Order on conducting preventive medical examinations of children. New procedure for medical examinations of minors. Health system "seven d" according to ivanov

From January 1, 2018, a new Procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of minors comes into force, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 514n dated August 10, 2017 (until December 31, 2017, the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1346n is in effect)

How does the new Order differ from Order No. 1346n?

1. In the new Procedure, the List of examinations during preventive medical examinations of minors has been significantly reduced (Appendix No. 1 to Procedure No. 514n).
Excluded from the list are studies of blood glucose and blood hormones (for all ages). Also, for many age groups, studies such as a general blood test and a general urine test were excluded (for example, for children 3, 6 and 9 months, 1 year and 6 months, 2 years, 4 years, 5, 8 and 9 years, etc. .).
What are the changes in the examinations of specialists by age:
The preventive examination of the neurologist was canceled at three and six months. From January 1, it will be held in only one month and 12 months.
At 3 months. - only an orthopedist and that's it, up to a year - no specialists, only a pediatrician.
The introduction for children of 1 month of age to be examined by a dentist seems strange. And in general, since the age of two, now every year (!) Is a dentist.
An extended examination of specialists in front of the school will now be at the age of 6 (previously it was at the age of 7).
For children 11-14 years old, all studies were completely excluded and only some examinations of specialist doctors were left: at 11 and 12 years old - only a dentist, at 13 years old - an ophthalmologist and ... a dentist :)

2. Now "Informed voluntary consent" will be taken from parents in advance (no later than 5 working days before the start of the prophylactic examination), that is, now it is not necessary for the parent to personally accompany the child, this can be done, for example, by the grandmother.

3. In the new Order No. 514n, there are no lists of preliminary and periodic medical examinations. Everything
medical examinations of minors will be carried out in the same manner as preventive.
Let me explain that: Preliminary examinations are examinations upon admission to educational institutions; Periodic examinations are examinations during the period of study in educational institutions.
This means that medical examinations that were previously necessary for admission and training in educational organizations will no longer be carried out (!) That is, it is not required to undergo a medical examination before entering a kindergarten, school, secondary school, university. It is enough to present the previous annual inspection.

How do you like it?
My opinion is that we are going by leaps and bounds to paid medicine. Although they write that there will be no glucose in 2018, it has been permanently absent in our peninsula for six months already.
In general, I rarely went there without illnesses even up to a year, but the absence (almost complete) of a neurologist and a dentist in 1 month is ahem, strange.

In 2018, order 514n of the Ministry of Health of Russia came into force, which changed the procedure for medical examination of the child population. This document explains in detail how often and with the participation of which specialists a medical examination of an infant, a kindergarten student and a schoolchild is carried out.

Let us tell you more about the rules for organizing preventive examinations of children in 2018.

About order 514n

Order of the Ministry of Health 514n dated 08/10/2017 "On the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of minors" has adjusted the rules for organizing measures to detect and prevent diseases in children and clarified the age periods for examinations. Professional examinations are carried out in order to:

  • to identify pathologies and risk factors at the initial stage;
  • find out if the teenager is using drugs;
  • define health groups.

Five annexes of the document approved:

  • rules for organizing medical examinations (Appendix 1);
  • medical examination card of a minor (form No. 30-PO / y-17) and the procedure for filling it out (Appendices 2 and 3);
  • reporting form №030-PO / o-17 and terms for providing information on the activities carried out (Appendices 4 and 5).

About changes

This regulatory act of the Ministry of Health - order 514n of 08/10/2017 on preventive examinations is mandatory from January 1, 2018, from this date, the previous department directive under the number 1346n of 12/21/2012 became invalid.

The order from 2017 changed the rules of children's medical examination. The following innovations have been introduced:

  • abolished preliminary and periodic examinations, they were replaced by preventive;
  • the list of studies has been corrected;
  • the first stage (main) of medical examinations was extended 2 times - up to 20 days;
  • consent to analyzes and other studies is drawn up in advance, the deadline is 5 days before the first day of the procedures;
  • the examination of a child at the age of 1 year 9 months and 2.5 years was canceled;
  • the procedure before enrolling in educational institutions has been simplified, now the results of the professional examination are enough;
  • the card with the medical conclusions is filled in one copy (according to the previous rules, two were required).

Frequency of medical examinations

Order 514n on the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations lists laboratory and other tests that are required to undergo medical supervision. How often a child is examined at a certain year of life, and which specialists are involved in it, explains Appendix 1:

  • every month - from the birth of a child to one year. The standard of medical examination of infants requires constant supervision by a pediatrician. An expanded team of doctors examines the child one month after birth (including ultrasound of internal organs) and at the age of one year (ECG, blood and urine sampling);
  • once every three months - from 12 months to one and a half years, an examination is carried out by a pediatrician;
  • once a year - from 2 to 17 years old. The patient is annually monitored by a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist, and when a schoolchild turns 14, a teenage psychiatrist is also monitored. A full examination of the body with examination by doctors of various specialties is carried out at the age of 6 and 15 years. At the age of 7, 10 and 16, a clinical analysis of blood and urine is prescribed, at 17, in addition to these studies, an ECG.

Health groups

Based on the results of a comprehensive assessment of the state of the body, a minor is included in one of the health groups (there are five of them in total). According to what indications the division is made, the following appendix explains - No. 2:

  • the first group includes healthy children;
  • to the second - prone to colds, overweight or underweight with normal growth. Order 514n of 08/10/2017 refers to this group and minors with physical disabilities, if at the same time the functions of the body are preserved;
  • to the third - with chronic diseases with mild symptoms;
  • to the fourth - children who require supportive therapy, as well as with chronic diseases in the active stage or with periodic exacerbations;
  • to the fifth - with severe chronic diseases, frequent relapses.

Physical education groups

Appendix 3 names the selection criteria for children in one of three groups for physical education: basic, preparatory and special (includes two subgroups - A and B). The purpose of the distinction is to select a feasible physical activity.

So, included in the main - healthy children and their peers with minor health problems - undergo physical training according to the full curriculum.

The preparatory group is gradually mastering the program:

  • physically weak children;
  • predisposed to certain pathologies;
  • with chronic diseases without exacerbations for a long time - at least 3-5 years.

When drawing up a lesson plan with a preparatory group, the teacher should exclude contraindicated movements from the set of exercises. Weakened children are allowed to pass standards and participate in mass recreational activities only after an additional medical examination. A ban is imposed on participation in competitions.

Permitted activities for special groups:

  • for subgroup A (with congenital malformations, a state of the body that requires restriction of loads), health-improving physical education is recommended according to special programs;
  • for subgroup B (with chronic diseases at a stage at which there is a risk of complications) - physiotherapy exercises in a medical facility and independent exercise at home.

The conclusions of the doctors are entered into the medical examination card. Samples of this document, forms of medical reports and reporting forms are given in the normative act of the Ministry of Health. They must be filled in legibly, without corrections, order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 514n of 08/10/2017 requires).

On January 1, 2018, a new order "On conducting preventive medical examinations of minors" No. 514n dated August 10, 2017 came into force. It replaced the 2012 order, in which a list of doctors and additional research was prescribed for each age of the child, which should be done to the child free of charge. Today we compare tables with these data from two orders and pay attention to the differences and innovations between them.

The first examination of a newborn is a traditional examination of the baby by a pediatrician. Important: screenings are "timed" to this examination: neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome, cystic fibrosis and galactosemia, as well as audiological screening. All of these screenings are usually done for the baby in the hospital. If they were not done in the hospital, then neonatal screening for five hereditary syndromes should be done within 1 month of the baby's life, audiological - in the first three months.

V 1 month a child should be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, ophthalmologist earlier. Now an examination by a pediatric dentist has been added to this list. The list of studies remained unchanged, it includes ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, heart, hip joints and neurosonography.

V 2 months the baby is examined by a pediatrician (this has not changed). Now, at this age, the clinic will still do a general blood and urine test - these are innovations in 2018.

V 3 months now there is no compulsory consultation of a neurologist (but there are still a pediatrician and a traumatologist-orthopedist). A general analysis of blood and urine is also excluded - they were transferred to the second month of the child's life.

V 4 and 5 months both according to the old and new standards, the baby is examined without fail only by a pediatrician.

Now the pediatrician will be the only one to examine children also in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months... Consultations with a pediatric surgeon and neurologist at 6 months, general blood and urine tests at 6 and 9 months from this year are excluded as mandatory.

V 1 year Before, children were examined by a whole team of specialists: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric surgeon, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist. Since this year, consultations of a dentist, ophthalmologist and psychiatrist are not necessary for a year, but an orthopedic traumatologist has been added to the mandatory list of doctors. The list of studies includes general blood and urine tests, ECG. A glucose test has been excluded as mandatory since 2018.

V 1 year 3 months examination only by a pediatrician is required (nothing has changed here).

V 1 year 6 months- also the baby is examined only by a pediatrician, a general analysis of blood and urine has become unnecessary.

V 1 year 9 months from 2018, children with a preventive purpose will not undergo examinations at all.

V 2 years the list of examinations includes: pediatrician, pediatric dentist and child psychiatrist. Also, the child takes a general analysis of blood and urine.

V 2 years 6 months medical examinations have now also been canceled.

V 3 years children are again examined by a team of doctors: pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, pediatric dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, urologist or gynecologist. Examination by a child psychiatrist at this age is now excluded. Among the studies: general blood and urine tests remained, but glucose level studies are no longer on the mandatory list.

V 4 years before children were examined by a pediatrician and a surgeon, now the surgeon was replaced by a pediatric dentist and general blood and urine tests were excluded.

V 5 years the child will also be examined only by a pediatrician and pediatric dentist, and he will not take any tests.

V 6 years- future schoolchildren will be examined by a huge team of specialists: pediatrician, neurologist, surgeon, dentist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, psychiatrist, gynecologist or urologist. Half of these specialists are a 2018 innovation. To those studies that 6-year-olds took before (general blood and urine tests), almost the entire spectrum of ultrasound was added: abdominal organs, kidneys and heart. An ECG was also added, and the study of glucose levels, on the contrary, was excluded from this year.

V 7 years on the contrary, the number of specialists has decreased. Now children will be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, dentist, ophthalmologist and ENT doctor. Among the studies: a general analysis of blood and urine remained, all ultrasound and ECG will be done a year earlier.

V 8 and 9 years old professional examination now includes only a consultation with a pediatrician and pediatric dentist. There will no longer be any other examinations and consultations at this age.

V 10 years the child will be examined by: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric dentist, an endocrinologist, an orthopedic traumatologist and an ophthalmologist. Consultations of an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist are "gone", as are the ECG and the study of blood glucose levels. Only a general analysis of blood and urine remained.

V 11 and 12 years old only a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist are waiting for children for a prophylactic examination. All analyzes were also excluded from the prophylactic examination at this age.

V 13 years before children were examined only by pediatricians. Now consultations of pediatric dentists and ophthalmologists have been added to them. All analyzes, on the other hand, were excluded.

V 14 years old earlier, the medical team included 8 specialists during the prophylactic examination. Now there are 4 of them left: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist, a urologist or gynecologist, and a teenage psychiatrist. All analyzes and studies, including ultrasound, have now been canceled at 14 years of age.

V 15, 16 and 17 years old children will be examined by a full list of specialists, which has practically not changed compared to previous years. This is a pediatrician, surgeon, dentist, urologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor and adolescent psychiatrist. Only the number of studies has changed. At the age of 15: general blood and urine tests, as well as EC, to which ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys was added. At the age of 16: only general blood and urine tests remained, at the age of 17 - the same plus an ECG without a study of the glucose level, which was done before.

Summing up the material, we noted that now the prophylactic examinations of children have turned out to be even more "concentrated" in certain years, much more attention will be paid to dental problems in the development of babies, and children will take tests less often for preventive purposes.

The creation of the necessary conditions for the protection and strengthening of the health of students is one of the activities of educational organizations. In turn, health protection includes the passage of students in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of periodic medical examinations. However, minors may also be subject to other types of examinations. Let's consider the order of carrying out each of them.

Types of medical examinations of minors

The legislation on health care establishes the obligation to conduct preliminary medical examinations of minors entering educational organizations, as well as periodic medical examinations of students. This requirement is contained in clauses 2, 3, part 2 of Art. 46 of the Federal Law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 28.12.2013; hereinafter - Federal Law No. 323-FZ).

Medical checkup is a complex of medical interventions aimed at identifying pathological conditions, diseases and risk factors for their development (part 1 of article 46 of the Federal Law No. 323-FZ). A prerequisite for medical intervention is the giving of informed voluntary consent of a minor or his legal representative to medical intervention in compliance with the requirements established by Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ. The procedure for giving informed voluntary consent to medical intervention and refusal of medical intervention in relation to certain types of medical interventions, the form of informed voluntary consent to medical intervention and the form of refusal to medical intervention were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 20.12.2012 No. 1177n.

For your information

In accordance with Art. 26, 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 64 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the legal representatives of minors are parents, adoptive parents, guardians (trustees).

The procedure for minors to undergo medical examinations, including upon admission to educational institutions and during the period of study in them(hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 21, 2012 No. 1346n. The document is valid from 06/05/2013. Clause 1 of the Procedure provides for the following types of medical examinations of minors :

  • preventive;
  • preliminary for admission to educational institutions;
  • periodic during the period of study in educational institutions.

Preventive medical examinations of minors are carried out at established age periods in order to early (timely) identify pathological conditions, diseases and risk factors for their development, as well as in order to form groups of health status and develop recommendations for minors (clause 3 of the Procedure).

Preliminary medical examinations of minors are carried out upon admission to educational institutions in order to determine the student's compliance with the educational requirements (clause 4 of the Procedure).

Periodic medical examinations of minors are carried out in order to dynamically monitor the state of health of students, to timely identify the initial forms of diseases, early signs of the impact of harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the educational process on their health and to identify medical contraindications to continuing their studies (clause 5 of the Procedure). Periodic inspection is carried out at intervals established by law.

It is important! All types of examinations of minors can only be carried out by medical organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, providing primary health care to minors and licensed to carry out medical activities.

The procedure for conducting preventive examinations

As a general rule, the license of medical organizations in which preventive examinations can be carried out must provide for the performance of work (provision of services):

  • preventive medical examinations;
  • pediatrics or general medical practice (family medicine);
  • neurology;
  • ophthalmology;
  • traumatology and orthopedics;
  • pediatric surgery;
  • psychiatry;
  • pediatric dentistry or dentistry;
  • pediatric urology-andrology or urology;
  • pediatric endocrinology or endocrinology;
  • otorhinolaryngology or otorhinolaryngology (excluding cochlear implantation);
  • obstetrics and gynecology or obstetrics and gynecology (excluding the use of assisted reproductive technologies);
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • clinical laboratory diagnostics;
  • functional diagnostics;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • radiology.

A prerequisite for conducting preventive examinations of minors is that a medical organization has a license to carry out medical activities, which provides for the performance of work (provision of services) for preventive medical examinations, pediatrics or general medical practice (family medicine). However, a medical organization may not be licensed for certain types of medical activities from the list listed above. In this case, she attracts specialists from other medical organizations who are licensed to perform the required work (services). For this, appropriate agreements are concluded between medical organizations.

In addition, clause 11 of the Procedure provides the possibility of interchangeability of medical specialists conducting preventive examinations. For example, if a medical organization does not have a pediatric urologist-andrologist, then a urologist or a pediatric surgeon who has been trained in additional professional education programs in terms of the features of urological diseases in children is involved in the preventive examination. At the same time, a medical organization must have a license to carry out medical activities, providing for the performance of work (provision of services) in urology or pediatric surgery, respectively.

In the absence of a pediatric dentist in a medical organization, a dentist who has completed training in additional professional education programs in terms of the characteristics of dental diseases in children is involved in a preventive examination. At the same time, a medical organization must have a license to carry out medical activities, providing for the performance of work (provision of services) in dentistry.

If the medical organization does not have the services of a pediatric endocrinologist, then an endocrinologist who has completed training in additional professional education programs in terms of the characteristics of endocrinological diseases in children is involved in the preventive examination, provided that the medical organization has a license to carry out medical activities, providing for the implementation of works (provision of services) in endocrinology.

In the absence of a child psychiatrist (adolescent psychiatrist) in a medical organization, a psychiatrist who has completed training in additional professional education programs in terms of the characteristics of mental disorders and behavioral disorders in children is involved in a preventive examination. In this case, the medical organization must have a license to carry out medical activities, providing for the performance of work (provision of services) in psychiatry.

It is important! The list of studies carried out during preventive examinations depends on the age of the minor.

Information about the passage of a preventive examination is entered in medical records of a minor(developmental history of the child). It should contain the following information:

1) history data:

- about previous diseases (conditions), the presence of functional disorders, chronic diseases, disability;

- on the results of dispensary observation (if any) indicating the diagnosis of the disease (condition), including the code according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD);

2) data obtained during a preventive examination:

- objective data and results of examinations by specialist doctors;

- results of laboratory, instrumental and other studies;

- the results of additional consultations and studies not included in the list of studies during preventive examinations and assigned during the preventive examination;

- the diagnosis of a disease (condition) identified (established) during a routine examination, indicating the ICD code, was it detected for the first time or not;

3) assessment of physical development;

4) minor health status group;

- on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, daily regimen, nutrition, physical development, immunoprophylaxis, physical education;

- on the need to establish or continue dispensary observation, including the diagnosis of the disease (condition) and the ICD code, for treatment, medical rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment, indicating the type of medical organization (sanatorium organization) and the specialty (position) of the doctor.

Such requirements for the preparation of medical documentation are contained in clause 21 of the Procedure. In addition, according to the results of a preventive examination in a medical organization, registration form No. 030-PO / y-12 "Card for preventive medical examination of a minor" is filled out, given in Appendix 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1346n dated December 21, 2012.

The procedure for conducting preliminary examinations

A prerequisite for preliminary examinations of minors is that a medical organization has a license to carry out medical activities, which provides for the performance of work (provision of services) for medical examinations (preliminary, periodic), pediatrics or general medical practice (family medicine). Other types of work (services) are similar to those provided for by the license required for conducting preventive examinations. However, for certain types of medical activities from among them, a medical organization may not have a license. In this case, she attracts specialists from other medical organizations who are licensed to carry out medical activities in terms of performing the required work (services). Cooperation between medical organizations is carried out on the basis of relevant agreements.

It is important! According to clause 29 of the Procedure, when conducting preliminary examinations, the interchangeability of medical specialists is also possible.

To pass a preliminary examination upon admission to an educational institution, a minor (his legal representative) must write statement addressed to the head of a medical organization. According to clause 31 of the Procedure, the following information must be indicated in an application for a preliminary examination of a minor:

  • type of medical examination (preliminary);
  • surname, name, patronymic of a minor entering an educational institution; date of birth and address of residence;
  • the full name of the medical organization providing primary health care to a minor, the address of its location;
  • the full name and type of educational institution in which the minor will study, the address of his location;
  • details (series, number, medical insurance organization) of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • contact information (for example, home and mobile phone numbers, e-mail).

The application must be signed and indicated by the surname, initials and date of completion by the minor himself or his legal representative. If the application is drawn up by the legal representative of the minor, then it shall indicate the details of the documents confirming the powers of the representative, and copies of the above documents are attached to the application. It is subject to registration with a medical organization and is the basis for registration directions for a preliminary inspection. The following information is indicated in the direction:

  • list of examinations and examinations by specialist doctors;
  • date and place of inspections;
  • information about the pediatrician, district pediatrician, general practitioner (family doctor) of the medical organization responsible for the preliminary examination.

According to clause 32 of the Procedure, the direction drawn up in the prescribed manner is handed to the applicant by an authorized official within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application.

To undergo a preliminary examination, a minor must independently arrive at a medical organization within a specified time, present a referral and a policy of compulsory medical insurance. A minor under the age of 15 arrives at a medical organization accompanied by a parent or other legal representative.

Preliminary examinations of minors are carried out in two stages... At the first stage, specialist doctors conduct examinations, carry out laboratory, instrumental and other studies provided for in section. 2 List of studies during preliminary medical examinations. Those entering the kindergarten are examined by 8 specialists, including a psychiatrist and a gynecologist (urologist), and are tested for urine, feces and blood, including for glucose levels. Before entering school, you will additionally need to undergo an examination by an orthopedic traumatologist, to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, reproductive system, heart, thyroid gland, as well as electrocardiography. In the absence of suspicion that the minor has an undiagnosed disease (condition) and (or) the need to obtain information about the minor's health from other medical organizations in accordance with clause 8, part 4 of Art. 13 Federal Law No. 323-FZ the preliminary inspection is considered complete... The duration of the first stage of the preliminary examination should be no more than 10 working days (clause 38 of the Procedure).

At the second stage, additional consultations, studies are carried out, which are prescribed in accordance with clause 36 of the Procedure, and (or) information about the health of the minor is requested from other medical organizations. This stage is carried out only if a minor is suspected of having a disease (condition), the diagnosis of which cannot be established during examinations by specialist doctors and studies included in section. 2 The list of studies during preliminary medical examinations, and (or) the need to obtain information about the health of a minor from other medical organizations.

The total duration of two stages of preliminary examination should be no more than 30 working days (clause 38 of the Procedure).

Preliminary inspection data entered in the medical documentation of the minor (history of the child's development). The nature of the information is the same as that indicated when registering the results of a preventive examination. Based on the data on the preliminary examination, the doctor responsible for its conduct determines the group of the minor's health status and the medical group for physical education, and also draws up a medical report on the minor's belonging to the medical group for physical education (in relation to minors entering educational institutions in which physical education is provided). In addition, when registering the results of a preliminary examination, it is required to issue a child's medical card for educational institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, orphanages and boarding schools and (or) a medical certificate. on minors entering institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education. The medical record (certificate) contains information about the state of health and an assessment of the minor's compliance with the educational requirements. These documents are drawn up in one copy, which is issued to the minor or his legal representative.

The procedure for conducting periodic inspections

According to clause 42 of the Procedure, periodic inspections are organized educational organizations... Such examinations are carried out annually and only for minors studying full-time. The license of a medical organization in which periodic examinations are carried out must provide for the performance of work (provision of services) for medical examinations (preliminary, periodic), pediatrics or general medical practice (family medicine). At the same time, the educational institution has the right to organize conducting periodic examinations in a structural unit carrying out medical activities(for example, in a medical center, medical unit, etc.). In this case, the educational organization must have a license to carry out medical activities, providing for the performance of work (provision of services) in pediatrics.

Periodic inspections are carried out on the basis of lists, drawn up in an educational institution, in which minors are listed by name, subject to periodic examination in the coming calendar year. The list contains the following information:

  • surname, name, patronymic, age (date, month, year of birth) of the student;
  • the full name and address of the medical organization in which the minor receives primary health care.

The list is approved by the head (authorized official) of the educational institution, after which it is sent to a medical organization with which an agreement has been concluded on conducting periodic examinations. This must be done no later than 2 months before the beginning of the calendar year. When the number of minors subject to periodic examinations changes, the head (authorized official) of the educational institution must submit an updated list to the medical organization by the 20th day of the current month.

Based on the list, a medical organization compiles periodic inspection schedule... Responsibilities for its preparation are assigned to the head (authorized official) of the medical organization. This document contains the following information:

  • pediatrician, district pediatrician, general practitioner (family doctor) of a medical organization, responsible for the periodic examination;
  • laboratory tests, date and time of their conduct;
  • number of minors for each age group.

The plan must be agreed with the head (authorized official) of the educational institution, and also approved by the head (authorized official) of the medical organization no later than one month before the beginning of the calendar year. After that, the plan is communicated to the medical professionals involved in the periodic examination.


If periodic examinations are carried out in a structural unit of an educational institution carrying out medical activities, the list and plan are drawn up by the pediatrician of this institution and agreed with its head (authorized official).

To undergo a periodic examination, each student is issued direction... It is mandatory to indicate the date, time and place of the inspection. Referrals are handed over to minors or their legal representatives by an authorized official no later than 5 working days before the start of the periodic examination. Obligation to ensure the attendance of minors to undergo a periodic medical examination assigned to the head (authorized official) of the educational institution.

To undergo a periodic examination, a minor must independently come to a medical organization or to a structural unit of an educational institution that carries out medical activities, within the prescribed period and present a referral and a policy of compulsory medical insurance. Periodic examinations of minors are carried out in accordance with Sec. 3 The list of studies during periodic medical examinations, given in Appendix 1 to the Procedure.

The data on the passage of the periodic examination are entered into the medical documentation of the minor - the history of the child's development and the medical record of the child for educational institutions. These documents contain information about the state of health of a minor and a conclusion on the presence (absence) of medical contraindications for continuing education. If a periodic examination is carried out in a structural unit of an educational institution, then the data on its passage is entered only in the child's medical record for educational institutions.