River speech therapy gardens. Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios. Principles and shapes of speech therapy

When Kroch is still comfortable in the cradle, his mother is even difficult to imagine that one day he will go to the kindergarten. After all, the garden is for big, and we are still so small! However, the excitement around kindergartens not only does not subside, but also a year from the year it grows, despite the active construction of new pre-school institutions. Many mothers on their sad experience were convinced that they need to be recorded in the garden for a year or two to the desired period, and some do it even during pregnancy, but you can also trip the child! The demand for kindergartens is much higher than the number of places available in them. Even more difficult to parents whose Choo is in dire need of a specialized kindergarten. Along with the usual municipal gardens, fortunately, there is a whole system of kindergartens for kids with features in development, but the demand for them is just a huge. To fix various speech problems for babies, organized speech therapy kindergartens. Usually in such kindergartens there are 4-6 groups of 10-15 people each. Experts note that the need for speech therapy assistance to preschoolers is growing every year, so it is very difficult to get into such a garden.

How to sign up in the Logosadik?

To begin with, the mammy, concerned about the toddler's vague speech, should visit the speech therapist in the district polyclinic. If he sees a problem, it will definitely direct the child to the commission for receiving children in speech therapy Sadik. You will have to collect a few references for it: from the ENT doctor, an oculist, pediatrician and a psychoneurologist (not always required). The task of the Commission, which consists of a speech therapist, a psychologist, sometimes a psychoneurologist, - to determine whether the child really lags behind the peers in the speech development or parents just reinsured. Or maybe they certainly want to record the baby in the speech therapy group, despite the excellent speech and development of age? It happens! If the Commission collegially decides that there is a child's problems, then the question arises: what exactly is the speech therapy garden to send a kid? After all, diagnoses are different, depending on them and a group of children of a certain age is gaining. For example, if a 4-year-old baby is a diagnosis "General underdevelopment of speech of the 1-2th level", then the eldest speech therapist looks in which kindergarten this year is gaining a 4-pilot with such a diagnosis. And if the 6-year-old child has problems with sound-proof (distorted hissing, whistling, the baby does not argue "P" and "L"), then such a child will be sent to another group - preparatory, where the program is different and the requirements for learning outcomes above . For stunting kids, individual gardens are provided with their program and a set of specialists (there, for example, are classes on art therapy). Only after the commission, parents can breathe calmly: September 1, the kid will accurately go to the garden.
In addition to gardens that are fully given under speech therapy needs, speech therapy groups in ordinary gardens are commonly distributed. Such gardens are called the "pre-school educational institution of a combined species". All kids take it, but the commissions are needed to the log agroup. Quality of training, the program and qualification of the speech therapy are the same: how to logosadikand in the combined type garden. Unfortunately, it often happens that the Commission is forced to refuse to parents in the speech therapy group. Since the places in the gardens are catastrophically lacking, preferences are given to children of 5-6 years, which in a year or another to school. It is believed that they need speech therapy assistance more than a 3-year-old crumb. In such cases, the documents are written: "Watch a year." That is, after a year, mom and baby must come to the commission again. But a whole year is a pity. The earlier to start classes, the more successful there will be training. In fairness it is necessary to add that there are no cases when the kid really can well do without a kindergarten. A year later, such children come to the Commission with significant improvements in speech development: and retelling learned, and the colors and forms know. And yet the risk is the risk that the "non-swollen" speech therapy of the crumb will lose more than it becomes. If the diagnosis is delivered, parents are very worried, and the surrounding does not understand the child's speech, it is impossible to start its development on samonek. If in the kindergarten, for some reason you refused, there are many - both paid and free, where the small customer will have correctional assistance to those specialists in whom he needs. It is better to go to medical and psychological and pedagogical centers, as there are not only teachers and flaccologists, but also psychoneurologists, neuropathologists work there. It is even better if there is a neuropsychologist in such a center in the state: the results of this specialist will not make himself wait. Thanks to such an integrated approach, not only speech, but also intellectual, emotional and psychological development of the baby will improve.
Usually classes are carried out both individually and in groups of 4-6 people. In group classes of the speech therapist, a flawthologist or psychologist, the guys get acquainted with the world around the world, the Azami mathematics and diplomas, learn to communicate.
Special attention, the defectologist pays for the formation of logical thinking and spatial perception. In such centers of children, in addition, the Commission examines. This is necessary in order to understand the level of child's development, its needs, outline a general work plan. If medical and psychological and pedagogical centers in your city are not, then you should assist the speech therapist in the clinic. But keep in mind that the doctor's load is so great that you may say: "Wait under 5 years old." However, in some cases it is really risky, and then private speech therapists will help you.

Problems with speech

The observation mother will not leave, of course, without attention, the difficulties of the baby. But sometimes overwhelming parents find a problem even where it is not. Let's figure it out when you need to calm down and wait, and when to beat the alarm and try to achieve admission speech therapy Sadik.

The simplest speech survey at home.

It makes sense to hold if the crumb has already been 2 years old. Before that, he still has the full right not to say proposals and rearrange the syllables in words so that no one understands it, including Mom. In 2 years, much changes. The nerve cells of the brain are actively ripening, responsible for the formation of speech, the baby becomes an adult, and his speech is conscious. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth a hurry to determine it in speech therapy Sadik. Or maybe all is not so bad?

  1. Survey of the passive dictionary of the child. Give a cross several tasks and see if he understood your words - whether everything was fulfilled as you asked.
  • Tell your baby: "We will build a house for animals. Bring cubes. Excellent! We put the cubes on each other. Help. And now take this box back and bring us a bunny. You brought a good bunny. Only he is too big for our house. Bring better small bunny and put it in the house. "
  • Check if the baby can show or bring household items: a cup, spoon, plate; cube, machine, bucket; Tights, shoes, handkerchiefs.
  • Whether he understands the verbs: "Jump!", "Sit!", "Come!", "Open!", "Wash!", "Dun!", "Mast!", "Pour!", Emights! "

If your croche has been 3 years old, the passive dictionary is somewhat different, the requirements for it above.

  • Ask to hide the ball under the scarf, and then the scarf under the ball; Pencil for a cup, a cup of pencil. Ask to show this or that color: "Where is the red cube? And where is yellow? " If the baby is hard - this is a disturbing sign.

Next should listen to the active speech of your crumbs. In order not to say doctors, educators and grandmothers, a phrase speech should be formed in 2-2.5 years. A phrase speech is a speech of suggestions, let them be short, let with the "sheepdinary" words, incomprehensible to others: "Mom, Dia Pi!" ("Mom, give drink!"). If the kid puffs, suffer, but tries to speak in 2 years of sentences from 2-3 words, there is no reason for panic. However, if the child is already 3-4 years old, it is necessary to urgently, not postponing, start classes with a speech therapist.

  1. Let's pay attention to the syllable structure of the word, that is, how the baby says the words: entirely or not, it rearranges the syllables or "throws" them from words, and maybe, on the contrary, "increasing" - Malnia (raspberry), avik (snowman), bird (Birds), Aguda (Rainbow). If in 2-3 years this is permissible, then at 3.5-4 years, pay attention to it and sign up for a speech therapist.
  2. It is very important to understand how your child sounds hears. Check it is very simple. For 2-3-pilots, it is not related to 2-3 years, but from 3 years can play with a crumb in the game "Slothers in the palm, when I say" meow ". You say "GAV", "Mu", "Meow", "PI", "Meow", and your child clap only on "meow". When he had already caught the principle of the game, complicate the task: "Locks in the palm, when I say" y ". Sound to hear harder. And it is not easy for such a baby to identify it among others - "a", "and", "y", "o", "y". Well, and even if you managed to deal with it, we boldly ask for it to slap on the sound "sh", while covering your mouth with a piece of paper so that the little cute is not focused on your articulation: "sh", "s", "w", "с" "," M "," U "," s "," sh "... If everything hears well - you can calm down, the phonamatic rumor develops normally and speech therapy Sadik He doesn't need!
  3. And just last notice the sound test. Situations when you need to urgently look for a speech therapist, only four.
  • The 2-year-old crumbs "Porridge in the mouth", the mouth is half open with normal adenoids, often flowing saliva, the tongue is turned on, which is too big and smooth.
  • If the baby is "nasal" the shade of voice with healthy adenoids, and the tongue is written, or, on the contrary, lies in the mouth of the lump and it is not clear that the child says, even the sounds "A", "y", "s" do not work well.
  • If the baby is very noticeably stuttered or suddenly stopped talking after a stressful situation.
  • If at 3 years does not pronounce or try to replace the sounds of "k", "g", "t", "d", "x", "h".
  • Hurry up to the speech therapist if at 4 years old baby distorts or simply does not say the sounds of "C", "s", "sh", "ж", "u", "c", "h", "p", "l" , "B", and often soft options - "smiling", "l", "zy". With good development in 4-5 years, all speech sounds must be formed. Difficulties are allowed only with the sound of "ry", as well as the mixing of some sounds in suggestions: "C" - "sh" ("Slazha on the highway"), "P" - "L" ("Clara of the Clarnet").
  1. At the very end of your home examination, check again and write down what colors can show and call your baby.
  • 2-lips should be easily found in the sample ("Here is a yellow cube. Let's give the same"), it may well recognize the color according to his name: "Give a red machine." But it is not yet to call the colors. And in 3-4 years, it should call 2-3 main colors. Also with the score.
  • In 3 years, the concepts of "one, a lot" are available, it can already recalculate items from one to three.
  • 3-4-year-old students already recognize and call some geometric shapes - a circle, square, triangle.
  • Teach the baby to collect a pyramid, first out of three, and then out of five rings. Look, it turned out to do it on my own. Is it difficult for him to fulfill such a task? Ask then: "Give me the biggest ring. Put on it. And now again give the biggest. And his put on. And again find the biggest. So gathered a pyramid! Try now yourself. " It is very important to understand how a child knows how to learn how to work independently, regardless of age.

If all the tasks your crumble performed well, you should not hurry in speech therapy Sadik. Take it on various educational classes and watch the baby develops. However, if at least one of the home examination points did not satisfy you, and the child behaved restlessly, Shealil, could not focus on the tasks, grabbed various items without a goal - consult specialists, you will definitely help you. For a good speech therapist there are no difficult children, all the children are individuals, everyone has strengths. See these parties - and there is a key to speech therapy work!

A little story. Until 1917, in Russia, children who have any anomalies in the development, for the most part not received specially organized assistance. Specialized educational institutions existed, but they were closed, privately separated from educational institutions.

After the revolution, the situation has changed significantly. The question of organizing a number of special institutions operating in the national education system for children with special training needs was raised. The government of the country issued the necessary legislative documents, where the requirements for the organization of the educational process of children with deviations in development were prescribed.

For a long time, the absenteeism of the speech function was not considered an anomaly. Children with heavy speech violations studied in secondary schools. Only Professor F.A. In 1928, Rau in 1928 was raised by the issue of organizing preschool institutions, correcting speech defects before the child's admission to school. He determined the light shape of speech underdevelopment. Uncomplicated defects could correct the educators of the kindergarten, which passed speech therapy retraining courses. Heavy complications of the speech function corrected speech therapists in specialized groups at kindergarten. Subsequently, individual institutions began to open up - speech therapy kindergartens.

What is a speech therapy kindergarten?

The speech therapy kindergarten is a preschool educational institution, which is intended for children with a violation of speech function. Do not be discouraged if your child is stuttered, the letters of the alphabet do not argue. If there is a speech therapy office in kindergarten, then such problems are quickly eliminated.

Each speech kindergarten, like ordinary pre-school institutions, sets itself a task to prepare children to school. Claims are held on the main subjects: a letter, reading, mathematics surrounding the world.

Mandatory in the state of pedagogical workers of the speech therapy kindergarten is a psychologist. It provides assistance, gives advice, practical advice.

Among the parents there is an incorrect view that if they definite the child in the speech garden, it will become even worse, communicating with children who have more complex speech defects. This is not true. It will not be worse than talking. But there is a small threat to the occurrence of stuttering, some children can begin to imitate skating. It should be noted that under the closer attention of professionals, the risk of such a phenomenon is practically reduced to zero. Also draw attention to the fact that the specialized speech therapy pre-school institution is much more efficient than just a speech therapy group in kindergarten.

In vain, many parents fear that the speech diagnosis is stigma for life. It is absolutely not true. The child after the end of a specialized kindergarten can go to any prestigious school. On the contrary, the speech therapy kindergarten will better prepare for the child's school with speech defects than the usual one.

Principles and shapes of speech therapy

Directions of the work teacher-speech therapist are based on certain principles and rules. This ensures the effectiveness of achieving the desired result.

  • Didactic material, methods, form of classes, speech therapy in kindergarten, must comply with the age-related development of the child;
  • An individual-oriented, individual approach in training. The psychological features of every child are taken into account.
  • The length of the speech therapist depends on the degree of damage to the speech function. If the defect is fixed, then there is no need, continue classes.

Forms of speech therapy work are selected taking into account the ageal features of the child's development, the degree of speech disorder.

Speech therapy classes for children are:

  • frontal;
  • individual;
  • classes in small groups.

There are certain requirements for front classes, which must strictly follow the teacher. Each lesson uses speech therapy units for children - this is a close connection of speech with music, movements. Such a technology causes children interest in children, creates a cheerful mood. Be sure to use speech therapy games for children, unusual situations with surprise moments.

During the occupation, the activities should often change. And, without fail, at every occupation you need to talk a lot. So kids learn to listen, correct their mistakes in the pronunciation and mistakes of comrades.

A special role is assigned to individual classes. They occupy the main part of the work teacher-speech therapist. In these classes, speech defects are corrected individually for each child.

Children with similar defects of speech development are combined into the microGroup. With this form of work, the speech therapist has the opportunity to apply a differentiated approach to classes to consolidate the sounds of the sounds, the expansion of the vocabulary of words, the study of grammatical categories.

Of all the foregoing, it is obvious that the direction in the speech therapy kindergarten is not a sentence, but professional, effective assistance. No need to carry out a parallel between speech defects and mental development anomalies. Delive to the problem of sound sensing seriously. Survey the child, get advice with speech therapist, psychologist. Feel free to contact the specialists, they will certainly indicate you the right path to achieving the desired result.

It is believed that the speech therapy garden is a definite "stigma" in the personal case of a child. Is it really?

To begin with, let's figure it out what is the speech therapy group?

Correctional groups are divided into speech (speech therapy) and groups of children with SPR (psycho-speech development delay).

In the speech therapy groups, there are sounds that were not, and corrected incorrectly pronounced (correction of speech defects), enrich the dictionary, develop a phonderatic perception, a coherent speech, teach proper grammatical design. In the elders and in the preparatory group are engaged in training for literacy.

There are also a speech therapist, and a defectologist (in addition to educators who have the necessary qualifications).

Every year for different ages is a multifaceted job. There are kindergartens, where all the groups are speech. There are - where only groups with SRRs.

There are gardens where group speech (speech therapy) + groups with SRR + ordinary groups \u003d combination garden garden. There is an ordinary garden where there is a logopunk. Children are credited to the logopunk only with disturbed pronunciation.

But in any version, the speech therapy group in our time is not a punishment, but most likely a remuneration, because it has become more difficult to get there, and the general underdevelopment of speech is easier to correct in the garden, where all the work is aimed at eliminating this problem.

Perhaps no one is no longer a secret that in the speech therapy preparation of children, no offense will be said, sometimes much stronger than in mass kindergartens. Because kids from the speech therapy kindergarten come to school with a much better dictionary than children from an ordinary kindergarten. They know more, they have wider vocabulary, many skills are better formed, starting with graphic skills, sound-alphabetic analysis and ending with stories by pictures. Better formed generalizing concepts. That is, the children come from speech therapy gardens even more prepared.

You can independently track the promotion of the sequence of your child in the electronic magazine accounting for future pupils.

Step 2. Go to the speech therapist in the district clinic.

The speech therapist examines the child, gives a direction for the passage of the PMPC (Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission).

Step 3. Collect for PMPK a few references:

  • from the ENT doctor
  • okulista
  • pediatrician
  • neuropathologist (for children under 3 years old),
  • psychiatrist.

Step 4. Find the address of your district PMPC, call and make an appointment.

Step 5. On the appointed day to come to the examination with the child.

What documents do you need for a speech therapy garden?

Documents for passing PMPK

  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • parental passport or a person replacing it (for temporarily living in Moscow and certificate of registration);
  • four medical conclusions:
    • child psychiatrist from PND at the place of residence of the child (for children up to 3 years old - neuropathologist district children's clinics),
    • speech therapist district children's clinic
    • otolaryngologist District Children's Polyclinic,
    • okulist district children's clinic.

If the child has previously visited a kindergarten, it is necessary to additionally provide a psychological and pedagogical characteristic of this kindergarten.

If the child has previously passed the commission in another city or district PMPC, it is necessary to additionally provide the psychological and medical and pedagogical conclusion of this commission.

Your child will look the following specialists:

  • speech therapist,
  • psychologist,
  • sometimes a psychoneurologist.

The task of the Commission is to determine whether the child really lags behind the peers in the speech development or parents simply reinsured. Or maybe they certainly want to record the baby in the speech therapy group, despite the excellent speech and development of age? It happens!

If the Commission decides that there is a child's problems, then the question arises: what exactly is the speech the doctor to send a baby? After all, diagnoses are different, depending on them and a group of children of a certain age is gaining.

For example, if a 4-year-old baby is diagnosed with a general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) of the 1-2th level, "the senior speech therapist looks in which kindergarten this year is gaining a 4-pilot with such a diagnosis.

And if the 6-year-old child has problems with sound-proof (distorted hissing, whistling, the baby does not argue "P" and "L"), then such a child will be sent to another group - preparatory, where and the other program, and the requirements for learning outcomes above .

For stunting kids, individual gardens are provided with their program and a set of specialists (there, for example, are classes on art therapy).

The Child Commissions are determined in one of the following groups:

  • stuttering;
  • general underdevelopment of speech (here guide children with a delay in speech development or rude lexico-grammatical violations of speech);
  • phonetic-phonderatic violation of speech (simply speaking, these are violations of pronunciation - cases where the child pronounces 10-12 sounds);
  • pronunciation of individual sounds (2-3 sounds).

So, your child will look and give a certificate about the passage of the PMPC.

Only after the commission, parents can breathe calmly: September 1, the kid will accurately go to the garden.

In addition to gardens that are fully given under speech therapy needs, speech therapy groups in ordinary gardens are commonly distributed.

Comment Article "How to get into the speech therapy kindergarten?"

Good day. The article is named for me as children with speech therapy problems do not fall into kindergarten. It happens ...... we have the conclusion of this commission, but no registration in this city, where we now live. And we are denied in kindergarten, by the way, even in simple, and in medical specialized assistance. So .... and it's true. Where to write to whom to complain? That is the question.

11.11.2015 13:53:44, Catherine

1. Included in the clinic, did not pronounce R, W, Shch
2. Lit direction to the logosad
3. In the logosad, they gave a piece of paper what doctors you need to go
4. Read the paper in the garden
5. In May, there was a commission, we were impaired by some tests. I wanted and asked what kind of garden with the speaker we want, we told them.
September 6, came to the garden.
Classes take place 2 times a week alone with a speech therapist. A lot of tasks are given to the house. Gymnastics with a tongue, fingers. And any speech therapy.
I am very pleased.
Despite the fact that from the gardens, the speech therapists will be removed from us, everything is still. And speech therapist and psychologist.
And the nurse by 17 people. Just lucky with the head, defended the kindergarten.

03/02/2013 18:39:59, logo

I also believe that it is better to deal with the speech therapist in private, and in the garden, the usual walk, only there, too, the problem is also to get.

28.02.2013 16:28:29,

Total 5 messages .

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The speech therapy garden is better (useful) than Masovy because ... the topic for parents who are afraid to give children to a speech garden, because


The speech therapy garden is better because the child with any violation of speech (and with a defect of pronunciation, and with stuttering), will feel comfortable there than in a group with children with normal speech development.

In the speech therapy garden for the shortcomings of speech, they will not be exactly tease!


The fact that the attention to his speech will be more will be, work with it will not be carried out at the level of the rest, namely on it (speech therapist + educators on the recommendations of the speech therapist). And also noted that such groups work more talented and concerned as a result of their work more often than in conventional groups.


Yes, and everything is subordinate to the development of speech. The educators perform the tasks of the speech therapist and follow the speech of children, simply because it enters their duties (and paid!). Even you will not make a lot of logopunk-educators. And if it is serious violations of speech-simply need logosad.

Recently was on the courses-raised this problem. The fact is that now everything depends on the desire of parents. If a child with speech problems and SPRs, then parents give it to a speech garden. Although, better-special group with SRR. But after all, my child is not to "underdeveloped." In the end, the half of the speech group is sitting, for example, from the CPR (if not worse). Therefore, everything is considered that Logosad-for children "underdeveloped".

Many speech therapists complained about it. These are the problems of the PMPC. They give directions to the log agroup.

And in fact, the profile of the logosades - children only violations of speech.


Larisa, you're monstering right! I know the Garden of the SPR, where they do not like to take children from the SRR ... Wonderful, isn't it? But not about this speech, in the right garden, children are not simply developing and corrected, but also go to the speech world correctly and then learn well. Because if parents-speech therapists have the opportunity to arrange your child not in mass, but in the logo (even if he is normal) then they try to achieve it! Isn't that the best argument?






Tell me if someone has a tooth hurts, then you go to a dentist or other specialist? The answer is simple and clear. Evailing: If there are problems with speech-definitely: speech group or logosad. And if seriously, then, after working for many years in Dow Speed \u200b\u200bon the group, I want to say first of all to parents that teachers are happy to take into the classes of children after classes with a speechopmed. Why? Just they are about-o-o-chen well prepared for school.

In my opinion, any specialized garden is better than mass. Small groups, special conditions (pool, massage, medical physical education, medical events), attention to each child (on a group of 15 children - two educators, nanny, speech therapist) - this is what no mommy will refuse, and that What will never go to the detriment of the kid. A more qualified presidoal (yes forgive me colleagues) - This is true. Even with the exception of my studies at the Institute, our teachers told us: "Girls, you will have children from you, it will be necessary to give them into a speech garden. How they are engaged in the development of speech, do not do anywhere else." We and your daughter, fortunately, lucky


As a specialist, Ya. Connecto, for specialized gardens. Here and experts are available, and classes are held at the proper level. I can say that a specialized garden can give more a child than a massive. My daughter went to a mass garden, And in the speech therapy. And the same database of knowledge and skills received in the specialized garden, we helped us very much in the first grade. And the fact that in such (specialized) gardens there are children with problems in speech, mental development, should not scare parents . Now and in the mass garden you can get into a group where such kids are.


And in many speech therapy gardens in mathematics, physical development and visual activities, specially dedicated and trained people are often conducted, focused on the speech defect of children, and not forever tortured and do not have time to prepare for all educators.

It turns out that the speech of children is developing in other classes, and not only when working a speech therapist.

And these subjects are gradually acquiring such high qualifications that few people can compare with them.


Hello everyone! My daughter 4 and a half, specialists put ONR II degree, dysarthria. Last year stood before the choices - speech or ordinary garden. Afraid in speech, and now I regret, because For the year of improvement in speech, the child is not significant. The commission passed, and the place was not enough. It is good that at least take the next year, you look at the school. I look forward to.


Children from a speech kindergarten come to school, I am very pleased. They are easily given reading and writing, children are well prepared. In the usual D.S. There is no such preparation. Do not be afraid, enter the speech garden.