Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles. Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings

Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles

Tatiana Vladimirovna Lagutina

T. V. Lagutina
Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles


For every person, in whatever country he was born, to whatever nation he belongs, it is important to know his native word, to feel and understand it. After all, it is through words, through our native language that we learn to understand and love the life that surrounds nature and people. And nothing helps us in this so much as folk art: songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, jokes, tongue twisters and riddles, signs, fairy tales.
This book contains a unique, incomparable experience of the Russian people in the upbringing of the younger generation.
If you want your children to grow up spiritually developed, respect your people and your country, instill in them a love of oral folk art. And it is better to start doing this from the cradle, from early childhood, when babies are open to perceiving new information, listen to and repeat with pleasure what adults tell them.
Sing songs and ditties to your child, lead round dances with him, learn simple and complex tongue twisters together, play riddles, explain life events, using various folk proverbs that you will find on the pages of this publication.
Thus, you will teach your child to actively perceive the environment, master it creatively, constantly move and develop, train memory and speech, and quickly find non-standard solutions to complex problems.
One cannot deny the educational role inherent in folklore works. Performing any of them with the children, you instill in them a sense of justice, teach them goodness, love, care, honesty, independence, and form a positive emotional and mental state in them.

You cannot speak all tongue twisters, you cannot re-pronounce
Tongue twisters

Lilac skirt with overwrap.

I see a hill with a sack on it.
I went up the hill and took a sack.
Returned from the hill with a kule.

The cardinals of Carvolan were crowned at the carnival.

The dwarf doctor Karl stole the corals from the dwarf Clara. And the dwarf stealing Clara from the dwarf doctor Karl stole the clarinet. If the dwarf doctor Karl had not stolen corals from the dwarf Klara-stole, but the dwarf who stole Klara from the dwarf doctor Karl would not have stolen the clarinet.

White rams were beating drums.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
She wasn't even white.

There was a white-winged ram,
He over-winged all the rams.

The bull is blunt, the bull has a blunt lip.

The bombardier bombarded Brandenburg.

The bomber bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

Got a bean bean.

The baker baked the loaf, the loaf, the donut early in the morning.

Baba Vakul shod, and Baba Vakula did.

Verzila Vavila cheerfully turned the pitchfork.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system.

Open the gates, Varvara, if it is not the enemy behind the gates, but the enemy and the enemy from the Varvara gates - a turn.

I am driving along the road from vyboenka to vyboenka. On the right is a pick, on the left is a pick - what a beaten track!

Around the courtyard in good health.

Open, Uvar, the gate, there is firewood on the grass near the yard.

The sorcerer was in the barn with the magi.

Where are the mountains in the city of Gagra?

Grandfather Dodon played the tune,
Dima's grandfather touched a pipe.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

Firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood in breadth.

I caught burbot, overfished, caught burbot, caught it but never caught it.

Buy a kippah, Peak.

The Turk smokes a pipe, the Turk bites the crumbs.

Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Just like the Oka, our river is wide.

Bells near the stake.

I sat at Oka, ate apples.

Mow, scythe, while the dew.

Dew down - and we are home.

Klava put the bow on the shelf,
Nikolka called to her.

Konstantin stated.

Jackdaw sat on the fence
The Rook started a conversation with her.

The galley messenger burned out.

There is a goat with a scythe goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat,
There is a goat with a slanting goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat.

The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable.

Pigeon, goose and jackdaw - that's the whole counting-out.

If not for profits and not for losses.

The ear was not bad, the ear was not bad.

Good ear if Oka is near.

Things are good - try some fish soup by the Oka River.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered and fluttered.

Crested chickens are good.

He sat down and ate everything.

Bells near the stake.

Where jelly, there he ate.

The tree has pins.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
A prickly needle.

The woodpecker was sitting on the tree and hammering cracks.

If Kolya is about a collie,
Every now and then a collie near Kolya.

He lay, lay - melted, ran away.

Klim threw a bow into Luka.

Malanya-chatterbox chattered milk,
She chatted, chatted and blabbed everything out.

We caught burbot when we were broke.

Lena barely ate, she did not want to eat out of laziness.

Alyona sat down in a corner, Alyonka has a lot to do.

Needle-needle, you are sharp and sharp.

A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

The cap is sewn, but not in Kolpakov style.

The bell is poured, but not in a bell style.

There are doves in the dovecote, and acorns on the oak.

Grandfather Philip got angry -
Sticky glue stuck to it.

Our Polkan from Baikal was lapping.
Polkan lapped - Baikal was not shallow.
Fox cubs went to visit the fox.

We ate, ate molts by the spruce.
They barely ate the molts.

They saw, prick, prick, saw Filya and Kolya, Kolya and Filya.

Klim, stab it in one wedge.

Didn't you, dear, pray for love?
And in the fogs of estuaries beckoned me?
We were lazily catching burbots when we were broke,
And you exchanged burbot for tench for me.

- Tell us about your purchases.
- About what purchases?
- About purchases, about purchases,
About your purchases.

Prokop came - dill is boiling,
Prokop is gone - dill is boiling.
And under Prokop dill boils,
And without Prokop dill boils.

The parrot says to the parrot:
"I'll parrot you, a parrot."
The parrot answers him:
"Parrot me, parrot!"

Quail and quail have five quails.

There is a pop on the heap, the cap on the priest, the heap under the butt, the pop under the hood.

The baker baked pies in the oven.

Fields went to weed in the field.

Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a piglet bird; carried it around the market, asked for half a dollar, served a penny, and he sold it like that.

The quail hid the quail from the guys.

Peter baked cookies in the oven and baked all the pastries.

The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and the surety, about the second lieutenant and about the sub-surety, about the warrant officer and the warrant officer, about the warrant officer, but he was silent about the lieutenant.

We talked about Prokopovich. About what about Pro-kopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

The cap is not sewn in a Kolpakov style, it is necessary to re-cap, over-cap, over-cap, over-cap.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

There were three priests, three Procopius the priest, three Prokopyevichs. They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest, about Prokopievich.

Three crows at the gate
Three magpies on the doorstep
Three trees, three black grouse.

A ferry makes its way across the river

Jumping tongue twisters
Like steam in a skillet.

He reported, but did not report it, but began to report it, reported it.

Once upon a time there were crayfish, bully crayfish.
The crayfish lived noisily, started fights.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters
In the yard, firewood is chopped with axes.

Thirty-three carriages in a row
They chatter, chatter.

Three trumpeters blew their trumpets.

Large red grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

There is a trail on the grass, grass on the trail.

An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle.

Three paths, three fellings.

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, grandfather Yegor is riding.

Shot on quail and black grouse.
A crow missed by a crow.

Yegor walked through the yard,
Carrying an ax to mend the fence.

The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.
The queen with the cavalier in the caravel departed.

Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Peter Petrov, nicknamed Perov, caught a quail bird.

Marina pickled mushrooms.

Pyotr Petrovich Prygunov arrived from Perm to Rostov.

Polycarp's catch is three crucian carp, three carp.

In the aquarium, Khariton has four crayfish and three newts.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,
Margarita lost her daisies on the grass.

Behind a cockroach with a drum, behind a chest of drawers with an ax.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees the Greek - a cancer in the river.
He put his hand in the river,
Cancer on his hand - DAC!

Let go of the red paint for painting.
I paint the roofs red with red paint.
Axes are sharp for the time being, for the time being axes are sharp.

He brought Pro Egor to the yard of the firewood mountain.

I was at Frol's - I lied to Frol about Lavra,
I'll go to the Lavra - Lavra about Frol navra.

Carried ship caramel, the ship ran aground.
And the sailors ate caramel for two weeks on the rocks.

Pharaoh's favorite was replaced by jade with sapphire.

A young man of good looks -
Thirty-three miles in circumference.

Andrey and Arina have dahlias growing.

Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

Our sexton cannot be overpriced.

Kirill-Kirill measured the garden for a long time.
Meryl, measured, stopped, lay down under a tree - tired.

The crab made a rake to the crab.
Crab handed a rake to the crab:
- Rake hay, crab.

In the meadow under the hill
Lay cheese
With a beautiful red crust.
Forty forty in a short time
We ate the cheese.

Pankrat forgot the jack at home.
And Pankrat without a jack
Do not lift the tractor on the tractor.

The chicken is fast, colorful,
The toe duck is flat.

Tara-tara, ta-ra-ra!
Grass grows by the porch.
Ay, tari-tari-tari,
Buy Paradise litari.

Salted Terenty mushrooms -
Thirty-three barrels at once.
Terenty ate mushrooms -
Thirty-three barrels at once.

On the mountain by the river
Buckwheat was born.

The cook Daria has an accident all day.

A quitter stands at the gate, his mouth wide open.
And no one can tell where the gate is and where the mouth is.

The courier was overtaken by the courier into the quarry.

Three lumberjacks
Three woodbreakers,
Three woodcutters
We talked about Larya,
They talked about Larka,
They talked about Larkin's wife.

A rook walks with a black rook in the garden on the ridge.

Trosh weaves, rubs a pot with a rag.

The sled overturned at the little Sled.

On the pine-pine, honeydews have grown.

There is a lot of mowing on a sharp scythe.
There would be mowing, but frost came.

Seine all would sleep in the hay.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

In seven sleighs, seven in a sleigh sat themselves.

In the field - everything, everything, everything. In the field - sowing, sowing, sowing.

Oh, how damp, damp, damp with dew, dew, dew.

Our gas went out - our gas went out.

The mouse sat in a corner
I ate a piece of the donut.
Eating pussy soup from a bowl.
The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.

A rose bush grew in the garden - a rose bush grew in the garden.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.

A sparrow was sitting on a pine tree.
I fell asleep and fell off in my sleep.
If he hadn't fallen asleep,
I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

There was fat, there was soap.

Sasha knocked a bump with his hat.

The pig bluntly dug the whole yard, dug it, dug it, didn’t reach the hole.

The falcon sat on the head of the trunk.

For seven days and forty I tried, hurried, I sewed rawhide boots for myself.

Senka-lucky, take the woman on the sled.
Sled skok, Senka in the forehead.

The dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.

The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawls.

A grouse sat on a tree, and a grouse with grouses on a branch.

A turner in a short-sleeved shirt hacked the cocktail party.

To interpret plainly, but to misinterpret it uselessly.

Finally the blacksmith ate the Varenets.

From a nearby well, water pours all day.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

Ruffs are good in Sheken, pikes are also good.

I was walking along the highway with a road and heard the noise of the chassis.

Our chess player of your chess player will over-chess, over-chess.

Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.

Six mice rustle in the hut.

You are welcome to our hut.

Mother gave Romasha yogurt whey.

Near the pit, three needles are sluggish; I'll stand for the conifers, I'll get the conifers.

Three needles twine around the stake.

All lal, white diamond, green emerald.

How will we somehow stand before the Antichrist?

Along the strap, along the log, I will lead the filly sideways.

Pull the stripe out from under the cochedron, the stripe from under the cochidoc.

Those seven red-hot arrows, a monster.

Seven sleds, seven sleds.

On the street with bast shoes, with nine - we have no time for bast shoes, not up to nine.

From sour milk, from yogurt.

I will cut the circle, lead my mother, take my sister out.

White-lipped cucumbers, well-done white-belly.

Half a quarter of four peas without a wormhole.

There is a pile on the window, not pronounced, not revealed. Grip came to show; expressed and revealed.

Hood goes uphill, thin goes downhill; thin, thin: you are thin, I am thin; sit thin on thin; drive the thin thin, iron bar.

In our courtyard, the weather is sluggish.

Four peasants were walking from the Kostroma region; they talked about auctions and about purchases, about cereals and about sub-pieces.

The fellow ate thirty-three pies and pie, and all with cottage cheese.

The crested laughter laughed with laughter: ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Ivan the fool talked about milk, but did not.

Hello, father, brother, sister, buddy, friend - say a bow to the petition: sorry, father, mother, grandfather, father, brother, sister, bird, chicken.

Brother Arkady killed a borax cow on the Ararat mountains.

It is no wonder for a half-brother to say about Polycarp.

The fox runs six by six: lick, fox sand!

Forty mice walked, carried forty pennies, two plain mice carried two pennies.

Three birds fly through three empty huts.

My duck, my darling, do not fly across the river, do not peck the sand, do not dull your sock!

A cat is running across the sky, I will catch up and catch.

Kubra cooked cabbage soup for kubra, came bukar, and sipped it.

Not for what, for something else, like something else
Russian folk jokes

Alyosha is three pennies: a penny's neck, an altyn's head, three money each leg - that's the whole price for him.

Amen, don't go alone!

Oh you, Sashki, my kanashki, change my papers!

Baiushki-baiu - I give a mallet.

Will you walk on a thread with me.
You will remember my friendship.
It was (will be) a wolf at the withers.

There was a king Dodon, he built up a bone house; they took bones from all over the kingdom, they began to wet them - they soaked them; began to dry - the bones were dry, wet again, and when they get wet, then I will finish.

There was a man Yashka (Sashka), he was wearing a gray earmuff, a buckle on the back of his head, a rag on his neck, a hat on his head - is my fairy tale good? (An annoying tale.)

Vaska the little pig, a thin pig, legs are shaking, intestines are dragged.
- How much is the guts?
- Three money each.

I'll squeeze it in one fist, so the spit won't stay wet.

Take someone in hand. Take (accept) in iron gloves.

I'll take it by the tail and throw it over the bridge.

Here's to you: don't go alone, go with your mother!

Here's one, another grandmother will give. And here's a fool for nuts.

Is everything all right? - All thanks to God; only your favorite raven overeat fell. - But where did he find her? - Yes, the black stallion fell. - How so? - And as the estate burned, they carried water on it, but they drove it. - Why did the fire start? - Yes, as your mother was buried with lights, they accidentally set it on fire.

Wash someone's head. Lather (powder) your head.

Swung high, but lashed low.

Raised high, but lowered.

Stupid Avdey was nailed in the neck.

Geese in gusli, ducks in pipes, crows in boxes, cockroaches in drums, a goat in a gray sarafan, a cow in a mat, all the more expensive.

Give someone a race, a haircut. Ask fefer, pepper, etc.

Give someone a slap. Give catching up, straining, etc.

He should be put in the cold.

He needs to get cold.

You can't eat Troy, it will live on nausea, and grumble at it (you don't eat for three days, it will nauseate on your stomach, and grumble on your belly).

Sorry for the fist, but hitting the fool.

Pity the fists, but they beat the fools.

Once upon a time there lived an eldress alone in a village; it went badly - again from the end. (An annoying tale.)

Once upon a time there was a crane with a crane, they put up a stack of senets - shouldn't I say it again from the end? (An annoying tale.)

For whiskey and in a vice (in jerks).

For stubbornness - in the strap.

I will drive where the raven will not bring bones.

Ask someone a task, a bashing, a skating rink. Set the inverted beam.

You scratch your head. You will scratch the back of my head.

Potions that cure a hangover.

There is a horned goat following the little guys: whoever sucks a tit, butts him with a horn (he butts, butts).

As I grab, you will sing the sura with the interception.

As I give you a kick, so seven years will carry you with the bootlegs.

If the bayonet is not enough, then we will give the butt.

- Cat Eustathius, have you cut your hair? - I got my hair cut. - And you screwed up? - And he screwed up. - Can I walk past you? - Can. The mouse ran, and the cat ran. - Oscoromish, cat Eustathius! - To whom soon, but to our health.

I took it abruptly, got it wrong.

Where the goblin bitches will not go. (Game of bitches.)

Where Makar does not drive calves.

I'll put it on my palm, tap it with the other (fist) - it will only be wet.

A bullet flies, buzzes; I'm in the side - she follows me, I'm in the other - she is behind me; I fell into a bush - she grabbed me in the forehead; I dashed by hand - but it's a beetle!

The man is gray, a tall caftan, axes on his bare feet, bast shoes in his belt, a blush under his nose, and on the whole cheek - what's in the nose.

Feed someone with birch porridge.

The peasant mowed down a senz, put the Polish in the middle, shouldn't I say it again from the end? (An annoying tale.)

He sang (strained) him on a crooked spindle.

Fiction in faces, found in old loft rooms, wrapped in black rags.

I have not seen fists, so take pity on your sides.

Not for company, but for the sake of pleasure.

Not for anything else, other things, but for a single unity and friendly company.

Not sorry for the back, but sorry for the club.

- Is there a louse, is there a flea? - One worm, and even that golden one: to beat or to let loose? (Nanny play.)

Whistling around me; I go there - whistle, I here - whistle; trouble, I think, climbed on a birch, I sit - whistling, but it's in my nose.

He just grins at him and looks.

He sharpens his nails (teeth) on me. He has been biting his nails for a long time.

He sat down (leaned, piled) on him and oppression oppression.

It's in my hands. It's in my hands.

They reckoned with him. Wait, we will settle accounts.

Saddle (bridle) someone. Ride someone on horseback.

The stick is red - they beat in vain; the stick is white - they beat for the cause.

Come to my stupa, I will smooth you with a pestle.

I'll go wide open and beat in sweep.

Full of the cat to drag from the cup.

The mare liked (liked) the belt whip.

You will get to me under a wool bow.

Got bugs in the pens (in the boyar pens).

They cleaned his buckle. Fished out the sides.

I went to bast to tear up a mountain; I saw the lake floating on the ducks. I knocked off three sticks: one spruce, the other

Birch, third rowan; threw a spruce tree - didn’t quit, threw a birch tree - threw it; threw rowanberry - pleased; the lake fluttered, flew, but the ducks remained.

He called the pop cat in the middle of the post: go, cat, take the pie in your mouth; and the cat brought with him a cat, and sat down with it in the stove.

Get hold of someone. Tidy (bend) to the nail.

Pick someone with a shot (rods).

Himself on a mare, a wife on a cow, guys on calves, servants on dogs, cats on baskets.

Today is a holiday, the husband's wife teases, climbs on the stove, the fig seems: on you, hubby, a sweet pie, with an onion, with a bowl, with a pepper!

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window! Your children are crying, they are chopping up sulfur (larch resin), they don't give us a spoon, a black bear, we don't have a crumb! (Children's joke in Eastern Siberia.)

The magpie-crow cooked porridge, galloped to the threshold, invited guests: she gave it (on the fingers), gave it to this, but this did not get it (bang on the head).

We began to think and scratch in our head.

You will dance to my tune.

Scales of this bream would be necessary.

I will give such a zaushin that it will ring in my head for three days.

My hand is light - the neck would be strong (thick).

Four birch clubs, fifth whip, ordered by the retinue.

An eccentric dead man: he died on Tuesday, to bury on Wednesday, and he was looking out the window (and he went to harrow).

Freak dead: died on Tuesday; they began to hew the coffin, and he jumped up, and well, dance.

A peasant walked, and three peasants met him: sun, wind and frost. The man bowed to the wind. The sun said: "I will burn you." And the wind: "I won't let you in." Frost said: "I will freeze you." And the wind: "I'll give you."

This is only one deposit, and the matter is ahead.

I'll take it in two brushes. I will knock out dust (fleas) from you.

I'll slap a burdock into his beard.

I'll give him a scratch. I'll comb it my way.

I'll make fun of him, I'll save a nursery rhyme.

I'll fix his hair.

I'll put his nose in the morning. I'll poke him into a pile with my snout.

I'll stick you a bristle.

I'll put a flea in your ear.

I'll put some cabbage soup for you on a spoon.

I'll get you a hut, wait a minute!

I'll sew your tongue below your heels.

I'll click you on the nail - it will only get wet.

Sing, my dear, I don't sing ...
Russian folk ditties

Comic ditties

Vanka sits at the gate
Opening my mouth wide
And the people will not understand
Where is the gate, and where is the mouth.

I don’t know about you,
And here in Yakutia
The sooner the bananas ripen
Than the frosts are fiercer.

The blue sea cannot be filled -
It's very deep
You can't feed all the bourgeois -
They have a big belly.

The bullshit flew across the sky
Silver metal.
A lot these days
Unidentified bullshit.

Listen, girls,
I will sing out of place:
A pig grazes on an oak tree
A bear is steaming in the bath.

At my dukhani
Everything according to the new fashion:
Cups, spoons in the barn,
Chickens are in the chest of drawers.

A hare is sitting on a birch
With galoshes, with watches.
I asked: - What time is it?
He answered: - Three hours.

Kolya, Kolya, have you split off?
Kolya is from America.
What are you on, Kolya, arrived?
On a green broom.

In the swamp, in the snow
A mosquito bit a flea.
A hare is sitting on a birch
Dies with laughter.

Yes on my head
The cow is calving.
Awesome question:
How fit?

My millenko
Bad filly.
She stood by the mountain
Mosquitoes seized her.

I'm from a high fence
I'll fall right into the water
Well who cares
Where will the spray go!

The footcloths were unraveled,
The greatcoat was widened,
The cap was disguised,
The belt is unloaded.

The telephone pole got married
Took the heifer from the priest.
Pop got angry for it
And he killed the samovar.

I sewed boots from a shirt,
And a shirt made of boots
I put the house out of sawdust,
A nice little house came out.

I'll harness the cat into a droshky
And the kitten in the carriage.
I'll take my good
All people for show.

They told me at the bazaar:
The fish walks in a sundress.
Full of bragging, full of lies:
How will she walk?

There is a cart in the yard
And gnaws sunflowers,
And the cow's lips are blowing:
Nobody gets married!

My father amused me:
I sewed boots with a pocket,
And a jacket - with heels,
So that the girls do not jump.

Between heaven and earth
Piglet curled
And by accident the tail
He clung to the sky.

I'm on a little sled
On an oak horse
A sheepskin coat on a bare foot,
Unbuttoned boots.

Harness a mosquito
Fly on the side
And I will go to those parts
Find yourself a cutie.

A bird flew in, sat down
Right at the cock's nose.
The rooster felt offended,
He sang: ku-ka-re-ku!

How I grew up and bloomed
Until seventeen,
And at seventeen at a party
I was left without teeth.

Oh, Too-Town,
Restless me
Restless me
Calm me down.

What are you dear, what are you dear,
Halberd on the shoulder, -
Broke well
And the shoulder was not injured.

A new jacket was torn,
And they gave me a club in the eye
Don't scold us, daddy,
That hid behind you.

Oh you macho, macho, macho,
Chaperon over your shoulder!
I'm a good girl
Not kissed yet.


Play, Vasya, play, dear,
You are our favorite accordion player.

What are you girls not singing?
Or are you waiting for the good guys?

Don't shake my hand tightly -
Not a legal spouse.

Are your eyebrows black
Have you brought us to love?

Oh you darling, hit the wall
I'll go out to those, I will put you in.

Separated our friendship:
Milka - get married, I'm on - to the service.

You are the receiver, fat, sleek,
Don't leave your wife as a soldier.

Do not suffer, girls, for nothing:
All suffering with deceit.

Why are you crying, wetting your handkerchief,
Lured - don't you want to love?

You play the draft
For the heart of the sick.

What are you, my dear, gloomy?
I will not give up - you do not think.

Where are you, my dear, growing,
Did you get beauty for yourself?

Don't play, accordion, that's enough
From "suffering" it hurts the heart.

Milka is sleeping, breathing quietly.
I kiss - he does not hear.

From suffering, from dashing
There is no medicine

Yes, you flow, a river, a trickle
Come, dear, in the evening.

I spent - got angry,
And then I missed him.

Eh, dry up, Klyazma-river,
Stop hurting your heart.

Zaletochka, where have you been?
At dawn you go and play!

It's good to suffer on the stove:
Legs in a warm place.

Oh, the ring is gold, gold,
I feel sorry for my brother.

The path is overgrown with moss,
On which he walked, groaned.

To see from window to window -
And then you can suffer.

I go to bed - I close my eyes,
Oh, love does not give peace.

Remember, dear, where you sat -
A lilac bush bloomed there.

It's good to suffer in the spring
Under the green pine.

The moon shines, the edge shines.
Let's go, honey, let's take a walk.

Come on, darling, shall we order a coffin?
Let us cluck - we will lie down together.

Goodbye forest, goodbye hazel
Goodbye, my dear, mocker.

It's good to suffer with Katya,
When the sun is at sunset.

Bondage brought me in
On someone else's field to suffer.

Don't go girls get married
For Suvorov riflemen,
They hurt my heart
In fourteen steps.

I'll walk quietly past the house.
Rose is asleep, but the heart is dashing.

Clouds are walking over the mountain
A thunderstorm is gathering.
And to our house a wreck
The eyes would not look.

They say our club is bad
My friend and I like it!
We will cover up the businessman,
Let him get hurt.

How they will hit you with a club -
You will involuntarily cry out.
Hit once, hit twice
And then you will get used to it.

Where do you go to kiss
With such a small growth?
You're not twenty years old
And fifty dollars with a tail!

My dear to my window
I got in but didn't break.
I saw the computer, sat down ...
Didn't get up anymore.

They started up in the garden
Colorado beetles.
Let's live without potatoes -
There would only be men.

My dear little falcon
Let's sit under the pear.
Sing ditties
And I will listen to you!

Sing along, my dear,
I don't sing
I turned back from the platform
The mouth does not open.

The river flows, the edge splashes.
Sweetheart will come and caress.

Lyas ditties

I'm going to dance
With your gray eyes
I'll start luring.

Oh, I was young
Oh, I was frisky,
And through the window behind the accordion
I climbed to the accordion player!

When I hear the accordion,
Blood will play with a key.
I was carried away by the accordion player,
And the accordion has nothing to do with it!

Who sits not having fun
Doesn't dance, doesn't sing -
Don't be offended at us:
In the form of a fine - the ruble gives!

On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters;
I'm not a clubfoot myself -
Clubfoot grooms.

Who has some cute
I have a craft:
I gave my shoes to sew -
Sewed birch beetle.

Walk, hut, walk, hut,
Walk, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.

Oh, cat, scatter!
Do not sit on the threshold:
And then darling will go
If he stumbles, he falls.

Oh, stomp, foot,
Do not feel sorry for the boot
Tyatka will sew new
Or these will fit.

If only, if only, if only
Mushrooms grew on the nose,
We would have boiled ourselves
Yes, and rolled into the mouth.

In the yard across the meadow
Ducklings are running.
And I'm barefoot from the stove -
I thought: guys!

She drank tea,
She broke all the dishes -

My dear and I walked
Near our pond.
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there anymore!

I'm not a tyatkin
I'm not mamkin -
I grew up on the street
The chicken took me away.

I walked in the village - the girls were sleeping,
Played an accordion - got up,
We got up, woke up,
The windows were open.

Baby, what, baby, what?
Darling angry at what?
Or what people said
Did he notice that himself?

I'm going to dance -
There is nothing to bite at home:
Rusks and crusts -
On the legs support.

Mother sent me
Drive the gander
And I went out the gate -
And let's dance!

I was sitting at the window
My dear rode on a cat,
I began to drive up to the window -
Couldn't hold the cat.

Gnaws a young man,
Underwater snake:
In our club, the whole squad -
Eight girls, one me.

The girls dance in an entourage
Four girls in a row.
They told me: this is a complex,
And I thought: an outfit.

About family, love and separation

And my dear gave me
Your faithful love
And I gave him
Its dimensionless.

Outside the woods,
And beyond the forest there is a river.
Where do you go my friend
Heart worn out.

I fell in love with him
He is a boy nothing.
Well, of course, not forever -
For two evenings in total!

I don't need a pound of peas
And one pea
I don't need a lot of girls
And one good one!

Why did you come here
An unfamiliar boy?
Dried up my heart
Like a cracker on the stove.

I loved the falcon
I darned his socks.
And he, the damned crocodile,
With other tricks he started.

There are two flowers on the hillock,
Blue and scarlet.
I will never change
you, my dear.

I'm given to another
And I will be faithful to him forever,
How faithful was Mumu
To his Gerasim.

I do not want to drink tea,
I don't want to brew
I do not want to love you
And even talk!

My darling is fumes
Aki the serpent is on fire.
Stabs it in the face with a fist -
Loves, welcomes.

You, my dear, leave your wife,
Go to the station.
Hand over your wife in the trunk
And lose your receipt.

I'm walking, the window is closed
With a blue curtain.
Congratulations to you dear
With a new boyfriend!

Why did you lure
When I'm not nice to you?
You would say from the fall
I would not go in the winter.

Darling, you will lose happiness -
You won't marry me.
I'll cry one day -
You will be lost forever.

I stood behind the porch
And they said: with a fine fellow.
I took out a handkerchief,
And they said: kissed.

Well what is it to become
To carry buckets up the mountain?
I'll go get married there,
Where is the water under the window.

My darling is good
Looks like a teacher.
And put on a jacket -
A real fool.

I will buy myself a ring
With gold breakdown.
If they don't get married,
I'll try anyway!

There is fog in the yard.
The diaper is drying.
All your love is a lie
Beside the child.

Darling, don't knock
Pretty one, don't mess around
Under the middle window
Scratch gently.

For high mansions,
Daddy, don't give:
A man is dearer than home -
Choose a person.

Get up mamma early
Wash the furnace with sand
Drolechka will go to get married -
I will pay with my voice.

Don't scold me mother
Do not scold, dear:
She was young herself
She came late.

It's okay that I'm small
She took off the star from the sky.
I sat one evening
The boy drove him crazy.

She sewed a pouch for a sweetheart,
And the mitten came out.
Sweetheart came, praised:
- What a craftswoman!

Mommy is not native
The stew is cold
If only you were dear
She poured some hot cabbage soup.

Oh, mountain, mountain,
And under the mountain is a stream.
Took me away
I myself do not know whose.

It would be nice to have shoes
On a light run
So that mamma doesn't hear
When I go home.

Soon I will become a mistress
At the sweetheart in the house:
Will sit down for supper
By my order.

They came to woo me
With a gilded arc.
While she was powdered, she blushed,
We left for another.

Dear in the fall
Said a secret word:
- Save up, sirushka,
Wedding ring.

Curtained windows
Thin white linen.
Know, got married a girlfriend,
Sits crying under the window.

Is the forest really small -
I'm cutting a birch tree.
Are there really few children -
I love a married man.

Everyone was invited to the wedding
All relatives gathered,
They gave a lot of money
And the "iron horse".

The guests gave us
A mortar, a chock and a trestle bed,
Nothing strange here
After all, a wedding is made of wood!

An asterisk fell from the sky
On a straight line.
Darling translates me
In your last name.

Bitten by a big bulldog
Mother-in-law's skinny leg.
I immediately died from the bite -
Poisoned by my mother-in-law.

We have a bride wherever,
Beautiful Elenka,
Here's a miracle:
She used to prop up the wall in the club.

I have a daughter-in-law N
that is, to be beautiful,
But the mother-in-law is anywhere,
Stately and cute.

My darling is fear of the night
Ears - ten of mine ...
But if you drink, there is something
Hang her noodles!

Tell me friends
How can I be, I don’t know?
Or should I risk getting married
Or drown yourself right away? ...

Water is pouring from the well
Bubbles, foams.
Let a friend from you
Will not go anywhere.

Do not take from your mother-in-law in a barrel
You are salty mushrooms.
So that with a smile on your lips
Do not sit in the bushes afterwards.

Baby, what are you, baby, what are you
Leaned on your shoulder?
And I, dear, do not -
fell in love passionately.


I ask the player to play funny
I, girls, will sing "Semyonovna".

As Semyonovna sits on the ladder.
Yes, songs are sung about Semyonovna.

There are four forks on the table.
Will bring love to the grave.

Eh, Semyonovna, where are you hanging around,
You don't come home at night.

Oh, cucumber, tomatoes!
What have the boyfriends done!

You, Semyonovna, Russian woman:
The chest is high, the jacket is narrow.

Eh, love, love, how harmful -
She was rosy, but became pale.

My mother saws me for Semyonovna:
Don't sing, daughter, my head hurts.

I walk, I walk - the grass is stumped, stuck.
Guys are cunning, and we are more cunning than them.

If girls were fish
The boys jumped into the water after them.

Here is Semyonovna eating jam.
So it fights for acceleration.

You are a mountain, a mountain, a cozy mountain.
The guys have five-minute love.

Oh, Semyon, Semyon, you are green like a meadow.
And I'm Semyonovna - the grass is green.

There is semolina porridge on the table.
Do not believe, girls, love is deceiving.

Oh, Semyonovna, leather skirt,
You, Semyonovna, are foldable.

Oh, Semyonovna, striped skirt.
Yes, Semyonovna has no voice.

Yes, I came to you, but under the window.

You, Semyonovna, how lively,
Probably drank a glass of bitter.

The plane flew all the way behind the cloud.
I love one, torture the other.

So always keep your line
And you will remain a heroine! ...

I pick an apple, another falls.
I like to beat off - I like it.

I'll put on a dress, put on a white one.
Ah, war, war, what have you done!

Oh, Semyonovna, a fashionable girl:
I bought a watch, myself - hungry.

Why did you bloom, cornflower, in the rye?
Why did you come, my dear, tell me?

Today she cried from morning to evening:
Changed the talker, but there is nothing to do.

The accordion player sits that there is color in the field.
I love him, but there is no date with him.

Eh, Semyonovna, I like you
Kiss me, you won't get poisoned.

And continuation:

Eh, Semyonovna, you are my baby,
Yes, I came to you and under the window.

Kissed, did not poison myself,
I became infected with Senina's love.

I walk, I walk, two paths apart.
Love the good one, throw me the thin one.

There is a large building on the mountain.
There is no happiness in love - only suffering.

There is an answer for every riddle
Russian folk riddles

Riddles about plants

They beat me with sticks, rub me with stones,
They burn me with fire, cut me with a knife.
And for that they ruin me so that everyone loves me.

A house grew up in a field,
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On the trunk in gold.

Golden sieve
Black houses are full.
How many black houses
So many white tenants.


Round, but not the moon,
Green, but not oak grove,
With a tail, but not a mouse.

Two walked, stopped, one asks the other:
- Is it black?
- No, it's red.
- Why is she white?
- Because it's green.
What were they talking about?

(Red currant)

My caftan is green
And the heart is like kumach,
It tastes like sugar, sweet
And he himself looks like a ball.

I'm sitting in a tree
Round like a ball
Tasty like honey
Red as blood.

There is an oak full of groats,
Piglet covered.

An old man stands above the water
Shakes his beard.


No windows, no doors
The room is full of people.

Blue tunic,
Yellow lining,
And in the middle it's sweet.

Hat on one side,
He hid behind a stump.
Who passes close
Bows low.

Not the sea, not the river, but worried.

(Field with ears)

The mountains of gold grow in the summer.

He threw one and took a whole handful.

Riddles about animals

White as snow








































































































White as snow






























































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