Three tips for those who go to the hairdresser. Best time to visit a hairdresser

When going to a hairdresser, many have a slight feeling of anxiety: “what if they cut my hair so that I don't like it!”. Have you had such thoughts?

In this article, we want to tell you some useful secrets on how to prevent this from happening.

Experienced hairdressers have shared with us what is important to consider when going to get a haircut and style. Three important tips will help you stay truly satisfied or satisfied after your visit to the stylist.

So let's get started:

1. You need to go to have a haircut in a good mood

The job of a hairdresser is not just a service industry where the person serving you does mechanical work. The ability to cut a person beautifully is a creative craft, so good hairdressers are creative people.

And all such people, as a rule, can “create” well, only in a calm atmosphere.

The mood of the client is instantly transmitted to the hairdresser!

Therefore, if you convey to him a bad mood with your mood, words, facial expressions or something else, the hairdresser will simply ruin your hairstyle or make it not at the maximum of his capabilities.

Remember, if you ruin the mood of the hairdresser, he will ruin your hair!

Try to tune in to a positive mood, and then you will have a good mood even after the completion of the work of the master.

2. Be careful with some phrases ...

Sitting in a chair for a hairdresser, especially a new one who has not cut your hair before, you need to avoid pronouncing some phrases.

When a hairdresser asks: "How are we going to get a haircut?" It is very important! Why?

Because such an attitude of the client makes the hairdresser subconsciously unwilling to try especially hard on your hairstyle. For him or her, this is more like an excuse to relax. The hairdresser himself, reluctantly, relaxes and does not give all the best doing your haircut.

Don't tell the hairdresser that you leave the haircut to his discretion, give him clear tasks

But most importantly, if he ruins your hair or you don't like it, the hairdresser who cut your hair has a serious "alibi" that you gave him yourself.

3. Come to the hairdresser with a clean head

Do your hair beforehand at home, or expect to pay extra money right away to wash your hair BEFORE you cut your hair.

Why is it important to have a clean head?

Because a haircut on a dirty head is fraught with the fact that in the end it may not turn out exactly what you want.

Moreover, immediately after the haircut, you can be very pleased with the work of the hairdresser, but when you come home and wash your hair, the haircut may seem to you completely different than the one that you saw sitting in the hairdresser.

In addition, dirty and clean hair falls in different ways, which can be confusing.

It is always necessary to cut a hair on a well-washed head, dirty and clean hair falls in different ways

There is always some risk involved in going to the hairdresser. Sometimes the hairstyle succeeds, well, it's just a song, and sometimes it's disappointment. The master seems to be one, but the result, at times, is simply shocking. We begin to analyze what is the reason for this incident? Probably not feeling well, or the master is in a bad mood, or maybe just a bad day. One consolation is that hair is not teeth - it will grow. We get the feeling that the haircut entirely depends on his master of the case.
But not everything is so simple. It turns out there is a pattern. Our well-being, success and failure, and even a trip to the hairdresser in the sky. I can’t believe it, but it’s true. The timing of a visit to the hairdresser is, of course, yours, but it will be better if you follow our advice. For example, on the growing moon, your haircut will turn out to be successful, but the best result you will get when you visit a hairdresser on a full moon. The moment of the full moon itself is considered difficult for well-being, but surprisingly, the haircut succeeds. It is difficult to understand this, but the fact remains. Full moon energy pours out of us literally over the edge. There is an activation and release of all the negativity that has accumulated in us. All heavy, negative energy rushes to the surface of the body. At the ends of the hair, it also accumulates. When cutting, negative energy is removed along with the ends of the hair. We dump unnecessary load in the form of unnecessary information, free ourselves from the past and get maximum benefit for ourselves. Hair gains strength, rejuvenates, becomes thicker, falls out less. The hairstyle looks perfect, keeps its shape. It should be added that the full moon is favorable not only for cutting hair, but in general for performing any manipulations with them: coloring, curling, and so on. Very good days to visit the hairdresser are the days when the full moon is the day of Leo or Virgo, and especially on the growing moon. In the days of Cancer and Pisces, on the contrary, the road to the hairdresser must be forgotten. Tested in practice, hair these days does not lend itself well to even the most wonderful master. Moreover, it is not recommended to wash your hair at this time, as well as to use hair care products. In order for the hair to be strong and healthy, manipulations for caring for it must be carried out on days when the moon is growing and, on a full moon, and quite ideally, on the days of Leo and Virgo.

With the waning moon, the road to the hairdresser should also be forgotten. The moon is in "damage" - these are the days of active expenditure of energy by the body. At this time, we are especially strong. But you need to spend energy wisely, directing it to solving various vital issues. Visiting a hairdresser, we risk giving away our energy with the ends of the hair. After that, it will dry up, the strength will leave us, and the hair will begin to fall out, it will begin to grow poorly and hurt.
And yet, you need to properly care for your hair. Often, in the tumult of days, we do everything on the run. We remember ourselves only when problems arise. Hair begins to fall out, becomes brittle, oily, or vice versa dry. Maintaining harmony in the soul, eating right, we, thereby, will greatly facilitate our life, and therefore our hair will be healthy. Among other things, it is necessary to comb them thoroughly every day, for five minutes, in the morning and in the evening. Do periodically


A visit to a hairdresser is an especially important moment in a woman's life. Where to find a good master who does not disfigure, cut off, ruin the hair with inept chemistry? The one who will understand which hairstyle suits you best? This is a question of questions for so many. But even if you manage to find such a master, there is still no guarantee that you will always come out from him with the perfect head. You can't always be happy with your hairstyle, and that's it. Sometimes the haircut turns out to be extremely successful, hair to hair, and the styling is excellent, and the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time. And sometimes, no matter how you style, all the hair sticks out in tufts, they don't want to keep the given silhouette, and then they begin to grow unevenly, and now you don't have a haircut, but some shapeless bunches. You can't wait in such cases when they grow back again to go to the hairdresser again.

All women know that such strange things happen to their heads from time to time. Therefore, going to the hairdresser is always a risk. It remains to console oneself with a well-known adage: hair is not teeth - it will grow. As a rule, failures are attributed to the bad mood of the master or to our own poor health. It seems to us that when visiting a hairdresser we are completely and completely dependent on chance.

In fact, this is not the case. There are regularities that have been tested by more than one generation of people, on which it depends whether a hairstyle succeeds or fails. You, of course, already understood: you need to know at which position of the moon you can go to the hairdresser, and at which you should not.

We have already talked about the full moon - about what a stressful moment it is in our life, how inadequate behavior can be on this day, how our mood worsens, and so on. And yet, no matter how unfavorable the full moon may be, it has one good property, namely: haircuts work best on the full moon. Why this is so is not difficult to understand. On a full moon, energy literally overflows from us. This is the day of activation and emergence of everything negative that the body has managed to accumulate. At this moment, all the heavy, negative energy is on the surface of the body - in particular, it accumulates in the ends of the hair. When we cut off these tips on a full moon, we shed an extra burden from our souls, remove unnecessary information from ourselves, and give our hair a new life, new youth, freeing them from the past. Hair really comes to life, rejuvenates, its quality improves, it gains strength and begins to grow better, becomes thicker, and falls out less. At the same time, the hairstyle keeps its shape perfectly.

I must say that the full moon is the best time not only for haircuts, but in general for visiting a hairdresser for any purpose: for styling, coloring, perming.

You can also visit the hairdresser when the moon is growing - the result is also good. But with a waning moon, this should not be done under any circumstances.

As you remember, the waning moon is the time of active expenditure of energy by the body. At this time we are especially strong, and we must apply this power in our life, realize ourselves. Visiting a hairdresser that day, we risk giving him our strength or leaving it on the ends of the cut hair. After that, both your activity and your energy will dry out, and your hair will begin to ache and grow poorly.

There is some kind of magic in our hair. It is no coincidence that in many fairy tales the power of a magician, wizard or sorcerer was contained precisely in his hair. Remember the old man Hottabych, who, before casting once again, certainly pulled out a few hairs from his beard, or the magician Chernomor from Pushkin's poem Ruslan and Lyudmila, whose strength was in his beard. Hair really carries a lot of energy and information. This energy and information must be handled very carefully so as not to harm yourself.

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My dear readers, I wanted to tell you today how our hair affects our destiny. Everyone probably knows that our hair, in a way, energy channels and various manipulations with them affect our life.

Therefore, the choice of a master must be approached seriously, taking into account the age, temperament and mood of the master you trust.

If you control your destiny yourself and make decisions, then it is better for you to have a haircut from a young master or the same age as you. He will not be able to affect your energy.

If everything does not go well in your life, things are going badly, then it is advisable to choose an older master, moreover, authoritative and respected, do not skimp on this business, because your business can go uphill after such a haircut.

Also, advice - never cut your own hair. Thus, you will not be able to improve your energy, but you can worsen the state of affairs.

Also, the structure of your hair, the appearance of your hair is influenced by the phases of the moon.

If you want to speed up the growth of your hair, then it is best to go to the hairdresser on the waxing moon. And if you want to strengthen the roots and prevent hair loss - downward.

You cannot go to get a haircut on the New Moon, on the days of the Solar and Lunar eclipses, as well as on 9, 15, 23, 29, lunar days (satanic).

Also, luck and your destiny are influenced by what day of the week you go to get your hair cut, and they should be harmonious by the day of the week of your birth.

Lucky days for a haircut:

Monday (Patron moon). A haircut on this day will relieve negativity and melancholy. As your hair is cut off, all bad things will leave your life. People born on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday cannot have their hair cut.

Tuesday (Mars patron) A haircut on this day will fill you with energy, make your life more active and interesting if your life is boring and sluggish. You cannot have a haircut for those born on Monday and Friday.

Wednesday (Mercury is the patron saint). A haircut on this day is necessary for those who want to calm down, understand something, increase the ability of logical thinking. Also, getting a haircut on this day improves your ability to learn and build good relationships with the right people. Not for those who were born on Thursday.

Thursday (Patron Jupiter). If your social connections are broken, your luck is gone and you do not have your weight in society, then it is advisable for you to have a haircut on this day. For those who were born on Wednesday, it is not advisable to have a haircut.

Friday (Venus is the patron saint). This day is good for those who want a new acquaintance and communication. If everything is fine with you in this regard, then it is better not - you may feel weaker. Not for those born on Tuesday.

Saturday (Saturn is the patron saint). A very good day for cutting hair, energy will increase, hair will improve, there will be more positive in your life, less negative that your family carries, if any. But this day is not for you if you were born on Sunday.

Sunday (Patron sun). Worst day for a haircut. it is better to stay at home that day, if you do not want luck to turn away from all the things you have started and you had to start all over again. But if everything in your life is bad in all areas (a complete failure), then you can change the state of affairs if you cut your hair on Sunday.

I hope you understood that everything needs to be taken seriously, that even in a hairdressing salon you can control fate and influence the outcome of events.

And cut your hair only on good days for you.

I wish you good health and more luck.

A visit to the hairdresser is an important moment in the life of any woman. Where can you find a good master who does not disfigure, cut off, ruin your hair with chemistry? The one who will understand which hairstyle suits you best? This is a question of questions for so many. But even if you manage to find such a master, there is still no guarantee that you will always come out from him with the perfect head. You can't always be happy with your hairstyle, and that's it.

Sometimes the haircut turns out to be extremely successful, hair to hair, and the styling is excellent, and the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time. And sometimes, no matter how you style, the hair sticks out in tufts, they do not want to keep the given silhouette, and then they begin to grow unevenly, and now you have not a haircut, but some shapeless bunches. You can't wait in such cases when they grow back again to go to the hairdresser again.

All women know that such strange things happen to their heads from time to time. Therefore, going to the hairdresser is always a risk. It remains to console oneself with a well-known adage: hair is not teeth - it will grow. As a rule, failures are attributed to the bad mood of the master or to our own poor health. It seems to us that when visiting a hairdresser we are completely and completely dependent on chance.

In fact, this is not the case. There are regularities that have been tested by more than one generation of people, on which it depends whether a hairstyle will succeed or not. You, of course, already understood: you need to know at which position of the moon you can go to the hairdresser, and at which you should not.

We have already talked about the full moon - about what a stressful moment it is in our life, how inadequate behavior can be on this day, how our mood worsens, and so on. And yet, no matter how unfavorable the full moon may be, it has one good property, namely: haircuts work best on the full moon. Why this is so is not difficult to understand.

On a full moon, energy literally overflows from us. This is the day of activation and emergence of everything negative that the body has managed to accumulate. At this moment, all the heavy, negative energy is on the surface of the body - in particular; it accumulates at the ends of the hair. When we cut off these tips on a full moon, we shed an extra burden from our souls, remove unnecessary information from ourselves, and give our hair a new life, new youth, freeing them from the past. Hair really comes to life, rejuvenates, its quality improves, it gains strength and begins to grow better, becomes thicker, and falls out less. At the same time, the hairstyle keeps its shape perfectly.

I must say that the full moon is the best time not only for haircuts, but in general for visiting a hairdresser for any purpose: for styling, coloring, perming.

You can also visit the hairdresser when the moon is growing - the result is also good. But with a waning moon, this should not be done under any circumstances.

As you remember, the waning moon is the time of active expenditure of energy by the body. At this time we are especially strong, and we must apply this power in our life, realize ourselves. Visiting a hairdresser that day, we risk giving him our strength or leaving it on the ends of the cut hair.

After that, your activity and energy will run out and your hair will begin to ache and grow poorly.

There is some kind of magic in our hair. It is no coincidence that in many myths and fairy tales the power of a magician, wizard or sorcerer was contained precisely in his hair. Remember the old man Hottabych, who, before casting once again, certainly pulled out a few hairs from his beard, or the magician Chernomor from Pushkin's poem Ruslan and Lyudmila, whose strength was in his beard. And the Old Testament myth about Samson, who possessed superhuman strength and lost it after Delilah cut his hair!

Hair really carries a lot of energy and information. This energy and information must be handled very carefully so as not to harm yourself.


The full moon is the most appropriate time for any kind of hair manipulation. The ideal time to visit a hairdresser is when the full moon falls on Leo's day or Virgo's day.

At first glance, this rule sounds somewhat mystical, because there is no logical explanation for it. Nevertheless, it has been known to people for more than one century and is constantly being confirmed in practice. Since we have already decided that there is magic in the hair, we will also consider this rule a little magic.

However, one explanation can still be found: remember what a thick, lush mane Leo has. And Virgo has gorgeous long hair. Do you want you to have these too? Cut your hair only on these days. If it is difficult to wait for the moment when the day of Leo or Virgo coincides with the full moon, then go to the hairdresser's on the day of Leo or Virgo when the moon is growing.

On the days of Cancer and Pisces, visiting a hairdresser is categorically contraindicated. And this has also been tested in practice: these days the hair is disobedient, it does not lend itself well even to the most wonderful master, the haircut after that cannot be given the desired look, the hairstyle turns out to be shapeless. Moreover, these days you cannot even wash your hair and use hair care products. Of course, combing them can and should be done every day. But here are all kinds of remedies: for nourishing and strengthening hair, if you want your hair to be strong and healthy, use only when the moon is growing or at full moon, and absolutely ideally - on the days of Leo and Virgo.


According to existing beliefs, it is in the hair that a part of our soul is concentrated. No wonder in the ancient world there were so many prohibitions on hair cutting. They tried to burn or destroy hair and nails so that they could not be influenced by some evil sorcerer or even the devil himself. Echoes of beliefs have survived in today's recommendations of astrologers. True, now these recommendations are not connected with the fact that Satan can drag you to hell or cripple you, but with the fact that manipulating your hair on unwanted days can reprogram your destiny.

1st lunar day - hair cutting leads to a reduction in life.

2nd lunar day - hair cutting will attract quarrels and lawsuits to you.

3rd lunar day - hair cutting will lead to harm to the body and can attract waste to you.

4th lunar day - a haircut will bring discomfort, attract melancholy and fear of lost loved ones. Will cause throat and oral diseases.

5th lunar day - hair cutting will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day - it is undesirable to cut your hair - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will worsen, you will look like a sick person and in fact will start to hurt.

7th lunar day - hair cutting will attract quarrels and lawsuits to you, a conflict with the authorities or (even worse!) With a loved one is possible. Burning Day according to the Tibetan calendar is a day when cutting your hair will seriously worsen your health.

8th lunar day - a haircut will attract longevity, good health to you and make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day - hair cutting attracts diseases.

The 10th lunar day is a burning day according to Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from haircuts, as this will attract illness to you.

11th lunar day - a haircut will bring sharpness to the senses, improve your foresight and discernment.

12th lunar day - you cannot cut your hair - misfortunes, injuries are attracted and the likelihood of a threat to life increases.

13th lunar day - it is advisable to get a haircut, since a haircut will bring happiness and benefit, a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day - a haircut will attract an improvement in activities, financial situation, an increase in property and the benevolence of the authorities.

15th lunar day - it is safer to refrain from haircuts, as mental disorders, increased pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear are possible. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from hairdressers.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from haircuts - misfortunes, mistakes will arise. Negative habits and vices will fully manifest themselves, the craving for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Trimming your hair can attract cheating, and as a result, your health will be significantly impaired.

17th lunar day - as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, diseases will arise. The possibility of injury in the future is high. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, a haircut on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day - hair cutting will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they feel the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). According to Tibetan tradition, this is also a burning day and a haircut will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day - you should contact a hairdresser - hair cutting prolongs life.

20th lunar day - it is undesirable to cut hair, depression may occur.

21st lunar day - it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and well-being.

22nd lunar day - a haircut will attract to you the opportunity to acquire property, but you can gain excess weight.

23 lunar day - a haircut will bring a beautiful complexion, improve your well-being.

The 24th lunar day is a very bad day for cutting hair - diseases may appear. If you want to be healthy - refrain from haircuts.

25th lunar day - hair cutting will increase eye pressure and lead to visual impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation, and the appearance of barley are likely.

26th lunar day - cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle will attract joy and happiness to you.

27th lunar day - cutting hair or creating a hairstyle will attract joy and happiness to you,

The 28th lunar day is a good day for a haircut: the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

30th lunar day - hair cutting can attract the threat of meeting with misfortune to a person. There is also the likelihood of involving a car accident and even death.

To believe or not to believe these prescriptions? If you are a very suggestible person, then it is better not to do what is undesirable. Of course, there is no special connection between hair and fate, but a suspicious person who has found such a connection will reprogram his fate and incite misfortunes without any harmful dark forces.

But the advice of specialists based on the waning - waning of the moon is worth believing. After all, after all, you want your hair to look beautiful and your hairstyle to be spectacular?


And if you want not to cut your hair, but to make a beautiful curl? How many times have you done these procedures without taking into account the lunar days and how much sorrow did the “new look” sometimes bring you? Sometimes the curl looked neat and you really liked it, and sometimes - like you did it at the same master - did your hair look like tow or a wig?

Remember: the best time to curl your hair is the Moon in Virgo, both in the waning and waning phases.

Better, of course, on a growing one, because you are creating a new image, imparting a new quality to your hair. It is known that on the days of the Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Aquarius, the curling looks bad and does not hold well. And if the Moon is in the sign of Leo, then you have the opportunity to get hard, protruding curls. For thin and soft hair, this is simply destructive.

If you want to dye your hair, then do it only on the young moon. The paint will be more resistant, will lie flat and will paint in a beautiful tone. With the waning moon, the paint does not hold well, it lays down unevenly and the color turns out to be dull.


And yet, most of us do not really know how to take care of our hair. We remember about the need to take care of them only when the hair starts to cause problems: it becomes brittle, split ends, oily or begins to fall out. Having started to eat right and maintain the harmony of the soul - the basis of health, we make life much easier for our hair. And if we also cut them, take care of them on the right days - the hair literally before our eyes becomes thicker, more elastic, begins to shine, that is, it acquires all the signs of normal, healthy hair. But to continue to take care of them, to maintain their normal tone, you need to constantly.

A few rules to help you make your hair beautiful and well-groomed.
In summer, be sure to protect your hair from the sun, especially if you've just taken a dip in the sea. Yes, sea water in combination with the sun gives an extraordinary effect - the hair burns out, which looks very impressive against the background of tanned skin. But after a while, such hair becomes brittle, dull, like tow. So if you want to achieve the effect of burnt hair, it is better to go to the hairdresser and do a competent highlight than to mercilessly burn your hair in the sun.
Do not use a hair dryer that is too hot or wash your hair with too hot water - this will destroy the hair structure. The last rinse after washing should be done with cool water.
Comb your hair thoroughly morning and evening for at least five minutes. Periodically massage the head: place the thumbs of both hands on the neck behind the ears, spread the rest of the fingers and, pressing them tightly to the scalp, make 10-15 circular movements. In this case, it is necessary that the fingers do not slide over the skin, but that the scalp moves with the fingers. Then we move our hands higher and higher, again making circular movements, until we reach the forehead.
Try using herbal remedies for your hair.