Funny wishes with good morning. Funny wishes with good morning guy

Good morning! Awake!
To be charged!
Jogging, walking in place.
New day Me with the song!
With the wishes of funny
Be to the evening satisfied!
Let it be more
Positive emotions!

Wake up my dear friend
Argument time has come.
The whole world has already come to life, everything around
Waiting for your speech at the pedestal.
You are so cute and beautiful
Be always fun and passionate.
Dynamic and active
Mile, kind and loving.

Morning woke up a cheerful dawn,
Quietly under the ear, the alarm clock rings,
Cute, do you start with a laugh,
With the go good luck with a ruble eager!
To pass this day without loads,
The evening came to meet we,
Souls are flying around in close alliance,
Grow the fruits from love in Nege!

Woke you up
So that "good morning" say
Because I wanted to me the first
Interesting day to wish.
And whisper (even let virtually):
"I kiss you and love you."
Just my feelings are very early
Along with the sun literally get up.

You, as a kitten, I am stitching.
You are pleased, like me.
You "with good in the morning" I will not tell me,
After all, you still in a dream ...
But I'll stroke you yet
So that your dream from your eyes to drive.
Well, wake up, cute (name)!
About life No need to forget!

Good morning, get up, wake up,
Teeth cleaned and portrait wash,
Do exercises, do not relax,
Morning coffee is poured!
Take Sugar and Prying on the chalk,
Just do not think again to rear
Oil take and smear a bun for yourself,
And you can use all this!

Everyone is in a hurry somewhere
Well, you are my cute sleep,
So you will not live richly
And you can't welcome me.
Well, quickly wake up,
Warring, coffee brewing,
And they see me,
Kiss my believes!

Congratulations on the new day,
Favorite my man,
The sun rose outside the window
For meeting there is a reason.
So you open eyes
Buy flowers bouquet,
And run to me for tea
I will say: "Hello!"!

Good morning!
Cats Susillays hang
On the roofs - the mind on zero.
Cows thirst quench,
Shershavyat udder on the ground.
Pour their cantata poultry,
Millars brought down.
Peasants scratch: ATA-BATS
a little light dip the fields.
Fog madman handwritten
dawn seeing truck.
Crows feathers tremble
luminous watching face.
Restless horses
carry, moun's omelets.
Honey create beelles ...
Perfect day of the day!

Bodro sounded alarm clock -
Open eyes time.
And most likely to meet life
Hurry up in the morning!
A cup of coffee to be treated
News read
With pleasure to wash
Do not rush to eat ...
Let with a cool wish
Good morning
The coming day will be better
Twice as yesterday!

Morning, the sun has already risen,
And you would not bother
Stand off the crib, smile,
Go wash
And just in case shall shave
I'm kidding, do not be offended,
You are so good, do not go!

Good morning!
I know for sure, there will be a good life to you!
With good morning, everything will turn out
Right in the morning!

Look like in the east
Dove the skies!
Hurry, it is white
Your life band!

Sun first rays
Quietly whisper peel.
But I have a hurry to build
" Good morning!" - to tell.
Wish you in the morning
Good deeds and only good.
To good luck, like a friend,
He was protected from ailment.

Morning always be kind
Meets dawn loving.
Gentle bright, vigorous
Zarya let him sleep.

Let the day screames you in happiness,
And the evening will give love,
Good luck your way
Gives you again and again.

Open the window, there is a dawn,
And gentle sun ray and light.
It's time to open my eyes
And again believe in miracles.
Let the morning are good
Give happiness and success.
And even now in your destiny
Good luck gets like snow.

Behind the window the new day has come,
He called you with him with him.
Wake up, cat, you are more
Implement all thousands of ideas.

The sun is a ray of you
And the success of you today is waiting.
Boldly the blanket is removed,
Open eyes you and get up!

Morning begins, the sun shines.
Smile at me soon, and do not dare sad!
Will be very good morning you
Will an alarm, and will take trouble!

Learn you to rejoice in life and yourself
It will be even joyful, peacefully in the soul!
Look around around soon, how much beauty,
Everything around is so rosy, smile and you!

The sun shines very clearly,
Open eyes!
The mood is beautiful
You are today in the morning!

Let the day begins successfully,
I know forever
This morning, definitely
You will bring joy!

Smile Rather Sun,
From the pillow to take off
The morning reigns in the apartment,
The morning quickly smile!

Let him be easy, bright,
Make all your affairs
And let it be all right,
I wish you!

How good that the new day began,
And how beautiful the morning get up.
After all, a lot of things are pleasant awaits us in vain,
How happily with a smile day to start!

Let the morning be good and happy
So that everything perfectly lived this day.
So faster from the bed to tear
Rather Rather Away Night Lazy!

Morning begins, and it's time to get up
And boils again we have a life like that river!
How much do you need to decide, the plans all have time,
Not a minute will not be to take sit down!

But you will stand, so do not rush!
Look at the window better!
What morning, beauty,
Glitters in the sun dew!

We apply in my life every moment,
And you all do not try!
Believe that it will be kind every day,
You just enjoy trifles!

How nice the sun shines
Gives generously all his warmth.
Let today be kind morning
The mood will raise us!

Let everyone get anxiety today,
And the heart will be so easy!
And the smile will illuminate our face
Everyone will all be good!

Dear, you have already woke up to make sure that I love you very much, go a little, my joy!

The perfect day should begin with a cute carotid little bit, a cup of coffee in hand and sms from me on your mobile! Good morning! Have a nice day!

I love you. That's what I want to say. Good morning, my sweet hare!

Wake up my conscience yourself and wake, and she will remind you of my phone number. Call!

Sunshine laughs, earth spins, hello my kitten, how are you?

Good morning! Interesting day! Romantic evening! and turbulent night.

Sunny Luche beds touches. Sound of the Sms will break peace, so unexpectedly sleep will turn around. Good morning angel you are mine!

Kitten, eyes open, day new meet! Let him give you a good luck and a thousand joyful events in addition!

Hey, baby, let's get up, the morning is good meeting. Kiss hot gloom, because, I love you!

Let the sun in your window, will remind you about me and tell you: "Favorite, wake up, the morning came, it's time to get up!".

Kitty, you woke up to find out that I love you very much, sleep further, my sunshine.

Wake up! At night, dreams come to us, and in the afternoon we have all the possibilities to implement them! Are you ready for this?

Everything was caught without you: the moon and stars, midnight and dawn. And even the sun shines me sad when you are not with me! So wake up Rather, I'm waiting for you my bright light!

Probably, you will not answer me this morning, and I will upset a little, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you. Good morning, honey.

In the morning, the early Suns woke up! And with good in the morning it told you! Wake up my sweet kid! I really want to hear your voice!

Accept the most gentle and warm hello, because there is no better in the world in the world!

Good morning, my angel! I wish you a successful day and not to miss the heavenly home that you changed to the joy of earthly love for me!

Maybe you will not answer me this morning, and maybe I will upset a little, but my love is trying in thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and says that I love you.

Good morning, bright light, more emotions, smiles, greetings, good luck more warm, good morning my pussy.

I give you most of your heart. I would give everything, but then I die. I will not regret it, as it will be in the most reliable hands.

With good morning my gentle pupsik! Look how the sun shines, smile to him, and you will feel a wonderful kiss from me! I wish you a great day!

Perhaps you will not answer my message this morning, and most likely I upset a little, but my love for you will be able to easily overcome hundreds of kilometers! Good morning, love!

The sun rays to you sneak and sms will wake you up. So quickly sleep will stop with good morning, my joy!

Little ray to bed rustles, Sound Sound will break the peace, at that moment your sleep will break it - Good morning, my kitten !!

Wake up quickly, smile to ears \u003d) Pour tea faster, wait for me and do not miss!

Your smile to see in the morning, in your dins to be in the evenings, and just be with you next. All the kitten should be needed.

Goodnight! Kiss you in the eyes like Princess Prince in a sweet fairy tale!

Sunlight bed touches the sound SMS ki bursts in your dream

Hey! Wake up my conscience yourself and wake, and she will remind you of my number! Call.

Good morning, a good day, gentle smiles, kiss you. everywhere. everywhere.

Kitten, eyes open, day new meet! Let him give you a good luck and a thousand joyful events in addition!

The ray of the sun on the glass, the shadow of the cinema on the wall, you will now open your eyes and understand that life is beautiful! Good morning, baby!

Baby, good morning! I send a million wonderful air kisses that create the finest mood. I hug you hard and kiss!

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And say: "Favorite, enough to sleep. On the street Morning, you need to get up!"

The morning is good come, it is very good. The bright sun shines in the window, you will rather awaken, whispers it.

Open your beautiful eyes, see how the sun is closed in the east. With good in the morning, I want to tell you and what I missed very, very much.

Cheerful morning! Have a good day! Good smiles! I kiss you!

In the garden it's time to go in the courtyard of the cockerel is already quacked! Cute, get up to work!

Wake up rather! Open your eyes! Read my message in which I send you my heart, my love, tenderness and most trembling affection!

Pulling, trying quietly open one eyebound, now another. Wonderful! Good morning! Have a nice day.

Once the sky and the earth argued which of them beautiful, the sky to prove their beauty to show the stars, and the Earth to prove their beauties to show you. Good morning, honey.

You know, I just thought that you probably very cold and lonely sleep alone. Suddenly still a terrible dream will dream. Therefore, I decided to wake you up, just in case.

You are the brightest ray, in the sweeping hours, you are the cleanest key in the woods of the cherished, you are the most wonderful fruit of the garden of Paradise, you are the most you who waited for I.

Wake up, smile, to the sun outstretch you handles. Rather, the sun is catching, do not let go. Send this SMS to you with congratulations on a reacted day.

I send you 1000 smiles, p rings 1 per day and keep the rest of the 999 under the pillow, take one every morning! Because I want you to be happy. Good morning!

The ray of the sun on the glass, the shadow of the cinema on the wall, you will now open your eyes and understand that life is beautiful! Good morning, baby!

Waking up in the morning, the side of the eye.

Wishes to your favorite guy with kind morning: poems | Prose | Postcards

Knock Knock! Open the door to the new day! Breakfast makes fragrances on the table)

My favorite eyes have already opened? And the desired caller slaughtered from the crib?)

Magic morning! Let your pink dreams today become a sweet reality!

Favorite that I want to tell you from early morning - the kamasutra is waiting for us in the evening)

Behind the window for a long morning, wake up and forth to new accomplishments, my Napoleon!

The message flies to my Sona, who probably sleeps! My joy, what to say? Wake up, enough sleep! We must, you have to gather, to kiss me! eight

Good morning! I welcome you, I wish all sorts of miracles! I wish to be a wonderful customer, and for a long time, without a doubt! 57.

Sweet, gentle, my native! Eyes quickly open! Good morning - whisper, kiss you want! 115.

With good morning my favorite
You are so beautiful in the morning.
Gentle, sleess, funny,
My happy, dear! 81.

My favorite, beautiful, my prince is like a fairy tale, good morning! Open eyes, the kiss came to me and SPIA SPIA! 32.

Wake up, my cute bunny! Let kiss! You, my cute boy, I want to press him! 44.

I misfortively miss your love! Most likely to see you! In your arms I want to warm up, because a minute - as a whole year without you! 72.

Whatever morning, always know and remember that I love you very much! Excellent mood for the whole day! Good morning! 99.

Firmly kiss and give you your magic mood! I wish a gorgeous day, great achievements and romantic mood! nineteen

The sun shines outside the window, the birds sing, not enough of you next to full of happiness. Good morning! Someone really missed someone! 31.

My beloved, incredible, clever, strong, brave, sexy and damn attractive man! GOOD MORNING! :) 70.

The smartest and affectionate guy it's time to wake up and give everyone a little bit of happiness! With good morning, my love! fourteen

I wish you a great mood and super successful day! You are the best! 64.

Good morning, cat! I send you along with my wishes the ray of the morning positive and heat. I hug you, kiss and wait for the meeting! 80.

Cheerful mood! Fragrant coffee! Delicious breakfast! Fruitful day! Love you! 26.

If I were your alarm clock, I would never be awake, but only translated the time ago so you could sleep! Good morning, my favorite Sonya! 29.

New day, good weather and thoughts only about you in my head! Have a nice day! 24.

I wish you the best morning and good mood for the whole day! Let it go through the way you want! Smack 53.

I want you not to be sad, did not lose, but only smiling! 39.

Tight in the morning you sleep, do not hear the ears,
I am brought with a tanker, wake up from the gun! reply

I will add from myself:
Good morning, loved, how did you sleep at night?
Did you see a lot of dreams? Where can you be able to?
I bored you, you wake up, get up!
Sun shines in the window, come on, remember me! (one)

SMS to beloved on the day off: With good morning, dear, I whisper to you my native, wake up, pull up - and go to sleep back.

Cute, Favorite, let's seek, look at the window to the sky, think about good, let the joy be on the soul!

My kitten, dear,
I want to be always with you.
Never lose heart
Slept to whisper with good morning.
And now I want to kiss you
Speak to you - and sleep again.

I woke up in a great mood and send you an example charged positive! I wish you to start the day with a smile :) Smok

My bunny is nice, rather wake up.
Good morning I wish you and so that luck was all day) (1)

Waking up every time in the morning, I understand that I live, and for you.

Hey, baby, let's get up, the morning is good meeting. Kiss hot gloom, because, I love you!

I congratulate you on the first rays of the sun! With this wonderful morning. With the beginning of a new day. I wish you that he would bring you everything about what you only dream!

Good morning! Wake up, cheered up and for work! Warm sun in the window, fragrant coffee and a very tasty breakfast in the kitchen.

I wish you the best and wonderful morning. I wish the sweet awakening and great goals, I wish you a magical mood and morning cheerfulness, I wish unrealistic superior well-being and brave inspiration, stunning energy and tide of strength.

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And say: "Favorite, enough to sleep. On the street Morning, you need to get up!"

Good morning, cute! I send a million wonderful air kisses that create the finest mood! And firmly hugging tightly.

Congratulations on the onset of the best and beautiful morning! Let everything that you do, brings joy and the day will be successful!

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Funny wishes with good morning guy

IN You know about the habit of your boyfriend always and everywhere is late, especially in the morning, because he really does not like to get up early. It is useless to wake him, because it will fundamentally sleep further or just lie and pretend to sleep. To do this, carefully wake it up, sending beautiful and good wishes every morning with good morning. Believe that this approach to this question will be appropriate, and you will get the desired result. We will help you choose the most unusual wishes of good morning for a guy, because our site specializes in this area. We created this page because they understood how great demand is among girls. You only need patience, because you will choose the wishes of several hundred will be difficult.

Good morning! Awake!
To be charged!
Jogging, walking in place.
New day Me with the song!
With the wishes of funny
Be to the evening satisfied!
Let it be more
Positive emotions!

Wake up my dear friend
Argument time has come.
The whole world has already come to life, everything around
Waiting for your speech at the pedestal.
You are so cute and beautiful
Be always fun and passionate.
Dynamic and active
Mile, kind and loving.

With the go good luck with a ruble eager!
To pass this day without loads,
The evening came to meet we,
Souls are flying around in close alliance,
Grow the fruits from love in Nege!

Woke you up
So that "good morning" say
Because I wanted to me the first
Interesting day to wish.
And whisper (even let virtually):
"I kiss you and love you."
Just my feelings are very early
Along with the sun literally get up.

You, as a kitten, I am stitching.
You are pleased, like me.
You "with good in the morning" I will not tell me,
After all, you still in a dream ...
But I'll stroke you yet
So that your dream from your eyes to drive.
Well, wake up, cute (name)!
About life No need to forget!

Good morning, get up, wake up,
Teeth cleaned and portrait wash,
Do exercises, do not relax,
Morning coffee is poured!
Take Sugar and Prying on the chalk,
Just do not think again to rear
Oil take and smear a bun for yourself,
And you can use all this!

Everyone is in a hurry somewhere
Well, you are my cute sleep,
So you will not live richly
And you can't welcome me.
Well, quickly wake up,
Warring, coffee brewing,
And they see me,
Kiss my believes!

Congratulations on the new day,
Favorite my man,
The sun rose outside the window
For meeting there is a reason.
So you open eyes
Buy flowers bouquet,
And run to me for tea
I will say: "Hello!"!

Good morning!
Cats Susillays hang
On the roofs - the mind on zero.
Cows thirst quench,
Shershavyat udder on the ground.
Pour their cantata poultry,
Millars brought down.
Peasants scratch: ATA-BATS
a little light dip the fields.
Fog madman handwritten
dawn seeing truck.
Crows feathers tremble
luminous watching face.
Restless horses
carry, moun's omelets.
Honey create beelles ...
Perfect day of the day!

Bodro sounded alarm clock -
Open eyes time.
And most likely to meet life
Hurry up in the morning!
A cup of coffee to be treated
News read
With pleasure to wash
Do not rush to eat ...
Let with a cool wish
Good morning
The coming day will be better
Twice as yesterday!

Morning, the sun has already risen,
And you would not bother
Stand off the crib, smile,
Go wash
And just in case shall shave
I'm kidding, do not be offended,
You are so good, do not go!

Cool sms rhymes with good morning favorite guy

Perfect day came again
Heat and joy to give us ..
Displacing darkness, he turned on,
In one hundred thousand watts he lit up ..
Let this light give everyone
Heat of love and joy of change.

Sun shines in the sky blue,
Well, you, boyfriend, do you sleep sweet sleep?
Looking in the window - that's where beauty!
Dobry-kind day let you have!

A new day is knocking on the window.
Round trams back there.
Something good will happen!
Wake up quickly, za!

Sun rays in the window flashes,
Sleepy face gently caress!
Playing frolic radiant paints.
Wake up rather, cute eyes!

Sun rays in the morning,
Fun will wake you up!
Because the day is beautiful
And successful for you will be!

Get up soon from my bed
And to the sun aetter you paws!
Rather, Sunny catch
And do not let anywhere,
Visible to him
And remember me!

Brighter sunny day
Better than all colors in the world
My long-awaited
For you, let the sun shine.

Everyone was covered without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn.
And even the sun shines me sad
When you are not with me!
So wake up soon
I'm waiting for you my bright light!

In the room sweetly smelled dewy,
In the morning the city was filled with large,
Delicate flower my eyes you open
And in a new day plunge with your head ...

Let the sun in your window,
Recalls you about me.
And say: "Favorite, enough sleep.
On the street morning, you need to get up! "

Sweet, gentle, my native!
Eyes quickly open!
Good morning .... - whisper ...
I want to kiss you !!!

The sun rose due to a tucca,
Stretched to you handles,
Hugged, kissed
And good luck wished!
Good morning!

Sun will shine in the window!
You wake up in silence.
The ray gently will play
Complete on the back
Heel sticks to you,
Hurry up from the crib!

Once again I understand -
I can not do without you!
You, as an angel is cute,
My very wonderful
Such a gentle and beloved,
The closest and native!

The sun rose
Are you still sleeping?
Please wake up
My cute baby!

Sweet dream dispelled in a moment
Angry, cunning beast alarm clock!
All the same, he will not bother
Because he is good!
Sleep nice on a weekday
Get out of bed very lazy.

Let this morning be the best,
Let the sun shine due to clouds!
I want to know you better than everyone in the world
And it's hard to breathe heart without you!

Forgets problems and cases,
Forgets the bustle of these everydays,
The light shy let her eyes
And with a smile, you go through this morning.

Cool sms rhymes beloved guy in the morning

Why some people never learned to live correctly. Why, some people have not yet learned to appreciate what they have. If they did it, then they would be fine. That's why if you have a favorite guy, you must show him every act that he is dear to you. For example, you can cool it to congratulate it with good morning. This can be done by sending cool SMS with a good morning to your beloved person. Believe me that when he gets, the guy will be incredibly satisfied. After all, it is pleasant at yourself, when they try to sake you. And even in your relationship everything will be only the best. Good luck in your life so that you do not do. Let luck will always be only on your side. And be always happy. Know that someday you will be the happiest people.

My kiss is hot and crazy gentle
Hurry to dispel your dream is a serene.
Say as much I love you!
And every second of our meeting is waiting!

Today with good morning
I want to tell you
You are every minute
Speaking to transform!

Morning woke up a cheerful dawn,
Quietly under the ear, the alarm clock rings,
Cute, do you start with a laugh,
With the go good luck to the ruble will give!

Early morning, the sun rose.
Good morning, you whispered.
Eyes open my favorite kid
Waiting and hope that you will call!

You know, without your smile
New day will not come ...
So open your eyes
And smile quickly.

Good morning, my beloved boy,
How long without you was night
The morning has come now, it means
Sleep I wish to drive you away.

Good morning Favorite!
Accept my SMS
I know you are no longer sleeping!
Drink tea in the morning
And sms read my!

My day began long ago
And you still lie in bed.
But the morning of God wish you anyway!
Get up, I love you ...

With good in the morning my one!
Good morning my favorite!
Cute, cute little man.
My good, unearthly.
And lying in the crib,
I hug you briefly.

Good morning, love!
With the new start of you,
Kind and most beautiful -
Here are what I have.
Let this day, my good,
Everything is managed!
The day will be good, we quiet,
Happiness love brought!

Good morning dear!
I wish you,
To resist the soul,
About me dreaming!
This day let go
Happiness infinity
And gives energy
Joy lasts eternity!

The whole world wakes up with you,
Dawn let your house lights.
And our love that Sogret is a dream,
Good morning you foreshadow!

Morning will handle
In the eyes, and with pleasure
You will wake up, dear!

Morning, sun! Ah, Miracle Picture!
But from the bed to get up yet too lazy.
Wake up my cute man!
Wonderful day to come!

The sun rose from the horizon,
And the dawn has already come.
Wake up, little tiger,
With good morning, my baby!

With good in the morning, I'm with you!
Smile, sing songs,
Raise as soon as
Coffee strong pour,
Make free charge,
And start everything in order.

How's it going? Wake up
Clever teeth, wash away
Look: the sun awoke,
So break in the window
And wishes on this day
Win and sleep, and lazy!

I want that morning it
Filled only with light,
So you smile to me,
Did not be sad, it was not upgraded,
I wish you a kind!
About you one dream.

Congratulations on a new day!
Let things burn fire!
This day is not abandoned,
Do not be sad, but smile!
If the goal set you -
Let dreams fulfill!

Morning will handle
In the eyes, and with pleasure
You will wake up, dear!
Good morning! With awaken!

Have a nice day I wish you!
I'm constantly dreaming about you!
Come on! Mostly wake up!
What do you like - Mostly confuse!

Good morning dear!
Let your day be wonderful,
Let the evening will come ...
I am really looking forward to our meeting!

With good morning, my cat!
Wake up, dear!
SMS you read
And come to get up!

So that people in the morning were recognized,
Did not chase in broad daylight,
Would you meet,
And you did not forget me!

Dawn is getting closer, all light,
Already got the sky
Fires thousands of candles ...
Let this light in your soul
Will find the place of warming.

"Good morning!", I'll tell you,
Ah, maybe you whisper
That it is time to get up slowly
And checkered new day to start.

You are unbridled wild cowboy,
Or just a man -; Macho
I'm crazy well with you,
And believe me, can not be otherwise!

Smack you in the tummy -
Love you, my cat!
Smok Smok is even lower -
I want to be closer to you!

The night with you split,
Morning us will unite
I love you so much,
Love won't win anything.
And I hurry to see you
Your beautiful eyes
Fall forever in your abode
Your love I need so much!

The morning is good.
Stop sleeping under the blanket!
Open eyes rather
New day to meet time!
Laying your phone,
To quickly dispel sleep.
Write: "Hi, kid!",
To know that you are not sleeping!

Let every day be wonderful
fun will give, care, warm.
Let happiness, the road to you will not forget
And every morning he knocks on the window.

Knocks the SMS to your phone
To give you soon, he,
That the morning kindest now is getting
And day, full of happiness and joy, waiting.


A friend will always help, even there are a lot of songs about friendship, although they say that friendship does not exist, but it is not so! Most often, we forget to pay attention to the closest people - our friends. The problems encountered, do not give us strength and time to meet them, drink a cup of coffee, and if you want to drink and drink a drink. Remember such gatherings of men that end fun, for example, hiking to the bath (a trip to the bath is a tradition already). Unfortunately, such real comrades - luxury, completely and nearly hear and see the story in which they betrayed, substitute, break the families, just invisible human meanness!

To friends, too, have to help, but definitely not to forget about them when everything is smooth in your life. Your comrade will be cool when you invite it to the meeting, just like that, without reason. Wishes with good morning to a friend Not unnecessary. You can make small gifts, but even if you have problems with the budget in the family and about gifts temporarily I had to forget - that is, there are other options: send a funny message, order a song on the radio, make a video, presentation and throw off on a social network to see and see and Other people. It's nice to a person when wishes and gratitude are told, they write in public uniform. Funny poems will become a pleasant surprise, especially in the morning, when such a mood, that I don't even want to work, on the street gray weekdays and in general, there is no desire to get out of bed. You can come to work and arrange a surprise, balls, sweets, songs, clowns. It all depends on your imagination.

Poems to a friend in sms

Good morning, friend, has come,
You woke it today did not forget
Sleep the remnants quickly fuck up with yourself
Hug and kiss I love you!

Day let you give a super setting
Cases will let the best impressive
Coffee flavor with pleasure inhalation,
Breakfast prepared for this absorbing!

Morning, the sun has already risen,
And you would not bother
Stand off the crib, smile,

Go wash
And just in case shall shave
I'm kidding, do not be offended,
You are so good, do not go!

Good morning, get up, wake up,
Teeth cleaned and portrait wash,
Do exercises, do not relax,
Morning coffee is poured!

Take Sugar and Prying on the chalk,
Just do not think again to rear
Oil take and smear a bun for yourself,
And you can use all this!

Good morning! Awake!
To be charged!
Jogging, walking in place.
New day Me with the song!

With the wishes of funny
Be to the evening satisfied!
Let it be more
Positive emotions!

Buddy, good morning, I wish you
It's time for you to get up, I know for sure
Ahead of you still awaits a lot of things,
I really want me to do everything you managed to do everything.

Cool shower remnants of sleep let you devil,
Radio cheerful something right
From the bed as soon as possible - ka raise,
Fragrant coffee from Sosha Sim Enjoy!

The morning is good it is!
Are you still not tired to sleep?
Well, the sun, wake up,
Live actively gather!

They say who will earn earlier,
That will get all the best.
So, at eight - not critical,
Make sure this personally!

Waking up in the morning, not benazy.
Smile slyly!
Say a beautiful compliment
And bloom at one point!

Longing is filled with a soul,
And you tell the villain: Sha!
Admit aloud yourself in love
So, to capture the spirit!