Gifts for a 6-year-old girl. For a young fashionista. Summer and winter birthday girls

Six years is such an age when a girl from a funny toddler turns into a real lady, she has boyfriends and questions about the relationship between men and women are increasingly making parents blush, let's find out what can be given to a girl for 6 years from this article.

In addition, it is at this age that the girl is called affectionately "preschool child" and is proudly asked to count and read, constantly reminding her that she will soon go to school.

Therefore, gifts for a 6-year-old girl should be different from those pink dolls and beautiful fairies that were chosen for her birthday earlier.

It is not difficult to please a six-year-old child with a gift: the girl is already an adult and quite consciously will make an “order” for herself for a birthday present.

However, her desires may not always be real, so parents should independently think about gift ideas for a 6-year-old girl. He must be one hundred percent to the liking of the birthday girl, otherwise the birthday will be ruined. Therefore, parents often buy several gifts their daughter wants.

Educational gifts for girls 6 years old

After the sixth birthday, a new stage begins in the child's life called "School".

For every child, the anticipation of school life is exciting, so any school items, presented to the future schoolgirl, will be received very well. With their help, the child will psychologically prepare for a new schoolchild's position.

So, ideas for a developing gift for a girl of 6 years old:

Of course, a modern child at the age of six will already be able to use a cell phone, tablet and even a computer.

However, replacing toys with gadgets is currently the # 1 problem in raising children for parents around the world.

Child psychologists are sounding the alarm: the frequent use of gadgets impoverishes the emotional sphere of the child, does not allow developing communication skills, playing the necessary social roles.

As a result, by the time of entering school, a child who spends a lot of time not in the company of friends, but in the company of electronic gadgets, is most likely characterized by a good level of intelligence and a low level of development of the emotional sphere, most likely he will experience difficulties in adapting to school life.

A good development of the emotional sphere is especially important for a girl, because she is a future woman and she has to build relationships with her husband, give love to her children. A child who has at least some of the electronic gadgets in constant use is unlikely to be able to cope with the temptation and not play computer games.

For the development of the emotional sphere of the girl, an excellent gift is secret diary, in which you need to describe all your feelings and thoughts.

The diary closes with a special lock, the code to which the girl can change, contains a compartment for storing valuables, there is even a pen with disappearing ink.

All this will delight a little mysterious familiar stranger!

At the age of six, the girl needs to begin to accustom herself to the correct way of spending her leisure time. This concept includes taking care of the correct formation of the girl's muscle mass and skeleton. If the child does not have vivid physical giftedness and does not yet have thoughts about what kind of sport the girl could do, then you need to pay attention to such as swimming, dancing and aerobics classes... Therefore, sports equipment or a dance costume are perfect as a gift for a girl.

The good old outdoor games for preschool children are as popular in the modern world as they were thirty years ago. Sets for badminton, golf, table tennis or classics- a great gift for a little minx! In addition, roller skates, skateboards and children's exercise equipment, all sorts of balls, a bicycle will push the girl to walk in the yard.

Useful gifts for a 6 year old girl

It is very difficult to distinguish for a six-year-old girl from a developing one. Let us consider as useful gifts those gifts that will be useful in the life of a little lady, and will also allow her to acquire some vital and useful skills and abilities.

For example, a very popular gift is pets... The championship is held kittens and puppies. Although, depending on the living conditions and preferences of the birthday girl, you can limit yourself fish or hamsters. The main thing is that the child will learn to take care of pets, strive to make them better, and have warm feelings towards them. This is especially important for a girl.

Clothing and accessories to it are also a useful gift for a 6 year old girl.

Besides the obvious benefits, new dresses, shoes, earrings, beads and bracelets in instill a sense of taste and style, the ability to dress, so necessary for a little woman.

Original gifts for a girl for 6 years

Psychologists say that all human problems come from childhood. A person will use that set of emotional qualities and reactions that developed in childhood throughout his life.

Often, modern parents, taking care of the material well-being of the child, forget about his emotional stability and devote little time and attention to their child. This is the biggest parenting mistake. The most original gift for a 6 year old girl is gifts-impressions.

As a gift - an experience can be a joint family trip:

You can visit any place on the child's birthday - it depends on the interests of the child, the main thing is that the family will spend this day together.

Unusual gifts for a 6-year-old girl

It is difficult to surprise modern children - they have already seen absolutely all the new items on TV, on the Internet and at their acquaintances. But. after reflecting on the characteristics of your child, his favorite heroes and dreams, it is quite possible to come up with something unusual, which the child does not expect at all.

For example, a romantically inclined young lady falling asleep in the company of soft toys will like stuffed toys bouquet, which are fastened into a composition in a special way.

A little girl with a craving for astronomy starry sky projector night light will delight!

and his signature will please any child!

And the little sleepyhead, who is in no hurry to crawl out from under a warm blanket in the morning, will be delighted an interesting alarm clock with many funny signals- now it will be much more pleasant to wake up.

The question "what to give a girl 6 years old?" should have counted many answers already.

However, the most common is still the desire to give a toy the girl is 6 years old. And this is understandable - after all, 6 years is the most active playing age.

The game has its own functions, it is a complex and obligatory action for the child. The girl must play as many social roles as possible, in this case her adaptation to the "adult" world will be successful. Adults must understand the importance of play activities and create conditions for the child to be realized in play.

It will be relevant to give such toys:

The girl is a future wife and mother. It is the dolls that help her to "rehearse" the most important "roles" for a woman.

Often, such a toy occupies half of the playroom, has several floors, is fully equipped inside - from furniture to household appliances - and allows the girl to feel like a real mistress.

A gift for a 6-year-old girl should already be completed a bouquet of flowers, because a real lady is growing and a handmade postcard - the warmth of your heart will be invested in it, the most sincere words that you want to say to the little birthday girl.

The postcard will be remembered, the grown-up girl will read it in many years and, remembering the sixth anniversary, will feel your love.

For a girl, the feeling that she is loved is insanely important and guarantees inner well-being and a well-formed life.

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What to give a 6-year-old girl on her birthday? At first glance, the question is not difficult, because children's supermarkets and online stores are filled to the limit with children's toys. Only this is the whole difficulty - there are dozens of types of dolls, not to mention different games, soft toys. The advice of a sales assistant is not the best option. But six-year-olds themselves are already well-versed in their desires, and if the parents are observant enough, then it is better to ask them for advice.

Toy assortment

  • At this age, many girls still play with dolls, and another Barbie will go not to the warehouse, but to the collection of girlfriends, especially since there are so many accessories for them now - from all kinds of sets of clothes and accessories to furniture and home. Sometimes children are better informed on this issue than adults, so it is worth clarifying, perhaps she dreams of a baby-born - a doll - a baby that needs to be looked after, bottle fed, swaddled, walked, or maybe she is interested in very adults Bratz and Moxie, not to mention collectible porcelain dolls. And the pink tent - the "Princess Castle" house, where there is enough space for both the hostess and the dolls, will perfectly complement this collection.
  • Role-playing games are another worthy gift option, because six-year-olds imitate adults in everything. Cashier with toy money and credit cards and a set of fruits for playing with sellers and buyers, a children's set "Beauty Salon" or an art studio - these are several options for popular and budgetary sets.
  • Six years for a child is a transitional age, he understands that he is growing up, this is a very favorable period for acquiring new knowledge and skills necessary for the upcoming school life. A game that is not age appropriate, which the child has already outgrown, can cause both bewilderment and frustration. But educational games from talking posters to a children's computer at the age of six are very useful for both boys and girls. The teaching computer is equipped with special programs, thanks to which the girl will learn to read, write, add and subtract, sing, and get acquainted with foreign languages.

Creativity and hobbies of the child

Educational gifts

What to give a 6-year-old girl for her birthday? Sometimes children can easily entertain themselves. For such, at all times, books were considered the best gift, but only now their choice has become almost unlimited. You can buy educational books, preparing for school, puzzle books, fairy tales in a gift design, talking books with the voices of birds, animals and stories about different countries, and, finally, order a book-fairy tale about the hero of the occasion with her photograph and fairy tale, where she will be in the lead role.

Board games are good because they can be played with the whole family, they teach the child to perseverance, develop attention, train the reaction. These are all kinds of Lego sets, board games "Hogwarts Castle", "Castle of 1000 Mirrors", which, in addition to the obvious benefits, will give you invaluable minutes of communication with the girl.

Interactive toys are the first skills of taking care not only of yourself, because they constantly require attention to themselves, as if they were alive. If it is not yet possible to give the child a real living friend - a cat, a dog, a fish, a parrot, then such animals can be a good alternative. Dog Trixie, for example, not only barks, but also rides a skateboard and even performs acrobatic stunts, so who will walk whom is a moot point. Watch-piggy bank "My Bank" to teach not only to use a calculator - there is a real bank card included! An interactive automatic game is also interesting.

Sports gifts - badminton, bowling, roller skates, a gymnastic ball, a children's trampoline and an inflatable plastic wheel, an inflatable seashell pool "Mermaid", which are not only beneficial for health, but also give positive emotions, will be very useful.

For a young lady

For a young lady, you can pick up stylish accessories - an umbrella, a fan, a watch, sunglasses, a handbag - everything that makes her look like her mother. If there is a birthday on the nose, and you have not decided on a present for a six-year-old lady, buy a beautiful one with a secret and fill it with hairpins, elastic bands, rings, and other jewelry, which is adored not only by adult women of fashion.

What to give for a 6-year-old girl who has everything? Money or jewelry is not a great idea. You can buy tickets for a children's performance, a puppet theater, go with a child to a circus, a water park, a dolphinarium, and she will remember her pony riding lesson for a lifetime. Or invite other artists with circus animals and fireworks made of live butterflies and a two-meter bouquet of balloons. Show your child how many-sided and beautiful this world is and how many interesting activities and opportunities there are for both young and old.

Should I give my child expensive toys? On the one hand, she, of course, will be delighted with them, but on the other, it can cause envy among her friends, and if she loses or is stolen - a phone, a player or a camera - she will still feel sorry for the money spent on the experiment. Perhaps the child will ask for a doll "the same as that of Lisa's neighbor", understanding what it means to earn credibility in his company. You can buy a doll, but not an exact copy, explaining to the girl that her personality is much more important than blind copying.

In a well-known children's song, it is sung: "Unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year", any six-year-old child will agree with this, because the question is ahead - what will the girl be given for 6 years? Kids are always looking forward to this day with a special feeling, anticipating a festive atmosphere, everyone's attention to themselves, fun, unusual treats and, of course, gifts.

Choosing birthday gifts for children is not easy. Often, the opinions and preferences of adults are fundamentally different from the desires of a child. In addition, absolutely all children's things must be safe, both in terms of injury and environmental friendliness. Super Helper knows everything about how to choose the most optimal one, ideally suited to a specific person! Listen to his advice, and you will see that there are a lot of options for great gifts for children.

Today SuperHelper solves the problem, what to give a girl for 6 years? In fact, this is not such a difficult question, because the child is already quite an adult, he has a formed circle of interests, but at the same time there remains a "loophole" for new ones.

Six year old girls love everything magical, they want their favorite fairy-tale characters to be with them everywhere, so things with the appropriate design will be good gifts - they must have images of fairies, princesses, castles and gilded carriages. In this case, things can be quite "usual" purpose:
· A set of children's dishes;
· Game washing machine;
· Lamp-lamp or in the children's room;
· Children's box for office supplies;
· slippers;
· Decorative cushions for the nursery.

If you are, in principle, against the idea of ​​"ordinary" things that have a purely practical application, then prepare fabulous attributes:
· A set of fairies;
· Children's tent in the form of a carriage;
· Children's play trampoline in the form of a knight's castle.

When choosing what to give a 6-year-old girl, do not forget that very soon the baby will have big changes in her life - she will become a schoolgirl. Therefore, it will be good if you present her with any things directly or indirectly related to the learning process. It can be:
· Very beautiful children's pencil case with a set of accessories;
· Children's globe;
· ;
· Sets of colorful cards with letters, numbers.

Even when the girl is actively engaged in preparing for school, children's games will continue to be of great importance to her. All the girls play with dolls. Therefore, a win-win gift for 6 years is any doll attributes:
· Doll dishes;
· Crib or whole;
· Sets of doll cosmetics, hair ornaments;
· Clothes, bedding for dolls.

If you live in a big city, then you have a great gift idea for a 6-year-old girl - interesting entertainment. Like this? Present as a presentation entrance tickets to:
· aquapark;
· Zoo, circus or dolphinarium;
· Children's theater;
· Planetarium;
· amusement park.
Sometimes an interesting pastime for children is much more important than a material offering. Modern parents do not have much time to organize a trip with their child on their own. Help them! Thus, you will not only make the birthday girl pleasant, but also make your contribution to strengthening family relations!

TOP - 200 gifts for girls for 6 years can .

The sixth birthday is a very important date in the life of any girl. At this age, babies develop their own preferences and tastes, and, in addition, they begin to take an active interest in fashion, cosmetics and other women's "things". Of course, at the same time, they are still children and a variety of games still occupy a large place in their lives. In general, choosing a gift for a girl for 6 years is not an easy task, because you need to take into account a lot of important factors, and most importantly, try not to disappoint the little birthday girl who expects real miracles from her holiday.

Traditional gifts

Traditional gifts are what we all used to give preschool girls.... True, when choosing such a present, you need to make sure that it is not boring and banal, because the range of modern stores allows you to present the baby with some interesting, original thing.

Gifts for the little woman

As mentioned above, it is at the age of six that babies begin to realize their belonging to the fair sex, so they will certainly appreciate some appropriate present. That is, when thinking about what to give a girl for 6 years, be sure to think about things that all women in the world like to receive for the holidays.

  • Clothes and footwear. Choosing the right clothes and shoes for a six-year-old girl is not easy at all, but if you wish, you can cope with this task. Most babes like shiny things with images of fairy princesses, shoes with small heels, sneakers in bright colors, etc. If the birthday girl is fond of some "girly" TV series, it is quite possible to "spy" the gift option from the heroes of one of them.
  • Decorations. Most of all, the young princess will be delighted with some real jewelry, and it is best to stop at gold stud earrings or a thin chain (the baby will almost certainly lose a ring or bracelet). However, otherwise, the little birthday girl can also be presented with a set of ordinary jewelry made of cupronickel, plastic, etc.
  • Handbag. Such an accessory can be safely called an ideal gift for a woman of any age, because each of them always has a whole bunch of little things that will need to be put somewhere.
  • Cosmetics. Of course, we are talking here about special children's cosmetics, which are absolutely harmless to young delicate skin. A young fashionista can be presented with anything, from shampoos and shower gels to decorative cosmetics "just like mom's."
  • Wrist watch. Girls at the age of six consider themselves to be quite adults and very serious, so they will surely like a real wristwatch of some original shape.

Sports gifts

A slender figure and ability to move are very important for every future beauty, so a gift for a girl on her sixth birthday may well be related to sports, dancing and active pastime. So what are the best sports gifts for a six-year-old toddler?

  • Rollers. Almost all girls love rollerblading, so good roller skates as a presentation will delight the little birthday girl. Do not forget that roller skates must be included with a helmet, as well as special shields for elbows and knees.
  • Dance rug. Such a rug is connected to the TV and makes it possible to "come off" to the fullest. And besides, it contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.
  • Bike. Another very good gift that active, agile girls will especially like. In order not to be mistaken when choosing a suitable bike, it is best to opt for a model with an adjustable seat, which can be “adjusted” to any height.
  • Children's swimming pool. If the young birthday girl was born in spring or summer, she can be presented with a small inflatable pool in which she can splash around in the company of her best friends. Of course, for "winter" and "autumn" girls, such a present is also suitable, but the baby may be upset by the fact that she will not be able to use it immediately.
  • Tent. Each of us loved to build "houses" from stools, tables and tablecloths in our distant childhood. In this sense, modern preschoolers differ only in that they do not need to use available tools for games, because in any specialized store you can buy a tent of any shape and size. Little girls will surely like this model made in the form of a real magic castle for a princess.

Live gifts

A pet is a wonderful gift for any child, because absolutely everyone dreams of a puppy, kitten or other living creature in childhood. True, such a present will definitely need to be coordinated with the parents of the birthday girl, because not everyone will be happy with the little animal in the house. If the girl's mom and dad do not belong to wildlife lovers, you can choose the most problem-free option - present her with a small turtle or an aquarium with fish.

What to give a 6-year-old girl for her birthday - this is the question asked by parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, godparents. The baby has matured, the ambulance will go to school, how to please her? It is much easier to come up with an idea for a gift when the child is still small, because he enjoys any toy. And now you have a young lady with her desires and a clear idea of ​​what she wants. Consider several options for gifts for 6 years for a girl that will benefit her.

What to give a 6-year-old girl for her birthday for general development?

Young six-year-old ladies already know exactly what they want. This greatly facilitates the task - parents should ask their daughter what she would like, as they will receive several options for answers. It remains only to choose or distribute the daughter's wishes among everyone who is going to congratulate her.

If you want to arrange a surprise, so that the baby does not know what gift is being prepared for her, you will have to reflect on what would be interesting and, most importantly, useful to her. To do this, consider the following factors:

1. Girls in 6 years old love to preen - dress up, do hair and make-up, paint their nails.

2. They are active, mobile.

3. Are fond of needlework or show interest in it.

5. Many are interested in dancing.

6. Going to school soon.

When you re-read these points, you immediately get a lot of options for what to give your child for his birthday. Let's take everything in order.

Create an image

A little fashionista will accept as a gift a beautiful fluffy dress, like a princess, elegant shoes or accessories - a stylish children's umbrella or handbag. She will also be delighted with a set of cosmetics for children. It is safe and hypoallergenic. Playing with her, the baby will learn to create interesting images for her dolls or herself.

A good gift option is a head doll with long hair for creating hairstyles. With such a mannequin, a girl will be able to master the skills of a hairdresser, learn how to style and put on hairpins on her curls.


For 6 years, a girl should be presented with a personal transport, if she does not have one yet. For example, a bicycle or rollers. Learning to ride, the little lady will feel more confident, because this is a significant achievement in her life. As a gift, consider skates, skate, gyro board or hoverboard.

For summer active games in the fresh air, the girl should be presented with badminton.

This game helps to develop several useful skills at once - agility, quick reaction and accuracy. If the baby dreams of doing some kind of sport, it is appropriate to present sports equipment for her 6th birthday.


By the age of six, many girls begin to get involved in weaving, sewing, acrylic modeling and other types of needlework. While they are not doing it very well, fine motor skills are still in the process of improvement, but if there is interest, then why not contribute to the development of abilities. Consider as an option a gift for 6 years for a girl:

1. A miniature sewing machine.

2. Sets of elastic bands for weaving.

3. Macrame.

4. Starter kit with crochet and knitting yarn.

At first, the girl will need help in the creative process, but the children quickly grasp everything, so over time, the daughter will surprise you with talents.
Books, teaching materials, school supplies

Most girls six years old already read, and some do it well. They are interested in beautiful books with large illustrations such as encyclopedias on various topics. If it is difficult to choose a suitable topic, stop at an encyclopedia for a preschooler about everything in the world, about our planet, about the rules [of behavior in different situations.

The baby will soon go to school, which means that birthday gifts for 6 years are appropriate, which will be needed during training. These are stationery, a backpack, unusual pens and pencils, cool pencil cases, table lamps, a globe. By the way, you should think about buying an interactive globe - a very interesting thing for a student.

If the girl has not yet equipped a workplace where she will study, do her homework, give her a writing desk or a desk that is growing, that is, designed for a child's different heights.


Girls 6 years old still play with dolls, but they do it consciously, imitating adults in everything. It is unlikely that some baby will refuse the Reborn doll, which is like two drops of water similar to a real newborn baby. The little lady will take care of her as it should be - change the diaper, put her to bed, feed her, change her clothes. It is very exciting.

Girls at the age of 6 love to create something beautiful themselves - paintings, crafts. There are a lot of fun kits for creativity, with the help of which girls will be able to make ice cream, kinder surprise, create a picture from sand, make handmade soap and other interesting things.

It is not easy to come up with what to bring a child to a girl on her birthday, but it is better to spend time choosing a good gift than buying something unnecessary and unhelpful. If you know exactly what your granddaughter, daughter or goddaughter wants, then this is what you are giving. The child will be pleased.