New technologies in facial rejuvenation. Novelties in the field of cosmetology and unusual discoveries of scientists

They say that youth is not age, but a state of mind. It is difficult to argue with this thesis, and yet only rare people remain indifferent to the fact that the years they have lived ruthlessly leave marks on their faces - wrinkles, folds, dullness and flabbiness of the skin ... How can all this be resisted without resorting to radical measures - plastic surgery? surgery? We offer an overview of a number of methods and tools that women can rely on in their desire to remain young and beautiful.


from 3000 rubles

A whole "bouquet" of active substances can be given to the skin and subcutaneous fat using a very popular and effective technique - mesotherapy. Individually selected cocktails of useful ingredients (hyaluronic acid, enzymes, amino acids, etc.) are delivered to problem areas by microinjections at certain points and gradually unfold vigorous rejuvenation activity - increasing skin elasticity and firmness, improving its color and relief.

Mesotherapy is a reusable event that does not give an immediate effect: the courses will have to be repeated, fortunately, there are no age restrictions.


from 8000 rubles

Biorevitalization is very similar to mesotherapy: in general, these are the same injections, but no longer of a combined composition, but only of hyaluronic acid. The procedure, unlike mesotherapy, can even be one-time, as it has gained a reputation as a stronger means of rejuvenation. From the point of view of technology, biorevitalization differs in that the whole face is chipped according to a certain pattern, and not problem areas.

Even more dissimilar to this technique was the ability to carry it out without injections. After the introduction of laser biorevitalization, those who could not or did not want to use the traditional method breathed a sigh of relief due to contraindications, fear of side effects, or simply injections.


from 5000 rubles

You can also inject your own blood under the skin - more precisely, plasma isolated from it with a large number of platelets. In a similar role, it produces an interesting effect: the body itself begins to launch mechanisms that contribute to the rejuvenation of the appearance - increasing skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and disappearing pigmentation.

The procedure is called "plasmolifting". The highest degree of naturalness of the filler removes problems with rejection, allergies, infection, selection of suitable material. The plasma injected in 2-4 procedures is enough to maintain the effect for a year or two.

3D mesothreads

from 30,000 rubles (from 1,000 rubles per thread)

With a needle, the face can not only be “feeded”, but also “hemmed”, tightened from the inside, building a framework for weakening tissues from safe and hypoallergenic 3D mesothreads, borrowed from the arsenal of surgeons. Flexible needles are injected deep into the skin, where, after 6-8 months, connective fibers are formed at this place, which for about two years prevent sagging cheeks, deepening of nasolabial folds, wrinkles.

However, the effect of such a lift can be seen almost immediately, and without any trace of intervention, which is a serious advantage of this technique.

Contour plastic

from 20000 rubles

Contour plastic helps to model facial features at your own discretion. This technology involves filling certain areas (for example, crow's feet near the eyes, nasolabial folds, lips) with filler gels. They, in turn, differ in natural origin, consistency, which determine the effectiveness and consequences of the procedure.

Unlike threadlifting with mesothreads, circular plastic surgery forces you to “sit down on a needle” - on average, fillers are introduced under the skin every six months to maintain the result (although some fillers allow you to delay this event). However, such a prospect does not stop those who, in return, receive a luxurious opportunity to “sculpt” a more beautiful and younger face.

laser resurfacing

from 9000 rubles

In the process of laser resurfacing, the rays erase the cells that form pigment spots and wrinkles from the skin. But their action is not limited to this: the laser, as it were, massages the deep layers of the skin, which is why more active production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for its condition, begins there.

The result of the intervention depends on the type of equipment chosen. The carbon dioxide laser provides a thorough and deep processing - so much so that hospitalization is needed; erbium - lighter, but also less effective.

Fractional laser resurfacing

from 22000 rubles

Fractional laser rejuvenation is considered to be a more “advanced” technology, since the beam, divided into several mini-streams, acts more selectively and precisely, and therefore effectively.

The deep layers of the skin remain intact, but they also participate in the process of rejuvenation - not to mention the surface of the skin, which evaporates in the treated areas, giving way to new, fresh, not burdened with wrinkles and other signs of aging.


5000-20000 rubles

Today, photorejuvenation is considered to be an extremely promising area of ​​hardware cosmetology. Its effect is based on the processing of the deep layers of the skin with light, from which ultraviolet is "removed" - the reason for the negative effect of sunlight on it. The collagen fibers heated by it and reduced immediately form a frame - and a lifting effect.

But the rejuvenating effect goes far beyond the scope of the procedure itself, especially if the whole course has been completed. The face is tightened, brightened, pores are reduced, small wrinkles disappear. This happens due to the activation of the production of new elastin and collagen, improve blood supply and other prerequisites for life-giving processes in the skin.

RF lifting (radio wave lifting)

from 4000 rubles

Radio wave lifting (Rf-lifting) - a deep effect on the skin with radio waves generated by a special apparatus. This is a relatively new method in cosmetology, the effectiveness of which is impressive, but remains not entirely predictable in the long term, because. sufficient application experience has not yet been accumulated.

The effect of the course can last a year or two, and much longer if radio wave therapy is used as a preventive measure.

Ozone therapy

from 1800 rubles

Another method in which the benefits for the face are derived from what surrounds us in everyday life is ozone therapy. The medical oxygen-ozone mixture delivered through the ozonizer dispensers nourishes the mimic muscles, improves metabolism and causes other positive changes in the tissues, which allows the skin to get rid of shallow wrinkles, dullness, and flabbiness.

LPG massage

from 1800 rubles

LPG massage, which has the widest range of effects, including facial rejuvenation (the photo shows the treatment of another part of the body), originated in France. It was a resident of this country who invented a miracle unit with rotating rollers that “capture” skin folds and process them not only mechanically, but also with a vacuum. This, in particular, makes the skin more elastic, "alive", significantly activates the synthesis of collagen by the body, and removes fine wrinkles.

Despite the fact that the rollers seriously shake up the body, LPG massage is not only not painful, but even somewhat relaxing. This advantage is very relevant, because. to achieve the effect, a whole course is required, the result of which will last for about a year.

Good old and ... soft

Is free

The possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine are impressive. However, upon closer examination, many procedures are often not available. For example, women may see their problems on the list of contraindications, be afraid of the interventions themselves and/or their possible side effects, or find them too expensive for themselves. However, this does not mean that the entrance to the world of appearance transformation is boarded up tightly for them.

There are a number of ways to successfully rejuvenate at home. They act more gently, sparingly, gradually - and this is their strength and weakness at the same time.


Bought or prepared on their own, used regularly, they are able to intensively moisturize, nourish, protect and thereby delay aging, maintain healthy skin. There are many recipes for anti-aging masks, yeast, olive oil, aloe, eggs, honey, vitamins, etc. often appear among the ingredients - every woman can empirically choose something affordable and effective for herself.

The modern sphere of salon care and cosmetology can solve, if not all, then very many problems of female beauty. And to make it easier for you to navigate the new names, we asked specialists from Moscow clinics and beauty salons to sort through the most trendy procedures of the coming year.

Photo: DR

Masters of the Bella Potemkina Beauty salon on Okhotny Ryad

Among the hair treatments this year will be very popular Olaplex. Its essence lies in the fact that a special Olaplex composition is added to the dye, and an innovative patented molecule helps to make the process of any hair coloring and bleaching gentle. As a result, you get soft, healthy, shiny and strong hair that remains so for a long time. In general, with Olaplex, any experiments with color will be nothing to your hair.

Massage to achieve a toned and slender figure began to gain popularity at the end of 2016, and in the coming year it will generally turn into a must-have. LPG massage is considered almost the most effective body shaping procedure: with the help of LPG you can remove cellulite, tighten the silhouette, reduce body volume and get rid of edema. Through special rollers in the automatic nozzles of the device, the skin is retracted at a frequency of 4-16 times per second, which allows you to renew and improve blood flow in specific areas. The action also applies to fat cells, so that as a result the skin becomes firm and elastic, the texture of collagen fibers improves and tones, puffiness is removed, regeneration and nourishment of the skin occurs, which helps to eliminate wrinkles. LPG massage is also relevant for the face.


Photoepilation is one of the most effective methods of hair removal and almost the only procedure of its kind that allows you to get rid of hair forever. Under the action of heat waves, the hair follicle is deprived of nutrients, as a result of which hair growth stops. In addition to the fact that hair grows very slowly and weakly, photoepilation has a number of important advantages, including a non-contact method of exposure, minimal damage to the skin, high speed of the procedure (one session takes from 5 to 30 minutes) and even skin rejuvenation. For complete hair removal, it will take from 3 to 7 sessions, however, after the first one, the hair begins to fall out intensively, and the newly regrown ones become thinner.

PQ Age peeling

This one differs from all classic peels by the absence of a recovery period and greater efficiency. Without affecting the upper layers of the dermis, PQ AGE peeling penetrates immediately inside and has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect at the level of the middle and middle-deep layers, which contributes to the renewal of the epidermis. In addition, this type of peeling is very fast, painless and has no seasonality.

Natalia Imaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Lantan Clinic


To date, the main trends in modern aesthetic medicine are associated with the technologies of cellular skin rejuvenation and the ability to stimulate fibroblasts - skin cells responsible for the formation of collagen, and therefore for its elasticity and youth. The ability to restore organs and tissues is inherent in the human body by nature itself, and the current level of development of aesthetic medicine allows it to be repeatedly strengthened and effectively used for rejuvenation. One of the advanced methods in the field of rejuvenation is the RECYTOS-Skin procedure. The uniqueness of the procedure lies in the fact that it stimulates the functional cells of the dermis to produce new collagen fibers that replace the deformed fibers of non-functional collagen. The procedure allows you to achieve the effect of volumetric lifting, form a subcutaneous skeleton from your own new collagen fibers, improve skin texture, restore vascular elasticity, improve cellular nutrition and respiration, return the skin cell regeneration function to the “young” mode.


Bioreparation procedures have become a real breakthrough in the field of injection techniques. The procedure uses preparations containing peptide complexes and growth factors. When interacting with skin cells, a cascade of biologically active molecules is synthesized that is necessary to activate the skin's own stem cells, and the drugs also contribute to the formation of collagen. The procedure allows to increase the resistance of skin cells to aggressive environmental factors, slows down the aging process, ensures the delivery of nutrients and signal molecules to the skin cells. Growth factors normalize microcirculation, improve skin texture and restore damaged cell systems. The skin is rejuvenated and takes on a well-groomed appearance.


Unlike a number of aesthetic technologies that can effectively deal with the effects of such factors as poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition or bad habits on the appearance, the innovative CYTOS-jet technique affects the mechanisms of genetic skin aging, slowing them down. The CYTOS-jet cell rejuvenation technology uses an innovative technique for transporting ions and molecules through the cell membrane. The technique allows you to introduce active DNA-RNA complexes into skin cells, rejuvenating the skin from the inside. With the help of the procedure, active stimulation of collagen synthesis takes place, cell regeneration is restored and the processes of apoptosis (programmed aging) are slowed down. This allows you to significantly extend the life of skin cells, delaying their aging.

Nadezhda Kozhevnikova, cosmetologist at Britana beauty studio


I'll start with a small educational program. Cosmetic face masks have long been one of the most popular and affordable procedures in the complex of cosmetic methods for skin care. Face masks vary in many ways. First of all, they are divided into professional and intended for home use. The former are used in beauty salons, usually as the final stage of facial skin care. Such masks usually have a rather complex composition, which includes many active ingredients. The composition of the active ingredients depends on the effect expected from the use of a particular mask. Examples of active ingredients are hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, ceramides, liposomal microemulsions. The second is a lighter version.

Masks also differ among themselves according to the type of skin for which they are intended (for oily, normal, dry, combination, sensitive, problematic, age-related and pigmented skin), in form (powder, paste, cream, gel, plasticizing and film) , by composition (clay, algae, paraffin, of animal and vegetable origin), by action and problem to be solved (moisturizing, nourishing, lifting, anti-inflammatory, whitening, cleansing, tonic, thermal, vascular strengthening, rejuvenating). The latter, it would seem, immediately solves the issue of choosing a mask, but in reality it is not so simple.

As a rule, facial skin in different areas has a different type, transitional or even frankly opposite. For example, in the area of ​​the cheeks, the skin may be dry, and in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose and on the forehead - oily or problematic. It also very often happens that oily skin already has noticeable signs of age-related changes. And despite the fact that oily skin requires care with the use of sebum-regulating, often drying masks, this is not suitable for aging skin and may even worsen its condition, due to the fact that the correct level of moisture is very important to maintain skin elasticity.

Multimasking just solves this problem. Applying different masks at the same time on different parts of the face looks like a complex mosaic, but only with this approach in professional facial care can you get the best result. It should also be noted that there are masks that can solve several problems at once. For example, collagen sheets have a powerful lifting effect, as well as noticeably narrow pores and, in addition, can narrow dilated vessels. Alginate masks simultaneously have a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, and give a noticeable face lifting, narrow and cleanse pores.

Salon specialists Yes with Nelly Ermolaeva

Non-surgical removal of Bish's lumps

The main mechanism of the procedure is controlled heating of the dermis and subcutaneous fat to a temperature of 40-42 degrees, which significantly activates the processes of lipolysis, due to which volumes are reduced. Also, in the process, skin functions begin to recover, tissue trophism and local blood circulation improve, the process of collagen remodeling starts, and visually we observe a clearer oval of the face and the desired “sunken cheeks”. And yes, in addition to the fact that the procedure does not involve any surgical intervention, it is also absolutely painless.

Intimate rejuvenation

In the process of life, the skin undergoes some changes that affect not only the face and body, but also the most intimate areas. Flabbiness, atonicity, pigmentation and other unaesthetic changes occur in intimate areas not only with age, but also due to heredity, hormonal disruptions, surgical interventions, after childbirth and during menopause. Such defects create discomfort in the intimate life of women, and sometimes completely deprive her because of the latter's insecurity in their aesthetic beauty. You can restore your former beauty and confidence with the help of intimate rejuvenation, and in 2017, fortunately, this can be done without surgical intervention, with the help of an Israeli device, which, due to special technology in the system, provides an absolutely safe, painless process without rehabilitation. period. The procedure is carried out with two nozzles: the first works on the lifting effect, starts the production of neocollagenogenesis, due to which atonicity is eliminated and the shape improves, the second eliminates pigmentation and reduces tissue volume. Summarizing all of the above, the output is not only tissue rejuvenation, but also an improvement in the shape and size of the labia minora and labia majora, an increase in the tone and elasticity of tissues, an improvement in skin color, the elimination of pigmentation and the prevention of all possible defects in the future.


The procedure is a modern method of non-injection mesotherapy. The method is based on the introduction of useful substances into the epidermis under the influence of electromagnetic pulses through the opened channels, so the process takes place without pain: as a result of the action of currents of a certain strength and frequency on the skin, channels open in it, which, after the termination of the procedure, close on their own. Substances, getting deep into the epidermis, start the process of regeneration - a natural work to restore cells. The use of needle-free mesotherapy is possible on various areas of the skin: in the décolleté area, on the trunk, on the extremities, which significantly expands the list of problems solved with its help, including flabbiness and sagging of the skin, mimic wrinkles, lack of elasticity of different parts of the body, acne and acne. Also, the general appearance of the skin becomes more perfect, swelling, pigmentation disappear, stretch marks turn pale. And the recovery processes after plastic surgery and peeling are taking place. Another method is successfully used for cellulite and hair loss. But it is worth remembering that the long-term result is guaranteed only by the course: after ten sessions once a week, the effect is observed from 4-6 months to 1 year. Regular passage of the course significantly improves the condition of the skin as a whole, gives a rejuvenating effect.

Laser hair removal

Currently, laser hair removal is one of the most effective procedures for removing unwanted hair once and for all. This clean result is achieved by destroying the hair follicle under the influence of a laser beam that penetrates to a predetermined depth. Laser pulses are not absorbed by proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and do not cause mutagenic reactions (which, by the way, makes the procedure clinically safe), but only affect the dark pigment of the hair - melanin, which conducts a flash to the bulb itself, causing atrophy of the hair follicle.

Cosmetological methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery and plastic

Facial rejuvenation before 40 and after - there is a difference

If up to forty years old, with a healthy lifestyle, you can maintain a youthful face with masks and home procedures, then after forty, these salon and home procedures are not enough. Collagen, which forms the basis of all layers of the skin and allows you to maintain it in an elastic state, is destroyed over time. It is because of the destruction of collagen that the face loses the signs of youth: its surface becomes lethargic, wrinkles appear.

Modern methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery

All cosmetic non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation are aimed at restoring collagen, that is, restoring the natural processes that occur in youth. We can say that with the restoration of collagen, the mechanism for returning youth to the face is launched. There are several such non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation, each has its own positive and negative features, let's focus on the most modern ones:

1. Laser facial rejuvenation

The method of laser facial rejuvenation is based on the ability of laser radiation to remove the aged surface layers of the skin. As a result of these processes, the collagen base of the face is strengthened, its relief is evened out, the face looks and becomes younger, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The benefits of laser facial rejuvenation include:

  • With the help of laser rejuvenation, you can restore youth not only to the face, but also to the neck, hands, décolleté
  • An increase in the effect of rejuvenation with each procedure, and rejuvenation, and quite significant, occurs after the first session

No deficiencies have been identified.

2. Mesotherapy

The essence of this very effective method of rejuvenation is the introduction of special substances into the skin of the face in the form of microinjections. Usually, these are derivatives of hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts, which contribute to the restoration of collagen, thus starting the natural process of facial rejuvenation.

The advantages of this method include:

  • Creation of a long-term rejuvenation effect (one and a half to two years)
  • The special effectiveness of this method of rejuvenation in eliminating the second chin and restoring a clear oval of the face


  • Allergic reactions to the injected drugs may occur, expressed in vasodilation and reddening of the skin,
  • This method of rejuvenation is not possible with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and menstruation.

3. Biorevitalization

This method of facial rejuvenation is often confused with mesotherapy, since its action is also based on subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid. The main difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy is that when using this method, the rejuvenating effect occurs quickly (the result is noticeable already on the second or third day), but the duration of the effect is shorter than with mesotherapy (no more than one year). And mesotherapy gives a stable and longer rejuvenation effect.

4. Method of facial rejuvenation with ozone

The healing effect of ozone on the entire human body has long been known. When carrying out anti-aging procedures with ozone, the face is rejuvenated due to the stimulation of metabolic processes in subcutaneous soybeans, as a result of which the upper keratinized surface of the face is updated and wrinkles are smoothed out.

The advantages of this method of rejuvenation include:

  • Ozone rejuvenation is possible not only on the face, but in the neck, décolleté,
  • Ozone rejuvenation, in addition to restoring the youthfulness of the skin, smoothes scars and scars on the face.

No deficiencies have been identified.

5. Thermage

Thermage, as a method of facial rejuvenation, is based on radio frequency radiation. This radiation affects the internal subcutaneous tissues, heats them, which leads to the formation of collagen and elaston. That is, Thermage triggers the mechanism of skin rejuvenation with the help of newly formed components that are initially present in the skin integument in youth.

Advantages: this method of rejuvenation is absolutely painless, even somewhat pleasant,
No deficiencies have been identified.

6. Photorejuvenation

Exposure to the skin of long-wavelength light pulses of high intensity with a selective action - this is photorejuvenation. After sessions of photorejuvenation, fine wrinkles, age spots disappear, the skin becomes elastic, the complexion is healthy.


  • Absolute painlessness, non-traumatic, no side effects,
  • Very short sessions (15-20 minutes),
  • The possibility of rejuvenation not only on the face, but also on other skin integuments of the body.


  • Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for people with swarthy faces, circulatory disorders, skin, oncological diseases, during pregnancy.

7. Elos rejuvenation

This modern method of rejuvenation is based on the combined effect of light energy and radio frequency radiation, that is, it includes the actions of both previous methods. With its help, the skin gets rid of age spots, small defects on the face, wrinkles are smoothed out, acne disappears.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same

as well as the two previous methods, except for one own minus - a slight reddening of the skin after the procedure, however, not long in time.

8. Peeling

One of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the face is peeling. The effectiveness of this method of rejuvenation is due to the fact that during the peeling procedure, the upper keratinized and rough skin layer is removed. After the peeling, the skin of the face is not only renewed, but the process of natural healing of the skin takes place, new young cells grow. Depending on the method of carrying out this procedure and the depth of exposure to the skin, there are superficial, medium and deep peeling. By means of carrying out peeling is divided into mechanical, chemical and laser.

Cosmetology is rapidly developing today (probably because it is in great demand) and offers new methods and ways of rejuvenation. And the usual peeling also did not escape innovation. Now cosmetology offers two new types of peeling, which are less painful, but safer and more effective, these are ferul nanopeeling and gas-liquid. These two new types have several advantages compared to traditional peeling, for example, no side effects, no contact, but most importantly, it can be done at any time of the year, while spring and summer are excluded for regular peeling.

The disadvantages of such a rejuvenation procedure as peeling come down mainly to contraindications. Peeling should not be performed in case of diabetes mellitus, facial skin diseases, pregnancy, predisposition to scarring, as well as in summer and spring. And then these contraindications apply only to the middle deep peeling. Superficial and new types of peeling do not have these contraindications.

9. Dysport and Botox shots

Dysport injections, as a way of rejuvenation, are mainly aimed at smoothing wrinkles. The drug is injected into the connection of muscles with nerves, as a result, the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. The duration of the effect is 4 months.

Advantages of the method:

  • there is almost no pain, due to the use of very thin needles and the professionalism of the master,
  • lack of rehabilitation after the procedure,

The only problem of this method of rejuvenation is that the rejuvenating result appears only after a fairly long time, after 2 weeks.

Botox injections are very similar to Dysport injections, since the main active ingredient in their composition is the same - botulinum toxin. The main differences between these two similar methods of facial rejuvenation is that the rejuvenating effect after Botox injections is visible almost immediately, after dysport injections - after 2 weeks; Dysport dissolves in the tissues of the face after 4 months, the effect of Botox is twice as long.

In some diseases and conditions, such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, Dysport and Botax injections are contraindicated, therefore, before undergoing this procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist. In addition, after these anti-aging procedures, side effects may occur, such as headache, redness of the skin, nausea, fever, and others. But, like any side effects, they, depending on the human body, may not occur.

10. Mesothreads

Mesothreads are one of the most modern methods of facial rejuvenation. It is relatively recently developed by Korean cosmetologists and is significantly different from thread lifting, which has been used in Russia for a longer time.

The method of applying mesothreads, as well as thread lifting, consists in pulling very thin threads with a very thin, flexible needle through the muscles of the face. The threads, consisting of the main active ingredient dioxane, coated with a layer of polyglycolic acid, completely split after a long period of time, turning into carbon dioxide and water, and give a rejuvenating effect. This effect lasts for 2 years.

The main difference between the mesothread method and thread lifting is the number of threads used. For a mesothread session, 5-6 times more threads are required than with conventional thread lifting. And the price for a mesothread session is taken not for the size of the treated area of ​​the face, but for the number of mesothreads applied. In a word, this procedure is much more expensive.

Contraindications and complications:

  • Like many anti-aging procedures, the mesothread method and thread lifting have a number of contraindications; these procedures cannot be performed in case of certain diseases and conditions, for example, colds, oncological ones. The list of diseases for which these methods cannot be used is quite large, a doctor's recommendation is required.
  • The complications that may occur after the application of these methods are mainly due to the fault of the cosmetologist. These procedures require very high qualifications and extensive experience in these procedures from the doctor. An error when inserting and pulling the thread even by a few millimeters threatens with consequences, in the form of skin roughness, which will be visible for a long time. And even when the mesothread resolves in the muscles, this place of the skin will still be uneven.

11. Rejuvenation with stem cells

The last word in medicine in the system of rejuvenation, and not only of the face, but of the whole body, is rejuvenation with the help of stem cells. This is the most expensive and most effective way of rejuvenation. With the help of injected stem cells, the whole body is renewed, the person gets a second youth.

Hidden danger

It would seem that everything is fine, albeit expensive, but isn't youth worth it? But the mechanism of action of foreign stem cells in the body has not yet been sufficiently studied, scientists have just begun to work in this direction, so the consequences of introducing stem cells into the human body are unpredictable. Such facts are already known that along with rejuvenation and general recovery, cancer cells can begin to develop in the body, which causes cancer.

12. Plastic is the most radical way of rejuvenation

Plastic surgery seems to be the most reliable way of rejuvenation. After the operation, you get a face without wrinkles, edema, sagging skin, in a word, all defects are eliminated, and, if you want, not only on the face. The duration of the result of plastic surgery (6-7 years) is also one of the advantages of this method.

But there are at least two significant disadvantages of plastic surgery:

  • Surgical intervention in the body, and with it the consequences of the use of anesthesia (for plastic surgery - general anesthesia), the consequences of the use of antibiotics. All this does not add health. In addition, the fact that there is a possibility of an unsuccessful plastic surgery cannot be ruled out.
  • The use of plastic surgery does not heal the body as a whole, does not rejuvenate the face, the essence of plastic surgery is tightening, eliminating excess, smoothing.

These few methods of facial rejuvenation after 40 years are the most modern to date. Perhaps in the near future, new, more advanced methods and methods of rejuvenation will appear - medicine does not stand still, research is constantly being carried out in this area.

Absolutely every woman, or rather for her skin, needs an individual approach and, accordingly, the result. To do this, there is a fairly diverse procedure called.

In our article, you will learn about quite popular methods for skin rejuvenation, which, according to customer reviews, work well.

This procedure can be performed using various masks, laser devices, massages, special threads and in other cases with a scalpel (depending on the condition of your tissues). You must decide when to take this step, because if you delay, you are unlikely to be able to regain your former youth for little money. The longer you wait, the more it will cost you in the future.

The so-called natural facial rejuvenation will only be possible if your body produces a certain amount of collagen, elastin and

These processes tend to “fade away” due to time, because your body and body become clogged due to various bad habits and a small part of the nutrients enter them due to malnutrition. Also, your metabolic processes will slow down, because they will not have enough physical activity, and all this is due to age-related changes.

Any different methods of rejuvenating your skin are automatically aimed at restoring the production of nutrients, as well as resuming the process of regeneration of the epidermis.

As they say, “The best cosmetologist is a healthy lifestyle”, however, we can argue, because not only does he contribute to the effect of rejuvenation - the environment also corresponds to this.

If you find any signs of aging on your skin, then you need to deal with them immediately before it's too late, and there are a huge number of different ways to do this.

We will give only a couple of the main and most popular among all.

Rejuvenation without surgery

One of the ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face without surgery is divided into:

  • comprehensive home care;
  • special injections;
  • hardware cosmetology;
  • as well as thread lifting.

A variety of masks, creams, serums and other products affect the skin from the outside, thereby making the cells work.

Each injection has its own effect, and this depends on the substance administered. Basically, facial rejuvenation with injections is accompanied by hyaluronic acid, which is able to provide the body with the process of moisturizing tissues, but in addition to the above acid, it is also used botox– it fills in the empty areas under wrinkles and smooths them out.

Hardware lifting carries a large number of branches, for example, for lifting it can be used ultrasound, laser, light pulses, electromagnetic waves, radio frequency radiation and others.

Facial rejuvenation by thread lifting is done quite quickly and, most importantly, reliably. The threads fix the fabric, thereby making your facial skin smooth and fresh. Your wrinkles are smoothed out, and the contour of the face is restored, and it also becomes possible to remove the second chin.

A surgical facelift is a full-fledged plastic surgery that can remove wrinkles, wrinkles, excess skin and fat.

it is designed to remove tissues that have already lost their tone. These operations (procedures) can be done upon reaching the age of 50 or after this age mark, unless of course you are interested in facial skin rejuvenation.

With such a huge number of lifting methods, every girl or woman will be able to find a suitable option that can satisfy her desire and achieve the desired result at absolutely any age. Let's take a closer look at what non-surgical facial rejuvenation is.


In this section, we will list the most popular types of hardware lifting, describe in detail about the thread lift technology, as well as the feasibility of cosmetic facial skin care.

Hardware rejuvenation

First, let's look at hardware rejuvenation:

Such a lifting works in tandem with the musculoaponeurological system, or as they say in short SMAS, which is responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin.

The method improves the quality of the skin, as well as its contours and relief. Using this method, you can make the muscles of the neck elastic, as well as eradicate the second chin.

And another plus in this method of rejuvenation is a short rehabilitation period;

The meaning of this technology is to warm the skin (this allows you to remove dead cells, and make the living ones work and divide). In addition, this procedure leads to the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

Such a facial skin rejuvenation procedure is painless, does not have any complications, and is also able to exclude any possibility of infection.

Improved color, blood circulation and elasticity of the skin, as well as the resumption of metabolism and getting rid of age-related pigmentation - this is the result of a properly performed procedure;

Electromagnetic waves penetrate deeply into the skin of the face and warm up the inner layers, after which blood circulation improves, cells are renewed, and the amount of collagen also increases.

This procedure leaves no traces behind, and does not have any allergic reactions.

Such a half-hour procedure is able to achieve the same results that could be with endoscopic facial rejuvenation;

This procedure does not take much
amount of time, and allows you to achieve, so to speak, the natural production of collagen in an active mode, which ultimately gives the result of a healthy and clear skin color, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

There are other advantages to this method - it can also remove capillary networks and acne.

With help threads the process of facial skin rejuvenation can be implemented in one procedure, the time of which depends on the volume of all work on the skin tissues.

Before the procedure itself, the doctor applies markings on the face in order to correctly insert the threads and achieve the maximum possible result that the client expects.

The introduction of threads does not injure absolutely anything, since the depth into which the needle penetrates is from 3 to 5 mm. After the procedure has been carried out (the process of introduction), the ends of these very threads are fixed on the head in order to hide any traces of lifting.

This type of procedure is capable of carrying two types of threads - this non-absorbable and absorbable.

The first type of threads changes a couple of years after their introduction. The second one disappears over time, however, in that place a frame of other, new fibers appears, which actually provide a rather long-lasting result of the lift.

Reduced wrinkles, removed double chin, restored facial contours and raised cheekbones - these are the results of the thread lifting procedure.

Comprehensive skin care

You can also do facial rejuvenation without hardware exposure and plastic surgery, only such methods are called home care procedures, or salon ones.

The cosmetologist is able to remove old passive cells of the epidermis, procedures such as peeling and nourishing masks.

After twenty-five years, you should have cosmetics in your arsenal anti-aging cosmetics. Such cosmetics increase the level of elastin and collagen production, and also stimulate cellular metabolism. It also doesn't hurt to use homemade beauty recipes that allow your body to get the benefits from foods on its own.

You will not get excellent results in facial skin rejuvenation if you do not take care of your skin, a healthy lifestyle, regular moisturizing and daily care - without this, a positive result is impossible.

Proper diet and quality products contribute to proper nutrition, with the help of which your pores become cleaner, and your complexion evens out and becomes even.

Massage can prevent the aging of your tissues, and high-quality cosmetics prolong your youth to the maximum and benefit skin tissues.

Fractional laser resurfacing

Facial rejuvenation with a laser fractional method forces the cells to work actively, as well as to synthesize elastin and collagen. This process is activated by heating all layers of the epidermis (even the deepest ones) with special cosmetic equipment.

The technology of this (fractional) process is carried out by one beam, divided into several rather small ones in such a way that the surface of the skin of the face is treated with a so-called mesh, which is more effective than the laser lifting method.

When exposed to heat shock, dead cells fall out, and instead of them, new ones begin to divide, which fill free cells. With this effect, your skin becomes fresh and young in appearance.

There are two ways to rejuvenate the face:

  • ablative- this method removes micro-sections of the skin, which tighten after a certain period of time. Such a lift quickly manifests itself.
  • Non-ablative- this method penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin of the face and regenerates tissues. Such a lifting will appear a little later.

Such "laser" methods of facial rejuvenation can do a lot: refresh the appearance of the skin, eliminate acne and enlarged pores, and scars, as well as pigmentation and wrinkles.

Thanks to the huge selection of such operations, any woman is able to find a suitable option for herself, which will suit her, having received the expected result.

Rejuvenation injections

There is an injection procedure for facial skin rejuvenation, which is aimed at introducing a variety of fixative and nourishing cocktails under the skin tissues.

These compositions are chosen depending on the goal that you are pursuing and, of course, the final result you want. This procedure is considered painless, but if you want, you can use local anesthesia.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular methods of injection lifting.

Mesotherapy method
is the introduction into the skin of small doses of active drugs and vitamins of natural origin. For example, these could be:

  • pyruvic, glycolic or hyaluronic acid;
  • fibroblasts;
  • vitamins (biotin, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic and nicotinic acids);
  • connective tissue cells;
  • extracts (elastin and collagen).

Mesotherapy is used to rejuvenate such parts of the body as the neck, chest and face. Using this method, you can even out the oval of the face, which helps to tighten the skin and eliminate the second chin.

Botox works mainly against mimic wrinkles. This procedure is quite painless and lasts only twenty minutes.

Botox stretches the skin and relaxes tense muscles after it is injected. Also, you will not have tissue atrophy, because the blood supply is not disturbed during this procedure.

If you want to use this rejuvenation technique after forty years, then this is a good idea, as at this time it perfectly improves the appearance and smoothes wrinkles.

Gels- a variety of implants based on hyaluronic acid. This acid is considered a physiological component of the skin tissues of your face and is carried out by maintaining moisture levels.

The process of facial skin rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid will help you eradicate wrinkles near the lips, in the eye area, on the cheeks, as well as age-related changes between and on the forehead. This is quite realistic to pump up (increase) the lips.

It is very important: after carrying out such a method of lifting with a gel, you can not strain any parts of the muscles of the face.

Ozone rejuvenation method- This is the process of injecting ozone (ozone is one of the varieties of oxygen).

This method stops the aging process and makes your skin fresh, pre-moisturized and nourishes the cells.

The so-called ozone lifting is one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face, because it improves the relief of the epidermis and the color of your skin, and also normalizes microcirculation, smoothes wrinkles, removes the top layer of keratinized skin, and renews the subcutaneous tissue.

Plasma therapy method is a rejuvenation of the skin of the face by enriching the blood with platelets, which stimulate a process called
neocollagenesis. The latter process causes rejuvenation of skin tissues at the cellular level. After the procedure, old wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and new wrinkles will not appear on it.

In addition to all the above popular methods, there are also such as reinforcement, 3D modeling and. Each of these methods is good in its own way, you need to strictly and carefully select the lifting technique for your skin so that the further end result is not a little worse than you expected.


This is a modern technology of facial skin rejuvenation, somewhat similar to photorejuvenation or laser lifting. The same light pulses and high-frequency current deepen into the layers of the epidermis and renew the collagen layer.

This procedure is carried out with a special applicator (a small tingling sensation is felt), and anesthesia is not required for this.

This method is completely painless and safe, does not affect the eyes from the negative side, and there is no peeling after the procedure. However, if you have dark skin, then you should talk to a specialist and ask him for advice, as there may be burns.

ELOS technology
is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation that can start natural cell regeneration, remove wrinkles, and also stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Most people who have undergone the first procedure have excellent impressions, the skin becomes radiant, smooth and fresh. To achieve your facial skin rejuvenation goals (depending on what you need and what result you want), you may need a whole course of procedures, usually five or more procedures are included in one course.

Rejuvenation with leeches

If you have a deterioration in color and flabbiness of the skin, acne, wrinkles, rosacea, scars after acne, and then hirudotherapy just for you.

We do not recommend that you independently carry out rejuvenation procedures with leeches, especially the first one because of the nuances present, which you should learn about from experienced cosmetologists, hirudotherapists and dermatologists. Let's look at a couple of important points:

  • To begin with, a leech is taken and placed on an area that is invisible on your body, for example, behind the ear. This is done to assess whether there are any allergic reactions, and also check the healing rate from the bite;
  • The most important thing is to put the leech on the active area, the biological point, otherwise you will not get any effect. Such points are mainly connected with the nerve, so when you put a leech, you will feel a slight sharp pain, know that this nerve makes itself felt to the brain, giving it a signal that the defenses of your body will rush to the diseased organ in order to heal and restore it ;
  • Such leeches are ordered at a pharmacy, they are specially delivered from the laboratory. In such laboratories, leeches are mainly grown for their use under sterile conditions;
  • Hirudotherapy carries its own contraindications such as inflammatory processes, pregnancy, various blood diseases and poor clotting, mental illness and disorders, exhaustion of the body and various other changes in your body.

The method of facial skin rejuvenation with leeches helps to activate lymphatic drainage and restore microcirculation with the help of active substances that leeches secrete, injecting them into us. Hirudotherapy makes your immune system function to further rejuvenate your skin. After that, the skin becomes very smooth, elastic and soft.

After several hirudotherapy procedures, the skin becomes pinkish, the color becomes uniform, and capillary stars, spots, scars and acne disappear completely.

Massage for rejuvenation

Massage at home helps most women maintain their young and firm skin. The effect of massage on the face normalizes metabolism and improves blood circulation, which contributes to the acquisition of special elasticity, the disappearance of puffiness, the improvement of complexion and the smoothing of wrinkles.

The benefits of massage are obvious both for the face and for other parts of your body, you just need to know the technique of rejuvenation.

Japanese massage

let's consider "shiatsu" is a special Japanese massage for facial skin rejuvenation.

You just need to remember the important points: you should not use force in this massage, you just need to press and massage certain points that help improve blood and lymph circulation - this is the whole point of the massage.

It is imperative to learn or print out a diagram of certain massage lines that are on the face, otherwise, if you do not follow certain rules and randomly massage the wrong points, you can set up the reverse effect of facial skin rejuvenation.

So, we will provide you with the sequence of performing this massage, or in other words, massage lifting:

Chinese massage

You have already read the benefits of massage for facial skin rejuvenation above, so we will immediately begin to explain the Chinese massage lifting technique:

In such a massage, all movements should occur smoothly, while you can not stretch the skin of the face.

It is necessary to press the fingertips evenly and as gently as possible, at the same time effectively. For most women, this method is quite effective for facial skin rejuvenation, because it allows you to slow down the aging process in a timely manner and thereby maintain the final result for many years.


Yoga is a kind, thanks to it, a kind of rejuvenation by yoga is obtained. Every day you need to perform three exercises that allow you to keep your skin youthful:

These mimic "grimaces" need to be repeated from two times a day, and they need to be given from five to fifteen minutes. We recommend that you perform these exercises in the evening, when you have already cleansed your skin and applied a night face cream. If you practice yoga, it will help you prevent sagging skin, as well as maintain a delicate appearance and muscle tone.

Rejuvenation at home

Aging is an irreversible process, but this process can be slowed down, and for this you do not need to go to salons and spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Home methods of facial skin rejuvenation are no worse than, for example, photorejuvenation, unless, of course, you take care of your face in a timely manner and treat this matter responsibly, repeating the procedure daily. At home, you can perform mimic gymnastics or massage, or do hirudotherapy, after consulting a doctor.

The simplest and rather pleasant way to rejuvenate the skin of the face is folk remedies. Such products give you the opportunity to take from nature the maximum benefit for your skin, nourish the skin with various nutrients, and also moisturize it. The following will help you with all this:

In self-preparation of cosmetics, you do not add various preservatives, stabilizers and other substances that are unnecessary for skin rejuvenation. Naturally, you can purchase anti-aging cosmetics, but it will cost you more than at home. Also, the health of the skin is affected by proper nutrition, the absence of bad habits and a full drinking regimen.

Also, cosmetic care includes various exercises for facial skin, which you have already read about earlier in our article. In order to tone the skin, you can wipe it with ice cubes, ice from some kind of decoction is especially suitable. The most important thing is to cleanse your skin in a timely manner, moisturize it and harden it in accordance with the type of your skin.


With the help of folk remedies, facial skin rejuvenation mainly depends on masks. We will talk about five more popular and, more importantly, high-quality ones:

  1. It is necessary to steam the skin of the face, then apply whipped almond oil on it. After this mask, your skin will sparkle and shine;
  2. Beat the protein and combine it with two tablespoons of flour, add another teaspoon of honey. Apply and keep the mask for ten to fifteen minutes, after which you can wash off the mask with warm water;

  3. So-called "English mask". In one cup, evenly combine some crushed oatmeal with vegetable oil, in the second cup grated apple, a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon, in the third cup whey or kefir with a teaspoon of salt (you can’t interfere, the salt should not dissolve). To begin with, it is necessary to apply the mixture from the first cup on the skin of the face, lightly massaging the skin for several minutes, after which do not touch for about five minutes. On top of this mass, apply the contents of the second cup, carry out the same manipulations as with the first cup (massage for two minutes, do not touch for five minutes), then take cotton wool or a cotton pad and saturate the contents of the third cup, and with massaging movements as lightly and gently as possible apply the contents over the previous mixture. Leave this mask for another couple of minutes, after which everything must be washed off with a decoction of chamomile or mineral water. Then moisturize your skin with a night face cream. This mask can be applied to any area of ​​the body, and repeated twice a week;

  4. Popular technology - facial skin rejuvenation with solcoseryl and dimexide. It is important to know that these two products are not a cosmetic product, so before using them, it is imperative to test the tolerance of these products. To begin with, smear the skin on the elbows with these substances (for testing), and leave for 24 hours. If you do not feel any itching and burning and there is no redness, then the products can be applied to the face. Technology for using the Dimexid product: dilute one teaspoon in ten teaspoons of water, then spread it on the surface of the face. Dimexide is a conductor for all existing substances in cosmetology, therefore it is applied so that all useful components penetrate your skin. We recommend that you pre-steam and cleanse your face. After you have applied dimexide, and it has already dried out, a thick layer of solcoseryl is applied on top of it. The mask must be kept for an hour, while spraying with water in a timely manner so that it does not freeze, otherwise you will have difficulty removing it, in some cases traumatic. The properties of solcoseryl include: stimulation of active absorption of oxygen by cells, tissue regeneration, intensive production of collagen and metabolic processes, improved blood circulation. When the hour has passed, you need to remove the mask with a damp cotton pad, and then apply a nourishing cream. You need to apply the mask individually, depending on the effect on your skin after the first procedure;

  5. Alginate mask
    . To prepare this mask, you must strictly observe all proportions. First you need to combine three teaspoons of sodium alginate with 60 ml of pure water, stir everything and remove for a certain time, from five to six hours, so that the mixture swells - you should get a jelly. Take a cup and pour 30 ml of water into it, then throw two teaspoons of kelp into it (you can buy it at a pharmacy, be sure to use powder). In another cup, two teaspoons of clay with 30 ml of water. Now take the contents of all three cups and very quickly, thoroughly and evenly mix in one larger cup, add one or two drops of calcium chloride to it - you should get a thick mixture with small lumps. Take and apply the mask along the massage lines, starting from the neck (remove the hair in advance and clean the face). Remove the mask after 20-30 minutes. It all depends on the condition of your facial skin, the mask can be repeated daily until a certain result is achieved. This mask will give you definitely tightened skin, as if you had a procedure in the salon.

The demand and popularity of aesthetic procedures at the moment determines the fact that this particular area in medicine is one of the most progressively developing. Every day around the world, a huge amount of research is being carried out, new, more and more effective drugs and aesthetic procedures are being developed.

That is why the novelties in cosmetology are so interesting for every practicing esthetician. Today on the site read an exclusive interview with the doctor of the Fijie Beauty Institute, the doctor of the CLS, a plastic surgeon and geriatrician from Russia Zarema Gazitaeva. What procedures are the future of aesthetic medicine - find out right now.

What novelties in cosmetology do you especially expect in the near future?

In fact, the question of what is new, and the opportunity to look a little ahead, beyond the horizon - this is always the most interesting thing in my profession and activity, and I always really like to bring something from there, from behind the horizon, to disassemble , decompose, and give our specialists to work, and thus help them a little in their daily practice. Of the novelties in cosmetology that concern me now, and are very fascinated, there are two things. The first of these is DNA typing at the heart of personalized medicine.

This is a fundamentally new level and method of diagnostics, which allows us not only to find out what the condition of the patient's skin is today, but also gives the opportunity to absolutely every patient, before prescribing a particular course of therapy, to test for what will happen after .

If now all diagnostics answers the question of what is, or what has changed, then DNA typing will answer the question of what will happen if this or that therapy is prescribed.

And all these answers will be based on the genetic code that encrypts our entire life activity. I think that this is a very interesting topic, and it should go massively into our industry, into cosmetology. To such an extent massive that it should become a necessary, mandatory test during the initial appointment with a beautician. And this will allow achieving higher clinical effects, with the right combination of therapeutic methods, of which we have a fairly large selection today.

Today, we no longer learn what to do, since we already have a million methods in our arsenal, and every specialist, more or less worthy level, owns a large range of them. Today we answer the question of what to choose from this. And this question is very well answered by such a technique as DNA typing. I hope that this novelty in cosmetology will be actively used.

What other innovations in cosmetology are the future of aesthetic medicine?

The second novelty in cosmetology, which captivates and cares me, and which we are now actively working on within the walls of the Fijie Institute, is a product related to intimate revitalization. The issue of intimate aesthetics is gaining more and more specialists, more and more minds. This is a related industry where a cosmetologist, dermatologist, dermatovenereologist, gynecologist and urologist all work together. Now the demand for procedures and manipulations that allow beautification and restore aesthetics in this industry is very high.

As part of the Fijie Beauty Institute, we are currently preparing a project that will allow us to work conservatively in the intimate revitalization industry.

That is, most of the methods that we currently use are more or less invasive. These can be injections, threads, laser techniques, resurfacing, and so on. We would like to offer a product that allows you to optimize all of these techniques, and this product is conservative. That is, no pain, only planned intake, planned care, and at the end - effects that are worthy of respect.

These are effects such as the prevention of fungal infections, an increase in the level of moisture, and, due to this, an increase in the quality of sexual life, and a separate very interesting effect is an increase in the tone of the muscles of the vagina. This is something that is very difficult to achieve with all the techniques that already exist. And here is a method to achieve these effects together, in one package, we are just preparing, and I would like it to get quite big popularity in our industry.