Peeling in the winter. The most useful home treatments

When choosing a peeling, almost all of our patients are lost and do not know what to look for. First of all, calm down and stop nervously searching for all possible information on the Internet. Why? Because no one except a doctor can tell you exactly which type of peeling is right for you. Always keep in mind that everyone has their own characteristics, different skin types, different reactions. Therefore, all treatment is carried out individually. So your best solution would be to make an appointment with a cosmetologist at Cleo Line.

And already during the examination, the doctor will be able to choose the right peeling for you. Their diversity is determined by:

  • depth of impact - there are superficial, middle and deep peels
  • having an effect - depending on the composition of the peelings, they fight different skin problems. This can be an uneven complexion, acne, scars, peeling, increased sebum secretion, etc.
  • seasonality - there are peels that can be done at any time of the year, but there are also those that are shown only in the autumn-winter period

Why is it recommended to do peelings in the autumn-winter period? The answer is simple - it's all about the activity of the sun. In winter, the sun is the least active, so the risk of injuring the skin after peeling is significantly reduced. Excessive exposure to the sun after peeling can injure the skin, cause unpredictable reactions and hyperpigmentation, since the skin remains sensitive to any changes in the environment after treatment. If you want everything to go smoothly (in every sense), we recommend that you do peels in the autumn-winter period. Another advantage of winter peels is the reduction in the concentration of dust and pollution in the air. We want clean skin, don't we?

What peels are available

Peels that can only be done with low sun activity include:

It aims to remove freckles and other age spots. This peeling perfectly moisturizes the skin due to the acids (salicylic, lactic) and resorcinol in its composition. The depigmenting effect is achieved by hydroquinone, kojic and citric acids. The full rehabilitation period lasts about 10 days.

Its main difference is that it copes well with the signs of aging and aging of the skin. This peeling can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and even to the décolleté area. Retinoic peels are midline peels that work down to the basal layer of the skin. This means that the rejuvenation process will be more serious than with superficial peels. Retinoic peeling also removes fine wrinkles, normalizes collagen synthesis in the skin.

Also referred to as median peels. Its main component is trichloroacetic acid, the concentration of which the doctor selects independently after examining your skin. Each patient at Cleo Line has an individual treatment! Indications for TCA peeling are: enlarged pores, flaky skin, hyperkeratosis (a condition of the skin in which there is a thick stratum corneum), the presence of hyperpigmentation. We can say that TCA peeling is universal, as it fights against the main and most common problems.

stands on a par with the median, but in fact it is superficial. This peel works on oily, pigmented skin and acne marks. Jessner's peel does not work exactly like regular peels. If the usual ones are washed off at the end of the session, then this peeling is left on the face. A special composition is applied to the top, which plays the role of a protective film. In addition, a protective cream is applied to the face.

An obligatory procedure for those who have persistent rashes and acne on the skin. Salicylic acid acts as a disinfectant that kills all bacteria that cause acne and comedones. Together with this, it regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, dries the skin.

These are the main peels that are usually done in the fall and winter. On the recommendation of a doctor in these seasons, of course, you can do all-season. But they are usually superficial and do not target serious skin treatments.

Before carrying out the procedure, a consultation with a doctor is required.

When is it better to peel your face to rejuvenate your skin, achieve a healthy color, good texture and eliminate wrinkles, rather than provoke the appearance of pigmentation and other side effects?

This question interests many women, especially those who are just beginning their acquaintance with professional cosmetology.

Let's find out the period from which you can do face peeling and for what, what types are intended for summer and spring, as well as for autumn and winter?

What time of year is it better to do

Professional experienced cosmetologists are of the opinion that the most suitable time of the year for cleansing the skin of the face is from October to April.

- This is the cleansing of the surface of the face from the stratum corneum of dead cells. Depending on age, this cleansing is carried out on different layers of the epidermis (as you know, there are only five of them):

  1. affects the first and second layers.
  2. - the second and third layer.
  3. - the third and partly the fourth layer.

With any action on the skin (mechanical, chemical or hardware method of cleansing) its protective barrier is removed and a new delicate layer is “exposed”, which requires delicate and gentle care.

It is easiest to protect the renewed skin of the face from ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes, dry air and intense heat, the easiest way is in the cold season.

That's why medium and deep peels are prescribed strictly in late autumn or winter.

Modern cosmetology is not as conservative as it was 10 and 20 years ago. Today there are many types of peels, which solve a variety of problems and can be held at any time of the year.

Winter period

Peculiarities: time for median and deep peels.

After such procedures, the skin goes through a long rehabilitation period, it recovers from 3 to 6 months, depending on the depth of cleaning.

The entire period after cleansing the epidermis is very susceptible to ultraviolet light. Even minimal exposure to direct sunlight can cause a 1st or 2nd degree burn.

That will entail either strong pigmentation, or the appearance of painful blisters, followed by wounds and burn marks.

Preparation: in winter, there is a decrease in immunity, inflammation, microcracks or foci of the herpes virus often occur on the skin of the face.

Therefore, a month before the intended cleaning procedure, you need to drink immunostimulating drugs.

Peeling types:


  • Winter cleansing contributes to the formation of a reserve of nutrients inside the dermis;
  • Metabolic processes are getting better;
  • The production of collagen and elastin is started (lifting effect);
  • The efficiency of the perception of oxygen, vitamins and minerals at the cellular level is increased;
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and internal blood flow improves.


Peeling features after the end of summer: the most suitable season for mid to superficial treatments.

Cleansing aimed at restoring dehydrated and dry skin of the face are especially popular.

Types and effectiveness of face peels in autumn:

  • - a gentle procedure based on natural acids (tartaric, malic, citric and so on) of low concentration (up to 30%). Eliminates the first signs of aging, fine wrinkles, pigmentation, moisturizes the skin, evens out the color and structure of the surface of the face.
  • - superficial or median. Suitable for dry, thin and very sensitive skin. Eliminates the visible capillary network, saturates cells with oxygen and nutrients, improves complexion.
  • - chemical cleaning of the face with acid. Effectively smoothes fine wrinkles, refreshes and moisturizes the surface of the face, eliminates visible blemishes (traces of acne, small scars and scars) and signs of photoaging.
  • - starts the production of "youthful fibers" of collagen and elastin, perfectly tones the skin, evens out the structure, makes the face contour clearer.

Autumn is the time for peeling:


Peculiarities: in spring, the skin shows a general decrease in the tone of the body, signs of a deficiency of vitamins and microelements: dull color, dryness, peeling.

The most popular spring cleanings include:

All these methods of cleansing effectively moisturize the skin, even out the surface, improve the complexion, whiten and normalize the production of melanin, which prepares the skin well for the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


Peculiarities: in the hot season, peeling is used to prepare the epidermis for an even, uniform tan.

The second option is to rid the face of the first signs of photoaging and eliminate excessive dryness.

The most important thing in the summer is post-peeling care, constantly use sunscreen, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face every day, and avoid dehydration.

Types and effectiveness of peels for summer:

Peels that can be done in spring and summer:

All-season species

Year-round facial cleansing, in modern cosmetology, a procedure that is gaining popularity.

It is carried out in the upper layer of the epidermis, in addition, these peelings contain substances that protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, so all the risks of pigmentation are minimal.

Year-round cleansing is presented in a wide variety of forms, it can be done in a beauty salon, under the supervision of a specialist, or on your own at home.

This type of skin cleansing can be divided into:

  1. ... Cleaning with abrasive particles of natural or chemical origin.
  2. ... They are carried out strictly in beauty salons under the supervision of a specialist.


Scrubbing peels for the face can either be made yourself from natural ingredients, or you can buy a ready-made one in the store.

Top 5 popular facial scrubbing peels:

  • Peel MePerfectly- triple action product: cleanses the face, evens out the structure and enhances the natural glow of the skin. Has a whitening effect, cleanses and tightens pores, eliminates flaking and makes the face smooth.
  • Planeta organica... The Dead Sea salts and natural oils that make up the composition help not to dry out the skin of the face and at the same time nourish the cells with useful substances.
  • One hundred beauty recipes- apple peeling. Abrasive substances - almond and apricot seeds, fruit malic acid in low concentration and natural oils have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Effectively evens out the complexion, making it fresh, and normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  • Vitex... Synthetic granules act as a scrubbing material. They are completely streamlined, do not injure or scratch the skin. Vitamin E and aloe vera concentrate moisturize, nourish and significantly soften the skin.

Sensitive facial skin is subject to temperature changes. The negative effect of the cold leads to flaking, dryness and other unpleasant consequences. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to carry out thorough care of the dermis throughout the winter. One of the most effective procedures is peeling.

Why deep cleansing is necessary

Peeling helps to cleanse the skin as thoroughly as possible in a way that cannot be done with regular washing with tonic, milk or gel. Despite the fact that the packaging of cosmetic products for deep exposure indicates a recommendation to use them only once a week, it is far from always possible to follow such a rule. It all depends on the composition of the scrub. Some products are intended for daily washing, while others, on the contrary, - no more than once a month, otherwise there is a risk of causing damage to the skin.
Cosmetologists strongly discourage choosing beauty products for home care that contain components that are too aggressive for the skin (for example, crushed fruit seeds). Long-term use of them can lead to the development of inflammation, excessive fat content and, at the same time, dryness. The best option is to choose gentle scrubs, and carry out deep cleaning as needed by a specialist in a beauty salon. In order to prolong the effect of the procedure for home care, you should purchase foams and gels containing acids in a minimum concentration. However, these products only need to cleanse the face, avoiding the eye area, for which micellar water is the best choice.

Winter is the time for beauty treatments

The traditional peeling season is the period of cold weather. The thing is that after the deep cleansing procedure, the renewed skin is highly sensitive to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, so it must be carefully protected from direct sunlight. That is why salon procedures are popular from the end of autumn and throughout the winter.
The life cycle of cells is up to five weeks in duration. After that, they die off and accumulate on the surface of the dermis, clogging the pores and leading to a deterioration in complexion and the formation of redness with acne. With regular face cleansing with scrubs, the work of new cells is activated, the tone of the dermis improves, which prevents premature aging.

Peeling products during cold weather

The composition of scrubs for deep cleansing of the facial skin during cold weather is different. Milled tiny seeds of berries and fruits, as well as brown sugar, wax, granules of plant extracts, etc. can be used as active ingredients. Not everyone succeeds in finding the perfect remedy for their dermis the first time - they will have to experiment. However, cosmetologists remind that it is the bones that have the most severe effect on the skin, since they often have rough ends that can damage sensitive areas.
As for salt and sugar, both substances have almost the same effect, the main thing is to apply the composition exclusively to damp skin, preferably pre-cleaned with micellar water using a cotton pad. Herbal ingredients and wax are the softest substances in scrubs. They have a gentle peeling effect, which is quite suitable for home care and maintaining the result of salon cleansing.

Acids and enzymes

Depending on the concentration of acids in the composition of the cosmetic product, they have a different effect on the skin. For home cleansing, as a rule, up to 15% of the content of these substances is used, which allows you to visually clean the skin. Highly acidic peeling is done exclusively by professional cosmetologists. The specialist will individually select the concentration of the components for each client. As a rule, glycolic, lactic and citric acids are involved in the cleansing procedure - they form the basis of the active components.
Another way to chemically cleanse the skin is to use a scrub that contains enzymes and citrus extracts. There are no contraindications to the use of such products. Cleansing occurs quite delicately, since under the influence of reactions, dead particles of the dermis are removed from their pores, and then washed off with warm water. The only caveat is that for people with sensitive skin and the presence of allergic reactions to any chemical components, it is best to first test a beauty product with enzymes at the bend of the elbow and, if no negative consequences are found, after 24 hours, carry out the procedure on the face.

Salon cleansing procedures

1. Median peeling
Sessions are indicated in the presence of a large number of wrinkles, freckles and scars on the sensitive dermis. The procedure begins with the application of a special product to the skin, which causes an inconspicuous burn, harmless to the face. Through this action, an active process of cell regeneration begins, while dead particles are carefully removed. For a full-fledged result, it is necessary to conduct a course of 3 procedures, each of which is done every 2-3 weeks.
In the presence of noticeable lesions on the skin in the form of burns, an allergic reaction and any open wounds, this type of peeling is contraindicated. Also, the procedure is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. In all other cases, there are no contraindications. After the procedure, there may be a slight tingling sensation, redness and swelling. Only after 3-5 days, the skin completes its complete renewal, and the unpleasant symptoms disappear, and instead of them, the tone increases, the complexion improves, and fine wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out. However, make-up should not be applied during the regeneration time.

2. Yellow peeling
One of the most popular procedures currently offered in the salon is yellow peeling. This is a type of deep skin cleansing based on retinoic acid. These components have an active effect on the dermis, stimulating the renewal and nutrition of cells from the inside, along the way, eliminating keratinized particles from the surface. The indisputable advantage of the procedure lies in a rather short rehabilitation period, the absence of pain at the time of the session and the safety of using these chemical components.
In order not only to cleanse the skin, but also to obtain a rejuvenating effect, cosmetologists additionally use salicylic components. With their help, not only cell regeneration occurs, but also face lifting, which can be noticed after the first session. In the future, it is necessary to maintain the result at home, with the help of moisturizing anti-aging creams and peeling with a delicate composition.

3. Using special devices
One of the most effective cleansing methods is brossage. Exfoliation is the use of a variety of natural bristle brushes that are applied to the face by continuously rotating at different speeds. Session time - no more than 15 minutes. At the same time, the procedure is completely painless and, in addition to deep cleansing, gives a pleasant bonus in the form of improved blood circulation.
A peeling called microdermabrasion is carried out with a special apparatus for "resurfacing" the skin using the smallest crystals of oxy aluminum. During the session, the skin is not injured, but at the same time it is thoroughly cleansed and renewed. For maximum results, it is necessary to undergo a course of 7-10 procedures and protect the skin from the sun's rays during the regeneration process.
Another way is exposure to ultrasound. First, a special gel is applied to the face or ordinary mineral water is used, after which a deep peeling of dead dermis particles occurs with an ultrasonic wave device.

The period of cold weather is the most favorable time for cleansing and renewing the skin. It is best to combine salon treatments with home care for maximum results. The main thing is to decide on the most optimal type of regeneration, and then do not forget to maintain the effect obtained from deep cleaning by a professional with the help of cosmetics at home. And then you can forever forget about such skin problems as redness, flaking, rashes, acne and dryness.

Facial skin peeling at home ©

Any cosmetologist will recommend you to do peeling and resurfacing of the skin in winter. It is this season that is considered to be one of the most suitable for these procedures, because after peeling, the skin must be carefully protected from direct sunlight.

A peeling procedure involves removing dry, dead skin cells on the face that prevent it from functioning properly. Peeling can be carried out both in the beautician's office and at home. The main thing is not often to get carried away with them and choose peeling according to your skin type.

  • Peeling for dry and sensitive skin. Mix 1 tsp. ground rice with 2 tablespoons cottage cheese and 0.5 tsp. olive oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth and heat the mass in a water bath. Then apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the peeling with warm water, while gently and gently massaging the face.
  • Peeling for oily skin. Take 1 tbsp. oat bran crushed in a coffee grinder and mix with 2 tbsp. liquid honey. Then add 20 ml of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and neck and leave on for 15-20 minutes. After a while, wash off with cool water while massaging the skin.

Effective face peels ©

  • Cleansing peeling for normal facial skin. Grind in a coffee grinder or blender 2 tablespoons. oatmeal, add 2 tsp. fine sea salt, a little milk or low-fat cream for a creamy consistency. Apply the resulting mixture, rubbing a little into the skin. Rinse off the peeling with circular massaging movements, then rinse your face with cool water.
  • Peeling for aging skin. Grind dried lemon zest in a coffee grinder. Then 1 tsp. mix the zest with 1 tbsp. oatmeal, add 1 tbsp. sour cream or vegetable oil, egg yolk. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face. Put a damp cloth on your face and warm it up with a hairdryer. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  • Smoothing peeling for the skin. Apply the pre-warmed coffee grounds to clean and slightly moisturized skin. Leave the mass for a few minutes, letting it dry. Rinse off the coffee peel with warm water in circular massaging movements, and then rinse your face with cool water.


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If your skin feels dry in winter, you shouldn't run to the store for new moisturizers.

Dryness can be a natural reaction of the skin to a decrease in temperature.

With a strong cold snap, a dry protective layer forms on the skin of the face, which simply needs to be removed. And the easiest way to do this is with a regular peeling or scrub.

How often do you peel in winter?

To increase sales, scrub manufacturers assure customers that the product can be used whenever they want. But this is a deception: not every scrub can be used often, and even rubbing your face with it twice a week is not worth it.

One of the co-founders of Clarisonic, Dr. Robb Akridge, said that it has become very fashionable in America to constantly cleanse the skin. At the same time, many do not know the measures and so often, actively and diligently rub their face with scrubs that cleaning is harmful.

The positive effect will be noticeable after the first applications of the scrub: the skin will become smoother, redness will disappear, oily sheen will disappear. Then Dr. Akridge recommends taking a break and not repeating brushing as long as possible.

Otherwise, it will only get worse: the scrub injures the skin, and the sebaceous glands to protect it will begin to intensively produce a fatty secret (sebum). As a result, the skin will become inflamed and noticeably oily.

To consolidate the effect of using the scrub, use additional cleansers - gels and foams. Be careful not to get them in your eyes, so they won't work for removing makeup.

What are the best tools to use?

Here are some examples:

  • Scrub from an Indian company Himalaya herbals... Contains it and ground apricot pits. It costs about 290 rubles.
  • Peeling roll with chamomile extract from the company Librederm... It costs about 270 rubles.
  • Peeling from the firm Diademine... Contains white tea, sea sand and ginseng. It costs about 220 rubles.
  • Scrub from the company L'Oreal Perfect Radiance. Contains apricot extract and soft granules. The cost is 280 rubles.

The most important component of any scrub is the cleansing particles. They are made from ground fruit seeds, jojoba granules, sugar and salt, polyethylene, wax and other materials. Each type of particle has a unique effect, so the choice of scrub depends on the individual needs.

The deepest cleansing is provided by milled fruit pits, as they are rough and have sharp, uneven edges. Salt and sugar are almost as coarse, but their effect can be adjusted. To do this, it is enough to apply the scrub to moisturized skin. The softest particles are made from jojoba, wax and polyethylene.

Regular scrubs cannot be used by people with problem skin. Chemical peels are suitable for them.

Acid chemical peel

Home remedies usually contain a small amount of acid - up to 15 percent... This will be enough for easy cleansing, but you won't be able to achieve the same effect as in a beauty salon.

  • Sampar Peeling Equilibre Moussant. This exfoliant mousse contains lactic and citric acids. It costs about 3700 rubles.
  • Peeling discs from Malin & Goetz soaked in 10% glycolic acid solution. One package will cost 3500 rubles.
  • Double Peeling Creme by Erborian... It costs about 2,200 rubles. Contains fruit acids and ground chestnut shells.

Enzyme peels

These peels contain special enzymes - enzymes that effectively remove dead skin particles. Such products have no contraindications, although sometimes they can cause allergies due to the natural extracts in the composition.

Allergy sufferers should check their skin reactions before using enzyme peels. To do this, it is enough to apply a little product on the elbow bend.

Napkins and sponges

To deeply cleanse the skin, regular cotton napkin... It is enough to apply milk or a gel for washing on it and gently massage your face. For those who prefer exotic, the sponges are suitable for the horse.

To the touch, they are a bit like loofah loofahs (the latter are usually used for body massage), but konnyaku are much softer, so they are suitable for the face.

The sponge is easy to use: you need to soak it in warm water and massage your face with it. It will cleanse your skin more delicately than even a cotton napkin.

You cannot use wipes and sponges in combination with peels and scrubs. Choose and use only one suitable cleaning method.