Rewings to nails at home. Long nails in a couple of days. Vitamin Cocktail for Fast Growth Nail

How to quickly grow nails - this question is interested in every girl who wants to possess elegant and stylish marigolds. Manicure is one of the main elements of the image, and long nails have been a key trend of fashion for a long time.


Long nail health

It is stupid to ask girls, why grow long nails, because they look stylish, fashionable and elegant, so many beauties seek to add them to their image. However, not every girl can boast such wealth. Of course, the fashion solutions industry does not lag behind the main trends and has long proposed a great option - the use of overhead plates. But, as none use them, but not to achieve natural beauty. Therefore, a lot of girls are decided to grow their natural nails of sufficient length.

It is worth noting that the modern rhythm of life puts many obstacles to the way to grow healthy long nails: while cooking, working at a computer, driving a car and other classes they are exposed to an external environment and mechanical damage. In addition, the health of nail tissues is affected by improper nutrition, stress exposure, reduced immunity and even disruption of the operation of internal organs and systems. You should prevent the occurrence of diseases and infections of nail and legs in time. In vivo, a complete update of healthy nail plates requires 1-2 months, and in the running cases you can not care even for the year.

Nail growing requires a systematic and integrated approach to all these factors.

What accelerates growth

What to be able to correctly grow natural nails should be dealt with in processes accompanying their growth and development.

  • On average nails grow by 1-2 mm per week. This is a natural pace, but it can be accelerated by various means: nutrient creams and oils, use of vitamin and mineral complexes, etc.
  • In winter, the growth rate of the nail slows down. This is due, first of all, with a lack of vitamins (especially - E and D). Negatively, this process also affects the overall weakening of the immune system observed in the cold months.
  • Acceleration of nail growth is observed in most women during pregnancy. This is partly due to hormonal changes in the body, accelerating many regeneration processes. But a big role, according to experts, has the fact that future mothers begin to fully and diverse - all organism systems, including skin, hair and nails, begin to get sufficient for health the amount of vitamins and minerals.


Often you can hear that long healthy nails are the result of a good heredity or a gift of nature. But in this statement there is only part of the truth. In fact, even girls with nails prone to fragility can lead them to the perfect or close to that condition. With proper care, your fingers will look great, regardless of any prerequisites.

However, it is not enough for this in a timely manner to squeeze and clean the nails. Complex care for nail plates includes several basic rules:

  • First of all, it is assumed with all relying on nail processing. Before each procedure of staining and creating a Neil-art, it is necessary to carry out a cutting manicure, which includes the separation of the cuticle and giving the plates of the form. The careful attitude towards the nails requires not only to cut them correctly or to write, but also get rid of the habit of dressing them or the skin around. It is simply unacceptable that the lady gnawed nails is ugly, nonhygienically increases the risk of intestinal infections and spoil the structure and shape of the nail plate.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to properly protect the plates from the external environment. The fact is that the porous nail structure allows them, like the skin, absorb substances on the surface. For this reason, it is important to use gloves when washing dishes, the use of chemicals, under the colored varnishes to apply the basic protective basis and in the frost to hide your hands into the gloves. During the same thing when the nails are free from the decor, you should "feed" them with the help of oils, creams, special cosmetics.
  • Third, but no less important item is to comply with hygienic requirements and recommendations. The use of your personal set of manicure tools is necessarily. Remember the need for their anti-infective processing not only after, but also before use.

Nail growth vitamins

As already mentioned, a large role in the formation of healthy and beautiful nails plays the presence of basic vitamins. You can fill their deficiency and quickly, adding the corresponding products to the diet:

  • Equality products, fish oil and liver contain a large amount of vitamin A. Also find it in fresh vegetables (especially in carrots, paprika and green onions).
  • Cereals, cutting products, dairy cereals and eggs are a source of vitamin B affecting the process of keratification (energization) plates;
  • Vitamin C rejuvenates tissue cells, prevents the yellowing of the nail plates. It is contained in lemon, forest berries, rosehip, sea buckthorn.
  • Vitamin E is, without which the growth of nails is simply impossible. It affects keratification, density of plates, natural shine. In large quantities, it is contained in various oils, grains and cereals.
  • About the importance of calciums for growth and strengthening hair and nails is known to many. Affordable and saturated source - fermented milk products in all of their options.
  • The lack of iron leads to various problems in the body. Brush nails on legs or hands often can be a signal about its lack of. The deficit is replenished with meat, apples, buckwheat porridge.

As a rule, the list of medicinal measures for the restoration of nails, dermatologists include the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes, allowing to fill the lack of one or more components without the need for accurate diagnostics.

What prevents nails to grow

It often happens that the girl keeps nail hygiene and carefully carry a manicure, and the nails still do not want to grow into length, crumble, go beyond or breaking. This is due to the fact that the plates still have a large load under the influence of active substances and coatings. To avoid this, follow the following recommendations:

  • Let nails relax. After a long wear of the varnish or repeated repainting, it is necessary to clean the plates and give them to recover using reinforcing procedures. It is also necessary to briefly squeeze the marigold from time to time - it is important for their health.
  • Use fatty and nutritional hands.
  • Choose a means for removing a manicure without acetone - it gradually destroys the nail cloth from the inside.
  • Giving the edges of the plates of the rounded shape allows you to set the exact direction of growth. To feed it better to use a soft fine-grained pylon. Movements are performed only in one direction at an angle to the inside of the nail.

How to grow nails in the week

It often happens that about an important event or need to go into the world, we will learn 1-2 weeks before the date. In front of many women, in this case, the question arises how to grow long nails in a week. The task only seems impossible, in fact there is an affordable solution. For this you need:

  1. Approximately the day before the start of the procedures, remove the old coating and give the nogot to relax. In the evening before bedtime, apply on the surface of the plates of iodine. You should not worry about the yellowness - it goes down after several hours of sleep. It is worth saying that this procedure is desirable to spend regularly, each time you take off the varnish, but not more than 2 times a week.
  2. Liquid vitamins in the tips of the fingers daily. The Aevit complex has been proven to be well established for these purposes.
  3. Baths. A good remedy for nail growth can be prepared by mixing 2 spoons of the Hypericum, chamomile, nettle and burdock. The collection is filled with 2 glasses of hot water and insisted about half an hour. During this time, the decoction will be cooled, after which it should be chopped into it for 15-20 minutes and keep to complete cooling. To improve the effect, they are also advised to add a pair of iodine drops into water. The procedure is carried out daily.
  4. For those who do not trust folk remedies, and the time does not own the expectation, there is a good cosmetic product - "smart enamel". It is very simple to apply it - you need to cover the nails every day with one layer of this varnish. A minute before this is recommended to carry out a simple hygienic manicure. After a week, the marks will noticeably grow up and fixed.
  5. And do not forget about blood circulation. Massage of the pillows of fingers, joints, rubbing the palms. Most of each other significantly accelerates the processes of the development of nail plates, if you give it 3-4 minutes several times per day.

How to quickly grow broken nail

Do not fall under the hot hand if the girl broke the nail - this is a launching and exaggerated, but life truth. Indeed, a breakdown of one of the plates can ruin any even the most unique manicure. In such a situation, there is a need to quickly restore the former shape and beauty. For this:

  1. Remove the varnish from all other nails. Saturated colors will only emphasize the difference, and shortening will still have to shorten, so it is better to take a manicure again.
  2. Correct nail size under the length of the broken. Use the sawdust to the plates shape.
  3. After that, spend daily care that includes the strengthening and rehabilitation procedures specified in this article. Accompany the course rubbing castor or flaxseed oil. With careful care, your fingers will return to the previous state in a week.

For a thorough step-by-step study of this procedure, you can familiarize yourself with numerous videos and photo speakers, demonstrating how to properly carry out such a manicure.

  • A good effect to accelerate the growth of nails gives a light massage of fingers. Here everything is very simple - you are stimulating the tissues of the skin and muscles, which increases blood circulation. And this, in turn, contributes to improving metabolic processes. The daily conduct of such an uncomplicated session has a good impact on the growth and health of the nails.
  • The process of keratification is well stimulated using parafinotherapy. To do this, it is necessary to apply molten candle wax or specially acquired cosmetic paraffin on the surface of the plates and cuticle. This procedure has a similar effect with massage - blood supply is enhanced, the cells are saturated with oxygen.
  • Nail baths are a kind of means from all troubles: they are used to restore, strengthen and treat nails. The fact is that water, along with fats, is one of the main compounds necessary for the energization and growth of nail plates. No wonder the people are believed that nails grow in water. This is true: to improve their condition, it is enough to immerse your fingers in warm water for 10-15 minutes daily. Even more useful will add marine salt, herbal decoctions and essential oils. After holding such a spa for your fingers, be sure to treat them with a nutrient cream.
  • Extremely effective and partly exotic way is the use of liquid vitamin mixtures. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is the most popular among them. The application method is extremely simple - the remedy should be molded into the surface. If you could not find the drug in the nearest pharmacy, you can use for such purposes a standard medical iodine applied by a thin layer. The yellowness should not be afraid - if you paint the nails with iodine before bedtime, then by the morning everything comes itself.
  • Help in hardening and acceleration of growth will help the nail mask prepared at home. To do this, it is necessary to mix for 1 h. Cream of children's and red pepper with 40-50 drops of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath, and is superimposed on the fingers.

Folk recipes

The experience gained by folk healers and beauties is better than anyone else will tell you how to strengthen your nails, stimulate their development and maintain a natural shine.

  • A tool based on black currant. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. Flour, black currant and half spoons of fatty cream. Thoroughly crowded. The resulting porch impose on the nails, and to put on the gloves on top (preferably - from cotton fabric). Leave for two hours and then remove with a cotton disk.
  • Balsam from chamomile flowers and linden. Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile and lime colors. Heat 100 ml of olive oil (if not, plant is suitable), add chopped flowers there, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, 10-20 minutes. The resulting mixture is allowed to cool up to 30-40˚ C and apply to your nails. Top to put on fabric gloves. After 15 minutes, remove the tool using the wool.
  • A mixture of speckled leaves and dandelion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. Both herbs, plus the same curd and half a cup of water. Heat the water, pour the collection and insist for two hours. Then boiled herbs squeeze and mix thoroughly with cottage cheese. The resulting consideration is applied for 20-30 minutes.


For those who do not want to spend time on the preparation of money and mixtures, or simply considers it ineffective, there is a large selection of cosmetic drugs that can be bought in a nearby store:

  • Nail Grooth Booster from the famous Swedish Oriflame brand. According to the manufacturer's allegations, external improvement can be achieved in two days, and after you will see that your nails have noticeably grown. The tool levels the aqueous-alkaline balance, and, due to the presence of vitamins C and E, prevents the bundle and peeling of the nail layers. Applied to the purified surface of the nail and cuticle.
  • The French cosmetic brand Aurelia has a wide series of funds for therapeutic manicure and, in particular, the drug to accelerate their growth. The main components of these drugs are mineral substances and compounds necessary to improve the coratization process, strengthening the beds and plates.
  • The Light Concept Nails trademark offers Nail Builder - a professional natural agent created for rehabilitation and rehabilitation of nails. This varnish is applied once a day, and after reaching a noticeable result, 1-2 times a week.
  • The famous European brand Sophin offers the Nail Hardener product, the basis of which is keratin. It stimulates the processes of tissue either in the nail bed and, thus, significantly accelerates growth.

The article contains the most effective ways, recipes and folk remedies, allowing you to quickly grow strong and beautiful nails on their hands and legs.

Long strong and beautiful nails - it is its own, natural, and not extensive or covered with artificial material - Isn't that a dream of every girl? If some ladies are awarded, giving gorgeous nails of a good form, then others have to make a lot of effort to get a beautiful manicure.

How to quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on your hands and legs: ways

To nails rose as quickly as possible, it is best to regularly perform a set of procedures: baths, masks, use of vocational money, folk methods.

The cheapest and fairly simple way to grow healthy nails both on your hands and on the legs - daily breakfasts of hands and feet in healing grains and salts and mineral solutions.

Quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on hands and legs possible

Important: Daily adding 0.5 ppm Salts in the bath will strengthen and grow nails by 3 mm per week.

For the growth of nails often lack iodine. To quickly replenish its deficit and, accordingly, reinforce the nails do iodine salt baths:

  • in a convenient procedure, the container pour water (100 ml)
  • add iodine in water (4 drops)
  • add salt, preferably marine (1 tsp)
  • mix thoroughly
  • place your fingers in the resulting solution so that the fluid covers the nails by more than 1 cm

The time of one procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes.

Important: stop the baths with iodine you need immediately, as soon as iodine stops absorbed and starts to paint the skin and nails into a yellowish-brownish hue.

If you repeat the nails fails because of their fragility, use fresh lemon juice.

To do this, you can simply cut the lemon into two halves and, sticking to the pulp of each of them, to hold them in this way 15 - 20 minutes.

Then you should rinse your hands, and "feed" the nails with cream.

You can also mix lemon juice with water (1: 1) and make baths.

Fast growth of nails will certainly contribute daily massage with vitamins A and E, which you need to safely rub into nail plates.

Also accelerate growth and restore nail health will help baths from herbal:

  • fill with boiling water Zver wort (1 tsp), chamomile flowers (1.5 cl) and crushed rooting (1 tsp)
  • cool the infusion and break to comfortable dishes
  • lower to the healing infusion fingers and keep 20-30 minutes
  • repeat the procedure daily

How to quickly grow nails in 2 - 3 days?

Those who want to grow long nails in a few days will have to disappoint immediately: for such a short time they will not be able to grow strongly, whatever you do. However, somewhat accelerate and add nails several millimeters quite real.

For guaranteed nail growth acceleration use mask with red pepper. For her cooking you need:

  • any nutritious cream (1C.L.)
  • red ground pepper (1h.l.)
  • boiled water (15 drops)

Ingredients thoroughly mix and warm up a little in the microwave, without bringing to a boil. Mask, slightly rubbed, apply to the surface of the nails. After 15 minutes, wash the tool, dry your nails.

Important: During the procedure you can feel burning. Use the tool with caution so that the mask does not hit the mucous membranes of your body.

A good supplement will be lemon juice, which should be applied to the nails 10-15 minutes after the mask.

For all time smear on the night of nails iodine. In the morning, iodine absorbed completely, so you can not worry about yellow-brown spots left immediately after the procedure.

Quickly grow nails in 2 - 3 days will help the mask with pepper

How to quickly grow nails in 5 days?

Repel the nails in 5 days using special growth stimulantscontaining in its composition all the necessary elements in the correct proportions ( Belweder, smart enamel). You can buy them in a pharmacy or a specialized sector of a cosmetic store.

At the same time, it is possible to use such funds:

  • every day to make for nails bath with sea salt
  • smear nails iodine at the base
  • keep nails in hot herbal courage

How to quickly grow nails in a week?

Week is a sufficient period in order to grow long nails. Therefore, try not just to grow, but also to strengthen the nails. To do this, you will not need express methods, like masks with pepper or comprehensive events.

It is enough to choose 1 - 2 most suitable procedures and perform them regularly. Simultaneously with external influence on the nail plates, start taking a pharmacy vitamin complex for nail and hair improvement.

Important: Try to injure your nails as far as possible: Avoid contact with household chemicals, clean and wash the dishes in rubber gloves, make a neat manicure - the removal of the cuticle plays an important role in strengthening the nail plates.

For a week, for which you plan to repel the nails, turn on in the diet products containing gelatin.

How to quickly grow nails in 2 weeks?

For 14 days, healthy nails can well reflect even without any special procedures or events.

If you do not grow nails or break when a certain length is reached, probably your body suffers from lack of vitamins and minerals. Usually the lack of growth of nails is accompanied by their fragility, fragility and dim unhealthy color.

Get ready for the fact that the next 2 weeks you will have to not only do nails, but also to strengthen the entire body.

Start by choosing a pharmacy vitamin complex: Merz Spezial Dragees, Vitrum Beauty, Vivasan, Viaderm ® Complete, Medobiotin, Aevit Active, Pontayigar or other means of similar composition and action.

Any of these drugs will not only stimulate the growth of the nails, but also improve the condition of the hair.

Perhaps only the reception of vitamins will already be enough to restore health and activate the growth of nails. But external assistance to nail plates will also not hurt:

  • each evening before going to bed, apply iodine on the nails peeled
  • daily in the morning rub in nails vitamins A and E
  • make a lightweight finger massage - it will contribute to the influx of blood and enhancing the growth of nails
  • 2 times a week Make baths with sea salt
  • wipe the nail plates with lemon juice 3- 4 times a week

How to grow nails in a month?

If you give to restore your nails for a month, then you probably do not know such problems like lyubility, bundle, refinement of nail plates. The cause of these troubles, as well as problems with hair and teeth, is avitaminosis.

Important: The growth rate of a healthy nail is 3-4 mm per month. If your nails grow slower, it can be perceived as a signal of metabolic disorders or the development of pathology in the circulatory system.

For a month you need to restore the vitamin balance in the body, then the discriminated marks will rely for a long time.

First, review your food. Exclude bold, fried, sweet. Mandatory products of your diet should be cheese, cottage cheese, fish, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Try not to give up deals containing gelatin.

Secondly, start taking pharmacy vitamins for nails and hair.
Thirdly, as often likely to poison your nails with baths with iodine and sea salt, as well as salon paraffin masks

Important: The conscientious regular execution of all the above procedures will definitely improve the appearance and condition of the nails and resume their active growth.

How to quickly grow and strengthen broken nail?

If the manicure spoiled one broken nail, do not fall into a panic - everything can be quickly fixed with the help of submitted means. But it is possible to restore the nail only when it is broken by no more than 1/3 length.

To do this, you will need:

  • tea bag
  • super glue
  • any transparent varnish
  • polishing Pilochka.

Nail repair does not take you more than 10 minutes. So:

Pull the contents from the package

Cut out a thin striped from the bag, repeating the size and shape of the crack on the nail

  1. Polish damaged nail with a sawmill
  2. On a strip cut from a tea bag, apply a thin layer of glue
  3. Attach a strip to crack and press carefully
  4. Apply from above another thin layer of glue
  5. Wait for complete drying
  6. Apply the Third, the final layer of glue
  7. Cut Purplus Paper With Manicure Scissors
  8. Police all nail with a sawmill
  9. Treat the surface with alcohol or acetone
  10. Wash and dry your hands
  11. Apply to the damaged nail transparent varnish of 1-2 layers

Important: Do not attempt to repair the nail, which broke very close to the finger beam.

If it is not possible to repair the nail, carefully cut it and shorten the rest of the nails.

To grow up You will succeed with help mixtures of red ground pepper (0.5 tsp) and cream for hand (0.5 C.L.), which must be applied to the nails daily for 10-12 minutes.

How to grow and strengthen your nails quickly after fungus?

If the nails are amazed by fungus, no growth in their growth and strengthening can be discussed until the disease is fully cured. Otherwise, the discriminated nail will also be infected and dismissed by a fungal disease.

It is important: a dermatologist is engaged in treating the fungus nail (onichomicosis). According to the results of the tests, it prescribes antifungal drugs for outdoor and internal use. Alone, the nail fungus is not treated.

One of the antifungal drugs that helps improve the state of nail plates is Terbinefin.. This drug is produced both in the form of a spray for outdoor use and in the form of tablets.

After the fungus is defeated, you need to do immunization of nails. And only after full saturation of the nail plates with vitamins A, E, iodine and calcium, you can try to start letting the nails.

Relieve and strengthen the nails quickly after the fungus will not be able if the nail plates are damaged

How to grow splashing nails?

Habit nibble nails - one of the most difficult to eradicate. Even good from nature nails there is no chance if every day they are intensive chewing, biting and licking.

Therefore, first of all, try to get rid of the bad habit. Here are some of the most popular ways to quit nibble nails:

  1. Fool nails with bitter pepperthat at the same time will accelerate their height slightly
  2. Use special lacquer antigrozine (eg Innoxa.) who has a very unpleasant taste
  3. Make dear manicurewhich will be sorry to nibble
  4. Ask Close beat you whenever you pull your fingers in your mouth
  5. Write yourself a fine: 1 Barbed nail \u003d 1 Floor washing (10 pushups, 40 squats, etc.)

Important: Do not wait for quick results, even if you managed to get rid of a bad habit. The injured nails will be somewhat "depart from shock" - you will not notice a millimeter for a long time. Be patient.

Help nails can be recovered using bathrooms from healing herbs. Every day (or every time you want to bother nails) Lower your hands for 15 to 20 minutes in warm infusion Calendula, Chamomile, Hypericum or burdock root.

Use these herbs for nails together or separately - the effect will be much better than from constant damage to the teeth.

The most important thing - when the nails are typed forces and finally grow, try not to break and do not glue with such difficulty centimeters.

How to quickly grow your nails to the child?

In order to grow nails to a child, you can use all of the above methods, but we do not recommend using a mask, which contains red pepper.

A child can inadvertently pull his hands in her mouth or scratch his eyes. Then the children's tears will not be avoided, and the kid's further procedures are unlikely to agree.

How to grow nails on the legs fast?

The growth of nails on the legs is hampered by the constant wearing of shoes, stockings and tights. If you need to quickly grow your nails on the legs, try to give the "breathe" as much as possible.

In addition, the growth of nails on the legs will accelerate vitamin masks, rubbing oils and herbal baths.

The growth of nails on the legs also contribute paraffin baths:

  • in the water bath, melt the paraffin (it is sold at the pharmacy) and let him cool
  • in warm cashey paraffin lower the fingers and let it frost
  • take the feet into the food film, and then in a woolen scarf and leave for 30-40 minutes
  • rock the paraffin under the jet of warm water

Once a month you can do bath out of infusion flowers chamomile and white wine:

  • dry daisy flowers (2 tsp) pour boiling water (1 tbsp.)
  • give it under the lid 40 - 60 min
  • add White Wine (30 ml)
  • make a bath, immersing nails in infusion for 20 minutes

Strengthen the nails on the legs will help wipes with cranberry or lemon juice, heated olive, soybean or peach oil.

Long beautiful nails - the result of long work and special strengthening procedures

Each of these methods is good and will definitely give the result subject to regular execution of all necessary procedures. The most important thing is not to despair and do not stop acting if in the first few days you will not notice changes.

Video: How to quickly grow nails?

Natural and well-groomed nails are always in trend. Many dream of beautiful fingers, but modern life imposes its mark on beautiful ladies. Permanent fuss and lack of time lead to the burned cuticle and brushless nails. What to do girls who want to grow nails and keep their aesthetic appearance? Contact fortuneteller or once every three days to visit the salon? Consider possible options.

Step 1. Balanced nutrition

Healthy and useful food is able to cope with any problems, in particular with brittle nails. The correct diet contributes to their accelerated growth, prevents separation, thickens the plate and saturates it with the necessary minerals. Vitamins forming nail: A, B, C, E. Minerals necessary for full growth of nails: iron, calcium, zinc.

Vitamin A accelerates growth, it is contained in the following products: butter, carrots, beef liver. Alcoholic beverages and caffeine reduce the production of vitamin, so try not to use them.

Vitamin B contributes to rapid growth and thickens the nail plate. Thanks to him in the body, complex trace elements are better absorbed. Eat more green vegetables and fruits, milk, eggs and beer yeast.

Vitamin C eliminates the yellowness due to smoking, and also struggles with premature aging of the nail plate. Due to the lack of vitamin from the nails, they become fragile and begin to get out. Use all citrus, gooseberries, black and red currants. Fuely ascorbic acid and take it 3 times a day.

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant. It displays all slags of the body, speeds up the fluid yield and improves blood circulation. Vitamin E is contained in green vegetables, creamy, sunflower and olive oils, as well as in the liver and meat.

The iron is contained in apples, buckwheat, lentils, peas, cabbage, mushrooms and prunes. It contributes to accelerated blood flow and makes it faster to grow faster.

Calcium is part of dairy products. Use cottage cheese, cheeses, all kinds of natural yogurts. Do not forget about eggs, almonds, oranges, cabbage, sardine, raisins and dates.

Zinc can be found in pork, lamb, bananas, oatmeal, beef and buckwheat. It controls the distribution of proteins in the body and contributes to the elasticity of tissues.

Step 2. Selecting the right form

Now it is necessary to decide on the shape of the nail plate, which is suitable for you. It is known that the oval contour contributes to the bundle of the nail, and the edges quickly break at the soft square. What to do, you ask. The answer is simple - create the most comfortable shape without corners and burrs.

For these purposes, purchase a glass sawmill in a specialized cosmetic store with a thickness of 1.5-2.0 mm. Start to maintain your nails from the center to the edge, without changing the trajectory of the movement. Carefully treat every finger, eliminating all cracks and bundles. To grow long nails, it is important to create soil for them.

Step 3. Baths to accelerate nail growth

These funds of traditional medicine are used every day if you have such an opportunity. Do not be lazy to make decoctions and mix the components. Thanks to unacceptable actions, you are many times faster to grow your own marigolds.

Oil-based bath

  • olive oil - 30 ml.
  • castor oil - 10 ml.
  • almond oil - 10 ml.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • sunflower oil - 30
  • iodine - 3 drops
  • glycerin - 3 drops

Connect all the oils and put in the microwave for 20 seconds. Drip glycerin and iodine, then lower your fingers into the mixture. Lose 5 minutes, do not wash your hands with water, but just wash the napkin.

Nautical salt and orange bath

  • sea Salt Grinding - 70 gr.
  • juice juice (freshly squeezed) - 80 ml.
  • iodine - 5 drops
  • tales water - 80 ml.

Mix the water with salt and put in the microwave per 1 minute. Add iodine and juice into the solution, plunge your fingers and look 15 minutes.

Bath from Soda

  • food soda - 30 gr.
  • iodine - 5 drops

Dilute the soda with water and warm. Cap the iodine, lower your fingertips and wait 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is desirable to use oil-based baths (the recipe is indicated above) for a double result.

Medicine Bath

  • chamomile Pharmacy - 20 gr.
  • sage - 20 gr.
  • st. John's wort - 20 gr.
  • lopach root - 20 gr.
  • plantain - 20 gr.
  • wine white dry - 100 ml.

Fill herbs with boiling water and insist 2 hours. Next, take the decoction, warm it up and add wine, after which you spend the procedure for 35 minutes.

Lemon bath.

  • lemon juice - 200 ml.
  • iodine - 3 drops

Slit all the juice of two or three lemons to get 200 ml. Lower your fingers for 20 minutes. You can also use a similar "dry" Recipe: Cut the citrus into 2 parts and in the flesh of each of them shove dry fingers for 10 minutes.

Step 4. Masks for accelerated nail growth

Means are used as far as possible, but not less than 3 times a week. The perfect option is to prepare the composition every other day. Do not allow breaks between the bath and the mask more than 40 minutes.

Masitarian mask

  • gelatin - 35 gr.
  • glycerin - 10 gr.

Fill gelatin boiling water and let stand for 30 minutes. Add glycerin, mix everything and lower your fingers into the mixture, pre-moisturizing them with cream. Loose 25 minutes.

Bee wax-based mask
Place the wax in the microwave and heated until complete dissolution, but make sure that it does not boil (bubbles appear). Next, lower the fingertips into the tank and immediately plunge them into cold water so that the composition grabbed the crust. Leave the mask for the night, putting on top of the cosmetic gloves made of natural cotton. This mask is different from all other duration of the procedure and the maximum result is already 10 days after everyday use.

Chili pepper mask

  • pepper chille ground - 20 gr.
  • hand cream (glycerin must be present in the composition) - 40 grams.
  • mineral water with gas - 30 ml.

The mask is applied after the bath salt and orange (the recipe is indicated above). In preheated mineral water, pumped pepper and add cream. Bring the components to complete dissolution. Cover the abundant layers of the cuticle and nail zone, put the polyethylene gloves, keep the composition of 25 minutes. It is extremely recommended to apply mask-chile more often than 1 time in 21 days.

Mint Mask

  • fresh Mint - 1 Medium Bundle
  • chamomile Pharmacy - 35 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.
  • oatmeal - 35 gr.

In 300 ml of boiled water, soak mint and chamomile, wait 4 hours. Patch the flour and mix so that there are no lumps. Pour the oil and cover the nails with the resulting mixture, keep the composition of 45 minutes.

Olive-based mask

  • olives without bones - 7 pcs.
  • chamomile Pharmacy - 30 gr.
  • st. John's wort - 30 grams.

Make a decoction of herbs, olives break for a fork. From the pan with a mixture, remove the chamomile and a hunter, mix them with olives. Apply on your fingers, wait 35 minutes and wash the composition of the cooked decoction.

Creamy mask

  • cream with fatty at least 20% - 100 ml.
  • rye flour - 40 gr.
  • gooseberry - 30 gr.
  • black currant - 30 grams.
  • malina - 30 grams.

Grind the berries in the blender, pour flour and dilute the components of cream to a thick consistency. Suppose 5 hours, covering your fingers with polyethylene or cotton cosmetic gloves.

Step 5. Fixation and Strengthening

Purchase in the pharmacy a special medical lacquer "Smart Enamel". The company produces a series to strengthen, grow and restore nails. There is a separate bottle responsible for accelerated growth, it costs about 150 rubles.

The tool is applied with two layers on the nail plate, then removed to remove the varnish the next day, after which the application is repeated again. The course varies from 14 to 21 days. Smart Enamel accelerates growth and nails are growing in two weeks, subject to the compliance with the recommendations, the effect is proved more than once.

Wouldn't it get to grow nails? Pay attention to your daily diet, it must be balanced, including all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Drink more dairy products, fruits, vegetables and meat. Remove the nails shape without sharp corners and burrs, and then select the bath and prepare the mixture. Use nail growth masks, all presented recipes include components that can be found in any pharmacy and grocery store.

Video: how to grow nails in a week

Long and strong nails growing overnight, as the magic wand, the dream of many girls. Beautiful manicure is capable of favorably add and emphasize any image, give an additional aggressive sexuality girl-vamp and emphasize the tenderness, the romance of the young charming. Therefore, the question of how to quickly grow nails, visits women's heads with enviable constancy.

Several cognitive facts

From all the above, we can conclude that to repel claws for 1 day or for 2 simply unreal. On this time limit, only the process of extension will help you. Moreover, the techniques of this procedure now exist is a great set. However, natural nails after removing the extensive needed additional nutrition and some time to restore.

How to grow nails long and strong?

Stop dressing them! Such a nervous habit is observed, unfortunately, many. Moreover, its consequences not only spoil the appearance of the manicure, but also can lead to the appearance of bacterial infections on their hands and in the mouth.

Get rid of the bad habit easier if:

  1. Follow the condition of your hands. Well-groomed, neatly polished nails and fingers without burrs gnaw not so much.
  2. If the habit of gnawing the nails arises from boredom, try to take your mouth with a chewing, after all, it is unlikely to be chewed.
  3. Do not bite the skin around the nails. Some convince themselves that they do not harm the nail plate, but this is self-deception. In fact, moisture entering and saliva relaxes it, making more breaking.
  4. Select one nail a week that you will not gnaw. Gradually, adding to it one by one "inedible", you will travel from an unpleasant habit.
  5. When recurrences appear in moments of boredom and nervous shocks, it will be worth talking to a psychologist. After all, this habit is not a trifle, but a common disease.

Refuse gel and acrylic nails

Undoubtedly, such a manicure is beautiful, accurate and allows for a long time to give hands well-kept views. However, after their removal, native nails become dry, brittle, lose their natural and healthy shine, slow down in growth. Even with proper and neat removal, the nail bed is injured.

  • If you refuse acrylic and gel manicure above your strength, try alternating it with usual.
  • Do not remove the coating manually. Such actions often lead to damage to the top layer of the nail bed, which is very weakened by the nails.
  • Do not skip the basic and fixing coating. It would seem that here is this. Especially in a hurry, wanting a manicure to dry, we allow themselves to skip these important stages. However, thereby substitute the nails "under the blow."

    The basic coating protects the nail plates from the malicious effect of varnish, makes a manicure longer and strong, protecting it from premature seals.

Nails - not fool's tools

Of course, it is very convenient to dypipe the labels with nails, sucking glue, disconnect the rings for keys, even unscrew the screws. But if you wish to grow strong, healthy and beautiful nails in your arms, from these classes will have to refuse. Scissors, screwdrivers, blades and the like tool - this is what helps to pick up, delay and disconnect everything you need during the day.

Substances useful for nail growth

Correct care

Plays a crucial role in creating an ideal manicure. In order to grow healthy, strong and long nails, a complex of procedures is required. Let's start with the Azov.

Home pantry recipes for nail growth

Rationally selected nutrition and proper care provide health and strength to your marks. For rapid growth, there are several recipes with the simplest ingredients. They can be used at home.

Note that such recipes do not give a guarantee of a chic manicure in a couple of days, but the growth rates of nails and their condition improves significantly.

Olive oil

Qualitatively moisturized marigolds are grown in a triple rate. In this case, an indispensable assistant is an ordinary olive oil, capable of penetrating deep into the skin and nails, eating and at the same time moisturizing them. In addition, it includes vitamin E, which improves blood circulation, helping to restore and treat damaged nails, positively affecting their strength and growth rate.

Coconut oil

Used as a cosmetics for health and nail growth. Contains important nutrients, indispensable in the fight for the beauty and power of manicure. In addition, coconut oil strengthens the cuticle, playing a key role in the growth of nail growth, helps to get rid of infectious and fungal diseases of the nail plate.

  • Daily before bedtime massaging nails with warm cleaning coconut oil. Circular massage movements will improve blood circulation.
  • Mix the quarter cup of organic coconut oil and honey with 4 drops of rosemary oil. Slightly warm the solution in the microwave oven. Finish your fingers into this bath for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

Orange fresh

Effective nail growth stimulant allows them to grow them in a week. The vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and retains the health of the nails, and folic acid will provide an acceleration of growth.

Daily 10-minute baths with orange Fresh, in the first week they give an impressive result. After the procedure, do not forget to thoroughly rinse your hands and treat them with moisturizing cream.



Even in the works of the ancient Greek and Roman herbers, it is indicated on the high efficiency of this plant to accelerate the growth of nails. Being a source of calcium, silicon and other beneficial substances, the hat improves the overall state of the nail plates.

  1. A little more than half of the teaspoon of dried stalks of the horsetail, fill with two glasses of boiling water.
  2. Cover the lid and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain and let cool.
  4. Immerse your hands in this infusion for 20 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure for at least four times a week.


Plant, familiar yet by our ancestors as a stimulator of growth of nail plates. Its effectiveness is due to the high content of silicon dioxide and other beneficial substances that promote the formation of the nail plate, to strengthen it and prevent fragility.

  1. In the glass of boiling water brew 2-3 teaspoons of dried pulp leaves.
  2. Let them breed 10 minutes.
  3. Strain and add a bit of honey.
  4. Drink daily around the cup of this tasty and useful herbal tea.


Remember healthy and strong marigolds, let him not for 3 days, and at least in a week, - the dream of many girls, and embody her in life quite real. It is only necessary to overpower your own laziness, put the goal and go to it.

Get ready for the fact that you have a daily painstaking work, and you first need to begin with yourself, enriching your diet useful for the growth of nail products, while habit of lubricate your hands with cream after every washup washing or taking a shower. And the daily massage, the baths and the grafs will help not only grow a chic manicure, but also improve the overall state of nails.

Recipes for rapid nail growth - video

A woman is just obliged to follow the beauty of his hands, otherwise all efforts to create an ideal image will come to "no". Beautiful manicure is aesthetically attractive, while the sloppy and unclear nails are able to forever scare away from you the interlocutor.

In some cases, a simple manicure is not enough, because sometimes you want to appear as a seductive or fatal woman, and this image requires long nails. But how to be, if we grow natural long nails does not work because of the lack of time or constant exposure to external factors, and the hands should be perfect for the other day? The article will tell how to grow nails for 1 day by 2 cm and more at home.

How to quickly grow nails at home

We will not deceive: to grow long nails in a couple of days is simply unrealistic, because it contradicts all the laws of human physiology. For rapid growth of nails, it is necessary to establish a full nutrition, take vitamins and protect the nail plates from the effects of frost and household chemicals, and all this needs it.

Even the use of special masks and baths aimed at enhancing the blood circulation of nails will give the result at least after 1 week and nothing before. But quickly give the hands sophisticated and feminine is still possible! And now we will tell you how to do it.

Suppose you have an important date on your nose and you should look just stunning. Already prepared outfit and bought decorations, but all the sight spoil nails. How to be? How can you grow nails for 1 day? Have you ever threw the idea to conquer those surrounding long nails? Then resort to verified female secrets and tricks.

If you have extra money, and you are painless for your wallet you can spend them on your needs, then boldly sign up in the beauty salon and make nail extension with gel or acrylic. Specialists will take into account all the nuances and in the shortest period will make your handles to the subject of pride.

But here there are your underwater stones: the process of increasing a fairly costly event, and even consider that once threw the nails, you will be obliged to make a constant correction, and we also need money. Even to remove the gel nails just will not succeed, because if you do it at home, then surely damage the nail plates, and the salon procedure again requires financial costs. And if you are not ready for this, increase your nails on your own, at home!

Perhaps time to the salon is missing, but have you tried to increase your nails with professional tools and equipment? Then, familiar with this, you will do everything right and beautiful. And if you have never done independent buildup, then we recommend gluing overhead nails.

How to grow nails quickly: Overhead manicure

To work, you will need:

  • standard manicure set;
  • degreaser;
  • protective lacquer for the base under glue;
  • set of nails;
  • special glue;
  • hot water required for plastic softening;
  • napkins.

The importance of the right choice

It is very important to choose high-quality false nails that will bring the minimum damage to natural nail plates. Experts recommend purchasing sets from manufacturers such as Pretty Women and Broadway Nails, because they are quite safe, and in addition, they are tested with long-term use in Europe.

Another nuance: Overhead nails will be able to securely stay only on high-quality glue! The leading manufacturers regularly try to improve the composition of the adhesive, approaching the ideal formula that would not only guarantee the strength of gluing, but also cared for nails. So do not save on the glue!

Specialized stores will probably offer you the widest range of overhead nails. You can choose typuses of a natural shade or already painted into a specific color. If you like the decor on the nails, pay attention to the artificial plates with rhinestones and patterns.

Be sure to follow the nail size to match your nail plates and the thickness of the fingers. It is excellent that today you can choose the nails of any bend and a different length, which is also a guarantee of the perfect result.

Important: Before sticking the nails, make sure that the natural nail plate is not damaged, otherwise the likelihood of nail infection with viruses or infections will increase!

Stages of gluing

Let's start with the fact that it is first important to ensure maximum and effective care for hands. So, proceed: remove the old varnish, we make a bath for hands and nails. Then carefully and carefully remove the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle and process the nail plates with a sawmill, giving them aesthetic form.


Council: Please note that glue usually dries very quickly, so the gluing process does not tolerate slowness.

There are typuses with an adhesive layer already applied. This significantly speeds up the process, but such nails usually hold much worse. This is so simple way to grow nails at home for 1 day. Yes, this is not a natural manicure, but as beautiful and bright!

If something went wrong during the work and the nails are not glued, then most likely you have acquired poor-quality raw materials, which is why we recommend paying special attention to this.

After gluing, you can feel some discomfort, but this condition will quickly pass, and you will get used to. Now you can deal with the decoration of nails. Some girls draw on the nails with a needle and even toothpicks! And if you are not a supporter of experiments, buy a set of special brushes and sticks in advance. At the end of the Neil-Design, do not forget to cover the nails with a fixing layer of transparent varnish. Tips for the proper application of varnish.

Sometimes it may be necessary to shorten artificial nails. You can do this with the help of scissors and saws with small grains, but still it is better to immediately glue the tips of the selected length.

How to care for the braised nails

If you are all done correctly, the glued nails will last you have up to 2 weeks, even if you continue to keep the previous lifestyle. But even if you bought the highest-quality nails and glued them with qualitatively, after a while the natural plate will grow, and the view of the manicure will become nonesthetical. In addition, your natural nails will clearly lack oxygen and nutrients, which will lead to fragility and separation, so the nails still have to be carefully removed.

To grow little nails at home, it is also important right:

  • do not use the solvents based on acetone to remove the varnish, otherwise there is a possibility to dissolve plastic;
  • if the artificial nail lost the adhesion with glue and began to move, direct the layer of hot air from the hair dryer, thanks to which the adhesive will warm up, and you will only leave the tight and fix it in the right place;
  • work on the household in Latex protective gloves.

As you can see, it is possible to quickly grow your nails at home for 1 day, but it is important to consider that natural nail plates will still have to give time for restoration, because minor damage and dystrophy plates are inevitable.