Toxicosis. Medicines from the forest clearing. Early toxicosis during pregnancy: symptoms, causes and treatment

Update: November 2018

Toxicosis during early pregnancy causes a lot of problems for the expectant mother, disrupts her usual lifestyle and sleep, and in severe cases requires inpatient treatment. Early toxicosis during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon and is observed in 50 - 60% of expectant mothers, which is why many refer to the phenomena of early toxicosis as the first signs of pregnancy. In reality, pregnancy without toxicosis is absolutely normal, because pregnancy is not a disease and therefore it should not worsen a woman's condition.

Early toxicosis: define the concept

Early toxicosis refers to gestational complications, that is, due to the emergence and development of a new life in a woman's body. Early toxicoses are based on pathological conditions that reflect the negative impact of pregnancy on a woman's body. Toxicosis develops due to a violation of the adaptive processes of the female body to bear the fetus. This complication is manifested by numerous neuroendocrine disorders (disorders of the autonomic nervous system and brain, endocrine system and circulatory system, metabolic processes and immunological failures).

Classification of toxicosis

Toxicosis of pregnant women is also called gestosis and is divided into early and late. For convenience, the disorders that developed in the first half of pregnancy are called early toxicosis, and the occurrence of this complication after 20 weeks is called preeclampsia (late toxicosis).

Early toxicosis include:

  • vomiting of pregnant women (mild or moderate);
  • excessive (indomitable) vomiting of pregnant women;
  • ptyalism or hypersalivation (drooling).

Gestoses include:

  • dropsy (massive swelling);
  • nephropathy of mild, moderate and severe degree;
  • preeclampsia;
  • eclampsia.

There are still rare forms of toxicosis that can occur at any gestational age, but, as a rule, develop in the first trimester:

  • dermatoses or pruritus;
  • jaundice or acute yellow liver atrophy;
  • osteomalacia (softening of the bones);
  • tetany (cramps of limbs, face);
  • bronchial asthma.

Terms of occurrence

The timing of the development of toxicosis during pregnancy is different and falls on the first half of it, that is, up to 20 weeks. It is difficult to answer definitely when toxicosis begins, since its occurrence may be due to various additional factors. In a small number of women, signs of this condition appear even before the delay of menstruation, that is, about 2 weeks after unprotected intercourse, when the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus and begins to actively secrete hormones. But, as a rule, the symptoms of toxicosis begin to appear from 5 to 6 weeks of gestation.

How long does toxemia last during pregnancy? And there is no definite answer to this question. The duration of toxicosis depends on the number of fruits, the time of its appearance, concomitant diseases and other factors. Usually, the signs of complications gradually disappear by the end of the first trimester, that is, by 12-13 weeks. If there is a multiple pregnancy, then the effects of toxicosis are more pronounced and disappear by 15-16 weeks. The condition of a woman who does not have toxicosis is not considered a deviation from the normal course of pregnancy. Rather, it indicates her physical health and balance. Only the fact that the pregnancy proceeded, for example, with very strong toxicosis, which suddenly stopped, should alert. In such cases, a frozen pregnancy should be excluded when the fetus has stopped developing, but the miscarriage did not occur.

The reasons

The causes of toxicosis during pregnancy come down to one thing - the presence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, which grows and develops. To date, there are many theories that try to explain the mechanism of the ongoing disorders in the mother's body with early toxicosis:

  • Neuroreflex theory

According to this theory, the occurrence of early toxicosis is caused by a growing fetal egg, which irritates endometrial receptors, which leads to an increase in the excitability of subcortical formations. In these subcortical structures are the vomiting center and the center of smell, as well as areas that are responsible for the regulation of the digestive tract, blood circulation and respiration, and other body functions. As a result of irritation of the receptors of the uterine mucosa, vegetative reactions occur in the form of nausea and vomiting, tachycardia and salivation due to vasospasm. But by the end of the 1st trimester, the mother's body adapts to these irritations and the symptoms of toxicosis disappear.

  • Hormonal theory

Proponents of this theory explain the appearance of toxicosis by hormonal changes, in particular, an increase in the secretion of chorionic gonadotropin, which stimulates the growth and strengthening of the chorionic villi, their penetration into the uterine wall and tissue decay in the placenta on the maternal side. By 12-13 weeks, the concentration of hCG in the blood begins to decrease and the symptoms of toxicosis subside.

  • Psychogenic theory

It has been noticed that early toxicosis develops much more often in emotional and impressionable women, whom the very fact of the onset of pregnancy plunges into an abyss of emotions.

  • immunological theory

This theory is based on the foreignness of the fetal egg for the mother's body. As a result, the pregnant woman's body begins to produce antibodies against the embryo, which provoke the appearance of toxicosis.

  • Toxic theory

This theory has existed for a long time and explains the signs of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting) by poisoning the mother's body with harmful substances, the production of which is produced by the fetus or placenta, or during metabolic disorders.

All existing theories have the right to exist and complement each other.

Predisposing factors

Why do half of the women have early toxicosis, while the other half is free from this unpleasant condition? A number of certain factors increase the risk of development and severe course of early toxicosis:

  • chronic somatic diseases (kidney pathology, hypertension, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, obesity, CNS pathology, cardiovascular diseases);
  • overwork and prolonged or constant stress;
  • poor nutrition, starvation;
  • bad habits;
  • asthenic physique of a woman;
  • social disadvantage;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • history of abortion;
  • age (under 17 and over 35);
  • disturbed swallowing reflex and antiperistalsis of the esophagus in history;
  • increased activity of the vomiting center;
  • unwanted pregnancy or too desired (for example, after long-term fertility treatment).

Clinical manifestations

The onset of toxicosis, as already mentioned, coincides with the moment when a woman finds out about pregnancy, that is, approximately 5 to 6 weeks. The expectant mother experiences weakness, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, she is irritable and depressed. She also suffers from drooling and nausea, vomiting, and olfactory quirks. The appetite of a pregnant woman is reduced or absent, weight loss is also possible up to serious losses.

Early toxicosis cannot be classified by weeks of pregnancy, it is either there or not. The only thing that can be noted is that with an increase in the gestation period, the signs of complications appear more pronounced, but by the end of the 1st trimester they gradually disappear. The most common sign of complications is vomiting. It occurs no more than 3 times a day, often in the morning, on an empty stomach, but does not lead to a violation of the general condition of the pregnant woman.


If there is vomiting, which happens more than three times a day and is not associated with food intake, plus there is a reduced appetite, changes in taste and smell sensations, lethargy and weight loss, they indicate early toxicosis. Vomiting of pregnant women is classified according to severity:

  • Light degree

The frequency of vomiting attacks reaches 5 per day, the woman loses weight from 1 to 3 kg per week, but the general condition does not suffer. Apathy and decreased work capacity are possible. Some shift in hemodynamics is noted: slight tachycardia (up to 90 per minute) and hypotension (110/60). Stool and diuresis do not suffer, general blood and urine tests are normal.

  • Average degree

With an increase in vomiting attacks up to 10 times a day, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, a metabolic disorder up to the development of ketoacidosis, they speak of moderate severity. Against the background of vomiting, salivation is often present, which exacerbates the loss of fluid and nutrients. The weight loss of a pregnant woman in a week is from 3 to 5 kg, exhaustion is possible. The expectant mother is experiencing significant weakness, apathetic. The skin is pale, the tongue is lined and dry. It is possible to increase the temperature to 37.5 degrees. The heartbeat increases to 90 - 100 per minute, blood pressure decreases (100/60). There may be a decrease in hemoglobin in the KLA (anemia), and a study of the acid-base composition of the blood confirms acidosis. Diuresis is reduced to 800 - 700 ml per day, some pregnant women have constipation.

  • Severe degree

Severe or excessive vomiting is accompanied by the development of severe multiple organ disorders. The frequency of vomiting reaches 20 times a day, there is profuse salivation, constant nausea. The condition of the pregnant woman is severe, food and liquid do not stay in the stomach, sleep is disturbed. The woman complains of headaches and muscle pain, dizziness. There is adynamia, the pregnant woman quickly loses weight, up to 3 kg per week. The subcutaneous fat layer becomes thinner, the skin is flabby and dry, the tongue is dry, lined, the smell of acetone is felt from the mouth. There is an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. Tachycardia and hypotension are significant (below 90/60 and above 110 beats per minute). Diuresis is reduced and is less than 700 ml per day.

In the biochemical analysis of blood, residual nitrogen, urea and bilirubin increase. In KLA and leukocytes. Albumins, cholesterol, potassium and chlorides are also reduced. OAM contains protein and casts, urobilin and bile pigments, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Significant ketonuria (reaction to acetone).


In second place among the signs of early toxicosis is salivation, which can be either an independent form of complication or accompany vomiting. With intense salivation, a pregnant woman loses more than one and a half liters of saliva, which is accompanied by severe dehydration, a decrease in proteins and mineral salts, and psychological discomfort.


It is rare and, as a rule, manifests itself as diffuse or local (in the region of the vulva) skin itching. Intense itching disturbs sleep, causes depression and irritability. Differential diagnosis is carried out with thrush, allergic reactions and diabetes mellitus.

Bronchial asthma

Cases of the development of bronchial asthma in pregnant women as one of the forms of toxicosis are quite rare. The course of the disease is severe. Manifested by attacks of suffocation and dry cough. Differentiate from ordinary bronchial asthma, which took place before conception.

Osteomalacia and tetany

These complications develop due to a violation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in a woman's body. With osteomalacia, the bone tissue loosens, which is fraught with bone fracture. With tetany, muscle cramps are noted: spasm of the muscles of the arm ("obstetrician's hand") and spasm of the muscles of the leg ("ballerina's leg"), with spasm of the facial muscles - "fish mouth".

The relationship between toxicosis and the number of pregnancies

Most women believe that if the first toxicosis occurred, that is, during the first pregnancy, it will definitely occur in the next period of gestation. Actually this is a delusion. All pregnancies (meaning the same woman) proceed differently, which depends on many factors (the age of the expectant mother, the number of embryos, past illnesses, chronic pathology, living conditions, etc.). For example, in the first pregnancy, which proceeded without complications and ended in spontaneous childbirth, this complication was not. But this does not mean that there will also be no toxicosis during the second pregnancy.

Are toxicosis and the sex of the child related?

Future mothers are superstitious people and firmly believe in all the signs associated with the period of gestation. Many believe that early toxicosis necessarily occurs during pregnancy with a girl, although this statement has not been scientifically confirmed. Guessing who will be born, a boy or a girl, is certainly interesting, but relying on the shape of the abdomen, the severity of certain signs of pregnancy, the intensity of toxicosis is a hopeless occupation. To date, it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby only by ultrasound, but this method does not provide a 100% guarantee. The doctor may mistakenly take the loops of the umbilical cord in the perineal region of the fetus for the scrotum and say that the pregnancy is a boy, or, conversely, not see the testicles in the male fetus, as he “hid” them (located in an uncomfortable position for examination).

It becomes clear that neither the likelihood of this complication nor the intensity of symptoms depend on the sex of the child. The severity of toxicosis rather depends not on the sex of the embryo, but on their number.


I was tormented by toxicosis, how to deal with it? A similar question is often heard by gynecologists of antenatal clinics, in addition, expectant mothers ask relatives and friends. Of course, constant nausea and vomiting is not a pleasure, but following simple recommendations will help alleviate toxicosis:

  • dieting;
  • taking multivitamin complexes;
  • creating a calm environment, taking light sedatives (infusion of valerian and motherwort);
  • walks in forest park areas, frequent trips out of town;
  • frequent airing of the room, especially before going to bed;
  • full sleep (at least 8 hours a day);
  • physiotherapy;
  • aromatherapy;
  • observance of the regime of the day with obligatory daytime rest;
  • giving up bad habits, including being in smoky places.


Compliance with certain rules in the diet of a pregnant woman with this complication will help get rid of or at least reduce nausea and vomiting:

  • food temperature

Do not take too hot (more than 60 degrees) or cold (less than 15 degrees) food. Food should be at room temperature or slightly warm. Hot or cold food not only disrupts digestion, but also irritates the stomach lining and provokes nausea and vomiting.

  • Diet

Eating with toxicosis should be fractional, the frequency of meals should be up to 5-6 times a day and in small portions. Such a diet allows better absorption of nutrients, does not increase the load on the digestive tract, helps to normalize the stool and alleviates the symptoms of this complication (unpleasant sensations increase on an empty stomach). It is important to observe the time of the last meal, no more than two hours before bedtime.

  • Culinary processing

It is recommended to give preference to boiled, baked or steamed food. Quenching is allowed. Fried foods should be excluded, as they not only inhibit the process of digestion and absorption of food, but also increase the load on the liver and stomach, thereby provoking bouts of vomiting. All foods in dishes should be pureed or finely ground, which contributes to their better absorption.

  • Drinking regime

Free fluid intake is not 2 liters per day. Preference should be given to mineral alkaline waters without gas, herbal teas and decoctions, ordinary boiled water. It is worth giving up tea, coffee and cocoa, as well as sugary carbonated drinks. You should not consume liquid 30 minutes before meals, during meals and 1.5 hours after. A good remedy for toxicosis is green tea and infusions of chamomile, mint or sage.

  • Refusal of semi-finished products, spicy foods and smoked meats

All preservatives, dyes and stabilizers contained in semi-finished products are chemicals that disrupt digestion and exacerbate toxicosis. It is worth refusing to take fatty and spicy dishes, smoked meats, sausages, canned food and fast food.

  • Little fasting

Even if thoughts about food provoke nausea and vomiting, it is useful to starve for 3-4 days and not take medication.

  • There is only what you want

Do not suppress your desires by forcing yourself to eat. If you do not want this or that dish, then you do not need it. You can pamper yourself and eat what you want at the moment - there is a high probability that the food will be digested.

  • Thorough chewing of food

Slow and thorough chewing will not only make you feel full with less food, but also promote better absorption of nutrients and suppress nausea and food aversion.

  • "Dry Diet"

With moderate vomiting, when food is only partially absorbed, it is useful to switch to the so-called dry diet, that is, to give up soups and semi-liquid cereals. They can be replaced with boiled potatoes and eggs, bread (preferably dried or yesterday's) with butter or pate (fish, meat). It is advisable to take food in a reclining position.

  • First breakfast

Take care of the first breakfast should be in advance. In the evening, you need to put dry biscuits, a banana or a handful of dried fruits on the bedside table. Immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, you should have a snack. This is especially useful for those women who are overcome by nausea in the morning.

With salivation, rinsing the mouth with a decoction of oak bark, infusion of chamomile, mint or sage is effective. Chewing mints and hard candies will also help reduce salivation and nausea. A future mother suffering from constant nausea and vomiting will be helped out by an “ambulance kit”, which is not difficult to always carry in her purse. It can be a bag of crackers, crackers or nuts, the same dried fruits (dried apricots and prunes) and a bottle of slightly acidified drink (low-brewed tea with a slice of lemon, water with a little lemon juice and honey, diluted cranberry juice). Sour drinking undoubtedly increases salivation, but effectively suppresses nausea.

Particular attention should be paid to fresh fruits and vegetables. With moderate vomiting, fruits are best consumed baked. Vegetable fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines, regular stools, in addition, fresh fruits (cranberries, kiwi, currants, cherries, lingonberries, pomegranates - that is, berries and fruits “with sourness”) and vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins.

Physiotherapy and non-traditional methods

From physiotherapeutic procedures, endonasal electrophoresis with B vitamins, electrosleep and brain galvanization are used. Such procedures suppress the activity of the vomiting center in the brain.

Of the non-traditional methods, acupuncture, aromatherapy (inhalation of citrus oils, peppermint and sea buckthorn oils) and homeopathic remedies are used, but only after consulting a doctor.


Pregnant women with moderate and indomitable vomiting are subject to hospitalization. Expectant mothers with severe vomiting are in the intensive care unit. In the hospital, intensive infusion therapy is prescribed to restore the volume of circulating blood (eliminate dehydration), detoxification and parenteral nutrition. Crystalloids (Ringer's and glucose solutions, trisol, disol) and fat emulsions with amino acids are prescribed. Also shown is the introduction of vitamins (riboflavin and thiamine, ascorbic acid) and actovegin.

Therapeutic and protective regime and the exclusion of negative emotions in the hospital allows you to normalize the work of the central nervous system. In order to block the gag reflex, the following are prescribed:

  • atropine;
  • neuroleptics (droperidol, haloperidol);
  • diphenhydramine and pipolfen (due to a pronounced sedative effect);
  • hofitol, essentiale (improve liver function);
  • splenin (normalizes nitrogen metabolism);
  • tablets for toxicosis: polyphepan and activated charcoal (adsorb toxins from the intestines);
  • metoclopromide (cerucal) is prescribed only in extreme cases, as it is contraindicated in the 1st trimester (it can provoke spontaneous abortion).

Question answer

How to get rid of toxicosis, in particular, constant nausea?

If only nausea, without vomiting, bothers you, you should not resort to drugs. It is worth following the general recommendations (diet, frequent walks, good sleep).

I vomit even while brushing my teeth. What to do?

You need to change your toothpaste. If vomiting continues to bother, for a while, abandon this procedure, replace the mouth rinse with infusions of medicinal herbs or tooth balms and elixirs.

I constantly want pickles or tomatoes. Isn't it harmful?

If you want salty, then the body does not have enough sodium. If pickles or tomatoes do not provoke nausea and vomiting, then they are not prohibited, but, of course, within reason.

I am already 23 weeks old, but I still have nausea and vomiting, as in the early stages. What to do?

It is necessary to undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist and a neurologist, who will rule out diseases of the digestive tract and disorders of the nervous system. If the pathology is not detected, you should reconsider your diet.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy is a woman's health disorder associated with the adaptation of her body to bearing a fetus.

Toxicosis in the early stages is experienced by 6 out of 10 women, but gynecologists do not always consider this condition to be a disease that necessarily requires treatment. Early toxicosis of pregnant women still has no clearly established causes, and there are no ways to prevent it. The absence of early toxicosis also does not indicate any pathology, some women do not experience it at all.

Causes of early toxicosis

The causes of early toxicosis during pregnancy have not yet been fully studied, they are trying to explain it with several theories, but all researchers agree on only one thing, it is the presence of a fetus in the uterus that causes pregnancy symptoms in the early stages. Removal of the fetal egg leads to an instant cessation of complaints.

Most likely, the causes of early toxicosis of pregnant women are due to neuro-reflex shifts at the level of the diencephalic region of the brain, the discoordination of the processes of excitation and inhibition in which occurs due to a violation of neuro-reflex impulses due to the embryo developing in the uterus and rapidly progressive ingrowth of chorionic villi into the endometrium.

It is known that after the end of the formation of the placenta by 11-13 weeks, the unpleasant first symptoms during pregnancy subside, and the condition of the pregnant woman returns to normal.

Signs of early toxicosis

Toxicosis in early pregnancy, the treatment of which requires medical intervention, should pose a threat to the woman's health.

Signs of pregnancy in the early stages due to gastroenterological discomfort must be distinguished from real early toxicosis during pregnancy, which is a serious functional disorder of the nervous system that occurs in response to the presence of a fetal egg.

How does early toxicosis manifest itself?

Early toxicosis of pregnant women can have a wide variety of symptoms, but nausea, heartburn are the leading manifestations in the vast majority of women. In the early stages, vomiting, dizziness and nausea during pregnancy are the most common forms of toxicosis, salivation is quite common, and other, rare signs of early toxicosis, such as dermatosis, pruritus, osteomalacia or bronchial asthma, are much less common.

Pregnancy vomiting occurs in 6 out of 10 women, but only 10% of them are treated. Heartburn and nausea are considered by doctors only as natural symptoms during pregnancy, and only recommendations on diet and nutrition are given to the pregnant woman.

Vomiting is graded according to severity, there are three of them in total. The timing is important when nausea appears during pregnancy, vomiting, and other signs of early toxicosis, the earlier, the more severe the vomiting takes.

1 severity
Vomiting and nausea occur after meals, up to 5 times a day, a pregnant woman can lose up to 3 kg of body weight. Despite the general disturbance of health, loss of appetite, her condition remains relatively satisfactory. The skin remains moist, pulse and blood pressure are within normal limits. How to deal with early toxicosis during pregnancy with such manifestations - of course, without drugs. Obstetricians do not treat this, you need to try to survive the troubles of the first trimester, using only folk remedies for early toxicosis.

2 severity
Severe nausea during pregnancy occurs already in the first days and quickly develops into vomiting, which occurs regardless of food intake, up to 10 times a day. There may be a slight temperature, acetone is found in the urine of half of the pregnant women, the pressure decreases, the pulse accelerates to 100 per minute, the general condition of the woman is severely impaired, many have thoughts of terminating the pregnancy, it is so difficult to endure. Starting from the second degree of severity, toxicosis at an early stage of pregnancy is subject to medical treatment.

3 severity
This is already a life-threatening condition for a pregnant woman, excessive vomiting. It repeats up to 25 times a day, and can be triggered even by movement. The pregnant woman does not want to move, lies all the time, cannot sleep, food and water are not retained, vomiting immediately occurs, and a loss of up to 10 kg of body weight is possible. The skin and tongue become dry, the temperature rises, the pulse rises to 120 per minute, and the blood pressure is low. In the urine, acetone is found in all women, there is often protein, hemoglobin is increased, there are changes in the biochemical blood test.

When does early toxicosis begin and end?

Early toxicosis begins in most cases as early as 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, some not particularly happy women may feel the first symptoms even before the delay in menstruation. This earliest toxicosis is associated with a woman's high sensitivity to pregnancy hormones and proceeds very hard in the future.

The timing when early toxicosis ends depends on the severity of its course and what kind of pregnancy you have, singleton or multiple. With a singleton pregnancy, early toxicosis lasts up to 11-12 weeks, and with a multiple pregnancy, it disappears by the 14-16th week of pregnancy.

Treatment of early toxicosis

With a mild degree of nausea and vomiting, treatment of early toxicosis of pregnancy is carried out on an outpatient basis, with a moderate and even more severe degree, hospitalization may be required. It often happens that the very fact of excluding a pregnant woman from a stressful situation at home and at work already leads to an improvement in her condition.

Nutrition in the treatment of early toxemia of pregnant women is of great importance, the correct use of food in itself can reduce nausea during pregnancy. You need to eat in small portions, every 2 hours, lying down, food should be chilled, mineral water is shown, alkaline and not carbonated.

Toxicosis in the early stages, treatment

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the fetus is vulnerable, and many drugs can adversely affect its development, this limits the range of drugs used. Of course, you can’t prescribe anything yourself without consulting a doctor, how to alleviate early toxicosis should be decided only with his help.

The most commonly prescribed drugs:

Cerucal (metoclopromide)
refers to anemetics, it is prescribed in extreme cases, with indomitable vomiting of pregnant women due to the ability to increase the tone of the uterus and thereby provoke miscarriages. In general, this drug is prohibited in the first trimester, and only in exceptional cases can you be prescribed it.

Torekan, has a similar effect to cerucal and is also prescribed for health reasons.

Hofitol, this herbal remedy, which is an artichoke extract. The drug has an antioxidant effect and improves liver function, which can significantly remove nausea during pregnancy.

B vitamins. During pregnancy, the need for B vitamins increases by 40%, they are an active participant in many metabolic processes in the mother's body and are needed by the developing fetus. With their shortage, nausea in early pregnancy is more pronounced, and their appointment reduces the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. However, the use of injectable forms increases the risk of developing an allergy to these drugs.

Droperidol, a drug that acts directly on the nervous system of the mother, can be used only when absolutely necessary. Although no teratogenic effect on the fetus has been identified, this medicine is still considered to be prescribed only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risks to the fetus.

Diphenhydramine, pipolfen. These drugs are usually prescribed for allergic reactions, however, due to their sedative, calming effect and normalization of the immune system, they help when nausea occurs during pregnancy. It must be warned that these drugs should also not be prescribed to everyone in a row, and are indicated in the first trimester only with an obvious benefit to the mother that outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Herbal teas and herbal infusions. Herbs for early toxicosis help to safely relieve nausea during pregnancy, and can be used independently by the expectant mother, even if she is just worried about nausea and heartburn during pregnancy. However, what to do with early toxicosis specifically, which herbs to drink, also needs to be agreed with the doctor, since many of them are dangerous during pregnancy, we wrote about this.

Splenin, is a drug that is made from the spleens of cattle. Nausea during pregnancy in the treatment of splenin is reduced by normalizing nitrogen metabolism and improving liver function.

Polyphepan, it is an adsorbent that collects toxins in the stomach and intestines. Everything would be fine, but at the same time, the necessary, useful substances are also removed.

As you can see, any drug treatment, all pills for nausea during pregnancy, injections have a negative side and carry a certain risk. So, you need to try to do without them. Only herbs are relatively safe and help fight early toxicosis without risk.

Often, all treatment in a hospital is limited to infusions of glucose and ascorbic acid, and this is correct, although it does not allow you to completely get rid of early toxicosis.

And most importantly, do not forget that early nausea during pregnancy is more likely an indicator that everything is fine with you and is going according to plan. Your pregnancy is progressing and soon you will become a mother. Already by 11-13 weeks you will enjoy your condition, and what is happening now, you just need to try to survive.

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Questions and answers on: toxicosis and temperature during pregnancy

2010-02-18 17:34:11

Julia asks:

I am 6 weeks pregnant, I have nausea (no vomiting), I feel constant bloating, stomach pains, body temperature is 37.2. Can toxicosis manifest itself this way during pregnancy, or is it a problem with the stomach and intestines, and then you need to go to the doctor?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Julia! Most likely you have an exacerbation of gastritis, so you should contact a general practitioner and decide on the treatment that is possible in your condition. Take care of your health!

2014-02-07 10:17:36

Aksinia asks:


The last menstruation on 12/16/2013, with a delay, a pregnancy test showed a positive result and on January 8 I did an ultrasound, which established a uterine pregnancy for a period of about 3 weeks or less (the doctor said that they could hardly find it).
the second ultrasound was on 02/04/2013 found an embryo (ctr 3.5 mm), yolk sac, did not remember the diameter of the fetal egg. S/b -. Conclusion - pregnancy 6-7 weeks, possibly frozen.
The next day I did an ultrasound in a different place - ktr 4.4 mm, yolk sac 5.9 mm, fetal egg 19.3 mm, uterine tone is normal, the pharynx is closed.
At the first ultrasound, the doctor said that perhaps the embryo is small and there is confusion with the timing. You need to wait. in the second case, the doctor confidently stated that there was a clear regression, an enlarged vitelline is a clear confirmation of this, B. needs to be interrupted.
basal temperature 37.2, painful chest, never had toxicosis.
Is there still hope that the heart "will be found"? Or is it not worth harboring illusions and not pulling the purge?
C/s: 29 years old, history of psoriasis, hypothyroidism in the stage of compensation (I take lthyroxine 150 mg), 2 successful pregnancies, spontaneous childbirth. There have never been any abortions or miscarriages.

Responsible Chernenko Evgenia Yurievna:

Dear Aksiniya!
The presence of an autoimmune process (psoriasis) and thyroid dysfunction are risk factors that increase the likelihood of a miscarriage or its spontaneous termination.
If pregnancy is desired, then international recommendations can be used: in the absence of a visible heartbeat with a CTE of less than 5 mm, control is required after a week. An unambiguous ultrasound sign of a non-developing short-term pregnancy is the absence of a heartbeat with an embryonic CTE of 6 mm or more.
Consult with your doctor: perhaps in your situation it will be more informative to determine the level of beta-hCG in dynamics.

2013-03-27 12:49:58

Asks Natalya. :

Thank you very much for the answer.
Tell me, please, what is the relationship between homocysteine ​​and VEGF levels? Didn't find it on the internet. And, to my great regret, I did not find a laboratory that gives this analysis. At least, in the list on the Internet pages, I did not see such. But I'll still find out by phone.
I want to clarify about homocysteine. I had 11.78 µmol with a laboratory norm of 12 µmol. But my gynecologist said that these are old norms and that it should be no more than 9. I took folic acid and B vitamins for a month. A month later, my homocysteine ​​was already 6 with something, I don’t remember exactly. A month later, 3 with what -then.

And tell me, please, what causes hyperhydroamnion? Could this factor cause fetal death?
Sorry for so many questions. I really want a baby and I'm terribly afraid of the repetition of a frozen pregnancy.

Just in case, I'll copy my previous question and your answer.
The answer to your question
March 21, 2013
Natalia asks:
Hello. Please help me figure it out.
I am 34, my husband is 42. Daughter is 10 years old. We decided to have a second child. I've been tested for torch infections - negative. A vaginal swab showed gardrenella. Cured. Erosion of the cervix was found. I did cryosurgery. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, thyroid gland - the norm. There is fibrous mastopathy, which I periodically check for ultrasound. Tests for hormones: prolactin, progesterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, antibodies to peroxidase are normal. Human papillomavirus - not detected. Slightly elevated homocysteine. Brought him back to normal and got pregnant. During pregnancy homocysteine ​​was good. At the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, it began quite a bit and not every day (every 3 days) to smear with brown secretions. I did an ultrasound. Everything is fine. The uterus is normatonus. Dufaston was prescribed - 2 tablets a day. At the planning stage and during pregnancy, she took folic acid - 4 mg and various multivitamin complexes intermittently. On the sixth obstetric week, I had a severe runny nose, a little sore throat, but there was no temperature. She was treated with inhalations with chamomile and soda, honey and a couple of tablets of Engystol (homeopathy) she drank. She was cured in 5 days. During this period, severe toxicosis began. After a week of taking duphaston, the discharge stopped completely. At 12 obstetric weeks, the ultrasound said that the fetus froze at 8 weeks and that there were signs of hyperhydroamnios. They cleaned it, they said that the vacuum. Although at this time is it possible?
Tell me, please, what tests do I need to take before the next pregnancy? Does my husband need to take a spermogram, given that 2 pregnancies were completed without problems, as soon as we wanted. Could a cold in such a fairly mild form lead to the death of the fetus? Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after 4 months? What is the likelihood that this horror will happen again?
Thank you!

March 25, 2013
Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:
Reproductologist, PhD
consultant information
It does not make sense for a husband to take a spermogram, because you get pregnant without problems. A cold could theoretically affect the course of pregnancy, but it is doubtful that it would lead to fading. I advise for 20-24 days m.c. get tested for VEFR, given that homocysteine ​​was elevated. With an increased level of VEGF, it is necessary to administer low molecular weight heparins under the control of a coagulogram + vit. gr.B+ folic acid for 2 months. before pregnancy planning and in the first months. pregnancy. Get pregnant in 4 months theoretically you can, but first you need to be examined.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hyperhydroamnion is not a cause, but rather a marker of pathology. It occurs as a result of infection, even SARS (runny nose, sore throat, etc.) could lead to fading. Determining the level of homocysteine ​​and VEGF are links in the same chain, leading to increased thrombus formation, which provokes fading and spontaneous abortions. If the level of VEGF is increased, then, in addition to vitamins, it is necessary to administer low molecular weight heparins. According to statistics, 10% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, unfortunately. so there is no need to dwell on the problem. I wish you success!

2012-06-20 00:31:18

Alina asks. :

Hello! During the last 10 years she suffered from gastritis. From childhood, they put dyskinesia of the gallbladder. I always followed a diet, but drank a lot of coffee. 5 years ago I became a mother. The pregnancy proceeded with severe toxicosis of the first trimester, the doctor said that these were obvious gastro problems. in the mouth and bitterness appeared in the mornings. And this winter, after drinking coffee in the morning, I ended up in the hospital. Burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus and high temperature. After the examination, they diagnosed me with pronounced reflux gastritis. Indirect signs of DZHVP and pathology of the pancreas. Helicobacter 0.066 at a rate of 0.238 according to a blood test.
Treatment: Razol v.v; Gaviscon, Reamberin v.v, Maalox, Kvamatel, Eglonil.
After discharge, it was recommended: Proxium, Gaviscon for a month. I took everything according to the recommendation. After stopping, sharp pains in the right hypochondrium and stomach. Accompanied by vomiting and an attack of reflux. The doctor recommended continuing to take the drugs.
Today, I’ve been taking it for the 5th month (now it’s Ezolong-20) on demand. And I can’t live without these pills. Terrible acid emissions occur, pressure drops and a headache appears. I lost 10 kg in weight. antibiotics, for eggs, and a number of products.
I understand that it is completely difficult to answer, but at least recommend where to go for further treatment. We don’t have one in the city.

Responsible Selyuk Mariana Nikolaevna:

Good afternoon, Alina. Unfortunately, you did not write where you live. But in any regional center there is a gastroenterologist. You should start with his consultation. He will determine further tactics, or conservative treatment, but it may also be necessary to consult a surgeon.

2012-05-02 17:35:58

Raushan asks:

Doctor help advice! Pregnancy is desired, from 6 weeks toxicosis of moderate degree began. vomiting 3-4 times a day. did an infusion of disol, acesol, glucose 5% with acorbinka. Cerucal IV. Cerucal, I began to tolerate side effects in the form of psychological anxiety, shortness of breath and anxiety, forced me to give up Cerucal. At 8 weeks, the throat began to tickle, a runny nose began, which turned into sinusitis. there was no temperature, there was chills and pain in the joints, general malaise. sinusitis gave severe pain in the temples. The doctor recommended to terminate the pregnancy. And she began to inject tsiprolet 100 milligrams twice. sinusitis is a little gone. All this happened within 2 days. The doctor said that after the inflammatory infectious process passes, you need to have an abortion. But I don't want to have an abortion. Now it's easier for me. toxicity has gone. I treat a runny nose with acupuncture and physiotherapy. Occasionally, with severe congestion, I drip otrivin for children. other drugs do not help. Abortion if done only under general anesthesia, because the period is already 9 weeks. and my uterus, saddle-shaped, is strongly twisted posteriorly. and yet the fetus is exactly there in the depths, as in a cradle. The uzist told me so. that with local anesthesia, I can’t stand the pain and the doctor can damage the uterus, which will lead to complications. All this scares me. so I want to leave the child. I couldn't get pregnant for 5 years. Can you help me save my child? By the way, in order to remove intoxication, they continue to drip acesol disol and glucose 5%. and even during the exacerbation of acute respiratory viral infections at week 8, they did 40% glucose with ascorbic acid intravenously. Please help with advice! What tests do I need to undergo to give birth to a healthy baby?

2011-05-27 19:51:50

Lana asks:

I have a 2nd pregnancy for a period of 12 weeks (1st I had a spontaneous abortion at 4-5 weeks - but then I didn’t know that I was pregnant and the body had a lot of stress on the eve of the interruption, even the delay was taken as a consequence of stress and stress. Then I took a test, it turned out to be positive, and after 2-3 days began menstruation).

With the current pregnancy on the ultrasound was 2 times, on the 9th and 12th. Everything is developing in the right direction. On the recommendation of G, just in case, when this time she found out that B, she began to drink utrozhestan.
I felt fine the whole time. There was almost no toxicosis, so a little nausea in the morning 2 times a week and vomiting can be 4 times all the time. Now there is nothing at all.
With the exception of one visit to the doctors -
At the 10th week, my back was very tight (in principle, even before B, it sometimes bothered me), and the pain was given to the stomach (as it turned out later). I decided to play it safe, they did an ultrasound, they said the uterus was in good shape, while looking at 3 gynecologists (I went to the ambulance office) and said that they did not see a threat, the ultrasound specialist said the opposite, that he sees a small threat. Left in the b-tse for a couple of days to observe, blood tests, urine tests are good. I ate noshpu and viburkol under the supervision of doctors. On the 3rd day they offered me another week to rest with them, refused. She received an entry in the discharge, she was admitted with a threat, she was discharged with a saved pregnancy. Suddenly. And an hour before writing the extract, they were going to “treat” me for another week.
My G says that most likely they were insuring themselves due to the fact that 1st B was interrupted.
The uzist-geneticist who is watching me said that the uterus in good shape could be from anything, from the fact that she was nervous, that there was something serious, or the pain in the back gave a spasm (the stomach hurt) to the reaction to the ultrasound itself and the most main condition of the neck.

At the 13th week they were going to go on vacation - they booked even before B. Fly by plane for 3 hours, then a day break and another 3 hours. This is Europe, in principle, there is no big change in climate, except for the fact that the holidays are by the sea. The air temperature there is now the same as ours.

Do you think I can fly now?
My G does not see any contraindications to vacation and to the sea, and treats the plane with distrust, but the only argument is that we are doctors of the older generation, we like to play it safe ....

Responsible Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Lana, take a cervicometry before departure. It is necessary to make sure that there is no isthmicocervical insufficiency. Take antispasmodics and a sedative (glycine) with you on the plane and HAVE A GOOD REST!

2010-12-26 19:58:10

Lera asks:

Hello. 28.09.2010 had the last menstruation, at the end of 02.10. until 13.10. used coitus interruptus daily, from 19.-21.10. brown daub (you can’t call it otherwise) is very small on a daily pad. 21.10. she went to see a gynecologist, she looked, she said menstruation was coming soon, a daub from a regular sexual life, and in the uterus she took an analysis for hidden PCR infections, although I told her that pregnancy was possible and a fetal egg was attached. I went to another city, and on the 11th day of delay (05.11.) with a positive test, I was on an ultrasound scan (looked from above), the diagnosis was pregnancy 5 weeks 2 days (deformed fetal egg, corpus luteum +), at the appointment with the gynecologist they advised to keep it, because first pregnancy at 33, group 3 negative, deformed fetal egg - "it's okay", they prescribed elevit and folic acid, in addition, because. I had a dry cough and said you can take a decoction of sage with honey inside. I drank it 3 days 3 times a day, the cough went away, I also had a severe headache for 2 days and I used Doctor MOM ointment. There were no signs of toxicosis during pregnancy, only increased appetite, sometimes evening nausea and frequent urination, I had a sexual life regularly, but I was in nervous tension. The result of analyzes by PCR method - all infections are negative. 04.12. upon arrival home, I decided to register at the medical center - my condition was good, there was no discharge. showed previous tests, the gynecologist did not look, she immediately sent for ultrasound (transvaginally) - the diagnosis was a missed pregnancy for a period of 5-6 weeks without an embryo, a fetal egg of an irregular oval shape. sent for cleaning. I turned to another gynecologist (the one who took me an analysis for skr.inf (PCR), she looked at the chair and said everything is fine with you, go for an ultrasound only at 12 weeks. but I decided to go for an ultrasound after 2 days without saying about my diagnosis, everything was confirmed - the diagnosis of a non-developing pregnancy for a period of 7 weeks (the size of the uterus is 68 mm long, 60 mm wide, 53 mm wide, fetal egg 33x26 mm of irregular shape, right ovary 29x13 mm, left 33x20 mm with a single follicular cavity 17x12 mm in size , the embryo and yellow could not be visualized, myoma (for the first time) of a subserous form along the posterior wall of the uterus 18x18 mm). 08.12. made scraping by the vacuum method, immunoglobulin was not injected, they said "where can we get it for you?". 7 days lay in the hospital with almost no discharge it was, pricked cefazalin, oxytocin, calcium gluconate, vitamins B1, B6, on the second day she began to take regulon, there were severe pains, they said that it was from oxytocin - the uterus is shrinking; the result of histology is PREGNANCY (? ??), I also passed an analysis for infections (ELISA) - the result is chlamydia, ureplasmosis, toxoplasmosis neg, prost.herpes virus (1:5), cytomegalovirus (1:14) if I understood correctly (I am taking treatment). On the 13th, I was discharged home (they advised me to take nettle and tsiprolet) and immediately began to bleed + severe pain (once a large clot with white streaks came out) until the 21st, when I went for an ultrasound, and I was given an incomplete abortion, and immediately had a second manual cleaning. an hour later she went home, the next day she went to the reception, because. was temp.37.3 (neither pain, nor discharge was) prescribed ampicillin. Until today, there was no discharge, but today there is severe pain and discharge like menstruation but not abundant. temperature 37-37.3. I only have the 28th on the ultrasound. I wrote in such detail because I have many questions that I cannot find answers to from my doctor. 1. Could the PCR analysis affect the non-developing pregnancy, and is daubing already bad? 2. Was it possible to prescribe treatment for a deformed fetal egg, could myoma affect the deformity? 3. Could the intake of sage and doctor mom, nervous tension, regular sex life, or the fact that the pregnancy occurred as a result of PPA (the latter is absurd in my opinion)? 4. Fibroids and cytomegalovirus in their size (the doctor said that these are possible causes)? 5. what does the histology result mean? 6. How will it affect that they did not inject immunoglobulin (father of a child 3+)? 7. it’s normal that now on the 5th day I started having discharge and pain after repeated cleaning, what is the probability that they didn’t clean it again and how many days can there be discharge? monthly)? 9. the term on the first ultrasound was set obstetric, although they had to look at the size of the fetal egg and how is it without an embryo, what about the left ovary? 10. When should I start getting tested to start treatment. Please help me figure it out, I really hope for you. Pregnancy was the first, unexpected, but still desired. It was hard to come to terms with the diagnosis. I really want to have a healthy baby. Thanks

Responsible Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

Frozen pregnancy is more often due to genetic disorders. And unfortunately, nothing can be done. The doctors did everything right according to the protocol. Don't look for someone to blame. drink regulon for 1 year, as you are not recommended to become pregnant for 1 year. There was no need to do immunoglobulin - since antibodies in the fetus are formed by 12 weeks of pregnancy, and you froze for 5-6 weeks.

2010-03-11 18:16:50

Alena asks:

Hello. I had grief. my little daughter died. The child was 2 months 20 days old. Nobody can explain to me what happened. She has had colic since birth. we were prescribed against colic first Bebinorm half a capsule 2 times a day and to improve the digestion of food Pangroll 1000 (2 microtablets 4 times a day and gradually reduce the number of doses). in calla periodically there were lumps of undigested food. I want to add right away that I was exclusively breastfeeding and there was no complementary foods (not even water). I myself was on the strictest diet (buckwheat, rice, potatoes without milk and butter, chicken broth and tea with biscuit cookies, I didn’t eat anything else). after that, the doctor told us that babynorm does not suit us, it must be replaced with bifiform. drank as prescribed by the doctor. in the first month the child gained 1kg 600g. but colic did not completely disappear. At 1.5 months, the doctor allowed me to eat marshmallows, and after one piece of marshmallow, the child developed diarrhea. started at 9 am and by 13 pm I stopped it by drinking rice water and breastfeeding the baby. after that, the stool was either pasty or watery. everything seems to be back to normal. after an examination at 2 months (the child gained 650g and weighed 5kg 450g at 2 months), we called the doctor a week later complaining of colic and then a thin and slightly greenish stool with the presence of white lumps of undigested food, then pasty and yellow. we were told that this is normal for children of our age, that we just have dysbiosis that will pass after 3 months. and to eliminate colic, we were prescribed to repeat the course of bifiform (half a capsule 2 times a day) and pangroll (two microtablets first 3 times a day and so for three days, and then reduce i.e. 2 times a day - 3 days, and 1 once a day - 3 days) and 1ml rebal. while taking the child's temperature regularly. the temperature was 36.6 sometimes it was 36.8. but they told me it was ok. there was no diarrhea. and vomit too. she spit up a maximum of 1 time per day if she overeats and starts to play hard or cry. so on Friday the child burped after eating and turned a little pale. I didn’t understand why this happened, but after 10 minutes the child was active and laughed and played. on the night from Friday to Saturday, she was capricious, but there were no signs of illness. I thought that colic was bothering me again and that she had confused day and night. because She ate and slept most of the day on Saturday. on Saturday evening she was active: she played and laughed. at night she began to act up again and refused to eat at 4 in the morning, but at 5 she ate very well and did not spit up. at 6 in the morning I noticed that the child was breathing often (as if she were playing), but at the same time she was sleeping in my arms. then she choked on saliva a little and turned pale (salivation was profuse at times), I called the doctor to the house. The doctor came and looked and said that everything is in order with us and she does not know what is happening with the child. advised to call an ambulance. at 7 in the morning we were already in the hospital and she was taken immediately to the intensive care unit. while we were driving in an ambulance, she turned very pale and her lips turned blue (as it seemed to me) we reached the hospital only thanks to an oxygen cylinder. In intensive care almost immediately there was a cardiac arrest. she was resuscitated and all day she lay on the support of breathing with a machine. and at 16.43 there was a repeated cardiac arrest. the doctors could not reanimate the second time. according to the conclusions of the pathologist, the cause was Staphylococcus aureus found 10 ^ 5 and a pair of flu, which was the impetus for the development of staphylococcus aureus. and suggested that the infection occurred either by household or in utero. The health station conducted an inspection in the apartment and did not find staphylococcus aureus. the pregnancy was perfect. There wasn't even toxicity. the delivery was easy and she received a 10 Apgar at birth. I am at a loss and want to understand what happened to my daughter. There was no fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea. I just don't know how to live on. I really want a child, but if I don’t understand what happened to her, then I’ll just be afraid to have children.

The conversations of an obstetrician-gynecologist with patients as “Medical monologues”, published on the pages of our journal (see IAWG Nos. 1(4) and 5(8), 2007) and serving as an aid in the daily practice of a doctor, judging by the responses, are very interested...

Toxicosis is a fairly common condition of pregnant women, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It occurs due to poisoning with toxins and other harmful substances that are formed in a pregnant woman during the development of the fetus.

It can also lead to the manifestation of many symptoms, the most permanent being disorders of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and metabolism. How long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy, so much the manifestation of symptoms continues.

There are several degrees of toxicosis:
  • The first - the urge to vomit is observed infrequently, up to 5 times. Weight loss is insignificant up to 3 kg;
  • The second is vomiting up to 10 times and weight loss can be 3-4 kg over a two-week period, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure;
  • The third is prolonged and frequent bouts of vomiting, reaching up to 25 times a day, there is a significant weight loss - more than 10 kg, the temperature rises and the pulse quickens.

At what time does toxicosis appear?

Many women try to determine the absence or vice versa the presence of pregnancy, and begin to listen to their body, and to every change in it. Not every woman knows exactly when toxicosis can begin during pregnancy. Doctors set the following time frames:

  • Early toxicosis can begin in the first days of delay or at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. And toxicosis ends early by 13-14 weeks, but everything can end earlier, each case is individual.
  • Manifestations of late toxicosis begin in the very last trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes in the middle of the second trimester, which is much more dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Signs of toxicosis in pregnant women

As soon as a child is conceived, the body of the future mother begins to adjust the rhythm of work for two: the mother herself and the baby. From which, at first, a woman begins to experience discomfort called toxicosis. How to deal with it, you can find out on the forum, where every mom shares her secret.

First of all, a woman shows irritability, increased salivation, loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, drowsiness, changes in taste buds, vomiting, and weight loss. Very rarely, with early toxicosis, one can observe the development of dermatosis, asthma, osteomalacia - softening of the bone substance, tetany - spasmodic manifestations of skeletal muscles. Signs of severe toxicosis appear regardless of who mommy is waiting for: a boy or a girl. Symptoms of toxicosis can also be observed during a frozen pregnancy, which can be distinguished by the absence of fetal movement and heartbeat.

The most dangerous and unpleasant signs of toxicosis, both in the first trimester and in the third.

Gag reflex in pregnancy.

Vomiting is one of the most striking manifestations of toxicosis in late and early pregnancy. Most often, vomiting is active for 20 weeks, and the earlier it starts, the more severe it is. There are several degrees of severity of the gag reflex in a pregnant woman:

  1. Mild nausea and a small amount of vomiting, which occurs no more than 5 times a day, usually after meals. The woman's condition is unchanged, weight loss is about 3 kg, but no more.
  2. Gagging increases up to 10 times a day, regardless of food intake, and weight loss in 2 weeks can already reach 3 kg or more. The well-being of a pregnant woman worsens significantly: weakness occurs, the pulse rate increases, and blood pressure decreases.
  3. There is excessive vomiting, which can reach up to 25 times a day. Such a transient process leads to dehydration of the body and a sharp weight loss (more than 10 kg.). The temperature rises, bad breath appears, the pulse quickens, blood pressure drops and the woman becomes inhibited. In some cases, there may be a violation of the kidneys and with prolonged vomiting, which is already becoming life-threatening for the mother, doctors recommend artificial termination of pregnancy.

Dermatous eruptions.

This is the most unpleasant manifestation of toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy, in the form of scattered itching of the skin, it can reach the genitals. This leads to irritability, sleep disturbance and depression.

Dangerous development of tetany and osteomalacia.

Progressive development occurs due to the violations of the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body of the expectant mother. Osteomalacia causes softening of the bone tissue, which threatens with bone fractures. Tetany is dangerous with cramps in the muscles of the upper extremities, very rarely observed in the lower extremities and on the face.

Why is there no toxicosis

Women are so accustomed to the idea that toxicosis is a normal course of pregnancy, and its absence began to evoke fear and apprehension. Do not worry, such suspicions are completely unfounded and not dangerous. On the contrary, it means that the expectant mother is absolutely healthy. If there is no toxicosis, this is normal. The body easily adapted to the new rhythm of work, coping well with the loads, it adapted to the new state without the manifestation of nausea, vomiting and violations of its general systems.

The advantageous aspects of "non-toxic" pregnancy are obvious:

  • there is no threat of miscarriage, subsequently severe toxicosis;
  • timely replenishment of vitamins developing the fetus, which improves its development, without any pathologies;
  • excellent mood and well-being, allows you to enjoy the unique state of the body.

Types of toxicosis

  • Staphylococcal toxicosis- is activated by enterotoxigenic strains, which, during reproduction, can release heat-resistant exotoxin into food products. An urgent consultation with a doctor, examination and further treatment is necessary.
  • Evening toxicosis- after an exhausting and stressful day and without taking enough food, the body becomes exhausted and succumbs to the attack of toxicosis. Toxicosis in the evenings makes it difficult to fall asleep and rest in peace. Evening walks, freshly prepared juice or fruit drink from fresh sour berries have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy- This is approximately the period from 1 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors recommend calmly experiencing the symptoms of toxicosis in the first trimester. In the event that the signs intensify, then specialists can prescribe safe soft herbal remedies, which will greatly alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman and reduce intoxication. But it is worth noting that while mommy uses prescribed drugs, she feels great, but when you stop taking these drugs, the signs of toxicosis immediately resume. To reduce toxicosis during pregnancy, you can resort to folk remedies, which will be safer for the baby.
  • Late toxicosis during pregnancy- with the normal development of pregnancy, the re-emergence of toxicosis in the second trimester is excluded. But there are times when late toxicosis causes bouts of vomiting and nausea, if the symptoms increase, then a complication occurs called preeclampsia. It is manifested by swelling, the presence of protein in the urine, high blood pressure and weight gain up to 400 grams per week. The more toxicosis progresses in late pregnancy, the more difficult and dangerous it is for the health of a pregnant woman. But mom, who regularly visits the doctor, will be notified of preeclampsia in time, and hospitalized in time. Treatment is prescribed individually, it all depends on the specific situation and the degree of symptoms.
  • Toxicosis before delay- Did you feel nausea immediately after conception? This is not a sign that you are already pregnant. Toxicosis can begin 7-10 days after the development of the fetal egg. But nausea and vomiting may not always occur, on the contrary, many women begin to experience a brutal appetite.

Causes of toxicosis

Why toxicosis occurs during pregnancy is still a mystery and an unexplored phenomenon. In absolute accuracy, it is impossible to say what causes the symptoms of toxicosis in the early and late stages.

But the likelihood of some causes, doctors still distinguish:

  1. Changes in the hormonal system. From the first hours of fertilization of an egg in the uterine cavity, cardinal hormonal changes occur in a woman. The composition of hormones changes dramatically, which is reflected in the behavior and health and well-being of a pregnant woman. Against the background of these changes, she becomes irritable, touchy and whiny, nausea is provoked, and her sense of smell is aggravated. In the first months, the fetus for the mother's body is considered a foreign body, which he would like to get rid of, which also affects the well-being of the future mother. But when does toxicosis in pregnant women end? After some time, the level of hormones stabilizes, and the mother's body calmly accepts the embryo, and the fight against toxicosis will stop by the second trimester.
  2. Development of the placenta. The likelihood of this theory is quite logical. It was found that toxicosis exhausts the female body in the first trimester, up to about 13-14 weeks. The sharp disappearance of toxicosis is associated with the fact that the placenta is already completing its formation. And now the performance of many functions passes into her duties, this number includes the retention of toxic substances. In the meantime, the process of placental development is not completed, the body of a pregnant woman itself protects itself from possible intoxication by vomiting.
  3. Defensive reaction. The refusal of the expectant mother from many products and late toxicosis during pregnancy is nothing more than a natural act of protection. Mommy develops nausea primarily on cigarette smoke, coffee-containing drinks, on fish, meat and eggs. They can be hazardous to health due to the pathogens they contain. The gag reflex and nausea protect the fetus and the mother's body from the ingress of substances harmful and dangerous to them, in which case toxicosis in pregnant women is biologically necessary. In addition to the toxins and poison contained in the food consumed, the development and growth of the embryo is negatively affected by insulin produced after each meal.
  4. Chronic infections and diseases. Infections and illnesses that have not been fully cured lead to a weakening of the immune system of a pregnant mother. This can provoke toxicosis in the first trimester, and then what to do? It is necessary to connect the full complex of vitamins at the planning stage, as well as contact a specialist and undergo a full examination. Then undergo a course of treatment, especially for infections.
  5. Psychological changes. Severe toxicosis in the 3rd trimester may begin due to the psychological and emotional state of the mother. Nervous experiences, stress, lack of sleep, emotional upheaval and irritability are the causes of severe toxicosis, leading to nausea and vomiting. According to doctors, late toxicosis develops in women who become pregnant unexpectedly and unplanned. Moreover, many women set themselves up in advance for the fact that all pregnant women have severe toxicosis in the first trimester or in the later stages. And the principle of self-hypnosis is known to all. According to scientists, with the onset of pregnancy, the nervous system undergoes great changes, and the centers of the brain that are responsible for the functioning of the sense of smell and the gastrointestinal tract are currently activated.
  6. Age Criteria. Pregnancy that occurs after 30-35 years is considered dangerous, especially if this is the first conception or there have been multiple abortions before. The development of toxicosis can manifest itself much stronger and more risky. Experts say that the younger the future mother, the easier it is to tolerate the possible symptoms of toxicosis. But this is not in all cases, there are exceptions.
  7. Genetic background. The occurrence of toxicosis in the second trimester due to heredity has a greater chance of developing it. In the event that someone from the previous generation suffered from toxicosis at week 16 or any other period, there is a 70% chance that this problem will not bypass you either. The risk of an increase in symptoms increases if a woman had toxicosis in a previous pregnancy.
  8. Multiple pregnancy. There is certainly more joy from such news, but there will also be more difficulties in bearing. For example, toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy in a mother with twins manifests itself much more often and more progressively than in a woman with a singleton pregnancy. But for pregnant women who have undergone early toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage is practically not threatened, which is important.

It can also be said with confidence that a healthy woman is less prone to the manifestation of toxicosis during pregnancy than a mother with chronic diseases, infections and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

What week does toxicosis go away?

All cases associated with toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy and subsequent trimesters are individual, therefore, to accurately answer the question: “When will toxicosis end?”, No one can answer absolutely exactly. Some mothers experience a slight sign of nausea, while others are forced to spend weeks in the hospital in order to overcome toxicosis. The same factor applies to the duration, because in pregnant women, toxicosis is observed in different trimesters, but in most cases, toxicosis at week 14 goes away on its own.

Signs of toxicosis can continue until the placenta is formed, and this process ends at about 12 or 14 weeks. After that, the calm course of pregnancy of the second trimester begins. Toxicosis in the third trimester may resume again, then it already has a completely different term - preeclampsia.

There are times when a future mother's toxicosis begins in the last trimester, which is much more dangerous than toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. With signs of late toxicosis, you should immediately contact a specialist.

How to reduce toxicosis during pregnancy? Folk remedies for toxicosis

What exactly helps with toxicosis and how to alleviate its symptoms can only be determined by the pregnant woman herself, each has its own method of dealing with toxicosis. The main symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy appear in the morning, because the level of glucose in the blood is lowered during this period of time. If you follow the tips below, then the activity of toxicosis may subside.

How to avoid toxicosis during pregnancy:

  • Before you get out of bed, you should eat a small piece of bread, biscuits, or preferably dried fruit. Make mint tea, add a slice of lemon and a small amount of sugar to it, which normalizes blood glucose levels. All of these methods will help relieve the symptoms of toxicosis in the early period or in the last trimester, there is no difference.
  • You can dissolve a slice of lemon or orange, sour fruits usually smooth out the manifestations of nausea. But for many, on the contrary, toxicosis increases, so you need to listen to your body and check all methods gradually.
  • You need to drink only those drinks and juices that are right for you: herbal tea, iced drinks, plain water, vegetable broth.
  • Instead of drinks containing a large amount of dyes, you can eat fruits with a high liquid content - melon, watermelon, grapes and ginger, with toxicosis will be the best option. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a serving of ice cream.
  • Heavy, spicy and fried foods should be replaced with steamed dishes. Also, light foods in the form of dairy foods, fruits and raw vegetables are less taxing on the stomach and are much healthier.
  • It is necessary to divide the meal into several servings and eat smaller amounts of food, but more often. During the day, you can connect crackers, a banana or an apple so that the stomach is not empty. The fight against toxicosis will not be in vain if you do not allow vomiting and nausea to become a habitual manifestation of your body.
  • It is not recommended to go to bed immediately after eating. It is worth waiting a few hours before falling asleep or just lying down.
  • A proven grandmother's recipe for toxicosis during pregnancy is a spoonful of honey at the beginning of the first symptoms of toxicosis.

Nutrition for toxicosis of pregnant women

So how to make up the diet of the expectant mother, with toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy? The erroneous opinion of many is to limit oneself in food, the less we eat, the less nausea and vomiting. First, it is in the initial months that the embryo needs various trace elements and vitamins. Secondly, even the shortest diet, which is aimed at eating only one product, can soon cause an allergic reaction, both in mommy and in the fetus.

Therefore, it is important to draw up a balanced diet during this period ^

  • From the very beginning of toxicosis, it is necessary to exclude exactly those products that cause nausea. These are mostly dairy products.
  • And what foods are needed, despite the progression of nausea and vomiting? To replenish minerals - sodium and chlorine - table salt is recommended, but in moderation. Therefore, salted fish and cucumbers will even be useful during this period, but do not forget about the measure, especially for women with chronic kidney diseases.
  • The menu for toxicosis in late pregnancy is significantly different. First of all, it is important to remember the enemy of the last trimester of pregnancy - salt. Therefore, refrain from taking herring and cucumbers, this can provoke fluid retention in the body. And less salt in all dishes.

The best prevention for late toxicosis is moderate food intake. The most unloved products for the body in this period are smoked meats, pickles and marinades. Therefore, it is very important to follow a healthy and healthy diet before late toxicosis begins.

Protein plays an important role in late toxicosis, and the lack of protein leads to its decrease in the blood. In this connection, it is recommended to add boiled fish, cottage cheese and boiled lean meat to the healthy diet.

Treatment of toxicosis

There are many remedies for toxemia, and some only reduce the symptoms, while others fight it. But it is worth taking into account that not all drugs for toxicosis are safe and effective.

  • Treatment of toxicosis with the help of a drug method. In the fight against toxicosis, among a wide range of drugs used, only valerian, nosh-pa and trace elements are among the harmless means. But in some situations, the use of more serious drugs is simply necessary for the health of the mother and child, if inactive, a miscarriage may occur. Drug treatment of early and late toxicosis should be comprehensive and include various drugs: enterosgel, Essentiale, cerucal and many others.
  • Immunocytotherapy is a modern invasive method of treatment. The principle of its action is as follows: the husband's lymphocytes are injected into the skin of the forearm of a pregnant woman. Relief of symptoms of toxicosis occurs after 24 hours. This method of treatment requires a thorough examination of the father for infections. It is important to know that immunocytotherapy can be dangerous, as it increases the risk of contracting hepatitis and other infections.
  • Homeopathic method of treatment. This type of fight against toxicosis is considered the safest and most effective. Homeopathy allows you to select individual preparations that can treat not only the female body, but also the children. Side effects and overdose are excluded, and addiction does not occur from the drugs used.
  • aromatherapy has been used since ancient times and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman. So, for example, during the morning exacerbation of toxicosis, you can drop a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil on a handkerchief and put it next to you. If you do this procedure for several nights in a row, the result will not be long in coming.

You can carry ginger oil with you and at the moment when the attack of nausea worsens, you need to drop ginger oil on your palms, rub well and bring your palms to your nose, and take a deep breath. You can also carry out steam inhalation, they reduce the urge to vomit.

For preventive purposes, every morning it is necessary to rub the oil solution into the umbilical region: one drop of ginger is added to a dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

In addition to the above methods of treating toxicosis, phytotherapy is also used, and someone prefers unusual methods: acupuncture, hypnosis, electrosleep, and others.

You should not set yourself up for the fact that the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy will not let you through. Tell yourself more often: “Everything will be fine, both with me and with the child!”


The fact that during pregnancy begins to feel sick in the morning, almost everyone knows. This sign is considered as true as the no less famous “salty craving”. But, unlike spontaneous love for cucumbers, most women who are expecting the birth of a baby really have to deal with toxicosis. So what is early toxicosis and how can this condition be alleviated?

When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy?

At what point the malaise will begin, not a single doctor will be able to say, especially since from 40 to 50% of pregnant women do not suffer from toxicosis in principle. But statistically, it was found that in most expectant mothers, symptoms begin to appear at the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy and continue until the end of the first trimester (12th week), after the end of the placenta formation, discomfort begins to subside and completely disappear.

In rare cases, toxicosis may appear as early as the 2nd week and continue until the 15th (for example, this often occurs with multiple pregnancies). If after the end of the first trimester the condition does not change for the better, it makes sense to consult a doctor, timely diagnosis will help to avoid the development of more serious pathologies.

In addition to nausea and vomiting, other signs of early toxicosis include:

  • increased salivation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • dermatitis (itchy skin).

In the acute form, there are also more serious complications, such as bronchial asthma or muscle spasms.

Causes of toxicosis in the early stages

There is no single and scientifically confirmed version explaining why the onset of pregnancy is often accompanied by this unpleasant condition. There are several hypotheses, and none of them excludes the other:

  1. Hormonal background. The first trimester is the stage of a complete restructuring of a woman's body to perform a new function. This process is accompanied by the production of large doses of hormones, which, despite their necessity, do not always have a positive effect on the general condition.
  2. immune reaction. Initially, the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign object, since its DNA is only half the same as her own. Therefore, the immune system responds to the “invasion”, which results in the form of malaise.
  3. The neuroreflex hypothesis. While the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus, it irritates the internal receptors, resulting in increased excitation in the subcortical structure, which, among other things, is responsible for smell, taste perception and the gag reflex. Over time, the mother's body gets used to the new stimulus and the negative effect disappears.
  4. Psychosomatic (psychogenic) reason. There is an opinion that the symptoms of toxicosis are associated with excessive stress, fears and worries of the expectant mother, her unpreparedness for pregnancy and childbirth. Against this hypothesis is the fact that many women feel the first signs of toxicosis even before they learn about their changed situation.

There are also a number of factors, the presence of which can aggravate the course of early toxicosis. These include:

  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • overweight;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state, stress.

Unfortunately, even the absence of all of the above factors does not guarantee that the onset of pregnancy will pass without complications. Even young women leading a healthy lifestyle can suffer from toxicosis.

Can toxicity be prevented?

There are no guaranteed methods for preventing early toxicosis, but if certain recommendations are followed, its intensity can be reduced, and in some cases even completely prevented. Even at the planning stage of pregnancy, you should:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment (infectious diseases, opportunistic microflora);
  • adjust the daily routine and nutrition;
  • psychologically prepare for the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth (preferably together with a specialist).

Unfortunately, none of these methods gives a 100% result, scientists have not yet invented a “pill” that can get rid of toxicosis.

What to do with early toxicosis?

As already mentioned, there is no specific treatment for this condition. In rare cases, when toxicosis becomes acute and can cause real harm to the health of a woman and fetus, after hospitalization, therapy with drugs used to alleviate symptoms and their consequences is prescribed. But such drugs have a very strong effect and are indicated only in situations where the lack of treatment can adversely affect the state of the mother's body and the life of the fetus.

Since there is no such danger with ordinary toxicosis, then no specific treatment is prescribed. Usually, the doctor is limited to general recommendations regarding the daily routine and diet, which can positively affect the physical and moral condition of the pregnant woman and help to endure toxicosis more easily. In order not to provoke a deterioration in well-being, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • get enough sleep (at least 8 hours daily);
  • refuse active sports;
  • do not overeat, prefer moderate and fractional food to abundant food;
  • drink at least 2 liters of fluid (especially with regular bouts of vomiting);
  • do not lie down immediately after eating;
  • do not eat cold or hot (food should be slightly warmer than room temperature);
  • avoid foods whose taste or smell causes nausea;
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • if possible, limit travel in public transport and refuse to travel on the subway;
  • at the first sign of nausea, you need to eat something (nuts, fruits, dried fruits, unflavored crackers are suitable for a healthy snack) or drink acidified water (fruit drink, tea with lemon);
  • be sure to have breakfast;
  • comply with all doctor's orders.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women suffering from toxicosis often experience a decrease in appetite or its complete absence. In no case should you refuse food, because it is during this period that the formation of all organs and systems of the fetus takes place, which is not possible without a constant influx of useful and nutritious substances. But you shouldn’t force yourself to eat at any cost, it’s tedious to give preference to small but frequent snacks and choose for them the food that still seems tasty and enjoyable.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

Early registration in the antenatal clinic and regular examinations by a gynecologist significantly reduce the chances of developing any complications. The doctor not only weighs and measures, but also prescribes blood and urine tests, based on the results of which you can identify the problem at an early stage. Unfortunately, there are situations when it is necessary to contact a gynecologist unscheduled, without waiting for the next appointment. The following symptoms may be the reason for this treatment:

  • a sharp deterioration in general well-being, a drop in blood pressure, an increase in tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • frequent vomiting (more than three times a day), preventing normal food intake;
  • violations of the urinary function (including a decrease in the amount of urine);
  • rapid weight loss (more than 1 kg per week);
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Excessive vomiting, combined with malnutrition, can lead to dehydration and exhaustion of the body, a violation of the water-salt balance and malfunctions of the liver and kidneys, which can subsequently affect other organs. As a rule, in such situations, treatment in a hospital is required.


Early toxicosis should be taken as an inevitable evil that most pregnant women go through. Some doctors even argue that such a deterioration in the condition is a good sign, as it indicates that all the necessary processes are taking place in the body, and there are no significant deviations. However, during pregnancy, it is especially important to monitor your own health and be sure to tell your doctor about any discomfort.

Specially for- Elena Kichak