With yourself and your thoughts. Realize that your thoughts are real. In the world of quantum physics

Frequent companions of a person's spiritual life. Such thoughts form a habit that turns into negative thinking and can even cause serious health problems. There are 7 effective ways to help you overcome negative thoughts and emotions permanently.

Complex thinking, "fixation" on some things from the past or the present - everyone has experienced this state at least once in their life. Coaches and mentors very often hear from their clients who want to get rid of negative feelings and thinking: "I would like to control my mind." However, it can often increase frustration, anxiety, or even depression, and make it worse.

The point is, you cannot completely control them. And by trying not to think about something or trying to suppress thoughts, their repetition can be made even more frequent.

Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap, says that 80% of our thoughts are negative. And according to Emma Seppala, author of The Happiness Track, the brain’s habit of thinking negatively is a kind of protective and protective process. Therefore, negative thoughts enter our minds: "We have such a strong tendency towards negativity that there is a distorted view of reality."

Our body "responds" to experienced emotions - this was proved by scientists from Finland. They made up "".

I remember in my childhood I was repeatedly asked such a comic problem: "Try not to think about the white monkey." And if I took this task seriously, then it was very difficult to get rid of thoughts about it. She came out in the form of a color, then in the form of an image, or simply in the words of the task that I set myself, "not to think about the monkey." Thank God, now this task does not present any special problems for me. I just don’t think about something if I don’t need it.

Why control your thoughts at all? What does it do? Well, firstly, clarity of thinking and the absence of garbage in the head.

You begin to see the environment more clearly, see your motives, goals and desires, see the motives, goals and desires of the people around you. And, accordingly, to see whether the goals and objectives of the people around you and the situations in which you are located, your goals and objectives. You become more effective for yourself and your life, move faster towards your goals and more easily avoid people and circumstances that hinder you in this.

Secondly, uncontrollable, spontaneous thoughts often trigger unpleasant, destructive emotions, such as guilt, envy or fear, which destroy you from the inside, poisoning your existence, depriving you of joy, peace, and take away your time that you could use for something. useful or pleasant.

Finally, by controlling your thinking, you simply begin to find yourself. There is clarity about who you are, what you want and where you are going in your life. Self-confidence appears and unnecessary doubts disappear, which means that the possibility of manipulation by other people also disappears. After all, the main levers that manipulators use to control you are fears, doubts and self-doubt.

The main reason why disorder and chaos is formed in thoughts is a negative assessment of the environment, a lack of clarity in understanding one's goals and desires, as well as fear associated with the past and fear of a possible future. I will share some of the ways I have used, or still use, to figure out what is going on in your head.

- Try to always say "I". “I want”, “I know”, “I think”, “I think”, “I like”. Avoid ambiguity, general or vague definitions. Not “My friends and I went ...”, but “I went with friends ...”, not “It would be good to do it”, but “I think it would be good to do it”, not “They are bad”, but “They are for Me do not like". This is not selfishness, in order to be selfish it is not necessary to say "I". This is the recognition that you are, and your desires are, and you acknowledge this, first of all, in front of yourself. This is a statement to others about your existence, a requirement that your existence at least be reckoned with. Those. often people cannot defend their opinion and purposefully go to the result, not because they lack strength, courage or skill, but because they are not at all sure of what they are and what their desires are, and what are they. With this method, you gradually become the center of your own universe, returning to yourself the state of yourself that you once had in childhood. You gradually become clear about who you are, what you want and what are your goals in this life.

- Avoid "false telepathy". When communicating with other people, people often think something like "He looked at me askance (grunted, did not react to my words, etc., etc.), which means he thought ...". Remember that you cannot read other people's thoughts, even the thoughts of those closest to you. You never know why the person did something or reacted somehow in your presence. Maybe he has problems at work and is focused on how to solve them. Try to always rely on reality, and not on your fantasies and assumptions. Instead of thinking, "He just looked askance at me," just describe what is happening, "He just narrowed his eyes, and I took it as a negative assessment of myself." If this continues to bother you, then just ask him what is the matter, what he thinks about. Don't consider yourself the center of the universe. Remember that everyone around, just like you, is mostly focused on themselves and their problems. People around you think about you as much as you think about them.

- Remember that you do not owe anything to anyone and do not owe anything to anyone. Everything in your life is the result of your actions and your choices, and if you don’t like something, you don’t have to do it. Change in your words and thoughts the expressions “I have to”, “I have to”, “I have to” to the expressions “I want”, “in my interests” or even “it is beneficial for me”. This will relieve you of the burden of other people's desires and the responsibility of others, and you will begin to become more clearly aware of your own desires, interests and your consciously accepted obligations, which bring you this or that benefit, and in other words, lead you to your specific goal ...

- Remember, no problem. Often times, people fill their heads with thoughts of unresolved problems. They consider them, then on the one hand, then on the other, thinking how to get out of the situation most effectively. And in fact they sit without doing anything, torturing themselves with heavy thoughts and experiences, and others, with their oppressive mood. Remember how often you think about a problem when doing something to solve it? In my experience, not very often, because there is a specific task that needs to be completed, and there is a clear sequence of actions, performing which, one by one, you come to a specific result. So there are no problems, there are situations to change which you can do something at the moment, and you do it without bothering yourself with useless thinking. And there are situations for changing which you cannot do anything (at least at this moment), which means that it is completely pointless to bother yourself about them, because it will not change anything. So do not fill your head with things that you are not able to influence. Do something more constructive. Or enjoyable.

- If heavy thoughts continue to overwhelm you, you can try another method. Most of our fears and doubts are connected either with the past, which we experience over and over again, unable to get out of the influence of what happened to us, or with the future, when we replay the possible development of events and shudder from possible unpleasant variants of these events. In these moments, try to remember who you are and where you are. Look around. Listen to yourself, to your feelings. Most often, when doubts and fears torment us, in reality nothing threatening happens. There may even be a very comfortable environment around you. There is no threat. There is nothing around you that hurts or scares you. There is nothing around you that you need to urgently react to and take immediate action. All this has either already happened or is still to come (which is also not a fact). Right now, at this moment, there is no threat. Right now, at this moment, everything is good and safe. Realize this.

- Feel your body. Another way to get out of the now is to shift your attention away from your thoughts to your physical sensations. By shifting attention to sensations, you increase the flow of information coming from the body and this information displaces unnecessary processes that take away valuable energy in your head. Useless thoughts in the first place. You can also intensify the sensations by starting to dance, or by doing some physical exercise, or simply by starting to move, straining these or those included muscles to the maximum, trying to "feel" to them. The latter is good to do, for example, walking. Others will not notice what you are doing, and you, at the same time, will begin to acquire better posture and smooth movements.

- If you find yourself in a situation where someone says something that you do not really want to listen to, the brain starts to explode from the interlocutor's speech and you start to get irritated, and there is no way to interrupt communication for some reason, then you can use this way. Try to listen attentively not to the meaning of words and the logic of speech, but to the sound of the interlocutor's voice. You don't get annoyed when birds sing outside the window, do you? Here and here, imagine that in front of you is such a big, your personal bird, which personally sings its song for you. Listen to the rhythm, melody, energy, expression and tonality. Find aesthetics in it and enjoy it.

- Master the art of positive thinking. I'm not talking about getting away from reality, but about the ability to maintain balance. Negative thinking is the norm in our world. Unfortunately. Almost everyone, without exception, has a tendency to fall into the negative and in no way compensate for this. Positive thinking will be just such a compensation, and at the same time, it will be a way to get out of the pit of negative perception, if you really fail there. Look for good sides, positive traits in everything. Be prepared for the unexpected, but assume the best. Be objective! There is nothing in the world that would carry exclusively negative qualities (well, maybe except for the Dark Lord 🙂). Remember that anything is possible in life. Even the most positive and magical for you.

Perhaps a medium-sized book could be written on this topic. Although there are a lot of them. But I hope that these few ways I’ve told you about it will help you think more clearly, clearly, constructively and purposefully, and help you come to your happier and more fulfilled life.

Many esotericists and even psychologists argue that it is possible to control a person using only the power of thought. There are several effective ways to help you with this.

There are effective practices that can teach you how to control the thoughts of any person at a distance. There is nothing supernatural in this: it is enough just to understand human psychology. If you act according to certain rules, you can not only find out what people want from you, but also win over any person and even get what you want from him. Of course, you cannot do this to the detriment of others.

Basic Rules

In words, influencing a person is simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. To influence a person with the help of the power of thought, you need to fully concentrate and learn the little subtleties of mind control. If you do not follow the rules, then there will be no effect from these practices.

At first, this practice can be applied to a person who is in the most relaxed state. It is best if he sleeps. In this state, a person's consciousness is simply not able to fully respond to external influences and fully control itself.

Belief in the result is also important. If you do not believe that a person can be influenced with the help of thought, and even at a distance, then hardly anything will come of it. Do not doubt yourself, and then you will be surprised what your subconscious is capable of. If you do everything right, you will soon learn to control other people's thoughts.

Few people manage to achieve positive results the first time, but you shouldn't lose faith. To control people's thoughts at a distance, you need to train long and hard on different people and in different situations.

During training, imagine that you are moving from your head to the head of another person, thereby transmitting certain impulses of influence. Do not forget to monitor your breathing: it should always remain even and not interrupted.

We have already said that the person you want to influence should be completely relaxed. The same goes for you. Your body should be in a relaxed position. Do not start the practice in a sad or angry mood, or you may attract bad consequences and harm the person.

Bright light and noise can interfere with this technique. Make sure you start the practice in a secluded area with dim lighting. You can play soothing music or mantras.

If you want to influence a person with the power of thought in order to help him cope with an illness or misfortune, it is necessary to carry out the technique with a smile on his face. A smile will help this person recharge with positive energy, attract happiness and harmony to his inner world.

If you want to control your thoughts at a distance, you need to develop good imagination. It is through her that you will be able to represent what you want in colors and even feel certain emotions.

How to control a person's thoughts

Having taken into account all the rules of preparation, you can proceed to the actions themselves.

Using photography... This technique is very common and one of the easiest. To complete it, you need a photograph of the person you want to influence. Place the photo in front of you and imagine that this person is now standing next to you. Try to feel his presence physically, imagine his behavior, voice. After that, think carefully about what you want from this person, and imagine it in colors. Then repeat what you want several times and, after making sure that your thoughts have reached this addressee, remove the photo and expect a positive result.

At a short distance... If the person you want to influence with thoughts is not far from you, then this method will suit you. For example, if the person is in the next room, just close your eyes and visualize every feature of their face, how they are dressed and what you think they are doing right now. Imagine everything in colors and in the smallest detail, and after 20 minutes check the effectiveness of your actions. If all else fails, do not despair: repeat this technique again.

Healing a man... If someone close to you is sick, you can help him heal with the power of thought. You can heal both physical and mental states. This technique has increased effectiveness even for those people who use it unconsciously. This is expressed in moral support, in the faith of friends and relatives in the healing of a person, in hope and in prayers.

To try to get rid of a person's illness, you need to imagine that you are holding a small ball of healing energy in your hands. Once you have this in mind, pass the ball to the person who is sick. Imagine that he breathes this ball into himself, filling himself with joy and positive energy, driving away illness and disease. Imagine that this person suddenly began to smile, the sadness disappeared from his face, and he is filled with happiness. An important point in this practice is that you should feel everything that this person is feeling. Try to feel all his feelings on yourself, only then this method will be the most effective.

Action management... With the help of the power of thought, you can even force a person to perform some action. This is not an easy way, but if you train a lot, you can achieve great results. To begin with, you need to completely relax and find a position that is comfortable for you. Take a deep breath three times and with your eyes closed, imagine the person you want to influence. Imagine every detail, down to smells, and imagine the desired action. For example, if you want to meet this person, imagine how he dresses, leaves the house and goes to the exact place where you want to meet him. If you did everything right and really want your dreams to come true, you will definitely meet soon. For this practice to be most effective, it must be repeated daily.

Having carefully read and applied all these techniques in practice, over time you will be able to influence people's consciousness with the power of thought. Remember not to use the practices with malicious intent. Direct your thoughts only in a positive direction and help people without harming them. Success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

mind control will allow you to completely control your own life and become the master of your destiny.

There are three simple exercises to learncontrol your mind :

Positive thinking

Most people simply do not realize the immense power of the positive and negative thoughts in their minds. The method is extremely simple: as soon as a negative thought floods your mind, immediately replace it with one that will lift your mood. Imagine that your brain is like a slide projector, and every thought is like a slide.Whenever a negative slide appears on your screen, quickly change it to a positive one.

For example, many people are annoyed by being late or waiting in line. Concentrating each time on negative thoughts and condemnation of a friend who was delayed for 10 minutes, a person programs negative patterns and runs the risk of being trapped in negative thoughts. Nevertheless, let's try to change the attitude towards the situation in a positive way. After all, waiting is nothing more than training willpower for some, or the opportunity to talk to yourself, or observe the world around you. There is a famous example of a half-empty and half-full glass. An optimist perceives a glass as half full - as half full, and a pessimist - as half empty. The glass did not change at all from this. But one person is more often happy from such a perception of life, while the other is upset from this. It turns out that we ourselves choose how we react to this or that event in our life.

An example of this is a story about two children. The parents had two twin sons. One of them was an optimist and the other a pessimist. Everything was good for an optimist, and his parents did not really think about what to give him for his birthday. But the pessimist thought for a long time what to give and gave him a wooden horse for his birthday - a good, wooden horse. And they decided to play a trick on the optimist and put horse dung near his bed. A negative child gets up in the morning and looks sadly at his horse and says: “Here we have another horse of the wrong color, it doesn’t ride, we need to drive it. What should I do now and where should I put it in my little room now? " Parents were upset, again it did not work out. What about the optimist? Will he be upset? The optimist says: “Great, they gave me a real live horse. Even the manure remained, I probably went for a walk. "

Thus, positive thinking will give you joy and self-confidence. By controlling your consciousness and increasing the positive qualities of a person, focusing on the beautiful and positive, you fill your life with these components. And negative thoughts are getting less and less.

As soon as you begin to constantly apply this principle to your daily life and begin to control your consciousness, turning each event into a positive, empowering one, you will forever get rid of worries. You will cease to be a prisoner of your past. Instead, you will become the architect of your future.

Perfect mastery of your mind begins with the ability to control every thought that comes to your head. When you develop the ability to let go of all unworthy thoughts and learn to focus only on the positive and beneficial, you will begin to do positive and beneficial actions. Soon everything positive and useful will begin to come into your life by itself.
Only we decide how to think and how to live: in happiness or in sadness.


If you want to strengthen your arm muscles to get stronger, then you need to train them. If you want to make the leg muscles firm, you must first tense them. In the same way, your mind will work miracles - but only if you let it do it. It will give you everything you want out of your life once you learn to manage it effectively. Mind training requires daily exercise.

One of them is the ability to concentrate on your thoughts solving the mystery of your life. Most of us live in such a frantic rhythm that real silence and stillness sometimes becomes something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, hearing these words, will say that they have no time to sit and look at the flower. These same people will say that they do not have time to simply enjoy the laughter of children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say that they are too busy for such a thing. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time.

Set aside 10-20 minutes daily forcontemplation exercises ... All that is required during this period is to concentrate all your attention on one object. It can be a flower, candle or any other object. This exercise must be done in complete silence and preferably outdoors. Look closely at the object. Pay attention to the color, structure and shape. Enjoy the scent and think only of this beautiful creation in front of you. At first, other thoughts will come to you, distracting you from the object. This is a sign of an untrained mind. Try not to be distracted by any thoughts.
By practicing the exercise for 21 days, the mind will become stronger and more controlled and you will master the principle of mind control. You will realize that every moment is a miracle and a mystery, and you have the power to comprehend it.


Our minds think in images. Images influence our idea of \u200b\u200bourselves, and this idea determines how we feel, how we act, how we go to the goal. If you see yourself as too young to be successful in the legal profession, or too old to change habits, you will never achieve these goals. If in your imagination you see that a life full of meaning, happiness and physical perfection is prepared only for people of another circle, to which you do not belong, then in the end it will become your reality.

But if bright images flash across the wide screen of your consciousness, wonderful things will begin to happen in your life. Einstein said that"Imagination is more important than knowledge" ... Every day you should devote some time, even a few minutes, to this constructive foresight. Imagine yourself in the image of who you want to become, whether it is a successful entrepreneur, a loving mother, or a responsible citizen of society. The secret of visualization is that with the help of positive images we influence consciousness.

The magic of imagination can be applied in many situations. It can be used to better manage the court case, improve relationships with others, and develop your own spirituality. Our consciousness has a magnetic power to attract everything we desire into our life. If something is missing in our life, it is because it is missing in our ideas. You have to keep beautiful pictures before the eyes of your imagination. Even a single negative image can poison the mind.Visualization is the magnetic force of consciousness, capable of bringing spiritual and material wealth.

The power of imagination, as well as positive thinking and concentration, require constant training. Mind control takes time. And it's worth starting with regular meditation every day. Once these three methods become a daily practice, you will master the skill of controlling your thoughts, your consciousness and mind. If you are in control of your mind, you are in control of your life. And once you have complete control over your own life, you will become the master of your destiny.

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The healing power is hidden within us.
Health, happiness, success and peace of mind are possible,
one has only to go beyond the shackles of limited beliefs.
Alsey Volny

Thoughts determine health

Our body is internally connected with our mind, more precisely, the body is a reflection of our mind, it is a gross visible form of a light invisible mind.

If you have a toothache, ear, or stomach, your mind immediately responds to that pain. He ceases to think correctly, he is worried, disturbed and indignant.

And vice versa. If your mind is depressed, the body also cannot function properly.

Our mental health is more important than our physical health. If the mind is healthy, the body is bound to be healthy. If the mind is pure and thoughts are pure, you are freed from all diseases.

Since the qualitative interchange at the informational level creates a qualitative interchange at the energy and biochemical levels.

To help eliminate the Causes of Disease, a unique and highly effective program has been developed by a group of experts.

Thoughts develop personality.

Sublime thoughts uplift the mind and expand the heart; ignoble thoughts excite the mind and respond with painful and dark sensations.

Anyone who controls his thoughts at least a little has a calm speech, a deep voice, self-control, a beautiful face, and his eyes become sparkling and shining.

For a simple and natural control of thoughts, it is necessary to activate the Center of Calm and Balance in yourself. A simple and effective course has been developed to assist a group of experts.

With the help of our thoughts, we can instill and form self-confidence, good self-esteem, and almost any other characteristic inherent in a strong personality.

According to wave genetics, DNA perceives our every thought and word through an etheric conductor, and transmits to each cell of the body as a command for execution.

Changing your mindset can help create and eliminate habits, beliefs, and abilities.

Thoughts change fate.

Man sows thoughts and reaps actions. By sowing action, he reaps habit. By sowing habit, he reaps character. By sowing character, he reaps destiny.

Man creates his own destiny through his thoughts and actions. He can change fate. He is the creator of his own destiny. And there is no doubt about that.

With the right thinking and determined effort, he can become the master of his destiny.

The ignorant talk about karma and the inevitability of fate. This is a misconception that leads to stress, depression, stagnation and poverty. This is the ideal way of not understanding the laws of Karma, avoiding responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions. This is an erroneous reasoning, the question of which will not be considered by a reasonable person.

There is a development program that has emerged from past experience, at first, according to the development program, you go through the necessary lessons, reassessment of values, activate your abilities to prepare yourself as a master of life, and then you consciously create your destiny from the inside, with your thoughts and actions. To help a group of experts, an ingeniously simple Course was developed

Thoughts cause physiological disturbances.

Our beliefs - affect the bio-chemical processes in the body,
and on the energetic level, beliefs - affect our State and mood.
Alsey Volny

Any change in thinking creates vibrations in the mental body, then affects the emotional body, and then the physical body, causing the final brain activity. This activity in nerve cells causes many electrochemical changes.

Intense feelings such as uncontrollable passion and excitement, hatred, bitter envy, anxiety, bouts of temper, actually destroy the cells of the body and cause diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach.

Every thought, emotion or word makes strong vibrations through the DNA in every cell of the body and leaves a strong impression there - an imprint of information.

If you know how to transform and activate opposing thoughts, then you can lead a happy, harmonious life with peace and strength. To help a group of experts, a simply ingenious Course was developed

Thoughts of love immediately neutralize thoughts of hate. Thoughts of courage are a powerful antidote to thoughts of fear. Thoughts have a profound effect on your body. Sadness and joy, confidence and stiffness are immediately reflected in your condition and in your body.

Every cell of the body suffers or grows, receives a life impulse or a death impulse, every thought that enters your mind, as a rule, turns into an image of what you think about - most of the time.

When Consciousness addresses a certain thought and stops at it, certain vibrations of matter are created, and the more often this vibration is created, the more likely it is to repeat and create a habit. The body follows Consciousness and repeats its changes. If you focus, your eyes are fixed.

Thoughts create an environment.

Many of the greatest people in the world, born in poverty and poor conditions, born in slums and filthy conditions, they managed to get the highest status in the world, thanks to the fact that they brought some value to society.

Remember that strength is in your weakness. Poverty also has its own value, it instills humility, strength and endurance, while luxury creates laziness, pride, weakness and all kinds of bad habits.

Do not be offended by bad luck or the environment in which you grew up. The greater the gift is given to a person, the more difficulties he is packed in order to open his unlimited potential through a deep reassessment of values.

Create your own inner world and environment. A person who seeks to develop and grow in adverse environmental conditions actually becomes a very strong person:

  • Nothing can shake him.
  • He has strong nerves.
  • A person does not depend on the environment and circumstances.
  • He can control and change situations according to his abilities, character, thoughts, intentions, state and useful deeds.

Eventually, in order to learn to consciously control the inner Power, you need to activate your Center of Calm and Balance, from which it becomes possible.

A simple and effective course has been developed to assist a group of experts.

  • “Inside every person there is a hiddenthe center of tranquility and balance,
    and we just need to open it,
    stay in it and draw energy and knowledge from there during times of difficulties. "

*Write below in the comments, what have you realized and felt useful for yourself, what experience do you already have in this direction?