynamics, structures of the musical work, children begin to feel the expressive meaning of the elements of musical speech.

In order for a musical game and choreography to carry out their educational tasks, you need to teach children to own your body, coordinate movements, coordinate them with the content of music. Most movements on which music games and choreography are built are the main movements (walking, running, jumping, jumping). Without training children, the right step and running, the strengthening of the muscles of the legs and the corps in the choreography classes, children will not be able to move well and expressively under vigorous, slow music.

The period of antiquity from the position of the dance methodology is used by us to familiarize children with the culture of different peoples, on the basis of which artistic creativity and the art of dance develops. The authors who are considering the "dance" hairdryer only by the type of art, narrows its social significance, and, in fact, contradicts the dialectics of his knowledge. Inadvertently allocating by some authors of dance as a type of culture, and as a type of art, also limit his role in the knowledge of reality.

The challenge of the head - to preserve in children the initial living interest in the exercise, the emotionality of perception and at the same time cause the desire to hardly work hard and diligently. For this, the head at each occupation puts new tasks before children, draws their attention to the new details of the image, movement, music.

The main means of musical and motor perception should always have games and dancing. However, with a serious, thoughtful, musical and motor exercises not only serve as a necessary addition to the games and dances, but on Roven with them themselves are a means of musical and aesthetic perception of children.

After the selection of musical and motor exercises, the manager must feel the music, determine its content - the topic, images (which emotional color of each exercise); Carefully master the movement, understand their connection with music, expressiveness, character.

The main tasks of the teacher

In the "Game Dance", which is the most important component of the overall dance, there is no rigid specialization of learning choreographic pa. All variety of movements human body Improved by a child, taking into account his desires, opportunities and on the basis of sensitive development periods. Separate elements of exercise are developing on the basis of the structural components identified by us in dance, actual motivations of children:

Development of general physical training;

Development of dance data (feeding, flexibility, jump, steps, stability and coordination);

Study of dance elements;

Development of rhythm, musicality, artistry and emotional expressiveness;

Perceptions of hard work, patience, communication skills in the team.

The teacher is very important attentively treating the recording of the repertoire for students of junior preschool age, constantly updating it, bringing certain adjustments to the time and features of the student children.

The task of the teacher - choreographer to raise in children the desire for creative self-expression, competent mastering emotions, understanding the beautiful.

One of the important factors of the work of training - the use of a minimum of dance elements with a maximum of the possibility of their combination.

A variety of combinations of dance movements creates the impression of novelty and develops the creative fantasy of children.

Training of dance movements occurs through practical display and verbal explanations. Children's game imitation helps creating the basis of dance images.

Structural and meaningful main components of pedagogical dance education is:

  1. System of knowledge about man (psychology, anatomy, physiology, sociology), human connection with nature, reflected in the dance of a personal "I", about also public values;
  2. A variety of dance techniques and methods of mastering them in different types creative activity;
  3. The system of forming a general logical and emotional intelligence Based on innovative dance technologies arising from theoretical models of dance and methods that ensure practical skills of students;
  4. The development of the formation of the experience of creative (writing and reproductive) children's activities based on playing dance.

The system-classification method for constructing a theoretical model of dance allows in dance activities to reflect complex aspects in the personality structures and control the process of its change. This method of constructing the theoretical dance model allows you to avoid hierarchical confusion in the location of the components (which is typical with linear analysis), and thereby activate the educational process.

Development childish attention on dance classes.

The content of dance education in the field additional education Forms mental, physical, social qualities of personality in line artistic creativity. The specificity of artistic creativity imposes a special imprint on the aesthetic development and the formation of the nature of each performer. In choreographic education, interdisciplious ties are distinguished, first of all, with art historical disciplines.

The development of abilities in choreographic education is methodically and practically carried out mainly on the basis of reproductive creative activities. By virtue of a special organization, spectacular dance types provide prerequisite For disclosure of artistic abilities of the person. An important factor The productive organization of the content of choreographic education is a five-stage drama structure of the composition of dance, allowing to effectively ensure the formation of a qualitative repertoire.

It is useful to give tasks to quickly switching attention from one item to another, with a close side of the far and on the contrary, for example: hand, window, shoes, door, etc.

An interesting movement will be the switching attention to an auditory or tactile. For example: mirror, sound from the street, suit fabric, piano, sound in the next class, etc.

Such exercises that are an alphabet of acting skills, in a game form, will teach children to concentrate attention to focus when necessary.

Of course, it is rather used to excessively to the exercises, they are rather subsidized and can be applied at the end of the lesson when children are tired and needed special measures to revive attention and perception.

Respiratory gymnastics on dance classes with children

Children learn to manage speech breathing using for this special exercises By respiratory gym.

The first exercises are associated with the formation of the right posture: speech breathing should not meet muscle barriers on its path and clips. It is proved and verified that we breathe freely, say, if: correctly stand, do not strain the muscles of the shoulders and neck, rightly hold the head and freely, naturally manage your own hands.

Liberation from fatigue.

Right position: legs on the width of shoulders, hands are omitted.

Suggest a child to climb the socks and pulling the hands up to breathe. Next you need to "throw" a relaxed body down with the exclamation of "Wow!" And without straightening, take another three additional spring slopes inhaling the remaining air on three exclamations "Wow-Wow!"

The body is relaxed, hands, head, top part The torso descends all lower and lower.

Development of emotional expressiveness

In the process of dance classes with children, we include interesting concepts with which students familiarize themselves:

Character of music, pace, rhythm, musical size;

Dynamic accents in music (Forte, Piano), the nature of the performance (Legato, Stakkato);

The structure of musical speech, duration of sound, tact, phrase, offer;

Emotional expressiveness.

Acquaintance occurs in the process of dance lesson on a musical material of dance exercises, music games, dance compositions. Musical works carefully selected with the concertmaster should be simple and available for children's perception in style, genre and character character. Must have a bright expressive melody, a clear metrohymic pattern and, as a rule, be square in shape.

Acquaintance with the basics of acting skills also occurs during the dance lesson. To switch attention during short rest From physical activity, the teacher explains to children anatomical features of the structure of the face, the work of the face muscles and their importance for the expression of human emotions (smile, sorrow, surprise, pain, threat, sobbing, reflection, etc.).

It is recommended to execute small plastic sketches with imaginary objects (ball inflation, a game with a ball). The development of acting expressiveness will serve as a sketch of the sobbies of animals (Etudes "Cat", "Rooster", "Horse", "Frog", etc.).

The choreographic image is the embodiment of the subjective impressions of the choreographer, on the basis of which it is in series in time and space implements the architectonics of the image.

Educational work

Each head of the choreographic team seeks to teach children easily, beautifully dance. The teacher must be thought out to be much even prior to the start of classes with children and invest in their work with them a lot of work and patience.

At the same time, you have to work on yourself, without relying only on your abilities and constantly improving and deepening your knowledge.

Training classes in the team, aimed at acquiring equipment and expressiveness in dance, requires both children perseverance and efforts, and this is not always easily done. Movements must be performed deftly and clearly.

Only a big love for the art of dance and to his work helps the teacher to develop ability to work, discipline and achieve good results in the development of dance art. Dancing is especially useful in this sense, in which the manager includes the whole team, giving each participant a sideline task.

The collective form of work, the overall interest in it creates its responsibility for the common cause. Children should also be attentive and disciplined to master the learning material, to understand, remember and reproduce the movement, requiring great accuracy of execution, learning entire dances, children must remember even the sequence of movements, drawing of the dance.

This is very promoted by their attention, observation, memory. Subsequently, these qualities are necessary in everyday life.

Currently, choreographic art performs important role in aesthetic education Man and the development of his taste. In kindergartens and schools in the system of additional education they are engaged in choreographic art. However, the framework of choreographic art concept "dance" is not limited. In the popular presentation, the concept of "dance" includes two areas of activity:

The game dance in the widest understanding seems to us as a culture in which the spectacular art includes a fragment of culture;

A narrow concept of dance is also choreographic art in which the aesthetic side, the complexity of movements, the definiteness of the form is leading signs.

Culture and art has enormous potential for the development of the younger generation with dance.

This is the meaning of working with children of preschool age and the creation of methodological support.


  1. Burmistrova E. V. Dance and Music Game: Unscrewdable Features // Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis, No. 1 - M., 1998, p.65-72.
  2. Zuykova E. N. Art education preschool children pedagogical system F. Rubel // Art and Education, No. 3 - 2001С.28-32.
  3. Smirnov I.V. Art Balletmister - M., 1986.
  4. Yakunina S. Rhythmic gymnastics. Medium group // Pre-school education, No. 10 - 2002, p.64-71.


The modern world is changing with an incredible speed, but maybe it is necessary to disagree with the Chinese saying. Hard time is the time of the greatest opportunities! It is important to see these changes, enter them, which means being modern.
It is the preschool childhood that is the starting point, that graceful foundation that provides the possibility of choice, the possibility of activity.
Let me present my opinion today on the topic: "Methods of working with children in modern conditions"
The Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education allows to speak today about the establishment of a new pre-school education system, where one of the key points is the need to use all pedagogical resources for the effective development of the child.
Priority direction in the organization of the educational process preschool institutions There should be an individual approach to the child ...... Preschool childhood and the nature of the preschooler. This gives modern teacher to the educator freedom in the choice of forms and methods of working with children, the main result that the personal qualities of the child should become, and not the amount of knowledge, skills, skills.
How I, the modern educator should build its activities and organize the activities of its pupils so that it meets the requirements of the time, what methods of working with children use.
In search of an answer to these questions, I turned to the dictionary - the reference book "Scientific - Pedagogical Information" edited by V.M. Polonsky where the method as an integral part of any research characterizes the potential of science, the degree of its penetration into the study of real processes shows which phenomena can be cognized at present, and which remains the subject of hypothetical assumptions. The method largely determines the course and performance of the study, form of organization of work, the general methodological orientation of the author, the path to achieving the ultimate goal.
In the philosophical sense, under the method, scientific theories proven by practice are understood. Such a theory in constructing other theories can act as a method in the field of knowledge or other areas. The method is also often considered as a set of techniques of practical or theoretical understanding of reality, subordinate to solving a specific task, as a complex of intellectual actions, logical procedures, with which science is trying to establish truth, check or disprove it. Finally, the method is interpreted as a specific way to study a particular area, as a systematic complex of receptions, procedures applied by scientists to achieve the goals and objectives of the research, as the plan to which they are guided by the organization of scientific work and its individual stages.
For me, the methods of working with children are on the one hand a clear soil having a scientific basis, on the other hand, a peculiar improvisation, taking into account the following principles:
- the principle of psychological comfort and security assumed

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten №4" Rosinka "of the combined species."

Methods and techniques for working with children in the formation of communicative skills in preschoolers.

Education area: Communication.

Senior preschool age.

Heinrich Irina




2013 G..

Methods and techniques of workc. children on the formation of communicative skills from preschoolers.

Highlight three groups of methods- Visual, verbal and practical.

Visual methodsused in kindergarten more often. Apply both direct and indirect methods. TO directthere is a method of observation and its variety: excursions, room inspections, viewing of natural objects. These methods are aimed at accumulating speech content and provide a link between two signal systems. Mediated methodsbased on the use of visual clarity. This is a viewing of toys, paintings, photographs, description of paintings and toys, told toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, the development of the generalizing function of the word, tuition of a connected speech. Mediated methods can also be used to familiarize fromobjects and phenomena with which it is impossible to get acquainted directly.

Slible methodsin kindergarten are applied less often: it is reading and taking artistic works, memorizing, retelling, a generalizing conversation, told without support on visual material. In all verbal methods, visual techniques are used: showing objects, toys, paintings, viewing illustrations, since the age characteristics of young children and the nature of the word itself require visibility.

Practical methodsaims to apply speech skills and skills and their improvement. Practical methods include various didactic games, dramatization, staging, didactic exercises, plastic etudes, dance games. They are used to solve all speech tasks.

Depending on the nature speech activity children can be conditionally allocated reproductive I. productive methods.

Reproductive methods based on playback speech material, ready-made samples. In kindergarten they apply mainly in vocabulary, in working on the education of sound culture speech, less when forming grammatical skills and connected speech. Reproductive can be conditionally attributed to the methods of observation and its varieties, viewing of paintings, reading fiction, retelling, memorizing, and dramatizing the content literary works, Many didactic games, i.e. all the methods in which children are mastering the words and the laws of their combination, phraseological turnover, some grammatical phenomena, such as the management of many words, master the imitation of sound-proof, retell close to the text, copy the teaching story.

Productive methods suggest the construction of their own connected statements when the child does not just reproduce the language units known to him, but chooses and combines them every time in a new way,

adjusting to the situation of communication. This is the creative nature of speech activity. It is obvious from here that productive methods are used in training connected speech. These include a summary conversation, a told, retelling with the restructuring of the text, didactic games for the development of connected speech, modeling method, creative tasks.

Depending on the task of the development of speech allocate methods of dictionary work, methods of educating sound culture of speech, etc.

Methodological techniques for the development of speech are traditionally divided into three maingroups:wonderful, visual and game.

Widely applied verbal techniques.These include speech sample, re-proclaiming, explanation, instructions, childish speech assessment, question.

Speech sample- Proper, pre-thought-out speech activity of the teacher, intended for the imitation of children and their orientation. The sample must be accessible in content and form. It is pronounced Chetko, loud and leisurely. Since the sample is made to imitate, it is presented before the start of the speech activity of children. But sometimes, especially in senior groups, the sample can be used and after the speech of children, but it will not be for the imitation, but for comparison and correction. The sample is used to solve all tasks. Special great importance It has in junior groups.

Repeated progress- deliberate, multiple repetition of the same speech element (sound, words, phrases) in order to memorize it. In practice, different repetition options are used: for the teacher, for other children, the joint repetition of the educator and children, choral. It is important that the repetition suggests children in the context of an interesting activity for them.

Explanation- Disclosure of the essence of some phenomena or methods of action. It is widely used to disclose words of words, to explain the rules and actions in didactic games, as well as in the process of observation and surveys of items.

Note- clarification of the children's method to achieve a certain result. Eliminate instructions of training, organizational and disciplining.

Evaluation of children's speech- Motivated judgment about the speech statement of a child, which characterizes the quality of speech activity. The assessment should have not just a statement character, but also a training. It is given to all children can focus on her in their statements. The assessment has a large emotional influence on children. It is necessary to take into account individual and age features, to achieve that it increases the speech activity of the child, interest in speech activity, organized his behavior. For this in the assessment

first of all, the positive qualities of speech are emphasized, and the speech shortcomings are corrected using sample and other methodological techniques.

Question- verbal appeal that requires a response. Questions are divided into basic and auxiliary. Main can be statement (reproductive) - "Who? what? What? What? Where? as? where to?" and search requiring relationships and relationships between phenomena - "Why? what for? What are like? ". Auxiliary issues are applying and prompting.

Visual techniques- Displays an illustrative material, showing the position of the articulation bodies when teaching proper sound.

Gaming techniquesmay be verbal and visual. They initiate an interest in the child, enrich speech motives, create a positive emotional background of the learning process and thereby increase the speech activity of children and the effectiveness of classes.

Methods and techniques of work on the development of speech

1. Analysis of the response of a child (executed for a child so that he knows his shortcomings and could eliminate them).

2. The conversation is generalized (after the children will accumulate some kind of knowledge. For example, after the excursion).

3. Conversation. Prepared by the educator in advance as the occupation.

4. Imaginary situation.

5. Problem issues, more complex begin with the words why, because of what, how to compare, etc., that is, they require reflections, conclusions.

6. Reproductive issues \u003d Simple begin with the words what, when. These questions do not require thinking, the child does not need to guess, think.

7. Demonstration of movements, articulation positions.

8. Didactic Games ("Whose House", "Wonderful Pouch", "Domino") - have several game rules or actions.

9. Didactic stories with the inclusion of learning tasks.

10. Didactic exercises are easier than didactic games have one rule or action (tell me the opposite).

11. Comment.

12. Exhausting.

13. Sound resistance (when leasing sounds).

14. Imitation of action, movement (on fidelines).

15. Staging.

16. Correction.

17. Intonation word allocation.

18. intriguing intonation (mysterious, mysterious, frightened, surprised, enthusiastic, etc.)

19. Designing (letters, etc.).

20. Modeling (text structure, word structure).

21. Motivation of tasks (help a cheerful, we will prepare a minor to school, I will fix the mistakes from Carlson, we will make a gift to mom, we know who in the group is the fastest, etc.)

22. Observation.

23. Reminder.

24. Sample proper pronunciation.

25. Fashionable adhesive pause.

26. Shaped sounding (ZZZ - Rings Komarig). Examination of items. Be sure to pronounce all the actions of the survey (stroking, feeling, compressing, weighing, lifting, etc.), and call the resulting sensations (cool, rough, smooth, heavy, rounded, etc.)

27. Explanation (for example, rules of behavior, games).

28. Reflected speech - repeat the tutorial of the speech sample.

29. Evaluation (motivated).

30. Retelling.

31. Repeats are individual child.

32. Points choral.

33. Selection of generalizing concepts (table + chair + stool \u003d furniture)

34. Movable games with speech accompaniment, dance games. (loaf)

35. TIMP (began words).

36. Show articulation movements.

37. Explanation (dump truck - pumped himself).

38. Listening to records, tape recorders (own speech, spectacles, speech samples).

39. The conversation is not a prepared "conversation", which arose by chance, along the way.

41. Viewing drawings, paintings, layouts, diamers.

42. Speech sample.

43. Speech orders - an order, when completing which the child will need to be used. For example: "Go to Tamara Ivanovna and ask to apply pencils. So say: "Tamara Ivanovna, pumped me, please, pencils." This is a sample of speech order for a child with an undeveloped speech or for children under the age of senior group. Starting with the senior group, it is possible to give orders to children without a sample of speech, that is, like this: "Go to Tamara Ivanovna and ask for pencils."

44. Speech situations are specially invented situations in which children work out speech skills. For example: "Tanya has a birthday tomorrow, how will we congratulate it?" Children come up with their congratulations, and the teacher tells them those words that need to be intensified in speech and praise children if they use it, these words.

45. Role-playing games.

47. Conjugated speech - repeat together with the teacher.

48. Drawing up a statement plan - more often oral, about what to say at the beginning, about which later and so on.

49. Answering scheme (modeling) - what to say at first, about which later and so on on a visual basis, for example, with the help of schemes.

50. Interpretation of Words (Word Values \u200b\u200bAquarium - Glass Box)

51. Note.

52. Ultra pronunciation (reinforced).

53. Ultra-triged articulation (reinforced display, where lips are located, teeth, language at the time of utterance of various sounds, words)

54. Reading.

Communicative games.

Polite words.

Purpose: Development of respect in communication, habit to enjoy polite words.

The game is held with the ball in a circle. Children throw each other ball, calling polite words. Name only words of greetings (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, happy to meet you); thanks (thanks, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); Farewell (goodbye, to a meeting, good night).

Games situations.

Purpose: develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningful to express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are invited to play a number of situations, for example, the guys play an interesting game - ask you to take you. What will you do if they won't want to accept you?

Press conference.

Purpose: Develop the ability to politely respond to questions of the interlocutors, briefly and correctly formulate the answer; To form speech skills.

All the children of the group participate in a press conference on any topic (for example: "Your day off", "excursion to the zoo", "friend's birthday", "in the circus", etc.). One of the participants in the press conference "Guest" (the one who will be asked all questions) - sits in the center and responds to any questions of children.

Story in a circle.

Purpose: Develop the ability to enter into a community process and navigate partners and communication situations.

Children sit in a circle. The educator begins the story: "Today is a day off and ..." His picks up next baby. The story continues in a circle.

Purpose: removing bodily barriers, develop the ability to achieve the goal

acceptable ways to communicate.

Each participant (in turn) is trying to penetrate into a circle formed by children. Algae understand human speech and feel touched and can relax and skip into a circle, and they may not miss it if they are poorly asked.

Image proverbs.

Purpose: Develop the ability to use non-verbal means of communication.

Children are invited to portray with gestures, facial expressions of any proverb:

"The word does not sparrow - crashes, you can't catch"

"Tell me who is your friend and I will tell who you are"

"There is no friend - look, and you will find - take care"

"As it will appear, it will respond."

Toy store.

Purpose: develop the ability to perform different roles, learn to evaluate the emotional behavior of partners to communicate.

Children are divided into buyers and toys. Children buyers are departed into the opposite end of the room, children-toys sit down in a row on the bench, depicting the goods, disappeared on the shelves in the store. The seller comes up to every child and asks what toy it will be. The buyer must guess the toy that he is shown. Who does not guessell, goes without a purchase.

We are looking for a treasure.

Purpose: develop the ability to coordinate your actions, opinions, installations with the needs of comrades; learn to help and support those with whom you communicate; form the ability to apply your individual abilities in solving joint tasks.

This game includes two parts. The first part contributes to the development of children's confidence in each other and helps them better realize and understand themselves and their comrades. The teacher asks the children to break down into two teams somewhat in an unusual way, on the color of the hair - dark and bright.

In the second part of the game, children say that now every team will start looking for a "treasure" hidden in the room. For this, children are offered a room plan with a marked place where the treasure is hidden.


Purpose: develop the ability to coordinate your opinions, desires with a partner to communicate; Learning to apply their individual abilities in solving joint tasks.

The game is held in the classes on the modeling.

All children are "sculptors". Play in pairs. Everyone sculpts from plasticine his craft. Then children change crafts, in order for another "sculptor" added its elements in the divider of the partner. Then the guys tell each other, whether the idea was correctly understood and that each of them actually wanted to portray.


Objective: Develop the ability to navigate in their own tastes and desires, to establish similarities with various partners by a particular sign.

The educator proposes to draw on a small sheet paper what children love (from food, from classes, from toys, etc.). According to the tutor signal, children run through the group, at the "Find Friend" signal - looking for a couple - who coincides with the tastes, interests. The game ends with the fact that the pair (or group) of children with gestures shows that they are combined.

Understand me.

Objective: Develop the ability to navigate the role positions of people and communicative situations.

The child comes forward and comes up with a speech from 4-5 sentences, children should guess who says (guide, journalist, educator, literary hero) And in what situation similar words are possible. For example, "and that's all went to the start. 5,4,32 ,! - Start! (The situation is athletes competition, says sports commentator).

Talk through glass.

Purpose: Develop the ability of facial expressions and gestures.

Children become opposite each other and perform a game exercise "through the glass". They need to imagine that between them thick glass, It does not miss the sound. One group of children will need to show (for example, "you forgot to wear a cap", "I'm cold", "I want to drink ..."), and another group guess what they saw.

A gift for everyone.

Purpose: Develop the ability to be friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers, the feelings of the team.

Children gives a task: "If you were a wizard and could do wonders, what would you give now to all of us together?" Or "If you had a seven-family flowers, whatever desire you guess?". Each child makes one desire, pulling away from the total flower one petal.

Fly, fly petal, in the west to the east,

North, through the south, come back, making a circle,

Only touches the land, be, in my opinion, led.

Led to ...

At the end, you can spend a competition for the best desire for everyone.

Without mask.

Purpose: Develop the ability to share your feelings, experiences, mood with comrades.

Before the start of the game, the teacher tells the guys about how important it is to be honest, open and frank to its loved ones, comrades.

All participants get into a circle. Children without preparation continue the statement started by the educator.

Here is an approximate content of unfinished proposals:

"What I really want, so it ...";

"I especially don't like when ...";

"Once I was very frightened by what ...";

"I remember the case when I was unbearable as shame. I...".

My mood.

Purpose: Develop the ability to describe your mood, recognize the mood of others.

Children are invited to tell others about their mood: it can be drawn, you can compare with any color, animal, condition, you can show it in motion - it all depends on the fantasy and the child's desire.


Purpose: develop the ability to navigate the people around people and take into account the features of the partner's behavior in various communication situations.

Game rule: call comrade only after the corresponding characteristic.

Options: Children can independently create characteristics, describing appearance, Favorite classes, as belong to the case, to friends.

Review the mask.

Objective: Develop the ability to understand the mood of another person, predict and anticipate this or that mood.

Each child is distributed masks. The child must tell what caused this or that mood. Real and fantastic plots are encouraged.

Game options: Children are invited to come up with a situation that would cause the opposite mood.

    IN correctional purposes It is proposed to use the following various techniques and methods of working with children:

Melotherapy techniques.

Melotherapy is the impact of music on a child in corrective purposes. With it, you can create a cheerful, vigorous or calm mood needed to use the speech, to teach to use speech breathing, to synchronously move, coordinate speech and movement, combine the rhythm of music with the rhythm of movement, the tempo of music with the tempo of movement.

    Music etudes that promote the normalization of mood; Musical relaxation exercises for mimic muscles; Musical exercises for gesture correction; Musical exercises regulating muscle tone;
    Exercises for the development of speech coordination and movement with a gradual complication of the tempo and rhythm (speakers, sweatshirts) exercises for the development of a pace and rhythm (stroll to hands and protruding the rhythmic drawing of the song) Exercises for the formation of speech breathing (riding sounds, sludge rows, phrases)

Receptions of art therapy.

A special value of art therapeutic work may have for children experiencing certain difficulties in verbalization (proclaiming) of their experiences, for example, due to speech violations or a little attitude, as well as the complexity of these experiences and their "inexpressibility." Drawing not only develops a shallow motor. It is very important that the child in the process of drawing forms a figurative thinking, a feeling of color, rhythm and composition. it important element Works by harmonious development Both hemispheres of the brain. Through drawing, the baby learns the concentrations of attention and relaxation. Drawing, he can work out difficult situations, get rid of obsessive fears. Create for yourself the image of strength, health, joy and consolidate it clearly, on paper. And this helps the child find beauty and draw strength and inspiration in the outside world.

Music therapy techniques.

Music Therapy includes: listening to musical works; singing songs; rhythmic movements to the music; Combination of music and amusement.

The purpose of classes using music therapy-creating a positive emotional background of rehabilitation (removal of anxiety factor arising from this contingent of children); stimulation of motor functions; development and correction of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) and sensory abilities; Ratching a speech function.

The most important for children are training of observation, the development of a pace, rhythm and time, mental abilities and fantasies, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, upbringing volitional qualities, exposures and ability to restrain affects, the development of a total thin motor skill and articulation motility. All this is facilitated by classes using the method of music therapy.

As experience shows, the music of the work of work contributes to: improving the overall emotional state of children; improving the performance of the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, coordination, smoothness, serial organization of movements are developing); correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas; stimulation of speech function; Normalization of the selection side of speech (tempo, timbre, rhythm, expressiveness of intonation).

Reception of libertile.

Blitterpia In the literal translation means "book treatment" (from Greek. bIBLion. - Book I. theReia. - Treatment). Blochetia is based on the use of systematic reading to improve the psychological state of the patient. The library is especially effective when working with children. It is necessary to choose a literature for children focused on the circle of their life problems.

From the usual reading of the library differs with its reference to certain emotional states, the properties of the personality.

One of the varieties of libertile is a storyteracy. Tale tale therapy - direction practical psychologywhich, using tale metaphorical resources, allows children to develop self-consciousness, become themselves, and build special trust, close relationship with others. That is why liberting and tale tale therapy is one of the tools on which a good psychologist, like a good musician, should be able to play:

Receptions of gaming psychocorrection.

Role-playing game is an expression of an increasing communication of a child with a society - a special connection characteristic of children's age. The role-playing game serves as an important source of formation of the social consciousness of the child, because in it the child identifies itself with adults, reproduces the functions, copies relations in the same conditions specially created by them. Recommended psychocorrection games can be divided into two groups.

The first group games are aimed at cohesion and organization of the group, to prepare children to more serious combined games.

The game of the second group suggests the introduction of more complex dramatization, creative plot role-playing games, improvisation games with rules.

In addition to the above forms of work, the following teaching methods are used: group conversations and discussions, elements of psychohymnastics and autotraining, gymnastics with yoga elements.

Consultation for teachers and parents: "difficult children" - the features of their development and education.

Work teacher psychologist with "difficult" children in Dow

Recently, the problem of communication with "difficult children" has become extremely relevant. This happens because the number of "difficult children" is steadily growing.
If in the old years "hard children" became the advantage of adolescents, then children go to this category Often already aged 6-11 years. Currently, even in relation to children-preschoolers, teachers and educators apply the expression: "difficult child". So who can be attributed to the category "difficult child"? IN this case We highlight the following categories of children belonging to the concept of "difficult children". This is: - anxious - hyperactive - aggressive - impulsive - closed - slow children.
Next, consider the characteristic most often some categories of children.

"Alarm children"
The psychological dictionary is given the following definition of anxiety: this is "an individual psychological peculiarity, which consists in an increased inclination to experience anxiety in a wide variety of life situations, including those that are not predisted."
Anxiety anxiety should be distinguished. If anxiety is an episodic manifestation of anxiety, unrest of the child, then anxiety is a steady state.

Portrait of an alarming child:.
They are distinguished by excessive concern, and sometimes they are afraid of not the event itself, and its premonitions. Often they expect the worst. Children feel helpless, fear to play new games, start up to new activities. They have high demands on their own, they are very self-critical. The level of their self-esteem is low, such children really think that worse than others in everything they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They are looking for promotion, adult approval in all matters.
Somatic problems are characteristic of disturbing children: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, spasms in the throat, hindered superficial breathing, etc. During the manifestation of anxiety, they often feel dry mouth, com in the throat, weakness in the legs, a rapid heartbeat.

How to reveal an alarming child?.
An experienced teacher or teacher, of course, in the first days of exploring children will understand who of them has increased anxiety. However, before making final conclusions, it is necessary to watch the child causing concern, on different days of the week, during training and free activities (on change, on the street), in dealing with other children.
To understand the child, find out what he is afraid, you can ask parents, educators (or subject teachers) Fill out the questionnaire form. Adult answers will clarify the situation, help trace family history. And the observations of the behavior of the child will be confirmed or refuted your assumption.

Causes of anxiety in children:
To date, a certain point of view has not yet been developed for the causes of anxiety. But most scientists believe that in preschool and primary school age, one of the main reasons lies in violation of children's and parental relations.
Also, anxiety is developing due to the presence of an internal conflict that may be caused:
1. Contradictive requirements for parents or parents and school
2. inadequate requirements (most often overestimated)
3. Negative requirements that humiliate the child put it in a dependent position.
How to help an alarming child?
Working with an alarming child is conjugate with certain difficulties and, as a rule, it takes enough for a long time.

It is recommended to work with disturbing children in three directions:
1. Improving self-esteem.
2. Teaching a child with the ability to manage themselves in the specific, most exciting situations.
3. Removing muscle tension.
Use in working with children-dramatization games (in the "terrible school", for example). The plots are chosen depending on what situations are disturbing the child most. Applications of drawing of fears, stories about their fears. In such classes, the goal is not to completely deliver the child from anxiety. But they will help him better and openly express their feelings, will increase self-confidence. Gradually, he will learn more to control his emotions.
Alarming Children often prevents to cope with some task fear. "I will not succeed," "I am not able," they say they say. If the child refuses to take up the case on these reasons, ask him to imagine a baby who knows and knows how much less than he. For example, it does not know how to count, does not know the letters, etc. Then, let him imagine another child who will certainly cope with the task. It will be easy for him to make sure that he has left odds and maybe if he tries to come closer to complete ability.
Now ask him to say: "I can't ..." - and explain to myself why it is difficult for him to fulfill this task. "I can ..." - Mark what is already by the power now. "I will be able ..." - as far as he can cope with the task, if it makes every effort. Emphasize that everyone does not know how to do something, something can not, but everyone, if he wants, will achieve his goal.
Be able to relax important to all children, but for disturbing guys - it's just a need, because the alarm state is accompanied by a clamp different groups muscles.
Teach a child to relaxation is not such a simple task that it seems at first glance. Children know well what to sit down, get up, run, but what it means to relax - they are not entirely clear. Therefore, some of the relaxation games are based on the easiest way to teach this condition. It is B. next Rule: After the strong tension of the muscles, their relaxation follows.

"Aggressive children"
The psychological dictionary presents the following definition of this term: "Aggression is a motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms and rules for the existence of people in a society that makes harm to the objects of attack (animated and inanimate), which causes physical and moral damage to people or causing psychological discomfort (negative Experience, state of tension, fear, depression, etc.). "

Portrait of an aggressive child
In almost every group of kindergarten, in each class, at least one child meets with signs of aggressive behavior. He attacks the rest of the children, calls and beats them, picks up and breaks toys, intentionally uses gross expressions, in one word, becomes a "thunderstorm" of the entire children's team, the source of chagrins of educators and parents.

How to identify an aggressive child?
Aggressive children need an understanding and support of adults, so the main task is not to put a "accurate" diagnosis and the more "stick the label", but in the provision of satisfying and timely assistance to the child.
As a rule, for educators and psychologists, it is not difficult to determine who from children has increased the level of aggressiveness. But in controversial cases, it is possible to take advantage of the criteria for the definition of aggressiveness, which are developed by American psychologists M. Alvord and P. Bayker.

Causes of children's aggressiveness:
The reasons provoking such behavior have quite real soil, and it is extremely important to know about it. After all, ignoring them, it is hardly possible to cope with the manifestations of aggression. Consider the most common causes.
- rejection of children by parents
This is one of the basic causes of aggressiveness, and by the way, not only a nursery. Statistics confirms such a fact: often the attacks of aggressiveness are manifested in unwanted children. Some parents are not ready to have a child to appear, but abortion medical indications It is undesirable, and the child still appears on the light.
- indifference or hostility from parents
- increased aggressiveness of the child can cause the destruction of positive emotional connections both between parents and child and between the parents themselves.
- aggressive reactions can be caused by incorrect and non -actic criticism, offensive and humiliating comments
- Excessive control over the behavior of a child (hyperopka) and its own excessive control of it is no less harmful than the complete absence of such (hypoems). Published anger, like a genie from the bottle, at some point it will definitely break out.
- Excess or lack of attention from parents.
- Prohibition on physical activity
- Increased irritability
- subconscious expectation of danger
- Aggressive reaction may be related to personal features child, his character and temperament, or provoke the facts of personal experience

How to help aggressive child?
The causes of such behavior can be a lot. But often children come exactly this because they do not know how to do otherwise. Unfortunately, their behavioral repertoire is pretty zakud, and if we give them the choice of ways of behavior, children will be happy to respond to the proposal, and our communication with them will become more efficient and enjoyable for both parties.
The work of educators and teachers with this category of children should be carried out in three directions:
- work with anger - teach a child to generally accepted and non-hazardous for those who surround the ways of expressing their wrath; To do this, it is recommended to use the following games:
- "Crack bag", "Pillow for kicks", "Sheet of anger", "cutting firewood".
- teach self-control - to develop a child's spending skills in situations provoking wrath or anxiety; To do this, it is recommended to use the following games:
"I decided to ten I decided", "" Anger on stage. ""
- work with feelings - to learn to realize your own emotions and emotions of other people, to form the ability to empathize, sympathy, confidence in others;
- "Stories of photographs", reading fairy tales and reasoning on the topic, who feels like his mood (the heroes of fairy tales)
- instilling constructive communication skills - teach adequate behavioral reactions in problem situation, ways to exit conflict.
- "Creating a problem situation and option out of it", "blind and guide"

"Hyperactive children"
The word hyperactivity comes from Greek Hyper - a lot of Latin Activus - active. Consequently, hyperactivity in the literal translation indicates increased activities. In a medical understanding, hyperactivity in children is an increased level of motor activity at school and at home.

Portrait of a hyperactive child:
Such a child is often called "surgery", " eternal Engine", Tireless. The hyperactive child does not have such a word as "Walking", his legs are worn around, somehow catch up, jump out, jump over. Even the head has this child in constant motion. But trying to see more, the child rarely catches the essence. The look slips only over the surface, satisfying a momentary curiosity. The curiosity is not peculiar to him, rarely asks questions "why", "why". And if you ask, then forget to listen to the answer. Although the child is in constant movement, there are violations of coordination: clumsy, when running and walking, it drops items, breaks toys, often falls. Such a child impulse his peers, his mood changes very quickly: then unrestrained joy, then endless whims. Often behaves aggressively.

How to determine if your child is hyperactive?
Hyperactivity (ADHD) - a medical diagnosis that is entitled to put only a doctor based on special diagnosis, specialist conclusions. We can notice behavioral features defined by symptoms. To determine if the child has features characteristic of hyperactivity children, see the criteria system for which it is determined.
Causes of hyperactivity:
There are many opinions about the causes of hyperactivity. Many researchers note that the number of such children is growing every year. The study of such features of development is in full swing. To date, among the causes of the occurrence of the occurrence:
- genetic (hereditary predisposition);
- biological (organic brain damage during pregnancy, generic injuries);
- socio-psychological (microclimate in the family, alcoholism of parents, living conditions, improper rapidation).

General recommendations for working with a child with ADHD
- They are not susceptible to proven and punishment, but they react very well to praise, approval. From physical punishment, it is necessary to refuse.
- Very important and physical contact with the child. Hug it in a difficult situation, to come to myself, calm down - in dynamics it gives a pronounced positive effect, but permanent savings and restrictions, on the contrary, are expanding the abyss between parents and their children.
- The organization of the whole life must act on a child soothing. To do this, together with it, make a routine of the day, following which to show flexibility and perseverance at the same time.
- More often, mark and praise its efforts, even if the results are far from perfect.
- The hyperactive child does not tolerate a large cluster of people. Therefore, it is useful to play with one partner.
- The general one should follow and protect children with ADHD from overwork, as the overwork leads to a decrease in self-control and increasing hyperactivity.
-System of prohibitions should be accompanied by alternative proposals.
Games for hyperactive children
- game development games
"Corrector", "Teacher", "catch - do not catch", "the opposite"
- games and exercises for removing muscle and emotional tension (relaxation);
"Soldier and rag doll", "Shaltay-Boltay", Psychodastic classes
- games, developing skills of volitional regulation (control);
"Silent - whisper - shout", "speak the signal", "Zamri"
- Games that promote the consolidation of the ability to communicate, communicative games.
"Right toys", "Sorryokozhe", "good angels", "spoiled phone".

Lesson study.This form of a lesson refers to a problematic learning method, which is the most powerful way to increase interest in the subject studied. At the beginning of the lesson, the study facilitated the problem or the subject of the lesson formulated as a question, and during the lesson, students should find a solution to the problem or answer to the question. Students in the lesson conduct observations, they compare certain facts, make assumptions, formulate conclusions, etc. In such lessons, children are interested in the final result. Lessons-research fit well, for example, in the subject of biology lessons in grade 6, where it is possible for the object of study to take the properties of air, water, soil, because When familiarizing with the properties, experiments are expected, observation of objects and formulation of conclusions. Also, the study can be carried out in the lessons of biology and in other classes. For example:
- In grade 7, research can be carried out on the topics "Conditions necessary for the germination of seeds", "leaf fall and its meaning",
- in grade 8 - "external structure and lifestyle of insects", "Room Fly",
- in grade 9 - "blood composition", "gas exchange in lungs and tissues", etc.

The subjects of the lessons are a pretty large spectrum of choice for lesson research.

Work lesson. These lessons contribute to the awakening of the need for knowing what is being studied on this moment on the subject. A special place in this lesson is occupied by practical and laboratory work, since they allow you to bring students to independent conclusions About or another phenomenon, about the conditions of its flowing. And on the basis of data obtained during practical work, students themselves draw conclusions at the level of theoretical generalizations. Such lessons are conducted by biology and SBI in 5-9 classes.

Lesson travel. The lessons of such a form fully work on improving the motivation of the child to educational and cognitive activity, as it includes overcoming a number of tasks stages throughout the journey, thereby the interest of the student, lubricating it into the path of the road in the country of knowledge. And you can travel everywhere - it depends only on the fancy of the teacher. This can travel blood drip along the vessels in the human body, traveling around the seas and rivers in order to study sea and river fish, traveling to the kingdom of bacteria in order to study their diversity and reproduction, journey of water droplets in a circle for the purpose of studying the water cycle in nature and T ..

Lesson-excursion. Excursions can be real when it is possible to visit the object, and virtual when there is no such possibility. The guys are very interesting, especially if the topic concerns their personal experience, where they can still show themselves.

Lesson role-playing game. Such lessons simulate a wide variety of real life situations For various purposes - learning and fixed material, expanding knowledge on the topic, testing of skills, etc. Lessons of role-playing games like students in the fact that they can try on many roles on themselves, solve certain issues like real doctors, sellers, scientists and people of many other professions. Such lessons make it feel in the role of adults who have serious decisions. Such lessons are held multifaceted under the SBI, since the subject of application is very wide and the subject is aimed at the preparation of the guys to independent life in society.

Lesson-game. Such a category of lessons includes KVV's lessons, quizzes, Brain Ringgi and many other game lessons written in television programs. The leading type of activity of a child preschooler is a game. The leading type of schoolchildren's activity is studying. But children with impaired intelligence, childhood is delayed for a long time and most often the game remains coordinating the activities of the exercise. Pupils love to play very much. How not to take advantage of such an opportunity to increase motivation? And how to lose one or another lesson - depends on the teacher himself. But children will be very active interested in the lesson-game participants. The main thing is not to play.

Lesson-auction. Gives the opportunity to show yourself. The purpose of the "lesson-auction" is to repeat and strengthen the knowledge of students on the topic covered, show practical use Knowledge. In the auction lessons, students are more independent in solving various learning tasks, they have the opportunity to express themselves.

Tale lesson. This form of a lesson captures students entirely. In the lesson, some fairy tale inscribed in the canvas, children perform tasks fabulous heroes, they are departed from the captivity, overcome various obstacles and by the end of the lesson there is a tangible result, and the target is always achieved and implemented.

Integrated lesson. In integrated lessons there is an opportunity to show the importance of acquired knowledge and skills. Students apply the knowledge and skills obtained in one lesson in a completely different area. For example, they met with the properties of water on biology, and the knowledge gained in the lessons of social orientation was applied. The main thing is to consider a unified thread that could combine two or several items to obtain and consolidate certain knowledge and skills. To create a successful motivation, it is important to show the child to the child's importance of the knowledge gained, i.e. The possibility of their use in a particular sphere. This allows you to make integrated lessons.

If you ask the student: "In what lesson you are interested in studying - on a regular lesson or not quite ordinary, unconventional?", Then he, of course, will answer that you are interested in where they play, travel, compete. Indeed, at unconventional lessons, children work with great pleasure, show activity and curiosity. Students gladly begin to fulfill the task and perform them better than on ordinary lessons. If you ask me "In what lesson is the activity of your guys more - on the usual or unconventional?", I will answer that at an unconventional lesson the activity of students is often not just high, but very high. Such lessons are very productive. The quality of knowledge on such lessons increases, cognitive interest is developing, memory, children more remember the material, and, of course, increases interest in the subject. They increase the motivation for educational and cognitive activity even in weak students, as they feel more confident. But the main thing is not to rearrange, and then the non-traditional will become traditional and the interest will again disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate the forms of learning students and remember that non-form determines the content, but on the contrary - the content determines the form.

The form of a lesson is important, but the forms of training activities in the lesson are important. There are three types of training activities in the lesson: front, group and individual. But it is worth remembering that the familiar and desired form of activity for a child with a disturbed intelligence is a game, which means you need to use this form of organization of activities to teach such children. Teacher must combine the game and educational processMore precisely, to apply the playing form of organization of students to achieve educational purposes. Thus, the potential of the game as a motive will be directed to a more successful development of schoolchildren of the educational program.

For frontal learning The teacher manages the educational and educational activities of the whole class that works on a common task. The teacher organizes the collaboration of students, determines the pace of work, one for all. From the skill of the teacher, to keep the whole class in the field of view and at the same time do not lose sight of each student, the pedagogical effectiveness of the front work depends largely. If the teacher manages to maintain attention and the activity of students, create an atmosphere of creative teamwork at the lesson, then the performance of such work increases markedly. However, this type of activity in the lesson is not designed for individual characteristics Students, as is focused on a medium-sized student. At the same time, weak students are lagging behind the specified pace of work, and it is strong uninteresting and they are wearing boredom. From the standpoint of an increase in motivation to educational and cognitive activity, this form of work is ineffective.

For group forms Teaching teacher at the lesson manages the educational activities of groups of class students. They can be divided into brigadiers, links, co-separated group and differentiated-group. Link forms are an organization of training activities with permanent groups of students. When brigading form, temporary groups of students are organized to perform certain tasks. The cooperative-group form involves working in groups, each of which performs part of the overall task. The differential-group form of learning differs from other forms by the fact that constant and temporary groups combine students with equal training capabilities and the same level of formation of training skills and skills. Steam work of students is also a group form of training. The teacher can lead the activities of training groups can both directly and through their assistants - links and brigadiers, which he appoints, taking into account the views of students.

Individual training Pupils are a completely independent activity without any contact of the student with other students. This type of activity involves the same task for all students in the class. But if the teacher gave the task to each or some guys in the class, taking into account their abilities and opportunities, then this form of training is called individualized. Specially designed cards for students oriented on their abilities and opportunities helps to implement it. If in the classroom in class part of the children works independently, and the part performs any common tasks, then such a form of learning is called individualized group.