The True History of Humanity. About the true origins of world civilization and the return of the true history of mankind. Dark matter: from "mysticism" to facts. Nikolay Levashov

Slavic folk culture left a huge legacy, most of which has not been studied, which means that it is gradually being lost. And in order not to completely lose what our ancestors left us, we need to more often turn to folk customs, traditions, mythology and study them. It is important to help unite all the cultural wealth and convey it to our people. After all, not knowing the past, you have no future!

“Rus will wake up, remember its Gods and then such a buildup will go all over the world ...”.
F.M. Dostoevsky.

We are Rus - grandchildren of Dazhdbozhia, great-grandchildren of Veles and Perun - Slavs - descendants of Dazhdbog, who gave birth to us through the space cow Zemun and God Rod.

And in each of us lives a divine particle of our great ancestors, warriors and victors. We must open our Mind to understand this truth, and strengthen our Spirit for the struggle, we must take the path of Victory, the return of our national traditions and glory!

"A man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated."
Ernest Hemingway.

"But against the time of the law, his science is not strong ..."
A.S. Pushkin.

“Nothing happens by accident in politics. If something happened, then it was intended. "
President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt.

"Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts."
Kozma Prutkov.

"History should not overstep the limits of truth, and truth alone is enough for honest deeds."
Cicero Mark Tullius.

It should be noted that the modern official history of mankind is not only completely distorted, but there are also forbidden topics of history. The most ancient history of mankind, which spans many thousands of years, to this day remains, in fact, "terra incognita" (unknown area of ​​knowledge). In textbooks, the entire period before the advent of writing easily fits into just a few pages. There it appears in the form of a fairly clear and consistent picture, formed on the basis of fragmentary archaeological data in strict accordance with only the only paradigm of the formation and development of mankind prevailing in academic science.

However, to date, a huge number of archaeological facts have accumulated, which in the literal sense of the word "do not fit into any framework" of the official paradigm. Academic science continues to ignore both the existence of such artifacts themselves and the presence of hypotheses and theories that run counter to the "official" point of view. Any methods are used: "inconvenient" artifacts are declared "fake"; a “wall of silence” is erected around them, which actively prevents the dissemination of any information about the very presence of these artifacts; alternative hypotheses and theories are obstructed and forcibly alienated from scientific publications and conferences, and for researchers who risk adhering to hypotheses and theories outside the framework of the dominant paradigm, both the doors of academic institutions and the opportunities for scientific careers are closed. As a result, the study of such "inconvenient" artifacts is completely deprived of the possibility of using the research base at the disposal of academic science, and is forced to be carried out only by the efforts of individual enthusiasts.

Despite all the obstacles, the researchers have already managed to collect so many facts that they are more than enough to create a completely different picture of the past of mankind and one can begin to talk about the true origins of world civilization. Under these conditions, a breakthrough of the "information blockade" can provide an incentive for the development of not only alternative views, but also of academic science itself. On the other hand, it is precisely the closed nature of such information that is the reason for the significant interest of the general public in "strange" facts and alternative versions of history.

The facts that have appeared allow documentary research of materials on the basis of: expeditions to different regions of the planet with the involvement of a wide range of specialists; analysis of artifacts preserved from ancient times from the standpoint of the most modern scientific knowledge, but without being limited to just one version; extensive coverage of various hypotheses explaining these ancient artifacts.

Totalitarian ideologies at the present time perfectly compromise themselves, and you just need not to interfere with them in this. History has always suffered from distortions for the sake of the political situation. "Who controls the past controls the future" - this statement of Orwell is true not only for totalitarian regimes (George Orwell, real name - Eric Arthur Blair, 1903-1950 - English writer and publicist, best known as the author of the dystopian cult novel " 1984 "and the story" Animal Farm ").

At all times, the preachers have distorted history to prove the truth of their religion, the rulers - for their political goals, the ideologists of the so-called "chosen people" - to prove their greater antiquity, etc. But there is historical evidence over which no authority can control. These are ancient artifacts that no one knows about yet, and which are waiting in the wings for archaeologists to unearth them, as well as myths and legends passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, oral legends have in this respect some advantage over the written ones, since they cannot be "corrected" by order of the authorities. So those who want to "control the past" have to reckon with them and act in a roundabout way: to invent theories that mythology is just a fruit of the primitive fantasy of ancient people. But the discoveries of archaeologists increasingly refute the opinion that ancient myths are fiction, as they believed in the century before last, or a reflection of the human psyche, as they thought in the past.

German archaeologist G. Schliemann, rejecting the generally accepted opinion about the complete fantastic nature of ancient Greek mythology, rushed in search of the "mythical" gold of Troy (Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann, 1822-1890, German entrepreneur and amateur archaeologist, famous for his finds in Asia Minor, on the site of ancient Homeric Troy). And I found it! For a long time later, historians disputed that Schliemann had found exactly the "mythological" Troy ... But in the end, after all, they resigned themselves, admitted the fact. True, they left aside the explanation of the discrepancy between theory and facts. Just think - a curiosity ... Is it worth it to break such a beautiful theory ... However, doubts were sown, and Schliemann found followers. It was then that "curiosities" rained down one after another. The past XX century was marked by discoveries that forced the scientific world to admit: the ruins of ancient Babylon were excavated; artifacts have been found confirming the existence of peoples who were considered not to exist in reality, and the position of the collapsed walls of the found Jericho still makes scientists scratch their heads ...

But in this case, what about those heroes of myths, whose strength and abilities seem to us now clearly fantastic? Just in order to see behind the ancient mythology not a complete invention, but a completely logically harmonious and consistent reflection of reality, you need to take one more "small" step: you need to admit the possibility of the existence of more developed civilizations and their contacts with our ancient ancestors. And traces of the existence on Earth of such more advanced civilizations are found not only in myths and legends.

Many ancient structures have come down to us, the construction of which would be a problem even for the modern level of building technology. First of all, these are the Egyptian pyramids and megalithic buildings of the Inca cities *.

Where the Nile Valley gives way to the Libyan Desert, where green fields and groves of date palms are replaced by hot sands, you can see the outlines of amazing triangles similar to mountains. Their chain stretches for tens of kilometers from Cairo to the Fayum oasis. But the correctness of the form of each of them makes us understand that no matter how skillful nature is in creating its miracles, these structures are the creation of human hands. In total, there are about a hundred pyramids in Egypt - large and small, stepped and perfectly smooth. They are located along the banks of the Nile not far from the ancient capital of the country, in the era of the Old Kingdom called Memphis. But the most famous pyramids of Egypt are located on the edge of the desert plateau of Giza on the outskirts of Cairo. The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the 4th dynasty. It remains to this day the largest architectural creation of human hands.

The amazing, mysterious and amazing legacy of the Incas - Machu Picchu ("old peak") - is located high in the mountains in Peru. This ancient city rises at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level, above the valley of the fast Urubamba River. Machu Picchu is located 69.2 km northwest of the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, Cuzco. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains: Huayana Picchu and El Mandor.

The assumption of historians that they were built with the help of primitive tools made of wood, stone and copper (the ancient Egyptians of those times, to which the official version refers to the construction of the pyramids, did not even know bronze) is not supported by the facts: “In 1978, a group of Japanese researchers tried to build a small pyramid, using the same methods and tools that were used, according to the official version, the ancient Egyptians. The construction process was filmed. However, the sensational film did not come out. To build a pyramid just 11 meters high, Japanese researchers soon had to abandon hand levers, ropes and ramps and turn to modern cranes, bulldozers and winches for help. They honestly talked about the results of their research in a book with an expressive title - "How the pyramid was not built." The adherents of the official version even made attempts to experimentally demonstrate the possibility of transportation by means of primitive methods: on round logs or stones. However, this was done for blocks weighing only a few tons. The transition to moving stones weighing hundreds of tons is not at all reduced to a simple arithmetic increase in the number of "draft workers in a harness", but requires qualitatively different technologies and techniques (which, however, is clear to almost any competent specialist in this area). In addition, even with such a small weight of the load, the experimenters never went all the way from beginning to end.

At the same time, there is evidence of Garcilaso de Vega, describing the unsuccessful attempt of the Incas themselves (Inca Garcilaso de Vega, 1539-1616, Peruvian historian, author of the book "History of the Inca State"). According to his testimony, one of the Inca emperors gathered 20 thousand people and ordered them to lift one of the "tired stones" up the mountain. The experiment ended in tragedy - a huge block fell through, and thousands of Indians died. Taken together, the results of the examination of the possibility of transporting blocks by the Incas using primitive methods should be considered more refuting than confirming the officially accepted version.

Some peoples store and transmit through their culture and mythology knowledge that they themselves could not receive from their practical experience: The Oronteus Phinius map allows us to date the civilization of the compilers of the prototype map to the end of the last ice age ...

It does show the ice-free shores of Antarctica, namely Queen Maud Land, Enderby Land, Wilkes Land, Victoria Land (east coast of the Ross Sea) and Mary Byrd Land. Antarctica (the opposite of the Arctic) is a continent located in the very south of the Earth, the center of Antarctica roughly coincides with the southern geographic pole. The general outlines and characteristic features of the relief are very close to the data of seismic exploration on the surface of Antarctica hidden under the ice. Despite the fact that this continent is indicated on the map, but Antarctica itself was officially discovered only on January 16 (28), 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Mikhail Lazarev *.

Antarctica is washed by the waters of the Southern Ocean. The area of ​​the continent is about 14,107,000 square kilometers (of which ice shelves - 930,000 square kilometers, islands - 75,500 square kilometers). Antarctica is also called the part of the world, consisting of the mainland of Antarctica and adjacent islands. Antarctica was officially discovered on January 16 (28), 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Mikhail Lazarev (Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, 1788-1851 Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet and discoverer of Antarctica, brother of Vice Admiral Andrei Petrovich Lazarev) and Thaddeus Bellingshausen (Thaddeus Bellingshausen, at birth Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen, 1778-1852, Russian navigator of German origin, discoverer of Antarctica), Previously, the existence of the southern continent (Latin Terra Australis, South America) was not hypothetically asserted (for example, on the map compiled by Piri Reis in 1513) and Australia (also named after the "southern mainland"). However, it was the expedition of Lazarev and Bellingshausen in the south polar seas, circling the Antarctic ice around the world, and confirmed the existence of the sixth continent.

It should be noted that when comparing the maps of the southern and northern hemispheres, taking into account the forecast of the end of the last ice age, one can find that they have great similarities in the location of many geographical objects.

It is known that the mainland, on which our ancestors chose a place for settlement on Midgard-earth, was named by star travelers Daariya - the Gift of the Gods. This continent was located at the North Pole of the Earth. Various authors call this country Arctida, Hyperborea *, etc. And, having looked on these old maps for views with the image of a sunken continent (more precisely, islands), it became clear that this was not an isolated case and, most likely, Arctida (Hyperborea) was there.

Hyperborea is a legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans. The name literally means “beyond Boreus”, “beyond the north”. Boreas (Greek "northern") - in Greek mythology, the personification of the northern stormy wind, mentioned in the Iliad, Odyssey. It seems that the people of Arctida will hardly call their country "Beyond the North Wind." In addition, such a name could only be given by the people who did not know the true name of Arctida and were located below the northern latitudes, which the Greeks are. Hyperborea is just an indication of the location (for example, the Greeks could have called Egypt "Over the Mediterranean Sea"). So what was the name of that country in the Arctic? In those days, it was quite warm at the North Pole and there was no Arctic Ocean then. Hence, there was one large Atlantic Ocean. Daariya - Gift of the Gods!

However, there are materials that talk about the displacement of the poles, so Arctida (Hyperborea) cannot be located exactly in the place where it is located on the aforementioned maps. Since, for example, Mercator did not know about the ancient disaster and used early maps, he simply transferred the image as it is, while it is mentioned that next to Arctida (Hyperborea) there is no Greenland, but the Labrador Peninsula (a peninsula in eastern Canada ), mistaken by the cartographer for the largest island. Nevertheless, if you take a relief map of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean and fit the Mercator map under it in a graphic editor, according to the parallels and meridians, overlaying it as a second layer, then the similarity of the relief is quite noticeable! Of course, there can be no question of any 100 percent similarity, since you yourself understand that the continent cannot evenly sink under water. There will be somewhere more immersion, somewhere less. On the Mercator map of 1595, on a large yellow island, divided into two, we clearly read Nova Zemla, next to it there is a group of small islands. From top to bottom, four islands in a row - this is also New Earth, but the way it was when the map of Hyperborea was drawn up, when it had not yet gone under water. Here, simply, two maps were overlaid: the ancient map of Hyperborea with the adjacent islands and the Mercator time map. Gerald Mercator reasoned like us - everything that is older than his time is not accurate. At that time, the archipelago was open, but not sufficiently explored, so Mercator placed it at the place of discovery, and shifted the islands from an older map, tk. he assumed that these islands were not yet discovered. Near the archipelago, the time of Mercator, there is a small island - this is also part of Novaya Zemlya, the times of Hyperborea. It is enough to combine the Scandinavian peninsula and everything will become clear. To the left of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, on the 1595 map, there is a medium-sized red island. To find it at the bottom, you do not need to move anything, it is located exactly in its place. There is one larger island and two smaller ones under this island. Of course, errors are possible, but the approach itself is correct, and you can try to find a more accurate location by applying system analysis. It is also important to take into account the fact that, firstly, since that time, the island has gone under water and the bottom has changed, and secondly, Mercator could have displaced them. And this location corresponds to the time of the existence of Hyperborea, since in 1600 (according to reconstruction) the magnetic pole was also in a completely different meta. In addition, for the first time the location of the north magnetic pole was discovered in 1831. I would also like to add that if it is possible (at least approximately) to calculate the time corresponding to the location of the Mercator magnetic pole, then you can find out the time when the original map was drawn ...

It should also be noted that modern advances in science and technology can shed light on many different hypotheses, including those related to the ocean, the seabed, icing, floods, etc. These modern capabilities include the following: remote sensing methods for measuring the parameters of hydrophysical fields of the surface layer of the ocean using space and aircraft-based facilities; processing of satellite oceanological information; technologies for oceanographic research using drifter and autonomous buoy stations equipped with remote data reading channels; research with the help of ship towed and sounding, as well as autonomous oceanological measuring complexes and new generation instruments; methodological technical aspects of experimental research in the ocean using autonomous seabed stations and observatories; methods and means of geological and geophysical sounding of the bottom surface and sedimentary strata of ocean waters; technologies for integrating methods and means of oceanological research in environmental research; results of development and operation of manned and unmanned (towed and autonomous) underwater vehicles, diving complexes and underwater technical equipment; diagnostics and forecast of the hydrological state of the oceanic basin using a multicomponent system for collecting experimental data, as well as numerical models of macroscale hydrophysical processes, and many others. The use of such technical and technological means today could clarify a lot, but ... The problem is in one thing - desire and political will.

The Dogon message about "Sirius-B" might seem like nothing more than a beautiful myth, if not for one very important circumstance.

The Dogons are a people in the southeast of Mali, a landlocked state in West Africa, “pagans”. It borders in the west with Senegal, in the north with Mauritania and Algeria, in the east with Niger, in the southeast with Burkina Faso, in the south with Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea. The Dogon live compactly or mixed with Fulbe in an inaccessible area around the Bandiagara ledge, on the adjacent plateau and the Seno plain, as well as in several border villages of Burkina Faso. The fact is that Sirius-B is a star invisible to the ordinary eye, which was discovered only in the second half of the 19th century. In addition, the Dogon asserted that "po-tolo" is so heavy that "all people, taken together, would not be able to lift a small piece of it." Modern science has established that one cubic centimeter of "Sirius-B" weighs about 50 tons! But that's not all. The Dogons argued that in the Sirius * system there is another invisible star, "emme-ya-tolo" - in modern science this is the hypothetical Sirius-C, the existence of which still causes heated debate among astronomers.

* Sirius (lat. Sirius), also α Canis Majoris (lat. Α Canis Majoris) is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius can be observed from any region of the Earth, with the exception of its northernmost regions. Sirius is 8.6 sv. years from the solar system and is one of the closest stars to us. It is a main sequence star of spectral class A1. In 1844 F. Bessel suggested that Sirius is a double star. In 1862 A. Clarke discovered a companion star called Sirius B (here the Latin letter B, since the components of the stars are called in capital Latin letters; in common parlance, this star is often called Sirius B). The visible star is sometimes called Sirius A. The two stars revolve around a common center of mass at a distance of about 20 AU. e. (AU is an astronomical unit - a historically established unit of measurement of distances in astronomy, approximately equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun) with a turnover period close to 50 years. In 1915, astronomers from the Mount Wilson Observatory determined that Sirius B is a white dwarf (it was the first white dwarf to be discovered). Interestingly, this implies that Sirius B in the past should have been much more massive than Sirius A, since he had already left the main sequence in the process of evolution. The age of Sirius is, according to modern research, approximately 230 million years (estimates vary from 200 to 300 million years). Initially, Sirius consisted of two powerful blue stars of spectral class A. The mass of one component was 5 solar masses, the second - 2 solar masses (Sirius B and Sirius A). Then the more powerful and massive component Sirius B burned out and became a white dwarf. Now the mass of Sirius A is about twice the mass of the Sun, Sirius B is slightly less than the mass of the Sun.

There are also other amazingly accurate information about space in the Dogon myths, which has been transmitted orally from generation to generation since ancient times, since the Dogon do not have a written language, and they live, in fact, in the Stone Age. So, the Dogon know some satellites of Jupiter, discovered by Europeans only with the help of a telescope, which the Dogon do not have to this day. The Dogon call the Alpha of the Southern Cross the "Double Eye of the World", but only through a telescope it is clear that this star is indeed double. The Dogon also know about the famous rings of Saturn, invisible to the naked eye, which they depict in the form of two concentric circles. Moreover, the Dogon speak of the spiral structure of the stellar worlds, which modern science has become known relatively recently, again thanks to telescopic observations.

Reasoning about the prehistoric life of mankind is always like a mosaic. The picture put together from pieces by archaeologists and paleospecialists can change in an instant, and scientists have to reflect on the painful problem of rewriting history, since there are plenty of such facts and scientific evidence. Therefore, discussions on the topic of science and technology of ancient civilizations should be based on two theses: everything has already been created in the past and is being recreated again. The history of ancient civilizations was created not by the hands of semi-savage people, but by specialists with the highest level of intelligence. The so-called "primitive culture" is not the formation of our civilization, but the decline of the previous one. Once she experienced an incredible flowering, but the evidence of this is hidden from us in the earth's thickness or encrypted in myths.

Not all items found during excavations are correctly attributed, it is not always possible to accurately establish the age of the artifacts. It is only clear that this is a hoary antiquity, all these golden models of jet planes and celestial chariots in the legends of the ancient Rus about the Whitemans and Whitemars, as well as the Indians - Vimans, stone observatory temples and legends about their giant builders, who with spells moved the monoliths along air, spark plugs for unknown engines and fairy tales about the flights of Baba Yaga, "perpetual calendars" of ancient Indians, frescoes depicting a light bulb in ancient Egyptian temples, architectural complexes built around the world using the most complex astrophysical data, information on the density of matter of the satellites of Sirius and drawings of "illiterate Indians" depicting a neurosurgical operation carried out millennia ago.

With the most advanced technology at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, American supercranes barely erected two ancient Egyptian obelisks, which at one time the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were transported by dozens. Multi-ton stone blocks were fitted to each other with an accuracy of hundredths of a centimeter. But even today in popular literature one can still find statements that the ancients had only ropes, the manual power of slaves, wooden rollers and copper saws, suitable only for cutting cardboard, and not stone squares.

There are legends in the mythology of different peoples that in ancient times builders held hands and, to the beat of drums, began to whirl in a round dance around, for example, a huge stone, loudly singing ritual songs. The intense psychic efforts of many people, combined with the energy of sound pulsations, raised the heavy lump and lowered it in the right place. Over time, special sonorous gongs were invented, tuned to a specific tone. It is possible that "sound levitation" - the ability to move heavy objects with the help of sound and human psychic energy - was preserved until later times. On the clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians, for example, historians read that sound is capable of lifting stones. Nowadays, in the village of Shivapur in western India, everyone is invited to participate in the lifting of a granite block weighing 70 kilograms. Eleven people line up around the stone and touch it with the index fingers of their right hand. They begin to loudly sing the name of the dervish Kamar-Ali (patron saint of the nearby mosque), and the lump slowly rises into the air ...

Scientists often write about ancient civilizations and their level of development, believing that modern civilization is the only technically possible one. Meanwhile, here is the recent past: Spain of the XII century. Mauritanian scientists in Cordoba and Grenada left manuscripts (and perhaps they were copies of works from the Library of Alexandria - a storehouse of wisdom from the old era) with schemes of military missiles and jet engines, with the results of chemical research and scientific calculations worthy of the 21st century. Today Spain, if it continued to develop scientifically and technically at the same pace, would have colonized the planets of the solar system if necessary, but religious Judeo-Christian fanaticism in alliance with the plague destroyed the "Empire of Almanzor".

Since 1936, in the National Baghdad Museum of Iraq, there has been a terracotta vase 18 cm high with a small copper glass 25 mm in diameter and 9 cm high. It contained an oxidized iron rod that did not touch the bottom and the remains of bitumen with lead. The German archaeologist Wilhelm König, who found the vase, who was also an engineer by profession, immediately expressed an opinion about the electric batteries of the Sumerians more than one and a half thousand years ago. But the museum workers used the term "objects of worship" until the middle of the 20th century, until they looked inside the vase. The design turned out to be identical to Luigi Galvani's battery, invented 15 centuries later. In 1957, an employee of the American laboratory "General Electric" made an exact copy of the vase, poured electrolyte into it and connected a light bulb - the battery gave a current of half a volt. The curator of the London Science Museum, Walter Winston, made a rediscovery in 1962, without initially doubting that he saw a Sumerian galvanic cell. “Tell any physicist that electric current was used 15 centuries before Galvani and his frog legs, and you’ll get the answer“ nonsense, ”“ ridiculous idea, ”and“ impossible. ”

Similar finds (a few more vessels of smaller sizes, empty and with rods) from Seleucia from the banks of the Tigris River immediately received the designation - they became attributed. And it immediately became clear why there are no traces of soot from torches in the Sumerian stepped temples and in the Egyptian pyramids. Long before Galvani, people had invented electricity more than once. The German engineer Winkler reconstructed such vases-batteries and filled them with an electrolyte in the form of copper sulphate, receiving a low-power, but glow. Egyptologist Arne Eggelbrecht poured wine vinegar and connected a voltmeter, which stably showed a voltage of half a volt for several days, and when several vessels were connected (they were also found more than once in Egypt), a more powerful voltage was obtained. But the Egyptologist wanted to understand how the Egyptians gilded silver figurines. He created a saline solution of gold and immersed a silver figurine in it, connected 10 electric motors and connected the entire structure to an electroplating bath. After a few hours, he took out an identical figurine and realized how the ancient Egyptians used batteries to apply a thin gold coating to metal objects.

In the early 1980s, Reinhard Habek worked at the Temple of Hathor in the Egyptian city of Dendera * and discovered there several images of pear-shaped objects with wavy lines inside them.

The construction of the temple stretched out in Dendera for more than 100 years, until the first years of the new era. The city of Dendera is now just a village, although at one time it was the capital of the 6th nome of Upper Egypt. His patron goddess was Hathor, whom the Greeks mistakenly likened to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. At the entrance to the large temple and inside it there are columns supporting the roof; they are engraved with images of the goddess Hathor. Unfortunately, they were damaged. The ceilings are covered with paintings on astronomical themes.

Hathor, or Hator ("house of Horus", that is, "heaven") - in Egyptian mythology, the goddess of heaven, love, femininity and beauty, as well as the wife of Horus. Originally thought to be the daughter of Ra. In the most ancient period, Hathor was revered as a heavenly cow that gave birth to the Sun. In fact, she was the personification of the Milky Way, presented to the ancient Egyptians as the milk of a heavenly cow. Hathor has been revered in the form of a heavenly cow carrying Ra since the time of the Second Dynasty, although a number of testimonies indicate that this cult existed already under King Scorpio. From here followed the subsequent tradition of depicting her in the image of an attractive woman with horns (later turned into a kind of crown) and sometimes the ears of a cow, but in some areas the goddess retained the appearance of a cow.

Khabek counted the images of pear-shaped objects on the walls of the temple as bulbs with incandescent filaments. Pointed tails of "snakes" are stuck in the lotus cups - lamp holders and through a cable the lamp is connected to the tank through the "Jed" and the deity, even in this position of respect - on his knees. It is not surprising that Pythagoras, having visited one of the Egyptian pyramids in ancient times, responded about the illumination of its inner chambers as follows: “a gentle light suitable for reading and thinking” (the book “The Journey of Pythagoras”).

In 18 km from the Uzbek city of Navoi, and 40 km from the city of Fergana, images of a light bulb and a mysterious anthropomorphic creature were also found in it. Around - rays of light and little men riding on a wolf support the entire structure. But it is not surprising that sacrifices are made to the light bulb, and even while kneeling, but the use of gas masks and mysterious "steering wheels", as in the oil fields.

Walter Winston, curator of the London Science Museum, believed: “I am sure that the capabilities of ancient people were underestimated. Probably, the very idea of ​​the improbability of this simply rooted in the minds of the disbelievers, and arrogant pride in modern scientific achievements prevents us from believing that the action of an electric current could have been known to our ancestors more than two thousand years ago. "

When studying this problem, a natural question arises: is the discovery of antiquities necessary for the modern world?

Peruvian scientist Daniel Ruso in 1952 went to the Andes to study the deserted plateau of Marcahuasi at an altitude of 4 km. Marcahuasi is located 80 km from the capital - Lima, but, nevertheless, none of the scientists have visited this deserted place in the mountains with a harsh climate. The high plateaus of Bolivia and Peru resemble another planet. The air pressure is half that at sea level, and yet people live there. Their settlements rise to an altitude of 3500 m. They have two liters more blood than we have, instead of five million blood balls - eight, their heart beats slower. The scientist became interested in the Peruvian legend, which he heard back in the 30s. The legend told of the Valley of the Living Rocks, which was enchanted by one of the Inca emperors, Tupac Yupanque, who tried to conquer one of the mountain tribes opposing his army. The Inca turned the inhabitants of the Valley into rocks that sometimes come to life. The Spanish conquistadors tried to see these lands, but no one knew where to look for such a valley. Information from the chronicles of the conquistadors became a guiding star for Daniel Rousseau until he got to Marcahuasi. In Quechua, the name meant "two-story house." And the first researcher found roads and a fortress, 12 reservoirs and the ruins of the city. During the frequent earthquakes in the Andes, the structures of ancient cities were never damaged, while many buildings erected at a later time using modern construction technology were destroyed. It turned out that each block of these ancient structures mates with the neighboring ones like pieces of a puzzle picture, forming an inseparable connection. How it was built remains a mystery. The image of the Egyptian goddess Taurt (in Egyptian mythology, the goddess and patroness of women and children) and the sculpture of "an astronaut contemplating the sky" were amazing.

The scientist discovered a stone zoo - giant statues of animals from prehistoric times, such as a stegosaurus and camels, elephants, lions, turtles and bulls, which are not quite familiar to America. The statues were carved from hard stone - diorite porphyrite. Over the past millennia, a sulphurous oxide film has formed on the surface of the stones - a natural proof and a sure sign of the deepest antiquity. What do we know about the civilizations of that era? Nothing. We barely began to realize the depth and immensity of the culture of Sumer, and this is only 4 thousand BC. On the day of the summer solstice, D. Rousseau made a brilliant discovery: thanks to the special play of chiaroscuro that day, he saw and captured on film human faces - portraits on the rocks demonstrated the coexistence of different races - Negroids, Caucasoids, Egyptians. An excellent knowledge of perspective and optics distinguished the ancient artists of Marcahuasi: something was better seen at noon, another in the evening, and the third at sunrise. The arches of the eyebrows suddenly began to cast a shadow and, as if the eyes of the statues were opening, and a ray of the sun fell through the slit and gave birth to the shape of the pupil. The negatives also revealed something that was beyond the control of the ordinary human eye - the radiance emanating from a portrait of a certain young man. On the lifeless rocky plateau, there were no organic remains - no coals from an extinct fire, no burials, no tree trunks, and the only radiocarbon dating method at that time, created by the American physicist and chemist Willard Libby in 1956, did not work. But the Peruvian explorer was convinced that the Marcahuasi plateau served as the cradle of the ancient civilization of the Andes, which he conditionally designated as MASMA. In his articles from 1956-1959 for the journal of the Parisian Ethnographic Society, Rousseau tried to reconstruct the appearance of MASMA. Daniel Rousseau made a film about the Marcahuasi stone zoo and began giving lectures at the Sorbonne and American universities, calling for research into the find. He challenged orthodox scientists who called the giant animal figures "the result of the weathering of the rock", "the play of nature" and "the peculiarities of lighting." None of the opponents wanted to go to Peru for the sake of a dozen rocky monuments, but they did not believe in film and photographic documents either. Thirty years later, no one remembered Marcahuasi and this fact from the history of ancient Peruvian culture did not even get into the texts of university lecture courses in the West, not to mention our country, where the discoveries of Russian and foreign scientists do not immediately become the property of society, including and about the field of education. Was this discovery necessary to the world? But it is far from being the only one. This is a whole list, starting from the end of the 19th century, when the world learned about the Altamira cave with paleolithic frescoes, about the megalithic temples of Malta in the Mediterranean, about the geoglyphs of the Nazca plateau, stones with drawings from the Peruvian city of Ica, about the grottoes in the famous pyramid of the city of Teotihuacan in America, observatories with traces of Ogamic writing on the Kola Peninsula ...

All this forced a few scientists to take up the revision of the historical and cultural concept of the progress of mankind. Even the Spanish conquistadors, having arrived in America with conquest goals, recognized that the level of the Aztec civilization was not lower than that of Europe. Today we already know that the origins of the Aztec culture originate in the civilization of the Toltecs, who built pyramids in America that are more massive than the Egyptian ones! But the Toltecs themselves, as it turns out, learned from the Maya people, who were equal in terms of science and technology to the Greeks and Egyptians. The Mayak observatory was better oriented than the 17th century AD observatory in Paris. Maya vases and cups bring to mind the Etruscan style, bas-reliefs - about India, pyramids - about the Khmers of Cambodia, calendars - about the Babylonians and Chaldeans, mathematics - about the Proto-Slavs, and the nodular writing - about the Chinese. But the Maya were "not familiar" with all of them. The myths of the Indians of Bolivia, living in isolation even from many of their brethren, testify that the ancient civilization of Bolivia collapsed 5,000 years ago after a conflict with a race of creatures "whose blood was not red." These tales were written down and at the end of the 20th century published by Cynthia Fine in the Parisian publishing house Artaud. In fact, the talk in the legends is that the Indians dared to resist almost aliens. Such a message hardly has a chance to get into textbooks. But the Incas also told that their Teachers - the Sons of the Sun - came to Earth from the stars of the Pleiades.

Scientists were not inclined to believe the Indians, but knowledge from various fields of science testified to this. And 40 years ago, the American archaeologist Hayat Burrill began researching the culture of the peoples of Indian America, whose civilizations had long disappeared. His observations, facts that do not have logical explanations and hypotheses, he preferred to present not in a dissertation, but in the novel "The Bridge of Light". He described the Inca city in the gorge. You can get to this city only by a light bridge made of ionized matter (remember the Scandinavian myths about the Bivrest rainbow bridge or the Persian myths about the Chinvat bridge, or the bridge of time described by Richard Bach in one of his novels). This Inca bridge appeared and disappeared at will. Burrill argued that his book was more than a collection of legends or science fiction. “Our level of civilization is still, or is not already high enough to evaluate and explain everything stated above. And does anyone need the Truth about the secrets and possibilities of ancient civilizations? ”He wrote.

In myths, the gods are credited with the possession of technologies that people who barely emerged from their primitive state could hardly even imagine. First, the most powerful weapon. In "Mausola Parva" there is a strange description, incomprehensible both for ethnographers of the XIX-XX centuries, and for us. It looks like this: “This unknown weapon, iron lightning, a giant messenger of death, has reduced the entire tribe of Vrishnis and Andhakas to ashes. The charred corpses were even impossible to identify. Hair and nails fell out, pots broke for no apparent reason, birds turned white. After a few hours, all food became poisonous. Lightning turned into fine powder. " And it is not just words. As will be shown later, traces of the use of such weapons are found by archaeologists. Secondly, myths often refer to what we now call unidentified flying objects (UFOs) as an attribute of the life of the gods: stars, then along the entire sky, or even under the thickness of ocean waters ”- the myths of Ancient India.

The ancient Germans claimed that their ancestors arrived on "flying towers" ... The Tiahuanca Inca left a legend about a golden ship that came from the stars. It was commanded by a woman nicknamed "The Flying Tigress." She brought people knowledge, and after a while she ordered herself to be carried to the top of the mountain, where she “disappeared among thunder and lightning”.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a professor from Oxford Frederick Soddy advised scientists to carefully read the myths and fairy tales of the peoples of the world and try to look at them from the point of view of science. Soddy did not live to see the time when rocket and space technology became the pride of mankind. But will we live up to the level described in the ancient Slavic (ancient Indian) treatises and poems "Vimanika Shastra", "Mausola Parva", in the epics "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana"? They describe in detail, using scientific terminology, the airships of the beginning of time. Some of them were in the form of a "special luminous ball" and made many revolutions around the Earth, set in motion by "an etheric force hitting the ground during takeoff" or "by means of vibration emanating from an unknown force." The ships of the Slavic-Aryan gods emitted "sparkling like fire" and "gentle melodic sounds." Their trajectory was not straight, but a long wavy line, approaching or moving them away from the Earth. " They looked like "azure clouds in the shape of an egg or a special luminous ball." The material of the wiman is described in detail in the treatises (whitemars, whitemans) - it is an alloy of several metals, white, red and at the same time light. Three substances: two solid and one liquid - obtained in the laboratory in accordance with the formulas set forth in the book, were recently demonstrated by the scientist Narin Sheth at the national symposium "Science and Technology in Ancient India" held in the city of Hyderabad. And this is serious proof that the ancient Slavic (ancient Indian) documents are not fiction.

On the vimanas there were weapons, terrible in power - iron lightning, turning whole tribes and peoples into ashes, then an all-drying weapon, there are also quivers with self-feeding arrows - a homing arrow that flames on the fly. And with all this, the management of the vimanas depended not on physical strength and dexterity, but on the concentration of the spirit and the tension of thought. The "blazing and blazing", engulfed in flames, the warrior seemed to be strewn with "golden sparks" or "fire edged with flames in the midst of another fire." "Light brighter than a thousand suns" rose from the Earth upward, like a second sun, and embryos died in the womb of their mothers.

In "Mausola Parva" there is a strange description, incomprehensible both for ethnographers of the XIX-XX centuries, and for us, about the weapon used in the city of Mohenjo-Daro *. It looks like this: “This unknown weapon, iron lightning, a giant messenger of death, has reduced the entire tribe of Vrishnis and Andhakas to ashes. The charred corpses were even impossible to identify. After a few hours, all food became poisonous. Lightning turned into fine powder. "

The ruins of the huge city of Mohenjo-Daro, entirely built of adobe bricks in the 3rd millennium BC, are located in the Indus River Valley. The Acropolis, erected on a high embankment, the ramparts and the lower city, planned in accordance with strict rules, are evidence of the ancient system of urban planning. No, Mohenjo-Daro was not ravaged by enemy hordes - in the red brick ruins during excavations, no traces were found to confirm this. And the local residents did not have weapons. As one Russian author wrote, they "lived in an oasis of peace." This proto-Indian agricultural civilization (the birthplace of cotton and rice), which also included another large city in the valley of the great river - Harappa, did not need an army at all and did not practice aggressive campaigns - there was no one to defend against. The versions of a flood, a global fire, a large meteorite fall, a volcanic eruption similar to Vesuvius also disappear. As well as epidemics. Surprisingly, the city had running water. Water was supplied to houses on all streets, which were 10 meters wide. There was also an extensive sewerage system: sewage was discharged outside the city limits through pipes made of fired bricks. This made it possible to protect the city from the spread of dangerous infections.

This is what the scientific and technical treatises and epics of the Indians told about, persistently pursuing the idea of ​​the imperfection of human nature, in connection with which this knowledge is deliberately presented in fragments. It seems that it was her super-powerful weapon that destroyed the ancient Indian civilization. Exploring the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists D. Davenport and E. Vincenti came to the conclusion that “the city was destroyed by one powerful explosion. The area of ​​the epicenter is clearly delineated, where all buildings were leveled to the ground. From the center to the outskirts, the destruction gradually decreases. Among the ruins, melted stones and pieces of clay were found, which were once heated to a temperature of about 1500 degrees Celsius, and then quickly cooled down. The overall picture is very similar to the aftermath of the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "

But if we assume that the fabulously developed technical level of civilization was achieved in antiquity, then where are the traces of all this today? They exist, although in small numbers, and we are not yet sufficiently prepared for comprehending the visible, because many machines are not like those with which mankind is dealing today, that is, with what our civilization calls machines. They do not have buttons, wheels, handles, levers. In the legends of the same ancient Indians, there are references to libraries, whose content is in one crystal. For a long time this was a fantastic phenomenon, until a few years ago quartz recording technology appeared in Russia.

The so-called NIOs - unusual fossil objects - are also worth a lot. The Salzburg parallelepiped * went down in history, the purpose of which has not yet been determined.

Salzburg parallelepiped 60 million years old. He was found by a worker of the firm Isidor Brown in the city of Schendorf. The coal was mined in Upper Austria at the Wolfsegge mine in a Tertiary seam. The find was a metal parallelepiped measuring 67 by 62 by 47 millimeters and weighing 785 grams. The opposite sides of the parallelepiped are rounded and resemble pillows, and deep grooves are carved around its perimeter. In the twentieth century, the American writer C. Fort suggested that he was processed by extraterrestrial aliens. There is also a hypothesis that it could have been an ancient hammer, the grooves of which were used for fastening with ropes to a wooden handle. But the most important thing is that a metal object with traces of artificial origin was found in a piece of coal that is about 60 million years old. To date, no more than a dozen fossil meteorites have been found, and no regular shape is found at all.

In 1851, in the American Dorchester (location of Dorchester County, USA, South Carolina), geologists mined rock from a depth of 5 m - these are Tertiary strata, they are tens of millions of years old.

So, gold and bronze objects of a similar type, found in Russia in the Russian Plain, in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in Colombia, Iraq, Egypt, China and a number of other regions were entered into museum catalogs under the name of "birds", while others then the specialists did not think about the nature of the "horizontal and vertical tail" and did not determine that this was the design of an ancient model of a jet aircraft of the type of the Russian spacecraft-aircraft "Buran" *.

A lot has been written about Buran. The flight that surprised the whole world, unmanned landing on Earth, a new breakthrough in space exploration ... From the reports of the French media in France on the day of the Buran landing, television interrupted programs for emergency calls and showing the moment of landing of our ship. The landing moment of "Buran" was demonstrated many times, it was filmed from different angles, avidly commented ... In order for "Buran" to land on its own, on its analogue, which completely copies all the components and systems of the complex, landing in automatic mode was repeatedly worked out. But here, too, scientists did not start from scratch. The first programs were tested on Tu-154 aircraft. After that, work began with an analogue of "Buran". It was the largest and most expensive space exploration program in Russian history - the Buran Space Program. The only upsetting thing is the end of this titanic and hard work, which was canceled in 1993 due to the "political situation and lack of funding." And a certain resemblance to the appearance of the American Shuttle makes people forget all the impressive results that Russian engineers have achieved. Fully automated, based on Soviet onboard software, the Buran spacecraft made its first flight in 1988. Without a crew on board, Buran was able to ascend into space, make two orbits around the Earth and successfully land at the Baikonur cosmodrome. This fact even entered the Guinness Book of Records. The Buran spacecraft was launched into space using the Energia carrier rocket, no less outstanding in terms of the technologies of that time, which could deliver more than 200 tons of payload into space. On November 15, 1988, the Soviet Union successfully tested the Buran spacecraft, a reusable spacecraft. After the launch of the Energia universal rocket and space transport system with the Buran spacecraft, the Buran orbital spacecraft entered the calculated orbit, completed a two-turn flight around the Earth and landed automatically on the landing strip of the Baikonur cosmodrome. This is an outstanding success of Russian science and technology, opening a qualitatively new stage in the Russian space research program. The spacecraft "Buran" is built according to the scheme of an aircraft of the "tailless" type with a delta wing of variable sweep; It is capable of performing a controlled descent in the atmosphere with a lateral maneuver up to 2000 kilometers. The length of the Buran Spacecraft is 36.4 meters, the wingspan is about 24 meters, the height of the spacecraft when it is on the chassis is more than 16 meters. The launch mass of the ship is more than 100 tons, of which 14 tons are fuel. Its extensive cargo compartment can accommodate a payload weighing up to 30 tons. A sealed all-welded cabin for the crew and most of the equipment is inserted into the nose compartment to support flight as part of the rocket and space complex, autonomous flight in orbit, descent and landing. The volume of the cabin is over 70 cubic meters. A very important feature of the Buran Spacecraft is its powerful thermal protection, which ensures normal thermal conditions for the structure of the spacecraft when passing through dense layers of the atmosphere during landing. The heat-protective coating consists of a large number (about 38 thousand) tiles made with high precision from special materials (quartz fiber, high-temperature organic fibers, partly carbon-based material) according to programs that take into account the location of each tile on the body. The main propulsion system is located in the tail section of the ship, two groups of engines for maneuvering are located at the end of the tail section and the front of the hull. The on-board control complex consists of more than fifty systems, which are automatically controlled according to programs embedded in the on-board computer. The first flight of the Spacecraft "Buran" lasted 205 minutes and ended with a successful landing on a special landing strip about 5 kilometers long and 80 meters wide, created in the area of ​​the Baikonur cosmodrome. It was the first and to this day the only automatic landing of a reusable spacecraft in the history of astronautics. A new outstanding contribution to space exploration has been made, Russian science and technology have won a brilliant victory. Russia and here - the First, the first - in everything!

Another discovery of the century was the famous "Chavin stele of Raimondi" from Peru with the image of a steam engine. The relief of the "Stele Raimondi" is an image of a structure of four steam boilers inserted into each other. Cold water is poured into the upper one, steam is supplied to the second from above, boiling water is injected into the third boiler through two valves, becoming steam, since the last boiler is on fire. The steam is pushed outward by two lateral rotating cylinders in counter-stroke. This steam engine can become more than just a source of energy. On the same basis, a robot was made - its image is on another stele - it could swing a sword and snap fingers. The attention of scientists was attracted by the ancient Mayak relief found by John Stephens (American researcher, professor, teaches at the University of Hawaii) in the city of Palenque, representing the figure of a young Indian man on roller skates in high lace-up shoes. On another stele from Bonampak, the relief depicts no less than an astronaut at the control panel. Near Bogotá, stone robots were found (before that only Greek myths told about them, and even then they connected this miracle of engineering and technical thought with the name of the great master from Hyperborea - Daedalus). By the way, in an article from the magazine "Flying Sosier Review" for April 1976, Aimé Michel (1919-1992, French ufologist, journalist, writer) cited numerous evidences of the existence of robots in antiquity, which indicates a high level of technology development. In one of the books of Hermes Trismegistus "Asclepius", it is said about some statues in Egyptian temples, which at certain times of the year could be revived by "cosmic forces." The Greeks borrowed a lot from the Egyptians, and their traditions were continued by the Romans, Byzantines and Moors. In Naples, the poet Virgil received the reputation of a "revivifier of statues" (Publius Virgil Maron, 70 BC-19 BC - the national poet of Ancient Rome, author of the Aeneid, nicknamed the "Mantuan swan"): with the help of the "bronze fly", he drove all living flies out of the city, and then made a bronze youth who was watching the maintenance of the fire in the thermae (in the Roman baths).

In the Mayak city of Chichen Itza (named after the Mayak tribe "Itza", which in the middle of the 5th century found a natural cenote here - a well and settled around it), two stones with fist-sized holes and potholes have stood in an ancient sports stadium since time immemorial. Between them is a playing field, like a football one. Those stones are telephones. Bending over to the holes, one could talk without fear of eavesdropping. And there was no need for a cable, buttons, pipes, microcircuits - Mayan phones are still operating and scientists shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, unable to comprehend the technology. But also in India (Panyi), wires were discovered that connected two ancient temples, located at a distance of 1500 m for the last 2000 years. Even in Ancient Egypt during the first dynasties (under the White Pharaohs), the wire also connected the temples underground. By the way, the Maya in astronomical manuscripts claimed that they were the first on Earth to measure the face of the planet. The achievements of their scientists today fit under the headings of mathematics, geography, geodesy, astrophysics, navigation ... The error of their solar calendar in relation to the modern is 0.0002 units. An example of this is the calculation of the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth: modern data - 29, 530588 days, Mayak - 29, 528395 days. The history of the Maya people began on August 13, 3114 BC. (in terms of the modern calendar), but the chronology of civilization, together with their ancestors, the Toltecs and Olmecs, go back millennia: 5 million 41 thousand 737 BC. The cyclical nature of the Maya history was also noticed, the last cycle ends on December 23, 2012, but this has nothing to do with the “end of the world”, because then a new cosmic cycle begins - the New Cosmic Era, which is also described in Egyptian treatises. According to Russian astrology, the New Space Age begins in the summer of 7521 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple or September 22, 2012. Life is endless in the Universe, the wise men concluded.

The African Dogon people from Mali and Burkina Faso, known for their isolated life during the last millennium, in 1931 revealed their knowledge to European scientists. Without telescopes and telescopes, radars and satellites, not knowing about radio and telegraph, as well as about other benefits of civilization, the Dogon figured out the peculiarities of the structure of the Milky Way, alien galaxies, in the Sirius system (the homeland of their ancestors!), Density and features of orbital motion many satellites of different planets, calculating them with an error of up to 0.1. The knowledge of the first minutes of the Universe from the moment of its creation by the Creator God Amma in a reactor shaped like an egg still amazes astrophysicists all over the world, who are powerless to comment on anything from the Dogon set of myths.

The ancient inhabitants of the Earth operated with 16-digit values. There is no explanation for the need for the Sumerians in the number 195,955,200,000,000. How incomprehensible were the incredibly small values ​​noticed by our Slavic-Aryan ancestors (ancient Russian hexadecimal number system):

Hour - 144 parts,
part - 1296 shares,
share - 72 moments,
instant - 760 moments,
instant - 160 whitefish (from here in Russian "leap", that is, move quickly),
whitefish - 14,000 centig.

Such accuracy is unattainable even with modern atomic chronometers! Also, our Rus-Novgorodians and Rus-teachers (in India, ancient Indians) - they operated on 1/300-million. fractions of a second ("kashte"), which in physics today is comparable to the life span of mesons and hyperons in an atom.

Spectral analysis and crystallography were developed, and an example of this is the crystal skulls found in Russia and Europe, as well as Central America, Mongolia, Tibet.

The age of these wonders, according to experts in crystallography, psychometry and spectral analysis, reaches 12 thousand years. But the processing technology looks ultra-modern - this is the conclusion of researchers at Hewlett-Packard (a large American information technology company, supplier of hardware and software for organizations and individual consumers). The opinion of the engineer of the firm L. Barre deserves to be cited: “... We studied the skull along all three optical axes and found that it consists of three or four joints. Since each splice has its own axes, we were able to determine how many splices there are. Analyzing the aggregates, we found that they grow from one center and form a single continuous crystal. We also found that the skull was carved from a single piece of crystal along with the lower jaw. On the Mohs scale, rock crystal has a high hardness equal to seven (second only to topaz, corundum and diamond). As for processing, it cannot be cut with anything other than a diamond. But the ancients somehow managed to process it. And not only the skull itself - they cut out the lower jaw and the hinges on which it is suspended from the same piece. With such a hardness of the material, this is more than mysterious, and here is why: in crystals, if they consist of more than one intergrowth, there are internal stresses. When you press on the crystal with the head of the cutter, due to the stress, the crystal may split into pieces, so it cannot be cut - it will just split. But someone crafted this skull from one piece of crystal so carefully, as if he hadn't touched it at all during the cutting process. When examining the surface of the skull, we found evidence of the effects of three different abrasives. The final finishing is made by polishing. We also found some kind of prism carved into the back of the skull, at the base of the skull, so that any light that enters the eye sockets is reflected back into them. Look into his eye sockets and you can see the whole room ... I don’t think that anyone else at Hewlett-Packard understood the structure of the skull better than myself ... ”The company Hewlett-Packard gave, although in a not very formal style, the following statement: “The damn thing shouldn't have existed at all. Those who carved it had no idea about crystallography and completely ignored the axes of symmetry. It inevitably had to fall apart during processing! ".

The puzzle is represented by the functionality of the crystals. The answer to this question was found by chance - by comparing the feelings of the researchers themselves. The most famous crystal skull was found in 1926 among the ruins of the Honduran Mayan city of Lubaantuna by archaeologist Anna Mitchell-Hedges. The skull is made of a solid monolith (rock crystal), it is 13 cm high and weighs 5 kg. Scientists were amazed by the knowledge of Indian masters of optics - while they did not take into account the laws of crystallography at all: the crystal was processed perpendicular to the axis of symmetry and the crystal did not crack anywhere. What tools were used in this case is anyone's guess. The Mayan crystal skull has prisms at the base and polished lenses in the eye sockets. The slightest light source evokes a dazzling glow from the skull. Apparently the priests used it in ritual worship as a generator of torsion fields from the noosphere, or, more simply, as an intermediary in communicating with the gods, whose will was perceived by the one who took the crystal in his hands. American restorer Frank Dorland examined the find from 1964 to 1970. He found that the structure of the skull is so balanced relative to the center of gravity that the lightest breath of breeze sets the lower jaw of a five-kilogram skull into motion. An even more surprising property was noticed by Dorland when he turned the skull to face the lighted fireplace, the eye sockets blazing with ominous fire. What an eerie impression this strange skull must have made on the Maya! It is easy to imagine how the shocked people fell prostrate under the formidable fiery gaze of a crystal idol! .. However, no one knows for certain the purpose of this object - attractive and frightening ... However, it should be noted that about neurosurgery (in particular, operations on trepanning human skulls and transplantation brain) is known not only from the drawings from the stones of Ica, but also from the burials of the Incas. The Incas were also skilled healers. In 1975, the International Congress of Plastic Surgery was held in Paris. It was the first time that a message was heard about operations on the skull performed by the aesculapians of the great Inca empire. Peruvian scientist 3. Alpiani analyzed 150 dissected skulls from anthropology museums in Cousteau and Lima, and found that ancient surgeons were able to replace damaged parts of the skull with plates of organic materials or gold! Peruvian physicians have guaranteed a fairly high rate of patient survival - about 70 percent.

Geometry and stereometry (this is a branch of geometry in which figures in space are studied) are embodied in the appearance of numerous pyramids and observatories from Russia - Britain to Egypt - America. Chemistry and geology are also integral parts of the science of ancient civilizations.

In the Indian city of Teotihuacan, the Mica Temple was found, which got its name from the sheets of mica under the stone floor of the building. Layers of mica were rich in rare earth metals - potassium, aluminum, magnesium, lithium, manganese and titanium - used in such a set only in three cases: as a capacitor; as an electrical insulator; as a moderator of nuclear reactions.

The pyramids built by our Slavic-Aryan ancestors all over the planet represent engineering structures of a very high level, which we do not even know about. They were built after a planetary catastrophe about 13 thousand years ago ... The pyramids could initially be built as defenses against cataclysms, and the pharaohs only adapted them for their own needs.

Russian researchers decided to refute the generally accepted point of view that the main purpose of the pyramids is to be tombs for the pharaohs. It is possible that the pyramids became tombs much later than they were built. And what was originally? “The first researchers of the pyramids in the late 18th and early 19th centuries sincerely believed that the pyramids were the burials of the pharaohs, because their mummies were found there,” says research scientist Alexander Petukhov. Therefore, they began to give the premises the appropriate names - "the king's chamber", "the queen's chamber", "burial chamber" and so on. However, even professional Egyptian researchers Vojtech Zamarovsky and Jean-Philippe Lauer admitted that “the main proof of the fact that the largest pyramid belongs to Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) is his name, written in one of the chambers, which serves only as a secondary room, where no one usually looks ". Leaving the name of the pharaoh there is like writing the name of a five-star hotel in a closet. Later, another famous researcher of various artifacts - the American Zachariah Sitchin - claimed that "this name in the pyramid was simply forged." True, it is not clear by whom and for what purpose. British researcher and writer Graham Hancock analyzed the internal structure of the most famous pyramids and came to an unambiguous conclusion: "There are places in them, along which not only carry the sarcophagus, but even crawl, is rather difficult." Egyptologist James Quibell wrote the following about the burial chamber in the Djoser pyramid: “You can put a corpse into it through a hole in the roof, but laying it full length on the floor is completely unthinkable - the room is too small for that”. The vertical shaft in the Djoser pyramid goes to a depth of about 30 meters and ends with a chamber lined with granite.

“The cameras are not simply lowered down almost nine stories and they are not covered with granite,” says Alexander Petukhov. Hence, the original task was not to create a crypt. Obviously, the contents of the cell either required rest or were dangerous. In modern physics, small depth chambers are used to house neutrino detectors, atomic clocks, standards, and other devices that may be adversely affected by external conditions. What if something similar was stored in the cell? Granite, in turn, is notable for the fact that it absorbs radiation like a sponge. Maybe this room was intended for storing a radioactive isotope? The fact that something unsafe was stored in a strange chamber is indirectly indicated by the so-called cobra frieze, depicted on the wall next to the mine. Cobra, whose poison is fatal to humans, could symbolize danger, as today it symbolizes the designation of a human skull with crossed bones. Surprisingly, the "burial chamber" of the Cheops pyramid also turned out to be trimmed with granite - as many as 5 layers. Similar chambers of "deep bedding" were found in the pyramids of Sneferu (Dashur), Sekhemkhet and Userkaf (Saqqara), Mikerin (Giza), in an unfinished structure in Zawiet el-Arian. A well 29 meters deep was found near the Cheops pyramid, in which there is also an empty sarcophagus. Egyptologists hypothesized that workers were brought to the surface at the end of the internal work in this mine. Doubtful, frankly, version.

And the researchers go further, assuring that the pyramids located in different parts of the earth are in many ways similar. So, for example, under the pyramid of the Sun in Mexican Teotihuacan, there is an underground passage 103 meters long into a natural cave, located almost under the center of an artificial structure. The cave consists of four chambers, each about 28 meters in circumference. They contained slate products, mirrors and a drainage system made of tubular stone segments. In addition, a 7-centimeter layer of mica was found in the pyramid between the two upper levels. It turned out that the builders did not take any mica, but of a special kind, for which they had to drag the load for three thousand kilometers. Is it for beauty? “For decorative purposes, mica is not used,” says Alexander Petukhov. Nowadays it is used in capacitors, it is thermal and electrical insulation. It is opaque to fast neutrons and is used as a moderator of nuclear reactions.

Next to the Pyramid of the Sun is the so-called Mica Temple, which is an underground structure, consisting of several rooms, covered on top with massive masonry. Archaeologists called this structure a temple, although no religious attributes were found there. As in the pyramid of the Sun, there are layers of mica under its base. There is no doubt that it was not there by chance: it is located in an even layer. “It is very likely that the Mica Temple is a kind of technical device - say, an energy converter, perhaps even connected with the pyramid of the Sun,” the researcher is sure. No wonder, probably, the Greek word "pyramidos" is translated as "fire (energy) in the middle", and not at all the tomb of the pharaoh. It seems that Egyptologists have completely forgotten the ancient languages, although they should know them perfectly.

But the fun begins when you try to figure out how many pyramids there are on earth. It turns out that there is no exact answer. At first glance, it seems that there can be no difficulties in the calculations - the pyramids are not needles in a haystack. In fact, everything is ambiguous. With the help of aerial photography around the world, to date, it has been possible to count 409 pyramids, in addition to them, about 1300 buildings remain in doubt - it is unclear whether these are pyramids or hills overgrown with weeds. Putting all the finds on the map, Petukhov revealed a strange feature: “The pyramids are lined up in clear lines. Most of them are located in the strip between 40 degrees north and south latitude. Moreover, clear local fields of the pyramids can be traced. The most representative groups are found along the Nile in Egypt and Sudan, in the Chinese province of Shaanxi, in central and southern Mexico, on the border of Peru and Brazil, in the south of the Australian continent. There are pyramids in Europe (Slovenia, Greece, Italy, Kola Peninsula), off the coast of Africa (Canary Islands), in the Asian part of Russia (near Krasnoyarsk on the banks of the Yenisei, near the city of Nakhodka). " But it is especially curious that several pyramids are scattered over isolated islands of the Pacific Ocean. At first glance, small islands are not the most suitable place for their construction. But, as paleogeologists believe, these islands (Samoa, Tongo, French Polynesia) were previously parts of large tracts of land that plunged into the ocean relatively recently. “Many pyramids were built on rocky foundations,” explains Alexander Petukhov. These areas are characterized by high mechanical strength and stability over long geological periods. Perhaps it is these features that explain the preservation of the pyramids located in the Pacific archipelagos. Individual islands remained on the surface, while most of the ancient continent sank into the ocean.

After analyzing the information received, Petukhov put forward the following version: “All the surviving pyramids should be considered as the remnants of the global planetary system, which did not serve individual rulers, but the entire ancient mankind for protection from cataclysms. Perhaps these structures, with the help of certain devices installed in them, operating on radioactive elements, performed the functions of a kind of control and executive complex and monitored the seismological situation on the planet. At the same time, due to the peculiarities of their shape, which we still underestimated, they could control the discharge of energy accumulated at the junctions of lithospheric plates, thereby preventing catastrophic earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, "the researcher suggests. This version was verified by overlaying maps of the location of the pyramids and the boundaries of the lithospheric plates. It turned out that most of the pyramids, as if purposefully, were erected near the joints of lithospheric plates and major geological faults. It is known from geology that an increase in pressure at the joints of these plates provokes earthquakes. So they controlled these processes in their regions. This means that on the planet as a whole.

The alternative history scientist Mikhail Kostinsky also supports this hypothesis: “The group of three large pyramids in Giza seems to represent a single complex working to achieve a common goal. I participated in an experiment, during which the impulse emitted from the Khufu pyramid, reflected from the boundaries of geological layers, was sequentially received by the Khafre and Menkaur pyramids, as a result of which the interaction of all devices in a single scheme was ensured. In this case, the entire system of the three largest Egyptian pyramids can work as something like a GPR or an acoustic interferometer that records periodic lithospheric disturbances. "

A completely natural question arises: if so, why today we do not feel the work of these seismic stations, why today these kind of lightning rods do not work? Indeed, only in recent decades, certain regions of the earth have experienced serious cataclysms with a magnitude of about 9 on the Richter scale. “Today, pyramids cannot work either as single buildings or as a system,” says Alexander Petukhov. The reason is their total plunder. Moreover, not only black diggers and tourists, but also the pharaohs had a hand in this. It was on their order that the equipment in the pyramids was probably dismantled and thrown away. As the researchers believe, "this is how the energy connections of the pyramids were violated." Outwardly intact, they resemble an empty hull from an airplane that cannot take off. The researchers insist: “If you look at the internal structure of the pyramids in section, it becomes clear that they look much less like tombs than they look like engineering structures. The premises of the so-called burial chambers could accommodate both measuring complexes and actuators, both computing systems and power plants. All kinds of passages and passages - rather narrow, clearly not intended either for excursions or for funeral processions - most likely were technological mines, the true purpose of which, alas, can only be guessed at. "

But why did the numerous Egyptologists not guess about all this? “Historians and archaeologists in institutes are not taught the engineering analysis of finds, and as a result we get from them very flawed interpretations of the purpose of the pyramids,” Petukhov believes. Who then designed the pyramids? Who built it? Are our "primitive ancestors" who lived on earth more than 5 thousand years ago? Or someone was in charge of them? The search for answers to these questions is just beginning ...

Our ancestors were not new to the most difficult areas of science and technology. The English writer Alan Alford published the book "Gods of the Third Millennium", featuring sensational photographs of Egyptian bas-reliefs from the Temple of Osiris at Abydos. The drawings represented helicopters, submarines, airplanes, bathyscaphes, robots and tanks. By the 13th century BC The Egyptians had already lost their knowledge of military technology and Pharaoh Ramses II ordered his own name to be carved over the incomprehensible hieroglyphs.

And knowledge from the field of genetics and cloning, presented in abundance on Assyrian reliefs and in sarcophagi from the Egyptian city of Saqqara, today can already be commented on by modern scientists. Ancient scientists understood the danger of these experiments and stopped them in time. Our ancestors developed the doctrine of the reincarnation of the eternal soul. Having incarnated on Earth in various human bodies, the being moves to another level of development in accordance with his spiritual accumulations. "Each person is a higher being for the lower world (the world of minerals, plants, animals." personal improvement clears the world. ”Another thing is that a person sometimes hesitates before choosing his own path or does not think about it at all, preferring to lead a“ vegetable ”life ...

About 13 millennia ago, a great catastrophe occurred. From numerous ancient civilizations, only fragments remained, scattered around the globe.

Kostenki, Sungir, Arkaim, Easter Island and the city of Tiahuanacu, Nazca geoglyphs (a group of giant geometric and figured patterns applied to the ground on the Nazca plateau in southern Peru) and Egyptian pyramids, Mesopotamian Sumerians, Mayan Indians, Canarian Guanches and Eskimos Tseilon ., - everything got confused, lost its roots, its culture, language and many knowledge came down to us in myths preserved by foreign peoples, admiring the achievements of ancient civilizations.

The ancient inhabitants of the Earth were not more primitive than modern humanity, and in some ways even surpassed it. Their civilization still holds many mysteries, the answers to which are sought today by real scientists all over the world, because according to mythology, knowledge and samples of genetic material were brought by the gods to Earth from space.

Subsequent generations of our ancestors were absolutely sure that everything happened on the initiative and under the control of their first ancestors - the gods who descended from heaven. It was they (these gods) who laid the foundation for civilizations as such, provided man with agricultural crops and taught the techniques of agriculture. It is quite remarkable that this point of view on the origin of agriculture prevails in absolutely all known regions of the origin of ancient civilizations. The great god Quetzalcoatl brought corn to Mexico. The god Viracocha taught agriculture to people in the Peruvian Andes. Osiris gave the culture of agriculture to the peoples of Ethiopia (i.e. Abyssinia) and Egypt. The Sumerians were introduced to agriculture by Enki and Enlil - the gods who descended from heaven and brought them seeds of wheat and barley. The "Heavenly Geniuses" helped the Chinese in the development of agriculture, and the "Lords of Wisdom" brought fruits and cereals to Tibet, previously unknown on Earth. The second remarkable fact: nowhere, in any myths or legends, man does not even try to take credit for the development of agriculture! .. Naturally, the gods had to solve not only these problems. Any kind of productive agriculture, as already mentioned, required a sedentary lifestyle and a higher (compared to the community of hunters and gatherers) population density, which, on the one hand, simplified the control of the process by the gods, but also required the introduction of certain rules of human behavior in unusual living conditions for them. One thing inevitably entails another ... It is clear that the "natural" development of these norms and rules by people could drag on for a very long time, which would by no means stimulate agriculture. The process obviously could not be allowed to take its course ... Therefore, the gods had to solve this issue on their own. By the way, this is also reported by ancient myths: literally in all regions of the “origin” of agriculture and civilization, the traditions of our ancestors unanimously assert that the same “gods” established norms and rules of life among people, laws and orders of joint settled existence. And this is indirectly evidenced by archaeological data on the downright “sudden” emergence of a number of advanced ancient civilizations (for example, in Russia, in Egypt or India) without any “preliminary steps”. This fact does not find any "natural" explanation at all ...

“According to archaeological data - the most ancient site of a modern man, a Caucasian, the world archaeological community has recognized the settlement of Kostenki, located in the Voronezh region of Russia. This site is 50 thousand years old. And by the 40th - 30th millennium BC. a Caucasian man inhabited the entire Russian Plain ”(E.N. Khrisanfova, 2000).

Elena Nikolaevna Khrisanfova (1927-2003) - Russian scientist, anthropologist. For many years - a teacher, professor and professor emeritus of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, taught a number of general and special courses in anthropology at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. Areas of scientific activity: anthropogenesis, physiological anthropology, age-related anthropology, endocrinological aspects of human evolution. She was engaged in the development of problems of anthropogenesis, in particular, the evolutionary morphology of the postcranial skeleton, the early stages of anthropogenesis, the emergence of the modern human species. One of the founders of the direction of physiological anthropology. Work in the field of age anthropology dealt mainly with the problems of acceleration and gerontology. Numerous studies have allowed E.N. Khrisanfova to synthesize the above three main areas of scientific interests and, on the basis of this, identify a number of the most important laws of human growth. In particular, the result of these studies was the reconstruction of the hormonal status of Neanderthals and the evolution of growth processes in a number of modern human ancestors.

By geography, namely, by origin in the vastness of the Russian Plain, we will call this type of person - Protorus (narrower, local variations - Kostenkovets, Sungirians, Mezinets, Avdeevs, etc.). To date, the Kostenki complex is recognized as the most ancient habitat of modern humans.

Reconstruction of the physical appearance of the Protorus-Caucasians of the Russian Plain of the Upper Paleolithic era: on the left is a Sungirian (settlement of Sungir, Vladimir, about 30 thousand years old), on the right - Kostenkovets (settlement of Kostenki, Voronezh region, about 45 thousand years). Reconstruction by M.M. Gerasimov.
Our Slavic-Aryan ancestors - the Rus have long received knowledge about the Universe, about the Absolute, about the laws and principles of existence from their previous progenitors of the White Race - their Gods. 40-30 thousand years ago - Slavs-Rus of Northern Russia from the Russian plain Kostenki (near the city of Voronezh) and Sungir (near the city of Vladimir) know writing, magic, astrology and astronomy, calendar and arithmetic counting. They worship the Ancestors and the Sun. They believe in the animation of all nature, the existence of souls and spirits. By the 30-25th millennium BC. the astrological and astronomical knowledge of the Slavs Rusov reached the highest level and allowed them to form the Russian Vedas. Objects of art, combined with iconic records of calendar and astronomical content, indicate a high degree of information saturation with sources for studying the intellectual and spiritual spheres of life of the aboriginal population of the north of Eurasia. Relatively soon, the ancestors of the Russian people declared themselves a brilliant level of cultural development not only in the Paleolithic Kostenki, Sungir, but also in Malta and many other regions previously considered. Solid fur clothes, female sculptures (Venus of the Paleolithic), various dwellings and tools, a variety of Slavic swastika symbols, a rich iconic palette (up to proto-writing), the most complex funeral rites. Finds in the South Urals - Arkaim - Fortress Cities with the "Country of Cities" dated 4 thousand years BC. (the latest studies of Russian scientists increase their antiquity to 6 thousand years BC), not only confirmed the early findings and studies of scientists, but also shocked the whole world. Arkaim is not only a fortified city, but also a temple, an astronomical observatory, which has a concentric shape with an outer and inner circle isolated from each other. Mysterious rituals were performed on the square central square. The city looked like a square inscribed in a circle - the universe in miniature, oriented towards astronomical objects with the greatest accuracy. The high culture of the inhabitants of Arkaim is proved by numerous archaeological finds - works of art, weapons, ritual objects. The Rus mastered not only agricultural technologies, design and construction technologies, but also highly developed metallurgy and metalworking techniques. However, Arkaim, like other excavations of the "Country of Cities", is just the smallest part of the huge and mysterious culture of our ancestors, the ancient Aryans.

“In the holy hymns of the Rig Veda, which have preserved the memory of what existed even before the creation of Time, the power and glory of the gods and Asuras are equally sung. And many gods are even called Asuras - and Varuna, and Indra, and Surya, and the sky itself. And it is also said that Agni, who burns everything like dry grass, was equal to the Asuras, and they could also throw lightning from the sky. And to the month of Soma they were like, and to the bright Ashvins, heralds of the dawn. But they differed from the gods in that they possessed magical powers, and with its help they could create the invisible from the visible and the audible from what could not sound, as well as subjugate what was subject to other gods. Even when the lord of the waters, Varuna himself, did not have the strength to collect the clouds and make them rain down, he asked Asura to help him with his magic. And although this secret art was not known to the gods, all the inhabitants of heaven were nevertheless one and indivisible both in time and in space ... "(NR Guseva" Myths of Ancient India "*).

Natalya Romanovna Guseva (1914-2010), Russian scientist historian, ethnographer, doctor of historical sciences, writer, playwright, Indologist, renowned expert on Indian culture and Indian religions. Laureate of the International Prize. Jawaharlala Nehru, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Author of over 160 scientific works on the culture and ancient forms of Indian religion.

At first, the civilization of the gods appears as a single cohesive group ... But later the gods on Earth are more and more clearly divided into two groups. Myths associate them with different generations: for example, the Olympic gods, according to mythology, are the children of the titans, and the devas are the younger brothers of the asuras. And between them a war breaks out, which had a pronounced ideological background and is known as "the struggle of the Light forces with the Dark forces", "the struggle between Good and Evil."

“As it was proved by Bentley,“ The War of the Titans against the Gods ”in Hesiod, just like the War of the Asura or Tarakamaia against the Devas in the Puranic legend, are identical in everything, except for the name. So, from the point of view of cosmology, all Dragons and Serpents, struck by their "Winners", by their origin are recalcitrant, violent, disorderly principles in Chaos ... In the "Book of the Dead" these principles are called "Sons of Rebellion" ("Secret Doctrine" .3, - Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, 1831-1891, Russian writer, philosopher, traveler, occultist, theosophist and spiritualist).

“As already mentioned, the gods possessed very destructive weapons, so their war had the most sad consequences for the civilization of people. So, if you rely on the data of Manetho *, which sets a rather rigid time frame, it turns out that in the period from approximately 3500 to 3100. BC. a huge territory (at least from India to Central Europe) was affected by some dramatic events, and in some places did not survive them ... Much further east at the same time, the Indian culture of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro perishes in an "incomprehensible way" and for no apparent reason. Dies without a trace ... Moreover: the civilization of Mohenjo-Daro is not just dying, but is being destroyed with the help of the very weapons that Indian myths describe. Cities rarely fall into decay suddenly, and everything in Mohenjo-Daro suggests that the catastrophe came immediately. There was no flood - no traces of a sudden surging water element were found. Plague? But it does not strike suddenly. People walked calmly through the streets, as can be seen from several groups of skeletons. Attack with conventional weapons? But none of the surviving skeletons bear the marks of blows. Meteorite? Again, there are no characteristic traces. However, the ruins of the city within a radius of 400 meters retained traces of sudden and rapid melting at temperatures well above 1500 degrees Celsius. Traces of a powerful explosion were also found. A careful study of these traces leads to the idea of ​​the presence of an epicenter typical of a nuclear explosion, and the force of destruction decreases from the center to the periphery. For example, buildings on the outskirts of the city have survived relatively well ”(writer-ufologist BA Shurinov“ The Paradox of the XX Century ”).

Manetho (Mer-ne-Jhuti, 285-222 BC) - ancient Egyptian historian, high priest in Heliopolis, author of the famous "History of Egypt", written in Greek. The name "Manetho" is the Greek form of the name, the Egyptian form of the name Manetho goes back to the ancient Egyptian "Mer-ne-Jhuti", which can be translated as "In love with knowledge." He is the only ancient Egyptian author known to us who compiled a full-fledged historical work on the history of Ancient Egypt - "The History of Egypt" ("Egypt", "Αἰγυptιακά") in three books. Manetho's work is considered to be historical in the modern sense of the word (in contrast to the earlier historical chronicles of Ancient Egypt such as "Annals of Thutmose III", which did not draw conclusions or conclusions, but only stated events), written on the model of Herodotus's "History". Manetho belongs to the division of the history of Egypt into 30 dynasties and into periods of the Ancient, Middle and New kingdoms. He is also the author of a number of historical, physical and astronomical writings that have not survived. Heliopolis, where Manetho was the high priest, was one of the oldest and most important cities in ancient Egypt, located northeast of modern Cairo. In Heliopolis was the main center of worship of the supreme God of the Sun (originally Atum, then Atum-Ra) and the cycle of related deities - "Great Nine Yunu" - Ennead. The Greeks identified Atum and Ra with Helios, hence the Greek name of the city - Ἡλίουπόλις ("City of the Sun"). The Enneada (Greek Ἐννεάς - "nine") is the nine main gods in Ancient Egypt, which originally arose in the city of Heliopolis. The oldest known theogonic and cosmogonic systems in Egypt. The gods of the Ennead were considered the first kings of Egypt. In other cities of Egypt, their nines of gods were created on the model of Heliopolis. Gods of the Ennead: Ra (Atum, Amon, Pta, Ptah) - arises from the original water Chaos Nun; Shu - air; Tefnut - moisture; Geb - earth; Chickpea is the sky. Female deity; Osiris is the god of the underworld; Isis is the goddess of fertility; Seth - the personification of thunderstorms, lightning, natural elements, the lord of vitality; Nephthys (Neftis, Nevtis) - the goddess of the underworld, the second sister of Osiris.

This does not mean that the weapon was nuclear. The gods may well have had some kind of technology unknown to us. Moreover, there is evidence that the Light Gods fought with the Dark Gods. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas tell that there are many worlds in the Universe - both at our large-scale level and at others, including at very, very subtle levels. The transition of a living intelligent being from one world to a more subtle world is possible only with the loss of a dense body and only with the development of an ever higher spirituality. Therefore, there is the so-called Golden Path of Spiritual Development, which has its own laws associated, first of all, with the availability of knowledge. The Vedas state: “In ancient times, Chernobog decided to bypass the Universal Laws of ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, to remove the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of his World for the Lower Worlds in the hope that, according to the Law of Divine Conformity, the Security Seals will be removed for him from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all Worlds of the Highest. The noble Belobog united the Light Forces to protect the Divine Laws, as a result of which the Great Assa unleashed - a war with the Dark Forces from the Lower Worlds. The Light Forces won, but part of the Ancient Knowledge still got to the Lower Worlds. Having acquired the Knowledge, the representatives of these Worlds began their ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. However, they did not learn to distinguish between Good and Evil and began to try to introduce low forms of life into the areas bordering the World of Darkness, where the Heavenly Halls (constellations) of Makosha (Ursa Major), Rada (Orion) and Race (Little and Big Leo) fell. So that the Dark Forces could not penetrate the Light Lands, the Protective Frontier was created by the Guardian Gods, which passed through the Earths and the Stars of the indicated Halls, as well as through the Worlds of Yavi (our world), Navi (the world of the dead) and Rule (the world of the gods). Our planet is also on this Frontier, and Humanity is a witness and participant in wars. "

So, in the period from the middle of the 5th to the turn of 3-4 millennia, a developed agricultural civilization is simply destroyed not only according to its way of life, but also according to the dominant ideology. And only thousands of years after that, the "miserable fragments of the former greatness" that survived and developed into the Cretan-Minoan civilization gave impetus to European development in the person of Ancient Greece (though already under the strong influence of the Phoenicians) ... We must agree with the conclusion of Helena Blavatsky that that behind the struggle of "Good" with "Evil" were, first of all, the deepest ideological, and, consequently, ideological differences. And it was not just a struggle for power, but a cruel "civil war" of representatives of two antagonistic ideologies for domination, a war to exterminate the opposing side.

Our civilization is far from the only one and is not the limit of development. Yes, it's not easy to admit it. And it is much more difficult than just theoretically suggesting the possibility of reason somewhere in the Universe besides the Earth, here we are already talking directly about our life ... Moreover, this problem goes far beyond the simple recognition of the fact of the events that have taken place. After all, if an alien civilization intervened in our life in the distant past, it would be foolish to deny the possibility of such interference in the real present ... And this brings us to a new range of issues and a fundamentally different approach to life in general. What could be this interference, for what purposes, and what is it fraught with for us?

We know perfectly well how the “benefits” of civilization, which the era of “Great Geographical Discoveries” brought to numerous peoples of other continents, have turned out. They either disappeared from the face of the Earth, or were forced to lose their originality, to leave their own path of development. What, scary from a possible perspective? Aliens intervened in our life. “What a horror!” Is a common reaction.

The aforementioned confrontation between "Good" and "Evil" has really always been and will be, and this process is endless. The core of Vedic philosophy in the struggle of opposites and harmony. Therefore, we - Rus, must clearly represent the real forces that stand behind all this in the modern world, and with this in mind, build our own just Plan of life arrangement based on the true history of our people and the entire world civilization. Our Slavic Faith is based on the Russian philosophical-Vedic worldview. This means the recognition of cosmic universal laws, the veneration of the Russian gods and their Slavic Clan, whose representatives are our ancestors and our parents.

One of the important moments of the current state of our society is the onset of a New Era. In the understanding of many thinkers of different times and peoples, this state is characterized by the factors that at the end of 2012 an inevitable event will occur: the transition of all mankind to a different energy level of its existence. Other names for this process are the planetary ascension of humanity; quantum evolutionary leap; transition to the 5th dimension and others.

In our Russian Vedic sources, in accordance with the Slavic-Aryan science, this period is also considered as the transition in 2012 of our solar system from the zone controlled by the Dark Worlds to the Light Region of the galaxy. Our Yarilo-Sun is located in the galactic structure of the Swati Star System, also called the Milky Way. Swati is represented as a left-handed swastika.

In the lower part of one of the swastika arms of Swati is our Yarilo-Sun, which is included in the constellation Zimun - "Heavenly Cow" or currently "Ursa Minor", being the eighth star of this constellation. Yarilo-Sun revolves with the arm of the galaxy around its center and makes a complete revolution in about 250 million years. In addition, our solar system also revolves around the outer circumference of the arm, around its center and periodically goes over to the side of the circle facing Darkness, then to the side facing the Light - to the center of the galaxy. This period of rotation of the Yarila-Sun around the central part of the arm is called Svarog Circle and is 25920 years. Humanity and all organic life on Earth is experiencing influences emanating from different sources and different worlds - the influence of the Moon, Planets, Sun and Stars. All these influences act simultaneously. But at the moment one of them prevails, in the other - the other. During its movement, the system of our Sun is under the influence of radiation emanating from one or another Heavenly Hall (Constellation).

A new era is coming, the position and influence of space objects is changing, human consciousness is awakening. Currently, the Earth is on the eve of the change from Svarog night to Svarog day. A feature of the modern period is that now there are two epochs at the same time, the outgoing and the coming. This is Dawn, where night is still present, but day is already beginning. The influence of the Fox Hall will change to the influence of the Wolf Hall. Galactic radiation will begin to change, the influence of other space objects on Midgard-Earth and the human microcosm himself will begin to prevail, which will undoubtedly entail a change in the conditions of life on Earth. And these are objective reasons!

From the information contained in the Russian Vedas and other Slavic-Aryan sources it follows (now this is already confirmed by modern science) that difficult years await the planet Earth and humanity. Period 2012-2015 - these are years of global energy and climatic changes, followed by changes in the mental state of people, and changes in socio-political.

This is not the first time this has happened, and the survival of humanity is in the hands of the people themselves. The task of each Rus is to prepare his Spirit, Soul and Body for new energy flows that have already begun to go to Earth. We must again learn to understand the world of Nature and communicate with it, as our great Slavic-Aryan ancestors, the Russian Gods, were able to do, to have the ability to live in a world of subtle fluctuations, and in a world of high energy loads. The earth cannot be healed and transferred to another reality until most of its inhabitants are healed.

The situation is different with human subtle bodies - mental, spiritual. In ordinary life, when every time we leave our house and go out into the street, where we communicate with different people, we run the risk of infecting our subtle body with energy viruses - they were rude, yelled, quarreled with someone, looked askance, wished bad things, etc. ... After all, the word has Power! And you need to follow this in your life: what words do you hear your address more, how and what you say. Since in the end it will influence your Destiny.

The reality of life is the interconnectedness and interdependence of everything. Unity in diversity and balance. We are influenced by everything, the energies of the nearest planets of the solar system, the energies of people around us, the energetic influence of nature, animals, the energies of cities, buildings. We also influence everything with our energies. Life in all its infinite diversity is ordered, subordinated to uniform cosmic laws.

In this case, the Earth is seen as a tiny speck of dust in the Universe. The Universe is represented as a system of multiple worlds, interpenetrating, influencing each other. The system is very coherent and harmonious. Then the idea of ​​the universal Absolute arises - the source of the existence of worlds and universal harmony. There is a knowledge that a person is similar to the universe, is a microcosm, that is, contains the same energies as the entire universe, obeys the same laws common to the entire Universe.
In order for life not to consist only of petty vanity, struggle and suffering, in order for it to become a conscious, creative, joyful process, it is necessary to change the point of view on many things, to acquire completely different ideas about the universe and about man. And man is a small particle of universal existence, a particle of universal life and at the same time a part of the nature of planet Earth. Part of human society and part of universal life.

Russian people should stop being a small chain that is drawn by the flow of life from one event to another. They must learn to understand the meaning of each event, stop naively believing that life is a collection of accidents. Of course not. It’s not accidental. Everything has a deep meaning, everything has a reason and everything that happens to us in life will have a consequence.

The transition of humanity to a new energy level of its existence in the pre-dawn period of the New Era and the planetary ascension of humanity can only occur as a result of following the highest level of spiritual and physical development, which should be inextricably linked. Our goal is to teach a person to live harmoniously with nature again, to feel like a part of it, to teach a person to live harmoniously in a human society. In other words, a person should feel that he is a triple being. Part of universal life, part of natural life and part of human society.

In order for our Earth and our galaxy to develop, so that ordinary matter is transformed into capable of generating various forms of life, various Forces and Energies are needed, the personifications of which our Slavic-Aryan ancestors called the Supreme Gods and Goddesses. “Veles's book” clearly says about this: “And so we proclaimed the glory to the Gods, who are our fathers, and we are their sons. And we will be worthy of Their purity of Bodies and Our Souls, which will never die. And they do not die at the hour of the death of our bodies "..." And every day we look to the Gods, who is the light. We call him: Svarog, Perun, Dazhdbog, Veles, Yar and other names. "

We, according to our Russian Vedic sources, can and should communicate directly with our gods, bypassing any intermediaries. We do not need any religions for this, and even more so, we do not need Judeo-Christian clerics-priests and other sectarians and sects.

We are Rus - Aryans - Slavs - Aes, and we have our own Russian Gods - Our Ancestors!

It should be borne in mind that a person is a microcosm, and his structure is created from special, with varying degrees of density of energies. It has several energy bodies permeating each other.

Figuratively, our ancestors saved this concept for us in the form of a nesting doll, where each nesting doll is placed one inside the other. A man, unlike a representative of the animal world, is endowed with the ability to perceive, emit and create information with all his bodies of various densities. From an informational point of view, our body is a "biological cosmic mechanism", which contains very complex, multi-layered, multi-stage and multi-stage life programs. Already from fertilization, a program begins to operate, accurately and persistently fulfilling the biochemical, genetic plan for the formation of the body. Further, with our development, programs, tasks, conditions change, information is updated all the time. In a simplified way, we can compare this with a computer program, where there is a very real risk of infection of programs with various viruses, and human programs can also be affected by an information virus. The screen of our "biological cosmic mechanism" is consciousness, which reflects only the results of the work of life programs, and the processes themselves take place in the subconscious or in the superconscious.

In addition to food and water, a person needs subtle energies and information for full-fledged life. We draw them from the surrounding space and from other objects during energy-informational exchanges. Everyone intuitively knows: when the intake of Life Energy from the outside world decreases or a virus settles in us (people sometimes call it damage, the evil eye), chronic fatigue begins to accumulate - problems with health and well-being arise. Moreover, if a living being does not take urgent measures to remedy the situation, his life will end.

True knowledge about life, the universe, man and God has always been on earth. In accordance with this knowledge, the universe is eternal, it is a system of harmonious, interpenetrating worlds governed by uniform, universal laws and principles, immutable, unchanging, real and effective, regardless of whether human society knows about them or not. All people, one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, interact with cosmic energies that enter them through the enchantments of bodies (chakras), through their hair, through energy channels, etc. We must also not forget that each person has his own characteristics of the perception of energy flows, which largely depend on the level of his development. There is a circulation of energy in the Universe, for "nothing comes from anywhere and does not disappear anywhere." Therefore, in response to the received energy, we must send our energy, transformed into love, gratitude, etc.

Today, the entire Slavic Family has to rediscover the knowledge that our great ancestors possessed in order to learn to live in Truth, Health and Happiness again. Using divine energies, our ancestors could control the elements of nature, and, therefore, raised abundant harvests, maintained their health and strength. In the modern world, this skill is perceived as a miracle, but times are changing and its value and need is growing every day.

Unfortunately, today many people, thanks to the modern system of upbringing and education, have suppressed the ability and ability to communicate with Gods, so they do not hear or feel what the Universe tells them through them. This does not allow people to use genetically inherent in them opportunities to purposefully create their own lives. But starting to consciously work with the flows of energy, a person is transformed, receives a positive mental charge and firm confidence in the future.

We are obliged to change for the better, since the onset of the New Era is a kind of global historical process, a turn in the formation and development of a new, more progressive civilization, taking into account all subjective and objective reasons for the true path of all previous eras and civilizations.

To be continued…

Evgeny Tarasov.

Independent researcher Sergei Sall, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, shares little-known information about world energy and geo-physical weapons.

Why was Mendeleev never admitted to the Academy of Sciences? What was supposed to happen on September 5, 2011? Why can't oil and gas be pumped out of the earth? Can oil production lead to earthquakes? Could oil be a renewable resource? Will shale gas production be a breakthrough in the global economy? Why did Mendeleev say that "burning oil is the same as stoking a stove with banknotes"? Can humanity do without hydrocarbons as fuel? What technologies are already capable of completely replacing oil and gas today? Who is slowing down alternative energy? Is it true that we have changed the periodic table? Is Mendeleev to blame for the soldering of the Russian people? Why was Mendeleev never admitted to the Academy of Sciences? Are there geo-physical weapons? How does HAARP work? Does Russia have such a weapon? How is HAARP connected with the events of the early 1990s in Russia? Why in 2011 did people all over the world hear texts about the End of the World in their heads? What did astronomers say about Elenin's comet? Why did the Illuminati hide in bunkers in September 2011, while the Russian State Duma went on vacation from September 5?

Sergey Sall: The Earth, of course, is alive, yes, well, if stones can be alive, as we found out, then the Earth is even more alive, it is a complex organism, a complex living organism, of course. We suck the blood from our mother Earth and make her sick. And in order to heal, the Earth is forced to heal its wounds with what? By means of an earthquake, because we pump out oil, we get a cavity, stresses in the earth's crust build up. The earth's crust heals these tensions, yes, what arises? Earthquake. Yes, these are significant parts of those earthquakes that have occurred recently, not only as a result of the use of geophysical weapons, but also completely unnecessary consumption of oil and gas, which is also pumped out from the bowels of the Earth. Oil reserves will never run out. This means that oil is of inorganic origin, as well as coal and gas. Modern physicists and even geologists cannot admit this, but it really is, oil can be called the blood of the Earth. Oil is the result of cold synthesis of light elements that appear in the earth's crust, and the earth's crust simply squeezes them to the surface. Yes, this is the blood of the earth, and using oil for fuel is, generally speaking, nonsense. Mendeleev also wrote that burning oil is the same as stoking a stove with banknotes. Of course, oil should be used only for the chemical industry, and using it as a fuel is absurd, because there have long been technologies for generating energy without oil, without gas, and even without nuclear fuel. Yes, fuel-free technologies have existed for a long time, just like cold fusion technologies. Cold fusion and fuel-free energy technologies are competing technologies that can have their own advantages in different situations. We need to develop both.

Will there be a gas revolution?

Sergey Sall: I have a hope that this program has a purely propagandistic purpose, because if this program develops at the rate at which it has begun to develop now, it will be a global environmental disaster, that is, the production of such so-called shale oil is indeed very environmentally friendly. dirty process. At the same time, it is natural that oil will be much more expensive than ordinary oil, so for now, I think, this propaganda trick is, say, in order to reduce Russia's influence on the world as an oil producer, including for this.

About Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Sergey Sall: Details about the true periodic table can be found on the website of the Russian Physical Society. In addition, there are speeches by many scientists, including Deineka who spoke on this matter. This means that all this is known, indeed the periodic table was published in a completely different form. Now it has a distorted character. So, as for Mendeleev himself, he, of course, was not only the author of the periodic table and the author of the technology for the production of 40-degree vodka. I can't say anything good here, because in other countries, say, in Japan or, there, in Korea, in China, vodka with a strength of no more than 20 degrees is consumed, and we also had such vodka. This means that 40 degrees, of course, is a program for getting people drunk, but Mendeleev was, first of all, a statesman, a great statesman who built the economy of Russia. Yes, first of all, he was a statesman, statesman, great statesman. And he was never accepted into the Academy of Sciences, he was only a member of the correspondent, he did not become an academician, because the Masonic dominance in the Academy of Sciences did not allow his candidacy to be held. As well as many other statist scientists.

What types of geophysical weapons are there?

Sergey Sall: Well, there are several types of geophysical weapons: climate weapons, tectonic weapons, atmospheric weapons, space weapons. These are the main types of physical weapons, right? Of course, the greatest interest, the greatest concern is caused by the HAARP weapon, which allows, by generating low-frequency sound in the ozonosphere, to influence the places of stress in the earth's crust and faults and cause earthquakes there. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to prove the use of such weapons; all this can be attributed to the natural course of circumstances. Well, and, nevertheless, with the help of such a technique, it is possible to cause serious economic losses for different countries. Here, including for China, for Russia, for European countries. This is done deliberately to aggravate the situation in the global economy. If we had such a weapon, and there were structures that would develop such weapons in an atmosphere of secrecy, then I would be glad. But, unfortunately, apparently, there is no such thing, and all those developments that were in the Soviet Union on tectonic and geophysical weapons, they were destroyed. Yes, the technology is now given to the Americans, all this is known. It was used in Russia at the beginning of the nineties, that is, here is the unrest that was in 1991-1993, it happened with the use of such weapons, yes. Such weapons were installed on buses, on special military vehicles, all this has been known for a long time. This weapon, which affects the human psyche, can lead either to a depressed state of a person who will not be interested in anything, do nothing, or, conversely, to his excited state when he will smash everything, go to demonstrations, to rallies and so on. ... This means that the result of the influence on the human psyche depends on the type of influence. Yes, such a weapon has been used for a long time. Moreover, with the help of HAARP installations, it is possible to transmit acoustic vibrations directly to a person's head. This was done back in 2011 all over the world, then there were reports that people were hearing texts about the end of the world. That is, these texts were broadcast to South America, North America, Africa and Asia. There were such messages from different parts of the Earth. This is the result of the influence of the HAARP installations, which really conveyed different messages in different languages ​​of the people of the world. Well, you probably know in 2011, the Illuminati were waiting for the comet's flight in September, which should lead to a global catastrophe, despite the fact that astronomers said that Elenin's comet did not carry anything dangerous, and when it approached the Sun, it would simply crumble , evaporate, and so it happened. But the Illuminati believed the Hopi Indians' prophecies about this comet, and therefore really raised a panic. And all European parliaments stopped working in September, our State Duma, in general, from September 5, in my opinion, went on vacation for 3 weeks. Unprecedented business, huh? Yes, this is the panic that American Freemasons raised in the world. They themselves hid in a bunker at Denver Airport, all this was recently, in September 2011, all this is on the Internet, you can see it in detail. Of course, savagery, savagery, but we are dealing with really crazy people.

* Additional Information:

Dark matter: from "mysticism" to facts. Nikolay Levashov

Nikolai Levashov in his fundamental works 20 years ago studied and described the phenomenon of "dark matter" ...

If we continue to act within the framework of the existing theoretical laws of physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, based on the analysis of only 10% of matter, then this can lead to the complete destruction of the ecological system of the Earth. But already now there is a high-quality scientific theory that reflects 100% of reality. This qualitative scientific theory is contained in the book "Inhomogeneous Universe" by Nikolai Levashov, and every year the number of experimental evidence confirming it is growing. If science follows this path, then our society will experience an unprecedented flourishing both in science and in culture!

* About Essence, Mind and many other things ... - the official site of an amazing person, Russian scientist, healer, writer - academician Nikolai Levashov

The most striking facts that refute the traditional version of the history of planet Earth

When did dinosaurs actually die out? Was the territory of present-day Russia inhabited during the "Ice Age"? How many ancient civilizations existed on planet Earth and what was the level of their technological development? Is it true that the gigantic expanses of the north of the Russian Plain, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East remained uninhabited right up to modern times? What traces of ancient civilizations have been found on the territory of present-day Russia? Why do facts say one thing and scientists say something else? How many more irrefutable proofs of the existence of the most ancient highly developed civilizations have been found in the world? This film contains only some of the most striking facts that contradict the official history that dominates the scientific world today. Famous Russian scientists, writers and travelers Andrei Burovsky, Georgy Sidorov and Vitaly Sundakov will share their thoughts on what the history of mankind really was.

The True History of Humanity (Enhanced Version)

Every inhabitant of the Earth who is fortunate enough to study at school receives approximately the same set of ideas about the past of our planet and its inhabitants. It is believed that life began here about 3 billion years ago. It developed, became more complicated - and 2.5 million years ago, somewhere in Africa, the first man appeared who walked firmly on two legs, and took a club in his hands for protection (still uncertain).

For 2 million years he lived in trees and in remote mountain caves. He was engaged in collecting - looking for edible berries, nuts, fruits of angiosperms. He caught sea and river mollusks in shallow waters, chopped them and ate them raw. He picked up fresh carrion - the remains of someone else's prey.

Later, about 300 thousand years ago, he mastered the technology of joint hunting with the use of the simplest weapon. Lacking sharp fangs and claws, our distant ancestor began to use angular pieces of rock. And over time, he even learned how to make stone axes and spears from them.
Primitive people gathered in hunting brigades - and together they hunted large and small animals. Then they divided the prey and lived in small tribes, defending themselves from wild animals and hostile tribes. This is how human society finally appeared. Gradually, the number of primitive people increased so much that they began to disperse throughout the planet, populating Europe, Asia, both America and Australia. A familiar picture, isn't it? ..

Moreover, when we say "Europe", in this case we mean only the southern part of Western Europe. And the entire North of the Eurasian continent at that time, according to scientists, was occupied by a multi-kilometer glacier that melted only 15-10 thousand years ago.

And here we are faced with the first serious contradiction. In the second half of the twentieth century, several high-profile archaeological discoveries were made on the territory of Russia, which cast doubt on the theory of glaciation. While digging a pit in the Vladimir region, builders accidentally discovered the burial of ancient people. Later, it will turn out to be the world famous Sungir archaeological monument, whose age, according to some estimates, reaches 28,000 years. The ancient people who lived in Sungiri were no different from us, their distant descendants.

They were tall (up to 187 cm), white skin and the same brain volume as ours. They had a developed civilization with a high level of technology for that time. They knew how to straighten the mammoth bone and sew fashionable sheepskin coats for themselves, decorating them with rhinestones (multi-colored bone beads). Agree, this is rather strange for primitive people who recently descended from the trees.

Another find amazed the scientific world even more. In Western Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the city of Achinsk, on lands that have always been considered "not historical", the Soviet archaeologist Vitaly Larichev discovered a strange object that looks like a wand with a spiral pattern.

Upon close examination, this pattern, consisting of 1065 small icons, turned out to be a lunisolar calendar for several years. Something like a modern souvenir calendar, which we put on our table. Only immediately for 3-4 years. The nature of the calendar gave reason to assert that its compilers had serious knowledge of regional astronomy and could predict lunar and solar eclipses. This find was dubbed the "Achinsk rod". Its age is about 18,000 years. This is the oldest calendar on earth. And, moreover, quite accurate.

As you probably know, Siberia has a very harsh climate even today, when there is no glacier on the Eurasian continent. The thermometer in winter drops to minus 50 degrees. What should have been there when the multi-kilometer freezer of the Wurm glacier lay literally several hundred kilometers away, and the entire territory was covered with permafrost? .. Is civilized life and ... fundamental science possible in such harsh conditions? ..

In the same Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Denisova Cave, the remains of a girl who lived 75 thousand years ago were found. Now the term “Denisov's man” has appeared in science. Archaeologists suggest that already starting from the period of 40,000 BC, the "Denisovan man" inhabited the vast territories of Western Siberia. Let us remind once again that modern historians consider Siberia to be “an unhistorical land”, there allegedly never were any centers of civilization. All foci are usually found only in the Middle East and Western Europe.

But here's the bad luck - it turns out that Siberian archaeological finds are several times older than their counterparts in other parts of the world. It turns out that people in Siberia have lived since time immemorial. At the same time, could they not create culture, science and at least the simplest statehood? ..

And the find made beyond the Arctic Circle, in Yakutia, at the mouth of the Borelyokh River, does not at all fit into the theory of glaciation. A parking lot of primitive people was discovered there, which - ATTENTION! - have tamed mammoths! Yes, yes, mammoths were tamed and used as pets. As you can imagine, mammoths are very large animals, more elephants and much larger than cows. They need to eat a lot in order not to lose weight. Therefore, they simply cannot live in permafrost territories. They need meadows overgrown with lush grass and shrubs ... What conclusion can be drawn from this? Only one: in ancient times, the north of Siberia had a quite mild climate. A generous sun was shining there, warm winds blew and vegetation raged.

By the way, the habitation of mammoths in the current Arctic Circle has long been no longer a secret for both scientists and ordinary residents of these latitudes - northern peoples, as well as Russian scientists, researchers and workers. The fact is that in the north of Russia, in the permafrost, mammoth tusks have always been found and are found today in quantities close to industrial ones.

Of these, the northern peoples from ancient times made household items (for example, bone knives and spearheads), as well as works of art. In the historical museums of almost every major Russian city, numerous skeletons and even mummies of mammoths are exhibited.

And in the permafrost zone, hunters and reindeer herders to this day sometimes find frozen mammoth meat. For lack of better use, these common people feed them to dogs.

What do we see? Where, in the opinion of scientists, a giant glacier lay and complete solitude reigned, it turns out that quite civilized people lived quite successfully. They were engaged in agriculture, raised livestock, developed their culture and science ... And all this - according to the official data of archeology. It turns out that the school version of history in this matter is wrong? ..

And this is just a part of the discoveries made in Russia. In other countries and on other continents, no less finds have been done that completely refute the traditional version of history, and their clarity is sometimes simply amazing. An expedition of Russian researchers led by Andrei Sklyarov discovered in Peru and Bolivia on the ruins of ancient cities traces of a civilization that already 10,000 years ago possessed construction technologies that are still very far from modern engineering.

Most of all, today's scientists are struck by the phenomenon of the so-called polygonal masonry. When large stone blocks are not standardized in size, but ideally fit to each other according to the peculiarities of their shape, including the smallest bumps and slopes. Thanks to this fit, the blocks fit one on top of the other like jigsaw puzzles and adhere perfectly without any mortar.

By the way, the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau are laid in the same way. Researchers are finding something similar in Russia. What is an example of the recent discovery in Gornaya Shoria made by the expedition of Georgy Sidorov. Trying to imagine with what tools it was possible to lay the stones in this way, Russian researchers put forward several hypotheses, each of which assumes the highest level of technical progress. Another hypothesis suggests a currently unknown method of chemical or thermal softening of a stone to the state of plasticine. This proposed technology was conventionally called "plasticine".

The members of the expedition of Andrei Sklyarov traveled all over the world and in many places on the most ancient buildings, whose age was hidden by the mist of millennia, found traces of high-tech machining. Including traces of circular saws and grinding on a lathe. Here is an example from Lebanon, from the ruins of the ancient city of Baalbek. Recently, scientists around the world more and more often think that the time has come to revise our ideas about the development of human civilization.

In Mexico, in the local history museum of the city of Ikka, there is a huge collection of stones on which scenes from the life of ancient people who were adjacent to dinosaurs are engraved. They were collected in the middle of the 20th century by a local Spanish surgeon and aristocrat Javier Cobrero. One and a half thousand of the most complex drawings are applied to chunks of granite rolled in water. It is difficult to make such things even with the help of modern devices. And in the collection of Dr. Cobrero there are more than one and a half thousand such stones. The most amazing thing is that some of the stones depict ancient animals, known only to specialists. How could the Indians, not familiar with paleontology, know the structural features of extinct animals? ..

Researchers suggest that the Ikki stones are a kind of library that is designed to store a variety of knowledge and convey it to descendants. Therefore, the collection of Dr. Cobrero is called the litotheque. In addition to dinosaurs, the stones depict scenes of medical procedures, including such complex ones as abdominal surgeries and craniotomy. Even the devices for deep anesthesia and the anesthesiologist are visible! Other stones depict astronomy and even stylized flying machines.

The scientific world preferred to dismiss these finds, calling them crafts of local Indians for sale to tourists. Souvenirs, in general. But tell me, who is capable of applying complex designs to hard granite? Do thousands of such items in the same style? To depict with scientific accuracy animals that became extinct many millions of years ago, and even not everything is described in modern textbooks? To convey complex processes with the help of drawings, even abdominal and craniocerebral operations? And all this in order to try to sell to tourists at a low price (Ikki stones have never been in price)? .. Agree, the combination of these factors completely excludes any handicraft.

In another part of Mexico, in the middle of the twentieth century, countless ceramic figurines were found depicting dinosaurs in every possible detail. The local white aristocrat Waldemar Dzhulsrud hired simple peasants with his own money, and they dug these figures out of the ground for him with simple picks and shovels for 7 years. Naturally, with this method of excavation, most of the figurines were simply broken. And Dzhulsrud paid the peasants only for the whole figurines. How many artifacts died in this case, we can only guess. But there were so many survivors that the aristocrat had to spend all his fortune on them.

And just like the stones of Dr. Cabrero's litothek, the figurines of Valdemar Julsrud show us dinosaurs peacefully coexisting with humans. This statuette depicts a woman with a small dinosaur cub in her arms. Laboratory studies have shown that the age of the figures from the collection of Dzhulsrud is from 3 to 6.5 thousand years. Suppose that six thousand years ago people no longer saw dinosaurs, but molded them from clay according to the existing ancient tradition, passed down from previous generations.
But even in this case, the tradition could hold out for one - maximum two millennia. After that, its meaning would be lost and the general stylistics of the figures would inevitably change. However, we have before us anatomically detailed images of ancient dinosaurs. It is difficult to get rid of the thought that they were sculpted from nature. Moreover, small children did it at their leisure in kindergarten. It turns out that either dinosaurs did not become extinct 65 million years ago, or ... it's even scary to assume ... or people of the modern type have been living on Earth for many millions of years.

An ordinary firebird, you say? But a professional paleontologist quickly recognizes in this drawing a stylized image of fororakus - an ancient giant bird of prey that lived on Earth in the Miocene epoch, that is, about 20 million years ago. Several features indicate that this is not an ordinary pigeon or capercaillie.
First, ostrich legs are too long for our fauna.
Secondly, for comparison, the embroidery shows other feathered creatures, much smaller in size.
Thirdly, for comparison, a man is also depicted next to the birds, who barely reaches the chest of giant birds (as it actually was - fororakus reached a height of 2.5 meters). By the way, pay attention to the strange image of a human head. Doesn't it remind you of a spacesuit? ..

And here are the drawings from other Slavic tablecloths, towels and scarves.

In general, according to anthropologist Georgy Sidorov, you can often see extinct animals and disappeared plants on Slavic embroideries, dishes and patterns of carved wooden platbands. Similar patterns are found in the ornaments of other peoples. Our consciousness refuses to accept this fact, so we interpret all these lizards, dragons and zarbirds as fabulous creatures, the fruit of folk fantasy. But what if we're wrong? ..

Could our distant ancestors see all these animals with their own eyes? In theory, some representatives of fossil species could survive until the beginning of the Stone Age. After all, they were warm-blooded animals and knew how to adapt. But the likelihood of such a phenomenon can be equated with a miracle. Another miracle can be considered that our ancestors preserved the memory of these animals in the form of drawings - and were able to convey it to us.

There are many facts that do not fit not only into the picture of the events of the last 40-50 thousand years, but even within the limits of simple human logic.

Rostov miners in a coal seam at a depth of 300 meters discovered a petrified ... wheel from a cart. There is no doubt about the reliability of these images. However, how is this possible - after all, the coal seam was formed ... 250,000,000 years ago ?! .. Once again: two hundred and fifty million years ago ...

In the geological strata of the earth, formed millions and even billions of years ago, they find a variety of objects that seem to have a modern technogenic origin. These are also stone tools in California. And an iron pot in Oklahoma. And strange steel balls in Africa. And even - which is absolutely incredible - the petrified parts of watch mechanisms in Kamchatka.

Some of these dizzying finds can be explained by the theory of the abiogenic (chemical) origin of coal. It is believed that coal and oil were not formed millions of years ago, but arise constantly even today. Therefore, man-made objects accidentally trapped in the seams of the earth may eventually end up in the seams of coal. But clock mechanisms in stone layers, which are millions of years old, could find themselves only as a result of the colonization of planet Earth from space. Well, or it can be assumed that modern Swiss watchmakers invented a time machine - and moved their production to the Paleozoic era. Of course, many finds like these are the fruit of scientific falsification or misinterpretation. But there are facts and absolutely indisputable.

Today, so many reliable discoveries have accumulated around the world that refute the traditional version of history, that in order to explain them, it is necessary to create a new system of historical concepts. Which would include the data of all reliable sources about the events of the past and interpret them logically. Of course, only a large team of scientists can do this work, observing all the requirements of the scientific school. State-funded research institutes and departments of the history of large universities should work on this.

But, unfortunately, today fundamental science has withdrawn from the solution of this problem. Academicians and doctors, university professors and authors of history textbooks continue to insist on the infallibility of the existing version of history and stubbornly refuse to notice the latest discoveries. Any facts that do not fit into their picture of the past, they declare to be false or simply do not notice. A paradoxical situation arose: the facts refuting the theory are officially recognized by the scientific world, but the theory itself does not change. And this has been going on for decades.

Meanwhile, the need to explain the discoveries made and to give society a new, consistent picture of the past is long overdue. Therefore, individual researchers around the world, without waiting for official science, began to create their own versions of the origin of life on planet Earth. One of them was the writer-historian, traveler and anthropologist Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov. Summarizing information from a variety of sources - from scientific monographs of Soviet scientists to the legends of Evenk shamans - he composes his own picture of the history of mankind. As an impressionist artist, he works with large strokes, painting epochs and millennia. But sometimes his research gaze picks out very subtle details of the historical and cultural process.

The peculiarity of Georgy Sidorov as a researcher is that he does not belong to the class of armchair scientists, but conducts an independent search for evidence of the past. He made many discoveries that science is not yet able to master. These include the recorded legends of the shamans of the northern peoples, telling about the times of a great catastrophe and the subsequent restoration of the world. And the decoding of historical information on Slavic embroidery and wood carving. And numerous archaeological finds in Siberia, the Far East, the Russian North and even Germany. To some, his historical and ideological constructions may seem too fantastic. But let's remember that the statements that the Earth is a ball, to someone, once also seemed too fantastic.

Like any researcher who walks his own path and thinks independently, he is not immune from mistakes and delusions. Actually, he himself always advises to check the information provided to him and its interpretation. One thing is certain: the work done by Georgy Sidorov and other independent researchers around the world is a major breakthrough in understanding who we really are.

Hundreds of thousands of people in different countries of the world appreciated the work of Georgy Sidorov. His books are sold in large editions, which well-known journalists and even politicians cannot always boast of. His video performances on the Internet are always popular. And people from the most remote corners of Russia and even Europe come to meet with him. Today it is no longer possible to simply dismiss the numerous facts testifying to a completely different course of historical processes on planet Earth than previously thought. But information about them continues to be strenuously hushed up and hidden.

In order for the facts refuting the existing version of history to become the property of all people living on our planet, an electronic catalog of unique historical and archaeological discoveries “Property of the Planet” has been created on the Internet.

If you want to learn more about alternative versions of human history, get acquainted with artifacts testifying to the events of the distant past, or want to take part in the search and study of unique historical monuments, join our project! Go to the site Dostoyanieplanety.RF, register and start exploring!

As the Russian politician Pyotr Stolypin said, "A people that does not have a national identity is dung on which other peoples grow." The same can be said for humanity as a whole. If we do not have genuine knowledge of ourselves, we will be endlessly manipulated into the state of animals. Therefore, the establishment of the truth about our origin, the awakening of historical memory in all inhabitants of the planet Earth is a vital need for all of us. After all, you and I, too, are PROPERTY OF THE PLANET!

Sidorov in Germany, 2013 Part 1 - The True History of Humanity

For the first 20 minutes of the meeting, see the original:

Part 2 Rugen, Arkona:

Georgy Sidorov. The Unknown History of Humanity Part 1

The most striking facts that refute the traditional version of the history of planet Earth

When did dinosaurs actually die out? Was the territory of present-day Russia inhabited during the "Ice Age"? How many ancient civilizations existed on planet Earth and what was the level of their technological development? Is it true that the gigantic expanses of the north of the Russian Plain, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East remained uninhabited right up to modern times? What traces of ancient civilizations have been found on the territory of present-day Russia? Why do facts say one thing and scientists say something else? How many more irrefutable proofs of the existence of the most ancient highly developed civilizations have been found in the world? This film contains only some of the most striking facts that contradict the official history that dominates the scientific world today. Famous Russian scientists, writers and travelers Andrei Burovsky, Georgy Sidorov and Vitaly Sundakov will share their thoughts on what the history of mankind really was.

Every inhabitant of the Earth who is fortunate enough to study at school receives approximately the same set of ideas about the past of our planet and its inhabitants. It is believed that life began here about 3 billion years ago. It developed, became more complicated - and 2.5 million years ago, somewhere in Africa, the first man appeared who walked firmly on two legs, and took a club in his hands for protection (still uncertain).

For 2 million years he lived in trees and in remote mountain caves. He was engaged in collecting - looking for edible berries, nuts, fruits of angiosperms. He caught sea and river mollusks in shallow waters, chopped them and ate them raw. He picked up fresh carrion - the remains of someone else's prey.

Later, about 300 thousand years ago, he mastered the technology of joint hunting with the use of the simplest weapon. Lacking sharp fangs and claws, our distant ancestor began to use angular pieces of rock. And over time, he even learned how to make stone axes and spears from them. Primitive people gathered in hunting brigades - and together they hunted large and small animals. Then they divided the prey and lived in small tribes, defending themselves from wild animals and hostile tribes. This is how human society finally appeared. Gradually, the number of primitive people increased so much that they began to disperse throughout the planet, populating Europe, Asia, both America and Australia. A familiar picture, isn't it? ..

Moreover, when we say "Europe", in this case we mean only the southern part of Western Europe. And the entire North of the Eurasian continent at that time, according to scientists, was occupied by a multi-kilometer glacier that melted only 15-10 thousand years ago.

And here we are faced with the first serious contradiction. In the second half of the twentieth century, several high-profile archaeological discoveries were made on the territory of Russia, which cast doubt on the theory of glaciation. While digging a pit in the Vladimir region, builders accidentally discovered the burial of ancient people. Later, it will turn out to be the world famous Sungir archaeological monument, whose age, according to some estimates, reaches 28,000 years. The ancient people who lived in Sungiri were no different from us, their distant descendants. They were tall (up to 187 cm), white skin and the same brain volume as ours. They had a developed civilization with a high level of technology for that time. They knew how to straighten the mammoth bone and sew fashionable sheepskin coats for themselves, decorating them with rhinestones (multi-colored bone beads). Agree, this is rather strange for primitive people who recently descended from the trees.

Another find amazed the scientific world even more. In Western Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the city of Achinsk, on lands that have always been considered "not historical", the Soviet archaeologist Vitaly Larichev discovered a strange object that looks like a wand with a spiral pattern. Upon close examination, this pattern, consisting of 1065 small icons, turned out to be a lunisolar calendar for several years. Something like a modern souvenir calendar, which we put on our table. Only immediately for 3-4 years. The nature of the calendar gave reason to assert that its compilers had serious knowledge of regional astronomy and could predict lunar and solar eclipses. This find was dubbed the "Achinsk rod". Its age is about 18,000 years. This is the oldest calendar on earth. And, moreover, quite accurate.

As you probably know, Siberia has a very harsh climate even today, when there is no glacier on the Eurasian continent. The thermometer in winter drops to minus 50 degrees. What should have been there when the multi-kilometer freezer of the Wurm glacier lay literally several hundred kilometers away, and the entire territory was covered with permafrost? .. Is civilized life and ... fundamental science possible in such harsh conditions? .. In the same Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Denisova cave, the remains of a girl who lived 75 thousand years ago were found. Now the term “Denisov's man” has appeared in science. Archaeologists suggest that already starting from the period of 40,000 BC, the "Denisovan man" inhabited the vast territories of Western Siberia. Let us remind once again that modern historians consider Siberia to be “an unhistorical land”, there allegedly never were any centers of civilization. All foci are usually found only in the Middle East and Western Europe. But here's the bad luck - it turns out that Siberian archaeological finds are several times older than their counterparts in other parts of the world. It turns out that people in Siberia have lived since time immemorial. At the same time, could they not create culture, science and at least the simplest statehood? ..

And the find made beyond the Arctic Circle, in Yakutia, at the mouth of the Borelyokh River, does not at all fit into the theory of glaciation. A parking lot of primitive people was discovered there, which - ATTENTION! - have tamed mammoths! Yes, yes, mammoths were tamed and used as pets. As you can imagine, mammoths are very large animals, more elephants and much larger than cows. They need to eat a lot in order not to lose weight. Therefore, they simply cannot live in permafrost territories. They need meadows overgrown with lush grass and shrubs ... What conclusion can be drawn from this? Only one: in ancient times, the north of Siberia had a quite mild climate. A generous sun was shining there, warm winds blew and vegetation raged.

By the way, the habitation of mammoths in the current Arctic Circle has long been no longer a secret for both scientists and ordinary residents of these latitudes - northern peoples, as well as Russian scientists, researchers and workers. The fact is that in the north of Russia, in the permafrost, mammoth tusks have always been found and are found today in quantities close to industrial ones.

Of these, the northern peoples from ancient times made household items (for example, bone knives and spearheads), as well as works of art. In the historical museums of almost every major Russian city, numerous skeletons and even mummies of mammoths are exhibited.

And in the permafrost zone, hunters and reindeer herders to this day sometimes find frozen mammoth meat. For lack of better use, these common people feed them to dogs.

What do we see? Where, in the opinion of scientists, a giant glacier lay and complete solitude reigned, it turns out that quite civilized people lived quite successfully. They were engaged in agriculture, raised livestock, developed their culture and science ... And all this - according to the official data of archeology. It turns out that the school version of history in this matter is wrong? ..

And this is just a part of the discoveries made in Russia. In other countries and on other continents, no less finds have been done that completely refute the traditional version of history, and their clarity is sometimes simply amazing. An expedition of Russian researchers led by Andrei Sklyarov discovered in Peru and Bolivia on the ruins of ancient cities traces of a civilization that already 10,000 years ago possessed construction technologies that are still very far from modern engineering.

Most of all, today's scientists are struck by the phenomenon of the so-called polygonal masonry. When large stone blocks are not standardized in size, but ideally fit to each other according to the peculiarities of their shape, including the smallest bumps and slopes. Thanks to this fit, the blocks fit one on top of the other like jigsaw puzzles and adhere perfectly without any mortar.

By the way, the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau are laid in the same way. Researchers are finding something similar in Russia. What is an example of the recent discovery in Gornaya Shoria made by the expedition of Georgy Sidorov. Trying to imagine with what tools it was possible to lay the stones in this way, Russian researchers put forward several hypotheses, each of which assumes the highest level of technical progress. Another hypothesis suggests a currently unknown method of chemical or thermal softening of a stone to the state of plasticine. This proposed technology was conventionally called "plasticine".

The members of the expedition of Andrei Sklyarov traveled all over the world and in many places on the most ancient buildings, whose age was hidden by the mist of millennia, found traces of high-tech machining. Including traces of circular saws and grinding on a lathe. Here is an example from Lebanon, from the ruins of the ancient city of Baalbek. Recently, scientists around the world more and more often think that the time has come to revise our ideas about the development of human civilization.

In Mexico, in the local history museum of the city of Ikka, there is a huge collection of stones on which scenes from the life of ancient people who were adjacent to dinosaurs are engraved. They were collected in the middle of the 20th century by a local Spanish surgeon and aristocrat Javier Cobrero. One and a half thousand of the most complex drawings are applied to chunks of granite rolled in water. It is difficult to make such things even with the help of modern devices. And in the collection of Dr. Cobrero there are more than one and a half thousand such stones. The most amazing thing is that some of the stones depict ancient animals, known only to specialists. How could the Indians, not familiar with paleontology, know the structural features of extinct animals? ..

Researchers suggest that the Ikki stones are a kind of library that is designed to store a variety of knowledge and convey it to descendants. Therefore, the collection of Dr. Cobrero is called the litotheque. In addition to dinosaurs, the stones depict scenes of medical procedures, including such complex ones as abdominal surgeries and craniotomy. Even the devices for deep anesthesia and the anesthesiologist are visible! Other stones depict astronomy and even stylized flying machines.

The scientific world preferred to dismiss these finds, calling them crafts of local Indians for sale to tourists. Souvenirs, in general. But tell me, who is capable of applying complex designs to hard granite? Do thousands of such items in the same style? To depict with scientific accuracy animals that became extinct many millions of years ago, and even not everything is described in modern textbooks? To convey complex processes with the help of drawings, even abdominal and craniocerebral operations? And all this in order to try to sell to tourists at a low price (Ikki stones have never been in price)? .. Agree, the combination of these factors completely excludes any handicraft.

In another part of Mexico, in the middle of the twentieth century, countless ceramic figurines were found depicting dinosaurs in every possible detail. The local white aristocrat Waldemar Dzhulsrud hired simple peasants with his own money, and they dug these figures out of the ground for him with simple picks and shovels for 7 years. Naturally, with this method of excavation, most of the figurines were simply broken. And Dzhulsrud paid the peasants only for the whole figurines. How many artifacts died in this case, we can only guess. But there were so many survivors that the aristocrat had to spend all his fortune on them.

And just like the stones of Dr. Cabrero's litothek, the figurines of Valdemar Julsrud show us dinosaurs peacefully coexisting with humans. This statuette depicts a woman with a small dinosaur cub in her arms. Laboratory studies have shown that the age of the figures from the collection of Dzhulsrud is from 3 to 6.5 thousand years. Suppose that six thousand years ago people no longer saw dinosaurs, but molded them from clay according to the existing ancient tradition, passed down from previous generations. But even in this case, the tradition could hold out for one - maximum two millennia. After that, its meaning would be lost and the general stylistics of the figures would inevitably change. However, we have before us anatomically detailed images of ancient dinosaurs. It is difficult to get rid of the thought that they were sculpted from nature. Moreover, small children did it at their leisure in kindergarten. It turns out that either dinosaurs did not become extinct 65 million years ago, or ... it's even scary to assume ... or people of the modern type have been living on Earth for many millions of years.

An ordinary firebird, you say? But a professional paleontologist quickly recognizes in this drawing a stylized image of fororakus - an ancient giant bird of prey that lived on Earth in the Miocene epoch, that is, about 20 million years ago. Several features indicate that this is not an ordinary pigeon or capercaillie. First, ostrich legs are too long for our fauna. Secondly, for comparison, the embroidery shows other feathered creatures, much smaller in size. Thirdly, for comparison, a man is also depicted next to the birds, who barely reaches the chest of giant birds (as it actually was - fororakus reached a height of 2.5 meters). By the way, pay attention to the strange image of a human head. Doesn't it remind you of a spacesuit? ..

And here are the drawings from other Slavic tablecloths, towels and scarves.

In general, according to anthropologist Georgy Sidorov, you can often see extinct animals and disappeared plants on Slavic embroideries, dishes and patterns of carved wooden platbands. Similar patterns are found in the ornaments of other peoples. Our consciousness refuses to accept this fact, so we interpret all these lizards, dragons and zarbirds as fabulous creatures, the fruit of folk fantasy. But what if we're wrong? ..

Could our distant ancestors see all these animals with their own eyes? In theory, some representatives of fossil species could survive until the beginning of the Stone Age. After all, they were warm-blooded animals and knew how to adapt. But the likelihood of such a phenomenon can be equated with a miracle. Another miracle can be considered that our ancestors preserved the memory of these animals in the form of drawings - and were able to convey it to us.

There are many facts that do not fit not only into the picture of the events of the last 40-50 thousand years, but even within the limits of simple human logic.

Rostov miners in a coal seam at a depth of 300 meters discovered a petrified ... wheel from a cart. There is no doubt about the reliability of these images. However, how is this possible - after all, the coal seam was formed ... 250,000,000 years ago ?! .. Once again: two hundred and fifty million years ago ...

In the geological strata of the earth, formed millions and even billions of years ago, they find a variety of objects that seem to have a modern technogenic origin. These are also stone tools in California. And an iron pot in Oklahoma. And strange steel balls in Africa. And even - which is absolutely incredible - the petrified parts of watch mechanisms in Kamchatka.

Some of these dizzying finds can be explained by the theory of the abiogenic (chemical) origin of coal. It is believed that coal and oil were not formed millions of years ago, but arise constantly even today. Therefore, man-made objects accidentally trapped in the seams of the earth may eventually end up in the seams of coal. But clock mechanisms in stone layers, which are millions of years old, could find themselves only as a result of the colonization of planet Earth from space. Well, or it can be assumed that modern Swiss watchmakers invented a time machine - and moved their production to the Paleozoic era. Of course, many finds like these are the fruit of scientific falsification or misinterpretation. But there are facts and absolutely indisputable.

Today, so many reliable discoveries have accumulated around the world that refute the traditional version of history, that in order to explain them, it is necessary to create a new system of historical concepts. Which would include the data of all reliable sources about the events of the past and interpret them logically. Of course, only a large team of scientists can do this work, observing all the requirements of the scientific school. State-funded research institutes and departments of the history of large universities should work on this.

But, unfortunately, today fundamental science has withdrawn from the solution of this problem. Academicians and doctors, university professors and authors of history textbooks continue to insist on the infallibility of the existing version of history and stubbornly refuse to notice the latest discoveries. Any facts that do not fit into their picture of the past, they declare to be false or simply do not notice. A paradoxical situation arose: the facts refuting the theory are officially recognized by the scientific world, but the theory itself does not change. And this has been going on for decades.

Meanwhile, the need to explain the discoveries made and to give society a new, consistent picture of the past is long overdue. Therefore, individual researchers around the world, without waiting for official science, began to create their own versions of the origin of life on planet Earth. One of them was the writer-historian, traveler and anthropologist Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov. Summarizing information from a variety of sources - from scientific monographs of Soviet scientists to the legends of Evenk shamans - he composes his own picture of the history of mankind. As an impressionist artist, he works with large strokes, painting epochs and millennia. But sometimes his research gaze picks out very subtle details of the historical and cultural process.

The peculiarity of Georgy Sidorov as a researcher is that he does not belong to the class of armchair scientists, but conducts an independent search for evidence of the past. He made many discoveries that science is not yet able to master. These include the recorded legends of the shamans of the northern peoples, telling about the times of a great catastrophe and the subsequent restoration of the world. And the decoding of historical information on Slavic embroidery and wood carving. And numerous archaeological finds in Siberia, the Far East, the Russian North and even Germany. To some, his historical and ideological constructions may seem too fantastic. But let's remember that the statements that the Earth is a ball, to someone, once also seemed too fantastic.

Like any researcher who walks his own path and thinks independently, he is not immune from mistakes and delusions. Actually, he himself always advises to check the information provided to him and its interpretation. One thing is certain: the work done by Georgy Sidorov and other independent researchers around the world is a major breakthrough in understanding who we really are.

Hundreds of thousands of people in different countries of the world appreciated the work of Georgy Sidorov. His books are sold in large editions, which well-known journalists and even politicians cannot always boast of. His video performances on the Internet are always popular. And people from the most remote corners of Russia and even Europe come to meet with him. Today it is no longer possible to simply dismiss the numerous facts testifying to a completely different course of historical processes on planet Earth than previously thought. But information about them continues to be strenuously hushed up and hidden.

In order for the facts refuting the existing version of history to become the property of all people living on our planet, an electronic catalog of unique historical and archaeological discoveries “Property of the Planet” has been created on the Internet.

If you want to learn more about alternative versions of human history, get acquainted with artifacts testifying to the events of the distant past, or want to take part in the search and study of unique historical monuments, join our project! Go to the site Dostoyanieplanety.RF, register and start exploring!

As the Russian politician Pyotr Stolypin said, "A people that does not have a national identity is dung on which other peoples grow." The same can be said for humanity as a whole. If we do not have genuine knowledge of ourselves, we will be endlessly manipulated into the state of animals. Therefore, the establishment of the truth about our origin, the awakening of historical memory in all inhabitants of the planet Earth is a vital need for all of us. After all, you and I, too, are PROPERTY OF THE PLANET!