Corrugated paper topiary: master classes for beginners. Stylish corrugated paper topiary: do-it-yourself corrugated paper topiary how to make

Topiary is a decorative handmade product that looks like a tree. It is also called the "tree of happiness" or "money tree", symbolizing wealth and prosperity in the family. It is a ball on a base fixed in a flowerpot or pot.

In ancient Rome, the cutting of garden trees was called topiary art, and the slave who followed this and maintained their ideal appearance was called a topiary. Later, the fashion for curly cutting trees appeared in Europe. To this day, interest in topiary does not fade away. Your attention is invited to a master class on creating this unusual item for interior decoration with your own hands. The most popular options are topiary made from napkins, multi-colored corrugated paper and cotton pads. Step-by-step photos will help you recreate the masterpiece yourself.

Master class on creating a topiary from paper napkins

The easiest and most inexpensive option for creating a decorative tree is to use paper napkins as the main material. This method is suitable for beginners who want to try their hand at creating a topiary with their own hands. It’s not scary if the first time you don’t get a masterpiece, as in the photo. Experience comes with time, and spoiled napkins will not be a pity, because this is an affordable material that many have in abundance.

From paper napkins, by connecting fantasy, you can create real masterpieces

But in addition to paper napkins of different sizes, you will need the following materials and tools:

Topiary set: tree base

The size of the tree flowers depends on the size of the paper napkins. The larger they are, the larger the flower will turn out. So, let's get down to business.

Advice. Small cuts can be made around the circle of the napkin with scissors. This is done to give a velvety texture to the petals.

Advice. To disguise the gypsum in the pot, you can pour transparent decorative pebbles on it.

We make a "money tree" from corrugated paper

Another no less interesting activity is the manufacture of topiary from multi-colored corrugated paper. To create a tree, you need to prepare:

Styrofoam ball or balloon and mounting foam.

    1. Pins or heat gun.
    2. corrugated paper.
    3. Wire.
    4. Stick.

Corrugated Paper Topiary Set

  1. Satin ribbons.
  2. Moss, tinsel (for decoration).
  3. Pot.

Almost every topiary creation begins with the purchase or DIY making of the base. Of course, the easiest way to buy it in the store. But in our master class, we will clearly explain how to do everything with our own hands. Follow the step by step instructions.

  • The newspaper version has already been successfully tested. It's time to create the base of the topiary from polyurethane foam. To do this, you need an ordinary balloon, you need to slightly moisten it with water inside. Slightly inflate the balloon, put it on a balloon with construction foam and release the required amount of it. The curing process will take about 12 hours, maybe a little less. After drying, remove the ball, an excellent round base will remain.

Foam topiary ball

  • The next step is to make paper flowers. You can use one shade of corrugated sheet for all flowers or several different ones.
  • Cut off a paper strip 3 cm wide and tuck 2/3 from one edge.

Making roses from strips of corrugated paper

  • Carefully twist the ribbon into a spiral. In the middle, it should be tighter, and on the sides you can make it looser. It should turn out to be a very beautiful delicate rose. Fix the free edge with glue or thread. It will take a lot of these flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to make them for the future.

Advice. To make the roses look natural, you need to spread the petals a little with your hands.

  • With the help of pins or a thermal gun, the flowers are attached to the base. There should be no free space left on the ball.
  • The trunk of the future tree should be wrapped with a white satin ribbon. To keep it well as you wind it onto the barrel, fix it with a thermal gun or ordinary glue.

Installing the topiary stem on the foam

  • We connect the trunk to the ball and install it in a pot. First, you need to put a piece of foam in it so that it fills the entire inner surface of the pot. From above, mask the foam base with moss or tinsel.
  • Another magnificent tree is ready.

Corrugated paper topiary

We make a "tree of happiness" from cotton pads

Every girl who takes care of her appearance always has cotton pads. So, why not make your own topiary from them? Prepare the materials needed to create the tree:

Let's move on to the next creation. This option is as popular as making paper napkin topiary. The master class will appeal to both beginners and experienced craftsmen.

Attention! Cotton pads are usually sold in white, but if necessary, they can be painted with special paints or improvised means. So, you can get a green material by dipping the disk in a solution of brilliant green. Brown, respectively, in iodine.

  • Let's make the flowers first. Roll up a cotton pad in the form of a roll, and fasten it with a stapler or tie with threads at the bottom. Unfold the top of the roll and shape into a flower. Make 10-15 of these roses.

Making roses from cotton pads

  • Another option for making the base for the topiary is to use knitting yarn. A ball of thread must be wrapped with plain paper. It is advisable to make several layers. Then wrap the resulting ball well with tape. The basis is ready and you can proceed to further steps.
  • Fasten the ball and the barrel, and fix its base in a pot with plaster.

Base ball for topiary

  • The ball must be decorated with roses from cotton pads. They are attached to it with glue.
  • The tree trunk is decorated with a satin ribbon. It can be replaced with wrapping paper or foil. Instead of a wooden stick used as a trunk, you can use a strong wire, well fastened in several layers.
  • The gypsum base is decorated with decorative greenery or tinsel. It is best to attach it with glue.

Topiary options from cotton pads

  • Instead of a pot, you can use improvised materials: a can of paint or a plastic bucket of mayonnaise. You can give them a proper appearance with the help of fabric or wrapping. And tie a satin ribbon bow on top.

Advice. To make the roses on the ball look different, cover them with a small layer of hairspray with a sparkle effect, stick on beads or beads. Decorative figurines can be placed on the crown of the money tree or its trunk.

Topiary care

Topiary is just the kind of tree that requires absolutely no care. It does not need to be watered, fertilized or transplanted. It will delight you with its appearance, regardless of the season. Care for it is to place it away from direct sunlight, as the material may fade. Infrequently, it will have to be blown off or dusted off.

Topiary care is to remove dust

Decorative "tree of happiness", made by hand, will become the talisman of your home. It is also suitable as a holiday gift for family or friends. For some time now, the topiary has become widespread in wedding floristry. Bridal bouquets are made not from natural flowers, but from decorative materials. Their advantage is that the flowers on them will not wither during the day or will not freeze in the winter. In general, the creation of a topiary is a fascinating process that captivates many, regardless of age and gender. Ease of action, inexpensive and beautiful materials and excellent results are the main motivators to master a new hobby.

Do-it-yourself corrugated paper topiary: video

Do-it-yourself topiary: photo

"Festive tree" made of crepe paper. Step-by-step instruction.

Do-it-yourself gift for National Unity Day.

Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, Zheleznogorsk social assistance center, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.
Description: the master class is designed for children of senior school age, teachers of additional education, educators, parents, creative people.
Purpose: interior decoration, a gift to relatives, relatives, friends.
- making a festive tree from crepe paper.
- to develop creative abilities, interest in work, aesthetic taste, patience, accuracy;
- to cultivate care and love for others.

Multi-colored flag of Russia -
White, blue, red color.
The most beautiful for me
There is no better flag in the world.
Honor and truth in this flag,
Blood spilled in battle
Courage, valor and courage,
Faith in my country!
M. Bebina
Peter I was recognized as the legitimate father of the tricolor. On January 20, 1705, he issued a decree according to which “on all merchant ships” they should raise a white-blue-red flag, he himself drew a sample and determined the order of horizontal stripes.
In different variations, the three-stripe flag adorned warships until 1712, when the St. Andrew's flag was established in the navy. Alexander II in 1858 approved the drawing "with the arrangement of the armorial black-yellow-white colors of the Empire on banners, flags and other items for decoration on solemn occasions on the streets." And on January 1, 1865, a nominal decree of Alexander II was issued, in which the colors black, orange (gold) and white are already directly called the “state colors of Russia”. On April 8, 1883, the command of Alexander III was announced, which stated: “So that in those solemn occasions when it is recognized as possible to allow the decoration of buildings with flags, only the Russian flag should be used, consisting of three stripes: the upper one is white, the middle one is blue and the lower one is red flowers". In 1896, Nicholas II established a special meeting under the Ministry of Justice to discuss the issue of the Russian national flag. The meeting concluded that the flag "white-blue-red has every right to be called Russian or national and its colors: white, blue and red to be called state." The three colors of the flag, which became national, received an official interpretation. Red meant "sovereignty", blue - the color of the Mother of God, under the protection of which Russia is, white - the color of freedom and independence. These colors also meant the commonwealth of White, Little and Great Russia.
On December 25, 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Law, according to which the State Flag of Russia is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top one is white, the middle one is blue and the bottom one is red.
The colors of the Russian flag are assigned many symbolic meanings. Currently, there is no official interpretation of the colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.
White, blue and red colors from ancient times in Rus' meant:
white color - nobility and frankness;
blue color - fidelity, honesty, impeccability and chastity;
red color - courage, boldness, generosity and love.

Materials and tools:
crepe paper 4 colors,
glue gun,
plastic or paper ball
plastic cup,
satin tape,
white paper napkin,
threads are white.

Glue gun safety rules.
1.Do not touch the hot nozzle. Be careful!
2.Don't touch the melted glue, let it cool for 5 minutes.
3. The gun is not designed for outdoor use. Keep the instrument out of the reach of children.
4. Use a safe stand for the glue gun when working.
5. If the power cord is damaged, have it repaired at a service center.
Let's prepare flowers from crepe paper.
1. Take crepe paper of three colors (white, red, blue).

2. Cut strips 4.5 - 5 cm wide.

3. Put one strip on top of the other, fold them in half and cut along the fold.

4. Fold in half again and cut into four equal parts.

5. Fasten the squares with a stapler in the middle cross to cross and cut out a circle.

6. Let's make a flower from the resulting blank.
To do this, lift each layer of the napkin or two layers up and squeeze a little with your fingers.

7. Prepare 6 white flowers, 10 blue flowers and 10 red flowers.

8. We take a plastic ball, put it on a white napkin and wrap it.
A plastic ball can be replaced with one made of paper.

9. We wind white threads on it, fixing the napkin.

10. We begin to glue the prepared flowers onto the ball with a glue gun. Glue 6 white flowers.

11. Glue blue flowers on the second row. First through one, and then glued in between.

12. The third row consists of red flowers.

13. Let's start our potty.
We stick double-sided tape on the cup in several places to secure our packaging.

14. We take silver crepe paper measuring 30 by 30 and put a plastic cup in the center of the paper.

15. Wrap the cup with paper, wrap the edges of the paper inside the cup, gluing them with glue.

16. Glue a blue satin ribbon to the pot.

17. Let's coat the rim of our pot with hot glue.
Insert the ball and press it to the pot.

Topiary can become a highlight in any home, and most importantly, it is believed that it drives away negative energy and brings happiness to the house. It is a symbol of vitality and prosperity.

The word "topiary" came from Ancient Rome, as the art of caring for trees was called. Nowadays, topiary can be easily made with your own hands from improvised materials: cotton pads, napkins, corrugated paper, crepe paper are often used.

Do-it-yourself topiary is quite simple to make from corrugated paper. Next, we offer a simple master class on making original paper crafts.

Paper napkin craft

This option is a bit different from corrugated paper topiary. It is one of the cheapest, but certainly suitable for beginners: if you fail to make a masterpiece the first time, then you can safely try again. In addition, napkins are an improvised material, everyone has it in abundance.

To make such a topiary you will need:

  • pot;
  • stick for the trunk;
  • stapler;
  • wire;
  • gypsum;
  • foam ball;
  • tapes;
  • beads;
  • threads.

It should be folded in the middle of the napkin to get the shape of a rectangle. Then add it up to get a square.

Staple the middle with a stapler, trim the edges to make a circle.

Then we lift each layer of the napkin and get a flower. We make enough of them to cover the entire ball.

And now the topiary is ready, it will serve as an excellent decoration or gift.

Corrugated paper option

Corrugated paper topiary is one of the most popular due to its rather simple technique and the presence of various types of colored paper.

A tree made of crepe (corrugated) paper is performed similarly to the previous method, but with minor changes.

List of required items:

  • glue or pins;
  • wire;
  • stick;
  • corrugated paper;
  • pot;
  • tapes;
  • moss (for decoration).

There is another instruction on how to make a do-it-yourself topiary base ball. If there is mounting foam in the house, the base can also be made from it. We take a balloon, after moistening it a little inside with water, inflate it slightly, put it on a balloon with foam, release the right amount of foam into the balloon. We leave to dry for 12 hours, after which we remove the ball. The base is ready.

Next, we make flowers from corrugated paper. We cut off a strip of corrugated paper 5 cm wide. We turn the paper 2/3 on top. Carefully twist the tape. With the help of glue and pins we fix the flowers on the crown. We connect with a tree trunk and with a pot. The product is ready.

Corrugated paper topiary (video)

Topiary from cotton pads

This option is performed a little differently than a paper model, but this method can be noted for one simple reason: this way you can perfectly practice how to make a topiary with your own hands before creating something more serious.

The main difference of this method is the use of cotton pads to create flowers.

We take a cotton pad and first bend one of its edges, and then the second, which should be above the first. We tie the workpiece with a thread slightly above the middle. We turn out the bottom edge, and the flower is ready. Further actions are similar to the previous methods.

Corrugated paper roses (video)

Topiary heart

An unusual way of execution is a topiary heart made of paper or other materials. The peculiarity of this method lies in the complexity of the crown shape itself.
In order to make the base, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • glue;
  • threads.

Cut out the desired heart shape from cardboard. We take cotton pads and, wetting them in glue, glue them onto a cardboard base to give it the desired volume. Then you need to tie it all up with threads and leave to dry. The base is ready.

There may be different ways of gluing the finished base.

You can decorate the crown with coffee beans. Using glue, fix the coffee beans to the base.

Since the base is already ready, you can proceed directly to the design. We cut the organza into 5 cm squares. Then we fold it 2 times diagonally. We bend the corners on one side and the other. Lubricate the base with glue and apply a square to it, hold until the glue hardens.

Thus, we first glue the contour of the heart, and then fill the rest of the space. It is more convenient to do this, moving from the edges to the middle. Next, we attach the trunk to the crown and insert the structure into the pot. The junction of the trunk with the pot can also be decorated with organza.

Topiary care

It will not grow, it will not need to be watered or fertilized. The most important thing is to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it, as this will contribute to the fading of the fabric. Occasionally, you will have to shake off the dust from it.

And then this unpretentious decoration of the interior will please the eye for quite some time.

Rose Topiary: 9 Fresh Ideas for Delicate Decor

Rose topiary can decorate your home or office desk, can serve as a romantic gift for a loved one The most important question in this matter is how to choose roses for the topiary. When it comes to artificial flowers, you have many options. Only papers of dozens of types, and if each of them is used ... it is worth dwelling on the most interesting options in more detail.

Topiary of artificial roses

One of the most popular “pink” topiary today is a souvenir tree made from music sheets. Moreover, they do not have to be white.

The paper, yellowed from time, will give the tree a special vintage flavor.

There are several ways to make roses from sheet music. Most often, petals are cut, several rows of different sizes. The first petal is twisted into a roll, the rest are wrapped around the roll. You need to fix the petals with threads at the base.

Sometimes book pages with Latin letters become an alternative to music sheets.

Will the bud be closed or blooming - your decision. Once you have made the right amount of roses, you can glue them on the base ball.

Tree of happiness from artificial roses, rununkus and okhids (video master class)

Topiary of paper roses

Plain paper is also suitable for making roses. But it will have to be transformed! Paint or texture?

The following tips will help:

  • watercolor transitions. Take a sheet of watercolor paper and paint with colors of the same gamut with smooth transitions. Then you can cut the petals out of it.
  • Brush and ruler. The old way - dip an old toothbrush into the paint and use a ruler to splatter.
  • natural dye. Potassium permanganate or beets are also a good option for painting paper.
  • foam sponge. Then the paper will be with a certain visual texture.

For paper topiary, you can also use plain double-sided colored paper.

You can also glue salt to the paper, crush it well. Well, then everything is according to a familiar scenario - roses are made either using the “petals around the roll” method, or cut out with a snake. You can make a topiary of roses and satin ribbons with such flowers.

Cold porcelain topiary (video)

Topiary roses from satin ribbons

Satin ribbons are a cheap and beautiful decor, which is also used in topiary.

How to make a rose from satin ribbons:

  • Take a skewer and insert the end of the tape into the notch on the skewer;
  • Wind the tape a little on the skewer;
  • Bend the tape away from you, with a corner, wind it on a skewer, holding it with your finger from below;
  • Gradually form a rose with folded petals;
  • The edge of the tape can be hemmed to the base or glued.

Making a rose from a satin ribbon step by step

If you want to create a wide topiary crown, roses should be tall.

Corrugated paper roses for topiary

Corrugated paper or crepe paper is a great way to make amazingly lifelike flowers. Including roses.

Corrugated paper roses are made like this: you cut out many petals of different sizes from crepe paper. Inside the rose there will be either something round - for example, a candy or a plasticine ball, or a roll of corrugated paper. And then the petals need to gradually frame this roll.

Crepe paper stretches well, making the petals in shape very beautiful.

The petals are fastened with a thread at the base. Each petal can be twisted with a knitting needle, so it will be even more natural.

Corrugated paper topiary "Roses": step by step instructions

If the crepe paper roses are ready, you can start making topiary

The technology for making corrugated paper roses in different MCs may differ

Such a tree is made as follows:

  • A hole is made in the foam base ball, where the trunk is inserted (branch, aluminum cable, etc.);
  • The barrel is fixed in a ball with hot glue;
  • Now you can glue the ball itself, forming a crown - first, paint it in the color of a rose;
  • Then glue the roses very carefully, with a thermal gun, to the base, avoiding gaps;
  • Decorate the trunk and “plant” it in a pot that is filled with plaster;
  • It remains only to decorate the pot itself.

The same crepe paper can be used as a pot decor, just wrap an ordinary flowerpot with corrugated paper, tying it with a ribbon on top

Dry Rose Topiary

Dried roses are also often used in the decoration of the topiary crown. But only roses in the crown do not always look perfect.

If the flowers are well preserved, they will be enough, but if it seems to you that they should be diluted with something, then these can be maple leaf roses.

They are formed according to the same principle as other artificial roses: bent leaves frame a roll of leaves, like rose petals, at the base they are tied with threads. You will get a topiary from dry gifts of nature, how autumn decor looks great.

Floral topiary from living roses (video master class)

How to make roses from napkins for topiary

There are many ways to turn a napkin into a rose, one of the most effective allows you to get neat buds.

How to make a rose from a napkin:

  • Take a colored napkin, put a pencil on top of it;
  • Wind the napkin onto a pencil, without twisting 4 cm to the end;
  • Press a napkin with your finger, which is on a pencil, closer to the center, you get such an accordion, after which you can get the pencil;
  • The napkin should look like a skirt;
  • Two skirts made in this way are twisted in a spiral one around the other.

The base of the flower is fixed with a thread. When there are 10-15 such flowers, you can make a topiary

Rose napkin topiary: step by step instructions

You can take a styrofoam ball for a topiary from a store. And you can build it from newspapers. Crumple the newspapers into a ball, slightly saturate with PVA glue and tie with threads. You will get such a dense ball. You can paint it to match the tone of roses, or you can leave it in its original form, the main thing is a round shape.

  • Immediately make a hole under the barrel so as not to accidentally glue it with flowers.
  • After that, you can arrange the crown. Napkins are fragile, so you only need to glue the base. It is easier to use a heat gun to stick pointwise, but securely. Flowers glue without gaps.
  • Next, design the trunk. The easiest way is to wrap any hollow tube or, for example, a thick pencil, with a satin ribbon. Since you are making wood, the ribbon can be brown or gold.
  • pot decor. You need to turn an ordinary flowerpot into a stylish pot. You can use the decoupage technique, and having found the necessary fragments with the same roses, paste over the pot with them. Several layers of varnish, and the tree found its own flowerpot.
  • After that you fill the pot with plaster. Insert a trunk with a crown into fresh plaster, and hold until the tree is fixed in its, let's say, soil.
  • The top layer of gypsum needs to be decorated. You can do this by gracefully laying satin ribbons there. And you can fill the pot on top with artificial pebbles, which looks very romantic in combination with delicate roses.

If you like, some rose petals can be decorated with rhinestones that will imitate rose droplets on a flower.

Topiary from napkins (video)

Topiary with roses is a beautiful tree that will be a great present. It can be used in photo shoots, decorate bedside tables and window sills, as well as a romantic dinner. Experiment, come up with your own options for roses, perhaps it will be lace or newspapers, who knows?

Happy creativity!

November 2nd, 2014 ale4ka

The topiary or the tree of happiness is not only a bright note of the interior, but also brings prosperity to the house along with its appearance and drives away negative energy. Topiary of flowers is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and the birth of a new life. This tree will bring prosperity and prosperity to your family. In addition, a do-it-yourself topiary made of paper will be an original and sincere gift for your family and friends.

Today, there are a huge variety of different techniques and ways to create topiary. Their production has long been put on stream. But a do-it-yourself tree of happiness compares favorably with a purchased one. After all, working on its creation, you willy-nilly invest a piece of your soul. This activity will certainly captivate you, and the finished result will give you aesthetic and moral pleasure. You can also involve your children in the creative process, I think it will also be extremely interesting for them to twist paper flowers, especially if you first tell them the legend about the magical properties of home topiary.

I bring to your attention a master class on creating a topiary from corrugated roses "Pink Happiness".

For work we need:

  • Corrugated paper in dark and pale pink for roses;
  • Green crepe paper;
  • Transparent glue "Moment";
  • PVA glue;
  • Chinese chopsticks;
  • soda twine;
  • Sewing threads;
  • Building gypsum (alabaster);
  • Pot or mug;
  • Napkins.

Making flowers for topiary

First, let's prepare sheets of dark and pale pink corrugated paper. In order to get a rose, cut the paper into long strips three centimeters wide. We bend the upper corner of the strip twice and, like a candy wrapper, twist the upper edge of the tape. It turns out a kind of pigtail, we make such a “pigtail” until the end of the tape.

Loosely wrap the ribbon into a tube and fasten the resulting rose at the base with a thread, straighten the flower so that its petals “bloom”. Such roses need to be made about 25-30 pieces.

These pretty roses should be the result:

The video below details the process of creating crepe paper roses:

Creating the base and trunk for the topiary

As a trunk, I used 4 Chinese sticks, you can use a dried branch, plastic or metal stick. We tightly wrap the sticks folded together with twine, from time to time lubricating them with PVA glue.

For the base ball, you can use an old newspaper, toilet paper or napkins. Also, the base can be made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, both with your own hands, and buy ready-made.

In this case, we make the base from napkins. To do this, you need to crumple several napkins together, forming a spherical shape. Having achieved the desired volume, we wrap the base ball with twine to give it a more rounded shape. Next, we make a hole in the ball with a knife or scissors, insert the barrel into it or fix the junction with glue.

Now you need to prepare a solution of building gypsum, stir the gypsum with water, bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream. Fill the pot with gypsum mortar, about 3/4 full and vertically immerse the stem for the topiary into it. Fix the structure in such a position that the gypsum can completely cover the trunk and harden.

The surface of the filler in the pot can be masked with sisal, multi-colored decorative stones, beads, shells, artificial flowers, roses or ribbons.

crown decoration

Now the most enjoyable stage of the master class is decorating the crown with previously prepared flowers. To do this, grease the base of the roses with glue and place them tightly in a free order on the surface of the base ball.

As an additional decoration, we cut out green leaves from corrugated or crepe paper and glue them to the base ball between the roses. Also, gaps can be filled with ribbons, beads or lagurus, or any other decorative material that seems most appropriate to you in this composition.

We ended up with such a lovely corrugated paper topiary!

"Tree of happiness" stands on the window
Happiness will accumulate, give me.
Yes, we dream that we will grow Happiness,
In the shop, having bought a blank - a stump,
Believing, of course, that drops of happiness
Soon they will merge into a seething stream.
(c) Rushania Mukhtarov