Traditional Family: Rudiment or Future? Traditional Family: The trap in which you want to lure

A family - an organized social group whose members may be associated with marriage or related relations (as well as relations on children's education), the community of life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to the needs of society in the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population.

For a child, a family is a medium in which the conditions for its physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are developing.

The distribution of roles and functions in the family is closely related to the concepts of leadership in the family. In this regard, it should be noted that

"... Now the head of the family is not the head of" according to the law ", but the leader, that is, whose psychological influence is recognized voluntarily." Therefore, it can be assumed that in an egalitarian marriage, both spouses can equally be leaders, and in the traditional - the role of the leader belongs to a man.

The modern family is significantly different from the traditional structure (the number of incomplete families has increased; the number of large families has decreased; only one child is raised in most families). At the same time, in a modern family, as in the traditional, the most important place in the life of a child of preschool age is occupied by Mom. So, in a modern family to some extent continues to reflect the cultural traditions of the ancestors on the socialization of children, but changes in accordance with modern socio-cultural trends;

In a modern large family, external support from relatives is reduced. Parents often turn out to be one on one before "numerically superior enemy forces." It was very different in the traditional family. Children then were born a lot, but adults were enough. The sisters of the sisters of the Father and Mother, numerous grandparents-to-sit-kumany, as well as childless aunts.

Schneder allocates the following features of the modern family

The family has become less in numbers;

Modern family is less stable;

The number of families, where the head of the husband is reduced;

The family became less friendly, because Parents and adult children, brothers and sisters prefer to live separately;

A much larger number (compared to the recent past) people do not learn the relationship, or alone live in general.

The traditional family is organized to keep the lifestyle of the older generation, repeat parents in children. Children here are an object of socialization, whose task is to "enter" them in a clearly defined framework of existing roles, norms and values.

What are the features of the modern family?

-- The moral and moral norms of family relations changed, priorities of personal qualities were shifted, which, of course, led to changes in the structure and atmosphere of the family.

The attitude towards a woman who owns himself and raises a child. Such a woman does not cause condemnation. Today, many materially independent women are married, but they give birth or take a child (adopt) a child.

Non-typical (unconventional) families appear. Some of the families that have appeared are unusual for our country, for example, polygamy. At the same time, for Muslim countries, this is a natural phenomenon.

The most common form of an atypical family has recently been a civil marriage. It happens otherwise ...

Marriage can be registered, but spouses prefer to live separately. It can be interrupted when spouses diverge for a while, or open when partners willingly admit intimate relationships out of marriage.

In our country, families are widespread - communes, the so-called "Swedish" families, as well as homosexual families.

So, the family as a cell of society is an inseparable part of society. And the life of society is characterized by the same spiritual and material processes as the family's life. The Company consists of people who are fathers and mothers in their families, as well as their children. In this regard, the role of father and mother in the family are very important, and in particular the educational function of the family. After all, from how parents teach their children to work, respect for the elder, the love of the surrounding nature and people depends on how society will be in which our children will live.

Hello, dear readers! What pictures do you draw your imagination when you hear the words "traditional family"? Most likely, nostalgic images arise before eyes: a happy family consisting of two or three generations works in a friendly in the field, cottons around the house or drinks tea with cakes behind a large table. Children in such a family, mother stands tirelessly, supporting a family hearth, and his father heads a family, providing it and alone accepting important decisions.

Yes, sometimes I want to return the age-old values \u200b\u200band revive the ancient traditions. After all, then everything was simple and clear: the husband is a getter, the wife is a hostess. All responsibilities were clearly delimited, and therefore the reasons for household did not arise: by default, who wipes dust, and who rubs the firewood.

Perhaps you, tiring from the family, thought that it would be nice to return such a state of things. But do not rush to introduce home-based in your relations with a partner. Let's figure out, the traditional family is the best option, or such relationships are hopelessly outdated?

What is a traditional family and what is its features?

As you already guessed, the main sign of the traditional family is men. He is the head of the family and this gives him not only privileges, but also imposes certain responsibilities. The role of a man is to take care that his loved ones are fed and dressed, as well as protected from possible dangers.

The wife is completely devoted to the fulfillment of the female destination: Creates a comfort, leads the economy, surrounds her husband with love and in all endeavors, and, of course, raises children. It would seem that such a distribution is ideal: there is no reason for conflicts, there is no struggle for leadership ... So why is now the traditional family model follow only units? To understand, take a small excursion to the past.

Only two or three centuries ago Patriarchal Layhold was the only model of family relationships. And in those realities, this state of affairs not just satisfied everyone - it was the most optimal for the family.

The head of the family was the husband, and it was not just status. Measured the big responsibility of a man for the welfare of their family, and therefore he worked a lot. Why didn't the woman walked money for a family on a par with a man? First of all, because no one has heard about kindergartens, and children demanded round-the-clock care. Therefore, it was quite logical to my mother stay at home, take care of the child, and most often not about one thing, while Dad worked.

The duties were clearly divided into men's and female. And it was also natural - then households in excess were enough for both spouses. The wife had to cook, wash, clean, repair clothes, engage in children - you agree, since then I have changed a little. Male duties, as a rule, were those that women were physically unable. And therefore, when it was necessary to distort the wood or overlap the roof in the hut, this was the default her husband.

The husband independently accepted most solutions. And then it was in the order of things and did not insult a woman at all. After all, it was a man who worked and earned, so finances were in his hands, and he planned the budget too. If the wife needed money, she asked them to her husband and did not consider it to be acknowledged or humiliating.

Would you like to know more about how our ancestors lived and what rules adhered to family life? Be sure to read Domostroy"- This unique set of rules will help you get a complete picture of the family values \u200b\u200bof that time.

And how are things now?

In the conditions of modern society, it is very difficult to meet the characteristics of the traditional family - now there is no need for this. Nowadays, rarely, which woman is fully devoted to the upbringing of children. With this mission, pre-school children's institutions - Nurserie and Gardens are perfectly coped.

Therefore, women work along with men and earn no less, but sometimes much more than representatives of strong sex. It is quite natural that the working woman does not agree to obviously obey male decisions and demands equality with the partner.

The imprint of modernity touched and. A man has no need to independently do hard work: much of what our ancestors did, now simply not relevant. For others, you can always hire specialists who will work quickly and professionally. Domestic tasks did not go anywhere, but many spouses fulfill them together, without carrying everything into fragile female shoulders.

Patriarchal family in our time - for and against

Some pairs and in our time are solved on the traditional family relationship model. If this is a mutual solution, there is nothing wrong with that. It is important that both partners realize what they go. After all, a man will have to take over the obligations to take care of the family and provide it, and the woman will voluntarily give up equality, career and agree with the subordinate role.

In fact it turns out that not every man is capable of providing a worthy existence alone alone. An even smaller number of women are ready to reconcile with the role of an eternal housewife. And even if both partners are perfectly coped with their role, in traditional marriage there are pitfalls, which can be stumbled.

The cause of conflicts is most often the dissatisfaction of the woman in the situation of things. In fact, it turns out to be completely dependent on her husband and lives only by the interests of the family, without having their own hobbies. In addition, in the event of a divorce or death of the spouse, a woman remains without livelihood. And the lonely mom find a good job without professional skills and experience will be very difficult.

However, this does not mean that the traditional family has no right to exist. In such respects there are its advantages.

  • The husband gets the opportunity to fully show his male qualities and a.
  • The wife can self-realize in the family, taking care of her husband and children, and not experiencing about finance.
  • Children also win: they have been seen from infancy with a strong and courageous miner, and mom is a caring and loving mistress. So, from childhood they have a constructive scenario of behavior in the family.

As you can see, traditional families are fully eligible for existence and today. The main thing is that such a model of married relations arranged both partners and did not limit anyone whose freedoms and desires.

Would you like to clearly distribute roles in the family or still give preference to equality and democracy? Write your opinion in the comments.

A similar cell of society, which is inherent in the preservation of strong related links with other generations is a group of people consisting of her husband, wives and children.

In such unions, a man plays a major role: he makes decisions, provides his wife and children with everything necessary and has the right of the last word.

Consider what the patriarchate was due to the past and why in some marriages it remains so far.

First, for a long time in equal terms, more feeding for could get a man. By virtue of their daily classes, the woman could hardly go hunting or work on the mines. Since the husband brings home food and provides children - he will get the right to vote with all important solutions.

Secondly, one of the reasons is the transition from traditional to industrial society. Who could work more in production? That's right, men. The specificity of the relationship to the woman could not allow her to dominate. At that time, even the formation for the "weak" floor was practically impossible. Only the ladies of the highest estates could have learned if they had a desire for this.

At the beginning of the 20th century, women openly began to fight for their rights. Not in vain, we celebrate International Women's Day On March 8 - On this day in 1908, the first rally about equality took place in New York.

To date, in Russia, according to statistics, the traditional type of family is prevails over the partner - many believe that to respect the man to give him a dominant role in marriage - it means to respect the history of past generations.

Signs and characteristics of the traditional patriarchal family model

Let's see what is characteristic of marriage of this type. Since the wording features are found in many textbooks blurred, we have prepared for you the most complete list:

  • A man is a carrier of moral authority, and therefore is responsible for the honor of the kind.
  • The Company does not condemn and protect the right "property" of her husband over his wife.
  • A man is almost entirely responsible for a woman and children.
  • The husband mainly provides his wife.
  • Parents instill children from an early age for labor and responsibility for their actions.
  • Chapter honors and respects the spouse, and she is him.

Patriarchate has both positive and negative sides. However, with all the shortcomings, the advantages outweigh - divorces in such marriages there are practically no, children and old people are always on the provision, as it is considered one of the traditions of such a society.

The characteristic features of the patriarchal type family will help trace the following eloquent example.

It's no secret that the pair of Nikita and Tatiana Mikhalkov is considered very strong - more than 40 years in marriage, children, grandchildren. Today's generation is something to learn from the elder. Static, volitional character Nikita showed his future wife on the first date. At that time, the young Tanya worked as a mannequin and seriously thought about the career of the model. At their meeting, the girl collected a whole team of girlfriends - she cleaned brightly, made a rather causing hairstyle. As soon as Nikita saw her, immediately led the person to wash the toilet.

However, Tatyana did not insult such behavior, it made it make sure that Nikita sees not only beautiful appearance in it, but also a rich inner world. After the wedding, Mikhalkov insisted that the wife threw the model career and took up a homely hearth, - Tatiana lost.

This example shows that the man's domineering, strong and adherent traditions is able to create a strong long-term union. However, this examples do not end. We will look at several famous marriages, but a little later.

Types of Family Patriarchal

Our observations allowed to highlight the following types of traditional alliances according to the degree of alignment of forces:

With hard control

In such a cell, nothing is done without the knowledge of the husband - that neither say, should always be as he decides. This species is rare when it is currently found, as it was distributed in the 18-19 century. Now total control is found perhaps in very religious unions, including Muslim, or in the third world countries.

Respect and West Men

This position defends our Orthodox Church. A woman also has its own weight in history, but the hero's dominant position and the defender always performs a man. Such a marriage is harmonious in itself, since it performs its function - the upbringing of a harmonious personality in a relaxed atmosphere.

The power of the husband may not spread on all spheres of life.

Then the families in which the partial patriarchy reigns is divided into:

  • those in which a man leads the financial part;
  • those in which the husband is responsible for honoring his wife;
  • those in which children are brought up by a man.

What does a strong traditional marriage mean, Vladimir and Tamara Vinokur can show on his example. Their union has already changed 4 dozen - and it all started when both were only in twenty. Together, their work was reduced, however, despite the courting of the voyas, Tamara was in the first time, he answered everything with refusal. After some time, they still agreed. Before marriage, it also happened tight, the situation was ridiculous to pain: the theater in which Tom worked, demanded Moscow registration, and therefore she suggested a loved one ... a fictitious marriage. Vladimir insisted on his own - and here he is a happy example of us.

Such unions can be attributed on the second type of our first classification, where a man is consulted with a woman, but still a decision takes himself.

Features of the rates of education of children in the patriarchal family

The upbringing of children in such unions is considered to be strict, but a fair - a child since childhood instill the values \u200b\u200bof modern society, however, with respect for the respect of the previous generation.

We give some tips to communicate with the child who enjoy patriarchal parents.

Always take responsibility for yourself and your actions

Do not give the child the right to decide for the parent. For example, you want to punish your son for spilled on new pants sauce. No need to ask what to do with him - even a joke. The parent is a sample of behavior for a child, and therefore stay after your authority.

Select time for rest

Parents will be able to raise a child in a relaxed atmosphere only when they lead their thoughts in order. Your emotions directly reflect on children.

Do not transfer your problems on children

Difficult day at work or unsuccessful shopping? No need to express your negative emotions with a child, even worse if you just decide to drink everything on it. It is easier for you in this case, and children are worse. Yes, it is not easy to catch such situations at first, but you need to develop a habit of constantly analyzing your words - it will be easier to get used to it.

Let's choose when necessary

That your baby grew up a free independent personality, you need not only to instill family values, but also take care of his own choice - whether it is even a candy or filling for pies. If you do not want an ungrateful child, then since childhood, count the children by the desire to decide anything yourself.

Refer to the experience of the previous generation, but also do not forget about modern values

The best way to grow a worthy person is considered to be transferred to his behavior of those traditions and values, which your family adhered to centuries. Do not forget that you are continuers of history, and therefore you can bring something new to it. When a child grows up, he will thank you for the right upbringing.

And we offer to help you with this. The family tree is the embodiment of the traditions of your surname, its noble story. Our specialists will not only create a pedigree book according to your wishes, but also help you fill it out.

Let the child seem to be absolutely free

The family of patriarchal type characterizes the power concern for his loved ones. That is, this is the situation when the child seems to be that everything happens according to the "laws of streets", although in fact you are entirely and fully control the circumstances. The behavior of the child may vary: it will either swim downstream, or will begin to actively deal with the existing situation. In the first case, the child needs to be saved immediately, otherwise the troubles are inevitable. In the second - it is necessary to observe and first keep the position of the peacemaker. Especially when Chado trusts you and tells all the secrets.

In many textbooks on social studies, it is said that for the patriarchal family, a sign of total tracking wife and children is characterized and control over all processes in the house. However, this approach was outdated and can be destroyed for marriage.

Examples of the patriarchal family model and raising children abroad

We have already led examples of happy patriarchal marriages of compatriots. And what is going on there, at the other end of the world? It turns out that the ocean also has examples of traditional families in which a man plays a leading role.

The personality of Arnold Schwarzenegger is known to many: bodybuilder, actor, politician. And what about this man with women? He met his only on a charitable tennis tournament back in 1977. Maria, the niece of that very John Kennedy, for a long time refused to the Ukhager, and in the end surrendered. Couple together for 25 years, they have four children: 2 daughters and 2 sons.

According to rumors, Arnold, being on the set, changed his wife. However, no one for loved ones did not make it from this scandal, and Schwarzenegger himself did not quit his faithful with children. What, in fact, characterizes the traditional and patriarchal type of family.

Michelle Pfaiffer, a famous actress, and teleprodryusser David Calley for more than 20 years. They brought their fate at the party from friends: they both were delighted, how much their views on the upbringing of children are similar. It is this topic that brought a couple. Michelle often notes how hard her husband is firm, straight and sincerely - in her opinion, and there must be a real man.

Love history longer than in half a century, you will tell you the incomparable Italians Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori. It began with broken light bulbs, wounds and guilt feelings. For a long time, an adriano, already known at that time, the actor, cared for a not yet famous actress, if it were not for the case. After the wedding, Claudia supported her husband: there was a time when the celentano for filming the film laid his house. However, the spouse believed in the success of the film, and then they also celebrated the win-win batch together.

Sting and work Styler. She is a popular television chair, he is a talented singer. The story is silent about their first acquaintance, but both spouses argue that it was love at first glance. Roman they hid for a long time - away from the backs and gossip journalists. They are almost 40 years old - a significant date! Trudi never pressed on sting, always supported it in all. It was she who became the point of reference, thanks to which the singer had changed for the better. They appointed their wedding after 10 years of relationship. A truly one of the traditional marriages.

These examples give clearly understand what is a traditional patriarchal family than it differs from others, as characterized and what features it is inherent. After the article studied, it is important to conclude that such a marriage is based on mutual respect, recognition of the authority of her husband and endless patience and love. Most often, it is the similar way that it helps to overcome new numbers and celebrate anniversaries.

Traditional family can live long in themselves. It is economically and psychologically independent. For its successful long-term existence there is no need for an external world, which is outside the life circle of the family.
The most striking example, the family of the Starovarov Lykov, which lived for many years in complete isolation from the outside world.
When in the nineteenth century, the beginning of the twentieth century across the Russian north began to build lighthouses, weather observation stations faced a problem who would live on the wild islands for a long time away from people. Originally set off the team of soldiers led by an officer. The results were sad. In the north, a short summer, when stocks of products were transported to the island with a lighthouse and hydrometerance, and then the polar night and people turned out to be torn off from a large land for long winter months. The psychological tension was gradually accumulated, conflicts occurred, which were often overwhelmed in the tragedy. When, finally, the sea was released from ice, and arrived the first ship, it was found that all people died or are in such a state that they were not capable of further accommodation away from people and successful work.
Then they began to settle on the distant islands of the family, along with children. And where the harsh lonely men died, the family, as if nothing had happened, could live for years, without experiencing any psychological problems. Naturally, people with a corresponding warehouse of character, a tendency to an isolated lifestyle.

Kurbatov Lighthouse Lighthouse on the island of Schuza in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk Elena Barbashev with her husband Vladimir and Dog

As our fathers lived, so we will live
In a traditional family, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world's world. A young man receives from senior family members. Patriarch (grandfather) continuously authority, whose word in all disputes is the last. This is the highest court, the decisions of which are not subject to appeal. Sons, support the authority of the grandfather (authority of elders), because they perfectly understand that they themselves will take this place themselves, and their authority will depend on how they will bring up their sons, grandchildren today.

Outside the traditional family, man nobody. If a person violates the customs of the family - he is expelled. Very little chance that he will be taken to another family, where he will always be on the role of ads who are wrapped. Exclosed outside the family, kind, for example, for murder, a person becomes despised by all the renechenets.
All members of the traditional family understand this and with all internal disagreements always defend the interests of the family. In return, the traditional family takes all their members to defend. In the traditional family it is equally caring for both illness, and about the elderly, and about the disabled person, and about Syrota. Everyone there is both shelter, food, and bed, and the case.
The state of the traditional family is needed only to protect against the interpremits that come to kill, rob, pass into slavery.
For the existence of a traditional family, it does not matter what scientists think about the device of the world: the land is flat and rests on three whales, or it is a ball that rushes through the desert of outer space.
More important are knowledge to help family survival in concrete natural conditions. These knowledge is transmitted from generation to generations, from mouth to mouth and cover the whole cycle of human life from his birth to death, and the entire annual cycle of agricultural work and other activities. More importantly scientific ideas about the world, for the traditional family are religious. On the tissue of religious worldview, all practical knowledge of the world, accumulated by the life of previous generations, is easy to fall.

In the traditional family, the head of the family at the same time the head of the family-owned enterprise. Under his leadership, all agricultural work was held in peasants or fishing, like Pomors in this picture.
Without a traditional family, the existence of a traditional state is impossible. Not putting a penny family, the state regularly received income from it, first in the form of a date collected by the prince, then in the form of taxes.
The traditional family for the state is an inexhaustible source of human resources: workers for plants, militia and recruits to war.

Artist I. Lucaninov. The blessing of the militia. 1812

Everyone has his own
The traditional family does not need written laws. The whole life of the family is in line with traditions and religious performances. In solving controversial issues, the last word for the Patriarch (grandfather), as he decides, will be.
For a traditional family there is no need and in common with other families of religion. Each family has his own God. What our grandfathers believed, and we will believe. The pagan views about the world easily fit into the closed world of the traditional family.
But the problem is that families rarely live in complete isolation from the surrounding world. The worldview differences affect the relationship between people.
The local prince collects the militia to the war, and the elders of childbirth and tribes in doubt whether it is necessary to help the prince, he is not praying to our gods. Everyone has a tribe, there is no single state. Everyone looks in his side and is ready to protect from enemies only his family.

Combined into a single people, the fragmented tribes in Russia could only united faith. One people, one faith - it is impossible to win. This was well understood by the Grand Duke Vladimir, Kiev, when he decided to adopt for all the Unified Faith - Orthodoxy, and which consistently began to break the pagan religious foundations of the traditional family.

Output. The worldview of the traditional family is based on religion, and all the knowledge necessary for life are transmitted from mouth to mouth, from senior younger. A traditional family can live for a long time in full insulation and needs a state only to protect against numerous and strong enemies.