Deer template for cutting 3d. Christmas tree stencils made of paper.  Deer stencils for the New Year for cutting

Perhaps you should try to decorate the apartment in a completely new way, drawing real frosty patterns on the windows. They will need vytynanki.

The most popular options for vytynanok are sleigh, Santa Claus, Snegurochka and bunnies. These are the traditional heroes of the holiday. No less popular are deer stencils for the new year for cutting.

  • How to make a deer stencil

What are vytynanki and what they eat with

- one of the many varieties of needlework. It is based on working with paper, namely cutting out various figures with their subsequent transfer to glass. Figures can be either simply glued or applied to the window with a “frosty pattern” based on an existing blank (vytynanka). Thanks to this technique, it is easy to decorate not only apartment windows, but also shop windows, windows in a school auditorium or kindergarten, and even a mirror in the hallway.

Where did the world first learn about vytynankas? This needlework technique came to the homes of modern craftsmen from China in the seventh century. Paper fakes were also used here for decorative purposes. In Russia, this art first appeared in the twentieth century. In this century, vytynanki spread to Europe.

Gradually, the technique of creating stencils of various paper figures became popular not only on the eve of the New Year, but also at Christmas and Easter. In addition, in some settlements of Russia, vytynanki decorate the bride's house a few days before the wedding.

What materials are needed to make a vytynanka

To make a stencil, you will need the following materials:

1. White paper (A4 size).
2. Thick cardboard.
3. Scissors (manicure).
4. Knife (clerical).
5. Soap solution.

White paper is usually needed to make window figures. Cardboard is required for those cases when you want to make some beautiful hanging figures.

In the stores "Everything for Creativity" you can find special kits for making vytynanok. Then they act as follows - they either transfer the finished patterns to paper, or give free rein to their imagination and draw figures as they see fit.

It is not necessary to cut single figures. Armed with stencils, it is easy to recreate a real full-fledged picture on the window. For example, it can be Santa Claus's house, near which there are sleighs drawn by deer, the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden is walking nearby, and snowflakes are in the air.

- this is the most common pattern for vytynanok. First you need to draw a snowflake by hand or print a ready-made template. Then stick it on the glass with a soapy solution. To make a snowflake look like a real one, you need toothpaste. It is diluted with water so that the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained, then a toothbrush is dipped there and hands are run over the pile so that splashes fly from it. These splashes should fall on the glass, namely around the snowflake. The result should be a snowfall effect.

How to make a deer stencil

With a slight movement of the hand, the New Year's deer can also appear on the window. This will require:

1. White paper (A4 size).
2. Scissors (manicure).
3. Knife (clerical).
4. Pencil.
5. Grater.

First of all, you should decide what the New Year's deer will be - hand-drawn or printed from the Internet. On the network you can find a huge number of ready-made templates that you just have to print and cut out all that is superfluous. This will require a sharp clerical knife. If you use ordinary scissors to cut out small parts, the stencil is easy to spoil - wrinkle, cut off the excess or make an uneven cut.

Those who have the ability to fine arts, you can try to draw a deer by hand. You will also need plain white paper for this. Cardboard should be used only when the stencil is not intended for a window, but, for example, for a Christmas tree as a hand made toy.

The size of the stencil depends solely on how the master wants to see it. The finished vytynanka is glued to the window with soapy water and sprinkled with "snow" - toothpaste. As an alternative, you can use special decorative snow, which is sold in the form of cans in any store "Everything for Creativity". Unlike toothpaste, it does not need to be specially prepared for application. Just shake the can and spray.

Why is the manufacture of vytynanka useful for children

Adults can make a template (stencil) for gluing various figures in the form of deer or any other animals on the windows together with their young children. Firstly, such an activity will definitely appeal to the kid, if only because he will do it with his parents.

A modern person has very little time left to spend it with a child. Making for windows on the eve of the New Year is a real chance to spend time with the family for a useful activity. Children will be pleased to do something for everyone, becoming the most significant person for the family for a few hours.

In addition, creating a template (stencil) is also useful because this technique develops fine motor skills of the hands. For preschool children, this skill is very useful. In the future, the baby will not have any problems with the need to cut something evenly out of paper. Plus, making a template for figures on windows is useful because this technique activates a person’s creative thinking. In the future, this may play into the hands of the child when choosing his profession. It is possible that just due to such activities, a grown-up kid will want to connect life with some kind of creative activity.

A do-it-yourself New Year's deer is something that can be done for decoration during the main winter holiday. Such a craft will definitely not go unnoticed, because a home-made deer always looks creative and beautiful.

Below will be described step by step how to create various New Year's crafts and decorate the holiday with them. The deer stencil is made of cardboard, but if it is not there, then you can use plain paper. The paper will make a large Christmas deer, which can be hung next to the garlands.

So, the scheme of work is as follows:

  1. In creating any stencil, it is important to draw the correct template. For those who are doing this for the first time, it is recommended to choose a simple drawing, since elements such as, say, the head or horns of an animal will be quite difficult to draw. So, after the sketch of the future craft is selected, you can start creating the stencil itself.
  2. When drawing, it is recommended to use a pencil, as it can be erased at any time. When a person is satisfied with his graphic drawing, he can use a marker to trace its outline. Alternatively, you can use a ready-made template by printing it from the Internet. Or another way: you can take a stamp from a seal. However, you need to take into account the fact that usually such seals are small, so if you want to create a large stencil, it is better to draw the outline yourself.
  3. Now you need to decide what kind of paper stencil will be, single-layer or multi-layer. If the future craft is black and white, then it is recommended to make one layer. At the toy factory, stencils are made multi-layered, because this way the craft will be stronger. You can also get creative and create such crafts from foam.
  4. The drawn and painted image on paper (cardboard) must be copied onto thin tracing paper. It is important to ensure that all its details are well reflected on the tracing paper. Now you need to draw the outline of the drawing again. Copy paper can be used instead of tracing paper.
  5. At the last stage, you need to use a penknife in order to cut out the stencil. This should be done strictly along the contour.

Tip: Stencil Christmas decorations are made of plastic. A hole is made at their top through which the thread is threaded. The toy can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Gallery: do-it-yourself Christmas deer (25 photos)

New Year's deer: ideas (video)

Do-it-yourself paper deer head: how to make?

A large paper deer will certainly decorate the New Year!

You need to do it like this:

  1. First you need to collect everything you need: colored and white paper, scissors, a ruler, a sharp device, such as scissors or a knitting needle, adhesive tape and glue.
  2. To create such a craft, you will need about 15 sheets of paper.
  3. The work begins with the selection of beautiful drawings. It must be drawn on paper and cut out. Now all the images need to be bent, then to be glued together.
  4. To push the groove, use a ruler. It must be applied to the bend line and drawn along it with a sharp object.
  5. Glue the parts carefully so that the glue does not stain the paper.
  6. In the place of the neck of the animal, you need to fix the thread or rope. You can do this with a small piece of tape.

How to make a wire deer: diagram

To get a beautiful Christmas wire toy, you need to show creativity and sophistication.

So the action plan is:

  1. First, it is important to decide what size the deer will be and what it is for. If there is a desire to make a New Year's toy, it is enough to take one sheet of A4 paper to create a layout. But you can also make a large deer out of wire, which you can put on the street and decorate with a garland. It will look great! The choice remains with the creator, especially since the scheme of work is the same.
  2. When the size has been chosen, you can start creating the layout. On a sheet of paper, you need to draw the profile of the animal, the horns are drawn on a separate sheet. This is necessary for wire modeling.
  3. Now the wire needs to be accurately modeled according to the drawing. You can apply it to paper to prevent deviations. The wire must be twisted. Two identical wire simulations should be made.
  4. Now both simulations should be fastened together. It is recommended to do this in the tail area by twisting the wire. As for other parts of the deer, to fasten them, you need to cut off a small piece of wire and use it as a hook for two parts. Thus, there will be a distance between two wire models and the toy will not be flat.
  5. The horns of the animal are wrapped with wire to the head, after which the whole deer must be wrapped with it. It is recommended to make gentle circular movements with this material.
  6. If you want to give the craft an LED effect, you can attach a garland to it. You will get a beautiful glowing wire deer.

Christmas reindeer made of cardboard: how to make?

  1. First you need to draw a layout of the future deer on cardboard. The head of this beast made of this material looks very nice, so the method of its creation will be described below.
  2. It is recommended to print the templates on the printer first. In every detail, it is important to make a strip in the center - this is the future incision for fastening.
  3. Each piece of paper must be attached to the cardboard with double-sided tape. It is not recommended to use glue for this.
  4. Then each detail should be carefully cut with scissors along the contour.
  5. After that, you can make cuts in them. For convenience, it is better to use a knife.

When the slots are ready, you can start assembling the deer. Details are attached one to one.

Deer costume: simple pattern

In needlework, you can follow fashion trends, or you can be creative and create a toy that no one else has! New Year's deer is, of course, great. However, even it can be brought to perfection by decorating it with improvised materials. Below we will talk about how to make a festive costume for this New Year's toy.

As “clothing” for a deer toy, you can use cotton wool, packages from lollipops, Christmas tree rain, knitting yarn, and so on. There are many ideas - there would be a desire!

  1. To do this, you need glue, cotton wool and a multi-colored Christmas tree rain. You can also use glitter.
  2. First you need to tear the cotton wool into small pieces so that it resembles snow. Then, using glue, you need to fasten it with sparkles and rain. Do not pour too much glue, as it will leave ugly marks when it dries.
  3. The sticky "mixture" should be mixed well and applied to the toy. It turns out a very beautiful piece!

If there is a desire to make a deer costume for a child, then ordinary gloves will do as horns.

And if you want to make such a costume for a small child, then you can go in the simplest way. A brown jumpsuit will serve as the body of a deer, but the horns can be made from gloves into which you need to put cotton wool. Gloves are attached to the hat with thread or a stapler.

How to make a New Year's deer with your own hands from foam?

Styrofoam makes a very beautiful winter deer! Another advantage of this way of creating a toy is its simplicity.

Here is the plan to follow:

  1. The foam to create a deer must be clean, otherwise the toy will look ugly.
  2. Before proceeding with the craft itself, you need to outline an approximate work plan: the size of the craft, its thickness, and so on. Then you need to take several pieces of thin foam and draw a model of the future toy on each of them.
  3. After that, the layout is cut with a knife and the two parts are glued together.
  4. To make the toy beautiful, it must be decorated with sequins and cotton wool.
  5. With the help of red knitting yarn, you can make a scarf and a hat for a deer.

Also, as an alternative, you can mold a deer from plasticine, chop the foam and sprinkle it on the animal. It is necessary to use white plasticine, because by the new year you need to make winter deer. So the toy will turn out even more beautiful! If you make a small craft, then you can put it on a stick right in the Olivier. This will give the festive table an atmosphere of creativity.

How to make a deer from cotton wool?

  1. First you need to decide on the size of the future toy. For those who have never done such crafts, it is better to start with the simplest way. So, it is necessary to make a "skeleton" of the future toy. It is made from wire.
  2. After that, you need to deal with the main raw material for crafts - cotton wool. It should be torn into small pieces and crumpled into round balls. Each ball of cotton should be attached to the wire with tape. It should be cut into small strips so that it does not catch the eye.
  3. For the horns, you need to make separate small balls. So the craft will look beautiful and neat. To make the toy colorful, several cotton balls can be painted red and hooked onto deer antlers, alternating with white balls.

Origami: deer (video)

People say that the New Year is a magical celebration of the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. So why not give it magic that you can create with your own hands? A do-it-yourself New Year's deer is a great way to prove your love to your family, so it must become one of the main attributes of this celebration.

New Year's deer

Step by Step Example

We will start the lesson with a detailed description of the sketch drawing. You will learn how to draw a deer step by step with the ability to compare each step with a reference picture.

Stage 1
Divide the drawing space into equal squares. In the middle of the sheet, place two circles for the future torso. In place of the proposed head, draw a small oval.

The location of the legs of the animal is very important. Let the front ones be closed, and the back ones be at a distance. Mark the knee joints, bearing in mind that they should be placed somewhere in the middle of each limb. Note that the hind legs should be slightly turned and bent.

Stage 2
Show all the curves on the torso and head by tracing the outlined shapes.

Stage 3
Erase the guide lines. Outline the elements of the muzzle: eyes, nose and mouth, as well as symmetrical ears. For the horns, first draw the main curved branches, and then their branches. Try to keep the same size and slope. Outline the shape of the hooves.

Stage 4
Draw in detail the muzzle of the animal, as shown in the figure. Please note that it is narrowed at the bottom. Add additional branches to the horns and show their volume. Try to smooth out all angular lines. Finish off the hooves.

Stage 5
Using hatching, finalize the shape of the torso and head of the deer. You can also show the direction of hair growth.

Stage 6
If desired, you can colorize the resulting sketch. For greater realism, we recommend using colored pencils or soft pastels. You can see an example of coloring in the picture.

With a pencil

When you are just starting to learn how to draw, we advise you not to use anything other than a pencil. It's so great when any mistake can be corrected using a regular eraser. How to draw a deer with a pencil, we will tell further.

Draw two ovals for the animal's head and shoulders. Connect with lines showing the neck. Add circles for the torso, defining the dimensions of the drawing.

Outline the shape of the torso by tracing the shapes along the contour. Schematically depict the position and shape of the legs. Designate the size of the muzzle, draw the ear.

Give the legs volume, focusing on the contours. The idea of ​​the drawing is that three of them are in the snow, so draw a hoof on only one. Add a fluffy ponytail and a fur mane around the neck.

Outline the basis for the horns, give them volume. Draw the contours of the ear and eye.

The sketch should look something like this. Carefully erase the guide lines.

Brightly highlight the contours, add expressiveness to the muzzle, draw a fur coat. Next, use hatching to color the deer. Different pressing intensity will help show the color transitions.

Lesson for children

We will not forget in our lesson about the smallest artists. A simple and beautiful drawing of a deer will allow your child to develop fine motor skills for accurate writing, as well as perseverance and abstract thinking. So, let's learn how to draw a deer for kids.

Draw two crossed ovals: the head and muzzle.

Outline the ears and horns. Draw branches with small oblique lines. Draw a big nose on the muzzle at the top. Mark the eyes with small circles.

Below the chin draw the two front legs of the deer. Indicate the hooves with transverse lines. Do not forget about the back leg, which is visible with this arrangement of the body. Divide each hoof into two halves. Draw a small ponytail.

Give volume to the horns and ears. Add a smiley mouth.

Circle the desired contours with a black marker. Erase the excess with an eraser. If desired, you can color the deer. Use three colors: brown for the body, black for the hooves and, of course, bright red for the nose.

Beginning artist

For those who begin to comprehend the basics of art, the greatest interest is how to correctly convey all the features of a real deer, taking into account the anatomy of the animal and proportions. Our master class will help you learn how to draw a deer for beginners, giving detailed sketches.

Draw the head and shoulders of the animal with ovals, connect with lines denoting the neck. Extend the torso with another circle. Draw the tail and legs. Try to break the latter into separate elements.

Add a sketch of the ears. Outline the place where the horns should be located. Next, along the resulting contour, start connecting the lines. Try to emphasize the graceful curves of the torso and legs of the animal. Give shape to the muzzle.

Erase the excess. Show the presence of fur on the chest, abdomen and neck. Draw a couple of horns as shown in the picture. Finish making out the muzzle: draw an eye, outline a spot around it, add a nose and a mouth.

Color as shown in the picture.

Draw a reindeer

Living conditions in the north force deer to adapt to frost and snow. They are tall and have long legs. Wide hooves allow not to fall into the snow, thick and warm fur covers the whole body and hangs down on the neck like a mane, spreading horns crown the head. Knowing all these features of a majestic animal, we will easily understand how to draw a reindeer as part of our lesson.

So, sketch out the following contours on your leaf: a torso in the form of a rectangle, sloping lines of the neck, a circle for the head and an elongated rectangular muzzle. Draw the nose, mouth, eye and ear as shown.

Outline the horns with careless curved lines. In height, they should exceed the body.

Smooth out the lines, make them smoother. Draw the legs and tail. Outline the shape of the massive hooves.

Circle the desired contours with a thin gel pen. Draw the environment in the form of grass and flat slopes in the background.

Erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Emphasize with hatching shadows.

New Year's reindeer of Santa Claus

On the eve of the holiday, New Year's attributes are of great interest to drawing lovers. Many people want to learn how to portray both the main magical characters and their wonderful assistants. How to draw a New Year's deer and a whole team with them, you will learn further. First, we will learn how to draw one, and then it will not be difficult to add his deer brothers to the composition.

Repeat the contours shown in the figure. Draw the muzzle, nose and mouth of the New Year's deer with smooth lines.

Work out the details. Draw the eye, neck and ear. Lines show the change in fur color.

Draw a pair of horns. They must be symmetrical. At the bottom of the neck, show a collar with bells, because this is a New Year's deer. Outline the lines of the body.

Clearly following the contours, circle each leg. The lines should emphasize the expressiveness of the muscles of the animal.

Erase the extra lines, they are indicated in the example in green. Final touches: drawing the tail and changing the color on the belly.

Now consider an example of how to draw Santa Claus reindeer in a harness. Use the acquired skill and draw two or three deer rushing to deliver gifts to all the children as quickly as possible. Do not forget to show the reins and shafts.

Head and snout details

At the end of our master class, we will pay attention to the anatomical features of the head and muzzle of a deer.

So, how to draw a deer head, respecting all proportions and not deviating from realism.

Draw the following geometric shapes: a circle and a hemisphere on top.

At the bottom of the circle, draw an oval, inside it, a little to the side, another circle.

Draw the elements on the head. Mentally divide it into two parts: at the bottom there are two circles - a muzzle, at the top - two symmetrical eyes.

Draw the ears, which in length should not go beyond the boundaries of the hemisphere. Add details to the eyes.

Depict the turn of the horns, focusing on the edges of the hemisphere. Specify the location of the nostrils and mouth on the face of the deer. Smooth lines unite the head and neck.

Erase extra details and lines.

With the help of various hatchings, show the volume and location of the fur on the deer's body.

We learned how to draw a deer face to depict the animal not only from a distance, but also close-up. If you do not have the task of creating a realistic image, add cartoonishness, use unusual facial expressions and facial expressions.

Show your imagination, and we hope that our lesson will help you with this.

For the New Year, it is customary to decorate windows, glue a variety of New Year's paper stencils on them. Usually these are snowflakes, however, you can add some variety to this “snow whirlwind” and decorate windows not only with paper snowflakes, but also with other Christmas or New Year characters. My step-by-step master class with a photo will demonstrate how to make a do-it-yourself New Year's deer stencil from paper or cardboard. I will do it like an ordinary application.

To make beautiful window decorations for the New Year 2019 in the form of a deer, you will need:

  • colored cardboard or paper (brown, orange);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil and pen.

How to cut stencils on windows - paper deer

A stencil for cutting out of paper - a deer - can be drawn with a pencil on cardboard or paper yourself. But, if you can’t figure out how it will look like in any way, then just select any of those posted at the end of the article. It is better to draw on the back side of the paper so that no small oversights can be seen on the front side.

Now carefully cut out the shape along the outline.

Turn over, trim all the bumps.

From orange cardboard, make a few small circles and glue the deer on its back, these are its spots. Draw on the eye and other details with a pen. That's all, the faithful assistant of Santa Claus is ready!

If there is no colored cardboard, then use plain white paper. White deer will also be a beautiful decoration on the windows. And for children who are still bad at carving, you can draw a simpler deer, without small details. For example, such as in this photo.

By this principle, you can make sleighs, snowmen, a Christmas tree, create a fabulous picture on your window and surprise guests with a beautiful paper fairy composition by 2019.

You can choose your stencil of a New Year's paper deer from ready-made options.