How many times the perfume with pheromones are holding. Principle of action on men. Volatile substances - what is their strength

Pheromones will help to gain self-esteem, raise self-esteem, libido, eliminate the pressure in communication and become more liberated. To purchase high-quality perfume with pheromones, it is important to know a few simple rules.

Purchase perfume only in the store where you can determine the concentration of the composition. It is recommended to choose perfume with pheromones in the afternoon - there is an opinion that it is at this time the smell is felt clear. But in the period of menstruation, postpone the campaign to the store - these days the sense of smell is changing. Before buying, carefully read the label and read the composition. Choose perfume only with artificial musk. The production of perfumes with natural musk is prohibited, since their use may entail serious deviations of a psychosexual nature.

Formones of plant origin include ginger, patchouli, marsran, nutmeg, cumin, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, mirrier. In the complex, it is these flavors that will help create a romantic image and strengthen the passion. In addition, the smell is mixed with the natural pheromones of man, which will strengthen the effect even more. Be prepared for the fact that perfume with pheromones will cost you somewhat more expensive than classic perfumes. If you are offered it in a suspiciously cheap price, you risk acquiring a fake.

The composition should not include alcohol, because it has the property of destroying pheromones. Therefore, if this ingredient is included in the formula, most likely you want to fool. Specialized perfume is made only on an oil basis. When choosing perfume with pheromones, pay attention to the flavor. The smell in no way should cause disgust or dislike you and your partner. It is preferable to choose perfume with a complex composition. There are pheromones that do not have aroma. Such spirits can be mixed with other odors - it will not affect the degree of action.

After you have learned the composition of the spirits, apply them on a strip of paper or on the wrist. Take a little bit. To completely reveal, the smell is needed. If you pretty quickly you stopped feeling the fragrance, ask for close people to check whether it remained.

The fact is that correctly chosen perfumes are rapidly becoming invisible as the smell of their own body. But if other people feel it, then the fragrance is suitable for you. At once try no more than three options. The process of selecting the right spirits may take more than one day, but the result is worth it. Modern perfume manufacturers offer a wide selection of famous spirits with the content of Pheromones. This is a good solution for people who prefer smells of specific brands. The most famous representatives of this type are Chanel Chance and L'Eau Par Kenzo. Apply perfume with pheromones only on a clean body. Do not use deodorant, cream or other aromatic substances. It is recommended to apply perfume on the neck, the uche, wrists, or other places that will be open. Under the layer of tissues, substances quickly disappear. Feromonov efficiency increases indoors. In the air they evaporate faster.

To underline their masculinity and brutality, the strong floor uses no less vernaciousness than women. Men also dream of how to attract a lady in one glance and emphasize their sexual appeal.

The ideal for a woman is a true alpha-male, may not look like that, but simply attract a partner with his Permanon. If your own is not enough, you can buy the achievements of science and industry. There are substances acting on men, affecting women.

general information

Men's perfume with pheromones ensure the attractiveness of men in the eyes of weak gender due to the content of special substances - pheromones that affect small receptors in our nose.

How do perfume perfumes act? Receptors feed signals to the human brain, and for it, the source of pheromones becomes an attractive object. It should be noted that natural substances do not smell and are very volatile. Chemical analogues, which are used for male perfume, are manufactured by similar natural components.

There are also organic pheromones that are the discharge of the sex glands of animals and extracts from plants. Most often, pork poromonov is used, as they are closest in the composition of our. Scientists cannot produce human pheromone yet, as it has a very complex chemical formula.

Perfumery with such substances has the following effect on the surrounding women:

  1. Makes a man attractive from the point of view of the continuation of the kind, increases its sexual attractiveness and enhances the sexual attraction of women.
  2. Normalizes menstrual cycle in a woman. This is important for normal offspring reproduction.
  3. Allows you to choose the perfect genetic material to continue the genus.

As a result, you are not just an interesting person for women, but also the perfect male. Woman feels protected and configured on a romantic way. She increases the mood, and the attraction appears. This influence of the elements was known in ancient Greece and Egypt, but the use of these substances could exclusive and rich people could use these substances. How the Pheromones act, they knew even then.

Interesting! Male perfume with exciting components got spread not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. These substances are added not only in perfume. It can be toilet water, shampoo, shower gel and other care products. Therefore, you can buy a whole line of funds with pheromones.

The following substances are added to female and male products as pheromones:

  • androstenon is an analogue of Male Testosterone. The most popular substance in perfumes for men;
  • androstenol - used both for men, and as women's pheromones;
  • androsteron. Men's pheromones;
  • androstyadienone.

Ginger and musk are added to enhance the effect. When choosing perfumes, it is worth paying attention to the fragrance. The smell themselves do not have. The aroma has directly perfume, on the basis of which the magic mixture is produced. The perfect perfumes are those that you stop feeling when those surrounding still feel the smell that you are source.

How to choose male perfume with exciting action

Choosing perfume with pheromones for men is very carefully, observing several basic rules before - just so you can buy a really appropriate option.

It should be carefully read the composition. It is desirable that it includes an artificial musk, which is isolated from the Kabargy gland. Consider when choosing that spirits with real human exciting elements do not exist. Therefore, if the manufacturer claims that copulin is present, it means that you are fake or cheated. Excellent, if there is a french base. This is a vegetable attractant, which is contained in ginger, ylang-ylang, as well as nutmeg. Be sure to look, whether the part of the perfume alcohol. It destroys the pheromones, so there will be no benefit from such spirits, except for the fragrance.

For sale toilet water for men or spirits with exciting elements in pharmacies, you can also order them via the Internet. Reviews of such spirits can also be found online. The price of Pheromon for men, of course, is higher than that of a standard perfume, but the result is worth it. If you order on the Internet, you will deliver them to the house.

Many argue that such perfume is no more than self-compliance. Say they do not have the effect that promises. Such an assertion is based on the fact that it is human volatile compounds in such funds there. Their formula scientists can not fully reproduce. Mother Nature turned out to be smarter.

There is one exactly proven fact - the use of such a perfume gives self-confidence, and this in itself increases the chances in the eyes of the surrounding ladies. Their choice will fall on you for the reason that confident and strong male is always associated with a real macho. So, it is he who is worthy to become a partner to continue the kind.

But there are also opinions that defend the effectiveness of such a perfume. Some men talk about the stunning difference in the attention of women after applying this kind of substances.

Every man, in the end, decides for himself, how Pheromones work, and whether to buy them.

How to use

In order for the effect to be maximal and you really felt the effect of Pheromones, they should be used correctly. They are applied to a clean, washed body. If the perfume on an oil basis is to do it immediately after the shower. Do not stir the perfume with deodorants, as they negatively affect the operation of the exciting elements.

It is important to choose the right places that you will apply perfume. It is best for this place above the pulse. This wrist, clavicle, chest. If the action of perfume is designed for a certain person, you should get closer to it as much as possible so that the components can reveal as much as possible. Do not use perfume, inflicting on clothes.

Note! Apply such flavors should be appointed, and therefore in the evening and in clubs, restaurants or in places of cluster of people. For a hike to work or in the morning, perfume with pheromones are not acceptable.

Popular brands of perfumes and reviews

There are several types of perfume for men with a pheromone content. These are perfume perfume, sprays and standard bottles with different volumes.

It may be toilet water with pheromones:

  1. Spray Spray Desire Aria. Sold in a volume of 30 ml. They have increased content of pheromones, as well as light fragrance with a shade of freshness. Reveal citrus notes. The aroma is based on cedar and musk, on the surface - Lemon notes. Also lotus and mint.
  2. Perfume men's Desire Pheromone. Volume - 8 ml. Wood-sea fragrance. There has notes of bergamot, lemon, mandarin, as well as marine notes and cyclamen. All this is based on Patchouli, Muscus and Cedar Tree. The composition has vegetable pathogens.
  3. Perfume Paco Rabanne Ultraviolet. Excellent male fragrance from the famous brand with the addition of Pheromones. The basis is a gray amber and wood spice, as well as mint, moss and vetiver.
  4. Spirits Hugo Boss Green. Very fresh fragrance, giving a feeling of freedom and ease. Very suitable for young, self-confident men. The fragrance includes brandy notes, mandarin and nutmeg sage, as well as cardamom, muscat and patchouli with sandalle.
  5. Sexy Life Animal Musk. Male fragrance. Acts on women exciting. The man in the eyes of others begins to enjoy the success of the male leader. It has a musky fragrance.
  6. Oil perfume Kenzo "L`eau par kenzo pour homme" 7 ml. The leader among perfumes with pheromones among men.
  7. Chanel Egoiste Platinum. Oil perfume with a volume of 10 ml. Combine the upper notes of rosemary and lavender, the average notes of Gerana, Galbanum, a nutmeg sage, all this is based on the aroma of the oak moss.
  8. Carolina Herrera 212 Men. Also oil perfume based pheromones. Wood-floral perfume with sage aroma, violets, ginger and green pepper notes. In the basic notes there is musk.

Perfume with pheromones - a modern and quite real version of the magic love drink. What is the difference between such perfumes and how they correctly use, will tell NameWoman.

Perfume with pheromones - what is it?

Pheromones - fragrant volatiles, which in small quantities allocate representatives of the world of animals during the period of courtship and mating. These substances are responsible for the development and strengthening of sexual desire from the opposite sex. Pheromones practically do not smell, but successfully captured by special receptors in the nose, transmitting a signal to the inclusion of "main instinct" into the brain.

Specialists argue that in the process of evolution and distance from our animals, the ancestors began to produce less pheromones than before, and what remains, we are successfully interrupted and destroy the aromas of cosmetics. You can correct the situation with the help of perfumes with pheromones.

It should be noted that Pheromones in small quantities are present in almost all modern perfumes - these are smells of musk and amber, they are used to make the aromas as best as possible to the natural smell of the skin. However, there are very few of them in the composition, plus alcohol significantly weakens their effect literally "dissolving" pheromones. That is why it is believed to be better working as aphrodisiacs.

High-quality perfumes with pheromones are an oily essence with different percentage concentrations (usually from 10-30% or more) artificially synthesized (as close as possible to human - female or male) pheromones. To create fragrance, notes related to natural aphrodisiacs are used. Perfume with pheromones Order Now it is possible with a very high concentration of "main components" - up to 70%.

Be prepared for the fact that spirits with pheromones have a rather expressive, thick smell. If you have avoided such aromas before, you first apply a means to the point at the top of the neck at the base of the head. So a new quite tangible for surrounding perfume will not strangle you, and you quickly and easily get used to it.

Now the perfume with pheromones can be bought in a cosmetic store, and in sex shop, and even in a number of pharmacies. These funds are presented on both offline shop windows and online stores.

Performing perfumes with pheromones

In addition to its main function - an increase in attractiveness for persons of the opposite sex - these flavors are performed by some other bonus, but very important functions. So, the perfume female with pheromones should be to buy, as they:

- ... Enhance the self-esteem of women, give her confidence in themselves;

- ... Get rid of the complex "Unfortunate";

- ... strengthen the sexual excitement of both partners, add "fire";

- ... make more bold, confident and initiative your chosen one;

- ... help not only in love relationships, but in principle increase the power of your impact on other people, and this will already appreciate any modern woman and especially the business woman.

It is important to understand that the perfume with pheromones increase your chance to success with the opposite sex, help to attract attention to themselves, give confidence to you yourself, but to fall in love with an absolutely indifferent man to you with the help of an alone magic aroma hardly succeed.

How to use perfume with pheromones

More - does not mean better, this is true about any perfumery, and in terms of the use of perfumes with pheromones becomes the most important rule. Just 2-3 drops enough.

Upon abundant applying of perfumes with pheromones, a strong musky fragrance begins to manifest. It is rather heavy for smelling and perception as a whole, and as a result, "overdose" can give a repulsive effect.

They put perfume with pheromones point, it can be done at the points of the ripple (on the wrists, under the knees, in the temples, behind the ears). However, experts recommend using female pheromone perfumes, choosing three chakras for applying:

1) Vishudha - in a snatch at the base of the neck there is a chakra of communication, an emotional and spiritual expression, the ability to predict.

2) Anahata - in a slightly in-depth point, which you can feel the fingers on the chest between the breasts there is a zone that answers among other things for true love for himself, the ability to love and interact with others.

3) Svadchistan - at the point, slightly in-depth, about 4 fingers below the navel focuses on sexy energy.

Store perfume with pheromones according to the same rules as any other perfume. In a dry, dark, cool place. The only exception: if the perfume is recommended to disturb the smaller, so that the contents of the bottles are once again noted, then the perfume with pheromones must be shaken before use.

Milena Just

Female perfumes with pheromones are considered one of the most mysterious substances that can enhance the sexuality and attractiveness of the ladies in the eyes of the opposite sex. Today there is a mass of the most controversial opinions and statements about whether the female perfumes with Pheromones work as many people say, or this effect is called "placebo", and the female Aphrodisiacs should not be replaced by Parfümer. It is necessary to figure it out in this matter in stages.

What are they needed for

Male and women's pheromones are compounds that are produced by organisms of all living beings. They have the property of "volatility" and move through the air, falling on the olfactory receptors of people and animals, sending certain signals into the cerebral bark. But these compounds have no smell. Feromonov is as follows - they are able to activate sexual attraction, strengthen the desire. Translated from the Greek "Pheromon" - "Horon of Increases".

Poll for men: How do you feel about the use of perfumes with pheromone girls?

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    Positively, it will limp both! 92%, 79 votes

    Negative, I am for natural feelings. 8%, 7 votes


For the first time, these men's and women's pheromones were described in the works of Peter Carlsson's biologist Peter in 1959. He talked about them as specific substances capable of influencing the behavior of the opposite sex. Most scientists have developed a single opinion that these compounds have not been studied completely so far and are of great importance for the future.

Especially active substances are highlighted from the surface of the skin of a person in certain areas that produce them:

  • In the field of nasolabial folds.
  • In groin.
  • Armpits.
  • Skin head.

So why are they needed? They must produce certain fluids and inform the opposite sex about the readiness for mating and openness to sexual relationships.

Types and characteristics of drugs

Cream or perfume for women with pheromones are greatly popular, sold in pharmacies and are classified depending on origin. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to carefully examine the composition of the product on the label. According to this parameter, the substance is divided into organic and inorganic.

Organic. These are pheromones for women and men who are produced by alive organisms. It is very rarely synthesized from plants. The main organic substances are as follows:

  • Kopulin. Cream or perfume, female dressing water with pheromones of this category increase testosterone in the blood of a male.
  • Androstenol. It can be produced by both female and male organism. It has a rejuvenating effect and makes a person attractive in opposite sex people.
  • Androstyadienone. This is a male hormone, causing women to rise in vital activity.
  • Androsteron. Also refers to hormones allocated by a male organism. Causes a sense of trust, peace and security.
  • Androstenon. Characterized for both sexes. But in overdose it causes women a sense of sexual tension in women.

Why do you need this cream, perfume or other flavors for ladies, it will become clear if you pay attention to copulin, androstadienone and Androsteron.

Synthetic. These are substances of synthetic origin having complex formulas. They produce them in laboratories, use in perfumery and medicine. Why are Pheromones in perfume produced by a chemical way? They are much cheaper than organic analogues, but the act of perfume with the pheromones of this species is stronger. Synthetic substances include:

  • Osmoferin. Refers to female, increases the level of testosterone in the blood of the opposite floor, increases the level of sexual attraction.
  • Osmaferon. Belongs to the analogues of most female hormones. Makes a lady in the eyes of men is extremely attractive.

It becomes clear that the female spirits with pheromones are pointed below, however, synthetic substances occur in them much more often organic. These flavors act much brighter.

The perfumery is most often the manufacturer adds:

  • Cumin, ginger. Scientists have long recognized that the essences generated by these plants is similar to animal hormones.
  • Extracts from the genital glands of many living beings. Used as a catalyst.
  • Musk, Tsibetin. In chemical indicators, virtually identical volatile substances allocated by a person.

Choosing cream, perfume, toilet water, female deodorant with pheromones, you need to carefully read the composition of the substance, sniff out in several approaches. Their smell should not interrupt too much fragrance of additives - rosemary, lavender, etc.

Principle of action on men

At the moments of physical activity or nervous excitement, the pheromones are highlighted especially actively. Most men belong to the thrill to the small droplets of sweat, speaking on the Lady body at this time. The maximum strong impact on the opposite sex female hormones are provided in the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal space - within a radius of 1 meter from the body.

Often, the perfume includes cumin and ginger.

People often wonder: "Why do we choose exactly this, not another partner? After all, around as many beautiful people to which the attraction is completely absent! " Scientists argue that the whole thing in Aphrodisiacs. Call in a man lust and admiration - only for this you need perfume with pheromones for women, from reviews of men follows only this. The nose of each person feels these elusive and invisible fluids, whose action takes even the appearance of a partner to the background. For the capture of these substances corresponds to the vomeronographic organ, placed in the nasal sinuses. It is able to capture the fragrance of the object of adoration. From this body, the impulse is sent to the hypothalamus responsible for the pleasure of both human ripening.

However, the pheromones do not always work for the involvement of women. Sometimes they act repulsively if they are too similar to the same substances of the opposite sex.

Principle of operation for women

To understand how Pheromones act on the ladies, you need to figure it out that they give her:

  • Self-esteem. A lady that uses spirits, toilet water or other perfume with pheromones, subconsciously begins to feel much more confident.
  • Flirt. Surprisingly, it acts perfume with pheromones on girls! They become a little greasy and flirty. In each of their movement, flirting and playful mood are felt.
  • Sexuality. Any lady begins to feel an increased attraction to his partner.

Those who are experiencing constant failures in sexual and personal life, it is recommended to purchase a cream or perfume with pheromones in pharmacies at a price that is acceptable for any level of wealth. Many psychologists are confident that these substances play a huge role in the formation of a person's personal happiness, along with the placebo effect.

A lady that enjoys perfume, feeling more confident.

How to use "attractive" flavors?

Female perfume with pheromones, according to customer reviews, acts especially strongly, if you know how to use it correctly. The substances are best applied to the pulsating points of the body - places behind the ears, wrists, temporal areas and kneeling. For a man, each of these points "speaks in his own language":

  • Neck - flirting, promise.
  • Breast line is a passionate desire and deep feelings.
  • Navel - waiting for intimacy.

Before applying the substance, the bottle must be shake in order to thoroughly mix the components. So that the spirits have fed with a 100% guarantee, you need to apply them directly before date. The use of these substances is preferably only with well-known men.

How much is the "magic" fragrance?

Pheromone concentrate for women, which contain perfumes, is considered a very capricious and expensive substance. Therefore, natural components are contained only in high-quality imported perfumes. Russian manufacturers have not yet put the production of such complex compounds on the flow.

In concentrated form, they can be bought in the form of a spray or ball applicator. Folk recipes with pheromones for women are based on connections with these substances. How to choose perfume with pheromones, only a woman herself knows. It all depends on its tastes and preferences.

For clarity, you can bring the best perfume with pheromones:

These names have the demand among representatives of the weak gender, and men are crazy with their aromas. Especially loved by the ladies of the Collection of Diamo and Decarolain. Feromons odorless for women work for men, like a magnet, and oil with them uses weak sex with great popularity. Many of them are sacred in the miraculous properties of drugs, others doubt. However, married ladies note that these substances are simply amazing effect on relations with the second half. Peacefully sleeping near the husband cannot resist the action of the "magical" fragrance.

Consider in this article action of perfumes with pheromones: myth or reality, types of perfumes with pheromones for women and men, how to use.

How do perfume perfumes with pheromones.

Science with seven-world steps to know the riddles of nature for the benefit of people. Among the unique discoveries of the last century, the release of a pheromone - a compound, pushing person to action, and later perfects with these elements.


From the ancient Greek "Pheromones" translates as "Hormones, which is attracted." For the first time they were studied in 1959 Biologists M. Lucher and P. Karlsson. They determined that this unique composition of the substance is formed in the human body and some animals, serves to transfer various information. There are pheromones of peace, scaring, marking the territory, but the most popular hormone of appeal was the most popular. According to scientists, preparations with such substances can be used to attract individuals of the opposite sex.

Signals of these substances recognizes a special organ in the nose, and when it feels a pheromone, it sends a certain sexual signal to the brain. The most relevant perfume perfumes with pheromones for women. The real smell of this hormone is most similar to the aroma of musk.

The effect of perfumes with Pheromones many many are questioned. A lot of experiments who conducted scientists from different countries only confirmed that men immediately reacted to such fragrances. Since these substances are produced in each organism, women have them sharply chieved during the ovulation period, so the body shows the surrounding readiness for love and reproduction.

The production of data of hormones occurs in the axillary depressions, nasolabial folds and skin glands of the head, which is why the hair at all times played a big role in the selection of the opposite sex. Previously, this natural smell performed the function of attracting a partner, now with the advent of deodorants and spirits with strong flavors, they are significantly reduced.

Operating principle.

Hormones of attractiveness are volatile agents that a person must inhale for obtaining information. Almost does not have a characteristic smell, the radius of their action is small, so they give the effect only with close contact. After inhalation of hormones, the jacobson organ is included in the work, placed in human nostrils, it serves to recognize the type of pheromone and the transfer of the corresponding impetus to the brain.

Perfumes with pheromones are able to attract a representative of the opposite sex if it is at a distance of the pair of steps, but they do not guarantee a long and happy love, because these substances can only strengthen attention to a person, but not to keep it.

In addition, the use of attractiveness hormones can be interested in not only elected men or women, potential partners and spouses, but also mentally unbalanced individuals, and even people of the same sex, which can be dangerous and just unpleasant, so funds with pheromones need to be used with the mind and Be ready for unpleasant situations.

Consider how they act:

He strongly affect men who are especially close. Many spirits have a rather sharp smell. Do not help to fall in love with a man. Call only sexual attraction. On some men, perfume with pheromones do not act at all, as they have a favorite woman. Men's perfume with pheromones, certainly help, but their "help" can become dangerous for women, if suddenly this smell feel just a drunk or a mentally ill-treatment.

Product manufacturing: myth and reality.

For the first time, a similar product of perfumery was created in 1989 in the United States. Since then, such funds began to produce many firms, and each claims that its products are incredibly effective and contains a large number of pheromones.

It can be poisoned in this, because in fact the human attractiveness hormone has not been able to decipher completely, such a substance is too complex from a chemical point of view, and it is impossible to repeat it ideally. At the moment, the pork poromon was taken as the basis, based on the fact that from all animals it was a pig for an anatomical structure closest to the person.

From the gland glands, pheromones are isolated, which are added to the perfume. And so far it is definitely not established that these perfumes act. During research on women of such drugs to enhance the attractiveness of men, the subjects noted only more confidence in people sprinkled by these substances, but nobody felt straw, unbridled passion.


Firms create such products for men and women separately, because representatives of different floors attract various substances. For excellent sex, perfumes are created with epagons that are generated in women in the armpits and nasolabial triangle area. They practically do not smell, but affect male receptors, attracting their attention.

It should be understood, however, their incredible impact. Some girls celebrate a crazy effect of such funds, others talked only about insignificant interest from the opposite sex.

For representatives of strong sex, perfumes are manufactured with the addition of Androtandion, causing elevated sexual interest on the part of women. According to research of companies producing this product, an unbridled attraction is felt by 90-95% of women, although the results can be slightly overpriced. Unfortunately, one hundred percent warranty can not, because all girls and women are different, far from every ready immediately go to contact.

as a rule, substances that include Pheromones, have a sharp, sometimes unpleasant smell, so before purchase it is necessary to make sure that the fragrance comes to you; Pheromones can spread for short distances, so to obtain an effect it is necessary to approach the potential object of seduction;

it is necessary to use the product after the shower, it is recommended to refuse deodorants and other perfumes with a strong smell to enhance the effect; It should be applied to the body of a body with a strong ripple, it is a wrist, a fossa between the clavicle, the chest.

Top better spirits.

For the first time, Pheromon perfumes were released in 1989 by EROX CORP, many famous and very tiny firms have been made by their manufacture. All of them shout about the efficiency of the product, but when buying should be more carefully checking reviews about the product and its composition, to purchase a means with the addition of real pheromones, and not just an aromatic fake.

Since the synthesis of hormones is a cost, then such perfumes and are not suiced. On average, one bottle is asked from 1 thousand Russian rubles. Before buying, it is necessary to learn the composition if the alcohol is present there - it means that the manufacturer either chittitis is either completely disassembled in chemical processes, since the pheromones under the action of alcohol quickly disintegrate.

Consider the most popular perfume manufacturers.

The company produces both female and men's options. The advantage of Sexy Life products is a pleasant smell that most customers noted. The fragrance of Sexy Life consists of several components - cardamon for playfulness, rosemary - for mystery. Spicy spreading helps to feel more confident, woody notes in perfumes Sexy Life give women sensuality, and male attractiveness of male, citrus sinks give the smell light gentle freshness train. The main component of the perfume Sexy Life for men is musk - a substance that is generated in special glands of people and animals. It was at all times the basis of fragrances for men. Here you can also see the effect of cream XXL Power Life.

Among the benefits, manufacturers call a reasonable price, striking resistance, which allows the use of perfume economically. Also, most Sexy Life products have a small neat packaging, which makes it possible to use the aroma at any convenient time.

According to the creators of the perfume, the Sexy Life products helps not only to attract the opposite sex, but also to register a sexual desire to make men or women who use such spirits, more beautiful, more liberated, and get rid of depression and return to the former feelings Former power. Together with this cream, the use of extender is possible.