New Year's greetings for relatives. New Year's greetings to the sister. New Year's greetings to her husband

*** I wish you health, you can't buy it, And be able to save more money. Let the loot fill his pockets, To travel more often to where it is warm in Winter, and in the summer - to go sledging. Cheerful friends at inveterate parties, Reliable partners, career success, Always achieve your goal! *** Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in ...

*** I wish you to live happily, respect each other, appreciate. Love, good understanding to you And the brightest wishes. *** Look in love, Live serenely, Appreciate immeasurably, Love heartily. *** Congratulations on your wedding, I wish the family happiness, To live in harmony always, wealth and goodness to you! *** Glad so love-wishes are simple! And before that, plus, so that your dreams are easy, ...

*** Today, the one who loves to sleep, His holiday can celebrate, Dreaming in the sweet dreams of sleep, As spring comes to life again, The sun will shine - grace! Well, how not to oversleep today, When else will you be so lucky? Work? He will definitely wait! *** A person really needs As many as eight hours to sleep, And then he will always be cheerful, cheerful and healthy, S ...

*** Let your Omnipresent Leprechaun come to your house today. The bag will bring you happiness, give Patrick a bow. And put green clothes on. Foamy beer in mugs Pour without hesitation. *** Let Patrick, having brought a green bouquet, Sing about summer, do not be bored, friends! Zarnitsy, sunrises, summer melodies So bright colors, like happiness greetings. Leave work and everyday life for the winter, ...

*** During this month that we are together, the Soul seems to have blossomed. And the connection between us became stronger, And two wings opened in love. I congratulate you on our first date: Both our relationship and love. Yes, we were lonely once, But for a month now we are relatives, we are our own. *** Happy our day, I congratulate you, I will send you an SMS. AND…

*** We are all citizens, we are called consumers, Quality of commodity and freshness lovers, Happy protection of our rights, I congratulate you, Only excellent products for you, I sincerely wish you! Let bad goods never enter your home, And if suddenly, then let the law strictly protect you, Learn the consumer's rights by heart, And without unnecessary hassle, happily ...

*** You are engaged now, congratulations! May the family be strong, I wish you well-being And the best wonderful good. Let tenderness illuminate you, Let success pursue. Let love warm you, Let there be no hindrances in anything. *** Congratulations on your engagement. A very important step has been taken. May your marriage be wonderful and reliable. Let the wedding be ...

*** You swam across the vastness of the ocean, Walked by the sea and guarded the Motherland. Honor and glory shone under the sail, You opened thousands of roads for yourself. Today is a holiday - Day of the Navy, Pour and drink a glass of vodka. And you won't go to work today, Today you will drink for lovely ladies. Today you will remember the sea, oceans, Space of roads and thousands ...

*** So the summer has flown by, September has come again. And solemnly the Day of Knowledge Celebrates the whole world. We wish you guys Only fives in your diary, Strength, health and good luck, Necessary knowledge in your head! *** Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and learn. Ease in the new school year. Friendly atmosphere, interesting events, wonderful marks and constant striving ...

Dear, dear nephew, on this wonderful holiday I want to wish you as many sunny days, strongest health, a sea of ​​joy and positiveness. Let this magical night turn your life into a real fairy tale, where good always triumphs over evil. Smile more often, please yourself and your loved ones, remain the same cheerful, charming young man. Happy Holidays!

So another year of our life is coming to an end. It's time for changes, new acquaintances, interesting relationships and amazing discoveries. Congratulations on this wonderful moment. You are an amazing guy, smart, kind, cute. I am proud that you are my nephew, and I believe that you will overcome any trials, reach any heights and become who you want to be.

Dear nephew! I will tell you a secret that your parents are truly happy people, because they have you, their wonderful son, a faithful helper and strong support in life. They are great fellows, because they were able to educate and bring into this world such a wonderful person as you. Happy holiday, new happiness!

I hasten to congratulate my beloved nephew on the Upcoming Day. You are one of those few people who are capable of serious and even, I'm not afraid of this word, great deeds. A fairer, more humane and more honest person is no longer in the world. Thanks to your parents for having you with me! I wish you happiness in the new year, successful and daring projects, wonderful meetings and positive moments.

Dear nephew! I congratulate you on this magical holiday, when everything bad, gray and empty goes into the past forever, and it is replaced by a bright future full of wonderful events. You are so good with me, you deserve the best in this life, and I am sure that you will succeed and great achievements.

On this magical night, I want to wish that this world always and everywhere gives you only light and joy, that the sky is always cloudless, bright stars shine at night, and the bright sun smiles from the clouds during the day. Never stop dreaming, strive for a new, better, beautiful, and you will definitely achieve everything.

The New Year is already very close, and I wish you to always be in a great mood, never get upset over trifles, never stop there, be happy and always cheerful. May your friends never leave you, sincerely sharing with you both sadness and sadness, so joy and success.

Happy New Year, dear niece! Always be loved, just as kind and sympathetic. Make your cherished wish this night, and it will certainly come true in the new 2018.

Let it be next year, despite the cold outside the window, you were always cozy and warm. Smile, dear nephew, enjoy life. Meet this year brightly and positively, so that every day is as bright and as positive. Rejoice at even your smallest successes, because they are small, but still achievements. Happy holiday, my dear!

Get distracted, finally, from all your affairs, official meetings and important negotiations. After all, today is an excellent reason to relax with your family and closest friends. I wish you many, many happy moments in your life, be always the same healthy, successful, smart and faithful. You are a real treasure for your parents and friends. I am happy to have such a wonderful and wonderful nephew.

Poems for the New Year to Nephew

Happy New Years
Accept from a pure heart.
Letter to Grandfather Frost
Bring the postman quickly!
And then the winter grandpa
Will bring you gifts.
My nephew is the best
He was obedient for a whole year.
You deserve all the gifts
What do you want!
When you hear, the sleigh rushes -
Everything you dream will come true!

Santa Claus, Snowman and Snow Maiden
They will fly on a sleigh to you.
Happy New Year will congratulate your nephew,
And all this will happen in a dream.
I congratulate you on the holiday
And I wish you all the best.
Stay a fun prankster
Bring laughter and joy to our home!

Congratulations on the winter miracle
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
With a song, dance, round dance,
Happy and good day!
Santa Claus will rush to you
And he will bring gifts!
Sleep my boy tightly
On this night, a magical dream.

I only wish for happiness
Laughter, joy, kindness!
Let there be a box under the tree
Will be full to the top!
Santa Claus will give a miracle
(Don't forget to put the dish
With a cookie, milk.)
Aunt and uncle will not forget
They will bring you a smartphone.

New Year's fairy tale is approaching
You can already hear the bells ringing!
Santa Claus will be visiting soon
And congratulate you good-naturedly!
He will wish you health
So that your family is proud of you!
The whole year will be permeated with joy,
And may friends be faithful!

Happy New Year!
We wish you only joy!
And also, whoever is healthy,
For Santa Claus to bring!
To my nephew,
To the mischievous boy!
We brought gifts:
Tell us some poetry!

Santa Claus is in a hurry to the guys
He had gifts for them.
And according to our calculations
Not even us will pass.
Our nephew is very kind
He behaved beautifully.
And an enormous gift
Frost brought for him.

Under the fluffy Christmas tree
He brought gifts.
Golden car
And a black locomotive.
The nephew was obedient
Almost a whole year.
Congratulate him soon
Good Santa Claus!
We also congratulate you,
We give gifts to you!
We wish you happiness, health
And all the best blessings on earth!

Santa Claus surprise under the tree
Hide at night when you sleep.
Very quiet gait
You will hurry under the tree.
My nephew, the sweetest
The kindest and dearest.
Happy New Year
We wish you happiness, joy!
Be funny, mischievous!
And not sad - joyful!

What you want will happen
What you dream about will come true!
New Year's Eve rushes
All bad things will soon be forgotten!
Let the fairy tale dream at night
The fears will all get lost.
Santa Claus strives for you
Magic does not seem!
Happy New Year, he will congratulate
And he will bring gifts!
Let's celebrate the holiday together,
Let's celebrate this year wonderfully!
And to you, dear nephew,
Our boy is golden!
Frost will bring a gift
And believe us, not easy!
In the morning you run under the tree
And open the boxes!
Do not look through the crack at night
Don't scare grandpa!

Congratulations Happy New Year to your nephew prose and poetry

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  • Happy birthday greetings to dad

    Daddy, my dear man! I dream about your perfect health, excellent mood, long future. Let your environment consist of sincere devoted friends, and every day of your life will be positive and sunny. Happy birthday!

  • Happy birthday greetings to Zhenya

    Congratulations, darling! Today we have a wonderful day - your birthday! Look at the blue sky outside the window and how bright the sun is shining! It's all in your honor

  • Happy New Year, my nephew,
    My dear adorable.
    Be the best, happy
    The kindest and most beautiful.
    Be happy, kind, honest,
    The sweetest and most adorable.
    Let life be wonderful
    Unusual, best, cool!

    I'm glad to congratulate you
    My nephew, brother's son!
    I wish I got an A at school
    And do not quarrel so that you and your sister,
    So that she was a defender, so that he loved mom and dad,
    I adored my aunt, often came to visit
    In general, to have everything, you are in order.
    Happy New Year, my dear, my nephew is sweet!

    Nephew! May your dreams
    Always come true
    May you be happy in life
    Let the fruits of labor
    They bring joy. In the new year
    I want to wish
    Catching a round dance from money,
    Don't let him go!

    I wish my nephew
    So that you live without knowing troubles
    So that you do not know empty troubles,
    So that trouble does not touch
    New Year's way is the mood
    It will be quite festive
    For good luck and luck
    You found in every day!

    I hasten to congratulate you,
    Dear nephew,
    Let friends be nearby
    Any day with you!
    You, I know, are lucky
    And dreams will come true!
    I wish you happiness in the New Year,
    And live without fuss!

    Hello, our beloved nephew!
    Let the road be bright -
    Step confidently! Let a lot
    On it you will find good, good luck!
    Greetings for New Year
    And by the way, this is congratulations!
    Let it give you a mood
    Our humble little present!
    You grow up, come on, hurry up,
    Study hard, for grades
    In winter, fervently ride down the hill -
    Play, grow, grow stronger, smarter!

    Not a boy anymore, but quite a man
    And I rocked you in my arms ...
    And now jeans, biceps, stubble,
    Although boyish enthusiasm in the eyes.
    May the New Year bring you good luck
    Let it be only pleasantly surprised.
    All year I wish you, my boy,
    Grow and get stronger, get stronger and mature.

    My nephew, Happy New Year,
    Bright world to you
    Let under the starry sky
    You will become happy on Earth
    I wish you to be brave
    And always go ahead
    Overcome any business
    And be lucky!

    My nephew is handsome!
    My nephew anywhere!
    Happy New Year!
    Happiness, peace and goodness!

    I give you, nephew,
    The most delicious, sweetest gingerbread
    And a toy and jam,
    Well, and this is congratulations!
    Happy New Year! Listen mom
    And study hard! Dad
    Respect and listen too!
    Grow up and be the best!

    My nephew, I want to congratulate
    Happy new year, I am you.
    May happy and successful
    You will have this year.
    So that whatever you have in mind
    It came true and came true.
    To get nervous and cry
    Never happened.
    I wish to believe in a miracle
    Always live in a good fairy tale.
    To all your great plans
    Let fate say yes.

    Tribe, grow big, big
    Do not give up to anything
    And let this New Year
    You will meet with joy, with a soul!

    I want to be on the tree, beloved nephew,
    Your Santa Claus would fulfill his desire -
    And you became the happiest in the world
    And strong, and smart and not whiny!

    Snow sparkles outside the window
    New Year rushes along the road
    Open the door wider for the holiday
    And believe in your cherished dream.
    Dear nephew, happy holiday to you,
    I wish you good, joy and inspiration,
    Let the family live in abundance
    And the mood will be great.

    The tree is festively dressed
    Lots of colors, lots of light
    Santa Claus with a gray beard,
    Gifts will delight you and me.
    Happy New Year, nephew, congratulations,
    I sincerely wish to be always on top
    Confidently go to the goal set,
    Let no obstacles be in the way.

    The best holiday is New Year,
    A lot of joy, he singles us for joy,
    Let your dreams come true nephew this year
    Let the frost freeze sorrow and misfortune.
    May God grant you health and good luck,
    And a wonderful mood to boot,
    Never stop at what you have achieved
    Let your fate be happy.

    New Year is already at the gate,
    Everyone is looking forward to this holiday
    Nephew, I wish you happiness and good
    To be lucky in everything, always.
    May your dreams come true
    Good luck always smile
    Let the sadness remain in the past year,
    May the Lord keep your fate.

    The clock has struck twelve,
    All guests gathered at the table,
    Nephew, my congratulations to you
    Let your house be a full cup.
    I wish you all the best, happiness,
    Let the bad weather go around the side,
    New achievements to you, victories,
    Long and happy years.

    This evening is bright, wonderful
    I give you cars!
    Accept gifts
    And run quickly, play!
    Be perky, honest, smart,
    Patient, groovy!
    Happy New Year - kind, noisy,
    Our nephew! Grow big!

    Accept, nephew, gifts
    Today is the New Year,
    Let your life be bright, bright
    And let you be lucky in everything
    You grow up for the joy of mom and dad,
    Eat well and play fun
    Be healthy and happy the most
    Be obedient and do not know offense.

    Happy New Year 2019 to your beloved nephew

    The clock is in a hurry to twelve
    Wanting to celebrate the New Year.
    I hope you are full and happy
    Stuffing your mouth with delicious salad!
    While you are silent, I want you
    Good luck to wish
    Without grief or troubles,
    And happiness that you don't have to wait!

    Happy New Year to you, nephew,
    I want to wish you happiness
    For more joy and laughter,
    To be healthy and not to know troubles,
    For good fun,
    So that you have enough strength
    Well, and the resulting interference
    Eliminated in one fell swoop!

    Happy New Year my beloved
    My dear nephew
    Be happy in life
    And be happy with yourself.
    Let it be calm at home
    At work, be lucky
    Santa Claus let it be dark at night
    He will bring gifts to the house.

    May every day to my nephew
    Luck smiles!
    And all that he undertakes is
    It turns out instantly!
    May every desire
    In time it will be fulfilled
    A New Year's success
    And it will be filled with joy!

    Dear nephew, dear,
    After all, you are the only one.
    Happy New Year to you,
    We wish you to be the first in everything.
    Be cheerful, mischievous
    Become an oil tycoon.
    May your life be successful
    Take a present in the bargain!

    Let the nephew
    Happiness awaits
    Harden the difficulties
    Comprehend sciences
    And love of wisdom!
    May good luck and success
    Will forever be remembered!
    Make at least 100 wishes
    Each will come true!

    Happy New Year, my nephew,
    You are such a pretty cute.
    My dear, I wish you
    Happiness without end and edge.
    Make a wish at night
    Know that everything will come true for sure.
    Be loved and happy
    The best and most beautiful!

    Let it always be without delay
    All wishes come true
    And let your dreams, efforts
    Will find an understanding with loved ones,
    You be the very first in many ways
    For the rest - a cool example,
    Achieve everything in life
    Always try for this
    And let the New Year be bright
    Cheerful, generous with gifts,
    That they are so needed and cute
    Wonderful, just great!

    Congratulations, my nephew,
    Happy New Year, as a son, loving!
    May the heavenly magic messenger
    Protects you everywhere!
    May it circle over you all year
    Fulfilling desires, dreams!
    Let him open all the roads to you!
    Be cheerful and joyful you!

    I congratulate you, dear nephew!
    New Year is coming - it's a wonderful holiday!
    May it give magic and success with good luck,
    Things will go well - and nothing else!
    Be successful and always study diligently
    And live your life, honestly, serenely!
    Be healthy and loved, remember - this is important,
    And let there be a lot of light in your soul!

    Dear nephew, in this New year,
    Always be joyful, kind, healthy!
    I wish you joy in life and happiness,
    Let the blizzard sweep over all bad weather!
    Let sorrow and grief go into the distance,
    More money, sea of ​​love for you!
    May the wind of parting not meet
    And let luck fly into your hands!

    Dear nephew - dear, dear boy!
    In the New Year, I wish you happiness and good luck in everything!
    Let the wallet get fat, the money comes,
    And in order to believe in miracles - you know, they happen!
    So that it is always joyful in my soul, dear,
    Paradise for you in a hut with a lovely girl!
    And let the soul soar and be winged,
    You always take care of what is sacred to your heart in it!

    I am to my dear nephew
    I wish you New Year
    Let the Snow Maiden in the snow
    In the magic night will come!
    Through the blizzard and through the blizzards,
    The aromas of tender spruce
    Through the great snowfall
    To make the young friend happy!

    My dear nephew, Happy New Year!
    Let your life go on very quietly,
    Let the joy and misfortune go away,
    Let there never be falsehood in your life!
    Let goodness and love happen, as in a fairy tale,
    So that soon you will find your Goldilocks!
    So that you believe and love with all your hot hearts,
    And in everything to you, dear, happiness and good luck!

    In the New Year's Eve
    Substitute your hands quickly
    To my congratulations,
    My good nephew!
    Here's goodness and affection for you,
    Joy and success
    Here's a needle and thread for you -
    To patch up the holes!

    Happy New Year 2019 to your nephew

    New Year's holidays are just around the corner.
    I'll bring my nephew as a gift
    A cart of love, a heap of happiness and a bag of money,
    Then I will reward him with warm words!
    Successful life, may health go well,
    You always walk along it in peace and with love!
    You look at this world, dear, more fun,
    And drive the bad weather away from you soon!

    I really want, in a magical time,
    Wish your nephew mountain joy!
    A bag of immense happiness and good luck,
    And of course, a huge pot of money!
    I wish you love and more positive
    So that you are bold and very beautiful!
    I wish you romance and inspiration
    And in life, always and in everything, luck!

    New year, nephew,
    We wish
    To celebrate the holiday
    Five points you!
    So that a charge of fun
    I got happiness
    To be in the mood
    There was only positive!

    To my nephew, like a son, I wish you New Year
    Health, happiness and fun,
    A whole round dance of beautiful snow maidens,
    In all matters, success and luck!
    May the New Year make all wishes come true
    And there will be a lot of money and love!
    The bosses appreciate and bear fruit
    You are always your efforts!

    Dreams come true in the New Year
    But only for those who try for a whole year.
    You were obedient for a whole year and Santa Claus
    I brought you the desired gifts in my bag.
    I wish you obedience to you, nephew,
    So that all your efforts are always appreciated.
    May the New Year open the door to a fairy tale,
    After all, miracles actually exist, the main thing is to believe in them!

    Well done, my nephew,
    Smart and diligent
    We are all proud of you
    And you are so polite!
    Enter the New Year with success
    With joy, with luck.
    May love come to you
    Happiness, inspiration!

    Champagne glistens in the glass
    And serpentine twists like a snake
    We got together on the New Year
    A large, friendly family.
    Nephew, be always healthy
    Be happy and don't be sad.
    I wish you a Happy New Year!
    Good luck, prosperity, and love!

    Nephew, Happy New Year!
    May God keep you!
    I also wish that
    He was healthy as always!
    Luck, happiness, peace,
    More money and
    The most luxurious apartment,
    Of course, love!
    Let it always and everywhere
    Everything will be fine
    So that you never have a cold
    Didn't touch! Yet
    Excellent and beautiful
    Go through life!
    Not strictly, not hasty,
    And live right!

    Happy New Year! May good luck
    Strength, will and success
    For the whole year they will come to you
    To be happier than everyone
    To smile a lot
    Not tightly, from the heart,
    More often to achieve
    Goals big and small!

    May all dreams come true
    After all, the new year is a time for miracles
    Be you successful, my nephew,
    Jump to heaven from happiness
    Let them always be with you
    Good luck, joy and friends,
    You should always be cheerful
    But you can't be sad!

    Happy New Year
    I am you, nephew,
    Has brought winter to you
    The long-awaited holiday.

    As if in childhood you decorate
    Christmas tree toys
    Drive evil and troubles away
    Loud crackers.

    May all yours in the New Year
    Desires will come true
    May luck bring
    Glory and recognition.

    Santa Claus is in a hurry
    Give you gifts.
    My beloved, glorious nephew,
    How not to love you.

    I wish you New Years
    Faithful friends and prosperity.
    Be happy and beautiful
    Let your life be sweet.

    Happy New Year, my nephew,
    Have a lot of fun
    And on such a beautiful holiday
    So that your dreams come true.

    Laugh, sing, gift gifts,
    Visit relatives, friends,
    May everything in life be bright
    Go ahead boldly!

    I am you, my beloved nephew,
    Happy New Year,
    And the gift that you have with Santa Claus
    I asked you to hand it over!

    I want to wish you to study perfectly well,
    Get involved in sports, go to mugs,
    On vacation with friends, chat
    You can spend your time together!

    I hasten to wish my beloved nephew a Happy New Year. Stay just as fair, smart and likable. May all your dreams come true this night. I wish you physical and spiritual strength, courage, skill, health, happiness and good luck. Happy New year to you!

    Nephew, Happy New Year!
    A perky round dance
    Let fun enter life
    Good luck in every business

    Health and success!
    The interference will fly away
    Sadness will disappear forever
    And the snow will cover troubles!

    Happy New Year, my nephew,
    Nice, kind my baby.
    Wishes come true
    This night, even though you sleep.

    A good wizard will arrive
    In her fabulous sleigh.
    And he will fill up with gifts
    Everything under the tree, just ah.

    Nephew, I predict and wish you on New Year's Eve to meet him a happy and cheerful person, you are on the right track, do not stop. Be comfortable and financially secure. Great achievements and achievements.

    My dear little man,
    Look, the chimes are already striking
    Happy New Year, I congratulate you
    Let your dreams all come to life.

    Your dear nephew of happiness,
    I wish on this excellent night,
    Let the magic fill the soul
    Drive your bad thoughts away!

    Let everything be as you want,
    I wish you joy, do not know the barriers,
    May the New Year give only happiness
    And there is always a green light on the way!

    Dear you are my nephew,
    I congratulate you!
    Well, what else to say
    To such an ugly person?

    Yes, that's about you
    I have an opinion.
    Happy new year from me
    With nice mood!

    A holiday is a pleasant and in all respects joyful event dedicated to a specific event, be it a birthday, anniversary, wedding, new year, Christmas, March 8, February 23, professional holidays that are marked in the calendar in honor of something or someone. or - they all have a sacred meaning and are associated with a cultural or religious tradition. It is not for nothing that they say that when buying a calendar for next year, the first thing a Russian person looks at is whether the weekend coincides with the holidays. Yes, whatever you say, but we love to walk and relax!

    But then the morning came after the holiday, and what pleasant can you remember? And how to make sure that instead of a headache, something valuable and pleasant remains from the holiday, and the remembrance of which even after many, many years lifts the mood? In order to have something to remember, something to smile, in order to give each other maximum pleasure and minimum material costs, on our portal you will find the most beautiful and original congratulations for any occasion.

    Happy New Year 2019

    In order to start the new year 2019 in high spirits and raise it to others, you need to remember to congratulate your colleagues at work, relatives and friends. You can wish Happy New Year 2019 by sending verses by e-mail or simply reading them aloud. The main thing is not to regret warm and kind words for your family and loved ones on this wonderful holiday. These warm and romantic New Year 2019 greetings in verse will certainly please your family, friends and acquaintances. Choose the best congratulation in your opinion and send it to your family and friends!

    Happy New Year, my nephew,
    My dear adorable.
    Be the best, happy
    The kindest and most beautiful.

    Be happy, kind, honest,
    The sweetest and most adorable.
    Let life be wonderful
    Unusual, best, cool!

    My wonderful nephew! I wish you a Happy New Year and wish you always remain the amazing guy you are. I believe that you will pass all the tests that life will give you and that you will keep your kind and cheerful nature. Your parents are the happiest people, because they managed to raise such a fellow. May this year bring you joy, happiness and the fulfillment of all, all your plans.

    My nephew, Happy New Year,
    Bright world to you
    Let under the starry sky
    You will become happy on Earth

    I wish you to be brave
    And always go ahead
    Overcome any business
    And be lucky!

    My nephew, I want to congratulate
    Happy new year, I am you.
    May happy and successful
    You will have this year.

    So that whatever you have in mind
    It came true and came true.
    To get nervous and cry
    Never happened.

    I wish to believe in a miracle
    Always live in a good fairy tale.
    To all your great plans
    Let fate say yes.

    Happy New Year, my nephew,
    You are such a pretty cute.
    My dear, I wish you
    Happiness without end and edge.

    Make a wish at night
    Know that everything will come true for sure.
    Be loved and happy
    The best and most beautiful!

    Let it always be without delay
    All wishes come true
    And let your dreams, efforts
    Will find an understanding with loved ones,

    You be the very first in many ways
    For the rest - a cool example,
    Achieve everything in life
    Always try for this

    And let the New Year be bright
    Cheerful, generous with gifts,
    That they are so needed and cute
    Wonderful, just great!

    My dear krovinushka, my beloved nephew, I want to wish you bright days, good health and eternal happiness. I want the magic of this night to make all your cherished dreams come true. Smile, do not be sad and do not lose your charm, optimism. Happy New Year to you, with new joy, good luck, happiness!