What to talk about with a friend - simple tips and topics for conversation. Things to talk about with a friend: ideas for a friendly conversation

  • Be relaxed. It's hard to start a conversation when you're shaking with fear.
  • Compliments are the best way to break the ice.
  • Speak clearly and appropriately. If you mumble something under your breath, it will be much more difficult to talk to you.
  • Remember that no matter who you talk to, you will always have something in common. We all deal with the weather, love delicious food and enjoy a good mood and laughter. When in doubt, just talk to the person about why they are here. For example, if you meet at a bus stop, ask where he or she is going. If your interlocutor is not from this city, ask about his or her life at home.
  • Be bold. Communication with people has become so necessary in our time that you can not afford to be shy. If there is a reason to communicate, find a way to start a conversation. If you like someone's work, tell them about it.
  • It helps a lot if you are interested in what you do. If your life is not interesting to you, it will definitely not be interesting to anyone else.
  • When talking to another person, use body language. This will make the conversation more exciting and last longer.
  • If you are a shy person, then come up with a topic or two for a conversation in advance.
  • Expand your field of interest. It's always easier to start interesting conversations when you put in the effort to develop your own interests. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the topic that interests you so that you can clearly and clearly talk about all the nuances that it (the topic) concerns. Expand and deepen your interests, cultivate an interest in everything. Another way to achieve this is to ask questions about the interests of others. If your friend loves football, ask them which teams and players did well this year, or ask them all about league structure.
  • Don't be afraid that the conversation will take a different direction. If you have an idea in your head during a conversation, it is probably related to it.
  • Half of success in communication depends on non-verbal cues, not necessarily what you say. Hone your non-verbal communication skills to appear more friendly and confident.
  • If you consistently fail to build a conversation, you may just not be very good at expressing your interests (sharing too little or too much), or you are hiding these interests out of fear that people will reject them (or reject you). At some point, you will realize that you need to learn how to interest people if you want to be interesting.
  • Note in your mind the interesting and funny things you saw or heard during the day. For example, someone said something funny or you did something interesting with your friends, whatever. Thus, you will have more topics for conversation in stock.

Why Friendship Ended

In fact, if there were no sharp conflicts like a war for a man's heart or just a stupid quarrel, after which communication stopped, friendship does not pass in a day, week or month. This process begins gradually and can last for several months, just one day everything became clear by itself. If you find yourself increasingly tense at the thought of what you can talk about with a friend, this is most likely the beginning of the end. There are several reasons for this outcome:

How to make peace with a girlfriend

A little time passed, and the quarrel was forgotten. But how to take a step towards reconciliation? The best thing is not to dig up a grudge, but to pretend that nothing happened. A message on a social network, a simple SMS to your phone with a greeting will be a good option. Before a personal meeting, think about what to talk about with an ex-girlfriend in order to regain the favor.

Another option is a "random" call. Come up with a good reason: for example, ask her to give you a recipe for that salad that was prepared at the last gatherings and turned out to be so tasty that you decided to treat your lover to them.

If you know for sure that a friend will be at home, prepare a little in advance, call, say that you are not far from her house and are going to come in with a cake, drink some tea. Tell what you have, what to talk about with a friend, share the news.

How to start a conversation

The call went well, and you finally met each other. What topic should you talk about with your girlfriend in the first place so that the awkward feeling disappears? A few options for conversation that will help in this matter:

  • evaluate the image of a friend: dress, shoes, makeup or something else;
  • ask about her progress or how her child is growing;
  • remember something that was good in your friendship;
  • remember the common chip that always amused you.

Listen to your friend, and then move on to the premeditated topic that led you to invite her to the meeting. Maybe from the first meeting a friend will not return her location, but the ice will be touched.

Topics to Avoid

If the conversation is going well and you really have something to talk about with a friend, there are still topics that are better not to be touched upon at the first meeting after the conflict and discussed later, and if possible, not to return to them at all:

Friendship from scratch

In order not to lose a girlfriend again, it is important not to repeat past mistakes. Do not look for flaws in her, since once she became your friend, then one day she deserved such a right. Look for the positive side of your friendship. Be happy for your girlfriend, be inspired by her successes, find a new joint interesting hobby that will connect you and discover interesting sides of each other, you will always have something to talk about with your girlfriend. And let the two of you become an example of what not only exists, but can be much stronger than men's.

Good afternoon, dear readers! It often seems to us that girlfriends are those with whom you can talk about everything in the world. You can raise and procrastinate any topic, express any of your emotions ... But still, if a friend is not a spiritual mentor, it is better to be careful in some matters. How to communicate with a friend? What conversations have a destructive effect?

Who are girlfriends?

Girls are looking for girlfriends with different goals:

  • to go to a fitness club or to parties together;
  • so that there is someone to chat with on women's topics;
  • so that someone would support in a difficult situation, so that there was someone to cry and speak out;
  • so that someone regularly gives a weighty kick, motivating for new achievements;
  • many are looking for like-minded people with whom they can develop together, discuss serious issues and find solutions together.

But no matter what the purpose of your friendship is, your friend is not a priest or a spiritual mentor. It is very good when you live with someone soul to soul and do not have any secrets. There is a very small list of topics that are forbidden to raise even with your best friend. But be careful with him!

What should you never talk about with your friends?

  1. Never be negative about your spouse. Even if he offended you. Ten years did not give flowers. Didn't appreciate your dinner. Even if he flirts with others. Or you have a suspicion of treason. If you haven't filed for divorce yet, don't discuss your spouse with anyone. Don't complain about him to your friends. Such complaints are very dangerous... They destroy your respect for your spouse, they destroy your relationship. You can cry only in a personal diary. Or - in difficult cases - to a priest, spiritual mentor. At the very least, a good psychologist. Who will be able to correctly respond to your claims, and not add fuel to the fire with something like “oh, did he really do this to you ?! How could he?! Oh, you, my poor thing...” What is the main danger? Discussing a person is already disrespectful. And complaining, saying something negative is really bad. In addition, a friend will remember all your quarrels, all the shortcomings of your husband, and you will read her attitude. Be sure to read, and never complain about your spouse. Even if you really want to.

  2. One more addition: do not let no one to judge your husband. Even if everyone sees that he was guilty. Late for a meeting, for example. Strictly suppress all disrespectful words about your spouse. Soon your acquaintances will understand that you do not tolerate such statements, and will begin to talk differently. And if not, think about how to stop communicating with these people.

  3. Any gossip is destructive. Do not discuss events that you are not sure about, try not to talk about those who are not present nearby. This is not as strict as in the case of your spouse, but still undesirable. Gossip drains your energy and also saturates you with a judgmental mindset. You don't have to judge others. And try to look for the good in everything.

  4. Be careful in everything that concerns your spiritual practice. You can only ask for advice from those who are much more experienced than you and are suitable for the role of a mentor. Otherwise, you can hear from a friend something that will be pleasant to you, but not useful. If you are in a spiritual crisis, a friend may say: “You have driven yourself too much with your austerities, take a short break, take a break from prayer.” Or vice versa: “You don’t read spiritual books much, you need to work hard.” But what will be really useful for you - ask your confessor.

  5. Don't discuss the health of their children. And your health too. If you have any problems, see a doctor! And talking about how someone had what, only increase the maternal paranoia. Or vice versa, they set things up: “Katya also had it, and everything worked out.” Only a doctor advises on health! It's crazy, but I constantly notice how young mothers give each other "people's advice" on treatment, recommend medicines, etc. Even on the Internet, at every step there are messages like: “The child has a rash, the stool is green, he has not eaten anything for three days. What to do?" Go to the doctor, and not listen to hundreds of other people's stories! Of course, in the simplest cases, you can go to an experienced friend. For example, what kind of cream to smear dry baby skin? But instead of asking your friends about illnesses and medicines, find out their reviews about doctors. And find yourself a doctor you really trust.

How to build a relationship with a friend?

If you are not getting along with a friend, pay attention to the following points:

  • Friendship is not a consumer relationship. Here it is necessary not only to take, but also to give. Take the time to communicate, take the initiative, give gifts for no reason, say compliments, do not hesitate to call first ... When people see your enthusiasm and interest in their person, they often reciprocate.
  • Be gentle, not all people normally perceive the disapproval of their beliefs. And if you think that this is evil, do not talk about it to the one whose children attend such institutions. At least until you are asked about it. And even when asked, think carefully about how to put it mildly.
  • Ask more questions about the life and views of your friend. And listen carefully to the answers.
  • If you know your friend's husband, communicate with him as neutrally as possible.
  • And if, despite all this, a friend does not want to communicate with you, relax and let her go. Friendships have no value without reciprocity.

In this video, a cute positive girl helps to make peace:

I tried to tell you how to behave with friends so that your communication is not destructive. Share this article on social networks, and subscribe to new blog posts. See you!

Not everyone likes small talk about nothing. In fact, such conversations perform a very useful function: they help to defuse the situation, get out of an awkward situation or start communication in an unfamiliar company, as well as unobtrusively start a conversation and get to know a new interlocutor better.

To be honest, I used to think that the ability to unobtrusively start a conversation is an exceptionally innate talent. With these people, after a couple of minutes you feel like you are talking with an old good friend. And I personally know such people - there are not so many of them in my environment.

In addition to them, there are comrades who just as easily start conversations with strangers, but after a minute they become like representatives of a Canadian company trying to sell you another set of knives, dishes or a vacuum cleaner. There is a huge difference between the first and second. How to understand that you are too carried away, and how to start a conversation correctly? Here are five simple tips from Celes of the Personal Excellence blog.

1. Ask a question

The easiest and most standard way to start a new conversation, many people use it.

"What do you do?"

This is a great conversation starter question in countries like Singapore or Hong Kong. People from there are used to identifying themselves with their occupation. If you know that this person loves his job and devotes a lot of time to it, feel free to ask. You will get a long enough and detailed answer, so that the conversation will not end after a short phrase and an awkward pause. Also, the method is well suited for talking at various conferences, seminars and business events. After that, you can ask a huge number of more working questions: “how long has he been in this business and has been working at this company?”, “Does he like this job?”, “What prompted him to join this company?” etc. Questions about clients, business trips, careers and funny incidents at work - the possibilities are endless.

"What brings you here?"

This question is especially useful for various events, whether it's a house party or a business meeting. Use the answer to continue the conversation. For example, a phrase like "I'm here to meet new people" means that this person is open to communication and new acquaintances. Perhaps you can share interesting events that are included in your calendar.

"What did you do today?"

Sometimes the answer to this question is standard and uninteresting. And sometimes they can reveal fascinating details about the interlocutor.

“How was the event (event)?”

If you know where the person has been before, use that to start a conversation. For example, one of your friends or colleagues recently returned from or was at an interesting conference. Ask him about this event.

"What are you doing this week?"

Since the question is about the future, ask it closer to the end of the conversation so that you can say goodbye politely later.

Be aware that you may be asked follow-up questions, so be prepared to answer them.

2. Compliment

For example, an option that works best in a women's company: “What a beautiful dress! It fits so well on you. Where did you buy it? and all questions that relate to accessories, hairstyles and appearance. Starting a conversation like “You look great! Did you have a good rest / sat on / started playing sports? and so on also works well with men.

Compliments regarding the work done will be pleasant to everyone without exception. They work especially well with open and emotional people.

3. Use surrounding objects as a conversation hook

Having met at the conference, say that you liked the speech of a certain speaker, indicate which moments made a good impression and ask the interlocutor what he thinks about it.

Use what is happening around you for a conversation, thus creating a comfortable atmosphere. After the ice melts, you can move on to more personal topics.

Often one question or a simple request for help can lead to a long, exciting and fruitful conversation.

Why does it work? Because people like to help. It gives them a sense of importance, a sense that they have done something useful. And admiring reactions to the answers make them feel like a senior mentor.

These may be work related questions. For example, you can say that you are currently busy with something new and would like to know the opinion of a person, since he is an expert in this field.

Even if you don't really need help, still ask for it. Advice given by another person can open up interesting prospects for you, previously unnoticed.

The most interesting thing is that a normally silent and modest person can break his standard behavior pattern and show himself from a completely different side. Some people just blossom when someone is interested in their hobbies.

5. Tell us something about yourself

What have you been doing in recent months? What new and interesting things did you learn? What goals do you want to achieve in the near future? Tell about it.

This method is the opposite of method #1: you yourself take the initiative and share some information about yourself that might be interesting.

It is better to use it if your counterpart is very shy and is unlikely to start a conversation first. Or if the person didn't respond to your question or comment. Then you can start by being the first to tell about yourself and thus show sincerity. When the person sees your willingness to evaluate and discuss, they can relax and open up in return.

How do you start conversations with strangers?