The secret of the Hollywood smile. What prevents us from learning to smile beautifully


I often ask myself the question: "Why can't people smile"? And I answer: "Because they are shy." Are not shy beautiful smile, are embarrassed by the curvature of the teeth, they do not like something about themselves, it all comes from the internal complexes of people.

When patients come to see me for the first time, I immediately determine that their smile can be much better. This is already the so-called "professional deformation" (in good sense words) of the brain, when, starting from the threshold of the door, when they enter, patients greet you, or when I greet a person, I smile a little, because this is a gesture of greeting. And I, as an orthodontist, already know: "Yeah, I see, here this and this probably worries him."

How the patient smiles for the first time

I’ll ask myself this question: how do they smile at me the first time they come in? Big smile or a little stiff? And what kind of smile is it at first sight?

A smile at first sight is, to a large extent, a smile with lips and at the same time - eyes on the floor. That is, patients come to a doctor who is constantly engaged in building beautiful smiles for them - this is what they strive for, and this first smile of theirs is a little constrained: either a little teeth are visible, or it is a smile only with the lips ... That is, in 90 percent of the greetings, patients never look me in the eye, as an interlocutor.

The patient does not believe that the smile in its current form is his strong point... And the patient seems to be embarrassed by this. And this is embarrassment, this embarrassment occurs because the patient is really embarrassed. Your smile and yourself.

And a beautiful smile is a weapon:

Thought out loud: After treatment, girls begin to 100% use all the possibilities of their smile. And 3 months before the end of the treatment, pressure on the doctor begins, the girls begin to say: "I like my smile, let's take everything off my teeth, I'm ready for achievements!"

Let me ask again questions: It turns out that people do not know how to smile? Or they want to smile, but do not know how to do it right, because if they do something more, people will see their teeth, which they are so shy about.

Therefore, it very often happens in patients that he smiles with only one side of his face. In photographs or during a conversation, when I communicate with a person, his facial expressions are already so programmed facial muscles that he smiles exactly so that people do not see his crooked teeth or even one crooked tooth.

Or, for example, he sits down with a certain side to the interlocutor, because if in the photographs you can simply not smile or smile only with your lips, then with the interlocutor, when we communicate, teeth are still visible, anyway, a smile is always visible. And so he either covers his mouth while laughing, or smiles only with a certain side, or his facial muscles are still stretched, and you get such a constrained smile.

Patients do not tell me that it is difficult for them to smile.

And many do not admit it. As a rule, they say that “now, I have one uneven tooth and, probably, it would be necessary to fix it”.

What Happens When a Patient Feels the Power of His Smile

Question to myself: When do I see that people understand the power of their smile? When do they start talking to me about it? Or do they just show with their whole appearance that their smile is starting to work?

When a patient's teeth become more or less even (it doesn't matter if this treatment is on braces or on caps, with braces there it happens a little faster), already at the stage of treatment he comes with satisfied, happy eyes and says: “My teeth have become smoother , they are almost even! Look how cool and how cool ”! Sometimes (especially among girls) the phrase creeps in: “I now understand what it’s like to smile”

Both men and female smiles it is very interesting to observe how they manifest themselves during the dental occlusion process. It is impossible to single out which smile - male or female - is more interesting to watch, because it is a SMILE. That is, the patient begins to smile not only with his teeth, he also begins to smile with his eyes, and when the smile is sincere, the patient uses all the facial muscles of his face! It seems that at the moment of a sincere open smile, literally every cell of his body shows that he is really happy and sincerely smiles.

The beginning of the birth of a smile is without a smile. Photo protocol

Before starting treatment, I make a photo protocol and ask patients to smile. Do you know what happens to them at this moment?

They make such a standard smile, they just show their teeth like a grin, and the corners of the mouth are stretched out, so wide. And this is a smile for them. I begin to tell them that “well, let's be more sincere, let's be more natural,” and the patients reply that ... “but I don’t smile in photographs, I don’t know how it is to smile.”

Thought out loud: And even during the consultation process, I see how some of the patients cover their mouths so that I cannot see their teeth. These are all complexes and self-doubt. Someone more, someone less.

That is, people at this moment admit that photography for them is a kind of torment, and that they should be more serious in photographs. And the feeling of self-doubt is triggered by the principle of the request "Just don't show these photos with me to anyone, don't show anyone my crooked teeth and an ugly smile."

Making a patient smile begins with a selfie on the Internet

When patients' teeth are corrected, become even and beautiful, they begin to take ... most of the photographs in their life - they catch up with what they lacked, for which they felt an inner hunger.

I keep in touch with many patients on social networks and the following fact looks very clear: before the treatment - all photos, selfies, when patients take photographs up close - they smile only with their lips. But as soon as their teeth begin to straighten, they become more satisfied with themselves, with their appearance and a smile - and this is already a SMILE WITH TEETH, and already their smile is much wider from day to day, every day - by the end of orthodontic treatment (it doesn't matter if it's mouth guards or braces, even with metal braces).

That is, people begin to smile wider and brighter, and there are more and more such smiles in the Instagram or Facebook feed, although before that I saw that there were simply no smiles of them, in principle, none of them.

At this moment, clearly and indicatively HOW this huge positive for a person, his real inner potential, begins to be realized. And the patient is ready to wait a year and a half for this moment.

A sincere open smile is a powerful weapon

A sincere sparkling smile is never ugly. No one ever. This is a great motivator for patients! Still, they are ready to endure for the sake of a smile. That is why patients purposefully pursue their dreams, they want it and know that “yes, it’s not easy, not fast, but it’s for my ALL LIFE”.

Let's now look at the photos and I'll tell you a little about the life of these people. I'll tell you about the birth of their smiles.

Example 1. Giving a smile to people

As a first example, let's take a look at this young man, who was about 30 years old at the time of the start of orthodontic treatment. The treatment lasted a little more than a year, not really simple situation... And his smile changed, although smiling and laughing is part of his job. His gorgeous smile at the end of the treatment did its job, he is, right, Comedy Club Man!

His smile is better than mine!

I am not giving up on this. In fact, with many of my patients, when I finish their orthodontic treatment, we take pictures together. And I can tell many people that “cool, very cool”! Look, what a wide smile, although many people think that it still depends on the shape of the teeth, the shape of the jaws, on the type of structure of the face. No, the patient's smile depends on his inner liberation.

Example 2. How to conquer the model Olympus with a beautiful smile

Or here's a girl. She was 25 years old at the time of contacting me

She is a model, and in modeling business it is especially important that your smile is a million, so that your smile is even, because a smile is business card in principle, any person, but especially models, because they are photographed, their faces should always glow and shine. She was treated with braces.

We waited six months for her first bright smile

Yes, six months. We started to smile well, we took off the braces, after the removal we did teeth whitening and the smile shone with happy eyes.

Thought out loud: People not only do not know how to smile, they smile in such a way as to hide defects. They capture in themselves some moments that help the lips to keep facial expressions and thereby hide their aesthetic defects.

Example 3. "I just want my smile to be beautiful."

Before us

a girl who started orthodontic treatment. Also a teenager, with an uncertain, shy smile.

She did not talk about any of her problems because of the embarrassment in her smile.

No, that was not the case. It was just that the teeth grow unevenly. “I would like my smile to be beautiful” is what she dreamed of when she turned to me.

And when we took off the braces, the girl - beamed, smiled, grew up. She began to shine.

Example 4. The path to a man's smile is not easy to find.

And here is a young man

In the photo "before" (when he came) - it was a constrained smile, we barely made him smile - just look - his smile is strained.

There are patients when you are looking for a way to their heart for a long time and it is not easy, because they are secretive people. But at the moment of removing the orthodontic equipment, what can be called “a man was revealed” happened. Precisely disclosure, because a smile finally shone, finally we achieved what we wanted. And we did it.

Example 5. Smile - shine!

This girl was worried about two uneven teeth. And, again, we see what a forced smile was before the treatment. Plain - standard, “protocol”.

Typically when patients uncomfortable position the lower jaw, they already in the photo push it forward a little. This happens on subconscious level to make their face more harmonious. And when we finished the treatment, raised the high bite, put forward lower jaw forward, the girl's face became very harmonious from a professional point of view and, naturally, there was a sparkle in her eyes! Shine and radiance appear when the patient cannot (and does not need to) restrain a smile of joy, the patient begins the so-called "gummy smile" when he smiles broadly.

And here the patient after a year and a half of our orthodontic treatment - she is already like that, calmer, more confident, does not smile so broadly. But her smile still remains sincere and stable.

Example 6. Adolescent Smile Charm

But I met this patient when he was very young, a teenager. When you are doing orthodontic treatment more young age, you have such a responsibility that you make him a smile that will accompany him all his life and which he will probably correspond to. And when he was still quite small, when he came, he had a very modest, closed, shy smile.

And the boy himself was so shy. And in the process of orthodontic treatment (it took us about a year and a half), the boy grew up, became more and more mature, and at the end of the treatment he showed an amazing smile!

He began to take more care of himself. He showed masculine charm: look at his hairstyle, styling. Growing up began, the transition to high school... Ahead - all the first dates, youth)

Could I have imagined that he would unleash the potential of his smile during the treatment?

It was actually an experiment, because when you start orthodontic treatment, you already know ahead of time what a person's smile will be, because as an orthodontist, I model all this, build the treatment. But all the same, what the patient will become after orthodontic treatment, and what his emotions will become - it is never possible to predict.

That is, as a doctor, I make certain prerequisites and give him a “field for action,” and then he himself begins to reveal his potential for a smile. And when a person's smile becomes beautiful, wide, charming, and when the patient begins to further transform himself, then everything taken together gives him self-confidence and, let's say, an excellent open future for global achievements.

So the young man became a stately, elegant young man!

As in a fairy tale - there was a transformation “ ugly duckling”Into the prince. And this is great!

Example 7. Oh boxing, you are the world! And - my beautiful smile!

And here is the smile of a girl with dystopia. She applied for treatment in adolescence while still in school.

At the time of her address, the girl was in the 11th grade. Before us is an ordinary teenager. Very modest, it can even be seen from the photograph. And very squeezed inside herself.

But at the same time, despite the fact that she was so squeezed, she is engaged in such a very courageous sport - she is engaged in boxing. By the way, and now she also continues to practice boxing. Professionally.

In the course of treatment, there was no embarrassment about the fact that she was being treated with braces. She was treated with the most common, simple bracket-system, and she liked the treatment with braces so much that we constantly chose some colored elastic bands, chains, ligatures. And she saw the result, which she liked more and more every day.

She liked both the creative process itself and the resulting result.

And all due to the fact that when the dynamics of teeth alignment is taking place, the patient literally gets high from the fact that his smile becomes beautiful, wide, open. And some colored accessories that accompanied her throughout the treatment only encouraged her to various funny experiments, raising the spirits of everyone around her!

The treatment took a year and a half. Before the treatment, I cannot say that she did not smile at all, no. But in her smile there was ... Do you know what you see sometimes? - if you ask a person to smile, he always hides some of his defects and shortcomings precisely in the position of the teeth. And he tries not to show them for anything. And even in the photograph, when you ask to smile, he automatically with a clamped smile, covering those teeth that are uneven.

What is always holding me back from taking off my braces ahead of time?

It's all about the patient's teeth, because a smile, straight teeth are one thing, but we still have to achieve a correct bite, correct position teeth. To make the result of the treatment stable for a long time.

What do my patients' smile have in common?

The smile is always wide. Especially on the day of removing braces or aligners. When we finish treatment, when we see the result of what we have done, what work we have done on all this, the smile is glowing! Both the patient and me!)) The eyes shine, the patient smiles broadly, we begin to laugh.

Even the most ardent pessimists, and at the end of the treatment they all open up in their smile. When I ask them to smile, then they no longer need to explain exactly how to smile (wide or not wide, so or not). And even when we take photographs without a smile, all the same, in these photographs, patients cannot contain this smile, because they are happy! And it helps them smile.

In the course of treatment, when the teeth become smoother every month, the smile of patients, even with braces, becomes wider and wider.
When we remove all the equipment from the teeth, the smile of the patients truly shines. People cannot hide their happiness. The happiness of a perfect smile, our beautiful teeth and the result - that together we have come such a long and difficult path to perfection.

Thought out loud: When you ask, you say that “let's smile broadly,” they grin. You say: "Let's be more natural", and you hear in response: "But I do not know how to smile."

Most people do not smile in photographs not because they want to create a serious image, but because they do not know how to do it correctly. At the same time, a beautiful smile is not so much about healthy teeth and the ability to show them as widely as possible, but the ability to properly strain the muscles of the face.

The main muscle working during a smile is the zygomaticus major muscle, which runs from the corner of the mouth to the upper jaw on the left and right sides of the face. Smiling using this muscle is simple enough - however, it is this smile that is perceived as false as possible.

The secret of the Hollywood smile

Hollywood actors are well aware that the right smile begins with benevolent eyes. No matter how hard you try to portray joy solely with the help of lips and mouth, motionless and wide open eyes give the impression of a cold and extremely artificial grimace.

That is why a smile seems natural and beautiful only when it involves not so much the mouth and lips as the rest of the facial muscles - including the small muscles surrounding the eyes and various muscles of the forehead. This alone will give the impression of a relaxed and happy smile.

How to smile with your eyes?

A correct smile is primarily about relaxed facial muscles. Your face should not say that you are tense trying to "pull" on yourself happy emotion... One of the key ways to relax your face is to touch the back of your front teeth with the tip of your tongue.

To learn to smile correctly, it is best to practice in front of a mirror, covering your mouth with your palm. Think of something pleasant and smile lightly (without seeing your smile), carefully monitoring the position of the ocular muscles in order to "catch" this position and then repeat it.

Smile in everyday life

Americans and Europeans know how to smile beautifully in photographs, and because a smile is part of their Everyday life... Having caught the eye of a random person on the street, they first of all smile (this is the main sign of "good intentions"), and only then greet.

Maintaining such a "mini-smile" throughout the day literally trains the facial muscles, making them more mobile. If you walk around with a sullen face for weeks and then try to squeeze a smile out of yourself in a photo, it's not surprising that you don't like the result at all.

How to smile in a photograph?

The main secret of a correct smile in photographs is happy eyes and the maximum width of the mouth opening. It is necessary to smile about 20% wider than it seems to you at first glance. The upper teeth should touch slightly lower lip, and the cheeks rise slightly.

Look at yourself in the mirror, then smile to reveal the top six middle teeth. Smile wider by showing your side teeth. You will feel ridiculous, but you will look like a Hollywood star. Remember also that only children and TV announcers show the bottom row of teeth.

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Right and wrong smiles

The width of the smile helps to change the visual perception of the face and the shape of the skull in the same way as it does different kinds haircuts and. For example, people with oval type faces fit like a humble smile with closed mouth and widespread Hollywood - it all depends on the overall image.

Owners of square and round faces the aforementioned wide smile will help to make the face visually more oval and "correct". Moreover, people with elongated face it is recommended to focus primarily on the vertical aspect of the teeth and not smile too wide.

Smile and lip shape

Remember, too, that the width of a “correct” smile depends on the shape of the lips. If you don't have too much big lips, an overly broad smile will create an impression of being taut. Learn to smile so that the canines of the upper row of teeth only lightly touch the lower lip.

If the top row of your teeth has irregular shape, it is better to smile in such a way that the teeth are partially hidden by the lower lip. Another non-obvious secret of a sparkling smile in the photo is wetting the front teeth with the tongue, which gives the impression of shine.


The Hollywood smile is not just about opening your mouth as wide as possible, but rather the conscious ability to smile with your whole face. A correct and beautiful smile is a combination of eyes shining with goodness and joy with moderate tension of the facial muscles, allowing only the upper row of teeth to be shown.

The term "Hollywood smile" was coined in the 1930s by an American dentist. Since that time, this phrase has been associated with us with completely even and.

But is it that simple? In fact, a beautiful smile is made up of many components.

1. The lines of the upper teeth and lower lip repeat each other

The line along the edge of the upper teeth should line up with the curve of the lower lip.

2. A smile exposes no more than 10 teeth

It's good to have a wide smile, but there is a limit to everything: people around you don't need to see all your teeth. Ten will be enough.

And, of course, the teeth must be perfectly white and even. Fortunately, in modern dentistry, teeth can be whitened to a dazzling shine in a few hours. Or it can be done at home in a few weeks.

3. Lips almost completely hide the gums

When smiling, the gums should not be particularly visible. If they protrude more than 3-4 mm, such a smile is called “gingival” - it is usually corrected by the dentist.

4. The lines of the face run parallel

Ideally, the smile line (between the corners of the mouth) should be parallel to the line of the eyes (between the pupils).

5. The line of the upper lip runs parallel to the line of the upper teeth

A beautiful smile consists of parallel lines: line from corner to corner of the lips, line of the upper canines, line of the upper incisors.

6. The central line of the face runs between the central incisors

A line drawn down the middle of the face should run between the upper incisors. With the lower ones, the match is not at all necessary.

7. The smile looks symmetrical

The basis of a beautiful smile is symmetry, that is, one half of the lips should be symmetrical to the other. When smiling, about 40 different facial muscles work, but they are all trained in different ways, which is why the smile is often asymmetrical.

Broad smile

With this smile, both the upper and lower teeth are exposed. You will most likely smile when you see someone plop, or when you are tickled, or when you hear a very funny joke... Since this smile has a somewhat aggressive connotation, it is often tried to suppress it and turn it into a top smile if it happens to meet the eyes of another person.


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