Crafts from cocktail tubes. Bright holidays, or what to do with your baby on New Year's holidays: crafts from cocktail tubes

Wicker items have been popular at all times. Only before used birch bark, vine, willow twigs, and now they are replaced with ordinary newspaper, magazine and office sheets. Such products are covered with wood stain, varnish, due to which they create an imitation of the structure of a tree.

This is the popular Master class for beginners will be devoted to the basics of this needlework, since information on it is scattered piece by piece across all sorts of sources, and all the available lessons on weaving crafts are designed for people with basic knowledge.


For weaving, you need paper, knitting needles, paint, stain, varnish, cardboard, glue. Newspapers, magazines, office and fax paper are suitable for work. The softer tubes are made from newspaper, and the thinner, firmer tubes are made from magazines and office paper.

Please note: one newspaper spread should make four tubes (the width of the segment is no more than 7-12 centimeters). Cut narrow strips 2-3 centimeters wide from office paper.

Experiment with a different type of material, then you get an extraordinary paper weaving. You can create a wide variety of crafts using this technique - from trays and panels to animal figures and dishes.

Craftsmen use knitting needles of different thicknesses. The selection depends on the craft: for example, for a newspaper you need a knitting needle number 2-3, and for office paper - stocking. For the base of the craft, twist the thick tubes, and for the braid - the soft ones.

Choose paint, stain on a water-based emulsion (with alcohol, the product dries quickly, but makes the tube brittle). Dilute the paint with PVA glue (2: 1 or 3: 1). They paint either the product after work, or the blanks before the start of the creative process. But the finished craft is always greased with glue, left to dry. Only at the last stage is it varnished. Cardboard is used to create a finished bottom or container of the desired shape.

Weaving paper: a master class for beginners

How the tubes are harvested:

The tubes should not be soft or stiff, ideally a “medium” paper weave. A bunch of twisting video tutorials have been created for beginners, but without practice they are useless. For example, for blinds and panels, craftsmen specially twist hard sticks, for decorative miniature objects, thin tubes are harvested, where the width of the strip may be less than the traditional seven centimeters. You need to experiment to find your own thickness of the tubes.

Please note that when cutting with a knife, nicks form that interfere with the correct twisting. Therefore, before work, do some research work: try to cut two sheets of newspaper into transverse and longitudinal stripes, determining in what way fewer chipping is obtained. It is from the segment with smaller notches that the tube rolls off without problems.

Weaving paper: step-by-step instructions for twisting and painting

When twisting sticks, one end should be wider and the other narrower. So when weaving crafts due to insertion, building occurs, that is, a narrow corner is inserted into a wide one. If the ends are the same, then one edge is flattened, squeezed and inserted.

When building up, many masters do without glue, they simply insert a stick three centimeters deep into another. Other pros drip a drop of glue into a tube with a wide end, and advance it three centimeters with a narrow stick.

There is also a secret of how to make the twisting run faster and the weaving is soft. Before work, newspaper tubes are laid out in a row and passed over them with a rolling pin. It turns out that each master has “his own” weaving from paper.

Master class for beginners on painting tubes

  • The first way. Paint the sheets before work, then dry, cut into strips and twist into tubes.
  • Second way. Twist the sticks, then paint each one separately with a brush. Suitable for products if you need an unusual pattern.
  • Third way. Do the craft, then decorate it by weaving or chaotically with a brush.

Mass painting methods

For paint, you can use water emulsion, pigments, for eggs. If you get a bad color, continue weaving from paper anyway. A basket, for example, can have any color, just complicate the weaving or resort to decoupage.

Tubing Secrets

Please note that the color becomes lighter after drying. Combining with other sticks, create the desired pattern or draw the finished product with the desired shade. It is not necessary to dry until completely dry. Wrap slightly damp sticks in a bag so that both ends are outside. They can be stored in the cold during the winter.

In work, the sticks must be flexible, and after painting they become hard and brittle. Ideally, paper weaving should begin immediately after painting the tubes. A basket, boxes, dishes can be made from dry painted tubes if, before work, you sprinkle the middle of the sticks with plain water using a sprayer from all sides.

Wrap them in a wet cloth (ends on the outside) or put them in a bag. Prepare a large number of tubes at once so as not to be distracted by twisting during work.

When weaving, an even and an odd number of tubes are taken. It is on the side where there is an odd number of sticks that work begins. The "odd" tube wraps around all the others. As soon as its length ends, build up a new stick.

Weaving types

We have finished with the blanks of the material, now we will consider weaving from paper. A master class for beginners on his technique is given below.

  • Plain ordinary weaving. With a braiding tube, like a snake, go around each stick of the base. That is, it sometimes covers the base, then hides behind it. If you need to return, then weaving goes the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  • Simple weaving in rows. The pattern changes over several rows. That is, take one stick, go through simple weaving. The next tube lays down in the same way as the first. So continue drawing several times. Then you shift the pattern, that is, where the base was braided, it remains free, and the next one is braided the same number of times as in the first pattern.
  • Simple diagonal braiding. Each tube begins with a new base stick diagonally. It turns out an oblique (oblique) pattern.
  • Simple diagonal braiding in rows. Just as in the horizontal pattern, weave with several sticks, and move the new circle along the pattern.

Weaving varieties

We continue to consider weaving from paper (master class on creating patterns):

Weaving technique and secrets

To keep any pattern, it is braided with a string or pigtail. Let us consider in more detail the "protective" weaving made of paper (we will describe it in stages using the example of a basket).

Please note that the weaving of the tubes starts from the thick ends from left to right. To get a given shape, the racks are pinched to the desired object (vase, bucket, box, etc.). The finished product is abundantly greased with PVA glue (with or without paint), “put on” on an object of the desired shape, and dried. Then, when painting and varnishing, the product from the tubes will be beautiful and durable.

Making a basket

For beginners, it is better to start with something simple (for example, blinds, frames, panels) in order to train your hand in twisting the tubes and their simple weaving. Then you can move on to complex paper weaving (horseshoe, heart, box, bell). Consider a master class on weaving a simple basket without a lid and handle.

To save labor on weaving the basket, use a cardboard bottom. To do this, take an object of the desired shape, circle the bottom on thick cardboard. Cut out two pieces. Decorate them right away (paste over with wallpaper, paint or apply decoupage).

Attach the bottom half along the edge. Now glue newspaper tubes on it. The distance between them should not be more than 2-3 centimeters. This is the basic rule of such needlework (meaning weaving from paper).

Stand for pens, photo frame, hat - any craft should have a distance between the posts of no more than three centimeters. The fact is that a larger gap between them leads to looseness and fragility of the product.

Continuation of weaving baskets

Next, apply PVA glue to the bottom with the tubes, cover with a second bottom, put a load on top and leave it overnight. Now go through two rows with a "string", a simple interweaving of the racks. After that, put the shape on which you will weave on the bottom, with a load (the load is needed to fix the bottom when weaving). If you immediately start weaving the walls from the cardboard bottom, then you will get holes in the basket that will need to be decorated.

Raise the tubes up, continue to work until you reach the desired height. Next, braid up or braid a pigtail separately, gluing it to the base. The same principle is used to weave paper boxes with a lid.

There is another way to weave a rectangular bottom using ribbons and newspaper tubes. This look is reminiscent of working with a striped paper rug. Only in this case, you take not one tube, but two or three for one unit. For example, below are four groups of sticks. Then put three sticks across them.

On top, lay four groups of tubes so that their ends are between the lower ones. Now braid all the rows with a ribbon or a soft stick. Then lay the transverse group of sticks again, braiding them with tape. Using colored tubes, you can get an original pattern.

The bottom in this case turns out to be voluminous, as if double. Then lift all the joints, braid them with a "string", smoothly passing to the walls of the product. For trays, this is the optimal paper weaving. A step-by-step photo of weaving a square basket clearly shows the essence of the work. Prepare straws and get creative.

If you have never worked with newspaper tubes, start with simple types. For example, blinds. To do this, simply twist the tight sticks along the length of one half of the window. Tie each stick with a double knot on both sides, retreating from the edges by 3-4 centimeters. In the process of work, coat the "seams" with glue.

From above, fasten along the ring for the curtain (blinds will be attached to them) and a loop where you can put a twisted roll if necessary. Paint and varnish the finished product. Now you can try simple weaving on small souvenirs and move on to baskets.

Newspaper tube weaving is based on traditional vine weaving. Currently, it has gained great popularity, because this material is always at hand, and by connecting imagination, you can create beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes. Master classes on creating crafts for beginners will help in this. After the hand is "full", you can start creating more complex products.

For weaving, plain printing paper is best. It is soft and evenly stained. If it is not possible to find such paper, then you can use sheets of ordinary newspapers to create original crafts from newspaper tubes. You can work with office paper, but it is quite thick, and this is inconvenient.


  • newspaper or magazine sheets;
  • cardboard;
  • knitting needle or wooden skewer;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • brush;
  • pencil.

Cut the newspaper into 10 by 10 centimeters squares (for long tubes, larger squares will be required).

Put the knitting needle on the corner of the sheet and wrap the paper tightly around it. Remove the spoke. To prevent the tube from unwinding, grease the edge of the newspaper with glue before rolling. Carry out such an operation with all sheets of the newspaper.

Cut 2 identical circles out of cardboard for the base of the basket. The volume of the future craft depends on the diameter of the circles.

Glue 8 newspaper sticks onto one cardboard circle as shown in the photo.

Glue the second circle on top. For 10-20 minutes, this workpiece should be placed under a press.

After that comes the most crucial stage - weaving. It is necessary to lift one tube vertically from the workpiece and glue the tube horizontally to it, as shown in the photo.

This tube must be led behind a nearby frame vine so that it goes around it from the outside, and the next tube from the inside. If the vine with which we are braiding ends, then we take another tube and, as it were, screw it into the edge of the last vine, and continue to weave.

Covering the scaffold tubes on the outside and then on the inside, weave all the rows until the desired height of the basket is obtained.

When the last row is made, cut the vine tube obliquely, smear its edge with glue and bring it inside the basket to the limit. Cut the frame tubes too, grease with glue and tuck into the craft.

To make a handle, you need to braid 2 tubes with a tourniquet. So that they do not unravel, it is better to glue them. Bring the edges of the handle inside the basket and grip it with glue.

If desired, a ready-made basket of newspaper tubes can be painted, decorated with decorative flowers, beads, decoupage.


Required materials and tools:

  • newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a bowl.

Make 10 long tubes from newspaper (you can see how to make them in the previous master class).

Fold 8 tubes crosswise, as in the photo.

Connect the remaining 2 tubes together and put them behind a horizontal stack.

Weaving is carried out at once with 2 tubes using the "string" technique. Place one tube under the base of the hat, the other on top, cross it between each other. Do this with all ends of the base cross.

Weave the second circle with the same technique.

On the third circle, braid each vine-base with a "string", dividing them together.

To keep the hat neat and even, we attach the weaving to the convex bottom of the bowl and use it as a shape.

For convenience, we fasten the vines with clothespins to the edges of the bowl. So they will not get confused and interfere.

Continue braiding until the hat is deep enough.

Remove the bowl and start braiding the brim.

Cut the vine that was woven and bring its edges inside the craft.

Take a new tube and thread it into the loops near the base vines, as shown in the photo.

Do this with each base vine, inserting new tubes into the loops next to it.

To weave the fields, you need one vine, which will braid each tube with a "rope" technique.

Weave until the brim is wide enough.

After that, bring all the remaining base vines inside the crafts and fill them into the cells.

Cut off unnecessary ends with scissors or wire cutters.

You can decorate the hat with acrylic paints, decorate with artificial flowers, ribbons.


Required materials and tools:

  • newspapers;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a bowl.

For the base, you need 8 newspaper tubes. In order for the fungus to keep its shape well, a thin wire is inserted into the tubes. Make a base of them in the shape of a square, as shown in the photo.

To make the base for the fungus neat and convex, you need to place it on a small bowl. Continue braiding the vines further, but now sticking to the bowl shape.

After the cap of the fungus is ready, remove the bowl. Bend the tubes so that a leg is obtained.

Braid the inside of the mushroom and go out on the leg, as shown in the photo. At this stage, the leg should be slightly widened so that it does not turn out straight.

The wire at the base of the tubes will not allow the craft to unravel, so the edges of the tubes can simply be wrapped inside the fungus.

To decorate the fungus, you need to paint its leg with white paint, and the cap with brown. After that, the entire craft must be covered with colorless varnish.


DIY handicrafts from newspaper tubes are a great way to decorate the interior. An exclusive option - a panel.

Required materials and tools:

  • newspaper sheets;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue brush;
  • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
  • acrylic or food grade paints;
  • stationery rubber bands;
  • scissors;
  • strong threads;
  • needle.



You can make souvenir bast shoes from newspaper tubes, which are considered a family talisman, a symbol of longevity and health.

Required materials and tools:

  • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue brush;
  • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
  • acrylic or food grade paints;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • linen thread.


  1. Spread the sheets of newspaper across with the long side, bend in half and cut with a clerical knife.
  2. Wind the resulting sheet diagonally from the right corner onto the pencil so that one edge is slightly wider than the other. Grease the edge of the sheet with a small amount of glue so that the tube does not unwind.

  3. Insert three tubes into each other, fixing with glue. You need 5 such long tubes.

  4. Place the tubes according to the photo and start weaving, taking into account that a right or left product is planned.

  5. At the end of weaving, thread the end of the tube with a knitting needle along the entire length of the sole.
  6. After the sandals are ready, you can paint them with a water-based oak stain, and then apply white acrylic paint. The paint is applied with a semi-dry brush in random strokes, creating an antique effect.

  7. When the paint is completely dry, cover the product with a primer. To do this, you need to mix PVA glue with water in a ratio of 3 to 2. This will make the sandals strong.
  8. To decorate the bast shoes, it is enough to use a linen thread, wrap the edges of the bast shoes with it, creating the effect of antiquity.


Another way to use newspaper tubes is to make crafts and decorations from twisted spirals, for example, to create an original photo frame.

Required materials and tools:

  • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scissors;
  • white sheet of paper;
  • cardboard.



An original way to use newspaper tubes is to create an unusual interior tree.

Required materials and tools:

  • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
  • acrylic or gouache paints;
  • scissors;


  1. Prepare the straws.

  2. Fasten 13-15 tubes together, wrapping them with thread and a strip of paper smeared with glue. Thus, a tree trunk is formed.

  3. With the next tube, smeared with glue, wrap the formed trunk in a spiral to the required height. If the tube ends, insert the next one into it and continue weaving.

  4. Divide the trunk into 2 unequal parts, forming branches. Wrap each branch with a tube greased with glue.

  5. Separate the branches and wrap them again. Continue dividing until 1 tube remains in each branch.

  6. Trim the last branches to the desired length and form curls.

  7. Wrap the lower part of the trunk with another layer of tubes, slightly thickening it.

  8. Cover the finished wood with a mixture of PVA glue and gouache.

  9. After the glue has dried, varnish and decorate the product.


Required materials and tools:

  • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
  • scissors;
  • dye.


  1. Prepare tubes and a box of a suitable shape, which will be braided in the process.

  2. To begin with, form the frame of the future product. To do this, at the bottom of the box, mark the places where the main tubes pass, taking into account that the more often they are located, the denser and stronger the weaving will be. There should also be base tubes at the corners of the box.
  3. Glue the tubes according to the markings.

  4. Start weaving the walls of the box. To do this, glue an additional tube to the base tube, which will be used for weaving. Weave the base tubes in the classical way: the first outside, the second inside, the third outside, and so on.

  5. In this way, braid the box completely. If the working tube ends, it is "built up" by inserting an additional one into it, lubricating the edge with a small amount of glue.

  6. At the end of the work, cut the edge of the working tube at an angle of 45 degrees and hide it inside the product. Cut the main tubes and put them inside, fix with a small amount of glue.

  7. Paint the finished box with acrylic or water-based spray paints.

  8. After the paint has completely dried, decorate the product using satin ribbons, artificial flowers and beads.


Required materials and tools:

  • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
  • scissors;
  • dye.


  1. Prepare newspaper tubes.
  2. Put three tubes crosswise, fixing the place of intersection with a drop of glue.

  3. At the intersection, glue the fourth tube and start weaving. Bend one tube through 2 others, take the next one and bend it through the other two, then the next, and so on.


    Required materials and tools:

    • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
    • PVA glue;
    • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
    • scissors;
    • dye.



    Required materials and tools:

    • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
    • PVA glue;
    • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
    • wire;
    • wrapping;
    • scissors;
    • dye.


    1. Prepare newspaper tubes, paint them yellow, green and brown, wait until they dry completely.

    2. Insert a wire into 3 short yellow tubes and wind a non-wooden skewer in turn, forming spirals. These will be the pistils of the flower.

    3. Take 2 more yellow straws. Bend one of them in half, and wrap the second in a loop around the first and begin to braid without tightening. This will be the first petal. Also weave 2 more yellow and 3 brown petals.

    4. Similarly, make leaves from green tubes, only with a sharper bend.

    5. When all the blanks are ready, collect the flower. Fasten the pistils together with a wire. Attach brown petals with a second layer around the pistil, and then yellow ones. Attach a stem of 3 green tubes to the flower head using a wire.

    6. Wrap wire around the stem for strength. Attach a leaf during the wrapping process.

    7. To hide the attachment points and wire, wrap the stem with wrapping paper.

    8. The flower is ready, if desired, it can be varnished.


    Required materials and tools

    • sheets of newspapers or magazines;
    • glue Moment;
    • knitting needle or skewer made of wood;
    • wire;
    • scissors;
    • dye.


Add comfort to your home by placing flowers made by yourself from spoons and straws. And amulets will bring prosperity and prosperity to your home.

Accessory pincushion in 20 minutes

If you are sewing, you need a needle cushion for this needlework. See how stylish and unusual it can be.

Not everyone will guess what this pincushion is made of. To create such a flirty hat you needed:
  • CD-disk;
  • a round plastic container, for example, from margarine, soft cheese;
  • fleece fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.
To decorate the hats are suitable:
  • feathers;
  • artificial flowers;
  • wavy braid;
  • tape etc.

Place the disc on a padding polyester, cut this synthetic material to fit the CD. Place the disc, on top of which is the padding polyester, on the circle of fleece. This fabric should be of such a size that its edges can be wrapped on a synthetic winterizer, and they almost reached its center.

Gather the outer edge of the fleece with a thread, then tighten it. Cut off the bottom of a soft jar, insert a synthetic winterizer into it. Put the blank on a circle of fabric, gather the edges of that on the thread, tighten it.

Spread the folds evenly in a circle, tighten the thread so that the synthetic winterizer is hidden. Here are two blanks from which the needle bar will be sewn with your own hands, you should get it.

Place the upper part of the cap on its rim from the disk, using a thread and a needle, manually connect these parts.

The pincushion is almost ready. Sew or glue a wide tape at the junction of the rim and its upper part, and an openwork tape on it. Attach feathers, a flower on one side. Here's how to make a needle bed with your own hands.

Such home accessories can be made not only for yourself, but also as a gift. They will bring additional income if this hobby is turned into a small business - sewing needle beds and selling them.

Crafts for home from cocktail tubes

This material will also give new interesting ideas. Make a terry flower from straws that will never wilt. To keep it tight, place it in a hand-made vase from the same material.

Take the tubes, cut them in half, tie them up with a few rubber bands, glue the structure from the bottom to a postcard or a disposable plate. Decorate the vase with ribbons, tying their ends with bows.

Making home accessories further, move on to the flower. Roll a ball out of plasticine, pierce one side of it with a long cocktail straw. Create petals from the same material by cutting the tubes into smaller ones, 5–7 cm in size. Cut the upper parts of these blanks with fringes, and insert the lower parts into the ball, as tightly as possible to each other, to make a lush flower.

For its petals, you can use not only cocktail tubes, but also from juice. Make geometric shapes from them, which will be very useful for children to master geometry.

Do this interesting type of creativity with your children, then they will learn the structure and name of many geometric shapes. To make a pyramid, you will need to make 4 triangles. Let's start with the first one. Take two straws, insert the short folded part of the first into the straight straw of the second. Stick the small, curved portion of this second straw into the third. In the same way, fasten the third to the first.

In the same technique, make three more triangles. Connect them with tape so that the fourth triangle is the base of the pyramid, and the other three are its faces.

Tell your child that such a regular triangular pyramid is called a tetrahedron.

Make other crafts from juice tubes with the children in the same technique, folding them in the form of a square, pentagon, hexagon. Create a hexagon from square blanks. A figure consisting of 6 such squares is called a cube.

Here are some other geometric tube crafts you can make.

Christmas tree or home decoration toys

They can also be made using cocktail straws. To make everything as soon as possible, cut the straws not one by one, but taking several in your hand. Then you will quickly finish the job by making a beautiful Christmas tree decoration.

Cut the straws into 4 and 5 cm pieces.Put 4 pieces of 4 cm each onto the thread, shape into a square. Do not cut the thread, but string on it two blanks 5 cm each, giving them the shape of an angle. Decorate the toy so that there is a triangle on each side of the square. Connect them at the top, tie a thread. Make 4 more such triangles near the square, but wrap them in the other direction. Tie the string in a loop so you can hang the toy on the tree or on the wall.

What to make of plastic spoons for home?

See what interesting uses for disposable tableware can be found. Such a beautiful bouquet is made from ordinary plastic spoons.

Cut off the handle from the spoon, leaving a small stalk. Heat it over a burning candle.

Do not bring the spoon too close to the flame, otherwise it will smoke and the flower will change its snow-white color to dark. Therefore, keep it a short distance from the fire, and not close to it.

The plastic has become soft and pliable, give it the shape of a petal. It is better to do this with your hands in fabric gloves. Heat the second spoon quickly and shape it into a curved petal. While both pieces are hot, join them together. Attach a few more petals in the same way.

Cut the leaves from a green plastic bottle and heat them over a fire to shape them. Create a stem from the cut-off handles of spoons, heat them, wrap them with tape from plastic bottles, attach hot leaves.

How to make a money tree for a house from pistachios?

As they say, a good housewife does not lose anything, even waste material goes into business. If your family loves pistachio nuts, many shells remain after they are husked. Of course, they can be thrown away, but it is better to make beautiful accessories for the home, for example, such a money tree.

For work, prepare:
  • pistachio shell;
  • drill with a thin drill;
  • scissors;
  • pot;
  • alabaster;
  • thin wire;
  • gold paint in a spray bottle;
  • large package;
  • gloves;
  • wooden block;
  • stick;
  • white electrical tape.
Let's start making this home accessory. Placing the shells alternately on the block, make a hole at the top of each. Thread the first piece of wire, twist both sides tightly. Make several blanks of pistachios, combine three elements into one branch.

Here's how to make the money tree further. Take two branches, twist their wires together, attach a few more. Take some duct tape and wrap it around the bottom of the wire to form the trunk of the tree. Cover the workpiece with spray paint.

In order not to stain the table and surrounding objects, during this procedure, place the money tree in a large plastic bag and be sure to work with gloves so that your hands remain clean.

Dilute dry alabaster with water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Pour this mass into a pot, immediately place the trunk of the tree in the center, level the surface with a stick. Hold the workpiece in this position for a while so that the solution grabs and the barrel is held firmly, the surface of the alabaster can be decorated with coins. It remains to spread the crown, and you can put the money tree in a prominent place so that it brings prosperity to the house.

Charming home amulet

In order to have a favorable atmosphere in the apartment, special amulets are made. The brownie is considered the keeper of the dwelling. Since ancient times, they treated him with respect, fed him, for this they left food and milk for the night.

In order to make a brownie with our own hands, we need:

  • cotton fabric (colored for clothing, white for the body);
  • mohair threads (for hair);
  • for stuffing holofiber or synthetic winterizer;
  • ribbons, braid;
  • for bast shoes, hemp rope, knitting needles;
  • buttons;
  • acrylic paints, brushes;
  • glue gun.
Cut and sew from white cotton:
  • rectangular little brownie body;
  • 6 blanks in the form of "sausages" - these are the legs and arms of the doll;
  • 2 palms;
  • 2 legs in the form of "half sausages".
We start making a home accessory. Sew the feet with the calves.

This is how such amulets are made for the house further. Connect the lower and upper legs by sewing a button at this point. Then the knee joint will bend unhindered. Attach the leg to the doll's thigh in the same way. Short trousers need to be cut out of colored fabric, sewn and put on a brownie. Sew the pants on top directly to the body, lay the folds from below, stitch the bottom of the pants to the legs of the amulet.

Cut strips out of white fabric, wrap the Brownie caviar with the resulting onuchs. The home amulet will be ready soon, but first you need to make his head. To do this, a circle is cut out of the fabric, gathered along the edge onto a thread with a needle, and stuffed with padding polyester. Now the thread needs to be tightened, tied and cut. Feel like real artists by painting the facial features of the Brownie. Make his nose from a smaller circle of fabric, also stuffing it with a soft padding polyester or holofiber, and collecting it on a thread.

Tint the face with flesh-colored acrylic paint, the palms of the amulet are performed in the same technique.

We collect the amulet for the house. Attach its handles to the body with buttons. Sew a shirt, decorate it with ribbons, embroidery, braid. Dress her on the brownie. Make hair and a beard for him from threads, glue them with a gun. Tie your shoes.

To make bast shoes, tie two 8 x 15 cm rectangles from hemp rope. Fold their socks about halfway, sew them on the sides. Attach the same rope to the legs, intertwining it at the calves.

This is how a home amulet is made, which will not only decorate the room, bring comfort to it, but also help to believe that a defender has appeared in your apartment.

Home accessories

Many household items add a unique coziness to the dwelling, especially if they are made by hand, then they convey the warmth of the soul of the craftswoman.

To keep your jewelry, jewelry always in place, store them correctly. Then at any moment you can find a ring, earrings to put them on. If you want to know how to make such a heart-shaped box, read about it.

To make it you just need:
  • cardboard;
  • toothpicks;
  • pink threads;
  • silver braid;
  • beads.
Draw a heart on a piece of cardboard, stick toothpicks evenly along its edge. Make sure they attach well. Take pink threads, braid the bottom row with them. To keep the tip of the thread firmly in place, twist it several times around the toothpick.

In order for a cardboard box to have beautiful neat walls, you need to weave in a checkerboard pattern, like a basket. First, braid one toothpick from the inside, the second from the outside, the third again from the inside, the fourth from the outside. Do the entire first row using the same technique.

In the second row, twist the first toothpick from the outside, the second from the inside. As you continue to create the canvas, wind the thread in a checkerboard pattern. When you reach the top of the box, secure the thread by tying it. Hide the end of the yarn under the decorative silver tape. Sew it to the bottom of the box as well. Decorate its center with beads. Then it's time to put small items in this box made of cardboard and thread.

Other home accessories can be made as well. Such a hand will immediately hold beads, rings, bracelets.

It is done in a very interesting way. Take a piece of plywood, attach the top of a rubber glove to it, outline it. A drill and hand saw will help you make the hole you want.

Prepare a plaster mass, pour it into a glove attached to the hole with a furniture stapler.

When the solution has completely solidified, after 48 hours, cut the glove, remove it.

You have got an interesting home accessory that will fit into its interior. This is how interesting it is to make a holder for ladies' jewelry.

If you want to watch a video on the topic "Home accessories", they are at your service!

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a very popular activity, and this is not surprising: something had to replace the traditional weaving from the vine. Crafts they are no worse from paper, and most importantly, weaving from tubes is available to both adults and children - you just need to prepare more material. This is what we will do today: presenting a master class for beginners on making newspaper tubes.

Materials and tools

Paper. Let's go to the blanks of the "paper vine"! What is the best way to make weaving tubes? First of all, from old newspapers. Newsprint is thin, curls well, absorbs paint well. Low-density A4 paper (60-65 g / m2) is also suitable. It is called "newspaper" or "consumer", "writing".

In addition, you can use magazines, old notebooks, cash register tape, etc. to make straws.

How to cut paper
Paper is a fibrous material and, like fabric, has a longitudinal and transverse grain direction. Typically, small-format newspapers (57 × 40 cm) have fibers along the long side, and large ones (84 × 57 cm) along the short side. For A4 paper, the fibers often run along the long side, but sometimes paper that manufacturers cut across. Before cutting the entire stack into strips, check the curl on one of the sheets. Place the sheet on a damp surface - it will begin to roll longitudinally by itself. It is in this direction that it is necessary to cut.

Glue. You can choose any glue suitable for paper for working with newspaper tubes. For example, PVA or glue stick. It is important that it has good fixing properties, otherwise your tubes may unwind during painting.

Density also matters. If the glue is too runny, the tubules will get wet as they grow.

Wood stains water-based will help to paint paper tubes in the colors of pine, maple, oak, rosewood and even ebony wood. You can find about two dozen shades on sale. There is a powder stain, which is diluted with water before use.

A mixture of construction primer and color also very well suited for dyeing straws. Before use, be sure to dilute the primer with water, as indicated in the instructions on the bottle. Keep in mind that paper is a highly absorbent surface.

How else to color the tubes
To give the straws the desired color, you can use dyes for wool, fabric, printer, food dyes, hot decoction of onion peels, brilliant green and potassium permanganate.

Varnish. To make your work durable and not afraid of dampness, it needs to be varnished. Any wood varnish will work, but indoors it is best to use acrylic. It is odorless, dries quickly after application and becomes transparent, forming a protective film.

Knitting needles and skewers. To twist the paper strips into tubes, you will need knitting needles of different diameters - from 1.5 to 4.5 mm - or wooden skewers for barbecue. Tubes twisted on a thin needle are most like a vine. They are dense and hardly wrinkled during weaving. And on a thick needle, tubes are obtained that are easy to flatten. And if they are twisted from very thin paper, then they can be weaved like straws.

Scissors or knife. You will need one of these tools to cut newspapers into strips. But the twisted tubes are best cut with wire cutters.

Spray is needed to moisten dry tubules: sprinkle them with water and put in a plastic bag. They will become flexible and obedient again. You can also use a spray gun to paint a craft.

Brushes used for painting finished crafts and - sometimes - tubes. You will need a wide and thin brush.

Clothespins fix the tubes, prevent the weaving from unraveling and facilitate the gluing of the parts.

Shilom make holes, move apart the rows of weaving, drag the tubes between them.

Making newspaper tubes

  1. Cut the newspaper along the long side into several pieces. The two stripes along the edges are the most valuable, from which white tubes are obtained. Center stripes will also be used. Tubes with letters look good in weaving, emphasize the unusualness of the material.

  1. It is best to twist the tubes on a table with a rough surface. Attach a knitting needle to one side of the paper strip at an angle of approximately 30 °. If there is a stopper on the spoke, then it should be behind the table surface.

  1. Fold the corner of the newspaper at the same angle and press firmly.

  1. Turn the knitting needle with your right hand, gradually twisting the tube, with your left hand, hold the newspaper.

  1. Drop a little glue on the corner of the strip, roll it up to the end and let the glue grab.

  1. Take out the spoke. Since we started to curl the strip from the side of the text, the tube turned out to be white.

The width of the paper strips depends on the product you are thinking of. If you decide to weave something large, then the width of the strip should be 8-10 cm. For a small craft, 6-7 cm is enough. The narrower the strip, the thinner the knitting needle should be. Strips 10 cm wide are best rolled onto a 2.5 mm needle. For a strip 6 cm wide, a needle with a diameter of 1.5 mm is suitable.

Extension of tubules

If you twist the tube correctly, it will be slightly wider on one side than on the other. In this case, to build up one tube, you just need to insert 1.5-2 cm into the other.

If the ends of the tubes turned out to be the same, then to build up, fold one end with a "corner" or cut it off at an acute angle.

Use glue to keep the connection strong and secure.


It is convenient to paint newspaper tubes in a tray with a small amount of liquid or to dip several pieces at once in a bottle with a wide neck. You can paint with a wide brush on a surface pre-coated with oilcloth, slightly scrolling the tubes. It is best to dry them on a wire rack or stacked in a woodpile.

If you want to paint the finished craft, do it first with a wide brush, and then with a thin one, carefully smearing the crevices. You can also give the work the desired color using a spray bottle or by immersing it in a container with a dye and turning it slowly.

Next time we will weave the first figures from newspaper tubes.

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Comment on the article "Newspaper tubes for weaving - with your own hands: master class"

Craft on technology 2nd class "basket of flowers": they gave out 2 sheets, the child only realized that it must be glued onto cardboard. DIY crafts from newspaper tubes are a great opportunity to diversify summer vacations with children.


These are stencils that need to be transferred to cardboard. "Toilet-top view" is a basket that needs to be cut along solid lines and wrapped with threads, "three garbage" - round and drop-shaped elements for making flowers, they also need to be wrapped with threads. From the received, collect the panel "basket with flowers" Arrow - it is necessary to wind the threads on it, so that it is more convenient to wrap the workpieces. Something like this!

Do you have a textbook? As far as I understand, if there is a Rogovtseva textbook, then you need to make a basket out of threads :)

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. If I just saw a photo without the title of the article, I would never guess what they are made of .. Comment on the article "DIY crafts from newspaper tubes ...

Newspaper tubes for weaving - do it yourself: master class. The mushrooms went off with a bang. take a maple leaf, circle and cut from the color. cardboard. cut 2 pieces with glue. in the middle is an ice cream stick. Finally ... a folder for work.


Please help to make a puppet on strings

09/23/2018 20:06:01, Waprrpka

Good day!
I can tell you as a 5th grade teacher.
According to technology (labor), we are assigned laboratory work and there is nothing complicated about it.
Although my mom almost always grumbles when I bring something home to finish.

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. Nice animals turned out. If I just saw a photo without the title of the article, I would never guess what they are made of. Homework for work!


In general, my women do work, they make from wood, triples-deuces are a common thing in labor. in the 5th grade in the first quarter, all the boys in the class were given a score of no higher than 4. my hands seem to grow from the wrong place, on muses. they play instruments, but tinkering - it does not work according to the teacher's requirements, I had to send my father-in-law to school - he is very handy, the teacher repaired the machines in the class, she softened :))))

We have 2 boys, instead of "running work", attend labor lessons for girls - sewing and cooking. The mothers wrote a statement to the director and they were transferred without any problems. Maybe you should follow this path - cooking is also useful for a boy :-)

Look at other discussions: Newspaper tubes for weaving - do it yourself: master class. DIY paper crafts: paddle spinner. Glue a 3.5 cm circle cut out of black paper to the center of the flower.


I did mushrooms last year - I printed it out on a color printer - I just need to flip the image !! to glue on 2 sides. She took sticks in a Japanese restaurant - that's where the guard was having fun - they brought me 20 pieces, I say save me, I need to do the craft in the garden - it was at 10 pm, I got caught in a downpour and was like a wet unfortunate chicken.

The mushrooms went off with a bang.


Outline pictures from books. Children like it :-) Color them and get a stained-glass window, cut out, hang. "Permanent markers" work well, not the ones for transparency. And just to paint on transparencies, children are usually inspired by new material.

Find a piece of plexiglass (hard transparent plastic), screw it to some base so that it sticks out vertically. Attach the transparencies with clothespins, place objects behind and trace along the contour on the transparent. It is convenient to close one eye and keep your head motionless. It turns out a projection. You can take the structure with you to the railway and in general to the open air and study the perspective. Or to the airport - to circle planes, to the zoo - animals. If the view from the window is interesting, you can attach it to the glass and do the same.

You can cut out a ghost or a hobbit invisible in the ring from the transparencies, if you build scenes. Or windows if you are building a house.

for pictures (of course, drawn by a child) instead of glasses in frames;
box, cut off one side - in a box, as in a showcase, make a composition. For example "aquarium" or something else;
redraw pictures (like redrawing on tracing paper), then paint them or paint them (with an alcohol marker?), cut out, etc.
windows for houses made of cardboard boxes;
handbags for fashionistas (cut out the shape, make holes with a hole punch along the edges, connect the parts of the handbag with narrow colored ribbons);
glasses (so, for pampering :));

It immediately occurred to me. If I think of anything else, I will write

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. Weaving from newspaper tubes resembles weaving from a vine, and even very young children have long been engaged in it. Today we offer the first weaving lesson - a master class on making newspaper ...

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. A hut from newspapers. After all, this is a fabulous holiday for children! The work "Fairy Glade" was made by the girl Anya together with her parents.

Natalia Gonchar

For my work, I take a white writing office paper"Snowflake". Who has access to paper used on one side is even better. The other side, white, will be the face tubules.

So, take the sheet A4 paper, cut into 4-5 strips (whoever succeeds)... Let's prepare PVA glue in a small jar with a sharp nose for ease of use and a knitting needle with a smooth surface. I took a stainless steel spoke.

There is a lot to do at once tubules and then weave.

I guide the knitting needle with an inclination approximately parallel to the diagonal cut paper strip, no more than 30 degrees. Otherwise tubule it will turn out to be unbending.

If there is a fear that tubule unwind after removing from the knitting needle, then drip glue in several places along paper strip... And usually everything is fixed only by the tip. tubules. The tube is ready.

I had a desire to use a ready-made writing color paper... Of course, this method is somewhat more expensive, but the product requires less worries.

We start with two tubules... In the middle of them we glue them with PVA glue and fix them with a banal clothespin. Fortunately, you do not need to wait long, as with cansillary glue.

One more tubule we fix it on one of the legs of the cross with glue and a clothespin.

Now we choose the volume for building cylinder... I chose a huge pencil for the sample. Put it on top of the cross and start twisting tubules... That tubule on which the additional one lay, we will intertwine on each other.

Then the next we intertwine the tube with the superimposed.

And so on infinitely in a circle.

And so, until the length ends tubules... Next, you need to grow. Have tubules one side will be larger than the other. Drop PVA into the larger hole and insert the narrow tip there. If you can't dock them, just fold the tip and glue. This is how we grow the length tubules.

So weave endlessly to the desired length cylinder... The rod must be pulled up periodically, otherwise you will not be able to remove it.

Here's what comes out of two sheets, spent 10 tubules.

You can take different volumes for construction. But, the larger the volume, the more you need to glue into a cross from the very beginning.

To join the seams, you need to buy a hot glue gun.

The product can be tied with threads and then fixed with hot glue.

Here's what you can get from cylinders of different diameters.

Weaving on a cone starting from the top of the head.

And in my cloudy coffee pot, the cone started from the bottom and ended with a pigtail.

Heart made of white tubules must be fixed in this form with PVA glue, diluted with water in the proportion 1 :1.

And then give the desired color and the art object is ready.

Sometimes for friends and family you want to do something original. For example, for my graduate, I wove a family charm for the wedding day, which adorns their interior.

Or for the New Year 2012, I have woven the symbol of the year - the Little Dragon. V profile:

In front:

And the symbol of the current 2013 settled in my corner of nature.

I really hope that the symbol of this year 2013 will be favorable to me.

I really want everyone who is interested in this art weaving everything turned out what is intended. If something doesn't work right away - I'll be happy to help, please contact. New creative successes to YOU!